HomeMy WebLinkAbout19931217.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1993 - 9:35 a.m. In attendance were Commissioners Marsha H. Smith, Joe Miller and Ralph Nelson and staff members Brad Purdy, Lori Mann, Gary Richardson, Scott Woodbury, Stephanie Miller, Tom Faull and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance was a representative of Idaho Power Company. Commissioner Smith spoke to Item 2 of the agenda - Motion of Commission Staff in Case No. INL-T-91-2 - Investigation of providing extended area service for Inland Telephone's Idaho Exchanges - said there was a way to give toll relief without filing a waiver. Okayed. Lori Mann said according to GTE, the Commission can't file for a waiver, the company has to do it.  Said last time they did. 1.  Brad Purdy's December 14, 1993 Decision Memorandum re:  CASE NOS. WWP-E-93-10, UPL-E-93-3, PPL-E-93-3 and IPC-E-93-28 - Motion of Independent Energy Producers of Idaho (IEPI) to Consolidate Avoided Cost Cases. Commissioner Nelson said it was beginning to look like all the issues are coming down to the same issues and this is a situation that is right for consolidation. Commissioner Smith said surely the issue on Monday regarding the 10 mw threshhold should be done generically.  Wouldn't do that for one company and not the others. Commissioner Nelson said that is also in Idaho Power issue. WWP didn't request it. Commissioner Miller said he hadn't looked at the filings in detail so his comments are kind of general.  Said for general matters they should be done together.  Difficult question will be interim rates and how we do this mechanically. Scott Woodbury said he went through Idaho Power's testimony.  They are also injecting the issue of changing methodology and changing it to an RMR.  That is different methodology than WWP.  The question is does Commission still see that there is usefulness in having the same methodology for all of the utilities - then we should consider consolidation.  Think it would be troublesome to do what WWP has suggested and do something for the others. -2- All the utilities seem to say okay to consolidation but give us interim rates.  Idaho Power asks for a clause saving rates will be subject to review.  PPL will be proposing interim rates. Brad Purdy said Orndorff suggests that each contract in the interim say (subject to change) and that rate will be the ultimate one decided upon. Commissioner Miller asked - don't have to decide today the questions of transitional or interim, what we are going to do in the interim? Brad Purdy said not today, but out of fairness to WWP, if you intend to consolidate and rehear WWP or put it on hold until decision is made on the others, you have to consider that they have waited a long time. Commissioner Nelson said if we say rates are subject to adjustment at the end of the case, we are not dealing with 10mw... wouldn't we be better off to say we are going to set an interim rate and it is open to everyone under 10 mw.  Otherwise the 8 mw projects will get stonewalled. Commissioner Miller asked - would it make any sense to try to convene a prehearing conference to discuss how we are going to do the cases procedurally and if any interim relief should be established?  Don't feel comfortable saying today these are our new rates. Commissioner Swisher said she did not feel comfortable stating today that we will consolidate cases and set prehearing without granting interim. **Idaho Power did say - allow us to include this provision in our contracts. Scott Woodbury said he talked to Bart Kline about the motions.   Thought what should be decided today is to schedule prehearing conference.  Question is:  Should we go ahead with Monday's PPL hearing? Decision was:  No, because issues are generic.   Commissioner Smith said she thought just filing is not enough for interim relief. Scott Woodbury said he had not yet issued a notice of application in the Idaho Power case.  Asked if Commission was looking at scheduling it the last week of December?  December 30 was suggested. -3- Commissioner Miller said all we have to do today is vacate next week's hearing and set prehearing conference in all the cases.  Purpose of the prehearing will be to consider the motion to consolidate. Think consolidation is a good idea and need to consider interim relief. Scott Woodbury spoke to what he would put in the notice of application. Brad Purdy asked if Commission was going to include WWP into the fold and consolidate that record?  Should they just wait or show up for the prehearing with the possibility that their case may be reheard? Tom Faull said he thought if they were consolidated they would reconsider their filing. Commissioner Smith said she thought they were entitled to interim. **Issue a notice in every case. Discussed interim rates for WWP. Blair Strong has renewed his motion for interim. Adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 30th day of December, 1993. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 0185M