HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220726Comments(2)_2.pdfFrom:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Tuesday, July 26, 2022 7:00:21 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Steve Purcell Submission Time: Jul 25 2022 7:08PMEmail: stevelpp@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-412-1155Address: 1650 N Interlachen Way Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-02 Comment: "In 2020 we thought we made a good financial investment by purchasing $25,000in solar panels. We had six reasons we made the investment. One, we can contribute extra energy to the power grid during peak hours to help our neighbors. Two, receive back theenergy during less than peak hours when the sun goes down. Three, to reduce our “carbon footprint” which helps our environment. Four, we would be saving money by producing ourown “green energy.” Five, we installed larger Solar panels than necessary to produce more power so that we could recharge the electric and hybrid vehicles we would be purchasing andsave more money. And six, we calculated our investment would be paid off in 10-12 years. We know of five different families who have invested in Solar Panels. Every one of us paysIdaho Power a minimum of $5.21 a month. All of us have not received a penny back from Idaho Power at the end of the year because we have not produced more energy than we haveused. According to my Solar edge app, our Solar Panels have produced 9 megawatt hours (MWh) in 2020, 15 MWh in 2021, and almost 9 MWH this year and yet we have not receiveda penny from Idaho Power. All five families installed enough Solar Panels to be producing more power than what we should be using. Each of us is paying Idaho Power more than$62.50 a year. This means Idaho Power is making a profit on our investments, equipment, and “green energy” production. With the proposed “net billing” everyone who invested in SolarPanels would have their rate of compensation lowered from 6-7 cents to 2-4 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). This would kill our power savings and our investments. Our 10–12-yearinvestment would finally pay for itself by the time our solar panels would reach the end of their life. For anyone to invest in Solar Panels there must be an economical benefit andperhaps an environmental one. Who in their right mind would invest in solar panels with the proposed “net billing?” We installed Solar Panels without help from Idaho Power. IdahoPower didn’t have to increase its infrastructure, modify the power grid, invest in more energy production, hire more employees, and build new power or relay stations. The only thing IdahoPower did was to pay for a new “Power Meter.” Because of individuals like us who invested in Solar Panels Idaho Power is the main beneficiary of our investment. We provide more peakpower into the grid which reduces Idaho Power's costs to develop new power production and Idaho Power gets paid for our peak power production. No matter what power we produce wecontinue to pay Idaho Power at least $5.21 a month. Idaho Power is receiving all the benefits of everyone’s private Solar Panel investments and yet they want more profits. It looks to methat the “net billing” proposal will slash the credits we receive from producing more power than we use. Idaho can monitor the import and export of power in real-time from all sources. Every power company has been able to do this for several years. The power produced during peak-power times is far more valuable than during off-peak times. For the new “net billing” to be fair, Idaho Power should be paying us the high market rate for peak power we produce and not the proposed bottom rate. After all, we are the ones producing the power. When we use the off-peak power after the sun sets, we should be paying the off-peak rate as everyone else pays. We should never be compensated less than what the peak-power rate is if you want things to be fair. And if you really want to be fair, everyone should be paid or charged hourly for what is produced or consumed. Now, we must wait until the end of the year to find out if we will be paid anything, but we must pay a minimum of $5.21 each month no matter what. Idaho Power continues to promote private Solar production while also wanting to destroy everyone’s personal investment in Solar. From what I can tell Idaho Power seems to think individual personal Solar Panel investors are competitors and are a burden to the power grid and are not partners with Idaho Power. Are we not in this together? If so, the entire system needs to be fair to everyone. We strongly suggest that the move to “net billing” be abandoned and keep the current metering program in place or create an entirely new system to be fair for everyone. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kevin Krusiewicz Submission Time: Jul 26 2022 12:42PMEmail: kevin@krufam.com Telephone: 949-292-6278Address: 14042 N. QUAIL COVEY WAY BOISE, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Customer-generated power provided as a distributed resource with no cost other than grid maintenance should be a highly valued resource. Cutting the value of this resource would hurt the grid's reliability, sustainability and overall fairness to the average residential customer. There should be no limits on the on-site generation, residential or commercial. There should be a one for one relationship between kWh credit bought and sold to/from the grid." ------