HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200729Motion to Stay.pdfITEOEIV&E ?fi?0 JUL 29 Alt ll: 25Peter J. fuchardson (lSB No. 3 I 95 ) Cregory M. Adams (lSB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 5 l5 N. 27tr Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 peter@richardsonadams.com greg@richardonadams.com Attomey s for Complainant Black Mesa Energy, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION iii:.rtH#iBe* BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLL, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. Case No. IPC-E-20- l7 BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC'S MOTION TO STAY BRIEFINC SCHEDULE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )'I I 2 COMES NOW, Black Mesa Energy, LLC ("Black Mesa") and respectfully moves the 3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or "ldaho Commission"), pursuant to Administrative 4 Rule 3 1.01.01 .56 and ldaho Rules of Civil Procedure 56(a) and (c), to suspend the briefing 5 schedule in the above captioned matter. Said briefing schedule currently calls for Black Mesa to 6 file its opening brief on August 6, 2020, and for [daho Power to file its reply bdefby September 7 3,2020. Order No. 34715. The parties are currently engaged in discussions that could obviate 8 thc need for further briefing. However, those discussions are not anticipated to be conclusive 9 within the time frame allowed for in the current briefing schedule. Therefore, Black Mesa l0 respectfully requests that thc Commission stay the bricfing schedule until further noticed by l l either Black Mesa or Idaho Power. Idaho Powcr has reviewed and concurs in this request. IPC-E-2o-I7 _ BLACK MESA ENERCY, LLC'S MOTION TO STAY BRIEFING SCHEDULE PAGE I I Thercforc, Black Meea rcapoctfully rcqosts lhe Cunnissioil stey the brisfing schodule in 2 this msttcr. Roapectfirlly subnrited this 29h day ofJuly 2020. RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC ( Potcr r. Richrnlgd (IllB No. 3195) IPGE-20.I7 _ BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC'S MOTION TO STAY BRIEFING SCHEDI,JLE PAGE 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY certify that I have on this 29th day ofJuly, 2020, served the forcgoing MOTION TO STAY BRIEFING SCHEDULE in Case IPC-E-20-17, by electonic mail to the following: Diane Hanian Idaho PUC Secretary Diane.hanian@ouc.idaho. gov Edward Jewell, Deputy Attomey General Edwerd jewell@ouc. idaho. gov Donovan Walker Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company dwalke@idahopower.com dockets(didahooower.com C cxo Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) IPC.E.2O-I7 - BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC'S MOTION TO STAY BRIEFINC SCHEDULE PACE 3