HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220414Comments.pdfKelsey Jae (ISB No. 7899) Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise,ID 83703 Phone: (208) 391-2961 kelsey@kelseyjae.com Attorney for the Clean Energy Opporunities of ldaho IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO ) POWER COMPANY'S ) APPLTCATION FOR AUTHORTTY ) TO TNCREASE rrs RATES FOR ) ELECTRTC SERVTCE TO ) RECOVER COSTS ASSOCTATED ) WITH THE JIM BRIDGER POWER ) PLANT 0i.l BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-2I-I7 CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES FOR IDAHO COMMENTS Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho ('CEO") submits the following comments. CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES FOR IDAHO - COMMENTS TPC-E.ZL.L7 I $ Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho Apri! 13,2022 Regarding: IPC-E-lL-L7 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authority to lncrease lts Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant Subject: lnitial comments of Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho (CEO) The news release and bi!! stuffer that ldaho Power (the Company) used to inform customers concerning the rate changes inherent in their application under IPC-E-ZL-L7 stated in part: 'This filing seeks to accelerate the recovery of depreciation expense by year-end 2030, and to establish a balancing account to track the incrementa! costs and benefits associated with ldaho Power's exit from coal-fired operations at Bridger." t By Commission rule, customer notice should provide, among other things, an explanation of the utility's need for additional revenue.2 ln IPC-E-21-17, the majority of the costs behind the need for additional revenue have nothing to do with a reduced useful life of the Jim Bridger coal fired assets and/or the incrementa! costs likely to be incurred during that remaining useful !ife. The majority of the need for additional revenues arises from an attempt by the Company to effectively add the capital expenditures made at Jim Bridger between 2OL2 and 2020 to its rate base outside of a general rate case. Moreover, within those capital expenditures, the largest single cost component is related to the historically controversial installation of SCRs on Bridger units 3 and 4 see ,o6lo3l202L NEWS RELEASE AND CUSTOMER NOT|CE.pDF , RP 125.01-A I SCR and other capital expenditures, 0610312027 Rate irueases in tlis dod<et adse pimadly frar d-reovery fq $266 millim d expendtues ma& between 2012 att2020, td, ptmadly flun aeleratirg depeciatim frqn 2034 to 2030 -$ in millicrs Acceleration of 2031-2034 depreciation charges, 49 SCR installation on Units 3 and 4, 110 Decommissioning charges,0.6 Several hundred non- SCR Capital expeditures made between t/LILZ andL2l37l20,1S OOlOgl2021- LARKIN DIRECT.PDF Exhibit 2 ADELMAN DIRECT.PDF Exhibit f 3, 2031-2034 depreclation charges, 5 Glean Energy Opportunities for ldaho Since the Company's June 3, 2021 news release and bill stuffer distribution the Commission has notified the public that the review of IPC-E-21-17 matters will cover the prudency of Bridger capita! expenditures made between 2OLZ and 2020, but even this notice does not mention SCRs: YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED thot the Compony hos mode numerous investments to ensure environmental complionce and routine maintenance ond repair, ld. The Compony requested a prudence determinotion on incrementol Bridger cool-reloted investments since the Januory 7, 2072, through December 37, 2020, time-period.2 ld. The Compony represented thot its investments for environmentol complionce moke up neorly 50 percent of the totol Bridger investments made since Jonuary 7, 2072. ld. ot 5.1 The notice the Company has provided customers misleads through material omissions. And informing the public via Commission Order provided actual notice to a far smaller group of ldaho Power customers than the bill stuffer provided. The effect of such deficient notice is to allow the Company to surreptitiously slip SCR costs into rate base. That deficient notice should be corrected, particularly given the number of customers who have previously shown an interest in matters related to the SCR installations. Ratemakine for SCRs on Bridser units 3 & 4 was a controversial matter ln IPC-E-13-16 the Company filed for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for investment in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) controls in Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4. The request to grant a CPCN for the installation of SCRs on Bridger units 3 and 4 was contentious. The Company waited until "the last minute" to file for the CPCN, and requested a very expedited review process to allow them to make contractual commitments on their required schedule. 232 public comments were submitted in this very controversia! docket. Representatives of local businesses filed comments in support of ldaho Power's Application.s The overwhelming majority of commenters opposed any investment in coal.. The public "SCRS" hearing held on November 25,20L3 in association with case number IPC-E- 13-16 was wellattended and contentious. Before the hearing started ! remember Commissioner Marsha Smith commenting to staff in the hallway about the drumming and chanting going on the street outside the Commission offices. More than 110 people were in attendance at the hearing. A total of twenty-six people testified as to whether the Commission should grant ldaho Power's request for a CPCN and request for binding ratemaking treatment. 1 Order # 3534O p 3 'Such as: ldaho Association of Commerce and lndustry, Magic Valley Builders Association, Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce, Lemhi County Economic Development Association, Twin Falls County Board of Commissioners and the Greater Pocatello Chamber of Commerce Order # 32929, p 8 5 Order # 32929, p 8 1} Glean Energy Opportunities for ldaho All of those who testified opposed binding ratemaking treatment for ldaho Power's investment in Bridger Units 3 and 4.2 The Commission moved quickly - the Company's application filing on July 1"t was followed by a final order issued on December 2"a. ln the end the Commission granted the CPCN but deferred the day when SCR ratemaking treatment would be reviewed. CEO believes the public should know that IPC-E-?L-L7 is finally the vehicle for reviewing Bridger units 3 & 4 SCR ratemaking. And, to date, they have not been effectively so notified. Notice: openness and transparencv Notice and transparency have been key issues in other clean power dockets. ln IPC-E-18-15, after very thorough review and extensive negotiations between parties, the Commission rejected a Settlement offered by the parties in part for reasons including notice and the public's associated expectations.E CEO does not believe customers have received the open and transparent notice in this docket that the Commission has felt needed in other controversial dockets: Nothing in the news release and bill stuffers the Company provided was sufficient to notify the public that IPC-E-21-17 would be the vehicle for reviewing how the Company would seek a return on, among other things, its investments in Bridger SCRs. a a a As of alL2l2o22, over 10 months since the docket was initiated, only one public comment was submitted in IPC-E-?L-L7. Given 232 public comments were submitted during the Company's original application for rate recovery of the SCR's, the record demonstrates the public has not been adequately noticed in IPC-E-21-17. On the contrary the notice provided seems misleading - implying that the rate increase arises primarily from the accelerated retirement of Bridger assets, not the Company's opportunity to recover costs associated with expenditures it made at Bridger during the last decade. Given the intense public interest shown in the IPC-E-13-16'SCRs" docket, a more adequate public notice would seem necessary for "complete" notice. , Order fi 32929, p 9 '"ln summory, the public: 7) expected this docket to result in o study, not o Settlement Agreement; 2) thought the Settlement Agreement process wos not tronsparent; 3) believed the Settlement Agreement does not accurotely bolance the costs ond benefits of net metering on the Compony's system and should be rejected; ond 4) expected, in the interest of fairness, existing customers with on-site generotion be ollowed to continue on the some progrom they signed up for." ORDER # 34509, p 4 5 Clean Energy Opportunities for tdaho Both return of and return on capital should be reviewed ln reviewing any rate changes associated with the Company's expenditures on Bridger units during the 2012 through 2020 period, the prudency of the expenditure as well as any return on those expenditures both need reasonable treatment.e ln his supplemental direct testimony, Mr. Larkin observed that the extensive detail provided in Mr. Adelman's direct testimony Exhibit 3 was designed to address the prudency of the expenditures: "the intent of the exhibit which is to support a prudence review by providing detailed project descriptions and justification for the investments necessary to operate the Bridger plant in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner, including investments to ensure environ mental compliance",o But the fairness and reasonableness of earning a7.86Yo return on the 2Ot2-2020 and other expenditures is never discussed. Rather, a7.86% return is just noted as the return percentage used in calculating both the direct and supplemental direct testimony Mr. Larkin provided. ', Source: US Department of the Treasury At minimum, given the absence of notice or justification for increasing rates to cover the Company's proposed profits on the SCR expenditures and the substantial changes in the overall interest rate levels that have occurred since the last rate case, CEO opposes the issuance of an order in this docket authorizing the Company to earn a return at a rate of 7.86% on the SCR expenditures. e ln determining proposed ratemaking treatments, the commission shall maintain a fair, just and reasonable balance of interests between the requesting utility and the utility's ratepayers. per ldaho Code 5 51-541(4) IO O2IL6I2O22 LARKIN SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT.PDF P 14 tt 02lL5l2O22 LARKIN SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECf.PDF, Exhibit 2 lnterest ratesurcrc mrdr higherin 2011 than in 2021 when lEE21-17 uvasfiled. Ratesof retumthatvrercfairandreasonablein20ll rnybeinapprcprhtelyhighin202l. oP(!L =o'= L(! CL =3EFo ODl! 0) (! to5c L 4 3 2 1 0 I- 1Y3 irlo 2Y 5V T-bilU bond yield by Mattrity .20LL .202t t0Y 30 \t 5 Glean Energy Opportunities for ldaho CEO believes the notice provided to customers that this docket would affect the rate basing of expenditures on the Bridger SCRs has been inadequate. Considering how contentious the original SCR CPCN decision was, the notice provided to customers to date seems inadequate. More importantly, this record seems totally inadequate to make a determination as to whether the proposed rate of return of 7.86Yo is fair, just, reasonable, and in the public interest. Decisions regarding the prudency of prior expenditures on the Bridger units and what return the Company deserves on those investments seem more appropriate for inclusion in a genera! rate case. At the least, a re-noticing to all customers is warranted to explain that additiona! revenue is proposed to compensate IPC for, among other things, the expenditures and7.86% return on investment associated with the SCRs. Respectfully submitted, Michael Heckler, Policy Director Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this l4th day of Apnl, 2022,1delivered tue and correct copies of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE to the following persons via the method of service noted: Elecuonic Mail Delivery (See OrderNo. 34602) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki Commission Secrctary secretary@puc.idaho. gov Idaho PUC Staff Chris Burden Deputy Auomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission chris.burdin@puc. idaho. gov Idaho Power Company Lisa D. Nordstom Mau Larkin Idaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Steet, 83702 P.O. Box 70 Boise, tdaho 83707 lnord strom@ idahop ower. com dockets@ idahop ow er. com mlarkin @ idahopow er.eeno Boise City Ed Jewell Deputy City Afiorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. I P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 B oiseC ityA ttomey@citvofboise. ore eiewell@citvofboise. orq Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. 6th St. Boise,Idaho 83702 botto@ idahoconservation. org Industiol Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th St, P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 dreading@mindsprine. com Micrcn Technology,Inc. Jim Swier 8000 Souttr Federal Way Boise,ID 83707 iswier@micron.com Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Jensen Holland & Hart, LLP 555 17th Sreet Suite 3200 Denve4 CO 80202 darueschhof f @ hollandhart. com tnelso n @ ho llan dh art. co m aw iensen@hollandhart.com CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES FOR IDAHO . COMMENTS IPC-E-ZL-L7 2 adee@hollandhartcom elgarsanoamari@hollandhart com SietraClub Rose l\flonahan AnaBoyd 2101Webeter SEeeU Sufte 1300 Oaldan4 Galifomia Lz rose. monatran@ sierraclub. org ana.bovd@ sienadub. ore IS\&U Kelsey Jae Awmeypr CEO CLEAN ENERGY OPPORIUNITIES FOR IDAIIO . COMMENTS IPC-E-21-17 3