HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210104Exhibit 18C.pdf:i;-;:I i*-il* i;,i; .iiii{ *& PS t*:51+ i*rt Exhibit C Coyote Hill Project Power Furchase Agreement Msea*rM,U,@rffi BOUMN,ruMAlEAGNWUBIT BETI'EEN cEItAR GmI( WIND, LLC Al.lD PACIIIOORP n*fing b AryOmP!'oicct, rtr up b &{ Mfy Whd lbfttoecosrdm WoC a nmifidod, eg!,rffi, htemricm Rmroc wttr }v&drrrical evdabilby C@ Ueo aru$rfryFrcilty tl,l ',1. I+.ll I ; t. 1 . (0 CebCtwlcllh$ttC@lfl TdfedOuffi SDSIION 1. SECTION 2. SECIION 3. sEcuoN4. SE{0[ION 5. SECTION 5. SECTION 7. sBgrIoN t. SECIION '.SECIION IO. SESIIONII. SECIION12. SBSIION 13. SDCTION 1{. SECTION T5. SECTION 16. SECTION 17. SECTION I& SECIION 19. sEcrIoN 20. SEgIION2T. sEctIoN 2a SECIION23. TERM; COMMERCLAL OPERATION DATE......... ..............9MAMWARRANTTES ......................13 DELTVERY OF POWE& AVAII-ABILMY GUARAI{TY,.................... I 6 OPERATION A}.ID CONTROL MOTTVE FORCE...... GE.'IERATION FORECASTING COSTS....... METERING: REFORTS AI.ID RECORDS................. BILIINGS. COMPUTATIONS AI{D PAYMENTS SECI.'RITY l9 2l 25 25 26 28 2E 30 ?z 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 DEFAULTS ANDREMEDIES a.4..4........4...aar....r. INST'RANCEFORCEIvIA,IEuRE ...........i........ SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS..,......,........ ..........!....,............. CHOICE OF LAW PARTIAL II{VALIDITYItrAwER .,....r............. GOVERNMENTAT J(ruSDICTION A}.ID AUTI{ORIZATIONS ..... succBssoRs AI.rD AsSIGNS ................. ENTIRE l: t1 tii I 1. irI t,I I r i !. t, i i i i f I] I :ii: (D Cds Ctwk Yitd, IIG{-ot* m FOITER. PI'RCHAffi AGNEAUTNT TI{XS FOWER.PURCIIASEAGREEMENT, relaingro COYOIE IItr& mup to4l.4lvflv wid trbirnpeaimpmj€qq@rcdimtris_th day of Deccnrber 2011, is bctwecn Har C.ttck Win4 LLC, a Delawae limibd liability company (the 'tdlef) and PacifiCorp, an Oryoo corpodion as6ry in its mendrrnt fimgion cryecity (?uitrorf'). Scllerand PacifiCorp ae mferrcd b collectivoly as thc "Prrtier" and individually as a Trrty'!, RE(XTAIS A" Scller fufieods b cuutr4 orrrg opcrar sd maimin a wind faoility, inoltdfrg Scllo's htcrcmnrtion Fapilitie, for tro gsncration of elcctic polvcr locdcd in Idds, witr an orywtod Facilrty Capscity Rdng of rry b 43.4 npegrre as futtrer dcscdbod in Efilbtt A andrdlibitB ('Frdlity'), B Scllcr has securcd ri$E to deliver oryt fiom its Faoility b P{cifiCorp acrnss th€ inercompctiotr d oiltcr frpilities as futr€r desoribd in fmibit B. C' $cllcr intends to op€rde ttrc Facllity aa a QualiSing Facility, as srctr tcnn is d&red in Scqiqr 159 bdos,, ud to soU Nct Omf to hifiCorp in ldab. D. $clkrcdimes fuftCI swagp amudN€r Ofpno bc&liwmd byfteFeilityto PrcifiCup h qprimdy 114Jlf,446 kilorvd hours ftWh) (ArterryAmurtNctOdpf) trrsffi b trc Initial Ycar Encrry Delivery S&e&le in Soctim 43.1, wtdch arnowt of cncrgt PacifiCorpwill include in its rcsourm plannmg. E $clhrfururdsto relland Pm,itrorpirtm& to prJtascall theNd Artput fiont ttc Facility in amadrrce with fte tefins andcmditions ofthis Agrwncnt F. PrcifiCorp iMds to dcsipate Sellei's Facility as a Ne;tqmtk Rcsorrce for the purposcs of servingNetwork Load. G ltis Agfoeilrctr is a'Nerv QF Corrnd'rmfu ltn PadfiCory lrrrJuMictionl Cost Allocation Revisod Protocol. IL Scller has althorizcd Transrnissim Providcr to rclcase gcnprdiotr data to PasifiCorp. If ycs, ttrc arrthoriration is attachod as Eiltbft E. NOIV, TI{EREF,ORE, tE Putirs ExmEIty agrce as folkxus: SECrION 1. DEFINITIONS Whffi usd in mis Agr€Grr€nt, fto blowing Ems *rall hrvc th follou,ing rmingp: I . I "A!-hrilt SupphrtrGof ' $all be a splemcm b Erfribit A povidod by Seller following completion of constnrction of the Facility, accumtcly dcscribing thc completed Facility. 12 "Availrbility" meEns, for any Billing Period, tlrc ratio, cxprresscd as a p€roenagg of (x) thc aggrcgate srn ofthe firrbin+minutos in which cach offte Wind , ,a t. i. t: 1l.,t, , 'i, I:. i t,: ; I 1{ I, I I I i cetucrwhvttd,Il@rN inrvriting, Scllcr shatl haveprovidcd oopics of my or all snch rcquc$ed Roquircd Facility Documents 155 Scllcr has complied with tlre soourity rqufurmeuts of Scction I l. t56 NetwgdLBcsource DesiSFstion and Transmislion Ser"ics Roguo$t. (i) PacifiCorp has rceivod oonfirnrcion from the Transmission Bovider that thc Facility has boea dcsigrmod c aNcurcdcRcsunc md (iD PacifiCry has rwived orfrnraiurftom tbTransmission Providerthat&e transmission scrvic€ requost has bocn grmrd in sufficiont oapcity to mcst or orcecd the lUanimum Facility Dclivuy Rrte ard the Scller has paid all cosB associdod wih any roquircmcds oftho uasrnision swicercqr* 16 '€ommo&lQcrdim Ihh" lrearutrd&, as dcsigned byPacifiCorp pursuat to Section 2.5i the Facilif fi$t achieve Commstcial Operation. l:l "Commirciotr" moansths Idaho Public Utilities Commission. t.8 "Confomlng Enorgy'' nrcans all Nct Encrgy cxcept Non-Conforming Encrgy. 1.9 ' "Conforuing Encrry Purchare Pris" moans fro applicablc prioc for Conforming Encrgy md oapaoity, spocified in Scction 5.1. 1.10 'tonfrrct Yc&r" mctn6 a twelvc (12) month pcriod commcncing at 00:00 hours Paoific hovailing Timo (?PI) on January I and ending on 24:00 hours PPT on Deocmber 3l; providcd, howwer, that the lirst Coouact Ycu Sall commcnco on the Commersial Opcration Dafie and eud on the next uroooeding Decff$or 31, and &c last Contact Ycar shall ond on tho Bpiration Date, unless carlicrtcnrdnad as providod hcrein. 1.11 'Cut-fu Wird Sp$d" moans lho wind speed at which a smfionrty wind nubine logins p'roducing Net Energy, as spocificd by tbe turbine msnufacarar and sct fortt in Erhlbtt A" l,l2 'Ilcfrult Sccurity" shall have the meaning sct for& in Section I 1.2 of this Agroanont. Ll3 "Delay L[uldated lhnlgos", "I)olsy Datly Mhlus6'1, 'I]Gh] Pcriod", "Ilclay Prics" and "Dclry Yolumo" shall have the meminp sct forth in Section 2.6 of this Agremcnt. l.14 Agrremont. "Irstry Scsurlty'shall have tho meaning set fordr in Setion 1l.l.l of dris 1.15 Agnoement. 'Effectlve l)ats" shall havc the mcaning sct forth in Soction 2.1 ofthis I.16 'Tnergy Delivery SchedulC' slrall have the meaning set fofih in Scction 4.3 of this Agrccmort 3 : l t : i i :I I CebCreelcVWll$@m trduct natnos, such as nRonswablc Encrgy Crcdits,o "G!egn-e Certified" or otherwise. Onc Green Tag rrpcoscnu the Eavimnmentd Atfibutes nadp available by the generation of one MWh of encrgy from tlre Facility. 1.27 ' 'Grcen Tag Reporting Rights" meanE the cxclusivc right of a p,*t t* of Environmcntal Ateihtes to rcport owncrship of Environment&l Attibutes in compliance with foderal or stata law, if applicable, and to fcdoral or s6c agenoics or othcr parties st guch purclrasc/e disor€tion, and include reporting under Sestion 1605(b) of the Encrry Policy Act af l9Y2,or undcr any ptscnt or firture domestic, intcmational, or forrign emissions hading program or rpnswablc portfolio standud. l.2S "Goyornmonhl Autbrtty" means any suptmationsl, fedcral" statc or other politioal subdivision thercof, havingjurisdiction over Seller, PacifiCorp orthis Ageenren( including any mrmicipality, tonm$ip or county, and any entity or body exercising orecutiyc, legslative, judicial, regulatory or administativo firnctions of or p@ining to governmont, inoluding any corporation or other entity owned or contolled by any of tho forngoing. 129 'Slzrrdous Metorialr" m€ans any wastc or other substancc that is listed, dclino4 dcsignated or classified as or dctsrmincd to bc hazardous undcr or pursuant to any snvironmcrtal law or rcgulation. 1.30 'InadvertentEnergf'rncansarc{S/&livcrtdtothePointofDclivery et a rato exceding ttre lvfaximurn Faoilhy Delivory RstE on an hour-averagod basis. Inadv€rtc,nt Bre,rgy is not includod inNst Enerry. l3l 'Inder hise", frr cach day, Sall nsr thc ynidtd arcragc ofihc average Peak and Otr-Poak finn cnergy marketprices, as publishcd llntlrc lfierconth*ntal Ercrrergs (ICE) Day AIcd Pwer PTte Rerytfor fE Pah V€ndp Hub frr $rh day. Fu Sunday md NERC holidays,tte 24-Horntrdeur hioe dullbeuse4 unlcss ICEstEllpublishaFirm On-Peakaod firm Off-PeakPricafcsrchdaysbrPaloVadc,lnrfiichwcntsrh irdiesshall beuilidforsdl days. Iffro ICE indor or ary rcplaoernert oftr* irdcx ccascs to be prblishcd duing lhs &iln ofttis Agrcernent, PacifiCorp shall select as a rcplacement a cubstantially equivalent in&x that, aftcr any appropriato or nccessary adjusErcnts,.provides the most rcaso,nable substitrE for the indcl( in question, PacifiCorp's selection shal! be subjcct to Seller's oonsottt, whish Seller shall not unreasonably wittrhot4 oondition or dolry ln "Inftld Yerr Energr lhlivery Schodute" shall have ftc meadng set forth in Section 4.3.1. 133 {nbrcqnedinr Facifidtr" mcams all l]p &cilitics d arciilary equiprtt€ilt used o interconnect the Facility to the Systein, as defined in the Gneration Inffionnootion Agrcemeot. lY "I,ffir of Ctedlf mcans an inwocsblc shndby l€trcr of crcdit in a form reosonably asoeptablc to PacifiCorp, naming PacifiCorp as tho party entitlcd to demrnd payraentandpeseot&ax,roqueostherermder, Such lcil!6ofcrcditsha[bcptovidcd by an instiution thd is a Unird Sres ofrca of a oqnnercial bank ctng corrymy orymbd rmd€rlho lart ofilre United Stucs ofAmqica a a politfral ubdivisim tuoot, wift a crcdit rdfury o its long-tenn sariorursoqltd dcbtofat lcast "A' ftur Standard & Poorrs and "A2' from Moody's 5 I:ll i: l '. t :: la. t' : i , : : L L it t\' i ,i I t t i i Csdq Crclt trttd, UE-.et*Ifll &es ru irphds Inadysffi fuE/. In no ev€nt shalt ths sum of tre Net OuSut in any calendar yaar undorthe Agreemeng the powcrpurolrasc agrccmcntbctrrecn PacifiCorp and Ridgelinc rclating to North Point and tho power purclrasc agrccmcnt bcttf,esn PaoifiCorp and Ridgplinc rclcing to Five Pinc (the *Aggregab Net Output $um') orocods 43E,000 mGgBwaE hours (tho "AgrrgrG Net Output Cep'). l# "ltetrorkRuource' shatl have the meaning set for& in thc Tariff. t/5 "Network Sericc Prwlder" mss PacifiCorp Transmission, as a provider of networ*. service to PacifiCory wdff thc Tariff. |.ffi 'lbn€offirmingEnergf'rncansNst Outrut produccd by tho Faoility prior to the Cornntemcial Oporation Data. 1.47 "Non Cosfomlng Enery5r Purclrro Priss" melns thc applicablo pioc for Nou-Conforrring Encrgy and capacity, spocified in Section 5.1. l.4t "Of-Peak Eours" mcflrs all hours of thc weelc that src not On-Peak Hours. 1.49 '()n-PeaL Eolrl'mems hours from 6:00 am. to l0:@ p.m. Pao'ifio hovaiting TimG, Monday through Satnday, cxcltding Wcstcnr Electicity Coordinating Council (WECC) and Norft American Electric Rsliabiliry Corporation (NERC) hlidays, 1.50 "Output Shortfall" md "Output Shorlf,elt ltmlgel'n shall hava the msanings s€tforth in $oction 4.5 of ftis Agrecnrcnt. 1.51 "PaclfCora" is dofinod in the first peragraph ofthis Agreomonl and occludes Pacifi Corp Transmission. t,52 "Prctf Corp Transmission' mcans Paoifi Corp, ur Orcgon corporationu asting in its intermnncction and trausmission frlrction oapacity, 1.53 *Planned Outrge'mcans an outagc of prcdctcmined duration th* is scheduled in Seller's Encrgr Delivcry Sohedule. Boilor overhaulq Erbino ov€rhflls or inspctions arc tpical plamcdorrtagca.IvlaiffcmanoeCIfrgcs andFqcd OdagesarerctPlurcd Oiagss. 154 '?oint of Ilelivery" mcans thc point of intprconneotion betwecn the Facility md thc SysEm, as spocified in the Gener*ion Inrcrsonncction Agrccment and in frhlblt & 1S5 "Prpmires" mcans tLe raal propcrty on which trc Fasility is or will b€ loca0od, as mort fully described onErhibit A. t56 '?rire RrtG" mcans the rate per armum eqrral to the prblicly snnormccd prime rato or rcfcrenoo rate for oommcrcial toans to large busincsscs in effest &om timc to timc quoted by JPMorgan Chasc & Co. If a JPMorgm Chasc & Co. prirne rae is not availablg ths applic&lePdmRds shall be thsannouncsdprimeraborrcf*nocrsr forcormuial loans in effec-ttomtimoto time quotcdbyaburtcwi& $10 bitlion or mm in assets inNcw YoitCity, N.Y., solected by the Psrty to whom intcrcst based on the prime ratc is being paid. 7 !i I :.: t. , t J l Ii 1 , i' ll It 5 I 1 'j i i ,t. ::: lr! i I! ii.t Cdt OEh y,td, Ilfr-<ot* Ifl lilt "frm0ufu TrrCttdib'rnemspod,rtiurhcrcdieundtrSedion45 oftroIntsrflal Revcnue Codo as in offoct frrom timc to timc drrlng the tcrm heroof oi *i t*toloth3tnrovisionp_mvidyg forafeCeral tax qditdct€rmined by rc&urcc to rsnlwaUieelectic acrrypodttcodftrom wind rcsqrEes mdanycmlaive sarctax creaitOrcrrnineO Uyrcftrcoos b nocudo olgoio qrqUFoducod fsm strrd rEsomes fo whidr rb faairy t ifigiUfihodtdion Tax Gtodi8 do not inolude ary m cr€dil dErcnnirrcd by rcfcrercc o invcsrrncai- lst '?mdent Elecfficrl hacdcoo" meafir any of the practiccs, mcttods and ac13mgagd inor ryprcvrdbyasignifcartportimofthe"r"ctioat dliiyMtstr), o.-yora.practic$, mahds or Ectq ufrich, in the excrcisc of rcrsonablciuignfit ii tU fiht oitf,ufacts knoum atttr tinr a dcpisim is ma&, corH tuw be€a opeciri to mpliilr fu;cdrEdrcilltat&G lou/est reasonable costconsistent wiflr roliatiliiy, safcy ana oxpeaition. p*a*t Elestdcd Practices is not inkrdod b be limihdb fu qdmm iracdc;, metraior actto therslu$im ofall drcrs, hr rather to be a qpecmm ofpossibte purices, noffao& m aca. --- - ll9 'QF' memr "aua[rytng FadltSf, as thc tenn is d€fin€d in the vcrsion ofFERC Rogulations (codifiea at 18 CFR-Part Zn, ncffect on thc datc of this agrrcmcnt. lvind Lcars) Iiocnseq pcnnits, adtoddsur and agtwncrrs acmo;grdng tr sejnerffib tre n pcssaryroeertyrl$rc ardgovmerrtaittuasd@ o oqnur"q oe"iq drd maiftfo dEFaciliry, including without limihtion those set foilh in Erhibft C. t:61 - Tsqufosmnfr oflnc' rmrr any ryprirnbrcamdrnmdaory (hrnarncrcly advisory) fcd€ral, statc and looal law, stchsc, rcg$Gtion, nrlg code onordinance -r"ed,d0@4 rryued rpronrulged by ary kal w, toorf or C* Gormrncrnal Ardrqity orrwdery bo0y 0nclrdirry ftos p€&iningto olecCIical, hildi!& zqring eiryirurnerrtal ;cocoryational safoty and hcalth requirements). l.@, "Schddd Commercirl Opcretion llate" mcans ftc datc by which Sellerpomiscs o aeicrc Cuunacial Opracion, as spooifiad in Scdion 2J.g. 1.63 li$choftbd n^ooery fegr Dc$trc{f'mems tte Net Energy rchedulsd to bcdolivered during a given calcndr mondg as specifieu by seller in the En;is/ Delivery Schedule. 1.64 "sharcd rntcmnnection frcilitiel" means that portiur of tlre Intcrconncctioa Facilities ry{ by the Facility and onc or morc oiher Qualising Facilitics acfurther deseribod in Exhtbtt B. 1.65 *sollor'l Forocart{st sharc'and "selhrrr crppcd Forwlt-cstshrre" shall have tho mcanings set foftlt in scctions E.2 and a.g rpipecfvit - --- 1.66 Section 4.3.3 'subroquent Energl Dolivery schcdure' shall have the rneaniqg set forth in 1.67 '1sy!tGm" means the electic tansmission subgtetion and tansmi$ion ordistribrrion faoilitics owre4 op€ratcd or mainained by Thamsmission Providcr, which shallincludq after coastrustion and installation of tho Facility, the sircuit rcinforccmonts, E Catu CffEhYtrd, UGaq*Ifl exlonsioru, and a$osistcdtcminal froilrty rcinforccmcnb oradditiono rcquiredto intcroomoctthe Facility, all as sct fodh in thc Gancration Intersonncstion egrosmcnt l.6t.1farffi' meansthc PrcifiCoqp Tnnsmission FERC Elcocic TsritrScyent.h Revisod Volume No. I I Pro Forma Open Acoess Transmission Tariffor the Trursrnission Provider's corrcsponding FERC tariffor both, as rcviged ftom time to time. 1.69 'frangnirsion Prov[cr" mcans PacifiCorp Transmission or a suoc€sso& inoiuding any regional tansmission organization fRfO"). 1.70 "Wind Lceree" means tha manormda ofwind lcase and rcdac&d wind leases recorded in tho cormty inwtich thc Facilidy is locOcd in connestion with thc dcvclopmcm of the Facility, as the same rnay be stplcorrcd, amEodd, eirEr&d, rc*Uod, or l4lacod fiom timc to time. l.7l "lVlnd Turtine'rpsthe tpc of wind nrbine spesiffGd and mora fully dcsoribed in Erhibit A as such Exhibit A msy be updated punuant to Sootion 2.3.5. 1.72 UWREGIS, mcs$r the WestErn Renewable Energy Generation Inforrution Systcm. l.l3 'WREGIS Certiflcete' mc6ns "Ccrtificato" as defiocd by WREGIS in the WREGIS Operating Rules. L.74 'ryREGIS Oporating Ruler" mcans thc operding rules and rcquircments adopted byWREGIS SECTION 2. IERM; COMMERCIAL oPERAIION DATD 2.1 Ihis Agrs€rcnt shall becornc effective after ocecution by both Partics and after Woval bylhe Corrnhdonpur$art to a final md non-appealablc odcr (E&dive IhEltrattrcpiccstobepaid forancrgradcaprcity areju$ adreasomble, inttep$lic idertst, ard that ths co6ts incurcd by PacifiCorp for prmhases of cryaci$ and etmry tom Seller are lcgithate s,rpnscs, all of whlchthc Commission will allow PacifiCorp to t€covcr in rater in Idaho in thp ovcnt othcr jwisdistioos dcny rccovary of *rcir proportionate sharc of said cxpcnses. Unless cadfur &rnin&d as plroviH hcr€fur, thb ASrffin€ff shall rcmsin in ctrect ufil &c twentisth (20th) uurivmary of the Commercial Oporation Datc fExpirrtion Dats'). 22 This Agreemcnt shall bc subject to an automatic, oarly tcrminstion without any fuithar obligation or liability of the Parties to tho sdrcr upon the oosumcrlcc of any of the following: 2,2.1 Ssller docs not excrcise the assignmart right pmvided for in Section 21.2 of the powcr purchase agrcement betwccn the Parties rclating to North Point prior to the expiration of such righg 2.2,2 Seller (i) orctcisGs the assignmcnt rightprovidcd for in Scstion ll,2 of the power purc,hase agrcement betwcsn ftc Partios rclating to Five Pine and (ii) 9 I.ti I :. :. I t II '. j; l CcdoCrekYd, tlC<o2*ffi a&nissim s oepts,ise) in any litigdion c drcr pccodi4gr fu ttp rcoluim oftre dispute. L53 All deadlines spccified in this Section 2.5 wy h cxtonded W mutual agreement of thc Parties. 2,6 DclatPamages. Scller shall cause the Facility to achiovc Commorsial Opcration m or bcfore the Sotro&rlod Commcmial Opr*iur Dab. If Connnsrcial Opcruin occrrs aftathe Schedulod Commcrcial Opcration Duc, Seller shall be liable to pay PacifiCorp dclay dmrycs fu thc mmbcr of days CD&y Psriod'l thd 6s Conumm,ial Openuim k (rccunl afrcrtls Sffidd C@m€rcial Operuion Dic, udil fu eartier occrrnroco ofthe Cqnmercial Oparion Dm orthe tminaion ofttis Agffid CDeky l&u$ed @*\ pwiM W Scllce &allnotaocueany Dehy LiquiddedDansges afor (i) Sclkrhastimely rctricvodthe milcstore in Scdion23.3; and(D Sclerhasaatisfiaa[rcquircm€ffiofCanfual Opcr*ion o(c@ for orc on rnorc rcquirwrents in Sectisr 1J.6. Bilhgs md pq,nrarts for Delsy I 'q'dd"tod htrag€s *a[ be m* in rcoordmce wifir Sodiar I l.l. 2,6,1 DolavLiouid&d Dunges. Ihlay Liquidaed Danaps equals tb sunrof: for cach day in thc Delay Pc,rio4 the grcetcr of (1) tfre Delay Daily Minimrun or (2) the Dclay Pricc times the Delay Volume, Slhere: 'IlGlsy IhiU Minimun" equals (a) fu tc frs forty-five (a$ calendr &p 6[owitrgttc Se&o&hdCmunercial OpcrdimDae: opniditft (l Dfrh) of forty- fivc dollas (0a5) multipliod by the tr{axfuilrn Frcflity DeJirlery RdB wi& the Marimum Fscilrty Delivery Rdc bcing rn€asmd h kW; O) afu ftc fiuty-fif,tr t+S5 catcnlr aay ruowQ rlrc Sdrcerbd Cquurcrcial Opei,frqr Dm: the iXtay Prico timos the Dclay Volume. 'I)clsy hlod'oqrols fu podErc diffemrcc, if ary, of ee lrdo( Prioe mins trc wpidftd av€rqgp of tlr On-Pcak md Off-PGak modrly Comrnfu Ener$r. PurchasoPrices;and 'I)e@ Volud' cqrrals 6s aplicablc $chofulod Moudrly EasW llclivery "divided by tho numbcr of days in that month. 2.6.2 AmrooEiatsress of Damages. The Putics agrcc that the damagcg PacifiCcpwouldinanr&ebdehy inthc Frcilityachiwing Conunercial Opcration ur or boforc the Schaduled Comhocial Operation Dats would bc diflioult or impossibte to pedict witr certsirty, and ftat thc Dclay Lhuidmed Damagps arc ur appmprirts approximation of suoh damrges. Sf,CTION3. REPRESENTATIONSAIYI'WARRANTIEII 3.t PacifiCorp r€prcscnts, covcnants, and warran6 to Seller thd. 3.1.1 PacifiCorp is duly orgEnized urd validly existing undcr the laws of the Stateof Oregon. I3 l 1 il f' lr I a' , ii 1 ! . I: .i ,i' iII r\ .i! i Ccds Oeck rnnil, IIE<-iq* frI 32;6 The Facility is md $sll for tp unr ofthis Agrem csdruro to bc a Qf , Wi$in eiffy (30) days afrcr the Efuivc Datc, Scllcr shall provide tho approprirte Ql ccrtification, wtrich may includo a Fedoral frrqynednory Conunission solf+ttifoaionto hoifiC.orp At any time thaeafrertat PacifiCorp tus rtasonto bcliwedurtrytretcrm oftis Agrperrsrtth*Seller's *ors as a QFis in quc*ioa,PaoifiCo@mryreqldrc Se[crtoprovidc PacifiCorpwt&awriten legnl qinion fiom an ffiomsy in good sdirngin tts @ ofldaho andutrc tusno ffiric rcldor$ip,associai,mcnouswiththe Sclleror&cFacility (othcrthan in acapacity as coumcl providing zuch requcsted legal opinion), stating that thc Facility b a QF md providing sufficicnt poof (including copies of all documcns and dsta as PacifiCorp rnay rrquest) dcrronstating that Seller has maintained thc Facility as a QF. 32,7 Neithe,r thc Sellcr nor any of ir principal equity ourners is or hss within the pasttwo (2) years been &e debtor in any bankruptcy proceeding is mable to pay its bills in the ordinary course of its busincss, or is thc subjcct of any legal or regulatory action, tho rusult of wtrioh could rcasonably bc c:rp*Ed to impair Sollar's ability to ovm and opcrate drc Frcility in acoordmce with thc terms of this Agrccmont 3.2.8 Seller has not at any tirno dofaultcd in any of its palment obligations for electricity purchascd from PacifiCorp. 3,2.9 Sello is aot in defrult under any of its ottcr rnatcrial agrce,mena that would nesult in Seller's failureto pcrform its materid obligotions hcreundor. 3r.10 Scller owns aU right, titlc and intercst in and to thc Faoility, fuc md clear of all licns drd enoumbrmoes other than licns and cncumbrances crcated by or through Sellcr rrlatcd to third-parry finanoing of the Facility, and Seller (or its susecssor in intcrest) will continue to own fc the term of this Agreearent, atl tigt q ti0e and intcrcst in and to the Facility, fi,oe md olear of all lisns and encumbranoes otherthan lions and encumbrances rclatcd to ttrird-party financing ofthc Facility. 3,2.11 In entering into this Agrcement and the un&rtaking by Scllu ofthe obligations sst forft horcr& Seller has invcstigatd and dct*mincd that it is oapable of performing hercunder and has not relied upon the advice, ocporience or orpcrtise of PacifiCorp in conncction witr the tursactions oontcmplatcd by this Agrcement. 3.2.12 All p,rofcssionals or *ports including, but not limitEd m, enginecrs, atSorneyt or accoutants, that Seller may have consulted or rcliod o,n in undcrtaking tlrc fiansoctions contsnplatcd bythis Agrcemcnthavc bcsr solely those of Seller. 3.2.13 All leases of rcal popcrty rcquircd for thc operation of the Facility or thc perfonnance ofany obligations of Sellcrhereudsr are set forttr and accuratcly described in E*ibit C. Upon rcquost by PacifiCorp, Sellcr shall providc copics of the ltlind l*ascs to PacifiCorp. 3.2.t4 All informatio abqn the Facility set foft in E*ibtt A, Erhibit B, and Exhibit C has been verifiod by Sellcr and is acsurato to the best of its knowledge. t5 1 alt\ I t i ti i; II'll il ? l,I ll I ,ir i i 1 i.i I i :: ,,. l; ;itl i i ll i 1i't 1 'i i i i' :i : ,1ir I Ii I CdqCrcekV'd,Ilfr-@Iil 3.3 IISigc. If-at rry timc Ouring tris egFosm€Et, any Party obains acaral knowlcdgc of any evcot or info:mation w,tich would have causod any of-tlre rcprucntatioas and watrantics in ftis Secilion 3 b havc bq mdcrlatty ufnrc or misleading u/hca m&, grch paily shallplovide the ottor Party wi& wrifiGn notice of tte cvont or information, thc rcprcsentations and wurauies afcctrd, and thc actiorU ifany, wtrich sxfi PEty iilEnds to tal<g b make tlrc nprtsmions md wurartics tuc ard c@rect trc notlcc requirca pnnrant b tris section +hll be givar as rcmaspnacticabh afrcrthe omnrqrco ofeae srch sncd. sDcrroN 4. IIELTVERY oF FowER; AVAITI|BTLITy cuARANTy 4] odivF.rrdAocc'frrceofllsosflExc$fcaryctntaihrcrrryocifcd in Swtion 6.3, unloes otherwiso providd hcroin, PacifiCorp will prrchase and Scitcr wi[ se1 all Net Otryut from thc Facility. In ths evcnt tho Aggeidc N;t Otrqut Surn orcoeds tho Aggrrgato Net Output Cap in any givcn calcndar ycar, PacifiCorp shall dctcrninc th€ numbcr of mcgawafr hours that excoedod $o AggrcgateNet Outrut Cap by subtracting the 4egrcgrb Nct Ortput Cap firom thc Aggr€gptc Nct OuFU Sum (the "Cap InadvcrtentEncrgfJ, Thc Cap Inadvertont Encrgy shall be subhacted from the Nst bu6ut under this {efee,me for thc given calcndar }rear, priorto calcglating paymcnt under this Agreomcnt for the Dec€mbr billing period of the relermnt calendar ycar, In thc event tho cap Inadvcrtcnt Enqry cxceS the Nst OuQut under dris Agreemcnt for the December billing p€doq th Net Ou{nrt undcr this Agrccrnent for billing purposcs for Decomber shall bc rcrcild &e lmaining Csp Inadwrt€fit Energy shall coEryovcr to subaegucnt months. A similgr crlculEtion will thcn bc pcrfunrod in howcver many su@ucnt months are rcquirod until such time as the cap Inadvertcnt Enct;y for such calcndar year equals zoro. 42 No SCee to Thitd Parties. DutB the term ofthis Agrcsnent Scller shatl not sell any Not Ouput from thc Facility to any entity other than pacifitorp. 41 EffiguDelivcryscMrlc. Scllcrlhqllpwotandpr,ovi&topaoifiCorp, onur ongoing badis, a writ&n sohedule ofNet Energy olpected to bc delivercd by the Facility(Energr Dolivory Scbcdule'), in aocordanco with the following: 4.3.1 l}tringlhe frst$plve ftfl cal€ndrmontrs followingttrc Commcrciai Operation Date, at a Facility Capaoity Raing of 41.4 lr{f,I, Scllcr prediots that th€ raoility will po&rcc and dslivertho followingmonthly amounts ('Initirl Ymr Ene;ry Ihlivery Schedule'): Month Jaauary February ltdarctt April May June July August Averece kW - 13,339 14,259 14,673 13,715 t228e 12,123 10,203 I0,6t8 ElerwDeliverv (kWhl 9,924,026 9,581,746 l0,gt6,97g 9,874,950 9,t42J79 E,728225 7,590Jt0 7,g5l,g$l l6 i. t' li I , t :: il I :i , \i i.!:)it: j: 1. at i: 1: I L :. I r,x: .t., :i' ).: 1 1 ': t t: i, I t i 1 eng Crwh fird, Ilfr-et* ffl Septembor fuob€r Novcmbsr December TOTAL: 8,285,631 9,6',12JN It,t4320o 11,433"599 114,u6,446 I1,508 13,001 t5447 15,368 13,053 432 Seller may revise the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedulo any time priorto the Commercial Operation Datc. 433 Begiming etre end oftre nitrh futl calcrtdar morft of qffafiiot md t tte ard ofarcry third mmtr &ereaftct, Sdter shall srp'pkmcnt tfu Encrry Dclircry Schedule with thr€c additionst months of forward ostimst€s (whioh shEll bs appendcd to ttis AgrM usi,E tte fumd ryocifid in Eilfrbit D) Ctnhcquat fncrgr Ddwry SchGdEb'} srh thdtrc FnG4S/ Ddiuy Sdronile wi[ povklc d ld dlres rnodts of echc&iled enerry estimdes at all timcs. Ssller shall provide Subsequont Encrgy Dolivory Schedrlcs rp larcrttm 5S0 prn PPT oftre 5t day afu ilrc due date; If Scllcr docs nc pmvide a $rhoqrd Enagr Ddivcry Schodth loyltp abo,c fudlinq dto&tlod cnergrfu&cfftiedpcriod stratleryal0rc aunurts sc,ldulodbySoilcrforfte sameth€s- month poriod during the prcviors year. 43.4 Upon and aficr &E Commercial Operation Dde, Sellermay no longcr tsrrisc ftB Bn€qE/ Dclivery S&&le br tre fir$ six futl calendr mordhs of Comn€rci8I Operation. eftc" S,OO p.m. PPT of thc fift busiucss day following the end of the third full calcndar rnone of Connnercial Opcraiur crd tre end of eadr 6id calsda rtomtt trereaftcr, Sellermay no longprrwbo the Enerry Delivery ScMrle forthc six calcadr montrsirmradidyfollowirUsuchthftdmordr, Subjcctblho forcgoingrestictims in ftis Scqion4.3.4 SeltsnrayrwiselhcEncrgrDeliv€rySdre&rlefmatyurtsicedmorftty providfuwrt6rnoticeOPacifCorp Faihncopovidetimelyrvrifiarrnticcofdtmgod mouils will bc dgnod to bc ar clocirxr of no &aBp. 44 MinimumAvailalilitv Oblimtion. Scllcr ehall causethe Facilityto achisvs En Availabifity of d brt t5% dudng mtr mo,rdr (Guranbed Awfirbmtf). 45 Liqui&tcd Damagcs for OuEut Shorthll. If &e Availability in any glvon month falls bolow the Guarantced Availability, the rcsulting shoffall shall bc orprcsscd in ktrrh as the "Oufixt $hortfslL'The Output Shordall shall be calculatcd in accordaase with thc following formula: OuQut$horfrll= (GurufroedAvailabil$ - Availabilfry) * Schoerbd lvlorftly ErESY Dclil'€rY Sdlu drall pay kifiCorp fu amy or#t Slpr6ll d tr lourcr of (l) flr pooitive ditrcrwe if ary, ofthe Indac Prioc miaus trc urcightod avuage of the On-P€ak and Otrfeak modrly Cormr*ng Bggll Pudlase Pricq or (2) ffre weigtriled avemgs of &c Ork'P€ak ald Otr-Peak rnnftly Corfonafu nsgr hmfrase Pttrcs C0ulpttt Shore[ Dauryt!'] OutputshofifrltDrmrge= O4rtShoreU' O&rtSlrcrtrallkice S4se: 17 7 i I i a, t. {i i' ,! , !:li iI i tt 1 i,i it, I I li I ;l'I ,,'. I '4. ,j : ';' lt t: I I i :. ,i i i l 'a CsbOvakf@UE_{-qeIfl OutptShortfrllPrioo= (Indq Price - Wcigld Avcrage CEPP), a(ccpt that if Ouput Shortfall Price <O trcn O,utrut Shortfall Price = 0, and excoptttnt if qusut Shortfall Prico > Woigbted Avecagc CEpp, thon O&ut Shortfall Prioe =Weigbted Aver:age CEFP Woigbt d Avcrege CEPP-, the WcighcdAverage OrrPeakaodOtr-PGak Conforrring Energy Prrchasc Priccs forthe moathof OupuShordall If an Ortput Shorfall oocum in any givcn rnonth, Sellcr may owc PacifiCorp liquidstpd damagcs. fac-h P1rnyqccs and acknowldges that (a) thedamages trat pacifiCorpwould incur due to thc Facility's failure to achieve the Guarantecd Availability would bedifficult or impossible to predict with crcrtainty, urd (b) the liquidated damages oontomplatod in this Soction 4.5 are a frii and rcasonable calculation of such darnagos. 4.6 Audit Bights. In addition to dara p ovided undcr sections 9.3 and 9.4, PacifiCorp shall havc 60 rigt$ but not thc oblig$ion, b ardit thc Facility's cornpliancc witri6 Gurronteed Availability using any reasonable m*lrods. Scller agrces to rstain all porbmtance rclated data for the Facility for a minimum of thrrc yeac, and to ooopcrate wi& PacifiCorp in dre went PacifiCorp dccides to audit such data 4.7 Inssfer of Titlo to Green TaEs: Doflm€nffiioa of Grc€n TaB Tlansfcrs. For a pcriod of t€n (10) 1,cars from thc Commcrpial OpcrEtion Date, S€ll€r sh.ti fiave dtle to ttro GtEGn Tags iruncdiatcly upon the gcneration of the Oleut at the Facility that givos rise to such Grccn Tags. Onthe tcnth (10) anniversary ofthe Commercial Opcration Oarctnrougtr and inoluding the Expiration Datc, PacifiCorp shall have title !o the Grocn Tags immcdiateiy upon the goneration of tho Ou$ut at the Faoility tlut givcs rise to suoh Grcon Tags. Baoh Party shall cxecute all additional dosuments and instrumcnts rcasonably rcquesnd by ths olhcr Party in order o further documcnt tbs owncrship ofthe Grem Tags during ttre rcs@ive Party's owncrship. Without timiting &e gencrality of the foregoing Scller Crall, on or bcforc the l0th day of eaoh month dtuing which PacifiCorp has ownership righs to ttrc Grocn Tags, delivcr to PaoifiCorp a Grcen fags euestation ana biu of Sde (in the-form attached as ErLibit d.(A)) for all GT con Tags delivsred to PacifiCorp herermdcr in thcpttocding month, along with any verification that is in oonformmcc wifrthe then-sunent Ceater for Rcsource Solution's Cilrcclr-e plogram, or any sucoe$or program. The party having ownership ofthc Grtcn Tags at thc timc (the "Gren Teg Ornerr), at its own cost aod cxparsc, shall rcgistcr with, pay all fces rcErired by, md oompty witll all rcporting and other rcquirernents of IVREGIS rclating to the Facility or Grcen Tags. The Setter snatf erunre that drc Facility will participate in and comply wrth, duing thc Term, all aspocts of WRECIS. The Grpon Tag Ownor shall b rcryonsiblc for any costs charged bythp qualifiod reprting entity for the Facility to participarc in and comply with, during the Term, all aspcctg of WREGIS. The Crrcsn Tag Ovmcr shall, at iu sole e:eenso, use wREGIs as rcquired pursuaat to tho WREOIS Operating Rules, including but not limircd to those rules relatcd to cffectuating tlr transfer of WREGIS Ccrtificatss md trnsforring suoh WREGIS Certificfcs in acoorrdmccwith WREGIS reportingprotoools srd WREOIS OperatingRulcs and as rcquired under this Agrecment Seller may either clect to enter into a Qualified It Cnne*eehVM,IIC*AWW Reporting Entity Sen iccs Agrccrncnt wifr PacifiCorp in a fomr similar to that in Erhiblt 4.7(B) or elect to act as is oum WREGIS-defin€d Qualificd Roporting Entity. Sellcr shall upon written request from PapifiCorp providc copics of all dooumentation submittcd to WREGIS in connsotion with thc Facility. Furlher, upon notification by tilREGIS or CAIvID that any fansfcn of Grecn Tags contdnplatrd by this Agraomelrt have not been rccordod, fts Partice shall promptly cooperato in taking all rcaconabls actions neccssary so that suoh transfers can be rcoordod. Sellq sldl at its erpense causc tho Facility to maintain its rcgistration in good staoding with the Cemer fc Resource Solution's Olocn+ program, or any suocessor program, thrcugtroutthc Torm; providcd howwcrthat eaoh Paty shall (a) not take ury aotion (o0ror than the provision of truttrful information) to impafu tho Facility's gpod standing with such program a$d O) shall provide such information as is rcasonably rcquestcd to maintain suoh rcgistration. The Partics shall reasonably coopcratc in any rogi*ration of thc Saoility in the reocwable porfolio standard or equivale,rt progtrm in all such finther states andpnograrm in which the Pa*ics maywidr to register or maintainod regi$torcd the Facility by providing oopies of all such information as reasonably requircd for such regisfatioa. Ncither Party raprcsents or \f,arrarrts that thc Grcsn Tagg can be used for . any puryosc. The Partics aclnowlcdge thatthe Grccn Tags may bo subject to action by Govenrrrqrtal Atrhority and ncithcr Party is liable to the other Party fu action takcn by a Govcrnmental Authority in connectistr with the Gtccn Tap that ir not e rceult of a breach of this Agraenrent SESTION S. PIIRCSASE PRICES 5.1 Enorsv hrphase Price. Exocpt as provided in Section 5.3, PacifrCorp will py Sellcr Conforming Encagy Purchase Prices orNon{onfonning Energy Purchase Prie,s, as applicable, for Nct Ouslt adjusted for thc month and On-Peak Hours or Off-Peak Hours and the wind integration cost ueing the following formulae: Confoming Energy Purchue Prie - (AIk * MPM) - WIC Non-Conforming Energr Purchrre Pr{ce = (ARm. * MPM) - WIC trIhcre: ARE Conforming Energy arurual rate from Tablc l, bclow, for the year of the Nct ot$ul tlulowerof,, t5% oftro Conforming Encrgy sonud ratc ftorn Tablc I below, forthc year ofNA Output w A&E MPM 85% ofavcrage ofthe daily krdex Price for cach day of tho month, or pottion of month, ofNot Onput. monthly On-Poalc or Off-Peak multiplicr ftom Table 2 bclow, that corrcsponds to the month of thc Nct OuFr* and wlr&r theNet OrQut occunrd during On-Peak Hours or Off-Pealc Hours. I t! :: t: ,t ll ! , i i ,: i' :i )l I* * ): 1.alj' It.:i tl 1 .t a i 1 I i I ! ! l9 wrc fu CrrehVind,IIX-e1*Iil $6.50llvfWh, tre wind ificgretion costplrscribcd in Commission Ords No. 3 102 l. Erarplc calnilrims r€ povi&d in Exhilft G. Tsbb ft Coformfug f,HAr AnEurI Re Trlile 2: ll{outhf (h,krklt)EFerk l&Up[E]l Yar Annsd ntE Mouth OD-Pee& Hounr Otr-PcL Hounr Ienunnr 94o/" Fcbnrarv l05o/o Ylt/t Iv{erch gScA N'/"Anril 959/^76Vo Ylav 92o/"5?o/" &mc 650/" Julv YIYI tusust 2lo/"lo6c/^ Sercmba 9o./-&rrller llSo/o lO5o/" Novemlrr l lOV"96V" Dcc.mbor 129%lAWs 20 CedtbrahmrdUfit@lfl 52 PaymenL Pu cach Billg kiod h ca$ Cqtact Ycr, PadfiCfip e[ pey Scllcr as blbws: For dclivery of Corformig F:EE/: BrIHt = Genergnne**CEPPrbrrrpJ</!0m)1 (CErc5Pt*sil( r CEPPrkmHs/ 1000 Fm dclirrery ofttrur{ofuming Frtctgt: Prtmed = (NCfqn&**1165ffifipspakn0m)+ $megi**A< * I'I(EFFrinhft *Affi) WEs CEncEgt = CmmmfuPrqgrhkY/h Cmrbc E CormirgFncr$/hrrdrascPrioeh$/MWh NCEnqS/ = Non{ortrcruingEnergrfu'drasoPriccinkWh NGPFr"ice a Nm€onftnningEnerryPudtascPrhein$/lvtWh &rF* = trooorrcryurdingvahrefor0n'PeakHors Otr+€* = ecconrspondingvaluefaoff'PcakHq$ PacifiCo,rp to vioiidtrc tcrrrs of isNc,tvro* Transmission Service and is ooruisErtwith Prrded E6fiical noghcs, PacifCorp will mcpt hadrrcrat Eacrgr, hr will m prese or pay for Lradvc,rtqrt Enerry. 5.4 Additional Compcnsation. Scllcr shall uot bc cntitlcd to any compnsation ovsr and rbovc the Conforrring Energy Purchase Priees orNon-C,onforming Energy Puretrrase Priccs, as the oase may !6; forths Cil€€n Tags associabdfiercwitt. SECTION 6. OPERATION A!{I' CONTROL 6l As-Built Suppleqeot. Upon complction of any consEuction affeoting thc Faoility, Sellcrshall provirh Pa;ifiCorp ar Ashrilt Srplonentb€adngtb s@ of aUccnsod Pro&ssionsl EngirrcEr thd aocurdcly dcpict the Facitity as built. The As-buitt Supplanent mrrgt bc revieu/ed and apnroved byPacifiCorp, whiclt appoval shlll not unrcasonablybe wittrheld oonditioned or delayed, 62 Oosation. Sclls shall op€rde md mainain trc Faoility in a safc manner in apoodaac wifr fu Gsrcrdim Imercwpcisr Agrwmsf, Pndcril Elertical Bactirs md in rcordsrcc widr tc rtquicmsG ofall ryplknhlc fodcral, sfiEt urd local lanrs snd 6c Ndional EkrticSafttyCodeassuchhnnmdcodemaybeondodfromtirretotime,Itcrcorp$aUhat,e no obligdiur to pnchas Na OIprt ftom trc Facility to tho odcrt tle inHpormectim barccn tp FrciliryardPrcifiCorp s clectic sJntern is disconnodd srrycndedorturuptcA in wholo or ia part, pursuant to the Generation lntcrconnection Agrcement, or to the extent ggrrdisl crraitmcnt is rcquircd as a resrlt of Scller's nonomplirrce witr the &tcrdion Intcrpmnodion aeeement PacifiCorp slrall have fic ri&t to inspast fte Faoih'ty to confinn that Seller is 2l l: ,. i: 'i''i t it iii. i 1 I : t'l il tt,l ti i, :l I : i I i I I '1 !l i i{ CtuCre*lftrrd, Uflq*Iil dcrating ootagp kpnmb sclkrtrd atrEce ee g€ocrdin cryapityoffts Frcility in an ilnotr grc&r tlun five pomont (57d of&e Facility cryacity Raing for tb€ following day. scller *hall prcmptly updatc such noticc to rcflcct any matcrial ohangcs to tht infomnntion in suoh notice. 6.5.5 Effect of OutaSes on Estimatd Ouilput Selter strall factor PlannGd Otrtagps md Ivlaienmcc Ofrages 6d Se[€r reasonably opcds b eocouoter in trc ordinsry 6trs ofopcrring ec feility fuilo thg Schduhd lvfoffity Encrg/ Dcliwry amounb in the Enerry thlivcry Schcdulc sct forth in Erhibit D. 6.6 Sotreduling. 6.5.1 Cooperdqn4d Surdards. Wiftrespoctbanyardall echedrling roguiraneats iathis Agrcemcmq (a) Sclter ehall ooopcratc with PaoifiCorp with r6pc€t to eMrlingNcto$4 ad0) dPdystu[ dcsignarc aftorized rtprlscnffitcsto oommunioarc with rcgrard to sohcduling and rclatcd mattcrs uising hoeunder. 652 Sohodule Coordinatim. If, as a rcsuh of this Agrgernent, pacifCorp is deenrcd by an RTO to be financially respo,nsible for Sellcr's *rforrrnoe under the Gcncrdion hercmmctim Aglcmcd eE b Selkr's ltrk of sunding c a'bchodrling coo'rdinmrD or du RTO rcoognizod acsigdar, qualiftaliar q &rpiss, lh (a) Sellcr shall scquire such RTO rccognircd standing (or shall contract with a third party uao has $Eh RTO too4iad tudind sd ftd hcifiCorp is m hgEr Erycnitle fa Solleds performmceundcrtheCrcncrditm llrtcrcormcctimfureuncnt, and (b) Sclhr CnIl&*nd ttfutttify ad lnH PsifiCory lmk ag&s ry liability arising drc b Seller's performance orfrihttttoperfonn und€rdE Ciencrarion Intcrconnsction A$E€mcnt or RTO rcquirem€nt 6:l Dcliverr, Brcoedinq tre ldardmum GIA Deliycrv Rste. Sellcr shall Bot dcliver encrry from tre Frcilily to the Poirf of Delivery d a rde tnt fiseeds lhe }vlanimurr GIA Delivery Ratc. Seller's hilurc to limit such dolivcrios to the lda:rimum GIA Delivery Rae shall bc a breach of a material obligation subjectto Sestion 12.1.8. 6.8 ApcossRidrt$Uponrcadepiurdiceandnrhiectb6cpmdcrtsaftty of Scllor, and Rcquiremarm of Law relating to worlcplaoe hcalth and sa&ty, sellcr shall provido Pacificorp and its authorized agenB, employees and inrpoctors ("PacifiCorp Rcprahtivcr) wi0r roassrabb m b the Faoility (a) for the paposc of rca{ing ctcingmetaringcquipmcon, (b)asmcssarytowiBs myaocoptarccesb, (c) fopxposcs of imple,menting Section 4.6, and (Q for other reasonable purposes at the reasonable rcqucst of PacifiCup. PacifiCotp Cullrelcasc Sellera$inst{rdfiomrryand all rry and all loos, fincs, Psqhi€s, eleirn$, actions or suits, including cos8 and attorney's feos, both at tial and on appeal rcsultingfiorrtaoirxsaunissiffibyarryoftbPaoifiCorpRarrmermnivcsincwrcaisr wtththeir access to the Facility, except to the ocont that such darnagps rc caugcil or by &e intcntional or grossly ncgligart act or omhsion of Seller 24 CabOvkVir4UCaryIfl SECIION 9. MEIERING: REPTORTS AIID RECORITS 9.1 Metainq A4iufhent Mctcring will be perfrrmed d ths lmation qpccifiod innrhibit B and in thc manno spocificd in the C*nerator InErconnestion Agreement.t 92 tvlAeftr&Euon. If any irrycdirns or ESs made pnsratb fro Ciensaor In&rronnestion Agrcement discloscs an ernor CIrceeding two pcrcent (27o), either fast or slow, proper oon'cctio& bascd upon tho inaoouraoy fou4 shall bc modc ofprcvious rcadings fortte sofial pcriod durfug which tte mcrcring oquipurmt rtndacd inacoura& measurcmcnts ifthd p€riodcmbe asccrtained. If the actualpcdod camotbe ascertrinod, ftc ppcr oomction thall be mado b te ncasmdGrils talran fuingfu time tlo nffiingosripe* urc in scrvhc sire lact testcd, b,ut not exceediqg fuoe Bilting Pcriodsi in thc anrount thc meileting equipmcnt shtll hs\rc boal stroum O ba in eru by sd tcst Any corredim in billingl ffi psrcb rcsulting fimr aconpotisr inttp mGrocordr SEll be made in tre rud mqilfrty bi[ing or pyffifi rtndorcd. 93 Totc[ncEing- trmrdanoewiltrteGeoaatiurlrffiurrectionAgrEcurrcd, Seller drall povidc telomctcring cquhncnt and faoilities capable of transmifiing to TransmisfunProvidil(u,tro will strarcitudft PrcifiCorpasalhmizod byEtrhibftE, "Sdhr Auhodzuim o Rdre Creneraiur Do to Pacitrcp') tE folom,ing infamukn omceming ttr Frcilityonareal.tireboisrErdwiflopcr&archequipncrrwlmrc$csodbyPacifiCorpto indicatc: (a) irutantancous M $r ouqut at the Point of Dolivery; O) Nct Outrut (o) tho Facility's total instananoous generation cryosity; and (Q windvclmitydtrbinehubhei&t Seller shall also kurmitto PacifiCotp aoy otrcr data ftom the Facility th* Scllcr rrccivcs on a real-time basis, including meteorologioal data, wind spegd d8ta, wind direstion data and groos ouQut data. Sollcr shall providc suoh real-tirre data to PacifiCorp in thc same ddail ttrat Seller reoeiries &e dara (c.g., if Scllq reocivos trc dda in four socond intcrvals, PacifiCorp shs[ also tpccive the dsta in forn second intenals). PacifiCorp sball hsve the right from time to time to ru$irc S.lkr b prwile addititral Elctrnffiing oqqiFnoffi md frcilitios b tr orEot mcsxryand rcasonablc. 9.4 Monthly Rcports and Ings and CIher Information. 9.4.1 Rcnorts. Wi6in efuty 60) calcndar days after tho ond of ach Billing Pcriod, Seller shall pmvide to PacifiCorp a rcport in elecuonic format, which rcport shdl incltdt (a) mmrmies ofthc Faoility's wind ard orryrt ,{'t" for the Billirry Paiod in he.vals rfi to srcmd me hor (on srch drser period as is rGrumablyposr{ble wi& I Ifrtrthn srvioc b eppliod vh $Fr6 mdtrnoc ncircup will ffid ddln scndac fiom tb fficd &dlty ouqr to cdculatr NEt ODut ?rt iI i: I ti t. il ,:t I I I {I 1t : :..t: t' : J I ti )i , i I tIi ! 't I Cefu Crech Vfd. Ufia-otu Ifl commercially availablo teohnology), including information from the Facility's compute,t monitoring sysem; (b) sunrnarios of any otha significont werts related to tho oon*ucniqr or op@ion oftrc Facility for tfue Billiry Pcdod; (o) daails of Avaihbility ofdre FacilityfortpBiltingPeriod sufEcientb calculdcAvailability ad ircftding hour{y sverqge windvelocitym€asurd- attubino h$ heightand e$itn{ air mpercrre; ad (O sry grypoating infrnnaisr 6t PacifiCorp may ftorn tiEE b tilrr Fasonably reqnst Crcfuding hi$cical wind de fc trs Fsility). 9A2 Elcctronig FaultLo$. Scllcr shall mairil8in an elecfionic fault log of qer*iurs ofthefacilitydringeadrlrurofltptrnoftrisAgrcmcrrtwrrncncingonthc Corrmercial Oportion Da&. Sollcr shall provide PacifiCorp with a copy of the elecsurb frrlt log wi&in ftirty 00) calffidar days after th cod of thc Billing Pedod b wtrich the fauh log applies. manufactrmrsi guidelines and reonrmendations formaintsnanse of the Facility equipmenl 9.4A By each Jmrgry l0 following the Cmrcial Opcmtion De, Sclkr shall prcvido to PasifiCorp wdfial c€rfificsion that $eller has mmpleted all fte manufrc&rrcrs' gui&lincs and rocomnenddions formaintcnance of the Facility equipmc,nt aplicable to the prwious calcndar ycar. 9.45 At any timc from the Effectivc Datc, onc (l) ycar's advanoc noticc of thp &rmindion or eryirUim ofrry agrcanar! irrcluding Wid kascs, prrsrant to which the Facility or any equipmcnt rclating theruto is upon the Facility site; povitled thd the foqoing docs rd aduirc ury euly termirdion of my lmd lease. g.45 As soon as it is lnonm to Scller, Soller shrlt discloce to PacifiCorp, tre extcnt of any material violation ofany currironmcnul laws or regulations arising out ofths construction or operation oftheFeility,orffre prerance of Ertvirmmemtal Conhminalion at dE facility m ur ttre Plenriseq a[ogpd to otis by any Ciwemmenal Ardrority tuvirrg jurisdictim ovcr ths Pr€mises, or the prcscd oristtmoe of or tlr occurtoncc during Scller's occulrsncy of &e h,emises of any enforcernent, legal, or rqulatory artion E prMing relding to f,rlq alhgpd violdion u allegod pw of Emrirommnal Cmnincisr pesady occuning o heving occunod dning tlr Period of timc that $ellcr has occupied the Prpmises. 9.5 lvlaiffirmce of Mdcdng Emdp!@. To the accrr not othcnvisc pril,idd intr Clencrator Intarcoqnoction Agrpomen! PacifiCorp slull inspd, tcet, rcpair and rcplacc the mctcring equifrnentpedodically, ordtre rcqrcst of Scller if Sellcrhas rEasonb belicvc m6irymoy bc offard rcqrrects ar ircpodion inwritin& Tolto o(mt ffi ofircrwiscptrvidcd in the Gacrator InErconnwtim Agwnent all PaoifiCdp's cos6 rtldingto d€signin& itsta[htg nrdrhhtr& atdrcpairingnmingequipncotinollcdto accunmodde SclledsFacility shall bc bome by Seller. 9.6 WREIS Mctprins. Sollcr shall catrse thc Facility to implemc,nt all necessary genardion infonnation cornmunications in WREC}IS, and rcport generation information to n I, 1 ' Cabcreekmttd,IJf-Coy*1il ffhmPaoifiCorymakes adrerviagrmderltpDelsyS€cutity, Sellerstrallwihinfifo€o05) calodr da1t, rcsbre lhc lhlay Scarity r if no srch ffidiul had ooourred. t t.l2 Calculation of Dc,lay Securitv. Ths dollr valuc of Dclay Scctttity shall qual tho grmter of: (1) forty-five dollars ($45) multiplied by thc Maximum Facility Delivery Ratc witt trc Maximrmr Faoility Delivery Rate being measurtd in kW (bsod on fts ftal Facility Clprtty Rtir€ Ogeminod B lvrfldt 30 20 12); or (2) tho sunt of *ro prcduot, for oach of the first Orce calendar months aftcr the Ssheduled Commercial Operation DatG, of: the encrgr in &e Initial Year Energy Delivcry Schcdulc forthe month (kWh) muhipliod bythe monthly weightod avorage On'Peak and Off-Pcak Confo,rnine Enru/ fudllsE Rilc for &c monfls ($/I{wh) dividd by 1000. Suoh amount shall be fi:ccd upon orocution ofthis Agrccareat 11.13 Rie*rt to Dmw on Sccuritv. PacifiCorp shall have thc rigftt to &rw on the Dolay Seourity to collcct Delay Liquidated Damegos. Cwttcstcing on or about first of cachmonth PacifiCorpwill invoioe Soll€rforDelay Liquiddod Durtages ingtlrod if any, drning trc precoding mdb. If insufficicrrt Dclay Sccurity is available, Setkr stnllpayPacifiCorp frrinnoioedDelayU$idat€dprnog€sno lafer&mfivchsims &ys after reoefuing srch imroico. TIre Pardcs wilt m*ebillfugs ud pa5mffi fu Ilolay Liquidatcd Damages ia aocordance with Scction 10. 11.1.4 Putial Rclease of Delav Scilitv. Provided flnt Sclter has maimincd Delay Sccurity in accordance with Seotion tl.l.1, PaoifiCorp shall rclase o1e-third of the originat anount of llelay Soority $atcd in So*ion I I .l.l caoh timc Sclle aocomplishcs a milcstdlc (a) o,r (b),. below: (a) Sdl€rhas@qmedtrcCsreraiqrtrterwtiorAgrcqnost with Transmission Provider; and (ii) pald in full any interconnection and/or E/sent trygradc costs Sctlcr is oblig&d o pay in adnmc of istrEqmodim constrtrstion. O) Sellshasporpdlhccurcr*foundtionaeachofiBphmod individu,al Wind Tu6irc locations. PacifiCorp shall makp the partial rcfirnd of Delay Seourity rcquired abovo wiftin ten hrsinsss &ys ofttc datc Scllc providcs PacifiCorp urittsn notioc (along witr sdisfr6ry documcrabn drcrm$ M it has accmplishod milemnc (a) or O) abo,e I t. I .5 Full Rcloase ofllohv Smnity. Unles PacifiCorp dftp&s u,h€ft€r Sdl€r has paid all Delay Liquidded Eamages, PaoifiCorp shall r€lcasc all remaioing Dehy Sccurity upon the earlier of the 30tr calsdar day folto'wing commerrccmqrt of Cortrmcrcial Opadion or frc 6CIh calcndar day fotlowing PrifiCory's termindion of tris Agreement I l.l .6 flefault. Sells's failure to post and maintain Delay Sccurity in accordansc with Section t 1.1 wi[ constituto an w€nt of default, unlcss crned in accordanoe with Section l2.l.l ofthis Ageemenl 29 &tuCrelcmdlle-Cotwlffi ll2 DcfEult Security (LsvelizdPrioing Only). (Rcscrvcd) SECTION T2. I'EFAIILTS AND RD,MEDIES l2.l Tbc following wcmts shall constitutc defaut6 rmderthisAgraement l2t.l Non Pauncnt. A Party's failure to makc a palmart whcn duc under this Agccment orpost ad maiffiin s*urity in confomanos witlr &e rcquimnedo of Seqtion I I or maintain instnanoe in cooformrnoc wittr ttre rrquiremcnts of Soction 14 of this furcomenq ifthe failure is notcurcd wi&in tco (10) busincss days a&rttrc nondchulting Party givcs thc defauhing Party a notico of the default. lLlz Brcaoh ofR4res€ntatim. Brcach by a Party of a repeuseutation or uarranty sct fonh in this ngrcornent, if such failuro or brpach is not crucd within ftirry (30) days following writtcn notioc. lUt3 Default on Otrer Asffii€rts. Scllcr's hilure to orm my &furlt rmdce the Generation Ilrtorcormoction Agreernent or my otha agreernent be[weon the prties rclabd o tris Agrecmcot, tb Gcnadm Irlaomcuion dgrmcm, orthe Facilitywiftin thc time altsqrcd fm a cut rmdcr suoh aguemelf or instrument 12.1.4 Insolvcnsy. A Porty (a) malccs an assigrneut far thc benefit of its ot€ditorsi G) filos apdftiutorodurrisc omlncnccq arilhorizo qacquiesccs in the aommencqttc,nt of a procceding or crure of action undcr any Umfruptsy or similar law furthcproeCion of crodibq orhas $rtrr apaitiur ffledagainstitsd urchpaition is not with&awn m dismisscd wiftin slxty (60) days aftcr suoh filing; (c) bocomes insolveng or (d) is rmable to pay is debts wtren due. 121.5 }vlaEhlAdvcre Clmgc, A tvlei{Advqs Chilrgp h6 ocqnpd wih rcryect to Scller and Seller fails to provide srch performmoe ans$ances as arE rcasonably roquastcd by PacifiCorp, wiftin thifiy (30) days frorn ttre date of suoh rcqrcsl 121.6 lale to Third-Partv. Sellcr's sale ofNet Ouput to an entity othr ftan PaoifiCorp, ao pohibitod by Soction 42. lLlX Non-Dclivetrr. Unless orouscd by an cvent of Forpc Majcurc (inoluding PacifiCory's breach of ia obligations undcrthis Ageemeut), $ellcr's frihne b dclivu'any ItlA Elury for ttnee wrsmfive cakadar nrcnth. 1218 A Partyfuwise frilsb pcrfom myrnmaial obligUion (rnchrdirryhrnot limitod to Ailrrc by Sdlo b mcet rry deadline sd forth in Sectiur 23.I trmugh 2.3.9)' imposcd upon that Party by this Agrecmcnt if dre failur is not currd wifrin thirty (30) dayr afrerthc rm+.euhing PEty gives the deforlting fety notke oftrc dc&uh 12.1.9 Scller fails to achiore tlp Coqnrncrcial Opcr:ation Datc bythc 9l* day followingtho Scttcdulod Counasrcial Operation Datc,prwidcd,la+ete4 that, upon written notico ftom th defsulting Parry dslivercd prior to the ninety-first (91) day of dclay, this ninety (90) day pedod $all be extcrded by m additional one hrm&ed and 30 I '.I' : 'i ; trl t I': ,I ) I. r1 : \ , ! t. I ', t t ;tI Cab Creek Ptnd, Ufi-a** Iil fifty (l 50) days if (a) Scllr has poutd 0re c@ fourddiotr c each of its plmned indivilual wind trtine locations; and O) Sollcr replcnislres Delay Default Securig in aomdsnc€ with Section I t.l .l . Scller slull corlinrro to aocnn Delay Lhuidod Dsmagps in aocordaoe wilL Soction 2.6 (Dehry Price timcs trc Delay Valuc) urrtil ee Project adrievo Con:rucial Opcration or this Agrcc,ment is tsmrinatcd, 122 In the wmt of my dcfault hereunder,thc nondefaulting Pafiy mustnotiry thc dseuH4g Pdty in writing oftrs cirqm*urccs furdicding he defauh md oudining flre ruq*trrnts to orc tbc de&uh If trc &dt lms nd bm culd wi8rin tre proecribcd dmq absrc, eenuJeeulfngPartymaytenninothisApunanatiEsledlscrtinnbydcliv€ri]rgwiuro naiceofu drarPuty ud rnayprsr urymd aU legpl mequitdle rcsrdies pvidd by law or frslrttb &b Agccrtcd. Thc righE truvkbd inmis SGcdon 12 ar cunutdve suchtrtfte ocadso ofanc crnut rigfis $all not mn$ifie a nniver ofany otha rights. A? hfte e\,€rtftisAgecment ishminedbearseofSelleds ddulturd Setrkr wi$es to apin sll Nd Or$rt tom &c Facility nsingtte sane motivE forcc to PrifiCorp following nrchtcrminatiotl PrcifiCorp in its sola disorction mayrcquire that Scllcr do so subjec{ btrctcms of6is AgfEomcr4 includiqg hsnd limiEdto tre prdrasgpiccs 6 sctforft in (SoCion5),untiltrcBpirUionDe(as sctfosfth Sodftn2.l). Atsrehtirne Scllermd PacifiCorp agrce to crrccute a unitten document ntifring the terms of this Agrecmcnt. l2t tfthis Agrccmat is tcminmed as a rcsult of Scller's &fault, in addition o aod not in limitatiqn of any othcr right or rcmedy under this Agraancnt or applicable law (inoluding any right to sct-off, counterolaim, or othem,isc withhold payment), Seller shall pay PaoifiCorp OSI Sborfsll Ikmagss frr a paiod of eigtrecn (l 8) mordts fiE n fte dde of Hmirdionplrcthe ostimated administudivo costto acquiro the replaceinentpwcr. Thc Parties agrce frrat thc damagos PrcifiCorp nmrld incur due to Enninatim rcsulting fiun Seler's dduh woutd bc difrisult or impossible to predict with o€ffiinty, and tlrat thc danrages ir this Section 12.4 arean a,ppropnab apprcximaion of,.suoh damagw, 125 RccorrymertofDarnagcs. (a) Dsfautt Securitv 4.vailable. If Seller has posted Ilefault S€curity, PaoifiCorp may draw upon that socurity to sathry any damagcs, abovc. O) DsfaultSffinityUnflrailable. tfSellenhasnotposdDcfarft Smnity,mfPrc,ifiCorphasafinrmdftcDefultSecurity,PacifiCorpmaycollootryrwrainirry Erotxf owing by puthily widfnHing firfiue palnncutu b Scller orer a rcasonable period of dmc. PacifiCosp ad &[a *ra[ qukogcther in good fritr to esbblfuh ftc pedod, and monthly amountS of suctr withholding so as to avoid Seller's de,ftult on iU commcrcial or fomciag €rsrrrt neccssry for ib oorniruod opcraion of trc Frility. L2,6 Upon an wcot ofdefault or qnMmwent rcsulting from dcftult undcrthis Agsertent, in addition to and not in limit*ion of any otrcr right or reincdy rmdcr this Aguemont or applicrble law (including sny right to set-off, counterclaim, or otherrrrise withhold paya€fit),$pnondeftuttingEutyrneyatitsoption set<fi sgainstanymounborrcdto tlrc defaulting Party, ury amotmts owed by thc dcfaulting Party under any contract(s) or aglcrnd$ bcffirwt thc Prtiec the obligdiurs ofttp Parties sha[ bc dcanod sdisfid and disc.hargcdto thoertertofmysr*h sct-off, ThenondreuHngPalty stral giyctheffiiltiryParty 3l I {t I i Ii iI { t!{ I t t: ili 1 i ;r I I I\f i I I 't: t Itl 1 ! i t t I iI t" I I I j i J l! ,, l I, Cedq @cak lFd, ltfr-Cq* til q/rifisn noti:e of ary setofi, h* friltrc o givo srch ffiice shal rpt aflEct the validity ofthe ret. off. 12.7 Aqounts orvod by Sollo pursuaut to this Sectim 12 shall bo du€ within five (5) busincss &fr aftcr any invoicc frrmr PacifiCorp fu thc sarnc. SECTION13. INDEMNItrICATION: LIABILITY 13.1 ftrdemnities. l3.l.l femity by Scllcr. Scllcr*ra[ rplease, infuurifyurdhold hmnlose'PacifiColp, its directors, officers, agents, aA reerescnutivos against and from any and all low, finos, puuhics, clairnsr actims or srib, including costs and mnry's fteq boft d tial md on ryea[ tcsrlting fi'olt1 or aising ofr of u in any way comrooa wm 1a) thc cncrgy dclivcred by Seller under 6is Agrosnoot to and at-tre Foint of Dclivcry, (b) aay facilities or Sellq's sidc of thc Point ofDclivcry, (c) Sellcr's opcmion urd/or mairramoe of tre Frcility, or (Q uising fnrn Sellcr's brcach ofhis Agrcerrcm, hshdfotg crt8rortr limimln my hss, cldm, actior cfldt, fcor m munt ofi4iruy, bodily or othqsrise, to, or dcath of, pemons, or for damaga to, or desmrction or monomicbs ofprryerty belgnging O PacifiCorp, Scller c odrers, alccpdng only orch loss, claitu, astiou or zuit as rnay bo causod rolely by tlre ftult or groes ncgligence of PacifiCorp, its diruc{orc, officcr* employcc, agcnB onrcpruentativcs. 13.12 hdermiw bvPacifiCso. FacifiCory dull relcasc, itdenrnify ard hoH harmlsss Sellcr, its dirwtom, offren, aga&, lendcrs and reprrserilalivce apinst and finom any and all lose, fines, penalties, claimr, actions or suits, including costs and fromcy's feeo, bonh c tial ard on amcal $srftirry fforu, m aising of of or in any way ooreOd wie fu coAt dclivcred by Sell€r uderfris ASIG€med aftc fie Poitrt of Delivery, irrhShgwiftorr limimim sry loss, olaho, acfrn o suif 6raorr acoqmof idiury, bodilyor otluflise, o, ordcailro{, pe6ons, ufrndmagob, ordcslrrction or economic loss of propcrty, exccpting only such loss, clairn, action or suit rs may bc casod solety by th fult r grcss n€ligw of Sdkr, ib d[redorq offiocrs, qrplsJrccs, tgcnb, lcnders or rrprosurtativcs. 132 No Dcdication. Nothing in this Agrccment shnll be corutrued to orcate any duty tq ury strrdard of cac with refercrpc b, u arry lirbility b any pcrson nd a Puty to this AgrwtNouu*rtakingbyornPartytotrodarunfuaryprovisionofthisAgrccmcfitstnll constitftE tre ddication of that Party's systcm or any ponion thercofto t're other Party or to thp pblio, nor Etr-Bct ltrc Satus of PacifiCorp as ar irdryarded public rlility oorporuim or Scllcr as an indopcndent individual or cntity. 133 No Wanatrw. Any rcviow, acceptance or failure to rwisw Seller's design, specilications, cquipqrcnt or ftoilitios shall not be m cndoncnrent o,r r confirmation b/ hoifiCorp adPacificoryEdtcs noswrdics, oercssodor implio( regardingarysspcctof Scllcr's dcign, spocifications, gquiprmcntor frpilities, insludin& butnot limibdto, Eaf€ty, &mbility, rliability, strngflL c€pcity, doryacy c mrdnic fcasitility. 13.4 CONS4OUEI{TU\L DAI4AGES. E)(CEIrT TO TIIE E)ffENT SUCH DAIVIAOES ARE INCLTJDED IN TI{E LIQUIDATED DAI{AGES, DEIAY DAI\{AGES, 32 II il ,':. i. t l .: I I. ir I l]I ,: i 'j ): I : i. it. t t,!t t: Li a : C?fuAa*Vfnd,tlfr<oyntfl OR CTTHER SFECXFIED MP{fII.JRE OF DAIUA@I HCRESSLY PROVIDED FOR.IN T}IE AffiEIvTEb{T, NEXTI{ER PARTY SIIATL BE LIABIE fi} TIIE OIHER. PARIY FOR. SECIAI{ PIJNIII\/E, INDRECT, HGIvIPIARY ORCO]ISEQLIHfIXAL DAIvIA@$ WHETI{ER SUCH DAI\4ACES ARtsALLOWED ORPROVIDED BY CONTRACT, TORT (IIrU.IIDhICIIIEGLI@\ICE), STRICT LLABILtrTY, STATLIE ffi. OIHERWEIE SECTION ld. INSURANCE l4.l Certificates. Prior to connection of the Faoility to thc Systcnl Scllcr shall seoura ud wrtinrnr;slycary in$rmce in oorrplimcewiththe pquiremcats of&is Scction Seller slrall provide PocifiCo,rp insrrmc ccrtifico{s) (of "ACORD Fom" or $e equivalent) ccrtifying Sellcr's compliance with the insurancc requircmcnb hercunder. Commcrcial Gcncrel Lisbility oowgagp uniEr qr a 'blairnr<nadd' basis, ifany, shall bc ryecifically klerilified qr thocstificdc. IfrcqrrgstcdbyPaoifCup, aoopy ofeactr insranocpolicy, stificdas atuc@p by an arthorizcd rcercscndivc ofth issuing innrrmce compatry, 8hall be firnishod to PacifiCorp. 142 RequiredSolicics,and Cov€,rEfes. Without limiting any liabilities or any othcr obligations of Sellff uoder this Agrcemcnt, Sellcr strall securE and continuously carry with an insurance company or oompanios rated not lower than 'iA,-:Vlfl by the A.M. Inguranos Rspors &e insurance covcrage specified below: l42.l CommrrcialCsrenlLiabilityingrrmce, b inclrdeoontastul liability, widr a minimum singlc limit of $1,000,000 por ocou$enoe to protecr against ard Arorn ell hss by rrasm of injury to patgrs m danrago b popert-y based rpm d sisilt8 oyt ofthe activity under this AgrecrncnL 1422 AII Risk h,opcrty innrance providing coverage in an smoud d l@st equal to E0o/o of the replacemntvaluo of the Facitity agEinst "all rislc" ofphyeical loss or drnags, inchding cormage fo €aetr movcrnent, flm4 and boila ad macldnery. Tb Pmpertypolicy may oomdn saarAc sublimiB ard dcdxtiblcc s$Fct O hwatrcc cornprryudenrritingguideline& TheRidrPoliqywill be rnaintained inxcodanccwift tsrrs availablc in the insuranoe for similar facilities. 143 The Commercial Cisneral Liability policy rcquircd h€rcin shall include G) prcvisions r endorscnreob naming PacifiCsp, its Boad of Dirodom, Officas d rylopes ss additiond insurcds, and (ii) oross liability oov€rage so that dre ineirrance ryplies seprficly to €adr in$Edagainstrvfun chim isrnadc or srit isbmrglt, cr'€o in inmccsuiltet€ orc in$ndctaims against or sues anothcr insurcd. l4A All liability polhics rcquired by this Agrcoment shall includc poovisions that suoh in$Eanc€ is primary insuraoce with rcspoct to the intereste of PacifiCorp and that my ottrcr insuranco maintained by PaoifiCorp is e:rcess and not contihrtory insunnce with the insurance rcquired hcrcunder, ad provisions trd $rch policics shall rpt be csrcclod or thcir limiB of linbility rcdumd wiE cut (i) bn (10) hrsirrcss dcys pdq $/riffi rcice O PacifiCorp if canoeled fornonpymcnt of premiurq or (ii) thirty (30) b'usiness days prior writtcn notice to PacifiCorp if cancelcd forany oiltcrrpason. 33 CctuOeehVtdtlfr@Iil SECTION 16. SE\MRAL OBLIGATIONS Noeing codtaincd in this Agrecment shsll ayerbG oonstuodto srlstc a,n asEocistion, tust, portrcrship or joint venturr or to imposc a tust or putnorshf duty, oblfu*ion c liability bcrrsen the Parties. If Sellor includes turo or morc partios, crh suoh party shall bc jointly and sevemlly tiable for Sellcr's obligetions ruder this Agrcernent, sEcfIoN 17. CIIOICn OF r"AW ftis agocnrorrstrall bointerpraodtrdcoforoodin acoordarcc withthe lavrs oftre stdeofldaho, orcluding any choico of las, rulcs nftrich may direct the application of the laws of anothorjurisdiction' s,,gfloN rt. pARTIALrNyALrrrrry It is rd fu itrffiim of6e Puties to viol& my lsu/s golr€fiiitrg the subjcct mm of ttris epuncrrt If ary ofiheerns offic Agrwmr arr frnatty held ordmnfurcd to bc im/ali{ i[€gd orvoidasbeingccntraryto anyapplicable lan, orprblicpolicy, alloihcrrrmof&eAgrccrrent shall unain in ctroct" If any trrnrs arc finally held or dffiErmirrcd to bo foivall4 ilbgd cvoid, tho Parties strallcnrcrirmrrcgdidimxconocmingtlro unsaffomdbyoch decisim forfte pqpose of achieving cnrbnnity wih requirqneub of any applicablc law and the intcnt of the Partiss to this Agreemcnt. SECIION 19. WAII'ER Any waiver at any time by either Party of ita rights wi& rcryect to a defarlt under this Ag;eerrff or wlUryO any oter rnfrers aisiAg in omrrdim witr 0ris AglEcmdtmrstbc in vnfing; ud sudrwaivershsll rntbo dccrrodawaivrwiftr€rycctb mysrbocryeeitdehult or othcr matter, SECrION2O. GOVERNIMNTALJTIRISDICTIONAT{I}AI'TEORIZATIONS PacifiCnrp's ounplimce wifr tre terms offtis Aglwrffi is cdditiorrcd m Sclk's s$rnission o kcifiCorp pdorto &c Conrnemial Operaion Itae of copies of all [oc8l, $Et! atd fodcral liccnsen, p€mits andothcrryovals as thonmayber€$rirtdbylsw forthe consErlctio& qstdionard mrintenree offtc Frcility. Faihc b maimio srch llwful $atus oftcr tE Comrwaial OpGrdis De slull be m errrnt ofd&rlL ntdect t Socion l2 SBCTION2r. SUCCDSSIORIIAI{DASSIICNS This Agrc€nreut md all offte tems odpmvisims bslofshaU be birding Wm d intrGto tho benefit of the rcspectivc sucocssons aod assigns of the Partios lr€rsto, excapt that no .assignment heroof by ei0m Paty stull bccmrc eftctive wiltput fu wdffii oons€fit of bodr Pmies being fnt ohircd. Srrh csnsc, shll no be urrcasmably 'rffihel4 provided that the Parties agrce that commercirtly reaso,nable unitten amcndments to the E:rhibits to this Agrcemcnt and such other wriucn rrydates to thc information containcd thercin rtlaod to the Faoility msy be made in thc cvent of any assignmcnt of this Agreemeat pursusnt to the terms of thig Secion 2l.l.l.IuqritMingthcfintscnErccofeisSodir&(a)rryattitywithwhbhPacifiCorp may oonsolidarc, u irilo which it may morgq or to uftieh it may oonvcy or transfct sub$autially 35 Ceb Creek Vind, f\g_qq* Inl all of ib olocilic utility assets, ehall autooutigalln without firthcr act, and witbout noed of oorrcnt or appoval by the Scller, sucoeed to all of Pacificorp's ri&tq obligdions, and inhrects rrnda this AgrEcmfft End (b) Scllcr *all havc ths ,lgrt to aseign &is eg;cmcng subjoct to PacifiCorp's wtitbq consent which soaccnt shal not bc rmrcqsonably rvtttrhcld or delsyo4 forcollucral socuritypurposcs to omo ormott finmcing entities (or aoollatoral agpot Ecting on thir behalf) providing finmcing to Scller for ttc Facility, in whioh o,cnt PmifiCorp t$!os to prcvide a written consqd in hvor of Sellcr's financing cntitios in forrr md substance similar to aonscnto caroctrtod by PacifiCorp in connoction with non-rcoourse project finrroings. This articlc shall not prcvart a finaocing mity wift recodcd or s€curcd dghb eom crrcrcisjng dl dghb and remcdios available to it under law or conbact PaoifiCo,rp shall hcYe tre rielrt to be notificd by tbs fmanoing entity that it is cxcrcising such rights oi rcrnedies utd Ell uuch ofher rights as provided in the writtcn conscnt. fiECfIIOlT2z. EITTMRE AGREEMENT 22.1 ftbagtcrffiilsryerrdcsallpftragrc€fi€msrpoeocals, r6.affiur, ncgotidions, discursions or lcfrors, rrytretlrer oral or in writing rcglding PacifiCorp's ptnshasc of Nct Outprr from tro Faoility. No modific*ion of thii agrermqrt shalibe effestive unless itis in uniting and oigned by bo& Parties. ?22 By exeoling this Agrcmeirt, cactr Pa*y relcasm the or&s from any claims, known or qnlcrown, thd rnay havc arisen pnor to the exocution dde ofthis Agltcmmt witt turyoct b fte Pacility rd arypedmmr tcllltypopoced b have beea cmtrufid on &e sitc of Urc Facility. SECTION23. NOTICES Allttdiccs cx@aso0rcrwislroviddintdsfuleamtslnltbeinu{itin& shatlbedirocedas follows and shall be considorcd &livprcd if delivercd in person or wlron dAositod in the U.S. ftdail, postagp ptupsid I ccttified or rcgistcred mail ard rcuru rccoiprcqucstsd. I iI II i,{ i t::: :i tl 1 i t 't t i.I ,i: ; It: i I i'l i, I ! t, it:;t I'i:ll i. ;i i, l : tI,i 1 !\,tII, l i ,, :: ii,iil 1I I :' ,ii t Notioer PrcillCorp SeIler AllNotier lPacifiCorp I I O5 NE lvtrlffinah Srctt Pqtlil4 oRyT232 Arh: Cortractaftru*Uut Suire 600 Phonc:(S03)El3-5380 Facsimile: (503) I 13-6291 E-mail: Duns: 00-790-9013 Fod€ral Tnt p Nrrtcc 93{J46090 CcdarCreekWind, LI,C E3 S. King S6o€t, Suiro 200 Seattle, WA 9810{ Ath: Richard W. Bnrkhardt Phono: (20q 780-3551 Facsimilc: (206) 780-357 t E-mail: rburkhad@ummipower.com Duns: E3-29?-9483 Federal Tu ID Nrmbec 80 0826531 36 Notioes PaciECorr Alllnvolce*: Scheduliug: Paymen6: WhllhErftn Creditand Collestions : mAffid Notiac* of en EtmtofllG&utt or Poteudnl E\Etrtoflhfuf to: Attn: Baskoffioe Suits ?00 Phone:(503)8 I 3-5578 frsimile: (503) 813 -5580 At[r: Rcsore Pl@he Suitp 500 Phone: (503) tl3 - 6090 Facsimile: (503) 8 I 3{265 Ath: BackOffioe, Suite 7@ Phone:(s03)t I 3-1578 Facsimilo: (503) 8l 3-55t0 BankOncN.r{. To be pwidod in sryffip kfilr fiort PacifiCorp b Scllcr Attr. Cedit }vfunger, fuitc 7U) Phone(503)tl3-56E4 Facsimile: (503) t13-5609 AmPacitrapCffialCflrod Phone(503)E I 3-5029 Facsimile: (503) 813-6761 Managpr Emai[ accotrutinq(Asummitoower.com: vhall(Osummibowcr.com Phonc:(206) 7E0-3551 Aur:ThmCmemn (7U)360{186 @ Attn: Vici Hall, Creneral Accounting Manags Email: acmuntine(Asummitpow€r.com; vbrll@urnmitrower.mrn Phons:(206) 7E0-3551 Bank Wells Fargo To be povidsd in sqarrc lemet to,m Seller to PacifiCorp AtEr: Richard W. Burldrardt, Cbief Financial Officer Email: rbqrkhardt@sumr4itpower.coJtr Phone(206) 780-355t Atrn: Vici Hall, Gencral Accumting tvlanagw Email: accotuting(asu ntmibowcr.com; vhal l@rurqmitoowpr.som Attn:Acmrmting 7E0-355r Cefu Creel mnl tLC<-aW Ifl I i. iI t : I l. ! { \";'i Thc Parties may chango the person to vfrom suoh notioes arc addrossod, or thoir adfuses, by providing wrttrcn notices thc,reof in accordanco with this Section, i ! I I 37 I *U,Uffin Ia Yrrt{8ts UlonBoP, tu hdor tryG Gilr.d slr Aroac b bo dup ulnd rr ofthrd-fit-ffiurit&D: PACtrmnP,crDlncPrnKw-[p,r{cr*rmffidfddlporyl Trtlp:Ttrb I ErIt C*MsIIfaoWIfll EXEIBM A DESCRIPTION OT SELLER'S FACILITY Seller's Facility consists of 18 wind turtine gcncrator(s) manufactred by Siomons. Motp spccilicalln cach gcnerdor at thc Facility is dcscribcd as: I!'pc (rynchrronour or hductfvc): Asynohronous with Invsrtcr Model; Siemens SWT-2.3-101 NumberofPhges: Three ktod Output (kW): 2,300 Rrtod Output (IVA): 2,555 Rrbd Voltrgp (lire to tine): 750Y ktod Curnent (A): Stator: Convcrtcr Supply Cuntnu 1953.A; Rotor: 2010 A Ilflrximum kW Outputr 2300 kW llilrrimum kVA Ougrt: 2555kVA Misimun BW Outpuf _40_ klV Ilfimufecturcr'r Publisbod Cut-h Wild 4 metodrocond Fecitity Cepecity Radngl 41,400kW at ot above rated wind spccd and bclow cut-outspood- llflaximuu Fasi$ty I]clivery Substation at 345 kV kW atPaoifiCorp Goshen Ilfirdmum GIA Delivery Rste 133.400. instantaneous kW Identif the madmum ouput of the generato(s) and describe any difforenccs bcfi,vecn that output and thc Namcplate Cspaciry R*ing: Maximum genemtor ou@ut is 2300 kW (samc as Nameplatc Cupaorty Rating) Shtion cervice requhemcotq and other loldc rened by thc Frcil$r if ao-y' arc dscribcd rg follorrs: Station sc,rvicc rcquircmcnts oonsis of Cedar Creck Wind Oporatioas and lvlainteirsncc building loads, nrbine shndby loads, and tutinc q$out loads. Average arbino standby load for Coyo& Hill is approximatcly 95 kW. Cutout loads would be infrrequcntand not coficurrront with stmdby loads. Locati,ou of tle X'aeillty: Tho Faoility is locarcd in Bingtun Courty, Idatro. Tho location is morc particularly desc,ribed as follows: 43" l9.l#.'Latitudc, ll2" 1,428' tnngitude WGS84. Power frctor roqulrcmcnts: Rated PowerFactor (PF) or reactive load (kVAR): 0.9 lrading to 0.9 Lagging Sellsr has provided a copy of manufachrpr's Pow€f, Cun c (Rcv. 4, Jrme 2010) for the Sismcng SWT-2.3-101. PacifiCorpmsintainsthepowercurveinitsfilcspunuanttoaNon-Disclosurc Agrecmcnt betrilen PaoifiCorp and Sollcr. Rrte: 1I ! , i i l.,) : i l ; : ,l t 1 a : I t il :1 : I i : I i i A-l Ctu@,U$aoytm I : i a1 :, I j I I jj. + ) itt tr, 4. I i, i 1 : t' : I :' I I :,' T,Imn A-Athchnens I' Cedrr Crcc&Wind Frlm Sitclt{tp A-2 SrLHf'fd}rltdr SbPhFffirdl2tr&mll$Hr!|Cn,ro *x . lt{dluthffi mata*a -rqrarlr.ra.lf&-Lfrdb C t.a r';fi::,-rr ,t,q i ., I : ?, i I I 1: ) :, . I ! II CtuM'IIWIN Site tlap t"'!*" A:3 WW,Ufr-ao*Ifl EXtrIBITB POINT OT DELIVERY I PARTIES' INTERCONI{ECTION TACILTNES Scllcr has providcd thc foltoring singlc linc drawing of 0re Facility interconncction faciliticeincldins mctsing points uscd to calculdc NGt ArFut ud any transmission fasilitios on Sollcr's sidc oJ the Point of Dclivcry. Tho Metcring Poirn and thc Point of Dclivery is trc PrcifiCorp 345kV bus at thc Goslrcn srbstation. The Projcct includoc a 34.5kV-345kV collestor zubetation. The projoct will havc ooc ormole 34.5kV brcakcrs trst will conncot to a conmon 34.5kV bus. TE hrs will connect to a centsal 34.skV:main brcakcr, 34.5-345kV Powcr Transforacr, 345kV bnrakcr, linc disconncct $r,itc,hd a 5.1 rnile 345kVtransrnicsion linoto the Goshcn Substation. I l I II I I I I I 't B-r tuM,II@IN EXf,IBIT B - Attachmena l. Substrtion llfictedng Onel,lne Diegrrn i t: t ',1 : ,) i1 ,' .z I :;i i i it.. :} tt" il I I t, t 1 I I l .i B-2 tarhh.ll BIE -JEIr-tYr ---:I--- GEDARCnEEXU'ttrD. ttcOrrlDtIotBt.flua!f,.I EIA N2 i , 1 a 1, ; ,: I 1: I at I ? i, i) : l ':. i , :) t.\ {i-,i' i It.i B-4 TXHIBTT C REQT'IRED FACILITY DOCI,'MENTS ! t" Ii: i ,ii lr tti. :I :' j J] 1:llt' i i' ): 1, ii i! * I: i Iit:t,i It'Ii t,';t' i. iii t. 1i i. iI I ': : It,il I QualffigFeoilityNumbcr fiomto bc obtained from FERC: ITBDI Tho following Documcnts arc rEquircd prior to delivory of any ou$ut from trc Faoility: Crcncration Intcrcormcotioo Agrc€mcnt PrcHty rights rcquirad to mshtain ad opcratc fic Projcct in accordancc wiffr this A8Foomcut (sitc leasos, trmsmissiotr casctmcnb' ets.). Tbe following Pcrmib ar€ rqufuEd on or hfor? &c milestone date spcoifiod in Section 22.1r fcdcrd Aviation Adminisffiim Dot€mdnatioDs of No llazard Bin$am County Special UsePsmit Crossing agtsmsnts wi6 parties othcr ttan PacifiCorp Transmission G1 CtuMTItWM EXEIBITI) sLrBsEQr.rENT ENBRGY DELIVERY SCHEDt T,E Plmned Ouhsos. Seller will pro\ridc a Planned Ortagc schcdulc mnnatly not to arccrd 150 hours pcr yosr (150 hours exshdcs first par 'treak in' or similar sffiip poriod outages). $oMulodMoffily EnercyDclivG,rv AvekWho JstrusrY Fcbrurr,v IUarch ADril Mav Iunc Julv Aucust Seot€mbcr Octotcr Noveutbor Deccfirbcr TOTAL: I DI I I i ,. : EXHISIT E START.UPTESTING Requircd frctoryc$ing inoluds such chccls and tcss ncc€ssaryto dctcmincthlt ths quipment systcms and subrysrcms havo been properly manufrstlpd and in*alled, ftmction ppp€rly, urd arc in a condition to permit safe and efficieut stlrt-up of the Facility, which may include butalc not limitcd to: l. Test of mechadcal and eleclrical equip,mant;2. Calibrdim of all monitortrg irctrumcots; 3. Opording rsts of all valvcs, opcrato$, motor startctt aad Botor; 4. Alanns, signals, aud fail-safc or systcm shr*donm co6ol tsts; 5. Poirt-to-pointcontinuitytcsb;6. Bcnch hsts ofprubctivo devicee; and7, Tests rcquircd bymaaufaoturc(s) md desigrq(s) of equipncnt. Rcquired start{p tst$ arc thoso checks and tcsts noosssry to &tsilniilo &at all featm and aquipmcnt, systcms, ard subsystans havc bccn pop€rly installcd and adjustcd, fimotion poperly, and a,re capablc of operating simultanoously in such oondition thd the Facility is capable of continuous delivery into PacifiCorp's elcctrical systom, which may includo butart not limitadto: 1. Turbine/gonerator mechanical runs and firnotimality;2. Systern opcration tesb;3. Brakc toBE;4. Energizdion oftransformqs;5. SynsltonizingtcsB (nmual ad auto);6, E:rcitation and voltage regulation qeratiolt tcsts;7. Auto stod3frfi sequEnoc;E. Cmplotion of ey stute and fcdeml csrvirotmcrtal tcsting toquirclments; and 9. Tese rcqutcd by manufacture(s) md dcsigp(s) of equipmeut For wind projccts only, the following lffind Tirbine Gencrator hrstalldion Chcoklists afo requircd dooumcnts to bo signed offby Manufacturcr or Subcontrast Category Commissioning Posonnel as part of the Commissioning urd starnrp tcsting: ?uhhe Installation Formdatioo Inspostion (ty Owner's indcpeo&nt inspccto| Conholler Aascmbly PowaCablss CablelrsnlldionCh€cklistincluding: Contoller Top E eck/Yaw Deck Towcr Top Section/ Saddle Mid Scotim Cablcs or bus bus Base Soction TowuBase Sectioa TowerLights and Onletu TowerMid Section TowerTop Soction Nacelle Rotor E-1 tua*uWtf, EXEIEIT T-1 MOTTIIEFORCEPI.AI{ WIND SPEED DATA SI,MMARIES & HOTJRLY WITI{D PROFILE 11.l L li ll : :l 1l t, i1 i :i ,: ;1. :, l: 1: t: :N ;i 2. t' l i {' y :. 1: i: , I li )l E $ $ $ $ EtI I !IElto iI!I! $ II oInl * E 5 TI a I t{o Re II a e qeed q E*aR BE{t4Eq eqEriqqaaaaa aaFhca-aoaaFi{FaF esrs r I te E fi H tl ti I n 1d t E tq-atFF aoa{on00iaaaFFFt! t$!!t !51!$53i!Fs$g3IE$ sltqE aq8 q{q{qtqtqttRqqnnnnaaal tnooFFEFFtsFFF- rnqrqta{e*anBQiq hqEEq{naaorl6al{Daoaal !lFFF9 h6iSNOa-ianitoaaaoFlolxs3xsclt5tr:3r331:gIrr; nEta;ltDnqtnqBS{eeEqqs.F FFFt,,iiNhEOFFFSFFFFhF rF 3$3Fr[3 3r333!IISE[3$ BeetQrBf, etqqtIilBnlr{{l,FFF F'FFF'9tsFFhFFFFFFF {hqqrq[{tIttqqE?eEaeqqFaaahFFtstsaa6!!aaootsFhF 5rBr3$t5B3h8tr8BtE6I58- d d ra d d.a - ti C * ri d d,i ri rs.i ti ri d d ! t s EIII I?I 'r'!n sF'"E ggg: g:etfl FEfl F !1'I it.t) it. iiii ll 1: t : t 1: .;, I i t a ,| 'i t 1 .l i.' ll 1 t; '. i: lrtj. I' i 't I i t.i: i: i ,i 1 :r ' I i L l . 1 t f.t a E T!o d t Rh Tn a a t If, Itttrr Frr I$it III*3ffi x IT$IISIXII*IIIBXIIIT$ g 3lt$[flffigiii#i5[83$tl gIIIBIfl XXBXXIIXIiItrSIg Iffiffiiii$x$t;ffi*$$rgI HHX$f; $E5II'TIIT$38;FA3 {ttlBlltctt;riIrrtlEls N n c t tN r sef, N a g BSti s 3 iHti gii$$fl $$E3ia3Hffi rii;r* [$85#t$tBilEIt!*3tfi$l 3[I$IIEI IIsIITIsIIIISI ISTSiITIgi$Itrf; IIIIIEI$ ? ItF!c! -E-f nsFraQ!!atnoilooddil didddiflN{d til I E $ $ rl a i I It TI'fiEIIIi! J fuW,Ufraa*W , ,I '| I i 1 ? 1 I! i il I I I : : lf : 1 ti : II ; : EXIIIBTT G SAT,TPLE ENERGY PIJRCHASE PRICE CALCTJI.ATIONS Thc following arc samples of calculations of encrgy prnchasc priccs using the formula and tablss in Sestion S.lErrort Refcrcnoe$uroe notfoutd.. ,Tho oalculdion for the non-lwelizpd prrcbasc price &ring str On-Pcak Hour in May of 2012 equals S63.y7^\dWh (thc 2012 annual rats fu Conforming Bncgy) multiplied.by 92o/o $.T2] lttre Maf On-Psak Hour muhiplicr) minus $6.50/MWh (the wind integration cost), which equals $52.35/Ivfwh. Table 1: Sarrplc caloulations for non-levclizcd On-Peak Conforming Enerry in20L2: Purchass Prioc = (annual rate r nronthly On-Peak multiplier) - wind integration oosr Month Conformlng Eneryy AnnualRele for 2011 (porltfifllh) On-Poak Eour Multiplier Wind Intogn6on Cmt Crhuhted Pnrchase Prlce for2011 On- Pedt Conforning Euery $erltfllllh) January $63.97 lilSo/o t6.50 $59.39 Fcbruary $63.97 105%$5.s0 $60.67 lvlarch $63.97 95Yo $6.50 854.27 April $63.97 9s%$6.s0 15427 lvlay 963.97 92%$6.s0 $52.35 June 863.97 94Yo $6.50 $s3.63 July $63.97 l2lYo $6.50 $70.90 Augrrst $63.97 tzt%$6.s0 $70.90 Septcmbcr $63.97 lif/o $6.50 $63,,3 Oc'tobcr $63.97 tt5%$6.s0 $67.07 Novcmbcr ff3.97 llV/o $6.s0 $63.r7 Dcccmber $63.97 lZf/o $6.50 876.02 Tebh 2: Sample calculatioru for non-lwelized Off-Peak Conforming Enerry in 2012: Ptttc;hase Price = (annual mte * monthly Otr-Pcak multiplicr) -wind integration cost Month Conforming Enorgr AnnuelRate tw2012 (porllfwh) Off-Pc* Hour Multiplhr Wind Inbgration Coct Calculeted Purchase Prlco for201i! Off- PcakConformlng Ene4pr (per lvlWb) January 963.97 94%$6.50 $53.63 Febmrary,$53,97 flYo $6.50 $55.5s Mamh $63.97 EVA $6.50 $44.68 Apdl w3.v7 75o/o $6.50 942.12 G-1 Month Confomlng Eneqgr Arlml Rrie lor?/0it? (prIt[UlL) Ofi-Pclk Hour Multlpller Wind Integnlion Coct Caleulrtod Purcbreo Priefor2012Ofr. Pcst Conformbt Enoqgr (perMrVh) I{ay $63.97 63%$6.s0 $33.80 fuo N$.n 65Yo $6.s0 $3s.08 Iuly $63.n vt%06,50 $52.35 August $63.r t06%$6.50 $61.31 Scpt!,mbcr $6397 Wo $o.so $56,t3 Octobcr $639,7 105%$6.50 s60.67 Novsmbcr $63.97 96%$6.50 $s4.9r Doccmbcn w3.97 12Wo $6.50 $7026 *W,IlWIt G-2 tuOdeItWIfr ':ilT! $ : II i'IIt ,i i t- i: : It t'i i : ,|. :' : i: !r ,[ *'i 1' L '* i i' I 2 : I .l, 1r '.t i' 3 II 1,:l' t'li l,l t TXEISIT T Scllcr Auttorffin to Bdorro Goucration Ilrtr to PeciEColp i.. : !:t' i f i , T + H-t :ia, WEsrFnNEuencv" A*}Iffir"*,,r lrowtR I I ltt I I I I I I tI i 2 it E li } {, IIi I l: iri ,i t {. li,t ;.it L ij, ill 1i Ij: t : ; I Mtr{,7,?fi10 Pacificup Afrn: KemcfbHutm 825 NBMulrnomah, StE. l6m, Putlsn{ Aregqt{1232 REr Cedrr CrsGkWttr{ LLC Pecl0Corl Tfrnmbdon IhrrMr.Eurton: Ccdar Crlck Win{ IIC her,eby voftruarily auttorizos PacifiCorp's Transmiasior bueiresE uilit to sLtrc Codff Crack 1Vi4 LLCns g€ocrator iueponnootion informatios aad gco€ilator msEr data wift martct frnction eryIoyees of PacifiCorp, incltdh& hrt not lfuded tl the thoee in ftc Connsrcial aad Trading E6oup. CedF Chee&Win4 LLC acloowledges ttm PacifiCorp didnot providc it any prcfcrc,lrces, either operational or raE-rplrte4 in excbange for triB volur6y c@Ecof. Sincerety, b**ffi Ddns C. Zm?-P.E. VicePresidmt Summit Power Group, Iac/Cedr Cr,oek Win4 LLC (509)448-75E9 (offico) (5(D) 9s4-4103 (Mobilo) Ccdar Cruek lffin4llC T?dIfiashlrW'ryE"tuMa hlnWgclW,WA 9t11O 1 2&7*rs57 lw Zerubrsrt @NFIDENIIAiL fuW,Uf-a-ot*Ifl EXETBIT LT(A) GREEN TAG ATTESTATION ANI' BILL OF SAI,E trf#[ffiffftLlTfffi'ff"'the gureration ofNct OuSut undcr tlre Powcr Purclraso AeroGmont (Rcncvnble Encrgr) betrvecn Scllcr md PacifiCorp datd f I (tho "FPA'), os describcd bolow, in the amount of ona Cr€il Teg for each mopwatt hour generaed. Defined tsrms (as indicatcd by initial capitalization) uscd in this Grpen Tag Attostation and Bill of Salc shall hrvc the mcaning sct forth inthe PPA. Facilityname and location: Fucl Typc: rfind Cspacity(MW): _Ivfltl Encrgy Adtnin, ID no.: ;:;;..;:_ Dates Opcrdional Datc: Itd$rh generuad - Sellcr furtlrcr a$Bsts, warants and rcprcscnts, under penalty of perjury, as follows: t) to &e best of its knowlcdgc, tlrc information providcd herein is truc and conecff ii) its sale to PacifiCorp is its one and only salc of the Grccn Tags and asmiatcd Environme,lrtal Attributes refenenced horoin; ii} tho Facility gcncrard Ouput is the aurormt indic*d above; urd iv) to &e bcst of Scller's knowlodgc, each of &c Gieen Tap and Environmemtal Attihscs associated with tte Facility's Outrut ar€ bomg sold oBuya. This Grca Tag Attcstation and Bill of Sate confirmg in accordancc v/ith tho PPA the Eansfcr &om Seller to PacifiCorp of all of Seller'r righl titls and intusst in sad to tho Gruar Tagr (including Groen Tag ReportingRights and Environmeiral Atrributcs), as sgtforth abovc. E&.4.7(A) -l e&d,IlC+t*Ifl Scllcr's Contaot Pcfison: WIINESS lrt'.lf HAND, t By Its Datc: ffi Thio Atts*rdoa nsy bo disoloEod by Scllcr md PaoifiCorp to othprs, including &c Cfirfi frr Rcottttp Solutions asd fte public txility corrmrissions having juridictim ovcr PacifiCorp, to sub$ntiatc ard vcrify th9 aoanaoy of PacifiCorp's advutioing ard public coramunicdion claims, as well as in PacifiCorp's advcrtiaing urd odrcr publlc cornmunications. Exb.4.(A)-2 ww,ur.-@Ifl EXUTBTT{.7(B) QUALIFMD RERORTING ENTITY SERVICES AGNEEMENT C ATMastcrvl.l; O7l4ll This Qtlalified Repotting Enti.ty Serviccs Agreernent (this "Agreement") is entered into by and betwecn PacifiCorp ('?acifiCorp') and _ ('Counterparty"; PacifiCorp and Cormtcrrpsrty may be rcfene"d to individually herein as '?arty" and oollectively as "Prties) WIIEREAS, Countqparty rcpresents to PacifiCorp that it owrs or otlrerwisc has thc rights to all or part of tlrc non+nergr attributes of tlrc goncration ftom thal c,ertah clecfiic generation facility more particularly doscribcd on E:rhibit A hereto (the 'Facilityu), or other right rcspccting the Faoility itsclf cmabling it to lawftrlly enter hsloifio; and WttgREAS, Thc Westm Rcmcmble Blccticity Gonaation Information System $\fRECIS) is a syrtem ercking quantities of rcncwable en€rry generation gcncrccd by clcctio gcncroting faoilities in fto na0nc of &e Facility, as a Facility pursusnt to WREGIS Temns of Use (*TOU'); and WHEREAS, WRBGIS requires that oach Faoility have a dcsignated Qualifi€d Rcporting E tity; *0 WHEREAS, Cotmtorparty is a$ Account Holdm in WREGIS and wishcs to rcgister the Faoility with WREGIS; and WHBREAS, Corffierprty wishcs to retain PacifiCorp ro act as its WREGIS-dcfined Qualified Reporting Eqtity ('QRE') for the Facility; NOW fiIEREFORE, in consider$ion of the mutual promiscs herein eontaincd, the Putics agrce ul follows: L Dcfinitions:RulesofCoRsgotign. 1.1 Ini{ally capitalizcd tcrmsuscd and not otherwise defined hercin arc defined in the in the Oprating Rules or in:Attachmcnt I Definitions oftho WREGIS TOU. 1.2 "Affiliatc'r moans, with rccpcct to any entity, each cntity tlrat directly or indiruody ooritnols, is oontnolled by, or is under common contnol witr, such dceignatcd cntity, with "contol' meaning the posscssion, directly or indircctlS of the power to direct managemout and policioc, whathor through the ownert0ip of voting secrritim or by conftct or otie*wise. Notwidrsundlng the foregoing, with respect to PacifiCorp, Afrliatc shall only include MdAmerican Energy Holdings Company and its dircct, wholly ovnd subsidiaries. 1.3 "Business Day" means a day of the wcek othcr than Sahndan Sundan or e federal holiday. 1,4 'Electric Systom Authority" mcans cach ofNERC, WECC, WREGIS, an RTO, a rcgional or sub-regional rcliability coucil or authority, and any other similar council, BIh.4.(B)- r jt ! { {, l1I tI ii I' 1 i it ! I Ilt i'l ,|: i I :t. t J WM,UfraO*IM corporation, org@lzation or body of rccognized standing with rcspcct to thc operations ofthe elocilrio EBtGm intho WECC rcgion. 1.5 'FERC' mems fte Fedcral Encrgl Rcgulatory Commission. 1.5 "Clcnmtion Inrcrconnection Agrceocntn mcatrs thc agrecrncnt cNilcrcd ifto sporatcly betvrecn Countcrparty md Inbrconncction hrovider concerning the Intonconnocti,on Facilities. 1.7 'Facility" ir dcfinod in thc Preanrbte. 1.8 'Intcrconnection Fasilities" mcans all the facilitiee installeq orb bo instatlo{ forttp purposo of inteitonnocting thc Facility to the Systcm, inoluding elccuical Uansmisoion lincs, upgra&, tonsforuers aod associafcd equipmont, nrbstation+ relay and switching equipma& and safety eguipracnt 1,9 nlntcrponnootio,n Providert mens tlrc EERC-rcgulatod or Unitcd $tatcs Departrrcat of Erergy c,ntity with whom thc Faoility has oonmctcd for intsrconnwtion to tre electrio tianrrnission gid; in thc event Intcrconnec{ion hovidsr is PacifiCorp, PaoifrCorp nrould be the Intorconnootion hovidcr operuiag in its reguletcd tanmission funcioru and not as the party hcrcto. l.l0 {vlotoring Extornal W@ge" mcans a wobsito ownod and operatcd by PacifiCorp fut PacifiCorp may at its option, but without bciqg obligated to & ro, make available and operalc fot thc dirylay of all dstl thd will be includsd in the Monfrly Geirerdion E:rtract Filo. l.1I 'Monthly Generation Exfiast Filc'meaos a data file that conains generation daa from Countcqportls Points of Metcring and conforrns to &c oharactcristios and requiremcrrts wt for& in thc WREGIS Ilrarfapo Contrrol Documcnt" l.l2 "I{ERC' mcms the North Amqioan Electic Rcliability Corporation. l.l3 "Points of lrfioteri4g'moanE thc points at which clcctic gcooration is mcasulod. t.I4 ryrud€nt Elaouical Practi@s" mcaos any of thc prarticcc, m€tbods md acts gogagod practicos, ncdpds or &ts, which, in tre ororoise of roasonablo judgmont in the light of thc facts known at the time a dooision is mdg could havc boen enpcctod to accomplieh tho desLed rcsult at the lowcst rcasonable cost mnsisEnt with rcliability, saf€fy and ocpcdition. Pnrdent Blectical Prrctic€s is not intendod to bc limitd{ to tho optimunr practice, method or actto thc qrclusion of all othcrs, but rathcrto be a spcctnrn of possible practiccs, methods or acts, l.l5 'QRp.u rncans a WRECiIS-definod Qualificd Reportingertity. t.t6 nRencwable" is defmed in sstion 2 of {re WREGIS Opcrating Rulos. l.l? 'iRsquhemcnb of law''mears my applicablo fodc,ral, sutc and tocal law, sbtrtc, rcgulation, rulo, codo or ordinancc Gn otc4 adoeto4 issucd orpromutgded by any &deml, ststc, loqql or ottor Crovsrnmcntll Au&ority or rtgulatory body (inoluding those portaining to Glcctrical, building zoning, qrvimrunental and ooorp*ional safcty and hcatth requircments). It II ! 1. .i Lii :l 4 rI ! I I ,'.: l , 'i ,t.1 :,:| , a.:: ;i i .ia !,!.i\ z:: i' ,.. r.i l ,!: :1. 11 I ; t i , I t 1I , Er&.4.7(B)-2 C*M1U.Cao1*Ifr I,18 "Setlcraent Estirtation Proccduresn mcans a oalculation based on standard uilrty estimation rulcs using algorithms devcloped and approvcd by PacifiCorp's billing departmeni t.l9 'syetem" meons thc clcctrio transmission substatiotr and tansnrission or discibution facilitioe onnod" opcrated or maintainod by Transmission hovider, whioh shall include, after consfimction and installation of the Facility, the oircuit minforcqnc,rts, extsogims, and associatod tcrminal faoitity roinforccmcnts or additions rcquircd to itrtswnnoct thc Faoility, dl rs sct forth in thc Cmcrdion Iaterconncctioa Ag nrcnt 1.20 'Tariff'oeans PacifiCorp FERC Eloctio TariffFiffh Revised Volune No. 1l Pro Forma Qpcn Acccss Transmission Tarifr. l.2l "Tran$nissioa Provider'msans the FERC-regulatod orUnitcd Strtcs Dqartnart of Energy cntity with uftom ttre Facility has contrctcd for eletic hansmission et and away fiom the Facility to any point on, or intmoonnection with, the elaetris tnnsndssion gfrd; in the ovent Traosmission Provi&r is PacifiCorp, PaoifiCotp world be the Intecconnection Provider operating in its rcgulaH trusrnissi6n functiorLand not as the pty hcreto.. t.22 "Wholesale Gencration Also Serving On-Sitc Loadsn is defincd in eection 2 oftho WREGIS OpeotingRules. 1.23 'ryECC" means the Westprn Electriciry Coordinating Oouncil, 124 'ryREGIS'mcaos the Westetn Rencwable Energy Generdion Information Sysem. 125 ''WRECIS Ccrtifioatc" or "Ccrtifrcatc" means rrC€tdfi,cafie'r as deftrod by thc WREGIS Operating Rules. 1.26 'WREGIS Operating Rulos" means the operting nrlcs and requirements adoped by WREGIS, including thc TOU. 1.27 Clensral Rulos of tgtcrpretation. Unless otherwise requircd by ttrc cont€xt in which my t€rm appears, (a) the singular includss tho plual and vice vcrsa; (b) refcrencos tottAtticlesrn "sgotionsrtt 'sohodulesrt' oAnnelres," "Appcndiccs" or'Exhibitso art to articles, scctions, sotrcdulcs, anncxes, appcudicos or cxhibits hcraof; (c) all rcfcrurces b a partioular entityorsn etcctricitymrt<etprice indor inslude arefenmcato swh entit/s or indcx's suoco$Iors; (d) Trerein,"hq€of md'hetcrmder" referb this Agreomcrrtas awlrolc; (e) atl acoounting tcnas not specifically definod heroin shall bc constnrcd in acoordance with gpnerally acoeprtcd aecounting principlcs consistently applied; (0 the masculine includm tho feminine and neutcr and vice vema; (g) 'including" means nincluding, wittrout limitationtr or 'including brrt not limited to"; (h) all reforonccs to a putioular law or stat rte m3an that law or stahrte as amended tom timc to time; and (i) the word "ffn is not nooossarily dxclusive. l'2E InEmretation with FERC Ondq. Each Party condus6 and shall conduct its operations in a mannor inteirded to comply with FERC OnderNo. 717, Stardards of Condust forTransmission Providcrs, rcquiring thc separation of its uaasmission and mcrchant fiurctions. Morcover, thc Parties acknowledge that cach of Transmission Prroviderrs and Interconnoction Prrovidods tansmission fimction offcrs transmission eeryicc on its c!rytcrn in a manncr intondod to comply with FERC policics and rcquiromcnts retating to the provision of olrrr-enness &ansnrission service. Countcrparty rgrces to condust itself and oBcrats the Facility in acoordanco witr all Rcquirrmenb of [aw, all requirements of all applicsble Elcc{ric Systcur Authoritics, and all rcquirements ofthe Intcrcounodion Agreeurcnt E[h.4.{B)-3 I I IIIi I t Ij I t:tii ! i, t I i I i i { t: l i il ;' :) :i i l i ; i,: i a1 I l, tu@tt@IN 1.28.1 Countcrparty agrees to strt€r into drc Ciencration lrterconnection Agc€mcnt with 0te Interoonnoction Prrovider. TIro Gcneration Intsroonnsction Agrccmont shall be a soparatp and ft,oe sUnding contact and trc erms hereof arc hot binding upon thc Inorconncstio[ Pmvidcr or Trranniesion Provider, atthough botr arc csptrcs thirrd party bereficiaries hcreof. 12t.2 Notnithsanding any othcr provision in this Agrecmen! nothing in tte Generation IntErconnection Agrtcmen( nor any othcr agrcement betrrecn Countcrparty on the onc hand and Transmission Provider or Intcrconnwtion Provider on the othcr hand, nor any alleged event of defauh thereunder, shatl alt€r or modify tho Parties'ridrts, duties, and obligation hcrcuudor. Liketiliss, nothing herein or conneotpd wi& trc perforrrancc by PaoifiCorp henoof shall affost or impair the righu of Intcrmnneotion Provider or Transmission Provi&r, under tho Inteitonnoction Agrcoment or otlrcrwise. This,Agrccrnent shall not be congnucd to crpatc any rights botwoco Countoryarty md tre Intrconncction Pmvidcr or bctwaoo Corurtorprty and the Traosmission Providcr. 1.28.3 Countarparty enp,tcssty racognizos trat, forpurposss h€r€of, t$e Intermnnwtion Pnovidor and Transmission Providor cooh shsll bc dccmcd to bc a scparatc entity and seporot€ contrasting party tom PaciffCorp whethcr or not the Generation lntenconnection Agrcomont is entcod into with Intor,connection hovidor or an affiliato ihc'rcof. Cormterparty acknowlcdgos thatPacifiCorp, aoting in is m€cchant oapacity function as purchaser herotrder, lras no responsibility for or mnhol ovs Intenionncction Providcr or Transmission Providcr, and is not liablo for any brtach of agrcc,ment or duty by Interconnoction Provider or Traasmission Providcr. Notfng in tlds furoemcnt shnll opcrate to diministU no,r slrall {ris furc.cment extpnd to,Intcrconnection Prrovider orTnnsmission hovideds use, Ntention, or disolosutE of Countcrparty or Bacility information (inoluding information within thc soope of this Agreemcnt) in connoction wiftPacifiCorp operating in its tansmission fimction, including its carrying out of its obligrtions and busincss practicos as a Balartoing Auftority or activitics rurdcrtakcn pursuant to thc Tariff. [I. Tenn md TQrminatign. 2.1 This Agroomont shall b6 sffective upon execution bythe Panies aed shall continue in sffeot until such timc as ci&cr Party, upon providfurg 60 days writtcn notice to the othcr Par{y, chooscs to terminate. PacifiCorp may initiac any regulatory proceedinp it deems appropriato to &rrninatc this Agroe,nrontpiorto thc effedivoness of such tcrmination. Notrrithstndnrg the foregoing (a) Cormtorprty may terminatc this Agrrccme,nt upon an evont of dofault by PacifiCorp if PacifiCo,rp doos not qre such orrertr of dcfauft within l0 days of uritton notioo; (b) PacifiCorp mry terminstc this Agrtemcnt upon an event of default by Countccpqrty if Counterporty docs not cunr such srrent of dcfault wi&in 10 dalrs of writen noticg (c) PacifiCorp may terrrinatc this Agrccrngnt if the Faoility fails to mcet the requirments of Sccdon 3.1 hcraof md suctr frilure is not ourcd within 30 dep, and (d) Either Party may tcminate this Agrccurcnt immediatcly upon notice to tha other if Courrtcrparty or thc Facility ftil to oornply with Scction I.2t. This Agrecment may also be rcrminatod as othorwlsc sGt forth herein. m. ORE Sergicas. 3. I O.RE Serviccs. PaoifiCorp will, on the torms s€t forth hcrein, sorve as I QRE for the Facility so long as thcFacility meets thc definitioa ofRonewable, is within thc mctcred Edl4.7(B}-4 WMeu@Ifl boundaries of bo$ PacifiCorp's Balancing Authority and is equipped with eidrcr: (l) Tralrsurission Prrovider or Intercom*tion Providor (as applicablo) owncd and opcrated motoru; or (2) meters that mcctthe Intcrconnection Providct's rcquiremcnts and (3) meet all applicable WRECilS rcquirements. 32 Cpmoensaftiq.o to PaoifiCom. In cxctrange forttta serviccs pcrformcd by PacifiCorp hercunder, Comtcrparty rhall pay PacifiCorp as follourc: Counterprty shall pay PacifiCorp a one-time initial wurp fec of $2t0, whiah shall be due upon exocution oftlrlg Agreemcnt Thc Cormtcrparty shall pay PacifiCorp a monthly r€eorfing fte of $50 por gcncr*ing uuit for which PacifiCorp rsports outprt ro WREGIS, providcd that PacifiCorp may, in its discr€tion, assess and bill for all fees due herermder on an annual, rathcr tban montrly, hsis. Other than thc initial sctup feg which shaU bc duc in adyanoe, all othcr fces due hutundcr shdl bc due within len days of PacifiCorp's issumce of an invoioe for zuch fccs. PacifiC.orp will rsview costs associated with this sclalco on an anrnral basi* and may mako necesssry adjustrrents to thc monthly rcporting fec charged hoein. Any chmge in ttrc monthly rcporting fee will become effectivo oaly aftcr a minimrim thirty (30) days prior writtcnr noticc to Comtorpafty. kr thc ovent IVREGIS, WECC, or any othcr cntity wifr thc ability or jurirdiction to modr$ the QRE rcporting proce$ re.quircs a chmge that msterislly incrcases the costs to PacifiCorp of p,roviding QRE serrricas, PacifiCorp rnaypass thosc oosts to the Countcrparty by incrcasing tho monrthly rcportiqg fee. PacifrCorp will use best cfforts to provide Counte,tparty with prior notice before billing Countcqparty for such incrtrsod costs. The fecs sot forth herein relato to PaoifiCorp scrving as a QRE for Countcrparty prsuant to the terms of tbig Agrccmcnt. Thc nccessary metering is a prerequisite for this service and is not covcrcd in the fcc* described abovo. 3.3 Points of Metcring. The Points of Mclering that PaoifiCorp will use arc st forth in Erhibit A. Countsrprrty cstifies ttutsll Points ofMetaing li$ed in &fiibit A measurc data only frum Facility that meet the definition of Ronewabls. Countorparty shall notiS PacifiCorp u lcast thirty (30) Business Days prior to making ary proposed material churges to the Points of Motcring. Following such notifcation, the Partics will decidc rrhethcr such ohangos arc muhrally acceptable. If such ohrngcs arc not acceptable to PacifiCorp, PaoifiCorp may tormiruro this Agrcemcnt. 3,4 Exoenscs. E:rccpt as othcrwise providcd in thc InterconnectionAgrwmcnt (and in suoh case, only vis.i-vis Int€rconn€ctio,n hovider), Corrrterparty shall bear all costs and Gxlrcnsps, including thosc incunad by PacifiCorp, relating to all metcring or othcr equipment insalled to accommodate Counterpargrs Faoility. 3.5 Repo.rtine. Counterparty heroby grauts to PacifiCorp solc and exclusivc pennission and auftority to report Data and Outrutto WREGIS end wanants and represents that neither Countcrparty nor any other person or €,lrtity acting on behalf of Counteiparty has granto4 or will hercafter gnnt during the tcrm hcrcof any similar de rcporting authority or pernrission to my othgr QRE or WREGIS Account Holder or to any otber party or Agent for uso in WREGIS, or any otbr enerry tacking syst6m, for the Faoilrty. As a prccondition for PacifiCorp to bc ablc to pcrform hcrcrdcr, Counterparty sholl submit Counterpart/s Ortput dats to PaciliCorp by allowing PacifiCorp to cotleot such dat!, at the Points of Mctoring, and rcport such data in the manner set foih herein. i; I i : .: I ll t i' i : . '1 l 1 \ i ! I t t:; I $t I I Exb.4.7(B) - s WOU*U,Wril WREGIS md Cormterparry will have no control ovcr such dda's use other than that providcd for under the WREOIS TOU. 3.9 Oblimtions gf-PacifiColP. PacifiCorp shall spocify for Countoryarty the protocols, reporting frequency, data file formats, ard communiostion prctoools for rcporting g€ocrating Data, or Outrt$ as neocssary. PaciffCorp shall timely rcportto WREGIS CountcrpartyData aad/or Outrut infonnation as spocified in tta most crffiEut WREGISI Interfacc Conbol DoEument [CD). PaoifiCorp shall not usc or disclose Counterparty geireration Drfia for any other pqrpose thao rcpolting &c Dm to WREGIS, orcopt rs may bc rcquirod by law, ths Public Utility Comrqission of Orcgo[ any othc,r statc, fcdcral, munioipal or othcnregulcor or govcmmental urthority with jurisdiction over PacifiCorp or any of its asscts, or a couit of compeent juridladon or as required rmdsr the tcrms of an oristing agrccment bctwoon the Pcties. PacifiCorp shall not use Gcncraror Orrner ge,ncration Data for any otlrcr prnpose. Notttitttstading tho forcgoing PacifiCorp strall not be responsible for handling acsount dminisEation, hansfer, svidence of, orany dacrrrination of Counterparty Certificaa owaenship or any other obligations for Certifrcatos of Countcrparty wi& regard to Certificatcs; snd Count€rparty slnll bcar all rcsponsibility for such handling, acoount adminis&uio4 ovldarce of, or any dormination of Counterparty Certificatc owncrship and all othor obligations pertaining to creatio'n and owncrship of such Ccrtificetcs. 3.10 Measuronenr 3.10.1 Meter Data Countcrparty authorizes PacifiCorp's metering scrvicc orgaoization to providc Counterpart/s m€tcr dafa dircctly to WREGIS in the form of drc Montrly Ge,neration ExUast File. Counterparty authodzcs PacifiCorp to pthcr data fiom the Points of Mctering listod in Exhibit A. AII such data is consid€red data whictr Counterparty has crcatcd and submittcd to PacifiCorp, notwithstanding that PacifiCorp, rather &an Counterparfy will gdher it 3JA.2 Wbolesale.9en€ration Also Servinc On-Site Irads. If Coun&rparty has any Wholesale Gcneration Also Serving On{ito l"oads (as dcfincd in Articlc One abovc), sudr Facility will nesd to havc thc on-site load generation metfi€d (and rcgistorcd) separately fiom tho genordion that is supplicd to the grid, in acsordance with the WRECiIS Opcrating Rulcs. Otherrvise, PaoifiCorp will not report any &a from such Facility. If srch Facility exi$" theymut bc spcoificd in &ftibitA. 3.10,3 E*imues. \Yhen meter readings arc not available duo to metar hardwarp failum or data thnt is deterninod to be invalid duo to maor malfiurction or calibrdion or oonfigrmtion enor, to the e*snt dceurcd by PacifiCorp to be appropriate and pcnaittcd pursuantto UIREGIS TOU, PocifiCorp will, if possiblc, rely on readings from redundant metcrs whethcr such metcrs are PaoifiC;orp ownod or noL If rcadingp fronr rcdundant metors arc not possiblg PaoifiCorp will estimatc and re,pott meter data acoording to PacifiCorp's Scttlement Estimation Prwodurcs. 3.10.4 Rcsponsibilitv. Counterparty is solety responsible forthe data creded and s$mitt€d to PaoifiCorp, acting as a QRE, to forward to WREC}IS. 3.1I Raplatory Rsguircnrents. PaoifiCorp may rclease information pr,ovidod by Cormtclprty hercundor, or giatbcrcd by PacifiCorp in conncc'tion h€rcwith, to comply with any rcgul*ory requircmenB applicable to PacifiCorp or if rpquested by a PacifiCorp rcgulator q if requirod by any othcr fid€rBl law or court order. Counterparty waivcs all EIfi"4.(B)-7 t I I t,\ I :1 {' : !:, l .: :i tu@,IIE<a1*Ifll applieblc provisions ofthc Tsriffwtrich requirc PoclfiCorp to hold confidential infrrmeion with rcspoct to tho Creneralor Ownor and thc Facility, to the cxtcnt ncccscey for PacifiCorp to reporq as a QRE, gcocrdion Dafia and otryut rcgarding the Crcnc,ratioa Uni{s) ald to carry out PacifiCorp's obligptions uadcr this Agrcement. This provirion nball survivc any &rrrination of ftis Agrcement. 3.12 qrlgnt by Copnbrparty. Cormterparty hereby grants to, permig and audrorizcs PacifiCorp thc following: 3.12.1 PaciliCorp is herreby authorized to commrrricate and tansact with WREGIS as Cormtcrparfs sole and cxclusive reporting sourpe of generation data forthe Facility, and WREGIS is hereby rutlrorized to commrmicalc and trursact directly with PacifiCorp regBrding any generuion data iscu€s for the Facility, PrcifiCorp irrhereby auttrorizsd to act on behalf of Countorparty, but only to the cr.htthat PacifrCorp has laurfrrl, oontraoural aaccss to WREGIS. 3.12.2 PacifiCorp is hcrcby authorizod to provide WREGIS with all genoration dsts for the Frcility &at WREGIS roquircs, inoluding, but not limitod to, data requfuld for prcparation of requirod rcports md billing. 3.12,3 PacifiCorp is &fihorizod to undertake all actions which rp rcasonablc and rcc.Gslrary to carry out the obligntions s€t fofih in the subcoctions above. 3.12.4 Countcrparty raains alt other rights and responsibilities and all ottrer obligcions to WAEGIS. ry. IndemnitvandHoldHarmlcssbyCowErparE. 4,1 hdcrmrty. To ths ortsnt p€rmitcd by Rsquirements of [aw, Countcrparty hsreby lndemrifies and agqgsto holdPacifiCo{p, its officcrs, etnplqrcce, agetrt$ onreprisatativoa, harmless for any and all liability that is in any way associoed witr PacifiCorprs pc,rformance hercr,urdcr. This includes liability arisiqg tom: &c dara containod in thc Mortthly Generation Extrast File, or any othcr financial injury, or damage to pcrsons or property. Without lirniting tho gen€ralrty ofthe foregoing: 4.1.1 Waiver of Causos of Action md Claims for Damascs. Countorpar.ty hcreby waivcs any and all causcs of action arising uder or in respect o this Agrcemcnt, wltetlrer in contact, tofi or any other legal or equiublo 6cory (inoluding strist liability) ag3inst PacifiCorp. In no evcnt shall PacifiCop be liable to Countcrparty iE board of dircctor, ernplopeg agpnts, or reprcscntativos for any dcmands, direot costs, lost or proqpwtive prcfits or any other losscs, liabilitics or qxpenscs, r+fiothcr specia[ punttive, exemplary, / con$qucnti4 incidcrral, or indinrct in trEtrt, that arc in any way arsociatcd with PacifiCorp's performance of &c QRE funotion or othcrwise under or in respect of this Agrpclnqt" 4,2 hdgrnnitv by Cou&rpa4v. Counrcrparty shall rclease, indenrni$ and hold harmhss PaoifiCorp, its Affilistcs, and caoh of its and their rcspectivc directors, offrccrs, cmployccs, sgent$ and rcpresei$rtives (collectively, thc'?acifCorp Indemnitios") against and torr any and all losses, fines, penaltie$, claims, dcmands, damages, liabilitias, acfions or suits of any nature u{rusoovcr (inoluding legal ccts and attomcy's feas, both at tial and on appcd, uhether or not suit is blought) (coltectivcly, 'Liabilitios) rcsulting from, or aricing out of, or in any uray connocted wittu the performancc by Countcrparty of its obtigations heroundcr, or edr.4,7(B)-t :' * t ;. It.i L WMrUE--{at*tfl relating to the Facility, for or oo account of (i) injury, todily or othenvise, to, or dodr of, or (ii) for damage b, or dostnrction or eoonomic los of property of, any pcrson or cntity, orcepting only to thc extent suoh Liabilities as may be causcd by the gross negligence or willfrrl misconduct of any person or entity withia thc PaoifiCorp Lrdomnities. 43 NOTWIIHSTAI{DING A}.IY OTHER PROYISION OF THIS AGREEIvIE}.IT, COIJNTER,PARTY ASSTJMES FT,JLL RBSPONSIBILITY AI.ID RISK OF LOSS RESLJLTING FROM (l) TIIEFATLURE TO SEI{D DATA IN AFORTTAT SPECIFIED BY PACTFTCORP, (2) THE FAILTJRE TO USE PROTOCOLS SPECIFTED By PACTFICORP OR (3) TIIE SEI'{DING OF ERRONEOUS, UNTRImHFUL, INACCI,'RATts, AND/OR INCOMPLETE GEMRATING DATA TO PACIFICORP OR TI{E SEIIIDING OF ERRONEOUS, UNIRLII{FUL, INACCLTRATE, A}.ID/OR INCOMPLEIE DATA BY PACIFICORP TO WREOIS. IN NO EVEI\TT SHALL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENIIAL, INCIDEI.TTAL, SPECI,AL, E)(EMPIARY, OR OTTIER INDIRECT I.oSS OR DA}4AGES RESIJLTING FROM AI{Y BREACH OF THIS AGREEIVIENT, WHETI{ER CAUSED BY THE NBCLIGENCE OR INTENTIONAT ACTIONS Or PACIFTCORP (AI{D/OR rTS CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, AI{D EMPLOEES), REGARDLESS OF WHETIIER SUCH CLA,IM FOR DA}vlAcES XS BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE trOR AI.{Y LOSS OR HARM SUFFBRED BY COIJNTERPARTY OR ANY TI{IRD PARTY DTJE TO A}TY ACTION OR INACTION BY PACtsICORP TAKEN HEREI'I{DER IIIAT CAUSES A FACILITY TO LOSE A}IY CREDENTI,ALS, REGISTRATION OR QUALIFICATION I.JNDER THE RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STA}{DARD OR SIMIU.R LAW OF ANY STATE OR OTHER JURISDICTION. 4.4 PACIFrcORP WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A}.IY DAMAGES RESITLIfNGFROMECONOMIC LOSS,ITOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA" I,0SS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PROFTT, LOSS OF PRODUCTION TA)( CREDITS,IOSS OF SAVINGS ORRE\IENUE, LOSS OF GOOD\IryLL, TTIE CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES (INCLLTDING CUSTOMERS AI.ID SHAREHOLDERS OR OTHER EQIrrTy OWNERS), PERSONAL INJTJRIES OR PROPERTY DAMAGESI SUSTAINED BY THE COTJNTERPARTY ORA}TY TIIIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF PACIFICORPHAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY COUNTERPARTY (OR BY AI{Y TITIRD PARTY) OF SUCH DA}4AGES 4.5 PACIFICORP DISCLAMS ANY LI,ABILTTY FOR AND COTJNTERPA&TY WAI\IES AI{Y CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAIvIAGE RESLTLTING FROM ERRORS, OMXSSIONS, OR OTHER INACCI.'RACIES IN AIVY PART OF WREGIS OR TI{E REPORTS, CERTIFICATES OR OTI{ER INFORMATION COMPILED OR PRODUCED BY A}.ID FROM OR INPUT INTO trIREGIS USING COT,JNTERPARTY SI.JPPLMD GENERATTON DATA WHETIIER ORNOT SUCH ERRORS, OMTSSIONS OR INACCURACIES ARE DUE TO ERRONEOUS, UNTRUTIIFI'L,INCOMPLETE, OR INACCURATE INFORMATION TNPUT BY PACIFICORP INTO WREGIII. 4.6 COUNTERPARTY HEREBY RELEASES PACIFICORP AND ANY OF ITS CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, A}ID EMPLOYEES FROM AIVY A}.ID ALL LI.ABILITY }VITH RESPECT TO DA}AGES OR INJt'RIES INCURRED BY GENERATOR OUN{ER AS REIJ,TES TO THE FOREGOING, EXCLUDING AI\TY ARISING AS A RESUI,T OF I I I I t: ll ri :, I t I 1. ,] : ri i l I :, I l, l'_ I I t J t.i i '1 . 1 i ,:'t I : I ': ri Exh.4.(B) - 9 WMlII@Ifl TORTIOUS A}ID INTENTIONALLY KNOWING OR RECKLESS CONDUCT BY PACIFICORP. 4.7 COUNTERPARTYACKNOWIfiDGESA}IDAGRBES TTIAT,INTIIEEVENT OF BREACH OF TIIIS CO}TTRACT ORA}.TY OTI{ERACTION RESI'LTING IN LOSS OR POTENTTAL I.OSS OR DAIT{AGE TO C0I,,NTER,PARTY, TI{E soLE REcoI,,RsE 1:S Countcrparty rgrees to defErd, indemnify, and hold harmlcss PacifiCorp and i6 direotors, ofrlcen, omployocs-, and agen6 ftom and agEinrt anyand atl claims (inchaing Otitd-party claims); causcs of acioru whettcr in corntnact, tor! or any utrcr legal thoory- (furcluding strict liability); dcmands; dmagos; costr; liabilities,; Ioescs and e:rpcnsee - (ilcluding reasonable attomey's fecs aod oourt oosts) of any naturG whasower, wtrcncverarising arising out of, rcsulting fronr, arributable to, or relatcd to Counterparty generation Data our orrtput for: any inaccuracn cnor, or dolay in or omission of (i) any Dita, infonuation, or s€nicE or (ii) trc rurmission or delivory of any Data, inforrration, or scrvicei any intcmrpion of aay such Data, e&ut, inbrmEtion, or scrvico (whetlrcr or notcaucd byPacifiCorp)i or any financial, busitrps* commcrcial, or other judgman! docisioq act, ot omfusion mado by any pEffiotr or cntity basod upon or rcl*cd to thc informmion. 4.9 lffrconncctioq. Counterparty shall havc ns glsims hererurdcr rrinst paoifiCorf), acting in its msrchant finrction capacrty, wifi rffpcct to aly rcquir€murts imposeO by or damagos caused by (or allegedly caused by) acb or omissions of &c Tnnsnission provider or Interconncstion Provide, in connoction with thc Gcnetdion Intercomection Agree,pent or otlrrwise. CouttrParty shall defcn{ indcmniry and hotd PacifiCorp harmbsJagainst any liability arising due to Counterparty's performancc or failurp to perform undor de Gcneration Intorconnestion Aglecme,lrt. Countcrparols hilrm to obtain, or pcrfonn undcr, the Generation trntmonncction Agraement, or its clrcr oontacE ard obligahons to, Transmbsion hrovidsr or Intcrconnection Frovider is not s For€o Majeuni 4.IO TIIXS ARIICLE SHALL ST]RVTVE AI\IY TER,MINAfiON oF TTIIS AGREEMENT, WHET}IER SUCH TERMINATIONIS BYPACIFICTORP OR COUNTER,PARTY, AI\ID W}IETHER ORNOT SUCH TERMINATION IS ON AC€OIJNT OF A DEFAT]LT. V. FHfrerCounterpartvobligations 5.1 No Sale. Nothing hercin constitutos a sale or puchase of energy or rencnabls cnergy certificates to or by PacifiCorp. 5.2 gIS- Countcrparty shall bear all rislc, financial snd otherwise throughort thc Tenq, assooiat€d wi6 Counterparfs or the Faoility's eligibility o rcceive production ta;r crcdits(TTCs")or quahfy for accelerated depreciation for Countrrparry's accounting reportfu or taxpurposcs. 53 Fuilber Assunnc€p. At PacifiCorpb requesq the parties $all cxcouE such doqJfironts and insfimonts an may be reasonabty rcquired to effcct ttre csscmtial intcnt and putposGs hcrcof. 5.4 &!eESg!!g. Couterparty sball be rcsponsiblc for arranging and obtaining at its sole risk and Gxpsnso, any ststion seryice rquircd by the Facility. E rh.4.(B) - l0 WM,u.WIfl 5.5 Costs of Oqrfrshio and Operation. Without limiting the generalrty of any ofirer provision hcreoi Counterparly shall bs solcly rcqponsible for Fyttrg whcn due (e) all costs of owning and operating the Facility in compliancewith existing and finrc Requircments of Law and theterms and conditions hcreof, and O) all taxes and chargcs (howevr characErized) now ori*ing or hercinsftcr imposcd on or with rcspcct to the Facility, its operation, or on or with re8psct to eooissions or odra cnvironmcntal impacts of tlrc Facility, including any such talr or charge (howwcr chaructorizd) to the cxtont papblc by a goncrator of such cncrgy or rsnswablc cncrsr ccrtifica&s. 5.6 Coordination with Svstem. Couotcrparty shall bc rcsponsiblo for the coordination and synchonization ofthc Pacilityand the Intcrconnection Fasilitics with &c System, and shall bc solely reoponsiblc for (and ohall defend and hold PacifiCorp harmlcss against) any damago that may oocur as a direst rcsult of Counterpafl/s broach of &e Ganeration Intorporunoction Agrccment 5.1 Date Rcqucst Coutcrparty ohall, prornptly upon wriren rcquest flom PacifiCorp, pnovidc PacifiCorp with data rcasonably rcquircd for information requests from any Govcrnmental Authorities, stote or federal agency intervener or aoy otherparty achieving intervenror stlfits in any PaciffCorp rate proooeding or other procoeding boforc any govcrnmental authority. Counerparty shall use bcst effor6 to p,rovide this information to PacifiCorp sufftciently in advancc to enabl€ PacifiCorp to review it and mcet any suhmission deadlines. 5.E Additional l$formation. Countcrparty shall provide b PacifiCorp such othcr respecting Countqparty or the Facility as PaoifiCorp may, Aom time to timc, reasonably r€qucst 5.9 I.Io Dcdicnioq. Nothing hcrcin shall be corutrued to crcde any duty to, my standard of care with refergrcc to, or any liability to aoy psrson not a Party horcto. No undertaking by ono Party to the other under any provision hercof shall oonstitute the dodication of PacifiCorp's frpilities or any portion thcreof to Counterparty or to the public, nor aftot the status of PacifiCorp as an independent public utility corporation or Countetparty rs an iadcpendcnt individual or entity. 5.t0 Rcquircd Policies and Coverases. Without limitirg any liabilities or any other obligations of Countorparty horeunder, Cormtcrparty shall securo and continuously carry with an insurmce oompany or companics ratsd not lowcr than "B+u by thc AJ\{. Best Conrpanythe insurancc covcragc spccified inthc Gensration lntsrconnection Agrccmeni VI. Reprtsctrtations snd Warmntios. 6.1 Mutual Reprqsentations sod Waramies. Each Party rc,preserrts and warrurts to the ottrq that (i) it is duly organizcd and validly oristing under the lawr of thc jurisdiction of its incorporation or orgaaization; (ii) it has the corpomtc, governmental and o,{rer legal capacity and authority to enter hereinto and to perform its obligations hereunder; (iii) such execution and performance do not violato or oonfliot with any law, ordcr or aglEement applioable to ig (i9 it has all govommcntal and othsr authorizations that are roquirrd to have boen obtained or submited by it with respect h€reto, and they are in full force and effeot; (v) its obligiations horcunder are valid binding and enforoeable in accordancc with their tcrms (subjeot to banlatrptoy or sirrilar laws affocting crcditors'righe gencrally); anA (vi) no Bvcnt of Dsfault, or event nfiich with noticc and/or lap*e of time would constitutc such an Evemt of Default, B,&.4.(B).11 i ] ti: i i,| ii I {, !. 1: : i ii, I i: i lr : j a i I WMeIIE@Ifl has mourrcd and is continuing orwould ocsur as a rcsult of iB cnuing into or performing its obligations hercundcr. 6-2 Rsprcscplgtipns qq{ Yaranties of Count€rpadv. Countcrprty trcrcbyrepresents and wuerants to PacifiCorpi q) it f not rclying 1ryon any represenafions oifacitii:orp otlrer thurthoe orprossly rt 99 Eryitt; (iD it hse€ntercd tiereinto with a fult understanrling of thcm4tcrisl tcrms and ris*s of the sanre, ard it is capablc ofassuming those risks; tiiillt nas madc its tading and investmcnt docisions bascd upon its ownjudgrrent ard my "eri* no,such sdvisors as it hes deaacd-neocesory aod rpt in rcliance upon any view orjresced byPasifiCorp; (iv) it hss not rcceived ftoln PacifiCorp 8ny assurBnccs oi promisei rcglrding any financial rosults ortencfit hcrcundcr; (v) scrvice hereundcr is nof a utitlty roiice ' within thcmcaning of Section 466 oftho Unitsd Statcs Bankruproy Code; ana (vi) Counterparty holds legal title to thc Faoility or ortrerwisc hotds flri legal tight 6 crrrc tnoFacility to qrtcr into ttris Agreancnt YIL FinanoialRocponsibility. 7,1 A&Suatp AspqqFes. Wifuut limiting PacifiCorpls righb und€r Articlc VItr horeof,if Counrctparty hss failcd to msko a timely payrrout lrcmLdcr, and pacifiCorp has reasonable soun& for insccurity regarding the pcrformance of any obligation of Countcrrparty hcrcundcr (vilrcdrcr or not then due), PacifiCorp may aernana Adequaie Assurencas of Pcrfonnarco. 'Adoquet€ Assurances of Paformanrccn mcms sufficiont security in tho form, amount by an issuer or guamntor, and forthe tcrm rcasonably acccp,tablo to PaoifiCorp, inolu{ing; but not timitcO to, castL a sbrdby irrevocabljktt€r of $edF a P8epa}Irerfi, a-selynty intcrcst in government soouritios, an asset or a performance bond or gBarillty. Such Adoqruto Assurauocs of Performance shall be providod within ttnccbusitrtss days aftcr a writtcn dsnand is made by pacifiCorp. VIU" Events gf Dofault Remodies. 8.1 Evcntpf Default. nEvmt of Dcfautt'mems, with respect to a Party (thc ,'Dcfaulting Party"): s.l.l the failur-e to ncnder $fuen due any paytncnt or p€rfomance he,reunder, if suoh failure is mt renre.diod within five days after*riaennotice; E' 1.2 the failurc to timely provide adequate assurances roquirpd pursumt to Article VII hereof; t.l.? any such Paily's rcprcserrtetion or worranty prcves to have been inmnpct ormislcading in any material reqpect when madc; 8.1.4 ths failurc to ecrform any othor covcnart sgt fub hffiin if such failurs is notrcmodicd within fivo days aftcrwritten noticc; !.t.1 its bmknrptcn if adcguete assutirrlcos acoeptable to PacifiCorp and appoved by theBankruptcy Court ara not pmvidcd; -8.1.6 tho expiration or tcrnination of any credit support of Countcrpart/s obligationshcrcundcr (other thaq in accordsrce wi& its tenns) prior to th satisf;ction of aliobligationsof Counteiparty without the writton oonsent of pacifiCorp; or E.l.? In the oase of Counterparty: EI6.4,7(B)- 12 WW,Ufa-ry*Iffi E.l.7.l Countcrpartyfailsto report gcneration Data orOuput informetiontoPacifiCotp for the Faoility or Countetparty fails to send the dafa in a format and usc thc protixols spocified by PacifiCorp as deerrmincd by PaoifiCorp to be rcquirod to mest the requirunmts of thc WREOIS Oporating Rules; t,li,z Cormterrparty is dolinquent in paymmt to WREGIS ofmy WREGIS fcos for rcgimaiur or maintcnancc of Accounts or Subaocotmts, which paym€il impafus &e ability of PacifiCorp to rcpmt GcncrEtor DatE, Ortput, or other infonrration to WREOIS rpglrding thc Facility, which delinquency continues for a pcriod of0drty (30) days; 8.1,7.3 Conntcrparty fsils to comply with a request by PacifiCorp to provide cvidcnos of paluc,ut of WREGIS fees pstaining to the Facil8; or 8.1,7.4 Courterparty lnowingily or intentionally falsifies or misrtprtccns any Datr" ot&ut information, or o&er information roquired by IVREGIS. E2 Remedies Upon Fvent of Dcfault. In the Event of Defautt by a Party and for so lo4g as the Bvent of Dsfault is coatinuing the non{efauhing Prty (ttrc '?erfoming Party') shall havo fte right to do any or all of the following: (1) upon two buinoss days'written notice to tlrc Defaulting Party, torminsts this Agrcemeng (2) withhold Eny payments or perfomrmce due in rcspcct of &is Agrrcrrcag and (3) enrcrcisc such oftar Mnodics as may be available at lawor in equif or as otharrvisoplovidcd forhcrei& tothe eldcfit suohreuredies havenot bsen otherwise waivcd or limited pu$usnt to the t€nns hcr€of. E.3 Sggtr If an Evcnt of Default ossurs, thc Pcrforming Party may, at its clcction, sct offany or all amounts wtrich thc Defaulting Party owes to it or any Affiliatc of thc Performing Pafiy (whether under this Agrecmont or ottruwisc and whcthor or not then duc) agsiost any or all amounts wtrich it or my Affiate of trc Performing Party ourcs to thc Marlting Party (whcthcr undcr this Agreement or othenvise and whsther or not then dtto). 8.4 Pavmgnt of Damascs. Any amounts &rs on apcount of ffault shall be paid by the olose of hreiness on the nort busincss day following thc Defaulting Patt/s rcocip ofthe Performing Part/s uniten tcrminstion notice scting forth the termination Fyncnt due. 8.5 Limitrtionof Liabilitv. THE EXPRESS REMEDIBS AI.ID MEASLJRES OF DAI\4AGES PROVIDED HEREIN SATISFY TI{E ESSENTIAL PURPOSES HEREOF. FOR BREACH OF A}IY PROVISION FOR WHICH A}I E)(PRESS REMEDY OR MEASI,'RE OF DAI\{AGE IS PROVIDED, SUCH REMEDY OR MEASURE SHALL BE TI{B SOI,E AI.ID EXCLUSIVE REMEDY T}IEREF'OR. LIABILITY TTIAT HAS NOT BEEN OT}IERWISE EJ(CLUDED PIJRSUAI{T TO TI{E TERMS UTNBOT SH.ALL BE LIPIITED TO DIRBCT ACTUAL DAI{AGES ONLY AS T}IE SOLE AI.ID H(CLUSTVE REMEDY. D(CEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY SET FORT}I TMREIN, NO PARTY SI{ALL BE REQLIIRED TO PAY OR BE LTABLE FOR SPECIAI+ CONSEQT.'ENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITI\IE, H(EMPI.ARY, OR INDIRECT DAI{AGES, LOST PROFIT OR BUSINESS INTERRIJPfiON DA}VIAGES, BY STATUTE, IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTIIERWISE. 8.6 Suwival. Thia Articlo sunivcs the orpiration or tcrmination ha,reof. D(. Force Majeurc. 9.1 Exce,pt with ragnr-d to a Par{y's obligation to make payments hereundor, in tto went' either Party hercto is rendcred unable, wtrolly or in part, by Force Majeurc to c€rry out its Exh.4.7(B) - 13 I i tiI 1,,i I I t iIi. \: ,! i t: iI t: t I Iii : L : i II i @Oee*AGa.ot*Ifl obligltions Yith rcspoct hcrcto, tren upon suclr Patls (the "Claiming Party.) gtving noticesd frrll puticulrc of $eh Forcc Majeurc Es soon as rcrrcnably possible aftcr ure - oacurrcuoQ of thc curso rcliod tryon, such noticc to bo oonfirmcd in lvriting or by facsimih bfie o&erParty, hen the obligptions of tte Claimiry Parfy shall, to tre artentthiy arcaftcted W such foyc lihjarye, bc suspended during ttre continuane of said in*itity, Uutfrr no longorPqrod, andtre Clsiming Party shall not bo liabloto &o othrParty for, oron accormt of, any loos, damage, injtry or cxpense lesutdng trom, or rising out of such ovcot of Forcc Majeurc. The Pafiy rccciving sulh notice of F6rce ldqieurc shall havc r;ntil ttrE cod of the Businoss Day following such rcccipt to notifi thc Claiming Party thrt it objects to or disputes the odstcnoc of rn cvcnt of Force Mqieure. nForre lvlajeuro. means an went or oircurnsEncc whiohprwcnb onc Party ftom pcrfomring its obligtionshcrc[rnder, which evcnt or cir€umstancc was not anticipabd, wtrich is not within thc rpasonable control o{, or tho rwuh of tlrc nogligence of, the claiming Pary, and which, by the exorciso of due diligcnce, tlrc ClaimfuB Party is unable to overcomc or arroid or cause to bc avoided. Coutqparty's failut to ohain, orpcrforo undor, the Gcnoration Intsrconncction Agrcmcnt, or its other coiltacB and obligations to, Traasmission hovids or Interconnection Provider is not a Force lr{ajeurc. 9 2 Fopc-Majlut Doc! Itlqt Afu CIhcr Obligdions. No obligations of either Party that aross befora ths Force l\{ajare causing &e rucpcusion of performanoe or that ris€ afor the sessation of the Forcs N{qieurc shall be-cxsuscd-by the Forrc l\fiajourc. 9.3 Strikes. Notwi&standing any othcrprovision hercof, ncithcr Party shalt be rcquircd to sottle any stike, walkout, lookout or othcr labor dispute on tcrus which, in thc solejudgment of trc Party involvcd in the disputc, m conhary to the Party's bost intcrp$s. X. Mscellanoous. l0.l C.TIOICE OF LAW. this Agrcclnent shall be int€rprsted and enforued in aocodqnce with the laws ofthe rtab of Orcgoq excluding my choicebf hw rules tr* may direct thc application of the laws of urotherjurisdiction. 192 RpsEiction on Assilltmeots. Neithcr Prty may assign tris Agrcerncmt or any of itsrighr or obligations hcreurdcr wi&out tho priorwritten consont of the othsr Party, which conscnt shall not bc unrcasonably wittrheld" Any purportcd rssignmcat in violation hereof shall bc void ab initio. This furcement inurcs to ttre bcncfit of and is binding upon tho Partics and their respoctive succosson and pcrmitrcd assigns. 10,3 Notices. AII aotices, rcquosts, staBments or pa),ments shsll bc made to the addrcsscs sct out on the Noticeg Enhibit. Notices roquired to be in u/riting shaU be &livcrcd by |ctter, fucsimile or otter docrunentary form. Notico by frsimile or hrnd dclivcry shail be luc,"eO ! havc bcen grven whea rcceivod or hand dcliverpd. Notice by ovemight-mail or oourier shnll be dc€mcd to havc been givco on thc date and time eviderrced by tt u &livery rcccipt.'The Partios may c,haqgc any of thc pereons to whom noticss arc aadrissca, or thoir addrcsscq by providing wrifien notico in accordance with tbis Soction. J0.4 F,lftrg Agrecmcpt Counttroarts. This Agreomont constitutcs the cntirc agrccmcnt between thc Parties widr respect to its subjcct matter. This Agreement rray not be amffrde{ chaoged, modifid, or altcr€d unless such-f,trendm€,n! chang;, modificaion, or altcration is in vritingand qigned by both Parties. This Agrecmcnt may bc occcutcd in counterparts, inchding bytclc&csimilc transmissioq cach of which is an original snd all of rrtrich taken EIr.4.(B)-14 i 1" IiIi tl I WW,UWIfl togcthcr constiilte one and thc same original instrrxnont This Agrauncnt oomplaoly and frrtly supcrsedcs all othcrprior undcrstandings or agrremcnB, bodr wrifrcn and oral, betrrccn ths Parti€s relating to the subjcot matter hereof. If any provision of ftis Agrceurent is dst€rmined to be invali4 void or unenforcoable by any colut of oompetentjurisdistior! such dctcrminrion shall not invalidatc, void, or makc rmcnforccablc anyotherprcvision, agtomcot or covcnant of this Agrccmen( provided the basio purposes of this Agwmcnt aud the bancfits to tho Parties are not suMrtially iapaired. 10.5 No Waiver. Waiver by a Party of any default by the other Party shall noi be cousfircd as a waivcr of my othor dcftult, nor shall any dclay by a Party in thc cxercisc of anyrightunihrthis Agrqnentbe considered as a waiverorElinquishmenttreroof. 10.6 luisdi$ion. Any judioial action arising out o[ reoulting from or in any way rclating to this Agecmcnt shall be bmought only in a statc or ftdcral oourt of Multnomah County, Oregon. In thc went such judicial p,roceedings ars institutcd by either Party, tho prevailing Prrty shall be cntitlsd to award of it msts urd atornoys'fees incurrcd in connection with such proccedings. 10.7 Jurv Trial Sraivcr. TIIE PARTIES EACH HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAI. ALL RJOHT TO TRIAL BY JTJRY IN ANTY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COTJNTBRCI.AIM ARISING OUT OF OR REI,ATING HERETO, AI{Y GREEN TAGS ORTTIE TRANSACTIONS CONIEMPI,ATED I{EREBY. EACH PARTY FTJRTHER WAIVES ANY RIOHT TO CONSOLIDATE AI{Y ACIION IN WHICH A JI.'RY TRIAL HAS BBEI{ WATVED }VIrI{ AI{Y OTIIER.ACTION IN WHICH A JI.]RY TRIAL CA}INOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAN'ED. tO.E No Third Party Fcncficiafics. Wittr thc exception of Transmission hrovider md Infrconnec'tion Provider, who are orpress third party bcneficiuios hcrQof, this Agrcemcnt oonfers no rights whatmevor upon sny pcrson othcr than tre Partios and shall not crGatc, or be interpncted as creating, fiiy standard of carc, duty or liability to any pcrson not a Party he,rtco. 10.9 Rclationshiu olthe Earties. Nothing co,ntained herein shall bc conEuucd to creala an association, joint ventrrp, tnrst, or partrership, or impose a trust or partnership covonant, obligation, or liability on or with rsged to any orrc or morc of thc Partics. Edch Parry shdl bc indiyidually responsible for its own covenants, obligations, md liabilities under this Agrrenrcut IN WIIT{ESS WHBREOR the Partios have orocu&d Sis Agrccme,nt by &eir duly uthorizcd rrprcscntatlves as of thc datc first ab6ve uritten. PacifiCorp lCounterpa*y] BY: NAIVIE: ITILE: BY: NAIV{E: TITLB: I tt ItII tt.i i' I't.l : !i 1 ! I 1 ,!I I 1 :i it i .i t J ? : I I lI ) I : i ; l li E rh.4.{B) - 15 wa*IIWffi EI&iIA frility ed Ceotdion ho: be rm by QRB For Frility Gofr 0ro ftltowing infuodion: F*ilityNrmc ad Addrou R lourco ID utd MctGr Numbq (Dcvioc ID) ar listd on thc Maer Scrvioo Agrwrd for &c IllO MthrcdEndticr USAnbOfq SciroU,rf, I WREGIS ID MctPoirtr * .t: t I :i ii,l L:t r*i !$ :S.,i' I :f :i' jr I i :l I ii .i ,, ,I t t i : .!'). ii:i: t:, ,i i1i' , tI t*t ,lt: t. t. ;, xII il e. {.7@)- 16 Officc of trc Secrctary Servioc Daie December2l,20ll BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIM MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OT PACIrICORP DBA ROCICT MOUNTNN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A rIRM EI\IERGY SALE,S AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOI]NTNN POWER AIYD CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (RATTLESNAKE CANYON PRO.IECT (11{1), COYOTE IIILL PROJECT (11-02), NORTH POINT PROJECT (lt-03), STEEP RIDGE PROJECT (11-04), AIID FIyE PINE PROJECT (r1-0s)). CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC, Petitioner/Appellang SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 39134-20t1 IPUC CASM NOS. PAC-E.II.OI PAC.E.I1{2 PAC.B-I143 PAC.E.I1{4 PAC-E-II.05 PUC ORDER NO. 32419 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Y. IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, Respondent, Respondent on Appeal, and PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWE& Respondent. On July 27,2011, the Commission issued Final Order on Reconsideration No. 32302 affirming its prior decision to not approve five Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs or Ageements) entered into between Cedar Creek Wind and PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power pursuant to the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Based upon the expressed t€fins of the five Agreements, the Commission found that the PPAs were not effective prior to December 14,2010 - the date on which the eligibilrty for PURPA published avoided cost rates in Idatro changed from 10 average megawatts (aIvIUD to 100 kilowatts ftW) for wind and solar qualiffing facilities (QFg. Order No. 32260. Because each of tlre PPAs IoRDER NO. 32419 requested publislred avoided cost rates but ttre projects werc in excess of 100 kW, the Commission found ttrat ttre published rate was no longer available to the projects. On August 5,2}ll, Cedar Creek filed a Petition with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) claiming that the Commission's Order No. 32302 was inconsistent with FERC's regulations implementing PLJRPA. While its Petition to FERC was pending Cedar Creelq on August 31,2011, also appealed the Commission's ffier to the Idaho Supreme Court. On October 4,2011, FERC issued an Order concluding that the Commission's Order was inconsistent with PURPA and FERC's PURPA regulations. On October 24,2011, the Commission and Cedar Creek filed a Stipulated Motion with the ldatro Suprerne Court ttrat the appeal be temporarily zuspended and the matter remanded to the Commission.l Suqpending the appeal would allow the Commission to reconsider its Order No. 32302 in light of the FERC Order and provide the parties with an opportunity to discuss the possibility of resolving the dispute. I.A.R. 13.3. On November 9, 2011, the Court issued an Order zuspending the appeal and re,manding the matter to the Commission for firther review. On remand, the Commission invited settlement of the entire dispute and authorized the Commission Staff to participate in the settlement negotiations. Order No. 32386 ctting Rules 352 and 353. Cedar Creek, Rocky Morlrtain and Staff(collectively the "Parties") convened four settlement conferences. On December 15,2011, the Parties filed a Motion to approve a "Stipulation of Settlement and Request for Approval of Power Purchase Ageements" ('Settlement Stipulation") ftat proposed to settle all the disputed issues. Having reviewed the underlying administative record, the FERC Order and the Settlement Stipulation, the Commission issues this final Reconsideration Order on Remand. As explained in greater detail below, the Commission approves the Settlement Stipulation and approves the three modified PPAs. Accordingly, tlrc Commission amends and clarifies its prior Order No. 32302 to be consistent with this Order. Idaho Code $ 61-624. I When the Stipulated Motiou nas fi1e4 Rocky Mountain had not yet been grant€d intervention by the Cotut. Nevcrtheless, Rocky Mountain supported the suspension and rcmand. oRDER NO. 32419 2 BACKGROT'NI) A, E@ility Cap Cose Prior to the filing of the five Cedar Crpek PPAs, Avista Corporation, Idaho Power Company, and Rocky Mormtain (collectively 'lhe Utilities") petitioned the Commission on November 5, 2010, to initiate a generic investigation to address various PLJFJA issues. The Utilities also requested that wtrile the investigation was undenvay, the Commission "immediately''reduce the eligibility cap or ceiling for the *published" avoided cost rate from l0 a[,IW per month to 100 kW per month. Order Nos. 32212 and 32302,2 The Commission issued a Notice and Order openlng a separate investigation (GNR-E-10-04), solicircd initial and reply comments, and convened an oral argument to address the proposed redustion in the eligibility cap. OrderNo. 32131 at 6-7. The Commission subsequenfly found that the Utilities had made a convincing case to temporarily "reduce the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates from l0 aI\,IW to 100 kW for wind and solar [OFs] only while the Commission further investigates" other PLJRPA issues. Order No. 32176 at 9 (emphasis original). Consistent with its prior Notice, the Commission ordered that the eligibility cap for the published rate be reduced from l0 a[/tW to 100 kW for wind and solar projects effective December 14, 2010. Order Nos. 32176, 32212, 32302. No party, including Cedar Creek, appealed the Commission's decision to reduce the eligibility cap. OrderNo. 32302 at 5, 14-15. B. The Five OrtghalAgreemenb The procedual history of this consolidated case is complex and lengthy, but the pertinent points are surnmarized here. On December 22, 2010, Rocky Mountain Power and Cedar Creek executed five separate PPAs for five wind QF projects.3 Under the terms of each Agreement, eaeh project agreed to sell energy to Rocky Mountain for a2}-year term using the published avoided cost rate set by the Commission. Taken together, the five projects had a 2 Pursuant to FERC's PT RPA negulations, state commissions must 'lublish" an avoided cost rate for small QFs with the design capaciry of 100 kW or less. 18 C.F.R. $ 292.304(c[l). However, PITRPA regulations also declare that state commissions "may'' set standards or published rates at a higher capacity amount. lE C.F.R $ 29230a@)Q-2). In February 2fi)8, the Commission established the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates for each of ths tbree utilities at l0 aMW. Order No. 30488 at 17. ' Because of the similarity betrreen each of the five Agreements, tre Commission found it reasonable and appropriate to consolidate the cases and issue a consolidated Order. Order No. 32260 at n.l. oRDERNO. 32419 3 nameplate capacity of 133.4 MW.4 Under normal and/or average conditions, each wind project was to have sold its output of not more than l0 aI\,IW per month to Rocky Mountain at the published rate. The projects all selected October l,2}l2 as the scheduled commeroial operation date (COD). OrderNo. 32302 at 3. On January 10, 2011, Rocky Mountain filed the Applications requesting that the Commission issue an Order "accepting or rejecting" the five Cedar Creek PPAS. On Febnrary 24,2011, the Commission issued a consolidated Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure for the five Applications. Cedar Creek and Commission Statrfiled timely comments in response to the Notice of Modified Procedure. Rocky Mountain and Cedar Creek both filed reply cornments. In its final Order No. 32260 issued June 8, 2011, the Commission declared that ..the primary issue to be determined in these [Cedar Creek] cases is whether the Agreemmts were executed before the eligibility cap for published rates was lowered to 100 kW on December 14, 2010-' Order No. 32260 at 9. The Commission found that the five PPAs were not fully- executed (i.e., signed by botr parties) pTror to December 14,2A10. Relyrng on the actual terms of the PPAs, ttre Commission found that each PPA stated that '1he 'Effective Date' of [each] Agreement is 'after execution by bo.th Parties and after apBroval by the Commission.n" Id. ctting PPA t[T 1.13,2.1. (emphasis added).5 Because the Commission had previously reduced the eligibility cap for the published avoided cost rate from l0 aIvIW to 100 kW, the five ppAs "contained an esselrtial term that was no longer available to the Projects." Order No. 32302 at 2. Cedar Creek timely filed a Joint Petition for Reconsideration of the Commission's final Order No. 32260. On reconsideration, Cedar Creek argued that the Commission's Order was eroneous because a "legally enforceable obligation" existed between Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain prior to the reduction in the eligibility cap on December 14, 2010. As a result, Cedar Creek maintained that it was entitled to published avoided cost rates and urged the Commissionto "expeditiously approve the Agrcements as submitted." OrderNo. 32302 at 2. 'Ttre Applications for Rattlesnake Canyon, Coyote Hill and North Point indicated that each of these projocts would have a-maximum nameplate capaclty of 27.6 MW, while Steep Ridge and Five Pine would each have a maximum nameplate capacrty of25.3 MW. t The commission also oblgrved that the opening paragraph of each Agreement states that the Agreement is"entored into ttris 22il day of December 2OlO.,; Id. oRDERNO.32419 4 On reconside,ration, the Commission affirmed its prior decision that the five PPAs all contained express language that the effective date of each Agreement is wtren both parties signed the PPAs - December 22,2010. The Commission noted that it was undisputed that Cedar Creek signed the PPAs on December 13, 2010, and Rocky Mountain signed on December 22,2010. Id. Agreements llT 1.13, 2.1, Order No. 32302 at 4, 6,8. Given the agreed upon effective date, the Commission affirmed that each Agreement did not become effective until after execution by both Parties. Order No. 32302 at 9. The Commission also found that it is not in the public interest to allow parties with contacts executed on or after Decetnber 14, 2010, to avail themselves of an eligibility cap, and thus published rates, that are no longer ap,plicable. Order No.32302 atlz,16. D. The FERC Cose andtheAppeal On August 5,2011, Cedar Creek filed a Petition with FERC requesting that the federal agency bring an enforcement action against the Commission pursuant to 16 U.S.C. $ 82aa-3(hX2) or, in the altemative, to make certain findings related to the Commission's decision. Cedar Creek claimed that the Commission's Order is inconsistent wfth fERC's regulations implernenting PLJRPA. On October 4,2011, FERC issued an Order declining to bring an enforcement action against the Commission. However, FERC determined that the Commission's Order was inconsistent with PURPA and FERC's implementing regulations. Notice of Intent not to Act and Declaratory Order, 137 FERC tJ 61,006 (Oct.4,20ll). In particular, FERC construed the Commission's final Order No. 32260 as "limiting the creation of a legally enforceable obligation only to QFs that have [PPAs] . . . signed by both parties to the agreement." Id. at'!|26, FERC interpreted the Commission's Order as requiring a fully-executed contact as a condition preoedent to the crcation of a legally enforceable obligation between the parties. Id. atffi 30, 35. Although this Commission has a long line of cases to the contrary, FERC concluded ttrat the Commission did not recognize that *a legally enforceable obligation may be incurred before the formal memorialization of a contract to witing.' Id. ar\36. FERC did not rule whether Cedar Creek had perfected a legally enforceable obligation for the five projects. Id. atffi 38 (whether there is a "legally enforceable obligation . , . is not beforc us."); 39. Given the issuance of the FERC Order and Cedar Creek's appeal to the Idatro Supreme Court, Cedar Creek and the Commission filed a Stipulated Motion for the appeal to be temporarily suspended and the mafier remanded to the Commission. oRDER NO. 32419 5 THE, SETTLEMENT STIPTILATION Cedar Creek, Rocky Mountain and Staff (collectively the "Parties') oonvened four settlement conferences on October 20 and 27, November 16, and De,cember l,2}ll. As a result of these settlement discussions, the Parties on December 15, 201l, filed a Motion to Approve the Settlement Stipulation and Request for Approval of Power Purchase Ageements (the 'oSettlement Stipulation'). The Parties disclosed that they have resolved all disputes benreen and among thernselves. The Parties requested that the Commission modiry its Order on Reconsideration No. 32302 and approve tbree of the five original PPAs as amended in the Settlement Stipulation. More specifically, the Parties requested that ttre Commission approve the amendments to the North Point project (Case No. PAC-E-I l-03); the Five Pine project (Case No.'PAC-E-I l-05); and the Coyote Hill project (Case No. PAC-E-I l-02) (together, the "Agreements'). In addition, Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain agreed to withdraw the remaining two Applications and accompanying PPAs. Stipulation at $ 2.6 The Parties agreed that Cedar Creek had established a legally enforceable obligation under PLJPJA no later than Decerrber 13, 2010. Stipulation at gg l, 4. Because zuch obligation arose prior to Decomber 14, 2010, the Parties agree that the suniving PPAs should be approved by the Commission at the avoided cost rates contained in the Original Agreements. /d. at $ 5. Thus, Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain are restored to their relative positions under the original PPAs. The three surviving PPAS will have a combined nameplate capacrty not to exceed 133.4 MW and Rocky Mountain shall not be required to purchase more than 438,000 MWh (i.e., approximately 50 aIvIW) of output in any given calendar yar. Id at $ 7; PPAs at 1.30, 1.43,4.1. The North Point PPA will be modified to have an 80 MW nameplate capacity, while the Five Pine and Coyote Hill PPAs will have a total nameplate capacrty not to exceed 53.4 MW. Stipulation, Exh.A, B, C. Both the North Point and Five Pine PPAs provide that these PPAs may be assigned to Ridgeline at its Meadow Creek site. /d at S 21.2. Because the Meadow Creek facility already has its transrnission interconnestion with PacifiCorp, assignment to Ridgeline would allow the scheduled commercial operation date (COD) for both facilities to be December 31, 2012. I nr9 trro Applications and PPAs to be withdrawn are: the Steep Ridge project (Case No. PAC-E-I l{4) and the Rattlesnake Canyon project (Case No. PAC-E-I l4l) (togetho, the "Withdravm Agrcements"). Stipulationat 2. oRDER NO. 32419 6 Utilizing the Meadow Creek facility would allow Cedar Creelc/Ridgeline to obtain Treasury gaots and other ta,r incentives before they are set to expire on December 31,2012. Any assignment of North Point and Five Pine to Ridgeline must occur within 90 days of the effective date of the PPAs as modifie{ approximately on or before March 31,2012. Exh. A, B, C $ 21.2.7 The Coyote Hill project is contanplated at the original Cedar Creek site. In addition, the PPAs furttrer provide that Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain shall share the "Environmental Attributes" (including but not limited to rcnewable energy oredits (RECs) and Gresn Tags) atfiibuted to the surviving PPAs. More specifically, Cedar Creek shall be entifled to the environmental attibutes for the first 10 years of operation, while Rocky Mountain shall be entitled to the environmental amibutes for the last 10 years of the 2O-year Agreements: Exh. A, B, C at $$ 1.17, 1.26,4.6. The Parties assert that the settlement of their dispute including the modifications of the surviving PPAs represents a fair, just and reasonable resolution of the disputed claims, and are consistent with applicable law and regulatory policies. Stipulation at $$ l, 6, 12. The Parties furttrer maintain that the settlement represents a negotiated compromise between the Parties and is in the public interest. The Parties agree that the Settlement Stipulation "resolves all issues raised by any paffy in the captioned [Commission] dockets, in the FERC Proceeding, and in Cedar Creek's appeal to the Idaho Supreme Cowt. If the Commission adopts the Settlement Stipulation, each waives, releases and discharges the other Parties from any and all causes of action, suits, claims, demands, and liability whatsoever in law or equity," Id at g l'1. The Parties urge the Commission to approve this Settlement Stipulation and the PPAs in their entirety and they stand ready to support the Stipulation. Id. at $ 13. COM]VtrSSION IITNDINGS At the outset, we commend the Parties for their diligence and efforts at resolving the underlying disputes. Consistent with our authority under ldaho Code $ 6l-624 and Rules 352 and 353, we invited settlement of all of the disputes arising from our Order Nos. 32260 and 32302. OrderNo. 32386 at 2. 7 Although the Ridgeline/Ivleadow Creek tansmission line is already completed, this line may have Gapactty limitations. Consequently, the PPAs allow for a combination of generation sizes at the Five Pine and Coyote Hill projects so long as the total generation for all the projects not exceed 438,000 MWh. This purchase cap shall be tued-up annually. Stipulation at $ 7. ORDERNO, 32419 7 Rule 356 provides that the Commission is not bound by the Parties' Settlement Agreement. IDAPA The Commission will "independently review any settlement proposed to it to determine whettrer the settlement is jus! fair and reasonable, in the public intere.* or otherwise in accordance wirh law or regulatory policy." Id. The Commission rnay accept rejecL or modifr settlement provisions. Moreover, proponents of settlements on appeal carry the burden of showing that the settlement is reasonable and in the public interest. Rule 355. When a settlement of an appeal - such as this case - calls for Commission action, the Commission will prescribe an appropriate procedure to examine a proposed settlement. In this case, the Parties to the appeal have asked the Commission to amend Reconsideration Order No. 32302 issued July 27,2An, and approve three modified PPAs. Idaho Code g 61424 provides that the Commission'tnay at any time, upon notice to the public utility affected, . . . rescind, alter or amend any order or decision made by it." After having reviewed the record in this case, the FERC Order, the Stipulation of Settlement and Request for Approval of Power Purchase Agreements, and the modified ppAs, we find the record is comprehensive and further proceedings are not necessary. Rule 354. Based upor our review of the entire record and the particular facts of this case, we find that the Settlement is fair, just and reasonable, aud in the public interest. As noted by the Parties, the Stipulation represents a reasonable compromise of the positions held by the Parties. In our initial decision, this Commission made a determination about whether to approve the Agreements based on the express terms contained within each Agreement. In our past experience, when a QF wants a determination that there is a legally enforceable obligation, it files a complaint against a utility that it alleges has failed to negotiale. This is the first time the Commission has reviewed the facts of this case for evidence regarding the existence of a legally enforceable obligation outside the express terms of the original five Agreements entaed into by Rocky Mountain and Cedar Creek. There are several reasons supporting orn determination that the settlement is fair and reasonable to Cedar Creek, Rocky MouutairU and ratepayers. First, the Stipulation rchrms Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain to their respective positions prior to the issuance of our Orders disapproving the PPAs. Based upon the Parties' assertions in the Settlement Stipulation and our review of the record, we find that the record reveals that Cedar Creek had perfected a legally enforceable obligation no later than Deember 13, 2010. As such, Cedar Creek was entitled to oRDERNO. 32419 8 the published avoided cost rates available to l0 aMW QFs in effect as of December 13,2010. The three modified PPAs equate to the original five PPAs. Second, PacifiCorp and ratepayerc are protected rmder the settlement and the three modified PPAS by being obligated to purchase no more than the total equivalent of 50 alr,IW of net output as originally contemplated under the five PPAs. Assignment also allows the COD date to advance, thereby providing benefit to Cedar Crek. Thir4 ratepayers and Rocky Mountain are firther advantaged because the modified PPAs recognize that the envirorunental attributes produced by the three modified projects will be equally apportioned between Rocky Mountain and Cedar Creek. Under the PPAs, Cedar Creek will be entitled to the environmental attributes for the fust l0 years of the Agreements and Rocky Mountain will be entitled to the environmental atfiibutes for the last 10 years of the Agreements. This is an improvement over the original PPAs because the assignment of the environmental attibutes or RECs was not clearly delineated in the original Agreements. Moreover, subsequent revenues derived from the environmental attributes will offset Roclqy Mountain's purchase of the output from the surviving PPAs over the last l0 years of the Agreements. Finally, we find that resolution of this matter will avoid uncertainty and conserve resources (both time and money). This is benefisial to Cedax Creek, Rocky Mountain and ratepayers. The settlement avoids the likelihood of litigation in multiple forums and represents a significant benefit to all Parties. Here the settlerne,lrt brings the dispute to a reasonable conclusion and benefits Cedar Creek, Rocky Mountain and ratepayers. Rules 354-355; Aguine v. Hamlin, S0Idatro 176,327 P.2d149 (1958). ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that ttre Motion for Approval of the Stipulation of Settlement and Request for Approval of Powcr Prtrchase Agreements filed by the Parties is granted. In addition, we approve the three modified Agreernents identified in Exhibit A (Norttt Point), Exhibit B (Five Pine), and Exhibit C (Coyote Hill). IT IS FURTI{ER ORDERED that Rocky Mountain Powetr's request to withdraw t}re Steep Ridge Application and Agreement (Case No. PAC-E-I144) and the Rattlesnake Canyon Application and Agreement (Case No. PAC-E-I l-01) is granted. oRDER NO. 32419 9 IT IS FLJRTHER ORDERED that OrderNo. 32302 issued J:ud,y 27,2An, is amended consistent with the findings and discussions set otrt in this Order pursuaot to ldaho Code $ 6l- 624. TrIIs Is A FINAL REC0NSIDERATION ORDER oN REMAND. Any party aggrieved by this Order may appeal to the Supreme Cotut of ldaho as provided by the Public Utilities Law and the Idaho Appellare Rules. 9ee, Idoho Code g 6l-627. DONE by Order of the Idalro Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this &t tt day of December 201l. r\ MACK A. REDFORD, COMMISSIOMR H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Barrows Assistant Commission Secretary blVO:PAC-El l{l_PAC-E-l l{2*PAGE-l I-03_PAGEI 144_pAC-E-t t-05 dh3 oRDERNO.324t9 l0