HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220708Reply Comments.pdfflHmr. An IDACOnP ComDdny LISA D. NORDSTROf, lord Counrel LDN:sg Encloeures &L!.Y^ttu ...t,.r .1 I itr i\fi Ju$ E,2022 VIA ELECTROI{IC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public lrtilitit s Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720sl074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-22-05 ln the Matter of the Application br a Determination ValHating th6 North Valmy Power Plant Balanclng AcoountTrue-Up Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed fur elec{ronic filing, please find ldaho Power Company's Reply Comrnents in the above matter. lf you have any questions about the attached documentE, please do not hesitrate to contiact me. Very firly youn, LiBa D. Nordsbom LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 Wbst ldaho Str€s,t (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 837t1 Telephone: (208) 388€1 17 Facsimile: (208) 3886936 lnordstrom@idahooower. com Attomey fur ldaho Pouer Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MAfiER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICANON FOR A DETERMI }.IATION VALI DATI NG THE NORTH VALMY POVI'ER PI.ANT BALANCING ACCOUNT TRUE-UP. cAsE NO. !PGE-22{5 IDAHO POWER COMPANYS REPLY COMMENTS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Pouer Conrpany ('ldaho Porvef or'Company[ respectfrrlly submits those Reply Comments in response to the Comments filed by the ldaho Publb l,niliticls Commission ('Commission) Staff on June 22,2022. The Company acknorledges and appreciates SffFs review of the North Valmy Power Plant (Vahy{ investnente made during the January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021, time period and the quantification of the Valmy balancing accounttrue-up as a rcsult of the inclusion of actual cosE through Deember 31,2021. ln the paragraphs that bllor, ldaho Poryer will respond to sqne @noems naised by Sffi in their Comments: I. BACKGROUND 1. Valmy is a coal-fired power plant that consistB of two unlb and ls located near Winnemuoca, Nevada. Unit 1 went into servie in 1981 and Unit 2 bllofled in 1985. REPLY COMMENTS. l ldaho Power owns 50 percent of Valmy. NV Energy is the @wner of the plant with the remaining 50 percent ownership and operates the Valmy facility. The Company exited coal-fircd operations of Unit 1 December 31, 2019, as accepted by the Commission in Order No. 33983 as part of ldaho Powe/s 2Afi lntegrated Resource Plan. The Preferred Portfolio identifred in the 2021 lRP, filed in Case No. IPC-E-2143, includes an exit from Valmy Unit 2 in2025, concluding that the 2025 exit ftom Valmy provides a more favorable economic outcome when compared to an earlier exit.1 2. \Mth Order No. 33771 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, and updated by Order No. 34349 in Case No. IPC-E-19-08, the Commission approved a balancing account mechanism designed to smooth revenue requirement impacts associated with the shutdown of Valmy and allowforfullrecovery of Valmy-related costs nearthe plants end- of-life. ln addition, it more closely aligns the cost recovery period with the remaining operating life of the plant, resulting in a betbr matching of cost recovery from customers who benefit from the planfs operations while mitigating the risk of future customers bearing the costs of a plant that will no longer be providing service. To help mitigate the rate impact to customers, the Commission approved a Valmy-related rcvenue requirement collection through 2028, three years longer than ldaho Pore/s planned operational life of the plant. 3. The Company's last update to base rates associated with Valmy was approved with Order No. 34349, in Case No. IPC-E-19-08. The Gommission (1) deemed all ac'tual Valmy investments through December 31, 2018, were prudently incuned, (2) allowed investments at Valmy forecasted through December 31,2025, to be included in the levelized revenue requirement mechanism, and (3) adiusted customer rates to recover the associated ldaho jurisdictional incrementat annual levelized revenue requirement of $1 .21 million effective June 1 , 2019. ln addition, Order No. 34349 required 12021lRP, pp. 151-153. REPLY COMMENTS.2 the Company (1) to file annual reports detailing the amounts rccorded to the Valmy balancing account, and (2) to submit a filing no later than February 28,2022, to true-up the balancing account with forecast-to-ac'tuals, with rates to become effective June 1, 2022. 4. Therefore, on February 28,2022, ldaho Power filed a request with the Commission for an order (1) finding that all actua! Valmy investments made during the January 1,2019, through December 31,2021, time period were prudently incuned, (2) validating that ldaho Power has accurately quantified the Valmy balancing account true- up as a result of the inclusion of actual costs through December 31,2021, and updated forecasted investments through December 31, 2025, and (3) confirming the request satisfies the annual reporting required by Commission Order No. 34349. Although Order No. 34349 requires the Company's filing to include a rate change effective June 1 ,2022, ldaho Power is not proposing to adjust customer rates atthis time. II. IDAHO POWER'S REPLY 5. The quantification of the Valmy balancing account true-up consisted of updating plant investment balances and actual non-fuel operations and maintenan@ expense ('O&M) savings through December 31, 2021, as well as the forecast of investments and O&M savings through December 31,2021, and the load variance true- up resulting from collections of Ievelized revenue requirement amounts. ldaho Power appreciates Staffs finding that the Company has accurately quantified the Valmy balancing acmunt true-up.2 6. ldaho Power funded fifly-seven (57) difierent investments totaling $4.66 million that were required to operate Valmy in a safe, efricient, and reliable manner, including investnents required to ensure environmentalcompliance as well as a number of investnents for routine asset replacement made at the plant between January 1,2019, 2 StaffCommenb, p.8. REPLY COMMENTS.3 and Deember 31 ,2021. Of the 40 projects forwhich ldaho Powe/s ownership share is over $20,000, or was associated with Unit 1 , twenty-three (23) were for continued reliable plant operations, four (4) were rcquired fur environmental complian@, one (1) was for the safe operations of the plant, and twelve (12) were for a combination of either reliability, environmental compliance, or safety. 7. ldaho Power validates and approves ostrs incuned by its operating partner, NV Energy, on a monthly basis, at a minimum. The first review is performed as part of the Ownership Meetings, which are held twice a year and include discussions regarding capital expenditures, among other items. Beginning in 2021, the Company requested monthly meetings with plant and corporate personnelto discuss the items on a more for frequent basis. The North Valmy Monthly Budget Reviewand Update provide a furum for an open dialog discussing capital proiect budgetrs, variances, scope and need, and year- end forecasts. Also on a monthly basis, NV Energy uploads the prior month preliminary cost data file to the Company's secure FTP site for ldaho Powe/s accrual entry. At this time, total costs are oompared to budget and budget update amounts and any significant variances are discussed with NV Energy. This same review is performed later in the month when the prior month actual costs are finalized. 8. ln their audit, Staff analized two types of prudence, decisional prudence, which is baeed on need, and operational prudence, which is based on whether or not the Company implemented the investment in the least-cost manner. Staffconcluded that the investments were needed to continue safe and reliable operation of the facility, or decisional prudenoe, but indicated they cannot "re@mmend that the investments were operationally prudent due to lack of sufficient evidence documenting that the projects were done in a least-cost way.'3 As such, Staff recommends ldaho Power provide Staff 3SffiCommenB, p.4. REPLY COMMENTS.4 with additional information via a compliance filing within six months of the Commission's order in this case ne@ssary to determine prudence. 9. ln their Comments, Staff described their audit consisted of a detailed analysis of ten projects that were either the highest cost projects or projects Staff felt "had unusual circumstances."4 Staff discussed three of the projecrts, highlighting the documentation provided by ldaho Power did not provide any type of budget-to-actual performane, failing to prove the project was implemented in the least-cost manner. During the discovery and audit process, ldaho Power focused on explaining the prooess undertraken by the Company to ensure the Valmy projects are managed to achieve least cost but did not include an analysis for each capital project verifring the costs incurred. 10. After reviewing StafPs Comments and gaining a better understranding of the type of information Staff needs to make a recommendation regarding operational prudence, ldaho Power is able to prepare a reconciliation of budget-to-actual costs br each Valmy proiect for which the Company seeks prudence, including a summary of the charges capitalized and an explanation of any variances. The Company is open to working with Staff to develop the documentation ne@ssary for Staffs audit and prudence review prior to any firture filing for which a prudence determination is requested. 11. \tVhile the Company believes the investments made at Valmy between January 1, 2019, through December 31,2021, were prudent and that the documentation provided to Staff in response to their audit was sufficient, ldaho Power will provide additional information for Staffto make a prudence determination and is open to working with Staffto identify their information needs. However, the Company proposes a slightly difierent proceduralapproach, underwhich the information to furthersupport prudence of the investments made during the January 1,2019, through December 31, 2021, time period is submitted as part of the Valmy Levelized Revenue Requirement Balancing l StaffComments, p. 5. REPLY COMMENTS. S Account 2022 Annual Review ("2022 Annual Revieu/), providing the Commission the opportunityto make a prudence determination in conjunction with Staffs recommendation following their review of the additionaldocumentation. The Company envisions filing this report as a new case that will include the 2022 Annual Revieur and the prudence determination forthese investnents in the first quarter o12023, resulting in adminishative efiicienry for both the Commission and Sffi. il!. coNcLustoN 12. ldaho Power appreciates the opportunity to respond to Staffs Comments filed in this case and their review of the documentiation supporting 57 differcnt Valmy investments made between January 1, 2019, and Deoember 31,2021, totaling $4.66 million. The Company respectfrrlly requests the Commission issue an order (1) finding that all actual Valmy investments during the January 1,2019, through December 31, 2A21, time period were prudently incUned, or, in the altemative, accept Straffs reoommendation that the Company file additional documentation to support a prudence determination but as part of the 20z2Annua! Review, (2) validating that ldaho Power has accurately quantified the Valmy balancing account true-up as a result of the inclusion of actual costs through December 31,2021, and updated forecasted investments through December 31, 2025, and (3) confirming his request satisfies the annua! reporting required by Commission Order No. 34349. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 8th day of July 2022. fr;!.("*t..*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for ldaho Power Company REPLY COMMENTS -6 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8th day of Juty 2022,I served a true and coned copy of ldaho Porrer Company's Reply Comments upon the fullowing named partbe by the method indicabd below, and addressed to the fulloving: Gommlrslon Stafr Chrb Burdin DeputyAttomey General ldaho Public t tilities Commiseion 11331 W. Chinden Bhrd., Bldg No.8, Suite 2014.(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail FN( FTP SitsX EmaiLCtris.burdin@ouc.itlaho.oov /**)-dZ*"_ Sandra Hdmee Legal Adminlstrative Assbtant REPLY COMMENTS.T