HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210113Comments.pdfKelsey Jae (ISB No. 7899) Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise,ID 83703 Phone: (208)391-2961 kel sey@kel seyj aenune z.com Attorneyfor the ldqho Sierra Club i';-: "*iti!:rIa,ir.=-;;'7:"*.J 'Ii; .ift:+ i3 Pi{ S: l5 .", -;_ : I . !r1:,1;r!,,.;-, ;'* t' :' :r : -,:f-:;i;'.',":#i!i# i#;\* Lisa Young Idaho Sierra Club 503 W. Franklin St. Boise,lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 384-l 023 li sa.young@sierraclub.org BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPAITY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH TARIFF 68, INTERCONNECTIONS TO CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES CASE NO. IPC.E.2O-30 COMMENTS Improvements in the technologies associated with solar photovoltaics, inverters and storage have dramatically lowered the costs associated with distributed energy resources ("DERs"). These technological advances are changing the traditional centralized generation utility model and with that, the entire electric utility industry. As Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company") acknowledged in response to several of the Production Requests submitted by Commission Staff in this docket, there currently is a "relatively low level of DER penetration on Idaho Power's system". Idaho Power IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS .IPC.E.2O-30. I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) further stated that it won't review its proposed process related to smart inverters 'ountil there is a significant increase in DER penetration". We submit these comments believing that technological changes will continue to make DERs even more cost-effective, that increased utilization of DERs is in the interest of the Idaho public and that Idaho Power should be proactive in supporting these developments. As the Commission and Staffare well aware, the rise of solar PV installations has spawned multiple dockets that address related topics. We ask that you take notice of the comments Sierra Club submitted in the related docket IPC-E-20-26. Among the points raised, Sierra Club believes those comments make at least a prima facie case that additional Irrigator owned solar generation would provide benefits to all Idaho Power customers. Increased use of distributed solar in Idaho agriculture could serve as an insurance policy to protect Idaho agricultural interests from future economically harmful rate increases while providing Idaho citizens with access to federal funds from income tax incentives and/or federal actions like the REAP program. Certainly, such outcomes are in the public's interest for Idaho. But delay by Idaho Power in reviewing options for supporting the rise of customer owned DERs puts those outcomes at risk. The map below displays in various colors the more than 175 of Idaho Power's distribution level "feeder" lines where Irrigation load makes up more than half of the load on those lines during peak load hours. The colored regions show the areas where economic conditions could allow significant increases in DER penetration to the benefit of all Idaho Power customers. IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS . IPC.E-20.30 .2 ,,,,,i U t t 1 ,i .,il I r,'$\,.i ".] ?,# & As SCE has noted in a recent publication related to the distribution system (see Reimagining the Grid, https://www.edison.com/home/our-perspective/reimagining-the-grid.html) the electric utility is the parly best capable of extracting the potential benefits associated with distribution system level control of inverters and storage including at least power quality, voltage control, load loss avoidance, green athibute harvesting, plus capacity resource and distribution system level capital offsets. While it may be adequate in the short-term, we don't believe that the passive approach Idaho Power has proposed in this docket (ust setting a dead band on smart inverters without IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS . IPC.E-20.30 .3 committing to promptly begin studying how to better utilize DERs) is in the longer-term interest of the Idaho public. Customers within the majority of Idaho Power's service territory could soon find their options to make investments in their agricultural operations constrained if ldaho Power is not more proactive in analyzingthe opportunities for increasing DER penetration. ln Sum: Proactively enabling the increased use of distributed solar in Idaho agriculture is in Idaho's public interest. Delay by Idaho Power in reviewing options to support the rise of customer-owned DERs impedes the ability of customers to capture the associated benefits. The proposal Idaho Power has made in this docket to just establish settings for smart inverters without committing to study options for harnessing more of the benefits that DERs could potentially provide is not in the longer-term interest of the Idaho public. Our Ask: For too long the rise of distributed resources has been viewed by many utilities as a competitive threat - increases in customer owned generation produce an offsetting reduction in the utility's opportunities to add to the assets in their rate base. While increases in customer owned generation offset some traditional opportunities for the utility to add assets to their rate base, the potential for new solutions benefiting both the utility and customers have yet to be adequately explored. IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS .IPC-E-20-30.4 a a a We ask the Commissioners to use this docket as an opportunity to encourage Idaho Power to begin studying a compromise approach where in the future the Company can get "half a loaf'by owning (as potentially rate base able investments) inverters, storage and communications equipment associated with DER installations. Specifically, we ask the Commission to order Idaho Power to begin as soon as possible to gather relevant data by performing a study on its system of the potential to use storage and improved control processes on its distribution system to harness the benefits that DERs can potentially provide. DATED this l3th day of January,Z02l. Respectfully submitted, ls\e Kelsey Jae Attorney for Sierra Club IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS .IPC-E.20.30 - 5 CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 13th day of January,202l,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing comments to the following persons via the method of service noted: Electronic Mail Delivery (See Order No. 34602) Idaho Public Utilities Commission JanNoriyuki Commission Secretary secretary@puc. idaho. gov Idaho PUC Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Afforney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission edward jewell@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Tim Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner lnordstrom@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com Idaho C onservation League Ben Otto botto@idahoconservation. org t$\e Kelsey Jae Attorney for Sierra Club IDAHO SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS .IPC.E-20-30.6