HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201113Motion to Reinstate.pdfPeter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Richardson Adams, PLLC 5f 5 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 oe ter@ric h ard son a &ums. cqm* Attorney s for Complainant Black Mesa Energy, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ll I Pll=\i";-::.r,-:iVr;i-J i;;iiiHtY i3 *Hlf: li Case No. IPC-E'20'17 BI"ACK MESA ENERGY, LLC'S MOTION TO REINSTATE BRIEFING SCHEDULE ,: a 1,.:' !j.;-1 :: I 'i .;il ;:",.- -.' ..,"ii'1 nr,r.:;.: .. -'lil 1ii*\ritl*rl"'i BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC, Complainant, vs IDAHO POWER COMPANNT, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I INTBODUCTION 2 COMES NOW, Black Mesa Enerry, LLC ("Black Mesa") and respectfully 3 moves the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or "Idaho Commission"), 4 pursuant to Administrative Rule and Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure 5 56(d and (c), to reinstate the briefrng schedule in the above captioned matter. The 6 original briefing schedule was stayed pursuant to the Commission's Order No. 7 34747 issued on August 5,2020. 8 Idaho Power Company and Black Mesa have utilized the additional time 9 provided by the Commission's stay of the original briefing schedule to engage in l0 settlement discussions. Those discussions have now concluded with no definitive IPC.E.2O.I7 - BLAC]K MESA E,NERGY, LLC'S MOT1ON'TO REINSTATE BRIEITINC SCHEDULE PAGE I I resolution, therefore Idaho Power and Black Mesa respectfully, and jointly, request 2 lhe Commission reinstate a briefing schedule in this matter. 3 Idaho Power and Black Meea jointly propose the following brie{ing dates, the 4 timeframes for which roughly parallel the timeframes in the Commission's original 5 briefrng schedule that was set pursuant to Order No. 34715 issued on JuIy 10, 2020: 6 December t4,2O2O, - Blaek Mesa Initial Brief 7 January lL,zOZL,Idaho Power Reply Brief 8 January 21,2021, Black Mesa Rebuttal Brief 9 B1ack Mesa and Idaho Power have both reviewed and concur in this request. l0 Therefore, Black Mesa respectfully requests the Commission lift the stay and I I establish the above briefing schedule in this matter. Respectfully submitted this 13th day of November 2O2O. RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC Peter J.(ISB No. 31e5) IPC-E-20-I7 - BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC'S MOTION TO REINSTATE BRIEFING SCHEDULE PAGE 2 CERTIEICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY certify that I have on this 13th day of November, 2020, served the foregoing MOTION TO REINSTATE BRIEFING SCHEDULE in Case IPC-E-20'17, by electronic mail to the following: Jan Noriyuki Idaho PUC Secretary J an. noriyuki(d.n uc. idaho. gov Edward Jewell, Deputy Attorney General Edward.iewell@nuc.idaho. gov Donovan Walker Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company dwalken@idahopower.com docket@idahopower.com t Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) IPC-E-20-I7 _ BLACK MESA ENERCY, LLC'S MOTTON TO RETNSTATE BRIEFING SCHEDULE PAGE 3