HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210104Exhibit 18A.pdf# {.:lf t {r1s.f'Ii r& ?-J r"- I v g;.td, 3lf I J$.H *L pF! rr: Str u,*ii';?* #*f#fu*,* Exhibit 18 s TOEL RIVES RECE IVED 20llt}EC l5 [Hll:l+l 1015. C?fd Eqr.rrd, grlle Pq, 8o&., ldCro$m mln 20&3E0.XIX) LLP fd2I)EiE.9(xo iBF.iiO Pi.ilil-:.; uTlLlTlE$ c0httut ls$lcli n*rr.socl.cdn ATTORNEYS AT LAW December 15,20ll PuounpRIIeu" Ilrrvct ON) 3E7-4211 rhall@tool.com BY HAND DELTVERY Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise,lD 83702 Re: CaseNo.ttfie:E.-tf.Ul. Amended Notice of Appeal Ph>-e-tt -o I ll'*' Ll-o€ Dear Jean: Enclosed for filing please find Rocky Mountain Power, the Commission's Staffand Cedar Creek Wind LLC's Motion for Approval oisettlement Stipulation and for Aulhority to Withdraw Applications (l original plus 7 oopies) an{ per or telephone conversation earlier today, SUputation For Settlement and Requests for Approval of Power Purchasc Agreement (l original W exhibits, I copy w/ e:rhibits and 6 copies Wo orhibits) I've also include an extra copies of each. Please conform these copies and retrrn with our runner. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. Best regards, 4{/,(,4// RichardR Hall RRH:ct Enolosure Alasla Caltfornla Colorado 1tffi5t74.t 0085m0{1031 ldeho Minncsola Orcton lJtah Washlntton RECEiVE!i ?0ll t}fC I 5 Al,l ll: lr I ! onlorNAL BEtroRE rlre rDAHo r ffi $"{ffiir g&}lMr ss rorv IN TIIE MATTER OF'THE APPLICATION OT' PACIFICORP IIBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DETENMINATION REGARDING A FIRIVT ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BITWEEN ROCKY MOUMAIN POWER AND CpIDAR CRBEK WIND, LLC (RATTLESNAKE CANYON PROJECT) cAsE NO. PAC-E-ll 4t IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACTFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUMAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (coYoTE HILL PROJECT) cAsE NO. PAC-E-ttoz IN THE IVXATTEN OF THE APPLICATION OF' PACIFICCIRP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A I'IRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (NORTH POINT PROJESI) cAsENO. PAC-F-ll-o3 IN THE MATTER OT TIM APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA N.OCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATTON REGARDING A flRI}T ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEITAR CREEK WIND, LLC (STEEP RITIGE PROJECT) cAsE NO. PAC-E-Il-{14 IN THE MATTER OX'THE APPLICATION OF PACINCORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ['OR A DETTNMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC(FM PrNE PROJECT) CASE NO. PAC.E.II.Os MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTI,EMENT STIPULATION AND FOR AUTHORITY TO WITHDRAW APPLICATIONS COMES NOW Cedar Creek Win( LLC ("Cedar Creek'), Rocky Mountain Power (the "Compony"), and the Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (*StarP'and collectively refened to ag "the Parties'), and hereby move the Commission for an Order approving the Settlement Stipulation ("stiputation') filed herewitb and for auttrority to withdraw the Applications associated with Case Nos. PAC-E-I l-l and PAC-E-I l-04. ThisMotion is based on the following: l. This proceeding concerns dre Commission's review of five qualifuing facilities (*QFs') power purhase agrcements betrveen PacifiCorp and Cedar Creek filed with the Commission in the above captioned cas€s on January 10,201I (the "Original Agreements'). Under the Original Agreements, Cedar Crcek committed to sell, and Rocky Mountain Power committed to buy, all of the energy and capacity from each of Cedar Croek's five wind generating facilities (the "Pmjects'). The Original Agrecments were the result of months of negotiation bctwcen Cedar Creek and Rocky Mountain Power. 2, With a view toward resolving the issues raised in the pending Commision cases (PAC-E-I l-01 tt[ough PAC-E-I I-05), in FERC Docket No, ELI l-59-000, and in ldaho Supreme Court Docket No. 391 34-201 l, reprosentatives of the Parties met on October 20 and 27 , November 16, and December 1,201l, pursuant to IDAPA' to engage in settlement discussions. 3. As a rcsult of the settlement dissussions, the Parties have reached agreement tbat as of at leastDecember 13,2010, CeduCreekhad a"legally enforceableobligation"with Rocky Mountain Power. Accordingly, the Parties respectfully r€quest that tho Commissiort, pursusnt to its authority, (i) appmve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions without material change; (ii) modify its July 27,2011, Order No. 32302 on Reconsideration (such modified order 2 to be referred to herein as the "Amended OrdeC'); and (iii) make such additional findings or take such notice as it deemrs nesessary and appropriate, and approve three of the five Firm Ernrgy Sales Agreements, 8s amended by the Stipulation, namety, the North Point Project (Case No. PAC'E l l-03), the Five Pine Projeot (Case No. PAC-E-l l-05) and the Coyote Hill Projcct (Case No. PAC-E-I t -02).,See IDAPA 3 1.0 1.01.326, 352-354. The Parties also requcst that the Commission grant Rocky Mountain Power the authority to withdraw the Applications for approval associated with the remaining two Origrnal Agrcements in Case No, PAC-E-I l-01 and CaseNo. PAC-E-Il-04. 4. Ifthe Commission approves the Stipulation without materiat modific*ion, Cedar Creek agrees to wittrdraw its ldaho Supreme Court appeal in Docket No. 3913,1-201 1, and the Parties egree to waive any right to file any action authorized by or in connection with the Amended order, or the order isued by FERC in Docket No. El l -59-000, or any appeal ooncerning the matters expressed herein. 5. The Parties agree rhat the Stipulation re,presents a fair, just and reasonable rcsolution of the issues in this pmceeding is in the pubtic interest, and is in accordance with law and applicable regulatory policies. The Parties rccommend that the Commission grant this Motion and approve the Stipularion in ifs entirety, without materiat change or condition. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission issue an Amended Order in CaseNos. PAC-E-Il-01, PAC-E-I l-02, PAC-E-I l-03, PAC-E-I t,04 and PAC-E-Ir-05: l. Approving the Stipulation, in its entircty, without matcrial change or condition; and 3 2, Auhodrlryths Cmprry to ntMnw lu Applicrdm lo CxGNof' PAe{'l l- 0l rndPAGE-Il-04. fl+cmdry r$milod rftdof Doombor 201 l. noduf&nfh lwrr CCrfrrtWbf'l.If By furlrVhp Prldd.d nd OgtEal Cqtod I,iTA a. FwarraaF L.letrlll Ulefic Crrblrr'htr By t6*n*( * ,wxridbA.Src DSly Altge.y0lr-d 4 ilonrotruAl RE{lf l!ir:i-l ?0llDIC l5 Afllt:LZ BEFoRE rHE rDAHo pu#{g{yp{,r,Jllps coMMrssroN iJT! l.il'i Is i.;criii i, I ],i $iti,; IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION RECARDING A HRM ENERCY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCIff MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WINIT, LLC (RATTLESNAKE CANYON PROJECT) cAsE No. PAC-r,'1I .01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A trIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (coYoTE HILL PROJEC',T) cAsE NO. PAC-E ll-02 IN THE MATTER OT TIIE APPLICAfiON OP PACITICORP DBA ROCKY MOUMAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMEI{T BETWEEN R(rcKY MOI'NTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC cAsENo. PAC-E-Il-03 (NORTH POINT IN THE MATTER OT THE APPLICATION OT PACINCORP DBA R(rcKY MOUT{TAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A T'IRI}T ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (STEEP RIDGE PROJECT) CASE NO. PAC.E-II-M IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OT PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (FIVE PINE PROJECT) cAsE NO. PAC-E-ll-0s DSMDB.2g8!XXllvl3D This Stipulation of Settlement and Request for Approval of Power Purchase Agreernents ("stipulation and Request for Approval') is entercd into by and among Cedar Creek Wind, LLC ('Cedar Creek'), Stafffor the Idatro Public Utilities Cornmision (*Sralf), PaeifiCorp dba Rocky Mciuntain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ('Rocky Mountain Powsr" and which may be rcfened to hercin individually as a "Party' and collectively witr Cedar Creek and Staff, the "Parties') in order to rsolve all disputes betwwn or amongthe Panies in, and relafed to, the above-captioned dookets and, in light of such resolution, and ttrc agccments herein, o hereby rcquest that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (tommission") modify its July 27,2}ll Order on Reoonsideration (the "July 27 Ordef) and approve ttrrce of the ffve Firm Energy Sales Agreemcnr as amended by rhis Stipulation and Request for Approval, namely, the North Point Project (Case No. PAC-E-I l{3), the Five Pine hoject (Case No. PAC-E-I l-05) and the Coyote Hill Fmject (Case No. PAC-E-I1-02) (togetlrer, the l'Agreements"). The Agreements arc attached herrto, and incorporated herein by reference, rcspectivety as Exhibit A (North Point Project), Exhibit B (Five Pine Projeot) and Exhibit C (Coyote Hill Project). Rocky Mountain Power, \,vith Cedar Creek's supporq hcreby withdraws the Applications requesting approval of the Firm Encrgy Sale Agreemene forthe Steep Ridge Project (Case No. PAC-E-I l-04) and the Rattlesnake Canyon Project (Case No. PAC:E-I1:01) (togcther, the "Withdrawn Agreements') pumuant to Rulq 68, IDAPA 3l .01.01,068. SUMMARY l. The Parties agree that this Stipulation and Request for Approval represcnts a fair, just ind reasonable rcsolution ofthe issues in this proceeding is in the public intercst, and is in 2 sccodanca with lew and applicable regulatory policies. As firther delineated hersin, the Parties agreo that as of at least Decembel 13,2010, CeAar Creet had a "legally enforceable obligation" .. with Roqky Mountain Poucr. Accordingly, the Parties rcspeotfully request ttrat the Commission, pursuant to its authority, approve the Stipulation and Request for Approval and all of its rcrms and conditions, amend such orders and make such additional findings or take such notice as it deems necessary and appmpriate, and appove the Agreernents. .9ee IDAPA ,352- 354. BACKGROUNI) 2. This proceeding conoerns ttre Commission's review of five qualifying facilities ('QFs') power purchase agreornents between PacifiCorp and Cedar Crcek filed with th6 Commission in ttre above captioned cases on January 10,201I (the "Original Agreements'). Under the Original Agreements, Cedar Creck committed to sell, and Rocky Mountain Power sommitted to buy, all ofthe enerry and capacrty from each of Cedar Crcek's five wind generating facilities (the *Projects'), The Original Agreements were the result of months of negotiation between (bdar Creek and Rocky Mountrain Power. 3, With a view toumrd resolving the issues raised in tho pending Commission cases (PAGE-tl.0lthroughPAc.E.|l-05),inFERcDocketNo.ELll-59-000'andinIdalro Supreme Court DocketNo. 39134-2011, representatives of the Partiesmet on October 20 and27, November 16, and December 1,201l, pursuant to IDAPA, to engEgc in senlement discussions. On the basis of these settlement discussions, the Parties stipulate and agree to fhe following: 3 TERMS OF THE STIPUI"ATION AND RBQUEST rrOR APPROVAL 4. The evidence in the administative record of the above-caprioncd Commission dockets establishes that no later than December 13,2010, Cedar Crpek had committed itself to sell to Rocky Mountain Power the output of the Projects, and Cedar Creek had demonstraled to the satisfaction of Rocky Mounain Porrysr its ability to deliver on its commirncnt. By such {ate, the,n" Crdar Creek had created a tegally enforceable obligation under lhe Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 f'PURPA') and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ('FERC') regulations implernenting PURPA, thereby committing itself to sell, and Rocky. Mountain Power to buy, the output of each of Cedar Crcek's five Projects 5. Bmause Cedar Creek had established a legally enforceabte obtigation no later than December 13,2010, the Parties hereby re.spectfully request that the Commission modis its Juty 27 Order lafind th* Cedar Creek was at the time entitled under PURPA to have ttre Origrnal Agreements approved by the Commission atthe published rates arailable to 10 aMW QFs as were in efrest as of Dccember 13,2010. The Partics agrec and r€quest lhat the Agreemenls as contained in Exhibits n" B, Td C be substituted for the Original Agreements, and such substituted Agreements be approved by the Commission at the avoided cost rates contained in the Original Agreements. 6. The Parties affirm flreir support for such approval togcther with a request that the Commission find that the pyments and terms sst forth underthe Ageements are just and rcasonable, in the public intenest, and prudently incuned orpenses'of Rocky Mountain Power for ralemaking purposes. In addition, the Parties rtqu$t thal the Commission determine that the payments made under the Agreements are subject to the inter-jurisdictional cost allocation agreements in effect bctween PacifiCorp and its retail state jurisdictions (including this Commission, i,s., the "20I0 Pmtocol') ora successor agt€Ement. As identified in tUe Z0lO 4 Protocol, cosB associated with the Agrcements which exceed the oosts pacifiCorp would have otherwise incurred acquiring Comparable Resources, will be assigrred on a situs basis to the St*e approving such contact. The Commission will allow Rocky Mountain Power to reoover the costs associued with the Ag;reements in this proceeding in rdes in Idaho in the went other jurisdictions deny recovery oftheir proportionatE share ofsaid net expenses. 7. cedar creek and Reky Mountain power Egree to modify the orlginal Agreemenls as set hrttl in Exhibits A, B, and C. The Parties agr€e to support such modifications and Commission approval of the Agreements. Forthe avoidance of doubt, in no errent (including upon any assignment or transfer ofthe fureenrents) shall the combined Facility Nameptate Capacity of the Agreements excoed t 33.4 MW. Pur0rcr, in no event strall the sum of ths net output from the Agreements in any given calendar year exceed a cumulative 438,000 megawa$ hours (MWh). In the cvent the srmr of thc nct ouhut from the Agreoments cxceeds 438,000 MWh in any glYen cal€,ndar year, PacifiCorp shall dotermine the numbcr of megawatt hours that exceeded the 438,000 MlV-h calendar year cap by taking the sum of the net output of &e Agreements for the particular calendar year and subtrrcting 438,000 MWh. That amount shall be known as "Cap Inadvertsrt Energy". The Cap Inadvertent Enerry shall be subtracted from the net output of the Coyote Hill Projecg if any such net output exists, prior to calculating payment for the Coyote Hill Project for the December billing period of the pe*icular calendar year. In the event the Cap Inadvertent Energr exceds the net output of the Coyote Hill Project for the December billing period, the net output for the Coyote Hill project for billing purposes for December shall bc zcro, and the rcrnaining Cap Inadvertent Energy shall carryover to subsequent months. A similar calcutation will then be performed in however many subsequcnt months are required until such time as the Cap Inadvertent Energy equals zero. 5 Stiputation and Request for Apprcval shall be made zubject to the provisions of this Stipulation and Request for Approval. g. Cedu Creek and Rocky Mountain Power hereby withdraw the request for approval of the Withdnwn Aglrements. The Parties agee to supPort suoh withdrawals. 10. The Parties further request thal 0rc Commission (l) appnove 0ris Stipulation and Rquest for Appmval, (2) modifi i*July 27 Orderto approve tlre Agreements, and (3) issue such approvals as soon as possible but no later than 14 days afterthis Stipulation and Request for Approval is submitted to the Commission for its rcview. I l. upon issuance of an amended order by the commission approving the d-rrlo+ian owl rtmruar fnr Anarnvnl C.edqr Crcek norees to withdraW itSAgreements and this Stipulation and Request for Approval, Cedar Creek agrees to withdraw Idaho Suprune Court appeal in DocketNo. 3913&2011, and the Parties agree to waive any right to file any action agthorized by or in connection with ttre amended Order or the order issued by FERC in Docket No. EI l-59-000 or any appeal concerning tlre matlefii- exPrcssed herein GENERAL PROVISIONS lZ, 'the Parties agree that this Stipulation and Request for Approval r€prcsents a fair' just and rrasonable resolution of the disputed slaims and positions of the Parties on all issues in tfuis proceeding and that this Stipulation and Requiest for Approval, and all of its terms and oonditions, are fair, just and reasonable, and are consistent with law and appticable regulatory policies. Other than the above referenced positions and any comm€nts or testimony rcquircd by the Commission to be filed in support ofthe approval ofthis Stipulation and Request for Approval, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statementsand positions with respect to the Stipulation and Request for Approval, all 6 negotiations relating to this Stipulation and Request for Approval shall not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceedinf regarding the subject matters of this Stipllation and Request for Approval. Rule 352,IDAPA 13. The Parties subrrit this Stipulation and Request for Approval to the Commission and recommend that the Cornmission approve the Stipulation and Request for Appiroval in its entirety pursuant to Commission Rules 354 and 355, IDAPA 31.01.01. 354-355. Ifrequestod by the Commissiorq the Parties shall support this Stipulation and Request for Approval before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal any portion of this Stipulation and Request for Apprwal or any Order approving the samc or approving the Agrecurcnts, cxcept as expressly provided in Paragraph 14 of this Stipulation and Request for Approval. If this Stipulation andRequest for Approval is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation and Request for Approval, each Party reserves the right to oross-exarnine witresses and put on such case as it deems appropriate to respond fully to the issues present€d, including the right to raise issues that arc incorporated in this Stipulation and Request for Approval. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoptlon of the terms of this Stipulation and ReErest for Approval and the Commission's alrproval of the Agreements. 14. In the event the Commission rejects or materially modifies any part or all of this Stipulation and Request for Apptoval or the Agreements, or imposes any additional matorial conditions on approval of this Stipulation and Request for Appnoval or the Agreements, each Party reserves the right, upon written notise to the Commission and the other Parties to this poceeding, within 3 business dayi of the date of such astion by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation and Reqwst for Approval (including the Agreements). In such oase, no 7 Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stiput*ion and Request for Approval, ard eagh Party shall be entitled to any available means of redress tmder law, inctuding without limitation an appeal to the Idatro Supreme Courl of any order issued by tte Commission in this proceeding, or in further proceedings beforc the Commission, or in a cou( of competent . jurisdiction. 15. No Party shall be bound, bcnefited, or prcjudiced by any position asscrted in the negotiatior of this Stipulation and Request for Approval, except to the extcnt expressly statcd herein. Nor shall this Stipulation and Request for Approval be construed as a waiver of tlrc rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than thoso stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation and Ri:quest for Approval. This Stipulation and Request for Appmval represents a negotiated compromise between the Parties. No Party admits any fault or liability in c,onnection with the negotiations, procecdings of other events associated with ttre Origirnl Agreernents, the Agreernents, the Withdravm Ageements, or ageemenb between Cedar Creet and PacifiCorp regarding transmission for the Projects. Nottring in this Stipulption aod Reques! for Approval is intended to be prccedent regarding any of the matters discussod herein in any othcr judicial or Commission proceeding. 16. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipul*ion and Request for Appro-val are pubject to the Commision's approval of this Stipulation and Request for Approval in acCordance with its terms and conditions. 17. Exccpt as set forth in Paragraph 14, this Stipulation and Request for Approval rcsolves ail is.sues raised by any Party in the captioned dockets, in the FERC Proceeding, and in Cedar Creek's appeal to the ldaho Supreme Court. Each Party, for good and valuable 8 consideration rcceivsd, waives, reteases and discharges the othsr Parties from any and all callses of action, suits, claims' demandq and liabilities wtratsoever in taw or equity, whether heretofote, now or hereaftpr existing or arising of every kind rnd natur€, whether known or unknown with respect to' or arising from, the allegations, facts, circumstances or contentions raised by, known to or rcasonably should have been known to any Party in any proceeding or related activity (including the negotiation andpreparation of the original Agrcements, the Agreements, the Withdrawn Agreements, ttris Stipulation and Request for Approvat, or agreements between Cedar Creek and PacifiCorp regarding transmission for the Projecs) refencd to in this paragraph as of the execution date of this Stipulation and Request for Approval. Nothing in this Stipulation end Request for Approval shall restrict ttrc rights of any Party to pursue any dispute or form of relief necessary to enforce the terms of this Stipulation and Reguest for Approval or arising out of csnduct rclated to. or any evenB in sonnection with, the Parties' performance of the Agreements which occurs after commission approval of the Agreements. 18. The Parties shall renrain fiee to participate in any existing proceeding, or to initiate or pa{icipare in any future proceding, addressing any matter not settled in this Stipulation and Request for Approval, inoh.ded" but not limited to generic ismres concerning QFs' the caloulation of avoided cost$ and any Integrated Resourcc plan (lRp) proceedings. 19' This Stipulation and Request for Approvat may be executed in countcrparts. 9 lorpaorltrlty nrbmillod W &oflhconhor, 201 l. Eodry llrnlrh Bwlr C.fuffiWlrd,l,l.C By SmiorYhcPnddcntrd&orrlCoen$l \h'hdtnlFtA, 9ilf$l^t F [|rLo ltrllc Uflilh Conrsleu 8bB BY th1r*yArrryftrrl r0 PLEASE SEE EXHIBIT A (NORrrr poINT powBR PURCHASE AGREEMENT) IN CASE NO. PAC-E-II-o3 PLEASE SEE EXIIIBIT B (FrlrE prNE powER puRcrrAsE AGREEMENT) IN CASE NO. PAC-8.I1-05 i PLEASE SEE EXHIBIT C (COYOTE EILL POWER PIJRCIIASE AGREEMENT) IN CASE NO. PAC.E.11.O2 POWER PURCIIASE AGREEMENTS IN cAsE NOS. pAC-E-rr-0l (RATTLESNAKE CANyOrg AND PAC-E 11-04 (STEEP RIDGE) WERE WTIIIDRAWN PER STIPULATION ExhibitA North Point Project Power Puchase Agreement W&oc*Ilhd,IIfr1WlPd FOIIERPT'RCEAS IGNMUE{T BENYE{ CEIIAR CREEKWIIYD, LLC rqIS ?ACXAm AdeS ONore hifi nqftct, o W b m MW Whd Tuttu Goerrilhn ftoftct a rmfrlsd, o*5rsem, hffiffi AvailtriU (}rrrame i'r'!' ,t' :ii.l: i{. (D CabAoc*\lWlfi-NortP*t T$lcof0ffir SBCTION 1. SBETION2. SE|CTION 3. SECIION 4. SESIIONS. SECTION 6. SECTIONT. SDISII()Nt. SECTION9.gEgrIoNl0. sEerIoN 11. SECTION12. SECTION 13. SECTION 14. sElcrloN 15. SECTION 16. SE,CIION 17. SEICTION It. SECTION 19. SDCIION20. sEcrIoN 21. sE(crroN22. sErcTION2:1. DEI"IVERY Or POWEB AVAII,ABILITY GUARANTT ..................... I5 PI.JRCIIASEPnICES MOTIVEPORCE .....23 34 35NOTICES... (, Ctdo &eE* Wfnd, Ilfr-tltdtPdt PO}VM,PI'RCEASE AGNEEII'INT ]IIE FOUERPITRCIIASE AGREH\ilEM, daery b NORII{ POINT, ar up b & MTy wind ffigEn€ldimprojcot,€mrcrcdimoftis-th d"y of Deoernba zoit, ii bctrveur Ccde Crtot Winq LLC, a Delawarc limitd lialbility corpy (ttp "Sdht') urd PacifiCorp, an oregon oorporaim edng h it rmrbat fimdo wlty (Trrmcorpl'sdlcr and hidcory rc rcftnmd b collecdvely as thc '?artier' urd individually as a '?rrtyo. NECIIALS .t. Sclhr iffids b coxtrrt, ovnt optrae ad rnaidain a wind fuility, inclding Sdler's fuscme*ion Faoiliticq fqtto gurcratiur of sbctic po$rcr lsabd in l&ho, with an opgmd facility Crycity Rdirry of rp b e mqmrrc as firtlg dmibod in Erhibit A andErIlblt B (Trcl[ty). B Sdhr hrs scorad righe o ddtv€r or6tr fiorn ffB feility to PacifiCcp acmss lb fumcrcmcctiolt and o&cr froilitics as firfu dcscribod in ErhflritB ad Atrcodrno L. C Scllcr imrds to op€ratc ftE facility as a Quali$ing Facility, as srreh enn is defid in Secdm 159 behr, ardb sllNer Oilptro PacifCorp in Idatto. D. Sclkrc*imrcsttrthoarcragesrudl\ef Orytrobe &lhrcrcd rytheF*ilirybPacificcp h 2lt,3w,6w kilowac hours (kwh) (Arnrrgo Annod N.i (}ugof) pursnr to tr ImIiaI Year Emryr Delivery Schodtlc in Sootlm 43.1, whidl anmffi of arcrgr PaoifiCilp will includc in its rcsourcc planning. E Selkr itffiids to soll ed MCup ffis o prrclrasc all frcNet0lpn fimr 0E Fmility in aocodmm wih fto Ems ad ooditftrns offtis Agrwnem F. hifiCcp iffitds o dcsigrr* SellcCs Frcility as a Nctqru* Rosorre for fte purposcs of scrving Network Load. G Tltb Agc€m€ut is a'$&w QF Cutacd'rudcrme hcftfiCorp ImcnJurisdictiml Cost Allocation Rcvired Protmol. H Seller has arduizod Tranmrission Providcr to rcleasc gsncoatlon data m PacifiCorp. If yes, thc authorizdion is attachod as Exhibit E. NOI[, TIiEREFORE tr Puttus mrtully agee ar frlhun SECTION 1. I'ETINTIIONS WhGn usod in tris Agrffircr4 fic blmftrgffirrs Sdl harre the &[on ing rh€efurys: 1.1 *Ar&uft Su@nf *all bo a sr4plcmedto EilftitApnEvidd by &lhr following completion of conseuction of the Facility, acourtrcly dcccribing thc complotod Facility. 12 *Avallebility" maas, for any Billing Pcrid, the rtio, aryr€sscd as a pcroctrtagc, of (x) thc aggrcgato sum of thc firbine.minutcs in which oaoh of thc Wind i i t I ,, l. i:I l) l : |: :IIr il I i '1: il It. ,1, I l { { I 'l ii I : I i ,I ,| { ,, It I 1,! I ]:i', i.,:trt,II ,I[, ;. il t: C,cdg Oeck Wh4 IIfr1Wt Pd. 155 Soller has complied with the seewity rcquireme,n8 of Scc,tion I l. 15.6 Nstrrork Rcsouncc Dcsigration an4 Transmission Service Rcqucs.t. (i) PacifiCorphas roceivod confitmation from the TraasurissionProvidertluttre Facility lusb€ Hgrqrad as aNetnod<Rcsoreod GDPacifierylus rwived cofifidim from the Transrriseion Prrovider&d thctansmission scrvioc rcquosthas bocn grmtcd in sufficient copeotty to mcet or cxc€cd thc tt udrnwn Facility Delivery Rato and the Sslls haspatdall oostr assooialod wifi aay rcquftuncm ofthc tansrission svbc rtquast 16 "Cmnerdal0pelldmlre"nmrsthdao,asdcaigndodbnoffiCorp pursuantto Scction 2.d the Facility first achieves Co,rnmersial Opcrution. l:7 "Conmirdrou"mcarsthcl&hoFublicUtilitiesCommiesion l.t "ConfomingEnolg5r" mcaai ailNctEncrgy orccptNon{onforming Eacrgl 1.9 "Couforutng Energr Purchtre lt{co" memsthe applicablcpricc for Conforming Enorry and capacity, spccifcd in Scction 5.1. l.I0 "Contrrst Ycrr" memg a twclvc (12) mouth pedod commencing at 00:fr) hours Pacifrc Prwailing Timo (PPT) on rrnuary t ina enoiig on z;00 hourg FpT on DccGrnH 31; provids4 howwor, that the ffrst contagt Year shsll commanoc on the Conrmc,toial Operation Dah and ond on the noct sucoeeding Dccqnbor 31, and tho last C;ontract Ycar &all cnd on the Expirdion DaE, unle.ss erlier tcrminated as provided henein. t.ll "Cut{u Wind $pecr!" mans tlrc wind spced atufiich a shtionary wind trbine begns producing Net Enorgy, as speoified by ff,e txtine manufastrrcr and set fodl in ErhtbftA" t.l2 Aglccnront. ollefrult Sccrritf'shall havc thc mcaning ect forth in Scction 112 of {ris l.t3 "Delry Lfuutdetod lhurgol", *I]shy lDrity Mlnhun", 'X)oloy Pertodr, 'Ihlty Price" and "Delay Volumd' shall have trc mcanings set forth in Section 2.5 of this Agwmcut. l.14 Agroemcnt. sltdey $ocurtty" shall have the meaning sct forth in Section I I . I . I of this 1.15 Agrccnaart "Ellectlvc lrato" shsll havc tho meaning sst forth in Seaion 2.1 of this l.16 "Enorgr Ihlivery Schodule" shall havc thc meaning sst forth in Section 4.3 ofthir agr€emcr& l.l7 'Envitumontrt Attributcc" mearu any and all claims, creditq emissions tcductions, offgsts, md alloryanoes, howuoevcr cntitled, assooi*sd wittr ths gcnomtion of Ougut from dre Facility or the avoidance ofths emission of any gas, clrunicaL r otror substanco to thc air, soil or vffi, trat is capabhof bcing mcasurcd, vcrifiod, a calculabd. CetuOukVW ltcl{athk*, wift fGdcrsl or stat6 law, if amlicablc, and O fod€trot or stsb Egctrcie$ or other portics at sugh ptuchacct's discnction, and include reporting rmder Section 160-5(b) of tre Enery ioficy Act of 19V2, or under atry prcryrlt or fiturc domcstic, intcraational, or forcign cnrissions raOing pnogram or re,newable pottfolio standard. lzt "CrovenmGntrl AuttoritS," means any supranatiooaL fedcrEl, statc or otherpolitical srMivisiontbcrcof, ttavingjurisdistion ovcr Scller, PacifiCorp mtlris Agrccmeng including any municipality, toum$ip or county, and any cmity or body exercising orccutive, Iegislative, judicial, rcgulatory or arlrninisffiive fiuptioru of or petaining to govemrncnt, irrcluding any corporation or othcr enrtity owncd or controllcd by any of thc forcgoing l.2g "Ermldour Itfirbrirk" moans anywastc or mhm s$staoce that is lis&d, dcsignstcd orclassified as or &ermincdto be hazardous rmdcr orpreirantto any snvironmenbl law or rcgulation. 1.30 'Inrdvertcmt Encrgf' rmls eaqr dclivered b the Point ofDelivcry d a rate exceeding thc l\[aximum Facility Delivery Ratc on an hour-avoraged basis. Inadvs&nt Enorry is not includod inNctEoergy. l3l 'Indec Pricd', ftr Eh day, shall rirce fu rwigtGd avcragg ofthc arrcnage Pcak ad off-Pcak finn cncrgy r-narkctprioes, as publishcd b$e l*rco*tm*al F.xthmgB 4CE)fuy lM Potw bte Rryfi fo tre Palo Vcndo Iifi fu srch day. Fm Swday and NmCholkbys,tbZ{Iotrlndo(PticosallborusE rhssrcEchallptliCraFlrmOn-kskandFirm OFPeakPriceftrsrndEy,tSrPaloYcrdq inwfii&wcntsrch irdiccsslrallbeuilizodfscrch dap IffuI@irdaroralyrqlacernmofthtinderoeasesbbep$lishod&ringltrotflnof{ris Agrqnqt, PacifiCorp shall sclcct as a rtplaccmor* a substantially cquivalc,nt indcx that afrpr any ppropriatc or neocssary ad.iusfnen6, provides thc most rcasonable substifute for ths index in question. PacifiCorp's selestion shalt be $bjectto Seller's oonscut which Sellar shall not unncasonably withhol4 condition or delay. ln, Tnittrl Yor Enelgr lleltvery Schcdrlc' strall have thc mcaning set forth in Scstion 4.3.t. I30 "llbrmndintrhcilitiC'nmsalhbfroilili€sadarcilhyrq'rhmcrtusodto interoonnect tbc Fscility to thc Syuter& as dsfired in the Crcnerdioq Inbrconocction Agrement 134 "Intbr of Credif mcus an inwmable ctsndby l€fiEr of oredit in o form rcasonably acccptablcto PacifiCorp, naaing PacifiCorp as thc party entitled to dcmand palmant and prM drEtr, rcgrc$s &mnder. Suc& le@r of s€dit shdl be provided by an institrim fr* ig a Unird Sres ofrce ofa cmurcrcial bok or tust compmy orgmired rnd€rflB hrsof'ths Unibd StatssofAmcricsorapoliticalsrbdivisicr trcreo[ wiEr acrcditrdingonib loqg-tcfln scnior rmseqrcd dcbt of u lea*'A'fiioitr stadad & Pow's ad "A2' fomMoody's hveorscnicoq d (unkss otrawisc asted)hsvfogasectsofdleast$10,000,000,000(retof rcscwes). t35 Almmd Prffiorl n'.ngheer" means apeosm mfible o Paciffiup in its rtasonablo judgmcntwho is liccnscd to practice enginccring in the stotc of ldaho, u&o has u*nittgmd€sry.ricttco intheengircringdisciplirrc(s)rotevsrtbthemffiEwithrcWacttowtfdl 5 C€neOwhfnd, UGaofipffi 145 'Netrvork Servlce hovldern nrcurs PacifiCorp Transmission, as a provider of nctq/ork scrvios b PacifiCorp underthe TErifr, 1.46'Non€ouftFahgFaorgf'neansNet Ouryutproduccd by the Facility prior to the Commeruial Opcration Datc. 1.47 "Nol{onfoluing Enerlgr Purchrro Prie" msars thc applicablo pnce for Non-Conforming Encrgy and oapacity, speoificd in Sootion 5.1, 1.48 "Otr-Pcrk Eourl' mcaas atl hours of thc weak tbrt re not On-Pcalc Houm" 1,49 $n-Pcek HouE' moans horus ftom 6:00 am. to 10:00 p.m. pacific Provaiting TimE, Motday tkough Srulday, cxcludiqg Wcstern Electricity Coordiaating Counoil (WECC) and North Amerioan Electric Rcliability Corporation (NERC) holidays. 1.50 "Output Shortft['and *Ou$ut Shortfall Danlgec" shEll havc thc mcaningr set forth in Sestion 4.5 of this Agrrmcrnt l.5l "PecifiCory" is dEfincd in tbc first paragraph ofthis Agreonrent, and excludcs PacifiCorp Tnnsmission. 1,52 "PadfiCorpTnnrmirslon' moms PacifiCorp, an Orrgoncorpor*ion, acting in its intarconnogtior sndtrurmission ffnrction cEpaoity. 1.53 '?hnncd Outrge"mcans an outage of prcdet'rmined duration thstis schadulcd in Sellcr'g Encrgy lhlivcry Sc,hedulc. Boilcr ovcrtauls, trubinc ovcrhauls or inspoctions aretpicalplmnsdonagps.lvlaime$mceOilagFEsrdFmdOr0agssacffiPland Cnages. 154 '?oint of Delivery" mcass &o point of intcrconnwtion bcturcco tho Facility md thc Syser& as speoilied in the Generation Intcrconnccdon Agrccment and in Erttbttb, l.$ "Prenbet'mcans thc rcat propcrty on whiotr thc Facility is or will bc locateE aE rlorE frrlly described on$rhibfr A. |.fi '?rime Rnh" meatrs tlre ratc pcr annum cqual to thc publioly announocd primc raic or rc,fercnce ratc formmmcroial loans to large brsinessos in efbstfrom timc to timo quotod by JPMqgan Chaso & Co. If n JPMoreBn Chasc & Co. pnime rarc is not avdllblc thc ryplicable PrimeRae slullbethe mromcedpirncrde orrefercaccrde forcmcrcial loms ineffectfirrntimctotiflic$Dtod byahnkwitr$10 billion ormorcin assets inNewYorkCity, N.Y., sclcoted by drc Party to whom interest based on the primc rat3 ir bcing paid. LJfI'?mducdmTrrCrcdib'mcmspodfiiattscrcdier&Seqiqr45 oftre Intsmal Rcvenuc Cqdc as itt effect firom time to timc during ftc torm hcreof or sny Bucc,cssor orothcrpmvisionpoviding for afedefial tax wditdctemincd by rcfeureto renewablc elesrtric eprgypmduccd ftromwid rtsoturcsandanyconrolilive $rEta( acAitdctrrrlned by rtfutrrpebftrr{Dblechcfiiceaerrypoeedfifinwildrecousfurr,hictr&cFacilityfucligibla Prodption Tar ChodiB do not inclrde my u credit fuerminod by rcfetwc b irvesEn€nl 7 It,I: xI i, if' i iIt: i ii ll :i Itt; { ,{ I;, I tt ,t ': Cadq oack Yind, llfi-fffit PN 1.69 "frrnlmMon Pruvldcf'mo8n$ PacifiCorp Transmission or I succe$sor, including any rcgional transmission organizatiotr ('RTO'). Lm *Witrd Lolscln'moans thc mcmonanda of wind leasc and reda&'tod wind leases rccordod inthc munty inu,hich the Facility is locrrcd in conrrcctionwi& the dcrrclopmcnt of tho Frility, as tlr w rmy be splsmtmd, ancodd, M, rem4 or rqhodfiomtircto timc. fil "Wind Turthe" nasth tpe of wind nrbirec spocified and more fully describd in Erhtbtt A as such Erhibit A may b€ Wdstcd pursuant to Section 2.2.5. 1.72 "VI{REGIS' mcans the Western Renswable Enerry Ooneration Information System. 1.73 "WBEGIS Ccrtficrte" mcans nCcrtifuaton as dcfincd by WREGIS in the WREGIS OperdingRules. l.?4 'IVBECISI Operrthg Ruler" mcans tho opefiating nrles and rcquircments adoptcd by WREGIS. SECTION2. IERM;COMMERCIALOPERATIONITATE 2,1 This Agreerrant strall become effective after elrccrfiion by both Pardeg srd aftoryproval bythcconrmisoimpursuurtto a final and non-apealabte ordaCEfbAive D&'), trtr&Epriocs h bo paid fo wry ard capecity rejust md rcasn&Q in fto pSlic irtcrcst, andfidtre costs incurcdbyPacifiCorp forprchascs ofcapacityard arqr frora Seller arc logitimarc sripenscs, all of which the Commission will allow PacifiCo,rp to necovcr in ratse in Idatro in the cvent other jrirMictions dcny rccovcry of thir proportionale shar€ of said cxpcnses. thrhs ou{ierEnrinded as pmdrfa herctn, eis.Agr€co€d *all firnain in ctr€ct urililrtptuuilice(2d)amivcrsaryofthc Commrcial OpcrationDats ("Erpilafion lhtd). 22 Tinsisofthcmcuccoflhisapemcat,.ardSdlcr'sabilitybmetccdrin rutruirmsnts priorto thc Commcrtial Opc,rtio,n Datc and to achiwc Commercial Operdion. by trc Scloerlod Cmcmhl Opodur Dm is aitioally iryum. ttrcrenre 221 By tre date trd is four (4) morths prior to tre Sclrodulod Commc,lplal Opcration Date, Scllc shall obtain and providc to PacifiCorp aopics ofa[ gow.nilncnbl pemdu ad a.furizdiurs lisEd in Ddfril C. A22 By the date &s is270 days prior r tho Schoduled Conmercial Opoation D*c, Scllcr shall provido onc hrmdred pcrcont (100e/o) of&e Dolay Scqrity rcquired uodcr Scstion 11.1.1, as applicablc 22.3 the Partics acknowlodgc and Egr€c thd prior to the Effcctive Dde, Sollar G) haspnovidod all information md pad all fccs &e Thnsmiseion hovider rcquires to dcsigratc the Facllity as aNstwort Resource in rcoqdarpowithdroTariff(OAfD; and(ii)trs povidod all infocmaim rcasonably requircd by PacifiCorp to gubrnit a transmission seryicc request for thc Facility to the Transmiscion htoyidcr pursrmt to the Tariff. Witldn l0 days of dre execution of tho Agrpqne,nt PacifiCorp shall arnend tho cument Netwo* Rssourcc 9 MqC>ahVttrd,UfraafiPil firsmct Ell ltrrtr1drmorrb ofConmenial Opcruiur; dra*i* tre ame Won uftfoh sdhrhst ddrcsod tlp cqpcmt sabd in PacifiCorp's rdioc o PaoifiCorp's ruasqrable satis&rfion, as spocifiod in a mtice fiorr PacifiCorp to Sellcr, shall h tre Commercial Qperdim Drc. If Cmrscial Opcrdion is achiurcd d less thar one hffi pcrocm (l 007o) of tlrc creected facility Cqacity Rdirry ard Seller inforrc PacifiCcp trd Scll€r inurds o hingth Fmilityo om hrm&edpcrc!il(1007o)offreeryecbdfadityCryacityR*ir{S SelkrstulNylhPadfiCorywitr a li* of all iarm to bo cmpleod in mdr to ehiwe tre opocted Fecility Cgpacity Rsting: 2,4,1 Tgclmicsl Ercp€rt. ff, and only if, a dieputo pgnrds (D u,eeth€r or not Cornmcrcial Ofdim has boen adliw!{ andor (ii) the dac wben Corure,rrial Operation was achievod, thc Parties may havc such disputc, and only suoh disputc, rcsohrcdpulnrdtottris S€ction 2.4.1 . &ty nr} dirytse wi[ be dacrminod by m ind@eodEnt rc&ical apcrt, silD slnll bE amrnullyacqcpbblc&tdprtywihtrainirqgedapedcnogintro disciplinerclwadtothe mdcrswittrcspcdtoruhi&mchperuoiccallodrpuroprovidcacatificalim,evaluatbnor qpinion(tho'TochtrhilErpod), whioh detumination shall be (X) made (subjccttothe trmns in ttis Section 2a) in aaoodme witt thc Csrsnrction Indu*ry Aftfuaim Rulcs aod Medidm Proce&rcs (Includitrg Prooedues Sr I.argc, Coruploc Consuuction Disputss) ofee AAA, as arno rdcd and effective on Oc;tober l, 20(p (the'Tcchnhat Ilbpub Prudurtr'), notwitr$mding ury dollaramonG ordollar limitctionscoffainodthstnr, and (f) binding upn the Partics. (a) Eiher Party may commencc tho disp[c prcc€ss as to the matcts sct fofih in paragnph 2.4.1, abovg with the Amcrican Arbitration Association fAAA')bynoti$ing fu{AadlhgderPartyinwritfurgCTschnicallrispubNotics) of such Parly's desirc &at ttro disputc bo resolved through a dobrmindion by a Tccbnioal Expcrt. (b) Ttrcddcrminaimshallbcoordr6adbyasoleTechriimlEpcst Ttrc Prties rnay eelect auy mmnlty rcqryhble To&nicsl Bgcrt Iftp PutiCI carmc agrw on a Teohrdcal Fr.pGrt witrin fivc (5) days after tro dr" of fie TccJmicsl DiWft Ndioc, trcn dr AdA's AtiffiimAdministftrslE[scf,dali*andrsrcoflfoE(3)$railabhtodrdcaleuprrurrEcdng eo gnlifiodons s€t forlh in Sstisr 2.4.1 to tre Putic, cach of trtmn shll lrikc onc narrc, md fto remaining pcnon shall bc ryoinrd as 60 Tcc,hnicEl ElSGrt If morc thm om Danc EE sins, eilhc bcmusc w 6 bd lhft;sbarc frited b Eryondto ftB AAA's Artitralion Adninistilor wieinftrc(rdaysaftenrweiv$gtrelbtorbecarsodsbofirPstieshave frllodo*ikcarnc firm llp lic or beousc bofi Partics griko drc same name, tho AAA's Arbimion Adnrinisrdor will chooce the Technical Bcport fiom the rcrnainiry names. If tlc doigndod Te;hical Elp€il shall db bcoqne irrcryableor, umvillingto,crmableb scmeor pro€cedwiththc dstsminstion, a substihtro Tochnical e.pcrt sttall bc appoied in amordmoe with ttp sehdnn poeerre dcscribod sbove ad srh subdiItte Tchnical E+ert shall have all srrch porrcm as if he or slp lus bem originally appointed hcrein. (c) Wihin trirty (30) days oftre rypointncff of8re Tefuical BryErt prurart b the fmgonng sil)€trdon, each Pafy drall s&nitb fre Techdcal Bpert (ad opy fto okPafiy) awrifimrcportcomainiqgi8pocidonwi0rrcspoctto$c distrrr, and rguma$s thercfor togs&cr with snporting doownerrahn ad cabulatims D{mrrcry strall be limibd to Fac,ilitydoamsmadonrcldingbtredirysedmsffia.Wihinsixty(60)dEnsfiornrcoif ofsuoh subnlissions, tr Toctuical Bpcrt "lrall sclsct orp u thc oftror Party's position wi& rcspcct to the disprsd, afifuafcable issues sst forth in Soction 2.4.1 ab,ovc, whaeupon such selcction strall ba a ll ilal / I i. l ii i! ll1,tiiiII 1i II iir ? i i1 II liI I I : : :l t' C*10*aehV'btd,Ilfr -AIa$Pdt bindigg deietuhdion rpon thc Frties furall pnpos tsoofl ILc s6 oftrc Tefuical E pcft, inohding his c hcr fw ad ry, drall bc bE o b t! kty uircrc pcition was ffi shed by &e Te&ni€l ErpGtt ilIhy shtll ofiusi* berits waoryens. If&c T€&nicatEgertftils bttldcradesisisludhinnilrty(90)dEEfiutrrwiptofoadrkrt/s$b,missions,oiftcrPrfiy may,pirbfteTefuriodBrycrt'sfinal dooision, inidds litisdi@, inwlrichoasetrolbchnical Elpert's fual desisiotr slrall not be binding on tte Paties rmlcss othc,mlise agrEgd. L42 A[ vctal adwritacommniuimsbdrvmftoPmlx and isuodc pmpard in conncction wi& this Soction 2.4.1 shill be dccmed ereearcd and connnrnictod in firfusncq ad in tho oonbil, of diryrc soulerncnt md drall be qqqr frrm discon€ry md po&tcdoo, d sh[ ffi bc a&nissiblc in cyidnpc (uiffi as qdmissim or o6creisc) in Ey' titgilfom a oftcr poedingr fu tb resoMon of trc disputc. 2.,43 All dcadlines spocifiad inthis Scction 2.4maybe carEndcd bymutuol agracment of tftc Partics. 2.5 Delav Damams. Scller shall causo tto Faoility to aphiovc Conrmcrcial Opcration on orbdqr thc Schodulcd Csnmcrcial Opcfidon Dda If Commcrpial Opcrdbn ocons aftcrthc Sshduled Commcrcial Opcration Date, Scller shall bB liable to pay PaoifiCorp delay fuiagps frr trc nrurbcr of dayo (Ildry Plriod') fu ttr Cmrrchl Opcdm tb oeotlrB aftcr ttc Sclrofrrlod Cmoial Opadon Ih, rfril fE crlicr mq,unncc oftlr Conncnsid Sclltrdull ndaccrrrerryDelayliquidaedDmagBe aften (i) Sellerhostimely acliwodftc milcstsro in Soaiu 2e3; and G) Scllcr has stisfod all rcgriuncm of Corrnm,ial Opcratim exccpt for one tr morc rtquircm€m in Soctim l;5.6. Billinp md paymcot ftr Delay l^kpidabd DaeaAsc Sall be rm& in aooudarce wih S€dim I l.l. 2.5.1 Dclay Liqui&ed Dmases. Delay Liquided Dsnagos eqnals fro srn of: for,oach day inthe Doley Pcriod, the grcter of (t) teDelay Daily Minimum or (2) the Dclay Prico times tho Dolay Volumo, Where: "Ddry IhiU Mhimum" oqrub (a) fo tF first forty-finc (45) caldr days fo[owing lbs Scncdrdcd CsrynsciEl Opcrukn Due: oc{idi€ft 0 Dmh) of futy- fve dolm ($4O mul&lid by tro ltfarimum Fodtty DelivEry Re rvift thE lvlorimrm faoility Dolivcry Re bcforg measrod h kW; O) e lho fqty-fifrt (4S cahodd aay foUmiiil tr Schodrlod Cuunsahl Opcrd@ De: fte Delay Price tirnos tha Dolay Volunrc. 'Ircky h'lod' Gquals fte pocirivc @ if uy, of tE Irdo( Prho mins llr u,Eidfrd sv€sagp of fu On-kk ffd Off-Pcak rnootly Cornrmry En qS/ Purchesc Priccs; and 'Ilehy Vohre" equals 0rc applicahh Sche&lcd Morlfrly Eaor5, Doliwry divided by thc numbcr of days in that month. 2.5,2 Appopriamess ofDamsgos. Thc Pacios agrcc 6slbe damages PacifiCorpuouldinordpodclayinthFacilityachirniagCommeccidAfrdim morbcfss the Soheduled Commercial Operation Dda would bo difficult or impossiblc to prcdidwifit t2 ir l1 t ii 1iliiji, LI, i l I I {rll:l : t, ! Iia I t i ll I i i 'a i i a I l,I IIi : i: liit, !. ill C.odoWwtu*UfiarahPdt oErtriffy, ad drat &e Delay Li$rided hmagcs art al appmtrie approximdion of $tch daaragce. SECNON 3. REPRESMTTATIONS AITIII IVANRANTIES 3.1 PacifiCorp rtpleccng, cq\romffi, and wands to Scller that: ' 3.1.1 PacifiCorp ir duly organized and validly orieting underthc laws of tho State of Orcgon 3.12 PacifiCorp hrs ttrc rcquisiE corporato po\r€r and authority to entcr iro tris Agrcqncr[ d b pcrfum aooo,rding b ee ums ofihis AgItcTHr[ 3.I3 PacifiCory has takn all corponte actions requfucd to be taken by it to autborizc the:oroortion, delivcry and pcrfcrrarcc ofttis AgrcGmcnt and thc consummatim of the tmsactions contcmplarcd hcrcby. 3.1.4 Subjcct to Commission rpprcd, tho orecution and dclivcry of this egr€c,mcot doos not contavcNre oy provieion ot, or con*itrre a dcfault undcr, amy indmtrt, mortgEge, orohermabrial agr€cm€mtbinding on PacifiCorp or my valid orderof any cortrt, or ery rcgulatory agpocy or odrer body having autrority to which PacifiCory is zubject 3.15 Subjcct to Conunissim approval, this Agrceincnt ig a valid and lcgally binding oblig6ion of PacifiCorp, enfonpesblc spinst PsoifiCorp in accordanco with its terms (exccpt asthc cmforcoabilityoftrisAglccmcotmrybelimihdtyUulsruey,inrotvcncy, bd morduium or similar lenrs aftcting crpdibtr' d&E gcncnally ud larvr rcoisliqgttc a\dhbility ofoquiablotanodiesdoro$astLccnforooabilityofthbAgtmcrrmaybocubjecb gffial ptrpiplcs doquity, vfo& orrct ssh €mforc€ability is oonsidcrod in a prooced&ry at equity or in law). 32 Scllerrpprescnts, covcaEnts, and wamnts to PasifiCorp that: 32,1 Seller is a limitcd liability mmpany duly organizcd urd validly o<isting undotho laws of Dclawarc. 322 Setts has fre rtquisite power and authority to ener into this Agrremcot and has, or will havs at thp d*e of Commcrcial Operaion of ttc Faoility, all rcquisie powcr and urfrrodry to pcrfomr sccoding to thc tcmrs hercot itrcluding all rcquirtd reguleryauthority to malce $ftolesale salcs ftom tlreFacility. g23 $cllcr's shuroholdcrs, directors, and officerg havc taken rll aotious rcquircd to autrorizc the otecution, &livgy md performanae of flris Agrwrncrtr md the consu'nmatrion of ths tusactions conteimplated hcreby. 9.2.4 Thc execution and delivcry of this Agrwmcnt docs not contav€mo any provision of;, or coustitute a default under, any indcntruc, mortgaga, or othor macrial agrccm€Nil binding on $clle,r or my valid ordcr of any court, or any rtgulatory agpnoy or o&cr body having auftoriU to rvhich ScUcr is subjoct l3 enq *ek, YM llE,-.!{ddr Mtw 3.2.5 This Agrcemont is a valid md lega[y binding obligation of Sellcr, cnforccable apinst Selle,r in apcodanc€ with its terms (cxccp as tro cnforccability of this Agtcmcnt may h limitcd tV Uantrnptcy, insolvenoy, bonk moratorium or eimilar laws atrootiag oeditors' righE gmffatly and laws rrstioting tho availability of equitable rcrrodice a,d oroept as th cnforccability ofthis Agrccmfft may bc subjoct to gcneral principles of equity, wtrcthet or not such cnforccability is onsidcrcd in a procccding at cquity or in hur). 325 The Fritity is md $EIl for thc turn offtis Agrcancrr comirnr b be a Qf. Widtin Oirty (30) days aftor thc Efhotive DEtc, Scll€r shall provide thc apploprido QF csdfioation, whic;h may includo a Fcdsral BrcrgrRryulery Conrnisstm df€tificdionto P*ifiCorp. At mytimo thmorftcrfrdPaoifCory hss rca$n to belbve duringfu grr ofddsAgrffittrd ScleCs Snrs as aQF is in qr*ion, hciffCorp trayreqrtrE Scller b pmvids PaoifiCorp wi&auniftcn lcgal opinion from ur domeyin good $andngfrrtpmofldahod ufrohasno eomaniorclaimshbarsooistinornexuswiththe Scllcr ordrc Facility (othuthan in a capacity as counsel providing such rrquested legal opinion), stating tliat tho Faoility is a QF and providing suffrcicnt proof (including mpies of all docruncnts and data as PacifiCorp may re$rst) dcmonctrating thEt S€lls h8s maintsitrd thc Facility as a QF. 3.2.7 Neithcr ths Scllcr nor any of its principal cquity owncns is or has wiftinthcposttuo (2) pars bur ths dcbtor inanybunknrptuyprocccAing, ie unableto pay its bills ia tho odinary cou$e of its busioese, or is the subject of any legal or rcgulatory action, tb regult of u,tich could rcasonably be orpeciled to impair Sollcr's ability to ovm aad opcrate the Facility in accordmco with thG tcmrs of this Agrccment 3.2,8 Seller has not at any t'ue defaulted in my of ib payment obligntions for olectricity purrhascd from PacifiCorp. 32,g Soller is not in default under any of its otrer matcrial agrcemffts that xrould resuh in Sellcr'r failurc to pcrfotm its material obligltions hcrctnrdor. 32.10 Scllc ovms aU right, title md int€rcst in and to the Facility, frec and clcu of all licns and oncumbraces otrer thsr liene urd sncumbrancsr orcctod by or hrough Seller rsldod to &ird-psrty furmoing of the Facility, and Seller (or lts succossm in intorst) will oontinuc to own for tho tcrm of this Agroanent all righ, titlo and intorcst in aod to thc Facility, freemd clcar of all licas and cncumbrEncas othcrthao liens and sncumbranccs rclatd to tfiind-party finaacing of tho Facility. 3.2.1I h entcring into fiis Agroamcnt and thc undcrtaking by Scller of the obligations sct forth hercut, Seller has invcstigdcd and dctcrminsd that it is capablo of pcrforming horcnrndcr amd has not rclicd upon ths advice, expcticncc or ocpcrtisc of PacifiCorp in sonnestion with thc transactions mntcmplatcd by this Agreement 32.12 All gofessionals or cnpcrts including buit not limitcd to, engincors, atornola or acoountants, &et Sollor may have consultcd or rplied on in undcrtnkingthe transactions mntempldcd by this Agrcomcnt havo bccn rolelyftosa of SEllcr. 3.2.13 All lcascs of real propcrty rcquircd for thc opcration of the Facility u tlre pcrformanoe of uy obligations of Seller hercunder oe set fomh and acottruoh do$ribod l4 l tt l i i I, {:l, I ii::i:I; i,I t.iilil t't' ;.Iir i. &.fu &cch Vind, IJClldt Pe in Exh$f C. Upon rpque$ by PacifiCorp, Scllcr ehall provide copioc of ttro Wind L€$or to PacifiCorp. 32.14 All furfonsrtion abqtr thc Facility set fosttr in E$ibit A Erhiblt B, ad Ertibft C has bm v€rified b, Selhred is ammtc b th bcst ofie knorvledgr. 3.3 lfgEg lf*anytimodrftrythis anyPartyot*ainsacfiralknowledge of any cvent or infotuation which would havo causcd any of the repnoscnEions and wamantics inftis Sedim 3to havebour rntaially uuruo omislcdingnficn nadc, qrefrPuty shall povidc thc other Party wittr wriuen notise of drc wc,lrt or informdion, Se r€prcsomadons ad rvanuties aGct€4 mdthcacdoo,ifany,uihich srchPgty inudstobkcb mr&cfuttptssemdmsmdurrrrantiestrEsdoorrcct Tbnoticoroquirodprtsuanttodris Sostio shil bc girqrs mqr as gaaicatfu affertc ocqrrcrcs of@h srch cl/c!il. SECIION 4. IIELIYERY OF BOWER; AVAII"ABILITY GUARANTY 4,1 tldivcrystdAooseoedNcOr#s.&rccptfusnyortailrotrycifedtr Secdon 63, unlcs ottcrwlse povidd hcrcin, PaoifiCorp will ptmhaso and Sellcr will scll dl N€t Outrut ftom thc Facility. 42 No Salcs to Third Pailics. During thc tcmr of 6is Agncmcnt, Scller shall not ecll any Nct Onput from the Faoilityto any 6tity othc than PrcifiCorp. 43 EnBrg[Ddivery Schse&. Soller strall prcput ard pioyido to P*oifiCcp, m m ongoing basis, a \rritEn scledulc ofNa Brcrgr Grrycotd to be dclivcrcd by &e Facility ('Enemt Dettrcry $c,Ledulo')' in aooodance wi& eo following: 4.3.1 Dtring ltrc fir$twtlvc firll cdda rnordrs follorringrhc Cornrrercial Opoation Datc, Sollcr predict tbc the Facility will pmduca aod dcliver the followlng monthly amountr ('Initial Yolr Enorgr Ddtvery Schcduh'): I4ssg January Febnrary Ivlart,h Apnl lvlay June July August S@mber Octobcr November Deccmbct TOTAL: Avereqs kW a2.63 25,tyg 25,953 24,n2 23,W2 22,696 20,199 21,372 ?2,0L1 23Je6 2?,776 27,fig 24,139 Enerqvlleliycrv (kWh) 1E,051,745 L7,54,,996 te3092w 17880,074 l?,157,781 16J4O,833 15,028,171 t59W,692 15,84t,151 t7;t03,946 19,99t,8t3 20,5E5,940 211,3w,ffi 15 Cdq*aekVhdIlHWtW 432 Scllcr may rwisc the hritiat Yeor Encrgy Delivery Seiedule anytimo pior to thc Corume,rcid'Ope,r$iur Dde. 43 3 Bogimirq c te cmd oftrc nirrh ftll calcndu mlh of opcratio, md d ftc endofctcryfihdrrcffitcrcaftcr, SdkrehllnpplcmcmtcEncryDsliverySdrodrlcwieftre dditionsl nrds of ftnrrmrd Gsima (u,tidr {rsll bo ameodod b tris agflorrrd uctng t[8 fu ry*ifid in EfiiltrI D) (tubcoqucnt fffrgr Dcfittry S.bdubr), slfi td tp Encrgt Ddiwry S&oddswillFuyidedkasducermdrsofsdro&rlcdcncrrycdimesataltirnco. Sdlcrstull povido Suheqrem EqelryDdiycry Scio&rlos no le ftm 5O0 p PPT oftc sft day afttt fie drcdrc.If Sdls&csmpovidcaSubso$.rcrr[Encrg/thliv€ryschoduhbyftcabovc&adlfoc, sclndftd mgl fu lb omilted period drall equl trc moums r.todrLod by Solla for fto same tirpnronth p€dod duing ft o pnovious yoar. 434 LIpon ard &tte Coramercial OperctionDm, Scllermayno lmgBr EvfoF fu En€rS/ Delivtry Sdedtlc fu fre ffEt sb( firll cal* rnufts of Cormcndal Opertiot" Afu 5O0 pm PPT oflhc fift hsirrcss day blhwing thc cnd oftlrc &ird ftll c&ndatmnth of Cmmcmful Opaadm mdftc end ofadltid cakndurrcrft ftpmdr, Sellamayno lqr$r G,ytsfuFrergrDelivcrySchdulGfrrftedxcaleofurnudrsirmcdirelyfrllordng$chtrirdMtL SUW b fu furgoiry rcOlcdons in ftis Socti@ a34, $elkr may twisc fu EESr Delivery Sche&le for any urtsffo*ed md by povidingudh rdice b PacifiCorp. Fsihrc b frcvido trrely wdffii notiw of c.huryed amorts will bo dstrod b bo u doction ofm olmgE. 44 Minioum AvailabilityObligntion. Seller stufl causethe Facilityto achisvcrn Arnilatility ofd lcas 85% driDg trfr rrcifi (sugrnbed Anlhbilfit,r). 45 Liquidatcd Darnaqcs for OrFut Shorfall. If thc Availability in any givcn moqth ftlls below the Guarantced Availabilitn ttrc reeulting Sortfall shall ba orprossod in kWh as tho'0ltput thordall" Tho Output Shortfall shall bc calculcod in aocordancc wifr tho following formula: Ou$ut thortftll= (GrardAvaihbility - Avaihbility) i Sdree&d Modrp En€rgl Delivery Sella shall pay PsifiCorp for rry O&r Shorell d 6e lowr of (l) fte pooitivo diftrtope if myr of &e lndor Price minus {re wiShbd av€ragp of drc OrrPook d Otr-Poak modly ConfrnnfuU Encrgy Prlrchao Prioes; a (2) tfue uroigled affigp of&e OrPcak md Off-Beak rdy CmOuniry nncrsr Pur&s Prtps C1hhut ffill Dam4!s'). Output $hotr&IlDrm4a = Omt Shoffhll * Oryt Shor6ll Piicc rillhe: Ou@tShorthllPrhe= (IrrdorPrioa-WoigbdAvsagp CEPP),cxcryt thm ifottgut Shordall Prioe <0, &cn &rput Shor&ll Price:0, and cxceptthat if Or@ut Shorthll Pricc > Weight€d Avcage CEPP, ffrcn Ouput Shor{all Prico = Wei3htcd Averago CEPP Wdghtcd Average CEPP = the Wcightcd Average On-Poakand Off-Pcak 15 Ccb CrEck V'ud, IlC-tloth PM Conforming Enerry Purchasc hicee fot the month of Oulput Shorrfiill If an Outptrt Storfall oscult in any givcn mondq Scller may owe PacifiCorp liqui&rcd damages, Fach Party sErees and acknowledgss that (a) tho damagos thc facifiCorp would inorn duo to ftc Fscility's failun to achieve the Guranteed Availability would bedifficult or impossible to prcdictwi& c€rtainty, and O) the liquidmcd damages ooritemptated in thig Section 4.5 are a frir urd rcasoruble calculaion of srch dmages. 4.6 Audit Rishts. h addition to dara p,rovided rmder Sections 93 and 9.4, PaoifiCorp shall have the righq but not thc oblignion, to urditthc Faoilitys compliauce with itr Guarantced Availability using any roasonablc mcthods. Scller agrom to rrltain alt pcrfomance relrtcd dcb for tho Facility for a minimum of lhree lears, and to cooperatc widr PacifiCorp in the wcat PacifiCorp dccides to audit such datr. 4.7 Trutefcr of Titlo to Glccn Tars: Irocumemtation of Grwn TasB Tr8nsftis. For a period of ten (I0) pars from the Commcrcial Opcration Datc, Seller shall have titlc to thc Gteen Tags imnodincly upon tho gencation of {rc Ouput at the Facility that givos risc ro such Gryq Tags._$th enth (101 armivcreary of tre Commercial Operetioa Dde throudl and including tho Expiration Date, PacifiCorp shall hrye ti{o to the Green Tags inmediatciy lpon ft€ gmcrtion of the Ouptfi at thc Facility that givcs risc to such Grsc,n Tagg. Eactr Party shsll erssuto all addidonal documcnts and insfimcnts roasoniblyroquestcd by tho orthcr Puty in ordcn to frrthcr dosumcnt the ownership of tha Grcen Tagr during tre rqcpectivc Party's ormership. Without limiting tho gs,nerality of the foregoing,-scllcr shall, m or beforc flre l0th day of cach month during which PacifiCorp has owncrship righb to thc Grcen Tags, delivcrto PacifiCorp a Crree,n Tap Afiestation and Bill of Sale (in the firm sttachcd as Erhibia {7(A)) for all Gtlesn Tags dclivcned to PaciftCorp honeundar in the preceaUg month, along witr auyvcrificationthstis in conformance with thc thcn qrncnt ccmter for Rosourcc Solution's crrcen-e prcgram, or eny succcssor prcgnm, the party having ownmhip of the Cire€n Ta$ at the timc (the *Grcon Tag Ownerl, at its own cost and expmso, slull rcgistcrwifiu pay all fees roquircd bn and comply with, atlrqortingand othcr requircments of WREGIS relating to thc Facility or fuen Tagp. Iho Seflcr shEl effiurc that tro Facility will pafticipatc in and comply with, during thc Tctm, all aspocts of WREGIS. Ihc Grpsn Tag Orrner shall bc rcsponsiblc for uy costs clrargcd by the qualificd rcporting cntity fortre Eacility to partioipar in and comply with, during thc Tc,mr, atl aspccfr of wREGIs. Thc Gren Tag ovmcr shall, at its colo cxpense, urc wRE(iIS as rcquircd purwant to the WREGIS Operadng Rules, including brr not limited to thosc nrles rclatcd to effecffadng the eansfor of WREGIS Cemiffcatcs and tansf€ming zuch WREGIS Certificatcs in accordaoce widr WREGIS reporting protocols and WRECIS Opcrating Rules and as requircd undcr this fure€metrt. Seller may oi&er eloot to eirtcr into a Qrralifird Reporting Entity sewices Agreourcnt witr PaoifiCorp in a form similar to &st in !"tttit 1.7(B) or elect to act as its orm WREGIS{eEnsd Qualifred Reporting Emity. Seltor shall upon written request from PacifiCorp provi& copioe of all dosumentation submittld to WREGIS in cormoction with ths Faoilrty. Further, upon notification by VIREGIS or CAJVID thc any transfers of Grccn Tags contoplated by this Agreement havc not bem recorded, the Partice shall prcruply coopcrate in t-tiqg Ell rcasonable astions nocessary so that suoh tansfers om bo recorded. Sellcr shall at iE cxpenw causc the Faoilityto mainain ie registation in good standing with thc Ccnbr for Rcsor,uoc $olution's Grecn.c progrsn, or t7 I :| Cefu Cruk Vlrtd, Ill--Ndh Pel aoy suaocssor prrogram, throughout thc Term; providcd, however thd each Party shall (a) not ake aay aption (other tran the provisioa of truthfirl information) to impair tho Facllity's good otanding with suc&program and (b) shr[ pr,ovido suoh infomdion as isreasonably requestod to msintain suoh rcgistation. Thc Partics shs[ rcasonabty oooPcrats in any regisUation of dro Faoility in thc rcnourable po,rtfolio ctandard or equivalont progntn in all. g;Eh furthcr sbtcs md prcgrams inwhich drc Pacics maywish to rcgtctcr or maintaincd registcncd thc Facility by providing copics of all suoh information as reasonably roquired for zuoh registration. Neithcr Pa*y rcprrosonts or warrarE that thc GrEm Tap oan be usod for 8ny pqrpose. 'lle hrtios qc;knowlcdgc tbat thc Grccn Ta,S may be subject to action by GovemmcnAl Ar{lrcity and ncithcr Party is tiable to tho other Pgrty for action takc'n by a GovemmcntalAuthorityinconnoctionwiftths GrG€nTagpthat ig notruultof abreachof this Agreemern SECIIOT{s. PUNCE,ASEPRICtsS 5.1 Bncrgy Purchasc Pricc. E:(oAt as prwidcd in Section 5.3, PacifiCorp will pay Scller Confotmiug fuctgy Purchose hices or Non{onfonning Eo€rgy Purchasc Prices, as rpplicable, for Ngt Orput adjusted for ths mon0r ad On-P€ak Hous or Off-Pcak Houns and the wind intcgration cost using th following formulac: ConformilgEaergrhrrchacehlce =(AR.o*IvOM)-Wrc Non{onformlry Ercr1gr Purcharc Prlos= (ARaa t MPM) - WIC Whcre: ARc Coafoming Energy annual rat! ftom Tablc 1, bclow, forthc ycar oftheNet O,uQut tlvloweroJ 85% of thc Conforming Encrgr annual rato from Tablc I bclow, fortho yoar ofNot OutPut 07 E5olo of avcragp of thc daily Indear Price for each day of tte month, or portion of montlu of Not Oubut monthlyOn-Pqkor Otr-Poak multiplie from Tablc 2 bclow, tlut cmresponds to thc montr ofttre Not Ouput and whether &c Nct Ortrut ocouned during On-Peak llours or Off-Poak Hours. AeE wlc $6.504{Wh, thc wind intrgr*ion cost prcscribod in Cornmission Onder No. 3 1021, j :I a :1t t, I it l li ,l MPM I pranpb cirhuldms ae povidcd h Etrhhft G. Trtrh 1: Coufuming EHgr Anmd Rfr l8 Ccb &ekWM,IIC-NortPdt 1. ti tl i:,'1 I il i:ii:l ,i i i:! .r ;: l a. .: ': : l: l lItI |, I i, : I I i, Ysrr ConforuhgEncr1y AnnualBrtG(AR") $/MWh t[2 63-ln 67.s| 2t 7t32 2t 5 75-fi 20 6 Tt-76)l tl7 80-07 2018 82.58 2t I9 85.05 2TD-O 87.6r o.1 90.63 2t t2 93.78)Ma 97-0s 2t24 IAOAA 2025 103.98 2(26 r06.9t 2tr27 Ilo07 20r2*113.26 2ff19 116.55 2t o 119.95 ?ml l?A.sl 20i2 I2t.50 132.il 2034 t36.y2 Tal&2:IlfffifW Mon&On-Psrk Eourl Ofi-Pckllonrr Januenr to!o/n 9*o/n Felmranr t0:io/6 1fl./- lralch ffi'/. ADIiI 76Y" L{av 630/o func Itloa 650/o Julv l21o/n 92o/n .A.ucrrst t2'o/o lo6ea Scxcmhcr to oa qfioa Octobcr llSa/a 105% Nmrembcr llfft g60/" Deccmbor t2 lVo tztrA 52 Paynemt Fm ea& Billing pcriod in csch corfird Ya, kcificap e[ pay scllerre frllorm: Fa doliwry of Cortmring encqgn l9 Codt Cr%k Wrd, Ilf,-lWt Pdt p&dm fmgftrg vEodtr, uhich cdffi ad wlrdor nuy cfrugr dringth ffi offrb (\AgFccf,ncnt 82 Scllcr'sForccast-Cost Sharc. hrsnntto Conrmission fficrNo. 30{;n, Ssller sbll bc rcryosible fu 5trlo ofPacifiCorp's coot of adding Erh foocasirg senriocs ftcUenrr Forccert{oct Shene) up to Scller's Capped Fortoast4wt Slure. l &3 Canur Soller'g Folw$€os Slurc, Scllcds Freoast{octShzefuragivar Contract Ycar is coppod d 0.1% of total psyncnts made by PacifiCorp b Sellcr forNet O4lut dring &e prwiotrs Contant Year ('Selhr'r Cappcd Forud{at Shtre} If tte last Conuwt Year of tris Agf€Gmsnt is shorterthan a full celendar 1cr, tho cry will bo prroratod for trc shormod yec. For fro )ear($ fitr to tre scoold Cortrrt Ycr of tris rgrtcmctr thd eqrnls afiill calcoduyer, Sdkr's Fwca${oot ShEc is cqd d O1% ofcsimedpylffi for Nct Ougut bassd on thc EasrgyDolivcry Sc'hsdulc. . E4 Pay.msrt, Seltcr shEll payto PacifiCorrp Sellcr's Forecast'Cost Sharc uncappod by Seotion E.3 for aach Contact Ycar in cqual paynrctils for cEch month of ruch ycar orccpt tno hst month of suctr ycar. (Eor cxmrple, in a Contrrst Ycar cqualiTq a full calcndar ycrr, Scller would pay l/11& of Scllen's Fmst{o* S,ha! dlring €ach oflb fts I I rffis.)httrhrtnrodrofcadrCorilractYer,PrifiCcpstrdllafi'urdo Sellcrlhemourilpaid by Sellcrundertis Sction in orceso, if ary, of Scllcr's Cappod Forccast€oct Sharc. For a Contact Ycar byjust one catcndarmondr, $oller's palmentto PacifiCory ud PaolfiCorp's refrmd O Seller ehall bo calculatcd and paid simultmcously. To thc Gxtcnt practicabie, paymsnts ErdEfirndsundo&isscctinstlallboircluddinrnmftlypglrruGmd invoicesurfuSedion I0. SECIION 9. TIETERING: REPORTS AITIID REC.,ORITS 9.1 Mctsing Adiusrocnt M€tEring will be perfomrod * the location specified in EttribttB and inthemrurcr spccified inthe GensratorlnterconnoctionAgrccmcot All quautitios of cnergr purchascd hcrcun&r shall bc adjustod in accordanco with AddGnqmr L, so trattrc pnctuscA amornt r€ffsce 6e nct amotrofpoum flo\iling ilrb 6c $eD dttc Pointof Delivery.l 92 lvtming EroB. If my inryections G ffi made pulslsot b fu Gerudtr Interpormegtion Agrcemcnt discloses an erfir cxceedingtwo percont (2%), eithcrfastor. slow, proper conpotiot\ bascd upon tho inaccuracy forur{ shsll bo mrdo of ptevious rcadings for tho acfiral pcriod dtning wfiich ttre mering equipment rcnd€rcd insocrtratc mcasurcmcnts if flret paiod canbc a*ertatned.IftF acfiralp€dod caurotbc asceltainod,lhc proper omctim sha[ bG nndc b thc rncasltnrcms trkur &ning &c tirc fu rnceing o+&nsut uns in scnlcc sirp lEEt tcst€{ brut not cxcccding throc Billlng Puiodq in thc asrount thc m€tgriry oquipmcntshallhavebcqrshvmtobcincnorbysrdmr Anyoontcimhbi[ingE apslm€ilts tcsutting Aoru aontctim intc m*rrccords stlall bG nadc in tF nCI( modtb tri[ing o pqrunt rcndcrcd. t Eoaioa scrvloo Is erplbd r& scpnoo frd[to+ neffiCcp uill dcdrs stdbn rcnicc fitqr 6o nctlltd tr[ty orIput b othuhE Nct output tI i I I I ttt II II I II,ll,1 I1l i,:i' I ! 1l ! tr {, i ,l .,'i ) iI 1, ;r , i t,II I : 24 , *CrcckVTnd,IlfraWtPet ThoRi*Policywillbernaintaircd in rccordarcowithtcrms available in tho in$rancc markct for simih,r facilities. lti} IhcCommcrrcial GsmlLiabiligpolicyrcqdrodhadnshall itphdc G) tfovisims or €r{hncmcnb naning PacifiCsp, its Bodd of Dirt6ru, Offioas ud qlopcs as additional insured& md (D croes liability covcrage so thrt the insuranoe applics s€psratclyto eacb irmrndagrirstui&mchtnisnradecsdtirbmugft,wen in infirccsuilse oocinsrcdcleimh against or $rco anofrer insurcd. l4A AU liabiliff poli,cics rcquir€d by this Agrcement shsll inchrde prcvisioru that suoh insurance is primry in$rece wi& Eqpoct b frc intcrwts ofPrifiCorp md lhc any otlpr in$$ance rnaintainsd by PaoifiCorp is excoss and not contributory ingurance with th inruranco requircd trcmrnder,-ad p,ovlslons thc suci policies drall rrot be carmlod or tlpir limiE of linbilityrcdmdwiecnx(|ur(10)hrsirEssdryspimsdennoticobPacifCorpifcecdd fornonpaymcat of ptrruium, or (ii) thirty (30) bucinces dayr prior wtithn notice to PacifiCorp if oancolsd for anyo0rer neaso& 14,5 Comrncrpial Ccncrsl Liab'ility imrnmecoovcraScprovidcdona "claims.mado" basis shdl bc moinuinod by Scllor for aminimum Friod of five (5) years aftar &e compl*im of6isAgrrcurcntudfursr.hdrskngfroftimcntressarytocov€rliabililicsilising ot offto ectivitics wdlr tds Agrscmcnt SECTION 15. FORCE MAIIEIJNE I 5.1 As ud in this Agrecurent, "X'orce llfiaje,urc" or "rn erent of Force MtJeurr" mcsns any oarurc bcyond tre rcaeonablc contnol of,thc Sellcr or of PaoifiCorp $rhiclt dc*irc fte cxsrcicc of&lo diligcoc€, sdl Pdty is una& to ftrc$t or olaconr. By way of cxarrplg Forco tvlajcure rray inctudc brf is not limitpd to soB of fu, floo4 storml, rilus, hostilitics, civil sift, suiklsr md oiltEr labordisrM' cafiquakcs' fttts' ltSming +idcmics,sabdgp,tGsfraidby courtor&oroftcrdolaymfrilrreintbopcrfonnmcas artsult of ary actim or inastion on bohalf of a publio adtrority which is in cach case (i) bcpnd the rcasonobte consolof suoh Party, (ii) byec cxcrcise of reasonablo fortsight srctr partycouH not rcasonably have beclr crscsted to avoitl and (iii) by the errc,!,cise of due diligcncc, ruch Party shsll bo unable to prwcnt c ovcnromo Fqre ll{tnnc, trowcvcr, spccmcaly orch& the cos cr erailability of fuol or motivo forpe o opafre the Faoility or chmges in oadcst mnditions tld afrctthe pricc of encryy ortransnisshm. If eilherPrty is rarderrd utolly m inpart unable b pcrform its obliggion undcr tris Agrwrt bocausc of m erffi of Forlo Mqicurc, botr Putics $all bc grrcusd &,om wtratwcr pcrformancc is a,ffogtpd by the worrt of Forcc Majeurg provided that: 15.1.1 llp rpn+crfomring Pcty, drall, c sour as pracidh hf no h &rt wilhin t$D (2) urcd$ dcr&o ocflMEG of thc Forcc Majeirc, give thc other Party writt€n noticc dcocribing&c particulus ofths occumucc, inohdingtho start daE oftlp Force lvtrajcure, ttc caure of Forre lvlajeurc, u,herfuFodlitymoainspdallyopcdimalrd tteapecbd€ndde oftbForccMajeu,c; 15,t2 the srpensim ofpcrfrrarancc shsll bc of no gtffi scope and ofno lonfr duration tbrn is requirod by the Forpe Mdcurre; 32 W&ekVta4IlElWtPd IsJi dr rrcnaerfrrming kty uses ib best esorts to rwdy its idility b perform; and 15.1.4 ftc rmpafuingPffiy frallFuvidcp@wih rctioe bfic otfier Prty atto cad of$cFcce lUqiqrc wat dcailingfte crd ddcr case fuot dflmage cssod lhlrc bVmdarynfsintht1e&rcquirodsarrqrltoftheForueMqiane€ilruS, md thc end datc of thc Forcc lUajeure. 15 2 No obliptions of ci0rcr Party wtrich uose beforc rhe Fmc l,f{ane cau*rE frc suspeirsior of pcformanco sha[ bc cxoruod as a rcsnrlt of tho Forco Majorue; 15.3 NeihcrParty shall be requirad to se,file any stike, wdkout lockout or othcr hbor depe m tilns $fiidq in ttr mb jr$mom oftrs Prty fuwoh,Ed in tF futE rc offiary b tto P'arty'e bcst ht€,!psb. SECTION 16. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing containpd inthisAgrecmcnt shall ever bc constnr€d to crcaE an associdionn tnrs! pgrtn€rshb djoint rronnrc or to impo*o a tu$ or parturship duy, obligilion or lirbility betrvem the Partics. If Sollcr includee two ormoro porties, oach sush psrty shsll be jointly and scverally liable for Seller's obligations undcr thig Agnocrncnt SECTION T7. CHOICE OFI,AW ThisAgrecmcmdnllbc fttcrpr*dandcnforcedinacao,rdanccwiflr the hrns oftre gtab ofldaho, cxcluding any ohoico of law nrles whioh may dircct thc applioation of tho laws of ar,rotlrcr jurisdiction. SECTIONI8. PARTIALINVALIDITY It is not the ftmcotion of the Prties b violaE my lam gsvrnring fte s&ioct mdlr of ltris Agrlqnsnt If any of0re tons oftbe AgrqtrEd se finalty hcld or dceminod to be imxali4 i[qEl c void as being octuy b any qplicablo lar or prblfo policy, dl odrer tenns of 6e Agrecment shall r€msin in €trEct Ifaay terns arc finally hold or d*mlinodto be invali4 illcrgal ovoid, ttp Partie $allffiimorcgilrtions corcemingfutmrs do6dby orfr dcisim fottp prpoecof a*ioving ooffisnitywi0r rcquircmcrfri ofmy ryplkable larr urdthe inEnt of &c Puties b this furee,ment SECTION T9. WATYER Any waiver at any timo by ciftcr Party of its righu wift r€ryect b a ddault tmdsr Odg Agu€mcnt orwifr rcryocto aty offu mes uising incqrncdim wie ftis Agrcffi murtbe in withg; ad such wuivcr *rall rpt be dffitrGd a wuivcr wi0r rcScct b any zuboequent default or other matter. SBSIION2O. GOVERNMENTALJTTRISI'ICTTONANITAITIEORTZATIOI{S PrcifiCorp's ocnpliauoe with trs ums oflhis Agrmrart is aoneisrod m $olhds *rbrnission o PaDiACnp pior b lhe Cmmcrcial Operaim D*e of oopics of all locsl sbb and kal liccn$q pcrrnib ard ctlrerryrovals as 6comaybe rcquired by taw forthe cflEfitrsti@, opcilEtion srd 33 1 i!r!I 'i :, tj tt Weac*Wtnd,Ul4t{qil pdt SECIION2'. ENTIREAGREEMENT T|.t This ASrffif sryrsodcs all pftrAlucmans5 popmfq rcFesaildbsrs, arytiations, diroussions orlefiem, whctheroral or in writing, rogardiagpacificorp's purchasc ofNet ouQ $ from &e Facility. No modifioation of this Agwment shsll be cftctive unlcss it is in x/rititrg and signcd by both Parties. U2 By expqiling mis AgIEmGnt, €ach PEty rplmses the othor fiwr any olaims, known or unknown, that may have arison prior to tho arccution darc of tlds Agrcemeot wtttr rcsfctto the Facility and any predccessor mcilrty proposcd to have bcen conshrotod on &o sie oftho Facility. SEEIION 23. NOIICESI AllnotioocxoSas otlrenrirpovidodintrisAgrffiErf shalbe inc,rifing, shalbe dirccted ag folloru md shalt bo oonsidcrcd dclivercd if detivercd in persor or whcn depositcd in tho U.S. MEi[ postsgpprcPaid byacfiificd mrcgistcred'r'ail andnnrnrocciprcquesOd. 35 i 1 i, l..ti, J {,' ii :i i,' il J t, I i, .1, : lr I jit.iI i.lil!. I t.I I t. N Ill Ili l'. l, I i Notls PactfiCorp Sellcr AIlNodcet PacifiCorp 825 NE }vfirhncnah StlctPordar{ oR97232 Afir: Cmas'tlOum*afu, Suitc 600 Phonc:(503)El3-5380 Fapsimile: (503) 813{29 t Bmail: Duris: qr.790-9013 Foderal llm ID Nunbcr: yJ{2t6D0 CedECrcekltrind LLC Atfir: Richard W. Bur-l&ardt Phons: (20O 7E0-3551 Facsimilc: QAq 7E0-357 I E mail: rbudrhadt@s;ummipowcr.com Duns: 83-2Y7-9483 Fodonl Ta ID ldr*cr: $ 62653 I Nofica lPeciECorp Scller Alllnvolcec:Bar;k Otfico, Suito 700 3-5578 (503) El3 -s5E0 Attn: Vioi llatl, C€ncral Accounting Managsr Emait: accouminqfu ummitpolvEr.com : vhall @summitpourcr.corr Phonc:(206) 7E0-3551 Schedullry:laru Rmrrce HEEing, $itc 600 lPhonc: (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimilo: lrsoo us4z6s Afir:ThasCrnaur r/m)360{186@ PaymenB: WOwhYInd,Ilft-lWtPil llroPutics nay ohrnpttcpcrronto rvtpm suohnoticcs arc addr€ssoq orthciraddrc*reg by providiog writtrn notices trercof in accodEooe wi[r trit Sectim. ascountinc@qmmitpowcr.mm; vhall@$rrnmiqgw€r.oom Phone.@0Q 7t0-3551 lYrrIffi IBankOneN.l{. Itot r"riloU in scpanG kfioln lPacinCorp to Scllcr BankWcUsFargo To bo providod in ryqe kficr fiom Sellerto PapifiCom Credft rnd Collocdou: Atb: Richard trr, Bu*hardt, Chicf FinmciEt OfEccc Email: rburldr$rftlZilsumniitoower.om Phono:(200 7t&3551 wI[AdfuI PacifiCapemlConsd No'doel of rn E\latoflD&rf orPotutirl Arcrt dDduf to: 13-5029 Facsimile: 813{761 Atto: Vici llall, Gcncral Accormting Marugcr Email: accountinq(asummitpowEr.oomt vhsll(asurnmibowcr.com Phono:@0O 7E0-3551 36 *oll*,,lub,b)h h uITNEss yHBBtr, 6! Prrdr lru Gmd ts Atlm b te dBty crrrEd r o?fudSf!*.bornxnisan: lrcmgBBrsrn cf,DArfnlfru,urtD,lJfrDdrnlHbi$loo"f-:,u Nno:0gno(+,.krY rtr lllfrrrrp )ag,@".1 A.l MqAuhVtttd,Uf.-tr/cdr&it EXEIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACIIITY Scllcr's Facility cansists of 34 wind ttbino gemcrato(s) mrnrtractred by Siancns More spccifioallft cach gEnemtor et the Frcility is describcd as: flpe (ryncnronour or hductlve): Async,hmnous wi& Invcrtcr Modeh Siemcos SWT.2.3-101 NumberofPhrrsl Th'sa Rrtcd OuQut (kW)r 2,300 Rrtod Output (kVA) : 2,555 Rrftd Yolbgs (tirc to linc): ?50Y Rrtod Ctrslt (A): Strtor: Convortcr Supply Ctrrent I953A; Roton 2070 A llfetuum kIV Output 2300 kW Mrdmum kVA OoQEt: 2555kYA Mlnlmum kIV OuQltl _tCI_ k$r lflanufirilulcr'r Ftblbhcd Cut h ll,lrd Spccd: 4 metq/recond frcillty Crpretty Rating: T|BPW kW at or above ratod wind speod aod bclow cut-out Itfierhunt Facility Rete:77,41 kW atPacifiCorp Croshcn Substation at345 kV Mrrimun GIA De[ivery Rrte 133,400 - instrntmmus kW withtha othcr Cedar Crook Proicst desaribed in Addcudum LI Idalti& th,e modmunr ouprf of the gcncruor(s) ard doscribe any difrcreoccs bcfirrccn that ouQut and tho Namcplate Clpacity kting: Morimum gpncrator ouQut is 23$ kW (eaoe as Nancplatc Cqpacity kdng) Stefun servlce rcqulrcmentr, end otter loedr rcrted by tle Frcittyn lf rry, are describodu follmr: Station scrrrice requirtments consist of Codar Crcek Wind Qpcraions and ldaintonancc building loads, hrbine standby loads, urd hlrbine cutout loadc. Averrgs turbinc standby load forNqth Point is apprcximafcly 175 kW. Cutout loads would bo inecqucna ard not oonoutlcnt with standby loads. Location of theFacillty: Tho Fasility is located in Binghrm County, Idatro. lbe location is morcpartioularly dcccribed as follows:43o 1E.506'Ldi0do, ll2o 0.527t Longitdo WGSE4. Locdons of each turbine tower rplative to other qualiffing facilitics oumd by Codar Creek Wind showirlg Cde Crcek Wind's cornplimce *iAOe spacing in 18 C.F.R" g 2n2U arcattachodherao. Power frctor rcqulnemcnb: Ra&d FowcFas'tor (PF) orrtactivc load (kVAR): 0.9 Loadingto 0.9 Lagging Scllcr has providcd a copy of manufactrcr's Powrtr Cun e (Rev. 4 Junc 2010) for ttE Sicmons Sf,/T-2.3r101. PaoifiCorp maintains the powcr cuno iu ie files purrurnt to aNon-Disolosurc Agrccmont betn eon PacifiCorp and Seller. t) :i 1i i i'tt r t: l, i,l.' iI,l ; IiI i t':! .., ; I ,tl.,!,l I A-2 CafuQw*,md,UfMtmt EXIIIBIT A - Attrcf,men{r I. CedarCr$klVlnd Irrn Site ltfiap 2. Ilirtrne Bdne* whd rurbheo of Adfu.nt auaulrrng recilittus l I ,I t tII, I ,Il a I litiii i, L ,: I i I i :, :i i: ?, A-3 Site Map Ccdq Ae* Yltd, IlEllcdt Pt*t ,ii rl ti t I tt : : )1 ri i't l;' ij I r 1 l : O.I.frarh.,l,{lcl snFh.FrnBdirii0ri)ffiil.lebnrA ra *'rs.r*rg] iflrfriFhF.rffilrh --G-|H I t.l,:-::i;-Ir ,! ,i i,l .tI III t I I I ,t I A-,[ Five Pino TT.IRBNE# Nordr Point TURBIM#DrITTANCE (PT) T36 TN 5558.5 T36 T23 60s7.0 T36 TA 6504.5 T37 TN 5378.4 T37 T23 s629X T37 TU 5898.8 Tta T25 s799.5 Ttz TN 53yt2 Tt2 T30 5401.6 Tt2 T32 535t,6 r32 TA 7s34.9 fuOuhWW,ttl--ltaAp*t The blile bdw k'lb di$roo bcfi,wr tdrines in sqcr QuElifying Feittics" A-5 ENEIBITB POINT OF DELIVERY / P.I{RTIES' W FACILTTIES Se[cr has providedthc fotlowing single linc drawing of thc Facility intcrconncctim froilitics inclding netpring poims used to oaLuldc NGt Orlput md any tansmissim ftsilities on Ssllcr's side of tlro Point of Dolivcry. The Mcefug Point and dro Point of Delivery is tho PacifiCop 345kV bus at the GoshEu subotation. :6 noio.r will ba sharcd by a 34.5kV-345kV collcstor subsatioo. fa*r pm;cct will havc onc or mus34.5kV brcakas ftEt will cooncst to a ooftmon 34.5kV hrs. Thc btrc will aomsot to a ccotral 34.5kV matn bmakcr, 34.5-345kV Powcr Traasfotmlr, 345kV brcakcr, linc disconncct switch and a 5.1 mile 345kV fiansmission linc to fu Goshon Subsffiion. ,: t: l: {,I I li Il l,' ,, l: i,li 1: I.i i, :I I Lt: I t_t.'t. lr: I' ,i: I Ii t, I' I i;I. i' 1, i B-l Cedq Cfixh Ybd, III-Ilaih Pdt &XEIBIT B-Attrchusntr 1. $ubstrtbn Meterhg Ono.Ltne Diegnm j. B-Z I ; T IiII II ti I i I i i :i :i. aI I t i I ! l. l I i l,,i, I i ), 11.'tl i' ttI, I )l, i, lii' i. i'r i Ccfu C'rc*h Yil, ilG;lldt Pdl 02lyh.t {rtt6 ,.IIIIrS.lrf. DAI|E --J&l-Fr: -...,,0- @XudlFdl.af,rho0r&lrffiqAollr u.re A00 B-3 EXf,IBITC REQT,JTRED FACTLTTY DOCI MENfiI II I t $ I I It I II i ,l I I I I! 1i t; I I Qualifring FacilityNumber from to be obtaid ft,om FERC: QF10.537-000 The folloning Docummts arc r€quir€dpnorto dclivo,ty of any ougutfircm tre Faoility: Goncdion Iutwonneotion Agrvmrmt Agrecurert p€nnitdng Ssller access to shred intorrconnoction froilitios Propeftyrightl mguitodto maimh ond operato tlrc Pmjcot in aooordancewittrftis egfccmmt (tie loosos, transmissiq0 oascmcots, ctc). firo fo[oriag Pcrmits arc Fquircd on or bofuc tho milwbno dco spooifrod in Section 22.1. Federal Aviatioa Adminigtation D*crmincions ofNo Ilaard Bingfam Cortry Specisl Use Permit Croseing rgrranats with putios oilrcr dun Paoifi Corp Traonnicsion c-1 CtuAwtYvtd,IlbtWPdi EXEIEITD SI.IBSEQI'ENT ENERGY DELTVERY SqIEDUI,E Sche&ilpdMon&ly Eucgytlelivq - 4YelcYllho- IanuatY Fcbruarv lvlarchAril Irdry Juns IuLy Aucust Scotcmbcr october Novmtbor Deocmbcr TOTAL: Planncd Outagss. Sellcr will provi& a Planncd ontagp scMulo aontrally not to cT ecd-150 ["t*p*]*r?i50 hogn odludcs firrt year trcsk ii" orsimilar sffirp Pcdod outago!). D"l EXtrIBIT E START-IJP TESTTNG lsquircd fastorytesting inchdcs srrchchccks and tcsts nccessaryto d*ermine ftatfie oquipmentsy&mr and suboysEms have boonpoperly manufrfirDd and installo4 fimotion propcdy, and art in a condition to pcrmit safc md cffrcicnt start-up of the Facility, which may includc butarc not limitod to: l. Tcgt of mechanical and clectrical cquipmcnt;2. Calibradm of,all monitorins instrumG@3. OpcradngtcsG ofall rahrsC opqdolt, motots&ters srd motoq4. AIErms, sigub ad fail-saf,e or syst€o rhrtdown coufiol tests;5. Point-to-pointcodinuitytesb;6. Bonchlos8 ofprotcctire dwioes; ud7. Testc rtquircd Uy mnecarrcr(s) and fuigncr(s) of oquiprucr*. ' Rcquired start-up trsts arc thosc clrools qnd tcss ncccssary to determinc thst a[ fcatrcs and cquipmeot, sycteuts, and subs5rstcms have been properly installed and adjucted, finction PropErly, and arc oapablo ofopeming simulancously in such condition thntthe Faoility ii capablo of oontinuouc dclivcry into PaoifiCorp's clccEical syscm, whioh may includc but arr not limidto: l. frubindgenccUormccbuicalnms urdfmctionalig;2. Sftcmoperudonteq3. Braketestr;4. Encrgization offans&rmers;5. SpcbroniziqgtcsB(maflral andarlo);6. Excitationandvohgcrcguldionoperdimto$s;'7. Alftstoy'startsoquoncqE. Cornplotion of ey fitc and @ral cnvirmmsrtal tcsting requircmcnts; ard9. Tes roquhd by nmufactrcr(s) and deigner(s)ofoquipmat Forwind pojccts mly, thc followinglVind llltinc Crucrator Ingtallation Checkliss arc rcquircd docurncab to bc signcd offby Manrfactrrar or Subcontrast Category Corrmissioning Pcrsonnol as prt of tha Cornrissioning and snrup rsting: fublnohsbllrrtion Fomddim Iaspcctim (by Onmcr's lnOcecoOcot inspcctor) l ? :t t a.t ii a ij i ;l t ): tiI a, $ t I 1: l IfI iiI iiI ?i :ii' I t. ; CmollerAraembly Porvor Ccblos Cablc krslallsdon Chockli*s includiag:Controller TopDwk/YawDcck Tower Top Section/ Sddle Mid Sccdon Cablee or buss bars Base S€cdon TowcrBasc Scction Towcrlights and orrtlcb Torvcr lvIid Sootion ToworTop $cction Naselle Rotor E-1 C.dq Awtmnd,IlfrldtPet EXEIBITF.T MOTTVB FORCE PI,A}.{ WII{D SPEED DATA SI.IMNIARIES & HOTJRLY WII{D PROFILE ; Fl- l i, t:I' it aiI Il. l, I 1, ii: i' l: Ii'[,fi i; l, I I ,: i:IlrIii Iil ; il|, ! i, I { I ', t l, I'i t li I I t T i lI IJ il lrt:i, i. li ,iI' IIIIi ,| i :, I'l'II I t'll i, l, i, I I I ii i:, tI I i.i;l: Il, Iit i I I i a Eg 3 IIfiI,t1-! Tt* *x E{I $ ql! rqrer*Drtqe{qqRqqHeqqql.a r aF h iF srocS a aaa SraF ts F TTTIPSSSHT}$HTT $3:TF3 3 F F 3 $l.q I 33 3 5 $ [5 $ F 3 [t$ I 5 3 a er s5 t I tB ceqlt {8 t q !ia E ta I aIl 6 tt ? I i tta o F r\ F FF h hF F a 3I3I3trT$!T135! TTSTTTFT g5t!$$f,I$!1 35333I33i q r E rtr E il q rqB Re tq q8 qfi B q q Iaa a a Frl 5 !tJ'6a a oF h o0F hFF0 SIIiXFSflTXSTTTSEIHFP:ET gsIrSSEErrSgSIrSF:53F$ts hr{a8qr8Enqfi qqqrDl4qq{l( Fts ts hI\Fnioa nta a,la o9FFF F F X$FT355E3I$fl 3T ETsHTFTE! T :,I n ,l' Tt I rlj: ii lr l! Ii .' ,: ii ,! I t i. I ' l: ,!: t,i'It.. l I1lriir : i I l' It, I ii ii I :t)ItIIi .1 t iii:l,It :l,iI :r rl i II I 1l i ,. 1 ,t Hrl t5 I I P -Ig $t TI Ti!I] T T E E * xL{ $ &s 5f, iThT$T!TE5I5II!IilXEAf,flNfl(- i.i.r{ataotii6''d qqrqtsEiletnQeEr{tfl {eeeBt t ct rtrt B g etrer r 8tr' it l3l5i$ltr$ 3r:Ei;5t38il !NnI !l A q rt*t rl I B nQrqt q EqtEtrsn BFEttsIt taBBINlt8 gs9 *lIHafi Itilxt EB$$5ril[BIE q*q8 EqtEqqE q qt{{rtt{ilf, F rRF I r r!ra fi s $ c ?t9c tB t8! qq qq i fl rt qfl I en Bteal rtrBraFFES StrSASF t&tBStSE trrE qqqeqaeIQiD tteBtq{ eElQDBBr$nrtsEF 58[dFE8; ge5 {{qttst*t{eqElEE{q{BqqIFnD8Ci8Sf, nSt*;Sf D Hrgt qiqq{qlqqtq[fllrqrqqrBetDetnsrttth NNSatHs Bhtt $3r$tr3t;IFIIi:tFtiffi t Ccdt euk WN, IlE-ilirlh Pobl EJXEIBITG SAMPLE ET.IERGY PIIRCHASE PRICE CALCI,'LATIONS The following arc samplos of cahulations of cncrgr purchaso pioes using tlre formula and bblos in Sootion Errort Rdcnnco rourc not found.. The calouldion br thc non-lwolizcd purotrasc price during m On-Peak Hour in May of 2012 equalr $63.97lttdWh (the 2012 annual rcc for Conformiug Enargy) muhiplied by 92o/o (0.92) (&c lvtay Oo-PGak Hour nnrhiplic) minus $6.501M![h (trc wind integration cost), which equals $52.3s/MWh. Table 1: Samplo cElculations for non-levclizcd On-Pc.k Confonning Energy iu 2012: Purohase, Prlco = (annual rate * monthly On-Poak multipli,cr) - wind intcgruion cost Month Conformiag Enerlgr AnnudRete for 2011 (perIl[IlVh) Or-Pc* f,our Muttiplbr Wind Intcandon Cort Crlculeted hrchece Price for20[ OT- Pe* Confoming Enornr(perMWh) January $63.97 1090,6 $6.50 $s9.39 f€bnrry $63.97 l05o/o $6.50 $60.67 I\darch s63.97 95Yo $6.50 $s4,27 April $63.97 95o/o $6.50 $s4.21 May {$.n !I2o/o $6.50 $52.3s Junc $63.97 94%$6.50 $53.63 July $63.97 l2lo/o $6.50 $70.90 Aucwt $63.97 l2lYo $6.50 $70.90 Seercmber #3.97 rc9f:/o $6.50 $63.23 Ostober $63.9?llio/o $6.50 $fl.07 Novmber i63.97 llW/o $6.50 $63,87 Dooanber $63.97 129f./0 $6.50 $76.02 Tabh 2: Samplc salculations for nonJwelized Otr-Peak Conforoing Energy b20l2: Purchase hico = (annual rdc * monthly Off-Peak multiplier) - wind intcgration oost Mo'nth Conforming EnerEr Arnud Rrte for2AI.2 (prtt[ll/b) Ofi-Pcd( Hour Multtpticr Wind Integntbn Cost Crhrhtcd Purchare Prloe for2012 Otf- PeakConfoming Encrgr (pcr IIrIU/h) Jaauary $63.97 94%$6.s0 $53.63 Fobluary $63.97 %lYo $6.50 $55.5s N{Erch $63.97 tWo $6.50 $zl[.68 April $63.97 760/0 $6.s0 i42.t2 G-t I f l;y I I I I {.J,t l!, ,l't. { 't't ,i I I I l'1 :l .: i til, Il at ! il It-ii iI I : l, :i. ;i tuOuf WW,IIfr.-lWtP*r Month &nforming Energr AnnualRrtc for 2012 (perttflWh) Ofi-Poek Eour Mutttptier Wind Inqrrfior CBt Calculrted Purthuc Prico for20f2 Off. Pnk Conforming Energr (porlt[Wh) lrlay $63.e7 63%s6.50 $33.80 ftmc s53.97 6s%$6.50 $35.08 July ff}.n Y2!,4 $5.50 $5235 Awuct w3.yt t06/%$6.50 861.3r Scptsmbcr $63.97 9916 $6.s0 $56.t3 Oetoba t$,n los%$6.s0 $60.67 Novrurbcr $53.97 96Vo $5.50 $54.91 .Ibcmbcr $63.ry l2;Wo $6.s0 |7026 G.1 EXUIBIT H Sdlcr Auttorizrtiln to Rclcrc Gororetlon lhtr b Paffica H.1 sur*fit|r POW!R May7,2010 Pacificorp Atrn: KoethHrtstm 825 NBMultnomah, StE. 1600, Porthn{ Oregon n?3,2 RE: Ccd.r ClsckWln4 IIC PrdflCotl Tnnrmlrdon Delr llr.Eurton: Codar Crcck Winq I,LC hcrcly nohffirily authqizcs ProifiCorp'a Tranmision busirc$ unit to eharc Ccdar Crs€k Win{ LIJC's gBil€fiator intcrconnstioa informnion and geoerstot BeEr data wiih market firnction anployeoe of PacifiCorp, inctrdiry; brut lot lioitod to the ttose in tto Commcrciat md Tnding Sorrp. Cedar ghok Winq L[,C acJoowledges 6at PacifiCorp did oot provide it any prcfcrcnccs, eithc( opcmtimal or rate,relatr{ in excbaage for this vohffiy corscnt Sinccoly, wEsffnnEilrRGY. hrb** Dana C. 7ataP.E. Vicc Prcsidcot Summit Power Glsrry, Ino./Cedr Choek Witr{ LLC (509)44&7589 (officc) (s09) es+4103 (Mobile) CedarCrcrlkWtndlLC mlWt eloNtwoy8",fulteI tubtffigc lslutd, WA lrErl0 I ,0F7g,1ir551 l* M-7&357, @NFtO&{ltAL Cens eeck mnd, Il&1{odt Pdl ADDENI}IIM L STATION LOAII, LOSSES, rnd NET OIITPUT AI,L(rcATION AI,GORTIEM FON IEE CTI'AR CREH( WINI}, LLC PROJECTS This Addcndum L is horcby m& a part oq and ctariftec G€min tenns in, tlp Pa*er Pueluse Agreerunt betveen Cedn Creek Wtt4 IJC relattng to NORTH POIN|, md PrcifiCorp(Agreemeuf) cnterod into fte day of Deccmber. 20t1. Crpitrlizsd tenns not defined h€rein shall havo tro mcuring sct fodr in tre Agrccrncnt. Cedsr Creok Wind,Ll,C C'Sc[et') and PaciliCorp arc d times rcfcnod to hcrcin iadividually as a "Plrty" or colloctively as the "Patde!'. CGdsr Cleek Wind, LLC shBU own 8 complor of trro (namcly, Fivo Pino snd Nor& Poing soparato, I&lto Quali$ing Faoilities (eact5 a "Cedar Crc6* Projccf' and colleaively, tho "Cdlr Creek PrcjccE') that sharc collecfior wir€s, a t4.5R45 kY substrtion (Codff Crce* Substatioo), and rclatcd quipmcnt, which conncct thc Qusli&ing Fapilitiag to t[c Point of Delivery CShrrEd Inbrconnection Frciliticr). PacffiCorp has agrd to buy (and Sello h.s agrccd to so[), at ttre Point of Dclivcry, Scllcr's btal cnargpr ou$ut nst of: (l) Scllcr's stdion scnricc; (2) cncrry provided by Scllcr tb anotlra Co& ChE€k Projoot for station servioc; (3) Sclleds share of tho transfonnstion lossos; and (a) Scllct's shrra of thc lino losses bottrocn Soller's Facility and tho Point of Dolirrcry (togatrer Seller's *Sta6on Audliery Load rnd LNG!]. flowcvcr, Scllcr and PacifiCorp agrrc that it is impossible to measle Sellsr's Station Auxiliary lpad and losscs soparato and ryart fron drc Station Arxiliary Inad and [osscs of thc oths Cdar Crek Projoct. Therefore, in ordcr to implement an objectivg prracticable, and cquitable plocos by rrfiich PacifiCorp may qrradify en€rgp/ delivercd by Soller to &G Poiat of Dolivory (n* of its Sdon Auiliary Load aod Losses), tho Partios do agreo as frllows: "d Billing Formulae. PacifiCorp shsll dctermine Seller's Nct OuEut in kWtr for purporcs of thc Agrccsnont usrng thc mcdrod specificd below. 1. Detrmifionr l & r tho naoeplate rating (a/!r/a Facility Capacrty REting) of Cedar Cteclc Projwt i. I.{Rr - ths sunr of all the namcpl& ratinsp of Cedar &!ok Projects (i = I to 2), PALLr : the aacumuldedpurchased snergy ftom Utiliry Snpplier, as determincd at the Point of Dolivory; to rupply the nct total station auxiliary load urd losscs for thc Shaled lntcrconnection Faoilitics for Ccdar Crtck hojeoa i = I to 2 whcnevcr such total Ioad and losses €xcecdr total gcneration ou$ut. PALLi = the allocatod sharc of PALLI for Prcjoct i as determinod by muhiplying PALL1 by Nf.i and dividing byNRr. O& - for a givcn inHraion intcrval, thc macrcd ousut Gncrgy of Ccdar Crcck hojcct i, as dstrr-mincd by PaciftCorp's meter at tha point where Cadat Creek Projost i L-l l: IiiI 1i i I I ': i, \' : i:I 1'i: li l { Ii, l, II ll i i a;1t.t,t.t Ii' t ffj IIIll I I !I I I i I l iIlriiil{Iltt tlt:i:i. li "i'l 'j ::,il I Ccfu Crce* l{M IIf.-Nort Pet , connds to the Sharcd Intsconncction Facilities. For my integration hErval during whioh any Gnorry is dslivercd to I Prrojcct ftom ttre ShE€d Intetconncction Faoilitiee, srch &livered oocrgy is accumulated in e sopoato meter rcgi*r arrd doas not dcoremcnt the qfsGr uscd to mcasurE accrmrulaod OPi. Thctcfore OPi is by definition ahays geetcrthan or cqual to zcro, and in6c wenttho metor rccmds OPi lcss than zcro, OPishall be deenrod to equal zeno. OPr - thc sum of all O?r (i - I to 2). No; - for a givco intcgntioo intqval, thc total ElrGrg,y delivercd to tbc Point of Dclivery (345 kV bus at Croshcn Substation). NOr shall be as measued at PacifiCorp'c metcr nEEr the Point of Dclivcry (kltrb in l0-minutc infrvals), sdjustsd for any tansforrrrtim logscs bcnrrcc,n the mcter and the Point of Delivcry. For any intcgration intcrval duing nfiioh any enffgy is dclivcred to thc Point of Delivery flrom PacifiCorp'o sygtem, such delivercd cocrgf is accumulatcd in a rcprrate maor regrster of tIrc PacifiCorp rretcr and fus trot decrtmcnt the registsr tscd to msaErue accumulrtcd Nct Output crcrry. Thcrc{orc NOr is by dcfinition always greater than or.equal to zcro snd ia thc went thc mster rcoorde NOr less than zalo, N0rsball be desmed to oqual zero. NOi = the net cncrgy sold to PacifiCorp by Ccdar Crcek hojcct i during fu inrcgration in&rval. SAIJa = tho total of atl statiou arxiliary load and lo$cs for the Shargd Interoormection Facilities for Cedrr Craek Projects (i = I to 2) whcn NO1 is positfue. SAI& = tre atlocced shar€ for Ccdar Creek Projoct i of SALLT. 2. Cehuletionr Caloulatioru shelt bc reconciled and scfflGd monthly. Calculaions shsll be bosed upon raw dah gdhood fron spocified mstert using a mctering inogration irt rval of 5, 10, or 15 minrtcs C PaoifiCo,rp's clcction to matoh tha mctcring instrllation PacifiCorp speificd ("integrrtion intenel'). Calculations slull bc munded to thc nearcst kilorrat{our in thc ftnl stc,p. h' Whea \qal Guerdon OiWtt # fistton Auxtttarv Loq $ld Loqgs Whca, for any intcgr*ion inBrvsl, thc total of all OPi hojcct ouEut amounts of energy among all Cedar Cr€d( Projects (OPr) is lsss thail or equal to the total station arxiliary load and lossof forthc Sharcd ktrorconnoction Facilitios, thc mctcrs at tho Point of Dclivcry will acotmulato thc Utility Suppliods dclivcry of purchascd cnGrg), PALLT, to srrpp-ly $rc,h nst total load and losses kr a nreEr rcgistcn that is scparate &om thst uhich accumulates NOt and NOr shall equal zeno or if negativg be doenred to oqual zsro. The "Utility Supplior' shall bc thc utility providing rctail elccfiic gclvice at the Facility (Rocky Mountain Powcr). PacifiCorp strall have no obligation to sorvo any of the Cedar Cr€€k Projec'ts' retail electic needs absent I Eepsrste writen agr€cment with PacifiCo{p and thcn only widr thc permission of Scllsr's Utility Supplier. None of tho costs associrtcd witr provicion of rcbil olectio servicc to Seller shaU bo bornc by PacifiCorp. ftr When Totat Gcnerutbn Ottutd > W+Aarctlrrt Ind aid Loxer When, for my inrcgration intcnral, the totsl gencration of cnergy among all CdEr Creok Prcjests is greater than the totsl station auxiliary load and losses forthc Shuod Intorconnsotion Facilities, thc mobrs at the Point of Dolivory will acoumulatc in a scparstc rcgistcr PacifiCotp's rcccipt of L-2 \ Ii{ t: lt; :: :; t III i,l, : i :. i li Ccdo*e*md,UX-NofiPet the total combircd ercrgr from all the Prrojwts gVOr). The differe*se bcnreen OPr and NOr for that interysl (SAIIT) is allossd to each Ccdar Cheek Projoct in proportion to its generation output (OP1) in,dre samo intcgration intcn al to detcrmhe NO; by tha formulac: Lct SALLr =[ OP1-NOr ] and SAI.LT = tSAIJzr] * [ OB /OPr] The Nct Outptr cncqry sold by erch kroject i is then daemined ss: NOi = [ OPi . SALLi ] andsubstitr$ing forSAILi ; Nq E NOlt[OP1/OPrl B. Ltuitilton of PadfiCorp Pum,hrse I&blllty, PacifiCorp'r total purdraso obligntion to tho Ccdar Crcok Projects shall at no time exceod tolal encrgy dclivcrcd by tlrc Codsr Crcek Projee to the Poim of Dclivcry. Thorsforc, h fu w€nt tte sum of ths Net Ougut mcrgy (caloulatod rccording b the preccdittg forrulas) for all lh Cdar Clcck Plojects is groaor than NO1, t[e,n PacifiCorp shall rcduc€ oalculat€d Nst OrUs Gocrgy fiom cach Cedar Chcck Project, pro rata cach Ccdr Crcck Frojccfs sharo of ttrc OP1, stroh thot the total encrgy purphased firom allthc Ccdar Crpck hojwts at the Point of Delivcry by PacifiCorp oquals NOr. C. 'PacifiCorp RbLt to Ofrct In thc cvent PacifiCorp dctcrminos it lus undcrpid onc or more Codar Crwk Prrojaca (due to mctcring Gnor or ottrerwise) an4 as a rasult of rmderpayi4g ono ff morr Cedar Crcok Projocts, has overpaia Scflcr, PaoifiCorp may adjust Sellcr's-firttne palmcn($ occordingly in ordor to recaptrrc any overpalnncnt rpccirrcd by Scller in a rcasoaable timc. D. Condition Sulcoqueut Thig Addcndum L wus nogotiatcd jointly among the Ccdar Crwk Projoot and PaoifiCorp and is intcndd by all of th Cedar ftiok Projeas urd PacifiCorp to be one of fivc identisa,l bila&ral qgpcmcnts, each betrvcen PaciliCorp and a Oodar Ctcek hojcct, but cach rclated to tho other. Thercfore, in the cvent one or rnone Ccdsr Crcek Projests doee not agrcc to be bound by thc terms and conditions sd forth in this Addendum I. PacifiCorp may, upon thirty days rvrittcn noticc, canccl all Addcndum L agrcoments. In the ovcnt PasifiCorp oanools this Addonfim L in accordance with this Sogtion D, PaoifiCorp nay satisfy its obligation to Fy Scllcr by dcpositing whcn due, with an €{rcrow agart chosen by fto Cedar Crcek Projcots, tho total paymcnt due to all Ccdar Creck Projcsts rmdrr thoir respcctive Poum Purchssc Agr€crn€trts, loss oftsts (if any) calcularcd basod upon Nft and thc Contract Prioc. IEI,{DI L-3 i: i t, It. iI il. :, :i, tl ! l t' t: l I i i, Ii li1.1: 1: l: t. 1 I I ]:.! tI, t i i.: I i i1!:ilI 1 i I , J t., i': Ii, : Cadg Ow* llld, IIU-+dt P*t EXETBTT 4.(A) GRDEN TAG ATTESTAIION AITID BILL OF SAI,E Crc€o Ta,g for taoh mcgtwffi hour gpnctatcd- Defined erms (as indicatcd by initial ca@lization) uscd in this Gnoen Tag Arcstation ad Bill of Salo shall have tha meaning sot forth inthe PPA. Facility name and loodion: capaofiy(Mw): Mry -**# FuelTlPo: Wind Opcradonal Dae: EnsrgyAdruitr" ID no.: Datos lvfS'h gmoratod Sello firther atoss, warantll ard nprcsgntq undec penolty of pSury, as follows: to thG bwt of if krowlodgp, dre information p,rovidcd hcrein is tue and corrcsB iB salo to PacifiCorp is tB onc md o,nly gale ofth GrcGn Tags and associatd Environnrcntal Aributes refcrtncod hcrtia; the Facility gcneraod Ol&ttr isthc amount indic*ed above; md to tho best of Scllor's knowledge, eaoh of thc Gru,n Tags and Environ6onAl Attibu&s asrociatod with ths Facility's Orryut arc being sotd to Bupr. Ttis Grlcn Tag AttcsEtion aod Bill of Salo oonfimrq in aooordanco with fu PPA trc eansfr firom Solla to PacifiCorp of all of Scllcr's righ! title and intcrcst in md to the Cir:en Tegs (inshdiqg Crrca fag $portfurg Rights and Envitmmontal AEibutes), ar sot for& abovc. $ellor's Contact Pcmon: WIINESS IIIYIIAND, 0 ii) iir) rv) I' Iiiii i, I I I.Iii I 1 t--..----.*t" Exh.4.7(A)- l MoOoe*YN,IlI-lffirMr By Ito Dab: This Attsstation mty be discloscd by Sollcr ud PasifiCorp to othcrq including 6o Contor fot Resourac Solutions aud thc public utility commislions having juridiction ovq PacifiCorp, to substardtE and rrcriff thc aoouracy of PaoifiCorp'r advcrtising and publio cormrunisstion clri&s, as woll as in PacifiCorp's rdvcrtising and o&cr prrblio oommunioations. Efr.4.(A)-2 CeMWilfltdtPoV E:Xf,IBlTf.7(B) QUALIFIED REPORTING ENTITY SERVICES AGnEEXt{f,D{T C & T I,Iastrr v1.1; 07l4ll This QualifiedRcpocing Entity Scwiocs Agrccmcnt (this "Agrccnrcnt') is en&rad into by and bctrrocn PacifiCorp (?acifiCorp') and _ ('Cormtcrprty'; PaoifiCo,rp and Countcrparty may h rcfcnad to individually lrcrcin as '?art/ and collcctively as iPurtier") as of . ___r with rcfercmcc to tlre following: WIIEREAS, Countorparty rcprcrmtc to PacifiCorp trat it owns or othcrwisc has ttrc rights to all or part of thc non-eiregy atfih*es of &e gencration ftom ttrat ccrtain clsctic gcmcration frcility mo'ro particullrly dosoibod on Exhibit A h€reto (ttrc Sacilityu), or orthor rightr rcspecting tlrc Facility hclf enabllng it to lanfrrlly emcr hereinto; ad WIEREAS, The Wostsfli Rcncnrablc Elccricity Gcncration Infotmation Syrtcm (\y.Rf,C}IS) is.a syrtom tracking quantities of rcnerqrable cn€rgy generation guraated by cleertric generating mcilities inthc nfrrrG of tlrc Paoility, as a Facility pwruarf to WREC}ISI Tcrrrs ofUsc ("TOU'); and WHEREAIi, WREGIS rcquires thd e.ch Facility havc a &sigraled Qualiflcd Reporting Eutity; and WHEREAS, Countorprty ie anAccoutHolder in WREGIS ord wishos to rcgistorftc Facility with S/REGIS; and WHEREAS, Countcrparty wishes to rctain P*ifiCorp to act Bs its WRECiIS{ofiDd Qurrlifiod Roporting Entity ('QRE) for the Facility; NOMI{EREFORE, in considsration of the mrgral prmrises hercin oontaino4 the Putieo ryrce as followa: I. De.ftritions: Rules of ConsEuotion. l.l Initiatly capitalizcd tcrrrrs usod and not othsrwise dofinsd hwin are dofrred in the in fto Operadng Rulos or in Attaohmpnt I Definitions oftho \VRBGIS TOU. 1.2 nAfiliatc'rnoans, wift rcry€ct to any €mtity, each entity that dircctly or indirectly coffols, is contolled bn or is under cornmon coruot with, suoh dosigndea artity, wiilr 'oontol'r meaning thc possossion, dircctly or indircotly, of lhc power to direct managcrnent and policics, whcftsr tbrougt th orruership olvoting scourides or by oontracl or othcrwise. Notrviftstmdtngthe forcgoing with r€spwt to Paci{iCorp, Affiliarc strall onlyincludc MidAmsrican Euerry Holdingp Company and its direot, uilrolly ovmed subeidiaries. 13 "Busioeee Day' mcans a day of tlrc wcck other than Sanrday, Srurday, or a frderal holiday. 1.4 'tsleotric Systcm Authorily'meatrs erch ofNERC, WECC, WRBGIS, an RTO, a regional or sub-rcgioonl reliabiliry council or autrority, and any obar similar council, Brh.4.(B)- I WMwdLlfr-ldtW oorlroration, orgmizationorbodyofrocogrnnsandingwi&respectto thc opet*ions ofthc olpctic s)lstom in tho trrECC rcgion. 1.5 qPERCn rteeE thc Fcdffal Enqrgy RogulatoryCommission 1.6 "Croncration Intcrconnoction Agrtcmcnt' moansthc agEcmc t cntared into scparately Hwcc,n Countcrpurty urd Intcnconnootion hovidcr concaming thc Intcrconnsction Facilities. 1,7 "Facility" is defincd indreheanrble. 1.8 "Intorponneodon Facilitics" mcans all the fuilities installe4 or to be instrtled, for the pwposp of intqconncctirtg thc Facility to trc Sysbrn" including olcctical turspission lincs, upgrades, urnsformcrc and as$oiEt€d cquipm4 subctdions, rplay and switching cquiprrcng and safety equipment 1.9 "Intcrconncction hrovider" mears 0ro FERC-rcgulatd or Unied $atos nwrmert of Encrgr catity with whom thc Facility has conuactod for intcrconncction to the elec&ic tansmission grd; in the evcnt Intersqrregtion Provi&r is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the krtctronnegtion Prrovidm opcatiag ia ib regulated fansnrission frnction, and not as the party horsto. 1.10 Tvtaering Extornal Webpagen meaos a *ebsitc owned and opcrated by PacifiCorp th* PaoifiCorp msy st its opion, but without boing obligatod to do eo, makc availablc and op@io for tlre display of all data thc will bc inoludcd in tlro Monthly Gsneraion Extract File. l.I I 'Monthly Gcncration E:rtract Filen mcans a daa file trat contains generdion data from Counrerparty's Points of Motoring and coafotus to thc charact€riotics and rcquircm€ds sct foilh in ttre trrREGIS hErfEce Conhol Doormcot. l.l2 'NERC, means tho Norttr Amcrican Eloocic Reliability Corpor*ion. l.l3 Toints ofMaering" meEns thcpoints atwhich cleclrio gcncration is mcasured. l.14 !'Frudcrrt Elootrioal Practiccs'mcars any ofthe prasticcs, mcthods and acts oqgpgcd in or 4proved by a sigpificsot portion of thc clccricat utitity industry or my of the prrsticcs, methods or acts, which" in thc arercisc of rclsoneble jtrdgmant in thc light of thp facts knox,n st the timc a docision is made, could havo boen opacted to accorplish the dcsir€d rcsult at the lowestr€aconable cost consistsfit with retiabilty, safcty and cxpcdition. Pnd€lnt Bles,tricsl Practicos is rrot inteirded to bc limitod to the o$imum practice, meftod or act to the orclusion of all othcrs, but rsftcr to bc a spoctum ofpossible practiceq matrods on acts. l.l5 'QREI mcms a WREGIS-detrncd qdified Rcporting Entity. t.l6 nRenewable'is defind in gcction 2 of tre WREGIS Opcrating Rules. l.l7 'Requircments of lawo moans ury applicablc federral" stat€ and looal law, suttrto, rcgulation, rulo, code or ordinance enacte{ adoptcd, igsued or promulgated by any federal, state, local or other Govcmmcntal Autrority or rrgulatory body (ineluding thosc pertaining to electrical, building zoning environmontal aad occupetional ssfcty andhealth rcquircmons). BIh.4.{B)-2 WMWIIfr,-lWtNt 1.18 "Sottlement Estimmion Prrocedues'mcans a calculation bascd on standad utility cstimation rulcs uaing algpritrnrs dcvclopcd and approvod by PacifiCorp's billing departsrcnt. l.l nSys&rno mcaru the oleotric trmsmission subsation and transrnission or distibution facilitics orvued, opcrded or msintaincd by Trursmisrion Proyider, which strall includc, aft€r mrutnrotion ard installstion ofttrc Facility, the circuit rcinforpe,ments, ortctrsions, and associstrd tcrminsl ftcility reinforccmcnB or additions rcquircd to interconneot the Facility, all as sotforth in tLe Generation trntcrtonrrcctionAgrcement 1,20 "Tarifl moans PacifiCorp FERC Electrio TariffFifth Reyiscd Vohrmo No. 1l ho Forma Opcn Acccss Transmission Trifr. l2l nTtrnenrissionProvidcr" mcars &e FERC-regulated orUnitod Statcs llcpartnent of Energy cntity wi& udrom the Facility has oontractcd for elcctrio tanrmission at and away &om the Fapilrty 0o rny point oa, or intcrconnestion witb ttre elestrio transmission gftd; in tho cvent Transmission Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the Interconnestion hovider opsrcting in iB rcgulatcd tansrnission firnction, and not as the party hcrso.. Ln nWholssale GonerationAtso Sorving On-Sit€ Loads'is defircd in scc{ion2 ofthe WREGIS OpertingRulos. 1.23 nWECCn meatrs the Wesbrn Elceioity Coordinating Counoil. 1.24 ''WREGIlln mcans the lfestcm Rsnewable Encrgy Cmercion Informetion System. t,25 'WREGIS Ccrtificato'or nC.crtificarc" moao! uC€rtificatGn as &fined bythe WREGIS Opcr*ingRules. 1.26 'WREGIS Oparating Rules'means the operating rules and rcquiremeirts adoptod by WREGIS, inoluding thc TOU. 1.27 Gencprl Rulc{of Int€rpsation. Unless othcrvisc rcquirtd by&e contcxt in which any term appcsrs, (a) thc uingular inchdcs ths plual and vice vcna; (b) rcfcrsnces to "Artiolegr" usegtions," 'sohedulesr" nAmcllcs,n "Appandices'or Exlribitsn atuto articlos, scctions, schedulcs, annexcs, appcndiccs or cxhibits hcrpof; (c) all refcrcnces to a particular entity or an elecEicity mar*ct prico indox includs a refcrpncc to such mitSrs ot indeor's suoscssors; (O t€rcin ' 'hottof and "hemmder' rcftr to tris AgrGcntcnt ae a wtole; (e) all acmunting torms not spccifically defud hcrcin shsll be conctruod in accordance witt gworally acccprcd accountingprinciplcs consisteirtly app[od; (f) thc masculino includce the feutinine and noutcr and vice versa; (g) nincluding" moan$ 'including without limitation" or 'including but not limi&d to"; (h) all rcfercnccs to a particular law or strhrto mcan that law or stshrts as amended fiom timc to time; and (l) tho worrd f'or" is not noccssarily exclusiva 128 tntcrprct+tiorf yyi& FERC Onders, Each Party conductc and shall conduct its operations in a mannor intdrd€d to comply with FERC OrderNo. 717, Stonddds of Cddust forTransmission hviders, requiringthc scparation of itstansmission Endrtotthrnt fiurstions. Mor,cover, &e Prties aoknowledge frEt cash of Tranqission Pmvider's and IntorponnetionPr,ovidct's tansmission firnction offsrs transnrission soryicc on its spmt in a mannr irtendd to comply with FERC policies and rcquiremc,uts rclating o thc ptwision of opcn-access transmirsion sorvice. Countaparty aErEEs to corduct itsclf and operatc thc fapility in amordaacc with all Roquircmcmts of [aw, all requiremonts of all applicable ElesEic $ystein Authorities, aod all rcquircmena of ftc Intorponnection Agrcement. 8fi.4.7(B)-3 WMW,ILG-iWIPfr 1.28.1 Countcrparty agr€cs to cnter into drc Gcocration Intcrconnestion Agrcemont witt {te Intcrcomcotion Pmvidcr. The Oanerdion Intercorrrection Agrccracnt lhall be a s€pssate and frcc standing contract aod the terms h€rcof &E not binding upon thc Intcrcormcction hovidcr or Tnnsmission Pr.ovider, although both are cxprcss drird paty bencficiaries hercof. 1,28.2 Notwtthstarding any oilhu provision in this Agr€cmcfit, nothing ln thc Gemcrdion IntetEoflrootionAgrcemeng nor any otheragraoment betureen Countcrprty on the onc hmd and TranrmiseionFtovidcorlntcrcomec*im Prrovidcronthe otrcrhan4 nor any allcgsd €vent of dcfrirh therutrnder, shsll altc( or modiff thc Puticc'rights, dt$iec, ad oblig$ion hereurdcr. Likswisc, nothinghcrein or conne@d wi& the pcrfonrmcc by PacifiCorp honoof shall affest or inrpair tre rigtils of lmcrconnoction Provi&r or Transmission Prcvider, undar the Intcrroaneodon Agrecmcnt or othervis€. This Agrecrncnt shall not bo consEued to ffiate myrights bctrvccn Counterparty Endeo Intercomestion Provider orbetfirccn Countcrparty and fic Thnmission Providcr. 128,3 Coutprparty cxpressly rccognizes that, for ptrpos€.e heroof, trc Intcrponncstion Providsr and Transmission Prcvi&r cach shall bc dccmod to be a soparata cntity and' scparate gontactingparty fromPacifrCory wh€thcr ornot&c Gancration Intcrconncction Agc61acnt is entcrcd into witr Intcrconncction Providsror an affiliafie flrcreof. Coumorparty aclnowlodges thatPacifiCorp, ecting in itsmerchart capacity function aBPurohasot hcremdor, has no rosponsibility for or contl,ol over Ineromrcction hovidcr o,r Transnission Providq, and is uot liabte for my brcach of agrcerront or dwy by Intcnoonnoodon hovidcr or Ttrnsrnission hovidcr. Nothing in tris Agfccmcot shnll opcrae o diminisb nor shsll tfiis Agfe€mcut exEnd to, Intcrconnection Plovider or Transmisdon Providcr's usc, rctcntion" or disoloslre of Countorparty u Facility information (including informdion within &e scopc of 6is furcoment) in cormectionwith PacifiCorp operating in ir transmission function, including its carrying out of ib obligEtione and business praotices as a Balanoing Authority or activities umdcrtakcn pursuant to ths Tariffl, tr. Ternr and Tetmination 2.L This Ageenront shall bc effcctive upon enooution by trc Prtiea ad shdl continuo in cffcct rrrtil such timc as ci6cr Party, upon pa'oviding 60 days writen notice to the otttGr Pa$y, choosos to tcrrnindc. PacifiCorp nay initiatc any regulmry prcoaodings itdcqns approprlatc to t€rmirato this Agrcerrem prior to tre cffoctivcncss of such termination. liit",itra"Ors the foregoing (a) Countgryarty may tcrminato this Agtemcnt uPon m event of dofauft by PacifiCo,rp if PacifiCorp docs not oune such wcnt of dcfault within l0 dnye ofurt-tta aoticc; O) PacifiCorp may torminato this Agreement upon an evcntofdefrult byCountcrparty if Counteqparty do€s not crtrt such event of default wifhin -10 days of uritten noticc, (c) PacifiCorp may tcrminatc this Agrcomcnt if thc Facility fails to meet tho rcquirements of Section 3.1 hereof and such frilurc is not curcd widdn 30 days, and (d) Either Parfy may tcminate this Agreemcnt immediately upon noticc to the oilrsr if Countorparty or tho Facility fail to oomply with Section 128. This Agrecorcnt msy etso be tcrminatod as othcnvise set forth hersin. m. ORESqsices. 3.1 ORE Ssviceg. PacifiCo,rp will, on thc tcrms sct forttr hercin, serve &s a QRE for the Facility so long as thc Facility mests ths definition of Reirovmblc, is within tre meersd Edr4.(B) -4 tuM,lltd,Ilfi-itofiMr bouodaricc of bo& PacifiC,orp's Balancing Authority and is equipped with oithor: (l) Tmnsrnhsion Provider or Intcrcoonccion Provider (as applicsblo) oumed rnd opcratd mctcrr; or (2) moterr that mect thc Inteirconnoction Pmvidet's requlrtrnents arrd (3) m*t all 32 Compeosatim to PacifiCorp. In exctunge forths scrviccs pcrfonncd by PaoifiCorp Ircreundcr, Corrrterparly shall pay PacifiCorp as follows: Counterparty shall pay PacifiCorp a onc-time initial seilp fec of $280, ufrioh-qhall bo due upon exocrtion ofthis Agrccmcnt Tho Cormterparty ehall pay PaciffCorp a momhly rcporting fco of $50 per gpnentiog unit for whioh PacifiCorp rcports ougut to WREGIS, providod that PacifiCqp may, in its discrttion, asrcss and bill for an fecs dre hsrunder on an aonual, rathcr than monthly, hsis. Other tlao thc initid scfip fcc, which shall bc &re in advanoo, atl o,tto fccs dne hcrrundcr shall bo ducwihint€ndays ofPaoifiCorp's issuatrcc of an invoie for suoh ftes. PacifiCorpwill twicw oosts assctatsd with mis seryice on an annual basis, and may make nccessary tdjr.rsmc,nts to the montrIy rrporting fcc charged hcrcin. Any ohango in thc rnonthly Eporting fce witl become effective only aftcr a minimum flrirty (30) days prior wri$en aotice to Countrrparty. tn ftc evcnt WREGIS, WECC, or any otter entity with tho ability or juridiction to modi& the QRE reporting process rrquires a change that mdcrially incrcascs the msts to PacifiCorp of providing QRE scrvioes, PacifiCorp may pass those costs to the Corrnnrprrty by inorcaoing tho monthly r€pofting fee. PacifiCorp wiU uso bost efforts to providc Courrtorpqrty with prior noticc beforc billing Cowtorpsrty for such incrcascd costs. Tho feos sct for& hoein relate to PacifiCorp scrving as a QRE for Counterparty pursuantto the tryrms of this Agrtement" firo necessry mebring is a prrrequisite for &is ssrvice and is not conortd in tb fecs dcscriH abovc. 3.3 Pofoits of Mctcrinl Thc Points of Mctcring that PrcifiCorp will use a& sct fotth itr Brhibit A. Countrparty ccrtifies that Ell Points of Mcfiering listed in Elfiibit A mcastno daa only ft,om Facility thet moet the definition of Rencunrble. Couterputy ahall notifr PaoifiGorp * least thirty (30) Busines Da1,s pior to making any pmposed malerial charigeo to the Poinr of Mctc,ring. Following suoh notification, tre Parties will decidc vfrpther such c,hangcs arc mutra,lly acceptrblc. If ruob c,hanges arc trot acceptable to PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp may tenninato thie Agrwnont 3.4 E:ryenseg. E:rcept as othcrvisc providcd in thc Intcrconnection Agrccmc,nt (and in snch ouo, only vis.i-vis InErconncction Pnovider), Countcrparty shall bcarall oosts and expenses, inchding 0rosc incurcd byPacifiCorp, relatingto all motoring or otlrerequipmerf instllled to accommodstc Conutcrpartf e Facility. 3.5 Roportiag. Countorprfy hercby grants to PriliCorp sole and exclusive perrrissio,n and ou&ority to rcport D*a and CIlgrto WREGIS md warrurts md rqrtscnte th* noithcr Countcrparty nor any othcr person or cntity aoting on behalf of Counterparty has granted, or will hcreafto grurt during the tcrm hcrmf any similar daa rtpotting autro,rity or pormirsion to any othcr QRE or WREGIS AocorurtHolderor to any othmporty orAgent for usc in WRECIIS, or any othcr enerry tacking gystem, for tlrc Facility. As a prccondltion for PacifiCorp to be able to pcrform hcreunder, Counteparty shall zubmit CountcrpuQy's Oupt* ddE to P*ifiCorp by allowing PacifiCorp to colloet such data, at tho Points of Mctering and r€poft suc,h dsta in the manaer set for& hercin. E$"4.7(B)-s Il { IIj I I I i i, i: i. i; I I :1 ii 1,iil.i Iit:t; lr 1;ti,:. i; 1, -}; I t.:: I i { t:t 1 i. l,.II!: :i ii :i,I .i t' 1. ,i, ri a ! i CeMsW,IIGatdtPdt 3.5.1 Monthlv Crenermion Entact Filo. Once a month PaciffCorp shall submit a Monthly Gc,ncration Exract File to UTREGIS on Cotmterparqfs bchalf, which will conform to thc otramsteristics and dafarcquirernents set for& in the WREGISI Intcrfaoc Comuol Dogument 3.5.2 Reportins Cvcle. PacifiCorp shall submit the Montrly Gonoration Extract Filc to WREGIS no sooner than the last busircss day of each rnonth for data collected dwiag the prcvious monthn or prwious portion of month" PacifiCo,rp shall submit such datr no latcr than the end of &e caleodar mon& following thc end dme of thc ougut bcing rcpored" 3.5.3 Verifieation. Should PacifiCorp choose at its option to opeldc and mako available a Mctering Extcmal Wcbpago, PacifiCorp may in its reasonably e:rercisod discrotion grant Countorparty aocess for Cormerparty to verify such information as prcsoribed by PaoifiCorp from timo to timg and to timcly notiS PaoifiCorp in rvriting of any ormrs Cotmterparty detects. 3.5.4 Adiustnon8. Aftcr PacifiCo'rp srbmits thc Monthly Generatioa Extoot File to WREtIS, any information containcd in tlre Monthly Generation Extract Filc shatl be final forpurposes of WREGIS raporting, subject onlytothc adjustme,ntproceduros set forth in trc WREGIS Opcrating Rules, which sha[ bs Countcrpafiy's rcsponsibility to implcmont if nC,gCSSaty. 3.6 Qblimtionsei[CqrtnErpsrty. Courtprparty Sall rcport andprovi& to PacifiCorp accuraE and complcrc gene,mion Data and orflprd lnformation for tre Factlity. Cormterparty shdl scndthe Dara and othcr Orput Inftrmation in a fotmat and in compliancc wi& any pmtocols wtridr PacifiCorp uay spcci$ to Countcrparty. Countcrputy has a continuing duty to immediatcly noti$ PacifiCorp, if and wlren any generation Data or Output information has becn sent in etfl,r or celses to be 0uthful" aoourato, or complcte and to stpply the oomccftd data as soon as paotioal, btrt not later than five (5) Business Days frrom the date Countcrparty discovas that discrcpanoy in tre Data or Output information. 1.7 WREGIS Focs. Cormtcrparty is solely rusponsible forthe paynent dircctly to WREGIS of any aad all WREGIS fws md costs tnt are rcquired to register Corrutcqpart/s Facilityan4to tte cxtcntth GenerEtor Oxmcris aWREGIS AccountHol&r, Cogtc,rperty is rcsponsiblo for thc paymcnt dinctly to WREGIS of all oths UIX,EGIS focs incidcnt to tho rcporting of GorcrEtor Dab md Ougut to WRBGIS. Countcrparty acknowledges and agrces thd PacifiCorp shall have no obliguion b advancc or make paymcnt of WREGIS fses or corts on Countcrpart/s behalf. Upon request by PacifiCorp made if PacifiCorp has reoefued such a requcst from trrREGIS oranyrcgulamrorthirdporty, Count€ryarty sha[ p,rovido PacifiCorp with cvidencc of paymcnt of WREGIS fccs ard costs; failure to porridc suoh inforrration to PacifiCorrp, upon requcst, strall constitrte 80 evcnt of default undor this Agrccment. 3.8 IVREGIS Accormts. Cormtaparty will bc solcly rcsponsiblc to makc anange,nrents and regictrations and for entering into my such agrc€ments that art neccssary to establish trnsfer of Certificatss directly to proper Accorurts or Subapcornfs of Countorparty. Countcrparty agreos that smch anangerr€Nrts shall prcclude tho neod for PacifiCorp to act as oustodiao of suoh Csrtificstcs or to bo rcsponsible in any way to hold such Certificatos in any Acoormt sr Subscoount of PacifiCorp or bear any rcsponsibility, posecssion, obligstio& or risk of loss with rcspcctto Certificatcs croatcd, hcld, or owncd, with respcctto the Facility. Counrcrparty acknowlcdgcs that, pursuant b scotion l l of the WREGIS TOU, any ge,neration data that PmifiCorp, octing as a QRE, providcs to WRECIIS shall rrsido in E&.4.(B)-6 t{rI, , I Ii iI :, fuMW,Ilt"4athP*t qpplicablcprovisions of thc Tsritrwtrich rcqrrfuEPacfftCorp o holdconfidsntial furformation witr r€spcd to the Crcncrator Ovmer md tho Facility, to tho ortnnt nccossory for PacifiCorp b rtport, as a QRE, gcocration Ihta and Oupr rcgiding tho Clenertion Un($ and to carry out PacifiCorp s obligations under this Agrecment. Ttris provision shall survivo any terminationof isAgrcement 3,12 Crrant by Counteroarty. Counterparty hereby grants to, perrrits, and authorizes Pacifi Cory the following: ?.12,1 PooifCorp is hoeby autf,orized to oornnrunioatc and tansact with WREGIS ae Counterparqy's solc and cxolrsive reporting eourre'of geocration data for ttc Faoility, and WREGIS is hereby arthorized b comnunicd! andhansact directly with P*ifiCorp rcguding any gencreion dra issucs for thc Faoility. PacifiCorp is hcrtby autrorizcd to aa on behalf of CouuterpErty, htr only to thc crtuffi thd PacifiCorp has lswful, oonEacfital aeoosg to WREGIS. 3.12.2 PaoifiCo,rp ir hcrcby authorizrd to provide WREGTS witr Ell gcne,r*ion dm for trc Facility that WREGIS rcquircs, including hr not limitcd to, data required forprrpration of rcqufued rcporb aod bi[ing. 3.12.3 PaciflCorp ie au&orized to rmdcrhkc all actions qftich are rcasonablc and ncctssary to corry out the obligrtions set forttr in the sub$ostions abovc. 3.12.4 Courtorpatty nctafuE all other rigtrte and rcsponsibilitics and alt other obligations to WREGIS. fV. IndcuuriwandHold lhrmless bv Counuoartv. 4.1 Indcmnity. To the oilGnt p€rmiued by Rpquircurcnu of kw, Countarparty hercby indemnifics an{ agroes to hold PacifiCorp, its officers, oraployoos, a8eos, or rcptpsentatives, turmless for any and all liabili$ thst is in any way associatd wi& PacifiCorp's pcrformarrcc hereundsr. This inslud$ Iiability arising fiom: the data contained in thc Momhly Creaeradon E:<tast Filg or any other financial injury, or danrage to p€ffiotr or Prcpc,tty. Without limiting the gencrality of thc fotcgoing: 4. I . I Waivcr of Carsos of Action and Claims fo.r Darnases. Countcrparty hcrcby waivcs my and all sauscs of action arising under or in rospgst to this Agrcement whe(her in confrc! tort or any otlrer legal or equitable troory (including strict liability) agahst PacifiCorp. In no wcnt shall PacifiCorp bc liable to Countcrparty its bosd of diractorq cnrploym, agen8, or rcprcscntativoc 6r any &mands; dircct oosts, lost or prospoctivc profis or any othor losscs, liabilities or expenses, whc&cr spcoial, punitivc, oxcmplary, oorscquentid, iuoidcotEl, or indirect in nahrrc, ttrat aro in rry way associatcd wift PacifiCorpb porfurmance of tho QRE fimction or othorwise rurdar or in respoot of this Agwment. 4.2 Indenurity by Cormtcrpartv. Cormterparty shall rclcaso, indemnifr and hold harrnlcss PacifiCorp, ie Affiliaes, and each of irc and thcir rcspectivo diroctors, offioers, cmployoes, agetrts, andrqrcoontativos (colloctiveln the'PaoifiCorp Indemnities") agpinst urd from any and all lomes, fincs, pcnalties, olairns, delnandq damages, liabilities, actiotu or suits of any nerrt whatsoever (inctuding legal oosts aod attonqls fccs, both atfiil and on appeal, whether or not suit is brought) (eollectiveln "Liabilities") resulting Aom, or arising out of, or in any way connested with, trc porformancc by C.ormterparty of its obligations hereunder, or e&.4.7(B)-S tuMWU,Ilfr-4ffitPdt rclating to the Facility, for or on account of (i) injury, bodily or othcrwiso, to, or death of, or (ii) for damage to, or do$ruction or oso,nomio loss of properqy of, any person or entity, excopting only to ttc ortrnt suoh Liabilitics as may bG crused bytho grosc nogligeirce or wiUfrrl mismnduct of any person or entity within &c PacifiCorp Indsrnnities. 4.3 NOTWIIIISTAI{DING AI\TY OfiIERPROVTSION OF TIIIS AOREEMENT, COUNTERPARTY ASSI MES FLILL RESPONStsILITY AI.ID RISK OF l,oss nnSUf,fnlC FROM (l) IIHE FAILITRE TO SE;l.lD DATA IN A FORMAT SPECIFIED BypAcmcoRP, (2) THE FAILTJRE TO USE PROTOCOTS SPECIFIED BY PACIFICORP OR (3) THE SENDING OF ER,RONEOUS, UNTBUITIFUL, INACCT RATB AIIID/OR INCOMPLEIE GENBRATING DATA TO PACIHCORP OR THE SEIIDS.IG OF ERRONEOUS, I]NTRTITHFI]L, INACCI.JRATE, A}.ID/OR INCOMPLEIE DATA BY PACIFTCORP TO WREGIS. IN NO EVENT SHALL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE FOR AI{Y CONSEQLIENTIAL, INCIDEI.ITAI4 SPECIAL, HGMPI^ARY, OR OTHER INDIRECT I"0SS OR DAITIAGES RESULTING FROM ANY BREACH OF THIS AGREEIUEI{T, WHETIIER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR INTENTIONAL ACTIONS OF PACIHCORP (AllD/OR ITS CONTRACTORS, AGEtrITS, AI{D EMPLOY-EES), REGARDLESS OF WHETIIER SUCH CI^AM FOR DAMAGES IS BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, SIRJCT IJABILTTY OR OTHERWISE. INNO EVENT SHAIT PACIFICORP BE IJABTE TORA}.IY LOSS ORHARM STIFFERED BY COI,JNTERPARTY OR AI{Y TIIIRD PARTY DI.JE TO ANY ACTION OR INACTION BY PACIFTCORP TAKEN HEREIJNDER THAT CAUSBS A FACILITY TO LOSE A}IY CREDENTLALS, REGISTRATION OR QUALITICATION IJI{DER THE FE}.IEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARD OR SIMILAR LAW OF AI.IY STA]3 ORCITHER JURISDICTION. 4.4 PACIFICORP WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLB FOR ANY DAIvIAGES RESULTINGFROM ECONOMIC LOSS,I.0SS OF USq LOSS OF DATA,I,OSS OF BUSB.IESS, LOSS OFPROfff, LOSS OF PRODUCTIONTN( CREDITS, LOSS OF SAVINCS OR REVENUE,II)SS OF GOODWtrJ4 THE CI-AIMS OF THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING CUSTOMERS A!.lD SHAREIIOIDEnS OR OTHBR EQLIITY OWNERS), PER.SONAL INIT.'RIES ORPROPBRTY DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY TIIE COI.]NTMPARTY OR ANT THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF PACIFICORP HAS BEEN NOTTFTED BY COITNTERPARTY (OR BY AI{Y THIRD PARTD Or SUCH DAIvIAGBS. 4.5 PACMICORP DISCI.AMS A}.tY LIABILITY FOR A}.ID COUNTERPARTY WATVES AI{Y CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DANAGE REST,JLTII{G FROM ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER INACCI,JRACIES IN ANY PART OF WREGIS OR ]IIIE REPC)RTS, CERTIFICATES OR OTTIER INFORI\{ATION COMPILED OR PRODUCED BY A}ID FROM ORINPLTT INTO WREGIS USING COUNTERPARTY SI.'PPLIED GENERATION DATA. WHETIIERORNOT SUCH ERRORTI, OMISSTONS OR INACCURACIES ARE DTJE TO ERRONEOUS, UT.ITRI.II}IFI,'L, INCOMPLETE OR NACCI'RATEINFORI{ATION INPIff BY PACIFICORP INTO WREGIS. 4.6 COI'NTE,RPARTY TIEREBY RELEASES PACIFICORP AI{D ANT OF ITS CONTRACTORS, AOENTS, AI\ID- EMPLOI'EES FROM AI.[Y AI.ID ALL LIABILITY WTITI RESPECT TO DAIVIAGBS OR INJIJRIES'INCLTRRED BY GENERATOR OWNBR AS RELA'TES T0 TIIE FOREGOINQ EXCLUDING Al.fY ARJSING AS A RESLILT Of Exh4.(B)-9 i t: )) !tI IIIt :'.i :l i:ti i :: l I i {I I l:I t: i:. llll II ! iI i I tuO*WlIEltWtW TORTIOUS A]\ID INTENTIONALLY KNOWING OR RSCKLESS COI{DUCT BY PACIFICORP 4.7 COT'NTEBPARTY ACKNOWI,EDGIES AI{D AGREES TIIAT, IN THE EVENT OF BNEACII OF TTIIS CONTRACT OR AT{Y OTHER ACTION RESTJLTING IN LOSS OR POTENTTAL IOSS OR DAIUAGE TO COUNTERPARTY, IIIE SOLE RECOI'RSE TO GENERATOR/OWNERIS TERMINATION OF TTIIS AGREEMENT. 4.8 Countorparty agrees to defsnq indemnify, and hold harmloss PacifiC.orp afld its directors, offrocre, cnrplo5rces, and agents Arom and against any and dl claims (including third-party claims); oawoc of action, whdrcr in contracl tort or any other legnl theory (includttry strict liability); demands; damages; costs; liabilities,l losscs and o;rpcnscs (irrcluding rcasonable atiornoy's foes and oourt co$s) of my nfiur whaaoevc,r, ufrcnever adsing arising out of, rcsuhing from, attsihtablcto, orrclatodto Comtcrprty generdion Data our OrQut fon any inaccuracy, enor, or dclay in or misrion of (i) anyDe, information, or servicc, or (ii) the trasuriesion or &livcry of aay Data' informatioru or senrico; any intomrption of any such Da& Orry4 informatioru or rcrvicc (whcdra or not causcd by PaciffCorp); or any financial, businoss, oomrnerEial, or oilro judgmc,ng dccieion, ac( or onrission madc by any pcrson or cutity bascd upon or rplatcd to ttrc informarion 4.9 lucrcon4gc.tion. Countcrparty shall have no claims hercunder apinst PacifiCotp, acting in its muchaatffuction qpaoity, witr rcspcctto any rrquirements imposcd by or darnages causod by (or allogodly csused by) acb or omisions of thc Transmission Provider or Inteipoancction Providcr, in connoction with the Gcneration Intcrconncction Agreenrotrt or otheftyise. Countcrparty shall defen{ indernniry and hold PacifiCorp harmless againct any liability arising due to Counfrprtfs pcrformancc or failurt to pcrform undor dro Gcmcretion Intcroonnoctim Agocmcnt. Combrpart/s frilurc to obtain, cpcrform undcr, fto Crcricration Intcroonncction Agrcoment, or iE otrer contacte and obligdions to, Traasmission Providor or Intexcomcction h'rovidar is not a Forpc Majcuro. 4.IO THTS ARTICLE SHALL SURVT\A A}.IY TERMINATION OF fiIIS AOREEMENT, WHETHER SUCH TERMINATION IS BY PACMICORP OR COUNTERPARTY, A}.ID WHETI{ER. ORNOT SUCH TEBMINATION IS ON A@OIJNT OF A DEFAT'LT. V. FurtherCourrerpaq,Obligutions. 5.1 No Salc. Notring hcrrin corutitubs a salo or pnchasc of encrgy or rpnewablo oncrgy certificatos to or by PacifiCorp. 52 EIC!. Cameryarty shall bcar all risl$, finaucial a,nd othem,isc througlrout thc Tcrm, associated with Countcrparty's or tho Fucility's cligibiltty to recefue pmductim tan credits (9TCs')or qualifr for accclcrdcd dcprwiation for Countcrpanfs accounting rcporting or trxpurposcs. 5.3 Ftrthet Assuranocs. At PacifiCorp's rtqucst, the Partics shsll execute such documcnts md instsumeirts as may bc tcasonably requircd to cffcot thc css€dal intcnt and purposcs hcreof. 5.4 Station ServiCe, Counterperty shall be responsiblo for arranging and obtaining at its sole risk and anpensc, any station seffice requircd bythc Faoility. Erd,4.7(B) - l0 tuMW'tl,O-adtMr 5.5 Coctr of O,vmcrship and Ooemtion. Without limiting tho gpa€rality of any o,tbsr provision horcot Countcrprrty sh.ll bc solcly responriblc forpaying whsn duc (a) all costs of onming and opcrating the Facility in compliance with exirting and future Rcquirements of Law and the Ermg srd oonditione hortof, and (b) all taros and charges (howwor charactorizod) now aristing or hercinaftcr imposed on or withrcspestto th Facility, its operatio&, or otr or witr rcspcot to emissions or other envimnmontal impacts of the Facility, irrluding any nrch tax or c'hargs (however 0h!fiactcriz.ed) to tre entcntpayable by a gencrabr of nrch cnogy or rencwable Gncrgt cartificates. 5,6 Coordindion ffith S'rstcm. Coultsrparty ihEll bc rcsponsiblo for thc coordination and synohroniz*ion ofthc Facility and the Intcrconnectiou Fasilities with thp Sy$pm, and shall bG solelyreEpomible for (and slrall dcfud andhold PaoifiCorp harulcss against) ury damage &at may occur as a dircct result of Couatcrpanfs brcach of the Ciencr*ion Inbrconnoction 5.7 Data ReouosL Counterpatty shall, promply rlpon unirun rcqucst from PrcifiCorp, providc PacifiCorp with dca reasonably requircd for infotm*ion rcquests from an.y Govermsntal Authoritiqs, statc or fcdcral Bg€ncy interverrcr or any othct party achiodng int€rv€nor sbtus in any PacifiCorp rate proceeding or other p'roceeding beforc any govetmnental artrority. Countorparty shall use best effoftE to provide this information to PacifiCorp suffioicntly in advanoo to enablc PacifiCorp to rwisw it aad meet any subruission deadlires. 5.8 Additional Inform*ion. Cormterparty shall povide to PaoifiCorp such o&€r information rcspeotiqg Countcrparty or thc Faoility as PacifiCorp may, fiom time b timc, rcasonably rcqucst. ; 5,9 No Dcdic*ion. Nothing hcrein shll bG oonstrucd to qtato any duty to, &I standErd of carc with rsfcrrocc to, or any liability to any porson not a Party Mo. No undcrtalcing by onc Party b the other rmdcr any provision hersof slrall constitutc the dedication of PacifiCorp's facilitias or any lnrtion th€rcof to Countcrparty or to the public, nor affoct ths stanrs of PacifiCorp as m indc,pondcnt public utility corporation or Countcrparty as 8D indcpendcnt irdividual or entity. 5.10 Roquircd Policic.s and Coveragcs. \Vithout limiti4g any liabilities or any other obligations of Counprfrty hcreunder, Countcrparty shall scclre and continuously carry with au iiisuranoo oompany or ounpaniee rat€d not lowcr than'B*n by the A.M. Bt$ Companythe insrance covcrago specificd in the Gcncration Imrconncction Agrcomart VI. RepncseotationsandWsnantieg. 6.1 M, ufilal Rcormcmtations and Warmrtie. Each Pa*y reprcscms and warrants to the otrs isting undcr thc laws of thc jurisdistion of its incorpmtion or organization; (ii) it hrs tho oorporaie, govetmental and othcr legal ccpacity and au&ority to cnter hercinto and to perforrr its obligations hercunder; (iii) such execution andperforrrance.do notviolato or mnflictwith any law, ordcr or agrccment applioableto ifi (iv) it has all govcmmeotal and other authorizdions ttat are requircd to have been obtahed or zubmitrcd by it wittr rcspcot lrercto, and they arc in full force and effecg (v) its obligations hcrcunder arp valid, binding and cnf,orpcablc in accordancc widr thcir torurs (subjcct to baolsupey or similu laws affccting creditors'righ* gcncre[r; and (vi) no Event of Dofrult' or went which witr notioo and/or lapso of timc would oonstinrts such an Evont of Defaulg Exh.4.(B).ll i. [: t: i ilrt i;t:i' i,' j. :, |, i" 1l l :r: t. ;li i i ii !1 l: * ll. tll: t:)l'rl ,l: !. i ;'i, ,1, I I IIi I i I,t I,I Il:,l I I I i WMM,IIE-l{crtPd has occurrd tod ir oontinuing or would oocur is a rsuh of its oaqing hto or pcrforoing its obligations hereundcr. 6,2 Rsorcsg$atioos aod Warranties of Countfrparty. Countcrparty tmcby rcpwgnts Ed wanaffi:to PacffiCorp: (0 it is not rclying rryon my rcpr€s€nt$ions of PaoifiCorp othcrthan ftom oxprcssly sot fo,rtr hcrein; (ii) it has cotcrod hercinto with a full udortanding of ttre maBrial lEnns and risks ofths same, md it is cepable of assunriug llrose rids; (iii) ithss made its trading and investrrent dcoisions bascd upon is ovmjudgment end any advice fiom such adnison as it has deaned necessuy and not in rpliancc upon sny view orpreesod by PacifiCorp; (iv) it bas not rcccivcd from PaoifiCorp any assur.nccs or pmmis rcgrding ury finanoial rceults orbencfits hercun@ (v) scrvicc homourdcr is not a utility scwisc withinthc mcaning of $sction 466 of the United Statea Banlruptcy Code; and (O Counterparty holds lcgal titlc to thc Facility or oth€rwise holds thc legll right to causc the Faoility to cnt€r into thie Agreemcnt V[I. FinarcialRcsponsibilitv. 7,1 Adcquare Assurarc,€s. \\rithoril limiting PacifiCorp's rjghts undorArtiolo VItr hereof, if Countcrparty has failed to md<e atimclypalnaathereundcr, andPacifiCorp has rpasouablc grouds for insocurity rsgarding ths pcrforrnmce of any obliguion of CounEryarty hemoundcr (wtreffrcr or not thcn duc), PaoifiCorp msy dc,mand Adoquatc As$ranoas of Pcrformmcc. "Adequatc Assuranccs of Performancc" means sufrci@t socurity in ths form, amountr by an issusr or guarutrr, and frthe Brm rcasonably aoci;ptable to PrifiCorp, including, but mt limitcd to, cash, s standby incvoceble lomcr of sedit, a prcpr,rrm.mt, a secuity intcrcst in govcmmelrt securities, an asset or a pcrfonnance bond or guaranty. Such Adcquato Asnrances of Pcrformancc shall bc pmvidcd within Orrco business days aftcr "*i 8.1 Event of Default "Eveot of Dofault' meam, witr rcspcct to a Psrty (the 'Defaulting Party"): 8.1.1 tlrc failutt to rctder whon duo my payrront or performance hcreunder, if such frilure is not rcmedicd withln five days aftervnitEn noticc; 8. lJ, tte failurc to timely prrovide adoquata ,ssuranoes rcquircd pursurnt to Articlo YII her,eof; t.1.3 any such Party's represqrtation oE waraoty proves to have bcon incorrcct or mialeading in any material rcspoct whem made; 8.1.4 the faihrc to pcrform any otlrer covenant set forth hcrein if suoh failut is not rcrnedisd wifrin frve days der mittcnnotioe; 8.1.5 its banknrptcy, if adequato Es$rano6 accephblc to PacifiCorp urd approved by the Banknrpcy Courtarc not provid@ 8.1.6 the orpiration or tsrmination of any crcdit srpport of Couoterpart/s obligdions lpreundor (other than in acoordance with iS tsms) prior to the satisfrction of all obligations of Counterparty without the writtcn consent ofPacifiCorp; or 8.1.7 In thc caso of Cotmterparty: Ee.4.(B).12 j, i;i: r ilrl' I i; I li i,il I I :,.: i, t il. Jt,t' I I Il! i i. t : il ll 1' ll t1 t i, I Ii' l,'i , I i \, i. ! I I tuMcWllfi1ffilfur togcthffi con$ih$c onc and the Jamc odgioal insffimcot This Ag$mont courpletcly end fully oupersedes all otlmpriorrmdartandingp or rgrceincnte, boft wdfron andoral, bctwocn thc Particg relating to thc subject rufitr her,oof. If my provision of dtig Agrocmoot is dstominod to bo invali4 void or rmenforceable by any court of competent jurisdictio,tt, such dotqurinatio,n shall not invalida&, void ormalco uncnforccable any otrorprovision, agrccmc,ntor coyenlnt of tris ASfoomcnt, prcvided thc basic prposc$ of tris Agrccmcnt urd thc boncfig to thc Partios art not subotantially impaircd. 10.5 No Waivcr. Waivor by a Party of any &fautt by &c otherPrty shall not bc cmstrucd ac a waivar of any o,thcr deftult, nor shall uy delay by a Party in thc ororciac of uryriglrtundortris Agrecmcntbe coasid€rcd as a waivcr orrclirqulstrment&cltof, t0.6 Jurisdistion. Any judioial action rising out of, rcsulting from or in anyway rclatiry to ttis Agrecmcnt shall bc brou&t only in a satc or fedctal court of Multaomah County, Orogon. In ths wem suchjudicial proceodinp am instinrcd by oithcr Party, tho prcvailing Party shall bc cntitlod m arvard of its costg aud amomeys'fecs incurcd in corrncctiolt with such pnocecdingp. 10.7 Jury Trid llVaivcr. THE PARTIES EACH HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAI. ALL RIGIIT TO TRIAL BY JI.JRY IN ANT ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCT"AM ARISINC OUT OF OR RELATII{C HERETO, A}.IY GREEN TAGS OR TTIE TRA}-ISA,CITIONS CONTEMPI.ATED HMEBY. EACTI PARTY FTJRTITER WAWIES AI{Y RIGIIT TO CONSOLIDATE AT{Y ACTION IN WHIC}I A JI.]RY TRI,AL I{AS BEENWATVED WITI{ AI.IY OII{HN. ACTION IN WHICH A JTJRY TRIAL CA}.INOT BE OR IIAS NOT BEEN WAI\IED. 10.8 No Third Paw Bcnefisiarics. \[ith tts cxccption of Transnrissim hovidr and Intonconnootion hovidcr, who arc cxprtst third prty bcncfioiaries hcrpof, this Agrecment conferr no rights whatsoflr€rupon anypcmon othcrftanlhe Partics md shall notcrcdo, or be interpreted as creeing any sEndend of carc, duty or liability to any pcnon mt a Party hcncto. 10.9, Rslarionship of the Petim, Nothftrg contained her€in shall be consfiEd to crcato 0n association, joint ventrrc, trust, or partncrstrip, or impose a tnrst or psrtlership covcnaff, obligaion, or liability on or with rcgrrd to any onc or morc of thc Parties. Erch Party shall bo individually rcspo4sible for its own corrcnotg obliguioru, and liabilities undertris Agr!€,mcnt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partics havc cxccutad this fureemcnt by thcir duly authorized representatives as of thp dde first above writtcn. PaoifiCorp [CoumrpartyJ BY: NAIVIE: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: Bfr.4.7@)r'15 WM,hUIlC$rHt ExhibitA Facility aad Geocration Daila to bo sot by QRE For Facility dsr lha following infonnCion: F*ilityNamo adAddrass Rssowoc ID rnd Mctcr Numbcc (Dcvice ID) rs ligEd on tha MctGr Scrvicc Agrwrqnt for thcltlo Mffi &rtitie (MSA/ISOIUE) Sohcdulc I WREGIII ID IvIcEr Points i : ,; ,I lr {, l', i'. ii,1, I II Il, l. I I .i, i!lt t1 ll ll,:.t. ,tI, It t:t..t: I II III .i i I,f,i {i: iII III tI I I IIj ilII IIIj I I Enh.4.(B)- 16 ADDE}IDI,JMM Ald and Romd.Po*rr Pru,chaso egroonrc* fhrsr]IISlWrFd jl tiIt.t'liiI I *i i.: i il AMENI'g)ANDNESTAXU}BOIVIR,IIIMASAGAMIUII{T BErI'EEN larsExr I{AuE oF NDGELINE Arrur,Llrgl AI.ID PACXf,IGTNP Rdr@ b l{ort hffi Pmisd, rr m MW Whd Iffihe Gcoetdm Plort t a nmsdsd, oq6tsm, Mafi Rcsqrco witr Mrdrsrical Arail*roty Orursec, IdeoQr$ingFrilily .i I Ii i' Ir't:, I i i.j :; III {, I i. l'tI i',li i: ,iir t, !II ll:lr I tII l' iIiiiI l:IltiII ili HYbflng,A (r) FrrwtJ, Ef--ldrPdt 1., ]i;t. , t'' I , ii \ir I i .it iIli i ;, ill, I [: i 1, i l' it. I;. !:!. i.. i IIt I l:., I l i i i' Ii. t. t,,t, t' iIt l, t,l II I T&hofObfiE ils sEcuoN 1. sEcrIoN2. SESIION 3. SECIION 4 sD{cf,IoN5. sEcuoN6. sEcuoN 7. sEqaroN & SE{CIION 9. SESIION 10. sucIIoN u. SECIION 12- sEcrroN 13. SESIION Id. SECIION 15. sBgrtoN 16. SBCTT{)N 17. SESIION II. SEG"IION 19. SECTION20. sEgrroN2l, SECTION22. sEcrtoN 23. DEFINIflONS... ....31 ENTIRE 35 NOTrCES.......'-*ffi..r.r.i-id.s.dih.r....r,...........ri.........................35 #806{GJyt0 (i) [hwrt|,Ilfr-l{ailPobt AI}IB{DED AI{D NEilATEX} BOSM. PUR(g,AS AGREUTIU{T THIS AIUENDED Al.lD RESTAIED FOWER PLJRGIAS ACREEMENI, rcldng b }ORffi FoINT, m E0IVIW wtndtftino$ocraimpojcsq cn&rcd into this -dEY ot'lb'lrtt ItutL d Teo o! SisdrrgL is bfiyom lblrgt Norc of Ndgelbc ,ffiltael' a Dclawarc limit€d liabifity conry;y Gho "Sdste,) and PbctfiCorp, an Orcgon carpordron ading in ie mcrdrril firl*im caeciltyttcfiCorp'). Scllcr urA paclttCqp ar n&nod to oollestivcly as the "Par&" and individuatly as e "Ptrty". nmcxrAr$ A" Ccdr Alck \1,in4 LL/C CCCTtl') lod PacifiCorp ced inb ttd ocfilill PcM,Er hasbqganrcdftstidtbassignlboftigirglPPAtouraffilidoofRidgplincEnagy,I[,C. B. CCW brs dscod b erenir ib dgb to acdgn thc eiginal PPA to Scllcs, an afiliab of Rllgplirc Encrgr, L[.C, dd prr$d to 6E ems of 6s eigilal PPA ffififue ryon udt assigrlrrcpttrp OdginrlPPA isobc amclrdcd rrdrcfibd onthotcrmssEtft,r&infiisAgpcrrcof C. Sdlo irnmde b cmstrrq ou,rt op€re ed msfuilah a wind ftpility, io0hdttg Sclkr's Imcrcqurcotion Facilitioq br fte $ncrdion of olccfiis polrEr locatod h &ho, wi& rt ep€rtad fadity Ceacity ltairng of 80 mqmre as firlhcr dccdbcd in Erhibft A and Erhtbft B CTrd[ty") D. Sollcr ha s€crrcd dghs to deliva or&rt ftm it Fasihyo PacifiCotP mssfu immonmion md o6tg frsilities as firfu fucdbod in Addcodun L. E Scllcr intods b opcnab &c Facility as a Qmlifying facility, as srch brm is dafind in S€cdm 159 bclow, adb sEll}.ldosilo hifiCqp in ldaho. F. Sdler cginrcthdec a\Eaep @tralNctO4pttb bodoliwed byftefacinry b PacffiCqp is 238,4E3,850 kilowafi hours (k$h) (Averqp Annuel Nca Ouslrf) trluffi b ftc Inidal Yaa Errrsl Delivcry Schsdrtc in Sectim 43.1, u/ticfi unouil of end5r PacifiCap will includo in its rcsowce planning. G Sellcr irtcnds b scll urd PrcifiCup iffinds to pxctre all thetld Oryut fiom E e Facility in accordre rryttr fto terns md mdtlim ofttis Agtwner1 }I, Paoifigorp furds to kigpe Scller's Facilrty as a Netrvork Remnco for &o prtrposcs of sarving Nctlvork I.oad I Ihb AgrEcrncilt is I tlsw QF Cmacf tndcr UE PacifiCotp Lc.Irnisddiml Cost Allocatiou Rcvis€d hotocol. J. Sailsr ha urtodzld Transrnission Prrovider to rtleaso gBmcfation data to PacifiCorp. If ps, tle autlorizdion is @cM as Erhibit E, NOW, THffiEFOR$ &o Partismmnlly agpeb @d md rcsed fte origirul PPA to rcad in its arftraty as folhns: #4W,N|A I I I t ,I i [lnxttJ,llt-lffitPdr SECTION 1. I}EEINTUONS S/heu ured in fltis Agrottrrcd, lbp fr[oufog um shll lrave tF folorrdng mcmings: l.l "AfulhSnpflmcnf shallboanrylcrrcrbEhlbtAtroviHbySeller following oompletion of oonstruction of the Facility, accurately describiag the complacd Facility. 12 "Avelhbilit/'means, forany Bitling Period, the ratio, expressd as a percenlago, of (x) tb agsrogde sun oftrBtufiine+ainutcs in which esch ofthc Wind Turbinesc &eFacilitywas avaihble to g€n€rdo dthc Maximum Facility Dclivcry Rate during the Billing Poriod owr (y) thc product ofth numbcr of Atnd T[rbines that cornprirc the Facility Capaciff Rating as of Commercial Opcration multiplied by tho number of minutos in such Billing Period. A Wind Turbine shall bc docmed not avaihblg to operate during minutes in rvtich it is (a) in an cmcrgcncy, stop, scrvicc modc or pause uto; (b) in 1nm' stafiu md faultod; or (c) oftenrise not opcational or capblc of dclivcri4g at &e lvlaxinum Faoility lhlivcry Rato to the Point of Delivcry; unk$ if rmavailable dus mlely b (i) a dcfrult by PacifiCorp; (ii) to 6e octcnt not causcd by Seller's actionc, a curtailment in accodarrcc with Scction 6.3 or (iii) iusuffioicmt wind (iroMing thc normal arnout of time rcquired by tho gcncrating oquipmmt to rcsumc opcrcions following a pcriod t+,hon wind epeed is bclow the Cfi-In Wind S@) 13 , "Bitliry P;riod" moans thc tiurc pcriod bctnrecn PrcifiCorp's reading of its power purchase matcr at tho Facility, which for this Agraerncnt shall coincide with cEkndr months. lfi "CAlllI)" moans tho CIam Air Mad<c8 Division ofthe Envirmmemal hotcotion Agency or EuoesElor adnrinistrdor, or any statc or fcdcral ortity givsn jwisdictim ovcr s program involving Gmecn Tap or my anributo tbreof. 15 "C.ouusmid Opurtion'npsrsth*not lcss thanthc 90plo ofthe cxpccted FooilityCapaoityRrfing isfirllyoperationaland rctieble mdthcFaoiliry is ftrlly intcrconnegted, firlly lncgre4 ard synchmnized wittr the Sfastcm" all of wtrich shdl bc Sclla'E rcsponsibility to meivo or ohain, and wtrioh ocour:g whcn all of the following events (i) havc oocurrc4 and Gl) rcmain simuleoously tnre ard aocu"b ss oftr ddo d rnsned srwhich Sctler givesPacifiCnrp notico that Commercial Operation har occuned: 1.5.1 PaoifiCorp has reccivcd a certificatc addrq$od to PacifiCorp ftom a Licenscd hofe$ionat Enginccr (a) stating the Facility Capacity Ratiqg of thc Faoility d tbc antici@d time of Corrmercial Opor*ion .pd (b) *ating th$ the Focility ie able to gmer& docticpourcrrcliabtyinmcnrtercqrrirdbytrisAgra Ertmdinaocordarcewitt ell other torrrs and conditions ofthis AgEE nmt. 152 Strrt-Up Tcsting ofthe Focilityhs boeo compleEd in accordance withErhibitE. 1.5.3 PacifiCorp has roceivod a certificato addrrssod to PacifiCorp &rom a Licsascd Prcfessional Engineu, 8n attorney in good standing in ldatro, or a lefier from Trsnsmission hovidcr, st8ting tbfi, in accordmcc with thc Gcneration Inerconnoction 2 #4ffi6&,qw [IrwtJ,Il,f.-tffitPdt Agrcomont, all roquired interconneotion frcilitics have bosn oonstrrcto4 all rcquircd intarconncotion &sts havo bocn complood and tro Faoility is physioally intcrconM wi& thc Systcm in conformmoe with the Gc;nerdion Interconncction Agrcomeirt snd ablc to doliver encrgy consistcnt wlth the tcmrs of this Agrwmant, and thc Facility is firlly intcgratca ud synohronized with thc Sy*cm. 1.5.4 PacifiCorp has rpccived a ocrtifioate addresscd to PaciliCorp from a Liocnscd Profassionsl Engiuccr, or an dorney in good standing in ldalro; stcing tht &llet hasobtafurcdall RpquirdFacilityDoormcnts an( if rcquestedbyPaoifiCorp insnithe Sellor Shdl have povided copies of any or all nrch rcquostrd Requircd Facility Doormcrrts. 155 Sellshas compliodwiththc soonityrcquimcnts of Sestion 11. 15.6 Network Rcsouee Dmimation and Trgn$nisBign Seryics Rpqugrt. G) PacifiCorp has rccoivod confinnation from drc Transnission Providcrtlrctte Faoility hs bcta dcsigned as clh,uk Rcsorrce md G) pacmOtp has rtoeivod co'r&nraion fmm the Transmission Providor that the tmsmission s€rvicc rqucst h.s be€m gfarilcd in sufEcient capacity to mGGt or orcccd thc lvlaximum Facility llclivcry Ratc ed trc Sellcr lus pafuI dl cffi as$dedwib ry rcWhmrrts offutrursmisdm sovioe rcqr*. 16 tomnschlOpcefrnlhg'rucansthcd&,asdesig@dtyncmCorp pursuantto Sostion 2.4, thc Facility frnt achieves Commcrcial Opordion. l:l "Commfodon'mcans thc ldatro Public Utilities Coramigsim. l.t *Confomhg Energr'means all Net Encrry excopNon{onfonning Energl. 1.9 "Conforuing Enerry Purchase Prloc'means thc applioablc p,ricc for Conforming Encrgy and capacrty, specified in Section 5.1. 1.10 "(ontnst YeoP mcarr a twelvc (12) month period commcncing rt 00:00 hours Paciflc Preuaitftrg Time ('?PT) on lannary f ana cnAirg or 24:fi) hours FIrf on Dooernber 31; providc{ howevcr, ftatthe fint Contract Year shall commc,ncc on thc Schgdulcd Commcrcial OpcrationDate and cnd on tho rcxtsuccccdingDccanbor 31, urd the lastContact Ye+r sball d ont[e ExpirdionDate, rmloss earllsrtsnninr&dasprovidcd hcrrin. l.l I "Cut-ln Wld Sped' mcans thc wind speod at which a shtionary wind trbine begns peodwing N* Energr, as specified by the turbine manufrcturcr and sst fortr inEr[iblt.d t.t2 Agreement. 'Tlefauh Security" shall havcthc meoning s€t forth in Section l12 of this 1.13 "Ddey Liquideted l)rnrgcr",'Ilehy D1iry Mininum", *I)eliry Perlod", "Ildry PdcC'and'I)elny Yolume" shall havo thc mcmingp sst forth in Setion 2.5 ofthis Agoement, fi-vrnffi,gw2 3 f If t Ii 1.14 $tefiJ,llfr--NafiPdt t)clry Pedod Comme,ncemcnt Datc'means October l, 2013. "Ihlry Sccrrity' shall have thc meaning sot forth in Sostion I l.l.l of thisl.l5 Agrrema*. I.16 "Etfscttve lhte" shsll hsve the moanfu set forft in Soction 2.1 of this Agrcqncnt. l.l7 'Eoorgr Dellvery SchGdrb' shall have tto mooning sst forth in Swtim 4.3 ofthis Agrecment I .l E 'Snvlronrentrl AtffiuEo' mcanr any aod all claims, crcdit$, ernissions roductions, oftet& and allowancce, houroever entitlod, assooiuedwith the gcacration of Ouput from the Facility or thc avoiddrcG oftlrc cmissbn ofamy gas, chcmical or uher sub$mcc to trc ar, sil or udcr, &at is capable of bcing nrcanurd, \r€dficd, or cabulaEd. Ecvirmmctal Auihffi ime& btrt a€ rd limibd b: (l) ely syoi&d cmisdons of polldnrdr to trc air, milcnarnrotrrs(sr@othoforogoiog)suffiroxides (SO0, nihogen oxides(NOx), carton monoxide (CO), aud o&cr po[utants; (2) any arroidcd emissions of carton diorid.e (GD),me&ane(CII4),and otherg$€nbouso gasos (GHGs)thathavo bcc,n dsEmdned bythc Urit€d Nations Intergovcrnmcnal Panel on Climate €bmgp o cortihre b tre artnl o pffidallhcdofaltaingthsEattr'sslim&byhppingheatintho afnosphorc; an{ (3) all WREGIS Ccrtificcfiol. Envinonmentat Afiribues do not incltdc (i) Pr,oduction Tax Crcdif c c6hh o6crtur inmiws rxi*ing now or in &e fimre associmd wi6 fto oonstnction, ournaship or qpation of lhe Frcility, or Si) tdvcrse wildlife or qn ironmerral impacts. 1.19 "EuvironmenhtContamhathrn"meanstb inhodrctionup,rescrrceof Ilazardous Matffials 8t such levels, qumtities or locatioq or of strch form or charaptcr, as to conctiiltc a violation off&al" gre or looal laws c rcgulciurs, ard puent a mffiial ri* tdtr ftduril,tEEcbcal hwsandregulaionsthtdrPrcmiseswilnmbeavrilaHecusablefordrO plrposcs oontcmplatcd by this fureunent lfi 'Erplredon l)ete'shall hsvc thc mcaning sct forth in Section 2.1 of tris Agrccmcnt. t.zl 'Trfff is doffned in Rcsital A of this Agroememr ln, 'fuIity Ceprctty Rrthg'moans tho sum of thc Namcplatc Capacity Ratingp for all Windn$ine generrtors comprisingfic Fsoility. 1,23 "Force Meiourt" hos &e meaning set forth in Section 15.1. 1.24 "f,'orced Outlge" moans an outago tbat rcqrircs removal of one oE trorG Wind Turbincs from sqvicc, anotlrr or$agc stsE or arcsoryc shutdolvll staE boforc$c ond of the ncxt weekcnd. lvlaintenancc orfiages and Plarusd Outagcs arc not Forced otttagcs. 1.25 tGencradon hterconrccdon Agrcment" means thc gancrciou intcrconncotion agrccmcnt cotorod inb s€pEratelybetneon Scller and Transmission hoyidcr, as applicablc, spcoifying tho Point of Dolivery and providing for thc constructioo and opcration of the Inte,rconncction Facilitics. 4 #[ii&ffi,gw [ntwtJ,I]:1klPil iristiffiion tt$ b a Unitod $ms ofroo ofa coumercial'bdcortrst ooryry orgmfuDd rtrft! lffr$oftbot nftEdSttsofAnuicace politicolarbdivisimtrcmt,wi&acmditrdinguriE brry*em seniu unscsurcd dett of at leoc "A' fiorn Shdad & Poods and'A2' !,mr Moody's Irnffi Scflicco, and (tuhss oduflbo agsd) haying ascc oft lca* $10,000,000,000 (d of rescrrrcs). 135'L,bcnrodProfudounlf,ryhefl nmnsapcrsonsocptEbhoPaciffiorpinis rcrsonablo judgmorf wtto is liocoscd to practioc cnginecring in thp stato of ldaho, who has tniniryederyGdcroeinftcengincsdngdiscfolin($rclcvototrcmffiswi0trcsCIdbwttidr srdrpersur is callsdb pvkb ecsffpaim, qafuuimand/u opinim, uho hre no mnorric t*fimhb, acsoUehn, r nanrs with Sclkr, rrd ufu is nm a rrysur*ive of a cmsulting engin€€r, omtrach, dcgigg c ofrfi indivi&nl invohrod !n fto dcndogmat offte Facility, q of a maufrrfiner or zuppHer of my equipmcut insallcd in flre Fatlity. Such Lfoasod Pmilbsilxal E t&ccr du[ bc tioensed in ilt EFoFiaE engftEing dbcbline tulhe r€qreed cutificdkn bdng made. Tlp eng[gFm€flt and pe5mqf ofa Uocnsd Proftssinal Enginoa solsly to provide trc certificcions, waludions and opinions rcquird by this Ag1o€fltddta[ ndconifi'0$e a pdftited soffinio rcldoruhin asoddm cnoss wih Sdlc(, 0o hngos nrh enginecrhss no otk ccursnic re;hioSin asoooidion or nexus wifr trc Seller. 1,36'l}Iahhrnoe ftSe'rmr my onagn ofonc cmm XlindTubirrstre is not a Forcod Outagc or I Planned Outagr. A Maintsrance Outage is m outage ttnt osn bc d€&rrad rmtil aftcr thc cnd of tho ncxt wackcnd, but that rvquircs that thc Wind Turbine(s) be rEooyodfiom saviccbc,forcfursrtPlurcdotilase. AlvlairoraneOutrgomayocouruytimc duing thc yer and musthEye a flenible startdatc. 1,37 lldrtfiIAdverpCtruge" $allmcm, with rpspectto the S€116, ifttrc Seller has orpcricncod a chango in faob or oircumstancos rclatod to dcrrclopmcnt or opc,lration of tne facUity that matoially and adverscly impact Sello'r's ability to firtfill itr obliptions undcr this Agroement- 1.38 "llfirrimru Freility Delively Rrb'mcaru th maximum instantaomus ratc ftW) at which ttre Facility ic oapablc ofdolivcring NGt or&ut at the Point of Delive,ry, as specificd in Ediblt A, and in compliroce wi& thc Gcoection Inerconnpotion Agrccmcnt I3!l *Illadmun GIA DeltveryR!b" meanstremuimtmmb(kW)atwttidrfte Oenerator Interconnection Agreancnt allows the Facility to deliver acrgl o 6o Point of Dolivcrymd is sotfor& ilnrhibitA. Lrm'NancphCsDr.ilyRffig:m€msltrerruimr'mintuEeousgenerding capacity of any qrnlifying smrll powcr or cogcmeration gcrrcrating unit supplying all orput ofthe enerjy sold by the Faoility, *prrcsscd in MW or kW, whcn operatcd consisteot with thc mmrfiotrs's rcomrncndcd pourcr &ctor md qerding parmfterst as set fotdr in a notice ftrom Setlor to PacifiCorp delivered beforc the Commcrcial Oporation Datc an4 if applicable, updated in the As-built Supplemomt 1.41 "ItlERg' rnoans thc North Arrcticm Eloctic Rcliability Co,rporation llo, 'T{et Energf'mcans thc cnc,rgy odnpoffit, in kWb ofNct Ouput Nct Bncf5r doos aot includo Inadvcrtont Enelgy;, 6', {4mffi0ffi2 $nertl,Il,f-NalhPt*t 143 lNGtOu$rf rms rll mgrudcpiryprcdrdbytpFrcility, Icss sdmuse and less trancformadoo ud transmission losscs aod othcr adjustnats, if any. For puposes ofcaloulatingpaymerilundalhisAgluneril,NctOug*ofarcrrystull bocalculatcd as s.t fodl in Addcrfum L I.Id O&t docs nd furchdc hadtcmr Encryr. 1.4 Sletrork Rsornco' shall havc th meaning set forth in the Tarifr. 16 'Nsffior* Ssrrico Prrovidefl rrcmr PacifiCorp Tran"rmissiott, as a povider ofnctwort scnrim to PacifiCorp under thc Tarifr. 1,46'Non'GoffimdngEnergf rnmNet Outputp,mduccd bythe Facilitypriorto thc Commcrcial Operation D*c. 1.47 'Tlou.Confo nlag Energr Purchere hlcc" mqans thc appliceblc price for Nor-Conform,rrg Emrgy ana capacity, speincd in Ssction 5.1. l.4E "Off-Pesk Horrr" mcans all hours of tho *rch ttat arc not On-Pcak Hourt. 1.49 'On-Pek Houri" melns hours &,om 6:00 a.n. to l0:fi) p.m. Pacific Ptcvailingfimg Mondaythrough Sannday, oxcludingWcstm ElcctricityCoordinating Courroil $fECC) urd North Amsrican Eleouic Rcliability Corporation GiIERC) holiday. I.50 'Outpul Shorlfrll' aad "Output Shortfell l)amrgGt" shsll havc thc mearrings set forttl in Section 4.5 ofthis Agroerrent. 1.51 *PrdfiCorp" is dcfined in the fust peragraph of this A8twment, and cxcludes Pacifi Cotp Tran$nission 1.52 "PrdfiCorp Tranrmfuion't mcaos PacifiCorp, an Orcgon corpordioq rcting in its itrtcrcolrncstion ad tranmission futrstion capEcity. 1.53 "Phnncd Outrgc'means an out gc of prcdacrmincd duration thrt is schoduled in Sollor's Enerrgy tblirrry Sohodulc. Boiler ovsrluuls, turbine overhauls tr inspcotioru arc tpioalplarrrcdortagEs.lvtaiMaoe Arycs mdFucod OmagesatnotPltfiFd Ofiages. 154 ?oint of Ddivery" mosos the point of iuErconncction bcfvvcen the Facility and thc SysEm, as specified in &e Gcneration Intcrconnestion Agroemelrt and h n.rf,lblt B. 155 'Prruilor* mearls thc real plopsrty on whic;lr the Faotlity is orwill bo loode{ as morc fitlly fucribcd 6a R.rht[ft A. 156 "Prine R.tc" mssns thc rate psr annrm €quat to ths publicty anuounccd prime rae or refcrencc ratc forcommercial loans to large brsinessoc in eftct ftom time to time quotod ry IPil,forgm Chags & Co. If a JPMorgan Ctas & Co. prirne rato is not available, the ryplicablc Pdme Rde $all befte annoM pirm te o rcfcrcmc nEe frr commemial loans in c,fiest fiom time m time quotcd by a hnk witr Sl0 billim or morc in assets in New Yod< City, N.Y., selcctcd by the Party to whom intcrqet bosod on tho prime rate is being paid. w*1m$ta 7 tlwqtl,UllllorhPer l, 'ftpdrcdon Tar Cledtb" rnre @r*im til crcdib wfu Scctim 45 of&c Inbntll Rerrenue Code as in effect fiom timc to time d Lng the t€rn hr€of or aoy Buoocxrsor or othcr provision providing for a fcdcral tax crpdit dacrminod by rt&mrm to renewablc olectic c,nerry produccd fiom wtd rcsourucs and my cotrrlativc rEte tu( crEdit dctcnrrincd by reftniloeonncunblcdectbertagyrodttcdfosnwindrwrrcesfcvftichfuFadfiffiseligible. Produstion Tor Chcdib do not includo aryh( crcdit dcrcrnrincd W re,ferenceo investment 158'hrdelt Electricel hecticcs' means any of fte facticco, matrods and acb ur$god in or appoved @ a sigtrificatportioo ofthe olccfiical rilility iodustyorany ofthc pructicos, mefrods or &ts, ufiich, in fte excrcise of reasonablc judgmcnt in the light of tho faot hown dfre time a dmision isnadq corH hEvB boen ogc.ed b ecmpli& thc dosircd rcntfratec bwe$rcasonable coetconsistcutwifrrcliabilrty, ofcltyrrU ogodition. Pnrdont Eloctrical Pradiccs is ndiffiidb bG limitsd to tr optimtm gactipe mdrod uactb tre orchnim ofall oNfrcr$ h[ rdrcr b bc a spccEum ofpoasatlo pnacricns, rMbods q d,s. l-9 "QF' meansqausfiyfogFecilitf, astt*mm is &fnod inthc vcrsion of FERC Regutations (codificd d l8 CFR ?arJ292) in effcct on ttrc datc of tris Agrtcment. 1.0 Soqulrcd Fedltty Iloctmontrt Dcaos all dco&, titlcs, leasos (inclding Wind Loases), liccmcs, permits, auhoriztions, md agraauents demonsn*ing that Scller conhols thc necosmty Foperty rights Eod goyorommt authorizations to ooushrct, opcrafc, md maintain &o Frcility, including withortr limiation those sot forth in E*ibit C. 16l Tcquirunenb of LlYd'mcans any applioablc and mmdccy (butrpt mu'cly pdvicory) federrl ststc End local law, statdg, rpgulation, nrle, code or o,rdinancc €oactcd adoFq is$od ortr@ulged by my fodcnl sffii local u dcr Cptmnetrd Auhority or ryulffiry body Crrchrdhg ftose pcrffiting o dectical, builditg zming; €nvtumerttal rd occupational sEfe,ty and health requirc,mcnts). l&, "$chcdulcd Commerciel Operetion Dsts" means Dmembcr 31, 2012, as such date shlll bc erc'sndcd fiom timo to time as a resuh of Force N{qieue; prcvidcd, that tlrc Sghaduled Commercial Opor*ion Datc shall not bs cxtended beyond Sqilanb€r 30, 2013, 1,63 'tcherluled [llonfrIyf,nGrgrDcfivErtf, mcrrsth Net Enorry sohcfulod to b dclivered dtring a givor calcndar month, as spccifid by Sellcr in thc Enerry Dclivcry Schcdule. 1.64 "Sharod Interunnecfion facititiot'means thatpordon oftho [rtcr-connection Fapilities uscd bythe Facility and one or mort oilrer Quali&ing Fnoilitics as fir&cr degcriH in hhibit B. 1.65 "l$ellGr" Forccert{oct Shers" snd'13dler's Crpped Forccart{oct Shere' shsll have tho meaninp sct forth in Sootions 8.2 and t.3 respoctively. 1.65 "Submqlent Energr Ilelivety $chedule" sholl havo tho mcaning set forth in Soction 4.3.3. 1.67 "S/gten'moans tho olecfio tansmission substation and traosrnission or disuibutioa facilities owaod, oecrdd or rnairrtainod by Trarsnrission Pruvider, which drall t #wflawL i I IIi,l, il t,ii 'i l' : i, Il !, ii, i.!.ii1:'ll;l ;i i. i I ; 1 f I rl [IrtwtJ,llH{dlhPd imludc, after construotion urd ingallation of the Facility, thc oirtuit relnforcemqrb, odonsions, and associarcd tcrminal facility rcinforrements oradditions roqutrd to ineroonnoctthc Faoility, all as sd for& in tlp Crcneration Ifferconncction AgroE rlcrrt 1.6t 'Trdff mcans ttro PaoifiCorp Transmission FERC Elcctrio TariffScrvcn& Rcvisod Volume No. 1l h.o Forma Opcn Accecs Transmission Triff or the Tnnsmiseion Providcr's cotrtsponding FERC.taritror bodr, as rcviscd ftom time to tirc. 1.69 'Tnnrmbrion Pmvidcr" mcatr PacifiCorp Transmission or a susocssor, inotuding any rcgional transmission orgudation C'RTO"). Lm 'TYind Loasg" mcms thc mcmonnda of wind leesc and rcdactcd wind laascs rooordcd in the county in uftich the Fmilry is locstd in oonnoction with the dcvclopmcnt of thc Frility, as ftc smto may be srylanerted, uudoq offi&4 rc#bd, or rcplaood fiom time to time. l:ll "Wird Tur{ritre" mthe typc of wind orbine specified and morc fully dcscribed in Exhtbit A as such Erhibft A may bo updaed pursurnt to Section 22.6. 1.72 '"!YREGIS" means the Westcm Rcncwable Energy Clcncratioa Infonnation Systrm. t.73 'rynEGIS Certificrte'means nCertificate'as deffned by WBEC}IS inthc WREGIS OpcrdingRules. 1.74 \lrREGIlt Opcnrting RutGsn mcass the opcrafng nrles and rcquiremcnts adopted by UIREGIS. SECTION e TERM; COMMERCIAL O?BRATION DAIE 2.1 This Agrooraent Bhall becomc e,ffecdrre aftcr execution by both Partics and after appswEl byftrc Cmrirsiarpursuim to a final and non-qealable ordcn (Eftrtive Ireb'), ttat fu pices to bG poiA for coqr md oryaoity rc juse srd rcasonablc, in &o ptblic intcrcS, andthattla coss inourrcdbyPsciffCo,rpforpurfrasm ofcapocity urd enegr firom Sellu ur legitim*to er(pcnscs, all of wtrich the Commission will allon'PacifiColp to ttcovcr in . rates in Idatro in the wcnt otherjurisdiotions dcny recovery ofttrcirprcportionatc shffe of said arpcnsos. Unlm-Gsliaffiimbd as povidd h€$-fin, this Agmcd Sall snain in offsct urilil $e twentisth (205 annivsrsary of the earlicr of thc Commercial Opcrdion Duo or dro Sohcduled Comncrciat Openation Ddc (Erpiration Drte'). 22 ThrBboffu ssscmceof6bAglcm€{f,andSellet'sabilitybmsotcffiin rcquircmentspriorto the Courmaoial OpcratimDatoandto achiwo Commorcial Opcration byttc Scbo&rlcd Comncrcial OpctuionDe is critically impcta* fMom, 221 By ttre dare Ort is forn (4) months prior to the Schedulod Commensial Operation Date, Seller ghall obBin and providc to PacifiCorp oqpiesofall gov€$mcrfrlp€trniB ard affroriations listod in &hlbft C. #4i,0}f/[[g74i2 9 I I'i :t: l l.I t' \ r t. i,I 1! a :..' l ,i l, i :r I i It t .i.. r. ,: : $nwrl,Ilfr-ilodrPdit 222 By thc datc that is thirty (30) days aftcr thc Effectivc Dtc, Seller shall provi& onc hundrpd pe,ccut (1000/6) of &c Dolay Socurity requirad undor Section I t.l.I, as applicable. ?23 By Dccembcr 3l,20ll, Sollcr: (i) hasprovidcd all informetion ard pald all ftcs the Tranmission Provider ruquires to designatc the Facility as a Nctrpork Resoutpe in aomrdane wi0t &e TEitr(OATI) ad G) has povidod all irtrormmim rcasoualty rcquircd by PaoifiCorp b submit a trusmission ssrriac raqucst for the Facility to th Trausmission Providcr pursunt to thc Tariff. Z2A PacifiCorp, within ten (10) &ys of rcceiving from Selterthc information idontifiod in Section 2.2.3, shall (i) witrdraw ttrc rcqucst widr r$pect to the ftcil$y (as defined in tte Origind PPA) md (ii) request dcsignation of the Facility as a Netyvok Reeouoo for the prqposes of s€rying Nctrvork Load" 225 At lca* en (10) hdrrc$ dcp ;riff to delivcry of any mgr ftom the FeilitytO PacifiCoap, Sello shall provide PacifiCorp with an orecutod Gcncn*ion Inbrconncction Agrtc[nent 225 Mthin one hundrpd eighty (l t0) days prior to the Scheduled Commcrcial Opcration Date, Scllcr shall prcvidc PacifiCorp with auondsd f,rhibta, whiah may include thc dosignuion of altornative Wind fiutines for the Facility, and suoh oth€r updatcs to tf,c information contained ther€in. 2Il Prior to the Comrercial Opcration Dato, Sollcr strall pmovide Default Security rcquircd unda Sogtion ll2, if applicablc. 22i8 Prior to the Commercial Opcrdion Date, Sellcr shall povide PacifiCorp with an As-built Supplonrcnt rcasonably acccptable to Pscifierri 22.g Scllor shall uss corunarially reasonable efforb to aphieve Crymercial Opcratior by @O0 PPT Deoembcr 31,2012. 23 Beginning on Jmuary 6 ,zllzand on the fifth (55 busiaess day of cach morth thcredcr undl thc Commcrcial Operation Date, Scller shall pnovide PacifiCorp wi0r a one.pqge monthly updats by e-mail on the pmgress of financri,ng and/or consfiuction of thc Projcot and status of complction of trc mileston€s in Scotion 2.2. L4 Egatrli*ingcornncrEisl Opcnati@" Sellcrshallprovideuifiennotiosto PaomCorp &ting niha SdkrbeliG'vcs lhd{rc Frcility has adricrrcd Camncrcial Opcruim. PaoifiCorp shall havo ton (10) business days aftor rcocipt cithcr to confiru to Seller that alt of thc ooditkms b Commscial Opottion havc becn sdisfiod or trcvc oeqrrc{, d to stits wi& *ocifictty tryha PaciffCorp rcasmabb bclieves bs ru bsr sdidod I0 B,ithin srch tcn (10) h$irrcsc day pcrio{ PasifiCcp ci&rdocs Dd rcrymd or elsc confms fidtrcFadtfry has achbvod Commercial Opercioo, fu triginal d*c ofrecipt of Scllo's ndice shall b€ &e Comrncrcial Oper*ion Date. If Paciffiorp notifics Scllcr wi6in such tm (10) brrsincss &y period that PacifiCorp reasonably believes thc Facility has not achievGd Commeruial Operatioq Sclltr may, if it hns a gpod fri0r belidlhd Csnmar.ial Opereion has boen achicr/d, nrbmil a Toohnical Distrse Notice, ordso Scllcrshdl addrcss thc conmrs $Ebd inPaciECory's mticc b 10 #tAr$t$lne I l, i I t, ii i I. 1i itt 1;ll il i i 'ji ri F ; l \:. It -i. :i . I :rIl irl I t. t1ltllIIt.II i .l t: iI I i,, l', rl: l:t{I.1,.l; .t .i l iII I i .l : ,1 :,i iI iI I IIt I fhtwtJ;IIfrAWtPfr flrc. mu0nl sati$pti@ ofbo& Partics. If SeUer $bmits a Tofuical Dryrts Ndi:e ad &o Technioal Errpcrt detsrmincs tlr* Commercial Opcrdion has b€Gn ashiovad, thcn thc CmmffiiEl Opcruiqr l)re full bctrc de, as demined ryftc Tedmhal E pert, frdtto fadfty ffr* rne a[ &o rcWircmcm of Comuudal Opce*m chem,iso tre drc upon wtdc] Seller has dfrescd trc curccms smod in PacifiCorp's rdiccto PaoifiC-orp's rtasdnblc sarisfactiorU as ryocified in a noticc frorr PaoifiCorp to Scller, shdl bc trc Commcrcial Opcraim Dme.If Cmrmcrcial Opcrdim is adriwod d lese ttm ore hm&od pffiit (lflPlo) ofthc orpocmd facility epacityltdirrgandScllerinformsPacifiCorplhdSc[c,rintadsbhingtrFrcilttybcrr tun&Edpcroent000yo)oftrpepcddFacnityCrysfoyRdirry,Sctla&rllprovkbPacifiCqpr'ft a li$ ofal iems to bo oryl*d in ordrto r,hierc !D orye*d Faoillty Capaoity Rding. 2.4.1 Tochnical Enprt If, and only i{, a diepute rtgads @ whatror or not Conrmerc,iat Opcrtimhreboonachiwd and/or (ii)tre ddos'tron Commacial0portionwas achicvcd, the Puties rmyharrc suohdisputr, and only such disputc, resotvodpxsrrf toftis Soqion2.4.l.Anysucrrdiryrewillbc&urirpdbyanindcpca&ft&icalapergwlrshallbc a rnrnnlty acc@ble trid puty wih trainirg and orpcienoe in tho disoiplincs rclomnt to trc rffiers wittrrcspoctto whictr nrchpcrsqr bcalledrryonb provi&aocrti&dion, emludion cr opinion (lte "Tcr,hnhal Erperf), rvhioh determination shall be (X) made (subjoct to thc tercrs in this Sectiou 2A) in accudre udtr trc Consmmion ftdu*ry Arbiluion ful€s md Mcdiaiur hocodures (hcftdirg Procodncs fu L^rEp, Corrplc Cmsmction DispuB) of&e AAA, as mrmded md cffcstive m Octobcr l, 2009 (fte "Teeinicrl Dtrpub Pnoedurc!'), notwithsturding ary dollr monrts or dollr limitdi@s contafupd trc'rcin, and (Y) bindias rpon thc Partic,g. (a) Ei&or Party may oommcnse ttre dispr$e prrocoss as to thc mdert s€tforth in paragraph 2.4.1, abovq with the Amcrioan Arbitation Association ('AAA')bynotiSingAAAardtrcotr€rPafiyinwithgfTodnicall)&pubNoticd) of suoh Party's desire th* the dispute be regolved through a dete,nnination by a Tochnical Expcrt. (b) The dffinindion clrnll be culnscd bya sole Toc&nical Ergort The Parfu may seled uy muully amept$b Tedudol Erycft If ee Prties canaot sgrec on E T€chnical Eportwilhin five (5) daye aftcrfte dao of&e Tccnoioal lliflsoNodcq dEB{EAAA's ArtrfuaimAdrrinirhesholls€odali*mdmnrcsofltrcc(3)svailablGtchnicalopertsmedfttg fu qualificdims s€t frr& in Sodion 2.4.I to &o }ailics, cach ofufimr drall stikc mB namc, Itd fu **linUg persu shatl bc appointed as dr! T€cluical Frprt If morc thm ono nmo rcmah$ ci6cr b*Ersc sro u bodr Putics brre frilod b rcrymdto tlrc AAA'o Artitrdim A&ninis0dr wi6infrvc(5)danaflerrweivingtblistqbccarsccrccbohPuthohaveftibdtotilcairme frorr fto li* or bccasc bd Pmies stilce fu samo nare, the AAA's Arbiudion Adminisfiebt will clrow the Teehnical Eryert from te nuraining names. Ifthe destgnatd Tcctrdcal &ecnt slra[ die, bccomc irrcryoble m, urwilling to, c unable b svo or pmcocd with trc dctcrmimioq a substinrtc Tectrnical Expcrt slrall bc ryoirtdinaooordapewiheeee,lectionpoco&ro dcscaibodabo've edsdlsrJbdftmcTetrnicalErysrtstu[tr&,ea[ srrchpowers u ifho orslro has boeo originally appointcd h€rein. (c) Wiftinthifty(30)dayaoftheryoiMcdof6cTcchdcalFrectt pngumttotreforephgsub*e*io,GadlPEtysball sfttrittothoTechricalElryat(andoopyee creerParty) awritEr nportcutainingitspoaition withrcspect to the dispuF, and arguments thercfortogcthawidr suppottilrg docun€iluion andcalculatims. Discoveryfiallbe limircdto n ffifi.vnfrqr0 fitwtJ,Ilf--tffitPdt 2.5.2 Appropriatcness of Darna8cs. Ihe Partiqs sgrce frat fte damagrs PcifiCorpuotddinor&rb&layintrFacilityachieringCoE ncrcfuilOpualftnonorbeforc thc Schoduled Commorclal Operation D*o would be diffiouh or impossible to prGdfutwilh ccffiiay, Ird trd tro Dslny Uquided knaSps ae m qprqris approxirtrtion of snrch dsmogos. SECTION 3. REPRESENTATIONS AT{D WARRANTES 3.1 PaoiffCorp rcprcssfs, oov€nanB, and wurrarts to Seller thafi 3.1.1 PacifiCorp is duly organizod and validly oristing rmdsr ttc laws of thc Shtc of Orcgon 3.LA PacifiCorp has &e requicitc coryorate powcr and authority to cntnr into &is Agecment ud b pcrfotm acoordfingO tF 6-n e6grb Agr€mcrf. 3.1.3 PacifiCorp hss tal@ Ell corporde astions rcqu@ to be bkn by it to afihorize the orocution, dolivery and perfonnance of thir fureanant md tlrc consummadon of the tnansactionc contcmplatod hcrcby. 3.1.4 Subjcctto Commissionappmval, &c exccution and delivcryofthis Agrcement tloes not contavcue anyprcvision o[, or con*hfe a doftuh rmder, my indonlue, mortgrge, or othor mdsiial agrcqncnt binding on PaoifiCorp or any yalid otds of any coufi, or aay rcgulatory ag@cy o,r other body hrving authority to whioh PacifiCorp is subject. 3.15 Subjcot to C,omnrission apprcval, thie Agrecmcnt is a valid and legally bindingobligption of PacifiCorp, enforccablc apinctPaoifiCorp in amordanco witr is trrrtrs (cxqrpt as tlro enforpeability of this fuiurcntrnqybc limtrdUytmla@cy, iuohtency, bmk ulolatorium or similar Isffi aftcthg ottdibrs' dgtils gcocfirlty and la*t rcstigingfio atraihbility of cqui$tq rtldios md cxos as eo dorccability offrb Agrmgr may bo uffcct b grrrral pinciplcs ofcquity, ufrolhcr c rn srh enforcoability is oonsidered in a prccccding at oquity or in law). 3.2 Scllcr rcprcscnts, soycnants, and wanants to PacifiCorp that: 32.1 Seller is a limitcd liability company duly organizcd and validly existing undcr tlrc laws of Dclawsrc. 322 Seller has the requisitc pourcr and authority !o qrter into this A$oerncnt md hrs, or will havo d thc drc of Comrnsroial Opercion of the Faoility, all rcquisitc powcr and authority to pufom according to the tctms herwf, inoluding all Equircd rtgulanory authority to makc wholesalc sahs Aom tho Facility. 3,2.3 Scllcr's sharcholdcrs, direobrx, and offiocrs have taksn all actionc requirod to authorizc th Gxecution, dolivery and performanco of this Agrcoment and tho corlsummdion of tha transactions contomplatod hcrcby. l3 {1t10|s{E//,42 J I I I I I '1,i I r I I : .I; ,i, I t I I : i iJ!i i, t: *1.i l 1. I 'i [ItwtJ,l]I-NodtPibt 32.4 Thc exocraion and delivcry of this fuiuemcnt docs not contsaycne ury pmvision ot, or consliilts a dsfault tmdcr, any indontrre, mortgago, or othcr material agrcGmcnt biding on Scller or any valid order of ony court-or any rogulatory agpnry or oths body having auttority to which Scller is subjocL 32.5 This Agrcoment is a valid and lcga[y binding obligation of Sollcr, snforccablo agpin$ Sellor in aooodance with its tcrus (orcept as 6o cnforc€sbility of 6in Agr€ern€Nil mrybo linitcdbybanknptsy, insolvoncy, bmkmoratmium orsimilarlaws atrwting crtditors' ridu g!,nraly and larvs rcstriotiag ttc availability of oquitablc rclnodics and orccpt as ths cnbrocability ofthis Aerecrrcnt may bc subjcct to gcneral principles of equig, wMher or not zuch cnforccability is considcrrd in a pooooding at oquity or in law). 32:6 the Facility is md shE$ for lhe tenn oftris Agrpcmcrt contirnrc to be a QF. Within thirty (30) drys Eftcrtttc Effective Datc, Sellcr shall providc trc appropnato QF ocrtifioatlott wltioh may includo a Federal Br5/Rryuleycurmissimsclf-ocrtifiodionb PacifiCffp. At ary time thaaftcr ftrPaciffiorp has rca$n b bclicve dningtlrc trm ofdris Agpem€d ftat Selleds str[s as aQF b in qrstion, PacifiCorp nayEquirc Sdkrrc pnovidc Pacif€orp with a wdtar logal opiniur &om m &rncy in good *Efingin{rc fiE ofldab d r*otnsnosmmicdfionstdp, ascftlimmnrnoswith tlre Seller or tre Facility (oth than in a cqacity as counsel providing euch rcqucstcd logal opinior), sutingtretthe Facility is a QF and providing suffioicnt prcof (tnoldiag oopios of all docrmcntr and data as PacifiCorp may r€quost) domonst*ing that Seller has maintaincd the Facility as a QF. 32-7 Neithcr tho Sollcr nor my of its principal oquity ovmers is or has within tho pet two (2) ycars becn tto de,bmr in any bonlcnrptoy proceeding; ir unable to pay its bills in the ordinary oource of itg busin6s, or is the subject of any legal or rcgulatory action, tho rosult of whioh could rcasonably be oryactod b impair Sellcr's ability to own and opcmtc the Facility in aooordancc with tho tfims of his Agrccmcnt. 3.2.8 Scllehas not at auytirno ddaultd in auy of its payrentobligatiors for oloaticity purchasod ftom PaoifiCorp. 32,g Sellcr is not in defult under any of ib othcr m&rial agrcemcnts that would rcnrlt in Sclls's failurr to pctform its matorial obligations hqcmdor. 32JA Ssiler owns all right, title md intoest in and to thc Faoility, tce and clcar of all licns and Gncumbnanocs other than licns and emcumbranccs cr€dod by or tfoough Scllorrclatcd to thir&party financing of thc Facility, and Scller (or its succ,cssor in inrcrcst) will continuo to ovm for the tcrm of &is Agrcanar! all rist titlc rrd intlrgst in and to thc Facility, frcc md clcar of all lions a:rd cncumbranoes oth€r thrn liens and eircurrbnances relded to third-puty financing of the Facility. 3.2.11 In enEring into this Agrccorctrt and thc rmdcruking by Seller of ttre obligations set forth hercin, Scllcr has investiguod and d*ermind tlut it is capable of porforming heremdcr aod has not rclied upon thc advico, cxpcricncc or cxpertisc of PacifiCorp in connootion with tho transac.tions contcmplatcd by this egreement. i,{f//&6dfig&2 I4 tMl,Ilf-lWtPet 3 2.12 All poftcsionals or c:ryErts inoludins but not limitod b, enginoers, dorncys or oooountafits, trat Seller mry hrw consutted or rclied on in undcr,taking the tranraptioms conorrylatod by ftis Agreomcrt have bcen rolcly thosc of Scller. 32.13 All lcascs of rcal pmpcrty required for ths opcntion of tho Facility or ths pcrfoganco of any obligEtions of Scller he,reundcr are sct forlh and accuratoly dcsribcd in Exhibit C. Upon rcqucst by PacifCorp, Seller shall pmvi& copics of ths Wind Lcases to PacifiCorp. 3214 All infumdm abort the Faoiliry sct forth in Eilibit A Dlhibf B, snd Eilibil C bas bavc.iH ry Sdhr ad ir acqmEb lhc besoffts lotowldgc 3J Ngglgg. If at rry timo etringftis Agrcnr€lt' ay Party otrtaitto acnnl knowlcdge nrmmtiss in&is Scotio 3 to have bsr nmially umrrc a mislcading uAal ma&' slch Party shall providc the othor Party wift \mitho notice of the event or informatiotU thc reprcsentations ardrvuniliclatredod, mdthediur, ifmy, whft*rsrchPatyirtc,ndstoblreb makcthertpcscffitios ardwmantiostueand conwt. The notice rtquindpulsudtothis Section shall bo given as sour as practicabb aftcrthe oocuntne ofcach src'h s\rcd. SECTION 4. I)ELI'I{ERY OF FOWERi AVAILABILITY GUARAI{TY 4.1 DelivaymdAcmcoofEct04prt Ercdfrrmycurtaitn€ilqpedfiodin Sestion 6.3, unless otlrorwise providd hereiq PacifiCorp will purohasc and Sella will sell alt N€t OuQut from the Facility. 42 No Salcs to Third Partics. During the tornr of this furcemcnt, Scllpr shall not scll ary Nct Or&ut from ttte Facility to any entity othcr than PacifiCorp. 43 EncnfDdiver.r S&drte. $ellcrshallpqrcutdpruvidctohiffiorp,mur ongoing basis, a written schsdule ofNe Enerry ery€ced to bc d€livcrd by thc Facility ('Energr Dellveiy ScheduE')6 in acsotdanco with the following: 4.3.1 Ihdngtho fir$trclve firllcalmdrnotr Slhwingttc Corrcdal Operation Datc, Scllo prcdictr that tho Facitity will produce and dclivc the following monthty arnounts ("Inldrl Year Encrgr llotsvery Schedule'): Month January February March Apnl tvlay June July August Avence kW 28;128 264e4 33,037 27,691 29,686 uJ3t 22,105 u,339 @ 21,405,135 17,799,164 u,579,189 19,941,059 22,123,757 iz,g64:tg 16,46,9,162 18,120,502 ,t 'l I IiI I I t I I II :l: I I.l: II I l't i I! ..: i.I II''I ,. j : I' j,i I I Iiltli" ,i I t:l :i'i.. tt, Ir #{Ptol6&qp l5 flraqil,Uf-lbt tht 23,461 25,536 3Osor 30,0E5 z:7,205 432 Scller may rcvisc the Initial Ycar Enqgy Dclivry Schodglo any tirrcprior to tbc Commerpial Operation Date. ' '-- --r -- a33 -Bogiming *lhe d oftre ffr full calda rnd ofopcraio, aod d hEado{everyfrirdmon&thecaftor, SelterstnllaryplcocdtrcEncrgDalivsyim$*tOree addtimal mds of fonrad cclimdcs (wtrie *sll bc aftnd o tris aer€mar useg 0F &;grd ryopifid b Eilftft rr) (Euhcqrclt DrerEr Ddr/cry soonu} s.ldr trat tc ecrry DdiwrySdro&rlewillFovidodha$dreomdgofs6sdrlodcocr$rcgiinmsaallUmcs. SA€(*ra['povidc $SsequcrEncrgyDdivcry Schodrlc rp ktm 5:ffi p PFTof0re 5thday affortrodrode.IfSeller&ecnotpviaeaSubscqrntEac{S/Ddiv€ryScmA*UyUreatorrcdcadire, sdrdrlodooBqrforhssnircdpaioOshail€qrnld-ours;,cHul0duiserrerfo,rtreonre dueemonth podod during tho pcvious yerr. 43.4 Upm ad after ttrc Comcrcial Operatiur Doc, Seller may ao lurgcrreris qXncriErDolivcry seodlc fu6s ft*sixnrU catiOunom ofConrnqfoA Op*1;o"Aftu5:00p.m.PFTof6efiflhhrsinoss&yfolorvingheendofthettrirdftllcalerdriodrof Canmcrchl Qaafim crd fto cod of cach lhftld cahndr nmd ftcreaer, Sdler nny no longo tEtli$ t Encr$/ DEIiBy S&ceile fuee six oahndar mordrs imm€diety Olt*iig glcltirid rM&. Suliccttolheforogpitrgresi.timsinfibsoctist4.3.d Sellermayivt'bcteF"CE1 Delivery Sefo&tlc br my urosuicbd mrft bypffiiding wriscn luioc 6 ncmCorp. faiEre topovide timely wifien ncfioc of drqrd amurt will bc d6n€d b bc an decisr ofm Omp. 4.4 Mini!0qn Aygilsbititv Oblisation. Scllcr shall cause the Facility to aohicvo anAvailabilityofdbrct 85%dringeadrrrd(reuaraM Avrflrbi[t/). i. f Liouj4@ Da[Ils$os for Olbut Shorthll. If tre Availability in any givar montt falls below&o ftraranMAvailability, &c resuhing Ehorftll stdfbc cxprp-r*O inl$t 1s tf "Oltput Shortfell" The OrIFtr Smnal shstl bc oqlculatod in rccondanoc with the following formula ()rrtpnt$ffiU= (GuaffiorlAvribility- Availabilig) r ScM&d N{cdbty Ercrgr Doliwry *tl* $S ty. ncilOq for any Olpu shorthll * ttrc lourcr of (1) tlrc pmitire ditremnce, if rny,ofthsIndE(kiceminustheuruiglrrcdavreagcofthcOn-PcakrdOf-f&f monrttyC"d;qrftrg' $qgy Purdtssc nices; or(2)_tre urui&trd arcmgp of&e onfeakard otr-Feak;;trt -_-'-- ffig Fr,*.Sr Rnchaso Prbcs (frsrt SMlt nrmrydl Ou$utshorthllDrmrgcr= O4&Shoffill r Orptrshofihltprbe Wht: ouQut shorrfill kico= (Indo( priw -wcigfutodAvcrage cEpp), €xc9pr l6 #4e&6ffi9w Sepembcr Ootober Novcmber Deacmbcr TOTAL: l6,E6il,lg2 l&958,152 22,0o1,634 22,3il,395 23E,,183,850 I Ii I t I III i tit.,l., :i .1, i.t ll .11, 1il. I ,IiI i, : i, ir' il ! ,i i I f t,I' ;l ;1 If ii! , Ii II iI ii iIt t II i f: :.: t i. I! I fhsatJ,III-tffiMr tfr#rH:':ffix;;l#tr"ff# Sho.rtrall Price > trroighted Avorago CEPP, then Ortrts Shorfell Prioc =Weidrtod Avcagn CEPP lvoightod Averago CEPP = thc WcightodAveragp On-Peak and OfrPeak. ::fffiPrioosforthe If an OuSut Shoffall ooous in ury given month, Sellcr nay owo PasifiCorp-liquiddod C16ages. Eaoh Party agrees aod a*nowlcdgcs trd (a) the damagos that PacifiCorp w^orld- incrr duo to thc Facility's failurc to aohicvc flrc Guarantocd Availability would bc difficutt or i4possible to p'redictti& ocrtainty, .oA Ol fte liquidEtcd drmagps contcmplatcd in dris $os{ion 4.5 arc a fair aad rcasonable calsulstion of such damagcs' 4.6 Audit Riqhtq. In addition to dda p'rovidcd undor Sectiurs 9'3 and 9'4, PacifiCorp shall harrc &e rigtq bw not tho obligation, b audit drc Faoility's compliance with its Qrraratrtecd Availability using any rcasonablo mcthods. Scllcr agws to rstain all perfomance relatcd Oala iorm facillty for e minimum of thrw frcars, md to c,oopcrde wi6 PacifiCo,rp"in thc cvcdPacifiCorp docidcsto audit suctt data. 4.7 For apcriod oftm (10) ycars from thc Commcrcial Operation Datc, Scllcr shall havc title to thoClrwa Tags irnmediably upon tro gcncration of the OuSut at thc Facility ttrat gives rise to srch Crrcen Tage. On tho entlr (l0e) anniversary ofthc Commcrcial bpcration Dstc Ouougb md including thc Expiration Date, PsciffCorp thall havo titls to tlrc Gpoo Tags immediatcly rryon thc gencr*ion of thc Output t the Facility thd givar rise to such Crro€n Tegs. Each Party ehall cxeoute all additional documents and instmm€N$ r'easonably requested by the other Party in order to fildra dogmenltt-c ownemhip of ftc Grpen Tags during thc rcspoctive Party's owncrship. Wi6out lim{ng thc ggerality of tlro forrgoing, Sellcr shall, on or'beforo ttro 10dr day of oach month during u&ich Pa,oifiCorp haaowacrship righb to the C:rcen Tap, dolivcr to PaoifiCo,rp a Grcen Tags Attostationand Bill of Satc (in tho form attrhod as Erhibit {.7(A)) for 4 CryGnIq dclivsod o PacifiCorp hqprxrdsr in thc prescding month, atong with anyverificationtltd is in confonnanoc withthc then-cuuqrt Centerfor Resorncc Solution's ftoon c progluL or Eoy 6ucoossor plogram. The Party having owrcrrhip ofthe Green Tags at thc time (tha *Grre6 Tag Ownerr), at its own cost qnd orycnse, shall rcgistor with, pay all fecs rcqlircd by, and comply witb all rcponing and other requircmonts of WBEGIS rtldng to th9 Facility or Grocn tags. tte Sellcr shall cnsurc trat fto Facility will participate in and comply with, drniag the TqnU all aspecb of WREGIS. Th Crren Tag Owner shall bc responsiblc for any oosts chrged by fte qualified rcporting entity for the Facility to partioipetc in and comply with, during the Tcrm, all aspects of WREGIS. Thc Green Tag Owner shall, at its sole olqrcnce, use WREGIS as requirod pursuant to tho WREGIS Opcrating Rulcs, includingtut not limitsd to thoso nrles rclatod to ctrogoraing tho trursf€r of WREGIS Cortificabs and transfcning such \IREGIS C€rtifiodes in accordamc with WREGIS rcporti4gprotocolr and WREGIS Opeeting Rulcs and as requircd rmder this ASfccrrrcnt Sellcr may oither clcctto cnt6into a QuaineO nceorting Entity Scwioos egocmcnt with PacifiCorp in8 form similar to that in Erhibit 4.?@) or etect to act as its ou,rl UIREGISdofinod Qualiftsd Reptting 11 ffi&5ffi,q74i1 tbwtJ,LIFtWtMt Endty. Scllcr shdl upon udfrcn Equcst from PacifiCorp pr,ovidc oopies of all docunontationsubmifiedtoWREGISinconnectionwithtbFacility. Further,upon notificdion by SIREGIS or C,AMD that any trursf€rs of GiE€n Tags conorrpUrca Uy Oris Agrccrnat havo not boon rocodd, &o Partios shatl pomptly ooopcratc in tEking all reasonablo actions ncogssary-so that such eansfcm can be rccordcd. Scller shall at its orpcnssauscthcFaoilitytomnintainiUregist tioningoodstandingwiththsCoatcrfor Resource Solution's Grccn+ progam, or aoy suoccssor prrgIam, throughout fic Tcnn; pro'vidcd, howsvcr tbnt each Psrty shall (a) not tslcc my action (oflre.r than the provision of truthfirl infourution) o impair tho Faoility's gpod standing with such prograar ond O) sha[ pnovide euch infotmation as is reasonsbly rcqucsted to mdntein srch regisrtretion Thc Partiog shall reasonably cooporatc in any regisffiion of th Facitity in tho rcnewublc portfolio standard oroEtivalentprcgrarn in ail suoh firthq $abs ard Fograms inwtrioh&e Pafties may wish to ttgistct or maintained registerod the Facility by providing copios oJall nrch information as rcaso'nably roquired for such registratim. Nciflrc Party rqxrsantc or wqmnts that &o Crracn Tsgs oan be usod for ry puposc. Thc Partics ar,knowlodge dret tho Circcn Tap msy h eubject to astion by Crovenrmental Autlrority and neither Partyls liable to {rc odrorParty for actiontaksr by a Crovcrnmartal Authority in oonncctionwith tto Grffi Tagp that is not a rcsult of a brcach of this Agrccucat SECTION 5. PURCEASE PRICES 5. I 4ncrqv Froharc Prico. Bxccpt as providod in Suion 5.3, PrcifiCorp will pey Scllcr Conforming EncrryPrrctrasc Priocr orNon4onfomring Eneqry PurchaEB Prices, as applicablo, forNct Ouguta{iustod forthe montr and On-PcakHoun or Off-PcakHours and tho wind intcgration coet uringthc following formulac: Corformhg Energr Pumhrrc Prioe = (AIL I MPM) - WIC Non-Conformiug Erergr Purc.huc hice = (Affi t MPM) - WIC Wbre: ARce Conformiag Energy annual rato ftom Table 1, below, fortho ycrr of&eNGtOuEm tl*lowrof *SP/oofthe Conforming Enerry annual rete from Table I below, for tho ycar ofNct Output (r 85% ofavcrage of dre daily llrdrx Price for oach day of the nontt or portion ofmonth, ofNct Output monthly On-Pcak or Off-Peak multiplier from Tablc 2 below, that ooresponds to tlrc montt oftheNet Output and udrether the Net olrQnt ooourod during On-Peak Houre or Off-Peak Hours. Ah E MPM I'lI I I It iI I I i, It I t; {,ii 1I I ,l ri i. t 1 ; i. 1 : j i! fi l i I . i i I: : t. , : 1l i,, t.,'tt, II #r*sM7a, It [Inwt],IIX*t{othR*J tl t.I, ; !i {!:IIl lI I l ilill:!i t.lr ;r t',, wrc -:$650A{WIL tre wlnd hbgrdon coqt prcselbcd in Commission Order No. 3 lfiIl. nauh oaloildms uc fovilod in Eilftit G. Telt t Cmrnfu frcr5r Arnurl R6 Trble 2: nilontU OnPtrlr()Ekk ttluxhfm 1.. lt: /- I{ I t:I!i;tit:t't.I , t,t. il t:ri ii i i l. iI I i Ij ii:f. i !.,ll,i ,1,. ,1,:l: 1lt t.t. .t,II llI I ! II ,1i 1 i4, 1r ItIII1 aIIIiIla I I I Yoar CoftrulngEnGrgt AnnurlRrtc(AR') s/MTyh 61.vt 2[tl I 67-51 7Il1t 'l ^12 2015 2016 ,Itt7 80 0? 2018 82.58 2fr19 7rv2l s7.78z0i 07 0t2,}l1 OTI AA zux, 2U2t 2t2'.r r0-07 tt?26 2U29 l6-56 I t9.95 12A.51 2031 28.50 203i 32.& 2A3t 136.92 Month On-Peak Eours OIt-Pcdr ffonr.r Ienrrmr Itt% Pcbruarv $7'/. Ivlerch lBol"9A./- ADtil 93V"760/^ Mav E2V"61% Jrne 91o/.63% Julv 92Vo Auqrrnt ,to IAC'/. Satcrnbcr s)v. Oc"tohcr lSVn IOSY" November 6 |fiVn Dcccmber l29o/o l2Wo ffin$N4rtiz t9 [btwtJ,IIS--idrPe 52 Paynenr For ea& BilirgPabd in Ga& Cmtact Ycr, PanfiCbry drall pay Seller as frlkms: Fu dcliwry of Cmmie FrElg,: ryEeff = Gnnergu.n**CEPPrlmg6ft/100)+(CBlqnt*dc t C88hbm,Hr/ lffi) Fa ddivcry ofNm$mfrrnirg Encq,: nryn.rt : (llCfnergm.n*cty@yped<n000)+ $Wnag'**X + }(EEPliui'f, c*nm) Wtst: CEErty r CorrffilgErrcrErhkY/h Cgprioc = Cmforrrfufncrryprmtrarprfueh$/lvfWh NCBrG€r = NmCo&nningEocryRrshlsPric€inkI/h NCEI?ths - No*Cortrorrringh€styhrcht$kiooh$I{ltlh Ore* = ftecour+ondiryvahrftrorPakHorrs Otrft* B fuoorrcrymdiryvahrfrrOtrBeaklhrs 5 .3 Inadvcr&rt Engsv. So lmg as m@ of Inadverw &ergr does rd carc PaoifiCo'rp to violato th rcmrs of its Nstwod( Transmissioa Scrvioe and is oonsistent with Pilfu6 Eloctical kacticcs, PacffiCorp will ro# tradvsffi FeSr, hf will od trrchase s pay for Inadvertent Encrg,y. ,5.4 Additbnal Comocnsdio& Soller shall not bs entitlcd to any compemation ovcr md above tho Conforming Encrgy Purchase Pricos or Non-ConfonnfuB Encrgt Purchase Priccs, as drc casc mty be, for thc Grccn Tags associatcd ttcrcwith. SEgrION 6. OPERA:TION AT{I' CONTROL 6I As-Built Sr$ohment. Uponcomplaim of any co,nstuction affectingthc Bactlity, Scllc shall povidc PrcifiCorp m Aebnilt Supplcmcot bcaring Utp smp of a Liocnscd Proftssional Enginecr thst accurely dlprcts the Facility as built. Thc As-built Sr4plcmmt must be rerriervcd and approvod by PasifiCofp, whish approval shall not unroasonably be wittrhel4 eonditionod or dolayod. 62 Operation. Seller ehall opcrats and rnaintain the Facitity in a safc ruanncr in accordancc withthe Cr,uroration Intcroomcotion Agrccment, Prudcnt Ehglrical Practices atd in wordarce wihffe rcquircmcrro ofall rylicable$dcnl rlab md looal bws ed trE Ndimal Elec&io Safcty Code as such laws ard cods rmy bc arr€ndod ftrom time to time. PaciffCorp strall havc no obligsi,mb pm&trsoNctor&t ftom ms Frcility b 6c emttrc irtqpmroction bcfiv3coeoFarlity and PacifiCorp's dccEio s5nGnr is di*rco4 sryGndd m ircrn+rc{ in whole orinpert, plrsuantto tho Gcnerdion Intcrmnncstion Agrpcma$ or tothe ccdent gwaim olilaitned is rcquirGd o a rosrt of Seller's nm-odmdianoc wilh &o Crnertln ImconrrcctionAgreement PaciffCory ehall hanothorid:tb inrycctfteFacilitytoconfirmthat m #e#5&4A lli ,I i i, t:. : .: i: i?,:1 li { !r t1,.t l '): : ::: i i 1III {r 1: l t: .: t "it ): il ,, I J'|: ti I.l i. : ,.t' : [IwertJ'Llfr'4rPdr Sclta is opcrating tbc Facility in accmdancc with thc provisiqrs ofthis Soction 6 upon rwonaUo rcAcc b Solhr. Scllcr b solely Eqmsibb fG lhe opcdidl and maimlrcc oftrc Frility. PacifiCorpshatlnot, byrcasonofib&sisioob inspodcnottoinspcctftcFacility, orby any aotim or inaction Uken widr Fspostto any srrh inspedion, assurne or bc held rcqporsibb frr ary linHlity orooolrtnoe aishg frwrlb opetuim md mdrcnsp by Sellerof the FaciliU 63 Curtaitoont. Pacircorp shall notbe obligatod b purchasc, rceivo, pay for, or p8y auy damages associatod wittr, Net Ouiput (or associatcd Prroduction Tax Crdits or iinvt onmcnal Attibutcs) if nroh Net Orlput (or associded Pnodustion Tax Crcdie or &rvilwrcmlAtihffi) is rrt delivwdto ltrc SFEm or Poi* ofDslivsy drn b atry offio follovring: (a) thc hrtrrmnnestion bctnrccn ee Facitity and &e s)'sbtn is disconnccto4 sspcndod u ironr4Oq inufrole m inpaf, cmimwithfu Ems ofte Mion lrnumU,m egltcffifr, O) flrs Trmsnrissh Providcr sNttw* Scilico PIq/idE dircct a ge&ral urhitnp4 rprngion, orrediryeh ofgrncruim inftc arca (whiehwudd imhdcttcl'ld Or4rtl tr rry tlason, even if srh cnrtaiheir m rodiryffi dircdiw is canisd ort by PacifiCorp, ufiiofr may trlfitl such dirwtive by acting in its solc dlscretioq or if PaciffCorp qntails or fu$,is rpduoca fro Nct OISrt in order to rncC iE obfigffis o the Trwnissim Provid€r or Nctwork Seryicc Providerto oPerate wi6in sysbm limitations, G) tlrc loilry't Otttptlt ir not rpooived beoaus€ the Facility is not fully integfatcd or slachronizcd witlt the Syuta& or (O m arud of Fuoo Mqiarc prweffi either Puty fim &liwring m ncoivingNet $ryt $]ter Jhiflruase-ublyaocnni&trctrlWhmroutofNcaorsfifltaihdplsldtotri,sS€ctim63 & hr fr.t basod m trs amoumt of wgr thc could havs boen gener*od a he Frility aod dslivercd f PacifiCorpasNctouprthstret$EsmgFoEredadddirrcdbacaso oftrecureilmsf. Sclhr ftEll dffiminctrc $ladity of srch ortailod mry bmod m (x) lhe time aad durafion of thc curtaitrnc tpsriod roa Ot wind conditions recorded atthe Facilityfuhgltcpaiodof runailrcr rirA the powcrowe speciffi for fre Wind TUbims as slrovm in Exbfrtt A" Sclkr *tall prurdyprwidc facmCorp wiA acccssro $rch inforrration ald dEh as PaoiffCorp may irasobtly rcq,riro to confimr to its rpasonablc scbfrqiontro rnorfr ofeoergr fu wu rct genermd cdelivercd bccapse of a crrtailmem dcscribed in this Soction 6.3. &4 PaciffQom asMerchant Ssllcrrclmoruls*ps$atPaciIiCorp, rtin-g in-io mcrchmt capacity nrnctiim as purclraser under this Agroement has no rcsPoollibility for or cffiol orler PacifiCorp Tlaunissim tr aly slpotxsr Trwnisshn Provikr. 65 Outager. 6.5.1 PlmnedOrtaqEs. SrceptaEdrcndscpnoviddttaetl Sallcr $nll mt sc,hodule Plmncd Ogtage during any portion of the monthe ofNovombsr, Dcocmbcr, Jruary, Fdrlary,Jrrrc,July,andAugttst,orc6bthoormtaPlarmcdOdageisrcamsbtyrcquirodO €oslrlestcrdffOsafisffagramreeroquircfiEs*inaein dioninufiichthcwnfuisrntoftailite abb b pcrform Ure Srrart e wodc d a time dEr frm eftg m of the mstfis ryecified abow c u ttp cgde gloh Plmod Ohge is rcquird in apcordarce witr Pnrdent Electical PraEticss. Sclkr rt"ti fo Ediblt D, prurid" fipifidp wi& m amul frrccss of PlauEd AogB ftr eath Con0ract Yer d lea$ one Q) mofh, but no morc trrt fftree (3) monthso bcforc tho firet day of trat Cotr6actYegr, ura st* promptlyupdate suoh sclrcdule, or othei:wisc ctronge it only, tq tle edgntthEt Seller is rcasdraHyrcguirodtochmgoitinordcrto corptywifiPru&ntEloceioal Pnacis. Sdl€r e}rall not seo&b mqpthm src tunfrad fifty 050) tnlrs ofPlsmod O&pe fa cach calendar ycar. Seller shall notify PacifiCorp of any dwiation to ths umual Planned 2L #4ii&$N$a II I;I i1lr I l: I i: l,i i' !,il i. iI ,,t t. ii I,t I iii. :i i' i I FrwtJ,Iffi-.lffitPdt Onaga schcdulq eote, ontrctv{ondaypeedingdroedrsedingu,E*inrryhidthcsooner of tlro followiag will occur (a) the oubgc as pedictcd in fts Plannsd Outeg€ sche&rlc; ot (b) &c ouago pcr Scllc/s rwisod phru. Such noticc shall consist of a Moday-Sunday, lprxly Wad$a sborviqg lhe rErybd ffil FrciliU oraitnert (M\D for fut scHuling wcck Sctrler strall notsclcdulealymafu:enancc of Sharsd IntmffiiorfacffiflcsdrdngNorrcniber, Decembcr, Jmnry, Fdnrary, Juo, trrly, a Auguq widrut &c lrior wittcn ryoval of PaoifiCgrp, which rypovd may be rcasonably withhcld by PacifiCorp 652 lvftirremarce Omscs. f Selcr reasmbly&lcunires tbc it is rrccsary to r,MulealvIafumanocotrago, Sdt€rshallmlifyPrcifiCorpof6cpmpo0dlvlaimenmoe Otags a rmr as pacticable hr in my cm d lcd fivo (, dayr bcfoe fte cxfiage beghts (a mrlr shst€rpcriodbciriePqdfiCorpmEyrcassrablycfisinlightof&eacxistingwindoonditioqs). tlpm srctr notie, th Palies $all plm trc lvfrinEnance O{ry b mfirally acoormrodab dprwr*b rcquircrrrls of Sdlcr Ed fu scrvicc oHigdios of PasifiCup. Sdla slta[ OIF all ttasnaHe nrEsrtrEs ud usp commcially rcasonable effo,rts consistcnt wifi Pn&rt Blecdicsl Pnctioesto not scfie&lomylv{ahtsnmoeOilsgrdringttrefollowingpaio&: trne 15t}rougfrJune 3O,July, Augus( and S@Emba I trough S@anbcr 15. Sollershall inolude in srch nCIicc ofa pmpoead lvfahEomoe Ortageme oryocbd sffi dfr ard timc oftrc o$age, thc amurt of gmereioncryscttyoftreFrcility&atwillndbccvailable,erdfuorycdoorrplctionded timc ofths outrgo. Scticr rnay povidc nmices r& tris S€ction 5.52 orally. Seller shall oonfirm oy such oral notification in writing as sfi)n as practicablc, PacifiCorp shall promply respond to such notice and may rtquest reasmble modificeims intre schedrte futp osagp. Sc[6 stnll urc all rcasffibh ofrorts o oorplywi& PadffCorp's r€Srcst b modiry thc schc&rk fu a lvfaintenrc O$agp if srh modiEcrtion has no substutial impacc on Scllcr. Scllcr *all notify PacifiCorpofsry$Hu€dchnu$ingffididcryacityof&efacilitydudngsrhldainienance Ouagemdaryohrrtgg inftelvlairotarcrOuAgEogr'fil€timdeErdtirnc. Scl]r$Blltrlcall rcarnablc rncasnps ard erercise iB mmoially reassrable effinB osrsis€d wih Pnd€il Elecfiiaal Pmcticcs b minimir the freqmcy and &rdion ofNlaintcnamc Outages. 653 Forccd Orh$Es. Sollcr strall prrompdy provido to FacifiCorp an oral rcport,yhElqhmetoanunrbarycciHbyPaoifiCorpofanyFucedOrtagpoftcFrility. Suol rtport Ssll irclude ttrc morr of genoraion cryocity of tb feility thd will d bo evaihble booarno oflhc FuEd Oraga {td 6c apc6d rtfiIur ddc edtima of nrch gencration cryaorty. Scllcr shall pmpdy updao the rcport as neceseary to adyise PaoifiCo,ry of *mged cimmsmccs. Iffre forod orfiagp renlod in more ftm I fl26 of ffre frifty Cryadty Raine of tho facility hfog tmvailablc Sdl€rshllofifimrttr calrcpqtinwrfingas soonaspradicalrle. Scllershalulreatl reasonablsmca$rcs andorerciseit cmmerciallyrssonrblc ctrorts consiffitwihPtrdEil El*trical Practioes to avoid Furod orssgw and to minimize theh durrtion. 6.5.4 Nodce of Derarings and Outase^e. Wieout limiting other notice r€quircmmts, Sollcr shall notify PacifiCorp, via tclcphonc or via clcctronio mail, to a nrrmber or crnail addrpss epooilicd byPacifiCorp, of any limitation, rqstiction, dcrating trflrbgp tmorilnb Sc[€rlhdaffectsthegetteadimoryacityoftftoFacili$ inmrnomgrcater than five pcrccnt (570 offtc Facility Capacity R ting forthc following day. Seller shall promply Wdat€ such nodce to rcfleot my msterial changes to the information in zuc;h noticc. 6.5.5 Effect of Ortag€s on EstimEtcd OrIput Seller drall factor Planned orfragcs and tvlainuraooe Ortagesdrd Sellerreasonabtyocpcc6 to cncounter intE ordinry t2 #l,&t&Utw [hwtJ,Ilfr-l{uthWt ourge ofqp€rdttg tl€ Frility futu tro ffirled Monftly En€rg$, Detivery amounts in thc Enorgy Dcli"ary Schodule sct forh in Erhlbtt I). , 5.6 Schcduling. 661 Coopcraionurd $urdads.Wihrcspocto myurdallsdre&ting requtemcds ln6is Agr€crncil[, (a) Sclkr dEU mopcrmwifirPaoifCotp wim rcWoctb scQ&rltg NeO4le,End(b)ca&FutyshaUdssigndcaffrortrcdrepcseatrirrcstoomrnk*wihrtgErd o scffirling ad rdacd rrus aising hmmdcr. . 6;62 Scheerb Coordinrion It as a result oftis Agrwncrq PacifiCcp is docmcd by o RIIO b bG fuancially reryonsiblo for Sdlcds pcrfoname rmdcrtbe Gencratln lrrorcqrrsdm Agroorncrf etc b Scllcr's la* of finding ar a 'bctro&rling coordinamr" or ottrr RIO reoognircddsignaiur,qrnlificaianufuwisc,fui(a)Sclleres[ao$titcsshR:T-O rcoogriz*i sding (s shall omtactwith athird partyutn has sdRf0 tpcognirca gnUing)' sxfi tratkcifCory is no largEr re+onsitle fu Scllcds pcrfurranoc undcr fu Glncedim Intmomocriqr Agrrc€ffint, and O) S6ll€r *all der{ i:ndenni& ed hotd BadfiCory hmlcss agat$mymnifyarhfingerb Sellc'apcrformarco orfailuretoperbm underthe Cicneradon Interponncction Agnemsnt or RTO 67 Dclivcr), F-xccedin$ trc \dr:rimum GIA Deliverv RaE. Scllcr shall not dclivcr enary from &o Facitity to fte Poim of Delivcry at a r# thd exceods ttre lvlaxinum GIA Dolivery Rarc. Sells's failure to limit suoh deliveries to the Morimum GIA Dclivcry Ratc shall be a brcach of a mntctial obligation subjoot to Srtion 12.1.t. 68 Accc$Rietrb. Lrpmrcambtepicmiocard$rUicdtoOF[r.udErf safcty reqgiremcns of Scller, and goquirymonts of Law retating to workplaoe hcalth and saftty, Sollor slrall"provido PacifiCorp md its alttrorizcd a8mt8, enrployoc and inspecton (PaclfiCorp neprratatnoi) wth remtnbb ffi b lb Faoilitf (a) frr tc pryosc drcading uAcfuS msfuirg oquip:rerrg O) as nccessryto wiUegs uy @oses6' (o) forprposes of ioplcmcmting Scstion 4.6, and (O for othcr rcasonablo purposes at the rasonablo rcquest of nomCqe. nciffCorp $all rdccc Sclkr apin* ud iunmy md all any md dl losr, fincs, peualticc, claims, actions or sui6, inchdingoo$ts and altomcy's fccs, both attisl and on lpecat rtsrltLrgfrunrtionscqnissionsbyuyof&oPaciffCqpRepcmtaivesinsmodiut wihthoir acccs to thc Facility, ar@to the o&otftrt suoh damagw arc caud or by tho inteirtional or grossly negligont act or snission of Seltcr. SECTION 7. MOTIVE FORCE hiorto the executioo of this agecrnent Sellcrprovidcd b PacifiCorp Wind Lcascs and a modvc forccplan lncludingan horulywindprofile acoaptabtc to PapifiCorp in itsreasonable disomtion and atbchcd hcr€to as Erhibft F-[ Witrin thrcc (3) monttrs aftcr thc Effective Dds, Scllcr wilt provide a wind report fitm any of CIL Garrad lIassan, AnE Truepower, LLC, or DNV Global Encrgr Conccpts, tro. ocrtifing thd the implernentation of the ftel or motive force plan can rcasonably be expeced b povidc fucl or motivo force to the Faoility for fte duration of this Agreancnt adequate to gencre power aod cncrgy in quantitias nco€6sary to deliver the Averege Annusl Nct Output. Scller will p,rovide an updatod ostimate of Avor4go Annual Net Output at ths time it provides ur amendod Erhlbtt A pursuant to Seation 22,6 if Sellcr has sclostod differcnt Wiad ftrbinos. 23 #Mbw I 1, ir i: ),ii it ii r. tl.i., l. i I ii: l,l ir ! 1: tl 1i iIi t' I I tri t: i tir t t t: i l! i j' I t:lit- It, IItI :III t IiI II [tawtJ,lffi-l{ir&ki. SECIION t. GENERATION FORECASTING COSTS &1 Fqtcast SGryicoElection PacifiCorpruy, in its discn*ioq ae fueoa*hg scnriccs for Selle,t's Facilityto PacifiCorp's cldsdng contrast with a qudifiod wind.cnergr- Foetcdct forwsting vatfu, wlti& codract and vcndm may enp during fu Em of&is Agreement. t Sdler's For€cast-Cost Sha$. husnntto Commission OrdcrNo. 3M97, Seller shall bc rcryonsitic for 507o ofkcffiCorp's coat of adding suoh forccasfiry srvicos (EdhdrForccl*-Colt Sherc') up to Sello's Capped Forsoast{o€t Sharc. 8il Cryon Sclhr's ForecaS{o$Sha&. Se[ct'sFqwas€oetSharcfcagivar Confaot Year ii cappod at0.lo/o ofotal palnrcnts mads by PacifiCorp to Sellcr for Nct Ouput eringthe prwioru Contast Ycar (Sdlcdr Crppd Forurt{at Sh.rt'). If&clast Contact Yar of thfu Agrecrrcnt is shortcr dran a frrll calondar yoar, the cap will be proratod for tbd shortd 1tr, For ttp yca($ gior to 0E socond Conhact Year offtis agr@rt &d oqualsafirllcaladrlcu, Solkt'sFwase€dSkGiscrydat0.l%ofcstiurabdpaynrmfor Nct orxput bascd on the Encrgy Delivcry Schedulc. &4 Pavmont Scllcr shallpayto PacifiC,orp Sellor'g Forccast-Cmt Slrar€ uacappcd by Soction 8.3 for each Contraot Ycar in oqrnl paymcrc for caoh momth of such yoar orocpt thc last monttr of suoh yar. (For example, in a Contast Ycar cqugling a fu[ cahrdar year, Scllq would psy l/1 lfr of Sdlcds Fmas€os Srt drdng Goch ofdp fir$ I I nnods,) h tE last mor& of earh M Ycr, ProifiCorp shall rcfind b Seller ftc uroufrpaid ry Sder re &is Section in orcoos, ifmy, of Selhds Cap@ Forcost{ost Shrc. For a Contrart Yer €ncompsssod by jt$ orc calcndar nronfftr Sollcr's paynat to PacifiCotp d PacifiCorp's rcfund to Seller shall be calculoed and paid simultaneously. To the cactcnt practicable, pa),mil$ sdrtfir* undritris Sodm sha[ be irchdd inmoneUpryocris ad irloices under Sestbn I 0; SBCIION 9. MD,TERING: REPTORTS ^AND RECORITS 9.1 Mmting Adiustnsnt. Mdcring will bo porfomed at fu loodion ryouifiod in E*ibit B and in the rnaoncr rpooified in tlp Gqrcrrtor Interconnecion Agr€c,m€Dt A[ quamtitics ofonergy prnchrscd hereunder shall be adjusted in accordancc with Addendum L, so thatlheprualgmA anromrEfl€ctsftEn€turountofpomrerflowingim dE $nfcmatrhe PoirofDclivcry." 92 M.chingEmfis. Ifaryinryecfftnscb$smadcpllrn artb6eGarcrdor Interconnection Agrtoment discloses an ermr orooe.ding two pcrccnt (27o), either fast or sloq propcr oontction, based upon thc imccurucy fqm{ shall bo made ofprcvious rcadingp for thc acAral pcriod during which the metcring equipment rendcred inaccurate mcasurcmcnts if that pcriod can bc asccrainod. Iftha actral pcrld carmt be asccrtaino{ trc 1roperoorrcctimsha[bamadetothcrncasu$mailstdmdrhgtrctiltrcltrcmffiforgoqufincrf was in scrvft:e siooc last tc$cd, br* not oxcceding tluee Billing P€riods, in thc amount the 2ElainsviooisEmliodrdasofrneffiitps,MCaprriltd.&ssfiior$illoctomlbcrffistdeci[ry ortrutb crlculEeNdOrlput 2A #mffiun1e fiiwtJ,lIfr1WrW ' mctering equipmcat ehall bave beeo BhsD b be in cnor by srrh est Any corcctiut in bilnogF. m payrncm rcsuttng forn a oonection intrem#recor& stnll bo m* in trc nodmorftly billing m payntnfi rerdered. 93 Tdenrtsinnl krapcorduoeuihlbccocrdionlfficsuroctfunAgromnt Scllcr shdl provide trlomdoing cquipmcnt ed frcilitieg copoble of transaritting to Tmusnission Provider (u&o will shrrc it with PacifiCorp as audrorized by Erttbtt I[ "seller Adrodzdim b Rdaco Cacrdim DAa O PacifiCorp) fte fr[owing infrmfim 5rrmringttre Facility on a real-time bosis, sod will opcraE srrch equipmmt wlrcm requested by PacifiCorp to ittdioac: (a) instantancous M W ou$ut at tho Poiint of Dolivery; O) Net0utput; (c) thc Facility's total instantaneous generation capacity; and (d) windvclocitYdtrbircfubhcrddt Scller Crall also transrnit to PacifiCorp aay o&cr dara from trc Facility tru Scllcr rcccivos on areal-timc hie, inclrding meteorological data, wind spcd deqwind direction dataaud gtoss ouentdata Seller shafprcvide sucnrcal-timo &iatoPscifiCorp i1fic uqo daail th6 Scfcr rcccivos the data (c.g., if Sellcr rrcccivcs thc dS in four sccond intsvals' PaoifiCorp sha[ oleo rcceive the daa in four sccond intGrvds). PrcifiCorp shgll havc thc rightfrlln timeto time to rcqufoESdlcrOpmvirbditimaltlemciottlgoquiperilmdfrpilitfoB to thc orEat nmcssary and reasonable. g.4 MonthtyRepots and tog;s and Odrcr Infonration. 9.4. I R€oorts. Wi6h triry G0) crlcndtr dsys after the end of erdr Billmg Periodf Sellcr shall providc to PaoifiCosp a rcport ihclcctronio fonnat, uftich rcpottshall imtu* (a) srrmrier ofdro Facility's vlm ara orryf dffi fu fft€ Bilhg Period in inarnab nctb cxcca cxrc tron (c sroh drorm poiiod as is rcasmrbly pocsrblo $,ift oommcnoially avEiloblc tmhnology), inchding iuformatiur from thc Facility's comprtct monitoring slEtcm; O) gmmrtc$ of any o,thcr significom wctrs rclarcd to dre coMrrtim or @t ofec faflity fo tp Billing P€rio{ (c) detailr ofAvailabifry oftrc Faoility fm ttc Billirg Pcriod srffcicmto catcU*e nWaUlityurdincldinghourly av€rage windvelocitymcuurcd at Arbtns hub height and ambient air UnpcrUrc; ud (O any sm66ng inftnnatimftat PacifiCorpmayiomtimcttimortamngUtyrc+rcsClmhdinghi$oricalvideafcltcFeility). g.42 Elcctonio Farlt toi. Sellsshall matruh anehsmnbfrultlog of opcr*iursoftcFagilityfuingcachhCIrof$tUnofthisfururcnt orrtlrc_ -iorunetci* Qcrdim Dae. Sellc strall grrovirb PrcifiCorp wih a cory oftrc e.lccfiunic edt hg wieh midy tlOl calendar deys tftcr te God offtc Biling Pedod b which the hult log applies. gA3 lhmfiorcSE$ofhiffio,rp, Soller*allpmvldoPacrcupftc mmuftotncrs' guidolincs and rccornrcndadons for maintenance ofth Frcility oquipmat #{Aolffi,A|A 25 [IrwrtJ,IIGldtMt 9A,/, By each Junnry 10 fo[wing fto Csnmscisl Opcruioa Dae, Sellcr ohall providctoPacifiCorpwi0enccrtificatiqrttut Scllcrhas cornpleed all tb mmufuur,ers' guidelinor snd rccmmcoddifiis formain&nrnce ofthe Facili$ cquipmcnt applicableto the pnwious calendar year. 9.45 Atanytimc fiurthe EftqivcD*8, orrc (1) )rr'sdrarce ncfue ofdre hmoinafon m oryiruisr of any tgrccm€rrtr inclrding Whd t ascs, prrqrsd b wlrieh ltc Failfty c uy oquiptrtddngffi is qon trc Facility ri$ povidodfu ftE freoing does ffi adrorize my er{yuminaim ofuylmd ho. 9.4,6 As soon as it is knwn o Seller, Scller drall discloc b P*ifiCorp, fu offit ofauy rueial vblatiott ofuy cwimrmcrilrl lms u rcguldiffi arising ot oftlre or opcration of tb Facility, or the presnse of Environmcntal ConFnrinatim dtrc FrilityoronthePnmises'dhedbad$byaryCrovenmcmalAdrotityhsvingjruidirtimover fis Prlrdscs, or&epmcantodsMce of, cthc occmcc drring Scllcr's ooorryurrcyoftlrc Prcnrises 04, anyeaforcemcnt,logn[orryulaoryadimorpoooodingddingbsrchdlegd violaionorallogodpresenoe ofEndumcrtrlCortsninaionpeeeillyooqnringuhaving ocorrcd dudng fto pciod of time thm Seller has ocorpied tho hrcmiscs. 9.5 lvlairmarce ofMcmingEqd0mcil. Totreormnoto&sryistroviH intto Gmcrator IntefcoilHioo Agrccmem, PacifiCo,rp ehall inspcct, tst, rtPair and rcplaco tho metcring oquipuroct psiodically, G at &o Fquest of Scller if Sollcr has rtason to bclieve rnceing mry be offmd rtqrrss m inpouion for n dttrg; To tto eudert nc olheryigo providd in tlp GemcrAor Interponnoctiqr Agrcc,mart, all PacifiCorp's costs rrlding b dcsigning; in$alling matnalnlng,srdretiringnmingcquipmlinsalldb amqnmodac ScllcdsFacility shal bc bome by Seller. 9.6 \ilBEGIS Meterins. Seller sha[ causc the Faoility to implcrne'nt all ncccssary gencration infornation oommunioations in WREGIS, and rcport gcnaation informdion to WREGIS pursuant to a WREGISqprovcd macr that is dedioatcd to ffrc Facility urd only the Facility. SECTION TO. BIITINGS. COMPUTATIONS AI{D PAYMENTSI l0.l PaFncnt forNct orr$ut On or beftretbethtrticth (30th) day following ttre end of cach Billing Pcriod, PacifiCorp shall ecnd b Scllcr paymcut for Scllcrts dclivcries of Nct Oryrt to ndrconp, tog*er with coryrations s+psting srch papd. PrcifiCorp may oftot any srdr prymed b rcfloct morffi orr,ftrg forn Sellcr to PacifiCfip pu$ffi b ftis fuieerucril u tro Gcngrdim hHpomcdim agtwrt Ary $rctr offias sha[ bc sparrely itmizcd on &e gtrtcment accompanying cach palmentto Seller. IOZ Annurl Invoicin$ for Ou$pt Shorthll. llirfy calcndar days aftcr the cnd of each ContuagtYer,kcifiCorpdulldeliverb&llqminvoicedwingpacifiCorp'scuuptdionof Outrut Shodfall, if any, for all Billing P€riods in the prior Contract Year and Output Shofthll &mages, if my. In prcparing sush invoiceq PacifiCorp shall utilize the metcr data pn'oviff to PooifiCorp for &e Contract Year in questior5 but may also rely on historical ayazgcs and such oftcr infomtftm as may be evailablc to PacifiCorp at tlrc time of invoice preporcimiftremctrdofusdrCoilactYearisftarincmpleeao&crwiserctcvril&le.To tt! odnrtrcquircd, PaoiECorp shallprcparc any such invoice as ponrptly as pracicablo fo[o\ilhg 26 #g*srfiqta ; i l l:,,1 :. il i j' ri t' I ;i it I I : I I Ii { i ! I i i1 i attIt [htw,J,IIf.-lWrPdt ib rcceipt of acmral rcsults for thc rlevant Contrast Ycsr. Seller shall ply to PaoifiCorp, by wirctrsuftrofiruuredfuiblyavaihlcfirndstomapcoutryadHinwidngbyPacifiCoryorby ry dermcms aSpod b by lb PErtiR inwrittg fiom tincb timc, ftc mfird sd fomh as &r in zuch invoicq and shall withi! thirty (30) days aftcr rcceiv'urg thc invoice raisc any olieotions ragpldinganydi$*cdpqtiqrofthimroie. ObjwtimsrctmadsbySc[crwi&intfirftirtyday p€rtod shr[ be deemcdwaived. 103 Intcrcston Ov€,rdue Amomts. AnyamorrrE owing aficrthedue&trcrcof shsllbcarintcrcstatttrcnimen topntt"Oatcihcamotrntbdcrncdue,plustwoperccnt (27c), fromn the drte due rurtil pai{.;lrovldr;4 lmwev€r, thd tbe interestrate shall at no timo excoed tho maximun rub allowod by applicablo law. 104 Dis$[od Amouot. If eithor Paty, in good ftit]t, disprcs any unount due pneira4t to an invoicc rcnffi hercundcq urch Party shall notiff trc orttor Party of thc ryocific basis forftc diryfc m4 ifflp inwioc Sows an amout due, ohall pay tM portion of &e stat€racrt thst is undisputcd, on or bc,forc the duo date. Any such notico shall be provided within tc,o (2) per of tlrc do of ths irvoioe in ufridr tre sror ft* cqncd If uy mouff diflfrd by srch Puty i8 dctcnnined o be &rc to to odr€r htty, c if ttp Pa,rties rcmlve 0rp payrnatdispute, the arnount duc shall bo paid within fwo (5) days after such detstmination or rcsolution, along with intc,rcst in amordrpc with Scction 10.3. SECTION TL SECTTRITY ll.1 Delay Seqrity: I l. 1. t ESfh.&S[S9gEE By tE de Pmvid€d in Sec{ion 22g Sdkr Satl post I Lcficr of Credit, cash or a perrntal guEranty, cach in a fonn acccptable to PasifiCfip, in tre g1oud catrulmdprrseb S€didr I l.l 2 CDGby Scouitf). To tro octPacif0up mdrcs adrarirryrrdertpDelay Scanity, Sdlcrstn[,wiftinfiffDcn(15)ookndarda1t, rEsfiEtteDeky Sarity as ifm sucllr dofudion had occtrrcd" I 1.1 2 Calculdin ofDelav Seuritv. Ths dolar \EluG of Delay Socurity shall e$nl tho graam of; 0) forty-fiye dollas $a$ muhipliod by $e lvlaximum Facility Delivery R* wiO tro trlarimun faoiliry Dclivery Ro being mcasned in kW; s (2) tlp sum of tho fnro&tcts, for ch ofts fir* threc oalcndrnpnttu afu tre DeJay Paiod CmrcncmcntD$, of tho mc4gr inthc Initiat YcarEnogyDolivery Schedule forth month (k[e) multiplied by the monthly weiehod avoragc On-Pcak sd Ofr'Poah Confoming Eragr hmhasc Prk a fultr rrnrfu (Mvll\lh) divided by 1000. Such amount stall bo fixcd upon oro$tion of this Agrccotc'nt t 1.13 Ricrrt to Drqril m Scffiity. PacifiCorp shall have tre rigtt b &aw m llrc I)clary scqrity to couo.t@ cormirclng qr u &cst-first of cantr moffi, PsoifiCorpwi[ im,oicc ScllcrforDalayHeuiddodDrnagBs incurc{ ifmy, dring&opding montlr.IfinsufficiedDelay SecurityisE\ailablc Sellershall payPacifiCorpforinvotrdDday Liquided ktages m lahrthur fivc hsirrcs days afu rccoiving sr*l invoie. T}c Puties wi[ mab billins ad palmcrns fu Deky Liquidated Damryes in accordancc with Section 10. I t I III I I I Ft t l,I T 1I ,i I III ii I ,! :i} I ! ,l ",, ,i: i r i II J 1 iii t1I tI), i': tlt' Ilti1I I' I i I I I t I't; t ili {48n'f,{Egt42 n [ItffitJ,Ilfr.affirW ll.l.4 Pati4 Rd,ase ofDehy Sccurity. Provid€d eat $cllerlres nrai@ined Delay Seorityin accordmcewith Soction ll.t.t, PaoifiCo,rp ehallrcleasoneftirdoftlro original arnourt of Delay S€crdty $rtod in Soctioo I l,l.l eac,h timc Scllcr accornplishas a milwtonc (a) or (b), bclow: (a) Sellerhas@orcoredtreCrrmerdionlmcsrrrtimAgc€rmt with Transrnission Provider; and (ii) pard in firll any intermrmection ard/or srt$tttt t4gde cos6 Spllor is obligilod b py in advurcc of ieawtpdim constsuction O Sdkrhasporldtbccmcr*ftnrndaimdcaclofhbpkd indtvi&al Wind Ib$inc loc*ios. PaoifGorp slrall mako &e partial rcfuid of Dolay Sccudty rcqufud abovc widrin tan busimg days ofthodaee Sollcrpnovide PacifiCotp miucrr notice (alongwith sdsfrmrydoonlaffion trc$of) trd it has accunplistrcd milcsnc (a) c O) abovo. I I .1.5 F\rl Rdease ofDday Seqrity. Unlcos PacifiCorp diryrrs wtrctrcr Sdler haspaidall DelsyliquidedDarrsps,PacifiCqp$alt relcascall rcnrainfuDelay Soority trpott thecarlioof,&c 30ttrcalcn&rday followingoomm€moctncntof Conrrspial Opcaiorortk 6Uh calcndrr day fo[owing PacifiCorp'r temindion of this Agr€€rnelrt I 1.1.6 E&&. SclhdsfrihrE b Nandmairfiin Dclay Souityin mrdarco uib Sodim I1.1 will ooshrc an arcdofdcfor[, urlcss qrcd baoocdrrce wtft Scdin l2l.l of ftisAglpcm€d. 112 Default Sccurity (Lcrrelized Prioing Onty). (Rcscrvcd) SECrION 12. DETAI'LTS AND NDMEI'IES l2.l The following eyents shall coostitub defrults under this Ageanent: lLl.l Non-Paymot A Paqfs ftihn! b rnalco a pcl,nmt yilm eE rndcrftis Agrcemffi or post aod @intuio scourity in codormancc wifittc rcquirwcrils of Selbn l l c rnaimininsnmCIinooffimarcewihtrorcqrfuEmcffiofSoc,tim 14of&isAgrccmontriflhe thihnq is m fllldwiftinh (10) hlsilrss dsys aftE(lfu rmrdcfrulting Parfy givos thc dceuhing Party a ncicc ofthc dcfaulr lill2 Brcacl ofRcorcsciltatim. Breac,h by a Puty of a rcprcsentation or wunarty sd ftrtr inthis Agrwncrt, if $rh frihrc m brcaph is rpt crned wiftin C&ty (30) days following wriucn noticc. lZl3 lhforlt on Odrcr Aqccmcrrts. Scllsr's ftilurc to crrc my dchtrlt urdcr lho Cmsraion kmrcctiur furmcrfi or any drcr aglwnem bcffiear ffro gtics rclaod to this Agf!€mmttheGawatisr IffioorpctionAglocmcot orfteFacilitywieinecftneallwrudfua ene rnder srclr agnenxdt s ttfimcil. l2.l* Insolvcnsy. A Party (a) makcs m assignmcm for thc bocft of ir crcditors; O) fihs apdition a ofrprs,bc oomm. ailhorizcs s acryicsccs in ftp oommrcrt of a frocwding q caso of adiqr udcr ary burtmprtcy or simih lar fu fts HgH$*rqw finwtJ,Ilt-ltuihPdt prmaim of crediton, or hrs $.dl a pttitior fitod sgnhst it ed srdr pcttion is nd witMrevm or dismissdwihinsixty(60)daysaftersuchfiliq$ (c)beomesinsolvenq or(d) is unableto pay its dcbts whn due. l",Lts tvlaGrhlAdrrcnseCtmrc. Aldeial Adversc ChE gsbruocqucdwib rcspest to Seller and Seller fails to provido such perform&oe assumnocs sB are rcombly reqrrcsbd b PadfiCq, Etilrirdrhty (30) dsys frmr trc do of srdr reqr*. t2l.6 Sals to Iffi+atv. Seller's sde ofNet Orgtt b an eNtity otr€r trEl PacifiCorp, as prohibitcd by Seotion 4.2. ULL:I l.Iur-Delivcry. Unless orctrsed by an cvcot of Forcc M4iaxc (inchding hcifiCorp's brach of lts obligfions un&rtris Agrwtr), Sclds frihre o &livermyNd Encrgt frtrttrcc mnive cal&rurtb. 12.1.8 A Prty otherwise f ilg b perfom ury muuial obligilion @rding hlt m limied to frilurc by Scllaro moct any deadlino set fortr in Secfion 22.1 dnougb 22-9, hI orcludng S€cdom 4.7 rrd 9.Q irposd rpm S* Puty Uy ftis Aglcmcrfi iffis frihrc is rd c\rod wiein&iq/CIO)daysaftorthnm*,fruftingPutygi\rc$ftodsfultrrgPutynoticeof&ede,&rlt For thc svoi&nac ofdor$t, &o frihrc of Sclcr b rhicrc thc Cqnncrpial @ilim Oac Uy D@snbcr3l,2012shBllrptgirrcrisctomBrcdofDefrrltprrwdbtrisScdim l2.l.8mdfic frihre b a&ievE Comrncrcial Operuion Dm shal bc arclwivdy govcdrcd by SE{im lLl9. 12.1 .9 Sellcr fails b aphicvc fu Comrncrpial Operaim Ihe by &e 9lt day followingtho Delay Pcriod Commcnccnrnt Dfr,poviM, howev*, ftag Wonwrittcn rptcefomltedEfuergktydeliverodpiorbtlrcnirrty-fnt(glldayofdolay,frbntotcty(90) daypcriod draX beelcarHbyauadditimal me hun&ed andmy(150) days if(a) Sclkrhss poed ffE mncre fondadm at cach of ir plmmd idividrnl wind adrine bcdms; and (b) Sellcr replcnishcsDelayD*uftsqrityinmdrewithscctidr ll.l.l. $ellcrshatlcominuetoaccruc Oehy Hquided Dmsges in aooordmce wie Sodion 2.5 (Delary Pricc tirnes ttrc Dclay Value) uilil ttc Projed rchiovcs Csnmer&l Operation or this Agreorrent is tcminat€d. 122 In tho event of any &fault h€rcunfu, the non-defaulthg Party must notifi the d€frulfingPuty inv/rftitrg ofthc cfuurrrdrors indic*ing0rc dcfault d odliningec rcquircments to crue lhe default. If the default has not bccn ourod wittrin the prcscribod time, abote,ttrmrdcmr{tingPutynuyuminetrisagfemcrtdlBplediscrctimb&liv€ring wdm dice b &e otrEr Paty md my prsuc my md a[ kgll c ogriEblo rrrrcdics Fuvidd by lsw q plsusil b this Agrwlem Ttrc righf povided in lhb Sodim t2 ae ounuldivo crch th ttc areitire ofonc a raur rigb shal ntr onsihe awaiver ofany drfr dghB. 123 In the svcrtfiis Agrrcme,nt b Enined bmse of Sellcds &{tard Se[B wishcs to again sctl Nct O&ut from thc Facility using the samc motivc force to PacifiCorp following such tcrminatio& PacifiCorp in its solo disc,rrtion may rcquirc that Sellcr do so subjcct to thc tenns oftris Agrcc,mcrfi, inclding hs not limitsd to 0rc prchase prices as sct fodr in (ScUim 5), util tre kpiraion Dm (as sa frrth in Scction 2.1). At srrtr time Sollcr od PacifiCorp agree to oxocutc a wriren document r*ifying tho tenns ofthis Agreement lU Iftris furernart is brminatcd as a Esult of Scllcr's dc&ul! in additisr b and not in limitEtion of any o&er right or rcrncdy rmdcr this Agrcomoot or applicablc law (irrcluding :29 ue&,6t$4rre :: i' lr ,:, ,: iri t, I 1,, l: , i I ii ii ll ll i',{. l, I,i.iI a,1 I a il. [IrrwtJ.Illllufr',P& any righ to sct-off, countcrclaim, or o&srtr,isc withhold paynent), Sellcr shall pay PacifiCorp q$t Shoffi[ DEnAEs fu a paiod of eigfuar 00 rufis from tb doe of Emindm$tsthe egtinstod administraivc oost to acquiro the rqlaocmcnt powor. Iho Particc egrco &at the ddnsgcs PacifiCory wwH inqndrc b t€rmirdim n$lting ftonn &[eds dcfinh\ilouHbodifficuh or impocsiblc to tr€dictwitr ccrtainty, 8nd ftat &e damsgcs in &ig Section 12.4 ale ar appropriatc appoxim*ion of$ch damages. l?S RccoupmcntofDamages. socuriry, Pacirrcorp .9 ffi Xl'ffififfi' sariry,mif*.**q*ffi,trffi mcurt ming bypd&Uy uriflilroldtng finrc pe5mcm b Scllcr um arrasonabh pahd of tirna PrcifiCorp md Sdl€r$all wotktogefrrEr in geod frith b cstrblish thc pcrioq od mmftly unantils, ofssh urittholdiag so asto avoid Se[cr's dcfuilton ic oortrrrlcruislorfmocirrg agrwru rcrssary 6r iu csrinrd qedm of fu Fadhty. 12.6 Upon an went of dsfault orffiin wcnt rcsulting Aom d€fudt undsr this furrema& in addition to and not in limitrtion of any othe,r right or rrmedy undcr this Agrment ot opplicable law (including any right to sct{ff, countficlsifit or othcrvirc withhold palmd) lho mnAcAmngPaty mayc ie of,im setofi, ryin*myatourrs mpd o tlcdcftultiqg Party, any rnountc owd by 6c dcfaulting Party under any connact(s) or EgEaEe(s) bettrrcm fte Prties. Tbc obligilioos ofllrc Pudcs shallbc M sdisfid ad dis&aryd to the ended ofEry srch sd{fr, Tb nmJeeufting Puty shall give &e ffifiing Puty wdhn rnfo:e of uy scnofr, hr frilut o give strch ndicc *all not aftot $s v.didity oftho sot- off. 12,? Amomts owed by Sellcr prnsuant to this Section 12 shalt bc due within fivc (O bnsiffis days aftor any invoico from PacifiCorp for&o samo. SECIION13. INDEMNIX'ICATION:LIABILITY 13.1 ldemnitios. l3.l.l tndsnnitvtqv Sollo. ScllcrSall rlcase, indcrnnfid holdlumleso PaoifiCorp, its dittc'tott, ofricctl, egctrts, and rrprcsentativor against and from any md all los$ fucs,pcnaftiEsr claims, actkns orsuits, inchdingcosfu ud $utrey's fccs, bdldtialandqr rycsL rcilldng fui1, or sidrU or ofu in ary uay cmrecod wih (a) fte cnetgy deliverod by Sellcr undcr this Agr.caent to ad at the Poiat of f,hlivery, (b) my facilities on Seller's sids of the Point of f,)olivery, (c) Sellcr's operation md/or msimeomc ofllrc Facility, or (O uising ftom Solleds b,r€aoh of tris Agroarcm, inchdforg widufr limiEtim ary loss, c,him, action or sit, for o m md of injury, Mily or othorwiso, to, or dcath of, porsons, o for damagt tq or dcsEuctioa or omnomic loss of prqpcrty bclmgirU to PaoifiCory, Scller orotlrcrs, arogiling only zuoh loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by trc fault or gross negligsnce of PacifiCorp, its dilcctors, offiocrs, cmployees, agcnts or rtpr€scntativss. 30 ffi,0ffi,qm tt:I ,1 .:i tII I Ii I IIII, f . [hrwtlllfrl,la*Pda by rcrm ofir{tryb pamns mdanage to frcperty basod upon ad rising or$ ofthc astivrty rmderthis Agrccmcnt l4Ul All RiskPropcrty in$rmce pmviding cov€rrye in an amount at least cqual b 88/o oftrs rrylroncrd vahrc of tre F$ility again* 'hll tisls' ofprysical locs c danagq iroludingoovcragp frrcartrmovqncrt, floo4 andboilcrmd maolinery. Thchopcrtypolicymuy oumin sqrds srilimitr od &&rcdbhs srfub inarue @mpury wOcrwrldng guidslirm. Tlrc Ri*Polioy will bo mafutaircd in acoordmce with tcrms available in the insurancc markst for similar Bcilitios. 143 The Commcrcial Cr€o€oalLiabilitypolisyrcquircdh€rcinBhall include (D provisioru qcnfumts naning PaoffiCory, ie Bourd ofDircctos, Offien od erylopos as additioaal insurods, and (ii) cross liabilitycoycrage so thatthe insurancc applics scprafioly to cadrin$Fdagtin$u,ttmclaimismadcm$itbbrurgts,crrcaininorrcesufterq me imrodclaims agninst or suos anothcr insrrrcd. 144 All liabilitypoliciesrrquircd bythis Agrcoment sna[ inctudo provisions that such insumncc is pimary innure with rcspoct to thc intcrests of PacifiCotp acrd &at any o,trsr insurance maintained by PacifiCorp is orcess and not contibutory insrrance with the innrEps rcquircd tmnmder, ad povisions fu suh policies dtall not be pnoeled or ftoir limig of lhbilityreduoed wi6or (i) ta (10) hrrrincss dE/s tritr wrium ndicc to PacifiCup if canoded for nonpalment of premium, or (ii) thirty CIO) busitrcss days prior rvritton noticc to PaoifiCorp if cancelod for ury othor reardl 14.5 Cmrmcroial Car€fid Liabilityinsurano! covuagcpmvidcdon a"claimsdlade" basfo shall bc maintaincd by Scller for a minimum puiod of five (5) yeus after the complction oftrisAgrsncmtadforsrhotrcrlcnghoftimcrrccssrybcwerlhbilmosEisilg out oftre aptivitios undsr this Agrccmcnt. SECTION 15. DORCE MA,IEIJRP l5.l As usad in this Agreernent 'Torce llilajeutt" or *ut svent of Forcs lWaieurc" meam any orluo boyond thc rcasonablo contnol of the Soller or of PaoifiCorp which, dcspirc thc orcrdsc of &re dilirco, Buch Party is unablc b pryvect m oveirme. By uray of exampJe, Force ldajane rnay include but is not limitcd to acte of Go4 floo4 storm, wars, hostilitics, civil $ie, sEftEsr aod dca labor di*rbmpcs, sdqnakps, frcs,lidrnh& Aidcrnir$ sabobgc, ttsEafttbycoilodcrodrcrdelayorfrilurp inttppcrmmaee as arpzult ofanyrctitnorinastion on bohalf of apublic authority whioh is in caoh oasc (i) beyoad the rcasonablo conhol of suoh Pafiy, (iD by the cx@isc of tpasonablc foreeight ruch Party could not lcasonably havc been orpecud to avoid aad (iii) by tho ororsisc of duc diligcncc, such Party shall be unable to prwont tr ovarrm. Force ld4ian€i tmlwcr, Wecificatly orcltds tleffi m availability offuel m motive forpe to opcrde dE Fscility or ohmgps in mrld condtions trca&c&cpiccofencrgrortmnsrnission lfaitrcrPartyisranderedwtrollyorinprtunable to perform iE oblignlion mder ftis agrcancnt bocarse of m went of Force Mdenr,c, bo& Parties drall be exousod from whatwer performaooc is afrccted by the orrcnt of Fotre Majourq providedftat: 15.1.1 fte nurau-fumiag Pety, &a[ c mm u prauicdilc ba no lafet trm wi&in tu,u (2) trmlrr afu &c oacurcnoe of the Forpc lvlajeurc, givc the other Party writtcn notice 32 HffiffigW I, I rI i : 1 |: i, { , !rI.'i:ti t i.I It'li 1 i [hwt],If-lbtiltPt*t dcocribing tho partiorlan of ttrc occuncnos, including thc start datc of &e Fqrg Ua,lcure, tre causc of Forcc Majaut, qbefu Frcility nmains pstislly optilditrtal utd lb opeed cnd de offteFqcolvlajeurc; 15.12 rtrc srymim of performarrce shill be of no graatcr soopc rd ofno longer duration than is rcquircd UV the Forco Majeurc; . 15.13 &crm*domingPartyuscoiEbcst&rtsbnosdyhinabilftyb perform; aod I 5.1 .a &o rmaerfrmring PEty shall povi& pm@ rvtiht ncrhc b fu dFr PEtydltocndofltcFcccM4itrrcwcntdctrilliqgtrpaddaercosqlkwf,dmEgecr$dltcrc by d my Nrpin &d rrcrc rpguirEd as a resilt oftho Fmc lvlqicrrc wed, and thc cnd d$o of the Forcc lvlajerue. I 5.2 No obligptioru of ei0rr Puty whictr uoac bc{orc rhe Fsr h[qi€ilrc causing fte suspension of por$rmanco shall bc sxcuscd as a rcsult of the Force Majcurc. 15.3 NaituPilty shsll bG rpguircd to acttle any stike, walkout lookout or other labor dirye on ffiru ufrir;h, h ttrc soh juftrrrcC oftro hy invoh/Ed in ltF diflrc, re cffiary b tho Part/s bost intoresE SECTION 16. SE\TERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contBind in this Agrcamcnt shall svor bc wnstnred to orca& sr association, tnrs( pgtnersllip orjointvcdrc orto imposo atrustorpartocrship duty, obligdion cliability letlva3lr thc Partics. tf Scllcr includcs two or Eore patics, caoh such party shsll be joiotb aod swerally liablc for Sellsr's obligations undarhis Agrcsnont SECTION 17. CEOICE OF IIIW This Agfcond shall be imcrp,rtfcd and enfuccd in accordmce wisr ttrc lauas d&e $e of ldalp, cxcludiug any choice of law nrles ufrich may direct the applioation of &e laws of anothcr SECrIONIt. PARTHLINVALII'ITY It b uot th intention of tho Partics to violato any laws govorning tbc subjcct mafa of this Agrtement. [f any of theenns of thc egracmc,nt art finalty hcld or daetmincd o bc invali4 illogpl or void as bcing oontrary to any applicablo law or publio policn all othcr tcrms of ths Aglcmsf strEll rcmBin in €frcat If ury terms anc ffnally hcld s dstrrmincd to be invalid illqEt orvoi4 thoParios shatl Grftrinbnegmidi@s cmo€mingfiotcnrs aft6dbyurhdcoirion for thc purposc of achiwing confouriry wi0r rcquiremcots of any applicable law and th intcnt of the Parties to this Agrcemont. SDCTION 19. WAWER Any waivcr at mytimo by cither Prty of its righs wift rcspcct to I dcfault md€r ftis Agrlcmcd trwi& rcspoctb any ottcrnrffi Eising in omrodm wi&tris Aglqncot mlrlbe in ffi*s$qra , III t I I :l llt li 1I 1 It tr l, 1 I i; ii lI i l [IttwtJ,I&llldrP&t wdEn& rnd srch qDiver shatl m bc furod a mivcrwihr€rycctto any su@uart dcfault or othor mrtrer. SECTIONzO. GOVERNMENTALJIIRISIIICTIONA!{IIAI'TEORI'ZAIIONS heiffirp's qmpliarco ndtt fte tane ofttis Agr€emcnt is wditionod on Selkdg srhnislxr to PaoifiCcpprbrtolttCotmcmial OperUimDreofcopicsofall lml stdeandfEdcral liocns€s, pcmi8 ud otk qprovals as trc,n may be Fquircd by lEw fortbo corrstrrctio& opemion urd mrkrMmce oftrc Fxility. Failrre to maiffiin srclr lavfirl sutu8 & tre Cmnacial Opelaiur De Satl bc m evqrt of &furlq srbjoct O Scctiur 12. sEclroN2l. SUCCtrSSORII AI{I!AsSIct{S 2l.l Tttil AgtEetffif mda[ oftebmrsdpovis&rstu€ofshall bobirdingqpor ad irureO&cbcncfit ofthc rcspostivc suooossors and assigns of thcPartio hacto, cr.roctthst no assignment kpof B eie€r Pafiy slull becsnc cfrcctirre witrotrt 6e writea omscm of bodrpEfu bofrrg fts ohtrod. Srdt cmsclt dull m bo masmably wi0rlro$ providod tret tho Parties agree trat commcrcially rrasonsblc mittcn amcndnrcnc to tlrc Bfiihits to tris Agrcement and such otheruritten updates to the information conbinedthr.cb related to the Faoility may b€ madc in the wcut of any assignmcnt of 0ris Agrconcnt pursuant to thc tofirs of ftis Sootion 2l.l.Ncutiltmmdingilrcfr*seocofthb Scdint,(a)rrycmttywfthwhich kifiCorpmaycusolidah, orinbwhi:hitmrymcrgs,orbwtrichitmey cmvcy qtansfer subotantially all of itu slaEtric uilfiy asscts, shall arromcioally, without findrer act, and wlthout nood of consent or approval by thc Seller, srcoeod to all of PocifiCorp's righh, obligcions, and htcncets undor this Agrromout and (b) Seller shall havo the ridlt to assign ftis fuieemcng subjcctto PacifiCorp's writtcn onscnt, which consent sha[ not be urrcasonably wi&hld or delayed, for colheral securitypurposcs to one or molc ffnmcing otitics (or a collatcral age,nt acting on thsir bclnt$ pnoviding frrancing to Soller for the ,Facility, in which wcnt PapifiCorp rgr€cs to provido a wrifron conscnt in ftvor of Sellor'g fimncingontities in fonn and eubstaoco similato cons€trs executed byPacifiCorp in connwtion witt non-rocou$e project finarcinp. firis a*icle shall not provorrt a finanoing €rdtyutith r€cod€d orscourcddghrb fiom cxcrcitingall rightandrcmodics arailableto it ddcr law or contract. PacifiCorp shsll hrve tbc dght to be notificd by thc finencing cntity that it ig ercrcicing suotr tights or rcrredies and all such othcr rights as provided in thc unittcn consenL 21.2 Notwithstrnding Scction 21.1, it as of Dcccmbcr 31,2012, Scllc,r has not achievcd Commcrcial Qpcration, thqr Sellcr shsll have tlr right to to tcrminate this furceurcnt by p:oviding writt€m noticc of tsnnination to PactfiCorp on or beforp lanuary 5, 2013. Upon PacifiCorp's rtccip of wriren notico of tormination ftom Scllor, the Odginol PPA shall autoruttically bc decmd to bc rcinstatcd md in full forcc and efrect Upn such trmin*iur, PacifiCOtp shall retun thc Dolay Sccgrity to Seller and Soller shall have no fitrther liability or obligations of any kind undcr this Agwrnent. 21.3 Seller and all guccessots ard assigns acknowledge thatthis Agrcnrent is in partthc rcsult of a sottlqnsnt stipuldion betwacn PacifiCorp, CCW and thc StaIf ofthc Idaho Pttblio Utilitics Commission that was approved by the Idatro Public Utilities Commission is Care Nos. PAC-E-I I -01 through PAC-E 11.05 (the "stipuletion'). Thig agrcernmt is s$jsctto, md inoorporetes, the tcrms ofthe Stipulation. 34 utfisliErr,4.z [IwatJ,llGldrPdt SECTIONZ!. ENTIREAGRDEMEIIIT X2.l T[isAgrcffi erycrsodccallfricagrecmcffi,goposabr rqrcscuhtitrt$ negOtitions, dis.ussloos or lefiors, ufidhtr oial or in writing; rcgarding PrcifiCorp's purshaso ofNetO4rtfilomthoFaaility.No modification ofthie Agwrrentshall be ifrcctivc rmlesg it is in writing and signod by both Partiee. t2.2 By exccr*ing 6is Agfccmcf,t, cachPuty relcascs the other fiom my claims, knovm or ur}nown, thd may havc ariscn prior b the ocoution de of this Agrce'mcrnt wittt 1try€ct to thc Facility and any prrdoeossm facility proposcd O havs bccn cons:fucted on ths site of ftc Facility. SECTION23. NOTICES All ndiocs noqtas dcrnise fvi&d inftis Agrwn€rt slul bo inwiting; sbdl be di$cbd ss follorvr ana shalt bc considorcd dclivcrcd if delivered in person or whcn dcpodted in tho U.S. Mail, postsgp prqrid by ocrtified or regis&rcd mail and retum rrcccip rcqucscd. i, I ,i lr t,l i,t,:i t, illlt, Ili,1, I :. i. i I 9t. ii I I I I It, 1,,t: l,! I ,i ii i i I l ii ! tall i Ill i I : i i i Notloer AllNotk PreItrCorp PaoifiCorp &li NE lr[uil[muh Stoet Poilh4 o8,97232 Atu:CmEactAenhfutdon, SFib 600 Phone:(SO3)tl3-53t0 Facsimile: (503) 813- 6291Bmail: Selhr Jhsefi Narrc of Rtdgelt E Afrltdel Crcck Wind, LLC Eli S. King Sfiocq Suitc 200 Soafitle, WA 9t104 Attn: Joan Hutohinson Phono:20f-46i24846 Faceimilo: 503-296-5450 E rnail: jhr*clinson@l.or@m Duns:0&790-9013 Duns: EtsDl Foderal TarlDltutcr: 9&{1216090 FodsalTorlD}.lrnbq: 80t03264.{8 Noder AII Invoiccl: Se.bcdultng: lfitt{0,.S#eqW PrcifiCorp Ath: Back Office, Suio 700 Phono:(s03)E I 3-5578 Facgimilc: (503) 813 -5580 Atb: Rescuoo Plamine $dE 600 Phonq (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimilc: (503) 8136265 35 ScUer Attr; Lindsay$/hitncY Controllcr Phono: 206-5084127 EmaiL lwhihoy@l"en"oom Aor: Jsrl{rrrhim SVn-Oigidm&ttlulsing Ytw22064524546 Jutdri-ruq(Aktffit :i. :..i iII' tJ i:'j) I l.t tt Ira ,l I.t'rl,l ,l It I : fitwtJ,lUi;lbilP&r i: .{: I i,ti+I :: !f ir,t i ! I ': .j i:i ttt. t: l, I Paymoffi:At$:Bac*Offioc, Suito 7fi1 Phone(503)E I 3-s 578 Facsimile: (503) E I 3-55t0 Atft LindsayWhitsrcy Controllcr Phonc: 20G5O8*4.7? Enail: lwhitrcy@l-cn.@m Atm LindsayWhihcy Corrrollcr Plpne: 206.l50t4727 Email: lwhimqr@l-cn.oom Attn: Undsayltrhitncy Conuoller Phone: 206-150&4727 Email: lurhitsrq/@d-€n.oom At[u LcdPoeatmcnt Email: lcsslAd-en.com Phonc: 425455-9014 S/h'eTtrffi BankOneN.A. TobcpurdHinsflaelcufim PrcifiQorpo Sollcr Cndttud Collcr$nr E Auu Qrdit lvlmaee(, Suite 700 Phono:(S03)tl&56t4 Frcsimilq (503) 813-5609 U[eAfi5ud Nodcer of al EmtofDeftult orPotertirl EueotdDeeut to: AmPrcircoryCrrmlOurd Phono(503)8 I 3-5029 Facsimilc: (503) E13{761 :i I i : ,. ': * ta1I i l: tr :,. Ii : i: ':1.tiii!r. t. I !,.' t,i I t Ill i ! IIII I It tI I iI .l t ,j I it.r ,1,1 ,i! Itt Thc Partiec maychangcthoperron to ufioqr nroh notioos arc addrcssoq orthoiraddr,cssoq by providing wriu,r notiacs fucof in a&rcordanoc with this Scction. +1frf06rfi9,|(2 36 pail+|.fo$W In WTINESS WHEREOF, ths Particr havo carsod this Agr€cm€ilt !o bc &ly clccnrtcd as of thc d.!e ftrtabovcwrttcn: PACItrICORP, . mOrqmcorpccim Namc: Title: VI,ISBRT NAilTE OF UITGELNE AFFTLUIEI a lhlmarc limircd liability corryaay Namo: Title ,7 TMHWP*t HEtsITA DHI(CRIPIION or. SETLERS FA(IUIY Sell€d$ Facility omdsb of 38 wird trtino BwdE(s) mrrrr&cttpd by Sudon Mue speeifically, each generator atthe Facility is describd as: Typo (rydmnou or hfrcffue): esprJurmCIrs wt& Inv€(E Mo&e $dmS9/-2.1 ffimber ofPhrrg: Ihrce Rded Ou$ut (klV): 2,100 Rrtd Ou$ut (kVA): 2234kYA Rrfod Voldgp (th to lhe)r Ltp side cmvertec 6mV, macfrine sido o@v€rtsr: 600V Rrted Cuntnt Iln(A) Line side ocrqter 500A, Eactrire side omvertec 435 A lVlrtuum hlVolem 2100k\f, ltfla unkvA Ordpot L/YkVAIt&hrmkW(}t$m {0 lnr l[rmfrrturefr PrShhcd Ctt in Whd Soee& 35 rcus/sed - tr.adhy Cspodty Befhg: 79.800 kW at c abo/e red wind ryeod urd bcloJv crs-ord SDoed Itfuimunfd[eyl]cft'EryRe: 29.800 kWdPacifiCspeioshcn $$statiod 161kV DlaxhumGlAl)&'eryRrte 119.ro0 k\[[ombtoiedwilhtrcotrerRidgelirr Prqiecs fuccibed in Addendun LItarmfy aoddcscrftEarydifecncesbetum&at olptr md tho Nmeple Csacity Rdir$ lvluimm gwdr olpr$ is 2 I 00 kW (sme as Nameplxe Capao$Rrtng) Silrfim rervbe lquirffi, rd ofrer h& $nrcd by ec Frcifty, f aryr rrc dercrlbod ar ftlhnn Statim scn ioe rcqulqnnus oonsi* ofRidgslire Bncrgr Opeoacios ed Ivlairrurmce hilding lee, tibirc sdby loads, ed fi$he qros los&. Avcrage trtire stmdby l@d fcNorftPoint is qpuimacly45{0 kW. C\mort l@& wottldbe infipqm ad d concurent with staodby loads. Locadon of tho fbdfr!,: Tbe feility is loced in Bmsvile Coffy, Idabo. Ttp locdim is rc prtiorlrly described as folloum 43' 33.t9f Lm'u&o I I 10 48.3 13' Lmgitde !trGSS4. Locdims deadr tlbine tm,Er reldiw to der quaUSeE frcilities oumod by the mme atity Sowing corylimce wifit ee spacfug r€qtrLEmcrfr in I E C.F.R. S 292.204 arc attachcd herpto. Porrer firfior rcquirtmentr: Rded Ponm Fatur (PF) or rcactivc led (WAR): 094 Leadirg to 0.94 l*gging Seller h provided a cry of mmficarrds Pcmer C\rve fu tbs Srzlm Sn -2,L. PacifiCop maintrin lhi pqrcr qrvc in iB files pnurr[to aNon-Disolosre Agreomont betvreen PacifiCorp and Sellq A-1 3t Irgl'll.,'i|*rdtHt I IIT Ii l;i . .1:' t: i, i, I' t I'{' t. $ lit; li !,' il: E(HtsIf A-Atia*mnffi 1. IffiPdrtWhdFcmSblvlry2 Diffi B*rrcca\fiidIl$toio dA$rcm Qudi$lryFdlitu t 39 . ti ir I t:{.,, I I {l .i. :: I i i' tIIt.tIl i 1 i;i: .,: :i 1, 1 i: I ll i tt liI tt: iril !:iiil : i i II Iit: i:!1l1: i,t'i. ii;.ii I ,f,, .i. 'l ,Jrl., l':t'll I t I I 1 1 x I I tbulaffirPfr ,loflm FoilT iRotrgl ln€a sIrG/[,r.E oo- to DOH.$r*eXr$L ,f'p i,. r"-orl,rraI n,.,a.F a 9ta I t,*i'Cf I ,r't'* * l..grrd a RIDGCUIEa 0:t ttEII affiY ilORTH POIilTtoPotED r0r PROJECT AREA EA lrto.a?th.trtr(Inl inorrgrHlrD^iY I frx.aaSaaar'h.a..r .*"i,,ihf||il!ty !r-. trtea tllnadLaa.l tlra f,all* ft.Iy-tattti -rrdftrr'**srS.AEri -ffi ,10 tMllffirPet ( Tlptsbb bdorvlkbtp r&Drn betrm trilu n sqalau AffiirU tuffia' EFr*rIeFrl r0fr[rilm nrFn!* FNe Plne TURBINE# 2 561029 3 fi3329 29 10 5S0 29 13 'ffi^ 2 8glt038 3 5ia2:t8 t{6t1038 5rr03813 4l peNawtMt EXUIuTB FOINT OF IELI'GRY / PARIIES' W FAqLIIIHI [Sellerbas poviffifu fdlotdqg sinele line drau,irg of tb Feility in@im fuitities imhdhg mffiirg poids tsod b calqilaE Nct OrSr ad ay tatsrnissior &dlities sr Sellds side of the Point of Dclivery.I IhE totrl of Dcliwry is ec?rcifiCsp 161kV hls d ec Goghctr $$stdon. Tb l\,Idedry Potu is thF l'l8l. sido ofttc 345-161kV *ry ry tdum at lt{eadow Ge* u,rbstation The motprs wi[ be compensaed for losscs to the Point of Delivery. NorftPofrxtsdFivsPinBwiUBhEElbsM€ado\rCle*345kv-l6lkvoollectrysubstdisr Eaclrtrdectwillhsve34.5kVhalscrs&atwilloorypctbacmmsr34.SkVh$. ThGhrswill cmect to s singlo 34.5-l6lkV Powr f rm*mer, 161kV breaker, D6iry oquip€rq lhc discorrcctwiehand a 5 mile l61kV transmissioa line to the Jolly Hill Subgtatioa ,r 'I l i l'.it. ji! 1i.1, t ii t.:ill tl . i i. i i't. I I ;ll lt,lllj,:t. 1,, {rll i. IIlii:;l ,lt.i1:,lri l 12 ir , il i, ( ;t. t fiI ^: ; i T Ill t.t. IIl t. -! i !i i i i, t. III ii:i;ltI I :: ,! t.,It .t i, ij it, IIiit'l. l't. f. i i 'i I , II, t l' t. IIti I rtr.l. i.tt: I :l 1,,l' t,l'Ilt:|, Uleadou Creek ToJolly Hill Sub Meadow Grcek Sub 8.l1108/136ltllvA 161ts4.5/1381d/ 34.5til To Fhe Phs ll noNortr,PcintIlsrsrrdg trhfiGti ?9.8lfw Svr,rgr e wr6r srar*t 10-u6Ei l0l,YIBg 43 27,2011 i 1I I : I 1i :. li t,iiii Iji : a . t: Ii i i I I1. I ;Iii, i i i a )il. !i ii:. l .ii r' I Iil i ItIi. I ti!, i I i, 1, jr t I tt:t_ t I,l i,lrt:I 1tI I il I i' l ! I o i - a o ta - -l a I Itr G !H 6 > 3"* a:s*J; ?li:ril*:aFrffiEl f; tlilol.cl.mrntlir5ilO5flr['n *# f,I I 4 g WltoarMt it 'iiI 1 EIEIBITC REQUIRm FAqUTY DOCUMENTII Qufifyhg faoility]tmber b be obfiined fim IERC lbe fo[ffithg DqqIEEafis a€ rcqufod Irir to delivery of ey cr$s ftiun ttr FadliS]': Cenem*ion leomectim eg€m€d Agr$ud p€ilEffifttg Selter m to sharcd itrEcc@tim mdfidcs PtWGfty dgru ro+rirod to rml'n*n d qaae rhc Prqicct in modmoe wih &is Agrcemcnt (sirc lpases, ffisrnission €asementq stc). Tbo frlwiqg Pmic ae re4rirod m c bdqt ttrc mihffie de Sodfiod in Sectict 221. Federal Aviatim Administratiqn Deterrrinafion of No HawdBonneville County Special Usc Permit Clossfu agccm€nB wih putbs d€r $m PacifiCcp Trmmisioa t I 4lt i.t i i' i;: f; lr l: EXEIBITI) SUBSEQIIEI\rI ENERCY DELI\IERY SCHU]LE ii ;il iji li l, li I. II ljI i,, ir'!i ti I PointWind Scheduled MoffilyBnotgr ArrckWtooDdhrory Imuarv 2r.445.435 28.128 Febmrenr t7-189-164 26-494 Merch 24-579-189 33-037 Anil 19.941.059 27.691 Mav 22-123357 29-686 June 17"864218 24-Tat fulv 16-469-l(t2 22-l05 Ausust 18.120.502 24339 Scntsrtber 16-867_192 23_Ml October l8-958-15'25-s16 Novtmbcr 2Lffil-634 30-553 Decembcr 2L3&38s 30.085 TOTAL:238,483,850 27,205 Plmd Otraspe Scller wiltfrovide'a Plmod Ornage sffirle urnnrally rfr b erroeed 150 hoursptryear. D-l ,i l i ; i I ,lI!t-| I I 1,' i I :lI 6 lMFlra*Pdr EXEIBITE START.I,'P TESTING Bcqutcd mstory t€cting inoludcs $rch chockE d tcsh roccssary to dctcrlnirc lhetfro oquifnintsystcrrgaodsubslrstcmshavabccnprorpalymmufaciluadandingtallo4fitn tist prop*ty, and arc in a corrdition to psnait ssfe and cffioio'nt start-up of thc Facility, whioh may incldc bttare not limitodto: l. Tcstofnrdraical udehcuioalcquiparq?^ Calihatimofallmonioringimwmls;3. Operathgm ofdl rnhrcq qsmmr mffir s&fis md moc;4. Almts' dlgnals, mdfril*aGors)Mr dudoqmc@Iffi;5. Poftt{o+oiilcmintityt*s;6. Bcndtesbofpt&ctivefutioes;d7. T€sls ro$frld W nrn&ctrcrs) md dcsigta(s) ofoeiiprcm- Rsqrirod sat-uptests arc ltosc ohcoks and tcsts n*cssary to dctrnninc &* dl fc&ttts aad squipmeng qntcms, urd subs5atenns havc bcar propcrly installcd and adiuslto4 firnstion propc;ly, and arocapable of opcrating simultaneously in ruch co,ndition that tho Factlity is oapa$C of continuous delivery into PacifiCo,rp's clccuical system, wtrlch may inchtdo bttr sE not limitcdto: 1. Tb$irr/$ntcrdfi madrmicalnnrs md findioslitfi2- $manopcrdimbss;3, BralcEsb;4, &seirdimoftmdustc$;5. ffi'-o"rll6 FxoihdmadvoltsgsrqulatioropGrrdmEsq7. Armsdffisqtrc;& Cqldorof"ryreU&dcalcavirrmmcmluirgnquftwem; ud 9. Tffi NxluftdWmmnrmr(s)uddcsigrrr(s)ofcquiptera For wind projoo8 only, tho following Wird Tufthe Crcncrator InsAllation Cheeklists 8t€ requirrd d-ocumarts ti te signcd offby l{anuflrcuner or Subcontract Cmego"y Conurissionlng Pcrsonncl as part of the Commissioning aod stamp Bting: tutirln$lldin forndalcr Inspedm (by tXmct's i@adeirt ttsecffi) CmollerAssembly PowrCabhc Cabb hsblhftn Chm*liss ip,ludns Cdoll€r TopDek/YaurDeIcTowtt TopSeclisr/SaddleMid ScctimCabloorhssbffi Basc Sestion TowsBaseScdist Tw,ErIigl{sandOdets TortrlvfidScaim ToumTopScdiat Ilaoell€&Rfrr 17 Ptod&CPil ututs[f r{ MOIIVEF0nCtsT[A}i[ WITIID SED DATA SUMMABIES & TPTNTY WII\{D IROFITE I -{, I 1., t tii irl: f,i't' !!. tl ti : Pt-l ta la lf T I sFTHPriG:t.!ddE=trSr3=SSStttt$9QEE.d .d d d d .i d r: t.3 * g € g t.: N N d N l.:!d GIFI o r. ta "Il { E i q fl A ETSAEBEEEEEEEEfi i93F o o o o F - ii id F if i.i ri € G € F F: F.i €d.d cd .d R E 9 B 8 s 6 IIiInS 3Ra RqE EBEREEI - * ; I ; - ; - F * i{ i.: i.': ar d G d F }i.d.d F I D e 5 E I REHSSUSEEef; qiqEqt .d F ri .d d t.: t.,! d Fl I € rrl rti F t* ri tt e r\ F ci st o = r B s 5 B eEFEEqqE{qEqESqqq.d l.: d .d d r. d d d yi ri vi d {i 6 € ra g Yi Y, \i F F P 3 S F I S $SrE8r8E8qEfr BqEEnqd .d !.: d .i .i .5 F d yi + ei Yi rti ld g Yt \o ro F r\ F rD o 3 5 S 3 $ 3 33383$$3S.q$:FF:F: E H H E R ? gSBNSAtrEEf; q6qqSqq cE ri dt d .d *, d r. d F: Fi F F d ei. xi F F F F cc. T E 3 3 g F FF:3=FETFT$8338$$ E E s e p e F*EFFAgeEEHEqqqqqci .d oi oi oi oi oi d rd d d d d rt 6 6 oi oi f, a ei 3r or 8 E E E H g sTTHBgtEY9EqqEEES; ;j ; ; ii ;j I c o ct.d F: ri d F: F r* ri F F: d.d.d I F I I e e tSSBBqtEECEqESE€sro 6 € 6 F F F dFdF vi€ vi r.r ui 6 6 h ui ro € to s B I 3 = I rSrSH=HSEqEqeEafl {6 \!, G F F t.i F d d F F rsG Yi s) Yi Yi \o \o to ro F F eF s!r td : T B.ri E* a ra T sd Cd €d F{ I x&oI; Et ! ? Eu Lat 3 r\.cr:=I9:g:IEtREES.e-tt('t!*t\a I.EII(l E{ * t 6.l!, tIII; 3Itfi IH5i lriE'I .ll' 'ti,I :i. ,l;t1 lr l: i. I Ilj I I !i 1rtri ;t i li ii 1 t I II t I iI taaE T E n$$ $*$$$$H $ffi 1$ $$$$HHHHH s tfaa Ci 'i T F \o n ? arl rra **EHIUTIEE{T{E*ETETEfi UTq$ $ g aes $ =€ f, nS dh= i s S HE B s r $ $ TE$ETH$T*5EE HEH H$$Ei $TTH!i ? i a !t !t !t l'l att frt att arl tt 6 dt aq m ao ? t s I f f {{*E*S**H{{t{E{€{{{E{U{*B$HHNHHEFNRFHFFRFRSTEHf, N SilEHEH{UEUE6H{{ EE{{t{tq{BSE $ SE;N3=sFiSRF FR RESH hHH Er{$fs${rEt*{t*E{{{EEE€*sEHSHSRR=P=R RFSTT S& SHBES 6r{€HHE{t*{H*Et6{*t{H{EUNEBES&F9tr9P:NFF RBFRSTNSS $H{{{E{{{{{qS6 { t$*q{ {E{t5 H S S t H :i si Fi $ ti xi xi ri $ t ti # ;i H !i n H :{ *E*U{THEIEE{Ett{{$*{{qX{ESAsEHERFFHBEHESEB*T$T33 5il8*EHTXEE{{{I t f E{E[{{{{s$sf; Hs$FREBtESS S$HSSSESH 6f E Exil{EIU EU{[X *Et{{ {{E{$ $s$$eeaBh sBrsH $t383 st$e { {uEfi rH HU*{E$UX Et *{{ H tH{ B SBHHHHTBTSSFFR NSFFS HSsS E*X5${EET{Efi EEH {{{ET{{S{* BSTAESHEHBETE S BSSSSSBES a ci'l :tFlt Ia Gl('t ItaGI Iq Orl *\ C' Iq arl !tRlirln *t: T I!it Icl6r't l!e H IL!tst:L't7 a rI ?k Eg LIE I --EGr ta t 11o F -6 :,E I p : I : I E I R E R & EI{t'a Eo T E* & I i L : i I it I ! I egi trrl T !HI*qi TIIttrIti M-aWtW UMIBilTG &{MPLE ENRGY PURCIIASE PRICts CALCT]LAIIO].IIS TtE foltosriry arc smrples of calcultims of crergT pnrease Fic€s trsing fu famuls qd obeo in Section 5.1, Thc calculatim fo &e nm-lsveJircd pmhas€ pice tfuing m OrPe* II$r in tvlay of 2012 cquats $6024/IvIWh (lh€ 2012 urual rac for _ConmmnE En€rgy) multiplied by 9T/g $,n) (lbo Irdry OrhPeak llour mutiplic) minus $50/X[Wh (frc wird toEtdm aos] u,hich eqtub $48.92[\dwh. Trbh 1: Sryle calculAims fc rm,levelired OrPeak Canfcu*ry Eoe15r m2,fr12: hrdusc plise = (arual r& * modoly On-Peak mrltiplic) - wind iqrrim cct Month Cuftrmlng Energt Annu.lRe for20tL (pcrMfYh) Otr.Pcot Hour}Iufhnu WiEd l@rmon Cost CahrhdPurcbrre Prioefor2012(h PeekCmfor-@ Ercrg/(pcrMm) Jmuary s60.24 LA3%$6.50 $55.s5 February $60.24 105%$6.s0 $s6.75 Itdsrch $60.24 95o/o $6.50 $50.73 Aoril 50.24 9s%s6.50 $50.73 lvlav s60.a 92yo $5.s0 $48.92 Iune $60.24 94o/o $6.s0 $s0.13 Iulv $60.24 l2lo/o $6.50 $66.3e Ancrtst $60.24 t2t%$6.s0 $66.39 September $60.24 109/o $6.50 $59.16 October $60.24 llio/o s6.s0 $62.78 November $60.24 ILV/o $6.s0 $s9.76 December $60.24 129/o $6.50 $712t Tebb 2: Suple calnrldims fu ffii.lcvelired OffPedl Cortraoiqg Errrgy in 2012: hrc.hasc Price=(mral r& * mffitrlyOffiPeakmultiplier) - wind iffqratimcost Montt Cutlmtg Ene4gr AnnudR* for 2012 (ptrlt[s/h) Otr-Pe* Eour UutOpUnr Wtud Idgrdim Cort &hrlfrdhrchrce hloefor20t20fr- PG.kCmfootog En€rgy (pcrlt'I$/h) Ianuarv $60.24 lWto/o $6.50 $50.13 Februrv $60.24 Wo $6.s0 $51.93 [,Iafioh $50.24 l&D'/o $6.50 $41.69 i :i: i'I n riI 1 :t i i t ri i;I I .1: i ;: ',t : . ir i, 1I' 52 {I :lii t.I I.i i ::, ,' il t j.' L 11 I 'i 1t. j i.1.i'I i ,. t, ,t. :: : iti:!. 1l t lii 1:l:It. IIi II I I i t; l' 1::i: It. I],i,,i, Lt.ir,ii I li,rlt' tt'l t Il: I ! i.. i I I Muth Conforming' Elcrgr AnnurlReh for2012 (pcr Ir{S/h) Of-Ps* Hour Mul,frplhr }Ylnd t@reton Cst Calcuhilod hrchere Priefor20l2 Oft- Peak ConformiDg Energr (perMIt/L) Apnl $6024 760/"$6.5tll $39.28 lvlay $60.24 630/o $6.501 $3I.45 func $60.24 65%$6.5l[$32.66 Julv $6024 92o/o $55lt1 $4E.92 August $6024 lf0ff,e/c $6511 $57.3s So"t6rbGr $6024 il)o/o s5.{rl $53.14 Ocbbcr $60.24 l05e/e s6sl[$56.75 Novembor $60.24 95o/o $6.501 $s1.33 lhocmber 860.U t?tVc/o 06s01 $65.79 53 Ridgel@ Eocq$r Uf, t3(X)NNdl&Srry Sldlc, WA98IO3 Dirutu, lllwfusiouScavices PsffiCosp 825 NE lirhr*tlr, Suitr 1600 PGdd, OR Yn32 29Noruubor, Z)ll To f,ihom ittt&yCocorn: Rtddi--B-gg, f.f.g * t UtUof Moadorv Crt k M CSolhd') to*y wlunatty afidry PadfiCup'r Ilusnhdm bufurc unitto lhro $ollds lrocmocdm hftuudoa uile lddcdrng AfiXe oryloyrcr of ParifiQcp Bosi$r, hrltdhg h, mt linibd b thor in rtc Cwedel EdTlrdhggnoup, SoltccrcfuowlcdgerfrilPadfiCgrp didnotpaorvldcitrry gc&fioacs, oiecr opordoual or rd+rcl&{ in cxchmse fu ftir volunEy mcot touHrrcHnron s\rP nidgo$noFITWLI,C @ana*-M ADI}EI\IDT]ML T{I BEREVISEI) STATION LOAD, IIOSSES, Ed NEf OUIPUT ATLOCATION AI,ACIRnIIM FOR TTIE CEDAR C,BEEI( Wrr{D ,t I-EPROJECTS ltris Addco&m L ir hsEby mde aput of, aU cluifies cerein t€ms in, fu Pn'q Mu*Agenad betwut W Crcek WW lli telAhg b FIW PNE md PaffiCor? ("Agreemeirttr) mtered into the ?J4{J4Jray of Decenfier.20lO. Capitali?,,Edt€rms not defincd hffcin shall have tre me{fug set fqm in &c Agr€Errcrfr. Cedar Ct€ek Wfor{ tLtC CScllerr)ed PaoifiCorp rc at tirc r€fcrod to tmein irdivi&nlly as a ?ufy" c collecthrcly as the Tarties'. Ceda Crcek Wind, tl$ shrl own a corylor of five (nmcly, Co),e Hi[ Five Pire, Seep Ridge, Nodh Poitr, d Rfilcsnakc Carym) s4edq Idaho snall wird Adiffi€ Facilitie (eaclL & "Ccdsr Clse* Projest" d collmtively, thc 'CedE Cr€ek kojccts') that shrc collects utiroq a34,5til5 kV srrbstdim (Ccdar Cleek SUM[im), and relded equipmcqt wttic,h cmcct tbc Qntifying Facilities to the Poirf of Deliv€ry CShE€d ktercouectim Facilities). PacifiCorp his qgr€ed t0 brry (ad $oller has agr€od to sell), d trc Point of Delivery, Selleds total energr osput ret of; (I) SellsCs stdioo senice; (2) eneqgr pr,orridd by Seller t0 ano0rr Ccdar Che* Prqiect fc station service; (3) Selleds shre of tre trduaatioo lqses; md (a) Selleds sbre of ftc line losses bctqrccn Se[ede Faoility and &c Point of Deliwry (tog€&a Selle.t's "Stdim Aturiliay I.oad and t.oss€s"). Horrwer, Selkr md PaoifiCup agree ihat it is impossiUte to mtrsrt Sell€ds $tatio' Arldliary toad ad l-osses r€p6d€ d mrt fim tho Stadm Axiliary Ifid md l"osses of fu otr€r Cedr Croek Plqiects. Therrfot, in od€r b irylmett m oQlectivq pac'ticablq md equiEle psms by which kifiCorp msy qudify enq5l delivered by Scllcr to trs Point of Delivery (na of its StationAuxiliary I^od aod Iosses), the Partics do qgrce as folloqrs: tr. Silling Fumulap. PacifiCorp sha[ dcf,ermins Selleds Net OlSut in kWh for purposes of thc furcemert using thc method specified below. l. Definitions I.lRj = thp narcpldc r*iqg (altla Facility Cryrcity Rerg) of Cedar Cleek Ploject t NRr = thpsutrr ofalltc oamcploermings ofCedrCreckeojcch (i= 1 to 5). PALLJ;&€ accrrnulatcdpureas€d cocqgrfromLltility Srryplier, as dEte,nniood attrePoiffi of Dclivery, to sryply &e ffi to0al stdim arDliliary load ard losses ftrfu ShE€d Iutencomectim Fapilitieo fc Ccdar Che€k kojecm i = I to 5 vilmever srh toEl load and losscs exceeds total ge,neration ouput. PALL; : lhe alloodod shr€ of PALLr for Pr,oject i as detemdncd bV multiplying PAtIr by NRj anddividinsbyNRt. 55 i t I I i I I II I I I I I I t I I i l t :!l ,l i1.l { i lri' !:ti ,i I i l; lbvtl4ffit"oot OP; = fu a given'i@rdiurinEval, trc me&rcd olrytr €rErS/ ofCedar CTEEkPlojEd i, as dstermid by PacifiCorp's metcr at the point utrerc Cedar Croek poii*t i coooecfs to the Shared Intcetqrnection Facilltics. For any integration int€rval &niry which any ffigf is delivrrcd to a Projwt ftm fu ghfied Iruercmectisr Facilitiesr guch delivered €oqSr is aconnulmed in a seprafie mcter rEister md does ntr deaffim€ot *E ryister usd b m60sut wumulded OPj. Itrcrefrc OPj is E definitkn alqm)ts gre&tbm u eqrnl to arq and h &e wcr$ fre mffi recor& OPj lees thanzero, OPi shrll be deerned.to egual rero. G = tbe$ErofdlOq (i=lto5). I0, = fu a giv€n furegrdim iffirual, &e total meryf delivered to tbe Poir* of Delivuy Q45 kV bus at Cioshcil Substaim). NOr shall be as measu€d u PacifiCop'sm# rrcar th Poid of Delivery (kUIh, in lGminute ifrsnrals), a{u$ed for my trmsformation losses betrueen &e rcter and the Point of Dclivery. Fu any i@ration itrenllal dt:tittg wttid any @/ is delivered to the Point of Delivery fitm P@ifiCsp's sjrtem, slch dclirrcred €oES/ is asrmulafod in a sepr-ate nGter register of thc PacifiCorp mstsr and docs not dcmeryrent the registe trsed to mcasurc accumulAed N€t OrFt €n€rgr. ft€rcfce NOr is by dcfiniticr dwaya gr€derem uegualto zerc ard in&e wem tre msterrcoosdsNor lcs trm zero, N0rshall be deemed to cgual zm. NOi theneteirergr soldtoPacifiCorpbyCedrCre*Pr,ojesti duingtheimqraion interval. SALLr= the total of all statim arniliary lood and losses fortlre Sbared Interponnpctiou Frilities fa Cedm Clc* Prdects G = I to 5) qft€ol.l0r is positive SAtLj : tbe allocdedsharc foCedECh€ekhiecti ofSALLr. 2. Cehrladonr Calculdions shall bercooncil€d ard sefiledmdhly. Calculmions shEll be hsedrpur raw ddagM &om spegificd mstem usrng a rretering irtr€ruirur inffi/al of S, lO q IS minrilcs u PacifiCoqp's elec[im to mdch the mming fumallaim PacifiCtrp W€cifid ('rintegrzdon htervrlr)' Calculdims stutl be rouoded to &e rrcil€st kiloud-hcu in fte ffnal q. fql. ,,When Tdal Gercrdlbn qtrytn <= &fiton lwilW Inad and Insses Wh€n, for ary imryUon iftnat tlrc tffil of all O$ Prqiect orrytr amouts of qr aumg all Cdr Crc* &ojeca (OPT) is tess thm c equal b fre tohl stcio andliry load md leses fG tle Shared Interpmmtim Frcilitiq the rnegs d lto Point of Delivery will mrurlao tro utility $rypteds delivery of pmlased en€{Bt PALLT, ro spply su& m tml load aod losses in amekrqisterftd is sepode fisnrhir nrhich acqnurleNOrandNOtrqhall equal Eno or if regdivq be d€€rtrd to oqual zrro. Ths 'rufinty Supplier" *ull be the udlity trovidiqg firail eloctric s€ryice at &e Facility (Rocky Mfitrain Power). P*ifiCorp shall have no obligatim to serr,e atry of the Ceda( Crcek hojects'rttail electic deeds abc€ot I separate rrriueir agleqn€ff withP&ifiCorp andthm mlywi0tthepqrmissimof SelledslJdlity Srryplier. Nme offu cmts associdod withprrovirsion of ntail eloctio servioeto Solla shall be tqnc hymcinCcp. 56 WtHlodrPdt bl. mtgt Total Genodion Odotd > Sutiot knflW lod orrd laws When, fu my inteerdim iffiy4 &e tffil geoffatim of ougr am@g all Cedry_Croek Plojece is Searer trm fte tml ffiim audliary lood 6td lcses fG the Shmd ftammocUmFacilitieq lhe metcrs dtlp Poid ofDelhrcrywi[ acolsuldc in a scpcds rEdser PacifiCtrpb ffifi;t of flr btal codtoed eoei5r fim 8ll &E Pr,oioGS_(NOt). tho diftrpnoebcfwmOPref N0rfathsiffial (SALIT) is alocated to ear& Cedr Crp*, Ptojed in poprtie to ia g€rcratim orryr[ (Om in ttp sme inQrdim iffiv-al b emnireN0j by&eformdae: I.et SAI,LT =[OPrNOr] aud SALLj : tSALL4t [OPi/OPr] The NEt ormt energr sold loy @lt Ptdd i is tlsl deermtuied as: NOj = [ OS - SALLi I md zubsitfring for SALLi; NOi = NOr*[OPi/OPr] !. Ilultetbn of PacffiCorp hurtere liabilfty. PasifiCqp's tel prdtase dligdion to fte Cadar (heek P$ojects shall a no time €xc*d totrl crrergr de[vercd by ttc Ccdar CtGEk PlojccB to the Poitr of Dclivery. fMore in tle event tlp $m of ftc Net Oss €o€88lr (catculmcd efirdiry t" the psoeding fumulas) fc all the CodE Chcek Pndecb is grcdcr Eun NOr, &en m.lnC*p shall rt&Ioe calculated N€t OIptr €oqry fig(tr earh Codf,. Clerk Proie4 pro #O "r* Cleek Plqiesfs Sre of te OPr, srch ttd the tml eocrry Pur*ased fsm all the Cedar Ch€* Proj€cE d the Poid ofDelircry by PacifiCorp eqnls NOr. C, prcrcore Rlghtto OiBet hth evEdPac,ifiCorp det€roinps ithas tdsrpaid onp G moe Ceda CEd( Proiects (dre to metering erfir or othennise) d, as a result of underpeying one or more Cedar Cre€k Projectq has overpid Seler, kifiCorp oay a{iust Setleds fifiEe pslantr($ acgordiody h order to recryrc ury ovapaymee rtccivcd by Seller in a rcasmabtc time. 57 i t I .l t:, a: i.t { :,i il 1. ii iI i. t. I t_ i'tl t.j l'r1.!I ljIl: |;lr t .1, 1l,l i1 ii tbarHffiWr D condttbn suneoqtrcst Tbis Add€nfun L was rryoddod jof,ntly @mg rtp ccda Chgck PtE ,tt ed Pasififtry Ed is intsnM by atl of the CodE Cltck Projce md PacifiCsp bbew of fve idertical bileal aglternffi, eacl bcweeo PeifiCcp md a Cedtr Cr€ek Projeq btt ear,h relaed b tlre otbtr ftcrcnug in the ev€d fiE 6 mot codr Creck &ojccb does not agr€e to bc botndbyeo tems and pmditions set foft in&is Addendrml" kcifiCsp may, War eirty dafry urifiea noticc, curcel all Addcn&m L agrc@€ffi. In tre errent Prc,ifiCorp cancels this Addsn&m L in accordmce with this Sectiotr D PacifiCorp may satisfr ie otligdion to pay Seller by d€eositrrg wtren &lc, with a ;saros, agetr cdrsen ty tne CedE C*;k Projece, fte tml pEnd &re to all C€da CIE* Piojects und€r Ufu r.W.rdr. Porver fuduae furmcms, less offies (fry) calnrlmod basod qonN0rd frc Cma* Pdce. IE\DI :l :l ItI II i:I t : It 1: lj I !iIll i, t:Iir. , I i, t,, I I i I,l i,l It It,IIt, ri t , t t 1i 58 EXEIBIT 4.(A) GREEN TAG ATTESTAITON AT{D BILL OF SALE 'cscllEd,)hcbytolb,tetfrt!uddclir,craoPrdfiCorpthc.orocara1p.i.ffi Atrit ufu ld-ecm rag nopqdng ruStu) reoc&nod c,fth lho genrintioa of Ncr dre,rt frdr ru Pomr Pur*asc lgomm CcnornUo XsS/) bCw*n_Scllr nd Paaifi Ccp_ dmd r .. t (t[c "EPA), u mttoo uorv, in &s uold ofonc o|!co rrg for crcl nogrlt,s bY_ _ ffi;E*dtr*,i'fiirair.*abyitrifuclpitdi&n)uedinrhirGrtarTagAoosudmadBillof Salo rhall hvotho nCIdng sa foilb htr PPA Facility nme md location:FuolTlrye Srird Cgpscity(MW): -l\ff,iDncrgyAdmin. ID no.: Ddes OpcrationdDe: , , Mtilh g@ffstpd 'f+.--! Seller firdrcr attosB, warran8 urd rrpresen6, urdor ponalty of perjury, as follOws: D toeEbo*ofit kaowlodgc,6olnfmrd,mpnrvidcdhoinfutfltEdcorc4 ii) lt srtc O Poclf6orp ir iU ono and mly nlo oflho Gran Trgr rad agsoci,Eltd Btlitsnncobl Atributsr Eercocod Lcroiq ni) rtc Fasil$ effied O4Fr b ee luoud hdiamd atolq 8d iv) b tte bcst of Scllct's bwlodgo, crch offro Groln Trg, ud Bwtllmnm[rl Ateihrrr rrrocied vifr tt. Frdtity'r ortpil rc bohg sold b Buyor' ThirGrenTreArcltuioaodBtlof Sslc0offi6r, haoaordloocwiltlhclPA ftctmrftr,fipm &ltrto p..Ho.rp;ftrof s.u*;r;sbt, dtt"-*d t i*rtin Ed b 6G orm Tqp (rochdingcmsrtlgReorthg ' Rtb and Eavirooncdd Aalihttcs), s! rct ftrt abovs. &rb.4.7(A)- l I ttI i'l!iiil I iI ilIII By Ssllcr's Contrct Pcrpn: WIINBSS lvfY HAND, Its Das:@. IlbArc*rdon usybodidoaodby SollcrmdPrdfCorptoodraqhchdhgtb CcutrftrRmureo Soldmt rnd th prblb dlity wmicsimr bntlng Juidhdm or,c PrcifCorp O rubshdlc rrd ttri$ lts rcurecy ofPrciffCorp'r rdvrrtiring urd public oomrniclion cleins, rr r'dl u hPrclfCotp'r dtndiring lod ofur poblic aornunlctd@3. Bnh.4.(A)-2 ETEIBTT 4.(B) QUALIHEIT REFORTTNG ElrrTrY SERVTCTSI AGRDEMINT C & TMagtcrvl.l;071411 Thir Qudifid Rcpordngnmty Scrvice Agrcancnr (this "Agrcmcd') ir ailrcd irb by md bfi,oclt PecifCorp (PrcifiCcp) md ('Courmprty"; Prcif0orp and Couaorprty nay bc toftrnd to indivi&dly hcrdl rr ?uty' aud collcctivcly rs ?utice') rs of_- .-, wi&t tcft!rct b lho frlhryiqs WUEREAS, Oormcrprty rcpnccatr b PacifiCorp trd it ormr or othcrwiso hos th6 righ6 to all or part of tho am'eacrry eibdos ofthc gpoccdim ton ltrt ctr[in cloctlc gmcr&r ftoility nom prrticolrrlyd!$tibcd onBrhibitAhn*o (ttc'Freility), qoeerdds rcspodhgtu Fadlity ioolfoablingttto lewftltycntsr borrinu; aad WIIBRBAS, Itrc Wcslcrrr Rsncu,rblc Etcfiicfty Garcrticrn Infuudur Sysm ('I/REOIS') lr r rysh trc,Hngqumtitili ofnnanbb cncrg p@on gmcr&d byolccticgpocrd[g &cilidcs inltc neutof&c Frdllty, ar aFrcility punuam b WBEGIS Trmr ofUsc (fTOU") ud WHBR.EAS, WRE(ilS rcquircs thd crch Faoility trc a dGrigpdod Qulitrcd Rrpoiling Euity; and WHBEAS, CodoQsrtyls anAccountHoldcin f,TREGIS rnd wlcbcsto rqi*lrlhc Facllttywitt WREGIS; and WHBREAS, ColfiBpsrty wisb. to rltdr PrcifiCorpto act u ih WnEGlsdcfiaod Qualificd RopordngEdity Ca[fl brftcFrcility; NOY THEREEOR& in oolddtrdon of thc mmnl pmntroo bcrdn ouaM, fu Prticc rgroo rs fullowr I. Dcfinitions: krlcs of Consfiuctiorr. l;l Ini6rlty crpiutid Eru ulcd md nd o&onviro d!ffncd hadn arc dcfinsd ia &o in &s Opsring Rulcs orin Athc,hrcot I Dcffnitions oftho WRECIIS IOU. 12 'Afillab" mn$ wfit tsspast to any cntity, caph cffiy ed dillg1b or iodirocly oontols, is oomollod by, or is un&r oommon cutol wit}, nrL detgnrtsd dty, nitb roontrol" nomiqgto Doegocaloo, dircctly or Lrdtrtctly, of &o poorcr b rtinct manrgoncrt rnd poUoior, who&cr &rcug! thc ouua:hip of rotiry sooritio orby cooCIeotd othmuiso. NonrihcnadiagOo forcgoinr; wi& rwpos{ bPaoifiCsp, Affliarelrll onlyhdudoMdAmicmEncgrlloldirgs Coryary aoditr dircct,ufrollyormcd subsidiricc. 1.3 Burinor Dey" uenr a dr5l of &c weolc ofrcr rhn Satrndry, Sundry, or a bdcal Mt&y. 1.,1 lEloario Sy!ilar Authorily" norns oroh ofNERg WErc, YREGIS, an BIO, a rtgioaal or arb- tcgtoal rG[.blltty cornsll or altority, ud uy oltcr rinila cqrncit oorporuion, orgrnizaion cbody of ttcogpiDd ttsndlng sffi lctpoct b fto opcrrtbns of &o cloctic qygl,m ln tho WBCC ngion 1.5 :FBRO nag tts Fodcrsl facfy nogutmy Commission. 1.6 'Gcreionlmrmmcctiur Agtcmcd'acur ths aggocntemcsod im scprarcly bctwecm Coutupctty sd Lnroousction Provtdcc maaing thc humrrectim Frcllides. 1.7 'Prcility' ic dcfitrcd ia tho Prcamblo. lJ "[rkcoucatioo Faciliti€s" ucans all tho fsoilltios instdtsd, c to bo ilstsll{ for thc prrposo of ircrconnccing tho Frility to ttc Sysbm, inoluding cloaiical turoilrim linca, rpgradco, trrrcbruo$ ad aosmiAed cquipmeag rub niors, dcy and Jvihhirgoquipmcng ad rafttyequipnsnr 1.9 rlnkomoctior Plovidcd mcrns tho ffiCqcguhhd or LtrtEd Se DGpdtmart ofBuagy culity tviftwlromthcflsiltty hrs coffiaoted furimcourcdmlotr cloctlatansaricsloagt$hthecwru L&rconnoction Prrorddc ir PrdfiOorp, PacifiCcp rrould bc ec tecmcaion ftovftbropcding in iu rtgnled turudrsion f,uratio!, md aot rr tho puty hao. E6.4.7(E)- l 1:I.i l- ::.i i: Jt.: ?. i. :, ,:| :l :, : :. :J ti ,, li t,i ';,t l iri 4 :i ) t: i.; ': ii ! t 1I I I tI 1 l, it I I ;ii tllititl t. al; I It..!l:i til I !, GD 'hchdiug" moans "hchdlng, witbut limidon' m ninohdiug brt aot llnitod to'; (h) dl mftrcnoos to a pritartr taw or *mre nrsaatbd law or *Cuo as amsodcd fiom tins btims; rnd (i) tb wrd'of lr mt mcocsarily exclusive. l.2E InhrorErgtion qith FBRC Old!il. Brch Psty ioducb rnd frall condrs ib opcrtiou in a mancr i1trsda to couplywilb:FRC fficr No.7t?, Standards of Cmduc{forTrarsnisliolPttovidon' roquiriag.trc scparction of in-tanmisrion and ncrclraut firnctioas. Irlorcova, thc Prdcs rcknowledgc th{ cach of Trsuufudm Ptoyidcde rnd I$ffernc€tion hoyideds trurmisdon frucdotr olErr trarrmirsim ccnico on its sye6 ia E mamc lnbndod o comply wi$ ERC policics md rcquincm rEldng to 60 prwirioa of opcn' oi"cu tumiolon can ho. Ormrrpsty lgocl tocondust itclf od operrto thc Facility in aocordrec with atl Roqrdrcncnn oflaw, ilt rcquidcni oirtt rppficrtto Etcctio Sys&m Arfuritiog ud rll rcquircmcnb of thc Istcrconocction Agrccmart 12t.1 Counmrprty agllcs b rdcr ittotbc (lmdlolntcrmncodo AgtlsaGrtwie$a l&romnostion hovidcr. Tho O;nsidm tuom*c*im Agrema *atl bc a rcprrb ond too SrDditE cootBctsd ltE rrmg h35ofarc not bladlng upon tlp htcrponnecdon hovidcr or Trusmirsion Providcr, dthoug[ bo6 uc aprcss drird party beucffciarios bcroot, l2S2 Notrvithstandiug uy othcr prwtrioa in 6b fuiccrnc4 nottiry fu ttc Gaststioo htcraonrpcdon Agnomcd, normyotbagrocmmibdcDroCorfrcrpartyon6oor hmdand Trmrnrircim Prwidcror fntaonnoctioo privlOeronto othohm4 nc my alicgcd cautof &Adtthffinodcr, rhrll rllu or modi& thsPrrdos'dghs,dudog,lndobtigdionhprGurdff, Llkarirc,mthingkcinorcourcctoduitbtbo pGrftrmmcr by nrcifiCoA hcnoo,f rUl a&ot ot impair tbc rigLts of ltrtsrcore{iott Prwidct s Tratumirslon itrovtOor, unO* tto fmcoimsodou Agrrcocnt ordcrqisc. Itb Agrocuc,trt rhdl uol bc conreued b qpdo anyrighg bGturccn Corrrtsrprty mdthe Imooanrtimhovittcubctursn Couulcrpty Edtha Traamrirsim hovtdcr. 1283 Couurrpcrty eryrossly rocogEtz* trd, Sr pryosos hcrco{, t! Ilruryomcctioa Ptovidr and Trrorfuim Prdda& oi* ehau be 0md O ho a $pdd sodty lrd $pd.stc Gotncdlg ptty ton PasfiCorp yhdbsunottbGEoErstimhtapomccdm Agrsacmiroauod isovithlmrmnocdon providcr 6r m !ffiUe th rcof, Cotulcrprty ackmwlcdgsr fid PeoifiCup, rtiry in iu narhu ssFsity firncdon as prrclrarcr horsrndor, hrs no rcepouribllty Sr or comol owr Intffi@Etion Prcvi&r or ftenmirdda Providcr, aod ir not liable sieq' baoacr of rgrconu or duy by Imsuocdo Pmvidcr or Tlormlrdon Proviacr. llotring in tHs Agrtoocnt shelt opadc O dininislt, nor sbll thb Agrcomom s*cad to, hg?onocadon Plqvids or iharorisrloo proriac+s u;, rdon, or dirc'lonnc of Computy or Frility initirnAioa liu"hUhg iaformatioa wlthin th soopc of tbis furmcnt) in couoc{ilsr with PasiffCorp opcrdag ln it taadisston furctiou ircluding ttt cerrying out of tb obligdioos and bugincs practicos rs a Bdancing Au6ortty oraotivlticc urdortrkoa prruautb tho Tuifr, IL : SermsudJ@ll$igg. Z.l ltb Agrcrncnt rhatl be cftgtiyG upor euocudoa by fu hiq ad rhr[ codinuo h &ct 6il soch timo 6 ci&cr Pity, gpon pr,oviding 60 itays-mitm nodoc to to otcr Prty, chmscs b ffiirdo. Pacif0orp nry iaithOo ury r"g,rtit"riProt*Cirg it-dcoos appropri6b tlmhdothb AgncmcotpriuO {_ cfifutvuolcci'guinUnninato. Ncnffigtsditrgthafsqph& (a)Coumcrpartymryendn&thir Agrccfiomt upo! ar sv6t of d.fuilt by PaoifiCpry ilPriECory dooa not oup slroh wcnt of dcftult $t&h m days of wriuin notiac; O) PrdfrCsp nsytlrnhrlb &is Agrwt rpon rn nfit of dofiqllby Comprty UConruprtydocsiotiucaue ct/cnr6fdotoltnithin ft dry! of*ruco nodcq,(a)@nQorf py.. tcnninaf ihls Ag1jorrgmif6oPrility &ihtomccttic roquircmrtrotsocdonS.l hr6of Edsuchfrhroit mt orrsd withiulO aays, ard (d) Etdrcr Pety rmy orniric 6b Agrecmcnt imnodidcly upm mdcc to thc otbcr ifCounffiparty or thc facility mil to comply wih ScCion 1.28. This AgGcmont may aln bo terminalcd as o6srwiro sot bttb bGrtirt. m. ORE-Scrvices. 3.1 pRB Sonrirrs. PasifCorp vill on thc tcrus sct ft,rlh kdq rortt ar a QRE fr the &siltty ro loug asttoffrityrui,a ta rlofinltlonofRcncryrbb, fuwithths mstcrtd bordrricr ofbo{tPrifC@r nahncing Asthoriry and is oquippod wtth oithon (1) Trmiscion Pmvlkr or Intrrconnoction Prwidcr (ar ES.{.7(B)-3 rpplicabldormcd md opcrarcdmc&ru; or (2)mor 6d ndltcldqrponnccdonkovidcdrrcquir€Ecutsrnd (3) ncctsll amlioablo U/REGIS rcqnitgum8. 32 Conpcosadon o Prcifi&ro. In cxcbangs for tbo *nicos por&rrcd by PrcifrCorp hdrunilcr, Coumputy shrll pay PrcifiCorp ac blbws: ComErparly qhrfl payPoctfiCorp a ora'dnc initial @ ftc of $atQ uftien ohrll bo duo Woo orcouti,on ofthir Afrseood. Thc Couotcrparty rhall pay PaoifiCorp a nou0rly rrportirg ftG of 350 psr gentrrfiDg unit &r fltich Paoifiep rcporb outprt b WREOE, providod ttrt PacifiCorp may, ia ibdircmtioq arso$ edbi[ fordl frc duc hcrundcroaanrmrul rdterlfimnontln hsir, Otcr thln tro initiat &tup ftq lsLich rhdl bc duc h rdvaocc, dl o6cr ftcs drr horcurdff sb[ bo &c within Er days of PrifiCorp's itsuarco of m inoico ftr eucb focs. PsoffiCsp will rwiew cosb,asoci&d $tlh$ic s*vico on ao annual bah, ad nry nakc rcecslry {iusffi b thc nontbly rcputing fcc chrrgd horcin Any cllaago ln lto mor&Iy nporting frc wi[ bcoonc c6ctive ody aftcr r minimua tlrirty (30) days piorwiuonrcdcobcoun0.rparty. ttrSocl,GdWnEGIS,WECC,orgryothomityviththcabilityajuridlabn to nodi& thc QRE Eportiog proccss rcquircr a chugcthat nrtsrially iactlrscsthccorb b PacifCory of pnovidin3 QBE eavioos, PasifiOorp ory pos ttmso ooltr b tro Coulterycrty E lncmseg the nodly rtportLry feo. PacifiCorp will urc bcct cfrrt to povirta Cormtcrprty vilfi priormticc bcfrrl billfug CouaEprtyfrrruchinoaasodcoie. Thofcccsctfor&hGrcinrclaEtoPrdfCorpmviagasrQBBftr Countcrparty pursumt b &a tcrrs of6ia furrcmcut fb noccanry naaing is e prcrcquisic frr &ir $ilIoeqd is amcovcred intc fcs doccribod alovc. 3,3 Poinr ofMacrlns. Tho Polnts of ltdc6ing thr PrcifiCorp will ruc ur rct ffih h Exhilit A. Courtorpamy cutiftr &d dl PoiS of lt{ct*iqg li*!d h &6ibit A noaurs dau only &on Fuflity thd nctt &c dofinition of Reocmbla Comorparty edl nod& PaoifiCosp d lcut thkty (30) Burircss Doyr dortonrkhg any gopecd nabrial chmgcs O &c Poidr oflvetoring. Folbrrirg srcl aotificdion, &c Patti* will dcidc wilcthcr ru$ cftangcr arc mruly acocpbbla If nrch chtrto arc Dot BoolpEblo o PrcifCorp, 3,,f E peluc$ Eroopt as ohorwise prcvidcd in tho IntcrEo,nrcstim Agroomffit (rnd h sucb casc, only vis. Lvls Intorconnoction pmvidcr), Courorparty clull bG.s dl cosb md e.:cpcnscs, insluding ltoss iocurGd by PacifCorp, rohtiug to dl mEtcrisg or othcr oquipmcot in$dlod 6 acconuodate Couaerparty's Facility. 3,5 EcpgrtiBg. Cortotcrprty hotby gruB to PrcifiCory rots ud eoelrsivc pamirsion ud dority t nportD& ad O$uttoWREOn radwarnrm adr?t!$Et thltncithrCouutcrprtylraayo&nrpenm orodty ac&gqn MdfofCorutsrportylus gruEd, cwillbsoafifiC;aril drrirglhstomhccoofa,ry slmllrr darcpoting aueorityotp€nolssionb roy o&crQRB cWREGIII AccoutHoldcru b any otrcrprty o fucot for urc h WRBCilS, or roy otha cacrgr trrtkiry lystcrr, for tho Facllity. As a prucondlthn br PssifiOorp b be ablctoporfornbcrcundcr,Corerpatyshnll nrbmitOornCIrparryl OsrtdatabPscifCory by dtowhg kclffCorp b oollcd arch ildr, at ttG PohE of l\&taing ad rcport nrd de in 6c mmc sct br& hcreh. 3.5.1 Mourhty (]cocrdon Eilnrct Filc. bncc a no,nth PrifiCorp .halt submil e Montly Ococmtkn EErtctf& toWRBGIS ou Corm@aty'sbohdtvtlchwitt codormoorc c&anicmistiog enddrti rcquiruncatr sct &sth ln 6e WREGIS lUcrfrcc Coutol Dooulcst 3 S 2 RgtrlordBg C.\da PaaifiCorp shell $bmit ttc \dotlrly Gcnordon hrct Bih b WRBGIS no soorsr' '" the hst tusines day of eacb gtolrfl er dlta aolloctcd drning ttr prwiorn roon&, or prwixu portftn ofmd. PacifiCorp shdl submit su& dda no losrthan tho cnd oftc calendu llrm6 followirg ttle €nd &t€ of tho output boing rporbd, 3.J3 Vqificaion Shoutd PmifiCnrp chooso a its opdou to opcrre and mko o,aihbls a Mstcrlng Erucnal Wcbpagc, PaclfCorp may in ib rcaroubly crcrciscd discr'*im grant Coufrcrprrty accoer frr Contcrpartytovcrify sugh l6mrtionaspoccibodbyPui6Corp Sontiuototimg and totimcly notify PrcifiCorp in ruiting of uy crors fuerputy ec6. 3.5.4 Adiunmcrq. AftcrPaoifiCorp rubmib tto ltfiurthly Ocnerdim ExtrrstFilp o WRBGIS, my inforocion contriood in tto lvdffily Gencauion Bxnrd FUc shrll bG ffnll ft'r pruporcc ofWRBCilS rcpotin& n$ictt odytotho adjnltnGutpruccduru actfottt in thc WREGIE Opeaingtuhr,nrtichshdlbc Corntrpanfs nqpouibility to inplcmc,c if nccccsary. 3,6 Obtisdiotrs gf Coutrt{osttv. Countsrprrty obalt rc,port md povidc to Prci[Cop accorOc and complctagnocrationDdaandOlr$utinfonrfio,nforttcFacility. CountlrpsdyshalgerdthoDatredonlrd &.h.4.{B)-4 Ougut Informaiqr in a frrud ud in corpliraco with uy pl$mlr wtrich PrcifiCory may ?oot& b Corlasresty. CourtsrpqrtyhuacontiluhgdutybiEr.diclynoti$ProifiCorp'ifaoduttmany -gFo35ationD&otOqqut intnmrAim has bocn rcot in onurotccslccto bchnhful, aosus' o couploO aad io nrpply tto oogtstcd drrg as coon u prrctical, but lot lsu 6u fiv? (5) BEsitr 6r Drys &on tto dac Couirirputyairoovcrs thatdtcccparcyin tha Data or Ou9ut infunsion. 31 WRBGIS E'ccs, @untcrparty ii rolcly rcspurible Srtho payncntdirsctlyto WREG]S of my rod alt vngOsrusfficoltth*artrtqubcdolcgisbrCourEpsflD/3F dlityurd'b6colrftnltheGcoemrbr Ownor b aWRBGNAooonutlbldor, Corm@y is ttsporsibtoSrtcpayncot diroctlyotilREGIS ofdl oth* WRBGIS fto imidcst to tho Fponiug of (hrcra5t ft11 md OrIprt b IVREGIS. Cotmslafty ar,fomrlodg3! ald rg;eor thetfrcifiCorp statt tarc no obligdimto rdvanoc o mlo papcrtof I/REGIS ftes or oogr on Ounernanls bohrlf, Upon rcquort by PaoifiOorp ndc lfPacffCorp brs rcceivod sucb a rc$stfonWRBOIIIsrauyrc$t toror6lrdprty,CouutcrputyshlllprovHcPrcifiOorpwithwidanccof psl,ncnt.otWnpgs fror rnd oosg; frihrcto Drovidc cuch idorudimtoPacifiCorp, upon rcqucg sholl congdtile m evut of defrult undcr thls Agrecmcrt 3.E WREGIS AooorBts, Coumrputy nilt be mloly rtspooriblc O mrkc rnngements md sglstdionr urdSrcrbing itr ary nrch agrffioGtbdaruncossaryto ct$fishtnorfuof Corti&lEr dtlotlyto popo Aocourts c Subrcormf of Courcrperty. Couffipsrty egrccs th* such .r fgtut@b Sall prtcludo tciroeC OrfacmCorp 6 ast ar custodirn of suoh CortificaEr orto bc rcryonsiblc in any luay to-h4-ld gc,l Ccrtificer in any Accord or Subaccormt of PrcifiOorp or boer rny rscpoosibility' posecasbq obligdion, of risk of tors wtth rGfpcst b Cstific&s orcabd, hd4 or oumc{ $dt tBPGct to bo Frcility. Qtt"tprty-aa&irB,ledgBthrLlr$uurtb rccdon 11 of thc SIREGIII TOU, rygcagrtioa dlt8fid P.pffiCor?,rcdngar aQRB, porffcstoWREOIS shiUrcsidc InWREGIS md Cordorpatty willhorom corthol ovtrsurldilt's usc ottcr than ttat prsvidod for udcrtho WRBCilS TOU. 3.9 Obli+atbar of PrpifiCorp. ProifiCorp rl|gll epoci& frr CouldsPut ' m protocote,lpordng teqrrocy, aaanfumspts, aad conmrmicatiooprfficoh Srnpotetggmcrdiqgry rOdput as !trcasari PaclffCorp ebrll tholy rtpolt b STREOIS CouoErfrty Dda tnd/or Outrut lnfornsdo spgcima in ru nost iunsrt WnfCtS lrtcrBcc Contsol Dooumot (I@). PacifiCcp shdl not uro w dicclocc <loumeerty Soncrdim Dalaforuy oltrorprrpoasthunpordng tbc thtato WREGIS, alc.Pt os gaV bc rtqdred by lsn, fro Public tXility Conoisrion of Orogoq ary otbcr statg ftdstl, nuni:ipal or othcr rciulcor or fpvuimcural arlbodty withjurisdiction wrr PacifiCorp or aoy ofits a$crb, or a cout of _ -ooipacot.lgrisOiCion or rs rcquircd undcr 6o tcros of an xirting agrccmcut bsturceo the Pudos. PrffiCorp ghdl-notulcOcoclor0wncrgcorraionDriaforrnyo&crtrlposa Notsitt*andhg0ufrrtping. PrgifiCorp shalt notbonrpmiblcSrhrndting amor6 ad6ttrb6do!, ts1os&r, svidloooof,auy dcfcmi*oaofQo@pnrty Cotdffce ovncrstipomysthcrobligltio!3 fu Ccrtifictfis ofCounbrgty withpgerdo Crtifceos; aodOormmpart ealbcardlrospoudbifrty frrruch haodting accmt adniailbxion, svidrocc of or my dcicrmirutim of Couulcrprrty Ccrdffceta omct:hip ed dl ds obligrtioffi pstdning b c$tioo ud onmhip of such Ccrtificdes. 3.10 lrf,cagsrtancot 3-10.1 Mctlf DqE Coun&rpnty aulborias PaoifiCorp'r nolulng rcrvlrs orgnoizatiou to pwidc Cormtcrpatlrs Dcter d0tc dirEctty b WREGIS in 6o foru of tbs Monthly Gcusdon Ernct Filq. OounEffi arr:horian moifiCo,rp t grthor data ftrom ttc Poinfir ofMching_liSad in E*bibit A. All srh dgi8fu;;dd!rcd deurhhhcodErFrtyhar csldd andsubEittcdtoPrgECorp, nbnvtfutmdiagtrd PrciEC-rrp, rdcr fm Countcrporty sill gdhGr it 3.102 Wblosalc Gtnsiadon Ako Sirving On-Sir t od!, If Couffiprrty hrs any Wbohsalc Gcoeradou l ilro SerrtrgOrsiahds (ordcfincd iaArticlo Orc&ovo), nrchFrcilitywiU lcGdto brvctrco*itoload gcmrdionid!rcd(qAnEiterca)scpraietyftontbc gGo€rdim ttdir sumtisdto^tbc Et+ 9*31,rd*6 r*ttl Oe UmfGIS Cbcrung ndcs. Othcruiso, PrdfiCorp will mt nport any dai fom ruc.h Fsility. If su.h Fuflityoxicf thcy Bustbccpocifid io &&ibilA. 3.10.3 nsUqltc& Whcn ruacr rpdingr rrc ut srrdllble duc to m&r hrrdwrro frilutt or dats thu is derdncd to bc isvafO arr to msU mammba or calibrdion or coa63rmlion qtror, b tte octcnt dccmedby PsoifiCorprobo rypropiao ud pcnaittcd punumtb WRECIS TOU, PaoifCorpwill, {foerillO n[on rradingc ion rodilAait ttrctsn;hrthr ruoh mctqr ars ProifiCorp onned or not If rcadings firom rdtndgrt Exh.4.7(B) - 5 A}.IIYOR IN@MPLBTB GENERAItrirc DATA TO PACIrICORP OR lEB SENDINO OF ERRONEOI'S, UNfRlmmrI{INACCURA'IBAI.ID/ORINCCIIvIPLBTtsDATABYPACMCCIRP10WREGIS. IN}.IO EYE\IT SIIALLPACIEICORPBB LIABLE FOR A}TT CONSBQT,BbITIAL,II\rc1DENTAI,, SPECHI. E)CIIPLqRY,OROTXIERII'IDIRBCTI.oSSORDAMACtsSRESIJLTIM}IROMAT,IYBRBACIIOT TIIIII AOREMENT, TUTIETIIERCAUSE)BYITIENEGIIOET,ICtsORINTEX.ITIOT.IALACIIOMI OF pAcm@RP (AIUbR rrs CONTRACTORS, AGEI\IIS, AI,ID BfiI.oYTBD, RBOARDLESS OF WITBTHERSUCII CLAIMFORDAIvTAGESIIIBASEDINCONTRACT,IORI,STRICTIJABIUTYOR OIIIERUIIS. INI{O EI/ENT SHALL PAqFIOORP BE UABLE FOR ANY LOBS OR HANM 'SIJITIEREDBYCOUNIERPARIYORANYTIIIRDPARTYDIJBTOAI,[yACTIONORINAC"IIO,IBY PACMCOXPTAXE$IHER.BIJNDEN,fiIATCAI,SESAFACILITYT1OIOSEAI.{YCREDEXIIIIALS, RFTIISTMTTON OR qTAITFICAITON UNDER rHE RENBIVAEIE PORTFOIIO STAI{DARD OR SIMIIAR I.AW OT A}.[Y STAIE OR OTHM. JUruIDICfiON. 4.4 PACIFICONP WII NOTBB RT,SPONIIIBI.EFORA}i[YDAMAGESRBSULTINGFROM E@NO}I(IC I"OSS, I.OSS OF USE, I,OSS OF DATA' IOSS OF BUSINBSS, L,OSS Otr Pf,O]rIT, I,0SS OF PRODUCIIONTAX CREDITS, II)SS OF SAVING$ OR RETTMITJq LOSS OF OOODWILL, TTIE CUIJIvIS OF TIIIRD PARUBS (INCI,ITDINO C't STOMffiS N.ID SHARBIIO.DERS OR O]5ER EQUITT oWI-[ERs] PRSO]LAL INJURIBII OR PROPRIY DAI{AGBS ST STAINED BY TIIB c<iAtttsRPARIY .ON llW MMO PARTIES, EVE}I ts PACIFI@RP TIAS BEN NOTIFIED BY C0IJNTBRPARIY (OR BY AI{Y THIRD PART$ oF sImI DATvIAGES. 4.5 PACIFICORPDISCXT{IIII!| AIYYLIABIUIYFORAhID@IJNTEaPARTYStAnASAI'IY(x,fiMBORI.oSS ORDAIuII{CE RBST LTII{G FROM BRRORS, OMIS$O}iE, OR OTHB' INACCTJXACIES IN A}iIY PART OF WRBOIII OR TIIE NEPORTS, CERTMCATES OR OTHER. INTORMATIOI{ COMPILED OR PRODUCP BY A}.ID FROM OR INPUT INTO WRE(ilS USING COT'NTERPARTY STIPPIJD GETiIEA,AIION DATA, WHEEIM. OR }.tOT ST'CII ERRORS, OMTIISTONII ORINACCURACIES ARB DT]B TO BRRONEOI,S,IJNIS(IEIFUL,INCICTyIPI.Bf,q OR INACEURATE INPIORMAIION INPI.IT BY PASFICORP INIO WNFI}IS. 4,6 @UNTMPARTYHBEBYREX.iEASBSPASFICORP A}{DANYOFME CPNTRACTORS, AOENIE,A}.IDEMPLOYEESFROIUANTA},ID ALLLIABIIJTYWM{RBSPECTTODAT,IA@SOR N.IJURES INCUBBEDBYGENERATOROWNERASIRELATES TOIIIEFOREGOING,E)(g.IJDING AI.IY ARISIIIO AS A RBSITLT OF TORIIOUS AlitD I}{IE\IIIONALLY KNOIVII.NG ORRECKLESS @I.{DUCTBYPACM@RP. 4.7 @IJNTERPARTYAffiNOWITDOESAI{DAGRESTIIAT,INfiTEEVENTffBRBACHOT TEIS CONTRACT OR AI{Y O[I{ER. ACTTON RBSI]LTING IN I{NS fi. POTEX'ITIAL I.oSS OR DAIVIAGE TO COIJI{IBPARTY, IIIE SOIA RECAURSE TO OEhIBRATCIR OWI'IFR IS IER}{NATION OF 1I[S A@BEXUB.IT. 4.t Countcrparty agrco! to Mcn{ indomris, aad hold hannlcsr PndfiCorp and if ditocild!, ofEoar, omploycos, and rgsms tom ud adrct aoy ad alt clelns (lndudiagthid-perty ctaimr) caruol ofldou, whAhcr ln contrcg tort, q any otter l€ggl thcory (inoluding rfriot lhbtlity); dcmadr; dmq$6i Eo86; liabilitiog; lossoa aod oponu (irrcluding rcasodlo 8tttrro,rs fgcs ard court c,ost) of asy dttt€ xthsocvlr, rv&arcvcr uising; ariritrg ou of, rcrultirg fron, rttibutrblo b, c rplebd b Oorutcrpty gmodion Drbour OrSutfrr: uryimccruac,yrm,ordclaylaoromiraioaof(i)uyDrt*in$rmtionrorrcrrricq,a(i)lto talroircion or dolhrey of uy Dao, informaioa, or rmioo; sry lnstnrpdon of my srrh Dcq @ut, ffiraoatioq or sltris(v1hcftlr or nd osurod b PaciffCorp): or stry frecid, bushes, onnceiaf or otts jrdSpcilt, dloiriorl rc( or omisrion nodo by aay pcron o oatiry brscd upon c rclood to ths infonndon. 4,9 htsrponnectiou. Cormspty shrll hrn uo olrims hcrcuada *ahst PrcilfOorp, ading in itr mcrchad frnction c4acily, wift nrFct b Ay roquircucd ioporcd by or drmrgcs arutcd by (or r[ogcdly caurod by) rcns or omissboo of tho Thosmiscim Prrovi&r c In6oomoc'tion Plsvidr, in co,ucEtion witt thc Comatt6ir Intcrwmsctisr Agrlomcnt 6 othswlsc. Corntlq8rty rh+ll dcfu{ itrdlonify !trd told PacifiCorptrmlocs agpinstrnyU$ility uisirg dnoo Oountupony'gpcrforruaoc or filluetopcr$tmurde the Gcncratim ltttrconnethn Agrcerneot Cqrmplrttrlr fiilurc b obtain, orpcrfumundcrr 6o Ococraioa IdcroooncctiotrAgrcGm€ilt, oriu oftr ooEraats adobligdonsb, TlansnisshnPmvidcl orluercrinnccdon Ppvider Isnot aForcc lvfajcurc. p.*.4.{B).7 l I i,l ] Il,I of tisp rould consdtrlo nrch rn Bwut of Dcfrutt, hrr ocorrcd ud ir oodinuiag o rrould ooou as a rcsult of it artcriag ino s prforatng its obligdios hcrcurdor. 62 R+rcsmtstiooi rnd lyerrytios of Corgrffi. Oounorpar$ kcby npmrarf rnd $'arnffi b Preifcorp: (i) it ir m n$ng upon EU rtpmsoffidotrr ofPaoHColp o0rcr ftrn thosc oryrcsely sG[ forth - tsn*n; (0 irhu cffiidicrciewi&rfirtt undcrdlulhgoftbenrturirlbrosod dsbofts suq rod il ir canoUibf assrmingthoec rirh; (iii) it hrs nrdc ib tndiDg rd invo*mcr diirfons bascd upm its own juagrutr ard aoy advlcc from rch rdvirn as tt har dmcd nccccrrry rd Dot h ttti!trcc upt[ loy vi?'lv orprlsrcd by PrifiOofp; (19 ithar rct rccoivod ffom PrclfiCorp auy rrururccr orpromiros ltgrdhg ary finssldgulEorboncfitsbcr,audcr; (v) rcrvicc hcrarndcrtrnotardtry rcwloo viltin6oncaningof Soaion 456 ofib! Urttod Smc Bodauptsy Codq Etd (vi) Oorunrpsty holds logd titlo b tto Facility or drcmisc tol.kttc togd riSttlo caurc frc Frcility b 6lcr irb tils Ag!@il. VIt FinmoialResDonsibilitY. 7.1 Adc{urtoAscunncg. WieoulnidrgPrtfCspbrtgttrrlidgrAfiiclo Vltrhaoof, ifCqmxprty hsr fiilcdo r.foko atimcly pqpomhcnundor, eadPsciflChrp hs truurbh grondl ftrinloorr$ &grding thc psbrnrooo of ary obligrtim of Ooun@arty haumdcr (urtctta m not6co duc), PscifiCorp tury mma Adcqrub Aenrurocr ofPerbnrrnpc. "Adcqumo Assrmcos ofPcrhruncc" mut $frcicnt roority inttc fona, rnoung byra irnrcrorgummr, andfrrtheumrnaronab$rocprteblotoPaoifiCorp' inoludia& bA not limitcd to, crsb, e rbrdby inu,pc$tc lctc of crodig r proptyncut, E scontit, idorct in gowrnrrclit scotuitie+ an ared or r porftrmnoo bod or guranty. Srrch Adoquato Aslunacs 0,f Por&rnaoco rhall bo prwirled wi&in ttrcc budnors days rfr s cdtth denad is nde by PaclfiCorp. VIL Evcnts ofDeftirlu Rcmcdics. t,l Eveot ofDc&ult. Evcat ofDcfuh' moaos, with rtrycd b a frfiy (6c'IbfrutrhgPrrtyr): i.1.1 tho frihrcb rodcrvhmduc mypqtmsfltor pcr&ruEocc bennmdcr, ifcrsh frfltlt Is nct unodt€d wlthin five dayr afurwdttcn nstico; t.1.2 &s failurcAd6ely prwi& rdcque6 rscllruoct tlquidpunuattoArticlcVllhc'cot E.l3 any sue& Pt4yrs rc0rcsGffidot or $Er8ty prc\,B b haw bceil imonEG on ddcadiqg h amy mrtcrial Bptct $,trcnmadci S.li the &ihrc !o pcrftrm rryoftcr covcont rct frrth hercin'if guc.h &ilurc ic Dot roEadicdu,itti! fto dayr afrcr rrrifica dicc; S.1.5 iu hotnrptoy, if!&rub arsuruocc acc@blooProitCspmd ryprunodby&oBrokn@yCourt anonotpmvidod; E- I .6 6c opintion or tslrindion of any cmdit rrryort of CourrUpat1/r obligdfit tcrludGr (dtcr &e inapoorduco wi& iomns)priortotho ldlsfrsdm ofall oblfundomof0orntcrpartyudfrou6c wrlrcr coasent of ProifCotp; or 8.1.7 Inthc crso of Cour0crprty: 8.1J.l Counupaty eilB b rcpor gpocrdion Datr or olrQut lrfomndon b PastfCcp fur tho Faoility m Ccn&fplrty eill.O lcna tm m Lr a @* qd qao thc prffiob eod,&d ty PtoifiCorP as d:umincd by PaclhCorp b be rcquiM to mcet fhe rcquiitrclr oftlc WREOIS Qcradng Rulos; t.r.73 Oountryrry ls dollnqrcm h pryrmt b WREOIS of my SIREGIS &cs ftr $g&Eiou or lli&oucc of Accouats or Subrccoudr, vhictr peymart lnpah thc eility of hctfiCotp to ltpgrt futr8br De, Oxpur, orotb inhrrdimb WRBGIS roggdingtloPrciHty, ntichdclinqrsmyaoainnbropcriod ofthirty (:10) dq/s; t;1.?,3 OounErputy fiilr b oomply vtlh a reqrst by PsoifiCorp to p,rovi& widcooc of pqrrunt of WRBOIII ftcc peachhgbthoFadli$i or t.I .7.4 Comtffputy enowingly c intotioaally &lsifics or mirmptlocots my DltS otrEn inftrnuton, or otha h$rndion rcquircd by TIREGIS. ee.1.(B)-e t i 8,2 Rmcdip Uopr Etur ofDc&uft- In tho Evcnt ofDcfult by r Puty a$ Sr so long ar Oro Bvrd of Dc&uEirootrinuiag, tho nondofuiltirgParty(ftc'PcrformtrgPrty)stall havoScrlghto do oyordlof tbo following: (t) upotr tto businccs dsyr' xritM rdioo b tbc Dcfurltiog PEty, tlmitrdo &is Agrscrarut (2) wibhold rny peymcm or porbnnaaco du! itr rlrport oftbic Agumg sd (3) cxcr'ciso suctr othcr rcocdicr rs mry b anileblc c laworin cqdty c as oltcrrtbo pnovl&d brhcrcin,to thc ortcil urohrtmodicg hnomt boca otbcrwhc waivod or Iimitod punuanlto fte tsrns hcrcof E.3 EIDE lfrnEvarofDo&ultooorugrhoMrmiagPrtyuay, stfu oloslioqlstofrauycrll amuat nfiich tfic poreuHng PEty offi to it c my Afilide of thc Pcrfornring Party (rrtcecr uodrr tb Agranoot or oftcrsisc urd whctbcr sr not thco duo) agairt any or dl rmourB rv&id it or my Afilio of tbc PcrermfuPartyombthoDoftnltfuPtty(yrhcthcrundcrthicfu1tcncotoro&mv&o odwbttcrord lfia dno). t.4 Pamrtnt pf lhates. Any omounB duc on emord of dcftult rhdl bc palt by tb eJors of turinor m tha oo:c huineoc dry Sllowlug th Dcftultitrg Prct/s rcccip of th Pcrfrrndng Putyt uritu tcrrninrim notico sciling fortb lhG tsahdio pqymat duG. 8,5 'LiuiEtisg QfllibiliE. TI{E EXPRESS REMEDIBII AtlD MEASURES OP DAMAGES PROVIDEDHERBINSATXSFYTIIEESSE}.IIAI,PI'RPIOSESHRBOF. TORBBEACHOTAI\TY SROVIIIIONFORWIilCIIA}.IE)(}RBSSREMBDYORMEASI]REOFDAI(AGEISPROVIDED, SI.JCEI NEMEDYORMBASI'RESHALLBBTTIESOI,BA}IDErcII'SIIIBREMEDYTIIEREOR. IJABIUTY TIIATEASNOTBEH{OIIIERWTSEH(CL,t DEDPIIRSUA}iITTOTIIETERIIISHREOF SIHLLBE LIMIIED TO DIRBCT ACTUAL DAMA@S ONLY AS TIIB soLE AI{D E)(CLUSIVE Rsr,tEDY. E(CEPT AS OfiIRIIIISE SPEffiICAIIY SETFIORT}IIIEREII{, NO PARIY SIIAI,L BB RBQUINED f1OPAYORBBII BIAfORSltsClAI4C1)}ISEQIIEbfiAL,INCXDE{TAL,PIJI{ITIIE,ExBItPLARyi ONIITTDIRECTDAMAOBS,I.OSTPROEITORBUSINESSINTENRI,PUONDAI\{AGES,BYSTATLTTq IN TORT, CCINTRACT OR OIIHERWIIIE. t.6 Surehnt Thir Artialo srvivorlb agirdioa ortrmil4iohsrof. D(. Forpe tvtrajqfrc. 9.1 Bxpcpt with roggd to E Parlys obliSrtion to m*c pelmcnt brcuudcr, il ths encsrt cithor Party beruto ir rcodorsd unablc, u&olly or h pat, by Forac l\dqiarrc to crry out iE obligrtioru with rtspcct hot@, 6sn rpo ruch Party's (tho 'Oainlng Party) giving ndioo rnd ftrll prtioulas of ouo[ Forco llajcut as sooa as rcatmblypwuibls aftr&ooccuncnac ofttscausorGlicdrpoo,srrhnotico to bo confirnodinwriEagc by ficehilo o thc o&cr Puty, ttm tto obllgdoar of&o Cldnlng Paty sbrll, b th! Gxtrnt tG!, alt tftcFd by arch Fotco ltilajanru, be arycndod &ring &o coudnuam of tdd lnrblUty, but 6r no loNrgsr pcdo{ .d tre CldluingPrty !h.ll mt bc lhblcb 60 o6GrPut,,6r, c@eoootfiof, aar locr, &ul8q iqiuyor crycoso rreutting toiltr, or adriug otil of ru& arcm ofForco lt[i.icaa Tto Prty Eccit i[g nrct dicc of Forcc }f{anertallhaw rdlttc ond of6oBurincsDryftllowitg archrcceipttotrdifyeE OdmfuPafiytrdlt objocts o or disp*or tho cxirmcc of o arom ofForcc ltdCcura Euco lrd{arcn DmB ao affi or sircru.itopsyhlchprwos o,aokyfionpcrftruiag its obligltiolhcncondcr, rrtichc'rcttor cfucrrmfinoc rru! lot roddp+c4 whiah i5 trot $'itrin &c rcasmablo oofiul o{, or tho rc$ilt of &c ndiguoc of &o ClEinlnS PEty, and u&i6 by fts cxcrcicc of duE diligrncc, lbc Cldriqg Party ic rlrsblc to ovcspomo or avoid or cauro to bc avoidcd. Couulcryarlyt ftihut b ohin, or pctfrrm undcr, thc Gcnauion Imcromeodon AgrcGmod, or ffs o&rr mtslsctr and obligdou b, Tnornlcdon Prorvidor ulntcrooanediohrorddcr lg not a ForcoM4iolr g.2 Forcc l4ouro Dooe Not Afrct Oths Obliptionr. No obligaciurr of oi6cr ParU thc upsc bcf,Drc the Force M4ianc caniag tbc nrpcusloa of p€rfrrmrrcc or tH airc rfur thc cerctbn ofthc Forcc lrrQicrm shall beomsedbytts Forcc Mqiaro. 9.3 SEtiLE lbtwitrstandiqgrayo{brpruvisionhcrco{,adtbcrPartyshdlbcEqufuEdbrctttcoy suilrc, ud&ou, lodor* or o(ficn labor dlspUo on tsror rvtioh, in&o eolc jrdgM of6c Pqny luvoh/ql in h dstrrE, arc cofrqy to tho kyb bcst i[E]cdr. x.MiscslLneous. { I I I I 't:i 1:|, i i r I I 1r tt iI I ji 1t i niili i i tI 1t, II I I t:lt:t I : I i G t ii i: I,lI1'IIt t: ii ,l',: t, i I Exl. 4.7(B) - l0 10.1 gntcE Of LAUI. Itil.&3ccmcot firllbo irOrprctdud coforocd in epcordae ri&6o lan'sof G;UE;fOG -yo6i*ofuwrrrlcsthatirydroartcrylicdimoftho lc*tofsndff juriedlabn. 10.2 Rlgtiction on ArEiFtffi. f.Iciecr Puty msy assigt $isltpcmcf. or auy of ie dgltslr oblisrtifit lrrqlnAcr rrmoli'ffim wrircn coasartlf Oc-otrcr Prty, which orrcnt tlOtp! Ut ;;ffiffiil,ffi;id- loyp,"pi,rtouusig'-catinviolatimhofrhallbcvoidrbtnido. Ttbfu:oaoot t"Jto 63 Ue*tt of Bd ill6ihirryon ite faAco ud eoir rusp€sdns urccesson ard pcmitcd assigE 103 NqIE Allilriccs,r0$orts,ddomcntrg4qvnmq rhr!t.bc-1+Pqtg{"Y q"il*}" mtior ffi mrus rcq,ilrci b b; h sdidrg trtt to anivatd by bltrr fiprinilo or o6or docttocN$ar ffi. NoO*tytpsinifooitanOdeli\EryrbtttoAoomae oUvctocngvcnnircnrceiwdorhud 4ffi*d. lOd*tvorroi*tr6i*ooini*$Eltb0docaadolrrrobeiagivcnmlhed&gdtinc Gvidac.d b!, ftG ddiwy ffii,pt tto p.rto, ,ry chmgp my of tho pcrro- ru o wbon diccs * ddrtcsc4 or thsir rddrcrscs, ty Fividiry sritur astie in accodmcc sifr 6it sc0tim" 10.4 ffioA,smetrFComtorn$ts. TtirAgllcEcilconldtter&ccotircg.oGDd.t trccn*Tl* *iUrt lotf u&0q'd.'cbuge4mdlfio4orrl6ldmlcrg guch 31aoudmmg chmgs, ;i[ti*fi"C ;Juui* iito writtog .od slgcd Uy bo& nt&s' Ttir fuiccoort ;r;-;16;"Gdiu oofr'rtfi.6, inif-tlng Uy uletcsimno Eorolssioo, dofwtich ls m origind rad all of ufiicfatratog!68*r.dffi-orcmddierhcorigindirstumlot flrts.lgrccmntconphclyandfllv i,ryon& af f IUo p*or orUir*eoatgs * "gro*r.ffi' boilh writEr and onllc*Ercar tLb Puticc Gllting to 6ilj*j;"fi*tii,f. li-ir-rtJ*"f-Oirlgr"irrrtirdctcdpdbbciwslid,roirlorrmforcerblc by any-oou* of porpo*f juiiilnoo, sgcfr Osorniiflon &rll rut lnvafidAo, voi4 or mrko-umforccaflc riy#rsprovlshp'llrdcotormvcnmtof6ic AgElcocot, pwittod&obasicpurpocos ofttir AtIlsnsrt oi tra ttionts b &cPutior ue notrubc&ntially inpoircd" lo.5 No 1y4va. Sralvcr loy a Pary of my &fruh by thc otb. @rhall aot bo conr. tld !t r rnivw of irv o&cr@-rq, rUfi -yirfrl, dy;-& h fu dt*ise of ooy rigb urde trir Agncmca bo aonddcpd ro a wtivc c rcliquirLluut &trlof, 10.6 Jqirdiction. Anyiudidal actim rriring od oi uuhing frrom 99 ry rvry nl&gtothls Arnomortrhrllb"bmrrd;;trlti"rrmo*n&aoor"tofurrttomrUcosrty,oFs-tPD" Iofu-cucd$tch ffi;.Iffi i1m n ty, m prruririog prty lhtll bo $tdld to auruil of ir Eocts ed-d"rai' foot inEE'od h oMion wi0r cuoh ptoocodiags. 10'?Jrgftig!.wliyg.THEPARTIESBAGIIIEREBYIRREVoCABLYWAIIIEAIInoIITToiliaI, nTiffiv- AcTIoN, PRocEEDINo OR COI,NTERCLAIL, ERISING OT]T OF OR npeftr\fO frmSro, A!,Iy CRIIEI'I TAOS ORTIIB 13/$.TSACTIONS CON'TEMPLATD IIEBEBY' iffi prmnr nndlBn wlrws Ar{y pJcrrr io coNsoLIDATE AI{Y AcfloN IN WHICH A ruRY ffiili Hei s]isi welr.m wmr Aliry orrrBR ecrroN w wrucn A JURY TRIAL o$lNtyr BE oR HAS NOTBEENWAIIIED. l0.E NoThirdPqtvBaiofiairig. VihtheocepiouofTrrasoirrio'aEryia*q{ ItrGtcoffidon -*,ovro.n@mfciutor t*o[, etu Aer€omcot coftm no rigbE.tlryY Yo -y'f;,r*"mtaitopgrtoi anilUttnotscm, orbol6crprcOd15 ctGdi!& atrystBldrtdofctrt, dutyor Urtltity o uY !cno! at s kty tc(lto. 10.g &ldcglEeJdtgpgrE. No&i!8 cootahed hstin ghell bc cmstnrd to crcrlo u ascodiSiotioh ffi"., ffirc atnrst or patnorrhlp oovurt, obtigrdon, or liabilit, oor wi6 rcgrd ;;t g'x; ;'rrri ofthoPutioc. Br&pa*v *al bo indMduslvnryonriblo for itr owa oovtmm' "ui6i"rt, .t d liabilitisr mdm me ASrodcnr Bdr.4{B)- ll 1t ? t, , itI t_ t i ,1, ,} ij I 'i IN Yrm{E$S WHmEOf, 6c Padot hffo msdlilr Agrffi.nt by froL duly arfiortrd nps!.ddr,!g ag of tl I do ftrt$ovswitcn PacifiCorp tCounterprrtyJ BY; NA!@: TIIT-E: BY: NAIV{E: TITLE: . ExhibitA Facility aad Goncration ka to bo scnt by QRE ForFacility ctrtcrthe following informmion: , Frcility Namo and Addrcss Rcsotrtc ID and MetGr Nurrbcr @wicc ID) as lictod on lhc MetEr Ssrvico Agroenront for thc XSO Mctdcd Entiticc (MSA6O!vIE) Scha&rlo I WREGISI ID McterPoints &i14.{B)- 12