HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220201Application Tariff.pdfRECEIVED 2021Decernber 28, PM 4:47 IDAHO PUBLIC TITI I,ITI ES COM MISSION 3ffi a rnDloolP@mEny Connie Aschenbrenner Rate Deslgn Senior ilanager caschenbren ner@idahopower.com VIA ENCRYPTED ELECTRONIC MAIL December 28,2021 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 lfc-*2,2-ot Tariff Advice No. 21-03 AnnualCompliance Filing to Update the Substation Allowance under Schedule 19, Large Power Service Dear Ms. Noriyuki: ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powefl or"Company") hereby submits its proposed update to the Substation Allowance amount outlined in Schedule 19, Large Power Service ('Schedule 19"). This is the annua! compliance filing to update the Substation Allowance amount contained within Schedule 19 as required by ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order Nos. 32893 and 32914. The following tariff sheet identifies the proposed modiltcation: Eighth Revised Sheet No. 19-6 Cancelling Seventh Revised Sheet No. 19-6 The cost estimation methodology the Company used in this tariff advice is the same methodology the Company presented in Case Nos. IPC-E-13-09, IPC-E-14-01, and IPC-E-19-,40. The updated Substation Allowance reflects updated materia! costs, labor rates, and the stations overhead rate. The Substation Allowance amount increased $8,624 to $57,640 , or 17 .6 percent. The primary driver for the increase of the Substation Allowance is attributed to increases in the cost of the 138kV/13.09kV, 44.8 MVA transformer and the 4-unit metalclad switchgear of approximately 17 percent and 25 percent, respectively. Other material costs generally increased, partially offset by a slight decrease in the general overhead rate from 8.97 percent to 8.63 percent. P.O. Box 70 (83707) l22l W ldaho St. Boiic. lD &1702 Re Jan Noriyuki, Secretary December 28,2021 Page 2 of 2 The workpapers used to calculate the per megawatt Substation Allorance and the stations overhead rate are provided as confidential attachments to thls tariff advice. Please note that information in the workpaperc is commercially sensitive and, if disclosed freely, could subject ldaho Power or its customers to risk of competitive disadvantage or other business injury. The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, certifies that the workpapers contain information that is a trade secret as described in ldaho Code $ 74-101, et seq., and $ 48-801, et seq., and as such are exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. The Company respectfully requests that the proposed updates are approved and become effective February 1,2022. lf you have any questions regarding this tariff advice, please contact Regulatory Consultant Grant Anderson at 208-388€498 or oanderson@idahopower.com. Sincerely, (r,".e Ad^.^^L^uN,\ Connie Aschenbrenner CA:sg Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT MATERIALS REQUESTED AND PROVIDED DURING THE COURSE OF AN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PROCEEDING ARE PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION Tariff Advice No.21-03 The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, believes that the attachments to ldaho Power Company's Tariff Advice No. 21-03 filing contain information that ldaho Power Company claims is a trade secret as described in Idaho Code S 74-101, et seq., and $ 48-801, et seq., or otherwise protected from public disclosure, and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 28th day of December 2021. X* !-7("1.+r,-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom Counselfor ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company Eighth Revised Sheet No. 19-6 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 19€ SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SUBSTATION ALLOWANCES AND/OR TRANSMISSION VESTED INTEREST (Continued) Defi nitions (Continued) Transmission Vested !nterest Portion is that part of the Company's transmission system in which a Transmission Vested lnterest is held. Substation Allowance lf a Schedule 19 Customer's request for service requires the installation of new or upgraded transformer capacity in Substation Facilities, the following considerations will be included in the separate agreement between the Customer and the Company: The Customer will initially pay for the cost of new or upgraded Substation Facilities required because of the Customer's request. The Customer will be eligible to receive a one-time Substation Allowance based upon subsequent sustained usage of capacity by the Customer. a. Substation Allowance: The maximum possible allowance will be determined by multiplying the Customer's actual increase in load by $57,640 per MW, but will not exceed the actual cost of the Substation Facilities. b. Substation Allowance Refunds: The Substation Allowance will be refunded to the Customer over a five-year period, with annual payments based on the Customer's Basic Load Capacity at the time of refund. The first refund will be paid one year following the first month energy is delivered through the new Substation Facilities. The refunds will occur based on the following adjustment, which will be added to the Substation Allowance received in the previous year. lf there is no change in load from the previous year, the Substation Allowance for that year is equal to the Substation Allowance from the previous year: ((Change in load from the previous year as measured in M!V) x (Substation Allowance per M!V)) Number of Substation Allowance Refunds remaining in five-year period The Customer's annual refunds will be made in accordance with the Substation Allowance amount stated in the separate construction agreement between the Customer and the Company. Transmission Vested lnterest lf a Schedule 19 Customer's request for service requires the installation of new or upgraded capacity in Transmission Facilities, and those Transmission Facilities are serving the Customer by a radial feed, the following considerations will be included in the separate agreement between the Customer and the Company: IDAHO lssued perAdvice No. 21-03 Effective - February 1,2022 lssued by IDAHO PO\ /ER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Sevent+Ejghln Revised Sheet No. 196 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101Si*SSeventh Revised Sheet No. 19-6 SCHEDULE 19 IARGE PO\A'ER SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SUBSTATION ALLOWANCES AND/OR TRANSMISSION VESTED INTEREST (Continued) Definitions (Continued) Transmission Vested lnterest Portion is that part of the Company's transmission system in which a Transmission Vested lnterest is held. Substation Allowance lf a Schedule 19 Customer's request for service requires the installation of new or upgraded transformer capacity in Substation Facilities, the following considerations will be included in the separate agreement between the Customer and the Company: The Customer will initially pay for the cost of new or upgraded Substation Facilities required because of the Custome/s request. The Customerwill be eligible to receive a one-time Substation Allowance based upon subsequent sustained usage of capacity by the Customer. a. Substation Allowance: The maximum possible allowance will be determined by multiplying the Customer's actual increase in load by $ffiZJE!9 per MW but will not exceed the actua! cost of the Substation Facilities. b. Substation Allowance Refunds: The Substation Allowance will be refunded to the Customer over a five-year period, with annual payments based on the Customer's Basic Load Capacity at the time of refund. The first refund will be paid one year following the first month energy is delivered through the new Substation Facilities. The refunds will occur based on the following adjustment, which will be added to the Substation Allowance received in the previous year. lf there is no change in load from the previous year, the Substation Allowance for that year is equalto the Substation Allowance from the previous year: ((Change in load from the previous year as measured in MtA/) x (Substation Allowance per MW)) The Customer's annual refunds will be made in accordance with the Substation Allowance amount stated in the separate construction agreement between the Customer and the Company. Transm ission Vested lnterest lf a Schedule 19 Customer's request for service requires the installation of new or upgraded capacity in Transmission Facilities, and those Transmission Facilities are serving the Customer by a radial feed, the following considerations will be included in the separate agreement between the Customer and the Company: IDAHO lssued per Advice No. 20-0721-03 Effective - lssued by IDAHO POVVER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho