HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200727Petition to Intervene.pdf.-1 ;r.;t\rEf'!l-'-L-t-!i5 I t L.|J ittl iiil 2? fi|l S: h I Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau,Idatro 83604 Telephone: 208.959.2057 buyhay@gmail.com IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COIvIPANY, S APPLICATION FO RAUTT'IORITY TO MODIFY SCHEDULE 84'S METERING REQUIRLMENT AND TO GRAIqDFATI{ER EXISTING CUSTOMERS WITH TWO METERS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBI,IC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.IPC.E.2O-26 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RUSSELL SCHIERMEIER COMES NOW, Russell Schiermeier hereinafter referred to as "lntervenor," and pursuant to this Commission's Rulcs of Procedure, Rule 7l IDAPA hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene herein and to appear and participate herein as a party, and as grounds therefore states as follows: l. The name and address of this Intervenor is Russcll Schiermcier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, Idaho 83604 Telephone: (208) 989-2057 bu)'har '(gq14il,conr Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders and other documents should be provided to Russell Schiermeicr as noted above. 2. This Intervenor. Russell Schiermeier owns aurd operates farming operations in Ow1'hee County, Idaho that currently host several net metering and potential nct metering sites. Therefore. Russell Schiermeier claims a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding in that terms and conditions for the continued and potential operation of his net metering operations may be aftbcted by the outcome of this proceeding. 3. This lntervenor intends to participate herein as a party, and if necessary, to introduce evidence, cncss-exaanine witrresses, call and examine witresses, and be heard in argr.ment- The nature and quality of evidence wtrich this Intervenor will introduce is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding- 4. Without the opportunity to intervene herein, this Intervenor would be without any means of participation in this proceeding which may have a material impact on their ability to net meter electrical production. WHEREFORE, Russell Schiermeier respectfully requests that this Commission grant his Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and participate in all matters as may be necessary and appropriate; and to present evidence, call and examine witnesses, present argument and to otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. DATED thiS S"l) 2020 tPC-E-20-26 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 2? day _:rtc, 2020, a tnre and correct copy of the within and foTegoing PETITION TO INTERVENE BY RLISSELL SCHEIRMEIER in DocKet No. IPC.E. 20-26 was served electronically to: Electronic mail only (See Orrder 34602) The Idaho Conselation Leegue: Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservalion League 710 N. 6th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 bottof@ idahoconservation.org The ldaho lrigation P"mpers Association: Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6l 19 Pocatello,Idaho 83205 Email : elo(a)echoha*t, com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewoo4 Ohto 44107 Email tony@yankel.net Idrho Power Compeny: LisaNordstrom Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise,Idatro 83702 lnordstrom @idahopower. com ttatum,?)idahooower. cortt cashenbrenner@idahoporryer.com do c kets (Lt id aho pou'er. c o m Idaho Public Utilities Commirsion: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Coramission 472 Wcst trlashinston Stnoet Boisc,ID 83702 Diane.hanian@puc.idatro. gov IPC-E-2O-26