HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200821Supplemental Comments.pdfGregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 276 Street Boise,Idatro 83702 Telephone: (208) 938 -223 6 Fax: (208) 938-79A4 greg@ichardsonadams.com peter@icharrdsonadams.com Attorneys for Coleman Hydroelecti c, LIC BEFORE THE IDAHO PT'BLIC LTTILTTMS COMMISSION TN fi{E MAITER OF T}IE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OR REIECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC LIf, FOR THE SALE AND PT'RCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM TI{E COLEMAN HYDRO PROJECT cAsENO. IPC-E-20-27 ii:CT.IVED ?:ti tus 2l Plt 3: 53 ' r':l I'qi. : ',i' . f- :,'L\LiV . ; ;i';',',:, rlChll'{tSSl0}l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) SIIPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF CoLEMAN ITYDROELECTRTC, LLC Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission (*IPUC' or "Commission") Order No. 34756, Coleman Hydroelectric, LLC ("Coleman Hydro") hercby respectfully submits its Supplemental Cornments through its counsel. Coleman Hydro requests that the Commission approve the Energy Sales Agreement (or *ESA") containing the published avoided cost rates established by Order No. 34350 and in effect prior to June l, 2020 (the "Order No. 34350 rates"), as submitted for approval by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") in this proceeding. As explained below, although the parties' written agreement was not finally executed prior to June l, 2020, Coleman Hydro perfected its entitle'nrent to a legally enforceable obligation to the Order No. 34350 rates prior to June 1,2020. Indeed, Idaho Power agred with such entitlement to the Order No. 34350 rates and therefore executed the written agreement containing those rates. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC tPc-E-20-27 - PAGE I BACKGROUNI) The Coleman Hydro Project is a planned hydroelectric project that will hamess the waterpowerpotential of an existing inigation pipeline, which is currently unused and wastd. See Whittafter Declaration at fl 3. The project would be located near Leadore, Idaho, in Lemhi County, and would have a maximum capacity of 800 kilowatts (*kW"). The developers of the Coleman Hydro Project have beeir in discussions with ldaho Power for over a year. Coleman Hydro representatives initially completed ldaho Power's Schedule 73 application for quali$ing facilities (*QF') for the project's current configrration and submitted it to Idaho Power on May 8, 2019. In zubsequent discussions, Coleman Hydro revised the initially proposed Scheduled Operation Date, clarified that Coleman Hydro sought the seasonal hydropower rates since it will only produce en€rgy in the inigation season, and provided additional information requested for the purpose of completing the Energy Sales Agreeme,lrt by Idaho Power's representative, Jerry Jardine. Id. at\9 As of May l9,2020,Coleman Hydro had agreed to all terms and conditions of the Energy Sales Agreemeirt and communicated to Idatro Power that Coleman Hydro was ready to ex@ute the agreeme,nt. Id. at\ ll; accord ldaho Paner's Reply Comments atp.2. Bascd on Idaho Power's Reply Comments, tdaho Power had to then route the agreement through its standard Sarbanes-Oxley compliance review, after which ldaho Power apparcntly internally approved the agreement and sent the written documeirt for execution to Coleman HydroonMay27,2020. IdohoPower'sReplyCommentsatp.2-3. Theagreementsentto Coleman Hydro contained the Order No. 34350 rates and all other tenns and conditions to which the parties had previously agreed. Because the parties are physically separated by quite a distance, Idaho Power placed the executable agreement in the mail to Coleman Hydro. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC TPC.E.2O-27 _PAGEZ Wittaker Declaration at fl I l. Coleman Hydro executed it upon receipt on June 8, 2020, and mailed it back to Idaho Power. Id. Idaho Power executed the agreement on June 19,2020. Notably, the project is in an advanced stage of development. Before June l, 2020,the effective date of the avoided cost rate change at issue in this proceeding, the developers of the project had expended approximately $2.35 million, including completion of the following critical development steps: installation of six miles of 24-inch penstock; purchase of the Pelton turbine, generator, and switch gear, all of which are now awaiting installation; completion of construction of the project's powerhouse; and commencement of construction of the privately owned segments of the interconnection tie line, which is almost completed. Id. at\\ 4-5,8, & Ex. 1. The interconnection study process has advanced to the final step of executing the Generator Interconnection Agreement and funding Idaho Power's interconnection construction with an additional $300,000 expenditure. Id. atfl 7. The developers of the project will fund that interconnection expenditure through third-party financing, which is ready to be promptly deployed if the Commission approves the Energy Sales Agreement containing the Order No. 34350 rates. Id. Additionally, the project has necessary approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") of its status as a quali$ing in-conduit hydropower facility exempt from the lengthy licensing process under the Federal Power Act. Id. at fl 6. In short, Coleman Hydro merely awaits the Commission's approval of the Energy Sales Agreement to timely complete construction and place the facility in service by the ESA's Scheduled Operation Date of June 1,2021. The commission should approve ffiT]I". oo*-ent containing the order No. 34350 rates, as submitted for approval by Idaho Power in this proceeding. The supplemental SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 _ PAGE 3 facts presented here regarding the steps taken by Coleman Hydro prior to June l, 2020,warrant a finding that Coleman Hydro is entitled to a legally enforceable obligation containing those rates, as memorialized in the finally executed written agreement submitted to the Commission by Idaho Power for approval in this case. Although Staff s Comments suggest that a QF may only be entitled to previously effective avoided cost rates in the case where the written agreement is executed prior to the date of the rate change, such a suggestion is mistaken. The law is clear that a legally enforceable obligation can - and in this case did - arise prior to final execution of a wriffen contract between a QF and a utility. A. A Legally Enforceable Obligation Can Entitle a QF to Rates that Were in Effect Prior to the Date the Written Agreement is Formally Executed Under FERC's regulations which this Commission implements, a QF is entitled to form a legally enforceable obligation (or "LEO") to the rates and terms and conditions in effect at the time that it commits itself to sell power to the utility. See 18 C.F.R. 5 292.304(dx2)(ii). FERC has explained that each QF "has the right to choose to sell pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation, and, in turn, has the right to choose to have rates calculated at avoided costs calculated at the time that obligation is incurred." JD Wind l, LLC,129 FERC fl 61,148 atP 29 (2009). Under the LEO rule, o'a QF, by commiuing itself to sell to an electric utility, also commits the electric utility to buy from the QF; these commitments result either in contacts or in non-contractual, but binding, legally enforceable obligations." Virginia Electric and Power Co., 151 FERC fl 61,038, P 25 (2015). This Commission has implemented the LEO rule to uphold the rights of the QF to the rates in effect prior to the date of execution of the written agreement, especially in cases like the present case where both parties agree that all material terms were agreed to prior to the date of the rate change. See Re Approval of a Firm Energt Sales Agreement with Yellowstone Power SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 - PAGE 4 Company, Case No. IPC-E-10-22,Order No. 32104, at12 (2010). InYellowstone Power,the Commission approved an executed agreement containing rates that expired prior to execution of the agreement despite "the apparent lack of any written documentation . . . evidencing that the terms of a power purchase agreement were materially complete [before the rate changel." Id. (emphasis in original). The Commission did so because the QF had familiarity with the standard terms of Idaho Power's power purchase agreements and both parties agreed as to the material terms of the agreement prior to the effective date of the rate change. Id.; see also FERC v. Idaho PUC, Case 1:13-cv-00141-EJL-REB, Doc. No.49-1 (D. Ct. Id., Dec. 24,2013) (memorandum of understanding agreeing that a LEO may predate the execution of a contract) This Commission has also looked to the maturity of the project and level of commitrnent of the QF developer to completion of the project in detennining whether to approve the use of pre-existing rates. See In the Matter of Cassia Wind to Determine Exemption Status, Case No. IPC-E-05-35, OrderNo. 29954, 2-4 (2006). For example,inCassia Wind,the Commission found that a QF was entitled to pre-existing rates based on the maturity of development of project when it had merely submitted a completed application for interconnection study, including the applicable fee, and had performed wind studies, commenced preliminary permitting and licensing activities, and made efforts to secure sites to place turbines. Id. Notably, FERC's recently issued Order No. 872 reaffirmed its prior LEO precedent and confirmed that a QF may be entitled to previously effective avoided costs in the absence of an executed written contract. Although that new rule is not effective yet, FERC's commentary is insffuctive here. See Qualifying Facility Rates and Requirements; Implementation Issues lJnder the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, OrderNo. 872, 172 FERC fl 61,041, at P 685 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 _ PAGE 5 (July 16, 202q.r That new rule adopts a more onerous LEO standard than previously existed by requiring the QF to demonstrate commercial viability and financial commiftnent to construct the facility to create a LEO, through such steps as obtaining site control, applying for all local permitting and zoning, and applying for interconnection. Id. But FERC clarified the state cannot require the QF to receive interconnection studies, id., and "[o]btaining a PPA or financing cannot be required to show proof of financial commitment." Id. at P 687. Coleman Hydro unquestionably satisfies even the more stringent test recently created for commercial viability, which FERC created to "rais[e] the bar to prevent speculative QFs from obtaining LEOs," id. at P 688, even though that new test does not apply yet. However, OrderNo. 872 is also notable for its assessment of the current state of the law. In explaining its new commercial viability rule, FERC listed the following requirements that it has previously found to be inconsistent with the LEO rule. Those unlawful LEO requirements included: "a requirement for a utility's execution of an interconnection agreement or power purchase agreement, or requiring that QFs file aformal complaint with the state commission, or limiting LEOs to only those QFs capable of supplying firm power, or requiring the QF to be able to deliver power in 90 days." Id. atPP 689-90 (emphasis added) (footrotes omitted). In so explaining, FERC specifically cited Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC,142 FERC fl 61,187, atP 40 (2013), for the proposition that requiring the QF to file a complaint to establish a LEO is unlawful. In sum, therefore, FERC has reiterated that requiring a QF to obtain a fully executed power purchase agreement or to file a complaint at the state commission are not lawful prerequisites to creation of a LEO, and are instead unreasonable barriers to amicable contract formation by a QF and a utility. I Order No. 872 states that the new rules become effective 120 days after publication of the Order in the Federal Register. Id. atP 753. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 - PAGE 6 B. The Commission Should Approve the Energy Sales Agreement Executed by Coleman Hydro and Idaho Power containing the Order No.34350 Rates In this case, under any fair application of the above LEO criteria, Coleman Hydro created a LEO prior to June 1, 2020, andthe Commission should approve the Energy Sales Agreement as executed and submitted by Idaho Power in this proceeding. As noted above, the Energy Sales Agreement was fully negotiated prior to the rate change. Coleman Hydro's representative, Jordan Whittaker, understood that Idaho Power and Coleman Hydro had completed negotiation of the Energy Sales Agreement, including the rates contained therein, and both parties were committed to that agreement prior to June 1, 2020. Idaho Power's Reply Comments state that the only element absent at the time of the June I rate change was the actual signatures on the Energy Sales Agreement, which occurred on June 8, and June 19, 2020, and,Mr. Whittaker agrees with that assessment. Whittaker Declaration at fl 9. As Mr. Whittaker explains, "[b]oth parties had resolved all material terms before June I and all that remained was the actual signatures on the written agreement." Id. atfl 10. All that remained to be done as of the last days before the rate change occurring on June 1,2020, was the mere "formality of executing the written agreement, including the rates, to which both parties had previously agreed." Id. atl Il. Furthermore, this Commission has previously acknowledged that pre-existing rates should apply in the case where the facility has matured to the level that demonstrates the QF's commitrnent to the project, and Coleman Hydro unquestionably satisfies such test. The developers have expended $2.35 million dollars in development of the facility and are merely awaiting the funding and commencement of Idaho Power's construction of the interconnection until the assurance of this Commission's approval of the Energy Sales Agreement. Id. at flfl 4-8. Staff s Comments recommend against use of the Order No. 34350 rates. According to Staff s Comments, a "QFs cannot lock-in a certain rate until the QF has: (l) signed to sell at that SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 _PAGE7 rate, or (2) a meritorious complaint alleging the project is mature and the QF has attempted and failed to negotiate a contract with the utility; that is, there would be a contract but for the utility's conduct." Snff's Comments at3-4. Without the benefit of the additional facts supplied in Idaho Power's Reply Comments and these Supplemental Comments, Staff s Comments concluded that "the Company's proposed published avoided cost rates for the ESA - the old rates set by Order No. 34350 - are unavailable because the ESA was fully executed and effective after the new rates took effect on June 1,2020 per Order No. 34683.- Id. at 4. Coleman Hydro respectfully disagrees with Staff s conclusion, which was not fully informed by the additional facts supplied with these Supplemental Comments. As noted above, the requirement that a QF obtain an executed contract prior to the rate change or file a complaint against the utility is not a lawful test under FERC's precedent. OrderNo. 872, t72 FERC fl 6I,04l,at PP 689-90. Furthermore, the complaint requirement has no reasonable applicability to the facts in this case where both the QF and the utility agreed,prior to the rate change, which rates would apply to the finally executed written agreement. In other words, there would have been no basis for Coleman Hydro to file a complaint in light of its understanding - which was mutually held by Idaho Power - that the parties both agreed that there was nothing left to negotiate or dispute and the Order No. 34350 rates would apply. The parties' inability to execute the written agreement prior to June l, 2020, even though both parties had approved it for signature by May 27,2020, was due to the parties' physical separation, the resulting need to mail the document back and forth, and likely further delayed by ongoing remote working conditions caused by a global pandemic. Under the facts of this case, it would be unjust to deny Coleman Hydro - which has already expended $2.35 million to develop its small hydro facility - of the benefits of the Energy Sales Agreement that Idaho Power agreed SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 _ PAGE 8 to execute and submit for approval. Accordingly, Coleman Hydro respectfully requests that the Commission approve the agreement as submitted by Idaho Power with the Order No. 34350 rates. CONCLUSION For the reasons set forth above, Coleman Hydro requests that the Commission approve the Energy Sales Agreement containing the Order No. 34350 rates, as submitted for approval by Idaho Power in this proceeding. Respectfully submitted this 21.1day of August2020, RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC Greoorv Iv{ A Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) 515 N.27ft Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@ichardsonadams.com peter@ichardsonadams.com Afforneys for Complainant Coleman Hydroelectric, LLC SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRIC, LLC IPC-E-20-27 _ PAGE 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY certit/ that I have on this 21st day of August 2020, served the foregoing Supplemental Comments of Coleman Hydroelectric,LLC and Declaration of Jordan Whittaker in Case IPC-E-20-27, by electronic mail to the following: JanNoriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov Donovan Walker Regulatory Dockets PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopow er. com dockets@idahopower. com John R. Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 j ohn.hammond@puc. idaho. gov Energy Contacts Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 energycontracts@idahopower. com Bv: Gresorv M. Adams Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF COLEMAN HYDROELECTRTC, LLC LPC-E-20-27 - PAGE 10 Oregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson 0SB No. 3195) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27m Street Boise,Idalro 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@richardsonadams. com peter@ichardsonadams. com Attomeys for Coleman Hydroelectric, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMTSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH COLEMAN HYDROELECTzuC LLC, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRTC ENERGY FROM THE COLEMAN HYDRO PROJECT DECLARATION OF JORDAN WHITTAKER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I, Jordan Whittaker, declare under the penalty of perjury as follows: l. This declaration is based on my personal knowledge and, if called to testi$ to the following facts, I could and would competently do so. I submit this declaration in sripport of Coleman Hydroelectric, LLC's rcquest that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (.'IPUC" or "Commission") approve the Energy Sales Agreemcnt submitted by lde*ro Power Company ("ldaho Power") in this proceeding. 2. I am one of the developers of the hydroelectric facility at issue in this proceeding (the "Coleman Hydro Project"), which is owned by Coleman Hydroelectric, LLC. 3. The Coleman Hydro Project is a planned hydroelectric project that will use the motive force of an existing irrigation pipeline, the LTC-Tyler pipeline, running to inigation }ECLARATION OF JORDAN WHITTAKER IPC.E-20.27 - PAGE I ditches, near Leadore, Idaho, in Lemhi County. The Coleman Hydro Project would harnEss the waterpowor from the LTC-Tyler pipeline and would operate only during the inigation season when the pipeline is used to deliver water to irrigators. Currently, the pipeline supplies water to a ditch" and the power potential is thus wasted. The Coleman Hydro Project would divert a portion of the water from the terminus of the pipeline to convey it under pressure to a new powerhouse containing a Pelton turbine and generator with a capacity of 750 kW. Water leaving the powerhouse would continue to be used for inigation purposes. The project will be located on a mnch owned by my famity and would use existing water rights, and therefore site control and water rights are already secured" 4. The Coleman Hydro Project is in an advanced stage of development. Before the June l, 2020 effective date of the avoided cost rate change at issue in this proceeding, I and the other developers of the Coleman Hydro Project had taken a number of steps to commit to the development of the project, which include: a. We installed six miles of 24-inch penstock in May 2018 ttrough October 2018; b. We purchased the turbine, generator, and switch gear on or before the summer of 2019, and all of these critical project components are awaiting installation; c. We completed all cement work for the powerhouse in August 2019, and the powerhouse itself was constructed between December 2019 and May 2020; and d. We have commenced construction of the privately owned $egmonts of the interconnection powerline, and it is almost completed. DECLARATION OF JORDAN WHITTAKER IPC-8.20.27 - PAGE 2 5' Attachod in Exhibit t to this Declaration are photographs ofths powerhouse and scveml itsns of above-rpftrenccd equiprnent. 6. Additionally, on April l,20l9,the Fedaal Energy Rceutaiory Commission iesued a later stating that the project meets the criteria of a quali$ing conduit hydropower facility cxempt from licersing under section 30(a) of the Fodcral power Act. 7. We have also procoeded through the interconnection study process to the point of being offered a Generator lntcrconnection Agreement. Upon execution of *rc Gcuerator Interconnection Agreement, we must fimd a deposit for inrcrsonnection consrrucdon of approximately $300,000. Unlike the other expendifi,res to date that were madc out,of-poeket with furds of the developers of the Coleman Hydro Project, this $300,000 expenditure for interconnection construction will be secured by third-parry financing, and we are waiting to securc such finaneing until afterthe Commission approves the Energy Sales Agremeat, We plan to rnove forward with such financing and the interconnection construction promptly upon Commission approval of the Energy Sales Agreement. 8. In total, I estimate that as of June l,2021,the developers ofthe Coleman Hydro Project had expended the $2,350,000 in the development efforts set furth above. 9. I have reviewed the timeline of events set forth in the Reply Comments of ldaho Power, filed on August 13,2A20, regarding the negotiation of the Energy Sales Agreemcnt. Idaho Power's description ofthe events leading the Energy Sales Agreement are generally consistent with my resollection of those events. To summariT-qwe initialty completed the Schedule 73 application for the project's current configuration and submitted it to Idaho power on May 8,2019. In subsequent discussions, we revised the proposed Scheduled Operation DaIe to May l,202l,clarified that we sought the seasonat hydropower rates, and provided additional DECLARATION OT JORDAN WHITTAKER IPC.E-20.27 _ PAGE 3 information rrquestod for ttn pwposc of somplaing thc agrcGmcnt by ldaho Powet'l rcNcnhtivc. Jury Jrdine. We had tgrccd to all teims and condition* of ths Encrgy Saler Agmunurf and communicated to ldaho Powcr \rt wcrt rcrdy for cxccution on or nbout Mry 19, A0!0. whieh is &e lrrt drtc of communiertion on ldaho Power's list of evcnu. 10. As of May 19" t020, I underctsod that wo had complaed nogotiation of ths Eneqy Srtus Agrccment, including thc nates containd thercin, and both partier wcrc committcd ro that agrcqncnt. lddro PowEr's Reply Commcnts statc that thc only clcmcnt absqnt tl thc time of the June I rato change ums the actual signaturcs on the ESA, which occuncd or Junc 8, and Junc lg, ?020. I uSrce that both parties had rcsolvcd atl mateiialtcrmr bcforo Junc I and all thal renrained was the achral signatwts on the uritten ageement. I l. Idaho Powcr's Rcply Commcnts state thnt ldnho FowEr sont thc cxecutablc Encrgr Sales fureoment to Coteman Hydm on May 27,2020. I would dd that ldaho Power ssnt tlre document to us in papcr format via the mail, not email, and I eannot confirm the precise dute ldaho Power placed it in the mail. To the best of my recolloction, I sxscutcd a$[ccment upon receipt on Junc 8, 2020, and I mailed it back to ldaho Powcr for its cxecution, I under*ood this to be a formality ol'executing thc written agrsement, including the rates, to which both parties had prcviously a$ted. I hereby declare that the above slstements arc true to the best of my knowledge ud belief, and that I understand they arc made for use a$ cvidence in the ldatro Public Utilities Commission and alt subject to penalty of perjury. DATED this llltday of August 2020. Whitlaker DECLARATIOI.; OF JORDAN WHII-IAKER IPC-8.20.27. PAGE 4 By EXHIBIT 1 Generator Exhibit 1 Page 1 of6 Larse Valve Exhibit I Page2 of 6 *. Exhibit I Page 3 of6 Powerhouse Exhibit I Page 4 of6 Tail Race/Powerhouse Exhibit 1 Page 5 of6 Private Power Line Exhibit 1 Page 6 of6