HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220811Comments(348)_348.pdfFrom:Alex McKinley To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Solar cost benefit study Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:30:33 PM I'm writing to urge the Commission to hold both in person and virtual hearings in this case (IPC-E-22-22) so that the public has the ability to have their input considered and voicesheard. People in various parts of Idaho Power's service territory deserve the opportunity to speak to the Commission directly and hearings should be made available at locations thatprovide folks the ability to access them across Idaho Power's service terratory. It is clear from the number of comments already received by the PUC that this is an importantissue and the Commission would be neglectful to not provide sufficient opportunity for public engagement. Reasoning to hold substantial public hearings comes very easily from the Commission's orderin the previous case that led to this study: CASE NO. IPC-E-18-15 Order: 34509 page 10 << In the "study review" phase, the public will be able to comment on whether thestudy sufficiently addressed their concerns, and their opinions on what the study shows. The Company, Commission Staff, and all other stakeholders to the case would do wellto listen to and understand the public sentiment regarding the importance of distributed on-site generation to Idaho Power's customers. In Order No. 34046 we said, "The Company mustcontinue to listen to and understand, and address its customers' concerns in these cases." >> Thank you for helping the public feel that our voices are heard and that our input is valued. Alex McKinley Idaho Power customerBoise, ID From:Louis Dyson To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power vs the consumer Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:31:42 PM To whom it may concern, I am sending this email in reference to case #IPC-E-22-22 My family and I are Solar energy users, we are in serious opposition to Idaho Power's current initiative to change the NetMetering system to something that is impossibly expensive and ridiculous to verify. The United States is trying to do everything it can about Global Warming, and Idaho Power is doing everything it can to derail that in the areas that they provide electricity to. Please help the consumers that have invested in Solar Power to slow Global Warming. Sincerely Louis Dyson From:Vince Lavorante To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case number IPC-E-22-22) Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:09:14 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar byintentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and otherlocal entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and aweekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining anunderstanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible,comprehensive, and complete analysis. Best regards, Vince Lavorante 4172 E Switzer Way, Nampa, ID 8368208-250-7454 From:charliepegan@gmail.com To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:charliepegan@gmail.com Subject:Idaho Power case number IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:29:31 PM Hello, I have looked through the lengthy proposal made by Idaho Power to establish new rates for reimbursing on-sight power generation customers. There are plenty of slides and spreadsheets using jargon that I do not fully understand. I assume that the PUC will be scheduling a public hearing to allow customers to get full and accurate explanations in a language understandable to the public. My family made the investment in renewable energy not just to save costs but also to help our community into a future with higher energy demand. The shear bulk of the proposal materials make clear that there is much to discuss and understand around energy generation, distribution, and overhead costs. Please schedule the public hearing and I will be present to participate. Thank you. Regards, Charles Pegan 208 859 5432 My Addresses where PVAs are installed: 5310 N Brookmeadow Way Boise, ID 83713 25 Badger Hollow Road Cascade, ID 83611 Sent from Mail for Windows From:laurie hynson To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Need for accessible public hearings Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:32:13 PM To whom it may concern: We feel it is very important for public hearings about the Idaho Power study (IPC-E-22-22) suggesting a substantial reduced value of excess generated solar energy credit. This is hurts the incentive to produce our own energy at a fair price. Please make these hearings available to the public so we who have invested money for solar energy can offer our input. Thanks for your help !! Raymond and Laurie Hynson Sent from my iPad From:Loren Lancaster To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:46:50 PM Asking for a public meeting on the IPC-E-22-22. Loren Lancaster 3722 N 2544 E Twin Falls, Id 83301 2087333743 My power company is Idaho Power. From:Aly Bean To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Please consider public meetings Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:50:19 PM Dear Commissioners, Please consider having public meetings to get community feedback on Idaho Power's recent study looking at the value of solar. We find it to be incomplete and would like to ensure customer voices are heard. Thank you, Alycia Bean, Ph.D. (she/her)Climate Campaign CoordinatorIdaho Conservation LeaguePO Box 844, Boise, ID 83701o: 208.286.4326 ext 223 • c: 208-874-2489 Twitter | Facebook | Instagram From:Caroline Morris To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Caroline Morris Subject:Idaho Power IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:52:52 PM The PUC should hold multiple public hearings throughout the Treasure Valley, NOT a privatehearing for this matter. Caroline Morris 1347 W Parkhill DrBoise 83702 and an Idaho Power customer From:LISA HECHT To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case Comment: IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:57:13 PM Dear Idaho PUC, I am writing you tonight to ask you in the strongest terms to hold public hearings on the Value of Solar study, IPC-E-22-22, around the state, both in-person, and virtually, to allow many different Idahoans in many different situations and with many different perspectives, to help provide input to a PUC decision that will support the best possible decision for the widest audience. The conclusions and consequences of how the study is laid out, what it includes, what is valued, who values it, and how much, has such broad implications for our state, for the many kinds of Idaho customers, for our energy future, and our energy security. Idaho includes urban, rural, agricultural, business, and other customers. Our daughters are 26 and 29, and I want them to have the safest, cleanest, most secure energy future and world possible. To the extent we can maximize use of solar, especially our existing rooftops, to provide that secure, clean, low-cost future and grow a clean industry and clean jobs, I/we will be able to leave them a better future. Solar is not the only type of energy, but it is widely available in Idaho, and the cost continues to drop rapidly. Our decisions around solar will also impact the possibility of battery storage for greater localized energy security. I installed solar PV in 2016 and it has worked flawlessly, with no maintenance whatsoever, these six years. My neighbors benefit from the excess energy that I provide most of the year. There is much to consider regarding how Idaho's solar energy is valued. I therefore encourage you to welcome the many excellent and diverse perspectives and experiences of Idahoans. Sincerely, Lisa Hecht Semi-Retired Electrical and Computer Engineer From:Shirley Van Zandt To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:13:08 PM Dear Secretary of PUC: Please accept my strong concern that the IPC-E-22-22 hearings be public hearings so that we may all participate in the discussion on this case. Also the hearings should be held more than once and throughout Idaho, so all communities can add comment and participate. This is a critical issue re: how the PUC deals with citizens like myself who have installed solar panels in good faith. Please let me know if I should contact anyone else about this issue. Thanks. Shirley Van Zandt Shirley E. Van Zandt, MS, MPH, CRNP Nurse Practitioner St. Alphonsus Medical Group, Meridian, Idaho Adjunct Faculty Gonzaga University, School of Nursing and Human Physiology, Spokane, Washington 410-963-3791 svanzan1@jhu.edu From:Stu Brodie To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power"s Appeal to the IPUC to change Net Metering Agreement Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:16:46 PM To whom it may concern: I live in Star Idaho and have deep concerns over Idaho Power's desire to change the Net Metering Agreement. Isn't one of the main objectives is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and expand clean energy. Isn't solar one of the best ways to reduce the carbon footprint? Idaho Power is a public Utility and a monopoly. There is no other competition. Idaho Power does not have the ability to increase output commensurate with the growth Idaho is experiencing which places all customers at risk of rolling black or brown outs. Furthermore, it is my understanding that Idaho Power has been and continues to sell power to California creating even greater stress on our already maxed out system. I've even heard that Idaho Power is selling power at under market rates while Idahoans flip the tab. I am encouraging the IPUC to open this up to public comments and additional scrutiny in anattempt to allow the public to have their say on what is supposed to be a consumer friendly environment rather than monopolistic powerplay "for unjustified profit". This change could result in a class action lawsuit costing Idaho Power further legal expense and a horrible public relations issue. Stu BrodieStar, ID From:Peter Lichtenstein (plichten2@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:55:05 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, You need to allow public input from the community and throughout Idaho Power's service territory. It?s unconscionable that you propose to do this unilaterally. Solar is the new energy frontier and you?re acting like autocratic Neanderthals. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Peter Lichtenstein 2078 E. Feldspar Ct. Boise, ID 83712 plichten2@gmail.com (208) 331-3294 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jerry Manning (sisky4566@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:55:29 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jerry Manning 427 s walnut st Boise, ID 83712 sisky4566@yahoo.com (510) 912-5424 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Erika Daly To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:57:30 PM Hello, I’m emailing about Case # IPC-E-22-22 asking you to Reject Idaho Power’s incompletestudy and to hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as manypeople as possible can participate. Please let me know you received this email and thank you for your work! Erika Daly -- Erika Daly From:Steven Simpson (stevesmpsn799@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:57:33 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Now is the time to strongly encourage rooftop solar power. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Steven Simpson 5354 N Hickory Tree Way Boise, ID 83713 stevesmpsn799@gmail.com (208) 377-1571 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Katherine Vaughan (kayvaughan@msn.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:58:59 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Please allow public input regarding changes to solar power! I want a balanced perspective for the PUC decision making - and for my own decisions regarding alternative power options. Thank you! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Katherine Vaughan 2194 E Roanoke Dr Boise, ID 83712 kayvaughan@msn.com (208) 283-0914 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Wayne Pouppirt (wajapo6@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:59:05 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Wayne Pouppirt 1926 HAMPTON WAY TWIN FALLS, ID 83301 wajapo6@gmail.com (208) 613-3560 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Drew Daly To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:00:02 PM Hello, I’m emailing about Case # IPC-E-22-22 asking you to Reject Idaho Power’s incompletestudy and to hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as manypeople as possible can participate. Please let me know you received this email and thank you for your work! Drew DalyIFMGA Mountain Guide +1 (970) 331-9005 Sent from my iPhone From:James Focarile (Jpendure@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:01:53 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, James Focarile 3734 East Timbersaw Boise, ID 83716 Jpendure@hotmail.com (917) 541-9562 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:David Monsees To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:09:25 PM I request that the hearing on this Idaho Power Report and Request consist of multiple meetings in different locations so that the consequences of its adoption can be addressed by all citizensin the Treasure Valley, Idaho Power's catchment area, instead of a meeting behind closed doors in one city. In this time of obvious climate emergency, this thinly disguised attempt tokill rooftop solar should be carefully examined. In past decades, Idaho Power tried to kill or delay wind power. What they want is to keep the money flowing and maintain control. Weno longer have the luxury of continuing with dirty energy (which includes nuclear energy). The gas model which Idaho wants to continue as long as possible will doom Idaho. Distributed green energy is the hope for our future and that of coming generations. Thank you, Dr. David Monsees 1347 Parkhill Dr.Boise, Idaho 83702 From:Brandi Gallaher (sblfree15@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:09:37 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Brandi Gallaher 4574 N Lancer Ave Boise , ID 83713 sblfree15@gmail.com (208) 447-9847 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Donna Dempster-McClain (did1@cirnell.edu) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:10:34 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, A public meeting throughout the state is needed before your proposed changes. This should be open and accessible and widely publicized. It is only fair. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Donna Dempster-McClain 9935 W Westview Dr Boise, ID 83704 did1@cirnell.edu (607) 592-1781 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:William Jerrems (jjerrems@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:13:09 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, William Jerrems 975 Strawberry Lane Boise, ID 83712 jjerrems@gmail.com (208) 343-0037 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jeff Nee (jeffrey.f.nee@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:14:30 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Making local solar less attractive is a thoroughly ill-conceived notion that shows short sightedness and reeks of concerns other than climate effects. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jeff Nee 5796 S Schooner Way Boise, ID 83716 jeffrey.f.nee@gmail.com (208) 850-5857 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:John McClain (jom1@cornell.edu) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:15:38 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, A change that affects so many people, all of us, and future generations, should not be done without public input. It?s not fair. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, John McClain 9935 W. Westview Dr. Boise, ID 83704 jom1@cornell.edu (607) 229-8977 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Martin Bouffard (libertygeek83@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:16:53 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Martin Bouffard 246 E Amalie Drive Meridian, ID 83642 libertygeek83@gmail.com (209) 409-2626 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Brandy Avila (brandy_avila@outlook.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:17:12 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Brandy Avila 23884 hwy 30 Murtaugh, ID 83344 brandy_avila@outlook.com (801) 358-4186 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Laurie Marx (lauriel28@msn.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:18:47 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Solar energy matters to the future of my grandchildren and preserving our planet and as many species as we can. Rooftop solar can help with that. Undervaluing that resource and not hearing the people that Idaho Power serves is not a true Lou LI hearing? as it should be. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Laurie Marx 6753 Sunrise Ave Nampa, ID 83686 lauriel28@msn.com (208) 830-9338 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:James Schindlbeck (j_schindlbeck@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:19:45 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Solar power is important For the environment of Idaho and the climate of Idaho. Listen to the people who support and pay your company. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, James Schindlbeck 635 South 8th Ave Pocatello, ID 83201 j_schindlbeck@hotmail.com (608) 354-5873 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jesse Shreve (jdshreve@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:28:58 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jesse Shreve 401 W Pueblo Street Boise , ID 83702 jdshreve@gmail.com (208) 562-7469 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jeanne Rosenbaum (queeniejeanner@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:30:38 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jeanne Rosenbaum 401 W Pueblo Street Boise, ID 83702 queeniejeanner@yahoo.com (208) 794-0129 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Robert Vestal (rvestal@mindspring.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:33:17 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, My wife and I have installed roof solar panels several years ago. It was and continues to be the right thing to do for our home, community, and the planet. The use of solar energy should be incentivized, not discouraged. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Robert Vestal 2021 N. Stoneview Place Boise, ID 83702 rvestal@mindspring.com (208) 331-0465 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Deana DuVall (deanaduvall@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 10:44:20 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, This matters for the future of our planet and my families future here on our earth! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Deana DuVall 1617 N. West 4th St. Meridian , ID 83642 deanaduvall@hotmail.com (208) 555-5512 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Wendy Borgerd (wendy_borgerd@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:00:22 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, In this age of climate change, public and corporate entities should do the right thing by supporting alternative, sustainable energy. Rooftop solar is a huge step toward energy independence. The fact that Idaho power is trying to quash private home solar MEANS THAT IT MUST BE AFFECTING THEIR BOTTOM LINE AND IS THEREFORE WORKING AS A VIABLE SOURCE OF ENERGY! Their needs can be negotiated. Home solar is working to generate significant power. Lets not throw out this healthy baby with the bathwater! The subject deserves a public hearing and fair review. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Wendy Borgerd 8080 W Powell St Boise, ID 83714 wendy_borgerd@yahoo.com (541) 728-8599 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Thomas Poole (poolee7@msn.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:01:02 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Thomas Poole PO Box 3924 Ketchum, ID 83340 poolee7@msn.com (208) 720-9502 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Michael Medberry (Mikecmedberry@msn.con) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:01:09 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Please hold a public hearing on residential use of solar energy in the nearest town to me, Boise. I have been an installer of solar panels for ten years and gave up doing this for the general public when it became uneconomic. Since I quit installing panels, the panels have gained more economic sense and are becoming more commonly used. Better and cheaper batteries are also becoming part of the change. Please be aware that by making solar systems more expensive (or less effective), you're forcing solar advocates to seek independent use of solar energy without using your grid. This is a strict question of economics, in my opinion. And it is becoming easier to accomplish. In my case I intend to stop using the grid service and install enough batteries to allow me to cut your services. Others with an investment in solar panels will see the same incentive. Please be judicious in imposing penalties on others lest your action bounces back to make you pay more than you may expect. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Michael Medberry 5002 Alworth St Garden City, ID 83714 Mikecmedberry@msn.con (208) 629-6858 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:gisela zech (gzech@gmx.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:24:53 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, gisela zech 907 N Balsam St# 10 boise, ID 83706 gzech@gmx.com (208) 429-6778 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Lori Stoneback (lstoneback62@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:39:09 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, To stop the highway robbery of citizens of Idaho and Oregon residents from being left either not being able to afford their air conditioning in the summer especially when it?s so vitally important between life and death!!! And it is also vitally important just the same as summer is winter whether their furnace is electric or gas they both require electricity to run so it?s time to put a stop to them being able to constantly up their rates on all of us like they are only charging us an extra penny on top of our bill that is only $10.00 for the whole month!!!! Idaho Power has NO RIGHT to tell us what type of power we can each have to our own home whether we rent or own our own home!!! ITS TIME TO STOP THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS!!!! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Lori Stoneback 9703 W. Edna St. Boise, ID 83704 lstoneback62@gmail.com (208) 571-5920 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:GERRY QUEENER (gquee@tds.net) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:46:27 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Roof top solar is the future. Power companies are afraid they will lose control of customers. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, GERRY QUEENER 1900 LITTLE BEAR RIDGE RD TROY, ID 83871 gquee@tds.net (208) 835-5881 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Mary Anne Saunders (saundersstar@aol.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:49:36 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Set public hearings throughout the state on solar issues, especially Idaho Power intent to slash compensation. This is a matter tied to the future of our one earth. Why am I interested? I have 6 granddaughters. Their future of energy is of grave concern to me. Stay true to your title ? Idaho PUBLIC Utilities Commission- schedule multiple hearings! Mary Anne Saunders Star, ID I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Mary Anne Saunders 2230 Schreiner Ln Star, ID 83669 saundersstar@aol.com (208) 870-4532 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:John Elle (elle@ae-eng.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:54:22 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, John Elle 1195 Cahina Way Pocatello, ID 83204 elle@ae-eng.com (208) 241-0539 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Tor Dalzell To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power net metering study Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:55:35 PM Dear Public Utilities Commission, I'm writing to you today requesting that you act in the publics interest regarding Idaho Powers study ( IPC-e-22-22 ) on net metering, I find it onesided against the consumer, and opposed to Idaho Powers own plan to reduce carbon emissions by 2045. Other harmful effects of what Idaho Power is proposing includes slowing, or possibly stopping a very steady and continuously growing industry of Idaho and the residents whomwork in the industry. Not just home grown business are going to be affected, but the thousands of residents who have already invested in our infrastructure and the thousands morethat want to invest in it as well. Considering this, I believe we need to hold public hearings with the people of Idaho inmultiple places i.e. Treasure Valley, Magic Valley, Wood river, Idaho falls, to accurately scrutinize and raise the questions that need to be answered. Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope that you understand my concerns and dowhat is right. From:Mary and Jeff Eidson To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Bryan Lawley Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:01:06 AM Dear PUC, I am a solar customer in Boise. I am requesting accessible public hearings so that solar customers and solar providers have an opportunity to present our cases about IPC-E-22-22 to the IPUC in person. As a solar customer under the current monthly netting structure I have clear checks and balances for accurate credit accumulation and reporting. This is what was proposed from our solar provider in initial estimates when we made the decision to purchase our solar panels. Now, Idaho Power is proposing hourly netting which strips away our credit accumulation and benefits only Idaho power. The hourly system is so complicated that no solar company, much less an ordinary consumer will ever be able to understand what their actual power generation will be reimbursed at. This will ruin the solar industry in Idaho. How can we allow Idaho power to gut the Idaho solar industry at a time when Boise is growing by leaps and bounds and already near to outpacing what Idaho Power can provide during peak power demand times? Hourly netting steals the value of our investment in solar panels by forcing us to give our energy to Idaho power at an unfair rate. Yet, our local media reports that Idaho Power, a state-regulated monopoly, is pro solar and pushing to be 100% renewable by 2045. The push for hourly netting renders this “fake news”. Consumers will not purchase solar panels if they are unable to determine if they will be fairly compensated for the power their panels generate. When a solar system overproduces on a sunny day, it is during times of peak demand and that extra power is immediately put to use at the nearest draw which is a neighboring property. This provides immense value to Idaho power and hourly netting completely disregards this value. Solar also allows Idahoans to diversify our power options making us less at the mercy of extreme weather events and severe drought which is occurring all across the country. Presently the Boise River Basin is in the “moderate drought” category, but the rest of southern Idaho is in severe drought, with impacts that include low river levels, curtailments of irrigation water and increased wildfire. Most of Boise based Idaho Power’s energy is produced from its 17 hydroelectric facilities on the Snake River and its tributaries. Hydroelectric power is generated by funneling water through power plants contained in dam structures. When water levels in reservoirs become low, the force of water pressure required to turn hydro turbine blades is reduced, negatively affecting productivity. Over time, the need for water with an increasing population and potentially increasing temperatures will negatively impact hydro electric power production. Having diverse power options is protective to our power grid. Solar power does not have the carbon emissions of wood, coal or natural gas. So, it offers a net positive environmental impact which is also valuable. Yet, None of this is deemed valuable by Idaho Power. Solar power growth should be supported as a way to diversify, increase and protect Idaho's power production. It should be an added and valued infrastructure that helps generate more power in order to maintain reliable power at peak times. Solar power should be heavily expanded to buttress an already outdated electrical grid against an ever-growing population and decreasing river flows. Instead, Idaho power has introduced hourly netting to unfairly reduce the reimbursement of solar power generated by a small number of ordinary citizens, while at the same time eliminating the effectiveness of solar power companies to compete. It’s okay to be competitive with other businesses, but it isn’t okay to be deceptive or unethical. There are laws that prevent unfair competition. For all the above stated reasons, I urge the IPUC to give the Idaho solar industry and Idaho solar customers and adequate opportunity to present their cases in an accessible public hearing. Sincerely, Mary Eidson From:Breanah Sutton (toodlesun77@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:03:07 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We need to take care of our planet and creat good jobs into the future for the future. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Breanah Sutton 1411 n Liberty at Boise, ID 83704 toodlesun77@gmail.com (208) 941-1267 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Craig Hanson (craighanson2321@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:08:57 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I have kids, grand kids and great grand kids, and I'm not yet pushing up Daisys. So, I would like to see the cleanest energy we can produce, become our everyday norm. We have the technology to do it, so lets quit the bull shit, and get it done. Sincerely, Craig Hanson Priest River, Idaho 83856 I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Craig Hanson 2321 Vay Road Priest River, ID 83856 craighanson2321@yahoo.com (208) 263-8907 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Robbie Leatham (robbieleatham@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:11:10 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Robbie Leatham 1726 S. Broxon Street Boise, ID 83705 robbieleatham@yahoo.com (986) 224-0675 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Shannon Martin (Nanigans922@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:19:38 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, All people shod have 100% clean energy. So there should be a public hearing! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Shannon Martin 305 E Locust ave Coeur D Alene, ID 83814 Nanigans922@gmail.com (208) 831-6063 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Marilee Davidson (bunnybutt2806@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:38:47 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Very strange you will not be holding public hearings regarding rooftop solar. Why are you shutting out everyone in your decision making regarding this important issue??? We are all in this together. Please respect us. We are more than dollars to your bottom line. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Marilee Davidson 2806 S Harmony Ave Boise, ID 83706 bunnybutt2806@hotmail.com (208) 949-4574 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jane Lemison (lemisonja@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:07:21 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I have solar panels on my home and we were promised that we would get paid for any unused power at a reasonable rate. It's quite evident that Idaho Power is afraid that people are going to ask for more than what is reasonable, yet all we want is to be treated fairly . I don't think it's too much to ask for us to be able to ask the questions that we all deserve to be able to do. We just want to do our part and they in turn do their part. We just want clean energy and we are trying to do just that, so don't lock us out, help us help you. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jane Lemison 28150 W Trail Way Caldwell, ID 83607 lemisonja@gmail.com (208) 459-9590 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:nmeyer401@gmail.com To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 comment Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:16:26 AM To Whom it may concern, I’m writing to say that I think you should reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study and carry out a third party study instead. Also that you should hold in- person public hearings in multiplelocations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. Thank you for your time. Niels Meyer Ketchum ID From:Larry Meyer (meyernagy@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:47:27 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Future generations depend on us. Enough of the greed, it is time to think of the future. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Larry Meyer 4244 N La Fontana Way Boise, ID 83702 meyernagy@hotmail.com (208) 389-2160 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Amelia Carter (ameliajustin@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 5:21:08 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Please consider having public hearings regarding your solar panel policy. I am a Boise resident feeling the heat these past few weeks. Climate change has worsened our summers here in our beautiful change with scorching temperatures and dangerous smoke from uncontrollable wildfires. As citizens of our state and world we need to do all we can to support clean energy to lessen these horrible consequences of fossil fuel usage. I would urge to to follow public opinion and your conscience to make solar more affordable for your customers and adopt policies that help us move towards a better future. Thanks for your consideration. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Amelia Carter 4028 N De.monte Dr. Boise, ID 83704 ameliajustin@yahoo.com (208) 860-9266 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Joe Swabb (unlvbm@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 5:58:43 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Why not hold a public hearing and be transparent? Shouldn?t Idaho do its part towards working for green n energy and less reliance on fossil fuel? Why is Idaho Power fighting those who wish to be part of the solution to our energy problems? I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Joe Swabb PO Box 308 Donnelly, ID 83615 unlvbm@yahoo.com (775) 752-0130 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Lynn Eberhardt To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:case number IPC-E-22-22) Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 6:27:58 AM  Regarding Idaho Power Solar Study (IPC-E-22-22): I received a notice about this study and quite frankly not being a electrical utility systemengineer it is impossible to decipher. I have also learned that no readily accessible publichearings will be held which seems to be counter to community involvement and unacceptable. There needs to be a public hearing at which a layman’s discussion of the proposed changesoccurs and provides clarity to not only current solar system owners but also for those in thebusiness of supporting us and new customers. Further, I get dismayed by the lack of Idaho Power not partnering with those of us who haveinvested in alternate energy sources. Do we not help Idaho Power achieve net neutral carbonreductions? Do we not help during high peak loads? Don’t we cut transmission loss byproviding power directly to our neighbors? For those of us with some battery backup, with theright partnership, couldn’t we be a potential aid to Idaho Power during certain grid conditions? Why isn’t Idaho Power partnering and fostering solar community partnership rather thancreating barriers? Lynn Eberhardt1937 W. Tanero St.Meridian, Idaho 83646 From:Luke McManamon (lukemcmanamon@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 6:37:23 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Solar power broadends our electrical stability in a environmentally friendly way. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Luke McManamon 3087 W Foxtrotter Dr Meridian, ID 83646 lukemcmanamon@gmail.com (208) 761-1767 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Harrison Hilbert (harrisonhilbert49@icloud.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 7:00:49 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Harrison Hilbert P.O. Box 714 Pocatello, ID 83204 harrisonhilbert49@icloud.com (208) 233-9510 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Jessica Morgan (jessicasburnett@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 7:01:08 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, My husband and I both work in education, so you can imagine we aren't in the highest tax bracket to put it lightly. It's expensive to live in the Treasure Valley and we've been wanting to switch to solar forbtears to not only ultimately save money but to help the environment. It's a win-win and solar should be more accessible and affordable. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jessica Morgan 425 West Pine Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 jessicasburnett@yahoo.com (208) 440-6778 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Robert Flood To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho power Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 7:57:07 AM I understand Idaho Power is attempting to reduce the percentage of the value of the banked power from individual Solar Panel users. In the past they sold the benefit of Solar Panels tothem to reduce the need to construct new. generating plants to meet peek demand. I would think with the recent influx of construction and population all added generation wouldbe welcome. I recently spent over $20,000 to supplement the power provided by Idaho Power. With the need for air conditioning this summer I use more power than I produce. Thus hasn’tthe added generation added Idaho Power and there need to import electricity. Their support of these projects was politically important and now that the money has beenspent by all the individuals they seem to want to become partners in our investment. Not a bad business model . Get your customers to build your product then sell Theirproduction. Last thought. When is the public hearing ?? R F Flood1949 N Peartree Ave Meridian Idaho 83646208-336-9947 From:GM To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:11:59 AM Re IPC-E-22-22 As a resident of Boise and a homeowner with solar energy production, I am frustrated thatIdaho Power (IP) is attempting to reduce the growth and use of solar in Idaho. As a publicutility, IP has near monopolistic powers to regulate both the users of power and the ratescharges. It is important that any changes to IP’s economic and political environment take placein a public hearing. A public hearing isn’t a desire, its a mandatory component of a publicutility’s operation. IP obtains most, if not all, its power from hydro electric production. Increasingly theavailability of water is becoming a scarce commodity as hotter weather makes greater demandfor the use of water and water availability becomes scarcer. We have all seen the pictures ofsignificantly reduced water reservoirs, including those in Idaho. The fortunate and unusual latespring rainfalls in 2022 may not happen every year to mostly replenish the reservoirs. Whatwill IP do when they do not have adequate water to respond to the increased energy demandsfor air conditioning from an increasing population base, which take second place to demandsfor drinking water? At that point no rate increase will provide additional power or increasetheir coffers. But...solar energy provided by commercial and residential producers can help fillthe need. Then solar competition will be a partner, not a challenge. Let’s not have IP’s shortsighted concern over competition and rates rule out future needs for additional power. I am asking that all deliberations regarding IPC-E-22-22 be held in pubic, which is the properand legal way to conduct any business of a public utility. Many solar professionals areavailable to provide credible information on the legal, environmental and infrastructureaspects of solar energy production and its contribution to the state of Idaho. Respectfully Gwenn Maxfield 1010 N 22nd St Boise, ID 83702 From:Charlie Otto (charlieotto@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:14:46 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Please make it easier for residents of Idaho to install solar power on their own homes. This will help us with energy independence and control over our own systems. Thanks I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Charlie Otto 4710 S. 2000 E. Victor, ID 83455 charlieotto@gmail.com (208) 313-5205 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Donna Saba To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Personal request for open public meetings about solar power customer producers Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:22:03 AM Good morning, I am reaching out about a concern I have in relation to Idaho Power Company's continued attempts to undermine consumer solar power generation and net metering. I am certain there is a path that can fulfill the needs of both the consumer producer and Idaho Power, but it needs to be based on honest, OPEN information and not on biased outdated manipulative studies. I will freely admit that I am simply a private citizen living a normal life and I am not privy to every detail; however, I do know thatIdaho Power is a company trying to derail the competition of the solar power consumer producer and it's trying to do this behind closed doors. I respectfully request that all meetings about solar power consumer production be held in an open public meeting where information can be heard and scrutinized by all parties involved.Please don't misinterpret the word "scrutinized" as having a negative connotation but as a means and method to verify, analyze and when necessary, refute information presented and make the best possible decisions and outcome for ALL parties. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.Warm regards, Donna Saba 208-369-7182 From:Luke LandrianiTo:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case number IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:23:29 AMAttachments:image001.png To whom it may concern, As a native Idahoan and residential solar generator (as of 7/2022) in Meridian, Idaho, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newlypublished cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. My wife and I just had our install sized/completed based on the current net meteringsystem. Our solar provider was able to accurately estimate our yearly power consumption and size our system to match our electricalneeds. This would not be feasible with the proposed Idaho Power reduction in the value of an excess generated solar credit. Wewould not of made the decision to go solar if this unfair proposed pricing structure was in place. I would like to ask for a public inperson hearing in multiple areas within the state. Offer virtual video and weekend options so people can share their concerns directlywith the Public Utilities Commission. I do not agree with Idaho Power's biased study made in an attempt to reduce the value of my excess generated solar energy credit. Solar is a consumer choice and this would be a detrimental hit to our budding local industry and take away our right to produce ourown energy at a fair price. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities thatbenefit from locally-owned solar. The study underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmentaland related benefits. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Thanks, Luke From:Jean Bokelmann (bokejean@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:24:23 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We need thoroughness and transparency in this matter. This is a very critical time to support grid-tied solar, not to undermine it. Thank you. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Jean Bokelmann 9032 W Autumn Ln Pocatello, ID 83204 bokejean@gmail.com (208) 380-4837 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:George Buehler (george_buehler@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:34:51 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, George Buehler 954 W Center Pocatello, ID 83204 george_buehler@yahoo.com (208) 233-1827 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Maurie Denner To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22, comments to the Commission Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:36:42 AM In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments as a residential solar customer. It is myconsidered opinion that open hearings, and discussions add to the findings of improved service. When "public" bodies act without input from the public they deny themselves of additionalinformation, and frequently step upon the very customers they serve. Secondly, plain languageallows better understanding and acceptance of policy changes. With a proposal on the table to reduce or remove four dams on the Columbia/Snake River watershed it seems timely to have input on future demands for power generation. This net metering issue started years ago with ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from thenet metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments with the fact that today thisrate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that ID Power serves.This felt from the start back in the first net metering rate case like a clear attempt to limit futurecompetition and future growth of solar here in ID just as it still does today. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to its release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course IDPower. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks andbalances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposedfrom their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks andbalances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here isID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providersaccountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Attorney Generalto step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we havebad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of anyindustry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is a constantdriver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to netmetering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we arerequired to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to anyconsumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing anaccurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power ratepayer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this requestby ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staffengineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 monthswhich is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many otherweather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behindthis request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for manyyears. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly biased study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut the solar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Power can provide at peak demandtimes is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliablepower and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involvesolar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoeverwith other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every dayduring daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboringproperty. To say that does not provide an immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Lesstransmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties withsolar. Respectfully, Maurie -- "Education isn't something you can finish." Isaac Asimov Maurie Dennermodenner@gmail.com1233 W. Deer Crest DriveMeridian, ID 83646Phone: 541-953-3849 From:Riemersma, Drew To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:39:31 AM Hello, My name is Drew Riemersma from Pocatello and I hope you’re having a good week. I would like to address Case # IPC-E-22-22 as I believe that this study is not credible and presents an artificially low value for solar. I believe every Idahoan should have the ability to be energy independent and that by making solar less affordable, it disallows us the ability to choose how and where we get our power. I would ask you to 1. Reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study and 2. Hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. Thank you for your time an consideration. I wish all the best to you and yours. Sincerely, -Drew Drew Riemersma, MS Environmental TechnicianScience & Environment | City of Pocatello | he/him PO Box 4169 | Pocatello, ID 83205 | driemersma@pocatello.us o: (208) 234-6519 c: (208) 417-9507 From:Leslie Halvorson (halvies1@msn.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:40:12 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I believe it is vital to involve the public on decisions that directly affect them when it comes to energy changes. Please have a public meeting for the changes you are considering so your customers can be more informed and you can hear their concerns and thoughts. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Leslie Halvorson 3518 N Tamarack Drive Boise, ID 83703 halvies1@msn.com (208) 250-4806 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Haley Ruffin (haleynoeller@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:43:33 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Rooftop solar is an important step towards powering our communities with renewable energy. Power company compensation was a key factor in my mom?s decision to install solar as she needed to anticipate her expenses on a fixed income. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Haley Ruffin 731 W Victory Rd Boise, ID 83706 haleynoeller@gmail.com (208) 616-2364 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:VENKATA KRISHNA CHAITANYA Pakala To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case Number: IPC-E-22-22 Comments Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:45:34 AM Hello, Thank you for the opportunity to help us share our comments in writing in reference to IPC-E-22-22.I write these comments from both a residential solar customer as well as an engineering professorwith expertise in energy. First and foremost, I urge the committee to please hold in-person publichearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territories. Due to the uncertain times welive in, I hope you also offer virtual video and weekend options so that we are inclusive of all peoplewho can share their concerns directly with the Public Utilities Commission. We are in an energy crisis and anything we can do to help is welcome. The recent urgency to focuson climate efforts and push for more solar at the federal level was a watershed moment for us andfuture generations. Lots of people are also switching to electric vehicles to support the environmentand lower our reliance on fossil fuels. I am in the process of installing a backup battery and makingmy home electric vehicle (EV) ready and look forward to buying an EV soon. In the light of all of this, I am very concerned about Idaho Power’s newly published cost-benefitstudy on rooftop solar. I read it in depth and concluded that it clearly underestimates the value ofsolar by deliberately excluding quantifiable environmental and related benefits. Most importantlythis devalues the large investments people have made to install solar threatening fair compensationfor Idaho citizens. The study almost feels like it is designed to alter the net metering significantly hurting the customerswho made huge financial investments in solar. The number of solar customers still makes up about1.5% of the total population that ID Power serves. Our efforts should be to increase this base of solarcustomers not hurt the existing ones and also make it very difficult for future homeowners andbusinesses to transition to clean energy. The hourly netting request is a huge issue as it only benefits Idaho Power. As a solar customer underthe current monthly netting structure, we have clear checks and balances against accurate creditaccumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in ourinitial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from us which isunacceptable. When we made huge financial investments in solar the hourly netting was not inplace. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing anaccurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power ratepayer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. This study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accuratedata as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees havejumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and shouldhave been updated prior to its release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as suchby the IPUC in this matter. I believe if any chances are made it should not affect existing customersand I strongly urge the Idaho Public Utilities commission to hold inclusive public hearings. Thank you, Krishna Pakala 2986 S Old Hickory Way Boise, ID - 83716 From:Aaron Meyer (vilifier70@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:48:05 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Profit over ethics. Profit over environment. Profit over people. That?s your motto; your business mission, your business objectives. You are losing money with free energy , so, what do you do, you monetize the free energy solar power provided., you cut off sources to facilitate solar power that is best for environment and for humanity?and all life on this planet. Be morally courageous, and be the industry that puts planet before profit margins. In margins , your precious margins, you still make profit, it?s just greed that you serve. Greed from corporate CEO?s and their pockets. It?s unconscionable , yet, you still slough off all moral tethers, to fill your coffers. No one gets out alive, and your profits don?t follow you. Do what is proper, what is morally, ethically just and facilitate renewable energy , not stifle or mite it just so you can enlarge your margins. Be courageous and do the right thing, not bend or contort your reasons to mimic ?justified? actions. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Aaron Meyer 3020 West Hester Street Boise, ID 83706 vilifier70@gmail.com (208) 713-3773 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Curtis Olson (crtolson@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:48:26 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Public hearing and discussion is necessary for all to understand the implications. This should benefit Idaho Power in the eyes of the public and those that feel this will personally impact them. Curtis Olson I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Curtis Olson 3856 S Stonegate Ave Boise, ID 83706 crtolson@gmail.com (208) 571-2622 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:MORRIS WAINWRIGHT (MOSK8@COMCAST.NET) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:50:39 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, The public should have a say in how public utilities operate. I urge you to hold public hearings that are accessible to all Idahoans for this very important issue. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, MORRIS WAINWRIGHT 2318 W JEFFERSON ST BOISE, ID 83702 MOSK8@COMCAST.NET (206) 200-9265 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Steven Brawley To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:55:21 AM In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments from a residential solar customer, but with a broad and in-depth understanding of the northwest power grid including Idaho specifically. I spent over 15 years working for the Bureau of Reclamation and was responsible for the power production at Reclamation managed facilities in the northwest which included power generation facilities at Palisades, Anderson Ranch, Minidoka, and Black Canyon Dams. I worked directly with Bonneville Power and the Corp of Engineers to generate, distribute, and market federally produced power in the northwest. I certainly understand the infrastructure challenges in Idaho, and it is readily apparent the infrastructure investment is lagging in Idaho given the pace of population growth. Idaho Power’s has faced distribution issues for more than 15 years when wind penetration pointed out distribution limitation in the early 2000’s. Idaho Power current efforts to attack the solar power industry is short sighted and directly contrary to their public position to be 100% renewable by 2045. It is well understood that when a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that this over production is delivered to the nearest power draw which is always a neighboring property. This is a direct and significant value to Idaho Power - less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery. The net metering issue started years ago when Idaho Power "claimed" an annual shortfall associated with net metering rate. With this claim, the initial net metering rate case was a clear attempt to limit future competition and growth of solar power. IPUC muddy the net metering waters when it ordered a study that the general consumer, without solar or utility industry knowledge, could read or understand. This study is not only outdated and needs to be revisited; I believe it is partial to Idaho Power. In addition, it is fundamentally important that IPUC question the objectives behind Idaho Powers current request. The monthly netting structure works very well and solar generation at the consumer level is a system added value (discussed above) for which Idaho Power does not bare the associated infrastructure costs. I would argue the Idaho Power does not fairly represent the overall system benefits when they claim an annual loss. While the commission has proposed workshops on net metering, it does not include in person publichearings. It is imperative that IPUC schedule and hold in person public hearing so the net metering issuecan be fully understood and vetted. Anything less shows a real bias towards Idaho Power with littleregard to the solar power industry and the residential solar customer. From:Lisa Szentes To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power solar net metering Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:58:05 AM Dear PUC, Please consider requiring Idaho Power to hold public hearings on the proposed changes to solar net metering in Idaho. This untimely proposed change comes when the legislature is finally tackling efforts to moreeffectively shift to green energy. Placing roadblocks in the public and private sector to make choices to incorporate solar power by changing the formula which incentivizes companies and individuals to do so counters theseefforts. Public input is important. Sincerely, Lisa Szentes2593 W Brockton Ct, Eagle, ID 83616 From:Mark Gross To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:In person hearings request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:00:30 AM As an Idaho power customer in two locations in Idaho, I would like to request in person hearings around the solar policy changes by Idaho power. My two addresses where I get power are:75 Golden Bar ct, Donnelly ID 5331 N Brookmeadow way, Boise ID From:lpgebhardt To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Laurence Gebhardt Subject:Idaho Power Study Comments Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:05:49 AM August 11, 2022 Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Re : Idaho Power Value of Solar Study Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study(idahopower.com) I am an Idaho Power customer living in Pocatello. I served a 26 year career in the nuclear submarine Navy. Post Navy I helped start, expand and manage three commercial shipyards. Now in Pocatello I serve as a consultant to US shipyards and an advisory board for a sustainability company financed by Amazon. I am past President, Pocatello Centennial RotaryClub and adjunct faculty at Idaho State University. My wife Janie is a United Church of Christ minister who was elected to the School District 25 Board of Trustees serving over 15years. My read of the referenced distributed energy study reveals that it underestimates the value of rooftop and other outdoor solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental andrelated benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. The Idaho Power studyis incomplete or inaccurate for these reasons: · Low estimate of the capacity contribution of solar · Does not adequately value the avoided generation, transmission, and distribution capacity value · No analysis of avoided environmental costs or avoided risk · No analysis of the economics of solar investment for customers under Idaho Power’s suggested export credit rate · Proposes “real-time” netting, which is not practical or actionable for solar customers · The study has not yet been vetted through PUC public hearings I care about these issues because a greater portion of Idaho’s electrical power base load can be supplied by pollution-free solar, wind, and nuclear power. Idaho Power hydroelectricgeneration is at risk because of aging dam-generation systems. Dam systems are challenged by natural resources and fish interests. We need continuity of clean, reliable power in Idaho. IDACORP is pressured by some shareholders to oppose investment in renewable energy by its own companies and local residents. In recent years some Idaho Power investors sponsoredanti-wind “Swindle” and anti-rooftop solar advertising. Idaho Power is a regulated monopoly. I have no other power choices except locally owned distributed systems such as rooftop solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s serviceterritory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with theCommission. Respectfully, Laurence P. Gebhardt Ph.D., Captain US Navy (Retired) 1200 Aspen Drive Pocatello, ID 83204 208-380-2205 lpgebhardt@gmail.com From:Olivia H Fixsen To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Accessible Public Hearings for Case IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:06:35 AM Dear Commission, (Regarding case IPC-E-22-22) I speak for myself, my family and for the greater good of not only the state of Idaho, but for our nation and our planet. Please, hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. When this study came to life two years ago, only one public hearing was held—on a weeknight lasting until 2am. This restricted a large population from being able to attend. If Idaho Power is so heavily using the term “fairness” regarding lowering the value of customer energy generation, then this general idea of “fairness” must be applicable to all parties and all aspects within this case. We, the people, the public, the customers, the energy generators should also be given this opportunity for “fairness”—fairness taking shape in accessibility. Idaho Power was given 2 years to conduct a study for their case; please give us opportunities to speak and be heard. Please, reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study. You required Idaho Power to analyze and determine the monetary value of the exported electricity from solar power owners. The recently released Idaho Power value of solar study should not be approved. Their analysis not only may have used incorrect data but also excludes a number of important criteria making the value of the exported electricity artificially low. The result is the solar installation would have to export two to three kWhs onto the grid for the owner to get one kWh back when it is needed. Again, if Idaho Power believes a reduction in rates is a matter of fairness, then fairness must be objectively maintained in the study and the analysis. A study as important as this one should adhere to well established industry standard practices and data as well as accounting for avoided costs associated with the environment, public health, transmission and generation upgrades. The Clean Today, Cleaner Tomorrow goal of providing 100% clean energy by 2045 is commendable; however, I’m curious to know how many executives and higher-ups of Idaho Power will have retired well before the time this goal is forecasted to be met. Following through with this commitment is not really their problem, it’s for the next generation of executives that will take their place. Net- metering is one of the main incentives for going solar; how will Idaho be able to continue the path of clean energy if solar energy systems become less accessible to our residents? Please consider my concerns and hear both sides equally. Respectfully, Olivia Fixsen Idaho Resident From:Sabrina Roblin (sabrinaroblin@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:09:11 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Embracing alternative energies is essential to our economy, security, well-being, water for agriculture and drinking, and the continued well-being of the ecosystems in Idaho that support the economy through hunting, fishing, river rafting, hiking, skiing, etc. Only by reducing carbon emissions and embracing solar and other alternatives will we continue to thrive. Support local Solar Power - it's essential! Thank you. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Sabrina Roblin PO Box 2469 Hailey, ID 83333 sabrinaroblin@gmail.com (415) 328-4023 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Marty To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:net metering IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:12:22 AM Hello, Public input is necessary on the issue of net metering. Idaho power must support, not deterindependent, clean, green solar inputs to their grid. Thank you,James M Telford 4915 N Gooder John LaneEagle, Idaho 83616 From:Patricia Weber (birder1932@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:18:54 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Prairie Falcon Audubon, located in the Magic Valleystrongly supports properly sited photovoltaic solar power that avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to birds and their habitat. As the Conservation Chair for the local chapter, we encourage a public meeting to explore the study and recommendations. Solar energy is currently one of the fastest growing forms of energy. It?s economically competitive, and is flexible in the size and location of installations. It can power a single home or an entire neighborhood, and can be privately owned or service a whole community. Science shows that unless we slow the rise of global temperatures, two-thirds of North America?s birds could face extinction. Renewable energy, like solar power, is key to reducing pollution and holding temperatures steady. This not only protects birds, but also communities. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Patricia Weber 3968 North 3625 East Kimberly, ID 83341 birder1932@gmail.com (208) 316-5702 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Ted Stout (ted.stout1@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:20:34 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Ted Stout 310 S. 1st Street Bellevue, ID 83313 ted.stout1@gmail.com (208) 721-7402 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Alice Campbell (alchickens5@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:26:51 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Alice Campbell 2031 Hwy 3 Kendrick, ID 83537 alchickens5@yahoo.com (208) 289-5930 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Steve Bastian (steve.bastian4@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:30:10 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, The PUC should be encouraging growth of solar energy in Idaho. It creates jobs, diversifies the power grid, and reduces the need for creating new sources of generation. In general it is good for rate payers. Please deny IP CO?s request to lower rebates to rate payers that elect to install solar. Between federal, state and utility incentives, installation of solar energy must be encouraged as much as is practical. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Steve Bastian 6508 Pomona rd Boise, ID 83704 steve.bastian4@gmail.com (208) 866-6557 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:William R Ritter To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Request for Additional Meetings Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:43:05 AM To whom it may concern, I am writing this email today in hopes of encouraging a fair and adequate opportunity for the citizens of Idaho to voice their thoughts and opinions in response to the case study on net-metering conducted by Idaho Power. The last net meting case had only one public hearing which ran well into the early hours of the morning, which was shut down before many people had the opportunity to properly voice their thoughts. This is unacceptable and a signal that there needs to be several meetings, not just in Boise, but in other hubs such as Twin Falls and Pocatello to ensure that there is fair representation. Solar is growing at an exponential rate, and the decisions from the case will affect many today, but even more in the future. It is only reasonable to allow people to have a say and have their voices be heard. This is an issue that should not be taken lightly, so I implore you to do the right things and allow the people who will be directly affected by this decision to share their thoughts before making the final decision. Thank you for your consideration, Will Ritter Account Manager - CED Greentech Boise Boise (208)417-1177 | Cell (571)666-2021 will@cedgreentechboise.com | www.cedgreentech.com 55 N Truckee Ave Ste 100 Meridian, ID 83642 Check out our new CED Greentech Customer Portal! View statements, pay invoices, and place orders. Add and manage users for the account. Visit our web page to sign up today! https://cedgreentechboise.portalced.com/Register From:Benjamin J Vodovoz To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Public Hearing for Case IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:50:06 AM Attachments:image001.png To whom it may concern, I’m writing on behalf of all Idahoans that they need their voice heard on the Idaho Power case study about net metering. The last net metering case only had 1 hearing in Boise on a weeknight so not everyone with an opinion on the matter was able to speak and even then comments lasted well into the next morning! With the growing population of the State there are more voices that need to be heard so I think there should be at least 3 hearings in the Boise area at different times so anyone with a say on the matter can ensure their opinion is validated. These hearings would also be necessary in other parts of the State as not everyone can travel to Boise but even in Blaine county, Twin Falls, Pocatello, everyone would be affected by these changes to net metering and they should be able to attend at least 1 local hearing on the matter. Thanks, Ben Vodovoz Purchasing and Sales, CED Greentech Boise & Pocatello O: (208)417-1177 | Ben@cedgreentechboise.com | www.cedgreentech.com 55 N Truckee Ave, Suite 100, Meridian, ID 83642 **Next day AM deliveries must be submitted before 12:00 pm the day before** Check out our new CED Greentech Customer Portal! View statements, invoices, and orders. Pay invoices or statements and review payment history. Add and manage users for the account. Visit our web page to sign up today! https://cedgreentechboise.portalced.com/Register From:Barbara Aronowitz (aronobarb@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:56:06 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Barbara Aronowitz 118 Trail Creek Drive Victor, ID 83455 aronobarb@gmail.com (516) 512-4539 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Rich To:Jan Noriyuki; Gmail Subject:Solar Study (IPC-E-22-22) Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:04:53 AM As an Idaho Power consumer and solar owner, I am very disappointed in the referenced Idaho Power study and the restricted nature of allowance to hear the voices of Idaho consumers. It is critical that broadly available public hearings be facilitated so we the people can be heard. Idaho Power’s study is clearly biased against the consumer, and against clean solar power. Their interest is clearly to have the IPUC rubber stamp their intent to raise costs to the customers and penalize solar owners. Their contentions are unwarranted and unsupported, and will hurt all Idaho customer. Schedule open in-person public hearing across Idaho and make them broadly available to all including all times of the day, all days, both weekday and weekend. Sincerely, Rich Want 29246 Farmway Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 Sent from Mail for Windows From:Andrew Huang (ajh.idaho@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:07:05 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Messrs and Madames Commissioners, Let me respectfully request that Idaho Power's approach to homeowner solar power be carefully and publicly reviewed from the public's perspective. Certainly Idaho Power has a right and responsibility for their own profitability, but they ARE a public utility with more responsibility to the public than to themselves. The resiliency and robustness of homeowner solar is a huge advantage in the dramatically changing climate that we are facing. Though the generous rates of net metering is expensive to Idaho Power, those costs become an investment into a diversified infrastructure for Idaho, one that may better deal with the climate changes we face. Finally, let me note that homeowner solar is a huge economic boom for idaho. I have personally injected $50K into the Idaho economy for a roofing, electrical work, and USA made panels for my solar PV project this spring. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Andrew Huang 140 E Provident Dr Boise, ID 83706 ajh.idaho@gmail.com (208) 342-4937 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Alex Hackett (alexghackett@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:09:14 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Power recently published a study that shows it intends to slash compensation rates to local solar owners by over 60%, making solar power less affordable for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities. The Idaho Power?s study is not fair or credible and that it presents an artificially low value of solar that will prevent residents from exercising their right to energy independence. I ask that you revert from this study and go back to paying solar owners a 1 to 1 for the energy they produce. Also, we need equitable and accessible public hearings in multiple locations and days (including a weekend option)! Local residents in Pocatello, Ketchum, Twin Falls, McCall, or even Ontario shouldn't have to drive all the way to Boise to participate in a public hearing on such an important case. You are limiting who can participate. Thank you. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Alex Hackett 307 S Juniper St Nampa, ID 83686 alexghackett@gmail.com (208) 860-8257 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:J. Fleming To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:J. Fleming; "linda@habitatmagicvalley.org" Subject:Case number IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:13:57 AM Attachments:image001.pngimage002.pngimage003.pngimage006.png Dear PUC, We installed a solar array last year to supplement our current and long-term future energy costs, that, and be good environmentally responsible citizens and ease the ever increasing demand on our already outdated and weak electrical grid. Privately owned homes that provide on-site generation systems only represents a little over 1% of all solar generation in Idaho - how can this be an issue for Idaho Power business? Don't let Idaho Power change the current credit rate/compensation structure - our solar array on the roof was based on our total annual consumption and amount of KWH credits needed to "bank" (sent back to the grid) this annual amount over the course of 12 months. If you change this credit structure, it would affect our monthly bill and more so, have a detrimental impact on the adoption of new solar systems on residential roofs in Idaho. We need these kinds of alternative and sustainable sources of energy as the population of Idaho ever increases and taxes our grid. Solar and wind are key power sources available to us and should be welcomed by Idaho Power, not seen as a competitor. Don't let this type of "free" energy be still-born in Idaho by a large energy company that simply needs to embrace it and learn how to work alongside it - it makes sense and only benefits all of us in the long run. Sincerely, Jim & Linda Fleming, Twin Falls, Idaho Jim Fleming V.P., Sales & Distribution jfleming@sweetpdz.com www.sweetpdz.com 208.316.7564 PDZ Company, LLCc/o Jim Fleming1098 Pinewood CircleTwin Falls, Idaho 83301 From:Pam To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Feedback for IPUC meeting today at 11 am Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:22:33 AM From Neal and Pamela Davis 198 Nisula Place McCall, ID 83638 208-315-4938. padavis579@gmail.com 208-630-3486. nadavismyl@gmail.com I was unable to submit this electronically using the Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form because it would not accept the case # I was given. IPC-E-22-22 Because of our deep concern about global warming and climate change, we are installing a home solar system. This is a worldwide issue and I truly believe we can all have an impact on the health and well being of our planet, which directly contributes to the health and well being of the inhabitants. IPUC ordered a study which could be read and understood by people like me. I think you have a professional responsibility to consumers like me to make sure the data is current and accurate, the rate classes are fairly represented and that solar customers like me will have access to the checks and balances provided by the current monthly netting structure. We need to keep the critical benefits of solar central to all decision making. Representatives from the solar industry need to be partners along with Idaho Power and customers like me to ensure we are doing what is best for the planet, the customers, and the providers which includes the solar industry. We are all in this together and we need to work together. In healthcare we have a cynical saying that, "The surgery was a success but the patient died." To avoid this scenario in our current time, we all need to include the well being of our planet in our decision making and solar is a powerful way to ease the stress on our planet by decreasing carbon emissions. Investors always tout a diversified portfolio. I think our power structure is more powerful with the addition of solar. Please listen and pay attention to all of the team members on this issue and thank you for the time and the diligence you bring to this issue. From:Tyson Chavis To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:22:51 AM Hello, As an Idaho native, I would like to ask you to Reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study. The study is not fair or credible and it presents an artificially low value of solar that willprevent residents from exercising their right to energy independence. We also need to Hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. Thank you, -Tyson Chavis From:holt haga To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 - Request for Public Hearing Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:31:28 AM To Whom it May concern, I am writing to request a Public Hearing on this issue. It appears that Idaho Power is attempting to jam this through without the appropriate procedural elements such as a basic public hearing. As a solar customer with rooftop electricity generation, I am concerned about the accuracy of the study conducted by Idaho Power in terms of net metering, lack of environmental evaluation and peak demand reduction. Policy should reflect what’s best for the consumer while also promoting sustainable energy practices. Lack of public comment, feedback and the ability to ask questions on this issue in a public forum would be frankly underhanded. I appreciate your attention and consideration. Regards, Holt From:Linda Fleming To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case number IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:46:24 AM Dear PUC, We installed a solar array last year to supplement our current and long-term future energy costs, to be good environmentally responsible citizens, and ease the ever-increasing demand on our already outdated and weak electrical grid. Privately owned homes that provide on-site generation systems only represent a little over 1% of all solar generation in Idaho - how can this be an issue for the Idaho Power business? Don't let Idaho Power change the current credit rate/compensation structure - our solar array on the roof was basedon our total annual consumption and the number of KWH credits needed to "bank" (sent back to the grid) thisannual amount over the course of 12 months. If you change this credit structure, it would affect our monthly billand more so, have a detrimental impact on the adoption of new solar systems on residential roofs in Idaho. Weneed these kinds of alternative and sustainable sources of energy as the population of Idaho ever increases and taxesour grid. Our community is rated as one of the fastest growing in the United States. Solar and wind are key power sources available to us and should be welcomed by Idaho Power, not seen as a competitor. Don't let this type of "free" energy be still-born in Idaho by a large energy company that simply needs to embrace it and learn how to work alongside it - it makes sense and only benefits all of us in the long run. Sincerely, Linda Fleming, Twin Falls, Idaho -- Linda FlemingExecutive Director Habitat for Humanity of the Magic Valley, Inc.669 Eastland Drive South PO Box 3034Twin Falls, ID 83303-3034 208 735-1233 office208 731-1334 cell 208 944-4088 faxwww.habitatmagicvalley.org Remember Habitat online during: AVENUES FOR HOPE HOUSING CHALLENGE DECEMBER 9TH-31ST, 2022 Ask me how you could become a Habitat Champion! PLEASE PLAN TO GIVE AT: https://www.avenuesforhope.org/organizations/habitat-for-humanity-of-the-magic-valley & give at: https://www.idahogives.org/organizations/habitat-for-humanity-of-the-magic-valley About Habitat for Humanity International Habitat for Humanity International's vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Anchored by the conviction that housing provides a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty, Habitat has helped over 39 million people construct, rehabilitate or preserve homes since 1976. Habitat also advocates to improve access to decent and affordable shelter and supports a variety of funding models that enable families with limited resources to make needed improvements to their homes as their time and resources allow. As a nonprofit Christian housing organization, Habitat works in more than 60 countries and welcomes people of all races, religions, and nationalities to partner in its mission. From:Alice Anderson (aliceranderson@outlook.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:51:01 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Hello, the world is experiencing a frightening climate change . We will all need to make sacrifices for ourselves our planet and for future generations. Idaho power should not be allowed to slow the growth of alternative greener solutions. Please hold public hearings in multiple locations regarding Idaho powers request on local solar power. Thank you. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Alice Anderson 155 Morgan Dr McCall, ID 83638 aliceranderson@outlook.com (208) 890-2991 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Cathy Brown (cathynuxollbrown@rocketmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:59:27 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We all need to join the fight for our future. As a 4th generation Idahoan and a lifetime Idaho Power customer I look to you to lead us not sabotage us!!! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Cathy Brown 2507 W Pleasanton Ave Boise, ID 83702 cathynuxollbrown@rocketmail.com (208) 484-1871 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:mkroll99@msn.com To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power Solar Study (IPC-E-22-22) Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:04:45 AM Dear IPUC Commissioners and staff, We are writing regarding the recent study done by Idaho Power and presented to the IPUC (IPC-E-22-22). We have heard that there is discussion of not allowing for in-person public meetings regarding this study. This would be very unfair to solar customers and the Solar Industry all around the state. We believe that this study is very biased towards Idaho Power and does not treat the solar industry and solar customers fairly. Hourly net metering only benefits Idaho Power and severely harms Solar Customers and the Solar Industry as a whole as it makes it impossible for Solar Customers to ensure that they are receiving the proper credit for excess power. Idaho Power refuses to recognize the environmental benefits of having distributed Solar. They also do not recognize how Solar Customers are also helping to meet demand during peak times. These are only a few of the many things that stand out in the study as being ignored and/or very biased in Idaho Power's favor. The bottom line is that this study aims to significantly harm the Solar Industry and Solar Customers in an attempt to make customers more dependent on the power they provide. Idaho power should be working with the Solar Industry and Solar Customers... and not against them. We feel that it is critical that In-Person public comments be allowed in multiple meetings around the state so that Solar Customers can ensure they have a say in this process and are treated fairly. I pray that you will carefully consider this request as you work to ensure the best interests of all parties involved. Thanks. Mark and Mary Kroll ____________________________ Mark and Mary Kroll 28055 Running River Street Wilder, ID 83676 mkroll99@msn.com From:Dr. Dave Makings To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:(IPC-E-22-22) Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:13:14 AM I AGREE with ICL. As an Idaho citizen, active voter and solar owner I STRONGLY request Public Hearings in several cities across Idaho Power service area. Dr. Dave MakingsProfessor Emeritus College of Southern Idaho M Star LLC PO Box 25Kimberly, ID 83341 From:Alec D Kondeff To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Public Hearings for Case IPC-E-22-22 Date:Wednesday, August 10, 2022 5:37:45 PM Attachments:image001.png To whom it may concern, I am reaching out in an attempt to allow my coworkers, friends, and fellow Idahoans to have their voices heard in regards to the Idaho Power case study about net metering on solar here in Idaho. As I recall, the last net metering case that led to this proposed study had only one single public hearing here in Boise, held on a weeknight. Comments lasted long in to the next morning, until it eventually was shut down with many voices not being heard. With the increase in population and popularity of solar in Idaho, at least three public hearings in Boise alone is absolutely necessary to avoid silencing concerned citizens that would like to make their comments on this case. And let’s not forget that this case will potentially affect a huge swath of southern Idaho and even Oregon, and holding hearings in Boise alone would effectively wall off many of even my own personal friends who would like to speak about this case and comment on the study. The number of exporting customers of Idaho Power in Blaine county, Pocatello, and Twin falls is growing rapidly and minimum of one hearing is necessary in all three of these locations. I like to believe that a small voice like mine can still be heard in a vast and beautiful state like Idaho, please hear my comment and understand that this issue is not being taken lightly by a great many. Sincerely, Alec Kondeff Sales, CED Greentech Boise & Pocatello O: (208)417-1177 | C: (208)695-5736 alec@cedgreentechboise.com | www.cedgreentech.com 55 N Truckee Ave, Meridian, ID, 83642 Check out our new CED Greentech Customer Portal! View statements, invoices, and orders. Pay invoices or statements and review payment history. Add and manage users for the account. Visit our web page to sign up today! https://cedgreentechboise.portalced.com/Register **Next Day AM deliveries must be submitted before 12:00 pm the previous day** From:Kelly I Mooney To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Shasten T Jolley Subject:Opposing Idaho Power"s Study Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:26:53 AM Dear PUC,              I have read the recent study by Idaho Power on Net Metering and strongly think this is a negative impact for the residents of Idaho. The study is noticeably lacking information that such a big company should easily be able to obtain in a study on their own area of expertise. I'm astonished that this is the best they could give us. The study also gives the notion that there is little to no benefit for installing solar power, which in my eyes is avoiding a green movement and forcing Idaho to rely on other power generating resources that may be more harmful to the Earth or non-renewable.       I would really urge you to hold multiple hearings across the state and see the overwhelming amount of people that think this will be a negative effect to our communities. I have not found one person yet in my conversations on the subject that thinks this could benefit us in any way, just the pockets of those at the top of Idaho power. Solar power is the best way for individual power generation and it is unfortunate that such a big company is getting so bitter because they are losing money, when in the big picture, this is an amazing step for humanity in saving our planet's resources. With best wishes, Kelly Mooney From:Michael Engle To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Portneuf Resource Council comments regarding IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:34:53 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, This letter is concerning Idaho Power’s (IPC) fair and credible valuation study of solarpower, case number IPC-E-22-22. The Portneuf Resource Council (PRC) is a non-profit organization in Southeast Idaho that promotes clean energy and clean water. PRC represents more than three hundred citizens in southeast Idaho who areinterested in or already have powered their homes or businesses with solar power. PRC is disappointed in the results of the IPC study on the value of customergenerated power. We believe the conclusion that the customer generated power isat or near the wholesale rate is inconsistent with other similar studies and doesn't usecorrect numbers for various avoided costs and completely ignores environmental andhealth benefits all together. PRC plans to submit detailed comments on the specificsof the avoided cost numbers and community benefits in a separate submission to theIPUC. The purpose of writing today is to encourage the IPUC to hold multiple hybrid public hearings(in person and online) regarding the IPC Valuation Study. Idahoans are passionate about solarfor many reasons including energy independence, participation in the clean energy transition,and the freedom to choose their own energy systems that best meet their families needs. Webelieve it would be of value for the Commission to participate directly with the public to seethat passion and understand their positions and concerns. In southeast Idaho, many of PRC'sconstituents would like to let the Commission know in person of their concerns and commentsabout the study. We suggest at least 4 public hearings and recommend in person plus web based meetings inBoise, Pocatello, Coeur d'Alene, and Hailey. Thank you for listening, Sincerely, Mike Engle Chair, Portneuf Resource Council 208 284 3825 From:Shelley Stratton (kayaktraveler27@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:42:24 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Shelley Stratton 316 12th Ave N Nampa, ID 83687 kayaktraveler27@gmail.com (801) 620-0068 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Rob Hanson (robeerun@aol.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:54:33 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Dear Idaho Public Utility Commissioners: Please hold public hearings for comment and information sharing on the recent Idaho Power study on compensation rates for home solar electricity producers. The public needs this opportunity to speak our concerns and share our ideas. This is a complicated issue with many moving parts. Similar studies have been performed around the country with results that are less favorable to the utility. Public hearings are an important part of fostering public trust in IPUC decisions. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Rob Hanson 2061 E. Feldspar Ct. Boise, ID 83712 robeerun@aol.com (208) 383-0349 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:MaryCarol Nelson To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Listen to our voices desiring solar power for all. Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:58:58 AM Idaho has some of the best solar energy possibilities in the nation! This presents the Public Utility District with great opportunities in this climate crisis, to directly help the state, its citizens and the environment. These opportunities aremore than about money, they are about protection of the place and its people we allhold dear. When I lived in Washington State, I was a member of a very small group who wanted to do something good for our community and to help prevent climatechange. The state of Washington gave us the means to do this: Our CommunitySolar Project that we sponsored became the first one installed in Chelan County under a Washington State program allowing and making possible, a community to finance a solar-electric installation on local public property. The community was overwhelmingly supportive of this venture, and we ended up putting 96 solar panelson the middle school roof. This was simply because of the generousity of our local PUD and the citizens of our community. They invested in the project that in turn, repaid them over the next 6 years. These folks did this, not because of money, (Our electricity was already very inexpensive) , but because they also believed in doingsomething good for our citizens and the environment. Idaho Power has a chance also, to do something good. They first need to LISTEN to the citizens of Idaho: Listen to our voices! Hold public hearings across all of Idaho Power districts; make these hearings frequent and at times and dates sothat more people can actually attend. With Idaho's amazing sunshine, there should be solar panels on every rooftop and on fields where they can shade crops and farm animals! Why not try to make Idaho a leader in AFFORDABLE SOLAR energy!! Most sincerely,MaryCarol Nelson skibikegarden2@gmail.com 1541 Baldy View Drive,Hailey, Idaho 83333 From:Amy DeJesus (amydumars@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:01:07 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Locally owned solar creates jobs and diversifies energy resources for our grid. Do not follow California and Texas mistakes by empowering a single utility company to build a monopoly to the severe detriment of our communities - people's wellbeing depend on economic opportunity and infrastructure that is built to last and to support the commonwealth. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Amy DeJesus 3671 S Pheasant Tail Way BOISE, ID 83716 amydumars@gmail.com (650) 776-1335 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Janet Buschert (janet@buschert.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:21:10 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, For years Idaho Power has continued to reduce their support for solar power and particularly rooftop solar. Because of this, each new report and application deserves a complete public process to assure that all data and points of view are heard and considered. Please hold public hearings on Idaho Power's latest report. And beyond a single meeting. We need equitable and accessible public hearings in multiple locations and days (including a weekend and virtual option)! Local residents in Twin Falls or Idaho Falls shouldn't have to drive all the way to Boise to participate in a public hearing on such an important case. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Janet Buschert 235 W Floating Feather Rd Eagle, ID 83616 janet@buschert.com (208) 830-6878 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Mark Overfelt (moverfelt@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:23:43 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Mark Overfelt PO Box 3452 Hailey, ID 83333 moverfelt@yahoo.com (801) 209-2733 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Michael Bunnell (michael@therecordexchange.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:34:32 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Michael Bunnell 1504 North 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 michael@therecordexchange.com (208) 761-3155 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Scott Larson (larsonscott@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:37:29 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Public Utilities have a responsibility to utilize all methods of electric generation, especially those that have the lowest environmental impact, such as solar power. The PUC should allow public hearings before making any decisions that concern the use of solar power in our state. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Scott Larson 5205 W Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 larsonscott@yahoo.com (208) 381-0519 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Sunergy Consulting To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:39:56 PM Hello, We are requesting several public forum meetings throughout Idaho Power territory. This is in the best interest of mutual clients of Idaho Power and our company. These should be accessible both in person and virtually to allow mutual clients to share input. Not only having several locations throughout Idaho Power service areas these meetings should be spread about on different days, times and even weekends.Thank you, Katrina and Tim CottomSunergy Solar, EV Charging and Energy Solutions LLCIdaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, NewMexico, Illinois and Texas208-647-8400sunergypv@gmail.com "We connect the Sun to your Energy" www.sunergysolarsolutions.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. From:Shane Dittrich To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Comment Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:47:08 PM My name is Shane Dittrich, I currently own a 32kW ground mount solar array. This array wasinstalled in 2021. I am writing these comments because it has become apparent that IP is planningto drastically penalize me for having onsite power generation. These comments are in reference to IPC-E-22-22. I find this attempt so outrageous for a multitude of reasons. The net metering issue is a clear attempt by Idaho Power to limit future competition and future growth of solar. This goes against everything Idaho Power is publicizing in the news, saying they are working on renewable energy. I have paid over $100k for my array because I believe in the renewable energy cause and want to help. I will never see a return on my investment but to have Idaho Power clearly trying to limit my production is counter intuitive. They paid nothing for the infrastructure of my generation and they benefit by my production of electricity back to the grid. They only pay me with credits. I find this attempt to cut private production where the population is outracing what Idaho Power can provide at peak demand times very frustrating. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide an immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar. This study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utilityindustry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current andaccurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understatedas rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study wasfirst started and should have been updated prior to its release to ensure on the surface any sort offairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdatedstudy and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course Idaho Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyone whohas any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value for environmentalimpact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immensecarbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as theydid should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Please do not let Idaho Power strip me of my ability to help supply renewable energy. Shane From:Steven Walker (suestevewalker@yahoo.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:06:17 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, The Idaho Power Study deliberately leaves out data on important benefits such as creating local jobs, energy and grid resilience, public health, and mitigating environmental damage and climate change. We need the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to hold public hearings in multiple locations around the state at times the public can easily attend such as weekends or evenings. My current home is the second home I have owned with rooftop solar. As the country is moving towards electric vehicles and more electric heated and air conditioned homes we should be encouraging rooftop solar and cheaper electric rates for everyone. Geothermal, solar, wind, and water power can easily provide our nations energy needs. We should encourage investments, not discourage them by making compensation lower than what the utility companies charge. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Steven Walker 4777 South Whitmore Way Boise, ID 83709 suestevewalker@yahoo.com (208) 794-7991 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Hailey Minder To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case # IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:26:14 PM Hello, I would like to make a comment about residential solar. We have not had the opportunity to invest in solar on our private property, yet. And I am good friends with a business owner thatis in the same boat. Both of us are very interested in doing so, but with the way I understand Idaho Power's proposed future rate for adding power into the grid, it might not make any senseto put extra units on my home, or my friend's business building. I don't know the dollars and cents behind the credits or proposed credits in the future, but it sounds like Idaho Power would prefer that people not produce extra power to put into the grid.In a state where we are educated to be independent and yet help our community... the idea that a local for-profit company is discouraging both of those things is sad to me. It seems like awin-win situation for Idaho Power if people choose to invest their own money into purchasing, installing, and maintaining solar panels on their private property that then send power back tothe grid. Also with the unprecedented growth in our region, more available power seems like a best case scenario. Less possible brown outs in the future? As I said above, this is a hugely complicated issue and I'm not sure how all of it really works,but I'd like to get a fair pay back from the company I've paid into for so long, when I put solar panels on my home. And if I (or maybe since I) can't get that, I would like to get a fair "credit"when we choose to start producing our own power. Thank you for your time and your much better understanding of this complicated issue. Good luck with it all. See You on the River,Hailey Minder hailey@3100cellars.com From:Robert Kinghorn To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Solar hearings Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:27:41 PM As a home owner in Jerome county , and a solar user I am asking the commission to allow regional hearings in regards to the recent study conducted by Idaho Power. Idaho Power Solar Study (IPC-E-22-22) Thank you for your consideration in allowing our voices and concerns to be heard. Sent from Robert Kinghorn From:Judith Reilly (5220jar@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:44:19 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Listen to the people who are voicing a call for clean energy. We are killing our on Y planet. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Judith Reilly 13556 Paoletti St Caldwell, ID 83607 5220jar@gmail.com (970) 946-5244 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Josie Fretwell (josiefretwell@hotmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:45:02 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We recently installed solar panels and feel this sudden shift in policy deserves a fair hearing, one that includes consumers. We also feel that disincentivizing solar power is exactly the wrong thing to do as climate change warming threatens all life on the planet. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Josie Fretwell 3528 W Meadow Pl Boise, ID 83706 josiefretwell@hotmail.com (208) 830-5649 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Cheri Gavin (clgavin@msn.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:21:54 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, We strongly urge you to broadly communicate all schedules well in advance of holding robust public input process throughout Idaho Power's service territory! I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Cheri Gavin 9135 S. Linder Road Meridian , ID 83642 clgavin@msn.com (208) 888-7682 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Kim Sagers To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case number IPC-E-22-22 Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:16:40 PM Dear PUC, I am a concerned citizen, and though I don't have solar power myself as I am a renter, I believe that to have it shows one to be a good environmentally responsible citizen, and ease the ever-increasing demand on our already outdated and weak electrical grid. Privately owned homes that provide on-site generation systems represent such a miniscule percent of all solar generation in Idaho - how can this be an issue for theIdaho Power business? Don't let Idaho Power change the current credit rate/compensation structure. If you change this credit structure, it would have a detrimental impact on the adoption ofnew solar systems on residential roofs in Idaho. It would also have a negative effect on the bills for current solar power consumers. We need these kinds of alternative and sustainable sources of energy as the population of Idaho ever increases and taxes our grid. Our community is rated as one of the fastest growing in the UnitedStates. Solar and wind are key power sources available to us and should be welcomed by Idaho Power, not seen as a competitor. Don't let this type of "free" energy be still-born in Idaho by a large energy company that simply needs to embrace it and learn how to work alongside it - it makes sense and only benefits all of us in the long run. Sincerely,Kim SagersVolunteer Coordinator - Office CoordinatorHabitat for Humanity of the Magic Valley, Inc.669 Eastland Drive SouthPO Box 3034Twin Falls, ID 83303-3034208 735-1233 office208 944-4088 faxkim@habitatmagicvalley.org Plan ahead; Avenues for Hope runs December 12th-31st~The matching funds of this event means we can:Double your donations-Double our funding!! AfH Campaign:$164,000 Raised in 2021! What can we do NEXT Year!! P.S. We always welcome volunteers! From: PUCWeb Notification <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:02 PM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb <ConsumerComplaintsWeb@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Joe Shea Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:56PM Email: sdshea44@gmail.com Telephone: 208-349-7570 Address: 1962 N Peartree Ave Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Contacted Utility: Yes Comment: "I want the IPUC to be To be at Idaho Power meeting to represent us that have solar panels." ------ From:Barbara Olic-Hamilton (bfolic@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-22-22 Public Hearing Request Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:07:43 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Although I don't have rooftop solar, when I look to the future, I see it as a valuable source of energy that should be encouraged, not discouraged. We will need more energy from multiple energy sources, including rooftop solar. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power?s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in the study, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. Sincerely, Barbara Olic-Hamilton 3755 Maze Place Boise, ID 83706 bfolic@gmail.com (208) 344-3778 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:00:07 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Gene Bennett Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 7:25AMEmail: generbennett@aol.com Telephone: 208-860-7507Address: 4210 North Rogue River Way Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold public hearings on the above case and ask Idaho Power to issue anExecutive Summary of their proposal prior to the public hearings." ------ Name: Jerry Piper Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 7:36AMEmail: jp4fuel@gmail.com Telephone: 208-257-3314Address: 2575 Battershell Lane Midvale, ID 83645 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Having just recently installed a solar power production system at my homeresidence I am very concerned about the changes Idaho Power is asking for. It basically reduces my compensation for power production by 35% if I understand the specifics. I amvery concerned since this reduction in compensation is a direct correlation to the amount of power that the Idaho Power Company will take back into the grid. This assumption is due tothat fact that it will no longer be equitable for someone to be able to afford to install a solar system. It also advantages Idaho Power by showing a higher output in power if I understandthe formula for compensation return based on total output of power. I strongly urge the Idaho Public Utility Commissioners to allow public comment through public hearings. The IdahoPower findings in the report provided by Idaho Power in this case has a strong utility bias and has issues that need brought to light through a public hearing. I urge the IPUC to hold hearingsin several local venues across the state so that information in this case can be properly vetted and allow the public to provide the IPUC a more complete view of the issues and potentialunintended consequences of this case. In this time of high inflation this case and the consequences that it will produces on consumers needs to be considered and should be heardthrough open hearings. " ------ Name: Patricia Rielly Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 7:11AMEmail: Frogthis@yahoo.com Telephone: 661-714-6764Address: 12299 west pavo st Star, ID 83669 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territories. Offer virtual video and weekend options so people can share their concerns directly with the Public Utilities Commission. Thank you for your attention to this important matter!" ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:00:07 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Jonathan Oh Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:15PMEmail: jonathanoh84@gmail.com Telephone: 916-214-0056Address: 6261 S Teak Avenue Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "With regards to case IPC-E-22-22, I urge the PUC to require Idaho Power to havepublic hearings on this matter. Idaho Power is attempting to take away our benefit of per kWh onsite generation without taking into consideration the public input. Thank you. SIncerely,Jon" ------ Name: Chad Majors Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:19PMEmail: chad.majors@raymondjames.com Telephone: 208-861-5210Address: 515 11th Avenue South Nampa, ID 83651 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I ask that IPUC require public in person hearings all across Idaho Powers territoryin order to offer a full range of opinions and studies that might not support the recently released value of solar study from Idaho Power. It seems to me that there is a clear conflict ofinterest from IP." ------ Name: Roger Millar Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:24PMEmail: rogermillar421@gmail.com Telephone: 406-544-1963Address: 269 Rio Vista Boulevard McCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please make sure to include accessible public hearings statewide as a part of yourdeliberation of this important case. This issue is too important to resolve without input from the people affected. Thank you!" ------ Name: Candis MillarSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:10PM Email: candis.b@hotmail.comTelephone: 406-697-0879 Address: 269 Rio VistaMcCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Regarding the proposed scheduling for the 'value of solar' study. Please revise this schedule to include at least 3 public hearings with remote access option. It is only fair that thepublic get to comment on this study that is the focus of a public resource. Thanks for taking my comment." ------ Name: Dawn ChristensenSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:49PM Email: dawn.moriah.christensen@gmail.comTelephone: 208-598-0723 Address: 10310 W Treeline streetBOISE, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balancesagainst accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks andbalances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to holdsolar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solarproviders. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor toIdaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here ishaving this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting isallowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses powerdifferently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staffengineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong withso many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that hasworked very well for many years. " ------ Name: Chander Sawh Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:42PMEmail: chandersawh@gmail.com Telephone: 503-539-4523Address: 2417 E. La Grange Dr Meridian, Id 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Chander Sawh and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Meridian.I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental andrelated benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-personpublic hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate inthis critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission." ------ Name: Deana Spracklen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:29PMEmail: deanahf@msn.com Telephone: 208-871-3534Address: 5009 E. Orchard Ave. Nampa, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a homeowner who has recently invested in solar power, I would greatlyappreciate any changes to Idaho Power's process of reimbursement for solar energy be open to public comment via meetings, in person or online, before any changes be made. " ------ Name: Karen SteenhofSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:52PM Email: karensteenhof@gmail.comTelephone: 208-337-2355 Address: 18109 Briar Creek RdMurphy, ID 83650 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Karen Steenhof, and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Murphy, Idaho. In 2014 I installed an 8 kw solar array (36 panels) on the roof of my barn. I oppose Idaho Power Company’s plans to reduce compensation rates to local solar owners. I am concerned that the analysis in Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar underestimates the value of solar. The analysis does not consider all the benefits of locally produced solar power, and it does not adequately recognize that distributed rooftop solar reduces the need for additional transmission and the associated environmental costs. I care about these issues because I am concerned about climate change. I would like to expand my solar generation, but I would be penalized for doing so under Idaho Power’s current plan. Please hold public hearings throughout Idaho Power’s service area to ensure that as many people as possible can share their concerns about this flawed study and the upcoming critical decision directly with the Commission. For those of us in rural areas, virtual meetings are particularly important. Solar generation should be more not less affordable if Idaho Power truly wants to meet its goal of 100% clean energy in 25 years. " ------ Name: Cole FredericksSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 1:25PM Email: cole.fredericks@revolusun.comTelephone: 208-503-6969 Address: 457 Steelhead WayBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Make this hearing public and give homeowners with solar a voice, as its a valuable and more sustainable option." ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:00:07 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Tim Cottom Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:26PMEmail: sunergypv@gmail.com Telephone: 208-647-8400Address: 211 S 700 W Heyburn, ID 83336 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting public forum meetings at several venues throughout Idaho Powerservice territory. Mutual of clients of Idaho Power and our company deserve adequate opportunities to share their input on this highly important issue. Thank you" ------ Name: Douglas LampmanSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:19PM Email: doug.lampman@ymail.comTelephone: 208-901-5700 Address: 11759 W. Meadowfalls dr.Star, ID 83669 Name of Utility Company: RVESTA, INC Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "To Whom It may concern, I am a residential customer/provider to Idaho Power. I recently invested over $64,000 in a solar aria to generate clean efficient energy to my homeand my community. I am under the existing net metering program for consumers with Idaho Power. I am shocked and amazed at the attempt to keep this clearly bias study from Publiccommentary in an open public hearing.I have long been aware of Idaho powers desire to penalize solar producers. Under the false and misleading assumption that it’s not fair for theaverage consumer who is hooked to the grid in a traditional billing scenario.However under the light of day and in light of the fact that the federal government has just enacted a $400billion dollar investment in clean energy the very least you as a public regulator you a responsibility to open up this process to debate in a public forum. The study which IPCcommissioned is bias and inaccurate, And is intentionally designed to support their desire to penalize independent power producers to the grid. In consideration of the serious climacticchanges we are experiencing in our region IPC should be desirous of a fair and equitable system to compensate us for our contributions to the system. This proposal penalizes notincentivizes people who are attempting to make a difference! I beg you to open up this hearing process and allow the public to weigh in on behalf of all consumers and our environment.Regards,Douglas J. Lampman Star, Idaho Power producer." ------ Name: Rick Graff Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:31PMEmail: rickygraff@gmail.com Telephone: 805-450-7023Address: 1965 West Maracay Drive MERIDIAN, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "There must be public, in person hearings about the proposed reduction inconsumer generated solar power credit. Their study does not accurately portray current or future electricity costs and seriously undermines a grassroots resource for energy production.Please allow for public in person comments on their proposal. Thank you " ------ Name: Matthew Hepworth Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:11PMEmail: mchepworth@gmail.com Telephone: 208-841-0213Address: 848 E Warm Springs Ave Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I strongly encourage the commission to hold in person hearings and/or meetingswith the public pertaining to the VODER report. I hold a masters degree in energy engineering and have worked in the renewables and distributed energy space for over a decade. Manyfindings of this report are contrary to studies conducted by other utilities on the same topics and the public deserves the time and ability to review the study in depth, present questions,and discuss with the commission in a public forum. " ------ Name: Craig Held Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:09PMEmail: craigelpescador1962@outlook.com Telephone: 208-559-7306Address: 3535 N Mountain View Dr Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a solar generator, I think the report generated by Idaho Power was reallybiased. How can you allow a company to produce something that they have a vested interest in controlling? There needs to be public hearings in various cities so the public can providecomments on this study. In addition it would be wise to have an academic community with no bias be commissioned by the IPUC to conduct a study or review of the findings done in IdahoPower's study." ------ Name: william stokes Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:37PMEmail: sales@rundleinc.com Telephone: 208-895-8954Address: 880 E. Franklin #309 meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Very Concerned about proposal on net metering of Electrical Power consumptionto public. " ------ Name: Brandon Doerksen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:17PMEmail: brandon@egtsolar.com Telephone: 208-995-7434Address: 1150 East Lone Creek Drive Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Brandon Doerksen, and I am an Idaho Power customer living inEagle, ID. I am a father of 3 and currently have the opportunity to help residential customers utilize rooftop solar to save money and have options such as battery backup for their family'sautonomy and economic well-being. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar byintentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities thatbenefit from locally-owned solar. I care about these issues because I talk with many clients weekly who take pride in going solar to protect the environment and utilize governmentincentives. The solar economy dramatically benefits the local economy and the customers it serves while supporting the grid when it needs it most. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power's service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission." ------ Name: Ryan White Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:08PMEmail: RyanWID26@gmail.com Telephone: 208-571-2478Address: 2700 E Locust St Emmett, ID 83617 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am formally requesting a public hearing over this case IPC-E-22-22." ------ ------ Name: Shane DittrichSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:45PM Email: shane.dittrich@gmail.comTelephone: 208-965-6655 Address: 62 S. Pit LaneNampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Shane Dittrich, I currently own a 32kW ground mount solar array. This array was installed in 2021. I am writing these comments because it has become apparent that IP is planning to drastically penalize me for having onsite power generation. These comments are in reference to IPC-E-22-22. I find this attempt so outrageous for a multitude of reasons. The net metering issue is a clear attempt by Idaho Power to limit future competition and future growth of solar. This goes against everything Idaho Power is publicizing in the news, saying they are working on renewable energy. I have paid over $100k for my array because I believe in the renewable energy cause and want to help. I will never see a return on my investment but to have Idaho Power clearly trying to limit my production is counter intuitive. They paid nothing for the infrastructure of my generation and they benefit by my production of electricity back to the grid. They only pay me with credits. I find this attempt to cut private production where the population is outracing what Idaho Power can provide at peak demand times very frustrating. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed tokeep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever- growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The valuespresented in the study are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put touse at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide an immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/andcleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar. This study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledgecould read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/feeshave jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to its release to ensure on the surface any sort offairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly NettingRequest-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course Idaho Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balancesagainst accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks andbalances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to holdsolar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solarproviders. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor toIdaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here ishaving this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting isallowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses powerdifferently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staffengineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong withso many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that hasworked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry.For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes ishard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Plea" ------ Name: Burton Smith Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:59PM Email: brsmithintf@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-308-3535 Address: 2651 E. 4000 NTwin Falls , ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, This is to request a series of public meetings/hearings so that the PUC Commissioners may hear and see in person the real people that have concerns about therecently published Idaho Power Solar study. This is such an important issue for the people of Idaho’s future. Its impact goes beyond Idaho as well. I strongly, strongly encourage you toschedule multiple public meetings at various places and times, even Saturdays, so that you may hear from the public, whom you represent, about their perspective on rooftop solar, netmetering, and Idaho Power’s study. As many buildings as possible should be power plants for generating electricity. In these times, the public should be encouraged to have solar installed,not impeded. I will submit my thoughts on specific aspects of Idaho Power’s study at the appropriate time. For now, please heed my and other’s request for scheduling multiple publichearings for you to listen and learn about the people’s perspectives on this issue. Thank you. Burton Smith" ------ Name: Austin QuappSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:37PM Email: austinquapp@gmail.comTelephone: 208-949-3947 Address: 321 Eagle Glen LnEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Solar is a growing industry that I believe is ever more important as the valley grows and our energy demands increase. With the growth in the valley with new homes airconditioning usage is increase which is a huge draw to the aging electrical grid. Customers that produce electricity with solar offset those huge demands and relieve pressure off of thegrid. In my opinion, every house should have solar, if plausible, just to help offset this huge demand during the summer. We see what is happening in around the country and I think itwould be poor planning to disincentivize customers who use their own money to help produce electricity to offset their own usage and the extra power to other customers. This is only one ofmany reasons why solar benefits our local community. The actions that ID Power is attempting to have placed on the solar industry will greatly reduce anyone's ability to go solarin the future. I get that as a company their goal is to make as much money as possible without competition but competition is good for any industry, especially when there is a monopoly inplace like ID Power. Thank you for hearing a small portion of many thoughts about this proposed case. I hope that this statement will help the Utilities Commission keep in mind thepublics best interest and not that of Idaho Power. " ------ Name: Jennie Baker Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:56PMEmail: jenbaker8@msn.com Telephone: 208-888-4736Address: 8185 S. Linder Road Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello - My husband previously sent in a comment when we originally received information about this case. The letter we received was very vague, and it was difficult to determine what was being proposed regarding individual solar systems. We have recently obtained additional information, so I would like to make a comment as well. I would like to request accessible public hearings regarding this issue. We recently installed a new solar system for our home. We felt good about being able to produce power for ourselves and help increase power for the power grid even if it is a small amount. We were discouraged to hear that our efforts were met with these proposed changes to reduce the benefit we receive from producing power. Our area is growing significantly, so it seems that Idaho Power would be appreciative of any additional help it can receive. We would respectfully request that these proposals be reconsidered and not allowed to be implemented. Thank you." ------ Name: Dennis PearlSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:01PM Email: dennispearl1@gmail.comTelephone: 986-999-0694 Address: 942 NE Tanager StMountain Home, ID 83647 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Request a second look at this study as well as a public hearing so all sides could be heard and issues addressed. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:00:06 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: David Dewey Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:09AMEmail: d2dewey@gmail.com Telephone: 408-368-6743Address: 9074 Hanley Pl. Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am an owner of a solar power array for my property at 9074 Hanley Pl. and donot want to see my power rates increased by changing the rules of the agreement we signed up for when we put in the solar power. There should certainly be at least a public hearing withadequate time for response for any proposed changes in the way solar power is billed and accounted for." ------ Name: Janae KorfantaSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:08AM Email: janaek22@gmail.comTelephone: 208-371-7949 Address: 8621 W San Marino DrBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Janae Korfanta Case ID: IPC-E-18-15 Comment: "I strongly urge the PUC to hold both in-person and virtual hearings for the IPC- 22-22 case. The public is a major stake-holders in this case and will feel the impacts of thisdecision for decades. They deserve the ability to comment. Furthermore, the study that Idaho Power has conducted does not address viewpoints beyond their own interests. Their studypresents the issue in a way that does not take into account the public's best interest and instead seeks to promote the interests of Idaho Power. The PUC has a duty to represent the public andits interests; however, in order to do so, they must take the opportunity to hear from the public about their needs and concerns. " ------ Name: Jacob HaysSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:54AM Email: JAKE9984@GMAIL.COMTelephone: 208-867-9984 Address: 11545 WEST FLORIDA DRIVEBOISE, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am a homeowner in Boise, and I have recently learned that significant changes to the value of excess solar production are being considered. I understand there are many factorsin this decision, but I am feel very strongly that a public hearing is necessary so that you may understand the views from homeowners like myself and those who may be considering solarpower on their properties. Thank you, Jake Hays" ------ Name: Dave Makings Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:10AMEmail: drmakings67@gmail.com Telephone: 208-420-4289Address: PO Box 25 or 3420N 3500 E Kimberly, ID 83341 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As an Idaho citizen and active voter and solar owner I agree with ICL ICL will beadvocating for in-person public hearings (with a virtual component) in Pocatello, Ketchum, and Boise. We need one in Twin Falls also. " ------ Name: Robert GrossSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:34AM Email: bobjan144@centurylink.netTelephone: 208-869-4670 Address: 5233 S Chinook AveBoise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: ID Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We would like to request public hearings statewide, and public input regarding Idaho Powers attempt to reduce household solar power credits. Concerned that the study is onesided without the full input of all stakeholders. We have chosen solar not to make a profit but to help our community and state have clean energy. Thank you, Robert and Janice Gross " ------ Name: Hidy RasmussenSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:02AM Email: hhrasmussen2010@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-240-4608 Address: 1817 Tempe DrPocatello, ID 83202 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting a public hearing on this case." ------ Name: Lon Stewart Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:34AMEmail: afreeeagle@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-841-3929Address: 3477 Shadow Hills Dr Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Lon Stewart and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Eagle. I amconsidering installing my own PV panels with battery backup to do my part to generate clean renewable energy. Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar appearsto underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho Power customers trying to benefitfrom customer owned solar. My neighbor has solar panels and is compensated at the net metering rate of what they purchase power for. If I install panels, I would be compensated at amuch less rate. This does not seem fair. We are both generating electricity that can be used on the grid. The electrons do not know change because of their compensation rate. I applaudIdaho Power for setting a goal of being 100% renewable energy by 2045 and setting up their own solar fields. But if they are truly trying to be clean energy, why are they discouragingcustomer owned generation? The customer puts up the capitol expenditure for installation and maintenance thereby eliminating the need for Idaho Power to construct large generatingfacilities, distribution lines and suffer line loses. Just think if Idaho Power put some of that money towards a roof top solar panel for everyone, I bet it would still be cheaper than a largefacility. There are a lot of people like me that are considering solar and would be very interested in how this study or a revised study would affect them. Please hold in-person publichearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in thiscritical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. Thank you for your consideration. " ------ Name: Jacob WalkerSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:58AM Email: jlwalk02@gmail.comTelephone: 208-585-8232 Address: 1060 West Elias DriveMeridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "it appears that idaho power is attempting to reduce the investment made by home owners to generate their own power. I realize that as a business it hurts their bottom linebecause they are not able to continue to raise rates every year and minimize the value to homeowner power generation. My ask is that these hearings be public and that all sides have achance to present evidence. Idaho power should not have the only say in this matter. " ------ Name: Jackie Wood Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:17AMEmail: jackieewood4@gmail.com Telephone: 408-674-4402Address: 22717 Riley Ct Middleton, ID 83644 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We must hold hearings that are open to the public for these proposed net meteringchanges. It's important to our family that we're able to attend them." ------ Name: Gilberto Sauceda Jr Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:15AMEmail: gsauceda3@gmail.com Telephone: 304-638-3780Address: 2305 W State St Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "IDACORP made a 2021 profit of $245.6 million and their CEO made $5.9 millionin 2020. How can a company with such wealth be allowed to stifle clean energy? " ------ Name: Paul Derig Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:11AMEmail: derigspk@msn.com Telephone: 208-365-0100Address: 1518 E. South Slope Rd. Emmett, ID 83617 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am submitting my comments as a residential solar generator, regarding the IdahoPower VODER study. I am dissapointed in the study in that it does not consider the investment made by the consumer to generate power and take some pressure off the utilitycompany and provide them with an environmentally friendly source of electricity. In the proposal set forth in the Export Credit Rate example (proposal) I do not feel that this isequitable when compared to the rates charged back to the customer. The utility infrastructure is no different whether I am a user or generator so the costs are the same for the utility, yet mycost of the system to provide power for myself and other on the grid was substantial and I still pay Idaho Power the monthly fee for service as outlined in the study. This seems like a reallygood deal for the utility charging 3-4 times the rate that they are giving back in ECR (if they had paid for the system that I installed then it would be equitable to just pay the low exportcredit rate). There are a few reasons that I put my system in: First as a retired person on a fixed income I wanted to have firm budget figured for my expenses. The ECR does not accomplishthis as shown in the example, I give them free electricity (generating more than I consume) I pay ID power because of the inequity of ECR and then they turn around and sell that power tosomeone else. I call that double dipping! Secondly it was the right thing to do my part to help reduce the demand on the grid particularly with the growth in this area. Was it a greatinvestment? No I could have done better leaving the money invested, but as a hedge against growth and rising demand I still feel it was the right decision. The commission may prove thatwrong if ERC is approved without due consideration for the consumer system costs and any future credits by whatever means, the utility should stay on par with the generator. Third arethe environmental and carbon emission considerations that are highly scrutinized these days. I strongly feel that this proposal/study need to be properly evaluated and balanced to include theresidential costs and benefits of generation, and not just look at it from Idaho Powers perspective. Thank you for your consideration! Paul" ------ Name: Stephen WoodSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:13AM Email: smwood4@gmail.comTelephone: 206-679-2311 Address: 22717 Riley CtMiddleton, ID 83644 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As someone who recently spent $30k upgrading and installing solar on my home I'm very discouraged to read about these potential changes to the way our system is metered and billed. Doesn't peak demand reduction negatively affect both the utility and the customer?When everyone's AC is running full speed we're SENDING energy to the grid and into their homes (not to mention lowering the burden of electricity we use). IPUC must require Idaho Power to hold public hearings for these changes." ------ Name: kelley steen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:16AMEmail: kelyjames@gmail.com Telephone: 208-316-3520Address: 2869 4th Ave East twin falls, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "This this should be a public hearing. Idaho power is trying to shaft everyone who has spent resources installing solar on their home. " ------ Name: Ashley Rasmussen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:02AMEmail: a.rasmussen2010@gmail.com Telephone: 208-760-0244Address: 1817 Tempe Dr Pocatello, ID 83202 Name of Utility Company: Idaho PowerCase ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting a public hearing on this case."------ Name: Brett JobSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 11:57AM Email: bjob13@gmail.comTelephone: 208-890-3491 Address: 6054 South Settlement WayBoise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We need to have public hearings on this issue as we need to insure that in the net metering structure there is a fairness and balance for those of us who have invested in solar energy for Idaho. We can not let Idaho Power control the game and not fairly pay those of us generating excess power. "------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:00:06 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Steve Harrel Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:20PMEmail: steve_harrel@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-899-5186Address: 23285 Middle Road Wilder, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Renewable Energy is my future and the ability to add a Solar System to my homeshould be simple and cost effective. Our great State of Idaho should be leading the way for our nation to provide a easy path for anyone's financial situation to go Solar. I am very concernedabout Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. Thisthreatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please allow an open, Public forum to hear from75% of Idaho Power users, not a .0001%. The dark of night, behind closed doors schemes are the works of evil, the truth is out in the light." ------ Name: Ellen ParrSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:07PM Email: ellen@wynfieldhounds.comTelephone: 503-349-3004 Address: 8875 Red Tail LnNampa, ID 83686 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "First off, we need to have public hearings about this case!!! It looks to me like a money grab by Idaho Power. Those of us who have spent a considerable amount of our moneyto install solar should not be punished for helping the state. We are not only helping the environment in a rapidly denigrating climate, we also help the state by providing power inpeak usage times. Hourly net metering looks like an attempt by Idaho Power to limit consumers from choosing solar." ------ Name: Jon MinkoffSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:02PM Email: jminkoff@speedyquick.netTelephone: 208-459-4740 Address: 11648 Eva LaneCaldwell, ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a residential on-site generator of solar power, I strongly request that the PUC hold at least three in-person public hearings around Idaho (with online access) on the Value ofDistributed Energy Resources (VODER) Study. Workshops are inadequate for this important matter. " ------ Name: Tracy Vedder Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:10PM Email: veddertracy@gmail.comTelephone: 425-391-3003 Address: 5377 S Ten Mile Rd Meridian , ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Tracy Vedder]__ and I am an Idaho Power living in Meridian. My husband and I have used solar power for over a year now and have found it to be a tremendousasset for us personally and for our community. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar byintentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities thatbenefit from locally-owned solar. I care about these issues because my family is very concerned about climate change, the side effects of hydropower (salmon) and the use of fossilfuels. It’s the reason we elected to purchase our solar power system in the first place even though Idaho is one of the least supportive states for alternative fuels. Please hold in-personpublic hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate inthis critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission." ------ Name: Daniel Bennett Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:23PMEmail: dbennett@egtsolar.com Telephone: 208-608-1363Address: 289 W Screech Owl dr. Kuna, ID 83634 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As an Idaho Native, a father of four and an Employee of the renewable-energyindustry I am largely concerned with the "Customer generation," or "VODER" study provided by Idaho power. Common sense guidelines were issued by the IPUC, and Idaho Power made aclear decision to side-step several of the requirements for this study to be considered valid. 1. The positive impact the Solar industry has on the environment as an alternative to fossil fuelsis considerable and Idaho Power's decision to negate any consideration here is gross negligence. 2. The IPUC required the findings in the survey to be easily understood by thegeneral public. As an industry professional who works directly with Solar production and consumption it is a challenge to understand some or even most of the information supplied inthis study. 3. Idaho Power has chosen to provide a solution that does not consider the consumer or the solar providers as well as the farming communities or other commercialassets. This attempt and every other attempt have been in effort to cripple the competition to fossil fuels and monopolize the energy resources available. 4. Idaho Power has asserted thatthe changes they seek are imminent, have issued mailers to the public with verbiage that has created a panic and have not provided an ample opportunity for the public to address theirconcerns or challenge the validity of this extremely bias and inaccurate conclusion. The public must be able to speak and be heard. Please allow the opportunity for not only the Intervenersbut the general public and industry professionals to be heard. This requires multiple venues, in person or virtual and at many times of the day/week. We deserve the right to elaborate on theimpact this decision would have and why the study is not "comprehensive" and requires a much broader scope as well as the necessity for compromise. " ------ Name: Randy CrayneSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:44PM Email: crayne3@gmail.comTelephone: 208-954-6642 Address: 932 N Linda Vista AveBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My wife & I are both recently retired and have setup our budget with our reduced income by earlier this year making the decision to add solar panels to our home to help offsetour bills. We are and have been the homeowner for 35 years with the recently installed 4.5 kW roof solar installation. The motivation for installing the system included: 1) reducing the costof energy for our home 2) providing power for a future EV, (now we are rethinking the purchase of the car) to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. 3) helping to reduce the need forIdaho Power to build additional power plants In Idaho Power’s recent study, considerations of financial compensation vs. kWh compensation, values Idaho Power at about 8-10 cents/kWh;and that generated by a homeowner at 2-4 cents/kWh. This makes no sense. Shouldn’t our generated electricity be the same value as Idaho Power’s? And the cost of a home solar systemactually costs the homeowner well over 6-7 cents per kWh when installation and associated hardware are calculated. But the only fair way, in our view, is to use kWh equivalence,calculated continuously; then credit or debit determined monthly, or in similar manner. Changing the formula would have a very negative effect to our monthly bill. Had we known ofthis potential change in rules and cost changes, we would not have made the decision to install solar panels. Please consider leaving the current structure in place, or offer a grandfatherclause for existing customers and not just for customers that had solar in 2019. Respectfully Submitted Randy & Cindy Crayne " ------ Name: Jonathan SanthouseSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:11PM Email: jonathan.santhouse@gmail.comTelephone: 719-201-6295 Address: 8149 E Selway CtNampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I request that IPUC hold public hearings on this case. I believe this is important so that there is a chance for experts in the solar power industry to have input and data consideredby the public, as well as the information IPUC has provided. Thank you for your consideration." ------ Name: Harry RenoSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:37PM Email: hjamesreno@hotmail.comTelephone: 253-442-5623 Address: 1967 N Peartree AveMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I just read (today) for the first time what is being proposed by the PUC. The proposition sounds "shady" and being done on "the sly" with an expiration date of today. Theproposition sounds very inequitable and unfair to the consumer. Additional time to review this case in detail would be appreciated." ------ Name: Daniel OstermillerSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:43PM Email: ostermillermd@gmail.comTelephone: 208-634-6442 Address: 300 Crowley Ln #2018McCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please support public comment and attendance for input into private solar projects and compensation by the Idaho Power. Support homeowners contribution to solar power.Thanks Dan Ostermiller" ------ Name: Joy Steiner Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:33PMEmail: joytales@earthlink.net Telephone: 208-631-1445Address: 1105 W Pueblo St Boise, ID 83072 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Joy Steiner and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Boise. I am aretired educator with children and grandchildren also living in Boise. Our family is invested in growing all forms of revenue and jobs for Idaho. I am very concerned about Idaho Power'snewly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens faircompensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. I care about these issues because solar is an importantsource of energy and income for Idaho. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekendoption) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. Thank you, Joy Steiner" ------ Name: Troy JenkinsSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:13PM Email: tjenkins@bishs.comTelephone: 208-961-0990 Address: 5610 SE 1st AveNew Plymouth, ID 83655 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "From what I understand the commission is reviewing a study from Idaho Power that ultimately could decrease the energy credit as much as 60%. I would urge you to not makea determination with out having the appropriate public meetings. Thank you for your consideration. " ------ Name: Mark SmithSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:53PM Email: mark@earthdr.comTelephone: 208-954-1687 Address: 1908 N 29th StBoise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In the interest of transparency and accountability, I request that public hearings be held on consideration of solar net metering, the topic case number." ------ Name: Cliff LooneySubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:42PM Email: cliff@butlerlooney.comTelephone: 208-739-7344 Address: 2269 E Hyper Dr.Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Idaho PUC, I am greatly concerned that Idaho Power is attempting to achieve the changes requested in this proposal in a clandestine manner. This needs to be airedand to sort out the motivation of Idaho Power. These changes further suppress the attempts of all concerned with the environmental dangers of continuing to rely on water and power toproduce electricity. The solar industry needs to be encouraged rather than discouraged. Idaho's ability to gain a toehold on the clean air and water for fish agenda is essential to thepreservation of Idaho citizens' life style. Idaho Power's attempt to achieve betrays a motivation that is very self serving and short sighted. Please deny this move and do require full publichearings for this request. Cliff Looney" ------ Name: William Remington Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:41PMEmail: rockfox66@gmail.com Telephone: 208-944-2009 Address: 2170 Eagle Crest DriveFiler, ID 83328 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "On issues that will affect Idaho’s future energy security it is imperative that citizens be given a chance to express their concerns at public hearings. Many of us have or are in the process of installing solar panels based on the current 1:1 energy swaps. Obviously changing out of the current situation changes the calculation as to whether or not to undertake this financial investment." ------ Name: Gregory Daggett Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 2:02PMEmail: greg.daggett@gmail.com Telephone: 208-850-4974Address: 13292 W. Telemark St. Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I urge the IPUC to host in person hearings to address concerns related to the proposal put forth by Idaho Power to change the way it manages on site solar power production. The three areas of significant concern that I would like an opportunity to address are: 1. Actions taken to create economic barriers to renewable energy sources is in direct conflict with the collective recommendations of the scientific community to address climate change. 2. The specific proposal to calculate net usage on an hourly basis will cause economic hardship for those who invested in systems based the current model (resulting in a 10-12 year payback period) as the payback period will never be obtained. 3. On site solar installations are not material to Idaho Power today, and new solar installations are outnumbered by new customers (residential and commercial), thus the materiality of this class of customers is not a threat today or tomorrow. I hope I have the opportunity to bring my voice and additional information to an upcoming hearing. Best regards, Greg Daggett" ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 11:00:07 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Jacinth Reese Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:08AMEmail: jacinth.reese@gmail.com Telephone: 503-422-1725Address: 2702 E Rhyolite Ct Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am concerned with how Idaho power is handling and receiving their informationregarding net metering and would like for the IPUC to require public in person hearings all across Idaho Power territory." ------ Name: Amelia ShankwitzSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:06AM Email: ameliashankwitz@gmail.comTelephone: 612-423-2654 Address: 848 E Warm Springs AveBoise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am writing to urge the PUC to hold both an in-person and virtual hearing for the IPC-22-22 case. The public is one of the major stake holders of this case and will feel theimpacts of this decision for decades and as a result deserves the ability to comment. Furthermore, the study that Idaho Power has conducted is incredibly one sided. The currentstudy presents the issue in a way that does not take into account the publics best interest and instead seeks to promote the interests of Idaho Power. The PUC has a responsibility torepresent the public and its interests; in order to do this they must have the opportunity to hear from the public about their needs and concerns. " ------ Name: Russel LodgeSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:46AM Email: rwlodge@hotmail.comTelephone: 208-401-4888 Address: 4004 N Sandpoint WayBoise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "IPUC really needs to require Idaho Power to hold Public Hearings when it comes to solar net metering, and customer generation. There's a lot of talk about going green and being renewable, but IP policy does not seem to support these ends." ------ Name: Max Hineman Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:37AMEmail: mhineman@q.com Telephone: 208-890-1451Address: 2430 Claremont Dr. Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power has recently submitted a study in support of their request to modifythe net metering of residential solar to a net billing with a very low proposed ratio (< 0.4:1). I have some concerns about the submitted study not the least being a complete omission of anenvironmental impact assessment, which would clearly have been positive for the solar generated power. While it is clear that using solar and wind power adds complexity to themanagement of the grid, these elements are part of the current power base already. As climate change is forming a greater risk to all locals including Idaho, and greater emphasis is buildingon usage of renewable/sustainable energy it seems quite backward to make such an anti-solar proposal in 2022. I would encourage the IPUC to look with a critical eye at the VODER studyand ensure that there are public hearings on all topics related to fossil fuel avoidance. Thank you for your time." ------ Name: Gayla StillmanSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:25AM Email: bcstillman@gmail.comTelephone: 208-465-5623 Address: 938 S Powerline RdNampa, ID 83686 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting a public hearing for this case. This affects several Idaho Power customers and we should be given an opportunity to hear the main points of the studypresented, and to ask questions and receive answers regarding the study and the proposed changes. " ------ Name: Ronald VoigtSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:33AM Email: ronavoig@gmail.comTelephone: 208-869-2207 Address: 687 Eagle Hills WayEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a current owner of a home solar array, I would request asking the Commissionfor public hearings. When the technical language of the letters from Idaho Power come to us, we should be able to question the actual impact of their statements before decisions come topass. " ------ Name: Eric Eschen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:26AMEmail: eschen.eric@westada.org Telephone: 208-863-1894Address: 109 E. Provident Dr. Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: West Ada School District Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello IPC, The IPC rates and makes rules governing utility operations. Thequestion is, is the commission set up to protect the interests of one company or Idaho as a whole? If we are working in the interests of citizens, it would be the wrong decision to allowIdaho Power to make private solar power generating less attractive and more expensive. It negatively affects citizens, solar power businesses and all the jobs/supply jobs they provide,all in the interest of benefiting one company. If the IPC is representing Idaho, the decision is clear not to choose one company's bottom line over the greater benefit to Idaho as a whole.Thank you! Dr. Eschen" ------ Name: Michael Robinson Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:04AMEmail: m.thestork@gmail.com Telephone: 714-206-2036Address: 15410 Cupid Drive Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "5 years ago, we had solar panels installed on our home and have enjoyed thebenefits of clean, renewable power for these past 5 years. Over that time period, the Idaho Power Company has made several attempts to alter the agreement we have with our net-zerometering. Any attempt to alter the current program will adversely effect the feasibility of using solar power by current and future customers. As it now stands, it will take us 17 years to justbreak even. Any change in the connection charge or the way balances are carried or zeroed out would discourage many people from investing in clean power. We are encouraged by thefederal government to embrace clean energy. The state should certainly not place roadblocks in the way of this transition but should encourage individuals to help finance the expansion ofclean energy by making it beneficial to do so. I urge the PUC to hold open, in person hearings before entertaining any consideration of proposals to slow the adoption of solar power byIdaho Power." ------ Name: james fleming Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:09AMEmail: jamespfleming@gmail.com Telephone: 208-316-7564Address: 1098 Pinewood Cir Twin Falls, ID 83301-3337 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We spent 1000's of $$$ on a solar array last year to supplement our current andlong-term future energy costs, that, and be good environmentally responsible citizens and ease the ever increasing demand on our already outdated and weak electrical grid. Privately ownedhomes that provide on-site generation systems only represents a little over 1% of all solar generation in Idaho - how can this be an issue for Idaho Power business? Don't let IdahoPower change the current credit rate/compensation structure - our solar array on the roof was based on our total annual consumption and amount of KWH credits needed to "bank" (sendback to the grid) this annual amount over the course of 12 months. If you change this credit structure, it would effect our monthly bill and more so, have a detrimental impact on theadoption of new solar systems on residential roofs in Idaho. We need these kinds of alternative and sustainable sources of energy as the population of Idaho ever increases and taxes our grid.Solar and wind are key power sources available to us and should be welcomed by Idaho Power, not seen as a competitor. Don't let this type of "free" energy be still-born in Idaho by alarge energy company that simply needs to embrace it and learn how to work alongside it - it makes sense and only benefits all of us in the long run. Jim & Linda Fleming, Twin Falls,Idaho " ------ Name: Jim Paulson Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:34AMEmail: GoOwnIt@gmail.com Telephone: 208-573-0471Address: 645 Wickham Fen Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Since Idaho Power is regulated and services residential customers, I strongly advise that their proposed changes that would greatly effect net metering be open to the public for input! I am not sure why they are wanting the solar companies to do hourly estimates, that appears very burdensome of a request for no net gain to the consumer. I have a net metered system and once installed, I can see my usage by hour. The one graph that would be useful that I don't believe I have access to is one that combines the actual power I used per hour/day/month and how much of it I relied on Idaho Power's system and how much I generated via my solar panels. That way, I would know my true power consumption for those periods and could adjust my use accordingly. Idaho Power currently has multiple offerings to help people reduce their power consumption by upgrading the systems in the home so they should equally work with consumers who want to use alternative energy to help sustain our grid and leave a smaller carbon footprint. Thanks for reading my comment. " ------ Name: Andrew Donndelinger Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:11AMEmail: akdonndel@gmail.com Telephone: 208-899-3469Address: 4492 N panaro Ave Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments as a residential solar customer. This net metering issue started years ago with ID Power “claiming”; a $145k annual shortfall from the net metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments with the fact that today this rate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that ID Power serves. This felt from the start back in the first net metering rate case like a clear attempt to limit future competition and future growth of solar here in ID just as it still does today. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the datarepresented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have beenupdated prior to it’s release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should berecognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the currentmonthly netting structure has a clear checks and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initialestimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into lawthe Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in andbe able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true ofany industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho’s monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimentalchanges to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solarestimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtuallyimpossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solarproviders jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive andtime consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request andmaintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyonewho has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solarprovides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion.Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut the solar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Power can provide at peakdemand times is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growingpopulation should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. When asolar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide a immensevalue to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar. " ------ Name: Andrew huangSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:11AM Email: ajh.idaho@gmail.comTelephone: 208-908-3186 Address: 140 E Provident Drboise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Messrs and Madames Commissioners, Let me respectfully request that Idaho Power's approach to homeowner solar power be carefully and publicly reviewed from thepublic's perspective. Certainly Idaho Power has a right and responsibility for their own profitability, but they ARE a public utility with more responsibility to the public than tothemselves. The resiliency and robustness of homeowner solar is a huge advantage in the dramatically changing climate that we are facing. Though the generous rates of net metering isexpensive to Idaho Power, those costs become an investment into a diversified infrastructure for Idaho, one that may better deal with the climate changes we face. As a public utility, IdahoPower must take such issues into consideration. An analysis based on Avoided Costs must take a modern and realistic approach to Avoided Costs that includes the costs of recoveringfrom climate disasters that will tremendously impact existing centralized infrastructure. Finally, let me note that homeowner solar is a huge economic boom for idaho. I havepersonally injected $50K into the Idaho economy for a roofing, electrical work, and USA made panels for my solar PV project this spring." ------ Name: Dale OstermanSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:38AM Email: rockdoctor47@gmail.comTelephone: 208-345-2585 Address: 50 Hidden BowlBOISE, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Having read the report related to this case I believe the public has the right to hear other opinions to IPCo's very biased report. This would best be accomplished in public openhearings where other opinion related to this case could be expressed. Thank you" ------ Name: NANCY M PARKER Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:37AMEmail: npgardener55@gmail.com Telephone: 208-724-0348Address: 25962 EMMETT RD Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "There need to be public hearings on Idaho Power's plan to suppress the growth ofsolar energy. They must be accessible to all the public, including ADA compliance and virtual attendance." ------ Name: ARTHUR TALSMASubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:29AM Email: arttalsma@gmail.comTelephone: 208-249-0734 Address: 10400 DUCK LANENAMPA, ID 83686 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We have been Idaho Power residential and business customers for over 30 years. We just installed Solar for all the right reasons including benefits to clean air and water forsalmon and reduction of our carbon foot-print to do our part regarding climate change. We are request that IP be required to have OPEN Public Meetings throughout Idaho regards theiroutdated residential and business Solar study. The study lacks Environmental Valuation which is the opposite way USA should be headed. Hourly Netting Metering requested by them is anoutright scam to home-owners who have always tracked their use on a monthly bases. We should be given full credit for the power we individually produce whether it is peak power orlow demands periods. Less than 1.5% of the total rate payers population in Idaho Powers service area have solar and they should be commended by Idaho Power for helping reduce thedemand on the grid. Congress just passed major bills to provide incentives for solar not only for utility companies and home-owners, electric autos etc and sunny Idaho is headed in thewrong direction lead by greedy Idaho Power. IPUC granted legacy status to eligible Schedule 84 systems as of December 1,2020 and that good move should be extended to December 312022 and beyond for incentives to switch to renewable resources and fight inflation in our fast growing state. " ------ Name: JANICE WILLIAMSSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:19AM Email: PARMA1374@GMAIL.COMTelephone: 208-968-6603 Address: 1343 N GINGHAM AVEKUNA , ID 83643 Name of Utility Company: IDAHO POWER Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold multiple public hearings all over the state, during various times of day, and various days of the week including weekends to ensure that all interested parties inIdaho are able to contribute their thoughts and feedback on this issue. It is apparent to me that Idaho Power simply wants to own ALL of the solar in the state, taking the power away fromthe people that should enjoy all of the benefits of switching to solar. Including net metering at a fair rate. Solar offers great benefits to the environment, provides excellent well paying jobs,and gives people the ability to generate power on their own, on their own homes, as they should be allowed to do without being hindered by the billion dollar corporation known asIdaho Power. " ------ Name: Andrew Descalso Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:25AMEmail: Adescalso@gmail.com Telephone: 208-318-8285Address: 1619 Primrose Dr Nampa, ID 83686-8585 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments as a residential solarcustomer. This net metering issue started years ago with ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from the net metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments withthe fact that today this rate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that ID Power serves. This felt from the start back in the first net metering rate caselike a clear attempt to limit future competition and future growth of solar here in ID just as it still does today. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a generalconsumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the datarepresented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have beenupdated prior to it's release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should berecognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request- This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the currentmonthly netting structure has a clear checks and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initialestimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into lawthe Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in andbe able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we have bad apples (Blue Raven) in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable howeverthis is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make thesedetrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to evenprovide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomesvirtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt tomake solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugelyexpensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behindthis request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation- This study for many reasons is a clearly biasstudy for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is veryshort sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUCin this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction- I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut the solar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Powercan provide at peak demand times is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to anever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recentyears. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide aimmense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar. " ------ Name: Brian CaseSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:24AM Email: brianfcase@msn.comTelephone: 208-890-0358 Address: 5621 Joe LnNampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As an owner of a home onsite solar generating system here are some of my thoughts on the Idaho power onsite solar generation and the IPC‐E‐22‐22 study. 1. If I loan mymoney to the bank to use, they actually pay me interest. If I loan my power to the power company, they want to charge me to let them use it (Net hourly billing/Kwh Credit Value). 2.If I am going to lose 60‐80% of my value of the power I loan to Idaho power then the following is likely to occur. a. Use the power instead of loaning it to the Idaho Power i. Watermy yard during the day, instead of at Night ii. Do laundry during the day instead of at Night iii. Switch to Natural Gas heating instead of Electric Heat. iv. I am already thinking of designsfor power management systems to utilize the excess power so I get full value of it. 1. For example, a Pre‐water heater that only uses excess power to preheat the water before going tothe on‐demand water heater 2. Divert excess power or pumped water to my neighbor, he could purchase it from me at a 10 to 20% discount instead of me taking a 60‐80% discount on myexcess power. 3. Evaluate the economics of onsite storage of power vs loaning the power to Idaho Power. a. Plus: this could likely increase demand for onsite storage systems and additional volume of these systems might reduce the price of such systems. b. Negative: Onsite storage systems tend to not be very environmentally friendly i.e. more batteries. c. Neutral: Onsite storage systems can lead to total independence from ID Power. b. Of course, reducing the value of excess onsite generated power will either reduce the demand for Onsite generating systems or force vendors to lower the prices of such system to make then economically viable for home owners. 3. The argument is the Onsite generating customer don’t pay their fair share of the required infrastructure. a. I don’t really see how this is any different from a user that only uses 500kwh and a user that uses 5000kwh per month. The cost of the infrastructure is still a percentage of the actual kw Idaho power provides. This is fair because the low usage users don’t require additional power generating plants or additional power lines to support additional load of a high usage user. b. The additional infrastructure that Solar users require is literally the wire going to their neighbor, which ID Power already has in place. As mentioned above devaluing the power distributed through Idaho power could lead to a Market for that power that bypasses Idaho Power altogether. 4. Net Hourly Billing c. I see the main goal of this is the ability to charge all users higher rates during Peak usage times. I think trying to introduce it for onsite generation sites, is a just guise to get the foot in the door tactic so it can eventually be applied to all users. d. The study claims “Net Hourly Metering” is to more accurate track usage of power, in reality this is just a way to make it much more difficult to predict what actual power costs will be, instead of averaging out over a monthly the cost, the cost will be very dependent on actual weather conditions. As the study states much of the infrastructure to track this data is already in place. ID Power does not need to charge based on “Net Hourly Billing” it to get accurate usage information, they already have access to it. Thank You Brian Case 208‐890‐0358 Nampa" ------ Name: Tony DiGiuseppe Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 10:25AMEmail: tonyg1230@gmail.com Telephone: 602-405-0558Address: 1950 S Riparian Wy Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I would request the Commission for public hearings in regard to solar power. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:00:06 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Clint Dolsby Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:32AMEmail: dolsby@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-571-1918Address: 1022 E Carter ST Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments as a residential solarcustomer. I have lived through multiple attempts from Idaho Power to curb the growth of solar here in Idaho over the last several years I find this attempt egregious for a multitude of reasonshighlighted below. This net metering issue started years ago with ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from the net metering rate class at that time. I will preface mycomments with the fact that today this rate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that Idaho Power serves. This has felt from the start like a clearattempt to limit future competition and future growth of solar Idaho. First, the study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industryknowledge would not have the knowledge to read and understand it. They were also tasked with using current and accurate data that was available and in this case the data represented forcost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to it'srelease to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by theIPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is Idaho Power. A solar customer under the current monthly nettingstructure has clear check and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourlynetting strips a this away which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is Idaho Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way tohold solar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers againstsolar providers. Yes, there are bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor toIdaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here ishaving this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting isallowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses powerdifferently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power appears to be a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs very difficult and time intensive. They would potentially need to hire staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8,760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sighted. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction- The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide an immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar." ------ Name: Kurt burkholder Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:38AMEmail: neukurt1@gmail.com Telephone: 503-320-6155Address: 309 N Picardy Place boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am an Idaho Power customer and owner of a residential solar array. Please provide for public hearings during the Commission's review of IPC's net metering program. Thank you." ------ Name: Michael Logan Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:50AMEmail: logan1520@gmail.com Telephone: 484-437-5104Address: 2220 W Maracay Dr Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please bring this case to in-person public hearing (an option for joining via webwould be great as well). Thank you for your consideration. " ------ Name: Jacob Anderson Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:59AMEmail: ajakef@gmail.com Telephone: 919-259-3386Address: 1022 E McKinley St Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Upon reading Idaho Power's VODER study, I am unhappy with how the companyis attempting to undervalue customer solar generation--with the objective of underpaying customers who generate their own power--by declaring many of its benefits to be of zero valuein the guise of detailed accounting, and urge the Public Utilities Commission to take a broader view than Idaho Power has. In section 4.5.1, Idaho Power audaciously declares theenvironmental benefits of solar generation to be unworthy of its consideration merely because the company is not subject to a carbon tax or Renewable Portfolio Standard. This is a boldstatement for a utility whose cheapest, most abundant source of electricity is hydropower, whose availability depends strongly on environmental quality. The effects of climate changein Idaho (less precipitation, less snow, and more year-to-year variability) will hurt its own hydroelectric generation (and that of other utilities) by reducing the amount of water availablefor generation and its seasonal and interannual consistency. This will force more power to be generated by more expensive (and dirtier) sources. Idaho Power is apparently in denial aboutthis effect, or is happy to pass on costs to consumers, or feels like it's easier to define its effect to be zero rather than estimate it. Regardless of why Idaho Power chooses to ignore it, thedegradation of Idaho's hydropower resource will hurt ratepayers. Idaho power also ignores the externalities of its business decisions--just in Idaho, burning more fossil fuels means morewildfires, worse public health due to poor air quality, less abundant and reliable water for agriculture, and damage to recreation via less snow/streamflow, degraded lands, and hottersummer days. This does not even mention the harmful effects that will occur outside Idaho. Idaho Power's bottom line may not be hurt by these externalities, but Idahoans will be. The VODER study also does not consider benefits to Idaho for producing its own energy. Idahodoes not have significant fossil fuel resources; every dollar we spend on fossil fuels leaves our economy and makes us poorer. Fossil fuel prices are highly variable and likely to increase inthe future. As we are seeing in the Ukraine crisis, fossil fuels are also a means of geopolitical coercion or support; every cubic foot of gas that we burn for power in Idaho is a cubic footthat cannot be used to help our allies when our adversaries try to hold their energy hostage. Homegrown solar helps protect Idaho from trends of increasing prices and from price shocks,keeps more of our money in the state, and makes our country stronger. Again, Idaho Power does not consider these benefits that put customer solar generation in the public interest. IdahoPower's report outlines its (apparently short-term) self interest. However, the Public Utilities Commission's duty is to balance the interests of the utility, the ratepayers, and the publicinterest. In this case, you must protect the ratepayers and the public from a self-serving, short- sighted giant who ignores a wide range of solar benefits. Additionally, I encourage you to holdaccessible public hearings (meaning across Idaho, in-person and online, and with options outside work hours) on this important matter. Idaho Power must not be the only voice heardwhen it attempts to cheat its customer-generators." ------ Name: Chris Loveland Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:02AMEmail: lovelandchris@ymail.com Telephone: 208-863-6435Address: 224 E Prairie View Ln Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have been a solar customer now for a handful of years! I love my clean energy.Since the installation of my solar, I heard rumors of Idaho Power trying to make it difficult for Idahoans to support our evergrowing electrical grid with clean energy by skewing netmetering in large favor of Idaho Power. This battle seems to have not ended! I am now hearing that Idaho Power is trying again to drastically change net metering by using a highly biasedstudy. I, therefore, am asking for IPUC to require public in-person hearings all across Idaho Power territory to discuss this topic further. Thank you for your time! " ------ Name: Marilyn AmesSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:11AM Email: mamesid@gmail.comTelephone: 208-705-8451 Address: 13595 N. Moonglow LanePocatello, ID 83202 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I'm an Idaho native and widow who has a longtime dream of going solar, and I have been saving to have roof panels installed on my home and purchase an electric vehiclewhich I can chargie it at home using the solar panels. It's such a clean energy, and I am thrilled it will help the earth and prevent looming climate disaster. In studying how to have these solarpanels done right and searching for an affordable EV, I now discover that Idaho Power Company is planning to cut compensation rates to rooftop solar owners by more than 60%based on an incomplete study. How unfair! This move will forbid me and many, many more Idahoans from being able to install solar rooftop panels and affording EVs at a time whenproducing clean energy has never been more crutial to saving our planet..I don't understand why Idaho Power would do this to Idaho and to its customers except as a money grab for theirstock holders at a time of national inflation. The future of my grandchildren and of all generations of Idaho children to come is at stake. Compensation at market rates for excesselectricity produced by homeowners is only fair and right. I beg the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to at the very least 1. Reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study and 2. Hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible canparticipate. Respectfully yours, Marilyn Ames " ------ Name: Jim Lewis Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:45AMEmail: lelandj2424@gmail.com Telephone: 208-481-2300Address: 2154 E. Taconic Dr. Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I urge you to provide a public hearing on this case. We are retired on a fixedincome and budgeted the purchase of our solar system on the exchange of power at equal or near equal value. A deal is a deal and profits should not come before the promises to thecustomer. Aren’t we all supposed to be embracing non-fossil fuel alternatives and here we have a profit hungry company trying to renege on the very essence of what it takes to get us allthere???? Jim Lewis-retired educator " ------ Name: John DePillo Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:26AMEmail: jdepillo65@yahoo.com Telephone: 310-350-0556Address: 28038 Running River ST Wilder, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I would like to request there be accessible public hearings on Case IPC-E-22-22.As a solar system owner we are concerned about the change to hourly net metering and the impact it will have on our credits for over production of our system. We also concerned withthe dat use in the study as being outdates and should be update prior to the studies release. In this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumpedsubstantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to it's release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness oraccuracy." ------ Name: Jeffrey Morris Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:20AMEmail: jeffrey.w.morris0556@gmail.com Telephone: 208-571-3975Address: 8574 W Mornin Mist St Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I respectfully request the Public Utilities Commission to 1. Extend theIntervention period from 21 days to 63 days. This amount of time would allow stakeholders and interested parties the time to read, digest, and make coherent intervention responses to thestakeholder’s (Idaho Power) one-sided position. 2. Continue to allow public input through the review period. 3. Publish and schedule 6 Review Meetings plus 2 virtual meetings in the IdahoPower customer service area for stakeholders to hear PUC positions and stakeholder positions regarding Idaho Power’s study. Make sure the meetings fit 2 morning opportunities; 2afternoon opportunities; and 2 evening opportunities. Make sure the virtual meetings provide opportunities for evening and weekends. 4. Review VODER studies from other states andcompare to Idaho Power findings. I’d suggest Utah, Wyoming, Massachusetts, Deleware, and the District of Columbia. 5. Delay PUC decision until after a independent qualified 3rd partyVODER study is completed. Thank you Jeffrey Morris 208-571-3975 " ------ Name: James M Telford Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:08AMEmail: telford.marty@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-7883Address: 4915 N Gooder John Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "No net metering! Public input must be allowed on this issue. Idaho Power must ------ Name: Linda Fleming Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:18AMEmail: linda@habitatmagicvalley.org Telephone: 208-731-1334Address: 1098 Pinewood Circle Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Id power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "ID power : Please provide your Idaho Power users the ability to correctly readtheir net usage and keep the Hourly netting reporting as is. We all need to play a part in saving this earth, solar power is a necessity, we need to work together! " ------ Name: Moya ShatzSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:36AM Email: moya.shatz@gmail.comTelephone: 208-841-8072 Address: 1022 E Carter STBoise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by excluding measurable environmental andrelated benefits. This impacts customer rates and threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-ownedsolar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Powers service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people aspossible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. After gaining an understanding of public concerns and the technical flaws in thestudy, I urge you to reject Idaho Power's study. Idahoans deserve solar rates based on a more fair, credible, comprehensive, and complete analysis. " ------ Name: Alex AakerSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:06AM Email: alexandra.aaker@gmail.comTelephone: 608-632-1515 Address: 1324 S Leadville AveBoise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am writing to strongly urge the PUC to hold both in person and virtual hearings for the IPC-22-22 case. The public deserves the ability to comment. We should be doingeverything we can to encourage homeowners to invest in alternative energy, and this poorly designed study should not be allowed to dictate the future of solar power in Idaho." ------ Name: Nancy and David NegriSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:46AM Email: nnegri@msn.comTelephone: 208-866-1117 Address: 12112 N Barn Owl WayBoise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We are dismayed to hear that Idaho Power is requesting significant changes to solar net metering that would drastically slow renewable energy growth in Idaho and lead tolarge rate/fee increases. Worse, IP is attempting to do this without public hearings. We strongly urge IPUC to require public in person hearings throughout the State, particularly inBoise, Ketchum, and Pocatello. The public should have full opportunity to respond to IP’s biased and self-serving solar study and proposal. Thank you for consideration of this request.Nancy and David Negri" ------ Name: Robert Kelley Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:14AMEmail: robert@sundrivensolar.org Telephone: 208-810-0541Address: 254 s Cole rd Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Robert Kelley and I a solar contractor in Boise. I am very concernedabout Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. Thisthreatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. I care about these issues because the case thatIdaho Power is presenting will do a lot of harm, really fast, to the solar industry and with our customers. To protect the residential solar homeowners within Idaho Power's territory we need to have a clear guideline that is fair to the consumers moving forward. Please hold in-personpublic hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory and offer virtual video options during the week around lunchtime, and a weekend option to ensure as manypeople as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. " ------ Name: Rob SmithSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:45AM Email: rob@bdesolaridaho.comTelephone: 570-592-8581 Address: 6623 N Waterlilly WayBoise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power's study is outrageous. If this study is approved that will not only prove that Idaho Power is a greedy monopoly (more so than they already are) but that the PUCis also ultimately aligned with Idaho Power and benefits from these changes. We as residents and solar energy industry advocates and employees should have an equal right to contest thisvia public hearings. In order to make this fair there needs to be multiple public hearings with video conferencing to allow residents from all over the state to participate. This not only put'scustomers with solar at risk of not meeting their investment but the solar industry in danger of going extinct in Idaho and losing hundreds, if not thousands of jobs. It is clear Idaho Powerdoes not care about green energy even though they say they do.. they also do not care about their own customers and would rather them take the hit financially than lose moneythemselves. There is a bigger risk at hand this year and future years that the PUC NEEDS to consider. The population growth of Idaho will lead to more energy needs and where will thatenergy come from? Our dams, rivers, lakes, and all waterways are slowly evaporating and the power lost by transporting energy from that far away is wayy more financial loss thanallowing homeowners to produce energy themselves. Idaho Power said it themselves that there will be rolling blackouts and there plan to combat this is not encourage people to get solar toprotect their own well being in these hot summer months.. but punish them for making a choice to protect their right to energy? All in all this can't be passed as it is violates basichuman rights. " ------ Name: jonathan stoke Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:27AMEmail: solar@heliographs.com Telephone: 208-344-4805Address: 4608 E Baytree Court Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold in-person public hearings across Idaho Power’s service territoryregarding status of discussions regarding any changes in the method of calculation and rates applicable to users of rooftop solar generation. Public participation is key to good decision-making and maintaining faith in the process and outcome of agency and commission actions." ------ Name: Olivia Fixsen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:28AMEmail: ofixsen@gmail.com Telephone: 612-860-2397Address: 2219 E Warm Springs Ave Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power'sservice territory--and at the very least, please offer a virtual option so residents who live far from the meeting locations are able to participate. As a Boise resident, I believe I will haveeasy access to attend; however, I speak on behalf of my friends located in Twin Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Pocatello, the Nez Perce Indian Reservation, and all other towns and cities locatedmore than 1 hour away. Thank you" ------ Name: Brent Roberts Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:19AMEmail: brent.lynette@gmail.com Telephone: 208-860-4404Address: 1423 Larsen Rd Weiser, ID 83672 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power is making an attempt to make drastic and detrimental changes tosolar net metering structure here in Idaho. There is a need for the IPUC to require public in- person hearings all across Idaho Power territory in order to debunk their recently releasedvalue of solar study which is clearly biased. Idahoan's have a right to clean energy and if this attempt is successful the results will be a massive slowing of renewable energy growth inIdaho and subsequent heavy rate/fee increases moving forward. The critical ask here is to absolutely have the IPUC require Idaho Power to hold public hearings. It is obvious IdahoPower only has their interest in mind. This shouldn't come at the expense of every Idahoan who has made an investment into renewable energy sources." ------ Name: Matt KleinSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 9:03AM Email: mattklein123@gmail.comTelephone: 206-327-4515 Address: 430 W Ridgeline DrBoise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am a residential solar owner/customer in Boise. I respectively request public hearings around the state (at least in Boise) on the recently completed Idaho Power solar study. I believe it contains multiple issues that call into question the validity of the study. At the highest level, if the recommendations are implemented as written, it will degrade adoption of solar in Idaho during a time in which we need as much renewable power on the grid as possible. A public hearing will allow all involved to have their voices heard on this important topic. Thanks, Matt" ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:00:14 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: James Wells Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:55AMEmail: jmblwells@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-941-2075Address: 200 Mcdevitt Rd Placerville, ID 83666 Name of Utility Company: ID Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits fromthis is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against whatthey were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen.The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading salestactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, theyshould be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power haspushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosurestatements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of asolar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by IDPower is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question thetrue motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for manyreasons is a clearly bias study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar doesindeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave manyquestions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut the solar industry at a time where the population isoutracing what ID Power can provide at peak demand times is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain analready outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoever with othercomparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboringproperty. To say that does not provide a immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring propertieswith solar. I propose we solar owners demonstrate our benefit to the power grid by banding together and shutting down our solar systems for one hour during peak demand, to see whatwould happen." ------ Name: Robert Flood Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:11AMEmail: rfflood1@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-336-9947Address: 1949 N.Peartree Ave Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "There needs to be a public hearing about Idaho Powers intention to reduce thevalue of privately produced electricity thru solar production. Isn’t this somewhat of a ponsi scheme. Have someone invest in production then turn around and sell part of what theyproduce as being an Idaho Power product." ------ Name: Stephanie Bacon Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:03AMEmail: sbacon@boisestate.edu Telephone: 208-866-5211Address: 6024 N. Plano Lane Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We are new home solar users and we are outraged at the thought that Idaho Poweris trying to use its biased solar study to change the solar net metering structure in Idaho. We have sacrificed and invested a lot to do what we believe is the right thing for our climate andenvironment; don't let them penalize us for that. We request public hearings on this subject." ------ Name: Robert Kessler Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:15AMEmail: rkessler2550@gmail.com Telephone: 208-602-7099Address: 1048 W Julep Ct Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, I am writing to ask the Commission to allow public hearings in the case:Idaho Power Solar Study (IPC-E-22-22) Scheduling. Public voices need to be heard in defense of our rights to produce energy at a fair price in Idaho Power's latest attempt to squash theprivate solar industry. " ------ Name: Cindy Karst Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:34AMEmail: ckarst@marketron.com Telephone: 208-720-7678Address: 308 N 4th Street Bellevue, ID 83313 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We need to have public in-person hearings on this not just workshops. We havesolar on our home and would like to attend a public hearing on this issue. " ------ Name: Luke Landriani Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:17AMEmail: lukelandriani@gmail.com Telephone: 208-577-1205Address: 548 W. Criterion St. Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a native Idahoan and residential solar generator (as of 7/2022) in Meridian,Idaho, I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. We just had our install sized/completed based on the current net meteringsystem. I would like to ask for a public in person hearing in multiple areas within the state. Offer virtual video and weekend options so people can share their concerns directly with thePublic Utilities Commission. I do not agree with Idaho Power's biased study made in an attempt to reduce the value of my excess generated solar energy credit. Solar is a consumerchoice and this would be a detrimental hit to our budding local industry and take away our right to produce our own energy at a fair price. This threatens fair compensation for Idahofamilies, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. The study underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurableenvironmental and related benefits." ------ Name: Cynthia Boulton Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:27AMEmail: cmboulton6111@yahoo.com Telephone: 801-833-3529Address: 254 BuckCamp Road McCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to request public hearings regarding Case # IPC-E-22-2. As I understand it, Idaho Power is attempting to significantly devalue excess power generation from Idahoan's solar systems. I am 66 years old and just purchased and installedsolar panels for our home last month. It came at great cost to our family. It is unlikely we will ever recoup our investment. We made this investment for two reasons. Primarily, to insure weare moving forward to help address climate change by reducing our dependence on coal and hydroelectric power. As you are aware is it unlikely the later will be unsustainable as wewatch Lake Powell and Lake Mead dry up. The second is to help with continued rise in electric bills, also unsustainable for many Idahoans and those of us on limited income. I cannot believe the commission would considering measures that would penalise those who have invested in solar power. I trust the IPUC to support sustainable clean energy, anything elsewould be unconscionable in the setting of this unprecidented crisis of global warming. Reducing incentives for solar power would certainly take us in the opposite direction. Wemust do everything in our power to insure a sustainable world for our children and future generations. Please allow our voices to be heard and work to insure we continue to invest inclean sustainable energy for Idaho. " ------ Name: Robert Bennett Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:41AMEmail: brobert1199@qwestoffice.net Telephone: 208-599-3691Address: 4385 NW Purple Sage Circle Mountain Home, ID 83647 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power & Intermountain Gas Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments from both a residential solarcustomer as well as a solar business owner (12 yr) that employs 23 very hard working and talented Idahoan's. Having worked through multiple attempts from Idaho Power to slash thegrowth of solar here in Idaho over the last 12 years I find this hail marry attempt so outrageous for a multitude of reasons I will highlight below. This net metering issue started years agowith ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from the net metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments with the fact that today this rate class still todaymakes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that ID Power serves. This felt from the start back in the first net metering rate case like a clear attempt to limit future competitionand future growth of solar here in ID just as it still does today. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledgecould read and understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/feeshave jumped substantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to it's release to ensure on the surface any sort offairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly NettingRequest-This is a huge issue as the only party that benefits from this is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balancesagainst accurate credit accumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks andbalances away from them which simply cannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to holdsolar providers accountable for misrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solarproviders. Yes, we have bad apples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor toIdaho's monopolistic utility this is a constant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here ishaving this consumer protection act in place we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting isallowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses powerdifferently every hour seasonally here in ID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staffengineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong withso many other weather factors year to year here in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that hasworked very well for many years. Lack of Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry.For ID Power to not provide a value for environmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes ishard to truly measure but to just simply skim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close tothis industry find this attempt to gut the solar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Power can provide at peak demand times is laughable. The amount ofcontinued added infrastructure needed to keep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily ina commonsense world. The values presented in the study are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day duringdaylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide a immense value to any utility is simply wrong. Less transmission/distribution/line loss/and cleaner power delivery to these neighboring properties with solar. " ------ Name: Michael KochertSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:49AM Email: mkochert@juno.comTelephone: 208-308-8046 Address: 1622 S 1625 E Gooding, ID 83330 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Co Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I wish to comment on the recent study conducted by Idaho Power Company (IPC) regarding the benefits of solar energy, particularly customer generated solar power. My wife and I own and operate a farm north of Gooding, and we have a 6 kW solar array for domestic use on our farm. I am concerned about the IPC study because I believe that it is biased. It underestimated the value of solar energy, and it does not take in account the full benefits and value of solar power. To me, the report reflects a stark contrast to IPC’s goal to utilize 100%clean energy within the next 25 years. In light of my concerns I request that the PUC hold in- person public hearings in multiple locations across IPC’s service territory (e.g. Boise, Pocatello, Ketchum, Twin Falls, etc), and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. I also believe that the report should receive an independent peer review. Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for your consideration. " ------ ------ Name: Donna Saba Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:25AMEmail: rumblebee@fmtc.com Telephone: 208-369-7182Address: 5034 Sarah Ct Fruitland, ID 83619 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Good morning, I am reaching out about a concern I have in relation to IdahoPower Company's continued attempts to undermine consumer solar power generation and net metering. I am certain there is a path that can fulfill the needs of both the consumer producerand Idaho Power, but it needs to be based on honest, OPEN information and not on biased outdated manipulative studies. I will freely admit that I am simply a private citizen living anormal life and I am not privy to every detail; however, I do know that Idaho Power is a company trying to derail the competition of the solar power consumer producer and it's tryingto do this behind closed doors. I respectfully request that all meetings about solar power consumer production be held in an open public meeting where information can be heard andscrutinized by all parties involved. Please don't misinterpret the word "scrutinized" as having a negative connotation but as a means and method to verify, analyze and when necessary, refuteinformation presented and make the best possible decisions and outcome for ALL parties. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Warm regards, Donna Saba" ------ Name: Penny SartoriSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:10AM Email: penjon@pacbell.netTelephone: 208-417-1177 Address: 11434 W. Fenchurch Ct.Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please make the public hearing accessible to all Idaho Power customers by holding these hearing on multiple day and locations. We all need the opportunity to be heard.Unlike the one two years ago that caused this whole situation One meeting in one city doesn't give solar customer like myself and future customer in other areas of the state the opportunityto publicly voice their concern with this study. If Idaho Power expects to be totally GREEN by 2045 what better way to reach that goal than to use existing customer to pay the cost of thesystem to supplement their needs and compensate them fairly. It relieves the stress on the grid and help with the huge problem of "CLIMATE CHANGE". The federal government is doingtheir part to help with this problem why can't the utilities do the same. " ------ Name: Cathy KriloffSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:33AM Email: ckriloff@hotmail.comTelephone: 208-235-7520 Address: 209 S. 8th Ave.Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am writing because I am deeply concerned about the impact of Idaho Power’s incomplete study on distributed solar power. I urge you to reject the study as it does notinclude broader potential economic and environmental benefits and the proposed 60% drop in the reimbursement rate will limit the ability for residential customers, businesses, and farmersto add solar power. I hope you will hold multiple in-person events across Idaho Power’s territory with virtual video options and weekend times available to maximize opportunities forinput by those customers who have or want to add solar power on their property. Thank you." ------ Name: Krishna Pakala Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:47AMEmail: chaitu314@gmail.com Telephone: 307-399-6895Address: 2986 S Old Hickory Way Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, Thank you for the opportunity to help us share our comments in writing inreference to IPC-E-22-22. I write these comments from both a residential solar customer as well as an engineering professor with expertise in energy. First and foremost, I urge thecommittee to please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territories. Due to the uncertain times we live in, I hope you also offer virtual videoand weekend options so that we are inclusive of all people who can share their concerns directly with the Public Utilities Commission. We are in an energy crisis and anything we cando to help is welcome. The recent urgency to focus on climate efforts and push for more solar at the federal level was a watershed moment for us and future generations. Lots of people arealso switching to electric vehicles to support the environment and lower our reliance on fossil fuels. I am in the process of installing a backup battery and making my home electric vehicle(EV) ready and look forward to buying an EV soon. In the light of all of this, I am very concerned about Idaho Power’s newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. I read itin depth and concluded that it clearly underestimates the value of solar by deliberately excluding quantifiable environmental and related benefits. Most importantly this devalues thelarge investments people have made to install solar threatening fair compensation for Idaho citizens. The study almost feels like it is designed to alter the net metering significantlyhurting the customers who made huge financial investments in solar. The number of solar customers still makes up about 1.5% of the total population that ID Power serves. Our effortsshould be to increase this base of solar customers not hurt the existing ones and also make it very difficult for future homeowners and businesses to transition to clean energy. The hourlynetting request is a huge issue as it only benefits Idaho Power. As a solar customer under the current monthly netting structure, we have clear checks and balances against accurate creditaccumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in our initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from uswhich is unacceptable. When we made huge financial investments in solar the hourly netting was not in place. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits asproviding an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. This studywas ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also tasked with using as currentand accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everything else economicallysince this study was first started and should have been updated prior to its release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this issimply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. I believe if any chances are made it should not affect existing customers and I stronglyurge the Idaho Public Utilities commission to hold inclusive public hearings. Thank you, Krishna Pakala" ------ Name: Jeff LuffSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:49AM Email: luffjd@gmail.comTelephone: 208-315-1964 Address: 3300 Idaho 55Meadows, ID 83654-5008 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a generator of customer power, I must insist that the Idaho PUC require accessible public comment opportunities to comment on Idaho Power's solar study. Withoutthis necessary opportunity, non Idaho Power generators will not be adequately represented in the PUC's decision making process. Thank you for your consideration of this very importantdecision." ------ Name: Richard Rush Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:18AMEmail: rush696@msn.com Telephone: 208-890-1341Address: 20 S Ruby Street Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold a public hearing on Idaho Power’s attempt to tax home owners whohave installed solar panels. We should be encouraging use of solar panels rather than eliminating them. Richard and Nancy Rush" ------ Name: Gwenn MaxfieldSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:13AM Email: g.acnt.mgmt@vahos.orgTelephone: 206-947-2493 Address: 1010 N 22nd STBoise, id 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Re IPC-E-22-22 As a resident of Boise and a homeowner with solar energy production, I am frustrated that Idaho Power (IP) is attempting to reduce the growth and use ofsolar in Idaho. As a public utility, IP has near monopolistic powers to regulate both the users of power and the rates charges. It is important that any changes to IP’s economic and politicalenvironment take place in a public hearing. A public hearing isn’t a desire, its a mandatory component of a public utility’s operation. IP obtains most, if not all, its power from hydroelectric production. Increasingly the availability of water is becoming a scarce commodity as hotter weather makes greater demand for the use of water and water availability becomesscarcer. We have all seen the pictures of significantly reduced water reservoirs, including those in Idaho. The fortunate and unusual late spring rainfalls in 2022 may not happen everyyear to mostly replenish the reservoirs. What will IP do when they do not have adequate water to respond to the increased energy demands for air conditioning from an increasing populationbase, which take second place to demands for drinking water? At that point no rate increase will provide additional power or increase their coffers. But...solar energy provided bycommercial and residential producers can help fill the need. Then solar competition will be a partner, not a challenge. Let’s not have IP’s short sighted concern over competition and ratesrule out future needs. I am asking that all deliberations regarding IPC-E-22-22 be held in pubic, which is the proper and legal way to conduct any business of a public utility. Manysolar professionals are available to provide credible information on the legal, environmental and infrastructure aspects of solar energy production and its contribution to the state of Idaho.Respectfully Gwenn Maxfield’ " ------ Name: Dean Schaecher Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:27AMEmail: dean@dasgroup.net Telephone: 208-297-3380Address: 4145 S. Stargazer Pl. Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am hearing rumbles of Idaho Power attempting (AGAIN) to make change theNet Metering and no public hearings? If there is a significant change in rates/fees based solely on a study by Idaho Power the consumers of Idaho Power should have a say in how this studywas conducted and the results before rates/fees are assessed. The current political climate leads me to believe Idaho Power should be welcoming to Alternative Energy Sources." ------ Name: Kerry PagenkopfSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:49AM Email: thebloneranger@outlook.comTelephone: 208-880-2063 Address: 28729 River Ridge Rd.Wilder, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "To my understanding, there is no open public forum or comment venue scheduled for this proposal. As a solar user I adamantly object to the lack of opportunity to voice myopinion to the upcoming changes being proposed. It is detrimental to our current economy, standard of living, and adaptation of clean energy. As a retired citizen who has invested tens ofthousands of dollars in advance to help control my utility costs during retirement years, I object to being manipulated back in to higher costs. A public hearing should be mandatory onthis issue." ------ Name: Tom Stuart Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:53AMEmail: stuarttr3@gmail.com Telephone: 208-343-3017Address: 749 e high point ln Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: IPC Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am now a customer who generates a significant portion of my electrical energyfrom PV panels on my roof, under IPC’s existing net metering provisions. Private Solar generation at residences and businesses is an essential component of a more efficient,modernized future for Idaho. I am concerned that public input on IPC’s latest proposals will be insufficient to reflect actual public interest and sentiment. I urge IPUC to insist on in —personand virtual public hearings on the proposal, in several locations in IPC’s territory - including Boise, Pocatello, Twin Falls, and the Wood River Valley. Public input is essential to properlyevaluate the IPC proposal for future private generation. Thank you." ------ Name: Matt Oranday Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:52AMEmail: matt@idahomesolar.com Telephone: 830-377-7172Address: 6149 N Meeker Pl Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: LLL-U-74-27 Comment: "PLEASE, hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across IdahoPower’s service territory (e.g. Boise, Pocatello, Ketchum) and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this decision. " ------ Name: Kirk KremerSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:56AM Email: id.elkhunter@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-861-6614 Address: 2575W. Val Vista CtMeridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "With all the talk of global warming from fossil fuels, drought conditions, salmon recovery, energy shortages, etc. some of have taken the initiative to install solar panels at ourexpense to conserve energy and now Idaho Power want to give us less credit in efforts to take advantage of us. Please tell Idaho Power and its parent company Idacor to stop trying tosqueeze more money out of us after they were the ones preaching to us on how good solar power can be. We should get reimbursed for our solar panel purchases if they are not willingto keep this program ongoing. Tx. " ------ Name: Rob Black Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:57AMEmail: lucky3030@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-936-0358Address: 3043 E Autumn Way Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "PUC, Please deny Idaho Power's request to change net metering to hourly orinstantaneous netting at a reduced cost. Idaho Power has a monopoly on the majority of Idaho's power grid and is making more money today than ever. A quick financial check onIDACorp shows this. So the fact that Idaho Power is trying to attack the 12,000 customers who have renewable energy systems in place doesn't make sense to me at all as they aremaking more than enough money for their investors. Here is what I found. Revenue: 2021: 1.46 Billion 2020: 1.35 Billion 2019: 1.35 Billion 2018: 1.37 Billion 2017: 1.35 Billion 2016:1.26 Billion 2015: 1.27 Billion 2014: 1.28 Billion 2013: 1.25 Billion. Gross Profit: 21: 572 Million 20: 562 Million 19: 545 Million 18: 537 Million 17: 521 Million 16: 459 Million 15:465 Million 14: 428 Million 13: 471 Million Net Income: 21: 245 Million 20: 237 Million 19: 232 Million 18: 226 Million 17: 212 Million 16: 198 Million 15: 194 Million 14: 193 Million13: 182 Million Over the past 9 years, Idaho Power has managed to increase revenue by $210 Million, increase Gross profit by 101 Million, and increased net profit by 63 Million but theyare claiming that renewable energy customers are hurting their portfolio. I am asking you to stop this and protect the PUBLIC! Allowing Idaho Power to move forward with this plan willtake away our rights to use clean energy to help curb inflation to the rising costs of energy. If you allow this to go through I believe that we will see a very large increase in the cost ofelectricity over the next 10 years so Idaho Power can continue to reap all of the profits that you have seen above. Without a fair value associated with renewable energy, there will be noway for the PUBLIC to protect themselves against Idaho Power. Sincerely, Rob Black" ------ Name: Craig Smith Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:44AMEmail: mountainquestinc@gmail.com Telephone: 208-571-6914Address: 1740 Echo Ave Parma, ID 83660 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, As a solar user and Idaho Power customer, I would request accessiblePublic Hearings throughout Idaho, so that the public can be involved. Idaho Power has a monopoly and the public should have access to these proposed changes, as they aresubstantially shaded towards Idaho Power and away from the public. It appears they are trying to hurt the solar community, in direct conflict of their stated goals of becoming green by 2045." ------ Name: Marcus Mickelsen Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:32AMEmail: mickelsenelectric@gmail.com Telephone: 208-681-1830Address: 594 Wooten way Blackfoot , ID 83221 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I want public hearings for the above referenced case. It’s our legal right to attendthe meetings. " ------ Name: James Hopper Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:37AMEmail: jehopper05@gmai.com Telephone: 858-735-9903Address: 6195 W Walton Pond Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please allow public discussion concerning IPC-E-22-22. I have many concernsabout the Power Co. study into rate changes. It appears to be profit motivated with disregard to the individual homeowner providing solar benefits. With the use of a solar battery backup Ican also assist my neighbors in the event of a blackout (recharge cell phones; emergency internet use; emergency medical equipment; etc.). Thank You, JEH" ------ Name: Amy RustadSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 8:56AM Email: therustads@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-870-6005 Address: 121 N. Al Fresco PlaceBoise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear PUC, My name is Amy Rustad and I am a long-term Idaho Power customer living in Boise. Please hold hearings on local solar power. Self reliance, personal choice, andlocal control are central to Idahoans, and Idaho Power's recent cost-benefit study on rooftop solar conveniently sidesteps all of these issues, as well as the environmental benefits of local solar production. Idaho is blessed with perfect conditions to capture solar power. To drastically cut compensation for rooftop solar production is a disingenuous way to shut down the industry, at a time when we should be wholeheartedly embracing it. What the study does do is protect corporate profits, which is NOT a service for our population. Please hold in- person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. Thank you for your consideration. Amy Rustad " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 11, 2022 7:00:07 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kathy Noble Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:47PMEmail: 86knoble@gmail.com Telephone: 208-720-5975Address: 86 Freedom Loop Bellevue, ID 83313 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I would like to request public hearings be held across the state so that more peoplecan participate and weigh in on this very important hearing for the future of Idaho's power generation and for the opportunity for more people to understand the details of having rooftopor farm solar. Pocatello and the Wood River Valley are both very interested in how the PUC responds to the new Idaho Power study. " ------ Name: elizabeth jeffreySubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:40PM Email: izziejeff@gmail.comTelephone: 208-309-0336 Address: 201 N. 3rd AVeHailey, ID 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I'm a long time customer of Idaho Power and am hoping to change my home to all electric in the near future. I'm so concerned about our increasing extreme weather and theirpotential connections to the burning of fossil fuel From that perspective, I'm disappointed in the in house study from Idaho Power as it is being presented. As we see so often in in-housestudies vs. 3rd party studies avoided speaking to some issues of great importance to me as an environmentalist and to me as a customer. I think they presented low estimates of potentialcontributions of local solar and didn't have sufficient looks at the savings in infrastructure, savings in energy conserved by not traveling long distances on the transmission lines and thenthey have no analysis of the environmental and health savings brought on by increasing local solar and decreasing ff burning. I feel a full study should be done by an objective, 3rd partyand that there should be the opportunity for public hearings throughout the service area impacted by this electrical monopoly's services. If Idaho Power has any intention of trying tomeet its stated clean energy goals, it will have to look at all possible ways to do that and do what needs to be done to reach them. Recognizing the true value of solar doesn't seem to besomething they are presently doing and maybe a 3rd party study would make those realities a bit more real to Idaho Power. Thank you for your work on this issue." ------ Name: Mike BisagnoSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:18PM Email: idahobisagnos@gmail.comTelephone: 208-890-0839 Address: 11380 W Morela DrBoise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "To Whom It May Concern, In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments from both a residential solar customer as well as a solar business owner (12 yr) that employs23 very hard working and talented Idahoan's. Having worked through multiple attempts from Idaho Power to slash the growth of solar here in Idaho over the last 12 years I find this hailmarry attempt so outrageous for a multitude of reasons I will highlight below. This net metering issue started years ago with ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from thenet metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments with the fact that today this rate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that IDPower serves. This felt from the start back in the first net metering rate case like a clear attempt to limit future competition and future growth of solar here in ID just as it still doestoday. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could read and understand. They were also taskedwith using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumped substantially along with everythingelse economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to it's release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness or accuracy. For these reasons I feel fromthe start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is a huge issue as the only party thatbenefits from this is of course ID Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has a clear checks and balances against accurate credit accumulation and reportingand against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips a consumer checks and balances away from them which simply cannot beallowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable for misrepresentationand misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, we have bad apples in the solarindustry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is a constantdriver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act in place we arerequired to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open to lawsuits asproviding an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here in ID. Strippingback the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s 8760 hourly powerintervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to year here in ID. Iurge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lack ofEnvironmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value forenvironmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simplyskim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut thesolar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Power can provide at peak demand times is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keepproviding reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in thestudy are not in line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at thenearest draw which is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide a immense value to any utility is simply wrong. " ------ Name: Douglas A SaarelSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:52PM Email: dtsaareljr@gmail.comTelephone: 801-597-1175 Address: 2047 South Springbrook LaneBoise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: IDAHO POWER Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "PLEASE REQUIRE PUBLIC HEARINGS across Idaho Power territory BEFORE any changes are made to the current solar net metering program in Idaho! We disagree withthe recent study performed by Idaho Power company. We ask for a public forum to allow us to defend/debate individuals' rights to use solar power, a renewable and carbon-neutral energysource, in a cost-effective manner in Idaho." ------ Name: Kenneth Hamner Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:10PMEmail: summit@falconnest.net Telephone: 208-917-3224Address: 69 Peregrine Dr. Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I hereby request that the commission hold in-person public hearings (with a virtualcomponent) in Pocatello, Ketchum, Boise, and other major cities throughout the state in regards to case IPC-E-22-22. I believe it is imperative in order to protect the public interest." ------ Name: Rob BlackSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:08PM Email: blackfinancial@hotmail.comTelephone: 208-936-0358 Address: 3228 S Brookridge WayBoise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "PUC, My name is Rob Black and I am concerned about Idaho Power's attempt to devalue Excess energy that they buy from solar customers on their grid. I feel itunderestimates the value of solar by intentionally leaving out important factors when determining the true value. In the next few paragraphs, I will explain why I feel this way. 1)Solar can easily be measured through monitoring software that is installed with a solar system. Consumers can protect themselves with this easy measurement by installing consumption CT'sthis shows how much energy is consumed from the grid and produced and sent back to the grid. When consumers have this installed it works as checks and balances against Idaho Powerto make sure they are getting the proper credits they should for excess production. If you have hourly or instantaneous netting then that protection will be taken away. Idaho Power knowsthis so if they mess up any crediting to a consumer's account the consumer will never know. In 2019 Idaho Pass the Consumer Protection Law to protect consumers from both solarcompanies and Idaho Power. I feel if you change this then the consumer will no longer be protected against Idaho Power. Idaho Power gave no quantitative value to the environmentalimpact of the solar generation provided by the consumer. How can that be accurate? Our entire county is pushing for Green Energy and now we have a utility company trying to detercustomers from buying solar energy. To me, this sounds very hypocritical. They state they want to be 100% renewable by 2045 but then in the next sentence they tell consumers thatthey just want to be but we as the public have to buy their renewable energy at a higher cost than what we can produce it at. In closing, I feel this study lacks credible information and theirstudy should be denied. In addition to that, I feel you should allow the public to attend meetings where they can give their opinions to you as the commission in person so you canunderstand why the majority of Idaho Power customers feel that this decision is not protecting the people!" ------ Name: Laurie HynsonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:49PM Email: emmiehyn@yahoo.comTelephone: 931-802-0804 Address: 279 S Long Bay WayStar, ID 83669 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please offer accessible public hearings with a virtual public component in Pocatello, Ketchum and Boise so folks can voice their opinions and concerns about the IdahoPower’s desire to decrease value of the excess generated energy produced by customer’s solar array systems. Thanks for your help. " ------ Name: Adrienne HorelSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:21PM Email: adriennehorel89@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-297-9241 Address: 3043 E AUTUMN WAYMERIDIAN, ID 83642-6238 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Public Utilities Commission, My name is Adrienne Horel and I live in Meridian, ID. I have seen the VODER Study that Idaho Power is attempting to get you to pass and I feelthis study lacks very important subjects that I feel are necessary to value solar energy properly. I believe Idaho Power intentionally left things like environmental impact out of this study tomake solar appear less valuable to them. In my opinion, Idaho Power is just trying to devalue solar so much that people no longer buy it. And once that occurs I feel they will begin to beable to increase prices of energy exponentially without consumers being able to protect themselves by installing a solar system. All people should be able to install renewable energysystems for their homes and be paid a fair value for that energy. In no way is what they are proposing a fair value. I am asking you to hold public hearings where people can come andshare their stories. Accepting Idaho Power's proposal will be a giant step back for Idaho and our attempt to become a cleaner State. Please remember that our Federal Government ispushing for more and more renewable energy. We are passing Bills to fund the manufacturing of renewable energy in the US. We are extending Tax Credits on the federal level for 10 yearsand increasing the value of the tax credit. We have a country that is taking the appropriate steps to save our planet. Please don't take a step in the wrong direction for us Idahoans!Sincererly, Adrienne Horel" ------ Name: Linda Engle Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 11:09PMEmail: lindaRSEngle@gmail.com Telephone: 208-406-7633Address: 340 S 11TH AVE POCATELLO, ID 83201-4810 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: " I am an Idaho Power customer originally from Pocatello, now living in Boise. Iam concerned that Idaho Power's recent solar valuation study did not include certain quantifiable technical, environmental, societal and health measures. Because of theseomissions, IPC severly undervalued solar power which will make it less desirable for consumers. As a result, IPC will have more difficulty reaching it's 100% goal. I am veryconcerned about this issue because climate change is on our heals. The current severe Idaho drought will continue to decrease Idaho's ability to make hydropower. We need to doeverything we can to transition and undervaluing solar with an incomplete study does not move us toward sustainability. Please hold in-person and on line public hearnings across IPC'sservice territory both during the week and weekend so all Idahoans can participate and share their concerns. Thank-you, Linda Engle" ------ Name: DEREK WANDERSSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 5:06AM Email: dtwanders@gmail.comTelephone: 208-989-3621 Address: 3320 Highway 52Payette, ID 83661 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I do not agree with idaho power trying to knock down self generation of clean power. There needs to be public hearing on there request to take more control and money fromsolar and wind power from individuals. They raise rates year over year my farm pays 200,000 thousand a year to them, i invested money to try save on that with solar. They need to tightenthere belts like the rest of us have to if there budget isn't working." ------ Name: DONALD SHAFF Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:41PMEmail: dvshaff6@gmail.com Telephone: 208-890-5337Address: 4552 N FOOTHILL DR BOISE, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Co. Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Given the petitioner did not meet all of the requirements of the Study ordered bythe PUC, I implore the PUC to Order a public hearing for as many days as necessary around the state and to schedule a virtual meeting in the evening hours to give Idahoans theopportunity to present testimony on whether the Study is sufficient and the proposals or conclusions of the Study are correct. I reserve the right to supplement my Comment further asthe Case moves forward. " ------ Name: Amy Minervini Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:15PMEmail: amylaurie7@gmail.com Telephone: 208-750-8325Address: 1513 4th Street Lewiston, ID 83501 Name of Utility Company: Avista Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Amy Minervini and I am an Idaho resident living in Lewiston--NezPerce County. I am very concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurableenvironmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. I careabout these issues because solar is a sustainable and renewable energy that we MUST rely on more as global warming threatens our world. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiplelocations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding andshare their concerns directly with the Commission. Sincerely, Amy Minervini" ------ Name: Lindy Cogan Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:08PMEmail: lindyco10@gmail.com Telephone: 208-720-5573Address: 530 E. McKercher Blvd Hailey, ID 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Lindy Cogan, I live in Hailey Idaho. I've had rooftop solar since 2017.Idaho Power has continued to erode the value of net metering, which disincentivizes individuals to invest in solar energy, and businesses to continue to develop and create solarenergy solutions. The study didn't include an environmental benefit study, which is real and should be measurable. Please hold in-person and virtual public meetings across Idaho Power'sservice locations. We have a right to self generation, and I would like to further understand and express my concerns about Idaho Power's value of solar study. Thank you. Lindy Cogan" ------ Name: Davis NguyenSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:05PM Email: vi3tkidd916@yahoo.comTelephone: 916-204-4397 Address: 4054 N tattenham wayBoise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Public hearings regarding this case" ------ Name: Stephen Lloyd Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 6:56AMEmail: kellyandmerla@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-375-6455Address: 1968 S Goldking Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please schedule several public hearings in Boise so I may attend. It is importantthat homeowners get to comment on what would be fair way to compensate them for solar power they produce. " ------ Name: Scott Buckley Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:46PM Email: scott.buckley@hotmail.comTelephone: 208-631-0395 Address: 15626 Cumulus WayCaldwell , ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am outraged that Idaho Power is trying to devalue the power that I am producing with the very expensive Solar on my home. Please do not allow them to do this. This wouldalso discourage people from switching to solar in the future." ------ Name: Randall Goodspeed Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:05PMEmail: goodspeedr@msn.com Telephone: 208-861-2285Address: 7681 E Nolan Dr Nampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "On the subject of ID Power requesting to reduce the value of excess generatedsolar energy credit by over 60% without public hearings needs to be addressed. All effected parties should be allowed to voice opinions prior to any decision PUC may make." ------ Name: Jeffrey MorrisSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:19PM Email: jeffrey.w.morris0556@gmail.comTelephone: 208-571-3975 Address: 8574 W Mornin Mist StBoise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I respectfully request that the Idaho Public Utility Commission 1. Reject Idaho Power’s incomplete study 2. Hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across IdahoPower’s service territory, and offer virtual video options and a weekend option to ensure as many people as possible can participate. The PUC erred allowing a service producingstakeholder to present the Value of Distributed Energy Resources. Idaho Power is a publicly owned for-profit utility company with their main stakeholders - the shareholders of thecompany. This study should have been conducted by a third party. The PUC should be the final arbitrator between the for-profit utility and the customers the PUC allows the sole serviceto provide service to. Here are a couple of many problems I see within the study: Section 6 Compensation Structure. Figure 6.1 shows the net energy metering is a $5 monthly. If theservice charge were prorated to demand, no-solar residential would pay an additional $12.91 for derived service charge. Idaho Power unfairly puts the burden of the study's results on theconsumers using net metering. I used Net billing + basic $5 service as a ratio to compare with residential service (no solar) + derived service. Section 9.1 Evaluation of Existing Cap. IdahoPower is operating under an existing project operating cap that “varies by customer type. Residential and small general customers’ project eligibility cap is 25 kW and commercial,Industrial, and irrigation customer’s project eligibility cap is 100 kW.” I maintain that customer caps limit free economic enterprise between supplier and customer unfairly. Thefollowing exhibit clearly shows that photovoltaic system efficiencies have improved over time with current system laboratory capabilities exceeding 40% efficiency. Solar panel efficiency iscalculated as a percentage as follows: Efficiency = panel power (in kW) x 100% Panel length x panel width (in m) (Source retrieved fromhttps://www.photonicuniverse.com/en/resources/articles/full/7.html August 10, 2022) My Q.Peal Duo Blk ML-G10+ Series have a 20.6% maximum module efficiency Sunpower hasmodules of the same basic length and width with between 20.1 and 22.8% efficiency. Both Q- Cells are manufactured in the United States and feed distributions and installation jobs in theUnited States and globally. Using the efficiency calculator above, if we solve for the theoretical maximum efficiency of a solar cell made of ideal material of 33.7% with thecurrent dimensions of the Q-Cell panel, the panel power increases from 400w to 660w. My current 25 panel 10kW system could be a future 16.5 kW system. 33.7% Efficiency = panelpower (in kW) x 100% 1.960784 m Panel power (in kW) = 33.7 x 1.960784 100 .660784 kW or 660.784 W. A 37 panel system would easily create over 25kW. I’ve audited Idaho taxpayerreturns that include Form 39R alternative energy deductions with 37 panels. It’s not hard to imagine Idaho Power customers incorporating solar energy in their agricultural, business andindividual applications as the cost per solar panel watt continues to decrease while the efficiency continues to increase over time. Instead of bilking energy producers, how aboutincentivizing these energy producers like the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that incentivizes taxpayers with a 30% tax credit for renewable clean energy installationsfrom 2022 through 2033. The bill calls for a 10-year extension at 30% of the cost of the installed equipment, which will then step down to 26% in 2033 and 22% in 2034. Imagine astorage facility owner who decides to use their storage roof tops to produce solar power on an acre of storage facility roofing and to include battery storage that provides power during nongenerating periods for the facility and exports unused battery storage to the grid on a daily basis. Walmart installed over 240 solar systems. The available space on a Walmart isconsiderably more capable of handling a system greater than 100kW. I can’t imagine Micron being limited to a cap on components per chip. Here’s a quote from Lafayette College -Efficiency of Solar PV, Then, Now and Future by Amos Hans. (Retrieved from https://sites.lafayette.edu/egrs352-sp14-pv/technology/history-of-pv-technology/ August 10,2022) In the 21st century, the efficiency continues to rise and and the future forecast shows that there are no signs that the efficiency would stop increasing. In addition, the cost of solarenergy has been decreasing. Jeffrey W. Morris " ------ Name: Noel Rocklein Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:28AMEmail: mnrocklein@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-954-3319Address: 5543 E. Bay Trail Ct Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "With Idaho's forever growing population and a warming world, the need for cleanenergy sources (including Solar and battery storage, wind, small-nuclear, etc) is critical to displace reliance on fossil fuels. Solar, in particular, is valuable towards reducing peakdemand during hot summer afternoons. Private homeowners who chose (past/present/future) to produce surplus clean energy to meet their monthly needs should be encouraged with amodest ROI, not dissuaded through hourly pricing. I'd love to hear more (details and timeline) about Idaho Power's future plans towards achieving a 100% clean-energy future, includingenergy storage." ------ Name: Robert Lonning Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:51PMEmail: ralonning@mac.com Telephone: 208-309-1783Address: 201 N. 3rd Ave. Hailey, ID 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Rob Lonning and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Hailey, ID.My wife and I have been enjoying our rooftop solar panels since construction in 2015. Given what we know about human induced climate change, it seems particularly unbelievable thatanyone would try to reduce the incentives for producing clean electricity. I understand that a monopoly's goal is to maximize profits which makes me glad that there is the oversightcreated by the PUC. I hope you will not accept Idaho Power's new cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power'sservice territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directlywith the Commission. " ------ Name: Melody and Michael Asher and McBride Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:38PMEmail: mashermcbride@gmail.com Telephone: 208-595-1035Address: 2502 Laurie Lane Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Public Utility Commission Members - We are Idaho Power customers andwe believe in solar power - both utility generated and customer generated. We feel that Idaho Power's cost benefit analysis does not cover all the info that should have been a part of thatstudy. We are asking you to hold in-person (with a virtual component) PUC hearings in multiple locations throughout the state on different dates and times so that as many people aspossible can give you face-to-face comments. Thank you for your consideration- Michael McBride and Melody Asher" ------ Name: Tom MartinSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:42PM Email: tpm9709@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-631-2934 Address: 9709 W. Cascade St.Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "It has been brought to my attention that Idaho Power is making requests to the Public Utilities Commission to make changes to their Solar Net Metering policies withoutholding Public Comment sessions. It is my view that public comment is desirable and necessary for all areas that Idaho Power Co. serves. The Public Utility Commission shouldhave a desire to hear from the customers that Idaho Power Co serves, including those that have solar panel installations and/or are planning to install solar panels. I believe it is the PublicUtility Commission duty to hold open hearings that are available to the public so that the public's voice can be heard and that the public can be informed of the changes that IdahoPower Co is requesting in regard to Solar Panel generation, i.e.: net metering changes. Tom Martin 9709 W. Cascade St. Boise, Idaho. 83704" ------ Name: Jane ChandlerSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:30PM Email: jane.eb.chandler@gmail.comTelephone: 208-863-6774 Address: 1407 East Jefferson stBoise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am writing to strongly urge the commission to hold both in person and virtual hearings on the IPC-22-22 case across the state. Idaho Power has presented a very one sidedstudy that benefits their business, but disregards the needs of the public and the environment. For this reason, and also because the PUC is charged to represent and support the public,public hearings should be held and made easily assessable for those who would like to attend in person or virtually. Any decision should made in a fair and balanced way that takes intoaccount all of the needs an interests of its stakeholders. The public is one of the most impacted stakeholders and therefore should have a seat at this table. This is especially important due tothe lack of objectivity of the study. " ------ Name: Spencer Stucki Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:35PMEmail: stucki.spencer@gmail.com Telephone: 801-510-1443Address: 24442 Nubian goat court Caldwell , ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As an Idaho power customer and a solar power customer I petition the commission to allow for public hearings on this matter. The voice of the customer should be heard with regards to this case. Thank you for your consideration. " ------ Name: Drew Hackett Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:07PM Email: drew.hackett@hotmail.comTelephone: 206-999-6576 Address: 2217 W Oakhampton DrEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold in person meetings on this issue. Consumers deserve it." ------ Name: Rebecca SkeemSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:43PM Email: rjskeem@aol.comTelephone: 208-404-6732 Address: 12144 W Pavo StStar, ID 83669 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I understand that you might be making changes regarding our power bills. We would like a public hearing on what those changes will be. We bought the solar panels to help the power grid. Not to be penalized for having them. We need clarification on what your intentions are. Public hearing would help. Thank you" ------ Name: Erick BacaSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:43PM Email: erick.baca@gmail.comTelephone: 208-914-1324 Address: 1331 N Frazier AveBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "ID Hello, I am requesting accessible public hearings all across Idaho Power territory in order to comment on their recently released value of solar study. Please respond with the decision!" ------ Name: Maria Held Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:04PMEmail: held3@earthlink.net Telephone: 208-440-3146Address: 240 W Concord St Middleton, ID 83644 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold public hearings. " ------ Name: Neale Rolfe Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:50PMEmail: nealerolfe24@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-869-5378Address: 3204 w Hansen Ave Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is neale I am an idaho power customer living in boise idaho. I am a concerned citizen and possible future Solar customer. I am very concerned about Idaho powers newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. It underestimates the value of Solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned Solar. I care about these issues not only because it will affect my livelihood from being a future home owner but also working in the Solar industry. Please please hold in person public hearings in multiple locations on different days and different times so the public has more of a chance to have a voice on the issue and how it affects them. " ------ Name: Ben Heffron Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:04PMEmail: ben@prizmsolar.com Telephone: 307-699-4204Address: 3153 E 17TH STREET AMMON, ID 83406 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "On behalf of Prizm Solar and our hundreds of Idaho Power customers, I implore you to open this case to public hearings. This is a highly impactful issue, and needs to be given the highest visability." ------ Name: Harry DellamaterSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:31PM Email: rockycanyontile@gmail.comTelephone: 208-921-2335 Address: 86 Rocky Canyon RdBoise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We strongly request public hearings for this case! Strongly" ------ Name: James BrownSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:27PM Email: RealEstateOfMind@gmail.comTelephone: 208-204-6325 Address: 1847 N. Siltstone WayKuna, ID 83634 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting accessible public hearings for this case. Having recently invested in solar panels which essentially replace my daily usage year-over-year, I am disappointed to learn the current net-metering approach is being re-evaluated. In doing my part to alleviate the pressure on power providers like Idaho Power, I would like to have a front-row seat to the hearing and have my voice heard." ------ Name: Shasten Jolley Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:40PMEmail: shasten@cedgreentechboise.com Telephone: 208-891-7464Address: 1298 W. Crest Wood Dr. Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Shasten Jolley and I am the manager of a solar equipment distribution company in Boise and Pocatello. I am writing in to express my extreme concern about the recent study published by Idaho Power on the cost-benefit analysis of rooftop solar. I, and many others in the local industry, believe that the study highly underestimates the true value of solar both economically and environmentally (in fact, it hardly, if at all, covers any data surrounding environmental benefits of solar as they claim it to be "unquantifiable"). I was born and raised here in the Boise area and I have watched the solar industry explode here over the last few years. I am afraid that Idaho Power's attempts to cut into net-metering will cause a major interruption in the economic boom that the solar industry has brought to the state, and I believe it needs to be rejected entirely. I also know that if this were to move forward, thousands of people could lose jobs and lose opportunities for economic freedom that rooftop solar can provide (and does provide) for so many people in this wonderful state. With this, I believe it is only right that multiple public hearings be held related to this topic. Homeowners and business owners alike deserve a fair chance to express their opinions and concerns on thismatter as it has extreme repercussions if moved forward. I am asking that public hearings are held in venues across the state on different days of the week to allow as many people access toattend as possible. I even think online video options would be very beneficial so we can reach as many people as possible (which is only fair). I hope that this matter is taken as seriously asit should with the weight of its repercussions weighing on so many good people of the state of Idaho. Please do not let Idaho Power crush the opportunities of so many of our wonderfulcitizens. Thank you for your time." ------ Name: Jeffrey Hollingshead Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:20PMEmail: reedh40@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-867-7497Address: 12082 N. 19th Ave Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "This is in regards to IPC-E-22-22 & the reduction of credit for excess powergeneration from a solar installation on a private residence. I have invested $35,000.00 in a solar system for my home. Excess power generated transfers to my battery backup system &beyond that is credited back to my Idaho Power bill. President Biden & congress just past a huge energy bill that includes the production of solar equipment to power our homes.Removing the energy credit by 60% is taking away any incentive I had for installing solar in the first place. Each resident should have the right to produce their own power & allow for theenergy needs supplied by Idaho Power to service those that don't have solar to supplement their energy use. The study Idaho Power has issued is completely biased against the solarindustry & public hearings should be made available so all voices can be heard. To negate public hearings, in this case, would be a travesty. We're talking about hourly netting reductionor elimination which is the only checks & balances we have as customers. The current system is and has worked quite well & there should be no reason to eliminate it. Please allow forpublic hearings so our voices can be heard. - Thank You, Jeffrey Hollingshead, 40 Yr resident. Idaho Power Customer & Solar Energy advocate. " ------ Name: Troy PeltzerSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:42PM Email: troypeltz@gmail.comTelephone: 208-465-4864 Address: 31 N Burlington DrNampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I understand that Idaho Power is again asking for changes related to solar and green energy. Idaho power has conducted research the only reflect one side. I ask that publicmeetings be held regarding any changes Idaho Power suggests. Idaho power is wanting to gain substantial benefits for infrastructure customers has spend hard earned money on. " ------ Name: Catherine OlsonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:41PM Email: cltolson08@gmail.comTelephone: 208-375-0694 Address: 7450 N Hampstead Ave.Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We want the right to present our case in public meeting. We own EV's and intend to add Solar PV. As citizens of a free state we demand the opportunity to own our own energyproduction and be compensated fairly for the value of our systems benefit to everyone around us." ------ Name: Nate BondelidSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:15PM Email: nate@bondelid.netTelephone: 208-488-0397 Address: 732 w sherason drEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please allow public hearings on this case" ------ Name: Jessica Maddox Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:11PMEmail: jessica.maddox@yahoo.com Telephone: 801-870-6890Address: 1430 Shenandoah Dr Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have solar power and am concerned about Idaho power’s new proposal tosignificantly make drastic and detrimental changes to solar net metering structure here in Idaho. I am requesting that a public in person hearing in boise and across Idaho powersterritory be held. Thank you" ------ Name: LaVelle Gardner Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:05PMEmail: lavellesgardner@gmail.com Telephone: 208-869-0231Address: 44 Ord Blvd. Nampa, ID 83651 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold public hearings on local solar power. We are at a point in the climatecrisis that only substantive action can possibly save this planet for future generations. Please let the public have a say in what happens with our public utilities." ------ Name: George StantonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:29PM Email: idgeorgenc@hotmail.comTelephone: 208-407-3069 Address: 10696 W Treeline CtBoise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "The public at large hasn't had time to look over study. Putting aside the flaws in the study (which are many and biased) the public needs to be given time to review andcomment. They need a way to interact with the PUC in regards to Net Metering. Many people don't even realize this is going on and that they will be affected because they are future solarusers. We need to be given a space to give comment. A weekend when more people are able to be off of work as well as during the week. The territory that this ruling could impact is largeand therefore there should be several areas where we can go and give comment throughout the state. If the public is going to accurately be represented then give them the opportunity. Azoom meeting, several locations, several different times to meet in person at PUC meetings to discuss and give comment to the PUC regarding this study, Net Metering and this Case. Iwhole heartedly disagree with the results of this study and feel it was completed in a bias way. Idaho Power says they like solar.. what they mean is they like being a monopoly and providingsolar to you not allowing you to go solar. By enacting what is suggested by Idaho Power you are preventing the majority of Idaho customers from going solar because of the cost of way most people use power and the cost associated with batteries. Also, why not go to a Timeof Use case with solar customers. The same ToU that other residential customers can choose to go. This will allow Idaho Power to adjust the cost of power according to the time to bestmake sense for Idaho Power. Incentive to use power when the demand is low and not use power when demand is high. We went over a lot of the arguments two years ago that IdahoPower had and many of them were made up and proven to be wrong. They are trying to use this study to again falsely portray (lie) about the benefits of solar to the consumer, the grid, theenvironment, and Idaho Power. Yes Idaho Power benefits from solar more than they are letting on. They would rather forgo the benefits of customer supplied solar generation toreceive future profits and maintain control and their monopoly on power here in the state of Idaho. There is so much more to say but I have not had the time to review the entire study orgather all my thoughts. I look forward to seeing the PUC in an in person meeting at a local building. Thanks " ------ Name: Martha S BibbSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:56PM Email: marthasbibb@gmail.comTelephone: 503-539-8863 Address: 810 CD Olena DrHailey, ID 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Public Utility Commissioners, I would like to request that you have public meetings at various areas around the service area of Idaho Power to allow the exercise of ourright to make public comments. Energy generation and use is a very important issue both to individual consumers but also to all citizens as an existential issue of climate change andlivability. Citizens need time and interaction with our commissioners to be able to understand and to express their concerns and issues on this extremely important issue. Numerous meetinglocations and times would allow the greatest participation of our citizens. Having a virtual component at each meeting would add participants who either are unable to attend in person orare concerned about infectious disease transmission at public gatherings. Please help us to share our voices by holding these meetings. I would also like to extend the public commenttime due to the complexity of the VODER, with all its acronyms and energy vocabulary. Thank you fore your service to the customers of Idaho Power, our energy monopoly.Sincerely, Martha S Bibb" ------ Name: Sara Palma Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:40PMEmail: sp.baca@outlook.com Telephone: 208-409-0269Address: 1331 N Frazier Ave Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We need for the IPUC to require public, in person hearings all across Idaho Powerterritory. I am happy with my current setup and credit system with Idaho Power. As a solar system owner I would like to be heard. Please respond." ------ Name: Michael SteinmetzSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:10PM Email: steinmetzma@gmail.comTelephone: 858-382-5458 Address: 3448 S Bo Daniel PlNampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Request that the IPUC require Idaho Power to hold a public hearing about their proposed changes to the solar net metering structure." ------ Name: Matthew WilliamsSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:38PM Email: mwill252@protonmail.comTelephone: 208-250-9472 Address: 11988 W ROCKHAMPTON STBOISE, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello and thank you for taking public comments. I would like to request a public hearing be available to make live comments and feedback on this study. Please allow for anonline/call in option as well. Thank you" ------ Name: Lloyd Berriman Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:37PMEmail: lloydberriman@gmail.com Telephone: 818-298-2746Address: 865 E Finch Creek Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Is the date from the study this case is based on current and accurate? When wasthe study engaged and in what quarter was the data collected? Does it take into account the latest economic environment (inflation, power shortages)? As a customer who installed solar Iam against the hourly netting request. My usage varies hourly, daily, and weekly based a numerous and changing factors. As a mathematician I do do find the hourly nettingmeaningful. monthly netting is appropriate and most understandable by the lay person and average consumer. These items need airing. I hope public hearings that give residents accessto address these issues are held. Thank you for your representation of all people of Idaho, businesses and consumers." ------ Name: Loren LancasterSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:42PM Email: parts@bargermattson.comTelephone: 208-733-3743 Address: 3722 N 2544 ETWIN FALLS, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "This matter needs to be held at a public meeting not behind closed doors." ------ Name: Tor A Dalzell Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:38PMEmail: dalzelltor77@gmail.com Telephone: 208-481-1014Address: 3204 W Hansen Ave. Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Tor Dalzell I work in this industry and I really love my job it has donewonders for me being born and raised here in Idaho, and this is directly going to hurt this industry and the future I'm trying to build. Please please please, you need to hold publichearings for this in multiple locations on multiple days at different times to let the public come and speak on this. For the future of our state and the future generations. Thank you " ------ Name: Russ McCandlessSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:26PM Email: russmccand@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-779-0040 Address: 1974 S Wilde Creek Way Boise , ID 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Public hearings must be held before Idaho power Effectively unfairly shuts down personal solar electric generation by means of their heavily biased 'study'. " ------ Name: Eran YanivSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:06PM Email: eran@theyanivs.comTelephone: 408-626-7656 Address: 4894 N Curlew LnEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Since this case will dramatically change the economics of customer generated renewable energy, the public need to weigh in. If Idaho Power is successful in changing thebuy back rates, this will be a death sentence for renewable energy, and the environmental benefits of clean energy will be lost. please make all discussions, hearings, decisionstransparent and accessible to the public. also, Since only Idaho Power's voice is active in this survey, the public must be heard as well. please conduct as many public hearings so the publiccan weigh in." ------ Name: Rosanne Oh Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:00PMEmail: Rosanne.antelli@gmail.com Telephone: 802-309-4173Address: 6261 S Teak Ave Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power and Solar generation Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power has started a campaign to scare customers away from solargeneration and then unfairly compensate those who generate power to the grid. We will want a voice in this decision and be heard for public comments. " ------ Name: Derik Scudder Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:05PM Email: derikscudder@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-484-9084 Address: 2574 E Gloucester StBoise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "In reference to IPC-E-22-22 I write these comments as a residential solar customer as well as an Idaho native who deeply values our environment, our public lands, and thefreedom to provide my own energy, with an expectation of fair remuneration. I find this hail marry attempt so outrageous for a multitude of reasons I will highlight below. This netmetering issue started years ago with ID Power "claiming" a $145k annual shortfall from the net metering rate class at that time. I will preface my below comments with the fact that todaythis rate class still today makes up less than 1.5% of the total rate payer population that ID Power serves. This felt from the start like a clear attempt to limit future competition and futuregrowth of solar in ID just as it still does today. First, this study was ordered by the IPUC in such a manner that a general consumer without solar or utility industry knowledge could readand understand. They were also tasked with using as current and accurate data as available and in this case the data represented for cost/kwh is grossly understated as rate/fees have jumpedsubstantially along with everything else economically since this study was first started and should have been updated prior to it's release to ensure on the surface any sort of fairness oraccuracy. For these reasons I feel from the start this is simply an invalid and outdated study and should be recognized as such by the IPUC in this matter. Hourly Netting Request-This is ahuge issue as the only party that benefits from this is ID Power. A solar customer under the current monthly netting structure has clear checks and balances against accurate creditaccumulation and reporting and against what they were proposed from their solar provider in their initial estimates. Hourly netting strips consumers of checks and balances, which simplycannot be allowed to happen. The other major issue here is ID Power pushed into law the Idaho Solar Consumer Protection Act as a way to hold solar providers accountable formisrepresentation and misleading sales tactics and allow for the ID Att General to step in and be able to have a clear legal route for consumers against solar providers. Yes, there are badapples in the solar industry and yes, they should be held accountable however this is true of any industry but because solar is a direct competitor to Idaho's monopolistic utility this is aconstant driver/platform that ID Power has pushed as means to make these detrimental changes to net metering. The more critical issue here is having this consumer protection act inplace we are required to have many disclosure statements in order to even provide a solar estimate to any consumer. If hourly netting is allowed it leaves solar providers wide open tolawsuits as providing an accurate estimate of a solar system payback becomes virtually impossible as every ID Power rate payer uses power differently every hour seasonally here inID. Stripping back the layers this request by ID Power is a clear attempt to make solar providers jobs nearly impossible and have to staff engineers to work through a customer’s8760 hourly power intervals from the previous 12 months which is a hugely expensive and time consuming exercise and sure to be wrong with so many other weather factors year to yearhere in ID. I urge the IPUC to heavily question the true motives behind this request and maintain the current monthly netting structure that has worked very well for many years. Lackof Environmental Valuation-This study for many reasons is a clearly bias study for anyone who has any knowledge of the local solar industry. For ID Power to not provide a value forenvironmental impact that distributed solar does indeed provide is very short sided. Solar provides an immense carbon reduction which yes is hard to truly measure but to just simplyskim over this section as they did should leave many questions for the IPUC in this discussion. Peak Demand Reduction-I and many others close to this industry find this attempt to gut thesolar industry at a time where the population is outracing what ID Power can provide at peak demand times is laughable. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed to keepproviding reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever-growing population should involve solar heavily in a commonsense world. The values presented in thestudy are not in line with other comparable studies done in recent years. When a solar system overproduces every day during daylight hours that power is put to use at the nearest drawwhich is always a neighboring property. To say that does not provide a immense value to any utility is wrong. Please, as the public commission established to ensure consumer protections,do the right thing. Hold in-person hearings and ensure the public is afforded an opportunity to be heard. Respectfully, Derik Scudder " ------ Name: Dallas GraySubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:20PM Email: dallas@grayfamily.usTelephone: 208-280-0850 Address: 3434 Sage Springs RdKimberly, ID 83341 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have been informed that Idaho Power has released a study in an attempt to reduce the value and compensation associated with excess generated solar energy. This actionis detrimental to consumers as it takes away our rights to produce energy at a fair price. I would hope, and am asking, that the IPUC would host public in person hearings throughoutour great state. Consumers that will be directly effected by this action deserve to have there voices heard. " ------ Name: Brent MathieuSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:11PM Email: bmathieuboise@gmail.comTelephone: 208-577-8022 Address: 4130 W Plum StBoise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Organization of Resource Councils Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, I installed a solar system in Dec, 2019. I am net metered, and grandfathered in with Idaho Power regarding excess solar power that my residential system generates. Irequest that IPUC hold public hearings on how Idaho residents, commercial companies and Idaho Power may cooperate to use solar in Idaho. Idaho has abundant sun shine, and vastspaces appropriate for solar, especially for irrigation. Microgrids, in conjunction with Idaho power, would make electric power more dependable for communities. Residential andcommercial solar systems tied to a microgrid, in cooperation with Idaho Power's expertise would benefit all. Please hold public hearings, and consider how Idaho businesses, residents,and Idaho Power may all benefit from more solar power. Thank you. " ------ Name: Jimmy Federico Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:14PMEmail: jester2114@gmail.com Telephone: 208-810-0289Address: 13809 Crisholm St Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a near future solar customer the attempt by Idaho Power to reduce the rate ofsolar customers is concerning. First, solar customers reduce the amount of energy used off the grid. In a time when Idaho power is warning of brown outs, I would think solar provided backto the grid would be welcomed. Additionally, customers providing solar should be compensated for their investing that Idaho power benefits from and resells. Many of us wantto help reduce the carbon emissions and help make our planet more green. As a company that claims to support geeen energy and claims to be full green by 2045, your attempts to punishsolar customers says otherwise. It would also reduce or completely element potential customers. Such a small amount of people have solar that this feels like greed more thananything else. I hope Idaho power reverses it’s plans and supports green energy thst solar customers provide. Together we can make our planet better for future generations. Thank you,Jimmy Federico. " ------ Name: Nadine Carter Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:31PMEmail: sqirleynut@gmail.com Telephone: 308-310-1772Address: 3119 N Wagon Wheel Rd Boise , ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please provide public hearings on addition to the scheduled workshops. Thepublic have a right to hear and be heard." ------ Name: Mark Peterson Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:45PMEmail: mp83705@gmail.com Telephone: 208-841-1500Address: 1436 Gun Hill Road McCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I believe it is VERY important to hold public hearings for the commission toreceive critical input from customers and stakeholders in this case. " ------ Name: Muriel Roberts Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:13PMEmail: murielroberts255@gmail.com Telephone: 208-406-1404Address: 541 South 7th Ave. Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Portneuf Resource Council did a great job of getting Pocatello residents tosolarize. Others are ready to do it, but they need to know that they will be able to receive a fair price for the electricity they pass on to Idaho Power. Please hold hearings around the state sothe people in Pocatello and elsewhere can appear to speak for a fair price for the power they could could provide from solar panels on their homes. Thank you. Muriel Roberts" ------ Name: Natalia CiccioSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 11:31PM Email: nat.brenders@gmail.comTelephone: 208-585-7040 Address: 2188 W Sonoma drMeridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: solar and Idaho Power Comment: "I request a public hearing for the Solar study case. Thank you" ------ Name: Greg Helsel Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:20PMEmail: gshelsel@gmail.com Telephone: 208-995-3862Address: 25277 Marina Ct Wilder, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: LLU-U-22-22 Comment: "I request that public hearings be made available for this solar study case inCanyon County, ID." ------ Name: Tracey Schuyler Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:37PMEmail: tlschuy@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-939-2890Address: 918 N Caledonia Place Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello -- I am an Idaho Power customer living in Eagle. I am a practice manager ata pediatric therapy clinic here in Eagle (for 10 years), and I'm also a holistic nutrition consultant. I am concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftopsolar. As I have come to understand, the study underestimates the value of solar by excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idahofamilies, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. I care about these issues because I'd like us, as knowledgeable and experienced adults, toleave this planet viable for our children and grandchildren. As we all know, if we destroy our Earth, it's likely to come back and repair itself in some form, but there won't be any of ushumans left! I urge you to hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to ensure asmany people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. Thank you for your consideration. " ------ Name: John SchuylerSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:59PM Email: js2524173@gmail.comTelephone: 208-340-7944 Address: 918 N Caledonia PlaceEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is John Schuyler and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Eagle. I am in commercial real estate, but have also worked in the renewable energy business. It seemsthat Idaho Power's permanent game plan is to attempt this damaging rate change scheme every few years in the hope that one day they succeed. Of course the study they produce will showthat the current net metering structure is unfair to them, while every independent study shows otherwise when all factors are considered. The truth is that if an Idaho Power customer putssolar on his/her roof, that is new clean power generation that Idaho Power did not have to produce in one of their existing or FUTURE facilities - also called avoided cost. If theCompany wants to meet its 100% renewable energy goals, especially while the State of Idaho is growing so fast, it should welcome the help by its customers and pay them under thecurrent, and fair structure. Please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power’s service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) toensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. " ------ Name: Charles PeganSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:23PM Email: charliepegan@gmail.comTelephone: 208-859-5432 Address: 5310 N Brookmeadow Way Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, I have looked through the lengthy proposal made by Idaho Power to establish new rates for reimbursing on-sight power generation customers. There are plenty ofslides and spreadsheets using jargon that I do not fully understand. I assume that the PUC will be scheduling a public hearing to allow customers to get full and accurate explanations in alanguage understandable to the public. My family made the investment in renewable energy not just to save costs but also to help our community into a future with higher energy demand.The shear bulk of the proposal materials make clear that there is much to discuss and understand around energy generation, distribution, and overhead costs. Please schedule thepublic hearing and I will be present to participate. Thank you. Regards, Charlie Pegan 208 859 5432" ------ Name: Greg OlsonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:35PM Email: bluelightningllc@gmail.comTelephone: 208-389-9956 Address: 8399 West Hill RoadBoise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My immediate family and my extended family owns solar PV on our homes and multiple electric vehicles. Our home voltage is as much as 16 volts below other homes innewer Boise subdivisions. Clearly, Idaho Power is NOT able to maintain consistent voltage across their customer base. Privately owned solar PV and battery smart grid tied systemswould correct this and many other problems, ONLY if incentives are not removed." ------ Name: Rhiana Menen Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 11:57PMEmail: rhiana@rhiana.org Telephone: 714-812-5711Address: 1601 Garfield St Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please hold a public hearing on Idaho Power’s proposed changes to net metering.Their solar studies need review and we need to make clean energy easier and more appealing to a wider audience. " ------ Name: Maddie SchuylerSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:51PM Email: madlschuyler@gmail.comTelephone: 208-995-9298 Address: 918 N Caledonia PlEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I'm an Idaho Power customer living in Eagle, ID. I'm very concerned by Idaho Power's new study on the costs and benefits of rooftop solar because of how much itunderestimates the value of solar. They have intentionally excluded measurable environmental and societal benefits of rooftop solar that contribute significantly to its value. I'm disappointedby this threat to fair compensation for Idahoans. Making solar energy less affordable is a step in the wrong direction, especially with Idaho Power's commitment to 100% clean energy by2045. My family would like to one day install solar on our home, but cost is an important factor. A lower compensation rate makes this less accessible, which is disappointing becausewe want to do as much as we can to lower our environmental impact, which I know we are not alone in. Please hold in-person, public hearings on this issue in multiple locations across IdahoPower's service territory (and offer virtual video options and a weekend option) to make hearings as accessible as possible for as many people as possible to participate in this criticalproceeding. " ------ Name: Rachel Arndt Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:21PMEmail: rarndt414@gmail.com Telephone: 208-315-1803Address: 1005 Ridge Rd McCall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I urge the Commission to not devalue solar energy investments in Idaho. We arenew owners of residential solar panels, and it was a costly investment for us, but we felt it was the right direction to be taking both for ourselves and our community at large. Please do whatyou can to support this important step towards a more energy secure and cleaner future. Thank you, Rachel Arndt" ------ Name: Kevin PreeceSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:13PM Email: kpreece@whatascent.comTelephone: 208-371-0782 Address: 2510 N Oconner aveMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have solar on my home. I have solar on 3 other structures and I still buy power from Idaho power. Any change moving forward to make it more difficult for private citizensto have the right to choose to install solar should be stopped. All changes no matter how small should be part of a public hearing. To many of our right and freedoms are already at stake.Please keep Idaho free and stop Idaho power from pushing through changes without a hearing. Thank you Kevin " ------ Name: ricky pierceSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:31PM Email: prcdprc@q.comTelephone: 208-866-8018 Address: 432 e. Amalie ct.meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I submit that the consequences of the outcome of this study will affect all citizens, and the citizens have a right to ask questions and make comments on any changes. pleaserequire public hearings on any proposals." ------ Name: Dennis Ferney Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 12:01AMEmail: deferney@gmail.com Telephone: 503-701-0760Address: 354 E Palermo Dr Meridian, ID 83642 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please schedule public hearings for case IPC-E-22-22. The Idaho Power proposalis nothing more than an attempt to cripple the consumer solar industry in Idaho. The current monthly netting structure works well for consumers as it is easy to monitor and understand. Achange to hourly netting would be a disaster for a solar customer like me. Additionally, residential solar installations are great for the environment by providing clean solar energyduring peak demand right not. I believe that Idaho Power's target date for conversion to solar is not until 2034. I appreciate your consideration of this request for a public hearing for caseIPC-E-22-22." ------ Name: James Van Dinter Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:51PMEmail: jvandinter@centurylink.net Telephone: 208-297-8288Address: 12088 W Tidewater Dr Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Consumer Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As an owner of a solar system connected to the Idaho Power system, I amembarrassed by the "study" Idaho Power provide the commission with concerning the company's relationship with its solar customers. Therefore, I request that the Commission holdpublic hearings throughout the area that Idaho Power provides power for concerning the "study." As was demonstrated by the PUC hearings two years ago, those of us who own solarsystems have grave concerns about the areas Idaho Power had promised that they would consider in the study and how Idaho Power deals with us. We hope that you will be interestedhearing these concerns." ------ Name: Eri Crum Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:23PMEmail: ericrum@Gmail.com Telephone: 208-340-5822Address: 3997 n blue wing place Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Boise Spine Center Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting in person public hearings to discuss Idaho Power's proposal toessentially take a step back in the movement to provide solar energy. Any step taken to devalue a proven strategy to help combat climate change is unethical and sad. Please considerfurther discussion on this matter." ------ Name: Tyler Grange Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:02PMEmail: Tyler@idahomesolar.com Telephone: 208-810-8459Address: 6149 N Meeker Place Suite 110 Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idahome Solar Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please allow for a public (and virtual) workshop for all of our clients be able tovoice their concern over this case. " ------ Name: Cecily Tamcke Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:55PMEmail: cecilyvilate@gmail.com Telephone: 208-891-0422Address: 2193 W BELLAGIO DR MERIDIAN, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We purchased solar energy panels last year to help the planet as well as to savemoney. If Idaho power decides to pass there plan of increasing the cost of solar, it will no longer be worth investing in solar. What they are trying to do is so greedy and are not thinkingof the environment or the people. What's the point of going solar if it is going to be more expensive in the longer run. This isn't the way to help our environment go green." ------ Name: MARC HARTRANFTSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:54PM Email: mhartranft1@gmail.comTelephone: 408-204-5690 Address: 5998 Ashley LaneMarsing, ID 83639 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "We are requesting that public hearings be conducted to allow public input on the merits of this case Thank You" ------ Name: Sarah JacksonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:36PM Email: sacjackson@gmail.comTelephone: 208-251-3179 Address: 605 S 6th AvePocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am a customer of Idaho Power and have been for many years. I am greatly concerned about Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar. I recentlymade the huge decision of adding solar onto my home. Having just had my house re roofed, I thought what better time. The cost of both is significant to me. The reason I am doing this isbecause solar is the right thing to do. It is clean energy. My solar panels may likely outlive me, so my investment is not only for the environment, but also for the future of clean energy.Every kilowatt hour of energy I will generate will go into the grid, which doesn't have to be generated from a power plant. We are in a climate crises now and now is when we need tosupport solar, not cut back on the benefits of solar as Idaho Power is proposing. Slashing compensation rates to local solar owners doesn't take into account the full benefits of locallyproduced solar. By supporting Idaho Power's proposal you will greatly be reducing any incentive for customers to add this clean energy source that is locally produced, to theirhomes. When I saw this proposal, I seriously considered trying to back out of my contract with the solar installer, however I will not. The panels will be installed on my home soon. I feel asthough Idaho Power has pulled the rug out from under me with their proposal. Solar is a long term solution that should be supported, not hindered. Solar is clean energy transmission. Ishould be able to earn a return on the power I generate. It's like owning my home rather than renting, or installing energy efficient windows, and doors. Access to clean energy should beaffordable and a right for our future generations. There is a real lack of environmental benefits shown in the study by Idaho Power. The benefits are very real and beneficial. I would ask thatyou please hold in-person public hearings on this in multiple locations across Idaho Power's service area as well as have available virtual video options. This is important and needed toensure as many people as possible can participate in this critical proceeding and share their concerns directly with the Commission. Thank you for your consideration, Respectfully, SarahJackson " ------ Name: Steven Villachica Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:54PMEmail: stevevillachica@hotmail.com Telephone: 970-371-4627Address: 4054 W Camas St Boise, ID 83705 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am tired of idaho power trying to change the rules related to the solar energygame. There should be public hearings on this. And idaho power needs to back off trying to impose price increases on solar users. " ------ Name: Blake Kingsley Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:39PM Email: kingsleysam@msn.comTelephone: 208-713-0994 Address: 4961 W Grand Rapids DrMeridian , ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am a solar producer and a consumer of power. With the importance of the ramifications to the communities you serve from your proposed changes, public in personmeetings in many communities is paramount. Sincerely, Blake Kingsley " ------ Name: Jeff Erwin Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:17PMEmail: rudderboy15@gmail.com Telephone: 208-761-8488Address: 4488 N Sandpoint Way Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am requesting a public hearing on this case so we can shine a light on IdahoPower’s “study.” " ------ Name: Robert Sojka Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:36PMEmail: boblindasojka@gmail.com Telephone: 208-420-1472Address: 2506 Laurie Lane Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Idaho PUC, August 10, 2022 I earnestly request that the Idaho PUC conductaccessible comprehensive statewide hearings to obtain public response regarding its recently released study and proposals regarding a proposed new rate structure and other measuresaffecting solar power generation by Idaho citizens and businesses that feed into the statewide electrical grid. These hearings should include evening and weekend sessions at regionalvenues adequate to get robust public input. A significant time has elapsed since the PUC was instructed to and agreed to do a comprehensive examination of both the financial andenvironmental impacts of a variety of aspects and manifestations of potential solar power development in Idaho by individual citizens and businesses for both their own use and to meetIdaho's need for abundant, reliable, environmentally responsible and secure power generation. The report issued in recent days leaves much to be desired in objectivity and thoroughness,both regarding the full financial landscape of considerations affecting the path forward and the recognition of and commitment to the existential need for a rapid, efficient and economicallyequitable shift to environmentally sound means of power generation. Among aspects needing a more robust evaluation are: *Full nature and extent of transmission loss/conservation amongtypes of solar installations, largely underestimating the efficiency/economic advantage to Idaho Power of Rooftop generation. *Rooftop vs dedicated multi-acre remote generation siteenvironmental impacts. *A better appreciation of the potential for encouraging use of solar over parking areas, animal pens, canals etc. to take advantage of shading benefits (practiceswidely encouraged, used and rewarded in other states). *A credible estimation of the relative vulnerability of large multi-acre remote sites vs. dispersed rooftop generation susceptibility tovandalism/sabotage (and hence wide area power outages). *A comprehensive detailed and full disclosure/accounting of the financial benefits of sale of Idaho's excess solar-generated powerduring peak generation times to out of state buyers via the grid. *A detailed comprehensive analysis of subsidiary environmental benefits of the contributions of solar's potential role(including rooftop and other forms of private generation) to help thwart global warming's economic costs related to wild fires, drought, crop damage, human health and death risks etc.This analysis needs to embrace the internationally recognized urgency for a much more rapid pursuit of fully renewable power generation than Idaho Power's suggested 2045 goal. *Agreater disclosure to and discussion with the public of whether and how the legislature's formula for funding Idaho Power's operations based on the amount of power it produces maycreate a potential conflict of interest since that financial allocation is diminished by the amount of power generated by private power-generating entities contributing power to the grid.*Evaluation and adoption of successful approaches to more rapid and equitable development of renewable power already well under way in other states, and even in communities withinIdaho, such as Idaho Falls. There is a wide recognition in the public that other states are transitioning more rapidly and more harmoniously to renewable energy than in Idaho. Much ofIdaho Power's approach is seen as discouraging inclusiveness in this statewide community effort, rather than encouraging it, with Idaho Power's primary emphasis on consolidatingownership, control and financial benefits unto itself rather than serving the highest best interest of the state's entire population. Finally, I would suggest that if Idaho Power is actuallyworking to champion the needs of the full spectrum of Idaho's citizens why has it not already begun to strongly lobby the legislature to dedicate a significant portion of its $1.3 Billionsurplus to enable achievement of this existential need for transition to fully renewable power via ecologically responsible site development in the time frame this crisis actually demands.This makes far greater sense for addressing a crisis than imposing a 4% rate increase. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Robert E. Sojka " ------ Name: Brian TibbsSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:29PM Email: brianleetibbs@gmail.comTelephone: 208-841-9959 Address: 11203 Arch StBoise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "It appears that Idaho Power is attempting to once again curtail the benefits of residential solar installation and use in this case. If Idaho Power publicly supports solar andclaims to back 100% renewables in the future, why would they be making solar less affordable for the end user? People in positions of power should be on the side of consumers and ongetting the state's energy to 100% renewable. Solar is safer for the environment than hydro, nuclear and of course carbon energy creation. Of all sources of power, solar should be proppedup and encouraged. These recent moves push things in the opposite direction. I will fight this measure as hard as I can." ------ Name: David BartleSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:27PM Email: davidabartle@gmail.comTelephone: 208-761-3525 Address: 2533 N Bruins CircleBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am a business owner considering investing in solar to offset some of my electric bill. I have been holding off on this decision because of Idaho Power proposal to change netmetering to "real time" (or hourly) and also dramatically reduce the rate they pay for generated power. That would destroy the economics of my investment. I own multiple properties, butonly one is ideal for solar. So if Idaho Power wants to use real time or hourly net metering, please let me combine my accounts and use all my properties electric demand whencalculating my net metering. " ------ Name: Ryan Higgins Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:18PMEmail: ryanhiggins15@yahoo.com Telephone: 925-580-1489Address: 9655 W Pebble Brook Ln Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "It is only fair for the people to decide what they want to do, not a power company.You need to open this up for public hearings! This is taking money out of our pockets because a corporation says they want more money! No different than stealing. I am in favor of a freemarket, not one in which I am told how to spend my hard earned idaho dollars! Public hearing is needed!!! Thank you" ------ Name: MARC HARTRANFTSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:52PM Email: mhartranft1@gmail.comTelephone: 408-204-5690 Address: 5998 Ashley LaneMarsing, ID 83639 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-02 Comment: "We are requesting that you ensure public hearings are conducted to review the merits of this case. Thank You! " ------ Name: Emily BeckmannSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:46PM Email: felkeret@hotmail.comTelephone: 615-478-0415 Address: 4356 N Nines Ridge LaneBoise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "ID As both a solar and Idaho Power costumer I strongly request accessible public hearings regarding the solar study. The public needs to be able to listen and speak up on thisissue that will great affect them. Thank you. " ------ Name: Carl Ihling Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:35PMEmail: carlsautorepair@aol.com Telephone: 208-376-0096Address: 108 E 48th St Garden City, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I have recently reviewed current Idaho Power policy statements regarding solarproduction and urgently need to request Idaho Power to hold a public hearing regarding this matter. As a current solar array owner I am offering my experience to help with the review ofthis matter. Carl Ihling" ------ Name: Sue Hoffman Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:11PMEmail: jshoffman509@reagan.com Telephone: 253-653-7020Address: 1100 Burnett Drive Unit 509 Nampa, ID 83651 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I received an explanation from Idaho Power regarding serious changes in howIdaho Power will view the energy derived from individual solar panels. From my understanding, I think that I am grandfathered in. I have been waiting to hear about publicmeetings that I can attend to hear more about this and to have an opportunity to ask some questions. I just found out that there are no plans regarding these changes for regular citizensto hear more about this. I think it would be advantageous for Idaho Power to go out to a few areas across that state and explain what is going on. All we hear is "Go Green," but if there isnot going to be a benefit to do so, what would people switch to solar? I need to know more. Please let me know when the public hearing regarding this will be in the Treasure Valley.Thank you." ------ Name: mark rose Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 11:24PMEmail: threedaybuck@digis.net Telephone: 510-367-9925Address: 30299 Peckham Rd Wilder, ID 83676 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Sirs--once again Solar power is being treated like a red headed step child in Idaho--the least you can do is have public hearings about it and not just rule with an iron fist--let the people comment on the proposal" ------ Name: Kenneth PfannenstielSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:28PM Email: kenny@bigdogsatellite.comTelephone: 208-244-1175 Address: 2390 Dusk View CtPocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "With their proposal of a change to Net Metering Policy we think there should be public hearings for comments in multi areas around their service area for comment. Pocatello,Boise and somewhere in between." Name: Elizabeth Saarel Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:51PMEmail: tessvs@gmail.com Telephone: 801-232-0909Address: 2047 South Springbrook Lane Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: IDAHO POWER Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "PLEASE REQUIRE PUBLIC HEARINGS across Idaho Power territory BEFOREany changes are made to the current solar net metering program in Idaho! We disagree with the recent study performed by Idaho Power company. We ask for a public forum to allow us todefend/debate individuals' rights to use solar power, a renewable and carbon-neutral energy source, in a cost-effective manner in Idaho." ------ Name: Anne HerndonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:07PM Email: aherndon9@aim.comTelephone: 208-377-8767 Address: 6110 Bay StreetBoise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My name is Anne Herndon and I live in Boise, Idaho. I believe the PUC needs to do everything in its power to promote the advance of clean, renewable energy production suchas on-site solar generation. It is not surprising that Idaho Power, a for-profit utility company, has conducted a study that was designed to discourage the growth of on-site generation. Thestudy grossly disregards the benefits of clean, renewable energy. To be fair to the public, a study needs to be conducted by an independent 3rd party that includes a thorough analysis ofon-site generation benefits such as minimal environmental impact and local distribution, creating power that can be used nearby to avoid the expense of long distance transmission anddistribution infrastructure development. I agree with many of the intervenors in this case who are requesting multiple public hearings to allow concerned citizens to voice their opinions.Thank you, Anne Herndon " ------ Name: Shannon Ansley Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:26PMEmail: anslshan59@gmail.com Telephone: 208-220-2851Address: 424 S 7TH AVE POCATELLO, ID 83201-5816 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear PUC, Please organize and hold public hearings within the major Idaho citiesthat are served by Idaho Power. It is imperative that you hear directly from solar powered residents and those who are planning the conversion to solar. Idaho Power cannot be allowedto torpedo the residential solar user in Idaho. Idaho has independent-minded people who have the right to self-generated solar and who have the right to chose what power options they wantto use. Having Idaho Power dictate and limit our options is unIdahoan and unAmerican. Please listen to the people and not just big business and wealthy shareholders. You know and weknow that Idaho Power failed to account for avoided environmental costs and avoided risk costs in the VODER study. Best regards, Shannon Ansley" ------ Name: James SwainSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:44PM Email: matt.swain@gmail.comTelephone: 408-569-9968 Address: 3908 S Bard AveBoise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, I am writing to ask that you please hold public, in-person hearings about the proposed updates to the net metering structure in here Idaho. Regards, James " ------ Name: Thomas WeingartnerSubmission Time: Aug 11 2022 6:44AM Email: t.weingartner@yahoo.comTelephone: 907-388-0414 Address: 307 N Picardy PlBoise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "IPUC must have public in person hearings across Idaho Power territory in order for the public to address IP's recently released value of solar study, which I believe isbiased.The hourly netting proposal by IP is designed more to benefit IP than the solar consumer. It is flawed and I urge that IPUC maintain the current monthly netting structure thathas worked very well for many years. ID Power did not adequately evaluate the environmental impact of distributed solar power. The amount of continued added infrastructure needed tokeep providing reliable power and maintain an already outdated electrical grid to an ever- growing population should involve solar heavily. The values presented in the IP study are notin line whatsoever with other comparable studies done in recent years. In short, Idaho Power's report is flawed in key ways and the public MUST be allowed to comment on it in person." ------ Name: Lloyd Berriman JrSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:26PM Email: mathosaur271@gmail.comTelephone: 818-298-2746 Address: 865 E Finch CreekMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Please provide public hearings that give consumers access to address issues related to this case. As a solar customer I am AGAINST the HOURLY NETTING request.My usage varies hourly, daily, and even weekly based on a number of variables. Monthly netting is not only appropriate but in fact the only option truly understandable by the layperson and consumer. I also wonder, is the data in the study current and accurate? When was the study commissioned and the data collected? Have today's economic factors (inflation,fossil fuel volatility) been accounted for? This case concerns me." ------ Name: Leigh Ford Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:29PMEmail: lford@snakeriveralliance.org Telephone: 208-344-9161Address: PO Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Thank you for the opportunity to comment. In-person public hearings with avirtual option would be extremely beneficial to our supporters. In particular, hearings in the Treasure Valley, Wood River Valley, and Pocatello area are needed. Some people don't haveaccess to stable internet but would attend a physical meeting. Others live too far and need virtual access. Having both options across a variety of geographic areas would likely increaseaccess and public participation. " ------ Name: Paul Miller Submission Time: Aug 11 2022 5:43AMEmail: paulmiller929@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-1779Address: 3765 w Dublin dr Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello As a supporter of green energy solutions I am deeply concerned that Idahopower are looking to reduce access to solar energy solutions. In the interest of everybody I think it’s important that we hold public hearings across the state should better determine thefeelings and needs of consumers Thanks" ------ Name: Scott Friedman Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 5:08PMEmail: sdfriedman.md@gmail.com Telephone: 208-928-4150Address: 104 Blue Grouse Rd Sun Valley, ID 83353 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I am recommending that we have in person hearings in Ketchum and Pocatelloregarding solar panel usage by homeowners and ranchers and farmers. Idaho Power needs to hear from their constituents, and their research is incomplete, and solar panel users shouldhave their views evaluated and respected. " ------ Name: Craig Wheeler Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:31PMEmail: aves_praedae@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-860-6031Address: 18453 S Cloverdale Rd Kuna, ID 83634 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I find it fairly suspect that Idaho Power wants to propose massive changes toprotect their future profits without a public hearing. I strongly recommend that the Idaho PUBLIC Utility Commission require Idaho Power to present their research in a open, andPUBLIC forum. Thank you." ------ Name: Michel Liao Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:49PMEmail: michel.liao@systemgreen.org Telephone: 208-995-7613Address: 6100 S Pierre Way Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello, My name is Michel Liao, and I am an Idaho Power customer living inBoise. I'm a high schooler attending Timberline High School and serve as a co-president of its environmental club. I've co-founded a non-profit, called System Green, aimed at encouragingsustainability within Boise. If Idaho Power substantially decreases compensation rates, it'll have huge implications against their 2045 100% clean energy commitment. Their actionwould disincentivize solar energy, leading to less economic activity in the sector and hence less R&D. In turn, it'll take longer to get cheaper solar. Plus, it dramatically increases theburden on my generation, the same generation that has to solve all of the other problems left to us. When we look back on history, my generation MUST be the one to solve climate change.On my behalf, my future childrens' behalves, and my generation, please hold in-person public hearings in multiple locations across Idaho Power's service territory. Public engagement isessential to a democracy and ensuring a healthy world for all of us. Thank you, Michel Liao" ------ Name: Katie Hassard Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:40PMEmail: hassard.katie@gmail.com Telephone: 208-412-4540Address: 6698 CHERRY LN Nampa, ID 83687 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I recently have made a large investment into roof top solar at my home. I alsohave friends who have done the same. These investments were made after the grandfather benefit with Idaho Power. We of course knew there would be changes to solar credits but thechanges Idaho Power is suggesting will obliterate the value of solar. Without the purchase batteries to save the extra creation of credits the ROI will never be met. However, with thecost of batteries it is still unlikely to have a reasonable ROI. This is a surprising time to destroy the solar market when the current presidency is doing so much to increase the greenenergy movement. I am asking that you hold a public hearing on this matter. I hope that these meetings take place in multiple cities especially where there are lots of solar customers. Iwould like to be physically present for the meeting but have a zoom feature for those whom might not be able to attend. " ------ Name: Jeromy CrossSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:38PM Email: crossjeromy@gmail.comTelephone: 303-241-1097 Address: 5414 N Wildcat plMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "As a roof top solar owner I feel that Idaho Power's Solar Study is a farce. The PCU is here to protect the people of Idaho from predatory practices. I am asking that the PUChas in-person hearings so you can for yourselves hear the will of the people. Please due the right thing for Idaho." ------ Name: Jerrod ScottSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:56PM Email: jerrod.l.scott@gmail.comTelephone: 208-598-5756 Address: 3321 S. StanfordNampa, ID 83686 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Hello. Please make a monopoly have in person public hearings on proposed changes to their solar onsite program. It is disappointing that anything else would beconsidered." ------ Name: Dennis Stewart Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:31PMEmail: dstewart@centrices.com Telephone: 208-863-4191Address: 9770 W PURPLE ASH DR Star, ID 83669-6083 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I recently received notification of this case from Idaho Power. I am a past IPCo electric power. I also have some understanding about the rate setting process and itscomplexities. I have a solar installation on my home. I reviewed the IPCo study and have several questions. I ahve some doubts about the propriety of the some of the claims in thisreport. It is my desire and opinion that this study needs serious, in-depth study and review. I am hopeful that the IPUC will not approve the IPCo case without a significant review both bythe commission and the public. Please require more extensive involvement by the solar industry in Idaho and by solar producers like myself. Please require public hearings withample time opportunity for interested parties to become aware and to provide input and comment on the IPCo proposal. Thank you. " ------ Name: Robert LadenburgerSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:14PM Email: bob.ladenburger@gmail.comTelephone: 970-270-6239 Address: 4015 N Sandpoint WayBoise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I believe that the IPUC should host public in person meetings in multiple areas of the state to receive public input on the Idaho Power Study. I support the Idaho ConservationLeague’s recommendation that this would include meetings in Pocatello, Ketchum and Boise. Thank you for considering my input." ------ Name: Louis DysonSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:20PM Email: ldyson9722@gmail.comTelephone: 208-985-6198 Address: 12703 W Lacerta CourtStar, ID 83669 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Powers plan to change the current Net Metering system to a very costly and cumbersome system, is not why I chose to go with rooftop solar panels in 2015 at our firsthome in Meridian, Idaho. When we purchased our current home in Star, Idaho the lot and house was chosen for it's Solar capabilities. As the Federal Government is directing/suggestingclean energy what is Idaho Power thinking are they thinking that Solar is a thing of the past. Please help the homeowner keep the current system in place! " ------ Name: Michael WellsSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 8:43PM Email: michaelwells645@gmail.comTelephone: 208-315-3406 Address: 1525 Quail Run Drive Lewiston , ID 83501 Name of Utility Company: Avista Case ID: IPV-E-22-22 Comment: "Hi, Rooftop solar is an incredibly important piece of the answer to a more diversified, responsive energy portfolio in Idaho and I encourage you to hold a public hearingrather than simply take the recommendations of a flawed Idaho Power study that failed to value solar power properly. Thank you " ------ Name: Trey SkousenSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 6:35PM Email: skousen.t@gmail.comTelephone: 801-404-8001 Address: 5409 Hickory N Run PlaceMeridian, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I think the commission should hold multiple public hearings in multiple parts of the state, on multiple days and times. The Commission needs to hear the public's voice.rooftop solar is criticially important for the grid, the environment and an individual's choice to have rooftop power on their home at reasonable cost. Without a fair and market rate buyback,the economics don't make as much sense and Idaho Power is purposefully trying to ruin rooftop solar for homeowners. " ------ Name: David ThomasSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 9:49PM Email: david.thomas.arch@gmail.comTelephone: 208-573-6913 Address: 917 E. Washington StreetBoise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I'm not in favor of any of the changes that are proposed as I understand them. Solar power as it is currently regulated does much to reduce peak load and therefore benefitsthe entire community. It should be considered and treated as an asset. Additionally, I believe that the significance of this topic begs to have public hearings across Idaho Power's servicearea. Don't let Idaho Power ram this through without a fair discussion. David Thomas" ------ Name: Brian Fortuin Submission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:31PMEmail: brian42in@gmail.com Telephone: 208-308-2596Address: 3819n 2538e Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I would like to comment on solar power. I recently installed solar to cover all ofmy electricity needs. I did this to protect the environment, to save utility expenses and to protect myself should our population growth outstrip the power available on the grid. If I werenot able to get all of my power back at night and in the winter when solar produces less, I would not have installed solar. At all. Financially, solar barely makes sense in Idaho; however,it does make sense as a concerned citizen trying to limit my carbon footprint. If the IPUC does anything to diminish the electricity credits that a residential system generates, then that wouldstop solar installations across our state. I would also note that our efforts should be focused on limiting the number of eyesore windmills which must cause an even greater mismatchbetween power generation and demand. Furthermore, we see an increasing number of large solar farms across our state which undoubtedly contribute significantly to the mismatch.Please, do not punish residential consumers because Idaho Power wants to use its data to change a system that works well currently. My family is native to Idaho. We have enjoyedexcellent service from Idaho Power. we are grateful to the IPUC for keeping all of Idaho in mind as it makes decisions for the well-being of our state. I implore you to protect residentialpower customers from being exploited by the interests of a massive company. Sincerely, Brian Fortuin, MD" ------ Name: Kevin TamckeSubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 7:50PM Email: kmtamcke@gmail.comTelephone: 208-861-4896 Address: 2193 w Bellagio drMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "If this passes what's the point of going solar it will never pay for itself. What idaho power is proposing is all about lining their pockets. I recall over a 4% increase and now this " ------ Name: William SpenskySubmission Time: Aug 10 2022 10:39PM Email: burkespensky@gmail.comTelephone: 304-638-7758 Address: 2305 W STATE STREETBoise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power's newly published cost-benefit study on rooftop solar grossly underestimates the value of solar by intentionally excluding measurable environmental and related benefits. This threatens fair compensation for Idaho families, businesses, farms, schools, and other local entities that benefit from locally-owned solar. Please hold in-person public hearings across your territory and be accommodating and allow people to show up on the weekend and via the web. Some of us us genuinely put the planet over profit and genuinely ask for a small reward. Thank you for your attention to this important matter!" ------