HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220817Comments(7)_7.pdfFrom:Amanda Grant (angrant@email.wm.edu) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Tuesday, August 16, 2022 4:26:17 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Amanda Grant 1414 Ponderosa St, #3167 McCall, ID 83638 angrant@email.wm.edu (804) 380-6076 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Margaret Coahran (mcoahran@frontier.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Tuesday, August 16, 2022 7:22:08 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I want to see as much solar power as possible. Clean renewable energy is the way of the future. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Margaret Coahran PO Box 8664 Moscow, ID 83843 mcoahran@frontier.com (208) 882-8342 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Wednesday, August 17, 2022 3:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Allyson Sander Submission Time: Aug 17 2022 2:27PMEmail: Sandersis17@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-407-6595Address: 1050 IRONSIDE BOISE, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am very dissapointed by the apparent underhandedness of Idaho power and the Idaho Public Utilites Commision in regards to their solar. I purchased solar with the intention of it providing me with enough energy to suit my needs and allow it to pay for itself. Now with this study that was so full of misdirection, the letter that did not provide clear statements as to the intent, and the fact that this page was so difficult to find seems intent of robbing me of my investment. The cost of the power genereated is the cost accoring to the use or the charge, if you want to make those cost for the buildings, customer care, etc add it as a separate fee on everyones monthly bill. Do not short change the customers who are providing you with extra energy while they themselves are having to sustain the cost for the equipment, land, and use. furthermore these actions will act as disincentive for those who may be interested in solar as the savings cost would not be able to be accurately established or would even make it so that they would not be intereseted in installing solar. the fact that the letter was so vague this site hard to find and submit feed back for indicates that you are more interested in making arbritray decisions and not interested in feedback. Did you even send the letter to non solar cutsomers? this info needs to be clear as to your intent, sent to all idaho power customers, and then gather their feedback. people who may be thinking about going solar would have had no imput in this decision. I am mantaining the cost of the facility to produce solar, I am the one producing power that I am selling to you at your rate. I am my own customer service when you approach my house to read the meter and in my interactions with you. this seems like you are taking something and making it a non issue while trying to pinch pennies and not pay people what they are worth while trying to be the good guy. I am happy with the service as is and see no need to change it. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject:Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Wednesday, August 17, 2022 7:00:27 AM The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Germaine Howson Submission Time: Aug 16 2022 9:18PMEmail: gghowson@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-585-4270Address: 202 Sandra St Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Contacted Utility: No Comment: "I would like to request that you hold in-person public hearings, regarding rooftop solar, in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. Thank you" ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Wednesday, August 17, 2022 7:00:08 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Anabel Lopez Submission Time: Aug 16 2022 7:52PMEmail: anabel_manchester@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-869-3809Address: 2339 W Spring Mountain Dr Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Blue Raven Solar and Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I DO NOT support Idaho Power trying to change the current Solar Energy program. It should be a benefit to people trying to use clean energy, not a punishment. " ------ Name: Tim Hastings Submission Time: Aug 16 2022 5:19PMEmail: irentit@gmail.com Telephone: 208-352-2923Address: 22 N Corral Flat rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "IDAHO POWER is attempting to make drastic changes to SOLAR energy structure here in Idaho. I demand a public hearing on this. " ------ From:Erin Rohlman (erohlman@citlink.net) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Tuesday, August 16, 2022 4:27:19 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Solar Energy is the most important clean energy resource we can use. Everyone gets sun, and Idaho Power needs to embrace replacing salmon-killing hydropower and climate-killing coal power with solar that everyone can share. Every rooftop should have solar panels. I will be investing in solar panels, and if Idaho Power continues to penalize a home owner?s solar input to its grid system, I will be forced to invest in battery banks and divest myself of Idaho Power?s dirty energy scheme. You can do better by Idaho, and the time to act is NOW! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Erin Rohlman 3350 Big Creek Rd. New Meadows, ID 83654 erohlman@citlink.net (208) 347-3152 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500.