HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220105Comment(1)_1.pdfFrom:Jim Hollingsworth To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Idaho Power to eliminate coal fired power Date:Wednesday, January 5, 2022 2:01:40 PM Attachments:climate change Hornok comments.doc Book Ad Coeur d"Alene Press 05-05-20.pdf Personal Picture.doc Promotion Doc 17B.doc Dear Sirs: Please do not approve the elimination of coal for coal fired electricity. This would be a disaster for our state. We have abundant coal and we need to make good use of it. Carbon dioxide is important for all life and energy decisions must be made keeping that in mind. Thanks Jim Hollingsworth The following is a letter written to the Legislature. Jim Hollingsworth jimhollingsworth@frontier.com January 5, 2022 Dear Legislator, Please note that Idaho Power plans to completely eliminate coal from the power mix by 2028. This is pure folly. Sure, this is determined by the Public Utilities Commission, but the Legislature is challenged with protecting the state. Texas tried to make greater use of wind and solar and as a result they ended up in the dark, and many people died. Is that what you want? Wind and solar are only short term solutions. The sun does not shine at night, and often when it is quite cold the wind does not blow. Nuclear would be the simplest answer, but Idaho Power does not mention it. Batteries are not the solution as there are often many days when the sun does not shine. Plus, what happens to solar when it snows? There are just not enough rare materials to build batteries that large. This is just pure folly based on what the government is telling us about the science. But their understanding of the science is not true science but based on such things as a book by a non- scientist, Al Gore. Carbon dioxide is the stuff that plants use to get carbon for their growth. Carbon dioxide is the gas of life, and increasing carbon dioxide will not be the end of the world: Increasing carbon dioxide will just make plants grow better. Coal is one of the most important sources of energy found on the Earth. Moving away from coal is pure folly. Sure, Idaho Power gets power from other sources such as hydro-electric, natural gas and geothermal, but ultimately it will not be enough. Right now when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow the slack is taken up by coal fired or natural gas fired power plants. When we no longer have them as a backup we will be in the dark. Please take a stand against this change as it would be a pure disaster for Idaho. I have written a short little book that helps explain the science surrounding climate change. I would be happy to provide a copy for anyone who would be willing to read it and consider the message there. I would just need a name and address. I have attached some information about the book. Thanks Jim Hollingsworth Idaho Power cuts coal by 2028 in plan to state regulators - NewsBreak