HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210104Exhibit 18B.pdfXfl:i JSH *tu, pll lrr $g i:"'aj.: -! r,'i:;i sa - ri r.j"i,L';Tdi#IEerm Exhibit B Five Pine Project Power Purchase Agreemenf ?fu*o.Lmrrd,IfG4fuh FOWB,PUA(EAS.0GNMUE{T. BEIWEE.I cEDAn CREDK TyII{D, r,LC AT{) PA(IIIOORP Rffig 6 ftB IhG noiod, a ryptu lBf IIW Whd ltrltre Gtnffi PI1Fd a refirdd cr*ymr, [rtunicdRmroc wih lvlo&okal Ard[&iliry Gntme L&bQrli$iryrdity j \:I i. Lr il :i t;. ii. jl i: iti i I :j I ,',,i t, frlr lrt'{: '1.,' : '..:ij i,, ! :iiiliI;. 1,, I t,t. li l,t' j: :. (f) fuCruktrM,LLHEkc EhdCooGG SDCIION 1.gfcIIoN2" sEcfroN3. SECTION 4. sBgrrox 5. SBSIION 6. sDgfIoN 7. sEguoN& SECTION 9. sBcuoN r0. SECIION II. sEcfioN ra SECTION 13. s8guoN t{. sDer[roNlS. sBefloN 16. SESIIONIT. sBefloN 18. sEgrIoN19. SECTION20. SECIION2I. $BCTION22. SECTION23. DBLMRY Or POWER; AVAITABILITY GUARAI.ITY -ri-,,-.*r.-rr l5 IE 2,0 24 24u 27 27 29 3t 32 OPER,ATION A}.ID CONIROL .4..a......r.............4i... MOTTVEFORCE GENERATION FORECASTING COSTS....... METERJNG: REFORTS AI{D RECORDS................. BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS A}ID PAIT{ENTS sBctruTY...............,......,................. DEFAI,'LTS AI{D REMEDIES ................. INDEMNIFICAIION: LIABILITY......... PARTIAL II.IVALIDITY ......3't (i) CcbCrukVM,ILHtwPb FO}VXRPURCEASAGNEEMEtrTT TI{ISPOWERPLIRCIIASEAffimn[Ef\ff,ddtrgbFfiIEPINE,mrynrudmtS3.4]vfWwind utireggrndimpiojccqor$ffcdintoftis-ft day of Deccmba 2011, is botrvpcn eadr Cbek Win{ L[,C, s Delswac limitcd liability comparry Ge "Sdel,) ud PaoffiCorp, ar Oregpn oorpmio acdng in ie mer&ar fimctim capity (mnOorp1. Sdler md PaoifiCup arrcftmsdb collcctivcly as the "Perfu" and individually aa a'krt}l"'. RECXTALS A" Scltcr iffii& b ootfiu.t, ovin, opcutr ed nrafufur a wird frcility, irrh.dng Sc[cr's ldercomoc.tim Facilities, fs &c gsncrdion of elcctio porrcr loced in l&bo, witb m apoed Fecility Cryacity ltaing ohpudmddy 53.a negEure as firttrdosibod in Exhibit A md Erhibft B flradtty). B Sdhr has socilrcd dittso delivcno&rt fiom its Feilityb hoifiCorp amss lhc incrponnsctim fld dcr frcilitics as firrtk dffiibd in Eillb*B mdAddeufu L C, Se[€r iffinds to opcrsb thc Facility as a Qrulifying Faoility, as slrch urn ir dftred in Secio 159 bohm, adb sllNetosrb hoifiCapin ldstp. D Sdleresimes thdfu $/cngp mmnlNstOStrb bc &livercd bythsfrilityo MCGp is 140,590,4t9 kiloud houn (kWh) (A'rcmepArnud Nct (hrlpud) prs6b ltrc Initial lss Eacry Dclivsy &hseft in Sodim 43.1, ufrich urouil of crssl PaoifiCory will include in its rpsourrc planning. B Scller irilen& b sotl ad PacifOup irmds b ru*ssc all lbl.Itt OSI ftm ltn Frility h accodmc xri& fu Ens ud cqditirc of &is Agrccrrerfr- F. PrifCorp ft6& o eigte Sdlcr's fadhy as a Nctqrcrk Rcsdne for fu purposes of scrving Nstrrork Load. G thic AerEGnrcd is a A.bw QF Corlrad'r.ndcr ttc PadfiCqp tficrplrrisdk*imd Cost Allocation Rsvisod Pro,toool. H. Selt€r hB adrcized Transrissim Plovi&r b rclcasc grnaadon drta to PaoifiCorp. If ycs, ths authorization is arachad as Exhibit IL NOIV, TI{EREFORB fu Platiee tamnfty agree r follonm SECIION 1. DEflNITIONS Wkr tlsd in ftis Agranarf thc b[owing tams shall hsvc tre blloufrrg meanfurgs: l.l "Ar'buftSupplemf'shallbcasryplcnredbEtrh&fr ArprovidcdbySdlcr following oomplction of construction of the Fapility, accurately dcscribing tho completcd Facility. 12 "Avalhbility" mea[,l, for any Billing Poiod, tho ratio, orpwsd as a pcrcetrago, of (x) tho Eggrtgatc sum ofthe tntino-minntos in which oach of thc Wind l, t ..ttt i: I 1:tIIItII II .: i { i:,it'ilt,., i. I II : i,i .a I CefuCtc*ll@UfrafvePba Ttsines at the Faoility was availablc to gcncrdc d tho Maximum Facility Dolivcry R*e during Se BillingPqiod over (y) ftcproductof0re numberof trtind Turbinosthd comprh thc Facility Capacrty lhfing as of Commcrcial Opcrdion muhiplied by the numbcr of minutcs in such Biiling Pcriod. A Wind Ttrtbine shall bc dcomod not availablc to opcras drning minues in which it is (a) in m emergencn stop, servicc modc or pause statc; O) in 'tun' stahrs md faulEd; or (o) otlrcrwisc not operational or capoble of delivcring d fte It[oximum Facility Dolivery Ralc to thc Point of Dclivery; rmlcss if unavailablo duc sololy h (D a defailt by PooifiCorp; (O to ee eldetrt not caused by Sellcr's agtions, a sutailmcnt in apoordarpe with Sestion 6.3 or (iii) insufficicrt wind (inclrding the normal Elnount of time requirod by trc genoating oquipmcntto rEcume operdions following apotiod uth€nwind qpood is below tre Citt-In Wind SpGcd). 13 'tsllltng Pud" mms tln tirae peiod bst$Een PacifiCorp's reading of it po*tr purc,hase mctG[ at the Faoility, wtdch for ftis Agrcerncnt shall ooinaide witr oalcndsr mortths. L4 UCAMD" mGilN the Clean Air Marftets Division of the Environsrc,ntal Proeodon Agsnsy or succe$ror administrator, or ary staE or fcdual entity givar jrnidiction ovcr I program involving Crrecn Tap or ury atrrihsc trcrcof. t-5 "&unemid Operation" moans that not less than tfu Woof the e:pected frility @ityRdingbful$opcaimal androlidrc urd&o Facility is firlly irmomood, firlly irege(andqm*nma*wffitlbSJdm,allofuthiclshallboSclkr'srcryunibilitybrccsive or obah, and which oocun whan all of the following eveots (i) have oocurrcd, and (iD rrmain simultanmuslytuemd rcourats as ofthcdaband mqncntmwhictt Scllcr gives PacifiCorp noticc that Commorcial Opcration has occurrad: 1.5.1 PacifiCorp has rcceivcd a certificEte 'addr€ssed to PapifiCorp ftom a Lioensed hofessional Enginacr (a) sating the Faoilifi Capaoity Rating ofthe Facility at tho anticipatod time of Commerpial Opcration Ed O) gating that tho Faoility is ablc to gmero clooicpowrnliably in affuffi rcquhd byfrirAgltancddd in aocordrewith all othcrtsms andoonditions of this Agrooment 1.52 Sbrt-Up Testkrg of the Faoilityhas bccn completod in accordanoc with Ex[ibit E. 1.5.3 PacifiCorp has r€ccivcd a ccrtificato addrcss€d to PacifiCorp from a Lhasod Profoesional Enginocr, gtr attor"cy in good standing in ldalro, or a l€tler firom Transrnission Providcr, stating thag in aocordance with the Gcncration Intcrconncotiou Agrconent, all rcqufupd intcrtonnection ftcilitics have been conslruchd, all required intrrconnsctim tpsts hsve becn complcted and the Facility is phfrsically interconnectcd with thc Sftcm in confotmuroo with tho Clm€,rstion InteroonnestionAgrccurent and ablc to deliver €rcr5/ consistcnt with the ternrs of this Ageement and thc Fasility is fully integEed and synchmnized with the Systcm. 1.5.4 PacifiCorp has roceived c c€rtificctc addrcsd to PacifiCory tom s Liccnsed hofosgional Engirmr, or anffiorney in good standing in ldaho, statingthrt Seller has obtained all Raquircd Frcility Dooumene and if rtqucstcd by PacifiCorp 2 U0 Crre* Wittd, IItf-Fbe Pt in writin& Sollcn shrll havc pr,ovided co'pies of any or all such requcsted Rcquircd Facility Documcmts 155 Sellcr has complied with thc searnity raquircurcnts of Section lt. 15.6 Nctwort Resourco DcsiErruion and Transmission Scrvics Rcoucst (I) PrcifiCorp has rccoived confirmation &orn thc Transrrission Providarthat ttro Facility has bm acsisr@d r e Ndnoik Rssrce md CO PsifiCqp hs rcoeir/ed comfirnrimftom tbc Transmlssion hoviderthatthc tnnsmlsslon sorvicc rrquost has bocn grantod in suffioiomt capacity to EeGt or cxd ttc Morimrnn Faoility Delivory Rtio attd the Sellcr haspaid a[oosoassoiiod wi&myroquircrrcmsofthetansmisskn scrrriceroqrrst. 15'QommcldalOpcrrt*nlhie"rncartlu@asdcsigrrrcdbyPacifiCory pursuant to Scction 2.4, thc Faoility first achieves Commcrpial Opcration. 1:l "Commhrion'means the Idaho Public Utilitics Commission. 1.8 "Couformlng Energf mcans allNotEncrryexceptNon€onforming Enorry. 1.9 "Conforulng Energr Pur.cLrsePrdoo" msans the applicable p,rice for Copforoing Energy and oapaoity, specified in Sccdon 5.1. l.l0 *Contnct YGrf Eeaas a twelvc (12) month period commenoing at 00:00 hours Paoific hEv&iling Tfone ("PT") on January I md cnding on 24:00 horrs PIT on Decombsr 3l; providd howwor, that thc first Conract Year shall ootrrmnco on the C.ommencial Opmtion Datc ad end on tho nort straoccding Deccnrber 31, and tro last Contract Ycar shall cnd on trc Frpirdion Daie, rmles earlicr tcrminatcd as providcd herein I .l I oCut-in Wind S@" mcans the wind spced at which a sationary wind turbino bogins producing N* Energy, as specified by the tnbine manufashner and set fortr in &hlbit A. t.t2 fuicmcnt. "IMtult S*Trity" shall have thc nmning s€t forth in Scction I 1.2 of &is l.l3 'Ilslry Lduidthd llam1ga", *Irdry lldly Minimum", "Dday P6iod", "Dehy Pt{ee" ed'Ire|ry Volume'shall have tho rnoaningp set fodh in Soction 2.5 of this Agrccfitclrt. l.14 Agfcemcnt. '(Ildry $ecurity' shall have tIrc meaning set forth in Scstion I I .l.l of tris 1.15 Agrcc,rn-cnt 'Tfiective Drte" sbdl havo thc meaning set for0r in Smtion 2.1 of this l.16 'Energr Delivory Sclodule-'shdl havo the moaning sot forth in Ssction 4,3 of this Agrecmcnt. 3 llif ! I i ir 1l!!: t: li ,I i lLI ',, i.: ';i , II It tt il ,: i: i , l,ilrI t, ,. tl II II I . tuOqlllWllfr-fr*P& 'l.tl 'Snvtronmeuilrl Atlribufi? means any and a[ claims, crrdiE, cmissims rufrniusr oftdq ard allowam, howrocttt cmftlo{ arsooied with dts g!il€rdion of Om.rt fimthFriliBorfuavoidanoeoffuGrnissimofanygns,demioalordrcrsubsurcctotho ah, soil o uder, thEt is cryqbl€ of bci:ry mcasre4 vcrifid or calcnrldcd. Eutrftmcml Aluihlesinchdehranmlimiedb:(l)ryevolledqrissftnsofpolluffibtheair, soilor nr& srrh as (sbjcct o ftc furgoiag) srtfin oxllcs (SOn), nimgcn oddcs (NOx) caftqt mmoxi& (C1)), ad dcr polhffi; (2) ary avoidcd cnrissio,ns of corbon dioxido (CU2), mcthme (CH4), and otho gponhouse gEccs (GHGs) &dhne bm dcmnirpd bythc unitsdNations Inmryolr€rilnrertalhndoClimmCfrflrgebcorfiihsoo&eMnlmpoetdsltrrcatofattering tp Ea&'s climat by tappiqg M in ttp tnoryherq a4 €) all WRECiXS Certifices. FavirwrmtAEilxresdomtirrcludoG)ProddimTarCrcditssccrtainothc,rtqinoentives existingaowor intrcfinrc assmiedwitrtrc consGuctioo, ounerdrip oropemtion ofthe Frcffi or Si) advcrsc wildlifc or eirvironmental impacts. l.t8 Tnvlrolmentrt Contaminrtirm" rmns fte irltrdtffiion orprcsurcc of Hazardous lvlatsrials at sush hvelq quantitics or location, or of such form or oharacEr, as to con$iEF a viohim offtdcral shE c bcal ltwe or roguHm, ard prescd a md;rhl risk undcrkal re cloril lE,o -drqulaiorseafu Prcmis will ffi bc saihblc o wablc for tho pr{poscs contemplatcd by this Agrccmcr( lJ9 Srycdf.sryChPocryntrgf shEll bc ryproximasly 53.4 MW and tho sum of the Facility Capacity Rding of thie Agreemmt and the facility capacity rating undcr ttc powor purchasc agrccrrent bctrreen th€ Partic.s rclating to North Point shall in no cvent excecd 133.4 MW. lfr "Erplradon lhfu-'shall bave &e mcanfu set for& in Section 2.1 of ftis AgrGcmcnt l2l 'Xhcflil5f is &find in Rsoital A of this Agroement 1.22 'Facility Ceprctty Retlng" mcans ths sum ofthc Nmrcplato Capaoity Rdings for all Slind Tinbine gencrators oompisittgtlp Faoility. 1.23 "FotrcD llfrjcure'has the mcaning sct forft in Scstion 15.1. llt+ 'Torced Outage" meano an outage that rcquires r,cmoval of one ormorc Witrd T\rbines fiom sowiec, another outagn statc or arcEctae shutdoum stst€ HorEtho €nd ofthc nort wockcnd. lv{ainrcnancc otfiagss ud Plaond Ortagos arc not Forcod Outagos. 1.25 "Gaorrdon Intsrromection Agmrmenf' mems thc gencration intsoonncstion agreomc,nt entercd iato scparatcly bctrvccn Scllcr and Transmission Providcr, as applicablo, spcoifying ths Point of Dolivery and providing for the construction and opcration of the Int€rconnection Facilities. 1.26 "Grteu Tagl" msans (a) tre Envimnmental Atributes associatcd with all Orput, togetberwlth &) ec Grpen Tag Rcporting RighB associatcd with such coergy and Environmsntal Afiribut€s, however commcroially trEnsfencd or tmdod under my or other pr,oductnamos, such as nR€oss/Eblp Energy Chcdits,* 'Chpen€ Ccrtifie4" or otherwiee. Onc ,[ Mo ee.hV*rd,Il0-filvePblg hvo$6 Scfl,ioes, md (unhss otrcwisc qgrod) hsving s$EF of d kast $10,000,000,m0 (Gof rescrves). 135 'Lhmrcd Prroftr*mrl Euglrod' mcurs epcrsor asorytrbh o PacifiCorp in iE rcasonablc judgment who is license.d to practice cngineering in thc stBte of ldalro, who has tain{qgadppcsicnccinlheaginccrinsdEsciflin{s)rclormrbtrcmffiswiftrGwcrttowfik*r $fipcrsqnis calbdoprovideaccrtificaioqcvatrairnand/orqpinim, uilrohrs no eoqronric mJaiordrip, usocirnim, or norus wilh Sclkr, rrd ulho is lu a rryrsemriw of a coruultiqg cngiinoer, Gffitrdtr, dcriglrcr or otrr idivnid involvod in fu dcvelopmcrt offirc Facility, or of a mer&ctuiur a supplien of any equifxrrcd insa[d in ts fasilrty. Such Lkmed Pmfcesirnal Frrgiwsba[belioqtsdinmapppiaearyirrctringdsiplftpforttercq&€dcatific*hnbefoig rne. Tbe engEgsmcd md paymot ofa Lismd Proftsoional Enginccr eolely to provide the cortifications, evaluatims and opinims rcquired by ftis Agtu€mert strs[ rd cdilrb a p*iUtrdeornndo rcldon$ip, ssociahn qnlxrs witt Sdk, so hng ar such cogin€ahas no othr comrio rdeimsb, mmirrkn cmr witr th Salls. 1.36 aWrhhme Ontrge" nrcansmyoillga ofrcorilm WtdTUtimstrat is not a Forcod OutrgB or a Planncd Orfaga A lvlaintc,nancc Outagc is ao outrgc ttrat can bc deferred untilafor tlrc cnd of the nort wcckcn4 but tbx rcquircs that thc 'ltrind Turtio{s) bc nnrovcdfrornservicebc&rettersrtPlanrcdOtsagc. AltdaintmmoeOrhgpmayoccurmytim€ during thc ycar and must have a flcxiblc sffi drt!. 1.37 llilrerial Adverre Ctrngc'slu[mcar1 with ranpcct to thc Scllcr, if the Seller has c:rpcrienced actrange in facts or circumstanoos rclated to dwelopmentor operation of thc Facility that ma&rially and advcrscly impact Scllcr's ability to firlfill its obligations un&rthisAgrosmenf 1.38 allrrimum Frcility llelivery Rrh" mcans tho rnanimum instarfiancous ratc GW) at whioh the Facility is capablc of dolivering Net Output at thc Point of Delivety, as spocified in BhibltA, and in complianco with tle Gccromtion Intenconnectiur,.{grrenront 139 'lltlrdmlu GIA Ihltvery Rrte' mcans thp rnarinirm ffi (k$r) at wtrich the Gcncrdot IntercoanestionAgpcln€ntallows dreFrcil$to dclivermeqgyothe Pointof Dclivery and is set for& h khibit A. 1,40 SVrrcdeCspscilyRatirylmcansftcmsimunirmurtancors capocrty of any quaUqfrng small power u cogencration psuing unit rupplying all or part of the encrgy sold by the Frility, apressod in ItdI[ a kW, rrytca opcma cmd*otrt wih fu manuftc0rtr'g rcorrncndcd pova fu ed opcrdforgparurcers, as d frr& in a ndioc fimm ScillrtoPasifiCorpdelivc&dbefu€treCmrercialOpcruisrOocmA ifryplicalilenpdsted h Ore As-btrih Supplemcnl 1.41 "IYERC' mearu thc North Anrcricsn Elcotic Reliability Corporarion, lP, 'I\[Gt Etrergr" means the cneryy oocpoert, in kWh, of Net Oulput Nct Energy does not include Inadvcrtont Enerry. , 143 'Ne* ()rr$uP nrcans all augr ad cqacity pod.rced by trc Frcility, kss sutbn use and less transformation and transmission fosss md other a{i if my. For prposeo 5 I i J 1 { I I ' :a I iit.l i i. I ;. t: .l !. il i; iIl! i t {.l,Il.tl i,1 ,l)i I L ': i,l T!; i lt, tti :i:li ,1 .t r :i ,:i CtuCtukVWllft,-&vcPbe elostsic cncr5rp,roduood ftomwind ftxnurEcs mdany coretrtivc sEtctE( o*Olt Cacm,rary rc&wobrcrsudlodectbarcrlgrpdrcdfilmwirdrwrrcesftrvfrichtFFacilltyiscligible. Prodruion Tor Clodib do not inchde arytm crcdit ermirrcd by rcfcrrncc to investncnt 158 "Prudelt Etectricel Prrc{ier'moms aoy of thc pra.ctices, metlrods d acts cogngld in or approrrcd by a sigrrificant portim of the elcceical utility irdufiy or any of the prasticos, mcrhods or aots, uttich, in the exscise ofreasonablo judgmart in thc liglrt of thc fact hown atthctime a decision is madc, mff luvc bccn ope6d b mrplishltc dcsird rcsllt at fte lowest rusonablc cost consi$ent wib rcliability, safety urd expcdition lndent Electrical Prantim iswtinendedb be limicdoftsofiimmpactioc,nrttrodcacttothc orchxio ofall e* blt rfiErto be a spoctsrur ofpcifrh Filiocs, mcfhods c ads l5g {QF meanr "AurUryhgFrciliflrr&dterm is dofinadinlhcvcrsion of FERC Rcgulations (codifid at t8 CfR Parl.zn) in effoct onthe dafi€ of ftis furcemcnl l.CI "Rcquircd Frdltty llocumob" mcans aU dedq titlos, lsasca (inoluding Wiod t ess), liocnscs, p€nnit$ altottmmt, rd agEE rHG Aernn**gtd ScllGrwrtots ftcrcccssarypropcqtyridrfis and guveilDootafiorizlicrsbccrshrt,qse,ardrraimin&e Facitity, including wittrout limiEtion those set foilh itr Erhtbit C. l.6l'ToquirmEoflcif msay4plkxHoardmardory(hxnansob advisory) fodcral, $Bte and local law, statute, rcgulation, nrlg code or ordinanoe €mictc{ @€4 ionrcd c pmuulgtsd by aty fodcral, *mg bcal or dcr Crorrcnrneoul Ardrority c ryrmy Uay Crrcludlng ltffi peilaining to ehctical, hilftr& zonine cnvirqrmnml ard oooupational safcty and heahh requiuncffi). l&, 'schsduled Connerdd O,perrfion Drte" mans thc datc bywhich Sclterpirc to e&iorc CoTn€rciat Opcrdioq as ryocffiod in Soctim 22E. 1.63 "ScheMod ltfionrhfiEncrgrUelucr5f mmthe Net EncrgT sohcdulod to be dslivcucd during a givon calsdarmontt, as spocilicdby Scller in tho Encrgr Delivcry Schedule. 1.64 "ShEtld Inbrconusctlon Fasillfier'mcans that portion of thc Interconnection Facilitics usod by thc Facility and one or morc othcr Quali&ing Facilities as firtlrcr descriH in &htbitB. 1,65 "$ellstr'i Forecart-Cort ghrrG" aod "SGIIGrtr Cap,ped Foncest{ost Sharre" shall havc drc meaningp sct fsth in Soctions E.2 and 8.3 respoctively. 1.66 'Subroquent Energr Delivery Schcdule" shall havc tho mcaning sct forth ih Seotion4.3.3. 1.6? "Syrtem" mGEns thc elcotic transmission subgtdion aud &ansnission or distibution froilitios oumod, opcnatd ormaintlined by Traosmirsion hovidcr, which shafl includq after mngtruction and installation oftho Faoility, ttrc circuit rpinforccmcnts, ortcnsions; and associatcd tcnninal faoilrty rcinforcomsnb or additions requirad to intsponncct tha Facility, all as set forth in the Oencration Intcrmnnection Agrccment E Cefu CI"Bh fild, LIf-Ftw Ptu rcquirca to dcsignatc the Facility ts a Network Rcmuroe in apcordmoe wilh trc TEiff (OATTI md G) has providd all iffirmnim reosonably required by PacifiCorp to submit a ta$mission setvice rcqucst for tho Facilrty to thc Tmnsmission Pnoyidcr pursurntto the Triff. Within 10 days ofthe Scllerpuvidingnotice dcfinitively estBblishing a singlc Caprc,ity Rating for the Facility s,ithin thc rangc contrmplated in tho Erycctcd Facility Copacrty Rating, PacifiCorp Sall anrend the curcnt Network Rcsourre dosigndion rcqucst for thc Facility as rrquixed to rcflect the Facility as doccribod in thc Agrcerncot 224 At lcdto (10) hrirrcss dalrs Fk r b dclivpry of ry encqgr from frcfdityto PaoifiCorp, Scllcr shall provido PacifiCorp with an oxecued Gacrrtion ksernonnoction Agracmcnl 225 Wiilrin one hundrcd eighty (180) days prior to the Schedulcd : Commersiil Opcrdion Datc, Soller shall provide PacifiCorp with mended Erhibltr, whioh may inclrde the deeignation of altcrnadve Wind Tiubines for &6 Facility, and such othcr updatot to the infonnation contained therein. 226 Prior to thc Commmial Opercion Datc, Scllcr shall provi& Default Soourity requircd urdcr Sestion I1.2, if applicablc. 22.7 Frior to ths Commcrcial Opratioa Detp, Sellcr rhall pnovide PmifiCorp with aa As-built Supplcmtreasonably acceptablo to PacifiCorp. 2.2.8 Sella shall usc comm€rcially rcasonable efforts to achlevc Comne'rciat Opercion by 00:00 PPT Decenrbcr 3l,}Olz,but in no cvcnt shall Commetpial Opcnriou ooour latcr flran 00:00 PPT lvlarch l,20l4. For the avoidanoc of doubt Sellcr shall have no liability for Delay Liquidabd Damagcs or be liablc for other pe,naltioe lf Commercial Oporation takes place by March 1,2014. Scller shall provide PacifiCorp with noticc of thc Sc,hcduled Commercial Opcretion Daie no less than tcn (10) monthe prior to such date. 2.2.9 Seller shall provi& wrifron confinnation of &c expoctod Faoility Cryacity Foting for thc Faoility on or trforp January 31,2012. This notice shall dofinitively establish a single Cepacity Raing for thc Faoility within thc range conlcmplated in tre Etrycotod Facility Capacity Rating. L? Beginning on January 6,zillzand on tho fifft 15) bueincss day of each mondr theraafter rmtil the Commercial Oporation Dato, Sella shall providc PacifiCorp a onc- pogo rnoffily update by e-mail on thc progrrss of {re milcstonoi in-$cction 22 L4 Establishins Coqm€rcial Opcrdiorr" Seller shallprovkhwdfien noticc to PacifiCorpstilingn,heoScllerbelievw6tdrFrilityhssachicvcdCcnmarhlOpratiu. PacifiCorp shall hEvc ten (10) busincss day.s aftr receip oither to confirm to Scller ttrat all oftho conditionsbCommercial Operation luvebccns*isficdohavcmcure4 ob sEbwi0r specificity wtrd PacifiCup rccmably bclicrcs tus nd bocn sdisfiod. It, wihin srh tcn (10) btdtess dsyperio{ PacifCory si6erdocsnot rcspord o,relse cqrfirms6EtllrcFaoilityhas aohiwsd Commcrcial Opcrdon, thc original dce of rwoip of Sellcds nstico $all bc tlrc Comrncrcial Openfion Darc.IfPacifiCorpmifiesScllerwithin sucher (10)h$irrss dsyperiod l0 Cade Crv* Yt td, IIE -{, tw PrE ...^. trm,-tto*e@,*("Id#ffi#ff'lffi oftttrPuty) awd0mftpotoomoining isporffioowihrrspeotto thc diqputc, and argunrcmt thoefortogetherwitt stppocingdmm€fltdionmdcalorlatiun Disoovery *rallbc limitodto frility doomcrttim rclating to he diqlbd rnm. Wihin siray (60) &1o frum mcipt of srh s$misglmr ttro T€c:trrnioal &pcd stull slectme cthc otrcrPafiy'spocition wi& rcqpoctto lhs distrse{ abitebh isslcs sc, fodt in Soctim 2.4.1 abovq u&cnupon guch scloction shall ba a Uftding dctcrmfttldon tryon 6e Prtios Sr all pgpm hErcot The cm oftre T€chnical Erpax incMing his orhcrftcs ud oryoms, sha[ bB bmro bytp Patry$|ffi poidm um nC sdoctul by llrcTednkalEpGtBtrhPrtysttaUdrcrrvisebcariromorparse* trtlreTofuicalErp€fieils brcndradecisimwi0titrrfttcty(90)daystmrcciptofmtrParty'ssrbmissiqrsreithErPrty mry, pic to tbc Tmhnioal F:qnt's ftrul d6isio& initido litigdioo, in whi& crs flrc Teclurical Brycrt'sftraldcci$ionsha[ notbe bindingon the Parties rmlesg othsrwisc agfrod. 2;42 AII vsbal and wriuen conmunicuiars bctumrttrc Paths urd issuod or pcparcd in connection with this Soction 2.4.1 shall be deemed pnaparod md orunrrnicmd in firefiancc, E d inftc oolrEd, of dispc sarlecraqmd shall bo orcrry fiom disoot€ry md po&rctim, uld stull not bo adnri*itt in cvfulonce (nilrefir as admisior c o&cnris) in my litigiur u &pocodingp forttp rwluin ofthc disputc. 2.43 All dGadlincs spccified in this Soction 2.4m*y be e:rbndod by mutual age,ment of thc Parties. 2.5 Delay Darnageg. Sellu shall curso tho Faoility to aohiwe Comrncrcial Operation on or bsforr tE Sotrcduled Conrmcrpial Opcraion Dilo. trCmrmerciat Opctdion occurs aftathe Schedulcd Commercial Operdion Dafe, Seller shall bc liablc to pay PaoifiCorp dclay derys for tbc nrmber of Oays (Dery Period) trlt rtrc Comncrcial Opirdon Uoe i,c"* aftettp Selrs&rledConmmial AcrdionDdo untiltpcar{ieroccuntnccofttrcCuurrcrcial SollondullnotmucaryDelayLiquidaedDeEgcsafter:S)Sellahstfunetyacnietcdttr milestone in Scction 22.3; and G) S€ll€r has satfufiod all ruqrdrect€os of Cmuncrcial Opcr*ion o(@fconcormorcroquircrnm in Sootion 1.5.6. BillinSardpaymantforlblrytigrirlmd @Es shall be mrde in roorrdmoe wift S€ctim I l.l. 2.5,1 DelayLiguidd€dlhrqas$. thlayLiqrddafied Danagcs oquals tho nnn of: for cach day in the Delay Pedo4 thc greater of (l) tho Dolay Daily Minimum or (2) thc &lay hice times the Dchy Volume, Whera: 'I)&y Ilaity ltfinhun" Gquds (a) far lhc fimt fortJFfwE (45) calordr days folhn'iE &c ScHnhd Cqnmenial Opereim nc: msairrcdeflr (l ffi) of fqty- frve dollas ($a$ multipliod ry dre lttatirnunn Facilny Delivtry Re uriti &c N{qtnum Facilty Deliwry R& betorg mcasrtd in kW; (b) aftcr trc frfty-fiflh (45) calcndn day 6ltowtng trc SffiJod Cmmuiat Opdm Drc: tre Delay Price timcs tte Dclay Volume. 12 i ,t It.t IIl i 1 I l I! I I I { III ,,I ,tt: if '1, t 4 1*I I '1 i' i I 1r { I t, 1 j, Ii: :,: ,, i 3.3 NgUs. If-c any time AnfuU tris agoansnt, my Party obtains actnl knowledge of any wcnt or information which would havc oauscd any of-the reprcscntations and watrdfries inftis Section3 tohavcbccomesiallyur{nrcormislcadingufreomadg suchParty replescn8tions and namrftiosaft@4 andtheactio& ifmy,u,triehsuchPutyidrodstobkeb makefteleprescntatiursandwanantiectucedomlct Thenoticoroquipdiin*rartoAf section shall be girra as soon as pacticablc afutte mrnrm ofcadr slch dfit SECilON d, I,ELTYERY OT POWE& AV{IIIBILITY GUANAI{TY tl Pclivql,mdAs@€ofNcqrntErccptformyontailrmrryccifiod in Section 6.3, unless ottrorwise provided hercin, PioffiCorpwitl pubhase and Scilcr will sell all Net OUSW from 6e Fnoility. 42 No Salcs to Third Parties. Duriqgthe ternr ofthis Agrcsnent, Scllcr shall uot sell anyN* ouFut from the Facility to any cntity ottrcr than pacificorp. . 4:3 . Enecet peliV-6y Sdroeilc. Sellcr $all prcpgp md pruvido ro kifiCorp, m Ergpitghfisr auritten sohcdulo ofNotEnergr cxpecrcOto Uo aaivarcA by ths facitity(Energr Ilellvcry Scheduld), in acoordancc with thc foltowing: ^ 4.3.1 Drirgfu fiNtt*plvtflrtlcalendrrnomdrsfollowingilrcCqnmchl Opcrtion Drc, Seller pcdicts that thc iraoitity will produoc and-dcliver tro followiqg mondrly amounts frnlttrl year Energr Delivcry scfcdulc): Ub Cr**yil,Itfrabepft 3,2.t1 In cntcriag hto rhis Agrrcment and thc undcrtaking by sclren of thc obligations sst forth h€rctn, Scllo has irncstigatcd ard dctcrmind td,rt it is capabtc of perfolminghcmrnder and has not Elied upon the advioc, orpcricnce or orpnrtiso of PaotfiCorp in connectiorn wiEr the tansastioru contmplafed by this ^npcinont. 3,2,L2 All profcseiorrsls or aperts including, but not limitod to, enginoc,rs, dtomcys or 0ccouffanB, thd Scll€r may have consulted or rclied on in rmdcrtaking the tansastiors contcmplatod by this Agrecrnent have bem solely those of Seller. 3.2.13 All lcase of real propctty requircd forthe opcr*ion of the Facility or thc performance ofany obligdions of Sollcr hcrcundcr re sct ftitr and accgrateiy desodbod in Erhibit c. upon rcqucstbyPacificorp, sollcr sall provi& aopics or thc'l[/ind Leases to PocifiCorp. 32.14 Afriinfutnatim Sout tbe Frcility sct for& in Erhibft A, Erhibtt 4 and E$ibft C lns bq verifed b5, Sdk md is ac(Ilab b tto bd of iB krorvl€dga Month January February March April lvlay Encrev Ileliverv flrWh) I l,Eg6,74g 11,753,176 13,150,477 12,126,321 11,323,363 l5 Avengo!E 15,977 17,490 17,675 16,w2 ' t52zo :.i. i' a ai ii:.:l .l i l '1 I : I tI )l I li1It I I IIIt iIt I I I I I{ I I i I MaOuhtritdA,catur.a- Jtrrte July August Septmbcr Octobcr Noveinbsr Deccmber TOTAL: 10,t89,607 9,552,t51 t0p9,7?l t03u2s7 Lt,8?2346 t3,46t;149 14,003,863 140,590JE9 15,124 12,840 13,75A 14,423 15,t90 t8,zos 18,822 16,063 432 Seller may rwiso the Initial Year Eacrg;y Dolivory Schcdulc any timc prior to tho Commcrcial Opcrdion Dab. 433 Bcgimingtlhe€odoffu niffi full calsrdrmufhofqcraias md dtr end of arery 6td mme ihae, Soller dull aryplcrncrn 6c Encqgr'Dolivery S*edule witr throc addftiml morfu of ftmrurd e*imm (whidr stull be ryarded o ttris Agrffi tsforg tlr fontd ryccifiGd h Eilfritll) (tuhcqucrtEncrgr Ilefvery SchsdufD, sdr lhd ftE EDcrEr Dclircry ScMtb will providc at l€a$lhre mods of s&&bd crsrgr e$imes c dl &6. Sellcr dtall gwide Subs$Ett Facr6/ Delivtry Sctrodulcs no larr ttan 5:00 pn PPT of thc sfi day e &G erc de. If Scllr ecs not provide a SuUoquern EnEry Delivcry Sffi& by ftG above deadlhe, s*o&hd arrry for tp misod Fiod *rall cqual $o amunE #&rlodby Scilsr frr&E srnethec'uronth pcdod durlng the prwious yoar, 43.4 Upon and aftcr thc Comnercial Opcrtion Dae, Sdler rray rn longcr rtnise 6e EoErS/ Deliwy Sdro&de ftr &e fint sb( firll calendr mordu'of Cnrrnmrcial Operrtio. Aftr 5:00 p.m. PPT offu fifr hrsins day fo[owing tbe cad ofthe ifirfud full cakodrnuilh of Cmcrcial Operaion md dre end of cadr ltrird calcrdr morfi ttrmaftcr, Sdlc rnsy no lon$rrcfliss 6e Bnagr Ddivery Schedulc for &e S( calcoda mods iun€ddety foloufog s,dr third mordr. SutiGct b ltp fsqoing rcsdodoru in lhis SGdiut 43.4,Scllcrmry rwisc fu EErE Ddiwry ScMrh for ary urc*iod morfi by providftrg wrim ndicc b hcifiCcp. Failrrc b provfrb tindy ruitHr nmirrc of chmgod anoruts will be dffinod b bs an clcuiqr ofrn dungB 4,4 Minimum Availability Oblisstion Scllcr ghall causs the Fapility to achiws an Arnilabilig of d ha$ t5% &!fuU €Eh rnorft (Gunnutuod Avrlhbihf). 45 Liouidated Darnagics for Output Shorthll. Ifthc Availability in rny givcn month falls bolowtro GuarantccdAvailability, tre resulting shordall slla[ bc wprusscd in kWh as the "Output $hortfall." The Output Shortftll shall be caloulatcd in acootdsnce vn:th the foUowing formula: Ou$rt Shre[= (Guruiloed Availability - Availabitity) t Scte&lod IUodly Eocrry Ddircy $elkr*rdlpayPacifiCoryfuuyOrgtshoreldthelowrof0)ftEpooitv€diftnencc ifey, offu&r&rPriccrninusftcweighdavenge ofttrOrPeakadOffPeakmordrtyCortrorming Energl Pr$chssp ftices; o (2) ft? weigbd averagn of the On-Psak md Otr Pcak ruorntty CdmAg prrgr hrcfuse Prbcs @ut Stornlel UMgGr'] l6 I I II t. 1: t i, ii i,a II ! : ) I , ; ! ,) aj. : !:t,t' ; i i Cefu ecok Wittd, Ilt -.,,m* poc &r@dShor&llDaurger= eershoffill * OrQut $bortfrllPrie WtEs output shor{rl Prioe = (Indor Price - weigtted Avengo cEpp), o(c€pt ttrat if or&rtr Shorthll hicc < O drcn Otnput Shore[ Pricc = 0, md g:rcopt ffrst if Ar6ut Shordall hice > WeightcdAverage CEPB trcnO$fi Shorthll hico = nrcighbd Avoruge CEPP Wcightud Averrge CTPP= the Woightod Avoruge On-Pcak snd Otr-Pc1k Conforming Eaergy purolrase hiccs for fio. month of Output Shorfatl $ur Output Shortfall oectrs in any given mondu Sellcr may owo PaoifiCorp liquidded dannagps. Eacn Pary a$oca and acJmowldgps Ord (a) tho damagos that faoifiCirp wurld insu drr to the Facility's failurp to achievctho Oraranrccd ev*tatitity world bodiffiouh q impossible to pttdist with ccrtainty, and (b) tre liquiddod damsges cormcmplatod in this Ssction 4.5 are a fair aod reasonrblo calculation of euch dflnegcs. 4.6 Audit Riqh8. In a&ition to dota provid€d nrdcf Sectiorrs 9.3 and 9.4, PaoifiCorp shall havo tre rigtt, brt notthe obligatioq to audit the Facility'o complimc withi8 &urantoed Availability using any reasonablc mcffrods. Sellcr agrccs -to nmin att pcrfotmance relacd daa forlhe-Facilityfor aminimurr oftlucc ycars, and to coopcrdc with PacifiCorp in the want PrcifiCorp decides to audit such datl. 4.7 Transfcr of Titlc to Crrccn Tsfs: Doqmcnation of Crrcon Tagts Transfon. For a pcriod of ten (I0) ycars firom the CommcrsiEl Operation Dab, Sellcr iha[ hEve 6tle to rho Grcco Tags inmcdiarcly upon the gcncration of ttrc Ou6r* at the Facility fr* givcs risc to suoh Grcca TagB. Onthc tenth (106) annivcrsary of the Commcrcial Operation oate thmugh and including ftg Expintion Date, PacifCorp slrall have title to &e @n Tap immediatoly ypon &c gtucration of thc Output * thc Facitity tlut givcs rise to ruoh Groenlags. Eaoh Party shall execlrtc all additional documcnts aad insutlmcnB rcasonably rcquestcd ty Oo other Party in order to fur&Gr docume,nt 6e owaenhip oftlre &een Tags dudrg tha rcepcctiv-c Party's oumcnhip. Without limiting tho gurcrality of the foregoin& Sclla $all, on or bcforp the lOth day of each month drning whioh PasifiCorp has ounrership rights to ttpC*T tags, dolivor to PacifiCor-p a Creen Togu Atestation and bil of Sato (in ttrcJorm dtashed as Ethibit {.(A)) for all Grpen Tap dclivocd to PacifiCorp hereurdcr in theprcceding montr, along with my vctifioation ftat is in conforrtanoc witr t e tten-curcnt Cqrtcr for Rcsouroc Solution's crrcon-o progmm, or any suaeogsor program. The party halng owncrship ofthc crrcen Tap atthe time (the *Green Tag owned), at its oum cost a1d expcnse, s}all rogistor_witr, p8y all foes reqdirea by, and comply witd an reporting and othcr requirarrclts of WREGIS relating to ttre Facility -or Crrecn fags. Thc Sellcr shali-gry_Pt tt Facility will pardclptc in and cornplywith, during the Tcnn, all aspects of WREGIS. The Grccn Tag Ou.mu shdl bc responsibte for any costs chargod by td qualifiod reporting^entity for thc Facility to participatr in and mmply wiuL auring-the rcrm, ail aspoctc of IVREGIS. The Crrcen Tag oumer shall u its sole sxpense, usc wnscls as requircd puruant to fie WREGIS Operating Rules, inoluding but not limied to thosc rulce 17 i. ir i, i' I1. I It. I UeCree*\fd,Ilffiptc rclstcd to ctroctuatiog tho ttarufu of WRECiIS Ccrtificabs ard transfcrring suoh WREGIS Ccrtificates inrccodaacewithWRBGlll rtportingprotocols and WREGIS OperatirrgRul€g andasrequircdundathisAgrcEm€nL Sollcrmayeithcrclecttoen&rintoaQrulified Rspordng Enti-ty serviccs furcemcnt with Pacificorp in a fonn similr to thst in Etrhibit 4.{8) or clcEt b ast as its own WREGISdofined Qualified Rrporting Entry. Sollor Sall upon wtitten rtquest tom PacifiCorp pmvide copies of all dooumc,rtation zubmittcd to WREGIS in connectioa with the Facility. Furthcr, upon notification by WREGIS or CAMD that any transfcrs of Omcn Tags mnbmplatcd by ttris Agnoment havc not been rcoordod the Partiee shall pomptly oooperratc in taking all reasonablc actions ncgessary so tbat such traosf$ can bs r€Gotdcd. Scllq shall at ib cxpcnsc causc thc Facility !o m"i"nin ie rcgishation in ggod ctanding with the Ccnts for Resourco Solrtion's Grcen+ pmogrrrn, or any sugccssr psograrn, 6roughou &e Tenn; providcd, howcver that eaoh Part,, Oatt 1a1 not take any action (othcr than the p,mvision of tnlhfirt information) to impair the Facility's gpod cttndingwith ruchprogram and (b) shallpmvide such informrtion as is reasonably tequestsd to maintnln suoh rogisnation. Tbe Parties shall rcaeonably coopcrato in ury trgisfirdon ofthe Frcility in dre rsnewablc portfolio stardard or equivalent progremin all such firfterstatps aod psograms in whichthc Particsmaywistr to rcgister or rnainbincd registaed fre Fmility by providing copies of all suoh trformation as rcasonably rcquircd for zuch ragistration. Ncither Paay rcptsents or warsnts that thc Crrrcn Tap oan bo uscd for any Purpose. 'Ifrc $rties aclcnowlodgo that dre Crcm Tags may bc subjcst to action by @vemmcntal Authority and ncither Party is liablo to thc other Party for action talceir by a Governmmul Au{rrity in connestion witr ttc Crrran Tagp that is not a rcsult of a brcach of thisAgrceme,nt. SECIIONs. PURCHASIEPRICES 5.1 Encrgy ftmchasoPrice. Ex@asprovidcd h Saction 5.3, PaoifiC,orp wifl psy Scller Conforming Energr Purshasc Priccs orNon-Conforming Energy Purchasc Prices, as applioable' for Net Output adjusEd for the month and On-Peak Hours or OSPcak Houn and the wind intcgration cost usingthe following formulaet ConformhgEnergrPurcbrsePrlcs =(AR.c*MPM)-Wrc Non-ConforulngEnergr Purchere Prlce= (ARec. t"OM). WIC Whera: ARpo Cbnfonning Enorgy annual rate &om Table'I, bclow, fortho 1rcar oftheNet orltput. tlu lower oJ, E5% of the Conforming Energy amusl nte from Tablc I below, br the year ofNa Outptrt C'T 85% ofaverage ofthc daily Indsr( Price for cach day of tho month or portion of morth, ofNet Output. monthly On-Pcst( or Off-Pealc muhiplier &om Tablc 2 bclow, tlrat oorc,qponds to thc month ofthc Not Output and wtcther l8 Are MPM : 1 I t l L j I .t- 1!' I{ ,1, Ili II Ij i i I I t 1 I I i I I IIIt I I I{. WAockYrn4Ufiep* thcNet Or$rr ocorrmddudng On-Pcak Houns orOfi-Peak Hours. J i I t I I I II, I I I t t I I t I i I i, Iil ,i ii I i :i :, 't t I ? i' trIC $6.50/MWb 6cwind integntion cmtprcscrib€d in Commission Orrdo No. 3 I 021. E<mryh calcuhiom ao povilod in E&ffi G. Ttble 1: Oumrung hcrgr Anrurl RG Year ConforalngEmgr Anourl Bato (AR')s/tlwh 2012 I t.97 2013 2Olt 7t-12 73-4o Tt.76 ,-41 82-58 2019 5,05 ,mt 87.51 2trt 90-63 20z.)3.78 7_OSzff4100.44 103.98 202t 16.9t 2028 1325 2lJr29 116.56 2030 203r 2032 12t.50 2033 t32.& 2034 t36.92 Tebb e lffiU (h,[lrk0G,Fedr ml@nlru Month On.Po.L, Eourr Ofi-Pcrk Errrrr.r Jmruenr 1O!s/"glo/^ Fcb'maru lOSo/"lfl'/. Merch 93t/.ffi.AAril95o/o 76Vn Nfuv q20a 630/0 Iunc 9l]/-65Yo Julv l2lo/"v29t Aunmst tzt%Ilm'A r9 Ccb *nhVffi,Ilfr-4tvefu Sa*cml*r l(lCF/^9!l'/o &ober llSYo l0So/o Novembar ll0Pl/o 960/" D6ernbcr l2f/o lAW/o 52 Payment. Fa ca&Billing M in E*.h CoilnactYer, PacffiCGp Sall pySelhras ftllmn: Fa ddivery of mdng gn rs/:T-* =ffi;ffi Fu &lirtry ofNur,Codomirry En€{S[ lryrd E Nqqlrgrb.Pc*rpggpftiq4ak/10m)+0mcgpiMfW Wh: Cfncr$, CcrfrmftrgBmrtsrink$lh CEtPtic = CommggncrgrRrrdrase Prioo h$lvflt{h lWfuEr = No€oafrrming&rq$/hdoscPriceink$lh NCEPPTkT E l{orCommfuBncryPrmhasprfoehglvfL(}r&* = ecooneryordqgvatpfu0rPoalcltrorn Otr+* = ecoorrryordingvahEforOtr+cokHou! 53 Inaftrcfi.otEo€rEr. SolugaouophmmofhadrruBrtErug/fu rdca$c PacifiCorp to violato the tcrms of ia Ndwo* Tnnsmi$ion Scrvicc and is coasfutent witll eudaf EXocticElnacdocs,nc,mCorpwillrocpthadncmrfk5r,htrwillncpmfrasocpay for Inadverteirt Bncrgy. 5.4 Additional Compcnsation $cller shall not be srtitlcdto any compcnsation over md above 60 Confomiqg Energy Pudas€ Priocs orNon{onforuing Encrgy It1chaso Prices, as the osso may b, for trc T* Tags associatcd thcrEwith. . SECTION 6. OPERATION AND CONIROL 6I As-Built Snpplpment Upon oomplaion ofany constnrc,tion atroctiagfte Facility, So[cr shall provide PrifiCorp on As-ttrih fumlein€m bcaring fio stanrp of a Uccnsed Pnqfcssiongl Enginoo trat aocurately depicts thc Facility as built. Thc As.built Srryplcment mugt be rcrriewod and apprcvod by PacifiCorp, whioh approval shall not unreasonably be wittrhel{ conditioned or dolaycd. 62 ftorglion Sellcr shall opate and maintain thc Facility iu a safo manncr in roordmcc wih ts Cmeidim erraomrdiqr egrccrncd, Pnfu Eldknl Practkrs rd in reor-dme wifr tlp rcquircutcf,ts of all pticable sdar[ slab d hoat lann and tp Ndionrl ElocnicS@Codoassrhla$,srdoddmaybeanrcndodforrtimeotime.ncrcap strallhryc 20 Ccb O@k tflrd, IID-frve Pre m obligdion b prcbar Net O&[ fiod tro Facility b tte cxurt ttc irrffiisr b€twq ttrfrtlity and PrcifiCory'a ehctic s5ntan b disoqmco{ arspeodod or iffiflF4 in wholc o,r inpartpursuant to the Crncretion InEr''conm'tion Ag1umont, or to thc cxtent gmdionqrtdLtufr is nquircd as a result of Sc[a's rurerylirrcc witr rh Geacruim ftmrorarecion egtsemcot PrcifiCorp stull hEveflrc dghtbinryectttcFacilityb confrnr trc Scllcr is opcrating thc Facility in accord.nco wittr dc provisims ofthis Soction 5 upon rgsilrdnr ndioe to Seller. Sollerls coblyrceponsrtle farlropcrariur mdmairrarrecofimfacitity. rycrp rt"tl ffi, by rcasm of ib dmisirn o inryec orrmto inspoctfu Faoility, or by any aotion orinactirrntalcelrwittrrcspectto ary such impoctioq assume orbe heldmryonsibhfm myliabilttyorgrynoryarislttgftomtpopcrdidrmdmaiutcnarrcebyScllcofttrc Facility. 63 Curtail$cnt. PacifiCorp slrall not be obligatod to prrchase, rrccive, pay for, or pay any deDgEE associrEd wiQ Net orgr (or asocimd nodrction Tar credits or Environmemal Afrribubs) if nrch Net Orgtr (or asocirfed Pr,odrnion Tar Ctsdits or Enviurnental Affhm) is not ddivcrcd b tE Syrh u Poid of Ddivtry drn o any of thofolloring: (8)&e intcrponnectionbetwtcnttrc facitityanaOe SlstGtrr is disaonn&cd,surymdodoinuns4inwtrolcorinpcgconsinentwitrfteffinsdftEcrwarim lImemrdmAglgsnqt,O)tteTrurgnisionprrovikrcNetrrorkScrvbopru,idlrdircctsa gEGal qrtritncrr, rcduioqorediiryatchofgcnuutim inttrcarca(ufriohwurldimhdc&GNct Otqtt) fc aty ryryon, cvur if srdr curtailmcd c rcdiryd& diredive is canied us by PacifiCorp, whioh uay firlfill suoh dircotivc byacting in its solg disorction; or ifPacifiCorp-crffiailsor oercrwirrt&rcas fu N€tor$tr in odorb mod iE obligilims b tle Trursnissim-Irrovid€r or Nctwott Servicc Provider to operab within system limitdions, (c) trc Facility's orys is not rcocivcdbcqrse &c Facility is not ffrtly inbgnied or syrrctrurired rimar sysir, m(Oar sv€ot ofForce Md€urg FEr/cns €flu nrty fiun ddiv*ns arcccivingNet otht S"ld. ;hdl rcasmably eanrinc fto ltrl\ilh ancruil ofNet Oryt orbilod pnsrailb tis Sectm O.3 aftfi 6e frct bccd on tlrc mrount ofcrcrgy&d couH hnc bcrr gcofied d fu Facility od &livscdto hifiCorp as I{d OWtr h[th ww nc gsna*d and deliv€rcd becarre ofthe ouraitnem. Seller shall ddermino trc gumtity of such curtailed energr bosod on (x) tre tirre ard duration of &c urtailmem pcriod ad (y) wind conditions rcmn# d ttrc Flsility dning fte podod of qftitmq; aod6epourcrcurvcspocifiodforftc WindThbincsasstwminEtfifrftL Sincr*rattp,rnpUyptovidekifiCorpwiftessb srx*r information and daa as PacifiCor-p may rcasonab-ly - - rcquirc to oonfimr to is rtasonable sa[isfuhnthc mffi of cncrgr tr* vns iCI gprsmi or dslivcrcd beaus ofa ontaitrrcrt describcd in this Section 6.3. 6.4 PacifiCqrp as Merchant. Sollcr acJarmrdodgss that PacifiCorp, actirg in ibmaohmtcapacityfirnction as pnrclrascrundcrtrisAgNcfiicnt, has no rcsponji,LiHtyf&orcontol owr PacffiCorp Trarsurision r ary suEo€ssfr Transrni$im prrovida. 65 Otagcs. 6.5.1 Pldtrtod Outases. Excqtr u otrswiso prcyiH kcirt Sellcr strall rffi schedule PlEnned Outqgc duriry anyportion of the months ofNovcmbcr" Dscffiib66, January, F6nrary, Jr.m, July, and Augusq orcGpt to thc accnt a phnod ofigg ls rcaeonablyrcqufurdto cnabb avcndorb udi$a guarfirec requircrra in a sia6lon ln which the vcndm is d drsu/isc ablc o paform rlrc gurmtcc-wo* * atinre dcrttan dning onc oftlrmorfhs spocified abovc a o the extirt sr*r pfaorO Ailags is rcquirod in amodancsrvi0rPnefiEhcilicalPraaices. SelkrstBll, inDillbfrD,proviaefaimCorp 2t I @qOc.hVM,Il&ftp SESIIONT. MO'IIVETORCE hior to the exmrtion of this Agrcenrcnt, Scllcr providcd to PoifiColp trrind t eases and a motivc fortc plan includiag aa hornly wind prcfile acceptablc to PacifiCorp in iB rcasonable discretion aod afitchcd hcrcto as Erhlbtt F-L Within trrcc (3) mon&s aftcr the Effootivc Datc, Seller will p,rovidc a wiad lEport from any of Windlngicq Gt Garrad }Iassao, AWS Tnrepowet, LLC, or DNV Global Enerpr Conoepts, Inc. ocrtifying 6at the implementatim of the fucl or motive force plan can rcasonably bc cxpeotcd to provide fucl or motivc forcc to thc Facility for thc duration of this furecment adequarc to gcncratc powcr and coergy in ryontitics neocssary to deliver the Avorago Anrual Nct O,uqrn Seller will provido m updated estime of Avcragc Annrral Nct O,r&ut Et thc time it provides an rnendsd Eillbtt A pursuaot to Scotion 22.5 if Sellcr has sclcced diffoent Wind Turtincs. , SEC_TIO-N8. GENIIIsA*TIONFORECAITTINGCOSTS &l' ForegastScrvfucElwtim. PacifiCcpmay, iniediscmtiom, addfqqa*ing soryic,cs for Seller's Facility to PacifiCorp's eristing contas.t wi& a qulificd wind-arcrgr- p&r*iurfcocaxingrrcodm,nhichoqrmdEdvcr&rmaychmpfuingtrcffinoftris : Agracmer*. 8, Sgllg's,Forccast-Cmt $trars. Pursrant to Commiscion Ordo No. 3Mg?, Seller shall bo rtworuible fu 50/o ofPaaifiCup's cd of adirry srh fcegauhg san is(Sdldr Sorwst-Cot Shere") up !o Scller's Caped Forccast-Cost Shsro. : E3 Cao gOSclct's Fsccast{ostShaG. Soller'sFuwst4ostShacforagiva Contact Ycar is cappcd Et 0.t% ofbtal pyncots mode by PacifiCorp to Sellsr forNot orSut duringthc previore C,omad Yer (Edlefc Cepperl f,oro*{ost Share'} Iffto la6 Contraot Year of thic Agreemcnt is shortr thrn a full calcndar year, the oap will be proratod for frat $ortcmd yrr. For fu pa:r($ pior to &c mnd Contrrct Year of this agrccmd that equsls a fit[ cohndr ycr, Sellet's Foca$€oc S[rEc is cappd at 0.1% of edimedpalmerfi for Net Orry$ based on the Energy Delivery Scho&lc. &4 Payment Seller shall pay b PacifiCorp Seller's Forpcast-Cost Sharc uncappd by Scction 8.3 for cach Contract Year in oqrul paynrnb for each month of suoh ye0r exgept the last month of such year. (For oramplc, in a Contact Ycar equaling a full calmdar year, Ssller would pay Ul l& of Sdtrcds Fqmc-Co* Shil€ drrhg ca& ofilrs firs 1l mod&) Inftc hstmodt ofeach Cffiact Ycu, PaoifiCorp stEll rcfimdto Scllcrtro mnrpckt by Sellerurdaftis Sootiur in eircw, if uy, of Scllc,r'e Capped forecasrt Cost Sihan. For a conErst Year byjus one coleodr mordr, sclhr's paymcmt to Paoiffcorp and PaciffCup's refrrnd to Soller shatl be calculatcd and paid simulanoously. To the efi€nt practicable, p)rfnsnts dnfindsrrrdErthissoctiqrshallbeirrhddfummtrr&peytncrsd invokps urdc Soction I 0.. SECIION 9. MEIERING; REPORTS AND RECORITS 9.1 Metering Adiustm€nt Metaing will bc perfonncd at the location ryccified in Etrhibit B and inthe mannerspeoified in thc Gcncrator Imcrconncction Agrcement All quuilities of en€w trlrcrusod hcrcundcr shalt bG a{red in amon&re wiEr Adeadum I+ so tu 24 I {t:i'i , I I IIfiI I 1{I: 'lt I I i: . a ; t:i t t i ;l ;:t. ;I I ,l:: i.' aI I : ..: t: ,: tI I i IttiII { liII II I II 'l ttrprchasodmcm Delivcry.r Cdo CrookVM llt4twftz r€flccts tb rH arnrrrt ofpourcr floning irfio trc Sl,stcrn d ftc Foint of 92 lvtredrr8Erus.IfuyinryeoiarscrcsEmad'prsrmtbtreGaeror Lrtercormcction Agltemcnt discloses ao erlu cxccedingttri prcart(2%), oifterfrstor slow, proper coryc$on,bascd lpon th imcoracy foun4 atratt tc madc iffyious rcadings forthe acaralpcdod druingwhich the metering equipurcnt rsnffi inamurr$c mqsurcmcntr if that Pqiod om bs aamtafur€d. If&e rtral pcfud curd bc asccrtaim4 rlp tropcr cfitctkxr shall bomadttotho rrcasmmemdcn dufrrgtrctimcfr mcuingcqrerp iltro in scwi,ce 8fur last tostc4 but not c:rcooding fir€c Bilfint Pcriods, in ffro amount the mdoring equipnent shall have bem strorm to be in enor by such bet. Any corrcctbn in billingp trPaWEnts lpgl.lttng torn a corwtim in the m*r rc0qds *all bc madc in &c rExt moffily' br[ing or pa]rnccil rcndcrd. 93 Telcrrdcrins In amrdanoc wie rhc ccrrrdinn &rcrwrrcctimAgo€m€G lellcr s!u! pror'idc tclcractcring eer&ncft snd ftoilities oapable of tursmirin-g o Tresnfusion Piuyider (urtro will sharc ir ynft kdficop as autcax W Elfiffi g.selhr Adtodzadon b Releas Gasatim h o HffCory') fte folotring iffirmarftn curcetning rbe indioce: (a) instantaneous M W outpur at trc Point of Delivery; O) Nerouryut; (c) OreFacility's totrl instaoraneous generation cepacity; and (O windvcbcitydrrbhch$hddt Sellor shsll BIeo transmit to PacifiCorp my othc daa tom the Facility that Scllcr rccoivcs on a real-time basis, incltding mooorotoioat &ta, wind cpcad data, .;rird dio"tilaro *a qrosq ouFut dma Scllcr shall providc such rcdtime dEta to PaoifiCorp in fu game dctEilth* Sellq rcoeives thc &ta (c.g., if Sellcr rcoeivcs th€ data in four sccnmd intailals, PloifiCorp shall also reccivc the datE in forn sooood intcrvals). PacifiCorp shall hove tre right from timcto time to rcquircsclkrbpovklcadditiuutetcnwingoquOnrrtatdfrcilftks b tho eosa$ rmessary and ressonable. g.4 Monttrly Rcports rrd Iogp snd 0&6r Information. 2.a,1 BOOr[r. Witrin ftirty (30) calcndr dap atu tro end of cadi Billfu Pcriod, Scller shall providc to PaoifiCorp a rcport in elocoonio foflmst wtrich rceort shall inohdo (a) sunmarie oftr Facility's wind md orryrt dm forthe BiUlng Ba*ld tn inHvals notto eircoed ons hon (r srfr shmtrpaiod as is reomnabtyposeiHe wih oommercialty availablc terhnologr), including information fromthe Facility's coatpuer monitoring s),stsm; (U) srrrmules ofany otho significant wcne rrldsd to i lfrblin ronie ir eplitd via sqr& adrilca, PrciffAap witl dcdu *uion rcrvios fom tho m.Esld fucility ouQut to calculao NC Ornprn 25 I I] ; z i 7' I I I. 1 I t CatuC?**WWtlG-{lwPtrl I I . t .2 Cal(rtlsion of Dclav Sanritv. Tlp dolhr valuc of Delay Sanrity slnll cq pl the gree of: (l) ftrty-fve dolhm 6aD multiplied by tro Muimrm radliry DclivcryRe wi0tthc It orimun Frcility Ddiv€ry Rab being mcasrnd in kW (bamd sr tlp final Frili8 C4acityltdirrg dcaminod byJurry3t, 20iZy or 121 tro s[n oftrc Foer.tg, fu esh of tho fix$ fuio cahndar morfis aftEr tE sohofuld commocial OpenationDate, of: fts €oryy in the Initial Year Ene4y Delivery Schedule fs trc montt GXfh)multhlicd bylhe monthlyweigbtod avorago On-Pcak End Off.peak Conforming Eoc(gr PurhEse hice fctre rdr $/t{Wh) dtvi&d by I 000. Such amount shsll bo fixod upon orcosion of this Apcmcnt. 11.13 Ridil o Drfw o S€curity. PacifiCorp stra[ tuve dr right to drarr sr rhe Dolay Seority o colloct Delay Liquiddod Danages. Conrndng on or *ou firs ofcartrmod} Pacificosp will inrcicc scllcn fur Dslay Liquided Dmages hcrErp4 if ay, fuins tF Foaoding morfi If insrtrcie# Delay Spcrrity is avaihbh, SetU stratt pay PrifiCorp fu irrcicdDdlyliqddedDamagesno ltr hr fvchsfurcgs dqrs ;ft; rccciving src,h invoioc" Tlrc Parties will n lc bilin$ mdpa5ancrns brDclay Liguidatcd Damaps in accordmce with Scgdon 10. ll.l.4 Partial RolcsEe ofDEhy Socilritv. Plovidodlht Sdlor hag mriruinod Iblay Smrriry h aooorfu wift ffin I 1.t.1, PacifiCory drall r&so mathird ofthc original amowt of Dclay sccuity sffid in Scction 11.1.1 cach timc scltor acoomplishes a milestme (a) or (b), below: (a) Selktus(}GxcqfidtrcCrnsaiqrlauonectftnAgt!!ilrcrrt with Trsnmi$ion htovidor; and (ii) perd in full any interconnection ard/or qmmwgtadc oo$s Sclkf is &liged b pEy in adrrupe of irrffiion cons&ustion. O) Scll€rhaspilrcdthccurcr*fnrndaimccachofirsplad individual lVind Tirbine Imatione. PaslfiCorp shEll mdc tho partial rcfturd of Dslay Seourity requirrd above within ton hrsiaess days ofthc dac Scllcrprovidm PacifiCorp u,riucn notice (alongwie ffiydotnnnatdim fuoo$ ed it hu accsndi*rod milcsbnc (a) or O) aborrc" I l.l .5 FtrU Rclcase-of Ddry Soffiir},. Lhlcss kcifiCdp diryres *ffi Scller tus psid dl Dolsy Uquided Deagc$ prclfiCorp *ratt releoe a[ mnuldrg Dday Soourity upon fto earlicr oftho 30th calcrdsr day following commcnccnmt of C@lrncrcid Opcrdion or 6e 60th calordar &y following PecifiCorp'e bnnination of this Agcement. I 1.1.6 Defuf. Sethr's &ihrcb pctodrnrintain DEIry Sruity in rcordre wt& Sodist I I .l will onethrc m eved of &hr[ rnless curcd in apoordance *ih Sestln 12"1.t oftrbAgrccnrsrt ll.2 Dcfrult Soarity (t-cvelizcd hicing Only). (Rcserved) 2t CcbCrcc*Yil,LlG-FttYfu SECrION 12. DDFAI'LTS A!{D REMDDIES l2.l 1}e following Gvc,nts shall constihrts dofsulB under this Agrcorremt l2l.l Nm.Pafun A Patlt's &iltrc to make a puyrncnt t{,tEn due und€rftis Agreonrcnt orpost and maintsh secldty in curformmce wih thc requimronts of SGctiur I I orrnainbin fusrmco in cmfummoo wimtb rcquiraerrs ofSoction 14 oflhis Ageeorsd, iftb frihr€ i8 rd qrcd wi&in ten 00) hsfors dsyo aftEr trs nmdgftultiry Party givos hs dchuhing Puty a notice of the dofault lLlz Brcach ofRsp,rcscnttim. Brcach by a Puty ofarcprcsutation u rvuraily sct forfr ia lhfu Agm€m€ut, if f,rch fiihrc c brcacl is not cnrcd wttrin &ftty (30) dayo following writtea notico. lZl3 Dcmult m Ortcr AEreqncnts. Scllcds frilurc to curp my &fault wrdcr thc Generaim tewmsqion furccrrerf or my oflu egrccmcot bctc,ul trc p{d€o related o ftisAgpotnd,theCiencruion krtcrcqmctionAgrccmcm, cttrcFacilitywiftinlhltimc allonud fc a qrc mdcr sur,h igrccmcd c in*rxnstr 121.4 Insolvencv.A Pafiy (a) malccs En assignmc,ot forthe bc,ncfit of i6 crcdiors; (b) fftcl a pct'tion or oduxriss qnrncnols, authorim o aoryicoos in the ootilrmcemcot of a proccdiry m cauo of ukrn tmdcr any hnlsnmcy 6 snnilr fup f91 lho pmotocdon of,aedibrs, a has arctr a pctiliur fild agpiost it md $dr @qr is not witHnrvm or disrnissod wiftin sixty (60) days aftr srh flin$ (o) bmorncs inrolvent; or (d) is unablc to pay lts debts yfr€n duc. lLlS l{edalA$t/cfic Ctflns. A}viroirl Adrrcrsc OrmgelusooorrcdwiEr rwpcct to Scller md Scllcr ftils o providc such pcrformanoc assurulccx, as Ert reasonably rcqucsd by PacifiCory, wiftfrr eirty (30) ds)B tom tF darc of srh rcqucst 111.6 Saleto Third-Patv. Seller's ssle of}trEtOugltto an atity fu lhan PacifiCorp, as prohibiCId by Scction 42. lLl:l Nsr-Dgftycry. Untess cxored by m swnt of Fucc lrfiajare (irrluding PacifiCorp's bneschofits obligdionsunderttris Agrec ncrrt), Seller's frihreb dolivcraqy Irkt EnEaSr ftrttrm consootirt cal-rdm motr. lill.E A Paay ofrcrwise frilao perfm arymmial obligrim Cmshding htr not limircd to ftihuc by Seller to mo* any.rdlinc s for& in Section 22.1 &mugh 299) iryosd qm thdPrty by ftisAgtcact ifdc &ihrc is not qrcd yi&inmifiy (30) dqr aftEr fire nffi!&fuhing Prty gives tre dEeufting Party ndice oftre drfrult l2.l.g Sellcrfails to achi,svo the Conurcrcial Opcrdion Dao bytb 91- dsy folloning the Scheduled Commcrcial Opsation Dab, lrovl&d, hoveryr, thag upon writon ndice fiun thc d€fuilting Paily delivatd pic b tE nirrty-fid pll dry of delcy, trb niMy (90) day period shBll bG crilmdcd loy an sdditional one hundrcd and fiffy (150) dal,s if (a) Scl€rhaspourcdtrccmttefoundaiuratehofisplarmodirdivltralwird t.ubins locdiors; ed (b) Sellcrrsoistras Dday l)ftrh Sconity in acoor&noe widr Scdim I 1.1.1. Solhr shall cantinrc to aconrc Dclay Uquided Danugss in aooordarcc 29 CtbAa*VM,ItHb+hc with S€dim 25 (Deloy Pdoo enos tro Ddry ValE) uilil tre Projacr rc,lriam Connrreiat O,pcration or this Agrcemmt is tcrminatcd. Yn h thc cvc,lrt gtuy dcfrult hwmdc(, the nondefaulting Psrty must notifi thc defrulting Party iE uriting of&e cftruruffi indiccing the dcfault ad oulining rho rsquiffitcfrsoow!frEd.frult lflhodofurltlusnmbocuqrEdwmnilrepucriboadm,aborro, lfteam-d@tfriry Puty nay tnminrc 6is Agrccmct at ib sle discnfftn W aefinclrry cftcnndier tptftcrkty rdmaypmrc anyand all legal oroquitable rEnrod€s pvi&d by [q,or trttgrd b fiis Agwrcd. Ihc d$rb rovidd h fib Scqim 12 arc cnrnnrluive f,re ftd-lhc cxercise of sre a moe riglf Sall not om$iure a uaiver of any o{hcr riglt. 123 kr{re eventthis Agrcernsnt isunrinaodbeuscofSellcr,sdcfurttand Sells wiScs to again sdl Nct Ot$trt tom dr Facilityueing &c sanrc motive forcc o PacffiGorp following such tsrmination, PaciffCorp in its sole discrstion may requirr thu Scllor do so subjcctotlrcumsofftisAgncmcilt,inchrdhgh$mtlimitsdbrugnctrarcplocsasEGtfrrtlin (Sectim 5), trril flro lxpiruior Dc (as s€t fo,r& in Scction 2.1). At such time Scllcr md PacifiCorp agrcc to orecutc a writen docurnfft rci$ing thc terms of this Agreement. lZ4 lfthis Agocmert is t$rnined as a rpguh of Selhds d€fuIt, in addrliqr o and ru. in limitrtion of any otrcr riglrt or rtmedy under this Agreement or applicable taw (including any {ght to setofr couatcr,claim, or othenrirc withhold palmcfr), scllcr shall poy Pacificorp o&rt shoffill DffiraFs sr apciod ofeigb€n 0t) rnorfts frrn &c dds of Eminalimphs the estimatod adminl*rativo oost to acquirr the rcplaoemcnt powcr. The Par-ties agrce that tho damagesPacifiCorywudd incur&rcto Arminationrcsrttngfiun Scller's defruftu'ould be difficult or impossible to prcdiot with ccrtaintn and thc the damagcs in this Seqtion 12,4 atean apppnate approximtion ofsuch damagos. l?S Reoorryment of Damages. , (a) Dofault Sccriry Avsilablc. If Seller has postcd Dcfault Socurity, PacifiCorp may draw upoa ftat accurity to satisfy any damages, above. security, m ifPscificce% unrut owing by partinlly wi[tholdirry fitne pcynrcils b Sellcr ovcr a rcomnablo pcriod of tirp. PaciffCoip utd Scllcr drall niorktogdr.r in good fri& to 6hbli* dre perioq ard mcnthly ffiountq of suctr wiflilrolding so as to aroid Seller's dcfrult on iE commial or frrrrcing sgrlaEils rffisary for ie ordrnred opcruftn offu Frc,ilry 12.6 Upon an wcnt of dcfaultorffiinwentresulting fiom defaultrmderthis furcemcNrt, in additionto andndin limitxionof any otlrcrrightmruedy undrthis Agrwmmt or applicablc law (inoluding any rightto sa-off, courtcrclaim, or oficrwisc witrhold payno), ttr m#uldugPatrymay t ic oilim set-ofr, ag&st my anrorrrs oupdto the dc&ulting Party- any amounts owed by tlre dofaulting Party undcr Bny contract(s) or sgpern@(9 betwsr thc Pafiics. TIE ohligdiars of trc Prtics stull bc dccmod satisfd ard discbargpdto thc eldnfi ofany srch setofr, The rrcndceufting Puty Satl giw fte de,fufthg fafiy uniocn rctice of any sctofr bu failue to give srch notiae stratl not affrct tbo validity oftne sot- off. 30 Cctu Qca*Wrd llfi,-fituefro 12.7 Amornts olved by Soller ptnsuant to dris Section 12 shsll bc duc wi{rin fivc (5) businoss daya aftor any invoicc ftom PacifiCorp for thc samc. SEcflONt3. INDEMNIFICAflON:IJABILITY l3.l hdemnitics. t3.1.1 Idermrity h Sella. Soiler slul rcleass, irdermi$ and hold hmnlsss PacifiCorp, i8 dirfiorr, officere, agents, and rcprcscnutives against and frrom any and all lossr firn, penalties, olaims, actbng u Erib, inchding cocs rd domoy's fccq bo& c UA and o qpcel, Esulthg fiop, carising or.r ofor in uy wuy o@c@d wih (a) tho cncrgr dolivcrcd by Scllcr undcr this Agrccmcnt to and at the Point of Delivary, (b) any fasiliticr on Sollor's sido of the Point of llolivcry, (c) Seller's opcr*ion andor maidqrarrcs oftrc Facilig, or (d) adsitrg &om Sellds brcach of&is aetcGm€d, inohding wiftors limibtin my loes, chir& acdon or srdt, fu c m accorm of trjrry, bodily or othetwire, to, or dcafi ot, pcrsons, or for drmago to, or dcsEuction or eoonomic lossofpoperybchngng b PacifiCup, Sellcrorotherr, orcging mly such loog claino, action or suit as may bo ca$od sotely by the fault or gross nogligence of PacifiCorp, its dircctors, officcrs, emplo),ecs, EgcnE or rcprwcntatives. 13.12 ftfuuritq FyPscifiCorp. PacifiCsp shall rclcasc, irdsnnify md hoH'trrmlms Soller, ir dirccton, offioerq agads,lcodcrc md ppnesenffives agpinstand fiun any ard all locs, ftres, pcnaltirx, claimq actios or suiq inoluding cooE srd &acy's h bohdthl and onamcal rEsulfing ftEm, caisiry uloforin my uay oonlroctsd wih- dn en6gr ddhuod by Sollnrnder this Agramcm afu fu Poirt of Dolivcly, hohdingwi&ottlimiuionaryloss,olaino,donorsrit,forormrcocrmtofit$ry,bodity cdrcffiisa o, or dedr of, pcrsms, cfcdamago b, cdcslruction or caqtmic lm of lmpcrty, corccpting only suctr loss, ohirq action or suit as may be cawod sldy bythc frult c gross nggligenoe of Sdlcr, ie dircoors, offcers, cnplole, agent+ lenders or reprcsentativcs. 132 No Dcdisation. Nothing in this furccrncnt shall bo constmod to cr€atc any duty to, any stardsd of oarc with rt&r€nsc tb, m ary li$ility to ary peoon not a Puty b this AgpernatN0udstd&sbyorpPartytofteodrcrrn*rmypovisionoftrisAgroanemtshall omctifi$e thc dcdioation ofthat Party's systcm or any lnrtion thcreofto thc othcr Pafy or O thfublicmaftsttlemrsofPacifiCorpasmidcpeofuprblicrnilityoorpotuimorscll€r as an indcpen&nt individual or atity. 133 No lVarranty. Any revicw, aoocpfiance or failurc to rview Scllcr's dcsign, ' spccificctions, equipment or facilities shall not be an cndoncmcot or a confitmation by PacifiCorp mdPadfiCorp nukosnoruanantios, oprcssodor implidregendinganyaspcctof $eller's dcsigp, specifications, equipnrcnt or frcilities, including but not limitod to, safety, drability, rcfiability, s&ngft, cryacity, doqrrcy s ecnrmdc fesibilty. 13,4 CONSEOI'ENTIAL DAMAGFS. H(CEPT TO THE E)ffENT SUCH DAI\{AGES A.RE INCLT.'DED IN TTIE LIQUIDATED DAIT{AGES, DEI.AY DAI\,TAGES, OR OIHB. SPECIFIED MFASURE G DAilIAGES HIPRESSLY FROVIDED FORIN TIIE AGRBHVTENT, NEXIHER.PARIY SHALL BE LIABTE TCI lHE OTHER PARIY FOR srEctAr, H:rlm\IE INDTRBCT, E(EMpr.ARy ORCONSEQT ENTIAL DAI{A(ES, 3l I II l: I ! ! j :. t Crfu ARehmtd, UfrecPtu SECTION 15, BORCE ttre.rEUnn l5.l As uscd in this Agreunen! Torce lllrfeune" or *m event of Forrcc Ilflrteure' rcans aly crus bc5iond ttn reaeurable ccfiol offlE $eller c ofPrcifiCcp wttidt @ietrc ocrcise of due diligsffi, f,reh Pafty is urablo o provent or ovgryoqo. By way of oiamptq Force Majeurc may includo btrt is not limitd to aoB of Crod, floo4 gtorms' wErq ho*ilitics, dyit fiifp, fiih, ad @ Iabor distubmccs, oa(tqrnlcg firps, [ghnno& cpfrdadcst sabdgo,r*afoilbycorrtmfucotcrdclayqfriheinrtepcrfcmanccasarcsrttofmyactlxr uinaction on bchrlf of apublic autroritywhicb is incach cas€ (i) bcl,ond*rc rcasonable contol of such Party, (ii) by the excrcise of rcasonsblc forcsight suoh Parry could not reasonabty have bosn orpoctcdb avoidrd OD byttsorcrciseofducdlig,€noe srchParyesl beurablctopevcntorfirlpome. Forcclrd4iarc, houcvcr, qpcoifioallyorclndesfio oostor armilability offuel on motivc hrce b opcrae m facility or ihmgps in marlcst corditions that aftEt 60 -prhe of encrgr or tarunission" If eithcr Party is rendered udrotly or in prt rmablc to porbrmitssligiliournfutrisAgrEffiEdbccauseofanwcntofForpelvlqiam'btttrPafiios sball bc oroused from wtutover pcrformance is affectcd by f,re cvmt of Force l\dqiare, pnovided thrt: 15.1.1 frc narjef,orrringPug, rrrsq as som aspradicable hnm la0aftmwi&in two (2) v,Eds & dr omurw of the Forcc Mgieurc, gle thc othcr Party sriton notico doscribing tho partioulars of the ocountncs, including the strt dato of the Force iUqjeure, tha oause of Forcc Majerre, uffitboFaci[tymrnainsputially qerdicral ad tro opectod end dao oftre Folce Mqiewc; 15.12 ttrc arymim of perbnnance shall bG ofno greder ocopc and of no longcr duretion than is required by tho Focc Majoure; 15.13 6e nur-pecforming Puty uses in b€st e,fforts to rtmady its in$ilfy b perform; and ls.La fu mcpsfuingPaty Sall povi&prc@witEr mbeothc otrcr p61y dto cod offiro Fuoo Mqinrc er,Elt eiling ltc ead &c, cf,Isct€tot, &mage cased $Gle by md my rcpain thtwrc requirod as areorlt ofihe Fmo Ld{arc sveil' d the cmd dae ofthe Forcc lvlaiare. 15,2 No obligations ofeifurhrtyx,hich uosobcforc trcFow M4inuc c4tsirg 0tp suspension of perfomanoe ehEll bo cxoused as a result of the Forpe lrd4iew. 15.3 Nci&il Party shdl be rcguired to scftls any sEike, walkout, lockout or othsr labor dryre on Hrrs whidt in ttn oleffimerr ofthc Paty irvohlod in tE dirye, 8E cffiary b the Party's bcst intercstr NottingmnAinod in this Agreemont shall evcrbc consbued to orcato an assmiatio& trust, partnefshiporjointvcffirre orto impse atrst orpartremhip duty, obligation o liability botvseen the Pailico. If Sctler inchrdcs two or morr partics, each suoh party shall be jointly and ssverally liablc for Sellcr's obligations rmdcr this Agtancnt. 33 ,1 i{ 1t :,t ,1 1 t t!i I I 1 .i :, i. lr I i,t 1; i i{ Cade Owh Vtrd, Ili4tyz hr $ECTION 1?. CUOICE OrL\W fhis AgrcGnrcd sttall bo imrpmted and aforccd in amrdanoe wift lh€ laurc oftrc ffie of ldrho, otcMing any c.lroicc of law rules which may dircct the applioation of thc laws ofuoher juriediction. SECTION T& PARIIAL INVALII}ITY It is rut &e irmnfisr ofthe Prties b viohc any laun gmning ttrc snbj*t ilutu of flrblgffit lf my of tlr terms of ttc Agrcemart ue ftrally held q deEmirrcd to bc itrnalftr" illqd orvoidas beingcoutraryb myryplicable larorprblicpoliey, all olhctEms ofthcAgrccmcot sb[ rcmain insfrcct ffanytcmrsar ftnallyheldord€ilsminsdto bc invBli{ il@alorvroid,the ktics drall m lmo negoddims conoanini 0rc uils afucbd by Er*r dsdshn fu tbo p4posc of acfiiwiagconfomitywftrcgufoEocrilsofmya$icablclawmdthe inGnt of tho Parties to this Agrrcrrent. SECTION 19. WATVER Any waiver at any time by ciftcr Party of is rights with rcryed to a default under this Agm€m€ril 6wift t€spcdb any fu udas aising in omodim wie ftis agtwneffi rru* be in wri&tg ud such waivcr shall rpt be dmred a univcrwitr reryectb any ur$equcrtdefruh or otfcr matter. SBCTION2O. GOT'ERI{MDNTALJT'RISUCMONAT{I'AIITEOruZATIONS PrifiCorp'e ocrryliuce witr the te ' of&iE AgEGm€ilt is conditiorpd on Selhds srbmi$slxr b PaoifiCorp lrior to fu Crmcmial Opadon Dtc of ceics ofall local ffi ard fodgs! liceoses, pctmiBad otficrapprovalsastheomaybcrquirrdbylar forthe constrrtion, oportionand ,rnaintanance of&e Faoility. Failurcto maimh slch lauftl staurs afuthe Coqmrercid Oeerdion Dde $sll be sr slmt ofdc,furlf $S€ct b Scdim 12. SESIION2I. SUCCESSORSANDASSIGNS 2l,l this Agrenr.nt E d all of the krs md povisiorc hercof shaU be binding rpon md inue o tlp beneft of the respcctive suooessors and assigns of ttre Parties hereto, exccpt that no asdgnmcnt hcrcof by cither Puty $alt Sscornc ef&ctive wi0rors flE wriu€n cmsed of botr ktiosbeiogfir*otrained. Srrlcmscd$allmbcmrasurablywiddrck[prorided 6atthe Partics agrae that commercially rcasonable written amendmcuts to thc Exhibit to this Agrccmoout arrd suoh other writtenqd*cstothc information oonUinod thcrcinrclatod rc the Factlity may be ruade in the svent of rny assignnre,nt of this Agrcemcnt pursrunt to the tcrms of this Sostion 2 I . I . ltloffifttronding tp fir* scilatc d6fo Sodio4 (a) any orrity witr uihich PacifiCorpmayconsolidoo,orimo ufiichitmtymqBo, ortowhkfi itmayconvey ortansfor substantially all of ite clcotic utility assets, shall automatically, without firttrer act, and wi{rout need of oonscnt or approval by the Scllcr, sucooed to all of PacifiCorp's righb, obligations, and intcrcsts under this Agrccmcnt and (b) Soller shall have tho rigtrt to assigB thio Agreement, subjectb PacifiCorp's writton consctil, which conscnt shall not bc unrcasorably withhsld or delayd for collatcral socruity purposes to one or motr financing cntities (or a collatoral agc,nt acting on their behalf) prcviding finanoing to Sellsr for the Facility, in which evcnt PacifiCorp agrecs to providc a wrifen oonscnt in favor of Sellor's 34 CefuCrechY-vd,Ilfr-&ctu financingomitie in form andsubstancc similarto consentsexccutcd byPacifiCorp in cormection wi& non-rccourse project fmanoingp. This aticle shall notpreventa ffnancing cntitYwitr recorded c sccrrr€d righb fi'om exErpising dl dgbs d rcrtodies arrailable b it u&r law or mntract PacifiCorp ehall htvs tha d$t to be notifi€d by the financing cntity that ii is orercishg such rights orrrmedic and all suchothurights as provided intho uninen oonsent. 212 Notwithmanding Scction 21.1, Seller shall have thc right to hold in abcyanos, aubjeat to torminatiou as providod in this Scstion, this Agruornent and mry authorizc Ridgelino Energr, LLC or ic dcsignatod afEliatc (such assignee rcfcrncd to herc in this Aglccmeot as Ttdgelhc) to cxccut€ thc agpcm€nt in Addcndun M (thc "Amerded and Rstebd Power Purfrasc fuiccnrcnt") d aoy tima prior to lunrary 31, 2012 !y tho dclivcry of awittcn notice to PaoifiCorp dmigrating suoh aboyance of&is Aglltmcnt and cnocution of the Amendcd md Restatod Powcr Purchasc Agrcemcnt (fte "A$lpment Noffce), Wittrin livo (5) days of rcccipt of thc Assigrrmant Notice PacifiCorp shall orccurc and deliverto Ridgcline tho Amqrded and Restatcd PowcrPrnchase Agrcementwith fltc inscrtion of thc rumc of tho scllor and thc ctrective date of such Amondod and Rssilatcd Pos/Gr Pwrhase Agrceorcnt, nftich shall bc the lah of (a) thc dac thc noticc was providcd to PaciffCorp or (b) thc Ef;tegtivo Dde. Upon cxeoution of the Amendcd aod Restatcd Powct krrchEsc Agrrcmcnt by Ridgclinc as p,ovidod in this Section, thig Agroemsnt *all bo held in abeymoe (dudng wtich time CCW shall havs no rights hereurrder). If Ridgslino torminatcs the Amcnded and Restatcd Powcr Purchrso Agrecmeut m or bcfotp January 5, 2013, thoar this Agraomert shall bo rcinstasd and of firll forcc md effeot. If Ridgpliao fails to ttrminst$ tho Amsndcd and Restad Powcr Purrhasc Agrccrrent on or bcforc lanuatT 5, 2013, ftis furccment shsll bs automaticellyterminEted. SECTION 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ?2.1 Ihis Agrcuncr spcrsedcEllEioragoerncm, progmfs, rcercsrm,ms, negotiations, discussions or lotters, u,heth€r oral or in writing, regnrding PacifrCorp's purclrasc of Nct O$put &om tra Faoility. No modification of this Agrccnrcnt strafl bG sfrcctivo unloss it is in srriting and signcd by both Parties. U.Z By orcrsing 6is Agrecrrent cach kty retcaccs tho ottrer frsm any olaims, knoum or unt<noynr, tfrat oay havJuisen prior to tts cxesution datc ofttis Agrceroent wih reryoctbthoFrilitysrdanypearccsufroilityEoposodolrrycbemcmstucbdalfusit€ of the Facility. .\. gEguoN 23. N(}TTCES Allndkrs arcryas drcrrvisoproviHintrisAgrccmcmsha[ bo inuddng rhell bcdirpctodas follows and shall bc corsi&rcd detivorcd if dcliv€r€d in frson or whcn dopositod in ths U.S. Mail, postagc prspaid by certificd or registcred rnail and reenn neceipt roquGstcd" All Notics 825 NB Mulmnah &EdnffiIe4 35 Notloel lrecmcorr l*o { +: enoqve*VWllff-frvcPtc 97232 Cmac.edmini*aln,Nohard W. Bwkhadt 600 (20o 78e,35sr Q0q780-3s7t (503) 813{291 fiL79&,9013 $'297-9483 IiurlDltmbcr: g\frM TorlDlSmbenm62653l l, Thc Pa*ie may ohangr thc pcreon b whom such noticcs ue addrcssc{ or thcir addresacs, by poviding writen notioes thercof in apoordancc with ttis Setion. Noticre lPectftCorp $ellcr Alllnvoicer::BqckOffioe, Suitc700 -557E (503) r13 -55E0 Attn: Vici llall, Crneral Accounting lvlanagBr Email: accourlti{e(Pqurnmitpowcr. com: vhall@mrmm itpower.com Phone:(206) ?8G3551 $cheduling:lAth: Rosurac Ptming, $dE 600 lnnonc: (503) El3 - 6090 Faosimile: lrsogr u3-626s AtuIhmasCmcrm 0m)3CI{r86@ Prymentr:Bockoffico, Suit€700 l3-557t (503) 813-5580 AtIu Vici l{all, Chncnal Accountir,rg lvlanagcr Email: accountinc(asummiEower.com: vhall@surnmitpo*o.** Phone:(206) 7t&3551 Xfirclfr&IBank orrcNA. lfro Ue pviloa in sqarat k from lPacmComto Ssllcr Bank Wolls Fargo To bc povidod in $DuaF lcficr fun Scllcrto PacifiCom Ctditud Colkctions: lAtr: Aedittvrurae6 Suie 700 lPhone:(503)E l 3-56S4 Faosimilc: l1sor1 813-s6oe I Attu Richad W.Bulfrardt, Chisf Finanoial Officcr Emait rbu*hardt@sunrmitpwo.com Phone:(200 780-3551 XffiAddhnrt Noticrc of al ErEEtofllelt orPotmtlal Evc[t dlle&uftto: &cifiCupGenemlCcrruel l3-J029 Facsimile: 813,675r Managcr Email: acco untins@summitoower.com: vhal l@qummitpower.com Phono:(200 780-3551 Attrr: Vici l{all, Gcnaal Accountlng 36 CDMW.lmlb I! wllilErs vfimmr,fu Prrd.shroord$foArrmcn bo tdylmrrcroftL.dbfireonwl*l: rActllgorB cuunrETrEsI{D,IIcrlhlwrrtlqLodU[lycWryn Dtm:-t^rtrs.T[5:(her{r*<ryn Tttlo lrr*rmrr- Ong""{,h a,l CttuCte*YbdllG-lbcPbt DXflIBITA DESCRJPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY Sclla's Facility consists of 24 wind trbinc gencrdo(s) rnanufacnrcd by Sicmcns. Morr specifically, cach gsnerator at the Facility is described as: Type (qfncbronour or hducfirre): Aslmchronous with Invertcr Mode[ Sisme,ns SWT-2.3-101 NumbcrofPtrro* Thrrc Rabd Output (kW): 2pm Rrted Oufout (LVA): 2,555natd Voltage $ine to lhe)l 750V RrtGd Curent (A): Strtor: ConvcrGr Supply Cunr,nt 1953I$ Rotor: 2020 AIlflrdmum klVoutput: 2300 kltr Madnum BYAOutput 2555kVA . Minimum LW Output: _40_kWllflennhctnedc hblished Cut-in Wid Soecd:4 ndcrc/reoond Fadlfty Cepreity Rrtlng: 55,200 kW at or above ratod wind speed and below cutout Rrto:atPaoifiCorp Coslisn Substatioa at 345 kV Ilflarimum GIA wilhthc othc,rCdar $trdol rervico roquinementr, and other loo& reneed B the Fadllg, ilrny, ere descrtbcd er follows: Station scrvicc ruquircmcnts consist of Cedar Cresk Wind Opcrations and lvlaintcnmc€ hiHing loads, tubine sandby loads, and turbine cutout loads. Averagr tubirrc standby load forFive Pine is approximatcly 125 kW. Cttout loads would be inficqusnt and not ooncunmt wih stardby loads. Creek thcmaximum otsut gcneraio(s) md 8ny output and theNameplato Capaoity Rating: Iv{aximum gpnefdor oulput is 2300 k$r (samo as NancplCc Caprcity Rating) Loeefion of tteBecility: ThoFacility is loced iaginghrm County,Idaho. The location is moro particularty descriH as follou/s: 43o 19.420'I^atitrdc, llzo 2.552'Longihrdc WCSB4. Ilcations of eac,h trbine tower rplative to other Arali$ing facilities owned by Codar Qeek Wind showing Cedar Crcek Wind's complianco witt ttre spacing requiremcnts in tt C-F.R. $ 2Y2,2A4. aro attaohed herteto. Pon sr fartor roqulremenb: Ratcd Powcr Fac,tor (PF) or reactivc load (kvAR): 0.9 Loadingto 0.g Iagging ldlcr bas povidod a oopy ofmanrficturcr'r Pocor Curyc (Rcv. a, Julc 20t0) for ftc Simcu SWT-2.3-101.PrifiCorp oainuinstltoponrcurve in it filcs purruatb aNo-DirclocurcfurmatbanroonPadfCor-pmrt Scllcc. a-2 C.bOcc*,Wllfi-4etu ' EmBlTA-Atlrc.}rrrtr l. CtdrrClcrkWlrdFen$bMrPL Dttrnco Edrrm,Wlnd Turffior of AdJlcrrt (lrrfi&lrf Frciltdn A-3 I btuCnnfmd,W&ht Ccdrr Cnc&Whd Frrm Slto Mrp ;aCrormrgmFr{rcr &Ptil(onlu a.. d r?ltelEott} (WhdfoeErnrv!, tl, e(li|urqricnr:I::i:T.YIT*. 0 .tit Ii{!-i- ,l Pr{raTfr..PnHr*rryl. A-4 fu Cr*t, Vlrrd, IIHfrD I'tO '.Tj I 1ij i tI l i{ It I I i I II lit tI I r ij ii'i: ll l t,i I I.ti: l... i, I I! i Tb t$lo'bhml h fu dffi bluuwr trtiocs in sqrao Qratiging Fei&fus. FirrcPirc TI,JXBNE# NorthPoint TT'RBINE#DTSTANCE (f'T) T36 122 s55ilJ T3[T23 6057.0 T36 T24 650fs T37 -Ttz 53?&4 Tl7 TN s629,7 T31 TU 589t.8 TL2 trI5 5799.s Tt2 w {3972"Tt2 T30 5401.6 T12 B2 s55E.6 T3l T24 7534.9 A-5 Ftlo h* providcd thc folowing single lirro drawing ofthc Faoitity interoonnsstion faoilitior T!td|8 qagiag poims qsod to catrouhto Na ouput and any tansnission faoilitics oi Sclcr'rsido oftho Point ofDclivcry. The Metcring Point and ilre Point of Dclivcry is tho PaoifiCotp 34skv bus at thc Croshensubstation. Tho Projcot wiX bc chuad by a 34.5kV-345kV ollecbr suMtion Eash pmjecr will havc oncor morp 34.5kY hcakcm &at will oonnet to a common 34.5kV bus. Thc lrJ*ff *oilt o "cctral 34.5kV main broaker, 34.5-345kV PourerTtansform.r,345kV bncaker, linc dismnnoctswitrh and a 5.I mile 345kv hnsurission lino to the croslrcn subeuion. CdoOcehVt dIIC-tucbO TXf,IBITB POINT OF DELII'ERY / PARTIES' INTM,CONNECTION FACILXTIES i I 1: i I!'t{ ,l Itl:.! :i :] l llir I tr i: i, IIi i., i :t,i ii:i ;rl l 1 ,,1 l.,l ,l ,li: , i 1 I !l 1iiIIit.,,,li ,II3fIII I I II II It I ET UsCr@kWllfr-4lwftr I I I I I I I I :i i 't,l I:t i I i i: I I t: 1, ri ,ai 1. i. (: 1i: i EXf,IBIT B-AfircLncutr 1. Subrtrtlor Mclcdrg Or+,Ib llirgnn B2 WCtcs*Vtnd,Ilfr4hepte lllbt nirirFlfrrE otr.h.) [!r*l ct tba L,.r(d ,t frFl tt]ilocdtulilrtAqr nafa-a. 0rfcl nrrff{ nitInpr.lrH ta{lltll,lf,^ tt-Dlr.I' ule __fltt fvr ..-J-- cEpARqFEE(lmilp.lrc,lsuttdmlFh.'lnorEuiltuArtu[ Dririlo AM B-3 EXtrTBITC REQI.'IRED FACILITY DOCI]MENTS Quli&ing Faoility Ntmbs ftosn to be ottaincd fiom EERC: QF1e,53ffi00 The followingDocuncots arc rcquir€d piorb dcliveryof rny o&ut fitomthc Facility: Gcncration lerconnection Agrc€rncmt Agrromet* pcrrftting Sollor aocoss o sharod int€rcoflffitiom faoilitics Pmportyri$CI rcquiredto maimainaod opcrdctho Proj*t in aooordaaoc withthis A$cclncnt (eite lcascs, tsmsmission eascmctrs, ctc). Thc following Pcrnfts arc required on or beforc tho milcstonc dcc spcolffed in SsEtion 23.1. fdcrEl Aviation Adurinistration Dstcruhsdons of No Hazard Binghim Counry Spccial UscPcmit Crosring agt.cem€nc with porties othcr{nn PacifiCorp Tranemission G1 e,ab *e* Vt td, r, C-+\e Pto EXEIBITI' sr,JBsEQrrENT ENERcy DELTVERY SCHEDUT.E FbnFd qlrtaqe$' selter will provide a Planned outago schodulc annrully rrct to 66occd lS0houn pcr yoar (l 50 hourg ilcludcr first yeer .trcsk ii" or rmilr, ffi;r"ffi ;ffii EIII Schdulcd tvlonthly Encnct, fblivc n Avekl[rtro Jaauary fobruar, Itlarch Amil Ittrry Junc Julv Augttst Soffitnbcr Octobcr November DGc€mbcr TOTAL: I>1 EIIEIBIT E START.t'P TESTING Requhcd facorytc*ing includce suchchccks andge nosE$ary to dctrrmine ftrtthe aguipmcnt s)4rtemt ad subsystcnrs havo beon proporly manuftctr,u,od and installcd, fttrotion prcpcrly, and arp in a condition to pornrit safc and cffioient st rt up of the Facility, wtrich naay inoludo but aro not limitcd o:l. Tcst of nochsrdcal md olcstricol Gquipmcfiq2. Calibrdionofall mmitoring instrrmcuts;3. Operuing tcsts of all vah,es, op€rab[s, mobr etarlprs ard mobr;4. Alarn$ slgnals, and fall*afc q slrstcm shndown comol tocq5. hint-to-pointcontinuitytcsts;6. B€och tlsb of p'mtoclivo dwica; md7. Tostr rcqulred by mmecnrc(s) d dcslgns(s) of oquipncur Rcquircd sbrt-up tcsts ar€ thosc shecks and tcsts nccessary to detcmninc thar all ftsrcs and equipmorg syltoms, and subsystcras havc becn poperly futstallcd and adjust€{ firnstion propcrly, and are capble of operating simultsnoously in suoh condition that the Facility is capable of continuous delivuy into PacifiCorp's clectrioal syst€Er, which may inoludc but arc not limited to:t. tubirr/gwcrcor mcchanioal flms and finctiooality;2. Systernoperdontes*;3. Brake tosb;4. Eqidionoftangfonners;5. Syncnronitngtests (rnemrrl and o$o);6. Excitadon d voltago rcgulation opcrtion Estr;7, Autostop/shfi s€qusnoo;t. CmplAion of aoy star md fedaal cmirmmcrEl osdng rcqutucarcffi ad9. Tesh rcquirod by mnufrcnuu(s) md dosips(s) of equtpme'r. For wind projocts onln tho following Wind Turbinc Gcncrator Installation Chocklists src requircd documents to h signod otrby }vlanufrcturcr o,r Suboontact Catcgory Commissioning Personnel as part ofths Commirsioning md starhry rsdng: Turbire Installdiur Fouoddion hspection (by Ormcr's inOcecoAcot inspcctor)Co,ntollerAssembly ' Power Cables Cablelnsb[stionChcoktisttinchding; Corfiolkr, Top Dock /YawDcck Lffilffii*',iffi"*' Base Section Tower Base Section Towcr Lights Endortrlsb Towerlvfid SeAion TowcrTop Seotio,n. Naccllc Rotor E-t II : : :i : l 1 1 ArbCt.w*VW,IIHifrptE t I i IilI I I I I I t. I f t I I l i J ll I tItri . i ;.: ! I f1l ,ii EXflIBITF-T MOTII'E FORCE PI.A}.I WII\ID SPEED DATA SUMMARJBS & HOT'RLYWII{D PROFIIE Ft. t i I l:,tI:: 1,i rt. I; ii:. i t. i 1. -ii ;:ll II I i:, t1: i;lii, 1i: ;.i ii,, ii !.:.: ,\:i , i1.l IJ,lt i Ii I I t I ii i J 6 I }I E lniifI at EFTF[[TII 3TETilg$3T933 [i qqqEqEqnSxnqqqqEiliqaqqt a h ]\ F L to r! i i? ? ta tl nanO 5 ar ts a a qq q { q fl { q nrqqr h{ t nf, E hE elFrra aF Fra0 l l-554O nIl D-59F FroSrh6E-aailoD!GnnrGOde eh \ r q q Q n e qd{t {{aa4 q n({aq1,l Il at rt n a t a i D h ia rD F a r\ i| F h F F r, Btfi qaq{rrt EEnqtPEEqlqq, n 6,l6 a n Ir t! r a o.ar aFh h ts o.o $$$3!5I39Es Et3II5:II3H eaqq {E tq E hq t[!ttiqq q aileiar, l'a a 6 a r a n 0 aarora a€ F Fr'FS t?fr qfi qfl H{{E naqEEtqfi {fi q n I\ ?r lo rt !r a o ,| 6 6 o r! a rl 5 I h lr h r! i, aqqqtfiqf,{eil[hRH5$eqqqqt. alD t\ 5 r, 16t' 4 oa 9 a h h i lr F rD9 F F 3[$ErF3I33*]3H3I$$33II$ ItBhqq{qqqt !rtq{4q Iq{etF N FrSaF--Fa a Ot.-raa a F F E F h a i j' i, t: .1i : :,, i. ai1:'.i i1!: 1. i;il I I i' l!t,: I t l:. : It,iiilI'Iii:i i ; n 3 n33 gnt$fi I $x358;t[f; $*l I I3B*tr3tr5reffi E$$x538 tr$B;FiXgH5f; X*ltiF3fr trt; ifi Irffi rrtr$ti3t*t xi;tr$ Br F$*835!333fr 3H;3$5H gi Hif, 3tr 5silt$rH$*$$ 3$*tl [ $f; x$rtr$rt*5H$83 H;$$*B lR**x[*tf;3*txB$I IEi33I$I;IiISII;I3rX$ iI HTTTI$8fl 3HTIf; If; E*i;fi 55I H$$HItStE*fr t$$Elr gxnrfi 8qg.sNBfiB'B E I f;0ItI t ? EcI ! 9 E r E ! O 5 F -' 9 5 T C S 3 ET-STFETE EIo fi $ $tI { (3 EIg $ !Is B$i;!ttli!IE l:i i' i :i",t I ,] :, l. I Ilt.I IIt.I t Crnvb?phmr4lffretu i: 1i f'i ,i : i,i I !.t' \ IllI ii .t I 1 i. ?t-1 Ccdc hcek Vlnd, Ilf--fuc Fbc I t: TIl:l.J I i i,; Il ,i I 1.,} ,1 tii \ 1 tt J t l i : !, ; ,. E'TEIDIT G SAMPI^B ENERGY PI.JRCTIASE PRICE CAITTJI,ATIONS The ealculation for tho non-lcvclizcd puchrse price during an Ou-Peak Horr in lvlay of 2012 oquals $63,.97llt{Wh (the 2012 €noual rde for Confonning Enerry) muhiplied by /2o/o (0.92)(t. U"y On-Peak Hour multiplicr) minus $d.50A4Wh (&twind idtierdon msr), wfrich "qu"li$52'354{Wh Trbh 1: Sanrple calgulations for non.lwelized On-Pcak Conforming Encrp ia20l2: hrrctrasePrice = (annul rae r monthly on-Poak muhiplicr) - wind intcgrdion cost Month Confonnhg Erergr AnuuelRete for201I (perll[lVL) On-Pook Eour Mulfrplicr Wltrd lntrgntion Coat Caleulaftd Purchse Prlce for 2011 On- PerkConformiag Energr (perltfiWh) January $63.97 t03%$6.50 $59.39 Fobruary $63.97 l05o/o s6.s0 $60.67l{dch $63.97 95%$6.50 $5427 April ff3,97 95o.h s6.50 $s427 lvlsy fi3.97 92Yo $6.s0 $52.3s fune s63.97 949ro $6.50 $s3.63 Juty $63.97 lzloti $6.s0 $70.e0 August $63.97 l2IYo $6.50 $70-90 Scptmbcr $63.e7 tw%$6.50 s6323 Octobcr $63.97 ll5o/o $6.i0 $67.07 Novcrrbcr $$.n ll0#o $6.50 $63.87 Doccmbu $63.97 129f./o $6.50 J76.02 Trble 2: Sample calculadons for non-levelized Ofr-Pcak Conforning Energy in 2012: purchasc hicc = (annurl rate I monthly off-Pcak multiplicr) - wind intcgration cost. a: ,tll,. ,liI 1 I,i i J I 1 i l i i III I I', I I I I II I l tI iI Morth Conforming Energr AenuelRrE for2012 @cr MVra) Off.PaE Eour Muttfuticr Wltrd Intcgra6on Cost Cslcuh&d Purehesc Prico for 2012 Off- PelLConfonnlng Eaerygr (pcrltdWh) January $$.n 94Vo $6.s0 $53.63 February $63.e7 9Wo $6.s0 $ss.s5 IUarch $63.97 tWo $6.50 $44.68 Apnl s63.97 76%$6.50 i42,t2 May $63.97 63Yo $6.s0 $33.E0 June $63.97 65Yo $6.50 $3s.08 July $63.97 9Tri $5.s0 $52.3s Awust $63.97 lW%o 36.s0 $61.31 G-1 Month Confornlng Eoorgr AnnuelRrS tor2012 (pcrIlII[,h) Otr-PG.k Eour Muftipliet Wttrd Inbgnrdon Cct CalcuLtod hrchrrc Prlcefor2012 Otr- Podr fufornhg Enorgr (tcrMllrh) S€dombcr $63.97 9E%$6.s0 $56.83 Ostobcr s63.e7 t05%t6.50 $60.6? Novcrnber $63.97 96%$6.50 s54.91 Doccmber *3.97 t20%06.50 $70"26 C.b @wk Ylrd, IIL-Ftve fr* Ijr t t i, il i, i. ; I I ta l -r. i,:I II Il it t: Ilri,tt i;,1 l li i) I ,I ilt'{ :ll II:lir Itt II I tI IIt I ,i 1I i) i:: 7\ ; a ::: i1i ! I :J 'i ,: o-2 EXEIBIT E Slollcn Authorization b Rdeam Generatlol Drtr to PaciltCora I :l :i '1l: ,,1 lt,:1:ii',, '1I i,,1,} ;], II,,| . :l:t i,.i i. llil'i t r1 ,.] '1. i'l iirl:I,l IIri i ,i :fj rl.: rlri I i ,i t Ii :ltI t II't : ti i,l l i 1j I E=l wEs#nilExsncY. ,A* ?rrm.xa *lay 7,2{10 Prcificorp Atla: tr(methH$ton 8,t5 NE Mulluomab $te. 1600, Poftlang Oregpn 97232 RE: Ccdlr Cnock W!!3IJ,C Prdf,Corp ltanrnbdon Ilcrrll[r. Eurton: Codgr Geck WinA LIf hcrcby vohmmity arrftGia PacifiCorp's Transmissioa busincss lmit to share Cadar Check Wind Ll,f,'a gcncrabr intcrrornection iofcmatim md geoorabr mcficr dgE wi& mrket functim employccs of PrcifiC.orp, including hf not litDibd to &e thoae h the Comqercial and Tradiag grqtp. Ccde Ctcc& WiEq LLC arJrnowlortger thd PecifiCorp did lot providc it my profcrcnccs, cithcr opcrati@d or ratorclato4 in cxchango fur 6h vokmtry coosGnt; $incerely b*^h Dua C. TaV"P.E. VicoPrcsidpot i*Jt p"r* Caoup, Itro/Ccdar ctcck Wirq Lrc (509) rt48-7589 (Office) (509) 954-4103 (Mobilc) ?,edat Crccklffin4 LLC TDtlWhr/ott Way E" Sutfl A hktffidg?ttlqtd,WA 98rr0 I w7*$5t 7* t*t*ant CONflDETTNAL U0 OEehYfd,Ilfr-nwPhc ADDEI\IDTTM L STAIION LOAD, L(XNIES, rnd NET OT TPUT AI,LOCATION ALGORITMU FOR TEE cErlAR cRr,EK WINI,, LLC PROJECTS This Addendum L is hcreby made a part of, and cluifies ccrtain terms i& tb Pou'er Pwclwse Agreennfi between Cefu Creek Vbr* LLC relatlng to FIYE PNE, od PactfiCorp fAgreement) enhrod into tho day of Deccrnber, 2011. Capitalizcd tsres not dsfmcd hercin shall have &e meaning s€t forth in the Aerwmcnt Codar Crwk Win4 LLC ($etlcr') and PacifiCorp rrp d timcs rcfencd to hcrein individually as a'Prrgr" or oollcctively as the 'hrties". Ccdar Creck Win4 LLC shall own I complcx of two (namely, Fivo Pirre and North Point) scparate, Idaho QUalifying Facilities (cach, a "Ceder CrGGh Prufect" and collectivcly, thc "Cedar Cnek Prcjoctr') that share oollector wires, a 34.5845 kV substation (Cedar Crcck Substation), and rclatod equipmont, s,hich conin*t the Qualifying Frcilitice to tro Point of Delivery C'Shrrcd Interconnocdon Frcilitier'). PacifiCorp has agr€ed to buy (and Seller has agrced to sell), at thc Point of Delivery, Seller's totr,l energy output nct of: (l) Seller's station servicc; (2) energy providcd by Scllerto anothor Codr Creek Projo(,t for station sonico; (3) Sollet's sharc of the tralrsfometion lqges; and (4) Scllcr's shue of the line losscs betwcon Seller's Facility and thc Point of Dolivory (togedrer Seller's "Statlon Audtirry Loed end torcer). However, Seller ad PaoifiCorp agrca that it is impossiblc to mcasurc Scllor's Station Arxiliary Ioad snd Losses E€psrdc and apart from the Station Arxiliary toad and Losscs of the othcr Ccdar Crcck Projoct fircrcforc, in ordsr o implc,ment an objcctivc, prrcticable, and quitablc process by wtrich PaoifiCorp may quatify Ercrgy dcliver€d by Scller to tlr Point of Delivery (net of iu Station tuxiliary Load and Iosscs), the Parties do agre as follows: A. Bi[irg Fornulae. PacifiCorp shall dctcrmine Sellsrfs Net Outrut in k$/h for purposes of the fuirenrent using the medrod specified below.l. DdinitionrN& = the namcplatc r*ing (a/k/a Facility Capacity Rsting) of Cedar Crcek Prroject i.NRr = the sum of all the uameplate ratinp of Ccdsr Crcok Proj* (i = I to 2). PALLI = tlre acourrulcod purdased €ocrgy from Utility Supplier, as dctemined at the Point of Dclivcry, to supply thc net toal sbtion amiliary load and losses for the Shared InterconncEtion Facilitics for Ccdar Cleck Projects i = I to 2 whonever such total load and losses excecds totrl gcaerdion outpulPALLi - ths Ellooafi€d slrare of PALL1 for Ftojcot i as dstermined by multiplymg PALL1 by l,IP{ and dividing try NRr.OPi = for a givon integration int€ryal, &c metcrsd ouput ererry of Cedar Crcck Projcct i, as detemind by PrcifiCorp's meter at the poim ruhcro C€dtr Crcek Project i comrects to the Shrrcd Intuponnection Faailitics. For any inrcgfation intefvd during u&ich any ercrgy is delivercd to a Pnoject ftrom the Shard Intcrconncction Facilities, guch dclivcred €neryy is acoumulatod in a sqarafe mctcr rogister and does not decrement the rcgrstcr used o mea$$e accumulated OPi. Therefore O& is by deftridon always greater than or equal tn zr,to,and in tho we,lrt the metcr rccotds OPr loss than zer,o, OPi shall bo deemsd to equal zero. L-l I I ii : fu CnshVhd,Irc.A*Prtr OPr :E thc sum of all OPi (i = I to 2). NOr = for a givcn integration interrral, the total cncrgy dclivered to the Point of Delivoy (345 kV bus at GoSrcm Substation). NOr stull bc as mcasurpd at PacifiCorp's metsr near the Poht of Dclivcry (kT/tt in l0-rninute intcrvals), sdjusod br any nansformation lossos bct\ rsen tte m€ter and tre Point of Delivery. For any integration inrcrval during whir*r any €nolgy is delivercd to thc Point of Delivery nom lacinCorph systcm, strch delivcrcd cncrSy is accumularcd in a separafe metcr registlr of tha PaoiECorp mctcr and doss not decrpmcnt $o rcgistct uacd to m€asulr accuntrlatad Nd Oryr$ fiery. Thcrcforc NOr h by definition alumys grcator ftan or equal to zerc and in thc cvc,trt thc motcn nccords NOr lsss than reto, N0rshsll bc deanrsd to equal rcro.NOi - the nct c,n€rgy sold to PacifiCorp by Codar Crsek Project i dudng the integntion intsval. SALLT = thc total of all station aruiliary load md losscs for tho Shared Intdtonnostisn Facilities for Cedar Crcek ProjgstE (i = I to ]) wlrcn].lOr is positivc. SAIIi = the allocatcd sharc for Cedar Crcck Prcjeot i of SALI',I 2. Crhubfionr Calqulations Sell bo reconoilod md settled monthly. Calouldions shgll bc hsod upon raw data gathcrsd from spccificd metcrs using a motering inugr*ion int€rval of 5, 10, or 15 minutes 8t FacifiCorpts election to matoh the metcing in*alldion PacifiCorp spcjficd ('integntion intcndr. Calculstions strall bc rounded to tho ncarcst kilowatt-hour in tho final ctcp. (ai. When total Gcnerrfioa Outnut + Strffor Aurilhrv Loefl ud L,flrrs Whco, for atry htcffi-on intBnal, thc total of all OPi Projwt ouQtrt rmorrts of eflorgy anong all Ccder e366k nojr.tr (Oh) is loss thao or €qual to th total sbtion auiliEry loqd and losscs for thc Shar€d Intercomeotion Faoilitics, the mctotr atthc Point of Dclivcty will accuuulatc tho Utiltty Supplids dclivery of pwr,hased ffisff, PAIJ,1,to suprply srch not total losd and loss0s in ariAciregistcr&at is scparate frrom thatwhich accumuldae NOr andN0r shall equel zffo ol if negative, te aeernea to cqusl zero. Thc 'Uffltty Suppller" shell be thc utility providing raail efecfrs scrrricc Etths Faoility Eosky Mountain Power). PacifiCorp shrll have no obligation to s€rvc any of the Codar Crack Projocts' rctait sleo'trio neods abscnt I Eryarato YdM lerycmcnt witfr paoitiCop end tbon onlywitirthc pormission of Sellor's Utility Supplier. Nonc of thc oosB assoaiat6d wifli provieion ofrruit elcctric gcrvioc to Scllcr strall bc bome by PacifiCorp. (b). Whcn Total GpnpFtioE Outout > $te6o.n Aurdlelr LeS nu{ Lq$Gq -\Vhcn, f gsrrration of e,ncqgy amonq all Cedg. Crc* Pnojcce is gpot€rthrd the tial station axiliary load-and losses for&c Sharcd Int€roonncction Facilitics, ths mete6 at thc Point of Delivcry witl accurruldc in a s€parab rcgistu PaoifiCorp's recoi$ of tho totsl combined encrgy ftrom all thc hojects (NOd. The differencs betu,oen OPr andNOr for tlrat intcrval (SALLT) ii- attocatoO to ach Ccdar Crcek Projm in proportion to its gacntim output (OPr) in the same integration intcrrral to dctsrmine NOi by the formulac: Let SALLr = [ OP1-NOr] ard SAIJ. = t SALLTI * [ OPi /OPr] Thc Nst Ou$ut Gnerry sold by each Project i is thcn dstcrmined as: I !i ,) I i,tl T)i i I i ,I lI .: :. .;r L-2 Mt Ctue* nrbd" IIG-.Flve pbs NOr - [ OPi - SAI& ] and subctinrtingfor SALIa ; NOi = NOrt[OPi/OPrJ B- Limitction of P*ciliCorp Purch$o Lirbility. PacifiCorp's totat purchrse obligation to thc Ccdar Croek lojocts shall at no time a(ceed total encrgy delivered tfAe Cedar C*rk prrojegts to 6e Point of Delivery. Tlrcrcforc, in the event tfte sum of the NorOutrut ensrry (calsutated according to thl nreccding formul*) for all tt€ CGdar Crcok Prrojects ir ienrcr tfro NOr, t*PaclfiCorp shall redrrce calor-latod Net Outrut GnergF firom eaolr-Ccdar dl,eek project, prc ntaqch Ccdar Creek hojcet's share of the OPn suoh that thc total cnergy purctrasod Aom *t tc Ccd8r Crcot Projecr at tho Point of Dclivery by paoiffCorp cquals NOr. - C. f1c|$grnlight to Otrlff. In thc wcnt PaoifiCorp deemrines it has underyaid on6 ormorp Codar Cleck Pmjccls_Qe to metcring cmlr or othcrwiso) rn6 as a rrsult of tinderpaying one or morc Ccdar Cleck Proioots, has ovcrpaid Soller, PacifiCorp may adjus Sgller,s-frrampapat($ accordingly in order to recaperc atry ov€rya),mem rcccivca by Seller in-a reasonrble timc.It. Conditbn Su@uenf, This Addemdum L was ncgotiabd jointly among ftc Cedar Clgck I'nojects md PacifiCorp and is intendd by all of the CeOar Creel Projccte anA Pscilicorp to be one of fivc idcntical bilatoal lpocr,ncnts, cach botwoon PacifiCorp and e Cedar Creok Pr''ojoct,but each related to tho otlrer. Ttercforc, in thc cvcnt one or morc iedar Crcok Projects does not agrco to. be bound by the terms and conditions s€fi forth in thig Addendum L, PacifrCorp may, upon ttri4y days writen notice, cancel all Addcndum L agrcc,mcnts., In the event facifrCofr canccls this Addendum L in accordancc with this Scction D, PacifiCorp may satisfy isotligation to pay Sellcr by depoeiting uftcn duc, with an cscrow agent choseir by fhe Crdar Crcek Projocts, thc total palmcnt due to all Cedar Crcek Plojects rmder thefu rcryective Pows Purchase Ag€cnclts, lcss offsets (if any) calculatod basod upon Nosand thc Conract Prico. TENDI L-3 Ccds *8k Wfrd, Ilfr'4vs Pta IT 4.7(A) GREEN TAG ATItsSTATION AT{ID BII,L OT SALD - fSG[Gd') hcrcby sclt!, tln&il ed dolhln b PaoffiCoa-fp&ccn Te3l @ ffdtd.rc ad-crta rrg nopcting lugLt) rrcircd wtth tta_gclcraim of Nd tXgrtui'ec Oc Poru Purhro Agrccnru tnrerrUto BffiE/) b*rrm Sdk od ProifiOcp drtcd t ' t (thc "PPA ), u dccoibcd bclov, h tho morurt of ono (hocu Trg ftr ca& uogffid hotT_ .-.ffi-ti6r.d u-i'1rr inaiooa Uy ini&t cre,iruliztonl uccd in thir &oco Tag Atlcfition rud Blll of lhlc shall h*rrs tbo noanhg rct br& in fto PPA. Facility rume and location: Capacity(MW); -M\il FuclTpc trrind Operadonal Dab: EncmvA&rin.ID no.:: DEtae lv{Wh gcncrafcd Sellc finttrsr dtosts, wararts and rtprnscub, under pcralty of pcjury, ae followe: U b tlro bcst of tts lstowlo{e, tbs infraurdio pr,ovidod kcin i! tnto ud corrocq It) tB mlolo Prificorp ls its om d ooly ralc of ths orcon TrgP ad rsoded Euvfoomcffil AfrributosrcMhcrdni iii) rhefscltiBgstGredo{&tttirlh.aaMirdicedabovced iv) 5l the bos{ of Sclle'r krorvlodgc, Gach of thc Orooo Trgt ard Bwftmonbl AGlbdGc asswidod si& fu Facility's Ofic uu bcbg rold t Bttyc. Idr Grrco Tag A@r3;t'on rad Bill of Salcaopfirru, in aocorduco vi6 &cPPA,6otiasftr,fiocn Stll$lo Prstficorp of il of Scllodr dgtr, titlo od indnrt b.Dd to &o Grocn Tr$ (toohdtr8 Or0@ ngncporfug IUglib EdEgvirouaotrl Ar*nl), u rot forth abovo. ; i i II , Il:{i. i, i: { Ir l' ;, l;!l i li.i l '1:Lrl.t: I i,Ii tt t I L I I ,t IIt I i I It I i 3 It liIII{ I E4.4.(A)- I tuMllUUt-FryePts i.t i ,l It I i r I I I I I I I I II'li tif t I I I I I ,IIt b i ;I if I t.! i:iIt. ;:,, i, i Scllsr''s Coutact Pqrgm: WITNESS I TIIAI{D, a By IT D&i re TtisAttocltioarrrybcdischccd bySolhrmdPacffiCorpto oftc*fulrdilgtb CmEfrcRsoutc Soludoac ed 60 publb tdIB oomiuioar haviag jurbdLdo! ovlr ProifiCup, b erbatrctietc ud vt(E ec roemcyofPrcifiCorp'rrdwrtiring ud pubtic mmuuiodiondah$ osw:llarhPaolfCup'r rfirudrhg md o&cr p$lfu commmtcrlionc Bdr-4.(A).2 ceMWEfr&fra pIrrrrRrl fi@) QUALINED REPIORTING EI{TITY SERYICES AGREEI}TENT C & T Mastpr vl.1; 07141I ndE Qu.lifud neeortingfdty Sowiocc Ag3tGEGd (6ir {Agrcouurtt) ie Gtrugd irso by md botrvcco PsifiCory flPaoifcorp) aad - ("CounfiEpartJf; PadfiCorp ud Ooumcrpa*y nay bc rc&nod 6Uowing; WHEREAS, Coudcrp ty lcpnxr€aB to PacifiCorp ed it orurs or othanvisc hes th! righb to dl or part offirc Do!€rorgy Ettsibutrs ofttc gcncrdor tromtt*staia olocticaroordoufrcility moropardcululy d€oaribd oa Eibibil A hcnilo (trc Trcilityr| m oecr rigbts EspootiDg fu F&ility iEclf crablhg h to lowftlly cnrr hrfuoi ad WHEREA$ ftoWc6aRcnsqlabhEestricityOcncr*io-trIofiilmdioo Syrtsm("$/REIS")ir asyficm troldng quutiticr of rwwablo oncrgy gencraion gmarcd by elcctic ggcr*ing frpilidcs itr tho nmns ofthc Facillty, ar r Froility pnrnrut to WRBOIII Tcrms of Ueo ("TOU"I aod WIIERBAS, WREGIS mquhls lht oach Fscih'ty hsyo a dcsignrtcd Qulificd Rrpqting Euilityi aod WIIEREA& Courcpartyb rnAosordltrotdlrhWREOIS !du,i!ktor€gistErtbBrailityuti& WRECIS; and WHEREAS, CoumorpartyutchcstorctrinPdcorpto aster ia WREOB{cfind QuelificdRcportirykmy CQRE")futuFacility; NOW IIIEREBORg in oouoideratiqr of tto mrfrral prcmiror hacin mdainod,fisPsticr agrEc 8t follom: I Mni$ons: Rulca ofConstruction. l.l InitiElly crpidird tcrrrs lr$d md tddcrudro rlcfinod hatinaro dofiacd ialb indr Oecr&g Rutcs or ln Atrabmcmt I Dcfinitionr of tbc WREGIS TOU. 1.2 nAfftirE' ucars, with rcrp*t b my otity, oroh cntity dra diroctly or lndinctly cmmb, fu codollod by, or ir uodc oomm cootot with, srrch dorigpmd dty, wi6 "oontlol" tming tto poslossion, dirc*tyor iidiructly, ofthopowtodiFcc nnaglmodtd poliolor,rrtcitcrthou$tb owrrr$ipofvo&g rocrrldos orfoeootr.s{trsthcrwilo.}Urrtfrctandingtho forqpingwith rcoecct9 PscffiCorp, Aftlio rhall oaly inoludc lvfidAmion Enornr Holdiae3 Coapany ud 16 dh*t, tyltolty ollod rubcl{irdec. 13 Burinesr Dsyil msur g dty oftbc rrcck othpr than Saturday, Sudan c r fcdcrrl botiday. 1,4 Elccfric SyrtcnArd:hmityi manrcad ofNRC, WECC, WREGIS, an RTO, rrcgiooal-ornrb rcdoml rcliabitity iruudl o utddty, od rry olhcr stmihr counolt cor?orlion, trseizdiotror body of rloognizd danding with rerpectto tb opcrdoas oftu oloctic systm inttc WECC rcgioa 1.5 nFBRCn nprss tho Fodqral Eocrer Rogplery Coumision. 1.6 rGcocldhn trtctpomcction Agrccoati mcrns thc agurrcnt cubrud hto seprntely betrvE€o Counmrprty ad Inaumoctio Brsvifu cmccrniry lic [utcrcornocdon Focilitics. 1.7 'Facility" ls dofird in 6o Preaobto. l.t ilrtrcomccdm Frcitidos" ncras a[ the froilifcr inrtrtlo4 or b bo insrlh4 fc drc prpOlr of ittamancAgthoFacilityto6c Sy$cn, indudiugclccticrl tln$nirsiotrlioosrupgndcs, tucfrcmcrr rnd mddod oqrripM, rubcrtiom, rolay rnd suitchiry cquipneus, ed raftty Gquiprr@ lJ 'Iauoomcdion *,ovidcC ncrns the FERC-rcguhtcd c UdEd St*oa Dcputmcot of Enerlcr eatity wi& vhom tbe Frcility lur outrrobd for idcraonrcion to ltc cloatic tmrmisrion gid; in thc olrcrt InErconneqtionho\ridprb PaclfiCorp,PacifCorpsrutdbethctuEroonnetionPmvidoroporetnglntU ryuldGd fasndssion fuaction, amd rot rr ttc party hcr&. E&.4.(B)- I 1 I I I Ii t ' I' l: I 1 I I I i I I ctuMwwLICltsfte (g) lncludtsg' mcam "lacludlng, wtttout limit*ion' or "inchding hrt not liniad b'; (b) all rcfam o r faltutar ta* c rt&rb mcur thd larr or ctdu& rs uncndcd fiom tirac to timo; and (i) thsrtod 'od ir not ucocsrrily excluriva 12t Inems8tion wi& fRC Ordces. Each Party oondrrcB rad slrall condud ib oporationr in r mmjncr intcodcd b corryly with FERC fficr No. ?l?, $andardo of Oonduct ftr flmsuhslon Prcvflctt' Eq&iag tto ecpldion of its thrmirsiqr ud merrhant fimsliors. Mortwcr, tbo Pailicr aoloowldge thd oacfi of fraoamir*onprwidcdc atrd IfrtrconMionPloviddr trnsrirrim finctirn oftrrturnissign sfivics ouits slrlrcrnirrmmrchtordodto ooopty withFERCpolicicg andrtquircrcts tBldingb 60 pryYision ofopo- cccos tnnsoiesion scwice. Coutsrputy rg1tec to ourduct ibclf rod opcratc tho Farility in rmtdancc with dl RcqulrcncnB ofllw, all roquirocffi of dl rytieblc Bloctric Syctsn Au:borilieq and dl rcquimcn6 of tbo htocomection Agruarcrt 128.1 Conerpsrtytgm to Grtcr hto &G Genoration htelrcolmodon Agtcnom withto htcrcosnoctim hovtdcr. The€hucrdioolmcrconnopdonAgrccmartshdlbcascparanadficc$andingcontarfad&c tsrmr bcrmf ars not btnding upotr the Intcroomcctbn hovidcr or Tlaosdsslon Prcyidtr, altotry! bolL atc curpus6ird party bcrcnoiuics hsmf. l2t2 Ndnittstuding oy dcr pmvidcn in thir Ageqnss mtlring lu thc &oerdion l&rconnocdou Ag:cEGd, uor aoy o&r agroommtbctswo CqilEputy ou to mc hmd ard TturutsionPrrovider or Ierronnocdon hovideroathco&orhlrn4 roruydlcgcd arsdof&fult6orutrdcr, shall rltsrornodi$ 6.PBrdEJdgb,dudcs,adobli8adonksuldtr Ltkswirqtollloshtinacomootod$'ffhtb eortrmrrety PaoifiCorp Lorofrhall aftctu irynirthc rigbtr of tsEoomcc{iuProvidcrqThnruris,ion Provlda, udpr tto Intarcomodion Aglcmcrrt or othcrrirc. Tbir Agrcomett rbsll not be congtuod b ctt& uy dghts betu,E n Counbrpartyudtc fnrcrconnoctorrPmvldcr qbcorseu Conrtrputy rnd lhc Tnngmirriqr Providcr. 1.2t,3 Cuntorprrty clgrcsly rooopizlr thEt, br purpoecs hcrwt, fu Inemornccdou Provi&r rod Trrnsmirsioa Prrovidr crch shall bo dccurcd b bc a rcprco cnlity ard scpanro comtsrcting Plrty fiom Pacif,Corp $fi*hororootthc Gcocndon IntrrcmocdmAg3oom!iliB cniorod ldowithlnt rcolrnoction hrovidcrcmrffihicth!rcof Coun&eprrtyrknowtodgos6aPrcifiCorp,actinghhsocmhatcapesity finction at prrctarcr bcirudGf, hre no rrryonsibility for or co6ol ovrr Intsrcomootim Plovidor c ThseddmProrrifu, rnd ir notliabto Srroytmh of ageoront u dutyby Irurcmnccdoo Providoror Trumirdm Pmvidor, I{othhg h thfu e$cc6Gd shEll opcratc to dhlrifub mr rhdl trir Afrccfltot cro[d b, Inrc,remncction Plovida or Traosni*rirtr Pmvidcdr rsc, n*Aioq or dbolosmc of Coudcrparty c Facility infrmdion $nctuding informrdon rvittia th rcopo of ttis Agncrod) in conrcctiou rvi& PtoifiCorp oporating infu&mnlsstoo ftnctioq hchdlng iB csrring otof itr obtigdos rnd bucimu prardco as a Babnciag Auttority or UMticr udcrtalcn purruutb tho Tsiff U. Tcrm andTcrmination 2.1 llls &rcomcnt sto[ bo efro&/o upon oleodoo by tho Prtios and sball oontinuc ln cftct udil sufr time as cith Puty, rryon pmvidhg 50 dsys c,ri[Eo node to tho othcr Perty, chooscs b tlrmlusb. PaclffCorp nay Lritictc any resutdoryprocccding itdocus rypropriocto tcreiD$otbfu ASrcentotFiortothp o&ctlrrcocge of $rch tomuindm. Notcrithstedirg tbo ftrogpttr& (a) Oourfrputy nay trmirno &is Agraelood upr ao cnrd of dc&ult by PrdfiOcp if PacifiCorp doo d cuo srch arcut of dotult witLi! l0 ihrrs ofxrilEnnolioo; (b)PrcifcoEpmty brilirsthicAgrcomrrym an 3y6trt of deftultby couroputy if Courtcrprty docc not clrr! ilrch wam of dcfiult sithin 10 dE/r of wim uoticc, (c) PraifiCorp nay tsrrrineto6ir ASrcffiontifthoFacility ftltsto noetthsrcqufomonrbof Sodon3.t hcooof ord sueh frtlur€ i8 not crrod within 30 days, md (O Ei&cr ParU msy cmfudc llil Ag1t€ocnt funnsdiabty rrycn notico b frc dra if Couuerputy or the Facilicy fiil to ooryly with Scrtioa lZE. Ilir Agllmcot mly dro bG tsrmi[atld as othcrrvlrcgctffihqrch" Itr. ORE Scrvicgs. 3.1 ORBSavioog. PaolfiCorp wilt, mhotcmrs setftr& hstin, scrrceeQRE frrhcFecitity rc lorg utto Fooility necCI frc dcfaitionofRmcryabh, ig withintbp nctercd bomdrriec ofbothPrc-iffCorp'r Babocing Atbodty md b cquippcd rvittr citbcr: (l) Tnuumision Prrovidcr chtorpqnrtion hovidcr (ar EIfr.4.7(B).3 t i 1 i I .i IL)i l, ll I I{ i I !I I I i 1il t, iI,I I I lt III iI wwlrqlrt4rvoPbe rydicablo) ormod md qryt!_meters; r (2) mobn that moef tbe Intcrconnsgtioa Povidcy'r roquir€mcntr 31d(3) neet all Epplicrble WRBOIS rtquiremau. 3,2 Cono,amon F P.f4ACore. In exchangs fer thc rcrviccs pcrfrrncd by PacifiCorp bcrandcr, $toctp.tty lhall payPacifiCorp ar follow* countcrpgty &dtpayprcUarp aors-dmc'hfrlel laujfoooft2E0, ufticb shdt bo drc rryon cxccution offrir egrch€trr. ftr'c6urrsputyi,t tt p"iprUnC*p ailrttfyrryoctiag fto of $.f fctgcltcradng uuit for rdicn hcifCorp rqoru orryir o VREOIS, prwUcO Ur* falfico-rp nen in ia dircraioq assosod bill forall fusiluc-hodon.rmul,'rithor6mno*hln basis. O&orthratts inirtial rctup ftc, uticb shi[ bc duo h adrnuce all otcr &or drc Fr11d;rhr[-b"d|t.*i,+q F" day-s ofPtoi8Oorpt lssttupa of sn in oioc 6r qrcb frcs" Pcificorp wilt ,rlrry *ue lsspciedwiththL sqricc oaanuud [s-rs, urd qaf rrrLe-ncrusuy adjutnqcbfrcnonrtr[rrpordng*c OlrgcUhYoq. Anychmgoineoaroafttyrpordn!eswillbom_noodcafooatya.ftcrtrrnfoi"rui-tffiCi6, prioc vriCIon notic to Ooumcput5e In &c sr,lot U|REGI!!, WBCC, or ay othcr cotrly wifitnc diiliii {tlS$qrq no{f th"-^alErcEoninS proo€r! nquircs a 6ugedudEriattyincna6csthocffii,Paci{PrP of providing 9lP:* "f: P*fCorp r"y pass thl cocrc to thc Countrrpety Ui ia,cmuUg Osmotrhly rtporting feo. PrcifiCorp wilt usc bo* cffors toprovidc corotcrprty witr pii*iori* tot,"6lrmgCotmcparty for suc& iaprcrscd cogt. Thcfoca safrre ictcinn*m o pridCorp irrirs.r " qRts ercouuterpatyprrurutto thctcrruof&is Apcmcur ftorscceary morkrg rs apnre$ffoooi$ir r."rioaud ir oot aowrcd h &o fcos doscrlbcdabovo 3j3 Polnts o{ldcuitrq. !ry foi{ 9f }l*zlog Oat frUfiOorp will urc uc rcr &r& in Exhibit A.Couterpaty ccrtifils thd-tll Poim of Macring lisod in &6ibtt Anossurc d& m[y fmm Facility ttr r*ttb dcffaition ofRancwsblo. Cottcrpcty shall nodfy PeifiCcp arlcssnhfuty (3O buhca. 561[ pri"l,gd$g aryrropo&d mrtcrhl clmger P thePoinb rirlaoaing. rouosing nici;dq*tq tr#i,irti.i wiudecidc ttfioltcr nrch cbugce rn merally rccoptrblc. If ruch &ngcs arc iot accauUto o ffuttorp, - P.cifiCorp may trrmiudc ttis Ague,rmt ?.4. _ Blogsct &tcopt rs odrcnisc prrovided in tha Intcrponncciion Agrcomcm (md ia orct caso, only vis-&'vis Iilcltonncctbtr @idor), Couutcrparf rtall bou all costr and clea;cr, hctuiing 6ocJ i.;"fi;d biPaciffQrp, rolatlng o aU rrstoring or olhcr cquipm€Gt htr[cd o acoimdrfo couutject5rr roilrty. - 35 _ nCor-Ji!8. couuerputy horcb grratc to PacifiCorp sole and oxctruivc pormisbu aad arr1mity otqort-Dda ed O4Put to WREGIS od wursrt ad nerosoab trd rci6or Couitrparty *r my otU-inr*trcldty ectirg oabchalfofCoumerpa4yhrr gruto4orwilt hcltafrrgrrnt dudngfu 6;hriri;r;hril8rdo tcportiry audrority q pcrmisio.n b auy othor QRE or WRBGIS Aiount }loticr or o -iiU pln0, ot Agcsrt Sr usc in WRBOIS, or any otrm caeq5 tacHry sylom, for ttc Faoitity. al o proconiruo for I**CoJpto_bc.sblctoPG'rermh!6cundEr,couerylrty'tuttnrbmitOor@rty'rqtputdetn mC.nebyallowiugPacifCor?to oollcctsuch dlta, st0toPoiilsofl&uing ad rcportE&haaiUtrcrnamcrsctfortt hcrcio" 1.5 .t Von4foncrmon gxtrrct F tc. onoe a nonth PaaifiCorp fiatl submit a lr&ntrly GmerationExtlapt Filc to WREGIS on Colnncrputyh bchalf, $tich wiU confoin to tc chryccriadgr'ud 6roa - requtcmcuG rct frrtr in thoWREOIS lrtcrftco CoArolDomm. 3.5.2 Bcesrdss,-qflgla lbAlOtp Blsll subldt 6c l\ilodly Geocrrtion Blrtrrct Ftlc o WRBGIS no roou6ro..th"1*r.l}rol *.y ofe$ month frr ds olcctod during thc prwrou monrh, o, F rir" p"rdo; ; TodL PaqifiCorp rhall ct&Eit guch de no lacr 6rn tho oO of $s iatcnOar morth-ficltiNving oi cna Ato ottfic otr$$ b.ingrcporOd. 35.3 Vcriftcdon. stn]ld psi66o, droorc c ir opdon to operue !tsd trakc ryailsblo a MacringBccroat Wcbpagc, PacifiCorp-noay iu ir rcuonably oxcrperoa dir'qcdon grst Cogntlrpmy r69pgr foiCouutcrpaty to vcrifr ruoh htuimtion as plEtcribcd by PapifiCorp Aom-timc o tim.,;d b tur;it *ti$,PacifiCorp in writiag ofrny crors Corrtccicrty dctccts. ly AdlgtlElctrtr Afi"l..dqg*-p cubmits tb lulorrtly Gcocrration Ecrrst Filc ro STREGIS, uyinfrrmatiqr martaiacd in tho Modly Cqrcrumfatrctmi ehdt bc fiml fur pnrposcs oiqrRFiiF;,?rrrirg, lbjcC only a $rrajryqeatprccodunr lctfor&inthG WRBGIS Opor*rgnud nfiioh staliboCouilcrprtyt fupotrribili:y ro irylmcm ffrrcorcary. 3.6 - ObligafiPlg 9f coury,t'ty. - Cormtcrprty shrtl rupct and povidc b hcifiCorp rooruco andooraplotoguoatioaDafiaanilOrtputhforndionforthcfaiinty. C6ufapartys6rUs*d6Oo-aom3; Edr4.(B)-4 WMfrWUHtwba Ou$ut Iasrnaticn ln a bnnrt od ln ooryliaacc vith my proocolswbioh PacifiCory nay rpocisb Countcrparfy. CounteryEty hrs a confinuing duty b lmncdtrbly no@ PaclfiCorp, lf md ntco roy goootztionDeorOu$utlnbrmsfionbas bo€o rotincnororGoasxiobGtuthftl tcqrnt!, or oorrplcto and to supply tc corec&d dea er soon rs prrctical, but not l& ta fiw ($ Buinm Drys tom ttc dntc Coutrputy discwcrr tlnt dircrrpancy h thc Drta c Outprl in$ro*io. 3,7 WREGI$ F*s. Courtrrputy is rolcty rccpondblc for 6c pr5rncct dircctly b WREGIS of my rnd all WRBGIS ft6 d oo6b tI d urrcquhcd o roSistrCourtcrpeA/sfecility as4 bficoldlutthc Gonorator Orrm lr o lilRBOIll Aooormt lloldor, Countrprty ir rcsponsiblc fu tu pryuot dircc0y to WREGIS of rll othcr WBEOI$ ttrr inoi&d b ec rrpordng of Gcm$or DstB od Gr$ut to II/RBOIS. Couuparty rc,bwlcdgrc rad agn* 6st P.cifiCorp rhall havo ao ohligfirn to advucc or na&c pay'nrcct of XTREGIS ftcs or cosB oo Couocrparttt bchdf. Upon rcqucrt by PacifCorp nrdo ifPocifiCorp hu nccivcd such a rcqucst tom WREGIS or !ryEgul&rorthird p!fiy, Cotmhryrty shallprcvidcProifiCorp with ovidmo of p5msnt ofWREGIS feos aod oosts; ftilurt o provldc suoh inbradm r Paolf0orp, upm rsIuEJt shsll codtutr ar crutofdcfiult undcr dris AgrceErd. 3.t trnEGJS Aocounts. Counhrprty will bo roldy rtcponsiblo b makc urrngcmms and rtgismdiou md for odxing lab any nrch agrcoomts thc se reccrsry to Gltlblfuh tarsfrr of Certifcaico dfulctly to propa Aoooturts c Subrsoormb of Courtorpaty. Coril?rp!fiy rgros tbd srsh urangtcnccls thall praoludc ttc aoed forPrctffCorp b iat ss cnsbdie of rlrch Ccrtffics. or to bo rtryonriblo h uy rmy b hold nrch Ccrtifices in auy Account or SubacoorU of Pad60orp or bcar ray nrynribility, pocre, obligdioq o riEkof hcc with r€rpct.o CGrtificdcs crcabd, hl{ cwrcd, witbrspoctbtha FaciHty. Comurpaty ao&nowlodges thd, purrnnt to soction I I of &o VRBGIS TOU, ary Sgcrction dO tht PaoifiCory, acting u a QS$ provldce b WREGIII $all rcsi& in WRBGIS rad Comtcrprty will hevc rc conhol ovu arch drta's uro o&cr rtrn thc providod for rmdcr 6c f,TXEGIS TOU 3.g OblisxiosofPacifiC@. PacifiCorp rhrtt rpoci$ ftrCoumprtyfra probcob, rcporddg fuqtrey; deflo hradq rudoonmulcgfionpnoocoh ftrrtporftggonartagDe, c Or{g as Dcgo$ay. PuiflOorpsbrlldnolyrcportrWBEGISOouffirprrtyDrtraad/cOuputhftrmationas epooifiod h ths mt ounut STREOIS ht{froe Collrtrol DootM flCD). PacifCrp thsll oot tr$ or di*logo CounErprrtygm€rdionDeforanydkpuryocoeanrcpordry tbD6IoWRBGIS, e.nccptarneybc rcqufud by hrr, Oo hblic Utility Connission of Oopn, ary o&cr *c" fudod, municipd ot othcn reguldororgovcenmcnal ruthority wtthjuricdictioaor,uParifiCorp or aryof its arcb, u scoutof compstcnt juridiction or rr rcguircd rmdcr tho kmr of ra cxistfurg rgroauart bchvccu thc Prrdcs. ProifiCotp rhell sot urc Ocuqdor Oumcr gmsrrdon Dor for uy othcrprposo. Not$ithstrndnSth Srospin& PaciffCcp rhnll lot bc rceosriblc for hmdting aomuut adoilittrdioo, traacfu, Gvidcoc! o[, u roy dcErmtnslon of Coustrrparty Ccrtificac oracrrhip oranyottc obllntiors ftr CGitifsst* ofComfiuprty withrcgdo Catificata; md CourilerpartyrtaU bclrrltrspoxtbitty fornrchhrrdling aosoutrt adminishdion, evidcoe o{, tr atry dcEmination of Corntrrprrty Ocrtiffcae owrrnhip md all o6oc obligrtiml portalnlngb oredon aod owacnhip ofsuoh Ccrtificer. 3.10 ltf,oa$nagot 3.10.1 MctcrDatL Coumcrpatty adtsizoc PacifCorpb mcelng scvlcos orgrnizalionb prwidc 'CoUcrpai,/a moordffidircody b WRBGIS inttro fornofthlilorlhly {h,rcr*imErGrdFila Gountorpsty autodrc PlgffiCorp to gfu dslE &om tho Poirt of lr{c&ring li!6d itrEfrtbit A. AIl suob.l,ta ic culidcr?d dah nrtich CouuEporty trs crsdld rod submitlod b PadfCorp, notu,i&rhdiDg thrt PrifiC.ory, rdertrn Couutrrporty will grttcn it 3.lOA Wtolcsale Ocueruioa Alro Scrytlt q&SiE LoGdf. If Countsparty hre any f,iholcsde eroucrrtiou AIco Scrviqg On-SitE lords (nr dcfned iu Artiotc Onc rbovt), nrch Frcility witl rcod b havc 6e m-giE bad gcncrdior mducd (ud rsgfutcrrd) slpasdy eom &o gooa*ion tn is srryplicd to thc ert( in saoodrffi tryith thc WREOS Opcruing &tlc!. o&cryisg PrcffiCorp will rd rcport etry drta fion urch Frci@, Ifsuch Faaility cxic, thcy mrrrt h rycotfiod i! E$ibit A. 3.103 Estirnatcr. Xlhen loctr Fdingr art not rvrihblo dtn b msior hadvye ftilu" or &tB +hf is rbornrtrcd to bc itrrrslid fuo !o trGEr nslffrnstbn or caliMm c codgurtiou 610g b fro axEat dcoed by hciftCorptobc q,proprirtc andpcrnitrdprumm bWREOISTou,facieCorp vitt, ifposribh,$lyon rcadiagstronrcdundantmercnurMrcrguohmcGrrrrcPrcifiCorporrcdor[ot tfrcEdirgrSortredrpdant Edl.4.7(B).5 WMW,IIX-4lvPbr mcts arc gotpossiblc, PacifiCorpwill Gtti!ile8od rlportmltcr{h$codirgtb PaoifiCorpbsctloot Estination Pmocduroc. 3.10.4 Rryponsib4itv. Corrutrprrty is sotcly rcspoosibh for tre dds crErfiGd ard ubmitod to PaciffCorp,rtingos aQRE, b forvrrdb UIREGIS. 3.1I Rflql&rq RfquircuGsB. PadfCorp nry rclcasc irdorm*ion povirlcd by Corutcrpety hcreurdcr,qt4!r!d byPacifiCorp iocoruroctionLgmdtb to costrplywith anyEguhryrqulrcmcnr applbabloro PrctffCorp or ifrcqucrtod by r PrcifiOorp nryula&r or if rc+rircd by uyo6er frdonl lar or court ordcr. Coutrt€rprty waivcs rll rpplicablc prwidons oftho Tsrif whien roquiro PrcifiOorp to fuld confi&nlial in$rmafion rvith rcspectb tho Ococnbr Owacr ud &c Facllity, to tbe orolntncc€ssuy for PacifiOory o rcporg as a QRB' gqcralbn h ud Ouputrcgurdingthc GcuordioUni{s) and to sailr, out PaoifCorprtobllgiliolu rmdo.6b Agromol{. Ttls pmvicion lhall suvlw uy tcrainrtion of this Aglwcn€of. 3.12 Grant by Counerguty, Coumparty hcauby gnols o, ponrits, ard o$hotizcs ttotfiCffip ttrcfollowiag 3.lZl PncifiCorp is hcrsby d{lmrlzcd io cornrmica& aud tnnsac.t wlth WREGIS ar Counterprl/r rolc a1d cxctrsirc ruporting murco ofgcmrdimdgb frttroFaciltty, md WRE(}E is hcnby arhrizodb coumrmiarlo afld t@act dhostly with PuiffCorp rcgErdiag any gcoorrtion dda ilcuct frr ttE Frdlity. Pacifforp is Lcely authoriad to rct on bchdf ofCounturparti; brtr oaly !o tho cxtut tbat PrifiCorp hac hnfirl, oon8actual eccesr to WREGIS. 3 .12 2 ProtffOorp Ig hsoby artbriad b prwido II,RESS with alt gmaadon dca for ths Fapil8 thc WREGIS rcquiras, inotuding ht aor llnlrd !o, data rcquirod br prrcprrdon of nquLd r4ctr aaJUiUirg. 3,123 Ptcificorp is aulhotiad to rmdcrtakc dl rcionr nfiictr qrc reesoorblc and ncccsaryto cf,lry out tr!ob$cioas rot ftrth in th. sr0sccdom aborc. 3.12.4 Couurcrputy rcoiu tll o&!r dih and rcrpomibiliticc and dl otk obligdios b WREGIS. w. Indernniw md Hold Harmloss by Couderpsrty. 4.1 Indendtv. To fu ortcnt paaifrcd ty Roquhcmcm of Lrw, Ooruterpsty hacby bdcmifiGs md rgrco to totd PaciffCorp, fu offccrr, omployooc, agoB, or rcpneffitivoq lrumtcss 6r any ard all litbility futirinanywayasrocirtodwitbPrcifiCcpbpcftrmckqurds. Thbtnctudosfiabilitycisingfiom &c dse cortdmd in thc Molthly Geacrstloa E ttrrrt Filg or my odrcr fnmdat injuy, or damagc o pcrronr or plop€rty. Wihout fimiling 6c grncnrlity oftb ftrc8ofu: 4.1.1 WaivcrofCausorofArdonandCleimsfrrD@sEcr. Coudorpertyhmbyrraiwtanyardalloarlur o{artiop aririag uaderorinrcspo*o thir Agrlemfff, urhcthsri! omFact tort orary o&cr hgd or oquihbllthry (iucluding $icc tiibility) 8gsitr$ P.dfCorp. In rc wcrt drrll hcifiCcp bc lirblo to Countsrporty lt boud of dtsctost ourplgrcor, sglots, or rcplcccotativGs ftr ary dcnrndr, dircct oo*s, toit orpmqpcctiys profitr orany othcr losrcr, Lirbilitics s ctpoosc+ nrtcthcr ryoaiEt, puaitvq ocrryhry, coocoqrmtid,i[aldmtrl or indirt* in nafure, rhd arc in my ]vE], lsrodsrd wtfirPrcifiCorpb pcrftrnaocc offho QREfunctbn or ot|tcnrlso mdor or in nrpciloftiir Agrooncof 42:_ Ildpnltv bV Coumcroartv. Couerparty shan relcarc, iadami& and bld brrnlcer PrcifiCql iE AfrUatct, aod cach of its ad thoir rcryoaiw dirEctom, officen, crytqrcas, agpotc, rnd npreeonidivos (ollootivcly, the ?rcifiCorp Iadomnitioct agdgt Ed fion ry and rll b$GC ftrcr" pcorlticr, clains, dcmardr, daoqpE, liabilitics, actious ry luits of ary natnc whmoovcr (rnctuding lcgal corts lnd dorasyts &cc boe d bial and on appca[ whcdrcrr om erdt ig brousht) (oollccdvctn "Liabilltlcs')rcouttlng Aora, orufsfu out oJ or iu any way connsotod vritt, fte por&nnbuco by Coldlreffiy ofits obligtims tcrounac, urdattig to thc Faoillty, for m on accountof (i) iqiqy, bodib or odrrwisq to, or dcd of or (ii) foreErragc o; or dcsrnrcdon or ocorsnlc lorc ofproporty o{ any poson or eathy, cxccpting only to drc ortent rue} Lirbilitioirl may be curscd by fhc gross ncgligcncc orwillfrl misconduct of anypcson m cotitywithintbc PaciffCorp IndcEnitiol. 43 NO(WM$TAI.IDING A\TT OMIBRPROVISION OF TIIIS AGREEVTENT, @UNTM.PARTY ASST MBS FLILL RBSFONSIBIUTY AND RrSK Or I,oSS RE$ULTTNG FROM (1) TIIE FAILITRE TO sEx.ID DATAIN A FORMAT SPBCIFIBDBY PACTFTCORP, (2) TIIB FAILTJRB iti USB pnOrOOLS SPE0FIIDBYPACIFIoORPoR(3)TrIE m.IDINcoFputolEous,UNIRUTHFIr4INAcct RATE Bdr4.(B)-6 !L r ): i I I L ir ) I 1 i i WMWII@Frr AI{DIOR IN@MPLETE GB|IER^TB.IG DATA TO PACmcoRP o!ry oF ERXONBOUS' G.lfuiiffirJt nr,rcd.rnern, Axolon rN@Mpr.ErE DArA BY PAcIrIqqP YqPcIs. .Y No nffi Sn*r.1,'pACmconB g'E UABLE FoR AI.IY CONSBQ@ g-ryq1r.. grcl,PLARY, On CynIBn nIDInscT Loss oR DAIvIAGES nrstnrxo rnou 4g ?rylglql Trils ;cit3gimn wnrrrun cltrsno By IrrB NEctr toEN@ oR INTENTIOI.IAL AcnoNs oF iAculiconp tnmbn ns coNrn mOns- AGENN, A!.ID BITPLoYEE-S), RB- g4l-ryS-s-ol - -ivirrrm,srirx&AMroiDAIr{AGEsnisAsEDri{coNTRAcr, ToRT, SIIRTCTLIAB-IUTY oR OTTNNWTSN. IN NO EVBiIT STUIT, PECIIIIC0RP BE LIABI,E FOR AI'IY LOSS ORIIARM SUtrEERD BY COUVTEIIBERIV OR ANY TI{IRD PARIY DTJE TO A}'IYACTION OR INAC"IOT'I BY iecmrcapr reXnnrrqffiop1 nrer Ceusrs A FACIUIY TOIOSB AI{v CREDE65IALS' iliiosrnnnoN oR auImlcAnoN ulunn firE RENEwABLE PoRTroLIo srAIt{DARD oR SIMILARLAW OT.IT*Y STATE OR OTTIB' ITJRIIIDIC'IION. 4.4 pAcmcCIRPwILLNoTBERESP0NSIBLE FoRAI\[YDA}vIAGESRESI.,LTINGFROM E@NoMIcloss,r.ossoruse,rcssoFDATALossolslqEll'IssoFPRotrIT,IJossor rnoijucmO1 ra:c cnrpns,i6ss or SAvII.lGs oR REyENIJq Ioss oF GooDwILL' TgB cIAII\rlt or rrmo penrus lnrcrunnrc cusrol"cns AND sI{AnEIotDERs oRonGR' saurrr ox6rE3sl rmsoNii nrmnns oR PR9PERIY DA!{AoEs slry4qglg IIP-, COI'NTERP'ARTY OR ANY THMD PARTIES, E\IEN IP PACIFIOORP TIAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY couiiTBRpARTv (oR BY AI\rY TTIIRD PARTD oF slrcn DAIUAGBS' 4.5 PACMCOBP DISCLAIIYIS AI'IY LIABIUTY FOR AI{D @UNTERPARTY WAI\IES A}'[Y cLuM FoR Ioss on illree nssutTtr Io FRoL{ mRoRs, olldssloNs' oR oItR * r!,IAcEURA@S nr mrihni-ol wnfgs oR fiIE RBPORIs, CERTIFIcAIES oR oTgER INpmlvIATItn{ cgr,ru,m tin inoputm nv .t'ro rnorrl oi INpt T INTo wRBGls USING cowftenrr suppLm-cmrm,e:rox DATA, wHEr11ER' oR NoT.suctt RRoRs' avtriioNs oR NAc&nAcBs ARE DIJE ro Bniomous, lllEq1lffirl, INC0MPLETB oR MCCriirere INFORMATIoN INpUT BY PAqFIcORP INTO WRBCIIS. . 1.6COI'NTERPARTYHEREBYRETEASB{IPACIFICORPA}'IDA}'IY,OFIISCONIRACIORS' AGENTS, aXO fnln,r,OimS InOM AlitY AI.ID all, llegLlTY Wm{ RESPBCT 1ro DAMAGES OR INn RIES INCLJRRm SY 6ffi^;TOR OCAB. AS REI,ATBS T-o IIIE FOREoOING, EX(cI'IJDINC Alily ARISINo es r nrsul,r or tonuous aNb nurxnoNaU.v KtiCIrrING oRRBCKLESS CONDUCTBYPA TICORP 4j courvrnnpmrv AcKNowI,EDGEs A}.lD AGRBES TEAT,IN IIIEE\miIT or BREACII o$ THrS @trnRACT on eew Orgsi ACTIONRB$I LfiI'IG IN LOSS oRIoTENIIALLSS oR penfeCn fo AoIJNTBiARTY, filE SoLE RE@ITRSE To CENERAJIOWOWIIER IS BITII.IA$ON OF TIIIS AGREHUENT. 4.8 CoIltEryuty ryrcct b de&od, ttrdcmify, 8ur hoh trolcrs Priicorp od ltg rtlrccua,-oft.Y€ll, "ryro:*r, -a .i.dr t";;-aginsi any one ilt ot.irr (looUing-ihird-nartl claims;5 c11ts€! of $tion' wtcthtr incorgaptrtort,;.r,, ffiTsSF -tr*r], (irclgdin! mic tiiUUtty);6omq6r; dmrgcs; cosb: liabilitics,; lo*cc aod "d,[! tfncftUfiti"riifcmm-oyr ftls.t,d;owtco!t!) of aynffiwhlpcy r' ,fr.rd;;G dri"i "u "q't*,rttidfron, eibuabb 6, or rd6d q ItdcrPrtv gco'fdiotr Ds our orpnt fon ory uaonracy, #r, ;;;iv h ; ;,lssd orli) qv.ry1 inturnrtioa' or savlcc or (iD 6c ffi;ni*;;dritr"ry;i;td[ irigihrdrqorrevico; rnyintornrptioaofruv ruchDasOugd' irtu-frA;*i*i*lfr**ixo""Arypr"lflC*p'1,.i-ytnirdultusinqtE gomlroisl,oro&cr jdg6ont, docision, *t, oi ;orioio" ,rra. Uy ,rry p*- . ,ii6tOl Uitoa rryor or relrted b thc tnfotnatio' 4,g Intoromootkm. countorprty rhall tavo no claimr lrcmudcr agrirut Paoificorp, lsthg h i8 Imcrdraatftactbrsryadty,rrith*,p.itt"-yroqoir*t itrposodbyort3lrqrycalrcdby(callesdly cuscd by) lrtsoromlssi;; ofthc Transnriesiop."iO*otUthcomfuonhwidcr, il cormcgtion wi& thc CacaionfntsoonrpstlotrAgpE6Gtrt;&€nvilc. Cormrtcrputyrfualldcrfen4indsnni&edhold pari6g61p hrmh!! rg"fi jfi,-ffinit, uislng aua o Co**P&ys.pcrformaw or hil,re to pcrftrm uadcr tho Gencradonlnmconnostion Agltcmcot. O,rreryrtrfi fUfrfu6 oitrtr grpa{ro:Tdt'9:ry* I&rmnnoc{ion Agp61166t, or itr othcr oontrctr -i ot'rfgdo* to, Tlaosmission Prwtder or InEaom€'tion Pmvider is not a Foroo lvlrjam. Bxe" 4.7(B) - 7 1 : i il !t, I,I II I x i 'I I 1Ii' ,1 t': l;, ll;t ':'t' IIl I { ll l I l i I I IIt I,tlt I wMlWIlS-4wPbp 4.10 TI{ISABIICTE SHAIJSURVMA}$f IERMINAfiONOFTIIIS AGnXEITENT,WIIBf,ITER SUg{ TERMINATION III BY PACIFICORP OR @I.'NTERPARIY, A}.ID WHEIEER OR NO|r SUCH TERMINANON IS ON ACEOTJNT OP A DEAIJLT. V. FurthrCounbrpartyOblications. 5.1 !h.Sdg. Notriag kcin onstituto a rdo or prmhreoof urapr or rcocwablo eocrg ostifio&; to or by PsoifiOorp. 5.2 EIg. Comrysrty ihail bcot o[ ti*s, finmgisl tD{ ottcumdsc tlropg+,ortrth Trn, associatod tryith Courerput5ft orlhBacllityt cligibilityto rccciwproductiuta:< cr€dit (PTqr')or qualig foraccolceted deprcoiatio for Aumrpa(/s aocounting; Fponiag ortur purpocil. 5.3 FureEJr${ancos. At PseiffCorpb rcqs! th Pulios shall exanb erph doamonB ud Lpcumcrttg u maybcraronablyrcqutld to €trcctthc cssordal hMtaud prrpoosherrof 5.4 lltetioa Scryiqo. e,ouerpsrty *trll bc rcqpoartble Sr arraogilg rnd obtriniag d iA rob risk lrdqpe[se, rny ffon corrricc roquircd bythofeility, 5.5 Qrts of Owremhip and Oporoioa. Wtfrout llnltlng tc gencidity of rny ottcr prwision hcrco! Coumcrputy shll bo rololy rcryoslblo &r paying wbca duo (a) all octr of oruriqg and opedng thcFrciltty in ooupliuco si6 ddngaadfuffioRoquimatroflrw srdthoBrns mdcmditbnr bcrcoi odO)sll toxos and ohrrgcs (lpwnttd chrnctaizcd).now cxistiqg or hffiilraftcr imposod on or vith rcepo* o tho Facility, la gpaadou, u on or with lcspoct to omissions or o6sr ovirummEl iutrds of tbo Faciliry, hcluding qy suc,h taor cbqr @owo'cr charcbrizod) b tts ctaotpepblc by agcoontorofsnchoaagron rcuowablo oncrlg ertifiaatGs. 5.5 Coodipdrm wiflt Sv&o. Comrprty cba[ bo rcspoasiblo br rtc ooodinrtion and ryudrmizatftNoftroFrcilityandtlrln@imFaoilidc! wiefto Syrcn, and rhdl bo dolyrtoponsiblofor(and rhall dcfrnd 8d hold PtcifiC@p hamlcss ngrir-.t) my do,rrsgo tbat 11ty ocglu, a8 s dirccl rlnrlt of Cogrlcrpartfi broach of thc Goocration Intorcmaoction Agrmcd. 5.7 Dta Rmucst, Coudcrparty shdl, Fomptb upoo writon roquost ftrool PacifiCorp, provirfc PrcifCorp wtth dara rcrsonably rtquircd frr informrtiur rcquGsa fom my Oovtrnnootal Afioriti!+ fiE or ftdcrrl agcucy incrcocr or ray otba prty acldcviqg iotcrvmr strhr! in ooyPscffiCorp rdcprocedirg or dor procooding bcforc ey govmmotsl oIhcit5r. Countsparty rhrll uso bcst Gfbrt t0 1r{rvidr ei! hfrfltr*ior to PrifiOorp ruffioiootly in odvoocto mabhP$ifiCorp b rwlcw ftsrd moct mysr$Alssion dcadlinos" 5.E Addirionat Informaioa. Coumorperty cbell provldo to Paci6Corp *rch othcr iofrncioo rcryccfing Cou&rprty or ttc Frcility ar PaoifiCorp nry, tl,m dmo to tiruo, ttasonably rcqucrt. 5,9 No Dcdicrtior. Nofriag hqeis $Etl bc conrfuod to crcdc uy duty to, rny *an&rd of cco witirtftluco b, or rny li,rbllity O tay pffim Dot a Prty hcr6. No rmdctdriog by om ?uty b 6c o&cr rmda aay pqovisbn bcrcofrhall conctituo tto dsdicdion of PacifiCorp'r frcitldcr or ay portioa thurofb CouEprrty or !o to public, lor ffict tc ranrs of PacifCorp as aa hdcpadctr puUic utility oorportion or Countcrparty as ar indcpcrrdcot iodividud or cntity. 5.10 Roquirod Polici$ d qWE rsgcs, Wifuut limitiag roy tiabilfticr oraryrflra obligtionr of Counterpsrty hcrundcr, Countcryarty sfuIl roclns and cosdnuously crrywith u lnruarco compary or companic* rdcd not lowu thao "B+" by tte AJ|{. Bcst Compmy thc innrmoo covroags rpccifid h thc Gcnontion Intcrcouecri,on Agrccment VI. ReprpscntationsagdlVarranties. 6.1 Mmpl Rlnlqntdioar aod Wrrrartier. EactrParty ryreems rnd nnnrng O thc crthor that (i) irir duly orgaaizod md validly oxiniag uadr tlrc lrrru of ttc jurisdiction of iE inco,rporrtion or o'rgEnfuaisn; (ii) it hu ttc oorpc&, g*tromml md odror logsl cryofty ard ufudty to cuterlulioto ed to pcr&rr! ttg obligUionr hcrcmdcr; (tli) ruch cxccuioo and pcrbrnrnoc do not viole or codicr vift ay hw, ordcr or agltlued Epplicablc r ig (fu) it has Ell govcrnmrrtal aud o&sr authoridons ltlt rrt roquisd to hevr becn obtattod or submitFd by ftuithrcpc,tbc66, sodr&ty arc ln full fortcod otrog (v) itrobtigrtiqt! hsrtuds uovrlid, bindingrnd enftrcoeblc in accudrnccwiththcirErns (subjoottobrnlcnrpayordmilu law afrcdttg @diton rlgltts gcncrrlly) aad (vi) m Evcrt ofDofeulf or ovoot vhictrwith aotbc rndor laprc BdL 4.{B) - 8 WMWllfi'4lwha tI I I I IIt I i tI I I I If t; fI II It I I l; I I 1t' I I !, i I i * i. :i: il i'. i: t 1' I I It i of time rvlld mlgtit 0 auch an Evort of Dcfrulq hss ocsur d and ir coutinuing m would ocqn u a mrult of ia morlng hto or pcrformlrg its obliglionr hcandcr. 6.2 Rlpnscatatiorg 8nd WdOIEcs of Countcr?rtv. Cormrpcty hcroby rctr@ffi 0Dd-rfrrnmsO paoifgory: O it 6 Doi rdyiog upor suy nprcsdons ofPaciffCorp odrcr thrn thorc e,:grosly sct frrth - tercin; (iD iiUag eaUrd hcrciaO wib a firlt rdcrrhding oflho nauial tsmr urd rirkr ofth umG' and it is crpabicbirxlrniqg tborc risbi (tit) itbas ncdo itstrdhg rnd inraagtmcat dccfuims bucdrpm luora juigncf mdasyaOvicc ton$rch advisonarithrsdcmcdrccasryrnd notinroliomrymoyvicw oqrssccA ty pfifiCorp; (iv) it hu mt rscsivsd fiou PaoifiOrp anyarareetorpmritcrlsa dirg ey snr'riA rorulr or bcqcds hcrcundcq (v) wrrricc hcrcundcr is aot a rnility ecrvico wi6in tho mafu of Scction 465 oftrE Unitad Sm,Butnrptsy ftdc; md (O Coumcfarty lotls lcgnl titlc to thc FaciliU or o&rvboboldsts Icgsl rigttto carucihoFaoilityb €oE i!!o tis A8rocruot.' VII. Financi+lResPonsibilitv. 7.1 Adqu$Agsurqoeg. WithoutlinitingPrcifiCop'lridtr!undcrAniclcVltrherpt,if0outcrputy hs t6od@ heru uda, Brd Pscificorp F.s raroeblc groundr Sr lnscctttity &glrdin8 the pcrftrmnoc of uy oblgttim of Counbrparty hcramdcr (ntcttc or rrtlh.tr rfuc), Ercif,Cotp_nry Adana eaoquato Asiururccs of Pgrfonnrnoc. 'Adcquo Arsunaocr ofPerfprmacc' mour qfficiorl ffiurity iati foro" aurount, !y ur irnrron gturffir, md furrtobro rcasombly rcccpCbh to PrcifCo:p' inslgding brtr not lioitrd to, c.O e firdby inrrco$lo lc6cr of crediL a pclayrrm! a ,cotrity iltcrtst h gowrnmm recuritlos, rn a$d tr 8 psrfrrmanso bord or luaruty. $rch Adoquts Arsrranccs ofPcr&mupo lnaU Uc proviaca wilhin tkco bruingr dayr aflrr a wim d6oud ir mado by PrcifiCorp. VItr Evcor ofDefaulu Rcrn4iqg. t.l Errcut ofDc,fiuft. Bvec ofDc&uu' moau, Itilt rtcpod b a Party (eo Dceddng Prty,): t. I .l fu fiihrc to radcr wlrm dne uy pcyromt or fcrernmco hcrmdcr, tr sch fithuo is ad rmcdicd wrllrtn fiw dayl rft:r wd& aotico; t.l, lhofrilurob tirrctypovldc adoqudc BsrururcGr rcqr&cdpurruoto ArdclcVIIkto4 t,l .3 uy guch Partfs rupra$nlui@ or rvarety prov6 b hEt! b*u hoor€ct or nirloadfurg in uy mstcrid rcspoct ufic,E Erdc; t.l .4 thc ftitrrc t perfom any other corrcoant sct fodf, hcroin if ruch faihuc is m rsncdiod within fve day! rfur sr&ca[otiaa; S. I .J iO hnlautrsy, if adoqrdc acnnucco acccptrblc to PaolfiCorp rad rypmrcd by &o Brnlmrytsy Cout uo rotpwyidcd; E.1.6 tto opiradoa ufrrrlnrtbn of any adttnryportof Courerprty's obligdmstslEodcr(o&srthro h aporduoo wifttutmr) pritrto6csa&frctimofdl oblfudonrofCoudcrprtywi&otntrDwittsa ocotofPrcifiCorp; or t.l.? InrhccasoofComryrty: E.l ,7.1 Oonnuparty fritr to rcprt gcordion De or Ourput infornrafion to PacifC.orp frr ftc Faoility or OogorUpar9stli o-rndtho daa' h rfcrrdurethoproooob spoolfod byP*ifCorp u daudncd by PrclfCorp b be requirtd to moet &o rcquircrrcG of&! WREGIS Opcnraing Rrtcs; S.1.?2 CourtsrprtylsdclinquontinpEyn€NltbWnEGISofanyWRBClIS&crSrroglstadoaor mahtcqnoo ofApcouutr or Subacoount+ whi& pal,ncd inpein tho ability of PaoifiCorp to tcport GwaOr Dab, Org4 or otbcr insrrration b I1rREOIS rogsdh3 tho Prcillty, which dolioquonsy codinuc br aperiotl oftkty (30) dsyq S.1.?3 OouaErprrly fiih to cmply with a roquost by PaoifiCorp to pnvirts cvld€oa! of pryllmt of WRBGIS ecsp€rteidugr &sFadlfty; or 3,1.7.4 CoruEprf hrowirgly o htoutioslly &lsfficr m nlsroprur@ my Da[r, ol&tt hft&mldoD' or oth:r in&rmrti'on rcquirsrt by WREGIS. E&.4.7(B)-9 WMWllt4tp.ftu t.2 R rocdis Up@ Eyut ofDcEult In tho Brrcm ofDefiuh by a Party md fu so toag ar tbc Brmt of Dofrult ir contiauhg, thc ron-dc&rlting Pary (to TcrfomiDg Party) lhdl hsyc ttc dgbt b do aay or rll of fto frllowiag: (l) upon tw businsss daya' nrltE notice o tra Dc&ulting Party, tarainab tia furcanaq (2) withhold rny paymarts or pcrbrurnc duc in rcpcd of6b fur:onont and (3) o:srfuc such otbe ttanodloc ar may bo availtbloA lrror in oquig or r ottcrviscprwtdedforhcrci& to 6ccrccatsuchrcncdic! hsvcnd bccn o&:rrisc waivod s limitd purtuetto thctams hcrco0 8.3 $61ff, If ra Evcntt of Dc&ttlt ooans, ltc Puforning Psty ruy, at itr clcctiom, rct ofirny or dt 8mouffi c,tichthoDcfaulling PrrS ow*to itcanyAffiliab ofttc PorformiqgPary (vtstlrcrundorttrir Agrrocut or o,tlrcrrisc rnd ntct[or or rff &co duc) rgrinst my or all mouds whlch it or uy Afilb of th Pcr$nnilg PEty ower to 6c Dftulting Puty (whc6cr uodcrttir Agrrcrncct orotlcrwirc aad cfidt€r or not tfico dnc). E.4 Pqvmert ofDamagos. fuy anourB dw oa rcooustofdsftult rball bo pid by tc dosc ofbusinplr on ths no:d burinc$ day hilowittg the Dchulting Pan/r rccclp oftb Porforairg Pst/r writtou tcrninrtion rcdcc rctting fort the tfrzrindion prymcct dus. 8.5 Limittion o(Liabiliry. TIIB E)(PRESS REMEDtsS AND MEASURBS OF DAMAGES PROVIDE) HM.EIN SATXSBY TIIB BSSENIIALPUXPOSETI HER.EOR FORBREACII OF AhIY PROVI$IONFORWHICHANH(PRESSRBI{EDYORMEASITRBOFDAIT,IAGEISPROVIDBD, SUGI REMEDY oR MEASLBB SIIALL BE TIIE SOLB AI.ID EXCLUSffE RByIEDY ITIEREFOR- LIABIUTY fiIATIIA.SNOTBEEiIOIIIERWISED(CLIJDE PtRSUAI{Tfi)THETERITfSHERBOFSIIALLBB LIMITtsD TO DIRECT ACTUAL DAMAGES ONLY AS IIIE SOLE AND E'(CLUSII'E f,Eil,IEDY. EXCEPTAS OTIIRWISB SPESFICAI.LY SEf,TORIIIIIEREXI$NOPARTYSIIAITBBRBQT'IRED TO PAY OR BE IJABIS FOR SPESAT, CONSEQITEITIIAI4 INCIDB{TAI4 ptrNIIIy& BTGiltpIARX oRINDIRBCTDAMAGES, LOSTPROItrrORBLTSTNHIS INTmRTJmONDANiAGBS, BySTATr,rrS, IN TORT, @NTRACT OR OIIIERWISE. 8.6 Suvilral. ThirArdclceurviwthcqintionorunlnrdonhcrof. D(. Forcc Ufajoure. 9.1 Excgpt wltb EE!.rdtoaPrt/robligdoabE*cp_q,'Eafi hsrandcr, h&eemtcittcrPsdyh.mb i. rtadared unablq urtolly or in pct, by Foroo Itilrjano to cany out ib oblignioor wit[ rsspoct isrtoo, tim upm ruc[ Prrtyb (ttc 'Claining Party") givlsC rcticc rnd firll prrdculars of mc] Foroo It{ajam at iooo ag rcasontbly posriblc aftor tb ooqrrrtoso of6c caueo rulied rryon, cuch notico o bc oonfrned in witing or by fiprimilc O thc otk Party, &en &c obligadms ofthc Claioing 11ry1y rlrrlL b dro o6ont fiGf aro lftr6d Uy euchForco ltdrjanc, bo rurpcadcd tttrlog&sco imamofsrid itnbiltty,butforE hngcrpcdod, adte Cldniqg Plrty shell rct bo lhblc to &c otk Party frr, or m rcoount of any bs$ darilgc, iqiury or @cnratcsultog ff,om, or EisLrg out of guefi cvGol ofFortc ltd{ana Ttc Psty roccfutng rueb ndica ofForccIvt{aro rhrll haw util 6o cmd oftfo Burincos Day frlbwiag urch rcacipt b n ti& 6c Claiming Party that it objcsb to or.diryrtce ttr oxictrm of ra evcnt ofFortc !v$anc. Torro lt{{arni B€os a[ s\rcd or circunfinac whiohpovoaf oncParty fiourpcrfurniugitrobligdons horcundcr, whichormnts cimmrtaocc vas mt silicipd.4 rrtish is not wi*in &o rcasonablc ooutot o[ or lho rtsuE ofthc nsglignoca o4, 6c Claiming Prty, and die, by tho atcrcisc of duc diligcooc, trc Claimhg kty fu unslc b svorcooo or evoidd c$$e to bc evoidcd. Couatcrprt/s &ilue to obrtain, or pr$rm undq, &c (hocrUion Intcrconnoctiot egrc€mont, or ib ottcr mltzcb aad obligrffons to, Tfmsmisrion hovilcr orlolorconnoction Provider ir rpt a ForcoMejara 9.2 Forcc Mqjqrc Docg Not A&Et Othr Obl;giliors. No obftntions of ettrer Prrty that noo bcftrc 6c Fortc MXlouro oauilg ttc aurpcnsion of pcrformmcc or tlnt arirc rftcr ltc ccssdiou of & I Forrc M4icrrc rhail bc cxcnrsod bythc Forrc lrdajaro. g.3 SE&S. Nonvltsttodhg any or&cr plovioioo tcrcoi EithrParty full bc rcquircd b $ilIe atry 3tuib, wdlout, loc&out or o[frcr labor dispub ou Gms which, in thc solcJudgmcnt oftho Party involvod in tho disprtr, aro coffiaryto &o Pailfrc bcr* lotmrtr. X. Miscellancorr. BJe.4.(B)- t0 i I WMW,E,f,ahePtp lo.l CHOICB O. F LAW. llis Affocnmr sball bo futerprcr0d mrl aft,rpod ia rcodrnc wllh tbo lawr of fhc *ae of OrcdEchrding ruy stoicc of hw rulcc that mry dircct the applic*iou of thc hw: of rnothor jurlsdicti@. 10, Rortsiction on Assiranc,rtg. Ncitta Perty nry arign thb ASrct[nc[t or oy of its rlglttsor obllgdioar hccrudcr wihout thc prior un:ifrcn oonscot of tho oftor Prrty, vtlch coarcnt shsll Eot be unnosoa&ly wlttrtUd. Any pnrportod a*lgancm h viohtio kcof rhr[ bc void rb initio. Thir Agranoot inrats o tritcuctof and ir-birifing rryonfhcPutico udtbchrrrpoctivt suooottots aud pcrntrcd assigos. 103 Nodccs. AII nothc+ rrqgosts, stsbrnffi or prymods shdl bo rnado O tho .ddrcssos Ed on oo tho Nodccr grdibit Nodb€irlxpirEd b bc h writht shall bc dclivrrcd by ldcr, frorimilo orothcrdocunmtary fora. Norioc ty ftcsimfu d hsad dolivcry stdlh ded b hew bccu givcn rfiar rocefuod q brnd dolivgrgd. Notic by orcmight mait or oouria sball bo d.cmd b hwc ba givcn m tbe datc ad tinc cvidouood by thc adivcry rcclpt. Thc Putior mey chmgc eny of &o plrs@t b *tom nniccs ac addresc4 or thired&osrec, by providing udth rodco in acoordrae vith thig ScAioo 10,4 Entirc ASsnurL Counuorq. fhb Agrccocd constitutw tlc entirc rgrcemcot bdnccn tho Pardco with rtopoct n fuiubjc6 umcr. This Agrcememt nsy not t9 rm€odo{ ahrlSc4 roodifod' c tlHod unlosg ruohgrcnd,rncn!ohrngqmdifietioo,oralEetionisinrvrilingaodrigncdbybo,6Partl$. T[kAiFocdtod may bc o:oorrod'tn oouaEre[t8, holudins by oh&Dsinilo traarmlsdoo, aarl ofufrich i, an origildl 8d sll of 'rtiArunn ogsttrcr cso*iiutc onc and tho rrnc origirl iruErncot ftil Agrcocnt oornplcfidy rnd ftlly supormdu rU oeer priorurdemtrndingp or agrcomGniq bothwri&a und ffslbGtw!ilthc Pardos rththg to ti cubjost Etttsr hriof. Eany provirion ofthis Agrromcnt is dAauM to bc iffdi4 vpid or urco6rccablc by ary corrt of coropcoont jurirdi*ion, such dasmindon Sall Ed i[vdiddo, rni4 or mrkonnaa$rocablo riy othcr pmvision -agfoon€Et or oovcnrd of6is Agmonod, pwi& thc buic purposcs of0is Agrcanont ard the b.ltpfils !o &o Pndco rrc not substlldslb iEprtld. l0:5 l.Io Wrivlr. Wdvr by e Pany of any dc&ult by lto oths Party rhgll mt bc conducd rs r rtiwr of any othcr-aea,*t, nm slpll my dclry by a Puty in thc oicrcis of rry righ ttod€r thls Agtldteut b0 cooridmd as a rrrfuor or rcltrquishmmt {rccof, 10.6 Jurlrdiotion Aay judicial artim uising out o{, rcruldng ftom or h any way nlding to &ir Agr€cltrcot rha[ bo hought onty ln a suta or ftdcral court ofMrlhourh County, Otogon Intb wsil such judidal proooadingp rE inaitued ty eitbcr P$ty, thc prcvaiting Prty full bc Gofitlcd to ruad of ie cosb and doraeys! ftcs irprrrrd in conncction wih swh pl,ocooditrg!. 10.? luU Tltgl Wdvq. TIIE PARIBS EACH HERBY IRREVOCABLY WAM AIL RIGIfT TO TRIAL BY JI]RY IN ANY ACTIOI.I, PROCEEDNrc OR COT'NTERCI,/{IM ARISING OUT OF OR RE[.AnMt]lER,Ef,O, AIrIYCIREEI{IAOS ORfiIB IIAI.ISACTIONS CONIE}IPI.AIEDHEREBY. EAGIPARTYTUNTiM,WENTESA}.[YRIGIITTlO@NSOLIDATEA}.IYACIIONINWHICHAJURY lsIALIIASBEE{ll'AIl'BDWrII{A}itYOTHERACIIONINWHICHAJT'RYTRTALCAI|INOTBEOR IIASNC,TBEENWAIVED. 10.8 No rtid pat' ncrEficiricr. $lifh tho cxccnrdoo ofTrusmirsion Pmvidcr aad llrtcrconnecdsn h'ovida, nho m .ryscsr third psny berficiuico hcrcot &is Agtcefit cooftrr m righ yt$gcru ryon my pormn othcr &an &s putice md chll trot c,mdq or bo hfcrpred 8s crcathg; oy otandad of cm, &fy o lirblllty !o my p6son not aParty ttroto. 10,9 Rdationrhip of tp Partics. Nofring cmtaincd bcrsin sbdl bc corutnred to cro& u rsrccirtioo, joint lroturr, @ro euft or pertrrhip covcorg obllgndoq oi liability or orwi6 rcgrrd to my m0 or mott of6e Psftica. Froh Pady shdt bc irdividuslly rcrponriblc frr ib own cocornb, obligtiong lnd Eabilitior uudff thic Agrcmenl &dl4.7(8)- ll it i : WWll4ttc;4rvct1,, IN Wffi{ESS SEIRBOR eo Putics tillo ecnrld thls Agrcomcc by fuir rluly arlboriad rcpnccffititrcrr oftho doc firrtrbovo writcn" PacifiCorp tconmcrputyl BY: NAIV{E: TTTLE: BY: ITIAMB: TIILE: B&ipitA Faoility and Gcncration D& to be s€ot by eRB For Facility cntrr tho follos,ing information, , Facility Narno and Addrross Rpaourcc ID and MasrNumbtr (Dcvicc D) as listed on drc tvlcrcr Servicc Agrccnrcnt for the I$O Mctcrcd Entitios (MSA/ISOME) Schedule I WREGIS ID 'MotcrPoints ) Bre" 4.7(B)- 12 ADDEI{DI.JMM Amemdcd and Rcstated Powcr Purcbase Agreernent I 1 1lt! I II I ,t t i! II I It I III ItI f t, i l, 't t,I \ 1- I l i, ti t ti , l. il::::il I I 1 'J, I I i .i I i J II t I i'! I I I I II It FtwtJ,Il&4r*Pta rii dl .{t * t. 1,t.Lt'.i I i:. .t, i i !.j ,t. ,:. I t;i,Ittii: ,i 1"t: :, i,l 1 i: i, , llii. i"l .ti i,: I i I!:! i t ! AIIIUIE'U}ANDNESTAIXDFOWIR.PT'MASBAGRWMET{T BErWEE!{ ItrSEr T NAiWE OF xcITqE,.JNE AFrAntfi Al.lD PACTEO(XP nrms b Flre tu @, en B b {l} ltlw s,H Ihrthe Gryrtm pro&ct s nqr-ffflc4 on:sJdsn, htrirEilRcsore wi& lule6misNl Avsilsility Guradq I&ho Qtult$ftrg Facility $}n$tfiDg7(2 (D {Itt*tl,Ilft-4beba Tdtloof0ffi SECTION 1. SECTION2. SECTION3. SECTION4, SECIION5. sBgrIoN6. sEeuoN 7. sEcfloN 8. sEcfroN 9.gECmoN r0. SECTION II. sEcrIoN 12. SECTION 13. SECTION 1{. SECTTON 15. SECTION16. SECTIONlT. SESTION 18. sEcuoN 19. sDCuoN20. SECITON2T. SE'CTION22. SECTION23. SBCTION24. OEI.IER,ATION FORECASTING COSTS..........u FORCEIVIA,IELTRE 33 SEVERAL OBLIGAfiONS 'l ,...33 CIIOICE OF LAW 34 PARflAL IIWALIDITY ........,.i......... ...........34 GOVERNMENTAL JI,'RISDICTION A}ID AUTTIORIZATIONS ..... 34 succEssoRs AI.ID AssIGNs ............,..-...34 RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS..... Errorl Boottnr* not defincd.ENTIREACREEIT{ENT ........,....35NOTICES... ,............35 ) :, :It' .. : li :j t 1I ,t ( lI t) ! { { 1 IItI II II Nffi$fig71f|(r) thtwtl.U*+nemo A}IE{DEDAI{I'NESTAIEI}FOSM.PUR(EASEAGNEIXUENT TI{IS AIvIEhIDED A}'{D RESTAIED FOUIER. PURCTIAS AcRmndENf, tElalng b FIrgEPINES, u rp ln 40 ryfw $ uttoD grcraim proje€q enercd irmo this _ ar, or gnioi wrrtn liability offrrymy (th6 "se[or'") and pacificorE an orcgeo cory;tion;erg h tE d,"trf,t.tctfon o{pg1ty fncuOorel. sdls u ncmorp- r* *,r.*o b colioodycly * -o" "Per{iet'aud individually as a *Prily". NBCMAI.S A Ccdar Crcck Winq LI-C (CCHD ud PacifiCorp Gfficred futo thd certBin poner Ptmhrcc {gclrncffi fued as ofDocob€s -'mli GE "oddnnippA} trrruarfio *ffi* cuwhs b'ca gred dc riglr ro assign ec odginal pFA o m amfas o,f RHdlilJ B,gB;, *d - B. C€W hss elecbd b crcnbe itsrigbo qssigrr fte Oiginal PPA o Sclhq m affli6eof Ridgelirrc.Enn!fl, I{& d pruunt b tu-t.,ns orire olgfii pp{ omodtfr-n aasslgmeril, tto oiginal PPA is to be armdod ud rcsmd m tre mrs gu foil a Uris.qf,[rr€d.c, scllcr ry&- g omgnrc ou,& qp€re Ird mahhin a wind frcility, imMhgSclcr's Int€rcmecdon- Fasilities, for fic geordin of olectric por\rcr lned io lOfiq wl6 -Sryocbdla:Ury CaPacily ltatiIng dry o a0 rrqgauffi as firdrcr dswribed in ErLibii A ard D. Seler has fTIrt' riehts to deliver cn6* fiun i6 Facility !o pacifiCorp acrws thehtsrcmesticn and mhcr frcilities as firtk fucrited-in Aadeudum L. ' ' - E Seller intcnds to op€!fic thc Facility as a Qnraliging Faoility, as srh too is F. Selleresirrmes-thceejvtrogp annual Net Op* @asod ontbe rnaxirnm caprcityofa0mqartm)bbo&livlrEd_byeeFeilirytoPacifiCcpis iog,btt,62I kil;wdio,gs-Gwrr)(Avemge Anaud N€t ousd? trrslrf o te lnltiat y;r Enc{sr Dolivcry s.l*erh fr, lir.d.r, G SelleriMs to scll dPacifiqory irmendsoprcbasoallttrENet grry11fom lheFritity in mrdurcc wih rhe uas ard cmditims ofdds Ageinerr.H PacifiCory iry t daligne Sellds facility as a Netrrc* Resoume for fteptltposcs of scningNctwork Load. Cost Allocation Reviscd Pnotocol. J. Sc[er has a{todz€d Trusmission hovider b d€a; gonention data toPacifiCorp. If yee, the authorization is auaohed as Erhtbtt E NOW, I-IIEREFORE tto hfr G medly agEG to amcnd Ed rtfi El 0F Aigipl ppA 6 tuad tr iE fftimty as folloqis: I *rdEo640t-!rf0 thtsrlrtl,Ilfi.+ttePl:c SECTION 1. DETIMTIONS Ulkr tsd in this Agr€cmcd, eG ffh,wing ffi Sall twc tte ftlourforg m€{drgs: I .l "Ar{u[t Supphm:nf' slull be a snryflcmal 5 T'rhilrit d pfirvidcd by Sollcr following completion of son$rustion of the Frcility, accurarely fuoribisg thc co,mplded Facility. 12 "Aralhbilitf meimq for any Billing Perio( the rsio, cxpresscd as s pero€otrge, of (r) tho aggrcga& sum of the tutino-mirubs in whish each ofthe Yind Tu$-ines at the Facility was available to gen€ratc at thc lvlarimum Sacility Dolivcry RaE dudngee BillingPoiod ove (y)theproductoftheaurnbs of WindTurbiacs thatcomprire &e Facility Cseaaity Rating as of Commcrcial Opcr*ion multiplicd by the number of minwos in suoh Billiug Pcriod. A Wind Tu$irc shall ba doe;rrsd not available to opcrarc duringminubs in whish it is (a) in ananergoncl, sp, $Gryioc mode or pausc stab; O) in 'tun" staon and faulto+ or (o) otruwisc notoperational or capablc of dolivcring at 6o ' Maximum Fa,siti$ Ihlivery llatc to the Point of Dclivery; unlcgs if unevailable due solcly to (i) a dcfault by PaciflCorp; (ii) to fte sr(Ent not caured by Sellcr's aotions, a curtailmcnt in acootdanoc with Sootion 5.3 or (iii) insufficicot wind (inclrding thc normal amount of time requittd E thc gencratiag quiprncnt b rscumc operadons foflowing a pcriod whsr wind ryood isbelowthe Crut-InWind S@). 13 tilltrgFedd?mnsfu timepaiodbetu,EarPacifiCorp'sreadingOfiu. power ptrchase metcr at tho Facility, which for this Agreancnt shall ooincide widr calendar mmths. L4 'CAIIII)" Ificaos thc Clean Air lvlarlcets Division of tto Environmental Prctection Agacy or suocessor administtator, or any stsE or fcderal eiltity givcNrjrnicdiotion ov€,r I progrsn involving Choen Tags or my afribua trereof. 15 "Comnsrial Opentlon" means that not lcss than ths 90% of the eipocted FacilityCaacttyRdngisft[yopadxulandrolirblomdthcFrcilityb A&meonrpcto{fu[y or obtain, and which occun v&an all of the following svents G) havo oc,cunod, aod (ir) rtmain simultmouely tsue ud amurafo as of the de and momcot m ufiic,h Sollcr givx PacifiCorp notico that Conuncroial Opcrdion has occunpd: 1.5.1 PacifiCorp has reccivcd a ccrtificatc addrcssed to PaciffCorp ftom a Licsrssd Profossioncl Engineer (a) utating tbc Facility Capacity Rcing of fte Facility at thc antioipaed timo of Cornmcrcial Opcmtion and O) stating that the Faoiligy is ablc to gris.ac elocticpowerrtli$lyinanurrtrcquirodby6isAgrcerncntmdinacoodarcewiflr dl othcrterrns and oonditiong of this Agrecment. 1.5.2 Surt-Up Testing of the Facility has bcsn completed fur accordrnce with ErffiitE. 1.5.3 PacifiCorp has roccivcd a osrtifice addrcssed to PacifiCorp from a Licenscd hofessional Enginccr, an affiorney in good starding in Idaho, or a lcfier A,om Transmission hovidcr, statingthat in accodmcc withthc Gncration Intormnncction 2 #4en+N$42 I . I I I : . !:Ii t 1i Fn*a1'rtc4l*Pt* A8rc€tne-fit, atlroqutrd intreosncotion faoilities have bsen cons&rcteq all rpqrrir5dintficonrcction tests hrve beetr- completcd and m fo"ifity ir plvric"fry hrt r*ii".ot a U6the Syrtrm inconformanccwith ttrc Ocncrcion Intc,rconncction-Agrcomat urd ablc to $livor crcrEil oouristmt wift fu 616s ef*his aererrrert, ;d tirr"iliry i- fullt- -- intogFatod and synchonized with the SysHn. 1.5.4 lacilCorp has rcccivcd a ccrtificate addrcsscd to PsoifiCorp ftom aLicoruod kofessional Engineer, or an atromcy io good standing in Idatro, sadn! tir"t S.fl*has.obtaircd all Roquircd Faoility Docunontr*dirroqu*u-uy psoificorp in-*nilng,--scllcr shall have provided oopies of any or all such requistea n qrir"o i;i[ry D";.ffi". 155 Scllcr has compliod wittr thc scourity requirements of Scction I l. :- 156 (i) fagrlCoretas rccoivcd *rfimutio Ubar des;g""u u aNartodcRosqrc ed C0xrcEcqp has mcivrdoorfuiabn ftom te'Transnrislionhvi&rthd the taasmission ecrvice requcsthas beerr gnnted io-*m.l*toapocity to mect or cr(c€cd ths Mortnum Facility Delivery Rate and tf,e Selt€r haspail;i cosE assodabd with ary requirm oftlrc uusrniEdqr *ior roq,rrt ts'€omrenlrlopordmlhd'mcanettpdoc, asdcsigrmdbyprcificorppunuant to soction 2.4,the Facility ffrst achievcs commercial opfttion. ' -r l:t "commlrcion" m€ms the Idaho publio udlities commission. I.E "confonnlng Energf moans alrNetEnsrgrcxoeatNonconfonniag 1.9 '€onfotuing Energr PurtteccPrfuG" mclns thcapplicablc pricc forConforming Ene'rgy and capacity, spccified in Scction 5.1. 1.10 "Contret Yee/'moailt a twolve (12) month pedod commanoing at fi):00hours Pacifio Prcvailins Timc fpplJ on lmrury t irna cnoiirg oo z,oo hows ppr oneccrnbcr 3,1; provided, howgver, tbst &e fnst Contact year JraU cornnrcncc on thescheduled Commcroial fuemion Date and cnd on the noc sucoeeding D*.rG ii, anotha last Contract year sttail cnd on thc hgiration Dafie, unloce .Jio 6rriou3,a as proviOeahcrcin" l.l l "cut-h wid spcd'rncans the wind spoed at which a sffiionry windallbine begins produoingNa Enotgy, as specifid bv thi turbincmanufacturer ana e"t fot*,in Exhibf A. L.lz a)sfault Socurity'shall havc thc mcaning set fordr in Scction I I.2 of thisAgrcorncnt. ,.h-r ::11 ..'DS:J !ie{a1A Drmtgcc,,, *Ddry Ihity Mininum,,, ,I)eI!5/ period,,,-rrelny Price" and "Delry Volume" shall have the moaninls set forth in Section-2.5 of thisAgrcc,mGnt. Enargy #ai0}'&qw 3 r.14 tlaw{,Ilfi4ehs "Delay Pcriod Cmmcnscrnst Dde" mosns Oc'tob€r l, 201 3. "Dehy Sccurity" shall havc thc meanirg s€t fbrth in Section I I . I . I of thisl.1s Agrccment. l.l6 Agrcement. "Effccttve Datp" shall have the moaning set forft in Scction 2.1 ofthis l.l7 Tngrgy llcltvely Sctrednlc' shall have thc meaning sct ftdh in Scotion 4.3 oftrisAgremcnt. 1.18 'Environmcutrl AtffbuB'mcans any and all claimc, crcdi$ emissims rtrlrciurE, oftGs, ud alo$4m, hrcocver emidsd, ascimdwihee gffiidm ofor4p,n fiom tho Facility c tr avoidare of thc emisim of ry gas, ohcurical, or otbff substurcc to thc ah, soil or nrAr, &d b ryablc of bchg mcasured, vcrifiod, o cahuldcd EmttomenAl At[ihffi im,tudc brr rc na timioA o: (l) ury aroidcd cfiricsims of polftnrr o tro ar, so4 or uder srch as (srbjectto fre frrogoing) srtfir oxidcs (S0l* nihogsrr odds (t{O{, carbql rrmoxids(CO)and&polluao;(2)ayavoidodqnissions of oarbondioxidc (C02), rnc&ee (Cf,I4), a,d o&cr er€srtousc gases ({tl{h) lhd havc bm dmlnod by&e L}ribdNdims Ie.goncffircdal Pd qr Ctimrb Chmge o coffiihre o fto actnl cporcrfrial &rccofail$ing lhe Eartr'g clim& by trppinehcd in fu arcryherq ur{ O dl WBECIS Ccrfu.Envirml Aflrih$cs do rnt inoldc (D Pro&rdion llor (hedia c c€ftain otrs m incemives oristingnowcrintrefirtrcassocftedwi&esoqrstruiom,mrnersiporopffiicxrofdre Faoility, or (ii) adverse wildlife ot envimnmsrtal impacte. l.l9 'lnvlmnmcntnl Contamlmdon" mcaos &e irtnoduction or prescnce of Hazardous Matcrials atsuch lwels, qrmrtitiee or location, orof such form orchaructsr, ub constit*e a violdim of fcdcml stats or local laws or rcguldions, ard presed a rderial dck urd€r fd€r:at semlocal hrrsadrcgrrtdiomtrat&ePrranirswill notbeavailable ausabh for tkpurposes bythisA$ptmcnt. 1r0 *Erpcctcd frcility Cspecfty Rrdng. shdl be br,t-*,t l0 and 40 lvfw h$ shall not exceed 40 MIV in any ovont, nor shall the sum of $re Fcility CspEcity Reting of this Agroorncnt, thefaoility oapacityrating undertho amendod edretlted powcrpurchase agreemcnt betwecn PacifiCoryp and Ridgeline rclating to North Point, mdthc facitity ctpaclty rating under &e powcr purchasc agrcernent betrreen PacifiCorp and CCW rol*ing to Coyotc HiIl excced 133.4 tv{W. l2l "Erplntiou ltats" shdl havo the meaning set forth in Section 2.1 of this Agreement 1.22 Tacfrty'is defined in Rsoihl A ofthis Agrccmcnt. 123 "Facilfty Caprcity Refing'mcaqe thc sum of tto Namcplate Capacity Radngs for all Wind Turbinc gencrdon comprising the Facility. 124 'Torce Majcure" has the mcaning set forth in Sestion 15.1. ffi*s$ww 1 [Irue.rtJ,Ilfr_Jitufra t25 *forced Outrge" means an outage trat requires rcmoval of onc or morcWind Turbincstom sen ice, anothcr outagc saG or a rpscrve strutdoum stat€ bcfore the endof thc nort wcekond. Maintgnancc O$igcs and Planncd Outages ero not Forcod Outages. 126 "Genenflon ratoroounectior Agrcoment', moans tho gonoration inta'connoction agrcomont enErcd iqtf scpracty bctnesr Seller and fransmission hDvidcr, as qpplicablo' specifying tho Point of Dclivcry and providfurg for the corstuction Endopcration of thc Intcrconnection Faciliries. l.n "GiEn Tegr" meaul G) trc Environmcmal AEibutcs associatd with altOutrrrt, togothor wittr (b) fie Groeo Tag Reporting Rigtru associar€d with srrcfr encrgt andEnr&onmeirul Afrribrmes, however commorciallltursfcncd ortradcd undcrany orTtno qrodu{namcs, zuch ae "Rcncmrblc Encrry Crcdits,u "Gresn-e Ccrtified,n or oftrwisc, g6re &oen Tag reprcoents ttc Enviromrircnal Atrribubs made available by the generation ii*.MWh ofenergT fiom the Facility. L.zE "Grcon Tag Roporting R[h6" means the qrclusivc right of apgrchaser ofBnvironmental Attributcs.to repod orrrner*ip of Environmental Aruibites in compliurce with ftdcnal or statc lau if amlicablo, aad to fodcral u state agonoies or o&or ffies st sucSpurchaser's discTetio& and include rcporting rnder Section 1605(b) of trc Enerlgy policy Actof lW2" or undcr any prcsont.or firture domcstic, intclndionsl, oi foreign errissii6 taiinsproSnm or rencwable porfolio rtandrd. l2g "Governmtmtal Authority'means any supranational, fcderaf stata or othcr P}ttg rubdivisionttrereof, havingjndsdiotion ovcr leflcr, paciniorp orthis Agrecrnont, inoluding any munioipality, tovmship or county, and any entity or bodi excrpisini cxeoutive, legislstivc, judicial, regubtory or adminigu*ive fiurctions of or pertaining to govirnment, including any corporation or othcr entity owaod or oqnholled biany of fi'e oLgoing. 1.30 'Eazardous Materialr" mcaru any l,astc or other zub$ance that is listcd, dsfined, designacd or classificd as or dctcruined to tc trazarUous undcr orpuliuafltto anyonvironmenhl law or regulation. I .31 *Iuadvcrtent -Eaeig/' mprq mgr delivsod to tre Poiut of Delivory at a rato excoeding tho tvlexinum Facility thliv*y Ratc on an hour-avcraged bssic. tnadvjrtcnt Encrgy is notincluded inNctEnorgy In Tndexhie"' frrcachdcy, *all mcartcrrcigltd areragp ofthcanragoPcakand otr-Pcd( fimr encrgy qryka?riryq as published ntrc tiqconttrcital rxchang; gcal fuy AM Patw Prae Rept for ilrc klo verde Ifub frr srh day. Fm sunday ard l.fiRb holidayr,tlrc24-IIonhder(PrioestullbcusoqmlcsslCEdralltrlbli$aFinn tfn ffedrmdFim OtrPeakhice frrurchdapfurPalo Vende, inwhfoficvcdgucninOlc* stratlbbrtilizrd forsrdr da1,r. If tre ICE idac or any replacement offu irgo, "e.so a * *Orr*J d,uG drr il;irbAgrowtcn{ PacifiCorp shall sslect as a rcplaoerrent a subrtEntially equivaleni indo( Soqafter any ryFlopriato or noccssEry adjustncnts, provides tte most rcasonabls sukitute fortl.rc_yao in question. PacifiCorp's selestion shall bo subjeot to Ssller's cons€nti, whioh Sollershall not rmreasonably withlrol{ condition or delay* 5 #4&0,5$9t42 1 iII i i! !' i Il 1. ii i ;,i ii,rili ]: 'i Ii{',it!:tI,,a I I I l 1 133 Section 4.3.1. $nwtJ,Ilfi4t*Pl;s 'Iddrt Year Encrgr Ihlivery Schcduh" shall have the meaning sct forh in lY 5ntuluffi Xlrrifitiea"nparsrlltrefuiliticsmdarcillrysqulgncntusedto intcrconnccttho Facility to thc Sysom, as defurod in tho Gensration InErponncction Agwuent. 135 'Lethr of OrediP rndus an insvooablo sdby lottcr of crcdit in a fr,nn reasonably acccptable to PacifiCorp, naming PacifiCorp as tho perty entitled to dc,nand paymgd ed pm€fit dnw re$Ess trrtrrndcr. Such lcfcr of cmdit stult bc pmvided by m insihrtiqrt'disaUtrdStdcsoffceofacmrreialborkutrstounparryorgmizcdundGrth€ hrs offu Udbd Srtdos of Arnsioa m apoliticd nSdivisim ltErcof, wi6 a credit raing m ib lcng&rnstnimrrpcurcdd*tofatlcast"A'ftomSturdard&Poo,rrsmd"A2"fornMoody's trvomswioos,urd(urlcsotrcmboagl€cd)byhgassasofdlcasttl0,000,000,000(netof resares). 136'T,ianod htft*doudEnghoed'rneas apenon rcccpt$lcbhcifiCorp in iE raasonabte judgmcnt who is liccnsGd to prac{oe qgincering in ttc state of ldaho, who has tainiry ud expedsrcc in ttp cngineedrg d*iplin{$ re,lcvant b ttr mels with Erycct to !fiictr srchpensriscallcdbpuvidc acatificairxlcvaluaionaniloropinftautrohasnowni, rclaiordrfi, rmi*iu1 a mnrs with Setlcr, md $ilp is nd a rtprcscmative of a cmsulting cnghs, oortrctm, dcsigu or dcrindividral invoh,Ed in fiE dcrdqrcnt offteFacility, or of a manufacarrcr or sryplier of ary eqrdpmcrrt irfillcd b the Facility. Such LicGn$dPlofesiomal FngirmdrallboliocnsodinmappmtriecagirrccrirydisciplircfurtrprcquireaoamafuUclng mada Tlp mgpg@t sd pal,urert of a Licasod Professisrat Engineu solcly to provide the certificdions, evaluatioru and opinions roquired by this furcement ilrall rct oanstfub a pohibircdacmmiocldion*ip,assoridinmnorrswithSclkr,sohngasnrcheuginqcrhaEm oftor ecmmis rpldion$ip, asooidion or nans with tb Sellcn 1,37'Mrir6auos0rhgd'mrs aryo$ige ofonc qmorc WindTEbirpsihstisnot a Forcod Outage or a Planacd Outago. A tvlaintsnanoc Orhge is aa outagc tlut can be defen€d until aftor the end of thc nort urcckc,n{ htr that r€quirBs that the Wind Tbbine(s) bc remsrrcdfiom serviccbcforllhcrutPlamdOdrgE. AlvlsiffirmsOfragpmayocuratytinc during thc year and must have a flexible start date. 1.38'llfirEhlAdnerreCtr4e" shalt mem, wi& respoot to trc Scller, ifthc Sellcr hrs expcricnccd a ohangc in &cts or cimuretanccs reldcdto develorpnrcntoropcr8ion of ttc Facility that matcrially ard advcrsely impact Sells's abilrty to fulfill its obligstioms rmdcr this Ageemont. 1.39 1ifiuilmum Facllfty Ddtvery RtE" mcailr the maximmr instsilancow rote (kYD st vftich the Facility is capablc of dclivcring Nct Outrut at thc Point of Dclivcry, as specified in khtbit A md in compliance with the Generation Intcrcortncgtion Agfecnrcilt l.CI "Mrdmum GIA Ildivery Rrte" meansthrnsirrunrrc(kUDtcfrichthe Crcnsabr Lrlerpormastion furcmem allows ttre Focility to deliver crergr to tlrc Point of Delivery and is get forth in Erhlbft A. #4t#0,Wt42 6 [hsat],IIX4lnPtzr 1.65 'Sharcd Interconncction Fecllitier" means &mportion ofthc Intcrconnwtion Facilitie uscd by the Facility and one or mort othcr Qualifying Facilities as further dessibed in E*ibit B. 1.66'scller'l Forccart-cost sherc' and'sellerrr ceppod Forccrst{ost share" shall havc thc mcaninp set forth in sections 8l and 9.3 respcctively. t.67 Section 4.3.3 'subrequent Energy llofivery sch€drb' sha[ beve thc mooning sct forth in 1.68 "Syr!em" moans thc elsofic traomission rubstation and transmiscion ordistibution faoilities owned, operated or maintaincd by Transrnission hovidar, uftish shallinclude, aftcr constsqction and installdioo oftho Facility, tho circuit rcinforcemc,rts, CIrtunrions, and assogidsd tctrninal faoility ndnforcemc,nr or additiong rcquirod tointcrcomcctthe Facllity, att as sctbr& iatlc Crencruion IntcrconrpctionAgrecillc1rt. 1.69 "Tarlfl" moatrs thc PacifiCorp Tlansmission FBRC Electric Toriffsovanth Re*'lsed Volurro No. 1l Pro Forma Opcn dcosE Transmissioa Tartffor tho Transmiscionkrovidds concspoading FERC hriffor both, as rcvigcd &om timc b timc. l,7O "Tranrmirsion Prrovider" means PacifiCorp Transnisgion or s suciecssor, inoluding any rcgional tzngmission organizcion (RTO,). *$'tnd Lesol' meaus lte mmorenda of wind leose and r€do&,ted wind leases rcoordod inthc county in which tre Facility is looard in oonncction widr the dcvclopnrant of the Fritity, as tresarncrnaybc srryflcnrarbd, amcndcdrcrffidcdrre*md, orrqhoodficn tirncto time. l:ll 'ryftd Turbino" rms the type of wind turbine spccified md morc fullydescriH in E$tbit A as $reh Erhibit A rury be rrydatsd nrsuint to Sccdon 2.2.2. I Systcm. 72 'ol\mBcrll', rroam drc wcs&m Ronowable Bnergy Gcner*ion Infomation 1.73 *TIIRECIS Certlllcete' mearr oCertificafr" as defined by WREGIS in theWREGIS OperatingRutcs. --- -J -- 1,74 ryREGIS Openting Rulcrn mcans the operating rules and rcquircmentsado@ by WRBGIS. SECTION 2. TERM; GOMMERCIAL OPERATION IDAIE - 2.1 This Agement shall become effective aftcr execution by borh Pa*ies andaftcr appmval bytheConmrissiurpusuantto a final and non-appealablo it rpfe6rrc PoA), &st tp giocs o b€ paid for eneryr md oaprcity arjtr* d rrasonablc, itrtlp px;blb inE€S tltd ltEt tlre co6[s inqmsd by Pacificorp ibr pfuhircs of capocity ard *.qgr'nog1 Srtt* arc lc${ry$ cr(Penscs, all of which thc Commission will allow'PacihCorp to 6covcr in ratos in Idaho in the cvcnt othcrjurisdicfiotrs dcny rccovcry ofthcir proportionatc sharc of said eryenses. (frrlecs edier brnired re pwidod bcrciq tirb Asrecmcot sttall Emain in ctrcct I It'efi.ffi$7q2 Fttw['Ilf-flPPta uilillh3twentis& (205 mnivqsary ofthe carlicr ofthc Commcncial Operation Datc orthe Sohidrrlcd Commercial Opcrdion Dde ("Erpinfion D.to"). ZA Ttn€ h of tF cssonpc ofthis Agf€GrtrGrrt, d Scller's ability b moet c€ilsin requirsnorf prior to thc Commcrcial Opcntion Date and to achiwc Commarpial Operation by rhc Sdredrhd Cuurerchl Opcraion De b cdticalty imPoEffit lha€frre' XLI By fro dalo thd is four (4) months prior to tlrc Schcduhd Commcrcial opcracion Dae, sollcr siralt obtsin and Prcvidc to PaoifiCorp oopies ofall gpvmrouul pcmis udaftuedm[sdinErhfrftC. X22 By &c dde that is thirty (30) dayr aftor tho Effcstive Dde, Sollcr shall p3ovidsonehrudrc4peltcnt00$/o)oftheDclaySeotrifr€quircdmderSecdon ll.l.l,as ap,plicable. 223 By Decmbcr 31, 2011, Scller: (i) has Povidsd all informmion :nd p6id all foes tho Ttansmisslon hovidcr reqrriree to designde tho Facility as r Netwo* - . itesouroc in accordanoc witr dE Tadff(OATT); and (i0 lns prwidd all irdonnaim rcasoubly requirrd by PacifiCorp to submit a tansmission s€rvioe reqrrst for tbc Faeil$ to thp Transmission Prrovider puruunt to the Tartff. information idmtificd in Soction 22.3, shlll (D wiedraw thc rc$estwith rcspcct to the facility (as defrncd in ec Odginll PPA) and (ii) rcquest designation of the Facility as a Net{vork Rosorrco ftr tho purposcs of serving Neyork Iaad. 22-5 Ssller shall provide writen mnfirmation oftre erryecd Facility Capacity Rdng for thp Faoility on or bcforc Ianury 3l,20l2.1his notioo shall dcfinitively ostsUtish a single Capaoity R ting for the Facilig widrin the rurgo contcmplatcd in the Erpcstod Facility Capaoity Rating 22fi At t€ast tcn (10) busfoH dsyc 1rkr b ddivcry of any enorg fiun thc Fr,ilityto PacifiCorp, Ssllot shall prcvide PacifiCorp with an cxecutod Gcnclztion kftrTnoction Agroqment ztt Within onc hrmdrcd eighty (lt0) days prior to the Schcdulod Con6emoial Opcrdion Dde, Seller shl[ prcvido PacifiCorp with amcndod Erhlblb, whioh may inaludo fti aosignstion of alterndive Wind Tubines for trc Facility, and nrch o&sr updatcs to thc iaformation oonaincd thcrcin ?28 Priorto the Commerciat Op€rrtion Daq Seller shall provide Ilefauh Security rcquircd undor Scction I1.2, if applicrblo. 22.9 Priorto the Commcrcial OpcraionDato, Sellcr shall provide PaoifiCorp with an As-built Strpplcmcnt rcasonably acccp6ble to PaoifiCorp. 22,10 $ollor shsll use eorlrmqrially rcasonable offortg to achievc Commwid Opcruion Uy 0O:00 PPT Deccmber 31, 2012. 'r l0 #{sn,'/0[gl{a, [huatJ,Il64ttefrsi Z3 Beginning on Jmuary 6,2ll2and on thc fifth (5{') business day of each month thorcaftcr until the Commencial @ation Datc, Scllcr shall provide PacifiCorp with a one.Page monthly updatc by e--mail on the progress of finanoing aad/or cmstrction of tne Prroject and status of complction of thc milcgtones in Section 2.2. L4 Esablishinc Qqnnercial Opcrdion. Sellcr slrall provido writcn notioo m PacifcospsttiqgrvlrcnSclknbcliwsthttreFrilighasadlisvedConurmialOperdm. PaoifiCorp shall havc tin (10) business days aftcr rcocipt cithcr to confirm to Seller thd all of the cqrditionsto Commcrcial OpcrdimhavrbcGnsdisfid ohave occun€{ orto st&witl speoifioity ufta Prcificolp rcasmably bclisvEs has nd bm safisfied" It, wiftin sudr Er (l 0) hrdncss day period, Pacificorp eiftcr does rd rtqpd or dso cordrms fu tEFeilry has achhvsd Cuumcrcial OpsruiorL 60 digirral dde ofrcocip ofSeller's ndioc shall bc tfu Courmerdal Operaim Dale. IfPacifiCorp ncifics Sclla witrin $rfi ffi (10) busimss day pcdod 6at PaoffiCorp reasonably beliwcs thc Facility has not achiwod Comne,rcial Opertion, Solhrmay, if it hm a good fiifr bclfttrttd Conrmacint Opcrulur lus boen adricno4 slrhit a TccfinicalDiry$oNotice orelse Se[ersha[address &e sonoerrs ffid in PacifiCorp'sndice b tte m&nl saigfrc-tion ofboftr Patics. r se[6 srbmib a Tedrnical Diryrts Ndice od tbe Technical E Dcrt detormines tfst Coflrtrlcrcial Opmtion has be€,n achievd thenthe Conrnsshl Operdio DOe straI be tF dde, as dffiined b, tte Todndcal Egcrg 6dfu Frility fir*mcalldrercquirErrcffiofCsnrnerci,alA€ildon; drcfirisedredmeupurwhidrSdlerhas addrc$od dre conoetut *ded in PasifiCorp's noticc to PaoifiCorp's rcasonablc s*isfirctiorq as spccificd in a nc*ioc from PacifiCorpto Scllcr, Sall befu Comspial Opcraiar m. If Comrncgoial Opcratioo is achiwod d lcs than ore hrffi paent (100/o) offu opected Facifu Capaciry Rahg md Se[cr informs PacifiCorp trat Sollcr intcnds to hingttrc Frilityb sro bueedpcrccrr(100o/o)ofttoopectldFacitry@cfryltrilg Scllcrshallpm/idcPacifiCorpuffi a l[* of all ittms to be ccnpl€tcd in ordar o acirieve lho aryccrEd facillry Capacity Rating. 2,4.1 Technical F'*ncrt. If, and only i{, a dispuE rcgards (i) rvhethcr or not Commmial Opentiomhasboenachievd mdor(it)the dowtrenCommerciel Opeition was achievod, the Partics may havc suc,h dispur, and only such disputc, reohcd pm ntto 6is Sefrisr 2.4.1. Any swh dirytfr will be d*minod by m irdqendcdbduioat arperq wlro sha[ be a menl$ a@ble ttid pcty wie ftining ard oserience in &e disciplincs relwant to &e mfiers \dtr respcct to u&ich zuch persm is callod upqr O prrovide a.cemifctioq eraludion o( opinion (fte lTochnicrl Expert'), which determination shalt be (X) madc (subjoctto thc tcrms in tbis Section 2.a) in roordarrco wiilr trs Cmsrrctisr krfrrstry Arbiufur ful€s ad tvdcdidimPmcedures (krcMingPrroccdurcs forl^Ego, CunplorC.onstnrctiurDiryes)ofttrc AAA, as arncrrdad and c,ffcotive on October 1,20W (thc "'ltocJnicrl Dbputo Pnocedlrcs"), notwiths&ndingrrydollaramount ordolhlinitations containodtharrin, and (Y) binding upon thc Parties. (a) Eitbcr Party msy ootruncnoe thc disputc proo€ss as b tlrc matters sst forth in pqngnph 2.4.1, abovq with the American Arbihation Association C'AAA') by n@ing AAA dd tE oE Br PEty in widug ('Teddcel Dbpub Nodco) of such Party's desirc that thc disptrta bo rssolved tlrlough a d*ermination by a Tcchnical Eryefi. O) Thdcfirliruiulslrall bocondrcnedbyasoleTe&nicalE4err Thc Parrics nuy sclcct my rnulully eqtubl€ Todtnical EryErt Ifthc Partics carrs agrte on a T€drtioulE pofiwiftinfivt (5)days albrdp&tBofthc TctninlDiryr*eNoticeften&pAAA's ll *uwrn, t l' I I Ii i .: j I pnsqtJ,Ilfr'-ahphu AttiEilistAdministedu[ o€trdalistadrcsrffiofdrw(3)Evailaetcchicalqpcrbmocerg tte qurlificdios set fortr in Sodon2.4.1 btre Putics, cach ofwtranr sh[ srilc meoano, ard ftc rtmainingpcrson sballbeqpoirosd astrcTc&nical Elq{t lfmorcthanonerrurFmmains, oittebccausemeorbofiPatticchsvcfrilcdtorcryordbthcAAA'sArbitrdionAdminiffir wiftin fi\re (, days aftcr rccciving &c li* or bccars qle or bodl Parti€s have ftilod m mike a name to,m & list q bccatrcc botr Patics stuikp the smte namc, thc AAA'I Arbitatiar Adminisnmor will cttooce the Teohdoal Expefi firm dro runaining rurmes. If fro desigeahd Tcchrical E rycrt dtEll dic, beffito ftrcapabh c, unwillmgo, c rmablc b sc(w or prccced wi& th€ dctcrminrion, a zubsthlE Tcchical Erpcrt shdl be rypoimdin amordanoewiftttrc sdodim;nooG&rG describodabove'andsuhsrfrstitfie Technical gpcilshsllttrvo dl ru&poumr as ifhs asbhxba originally appointcd hcrcin. (c) Wihinftirty(30)&ysofttrcqpointmtofthelbclrnical&p€fi pm:atttoftcfuqoingsrb*eCioqcaAPafiySall srhritbfrGT*ftnicalErycft(andcopyttr dm Farty) a wrifinr rryoft onAining ib positiur wi& rcspt to thc diryrc, ard argumat$ thecfortogothawith sryputingdmmcntilimmdcalsuldims. Discoverydnllbelimibdto Facility doomedrticr rdating b ttr diryed mer. Witrb sfufiy (60) days to'm nceipt of srch suUmlssions, tre Tec,hicd Eryat shall seloct orrc c thp oths Partfs position wift rcrycct to ttr distrfiEd, orbirmeablo issrcs set forth in Scction 2.4.1 abovc, rvhempon srch rlcction ctrall be a binding &Eilnir6ion rryon tra Pamics for all ppmcs hErE[ Th 06ts ofthe Tsclurical Egert, irchdirg bis or k fccs atd oryqrscsr shsll be bffiF by ttE nrtywhogopoddtrr uas m rcle! b5r eeT€enicalEperqcadtPaftyshdtoffrilrrircbcarirovmoparseslffieTochrkrtElpcileils b Eofu a dcdsiqr wiftin nttcty (90) daln fiom rucitr of ech Put5/s snhdsddr$ ci&pr Paty mry, pia6lteTcdtrrical&ryadsftral docision, initiaelitig$io& inwtridrcasctlr TeclmicEl Elrycrt's foal decision drall not be binding on tlrc Portics unless otherwice agreod. 2.42 Atl ve6al d wriur curmrmicaiqr b€fty€r fic Padi6 and isued or preptod in conncotion with f,ris Section 2.4.1 shstl be doemod pppared and comnnrnicated in firftemcg and inthc oonb4 ofdiryrc scsmem, E d *all be orenptfmrn disco\rsymd Fodraioq and etu[ nd bc dmissible in evideocc (urtdor as a&ralsion or ewirc) in uy litiguron a drm poeedings for the resohniqr oftre disputo L43 All dcadlines ryecified in this Scction 2.4nay bo cxtsrdod by mutrnl agrccmcnt of the Parties. 2.5 Dclay Dmrares. Sellor shall cause thc Facility to achievc Comorcial Oporation on o bc&re the SeMrlcd Cquuchl Qemtion Dab. If Cmmeraial Operuion ocarr aftetb Schedulcd Commcrciel Operciur Darc, Scllcr shall bs tiablc to poy PacifiCorp delay dunages &r&e mmbcr of days fDdry hriof) ttrd tp Csnrcrial Opadur DCI o6ul after Odobcr l, 2013, ufil the erlier of oeuum ofilrc Commcrcial Opor*ftin h ordr Hrrhdi:nbfthisAgrccilr€rt(IrdsyUquHrbd lhrrg{);pwi&drl,ascUcrstrattndaocruo ary Doley Liquided Damagcs aften 0) Scllcr has thraly rfriwod thc mile*w in Scction 22.3; and Ci) $c[cr has satisfiod dl roquirurmts of Cmurrcrcial Operuion except fu onc or morp rcgufu€ut$ in $bstion 15.6. Billings md pa5mcnts ftr Delay tiquiddcd Dmages $all bc rnadc in aocordmce wifr Sectioo I l.l. t2 wnffi,gw [DwtJ,ItX-&epba z-s.r Hr#qul{mo omaEn. Dcrayliquided knqgls cquale thc nrmof; lor cach day in oe octay pcrioq the gr€ak;T(r) oo osliy oaily r,rinfiunr'oiizl treDotay Prioo timos thc Delay Voluuo, Wlrc alelry ryry_BFuu" e$Els (a) for th. tu fqty-fivo (4o calcodr daysfulowing fte SchcdrM Comncrcial @diur Do: m*irxtial (i rggq of frrty-fir/c dolhr_(s4s) muldpriod by trs }{nrim,m Failay Delivcr}, Rd,'witr rt'Iviuriryn radityDGlivcy Re qing mcas&d in kiv; o) dL fre frrty.fimr(44 rab,'dr a"y otto*tL ft, sd"eird al*;*id oecnaim Drc: fte Dstay Priae tirncs thc Dolay Volumc. 'Irdry hiod'oquEls ttc eodEte dieruoCIq if ary, of &c tdor Pricc mirus tftesrci&d Evctaee of &E On+€ak ard Otr-Pcak rmfifity Corftrntg Fa61&r PurchasoPricos; and Aldry Volmd cquels tr dicsh Scho&illd N4odrly FffiBr Dclivcry dividcd by thc numbcr of days in Urc momr 2.5 .2 4pomglatqrcs-s qf Damscs. Tho partics agrcc that trc drmagpE ry{qrry 1qrld inon drc p dclay h thc frcility rchiwing Cornnscial Ope,rdiur ur oiUufor"thc Sclrdulcd Commccial $rytion Darc would bc difficult or imposiriUte to peUiewit oataidy, and trd frc Dclay Liquided Dffiragcs EE m ryppprie ryrrio:dmeuon of suchdanage* SECfiON3. REPRESD,I\TTATIONSANDWARRANTIES 3.t Pacilicorprepcscnts, eoy'xunts, and wanauts to sellerthat 3.1.1 PaoifiCorp is duly orgiraizod and vdidly cxisting undcr tho larvr ofthcStatc of Oregon 3.12 -PacifiCorp has ttc rcquisite corporato powcr and authority to cntcr into 6ic agr@ md b p€rfirrn aooodtng o ttr urm ir&is Aepcmcrt, 3 . I .3 Paoircorp has takcn all ooryoratc actions rcquired to bc takcn by it toau&orize the cxecution, delirery aad performrnce of this egccmirt ana tba consumfutionof &e transastions contcmplated hercby. 3.1.4 Subject to Commission approva[ the orccution and dclivcry of thic Agreement dSes not conaavcnc any povision o{, or *rrtit tr a dcfault udcr, ;i --- indcature, mortgagq orothcrm&rial agrccrrentbinding on PaoifiCorporanyvaiidordcr ofatry court or my regulatory ogsncy or other My having au{rority to t'tricn picinCorp iszubjoct. 3.1.5 Subjcct to Commission approval, this Agrccmont is a vglid a3d legallybinding obligdion ofPaciIiCorp, snforccable agsinstPaoifiCorp in accorUancc witr ic tirms(enrcapt ao the enforccability ofthisAgrumrtrnrybelimbdUy.tmtaul*sy, insotvcnonbenk mormoriwn or similar lsws aftsdng q€ditors' riglils gpocrally and laws risticting Oe avinOifty t3 It,&0S4&Jrro i ,: I {!. li ii ,.I j :].l t..l 1 It.It't I I t 1 I f II 4 ':;i,t pnfiJ,llfr4befra ofeqqiubleunodicsardor@asttearfmabiliryoftrisAgroanartnaybon{ioctb gmcral ploiiplo of equity, ufrcftcr rrd crh odorccabilrty i0 corcidcrcd in a procccding d cquity or inlaw). t2 Sclla rcpresc,uts, corvcn ffi, and wrrauu to PacifiCorp thd: 32j Scllcr is a limitcd liability cmpny duly organized and validly ocistingudathe laws of Dolawarc. 322 Sellm has ttre rcquisito power and urdrorityto cmtor imo this Agreemcnr and has, or will havo atthe d*c of Commorcial Opcration ofthe Facility, all . rcqumtc powcrr d authority to perfonn aocoding to thc tcrms hercoJ including all rcquircd rogulatory au&otityto make vholosale sales trom tlc Faoility, 323 Seller's shardroldcrr, dircctotr, and ofiicers have takcn all astions rcquir€d to cuthorize tho accution, dctivery and pcrformance ofthis ASrcement ud tlp mneummation of ttrc trrnsactiols contrmplated 3.2.4 firo orecution and delivery ofthis Agrecment doca not cortravule my provision ot or constitutc a dofault udcr, any indcnture, mortglger or orthcr inatcrial igrcclilcnt binding on $cllcr or aoy valid ordcr of ury cou6 or any rcgulatory Eg€rlc' ol o{rcr body havins authmity to wtlich Ssller is subi€st 3.2,5 This Agrecrnent is a valid and lcgally binding obligrtion of Sellcr, enforccable against Sellor in accotdanco with is tofins (o(ccpt af tho snforsGsbility of thie Agruencnt may tc limitsd by banknrptcy, insolvcncy, Uyt< mglo-1i-um or similsr laf,'s etr ofirg cred6rs' dghe g€nem[y and laws FsEiotiqg lhc ayailability of cquihble rcmedios and exdpt as tte enfdrpeabitity of Ois Agrcemcnt may be subject to general principles-of cquity, whctheror not suoh eoforccobility is oonsidcrcd in aprocoodingatequity or in law). 32'6 rho Facility is ad shalt ft'r &c um oftris Agr€effit continrr to be a QF; Wirhin thfuty (30) days aftcr thc Effectivo Dato, Sallcr shall providc tre appropriatc QF ccrtilication, whioh may inctude aFederalnnsgrnryrtmyComnisiongclf{.|tificdimto Pactfifup. At my tirnp thcaftcr trd PrifiCorp has roason b beliwc during t}r tcr-m ofthb Agcemsit f1d Solteds sBnrs as a QF is in quCIdon, PrcffiCorp may roquircSollcr to prorido piffiCorp wiUr a writcu legd opiniur ftun e atbmey in good seding inee {$ 9f ldato E d neohrmeconmricnhidip,asooiulncnonrswiththe Seller or&c Faoility (othorlhan in a oapacity as couuel pmviding such rcqucstcd legEl opinion), stating 6at the Facility ir a Qf aniproviding eufficiedproof (inchrdingcopies of all ryry."ts anddrtaas PacifiCorp may requostl dernonrtrating that Se[er h88 mdntlitrcd the Facility as a QF. 3.2,7 Noitherthe Scllcrnoraayof ie pdncipal equityoumcro is orhas witfuin the past two (2) ycan boen drc dcbtor in any Uantrnrptcy proceeding- is unable to pay iu billg in ihe ordinary tourec of its business, or is the subjeet of any t9gal o1 S.SulatoV actioru the rorult of urtrioh oould rsasonably be expected to impair Sellor's ability to own and 3.2.5 Scllcr har not at any timc dc&ultod in any of its palment obligxions for eleoticity purchrsod Aom PacifiCorp. l4 *li{J*Sm,gW [InertJ,Uf-RtwPta 3,2,9 Scllat is not in dcfault undcr any of ib othcr matsrial agreamcnts that 3.2.10 Scllcr owns all dght, tittc md intcrest in and to ttrc Facility, &ec and glear of all lions and e,ncumbranocs o6cr flran licms and cnoumbranccs qpatod by ortl'oughSellet relacd to &itd'prty financing of ttrc Facitity, radSellcr (or its suooerror io intere*1will continua to oym for $9 ltm of this Agffirtrs,lt, all right, titio ad interegt ia anA to OcFacility, tee ana ctoarofall lions and.nctimtnanor;lr;;thr; li*r and emcunrbrurccsrelced to third-parry financing oftlrc Faoility. 32;.ll In cntering gto lhis Agrccmem and thc undcrtaking by Soller of theobligntions sst fodl huein, Scller has invcstigEtcd and d€t€rmiaedd,"tii;r-".plif,1. ;i - performing hercuudcr.and hrs not rcliod upon tre advico, expericnoc or orpcrtisc ofPacificorp in oonnec'tion with thc tansastions contcrrpuea uyms egp*meni: 3.2.12 All professionals or oEcrE inoluding bts not limitod to, engineers,aUorncysoraccormtants,lfat _sgllermaf havi consulteaorlircao, inuaaerrAUfiA;- 3.2.13_ Atl F"P of Bprropcrty rcquircd forthc opcration of thc Facility orfto pcrbmance of my obligrtions or siuci tcieunicr ut sct forth and ooot iv aoriUrain Erhibit c. UPotr rcquest by PacifiCorp, Selter ehall provide *pio of &e Wini Lc s mPacifiCo,rp. 32.14 Nlinformuion abqrt the Facility sct fofth in EfHbit A Ethlbit B, andtrhibitchsbqrvedfiodbysellerard isamraeotrs-be*ofhknontedgg'' ----- -t - 3.3 {$ee, rf-at anl timc drning this Agrffiienq any Party obtains actral knowledgpofany erre,nt or information wtrich wourdhave oarsd *y or'tho Qrcsemations andwryrauties inthis Soction3 toha\rcbulmrrrialyrffiue oi.ff6igrrf,rtn rrOr, n "lpurtyshallprovide the other Party wior u/dficn ooti." orur. ."*i* io6*doq, trqrMontations and wuauies aftfr4 aod lb diom, if ury, rrticl sudr nrty inm* b trkE tomakefto-rcprescuiurs a,d n'arrmicstnro and courot rriiroticerpquiredr;r";t, ei,section sha[ be gtl'E r as oour as pacioaue dcr th ocqure orca* o*, ",.orSECTION{. I'ELTVERYOTSOWE&AVAII,ABILITYGUARAMY 4:l ^ &liuwsamt,oqry ef}.ls ostr E(copr fu auy cllrhilm€rr ry€cificd insestion 6.3, rmless othellry.nroviaca ncrcin, pacificorpwil p;G;.ro s.ir**rrr *lrall Nst Outrut fi'om tha Faoility. -- 4-2: No Sales to Thirdl.a*ies. Ilrningthe tenn ofthis Agrcemcnt, Scllcr strall notsell any N* ouflrt tom thc Facility to-aay endty other than paoifiborp, - 4? EnqvDFliyeryqchqrlo. solashalpnparemdpovidetoprcificorp, mmongoing basis, a wrifien schsduls of Nct Encqp cl"cst d to bu deti"otod ty Aofacifity("Energy rlotivery scLeduh'), in acoordand *ittr trs foflowing: r5'l4wwru [haat],U.C-4t*tu 43.1 Dringesffi turh/e fultGakndErrnodrs folotilingfp Cmercial Opcration Datc, Scller prodice that the Facility will prcduoc and delivor the following monthly amouute (Inlfrrt You Elelgr lldivery Schodule): Montt January Febmlary Iirlarch Apdl May June July August S€etemba fuobtr Norembct Decembcr TOTAL: AvenrekTY 13,u7 12,170 ts2w 12,608 13,686 tr2r2 9,935 10,933 La,574 l1,6ll 14,125 13,8t5 tL439 Ener*v Dsltvow (BWh) 9,Etl,t87 t,lgl,635 I1,360,594 9,0t5,733 10,195,73t 9,069,166 73U,339 t,t55flg 7,594,732 8,6I5,123 10,166,694 10,324201 109,011,521 432 $cllc,r may rcvisc tho Initial Ycar Encrry lhlivery Schp&rlc any time piorto &c Comm€roial Operation Ddc. 433 Begirrrbg cthe d ofthenffir fu[ caleldrrnarfi ofqcrdio& and attte crrd of enerythird mmh flrercafta, sdler stratl splerrct ttrc Enngy Dclivcry S&e&lc wi& tlrtc additiflral mds of frrflrud cdimms (vrhi6 strdl bc a@ o eis egrccrtcd usirg to fuost ryo,ifod in Emffi O) (."Subqmt facr5 Dfircry SedrE} strlr fu tt! Enlrgr Delivcry $Ae&rf wm porride -d, ld tree nrrdrs of #ilod crgr c*ilnars d aI t!rc. Sclkr &ll pwrc SrUeeqrnt Frmigr Delivery Sdredulcs no lete 5S0 prr PFT oftro 56 dcy dlr tE are O*0. If Scllcr docs not provi& a *tsaqrnt Bncrgf DelivGry Schsfuh by thc Sottc dcadline, *frgh&d crcrgrffi fts cniedpedod shall eqrnl 6e arnsffi td€&lcd by Sclkrfortr saup droc-month podod duringthe prwious ycar. 43.4 upoa and ofterthe Cmnncrchl Opcrdion DtE Scllcrmayno logpr reyirsthcEncrryDotiverySdefulofulhcft$sirftllcakn&rmffiofC,arrncnfulOpcr*im. Aftcr5:00p.m.PPToftho6ffrhsincsdayfoilo\dngtrcendofftslhirdfirlloaho&rmodrof Cqrrncninl Opcrdiur dfu cnd of cach third cahdil mod tlrcrcafter, Sdkr my m IonEEr rwirflrEr1orryDdiwryScfroedefulte skcahodrmordrsimmedimtyfollouringsrchlttid moffi. Suhicctto ttp ft&Soi4 rlsiditrrs tr &is Sectiqr 43.4 Sdler ruy rctlt$ fic Eo6rgy Deliv€ryS&edulebruryuutsfiimdmodrbyprotllingwritcamietoPrcifiCory.Faihrclo pmi&timclywriuarnoticcofdrangndmcnfrwi[bedc€modObcanclearionofrcclnngp. 44 Minimum Availabiliw Oblimtion. Seller shall oausc thc Facility to achieve an Arnihbifity of d least E5% dring eadr rnodr (Gurrffid AveDblet'). t6 tt'1B,o"s{/,lr,d2 finsaJ,III-$bepbrc 45 Lhuidabd Damarcs for Otryut Shordirll.If theAvailability in anygivcn nonth falls below &c Grrararteod Availability, &e resulting Sortfrll stult Ue atjrc*rcU in kWh as the "Output Shortfdl." Thc Ouput Strortfall shall be calcutated in accordance with the following fonnula: , OilputSLore[= (GurdoedAvailability-Availsiliry)t ScMilcd Mrfrb Ertry/ D€livry lll-cr _$all ryV PacifiCorp Sr my Orryt Shortfrll at tho lomr of (1) fu poeitive difftnwo, if any, ofthe lndor Price nhus fte u,Eigtfid werrgp of6e OrrPcak E d Of-fc* montrty Corftn rftE Fncryr hmhaso Prloc; or (2) fte nreigtrbd avGragp of tho otr Pcak md ofrpeik mtrflny Catnming faerry Prrrdras hhcs Cth$ur $016[ Uamryen OutrutShorthtlllrmrgcr= Aryrshtre[* OStrSffill prfurr WlHq (htmtShorthlt k{s =(Index Prioc - WcigtiledAvoragc CEPP), orccpt thu if Output Shor&ll Price< 0, thcn Ou$ut Short&ll hice - O md crrccpt tbat if O&ut Shorfall hics> Woightsd Avmge CEPP, then Ouput Shor&ll hico = lVciglrtodAvcragecwP Weighted Averege CEPP = tho Wsighted Averagc On-peak d Otr-pcak Conforming EnErSll Pwchasc Priccs for tha mmh of Orgut Shordall If an Outrut Shordsll oscus in any givcn month, Seller may owe PacifiCorp liquidatad damages. Eaoh Patty agr€w and aolarowlodgos thet (a) fro damages eat PacifiCorp would incur duc to tha Faciltty's ftilurp to achieve fte Guarantcd Availability would bedifficult or impossiblc to prodict wih c€rtainty, and O) ttrc tiquidltcd damagcs contomplatod in this Section 4.5 arc a fairand rcasonable caloulation of such damages. 4.6 AuditRidrts. In addition to drtaprovided urder Sections 9.3 and 9.4 PaclfiCotp shall harro the dghr, but not thc oblig$ion, to audit tfoe Facility'e complianco wi& its Guaraficed ayritabilit! using any reasonablc mcthods, sclla agrces to raain au pcrfomanoe relatcd data forthe Facility for a minimum ofthrec yers, and to coop€rdc witl PacifiCorp in the qvcut PaoifiCorp decidcs to audit such dea. 4.7 For apedod oftar (10) years frcm thc Commeccial OpcrationDetc, Scllei shall havc title to thc Grcon Tags immediarcly rpon the gcneration of the Output at the Faoility that gives rice to such crreen Tags. dn itc arrtltoey anniversary of the Commcrcial @tion Dae0uough and includingtha ExpirationDue, PacifiCorp ehall have title to the Crrcon'Tagp immediaely upon the generation of the Or4put a tho Facility tLat gives rise to such Grecn Tags. Each Party shall oreoutc atl additional documcnts ard instrumcne reasonably rquested bythe othcrParty in order to finttrcrdocumcntthc oumership of the Gnoen Tags during thc rcspoctive Party's owncrship. Witrout limiting tho gcnorality ofthc fomgoing, Scllcr shal[ on or bcforc drs t0th day of oaoh month during *rr*** t7 [IwatJ,IIHtxha ufiich PacifiCorp has ownership rightsb thc Creen TagB, dolivcrto PaoifiCorpa Crrcotl Tap Atnehtion and Bil[ of Salo Crn tlrc form ffisch€d as Bhibit 4.7(A) fot all Grcat Tagp delivercd to PrcifiCorp hcreunder in the prccoding month, atong witt auy vcrification flnt is in conforuranoo withthc thcn-cunsrt Ccntsr forRcsoupc Solution's Crrccn+ Prcgram, or any succosxlr program. The Party having owncrship of &e Cirteir Tagp at the timc (tho*Gnen Try OrEer,), at iB own mstandqxpcosc, shall rcgistcrwi0r,pryEll focs rtquircd by, and mmply wit[ all rcporting md ottro reguircmcna of WREGIII relating to thc Faoility oi Cmeon tags. The Sellc,r shall msurc tr* tre Facility will partioipde in md mmply wi&, duingthe Term, all aspects of STREGIS. Thc Grcqr Tag Oumcr shdl be rcsporsiblc for any cosrc ctrargcd by thc qualifiod rvporting cntity for thc Facility to participe in and comply widL during thc Tcrm, all aspccto of WREGIS. Tho Orcon Tag Orncr thall, at iB solc o:lponso, rso WREGIS as rcquirsd pursuant to the WREGIfI Opcradng nules, including but not limied to thoso illcs rclated to eftcfirdingthc transfer of WREGIS Ccrtificatos and tnnsf€ming sush WREGISI Ccrtificetc.s in acmrdance with WREGIS rcpofting protocols stld WREOIS OperdingRulcs and as rcquir€d rmdcrthis Agrrcmeirt Scller may oither clcot to cflficr ifio a Qualified Rcporting Eotity Serviccs Agrcqnrcnt with PacifiCorp in a form similat to &at in Erlibft a.(B) or elcct to a,ct as ib own WREOISdcfincd Qtulilied Rcporting ktity. Soller shsll upon unithn rcqucst from PacifiColp provido copies of all documcrrirtion submittsd to WREGIS in connection with tho Facility. Furthcr, upon notification by WREGIS or CAMD that any tansfcrs of Crrcen Tags oontcmplated by this ASgcm.oot havs not bosn recordcd, the Partics strall prromptly ooopsrat€ in aking all rpasonsble aotions nccc$ory so tlrat nroh tansfcm can bc recordcd. Scllcr shall at ib Expsnso c+tsa tho Facility to maintain iE rcgishation in good shoding with *re Cc,ttrr for Resourw Solution's Cltwn+ progran, orany swocssorprcgram, thmughotttthe Term; providcd, howevcr that each Puty shalt (a) not take ury action (other than the provision of trrftful information) to impairthc Facility's good standing with suc'hpnogram and O) shall prcvide zuch infonnation as is reasonably requa*tod to maintain such rcgistration. The Parties shall reasonably cooperate iir any rtgistncion of tbe Facility in the reneumblc pordolio stadard or cquinalent program in all such fixthct states and progrrns in whic,h thc Pacies may wish to register or maintained registcmd the Facility by providing oopios of all such information as rcasonably rcquired for such rcgistation. Neither Party reprrosemts or nrarrants ttut thc Crccn Tags oan bo usod for any pupose. The Parties acknowlcdgc tlut the Cfi€n Tags rnay ba subject to action by Governmontal Authority and noittpr Party is liablc to the o,flrot Porty for action taksn by a Govcrumcntal AuthoriU in connection with tho Grocn Ta$ thst is not a rcsult of a bn',ear,h of tris Agrccmcr( SECTTON 5. PIIRCEASIE PRICES 5.1 Energrv Rrrchase PricQ. Exorpt as povHcd in Sestion 5.3, PacifiCorp will pay Sellar Conforming Encrgy Pulohmc Prices or Non-Conforming Effigy hrohssc Pticcs, as applioablc, for N* OuQut adjusted for the month and On-Pcak Hours or Off-Pak Hotns ard thc wind intcgration cost ueing tho following forrrulap: Confoming Energr Purchrc hloe - (ARc. * MPM) - Wrc Non-ConfomingEnergr PurcLero Ptice = (A{eo I MPIIQ - WIC Wtere: It w$'rfi,,gw !, I II I,tiI I i I I ll i ! I,{:5 :li i : aII t, 1 :, t 1,1 t, t t t. t,' t I I 1iriI 1 1 ii.i,i: ,i ,i: at: I ,l I l I , t i l : 1 i I I [tufi]IfGf{lvcPbrr ARDc Akr MPM wrc Eryrpto crlolhims rc povittcd inElftilt G. TrHe l: Coumlg f.m1y Amrrl Rr&t Ycer ConforuhgEnergr AtrnudRate(AR') s/Mwh 2012 20t: 2Olt )Jill '7.16 2017 iO;07 2018 2.58 15.052t2 90-63 91.78 7.O5 I 00.44 2025 03.98 06.98 zff.*,13.26 20?,t 1t9.95 203'12E.50 l3.2.A Conforrring Encrg annual ratc ftorr Tablo l, below, forthe ycarofthcNctOUut ttv towerof, 8S%ofthe Conforming Encrgy amud ratc tom TtblcI bclow, for thc yoar of Net Ortput (D t5% of avorago ofthe daily Indslr price for cactr day of mon&ly On Pcak or Off-Pcak multiplicr from Tabtc 2 bolow, that corrcsponds to tte montr of tteNct Ou$ut and whcthertheNct Or,Qrroocuneddrring Orrpcak Houn or Off-peak Itrouts. $6.50/l\dWh, &c wind integrdon costprrsoribod in Commission Qrdcr No. 3 I .o1. E a g?*fr{rw l9 [btwt]Ilfi&tu Trblc 2: len&[ (hebt]ftftrk ttluffi Month On-Pcak Eourr Otr-Pc* Eanrr Jenuenr I 03q6 94o/" F'otnurnr l05Yo ln'/o Merch 9S!.A 1,|o1^ Arril 95Va 76Vo dav 92Vl,63o/a ftmc ttlt/r 650/o Jtrlv 721o/n VP/o Arrmrrl la1V"t(frca Scmcnrbcr 1ffn6 g(lpA Octobcr lli%o 105% Novemhcr ll09o 96Yo Deocmbsr t29%l2W/o 52 Payrncrr Fc cadr Billiry Dcdod in d Cffiact Ycr, hcifiCap *all pay Scllcr ar frlloru Fo doliwry ofCffimiry Enu1E : ry Gensgnn*r*CEEPrkurnrk/10fi|+ ,o, *o* ***o*-rrffi 'c'P&imft*/ l@ W=N srh CEtPricc E Cutmr4faergrfu*rcPrioe ingN{IVhffi = ffiffiffiffiIr* On#E* = tpoomwondingvaluofrronfcaktlorrs Otr-PGak = rfnoousryudingvatrpftrofrPcakllous ,.3 Im4rutcotErssv. So longEsaco@EoeoflrudvcrurtEnergrdocsndcara PaoifiCom to violatc thc tcnurs of its Network Tran^smission Scrvico srd is mnsistent with ,Pnrdcrt Ehctical Pnciccs, Prircorp wi[ eod hdv€fiafr fugr, h[ will not pdrco c pay fu Inrdvcrgrt Encrgy. {48&6MZ N 1nwq,IrC4tupb6 5.4 A$toa4 eo.mpcqlation. Se[er shrll not bc entitted b any mmponsation over urd above thc Conforming Energy Prrchase Priocs orNon-Conformirg #rg'y -- Purchryc Pricax as the psse may be, for the Green Tags assooiatcd thcrcnitf,, ---er SECTTON 6. OPERATION AND COIISOL 61 As-Buitt llryle,q _ellt upon complction of uy construstiolt afrccing tho Io{tty, Selloshallprvi&PacifiCorpaAsnuihswpl€m€nlbsadngttpffipof a=uo61,rcaProfessiond Engineer that accry-stcy depioe ttre Faoiiity as built. fft es-b.iit Supplcmcntmust b tcvicned and app,ro-vcd by PacifiCorp, which airp,roval shall not ,1r1pu*oi6ty U.wittrhel4 conditioncd or delaycd. - 62 @{gq Seller shall opcratc and mainain thc Facility in a safe manncr inaccordance with the Clwcrdion Interponnoction Agreo6cn( Prudent nnctrica practce, anOin accqrdarewidrthoroquirmcmsofallrylicable*.ral, sdratd localtawgard0pNdonsl Electric Safety godg * suoh laurc md codc may h rncndcd ftrom time to time. facm6op $all tnry m obligttion b ptrrctusc l,l* Otryr tom 6e Frcility o lhc effit rb inbnurnocion bctq,cm fu faoility and PrifiCop,s clgcfio- sJMr is disond.&q $ryadcd tr lrt*,rycU, ir,whole f in pr$ Pursuant to the Gencration IntEttonncction agrcemeng or to the iit r;gpoGrdion flrtailncd is rcquirod as a rcs,rlt of Scllc's non<orupliance witr rir Cicncruiur Agr€Errlerll-PaciffCorp drall havedre rigkto irspocttte frcifity to oonfirmthatSeller isoperoting trc Facility in accordancc wih thc provisions ofthis Scction 6 1ponreamnablemieb Selkt Sdlerissoldyreryoreibleforteoperdimagtdmaiffiranoooi6e Frility. kcifi go.p $t rll rnt, by rxon of ib decisicr o tryoc m nm b inryocr uo rumy"on uyaay action o: inaction 6ken wift respoct to my nroh inspoction, assunoc or bc held resfinsitrlsfratyliabilityoroccuntnocEisfotgfiomtrcofirdsiarinairrmanoebySeUcrof miaoitirv. 63 CurtaitEtgt$. PacifiCotp shall not be obligdcd to purchasc, r€ceive, pay for, orpay anydEtragcu associdsd with, Nct Orsut(or associed Ptodiltion TorClredit or - Environmmtal Auihhs) if srrch Net oryrt (u assmimod prodrction Tax clpdits orEnvinmemal AIEihffi) is nA delivered b tc S),tu u Foint of Ddivcry dr b auy of trefollowing: G)dro intcttorurection betq,ccntrc Faoilityand the Sysmr ii aircoaa.i"d,-suspcrdcd or imryed, in ufrole m in part oonsigt i^,tn Oo Urirs of ru CrsrcruiqrImtmrctionegocmin4OXieTtansmisimPEvidamlrtranorkscrvioepmrdrterdirpctsa q3"4 ofiailmcrf,rodrrcfion,trrEdispaffiofgpncruiminrheaea(wtrichrrcuHhchdgft.f.U AryD fu aty rca8on, sm ifsrcl cuidlmcdc rediqpddr amuivi f curiea ot by facifiborp,which may fulfiIl suc! diroctivo by acting in its soti discrcrion; or if pacifiCorp ;rhii;;oftsriliso todrces thc Nd O&& inmdcrb mcd its obligdios o Ure trms6iesim pmvidcr orNc'tttro* Servlce Prdvidc-r to opcrate within system lilnitations, (c) tho Faoility,s Otp"t i, rrtrcccived bocause trc Facilityis norft[y inegrarod orsyrohmniznd witr tc $d;r, or(O;wentofForpeffiereprevertseiffrerPa*ytomdelivcingo(r€odvingl.Irtg1fo;1. 5.69gGll rcasdtably ddstnirp dp MWh anormt ofNc Oryr ontaitea pnsrartb Ois Sootlon 0.3 aftsr thcfrct basd on tb utountofenergr thc oorld traG be€n grcrfua arfrc feility ed dolivcrcd tokcifiCotp as N€t Ot&fi hfi lhat was td gE rcnarcd and dclivcsld bocarsc of trc-ontai[nert Seilerdnll dekmirp tlrc quag,fity of srrch crfidled asgr besod m (x) tbe timo ard durati,on of theGtrtBiltn€tr pcri<}d and (y) ufu conditions reo,rded at &e faoility etring the pcdod ;i"mrilrrr.dadthpowercrrvespocificdfortheWidTtltinoeas*oumhEtrheit-A" Siff.r*Aip.*pUv FrcvidePaoifiCorpwibaocesstosrrhinformationarddoaasPacifiCorpmayrasoneUty' 2l ffi*6MW [IrwnJ,IIC--#,x.Ptu roquirc b cufirm to ih reasonablc sdi#intrc f,muf ofcnErs/t**zs na gocraEdor dsliwrcd bccilrs sf a qfiaitm described in frb Ssstion 5.3. 6A Pacifi,Corp as Ivlcnshanr Sellcr sclsrowlcdgps that PactfiCorp, asting h its mcrchmc+soityfirnctionaspnetrusaunderthisAgwrcnf tusnororyonsibilityfi4ormmol orrcr hifi Corp Trarsrisiur a my srcoossff Trusnisim Pt'o\rid€r. 65 Outagos. 6.5.1 Plard Outams. Exoop as dcnrise pruvidcd tucitr, Scller drall nm shodulc Plartrpd Ortage dudng any portion of thc montu ofNove,mber, Decombor, Jrnray, Fdruary,Jms,hly,andAuglr$,ExrcdtottooftntaPlarrodCIragcittrcasmabtyreqritadr endle awrdfi b sd$ a gumrcc pquftuncr in a siuraiur in qfrirhlhc rdr is rfr ofrcnilbo $t0 b pcdom ttc gurdce rmdc u a time etm 6drrg op oflhe ndrs rycoffiod abote mto 'thecu(ffiilrrPlmdOsage isFquiredin uordanocwilhPndcotElcctical Pradiccs"Scllcr *all, h Etrhibit D, pryidc PacifiCorp wih m mual M ofPlrrred0eru fo €ae Corm*t Yer c lea* one (1) mordr, but no moro ttut trrto (3) months, bcforc tte lrst day of that Contract Year, and shall p,r'omptly uedats zuch schcdlle, or othcrwisc cbmgc it onln to the cntcnt that Sellu is pasonabty rcquircd to clmgp it in ordcr b corply wift Prufu Elcctical Practiccs. Sdler drall nots*pdilGmorcrh*r anehuutrdfifly 050) lru! ofPM Gragls ftr eaah calondar ),ear. Seller shall notify PacifiCorp of any dcviation b the annul Plannod Orsago sclredulo, abqrc, onfrctvtodayprocdingecscM{irnguloekinwhi&&csoorrr of the followirU vill ocsur: (l) ttre outagp as prpdicted in thc P,lannsd Outago schodule; or @) ttre outage pcr Sellcr's rwircd plans. Suclr notico drall consist of a lvfon&y.$ndry, hotdy WcaA*oa strurlngte rcvisd ml Frcilitv cutaiM (MW) fu thd schoduling wudc Seller shall notscMulo my mstilEname of Shed huccrpctisrFrilitics dringNorembea Deornber,Jrruay,Fctnrary,Jrmc,trrty,cAugrs,wiiltottfupiotvnificnappral of PmifiCorp, wtrioh appmral may bc rcasonably witbheld by PacifiCorp. 652 lvfiainrnmce Onacls. If Scllcr reasoubty dctcrnrirps thd it is amessary to schduh a lvlairffianpe Oilagc, $ellcr stull noti$ PacifiCop of tre prcposcd lvlatmnupe Orhgoas soonaspacicaHe butinmyevertdleasflyc(5) days bcfuefroouagpbqirs(orsrrlt *oftrpfiiodbwhictrPrcif0cpmayrcasmdnyonrscrtinligtfoftranori$ingwindcmditions). Upo srh ncfice, tre Parties rha[ plan fu ]v{fumoo Otap o mnulty rcmlrrnodo ttp remsb rcquitmGm of Sc[cr md ths svft,e obligatiqu sf PrcifiCory. Scllcr $all talse all tuasmable moqsrcs md rrc commacially rworublc ctrorc cmsism witr PndEtt Eloctiaal Pradiccs b not s*edub ury lvlaitrnacc Otsage duhgee frkuerypuiods: Juro 15 lkudt Jrm 3Q July, AWu*, ad S€pffiftcr I ltror$ Scptanbcr 15. Scl&r shatl foiohde in nlch rplice ofa proposodlvtaincnansc Osagetro arycded Effidabadtimc oftteoutagp,troutotltof gmuim capacttyofftc Frility 6dwill rdbe araihble andfre oppdod corryletim dte md time offie ouugs. Ssllc may povi& noticcs undfi dris Soction 5.52 onlly. Seller shall confm any nrc,h oral notific*ion in writing as soon as pacticablc. PacifiCorp shall prcrnfily rcspond to suoh notice and may request rcasonable modificatiors in thc shedrlc fuihe orage. Seller Sall useallreasonablocffortsto connplywihPaoifiCorp's reqrcsto rnodifrthc schodulefua lvlaintemsrce orfia$ f srrch modificaliq hr m $bstantial impod on Scller. Sellc shall notiS PrcifiCorp of my slfucqualt drugfs in gEn€rdim cryacity ofthc Facility dring sd tvfaimaancs Oilage md any drmgcs intro tvlaierree Ofige ooryldisr doe md time. Sella Sdldc all Z2 wr4&.rffiw2 fittwtJ,llfr4vePbw Sollcr shall providc PaciliCorp ed its authotizcd agenb, c,uplrypcs md irupectors ("PrclfiCorp RryrmtrttrmC)withrsomblcasossto{pFaoilitf (a)fatreprposeoftdittg aming mdering equiprcnt, (b) as neesary to witsrcse any acoofiirce tcsts, (c) fo prposes of implemcnting Section 4.6, and (O for offrer rcasonablc pulposca at the rtrsooablc rcqucst of P*ifiCcp. ParifiCorp *nll rtkasc Sallcr sgpin$ and fi,orn rry ard all any ard all loss' fttcs, ponalties, obims, aptiong or rui&, inoluding oocb and atlorncy's fcos, both attial and on ap1n al tlsrhiog tom actius u qnissisrs by ay of fte mCorp nefrtssila6v€s in csrestiqt wi&&oir acocss b tho Facility, q@to ttc cl(ffifrd such danrages are oa$ad orbythc intsntionsl or grossly negligent Est or omission of Scller. SEG'IION ?. MOITI7E X1ORCE Priortotrecxooution ofthisAgramcnt, Sallcrprovidodto PaoifiCory Wird Lcases and a motivo force plan inchding an hourly wiad profil€ acoc@bl€to PaoifiCorp in ir reasonable discretiou md atachcd h€rdo as Erhtbit Fl. Sri&in tlnrrc (3) months afrcrth Effcctivo Da!0, Setlorwill provide a wind rcport firom any of GL G8rrad Hassatr, AWS Trucpower, LLC, or DNV Global Enry Conceptg Inc. ccrtiffing {rat the implemeirtation of the fuel or motivc force plan can rcasonably be ocpccbd to providc fircl or motive forto to thc Facility for the duration of this Agrcunent @que b generse powcr and encrgy in qul ltities neceseary to daliver the Averago Amrd Nd Output Sollcr will prcvide an updacd estimatc of Average Annual N* Otrput C thc time it pnovidcs an arrrsnded Erhlblt A purannt to Scction 22.7 if Sellcr has sclected differaNf Wind Turtinos. SE TION E. GEITERATION EORECASTING COSTS &l Forccast Seryioc Electim PacifiCuprray, in itE discrfik)tr, ad fotecasing scrvicos for Seller's Facility to PacifiCorp's oristing oontrrct with a qualifiod wind-enorgy- podraion fqecasting \codm, u,lidl cffiad and vcodor may chmgp ering thc mn oftris furcoment 82 Selter's Forccast-Cost Sharc. Rnsrantto Commiesion OrdsrNo. 3W97, Scller ahcllbercsponq:bbfrr5O7oofPaoifiConp'scoetofaddingsrhfrrccastkEsrrioes (SdledrForccart-Cost Shars ) up to Scllcr's Cappod Forccast{ost Share. &, Cap cn Seller's Futcs$-Cod Sharc. Sollcr's Fotcag€o* Strarc fm a given Contract Ycar is cappad at 0.1% ofto,tal paprcnts madc by PacifiCorp to Sollcr for Na Or&ut duringthcprcviors CmtactYcar(selleCr Crppod Fortcect-Cott$hrtd).If6c la$ Coatraot Year of ttris Agrac'mcnt is shoftir thrn a full salcldsr ycar, tlre cap will be prontcd for tbd strmcrrcd par. For ttrc yuar($ prior O ths sEcord Corfiact Ycr of tris agrcmcut 6at equalsafullcakndarpu,SclledsFqccEst{ostsha€bcappddO.l%ofesrinedpaytnffi for Net Output bascd on thc Enoryy Dclivcry Schcdule. 8.4 Pa),rnent. Seller Bhsll pay to PacifiCorp Ssll€r's Forpcast-Coet Share unoappod by Section 8.3 for each Contast Ycar in €qual paym€m for cach moffh of sttch ycar enocpt the lastmonth of such year. (For cxarrplc, in a Cmtract Ycar aquling a full calcndaryear, Sellerwouldpay VllftofScllct'sFqsst€ostS;tupdutingcrhofthfrstI mosfis) In lhe la$morft ofech Cuuact Yer, kifCorp sbs[ rcfind o Sellerthe unmtpaid by Sellcurderthis Soction in c'(cess, if any, of Sclleds CrypedForccast-Co* Sharc. For a Contraril Year €ocoleasssd byjustonc calcod[month, Scllcr's payorcntto PacifiCorp ud 24 #4{//J\W81r742 [ItwrJ,II&Ftr-Pbrl PacifiCorp'srcfiurdo Sellcr sha[ bccalculatcd andpaid simultancousty. To the CIdcntprarticoble palmetrts md rtfiInds t&lhis Scgtial $stl be irchdod innomrryplJrffi and itN,oiffitndtrSoctilnl0. SECIION9. MEIERING:RERORTSANDRECORDS 9.t MctEring Adiushd Mmriag will be perfurmed atftc location ryccifiad inEiliblt B and in the rnanner spoeifiod in the Genematoi trtcrcornoction furccment AIIquamlics of @Ey prfrsod ierqrrda Salt be 4ftrsod in mdmcc wm AAieuam I+ o Urm tho erehsed arnoutreM th m amanf ofpourer flouing ftt the S),rfiern dthc Foim ofDcliverY.l2 -r---- 92 lvl#dnqFsn.fmyinryoionsctsbrnr&pnsrffibtheGenerer Intorconnoction Agrceinont discloses an enor cxccedirgtrro pcroont (27o) cithcr &st or slow, proper corectiqn, -ba{ upon thc fuEccuracy foun4 shalt bc made of previous rcadinp for the acfial pcriod during whish tlrc medcring equiprnart rcndered imocurate if thtt pcriod csr bc asutircd. Ifte acnral paiod oorrt be a*€ilBincd, fte FoPer ooEdim &8ll bc made to tho rreasrcmcffi uU Allng er &ne fu mc*drg .q,&rnc{fr q,as h s{r,ico siro last test€4 but not oxcoeding ttu€c Bi[ina Pcriods, in tb amouni A19 mctcring equipment shdl hsvebocnrtrmmo bo in onubymrchtcd. Any cffiidim iDbigfoigss paFnorlts l€sulting frooo acontgion in 6c metrrmds *all bc uradc in tro naa mlrly billirg o paymcmt rGndcrcd. ?3 - Tgler q$im. Irr accodurcc wirt ttrc Cicncr*im futcrcmrr61im Agrc€rncot, Seller shall provide tclometcring oquipcdand faoilitics capable of nansmittinlto Trttstissnln Provller (uilro will *am it witt kifiCorp as aduizod bV &h&lt E1A€[€r AfimizalionbRcleasCiencruionDdaoPacifiCory')trcfolloufuinftnnadmcorrc€mingtrp Facilitym arpaltime bci& md will op€re srch osdpcdwlrco requesed bykcifiCorp 6indicafe: (a) inshntauous M W ou6ut at tre Point of Dolivcry; (b) Net O&uq (c) tho Facility,s total insuntancous gcncrason capactty; and (d) windvdocftydrftirrhr$treigk Sellcr shafl also tansmit to- PaciffCorp any othcr data from tho Facility that Scller receives on a raal-timc basir, inoluding motcorologioEl dara" wind o@ Uau, wina directiolr dm and groas oqFut data. Scller shall provide such rcal-timg de to PacifiCorp in tho samc dctailtrat Scllor roccivos &e dan (o.g., if Sellor receivcs thc dm in four sccond intervals, P€oifiCorP sha[ also rccoive the data in four gocond irtrErvEl$. PacifrCorp rhdl bavc fteriehtfrom time to timc b rcquitcSeU€rbprovideaddititrnalefmctefugoqribrmtordfoilities b lhc ortsrt nmewry and reasonabla 2 If odsr svioo ir urpp_licd vie scpr* ficililirs, EhdfiCap will dodrs adbn scrvicc tom fu mceid ficilfryolQrt to calohto Nct olilplr. u wtu!4our:za $nsq{'Lrc-FWeW 9.4 Monttly RWorts and Logs and CIhcr Infurmation 9.4.1 EFee. Witfn etoty (30) caldar dr;n after tre ard of or,h Billing P6rio4 Scllcr shall proviOo to PacifiCorp a rcport in olectnonic forma( which tcport chall inclu& (a) srmmaries of &e Facility's wind 0d or$tr dda frr tG Billing pedod in itffivab ffi to ercedmotrour(aunh&orEpciodas isreamdrlypossrtlGwihoorrmorcially availablo tcchnology), including information fiom tts Facility's computcr moioring sJM€fit; (b) snrrnaries of my other significmt wqrb rcldcd to trc mstsrrctftno qcratfun ofthc Fr,ility ftr So Binhg Pcrid; (o) &tails ofAvailabitity of thp Frility fu tlrc Bi[ing P€dod sffciortto calsulatc Audlability ad inoMing hourly tvcraga wind volocity mca$rcd Et tnbino hub heigbt and arnbicnt air urperafine md (O aty spporting hbrm*ict ttd PapiffCorp rnay fiqn timc o timc reasondly nqrqt Crnehding hhbrical wind dUa fa fu feility). 9A2 EloctonicFnrltl,os. Solkrshlln inahmclcqtonicfrultlogof ryqputims of the faoifity fuing tr,h hour of fis trm oftris furemerf ommaring m thc CmsrcrcialOpcraioD*0. Scll€rsttaltpovidcPeifiCo{pwi6acopyofftcdcctrudcfuthlog sri0dn fttty (3it) cOen*r Aays afu the €ad oftb Billing Period o ufiich the hult log appJies. 913 Lhm fre lEqtstofkpifCorp Sollcrdnll povido kcifiCorprb mrnuftcarcts' guidolhss and rccormcndations for mairmrarrcc ofthc Facility equipmcor gtA By mtr Jmuary l0 fo[megfre Cmsrcrcial Operadm Dat€, Sollu shall pnovido to PacifiCorp wittsn oertificdim 0rat Solhr has cunplaod all frc mmrtrcntus' gui&lhes urd rpcommendations for rrnintcnance of the Facility cquipancnt applicable to the provious calendar ycar 9.45 Atanytimc firmrrhc EftaivcDo, orc (l) yeds advrenmiceoftrc urrindionmopirdionofmyagreemcntirc,lrdingWindLcascs,Enanrtto!trichfuFrility c ary oquipndrEldhgtccto is rpm tre Frility sic; troviddttd6o frrcgoingdocs d afrorirc my cady uminaim ofmy lod has. 9.46 As soon as it is houm b Selle,t, Seller shall disclose to PacifiCo,q the enrbnt ofany muial vbtdion of my urvftumcrral larilg or regulsdffi rising on oftr consrtuction or opaation of &c Facility, or the prcscnoo of Environrrcntal Cffitittdim d ftc FacilityoronthcPrcmises, dkgpdbqdsbyaoyCormlArftotitytlavingjrnididictovcr the Precniseq orthepnesentoristence of, orthe ocorrrnos dnhg SdHs occrryaryofdrc Prcmisosotanycrrfqp€ocrft,leg4crqulatoryactionaproccdingrtldntgtostrchdlqd violfion m atleged pmsalce of Enviromncrhl CoffiminCim pes€dty omtniqg c having ocqnrtd &rirg trc paiod of timc that Sellcr has occupiod the hemiscs. 9.5 lv{sinumoeoftviffiinsEquimoo TqtroCIftrtffi otrcnviscfruvilodintrc Gorcrator Intcrmnnoction Agrccmcng PacifiCorp shall inspegt, tcst, r€pair and rcplacc the mc6ing oquipmcqtpqiodicdly, oratthc rcquast of $ollcr if Scllcrtras reasonto belicve m@ing maybe offd rcqrrcsb m inry€ctim inwriting To lhc aftiltnotoeeruisc povitlod in ttrc C€o€rgbr krcrpqmoction Agwncd, all PacifiCo,rp's costs rclding to dcsifptng, foslltt& mdnt*rhg; andr€pairtrgmoatgsquifcntinselldto aommmodaeScller'sFacility shall bc bome by Scller. 26 *(en6ffi.,7l2 [huqtJ,LIC.{tye?ta 9,6 WREGIS Metcdns. Seller shall cEuss tho Facility to implernent all ncccs$ry gereration information commrnicotions in WREGIS, md rcportgerrcration infotmuion to WBEOIS purstrant to a WREGIS-approved meter tut is ac<icatcf, to &c Facility and oniythe Facility. SECTION 10. BILLINGS. COMPIITATIONS AI{D PAYMENTS - l0:1 Pavm,e'qt fglNet ouEur on or boftrc thc thirtietr (30th) day following tho -end of cach Billing Period, PrcifiCo,rp strall serrd to Scller paymern i'or Scllcr, s &liveri& ofNd q&ru b PaciffCoq toqrlhcr wifir cmrprttiurs sryortrig such paymcd. pacifiCorp mayofra ary urc[ pErncil b rEk unoune ouring t'm sclterto ncmcd pnss't b ftis furcaent m tte Geomrion InEronrcctim Ag€cmcril. Aily srrr omi'srnu be sopsrely itcmizcd on thp statcnrcnt accompanying cach paymarl to Seilcr. 102 AfftualFyoicilrq,for Ou$ut Shortfall. Thirty calendar days aftcr 6e cnd of each Cotut Year, hciECqP slull ddiva to Sclla rr inrcftp ihosring Pasifiihre'e conprraion of,qt$fi Short&ll, if aly, fol dl Billing Pcriods in thc prior Contact Year ani Oupti Shordall Damagcs; if ary. tn peparing such invoiccs, PaoifiCorp shall utilize thc'meer dataprovidcd to PacifiCorp for the Contact Year in questioq but miy also rely on historical tv0l?8oc an{ eqoh olter infmnation as may be available to PacifiCirp * Urc'timc of invoiccpryrdion ifttc m€er data for sdt Coffiad Ycar fu thcn irrcwrflc c ofrmvise rct arnilable. TotEco&rtFquiIGq PrifiCorpsbsUprrpucmyurchiwoiccasprw6lyaspacticatrlefrilo'wing i6reccipt of aotnl rczults for 6e rplevant Conuact year. Seiler si*i pay to pacifiCorp, bywirc tatrftt of imrnodiaEty auailablc firn& to m amornt ryocificd hurdtri b, prpfficcd o 6vanyothcrmcamaglecdobyftePEties inwitingfromtirne-rtlnrc,teanonniatatraririo such invoice, aud shill within tldrty (30) days after roceiviag the invoics raiso any otjeotions.eq"g gl disetttd pudm ofthe inrcioc. Objciions rrt maac Uy Sarcrwifirin tre-thfu.dayporiod shall bc dcsncd waivcd 103 Intucgt on orrcrdue Anrorffi. Any arnounts owing after the due date ttcroofthall bear interest at the Prirne Rate on the dato ths amormt boosno duc plus two perscnt (2%), ftom tho datc duo ungl paid;provt&d, bwever, that the ints€st';tr sh&u; no tima cxcced the maximrun raE allowed by applicable law. lOd Ugpt@AlAgS: Ifeithcr hrty, in goodfaith, diryutes anyamo,ntduepursuult to an invoicc rcndered he,rermder, auoh Party shall noti$tho othir pmy ofthospccific basis frrthediqg,tsard iftheinvoimshorvs anmorrtrduc, Sallpaydmpotion of the stancmcnt that is undispntod on or bcforc the due datc. Any sush notiUsmbi ptovi6ca Yitltin I" (2) ry offte datc of&e invoioe in whic,h tho cnor Art occuroa. If any mourt dispsod by sroh Paro is dacrmirpd b bc duc o thc odrcr hfty, or ifthe hrries niotrrc Oc paSimc*disputo, thc amount due shsll b F d within five (5) days after such dctarmination or rcsolution, along wittr intrest in accordance with Scction l0.3. SECTION 11. SECT'RITY I1,1 Dclay Security: t l. 1. I D*v b Poot Sccuri*. By tre dre pvidod foi Socdon 223, Sollcr drall post a l*tter of Credi$ cash or a parental guararity, oacn ia a fomr acooptablc b kcifiCorp, in 27 #t$-s$wa rtI I I,r I t I I.Ii. iI I ,l If I I {I I, I!' I i 1; i: i i i. l,: i il i1li i' ,t, I, ir ': ',li tlil: ri I::, :i,j I a [btwt],Ilf--Fr*Pbw rhcrrprntcalcglmdprlsrtrtb Scdin f1.12("IrdrySmriffi).TotrooffiPrifiCorpmakos ' a&awingm&fuDclcy $ourity, Seller.h4ll,wi&inft€o(lDcalcndrdaySrtOmtrDelay Sanrity as ifno such dcducian had ocorred. I 1.1.2 Cahrhtim ofDdav Sunitv. Ttc dollcrvatr ofDelay Smnity stnll o$ral ttc grcm of: (1) fotlFfiw dollsr ($aO muftblicd_Ul tr_14*iqrrrr F*ility Dcliwry R& wt& ru fAximunfacility Ddirrcry Rate beingtmsmd inkW (hscd on $c final p6sili6, Cryqoity Rding Aaennma by Janury 3 l, 2Ol2) or (2) trc urnr of to po&rob, fu Gac,h of eo tr* Uuce oako@ morills afrlr lhc thlay Pciod Cmrmoncqncnt DatE, of! the enerrgy in the Initial Ysar Encgy Delivery Sc,hodule forths montr (k!Vh) multipfia by tho monthly weigtrted avcragp Ott-l-4frt{qq'l-q - -conforming En6r8y hmbasc Prioc fG ftE monfu (ul,Iwh) dit/idd by 1000, Suoh amount shall be fixed upon caccoution of this Agrcment ll.l3 Bidr o Draw on Saritv. PaoifiCorp eU hsve fu rigfr b drsw m tlre DehySffi[itytocolloctDelayl"iErilarcaOmages.Csrrncrlngmcaborrfr*ofectrmorrtr, Paoiicorywi[ Lrvoioc SellaforDclayliquidedDunagps imrrcq ifany,dningtbcpocodktg mordr lfinstroieot Drlay Sqdty is-Etaibe, So[cr shall py PacifiCcp ftr ifit oiccd Dehy Liqdded Drnages no lu fran fivc hsims da,,s e rcceiv'og srh hvoioc. Thc Prties will mare Unmrg udpyrrcne fmDslayliquidato{ Darnages in aocordancc with Scction 10. 11.1.4 Partbl Rclcaso of Dolay Sccurity. Prronidod rhat Scllcr bas rnairfaid Dclary Scflrity in accordancc with Sodion lt.l.l, PacifiCorp Sa[ rslcasc onedrirdofthe original amount of Oihy Socruity statod in Swtion I I .l .1 oaph tirnc Sellor aocomplishcs a milcstone (a) or (b), below: (a) Selkrhrs@o.mtodtrc6cnsrdimfuamediouAgwrrcot with TratrEmission Psovid€r; and (ii) pald qr full any intorponnootion andlor sj,S€tn Wgfade oos Scll€r is oblig$ed o pay in advsrce of tlEumectim constrrrtion. O So&trhaspouldlbourcrcbfirrdciurceaciofisplurrcd individual Wind Tuftirc loocions. Pacifi@rp shr[ make fte psrtial rcfutrd of Dclay Scsudty rcquirod abovc within tost h$iltoss days ofthe derc Sollerpo'videsPaoifiCorp vnittcnndco (dong wittt s*isfrmryfumsttdi@ tnro$ td it k emmdiffi mihmtc (a) m O) 6ove' I 1,1.5 @ t nless PacifiCapdMrcs rffi Sdla haspaidatlDc!ryLiqlidedkragnqPacifiCqp*allrdeaseallnmainingDdaySccurityuqon flre carlicr of lhc 30th calcrdr &y following commcoccrncot of Cmcrcial Operdim or the 6Ot cal€odr day follorring PrcifiCorp's Emindion ofthis Agrcemeut. I l. t .6 DsfulL Seltcr's frihm b poet and rnairtain Dslay Secuity ln aEosdstoe wihSedsr lt.l willonshrcurcvcilofdEftrh,untesoredinaocordmoewihScdim l2.l.l of thbAglffitcnt ll,2 Hault Sectuiry Grvelizcd Pricing Only). (Reserved) 2t {4ttrt't,r.$A [hsutJ,LlfrlivePbu SECTION TA DETAIILTS AND REMEDIES 12.1 The following cvents shall coo$iarc defaul6 rmdcr this furecmeot: ][,ill Nm.PqM. A klrs ffiure to malc a pqmed ufu &e tlrdcr trisAgFG@Gotorpostand'pnirtaipswuritvinconfumucewilhdi;quirwcrffsof Sectim ll ormnintain insrarcs in oodnmre wie fu rcquircnem of sccim ta dftis Aglc@cffi, iftrofiilup is mt qrcd within to (10) hrsinpss days aftE ee Dmdefulting party gives thetraulting Party a notice of itc aefa*. - q- -- -- lLlz Breach of Represffiion Breach by a Puty of arcprcseirtation orYtarmty setfofihinftis ifsrchfriluembrcactrisrrctqrcdwitrnftirty(3O) days following wrifis notice. lLl3 Defu&gr Omcr Agrmcrns. Sellcr's frilut to clrc atry defu,lt under fteCrraim trermrcdim Aglffi or my oer agtffid betwm tb pfitics i rrcA to Ut fuieemsut, the Caerationhcrcomcstione$ocmeAor&eFrilitywi&intetirealloncdfora qr€ rr fu srfi qgrcemod c indnmem. 121.4 Insolveury. A Prty (a) nakes an assignment for the beoefit of its cxEdiffi$ (b) files apeition tr otrofl,ise @ artodzes or aoguiesces in the ry of a prcceoding c canso ofactim under my banknryrcy cr similr lar for &opffictim of crcditors, or has such apetition fld agpinst it and mrch petitim is not witffiaurn or disaisscd wiein sixty (60) dsys aftcr nrch filing; (c) bocomcs inrciveng or (d) is unablc to pay its dcbts whcn duc. l2l5 lvldcrialAdvsse Chmge Al[eialAdrrerse Cbmgchas omrned wi& ryp.rt 9- S{qgA Se[g fails to prtlvide nrch performancc assuranccs as arc rwablyro{Esd by kdfiCory, witiin fttuty (30) dcJrs fsm fre dats of nre reqrrst lz16 sale b TbfuePery. scller's sate ofNct orst b a cdity oftcr ftm PacifiCory, as pruhibitcd by Seotion 4.2. 121.7 - Nq4eliyry. unless exc,sed by m areot ofForce Mqiarrc cmchdingPacifiCorp's breach of ia obligtrions uoder this A,grccmat), Sellcr's frilue o d*it*'*y Uc - EffirSr 6r lfu€c oorseqriw cal€ndr modh. l2l.8 A PEty ofbenvis &ils b pcrfomn ry nmial obligdm Gmludhg ht not limitcd o frihnt bf leller to neet my deadline set forth in Sesti m22.t ttrough Zel0, htr orch{iqg Sodions 4.7 md 9.O iryocd rrym fut Puty Uy tis fuieoeut iffu trhrp is od cwld yreg erE 90) days after thc rmde,ftrlting Party girrcs ec auailthg rEry dioe oftp ffiftFmfu arcidece ofdo$t,lhe fiilue of Scllcrb acldsvc ec Con"rqclat Opuuim Dc byDooembcr3l,2012shallrntgirrcrisetomEvedofDefuiltpnsudtotris-sloction l2.l.Bardftefiilue to achiore Conlmcscial Opemtio Doe $all be occhsivd gorgnod by Scction l}.l,g. 12.1 .9 Scllcr &ils b achiwe tlp Cmmcruial Opcr*ion Darc by tbe 91n day fouowing the Dolay Pffiod cornmencement Date, provided, ion*er, thar, upon rnniten notioofstntude,tuttiqgPaftydeliverodpiobtbnimy-first(91)dayofdetay;ftisnin€ry(90) daypcriod lhell !s ocendodbyanadditional orenunAed and fifty(150) days if (a) Sc66b6 '29 #tt&iffis|$2 [LtlllrtJ,IliltwPbrc purcdb concn* fonddon at eann ofirptarmcd irdivitrnl wind hlbine locdst$ and (b) Sell€t-rcptcnlsU pelryDcedt Sonity in accodme wift Socthn l 1.l.l. Selkt stull omtinrto accrue OheyUqUOmoaOmrepsinaccordgrcevrift Scdbn2J (DdayPricatimcfroDclayvaltre)udil e Ploject rfrioves Qqnnercial Qpp1gtion or this Agrecmcnt is tErrdnatcd" 122 In 1|rc wart of alry default hseundor, the nmdofauhing Party mrst noti$ ttc dcfultng PEty in wrifug of fte cimmsamcs fudicding trc ddult rtd olltlhlfg the rcqultEm.rfrs b qre tlrc dc,furlr lf fu d!furfr hes nd boco clrd vrilt! ftc !trloctitr€d doe eot c, dnmaozuOng hdy rncy ffiine fth AgIEqEf d iB rle diss*n by dcliv€dngx,ti[to no6oo U ru Arer nrty ma mypnurc any md atl @d or oquitdlc rrmodios povtld byhtr o pnndbthis eg1tcocil- Ttro ri$fis trovilod in &b Sccdm 12 are cunulntivc srfi ftdtrc o<eidsa ofw ornuc rigbc shE[ nd ooo$ins a waivcrofmy dcr dd6' n3 In ths werdtris Agreement is tcuninabd becauss of Selds ffiilt and SsU€r wistr6 to agtin sell Nct Orff tqn ftc Faoility using tho sErE rnciw frrao O PacifCqp Sllowing zuchtcrminatioru PaoifiCorp in its solc discrctionmayrcquire that Scllcr do_so subjecttotretcrsrsoftisAgrGGmGrf,imhdhghltrdliniHlbtpprdrroeficose sctffitin (Sootion 5), tmil tre Eryhatiur Ib (u set frrt in Soction 2.1). At srch timo Sellcr ud PaoifiCorp agrEe to ctrccrse awitta documentratifyingfre terms of this Agrynt yA lf$isfuiranan isuminmd as arcsrlt ofSdkr's ffiult, in additimo d not in limitation of my othcr rigb or remcdy urder tris Agrccmcnt or ryplicablc law (including any righ o sot-ofr, gormtcrElaim, or oftcnviee withhold pe)rmcnt), Sc-ller shalt PaV -mlifrCorp CIFtr Shoffill kuges frr a pairdofeigte€n (tt) mdr fisrn thc dae of Unrinnimplus*re eqtiortcd aOminis,trsd've oostto aoquirctlre replacomentpowcr. ftc Putios agree Urat ttro damagcs kcifiCorp wurH inff due to Emindim resuhing froa Seller's dcefiwDuldbedifrisult or impossibloto Fcdicturith certainty, andthatthe dmagrs in this Section 12.4 arc an appropriab apProxlmdion of guch damigw. l2.5 Rccouprnent of Damagos. (a) Deftult Seffitv Ayailable. If Scllcr hac pqsed Mault Setldty, PaeifiCorp may &aw upon ftat eeanity to sdisry ury damagos, above. O D&rltSeqdtvUnn,aiblaIfseilerhasnotposdDeeuft Secgrity; m ifPacifiCorp-has @ PacifiCorp may cotlcct ary nmainiag anrqdoutngWpufullywitrholdingfisnepaymcrilsbsdlcrwcremsmrblcpcriodoftimc. PacifiCorpaud Setten*ratturc*bg€ftrqingoodfailhb c blishttpp€dod rrdmornhly amounb,;f $&h vrtthbolding so as to avoid Sellcds dcfault on in oommatrial or fnurcing agrcorrme n*ossary for ib oorilinpd qcrdim of fte ftriliry. 12.6 Upon an evont of dofault or tmiqinwent tuuhing firom dofault undor this Agf€emcnt, in addition to and not in limitation of my othrright orrcrredytrrdcrthis lgfemcut or applicable law (nchding any right to sct{E cormterclainrr" or othcrwisc witlrhotd psyf,rc*), 6c non&fuifting Putyrnay t ie odm sct{E against my mrountu onedo ftodcfrulting Party, rry unount oved by&cdcfaulting Prty undgr auycontact(s) or sg!€mm(s) b*nmr tc kties" Ite obligilims ofthe Putics $Ell be fud sdisfiPd and disc&arggdtotrcoccmofrrysrchsctofr,ThcnmdcfrultingPrty*ra[givcftedofrultqPady 30 il4&/&5ffi..tru firwtJ,lIHtwfrB urit&n notioe of my scGoS h* ftiluc o gnc $ch nmi€ shtl not a&d &c rulidity oftho s*. off. 12.? Amount ourcd by Scllcr pursuant to this Scction 12 $tull be dus within five (5) business days aftct any invoicc tlom PacifiCorp for the samc. SECTION 13. IUDEMNIFICATION: I"IABIIJTy 13.1 Inde,mnities. l3.t.l trdamnityby sdler. s€lltrssll rdrue, indaniff urdholdhrmlm PaoifiCorp, iB ditto'tors, otrc€rs, agcnt-, and rqrcsenotives agairutirnd from any and a1 loesr &rcs, paultkr, chims, dions o suic, imMing oos md ecry,s G€s, bortr d tial md o qmcat ro$lting torn, c Eising ort ofor in ary uray connccmd urie (a) UE cncrgy deliverad by Seller under this Agraanent to and at thc Point of Delivcry, O) any ftcilid; ur &llor's side of trc Point of lhlivery, (c) Scllcr's oporation urd/or rraintcnmcs oftrc Facility, or (d) arising fiom Sellcr's brcscft ofthisAgreanarf irchdingwihorlimiuionanylos,clairta$ioncsuit, fu or qr-acoormt of hjury,todily or otlrerwise, to, or death of persoriq or for damago to, or destucdon or economic loss of preperty belonging to PacifiCory, Seller or otlrcrs, orccetng g.ry ry.h loss,ol4m, rtion orruitasmayhcilrccdsolctybythc furltorgrossncgligm;of PaoifiCorp, itc dircctorr, officcrs, cmplolrcoc, egcnts or rcpreccnt*tivos. B.l2 IndErmilvbvPaoifOqo. PadfiCorpshall release, iremiryedhoH lrannlcst S€ll€r, icditectorsr officem, agpnB,Icr&s rrdryrwircsagBirstandtomanyand a[ loss, finc+ pcoaltics, ohimg actims or sds, ircMing co6 ud ffitr#s fteq bs& aUi -amryea[ rcmldng fiun, u rising o.rtofu in any nmy cume@d wi& drs crrergr &fivrr€d bySellat@fiisAgoernetfficrthePoimofDetivery,irrcludingwi0nfiltritdonarytosqd;in1gict c sti! fs or qr amrm of injuy, bodily tr othffrise, to, or deafir o{ pcrsonsi a for durage b,udcstructimmcoonomic loss ofpoperty, cxcrytingonlysuch loss, shhn, actiooqritas maybecaused soldybyttr frutorgFossnodigcn€orseucr, ie dre6rq offiocrqerploJpcq agents, lsrders or rcpresetrtatives. 132 No Dodftfrion. Nothing in this Agrecrcnt rhnll bc consbuod to crcate anyefy to, aoy staodard ofcsre with rcferc,ncc to, or any liability to aoy pcrson not a Party to this Agrcement. No undertaking by ono Pa*y a the othsr under any provision of frris - Agrc,mcnt shall constitntc trc dsdication of that Party's sl,stem or any por,tim thercof to the oftcr Party or to lts prblii nc&cthc sb[r ofPacifCorp as o indepoOcrt prblic rrility corporrdionmSollc as an independont individtul or cntity. 133 No Warrantv. Any rsvielv, aoscphncs or &ilurc to rwiew Sollcr's dosigl, lPccifications, equipment or frsilitics Sall not be an cndorsemcnt or a con{irmation by PadfiCorp adPacifiCorpmakos no wurdrtics, opr€ssd orimpliod regardinganyaspcCof lellcr'e dcsign, spooificdions, cquipncnt or soilitics, inoluding but not limitca to, 4aftry, dnability, rcIiability, sfEnglh, capacity, adqrrcy 6 ftorpmic ftasibility. 13.4 CONSEOI,IENTIAL DA},IAGES. H(CEPT TO THE EXTBNT SUCH DAIT{AGES ARE INCLUDED IN TI{E LIQTJIDATED DAT{AGES, DEI,AY DAMAGES, oR glrm. SPECIFID MEASII,IRE oF DAlvIAffis HoREsstylRovIDED FoR rN THE AGREM\,ENT, NEIIHER PARIY SIIATL BE tTABtE fi) THE OIHER PARTY FloR 3r #*nffi94 [h'Mfl'llC4h'cPbs SFECXAI4 I'ut{rII\E' INDIRECT' H(EMPLARY OR CONSEQLIENIIAL DAMAGS, WHEII{ER SUCH DA}VIAGES ARE A.ITOS'ED OR PROVIDED BY CONTRACT, TORT (INCLIJDINGNEd I@{(E} SIRICT LIABIUIY, STATLIIE OR OTIIERWIIE SECTION 14. INST'RAI{CE l4l Cc,flificms. Prior to courection offro Facffi to the S,,strtrI, Scllcr shall scctae and ontimrosly cry insrre in eoryliucc witrtre reqrinmem of&is Soction" Sclkr shall povidc faiinCoi insurence ccrUdcaqO (of 'ACORD Fum" or tho cquiVdm) corti&ing Sefler's compliaooo with tE insuruce r€qullenerrts heipundcr. Commcrcial Ge,ncral i.iafility corcmgp unittsn on a "claims{0adG" bcis, if my, dts[ bo A€oifiasl]y idetdfied on ftocrtificafio. lf-rcqucgcdbyPaoifiCorp, aoo,pyofd ins,nansopolioy, oettificdas atuocqpy by an autrorizod rapr€scmtive ofthe issuing insurmsc company, shall bc flrnisH to PacifiCorp. 142 Rsouircd Policics and Covera^acs. Withorn limitiry any tiabilitics or any othcr obligptions of Seller under this Agr€Gromt, Scllcr shall s@ur€ and continuorsly carry witt at in$ursm€ colnpany or comsqhics ratcd not lower fran "A-:YIID by the A.M. Insurancc RcporB tlc insuranco coverags specificd bclow: l4zl Canwc,hl GencralliabilityitrsrilEc,b irrcIde cffiacunl [abi[ty, with a minimrm single limit of $1,000,000 pcr occutrtcroc'to prutcct agains ard firom all loss by rtasfir of injnry f persurs a denagp b pryefty bcod rpon and aising oU ofthc astivlty rmderthis Agreemcrt. 1422 All Ri* Prroperty innnance pimvidlng covenags in an Emotffi at lcast cqual o 8(P/o of the replaocrrcnt vrhrc oftte Facilily agnin$ t'all risls' of$D4frcal loss 6 fui4gB includlngcorrcragoforeardrmovemerq flm{ ardboilcrandmacninery. ThePrryerty1![]fn ty cordahs?aratesnblimiFsrddoeniblcs$lffibinsrrecourpanyundcrrmitittgguidclilrcs. Tho Risk Policy will be mahtainul in mdmcc with crrrs availablc in tho insrrance ma*A for eimilar frcilitios. l4g Tbc Commc,rcial erencral Linbili$ policyroquired hctcin shstl inclu& OpovisisrsorcnrdmrerffinemingPacifiCory, iBBomdofDirecbrs, OffiocosidsryloJrc€s as additional ingurtds; and (ii) cross liability ooverago so flrat the insururcc applies soparatelyto €achhsrrpdspnr*u&mrolaimisnudeqsritisbmtrgh[wcnhinstelocsuriuc cc irrsurcdclaims against or sucs mother insur€d. 14.4 All lisility polioics roquired by this Agwmont shall includo provisions that such insuranceieprimuy innrarccwi6rcspcctto trGinE€stsofPaoifiCcp aodtratmy o6sr insuranoe mainaiaed byPacifiCorp is orcess and notcontributory insurancc with the insuranoc roqumA ncrumacr, ard prrtxisiors ed $rch policies $a[ nd be amcclod orlhch liniE ofliabilityroercedv,,iho$Oh(10)hEiHdsysprbrwdtHrndicabPaoifiCdp ifcmoel€d for nonpayrrcut of prcrnium, or (ii) thirty (30) business dqn prior uritta notica to PaoifiCorp if cmcclod for any otherrcason 14.5 Comrucrcial Gen€fial Liability insurancc oovcfragppmvidod on a"clains*na&" basis shall bc main6incd by Soller for a rninimum poriod of fivo (5) years aftsrthe I I #8XIFSN{I42 32 l:l,i tbts7tl, Un-,.Frtpptrc oomplction oflthAglpltnsttmdftrsn}dcrlcndloftimc@cssrytocovcrliabiftiearirbg qtr of&e activities undcr this Agr€errcm SECTION T5. AORCE MAIETJRE l5.l As usod in ftis Agreemremt, 'Forcc llf,rtwrc- or"rr wmt of Force Mqieutt" msmsarrycat$bqondttcrwqtablccmnolofthesollermofhnifiCorpwtricit @iEftDexercisc of&re diligenoe, stl*rPafty isunablctopwcnt oroyc(pome. Bywayof exmplgForce Majoqrc may inohde but is not lirnitcd to asts of God, flood, storms, wam, hostilitics, civil stift, sdrcq std dcr labc di*rbooca, cartrquakx, frrq lighdrh& eeidcmics, seffigE, res&Bid by court oder c drer delay or frihne in tlrc pcrftmme as a rpsrlt ofmy adiruro inaction on behalf of a publio arthority which is h oach caro (i) bsyond thc rcasonable control of urch Party, (ii) by the exerciso of rcasonable forcsiglt suoh Party could not rcaeonably hn e bocn arycfrd b arroid od Sii) bytte arprdse o66,re diligEqcG, srch htty shall be m$le to pred tr ovemore. Force llt[qiqre, hovrovcr, ryooifically arpttr tre oost or availabilityoffd ormotivc Srccto opcrothe Facilityorcfrangcs inrnakrtconditionsttra aftct 0tc pice of mcgr or tnmsrnissim. If cifrcr Party i.e rudsrcd wtrolly or in prt wablc to pcrform its obligdion undcr ttis Agrcaed bcarse of an svcilt ofForcc Mqia& bolh Patios *rall bs u<cusod from whataver performarcc is Etrested E ttre event of Forcc Majcurc, provided that: 15.1.1 fu rm,pcdmingPrty, atrall, as som aspcticablc htrno latsr&mwildn trpo (2) wcls after0c osrenoe of tte Forc€ l\4ajeuro, givc thc other Prty uriuen notice describing thc partioulrrs of the oocunEnce, including the strrt dm of the Fotrc lvtrajeure, thc caus of Forcc Majeurc, wfficrfu feilityrlmihspatisllyopcraianl dtrc opodod cod dab ofttcF'qcoMajoure; 15.12 fto sryarsimofpcrfonnance drall bc ofrn grcabr scopo and ofno lorger duntion th"" is requircd by the Forcc Majeurc; 15.13 fu non-perbrmingPrtyuscs iE bestefu to nmdy i6 irrbilityto pcrfonn; and 15.1.4 tre rnn perftrming hy $altprovidep(m$wri0m dirb tlrc odu Putya&oadoftheForoelvf4ixnrsvatt&tdliqgfueuddde, carsethcrcot danagocascdtn! bV@myrcpqiistatwerercqrircdasarpErltofthcForceMqiarcwe4and theclrd date of the Forcc Majcrrc. 15 2 No obligations ofci*rcr Party uilrich aw befomtr Forcc Mqiarc caringfu suspcnsion ofpcrformanoe shsll bo orcused ss o r€sult ofthe Forte lr[ajeure. 15.3 Noitlq Party shall be roquircd to scsle any strike, walkouq lockout or otlrer labor disscmemswhfuL inthccohjudgrEntoftrcPrtyinvohrcdinthcdiryfr,are coeryb tho Party's best intercsb. SECIION 15. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contsincd in this AgFccmert shall cvcr be constnred to orcato an ossociatioq trust, pannership or joir* vcnnur or to impose s trust or pffEr€rSb dtrty, oblig6ion or tiability 33 ffi8ff,$&,41r€ t I !, I' 1.tI I li I l 'j i:i' ii l, : :.: :: t: Ji I I a I l ) .t 'I i: ,'l' 't: ri 1' {t": 1,, l:' I ::. I ; I !it :'I'i [btwtJ,IIEltuPla betrvecn tre Psfiios. If Scller inclufu two or morE partics, caoh such porty Sall be joinfly and scvcrarv riabrc ror "rHl:ff;. *H:m* This Agrynqtr slrall bc imapr*d and cnfuncd in aooordanco wih fto hrrm offte srto of Idalro, excfudLrg any choico of law nrles wtrich may dirccil lhe rylioation of the laws of ano(her juisdiction, SECTION It. PARTIAL IIWALIDITY It is rrd frc intEotim of &o Prties to viohe any kq/E go\reming lhe srfolxt mattor of this Agne€rnem tfaryof&ctonsof6eAglwratarfinanynoUadctiminedtobeinvant,iflEgll or void as bcing ooffiuy b my applicablc hw or pblio policy, all & trms of &a Aglomem shall rcmrin in cmect If ury tarms arc fimlly beld c dcmrrrinod io bo invali4 illqEl s vtffi, the Putics shall crtcr into rrysi*ius oumniry lhc tr"rnr aftcbd by srr€h fuisim frr trc prpom of ac.ticrring memiry wih rcquircmcm ofary rpplicabh law ed thc incnt of the Partios to this A$e€msot SECTION 19. WAWER Any^waivo d any timc by either Party of ib dghcs witr rsspoct to a dcfault undcr this AgE€rEcr$ orwi& rcryect b my otrer ner irising in cqrrcdim wie this AgIffi mrs be-b writins and sudr uraiu shall not bo dcsncd a wdvcwith rcryectb my srtnoqued default or othcr mattcr. SECrION20. GOYERNMENTALJTIRISDrcTIONANDAT'TEORIZATIONS hcifiCorp'scmpllrrewiththomsoftrisAgrcancntbcm&tiorsdonSdhds$l,inissimb'PacifiCorppiorbfieCmnrcmialQicnticrDubofcopiosofatlbcal,seod&dcralliacoscs' pErmits ard o,tlcr appuvab as du may bc rcqufod by brr for ec consuctim, q€rdon and maimampc of&c Facility. Failurc b mairfrain crh lasftl $e$ aftor6c Comrtnal Opaaioth shll be an q/cilt ofdsfuil| s&iocb Sdion 12. SECTION 21. SUC€ESSORS ArTD ASSIGNS 2l.l ThisAgcroccildallofdrcffis dpovisicrshErsf$hrll bobindngupalaod inrrc t &e bcncfit of ttrc rcspoctivc suoccsson aad ossigru of &c Partiet hcrcto, ercept that no assignrnant hcrcof by cither Pffiy stull bccsuc oftctivc udlhort flrs uaiuen cowr of bontr Pa&s bchg ffrst ohinod" Sdr cffitdrall nabo uruoasonably wid*reld; pmvidd ftd ttc Parties agrce that commcrcially reasonablc wriucn arncndmcnts to thc Exhibib to ttis Agrceenout md uuch othcr $,rittcn upducs to thc informrtioa coutaincd thcrcin rclatsd to the Facility may be made in thc event of any assignment of this Agrcement purnrant to thc tcrms ofthis Sostion 2l.l.NCrrie*urdhg&ft$scncncoffibscdior1(a)srycmitywi0rn&ich PrcifiCorp mayconsofidate, orirm q&ie] itmcymcrBq orto wtfuhitnry oonvey or tangfcr stb*anthlly a[ of its olcctiis rtility as8€6, shall afiomatioalln without furthcr rct, md without nocd of oonsont or approval by thc Scllcr, succeod to all of PacifiCorp's rights, obligetions, and intcrcsts uader this furceuront and (b) Seller strall have fte right to assign this Agroorent subjoot to PacifiCory's wtittlr conscnt whioh consont shall trot bc 34 ws{sm,lgw [InstJ,IIC_frvepbrr unrcasonably withheld or dclayod, for collderal security prqposss to one or morc financing sntities (or a collateral agent acting on their bchalf) providing financing to Sellcr for the Facility, in wldch evcnt PacifiCorp agttes to prcvide a wrineir consqrt in favor of Seller,s financing entitiqs in fonn and substance similar to comcnts oxecued by PacifiCorp in connectionwith non necoury prcjeot ftnaosings. This article ghall not prevelrt a f-runoing €ofityu/iet€aoded oscauodrig[B tomcxacisingall rigb mdrcnrcdies availabteto it ui'aer law or coqtrust PacifiCorp shall havo thc rightto bo notifiod by the finanoing Grrtitythat it is exoroicing suoh rig[b qrmediee atrd dt such othcrrigtE asprovi&d in t$wrificn oons€nt. 212 Nonvithstauding sestion 21.1, if, as of Dcoomba 31, 2012, scllsrhas not achievsd Commarial Operation, then Scllcr shall havc the d$t to tcrminoe this Agrcenrcnt !V q1o_vf0ing writcn notice of terminaion to PacifiCorp on or bcfore January 5, 2013. Upon PacifiCorp's reccipt ofwrircn notico oftcrminrtion &om Scllcr, thc Original PPA shdl - automatically h dcomod to bc rcinstatod and in full forco ard cffect. Uaon such termination, PacifiCorp shall rctrun thc Dclay Soourityto Scllcr md Scller shall have no fintiler liabilrty oroblig*ions of any Hnd uderflrisfuieerrmr 21.3 Soller snd all succossom d assigns aoknowledgo that ttie Agromcnt is inpat the rcBult of a scclsment *ipulcion Uctnrce,n pacifiCorp, CCW and the Sunof tte Idaho Ptrblic Utilities Commission thd was apprcvcd by the Idaho Public Utilities C.ommission is Casc Noe. PAC-E-I l 4l tuough PAC-E,I l-05 (tho "$tipulation). Tf,is Agroement is subject to, and incorporates, the terms of thc Stipulation. SECTIONZI. ETflTIREAGNEEMENT 22.1 This Agceffir€r[np*rdesallFimagtcem€ils,propoots, rtercs€frdmsr nqotiations, dicorssions orlctcrs, ntctheroral orinuriting rcgrdingpaoiffcorp,r purchaso ofNct ouput fromttre Facility. No modification ol&is egrcemont shdt-bo effectivc unle.ts it is in writing and signod by both Partios. n 2 By occufing this fuiucmem, each Party relcascs tlre orhcr ftwr my claims, knorrn or unhowr\ that may have riscn prior to thc arocution date ofthis agfacmeffi u,ih rErycdto lhc Facility ud anyprodmffi &cnitypqosedto havo bm osrdned m tb sitc of thg Facility. SESIION2S. NOTICAS All dces orccpt as oftGnvisc trovidod in rtig furmcrt shall bc in writing; stratl bc dircdcd as follows and shall be considered delivcrd if&liyeted in pcrson or whcn dcposicd in tho U.S. IvIai! postagr prepaid by oertffied or regi*crcd rnail and rc&rm nrccipt rcqucrtcd. Notlsos PecifiCorp All Notice PaciliCorp fl!fr$fiawz Sellcr llnsert Nottu of Rtdgeltne,*frlidel CraekWind, LLC 83 S. King Stnoeg Suitr 200 Scatlo, WA9t104 35 II I I ! I I it, jl I' t. 1: !. f 1, t,tII ,'. i I : i I jt7: i tlI' .. , ;, x.; ]: :l:i ''ati lbwtJ,IIG,4lvcPtu e5 NE Muhmrah SEGtt Fildil4 oR97232 Attn CutactAAffirum, SuiE 600 Phonc:(503)tl3-5380 Facsimilq (503) 813- 6291Brnail: Attn: Joan Hutohinson Phorc: ?/0646248fl[ Faeimile: 503-2965450 E nai[ jhutchinson@l-Gn;@m Ihrnr:00-790-9013 Dms: [TBI]I Fetual Tu, IDltmber 93.@16D0 F€dEral To. ID Nru$E 8e0326448 Nods Allhvobc: PacfftCorp Ann: Bapk0frcc Suitc 700 Phonc(503)8 t 3-5578 'Faosimile: (503) 813 -5580 $dler Attn: LirdsayWhitney Controllcr Phono: 2A6l5AE'4i|-2J Email: Iwhihq/@d-Gn.com Attr: JoarHrt*ittsst SVP - Otigirrrion & ldrkedrg YbN;""1ffi4&,.4846 .finffiinm@tsLccmAttn: LindsayWhimcy Confiollc,r Phoos: 2$6-50E.4ili27 Email: lwhihey@l-€n.Gom Attrr: LirdsayVhitnsy Contollcr Plrons: 206.lSW47? Email: lwhitq(@l-cn.com _ Attr: LindsayWhittoy Contollcr Phone: 20f-l50t472?- Emaih lwbirmsy@l-cn.comt Atn: L€plDceoAmcqt Email: Iesailad-€n.com Phono: 425455-9011 Schdullng:Afrn: Rceoroc Pleatry; Suir 600 Phons: (503) E13 - 6090 Facsimilo: (503) El 3-6265 Peymotr:Ata: Back0ffroo, Suie 700 Phons603)Et3-5J7E Facsimile : (503) 81 3-55E0 WIrcllrrrftr:BmkOneN,{. To be povftted in sepcdc k fiffii PacifiCorpto $eller Crcdit.nd Collecffons Aftr: Clodit lvlmags, $db 700 Phone:(503)813-5684 Faosimilc: (503) tl3-5609 SEfrAddiiExrl Nodcr of an f,\mtofllc&il or Potentirl E\mtofD&utt to: AfuPrffiCcpC*n.ralConsd Phone:(503)81 3-5029 Frcsimilo: (503) u3{751 f,[,0w,qwz 36 [btwtJ,Il!4bePta ftc Par&s mly ctlogp thc porsonto nttour such notices oro drassod, or{rciraddresou, bypr,oviding writsn notice thoroof in rccodrnoo with thir Soc'tion. #{,i&ffi4/ru, 37 [Ml,I]HtuHs h WffiSESS WIIEREOF, 6e Partics hsvc csucd &is Agrccrncm b bc duly otccuEd as of thc ddo frst above writsa: PACSIOONP, aOrqpncqprtim wffinrNAME OF$OeSUXn AFFntAtZl a Delsrvur lhibd lhbility gmpq,' Nomo: Title: B)f, - -. ,- ,.,,,, , Nanrc: Title f{8fi${[$K2 3t [ItwtJ,LIE-F:tvePta UXEIBITA DESCRIPIpTI OF spr r.rR's FAcxLxTr Sell€ds FacilityomisB of 19 windEtuire g€aerdqs) manTfactrcd by Suzlm Maespecificalln each gencrstor at the Facilip is d€scrib€d as: IlAe (r5rnchronoru or infoctiw): AEmdnonors wi& hrrc(c Modd: StdonS9-2.l NumborofPhrrer: Ihec 600v A fsdfty llf,dmum &Subffiimd 161kV Pwerfrctorrcqnironcutr: Racd Power Fatur (PF) m reactive lmd (wAR): 0.94 I-eading to 0.9a Iaging Se{€r has povidod a qy ofmalficfircds Porrcr C\rrye for ftc Surlom Sn -2.I.PacifiCoryuuintainstreporrercuTe iniBfilesp"rsuaf to aNqr-DiscloqrcAgfeerneot b.tr..*PacifiCorp and Seller Merdmsm GIA DdireryRrle ==119700- kW tc@hinodwitrfre tuRidgeltoc Ptojocts dcscribod in Addendun tl Idodiff fte muimunn oryt ofthe geoedu(s) md fucdbc my disutrres beturo€n tbd -qlp,t qd q Nmeplre cqadty ltdns lvruimum gw*m qun is ztoo kw (sme asNameplde Capacrf Rdng)stum *rvisercqrircmenti,md ofrerM rervod byrheFr.ifry, ifuy, erckibodasfolhil!:stations€rvice_ cursi*ofRi@efrrenngsrcterqdffied Ivfairtenmoe buitdirrg_lcds, tltirp$mdb, tmds, ed-tftire cxmffi lilae. Avrmge hftirpstudbyl@d fmFfvePine is rypotmmety4ffi kw. C\rqrrloadswouldbe ffirmdfficoncunrnt with standby loads. I-ocetbn of tb x'acility: Ihc Facility is loced in Booevilte Coffiy, Idah. Tbc locatim is -ryryarticulrp fusibed as folbws: 43" 3 I 3{7 Iditds, I I l' 4[3 I 3' Loryiude WCls84. Locdions of ea& tutrre tottn reldvo to der qualifrirg frcilities miled by fte$ne cttby sbotpitrg cmplircoe wiffr te spacine ftq&Eoi.ffi in i'g C-FR g zyi.ia[ ateattached her€to. It r.. i: I i'I t alIi t::il I I {t; ,ii :i..i' .t'iii l ,l , I i lIl '1 l I,a !III I 1 II i t, II t Iai I visn$ffiqw A-l finwtJ,Ill,4lrrfra EXCIIBITA-AI acturffi L FivePireWidFrmSinl\{ryZ Distmsg Betq'qr Wind Ibtines dAdireot Qruli8ing Frcilitic }. t. it:It.t t ti.'t. l' i : i ri :- : li t' ']r .i i,1: 'l .-l:'I .ti.i AA 40 #fl,/o6m,gn i {, ,f I I t t l; I' I I ,I .l l i i I I t I IIt I ,i i ;, :; i; i. t:: -.1 ii ;1 t ti i !. ' tt I i: t:I IiI , ,::-ji 1,. ,i: ;1.t.l ,t: 1 Iri .t,t'. I l:1 J !:t [MJ,Ilf--tuePta FUI Prilt8 FnOECTnEA AO$GltU€ OO., E rF[ Jr, aItraFr llta JH..n ^lt!I,aa-I EAEEAYOUT AREtt{ FIVE PINEB PROa0uw l.grd fJrncn*tmo{[rgriDray ! hF.aaa-.t ah *hltr.f, f]]rtmtxri! rno,!erlx,|,rar,T, r..a thr...amrillrdl} . - Ihlrlrdo ftlpotlltirt.d.lailt! F'.irl5r-tlt* !*[.cJn d'iil nprrtrrrtrorol.gt I .. r{. ri a.r& fqi-I *rrlrrI LEffi ffis REGGLII|€si.?*sr.r:;:stlsa ;lsPi- ffiY #4f/rt6,0t/,742 4t $lwg,trC-mrP* Tho ffi bolo,t, hb ho GhnE bofiroilUffi h l*ile ftS,hg Facfffis. ntrePhe fkrfhrrlllnret Nonh Folnt ruBrr$*osrAltErT, 2 29 56lo 3 29 la8 10 29 m 5sa13W. 2 3E s3!p 3 38 588'l 38 316710 gfto1338 #$nsfi,$W 42 pwetl,I/L-Fbcfrw I I i' HEIuTB SOINT OF DELIVERY / PARTIES' W FACTIXIES [Se[crhastroviddeefdlnri4gsitElelinc&Elvingoffrefacitryinmncmreaimfrciliugirchdiry mming poitrs uscd b cakrutdeNd o64 ana my tadmhsim affiuesm-.$eu*, side of the PoiutofDelivery.J I+ lg* qf P$rw 1 trplnc*e t6lkv h,' d tu Godm substarion. The rviffiiryPoilt is &e hi$ sidc oftbe :t45-l 6 lkv s? rp tadmcr d lvfcadow Ock suhtadorrThe metm will be cmpensated for losscito tre point of Delivgry. Nc& Poitr ed fittc Hne will SEe tu lvftadow Cr* 34.5kV-I61kV oollecffi sfisuffuxrFrre Eoject 14,i[ hryp 345kv bneslss trd $rill cffiroct b ; ;r-"@ 34.ftv hrs rtr uil*,1u,@ b as$qfe 34.5-161kvPmrcrTladcrc, ldlkvbrEalffi, n€rqtr8 eq,&mcr4 ti,o -dis@ sm,it*t and a 5 mile 161kV transmission line to tne rhty Hilt-Sri.bfufid- JI ti i 1I I illj; i':, i:j. i,i i I i,t I Il I 't . i',.1 ,i' ;i; ,.i:: t:ll I I ! I I 1 t II II tI I{ I I II #.etrf#l#142 /t3 [huo$,IJfrAtcPfa Meadoril Creek To Jolly Hill Sub raf tUleador Creek Sub - - -i { i;,i: -i 81/lG/lSil,M 161/il4.g13.A(v *,..' 34.stU To Fiva Phrc lllotYtur glflIo|r iD.S,Ut, t0UIGrlr To |.lorfi FdIil llewlqs 9YYIt r 7D$r'v t0WIgr #,,e'{il,flrut u f,,&11 ; l II t: I l, i'i: :tl i i i:! nt I atilr ; I IiI l.) i Ii. lr t; .i! ti il. i,,,l i.t ,i i Il,,.,.t..I II I Ilit -t .YI :J 1 6 I ltw*tl,IlHtwha i t o c a G ffiD"NB { * G' ,ryt ,6 o,lL* ?!t: 1YFETLCIIPflTC&rcE5n 3 ttr ,.*s 45 a- #{f/,&''ryt.tw [ttr;zrltJ,tlt<UcWa DXEIBII C 3EQUIRD pACILXTY Wiry frifity Nhrrr$€r b be ohined ftom mRC the follonting DoqrnE(6 aE requirod pia to delivery of ry cr$f flutr lhe Facility: Chncrdio Iffiero@Etim egrtcm€rf ' .dgma pecmimng Se[€r aocess b thacd immogim frcilidcs Propcry ddils r€quir€db f"4idBh edopcre fre hiect in reqdmpe wi&ftis *grwhcnt (site leases, ffisnfssion easements, ctc). Tbe foltqwing permiE alo rcstircd m a bdat tre nilesrrc de specifid in Sooiur 221, Federal Aviation Adminigtratiur Det€rmhotion of No LtazordBonneville County Sposial Usc Permit Ctrosslng qgrffiE6 wih pqqtifs d€r frm PSifiCGp Ttwtissiut c-I {48&WtqN2 $ [hmJ,ECeePna EMIBUTD suBsaIrEvrENERGy DEtIltERy SCXIEDULE Moorhly EnergrDelivery Ave kWmo Imury 9,8il,t97 Blqt Febnpry 8,191.535 12,170 Itdech 11360594 t5282 April 9,0t5,733 12,609 tvlay 10,185,73t 13,686 func &069.165 tL,2lz Julv 7,3U.339 eg35 Augnst 8,155,779 10,933 S€ptember 7,5fi,732 10,574 Ostober t 615,123 11,611 Novcmber 10,166,694 14,125 December 10,3u,201 13,8E5 TOTAL:109,011,621 12439 Hmc9gre se&rwill piovide aPlmed orhge sdldrh fiurilly rdbarrcd 1s0 hours p6year. D.l 47 #tw.?figua [IttwtJ,IIX-FtwPhs Bequircd factorye*ing includcs slch chec;ks and tc.*s nooeosEry to detcrmine trat6a cquipnclrt systcms md mrbsyttcms have becn prorpotly muurftconed sd imtallc4 firnction p*purty, and uc in aconditiontopcmit sa& rd efficiem start-ry of thoFacilfi, whiohuay lnoludc but arc not limited to: 1. Testofmodmicalmdfuicolcquiw8L Calftdonofdlmmimriruiguurrrd$3. Oper*ingo$ ofaUvahrcsr-opcrers, ffi stutsrs adm@,4 Alrmt, igttls' md$il'{eaqnen dnr0dmncdrtolEss;5. Boitr'6-pointonfimityte*s;6 Bclrtsbofpn*xdvedaticcs;ed7. T€stsrcquircdWmamAcmm)md dcsigpcr(9 ofoquipned. Requircd start{p bsE a,rc thosc chclc and rcsts Doccssary to detormine trd aU feat[ec md equip,meng systeius, and subgrstcnrs have besr properly in$allcd and djusEd, funstion proply, and are epable of operating simuluneously in such oondition tlrat tle {ac_itlW ls inpaili ofcontinuous dotivcry into PaoifiCorp's clcctrical system, urhich may include but aqt not limited toi 1. fu0inrfgfmrdorrdunicalnlnsandftufiondity;?. $BtmoFrdiqttcsts;3. Br-alcffi;4. Brqizdmdtmdormcrs;5. SynerarizfogEss(rtrmnlardarc)6 Erciuionmdvolhgercguldimopadqred$7. Ar&$oneutsqtffiA Coryldo of ary rc and foderal ewiruucdal mhg rcquirm; a*9. T€sbrcqtdredffmam*rtm(s)addcsigrrr(s) ofoquipncrn Fo windproj€ca only, tho following$rind Ttrbinc &mcrabrhsta[dion Chcckliots arc requircd documcnts to bc signcd offby Manufacnner or Subsortagt Category Commissioning Pergonnel rs part of thc Commissioning and shfirp tcsting: Tuhinehdr[Etion formdtim hryccbn (by Ocmcds iod@cadctfi fotspc68) ar*o11o'6gs€q$ly Po$ErCables cat& hsblldim cho*li* irchdng; EXEIBITE START-TJP TESTING ttt Cdolhr TopDo*/YawDs*Tmrcr TqSouiur/Saddlclvffi SodimCableschtssbus Baso Section TsurcrBaseSedim Toncrl-igbamdOde TmrcrlvfidSection TowrTqpS€.ilkn Nacc[o & Rffi #H/worfiqw I I I I It t t ti I i I I iIIIttiI iIt ! l: i: f a ii Iii t I ,l itij ll. il ;l ] !l : i. : ii II :li i':I i iIi firrwtl,IlMcfrB ETUIBITr.l lvgIIlIEFCIRCEITJ{I\I WII{D SPEED DAIA SI,'MMARIE &, INURLY WII{D TR(FILE Fl-t ffifi,$wret 49 I I t, l j i t. i,: iI iII) I s.T\t * IIo* Io soIIE,!IIotr{i€EI { "t $ E EI(, q FE F e e 5 8E 5 pFBE8F98t85rt8F9 r.: 1.! r.: ti * 1.: F: F! d d d gi 11] € d ta| d t1| 11l F: F: 1: d tl TE G'FI 3 6 G F ra rn tl l.l at q H d q E e { E ltBE{qqqEqqeqEEEF F F: Fr ri r.. G.: F .d * ri rri vi gi rri Et rtt N d F F d F F E E E S ? E R q EqqEEqqEqqqqEEqqF .d .d cd cd cd ed r e F F Fe E d lli € drrtF F F.* d E q q e q q Q q EEBEqeEqqqqfteEeEF r": ri d F N r.: F: F d vi \o € C \i d € S.€ N r. F:r.a"qi F I E 5 E E I I SE=3t5SB8egF$9AEr. F t- F: d F od ..: d yi yi v{ vi lri € d d vi vi ?i rti d F !i q 4 q q E E E E E4eqeEEEqEqqqeqqF F F F F aa 6 F h { rl h h h rO r0 \O \A \O ro F F F G q q A q A 8 E A HqEqEEiEqqEEPEEEd ri cd rt F F .d € 15 ei yi € 6 \rt F F: F F.: F F F F F ri E q E q I q e t qEqeqeqEeqeiqEqq E - E € O € F F F{,\DFFFFO'FFFF€O E 3 E B F F I S I E38S$6S$tESeEBt=.d F F F s- F F: F: G d 6 13! 3.i F F: r- F: F F !d F I.i sd !d e E q E q E I E EEqsEtEeqqqqEqesri ri .d d - .d rd rd r.i F r.j F .d cd ci ci cd - .d d sr oi s. r s E t E s I E s ssEEstset=REBSEScd d ci €i oi €d !d €d .d ad Fj !.: Fj F G: * F F F G: !d .d .d .a fr q a q q qE s EeEqEqEqEEqqEE4{to ro \D € !o I \l) ro F to ta !D h h h h rl ra h 'l Yt Y1 Yl lo U fr q E E EE il sBEqEEEEqEqqEqEqrri G € vi € rat 6 \d d ri r.: rci € yi yi yi vi yi g ro 6 6 \o G aF aF O F3 I ,d Ed nF Fd r, F: Bd 8J tt d ?d EF{II(, I 1oI 'I r B e't{: LItr I r. ;. rt (l ! ra \a F . t. g = 5 g g E : E : g E E fi R I I ,l',Il' I if I i ti ii i,I I' I: I ,i t i] ) i, i', i,jl i,lj i $ t* ul aI!EGts Tattrrcl5EIIII €TE E ,t I E I I $H$:$$5t$$$$$$ii$il5Hil$il E T T T IX.{ $ $ il [ T E IT E E E $ $ $$ilS t H H SB B 5 E n $ B ti $* S $ B..a .,t mi.t HH; HHHHHil$$HH$H $H$ HIH$$ {{E qEt E{{ {[E{t6{E*{E 6ErB;SSSSSFSFE$PEFSFHEs SHH I H$$H$$tEEi$X$t $$ttHH$$ {{ {{Id{tux{t *urEil6*H*suSS8S8BRR9=P= FRFFFFRR STg $$HH$$$$$$$$$$$$*$$H H$$H * {{{{{EEt{**{r$ErHE6E*f;BNEEHFNFP==NRRFNNFFS TS; $$ilH$il$$ $$$$H$H*tHH $HH$$ tlI aa {{[tEE{U{*IdEH*SuEf sxEHn s a B B s R H s ri si ri Fi si si $ si n B s s s g {$t{{t{*{sE{{{r *{r {t t*{.$$StEHEBtSBHBHBSS SS=$$ =E 1q q { { { {$H t { {{ H {* H { { * E{$ rs88 $ s888 FFFN S RFXiH$ S iS {EE{{{EH{{EEUE{{EE*T€U3B nHBEBtH S;FR$Sr88888E TF I G ra {,l { ra t{tlt?tttaFG6OFGal,tEEFEFEFF'GIfiGI E fitwil,Ilf.{,lpPtts EXHIBII G SAI\,IH"E ENERGY PT.,RCIIASE PRICE CAIJCTJT.ATIOT.{S Tlrc folwing ue smples of oalculdim of wgr prfraw pioes uiry 6e famrh md ables in Section 5.1. Ibe cqloilfri@ for tte mlwelired ertfose pice fuing sr On#eak Horr in lvlry ot&l? equab $602alLIWh (fip2012 @ual ratc for Confcmng EocrSD multiplied W n% (0.9) (fte Ivlsy On.P€ak Hor rultplier) tr$ $6.50llvIlyh (lh whd tomafion cd) xfiich equals $a8.gzfirdWh- TrHe l: Surpb calqdfiirc fu nm-lwclid Or*Gak Cmfcmg Facrgr m20l2z furclase plip6 = (mnual r& | modlrly orrPe*nultiplicr) - witrd itrqrdim oost Molth Cortu!@ U,uergrAmurlR* for 2012 (pGrMIlt) Onr$crkEor Uufhfcr Wlnd fmegrrm Cort Calctthfrdhrchrce ktufor2012 Oe, Pe*Chnformhg EnerEr(pcrn M/h) Jarfiarv $60.24 lA3o/o $6.s0 $55.55 Februarrr $fi.24 l05o/o $6.s0 $s6.75 March $60.u 95o/o $6.s0 $50.73 April $60.24 95o/o $6.50 $50.73 May $60.24 lY|o/o $6.s0 $4t.!t2 June 960.24 94o/o $6.50 $50.13 Julv $6024 lzl%o s6.50 $66.39 Ausust $60.24 l2lo/o $6.s0 $65.39 Seotember s60.24 109/o $6.50 $5e.16 fuob€r $60.24 ll5o/o s6.50 $62.78 November $60.24 l10o/o $6.s0 $59.76 Docember $60.24 129/o $6.50 $71.21 tt I I ,i : I I IIi ,], rl 3' :l Ii , ; i I ltt , Tabh 2: Srple caleildims frrrmleveliarl OtrPeak CnfsaingEncrg/ in 2012: hr*asepfi6s= (rmukfre * moffily0GPeakrultiplier) - wirdir&gfiiur cost Mouth edorntog Encrgl AuttlrlRe for20t2 (pcrlltNlh) OGPoeI Eour IlfluHplior windtm*rto Cort CrlcdedFunhlre kisefor20Ul0f- PeekCoufon&g Energr(perMItt) Jailrary $60.24 94o/o $6.s0 $s0.13 Febnrarv $60.24 97o/s s6.50 $s1.93 IvIarch $60.24 t0o/o $6.50 $41.69 #,efis4ff,7€ 53 [htwtJ,Ilfrlt*ha t' I I tI I t' a I t: i IiJI I I t, t, t: ;, i I 1: li t I I :' : 1 ! 1 I Month Couforming Energr AmlrtR.0o fot2012 (pcrllfiSlh) Off-Pcl Eour Itilffiplis whdnqnmn Cocl Crlcuhtcd Purchrro Prlce for 2012 Oilf- PoatConforuhg EreEr (I,crilfWL) April $6024 76c/o $6.50 $392r lvlav $60.24 630/o s6.50 $31.45 June $60.24 65%$6.s{t $32.66 Juty $60.24 Y2o/o s6.fl,$48.92 AuEust $60.?A lWU.$65r $57.35 $6024 ll9o/t 14 Octob6 $50.24 l0SY.s6s{t $56.75 Novcurber $6024 96aA $6.50 $51.33 Dccember s60.24 t207o $G50 $65.79 MW 54 [hsut}L|fr&ePba EXEIDITE S& Aueotffi b Rdea Gimen Im o MCorP #twrc 55 ! 1;t:i t 9 l: t. Ii il ;: t. t,l, l'I II i I l' i' t'. ,): a: ,lt' I il i.i, iI i Ii. I i: ii ni*eliucFaeqs/LI,C 1300NI',hclblab Way Srdc, WA 9t103 Dfusr, Tnuoilgi@ SsYipo!mCcp !25ltB!,tultd,SdE 16& Pdtld, OR Yn32 29Norrcubca,2011 To WbnitItIE,Cmccrn: RidCfu BEIW t t C, ;b.h.EofMoadon, Grk Plolccq CSclhr) @ vnhmily aliloda kifrCcp'e Tmruigdm budror rdb fiEo Sellds @rd@ hfrmrdoo rvitL }{@thg Afi[o @o:Dos ofPrtrQcp EEErtil, irchdirB htrrctlinhcdtottocc in tb Cmcshl ud Tnfu gmp. Solkr $brrldgpr ltd PacifiCqp did aot povido it ary goemsosgq otthcr opadonrl u rercle4 h crohugc ftr thb rtoluonuy smmrt Jollub&roa SvP Ridgelic Bo!ryIIC l, tl 1, lr l. .i), :j , ir .i., t;;'II ii., ri : I i ,t, i, i: l': )t t: I , f ,} i'l :l.i, . t?ll,.i,t ,l l i l. Ill i) FnwrJ,IlHhehu i,l I t. I { I I i I t I I i:. t' 3I 11 : tiIf) l :, . .': ADDEITDT]ML TobeRevtd ' STATION LOAD, IPSSES, ed NET OIITPUT ALL@ATION AIICORIffiI\,i fOR THE CEDAR CREEK WII{D, LLC PROJECTS ftis Addcndm L is h!$ctyrnade apt of, md clarifies c€rtainEms in, fu Povver Pweluse Agrcp.neft baween Ccfu Oe* Wd, LLC rel@ to FTIE PNE od P@e,wp C'Ag€emoft') entered hto ttle }fofufp1y of Decerfrer.20l0. Capitslized tems not defined htrein shall have lhe mcsring sct fqm inthc AgIE€m€ut CedE Crd( Wid, LLC CSell€d) ad koifiCry ale d tirnes :tfEn€d b h€rcin fudividually as a nPailf' u collectivoly as drc Tartieg". Coda Choek S&d, LIrC shall orn a compta of five (naneln Corffie IXll, Fiw Pine, SEep Ridge, NoftPoirq andRdlemake Cmrur) scprde,Idaho snall qttpa AnffittgFacilitics (eadU a 'Cedr Crcek Project' and oollwtivcly, thc 'C€dar Creck Projects') tlr* shae mllcctry udres, a?4.5R45 kV strbstation (Cdar Che* SuMim), and rclabd quiprn€ilq whi& cmnect tre Qrnli&ing Faoilities b th€ Poim of Delivery C'Shffil Immomsctim Facilities') PacifiCorp has agrced to brry (and Sellcr has agr€od to scl[), d the Point of Delivery, Sellot's total enrgr uryrfi net of (l) S€ll€ds stdim service; (2) energy prrovidodby Selloto sro&er Cedar &tr& Projod for stslioo senice; (3) Selleds sbare of tbe tmsfottnatim losses; and (4) Sclleds strrc of the line losses betnreen Selleds Facility ad tho Point of Dctvery (tog€ther Sellds 'stdion Ariliary Lod ard Lossos"). Hornrcveq Sellc ard PacifiCorp agrce &d it is inpossible to mwrre Selleds Stuim Auiliary Id Ed t osses seprse and ryut fiotrt tto St*im Ar$iliary Led erd Looses of tp d€r Ceda Chcck h,ojects. Thercfmc, in or,der to impl€oEtr m objectivq pracficablE ad oquttable prcccss by ufrich PacifiCtrp may q'uhfy cnssr deliv€rtd by Seller to trc Poirt of Delivery (net of iB Statim Asiliary Loa4 d Losses), the Paries do agree as folloun: A. Billing Formulas. PeifiCorp strall denermine Solleds N€t Oqpu in k$/h for pupoem of the Agreement uslrrythe method specified below. l. Definitiurs IWU = Bre nampp}de mfug (alt/a Facility Ceocity Xtafug) of Cedar Creek Plojoc't t Nm = tE sum of all the namspl*eruir€p of Cedr CtE€k Plojects (i = I to 5). PALLT,= the accumulated purchased €n€rg/ fiom Utility Srmlis, as d€t€rminsd at tre Poiut of Dolivuy, to stryply the nst total stmion aDdliary lod d losses fG thc Shard krtercmredm Facilities fo Ce&r Che* Plqiects i = I to 5 ufircver srch tohl load and losscs er(ceeds total generation orsput. I t. I It;I Il l'.it i_r I ii )itI II:t-.t. ri l,.l )il . :1:i ) t'Iri tl It It Ii ,t 4 I t x #{Afi.WfiA 56 [ktetJ'tJGt-fi,tefu PAL& =&c slloc&d sharc of PAllrforPrroject i as determircd by mtrttiplying pALIr byllRi and dividing by NRr. OP; - fon a given haruion imennal, to m*rod orrpfi €ncrgr of @r Clpe,k 11ojed i, as fuermined by"acifiCorp's meter at lhe pofort xfrrc Cedr C}tek nolect i connocts to tb€ Shacd lrterconnccdon Facilities. Fm any imgt d* iri"r'adlfug-wttich any urcrgr is dslivcredto aProjet fimtbc $tarca-Lratqurccdon Facilities, such defiverod €nars/ is accurrulaed in a separate mster rwiser and does not docr@d tlr rcgiffi usod b rnea$rle accumuded Opj. mendrc Opj itby_dfiffiar atwqr gl€ahr fui u eqrnl b zcrrq ud in trs evcri frE rneer rccqr& OPj less thn zero, Qpi shsll bc deemed to equal zcro. C& = &esumofallog G=ltoS). Io' : I ?,gil* tmegqiur tur€rrnal" tp tgt{ qqry delivu€d to thc Point of Detivery(345 kV hIE at Cioshen Substatioa)._N0r ilall be as measurrd d PscifiCcp's mehr neartre Point of Delivery(klh, in l&mine iffir/sb), adjused foriqftansfsrmation losses between tre metsr and tlre Poim of iblir."y. For ur!, irrqqniggirremA tutui8 "ti{-py €D€rSr is delivrcd to rb poifr;f Delivqi ftom PaciflCorp's EBtttD, srrfi de[vaed €ncrgr is mmuldod in a separe iwft r€tsster of the PacifiCorp*m*er and does i'ot aecrement tlre rcgfit15ed tomeo$re ,*,*th* Net Grytr q€rs/. Thcr€fq€ Nor is by &fniticr alvuyogftr eflt c oqul to z€rc ad in the En€tr fte mete( r€cmds ItOt tcss thur re,N0rsball be de@edto qualzerc. NOi tre net cncrgr sold to PacifiCup by C€dar C!e* Pnoject i ering fte imqrmion int€rval. SALLT = the total of all station auxiliary load aod losses for tbe Sharcd Intcrconnoction Facilities fm cedar cLoek proleis 1i = I b 5) uilm Nor is posidvc.- Selq = theallocdedsbarcftrCodarC!€ekptojecti ofSALLt 2. Crtculefrons Calculaisrs qhlll be recmciled ard sefilcd qomrthly. Calculatiqrs sha[ be bas€d Wq, raw dmgaffteged filmspecifid meErs ury:B e E€fiefttg iiqraio idcrval of S, 10, * tb-rirnxes cPacifiCoflr's eloctim to match es meing fi*atlfrqr PrifiCtrp rpssifrLd C'lntegfotioninerslr'). calculciurs shau bo ffiuded o fu nereg kilourm-hour in rhe final *ry. 4L Wn T4l Genefiiottottpnt <= M*n tlwiw t^d oa Losses \pln.fminy imqrciurimenat fte tobl of all Q$ Prqiocr oS[ amcum of ensqgr flnmg S qdgcr"*h'oi€c$ (olr)islessthar uequaltirure-torat stiricr ardliryhaafioross;fGtbe SharcdldmorectimFacilfries, tre Er*rs d&€ PoitrofDeliverywiil uo"rm,rfrrcruudlity $rylids dolirrery of pmhascd @$w, pALLr, to srryply such ndtohl lo6d f,rd lqases in a mffi rqistr lhat is W fiom thd fri* aoormtlad Ntn arA Nm shal rq,rl * o.if regdive, be furcdto cqual_zer,o. The mUtittty fupf,itr" shnll be the utility providng r.Etaitelcctic service d &c Facility (Rocry Morohin Prc). PacifiCqp shal hadrb oHigfrm to serve gy ofthc Ccdar &cet hoiccts'retail clcctic neds afs€ot i seporae wrimr.gnr*E t 57 W,ffigW i i I 1 :i I $nsutJ,IlG:f naPta wih PeifiCorp g1d eco urly with tu perarissim of Selds Utility Sryplic' Nsre of fte ccn associabdwiiitrovisionofruilelect[c servioetosGll€rshallbeb@byPaeiflCsp. (b.t WhenToat Cnn$d@, Ary$ > fuio, Awilw Ind 6d,Lo8ses Wrco, fc any i&rdim irtenllal, tutoEl gurcrdiur of €nqry-amc4g dl Ccdr e€d( PSqf ir grfrA-t d er 6tat sadm aililitry toadma bss€s ta te SUsrcd lrrocomoction Facilities' dmae6 gt trE Pofurt of Delivcry wifi accrmrrlm in a scpualc rqiG PeifiCqp's rooe_iF^of t r toAt cgmbid €nstgr from ali tbc Prdeds (NOQ. The-dtrerence betwm OPr ad ItIOr fc ftd ldn\;lnl (SALLT) iIAUcAea to eaci CedLr Chreek Pioject in proportiur to its gpocratim cHtr (OPj) ii tre saAe iderdhn irrannl o &termine Nq by fu fctrulae: Int SAIIr =[OP1-NO;] utd SALLi = [SALLT] * [OPi/OPr] IhF Nd Ot&[ qy sold by each hi6t i is then determirpd acn NOj = [ OPj - SALLi ] and substifi$ing for SALLi; NOj - NQr[oPi/oPr] B, Lhitrtion of Paci[Corp Purchlrc Llrtilfry. PacifiCorp's total prlchru€ oblig$ionto thc Cedu: Cteck Projects shall C uo timc orceed totai ffigt dclivered by_trc Cdar Choek |q*e to the Point of Iielivery. Therdore in tbe wed &B IrIa of &e Net OIptS €o€l$r (calctildgd a.oomg t" ft6 1rtccding fmulasl fc all lhp Cedr Cltck Prqiece- i8 gttdcrlhm NOt, fi€o Pacifcotp shatl itfrDc catctrtarcd t'ic cttrs @/ t -*t *4 cedr ry rySq po.qP *.h Cedh Qlgk Ptojocds shre of tbe OPr, $reh6d tre tnal- eoqry prrcttrued fi,nn all fte Cedr GEd( Proiecb d th€ Poim of Dclivery by PacifiCcp €quals NOr. g. PrcifiCorp Rtsbt to Ofriet In&e eveat PacifiCorp dcermincs it has underpaid one G mm Codc CriOt froiocr (&rc to ffiiry Grc rr ewiso) m4 as a rcillt of uepaying ooe or morc Codar CIlr* Projectq bas ovErpaid Scller, PaoifiCory qqy adjust-Se[eds fifiEc psJrmlr66Oaco"tdhglyin q,aitoizenrc ryorrerpepcmrccdi,edb)'Sellerinareasmable time. D Conditlon Subroquemt Ttis Adfu&m L was nryptidjoirrtly @onq tr.9** cr!* Project$ ard PacifiCcd and is int€mded by all of tre Cq{ar Cr€* hlrqgts 94 PacifiCorp to bs 6jof ftrc ie$ical bildcral agreeo€mc$ each bcfnrcen PacifiCop srd a Cedr q** rycc't'hr each flarcd to the oftrer. ffurcfor€, in fte wert ore m mue Ccdar CIE* Ploieds do€s not agre to be bord loy thp tenns and cmditions s€t forth in this A&En&Irn L, PacifiCorp_ry8y, fe* Urirty days urtitreo mticc, cancet alt Addeodrm_L agreeruerns Irl the evemt PacifiCtrp cincets Uiis dOaendum L in-accordmce with tbis Sectioo D, PacifiCorp may satisfy its oblig*ion to pay Seller by deposfing when &rc, wi&r an eslfl)\ , ageotd0s€n by IE Cedtr crrdk ruecB ire totat ps)rn€ot due to all Codr CI€ck Projec8_re thcir_rcspective Porer nrohroe egr€msfiq le$i ;ftts (if any) calculfrod bosd rp@ NOr ard tre Cffi Ptice. tBD] 58 #48&5r0.qn DXHIBIT 4.(A) GRIEN TAG ATTESTATION AITID BILL OX' SALE i! r,,., - Csclhr')hmbyrll+tutrruddclirrloP*ffiOorpthoGcaTag CtneludlngdlEutttommlAffbrnce rad eocoTgRryordngBi&ro)rmclod*i6ttcgsoerdoaofN* OtQutuodcrtbPowrMrraAgrcornat(RlocnrrHoBoc4y) bdc,lco Sdlcr and PacitrCup dedt 'l (the'PPl{i), as dcsslbodtclow, bttcrmrfrofoc GoonTgg forcac.h negnvrt hour$stsd. Dofidnqr(rsiodicrtcdbyiddrlcqgltsUzilioo)udbtrircrlcoTagAttoshrioaandBillof Salc rhall hrw tho mcaning rct brth in ths PP.{,. Facility name and location:Fuel Tpe Wfurd Capocity(MW): Mltr Encrgy Admin. ID no.: i#- Dales Operational Date: MWh g€DErElEd Scllor findrcr atGsb, warants and rWrescotg, undcrpenalty of pajury, as folhws: l) b tho tcstof fi! koowledgo,tbc lrsrmrtionpmvidd tsrcin irtruc md conoct li) if cdolo PmifiCotp i! itr ouo od oaty nlo ofthc Groon Trp rnd rr$ciEbd Emfrourcr6lAtrfrubrnMhcin; ui) rbFadlttygnoorOdOr$utbttpresutiadiced$ovqad tv) r rtc batof Solloa'o tnowlcdgs, crcb of&o (Loa Trgp ed Eavlmoeooul Addbunt urocirbd si& tb Frility'r Oqu rc bdlg rold b Euyor. fidf Ctrco Tsg Aotffio ud BIll of Salo corfrnrr ia rpcoduso x,l6 ec PP.4,, Oo trns&r fiom Sclh oP*ifcorpofdlof sdl6'rrirht,dtlorodiuGrlrttuud6tuGrtmraxeCmhdin3omouTrgR.poltry 1 RiELtr aad Boviro@l Ataibubsl $ rct for& rbova tl, I t tt! '1,I,'j II , ,l rl I , I 1il tl i:. :.1,. i ! i It(i ]: I : .t t ,1, I,l r?{t. {.(A) - I Scllcr's Contrst Pcnon: WTTNESS I\{YHAND, a By Its Dde: ltir Atatdm ruy bc dirclorcd by SclktndPtdfiCopto oftcrt ioctrdingtb CcuEftnRcrmto Sohdm, .od ec prbltc udltty ooiunHons t*iag jrrfdOm ovc PaoifCcp, b gubgldato and rui$ thc mmcy ofPaoifCorp'r advtrtiriog ud public comicrtion clrim* rr trtl n in ProifiCorP'c rArcAgng rtd ofrEr Fblia aoumudccirme : j j. i.i .i' I't,l. II! ti. I [: I I i tr:(' t t' :1 . i.t ,:t:. ,1,'+. :tl'I,.,l:,|: IlII II i J Ee.4r(A)-2 uxurB[T 4.7(B) QUALIHEI' REFORTING ENITTY SERVICES AGREEMENT C & Tldastlrvl.t;07l4ll Itis Qualtfod RrpcdngEdy scrvico Agrocmcot (iU, 'egrcr*t') b c06od lnto by ud bctnrcooPraifiCotp(?roifiCmplod CCouilcrpcrt/;hcifiCorpdCountrptyruybcrcftrrcdU iadivirfudly hcmin rs ?u{f ud collocdvcly as ?atlc') u of_- r wittr rcftmncc to thc fr[ou,iqgr WHEREAS, Coueprty rtprcs@ to PrifiCorp &d lt omr m o&cruiro hrg thc rigl(l to all o part of tho non-ur*p rcihfa of tto gocrdio fiom thst ocrtaln cloctrio &oordion Mllty norc pardoululy doscribcd m Exhibit A hcrob (thc 'Fuilit/), or & righr rt pcctilg tho F&.ility irolf cnatfing it to hrvfirlly cator horoioo; ad WIIEREAS, TtG We*ctn Rfis*rbh Bloc{ridty Cco€rdoa lnf,ormdion Sy$.o ("WREGIS') ir a s5dom tncking qumtili!! of twr*ablc cnorgy gEocrdim SFoGred by olmic gGocting fioiliticc in the ncrrc ofthe feduty, are Faailitypururmttof,,REOEi Tru ofUrc ('TCXJ"); rad WHEREAq WnEGIll ru1tus 6d aobFaciltty trvo a dcdged anmcd nce-orUng Edty; ud VIIBREAS, Counruprty irao AooouutltroldctiE WREGIS Edwishcrto rcgiscr&cFrcilfty with WREGIS; rnd VIIEF/i,S,Oouffiryttysilhorbrct fuPacifiCoipbrctaritcWREGEd!fiDcdQdifiodRopordqgErthy ('QRB") br$e Frcility; NOW XIIBRBFORE, in oonsidontioa of tro rrutnl promis kein cofri@ fto Partioe agrcc u frllow; I. I-.finitions: Rules of eonstnraion. t.l lri&11,, alpftilird umr rscd rd ad otbrrrirc ddrd hadn aro dcftrcd in thc iu ftc Opctdirry Rulos or ia Attshmt I Dc&itionr ofthc WRBGIII TOU. :12 nAfflirton uoaor, witt rtspcct b any cntity, ooc,b dly Ctd dircdf r indircctly cototr, ir '" onbollod by, or ic rmdrr comotr oooel uddg nrcft dBlSDdGd Gadty, vith'compt" moaiog &c poesacriou, rlirccdy or indhctln oftb pmr to dhoot nanrgnmoot aod potioioc, sMr ttrou& thc orvnlrshb of wtilg rcart'ticr c by offirct 6 oftGfivisa Nfirifutuding eG fucgoin& ri6 rcrpoot to PoifiCcrp, AiElido rhrll oaly hcludc l,fidAodcu Enqgt Hokfngr Coqary tnd ir dirlst, Trbllyowncd rubridluio* l3 'Brxinao Dayo acalr a dqr of &o wGck o,6cr thm Strdry, Srnday, c a federal hltday. 1.4 'Elcctic Syatm Admity' mcrnr cach ofNERQ WECC, WREGIIS, ea RIO, a rcglonal or n& Ggiood tlIllbility coundl or ar$otl$, ard my otu rinilr cumoi[ mrporub4 orgpizttion or body of rocogdrd rtradtngwithrcspocib thoopcraEionsofdroohctrlc cydan in thc WBCC rcgim. 1.5 gEER(} mcurtto Fodoml EucqgrReplstory Commisioa. 1.6 "Geocrilion Ircrmnscdon Agrccmcrr' ucur ttc qgrccroqrt GDtsEd imo rcpamty hfi+,tctr Counbrparly rnd Iltarcoocctio hovidcr conoquiqg ttc Inbrconnoction Fncilitior. 1,7 Sacillty'isd!fudirthoPrcsmblc. l-8 Tmrponnoction Fasiliticr" neanr all tts frcilitia hnatb4 orb h futillGd, forthc prpocoof fuilGroonaostiqgtc Frility to 6e Syr6tril, includhg olGcEiad tmlrdrdon lincc, rpgrdcq rrrnr$rucr rnrtr asroctabd cqdpqa![ rubatrtio+ rshy aud rwitohing cqdpma, aod nfttycquipramt. 1.9 Tlbrpoaaocdoa P!'o\ddcr' mooe &e FERCrgulrbd c thirod Ser DcpuorGdt of Enorjy onity with whom tho frciltty har oontsr#d fu tUcmmccdon b tb olcstio treormirsioa gid; h &o ovcot Intcroonnostion Ptovidtr it ProifiCorp, PacifiCorp *ould bo tho lntmonnoodo Prrorrtdc opcaing ia ir rqglilcd tasmirsionfiractior, edtrd rr ltc prtyUgb. Exb- 4.?(B) - I t t. I a;l1 i i 'ii' ),i ; t 1 G)'hcludingn mcrli "ircludlqg;wilho$limitltloni r"hohdhg butnotlimibdU'; (h)alltfutoa putiorlr las or fifirtc mm tha law 6 ststutr as rumdcd tron rino b timc; and (0 tho wrd iorn ic lot noccouily crcluoiw. l.2t InErpntation vith ITERC ffian. Erch Prrty con&rcts rnd $all conduct its o,pordonr in a mmrur iotrtrd€d b ooqly wi6 ffiC Ordcr lib. nZ, Sandrdl of Omduot ftr Tranmisdon hronidon, rcquiriug tbr repudon ofietranmirrion and rurpbrt findbn* Morowor, tbPutics acloorvlcdg 6et caoh of TlrnoirsimPmv{dcds aad Imrcomoclionftrovidcdg truroirlonfmptim oftrrtrusmiscim sGrviac on its gy*co in e mamcr irhodcd to aomply wi& IGRC polbior md rcquimocm rchdrg to tho pmviskm of opar- roccr. trErnicaio $nioa Cqffiputy agrcas to omduct bolf od opc're tho fecihty in accordanoc with dlRoquhfinnts ofla%aUrcqulrcmffiofdl ryplicabloElcccloSyrmArthorftics, and rllrc4rilntcoaof the ldcronncctior AgroFmcnfi. l2t,l Cqffipaty 8gr€ot to dcr ho 6c Gmdon htaooonoctim Agraucut with th Imc,rconoction Prwldc. ItoGcsrtimlDEpoonccdotrAtrcqncotrhdlbcercpr&rndficolmdilgoo,&act:tdtbcunr lscofon not bindlngrry@ thc fucrcounocdm Pmryids cTlunnirrioa Providsr, dthflgb bo& arc of'mrs third prty bcoeftisioe hctof, 1.2t2 Ndcrithffiding ary olher ptovirlon ia ttir Aryrcog rcltiqg iDths Gcoffdim InEconnocdon Atlrsrslt,norrrydffa$€lumtbotrra CoUorputyonthowhnd andTrucnittionhmddcror Irc,moctiqr Prorddcr oa tto odlor bo4 rc any allcgod cvd of dofurtt ttuarodcr, ehall elnr or nodify lho Prrdod righ6, dudcr, aod obligdon hcrarnda. Libniso, nothing Ma or connosbd with tGpcrbrrue by PaciffCorp hcrcofrhall afrct or inpair tho riehtr oflDfircomoctio hovida or turmlssion &oddcr,nndcrthclntcroonnmdonfuiooua$oroerrviro. llbAfrccmcmrhrllnotbcipnrlrrdbcrtrtr rny rigle bctwen Cou@y and tho InEwaction Prrovidc q bctcrlcn Cotffirparty nd tto Trmirdohovldor. 1283 Countcpcty eryrcerly rtcogaia thrt, ftr prpo*r hotof thc Ioroomection Pnovidcr ud Tramsir*m Plovidcr croll rball be dcu d to bo a *pralc codty ard s{re coutsrdng perty fion Paalf,Corpwh$borornotfic(lo€(&imllbrcmoaionAgrconoDtis Gercd ifinithtrarcorypcion Prrovidcr or asr Effiie 0s!of. Couforprty oclnowtodglr trt PaoiffCorp, q&g ln ib ncrchet cqaolay funsdon as purchasrhomrnder, lusnompouribitity frrorcodol ovorlitro@r*timPruvi&rq fturdrsion Providcr, ad is not liablo frr my hcrch of agltcncnt or dUy by htrmamcdm Prcvidr or Trmisrlon hrovldcr. NofiHrg ln rHs Agnctncd ftll opqeto dtmldst, lor shslt thfu Agrlcmcst codcrd or Iacrcomssligo Prsvldc q Trumirsion Ptrrddcdr uro, rteotio& or dido$rc of Ooutorputy or Faoitfi lnfrroatioo (inoluding iuforndon wi&in tho roqo of tbb Agrqrd) In omnoadon wlth ProiECotp opcrding in its tnnrmisdm furu*iou, hchding it csryins out of ic obftatfuor and burincs p rdioor u r Brloooing Aubority or rctivitiu undordcn puuat b fu TEitr U. TcrmandTermlnarion. 2,1 Thir Agrwumt rhell bc c&cdvc rryon cxccutim by tho Prrtirn urd :hrll milinue in dest rntit such tincescittcrParty,Worproviding60daysvriucnnoticotothco$orlbty,c&oossbEmimto. Prcifcorp nay iaitiaE aoyrquldorypnoocdia$ itdooos rpryoprlrlo biorrninrtrt[irfuiocrrartprbrbtbo o&etirrcnosrofruah&roifiion. Notnttttstadingtcfrrqeio&(a)Coulrerprtymaytruinrbftir AgtlcNncltr upon tn Grcot of dE&uh by kcifiCorp ffPrcifiCorp doc ad cnrc srrh cvcut of dafutl rttthln l0 days ofwritfin nodao; O) PrciflCorp urey tondmtc tis Agr@ot upo o cr'€ot of d!fu[ by Cofrorpsrtylfcorepsty dpcs nots&&rc,,h ov!trtof&frfiwi6in f0 dayr ofrvriUcnrotioq(o) ProifiCorpoay Eminab ttrls Agrmd iftto Faotlity ffb b mGst tb roSuirtmoB of Scotion 3.1 hsof rnd such fiittno is not ouod wlthia 30 &ys, and (0 Eiefi Party nay tonrinetc tll Agrlcmd ifltrcdiely uFo mtbG b thc or&crifCounerpartyorthoFaoilityfiiltooomplywttLSoodoul2E. TUrAergrrartmryaleobctcrnimtcd as ofu.rviso ra &mhhc,rsln. Itr. ORESeryLcos. 3.1 QBE Ssvices. PacifiOorp will on ltc taas sct ftrth hcroiq rcrre ar e QRB br &c Frcllity so long as ttc Faalllty mcEB ttc rtcffnitim of Rorcnnblo, is wlthin th wErad tounarts of both PacifCorpll Bdeciry A:fthority aod is cquippcd wi0r oith: (l) Trrmnirsioa Pro\ddcr or htmoousadon hovider (u Enh.4.7(B)-3 Otlput Information in a fornat rad iu compliuoc with oy protocoh rftic,h hifrCorp noy ryccifr b Oountcputy, CoUnrcrprty has a oontinuing duty to inncdiely ldry PrcifCorp, iiam wtcn aiygarratioaDab or Ou$ut infonnclon has boca rout inemrrmocccstobcuntftil accurug c couplcc rad to supplyth corcctrd ddaas mon as practioal, butnot herdrrn fivc(5)Busincsslhp trom trc datt Counerpatty discovcn tbatdiscrcpancy in ttrc &faorGr$rut ln&rnatim. 9.7 Y{xBCIilF;. Coumsporty ir aoldy rcsponritrlo fu rhc pe5rncc diroctly b WREGIS of ary rrd all WREGIS frcs md ootts tbat ara rc$drtd to rqistcr Couffipirt/i frrilrty *4, to &cemcil &c Gcmi*orowosrir atrTRBGIS Acorntllolder, conutrearty le rrrpoisoi. tueo'pErfu at.otriounsoisoldrdblr WREdS fecs lncidcc to 6opportiag of Gsnmtor DrtE and Oueot o WnnOtS. i:ourtcrputy and egnoottPrcifoorp rtsllhrvc no ohligubato edvrnoc unnlc pal,moutof-WIiEGIIS ftee or ooEE oa Cornbrputyb bchoH IDm r€qrlcrt by Paaificorp nado ifPeifCori h;s rtccivod ru* r rcqucst ftoD U/REOIS or aay rcgut8tor o,rtiird prty, Coutcrputy$rtlprovirtcPrifiCorp wirh cyidrooo ofprpmt of WRBGIS *cl qu qd$ fiilurc to prrwide ruoh hb:rrdono pacifcop, upon rcquoa, outffiiub eo cwrt of dcftuft under this Agwrcot 3'8 VIBEQIS AccoqE. Cotttttsputy will bo oloty rsponribto b B*c rn ngooods md ngistrtioas md &r atortry imo-any cuc& agroomcurr ttataronooorsrryto cstsblis[ trani&r of Ccrtifiseg airwtty Opopcr Accottub or $tbaocorm of Courtorputy. Col&rp!ily gruas tht ouch unngomcntr Sslt pialudo U_t rya brPacifiCorp b sct ts austodirn of suoh Ccrtifioatog u to bc rccponoiblo in my ruay o hold nrcbCcrtifidcs ia my Aocorut or Subrccotut ofPaclfiCorp or bcar any rtryoiuiUitiry, pogtsd&, obligarioq orri$ of I!6! wittt ro$oct to Ccrtificafies oratod hdd or waod, with rlrpd b m fioility. Cooutorprty actrs\rlodgcs-ttat, punrant to soctiou 11 oftbWngCts TOiJ, aryg&qadon duatM'paciECori, t&rg", a QRE providcc to Wf,EGIIl rhall rcridc in STREOIS snd Corfruputy will hrvo no confipl om rucfr aAattrc odrorthp thUprwidod for rmdsr&e trlREGIS TOt . 3J Oblidag ofPactfiCqm. PacifiCorp stall spocis br Cqrucryorty rfrs prctocols, rGeortiogfrr4raoy, ddfb ft n6, aad comnunio*lon procotr ro reeorttrs &dsdlioo, aorforq 6@cryal: PaoifiCorp shdl tirudy rcportto WREGIS CouuErd.ty [EiarOfr Orrprr ii&rrr&on uspccifed inte mtt cnmot WREGIS Iutcrfrcc Contol Docuramt (ICD). ProifiCup rhalt not uso or dilclorsCounrrprrty gcnercion Do br rny otter purposc rtaa rlporthg dG Dfo to wRE0ls, crccpt rs nay bcrcquhd by laq 8ro hbllc Utilif Comnirrion of Orrcgoa, any offrcr 4 ftdcrd, firrnicipafor dhpgrogul&r or gowrmoubt ad:hority witt jurisdiction ovcr naUfCorp or ay ofitr arscr, oi a ourt of conPotcut jutMiction or as loquired undq tbo tcrmr of ur adstiag agroomcut bctwean tho Pardcs. Pr,ifiCorp sha[ rot usc GcoErdor ormor gtnoraiou DrtB for &y oftcr purpolo. Notwifuardiqg thc forcgoitg PrcifiCorP rhall not bo roryonsiblc fu bandliag; ispslsl lministatbn, turtr, cvidcaao ot or anidcffiinatioa ofCountcrpartyCatificatoowncohiporanyordrcrobtiptionr fu Ccrtificstos of Coumcrpa*yw-ilttogudr Cordfoaor; and Couulorporty drdl borall rroponriblltty fortudr blrilag, asourtrdml'lishdion, cvidooc o[ u roy dctrnirario ofcorntcrficy ccrtrriipoe owsship fra eU o&.n obtiguionr prtainilry b ocrtion and orrncnhip of such Ccrtifiaics. 3.10 Mcesulomcrst 3.10.1 It slcrlhte. Cormapertyau$orhcPadffCorpb n*oring rcrvica oardzdonb prcvide couatcrpar6r'r rrcbr ddr diredy b WREGIS in bc 6rh of ftc uoaoty omauon B&rrt FiIo. Coubrprrty aEtoria PrcifiCorp to gdcr +r. fiom drg Iroina ofMairfurg lb&d in &ddbit ,{" AII suc,td*a Ir qtcidctcd dar wtlch Coumparty has omtcd rnd srbmircdto nclfrCorp, notnturudiag tt* PaciiCorp, rfh thrn Contaparty will gdror it 3.102 Wbolealo Goaqetion AIso Scrvir+ Orr-Sitc Loads. If Cruumrpsrty has my V&olcssle Gcnsradon Also Servitg Oa-Sito Ioads (u defined in futiolc Orc abovc), such Facitity wiU rood b hnrc 6c on.sitc lordgcm,rdion milcrcd (ld ttgis$rcd) rcparrtoly fioartho garennion thc is luppfiedtothc grid, in accordanco with-thc II'REGIIS Opcrating Rnlos. O&oruirc, PacifiCorp witl not rtport any ao mm iucb facility. ff srptrfsdity lNdrt, thry mrst b6 Ep*ifi.d h Exhibit A. 3.103 Erdnatcs. WLcn rercadiagr arc Dot .yrilablc duc o rn& brdvyre frlhne or data thrt igdsrmircd to bc lnrnlld duo o nctor urlfiuotion or oalibrdio c mafigrnaion Gou, b to Gxbntdcancd Uy PtctfcorP b bc sppropride rnd pcroittod prunraut to WREGIS TOU, ncifiCorp wltl, if podbb, rdy ourcedh$ fion roduada nobrs ufiathc ruoh mcEr arc PadfiCorp owacd u aot tfrcr{iags tom rcAunam 8ilr.4{B)-5 i ,: iil "1 A}.IryORINCOMPI,EII OENEA,ANNODATATOPASF'ICIRPORTTIB SEI{DINOOTERRONMIIS,IrlrrRlrrrruL, INAcc{JMTg A}.tD/oR rN@MruxE oere gy pltrrcoRi ro mgdis. ar No E\/EilIT SHALLPACITCORPBB LHBTEFORATIY COMIBaITEX.IIIAIT INCXDEMAL SPBOAL, E gttPtARY, OR OTHER INDIRBCT I,0SS oR DAMA(ES REIIULTII,ICI EROM AITY BRBACH OFTIIIII AGREEI,IEI{T, WIIBXIIM.CAUSEDBYTIIBNEGLI@NCE ORINTETtrIO}iIALACTIONSOF PACXFICORP (AI{DIORITS CONTRACIORS, AGE}itfE, AI,{D ETIPICIYBES), REG.{RDLESS OF WHTIIIERSUCHCLAIMFORDAII,IAOESISBASEDINCONTRACT,IORT,STRICTLIABIUTYOR OITIERWISE. IN }.IO B\trNT S}IAI,L PACXFICCIRP BB TIAEI.B FOR AT.[Y LOSS OR HARM ST'FFERP BY COUNIERPARTY OR A}iIY TIIIRD PARIY DIIB TO ANY ACTION OR INACIION BY PACFICCIRP TAIGI{ IIERBUI.{DBR, TIIAT CAUSES A FACILIIY IO IOSB AI{Y CREDEI$IIAIS, REGISITATIONORQUAI,IHCATIONIJI{DER.IIIERETiIBWABLEBORTFOITO STA}.IDARDORSIII{,AB IrlS, OF AIiIY STATE OR CIIHER JIJRTSDICTIoN. 4.4 PACmCCIRPWIIINOTBBRESPONSIBLEFORAI.IYDAMAGtsIIRESLJLflNGFROM ECONOMIC rrSS, LOSS Or UsB, IOSS OF DATA, I"oSS Op BIISINESS, LOIIS OF FROrrr, I,oSS OF PRODUSNON TA'( CREDITS, I.oSS OF SAYINOS ORAEVEM,IE, LOS$ OF COODWTI& tI|BCIII!y!S Or THIRD PARIIES (trrcLIJDINO CT STOMER,S /r.I.{D SHAREIIOI.DERS OROTIIER EQI'IIY OWNERS), PER,SONAL IMURIBS OR DROPERIY DATTAOBS ST'STAINED BY TIIECOT'NIRPARIY OR A}IY ]IIIRD PARIIES, B\IEX{ IT PACXFICORP IIAS BEE\I NSNNE) BY COITNTERPARTY (ORBJ ANY TIIIRD PARTD oF SUCHDAIIIAGBS. 4.5 PACIN@NP DISCUUMS AI.IY LIABIUTY FOR AND CI)IJNIERPARTY WAI\IES A},IT CX,AIM FOR I.OSS OR DAMAGts REST'LTING I'ROM ERRORS, OT,flISIONS, OR SIIIER INACCTJRACIES IN AIVYPART OF \IREGIEI OR fiIE REPORTS, @RIIHCA]ES OR OTI{M. INFORIyIAIIOI{ COMPILD OR PRODUCED BY ArrlD FROM OR INPLIT I}[TO WREGIS USINC @ITNTtsRPARTr SUPPUED GENERAIION DATA' WHSIIIER OR NOT SUCXI EnRORS, OMIS$ONS- OR INACCURACtsS ARB Dt E IiO ERRONEOUS, IJNIAUTIIFIJI. INCOMPLSIB; ORINACCTIRATE INFORMAIION INPT.IT BY PACXFICORP INTO WREGIS. 4.6 @t NTBR'PARIYHERBYIEI.EAStsS PACIFICORP A].lD A].lY OF rfg SNTRACtrORS,A@{IS, AND BI{PLOYBES FRON,T A}.IY AND AII LIABIIJTT WNH RESPECT IO DAMAGBS OR IMITRIBS INCURRm BY CENERATOR OUITEn AS RELATES TO TIIBFOREGOING, BI(CLI DING AI'IY ARSING AS A REST LT OF TORflOUS AlilD INIEMIONALLY KNO\MNG OR RBCKLESS CONDUCTBYPACIFICORP. 4.7 COTJNTERPIIRIYACKNOWLEDGES ANDAMEES IIIAT, INfiIEEVETiITOFBREASI OPfiIIIi CCI{TRACT OR ANY OIIIERACTION RESI'LTING IN I.OSS irN POrM.rrrET, rcSS OR DAT4AOB TO COUNTERPARIY, THE SOLENBCTI,RIIE TO OENERATORIOS/NERIS TERMITiIATION OF THIS AffiEEMEX{T. 4.t Countcrparty agrecs b dcfro4 idqani&, ad bld humlccs PecifCorp ad ie dircstorq otrs.r+cTploycq, urd agcdr frorr rod reains roy aud dl clrtnr (hcludiry thirdgrqi clairu) carr.$ otroio,- whc&ct h aontest, tort, or try othcr lcgsl thory (lrotdiry strict fi.bility)iAci.nOs; Oinagoe; oo!e;lirbilitior,; Iorscs ard opaucr_Srchvting rcrrurblc uuac5A ftcr rnd Aurt eosr) ofry natirc qi,filoct Er,rftroaloruilin& oiriagortro[ rosuhirgtron, @ihrtsblc!0, ortplabdto CouaniprilylarorUoaD&ou()i4ut ftc rny iuffiracr'-, -,9r, a {"qy ia or ooisin of (t) my D*r, iDfomrdim, or torvico, or (ii) &otmrnisdon or dollrrcry of roy ooq inbmadoa c ccrvio; ory intrnrydoa of ay suoh De, o,ip,[,ffirmadm' or rcndco (rfic&cr.or mt cutcd by PscifiQqp): oi any fiahcU, br1;iD6c" oom-coiEl, s odnsjudgncnt d*isiorl rc( oromirsbn madc byaaypcrroaorcrtity UisoU rpurorrctmAo tho insrrnaiou. 4.9 - IIFrc9 mgstion, Coutrparty rtall havc ro chimr hoorurdrr rphct PrifCorp, o.ting h i!rercftTt-fuotioncaPaoity' wi&-rcapstto loyrcquircomt! imposod byordam4oloa:riod ty (ot*tog*ty caurod by) acts or onrlrsioru of ths Ttgnsnisshn Prrovidcr or tntGlrconncdion Pnovidsr, in onrliion wiO tncGwationlnteccoonootionfurccmcntorotkrviro. Corntorprtyrhrlldefodindcrlnifiadbold Paclf,Corp hrnlosr aenhst aty llabilrty adilng drrc o courdrpofua pcrfomonoo or fiiharo to pcrbrul tndc&c Gcoot{ion htcrconnocdon Agrcanoat Countcrparl/r frihre O obrtaiq orpcrhrm uudcr, tho Gcmcration InEroouoo(on fuitemem, or ito 060 oomaos and obllgdors o, Transnirglou Povtdcr or Intoroomoadon Pr,ovidaris Bot afott! MqiarE Eldr1.(E)-7 l0.l ' CHOICE oF LAW. Tfis Agnomrnt chell bc irhrprttcd end cafrrccd b rpcordmcc vitfi &c trrwr of turqbof0rqon, cxcMingrny cbico of hnrrulcrthrtnrydirccttbrylicdouofthc lffiiofe& jtutldlcdotr 10, Rc8ict'on o Aridnnme. Nci6cr Prrty mry arrltn thir Agmmcot or aryof ib rigbn or ob[grdanl hcrcurd€r withorn tho priorrvritbn cmscril offc ottor hrty, cftic.h oolscot shdl rct bE mcrsoo.bty c,iehfi. Ary purpo&d uftnmcot h vlohtion hcrcof chrll bc votd rb inido. fids Agrccud itrrrg b th! bGocfit of od ir bindingupoulhc hrdco aadlhcir rscpccftrc ![coeaor Ed pctuiood $signs. 10.3 Nodccg. All ncicsr, requcsts, 3@ros or palarffitr rh![ bc madc b frs ddrc$Gt sEt out on trc l.bdccs Br&ibit Nri{coc rcmircd to bc in witilg $all ba &liwsld by !ffi, frcrlnilc or ottor doatmry 6rn l,IotaobyfrminilachrudddivaryrttdlbGdocmdtohrrbccugivourhcnnccivodchrnd dolhsir.d" NoticcbyovcrnigLtusiloroudclhallbcdo6cdbt[rtboaglvcamtcdabdtiml wftlcnccd by tlrc dcllwry roccip. Tte Partics Ely ohrnga ruy of tlr pcrons o whon nodcoe rl ad&crrd, or ttdr addrosscs, by providhg writEn mticc in aooordrncc ufih rhir Scctitn, 10.4 Enffoc Amcmcra Oountotprrb. Ttfu Agrrmcd eo*it*cl tho ca&o sgrtenoat botwco lhc Pardot wi& lospoot to if srfijcct rnro. Thic Agnuat Ery Dot bc 8ruodo{ cbngo4 tnodfiod, or rthd uolcs ruchrdnent,chmgornodiffadim,cdErtirnisitr*rifngadlignsdbybottPrrttos. TltirfuroeuC oay bo occcutcd h ootrnE pGro, inaludog by blcfrcdnllo tromidm, oaph ofwhioh b au osiSitrd d dl of Etichb&enrepthcrcoortitutooncardthosocorfirrlinstuncnt. ItisAgomatcomphtolyaodfitlly uryocrodco a[ otkprior,udcmtmdingsslglcrffi, bdwde lndonl,bcfirrcoutheHcsrcldingto 6s *ubjcd mancrhctof, Ifany provirion of&is Agrccmcd b dalrddO bc invalid, rpid a rrcofrrscrblc by aty coutr of oorpctoot jrriedtcdotr, nrch daamfordon chdl lot halldiq voi4 or mrkc tmforcoablo auy otls pronirion, rgrcmmt or corm:d of thir Agr€Gosra, povidcd thc baric purporcs oftir Agrc0ut6'd rad lhc bcnsfito to th Prtieg sc not lrbchotislly iryairod. 10.t No lVaivcr. Wcfutr EaPatyofaay dcfrult bytrc ofu PrtysMl uot bo oonrtsrnd rs ttrivlrof any&rdcfurlt, nmrlullmy dolaybyaParty iutho cxroirc ofroyrighudGrthie Agnmot tc omcidc!,od ar a wairrr or rplfuryubhnout ttta'oof 10.6 Iurirdlgtion Aqy judiof,El rcion uiring oot of, rcnrldag fiom or ia any way rcldng to &ir Agramcut rhl[ bc brousht only in a c& or frd{al court of Mulhonlh Couryi orqou' In tho cvcd tud judidsl plococdiogpuc hstiarklbyoi&aPuty,ttop'rcrnitingPEtyfisll bEGndthdb rrtrdofig cortr ald orm:d ftcg ircrrrd ia mction wi& ruoh poordlrgs. 10.7 Ir! Tridl wrhrur. TIIE PARTIES BACXI HERBY IRBBVOCABLY WAIVB AIL AIGII To I|RIAL By trURY IN A!.ty ACrrON, IROC@ING OR CI]TTNTERCI"AIL{ ARISINO OUT OF OR REI,/ITIMiIIEREf,O, At\tYGRBEN TAOSORIIIEIRAIiISACIIOiISCONIEII{PLA'IPHREEX EAGI PARIY FURIEER wAMlt AtlY RIGHT TO @NSOLIDAIE AI.IY ACIIONIN VltIIql A IURY TRIALIIASBEENWANEDWIIHA}IYOTIIERACIIONINS'}IICHAJIJRYTRHL&II{NOTBEOR IIAS NOT BBE}.[ SIAIIIED. 10.t No Third Prtv Boncfioieries. Wffi ttc aocption ofTlurninim Pmvider and Inorcmnccim Provider, who a! of,rcsr ttdrd portybcoef,chlcc hercot thirAgrcmentonftrrnorigb vttocvctupon sny pcnon othcr fl r' lbo Pardoo ud sbdl not cetm, or bo trlapr,ebd ar crtatbgi atry stmdrrd of orrc dutyor lirbility to my pcrsotr notsPuty hcrcto. 10.9 Rdstionship oftFc Prrticc. Nothhg c@taircd Lcdn shdl bo con$uod to 0rcsts aa rsrocltioqjoed l&Iler tlllt, or frEffittgi.or"ir@68 a trut orprtsrhtp corrtmg oblfuatinq o lhbility on or with tcgod to aay ore or @re ofthc Pctics. Esoh Prrty lhdl b! ilMdrully rcryonriblc for ltr own covrnr6, obligdinq and lirbilttia undcrthir Agrood. Erfr.aJ@)*:ll INWIII{ESSWHEREOF,ScPndG3 hvcc*e@(t6hAffcma[byttcirrhrlyafioiadrceroc!ffiivrl u ofthc dac firt .bovo wriflGo PacifiCup tCormterpartYl BYr I.IAME: TfILE: BY lilAME: . i TITLE: E$ibitA Faoility aod ClcmcrationDatato bo sontbyQRE For Facility mtcr tho followiqg information: FapilityHmc md Address RcEoncc ID aod MctrNumbcr (Devicc ID) as lisbd on the Mstst $ervico Agrocnront for &c ISO Mstorcd En6ticg (IISAflSOME) Schodulc I IYREGISI ID MetcrPoints : I i iI 1.tii { Bnh.4.(Bf . t2