HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220729Comments(5)_5.pdfFrom:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, July 29, 2022 7:00:11 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: John Ottenhoff Submission Time: Jul 28 2022 5:23PMEmail: jottenhoff@gmail.com Telephone: 208-615-1684Address: 18226 Southlake Circle Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Just days after having solar panels installed on my home, I received from Idaho Power a summary of their recent Value of Distributed Energy Resources study. It seems obvious to most observers that this is a seriously flawed study that serves to seriously diminish the viability of solar power in Idaho at a time when it is most crucial--in the midst of serious climate change emergencies--to encourage it. The study underestimates several avoided costs of customer-owned solar including avoided generation capacity and avoided transmission and distribution costs. And it fails to account for the avoided environmental costs of installing more customer-generated solar. I urge the Commission to reject this study and Idaho Power's intention to seriously undermine solar power in Idaho. " ------ Name: Pat AartiSubmission Time: Jul 28 2022 8:23PM Email: msaarti@gmail.comTelephone: 208-985-3424 Address: 708 Fir Mccall, ID 83638 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I put solar panels on my house. It cost me $40,000. I live on a fixed income and end up paying Idaho Power 4to5 months out of the year. The study is terrible flawed and should be redone. I’m willing to do my part, but think the study is being misused. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, July 29, 2022 12:00:06 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Blair Baldwin Submission Time: Jul 29 2022 11:32AMEmail: powdr4me@yahoo.com Telephone: 406-498-1939Address: 302 Overlook Avenue Box 972 Cascade, ID 83611 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Idaho Power has undervalued the avoided costs of customer-owned solar.Proposing a figure that is between 34 and 40 percent lower than the current cost of electricity is a disincentive to consumers to invest in solar thereby decelerating movement toward Idaho'sstated clean enery goals. They have also failed to account for the environmental/economic benefits of customer generated solar. As of July 11, 2022 'there have been 9 weather/climatedisaster events with losses exceeding $1 Billion each to effect the U.S.' (www.ncei.noaa.gov). Does Idaho Power believe there is some magic dome over the state that will exempt Idahofrom these events? Please consider denying Idaho Power's current cost of solar study so the utility can come up with a more 'fair and credible' study as previously ordered. Failure to do sowill be a failure of the PUC, Idaho Power and our commitment to environmental goals that save dollars and make sense." ------ Name: Anthony AppelhansSubmission Time: Jul 29 2022 11:52AM Email: tony.appelhans@gmail.comTelephone: 208-524-0383 Address: 6643 S LIMOUSIN AVEIdaho Falls, ID 83404 Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "My opinion is that the VODER study by Rocky Mountain Power underestimates several avoided costs of customer-owned solar including avoided generation capacity andavoided transmission and distribution costs. The study fails to account for the avoided environmental costs of installing more customer generated solar, These need to be addressedbefore any change in the rate structure is considered by the PUC. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, July 29, 2022 2:00:05 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Arthur Pratt Submission Time: Jul 29 2022 1:16PMEmail: livinglegacydesign@gmail.com Telephone: 208-221-9978Address: 147 Ellsworth Rd Pocatello, ID 83202 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "I encourage you to reject Idaho Power's 2022 VODER study due to the following reasons: 1) Idaho Power has a conflict of interest with the study because they have no financial interest to allow distributed generation, as this competes with their bottom line of selling energy. The study should have been conducted by a neutral, third-party. 2) The study underestimates the avoided cost of customer owned solar by undervaluing the avoided generation capacity and transmission/distribution losses. 3) The study neglects the avoided environmental and social costs associated with distributed generation. As the recent years have shown, climate change is real and we are feeling the effects of it both in our pocket books (e.g., energy bills due to increased need for air conditioning) and in our health (e.g., increased wildfires, drought, etc.). While these costs are hard for the layman to monetize, there are companies that are specialized in doing so. Rather than completely ignored, avoided environmental costs should have value. " ------