HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221109Comments(7)_7.pdfFrom:Jonathan Hoopes (jon.hoop.es@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Tuesday, November 8, 2022 7:05:27 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Because hyper-local green energy generation is a fundamental part of our carbon reduced energy independence especially with the future of electric cars. Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, Jonathan Hoopes 5373 N Mitchum Ave Meridian , ID 83646 jon.hoop.es@gmail.com (801) 810-4143 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Pat Campbell (pat_campbell@rocketmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Tuesday, November 8, 2022 10:38:06 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Rooftop solar generation has been proven to lower generation costs for utilities. It's vital to create incentives to encourage private investment. A fair compensation structure assures adoption and lower costs for all. Thank you Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, Pat Campbell 7767 W Bearcreek Ct Boise, ID 83704 pat_campbell@rocketmail.com (208) 859-6711 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:John Jackson (jackson_david_john@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Tuesday, November 8, 2022 10:40:00 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am a solar generation home and would like to see a fair rate where everyone wins not just one side or the other, but fair for all parties. If that can't be done then we need change within the state of Idaho. Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, John Jackson 11156 W Ashburton Dr Boise, ID 83709 jackson_david_john@yahoo.com (208) 473-1811 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Ted Patterson (tpatterson@glitchdr.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Wednesday, November 9, 2022 8:26:05 AM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, My name is Ted Patterson and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Boise, ID. I am a Idaho native and hope to live here for the remainder of my life. Economies of scale can work to our advantage. However, as Adam Smith warned, monopolists do need to be held in check. I urge you to reject the Idaho Power VODER study because it is flawed in any number of areas as pointed out in the Crossborder Energy study. I believe that the VODER study under estimates the impact of climate change on Idaho Powers generation capacity. Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, Ted Patterson 105 E. Bridgewater Ct. Boise, ID 83706 tpatterson@glitchdr.com (208) 863-7755 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:David Greenland (dgreenland12@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Wednesday, November 9, 2022 2:54:31 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, In a world full of fake news, it's important to have accurate data when making decisions. Idaho Power has an inherent bias, so we should expect their data to show that bias. Reviewing data without that bias is necessary to get an accurate and full picture. Residents generating their own energy with rooftop solar is a good thing for the environment and the economy. It would be tragic to disincentivize that based on skewed data. Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, David Greenland 4774 S Choctaw Ave Boise, ID 83709 dgreenland12@yahoo.com (208) 407-8420 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Wednesday, November 9, 2022 4:00:07 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Donna Hutchison Submission Time: Nov 9 2022 3:20PMEmail: donnalynn9@gmail.com Telephone: 208-999-9999Address: 16733 London Park Place Nampa, ID 83651 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have concerns over the changes to the on-site generation compensation structure. We purchased our solar system in 2021. The current structure was factored into our decision to install solar panels. It was a large investment for us but based upon our analysis, we determined that while we may pay more for power over 25 years which included the system and our monthly fees. It would be worth it over the long run and to support alternative energy sources. With the proposed changes, we would not have installed a solar system as it would significantly reduce the value of the system while increasing costs for our family. Please consider the elimination of the proposal or extending the grandfathering timeline to any installation prior to the enactment of the proposed change. We felt like we entered into an agreement with the state of Idaho, the power company and the solar company and then were given a bait/switch about the importance of solar. Thank you for your consideration. " ------ From:Pamela Fish (psfish.fish61@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Wednesday, November 9, 2022 4:55:55 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We had solar panels on our home in the central valley of California for years. We were able to produce power that was sent up-line to PGandE's power grid. Those who sold and installed the panels benefited, we benefited (saved substantially on our electricity usage bills), and PGandE benefited by the additional power available to customers, especially in the hot summer months. We feel Idaho PUC needs to do a deep study of the Idaho Power's claims that solar does not benefit the average Idaho citizen. Please do be very transparent on this issue. We citizens are watching. Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, Pamela Fish 2165 N 2475 E Twin Falls, ID 83301 psfish.fish61@gmail.com (206) 595-7691 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500.