HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221108Comment(1)_1.pdfFrom:Georgia Konkoly (gjkonkoly@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Comment Date:Tuesday, November 8, 2022 10:45:04 AM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am a 77 year old woman living on a fixed retirement income. I had solar panels installed as a means of saving on my utility bills. An increase in what I have to pay Idaho Power will significantly impact my ability to pay my bills and purchase food! It scares me to think I might have to make a choice between keeping warm and eating! Please look carefully at the independent study conducted by Crossborder Energy, which points out several shortcomings in Idaho Power's own study on the costs and benefits of customer-owned rooftop solar. Idaho Power will use this study to justify trying to reduce compensation rates to solar owners. To arrive at fair rates, we first need a fair study. Crossborder's study states, "We conclude that Idaho Power?s choice of assumptions and calculation methods significantly undervalue the five components that the utility quantified. We present our own calculations of an ECR with these five elements. In addition, the VODER Study fails to quantify important benefits of distributed solar that the Commission directed the utility to analyze in Order No. 35284 -- benefits that are known and measurable, will impact rates, and will benefit Idaho ratepayers and citizens.? Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair and complete analysis. I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study and look to Crossborder's study as a more accurate measure of the value (to ALL ratepayers) of customer-owned solar power. Sincerely, Georgia Konkoly 3790 S lone Pine Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 gjkonkoly@gmail.com (760) 815-3899 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500.