HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220525Notice_of_Application_Order_No_35417.pdfNOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 35417 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date May 25, 2022 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE RESOURCES TO BE ONLINE BY 2023 TO SECURE ADEQUATE AND RELIABLE SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-13 NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 35417 On April 29, 2022, Idaho Power Company (“Company”) applied for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”) to acquire 120 megawatts (“MW”) of dispatchable energy storage. The Company filed the Direct Testimony of Timothy E. Tatum, Jared L. Ellsworth, and Eric Hackett in support of the Application. The Industrial Customers of Idaho Power and Idaho Hydroelectric Power Producers Trust d/b/a IdaHydro intervened. Order Nos. 35407 and 35413. With this Order, the Commission provides notice of the Application and sets a deadline for interested parties to intervene. NOTICE OF APPLICATION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Company seeks to acquire 120 MW to meet an identified capacity deficiency beginning in 2023 and continuing until 2026 when the construction of the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission project is anticipated to be complete. Application at 1. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED the Company competitively solicited bids to meet its capacity requirements through a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) as well as conducting “a parallel investigation into different configuration of Company-owned and constructed battery storage systems. Id. at 5-6. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that, after the culmination of the RFP process and its own investigations, the Company proposes to meet the 2023 capacity deficiency with projects totaling 120 MW of dispatchable battery storage. Id. at 6. Due to a multitude of factors, the Company asserts that its ownership and operation of the battery storage systems will reduce risk to the Company, customers, and other stakeholders. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 35417 2 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company executed a contract for the purchase of a 40 MW minimum Battery Energy Storage System (“BESS”) that it currently envisions to be co-located with the Black Mesa 40 MW solar photovoltaic facility. The Company also executed a contract for a BESS with a minimum capacity of 80 MW and has identified the Hemingway substation as a potential location for this system. However, the Company asserts that it will continue to evaluate potential sites for both the 40 MW and 80 MW battery storage systems. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Application and supporting testimony have been filed with the Commission and are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office. These documents are also available on the Commission’s website at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “ELECTRIC” icon, select “Open Cases,” and then click on the case number as shown on the front of this document. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this case will be held pursuant to the Commission’s jurisdiction under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this matter will be conducted pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that persons desiring to intervene in this matter to obtain parties’ rights of participation must file a Petition to Intervene with the Commission pursuant to this Commission’s Rules of Procedure 72 and 73, IDAPA and -.073. Persons who wish to intervene as a party must file a Petition to Intervene no later than 21 days after the date of service of this Order. Such persons shall also provide the Commission Secretary with their email address to facilitate further communications. After the intervention deadline runs, the Commission Secretary shall issue a Notice of Parties that identifies the parties and assigns exhibit numbers to each party. Once the Notice of Parties has issued, Commission Staff shall informally confer with the Company and any intervening parties about how to further process this case and shall then report back to the Commission on a proposed case schedule. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that persons who would like to present their views without parties’ rights of participation and cross-examination do not have to intervene but may present their views by submitting written comments to the Commission. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 35417 3 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the following people are designated as the Company’s representatives in this matter: For the Company: Donovan E. Walker Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com O R D E R IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that persons desiring to intervene in this matter must file a Petition to Intervene no later than 21-days from the service date of this Order. Once the deadline has passed, the Commission Secretary shall prepare and issue a Notice of Parties. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, after the Notice of Parties has issued, Commission Staff shall confer with the parties regarding a procedural schedule for this matter including, if necessary, a hearing in this matter. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that parties comply with Order No. 35375, issued April 21, 2022. Generally, all pleadings should be filed with the Commission electronically and will be deemed timely filed when received by the Commission Secretary. See Rule 14.02. Service between parties should continue to be accomplished electronically when possible. However, voluminous discovery-related documents may be filed and served on CD-ROM or a USB flash drive. /// NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 35417 4 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 25th day of May 2022. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT JOHN CHATBURN, COMMISSIONER JOHN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\IPC-E-22-13 CPCN\orders\IPCE2213_NtcApp_Int_rn.docx