HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210121Lynch Supplemental Declaration.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Cregory M. Adams ISB No. 7454 Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 pe te r,fg| 5i c h4 r{songd ams. c o nr grcgfqri c h ardsonadanr s.conr Attorneys for the Black Mesa Energy, LLC BETORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION , . 1,1t.. i: iV i:i; ',,,.:-,ii iHg,Ls ,,.':'- l.;:;ti-::-; ,- ,. ,_,_.r.,irr,i;i: li;', BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC Complainant, Vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. CASE NO. IPC-8.20.17 SUPPLEMENTAL DECI,ARATION OF BRIAN LYNCH IN SUPPORT OF BLACK MESA ENERCY, LLC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I, Brian Lynch, declare under the penalty of perjury as follows: l. This supplemental declaration is based on my personal knowledge and, if called to testify to the following facts, I could and would competently do so. 2. I submit this supplemental declaration in support of Black Mesa Energy, LLC's ("Black Mesa") Motion for Summary Judgement before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") requesting that the Commission find that Black Mesa has formed two legally enforceable obligations committing ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") to purchase the net output of the Black Mesa Energy I storage qualifying facility and the Black Mesa Energy 2 energy storage qualifying facility as more fully explained in its Motion for Summary Judgment fited in this docket. SUPPLMENTAL DECLARATION OF BRIAN LYNCH IN SUPPORT OF BLACK MESA'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDCMENT IPC-E-20-17 -- PACE l 3. I incorporate herein by reference all of the factualassertions mads in my original declaration dated as of December 11,2020, 4. ln its brief in this matter ("Commission Brief') the Staffof the tdaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') stated that: ln summary, the Company did not provide an indicative pricing proposal. Instead, Idaho Power alleged deficiencies and petitioned the Commission to prospectively establish an energy storage category of QFs within ldaho's implementation of PURPA. Black Mesa responded to the deficiencies (the contents ofthe response not appearing on the record at this time), but didn't subsequently receive confirmation from the company that the defi c ienc ies were addressed. Commission Stafls Brief at p. 13. 5. Attached hereto is a true and correct copy of Black Mesa's response referenced by the Commission Staffwhich is dated February 4,2020 and which was emailed to ldaho Power on that date. Also attached is a true and correct copy of the transmittal email that accompanied the February 4,2020, response referenced in the Staff s Brief. 6. Idaho Power has never responded to Black Mesa's correction to ldaho Power's assertion that there was an alleged deficiency in its Schedule 73 Applications. I declare undcr penalty ofperjury pursuant to the law ofthe State of ldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED this 20 day of January 2021. Bv:Brian Lynch RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC SUPPLMENTAL DECLARA'TION OF BRIAN LYNCH IN SUPPORT OF BLACK MESA'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDCMENT IPC-E.2o.I7 -- PAGE2 Peter J. Richardson (lSB No. 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 peter@ richardsonadam s.com greg@ric hardonadams.com Attomeys for Complainant Black Mesa Energy, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC, Complainant, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. IPC-E-20-17 vs.SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF BRIAN LYNCH TN SUPPORT OF BLACK MESA ENERCY, LLC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDCMENT IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT I Subject: Re: Black Mesa Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at8;25:22 AM Mountain Standard Time From: Brian Lynch To: Darrington, Michael CC: Walker, Donovan, Polito, Michael, Wilson, Toby, Matt Garlinghouse Attachments: Sched ule 73 Response 2.5.20. pdf, image001.jpg Michael- Attached please find our response to your letter. Brian From: "Darrington, Michael" <MDarrington@idahopower.com> Date: Monday, February 3,2O2O at 7:44 AM To: Brian Lynch <blynch@ redwoodenergy.com> Cc: "Walker, Donovan" <DWalker@ldahopower.com>, "Polito, Michael" <MPolito@idahopower.com>, "Wilson, Toby" <TWilson @ idahopower.com> Subject: RE: Black Mesa Brian, Please see ldaho Powert letter, attached to this email, in response to your Schedule 73 Applications and your letter received on January 27,2020. ful rcfiot*: i Dl.l rringti:a ldaho Power I Power Supply tllrrrlr 208-388-5946 F.yl a r l, I l,,ir!{i Ln gtg_ll i f l !J i.:{i t,-l p_e\ye_r.ip ril From: Brian Lynch <blynch@redwoodenergy.com> Sent: Monday, January 27,2020 5:11AM To: Energy Contracts <LOC_EnergyContracts@idahopower.com> Cc: Darington, MichaelcMDarrington@idahopower.com>; Walker, Donovan <DWalker@ldahopower.com> Subject IEXTERNAL] Black Mesa KEEP IDAHO POWER SECUREI External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Page 1 of 2 Wednesda9 lanuary 20,2O2l at 11:O3:21 Mountain Standard Time Please see the attached. Brian Lynch Managing Principal urvlsn6'sa*s$dnetsv,c; 310,750.7796 IDAHO POWER LEGAT DISCTAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exernpt from disclosure under applicable law. lf you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTIY PROHIBITED. tf you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. ?ate2ol2 BLACK MESA ENERCY, LLC MB MEZZDEV, I,I-C PO BOX 273 t PAI,OS VERDES, CA90274 b Iy Ir; I r.lr. i',:,J i.vugtl:rtrtlg\, corn February 4,2020 Re Black Mesa Energy l, LLC Black Mesa Energy, 2,LLC Frederic Energy, l, LLC Frederic Energy 2, LLC Michael Darrington: This is in response to your letter of February 3,2A20, in which you state that the Schedule 73 Applications for the above referenced QFs are deficient. As you know, Idaho Power is obligated, pursuant to Schedule 73, to provide indicative pricing and proposed contract terms and conditions within ten business days from the date on which the QF has provided all of the information requested in section I .a ofl Schedule 73. Conversely, if ldaho Power determines that the QF has not "provided sufficient information as required in Section I .a," then the Company is obligated to provide written notice of said deficiency - also within a ten-business day timeframe. According to your letter, the above referenced QFs submitted "deficient" Schedule 73 requests. The first paragraph in your letter under the heading "Applications' Deficiency" concluded with this sentence: "The schedule of estimated deliveries provided with your application appear to have the same output shape as that of a solar project." Although your observation in this regard may be accurate, it does not allege (nor even infer) a deficiency. Therefore, we have no choice but to treat this observation for what it is, a mere observation and not an assertion of a deficiency. The second (and only other) paragraph under the heading of "Applications' Deficiency" points out several minor discrepancies between the output spreadsheet provided to ldaho Power pursuant to Schedule 73 and the output described in the projects' Form 556. You conclude this second paragraph with the request that the projects "provide an hourly generation profile consistent with the capability of your proposed battery storage facility that represents the generation output you intend to deliver." Your request suggests that you have rejected (or at best, ignored) our submission of the 8,760 hourly spreadsheets submitted with our Schedule 73 applications. Those spreadsheets do contain our "hourly generation profiles that are consistent with the capability of our proposed battery storage facilities that we intend to deliver."l Your I lt may be helpful for ldaho Power to understand that Schedule 73 only requests an "estimate" of the hourly output, and that FERC Form 556 only rcquests a "nominal" description of the electrical output of the proposed facility. classification of our estimated hourly deliveries as a deficiency in the Schedule 73 Applications is therefore m isplaced. Because you have not, in fact, even alleged a deficiency in our Schedule 73 Applications, we expect the Company to promptly acknowledge its intent to comply with the letter, as well as the intent, of Schedule 73 and to tender terms, conditions and rates for our four proposed contracts within fiye business days from today. Your letter also discusses various court orders and alleged legal precedents that appear to be well beyond the immediate scope of our interaction with ldaho Power - which of course has to do with the Company's failure to comply with its Schedule 73 requirement to tender terms, conditions and contract rates within ten business days of receipt of our competed application. With regard to these other issues you raise, we are confident the ldaho PUC will abide by both its federal and state legal obligations with respect to its duties under PURPA. Sincerely, rian Lynch Managing Member CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 2lst of January 202l,atrue and correct oopy of the within and foregoing SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF BRIAN LYNCH in DocketNo. IPC-E-20-17 was served, pursuant to Commission Order No.34602, exclusively via electronic mailto: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Eward J. Jewell, Deputy Attomey General i an.noriy uki(}prBidabo.gqy E"_ dwgrd j eJe I I @pqc. i daho.gAy Idaho Power Company Donovan Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company d walks*0 rdqhopp w cr.co m r!eg.kct{a}idatlell-plugl:eem b I RICHARDSON ADAMS. PLLC SUPPLMENTAL DECLARATION OF BRIAN LYNCH IN SUPPORT OF BLACK MESA'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT IPC.E.2O.I7 .. PAGE I