HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220517Comments.pdfRILEY NEWTON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BARNO. 11202 'D,r/n'{-: t\i it 11lil-'u+tYL-J :::i r:Y il PH h: t+2 :.., ,. ! t!r:i,'- : ..,. .,iliSlCN Street Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201.A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE FORMAL COMPLAINT OF KAREN ERICKSON.CASE NO. IPC-E-22-09 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), by and through its Attorney of record, Riley Newton, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On February 25, 2022, and March 23, 2022, Karen Erickson ("Complainant" or "Ms. Erickson") submiffed emails to the Commission alleging, in part, that Idaho Power Company ("Company" or "Idaho Power") violated Idaho statutes and federal law At the March 29,2022, Decision Meeting, the Commission agreed, consistent with Staffs recommendations, to treat the emails as a formal complaint, accept the formal complaint, issue a Summons to the Company, give the Company 35 days to answer or otherwise respond to the formal complaint, and set a l4-day comment reply period. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS MAY 17,2022 On May 3, 2022, the Company filed an answer to the formal complaint ("Complaint") along with the Declaration of Dan Smith. FORMAL COMPLAINT In the Complaintl, the Complainant asserts that the Commission has and continues to violate federal Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") requirements. February 25, 2022, Email from Karen Erickson. The Complainant fuither asserts that Idaho Power "has demonstrated, before witnesses, unjust and unreasonable practices which are prohibited according to Idaho Stafutes." Id. The Complainant continues, stating that Idaho Power has "demonstrated disregard for [Complainant's] safety, health, comfort and convenience" in violation of Idaho Statutes. Id. The Complainant asserts that the Company has violated state and federal law for the last 8 yearc. Id. The Complainant requests "Auxiliary aids and seryices" specified by the ADA and additional "case management services because of the complexity of the current unaddressed complaints and ADA violations." 1d. IDAHO POWER'S ANSWER The Company responds that the Complainant's claim of Disability Discrimination under Title II of the ADA, to the extent she is making such a claim, fails because the Company is not a "Public Entity" under Title II of the ADA and, therefore, not beholden to the Title II requirements. Idaho Power Company's Answer at 18. The Company further replies that the Complainant has failed to establish that "she is an individual with a 'disability' . . . entitled to the protections of the ADA." Id. at 19. The Company contends because the Complainant has not established she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, her claim under the ADA must be dismissed.Id. The Company notes that, based on its interactions with the Complainant, it appears to the Company that the Complainant "is very articulate when conversing and seemingly has the capability, or necessary assistance, to submit payment, send electronic I The Complainant insists that she does not give permission for a Deputy Attomey General ("DAG") to represent the Complaint to the Commission. The DAG does not represent complainants or their complaints before the Commission. Rather, the DAG represents Commission Staff and the Commission. 2STAFF COMMENTS MAY 17,2022 correspondence (e.g., submitting iWebster complaints to the Company and emails to Staff), drive to the [Company's Canyon Operations Center in Nampa] or [corporate headquarters in downtown Boise], or call the Company when it suits her to do so." Id. at 19-20. The Company states that the Complainant "has also clearly demonstrated in front of Staff her ability to read and understand the Company's text message notifications." Id. at 20 (citing In the Matter of Karen Erickson's Petition that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Require Public Utilities to Comply with the Americans with Disabilittes Act, Case No. IPC- E-21-22, Staff Decision Memorandum at2 (J:uly 9,2021). The Company further explains that, even if the Complaint was meritorious under the ADA, and the Company was required to follow ADA protocol in providing service to the Complainant, that the Company has offered "Accommodations" and "Auxiliary Aids." Specifically, the Company states that for the past six years it has continually ensured that its website is accessible to disabled customers, consistent with federal government standards. Id. at 21. The Company details its history of "communicating in multiple formats, meeting with [the Complainant] in person, offering multiple dedicated individuals to explain her bill and services to her, offering regular meetings at locations convenient to her, and also offering to provide technical solutions to purported communication barriers, such as software or relay telephones." Id. at22. In sum, the Company claims that the Complainant's claim of disability discrimination under the ADA, to the extent she is making such a claim, must fail. In addition to failing to make out a claim under the ADA, the Company raises the following affirmative defenses: (1) that the Complainant does not present a claim the Commission is empowered to remedy; and (2) the Complainant does not allege violations of Idaho Public Utilities Law or Commission Rules. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff notes that the Complaint reiterates claims identical to the claims made in Case No. IPC-E-21-22, issued on August 4,2021. In that case, the Commission stated Ms. Erickson requested the Commission: (l) require public utilities to comply with the federal ADA and provide disabled persons equal access to utility services; and (2) itself comply JSTAFF COMMENTS MAY 17,2022 with the accessibility requirements of the ADA. Order No. 35124 at 1. The Commission declined to enforce ADA-based claims against public utilities because it lacks the statutory authority to do so. Id. The Commission further explained, in OrderNo.35124,thatthe Complainant's Petition referred to the ADA and 'ADA Regulations' but did not refer to any particular provisions of statute or rule upon which the Petition was based. Id. at2. Regarding Ms. Erickson's request that the Commission itself comply with the accessibility requirements of the ADA, the Commission noted that she failed to provide facts "upon which this request [was] based and fail[ed] to refer to any particular provisions of statute and regulation upon which her request [was] based." Id. at 2-3. The Commission noted that Staff "went to great lengths to try to reach Ms. Erickson so that Staff could determine what reasonable accommodation she needed" and "would 'continue to work with Ms. Erickson to determine what reasonable accommodations she requires to participate in and enjoy the services, programs, or activities' of the Commission." Id. at3. Staff notes that, on December 17 , 2021, Commission legal counsel served a letter by process seryer to Ms. Erickson's address ("Letter"). See Attachment 1 to these Comments. The process server offered to read the Letter out loud to Ms. Erickson and she declined. See Attachment 2 to these Comments. The Letter outlined resources and options available to Ms. Erickson to pay and understand her bill, including Caption Call, Hamilton Relay, smart dictation applications for Androids, iPhones or iPads, Idaho Assistive Technology Project, payment options allowing her to make payment to the Company in person or by courier, and a third-party notification system. The Letter also stated that Staff had continued to meet with Ms. Erickson and her representatives on several occasions and coresponded with Ms. Erickson in an effort to assist her. Staff believes the current Complaint fails to state any facts, allegations, or issues not previously addressed by Case No. IPC-E-21-22. Staff notes the Company's extensive efforts in communicating with Ms. Erickson and assisting her with paying her bill. Staff sees no evidence that the Company has violated any of its tariffs or failed to accommodate or interface with Ms. Erickson in a reasonable manner. Furthermore, as it previously stated, 4STAFF COMMENTS MAY t7,2022 the Commission does not have the jurisdiction to investigate whether it or a regulated utility has violated the ADA. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes the Complaint fails to state any facts upon which it is based or "refer to the particular provisions of stafute, rule, order or controlling law" as required by procedural Rule 53, IDAPA For this reason, Staffbelieves the Complaint should be dismissed with prejudice under procedural Rule 65, IDAPA Respectfully submitted this l7h day of May 2022. Riley Deputy General I:V*gaI\ELECTRJCVPC-E-22-09 Erick$nUPCE2209 sta[ommeos m.dm 5STAFF COMMENTS MAY 17,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I FDREBY CERTIFY that on the 17ft day of May ,2022,I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing Slaff s Comments upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Karen Erickson 3327 N. Eagle Road, Suite I l0 Meridian, ID 83646-6142 Karen Erickson Additional Address on Record Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company L22l W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Hand Delivery Certified U.S. Mail,/ U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ Fax ,/ Email karen.healthybynature@gmail.com Hand Delivery Certified U.S. Mail U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ Fax ,/ Email lnordstrom@idahopower.com Kr r /Y.ffi\{K,t/> Keri J. Hawlter Legal Assistant to Riley Newton 6STAFF COMMENTS MAY 17,2022 ATTACHMENT 1 ldaho Public Utilities Gommission PO 8ox83720, Bobe, 1D8374x,074 December 16,2021 Via Certified Mail, U.S. Mail and Electronic Mail karen.healthybynature@emai l.com Brad Covemor Prul [cllendcr, ComdsdonGrKrlrdm Rrpcr, Comnhdoncr Erlc AndlBon, Comml!3l on.r Karen Erickson 3327 N. Eagle Road, Suite 110 Meridian, lD 83 646 -61 42 Karen Erickson Ms. Erickson, On November 5, 2021, Commission Staff sent you corespondence to assist you with your bill for electric service you receive from Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"). Staffhas also met with you and your representatives in person to assist you. It is our understanding that ldaho Power has also attempted to engage with you to assist you. This correspondence attempts to provide you with further assistance. By way of background, Idaho Power represented that it mailed a reminder notice on October 21,2021, to you about your bill, and the final disconnect notice on October 29,2021,to mailing address 3327 N. Eagle Road, Suite 110, Meridian, Idaho 83646-6142. Idaho Power represented that it made two phone calls to you on October 20,2021, about your bill. At the time of disconnection, your account balance wasI, which is past due. It is our understanding, that despite this past due balance, Idaho Power reconnected electric service to your residence. ln response to your continued inquiries, the Commission Staff offers the following information and options that could assist you with your Idaho Power bill and electric service. 1. CASE NO. IPC-E-21.22 AI\[D COMPLAINTS On August 4,2021, the Commission issued Order No. 35124 on your formal complaint. A copy of that Order is enclosed for your convenience and can also be found at httns://puc.idaho.gov/Fileroom/PublicFiles/ElEC/lPCilPCE2l22lOrdNotc/20210804Fina1 Orde r_No-35124.pdf. Order No. 35124 was served on August 4,2021, to your email address December 16,2021 Page? of 4 karen.healtht'bynature@gmail.com. Order No. 35 124 provided that a petition for reconsideration of this Order must be filed within 2l days of its issuance (August 4,2021). You have also indicated a desire to file a new complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Commission's Rules of Procedure contemplate both informal and formal complaints and information on each and is found at: https://adrn inrules. idaho.eov/rules/cument/3 I /3 I 0 I 0I .pdL 2. RESOURCES AND OPTIONS a. CaptionCall Sorenson Communications, LLC, branded as CaptionCall, provides a federally administered service through the Federal Communications Commission that is designed to provide voice amplification for the hearing impaired and turns a caller's voice into written text to assist individuals with hearing loss or speech impairment. According to CaptionCall this service can be obtained at no cost to a person who qualifies for the service. CaptionCall has informed Staff that only the individual who wishes to obtain this service can certifu their hearing impairment personally or through their physician. We encourage you to contact CaptionCall at l-877-557- 2227 or on their webpage at r,r,"vvrv.captioncall.corn to explore whether the equipment and service they provide might assist you and to determine if you qualiff to obtain it. We have also enclosed a brochure we obtained from CaptionCall that provides useful information. b. Hamilton Relav Hamilton Relay provides telecommunications relay services for the state of Idaho including Text Telephone (TTY), Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech- to-Speech (STS), Visually Assisted Speech-to-Speech (VA STS), Spanish and CapTel@. The Commission Staffencourages you to contact Hamilton Relay to see if they can assist you at any of the following contact means: https://harn iltonrelay.com/idaho/index.htm I re lay@harn i lton relay.corn TTY r-800-377-3s29 Voice l-800-377-1363 Speech to Speech l-888-791-3004 Visually Assisted Speech to Speech l-800-855-9400 c. Apnlications for Android.Iphones or Inads An alternative to CaptionCall might be to use applications like Google Live Translate, Otter AI, or other dictation applications on a smart phone or tablet to convert speech to text. For 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 83714 Telephone : (208) 334-0300 Facsimile : (208) 334-37 62 December 16,2021 Page 3 of4 face-to-face conversations, on an Android device, Google Live Translate is a free Android application that automatically types out what is being said, along with the punctuation. www.plav.google.com/store/apps. Live Transcribe offers transcription on an iPhone and costs $49.99 ayear. www.get.verbit.ai. OtterAI offerstranscription of 600 minutes permonth for free. www.otter.ai. d. Idaho Assistive Technolosv Proiect The Idaho Assistive Project provides support for individuals with disabilities and older persons in their personal selection of assistive technology. This organization can be contacted at www.idahoat.orq/Contact/Contact-Us. The organization's phone number is I -800-43 2-8324 e. Enersv Assistance Western Idaho Communication Action Arency ("W[CAP") provides energy assistance and crisis funding grants for individuals who qualify based on income. The agency is at 502 Main Street, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 or can be reached at (208) 454-0675. WICAP informed us they would work with you to address your past due balance and to possibly provide other assistance. Proiect Share/Salvation Army is another organization that could provide energy assistance. Its contact information is 1023 E. Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho or can be reached at (208) 459-20rr. Idaho Power also lists helpful information on energy assistance and making payments on its webpage at rvww.idaliopower.com/accounts-service/make-pa),rnent/help-paying-bill/idaho- assistance/. f. Pavment Options Idaho Power has agreed to accept payments from you in person or by courier at its Canyon Operations Center at 2420 Chacartegui Ln., Nampa, Idaho. Idaho Power asks that you include the account number with all payments so the funds can be attributed to and applied to your account. Idaho Power has suggested calling the receptionist at (208) 465-8603 to let them know you or your courier may be coming to this office. The Company also offers the ability for customers to pay their bills by auto pay, online, by phone, or by U.S. Mail or at https://www.idahopor.ver.com/accounts-service/rnake-payment/. Idaho Power also allows customers to pay their bill in person at certain locations in Nampa, Idaho. www.idahopower.com/accounts-service/make-payment/pay-in-person/. Idaho Power indicated that you have successfully used a pay station in the past. 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 83714 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 December 16,2021 Page 4 of 4 g. Medical Certificate If disconnection occurs, if there is a medical need in your household, you may request that Idaho Power fax a medical certificate to your doctor/medical provider. The doctor/medical provider must sign the certificate and fax it back to Idaho Power. Service will then be reconnected for 30-days. h. Third-ParfvNotification Each gas and electric utility must provide a program for its residential customers known as Third-Party Notification. Underthis program, the utility will, at the request of the customer, notify orally or in writing a third-party designated by the customer of the utility's intention to terminate service. The third-party will be under no obligation to pay the bill, but as provided in UCCR Rule 313.08, no customer can be considered to have refused to enter a payment affangement unless either the customer or the designated third-party has been given notice of the proposed termination of service and of the customer's opportunity to make payment arrangements. Third-Party notification may prevent a disconnection without you being aware. i. Commission Staff Interactions You have requested that the Commission provide you with a "case manager". It is unclear exactly what your request entails. However, the Commission Staff has made a significant effort to listen, discuss, assess, and evaluate resources and options to facilitate solutions in your dispute with Idaho Power and the Commission for your benefit. The Commission Staff has met with you and your representatives on several occasions to attempt to assist you. Further, the Commission Staff has also corresponded with you to try to assist you on several occasions. Finally, the Commission Staff is aware that Idaho Power has also attempted to assist you in person and through other means of communications. 3. CITY OF NAMPA Recently, we have received correspondence from you about utility services you receive from the City of Nampa. The Commission's enabling statutes do not provide it with jurisdiction to regulate the services this municipality provides. Sincerely, R. Hammond, Jr. Deputy Attomey General I [esIILECTRICUPc-E-21-22 Eric]i$n PeddonErickson Lr 20ll ll l6 do!\ 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. I, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 83714 Telephone : (208) 334-0300 Facsimile : (208) 334-37 62 ATTACHMENT 2 t,'-u ,lr F',':\ ':i L i To: Karen Edckson OECLARANON OFSERI'EE Fgi: Haho Putrffc Ulilties Comn*esion P.O.Box83720 Bcise. lD 83720 Recei\red by Tri€ourfy Process Serving LLC on December 16, nzl to be Benled on KAREI{ ERICKSON. l, AnbnbRoque, iteb lhaton Frlday,Docember 17,2021,at9:(ts At,I servedthe within named person($EroCKSN e fue copy of the Letter. Said service uas efEcted I ofhrcd b reed the letter alord to lGren E*lkson and $e dedined Appro<irete desoiption of lGren Edcleon Female 59 yeaa dd. 5' I Tall. 180lbs, Blonde Hair, Blue eyes. I hereby acknorie<lge hat I am a Pmcess Sencr h $e courty in whi*r servhe u,irs eftcEd. I am over the age of eQhteGn y€ara ard not a party to the action. I dahre under penalty of periury trrsuant tr the lmr d the $ate d ldaho that the hegoirg is tue and corred. Our Refererrce Number: 193334 Client Refereme: Fillay, December 17, 2021 J).r.'1. s-"* -* TR-cOlx{TY PROCESS SERVTTIG LLC P.O. Bo< 1224 8dse, |D.83701 (208) 344-4134 ---Q ,_ AilItiTO ROQI'E