HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220216IRP Replacement Pages.pdf3!ffi*. An IDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com 1.t-\/* lt L\- -. **^ | . nrl o. lfi. .tlt,j tg fI C.' February 16,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC EMAIL Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-21-43 ldaho Power Company's 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Appendix D and Errata Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is Appendix D to ldaho Power Company's (ldaho Power or Company) 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan (lRP), which the Company had stated would be filed in the first quarter of 2022. Additionally, the Company submits for electronic filing eight (8) replacement pages with corrected portfolio cost information. As explained and demonstrated below, these portfolio cost updates are immaterial in nature, do not impact the selection of the Preferred Portfolio, and do not adjust any of the portfolio rankings in the 2021 lRP. Appendix D Appendix D of ldaho Power's 2021 IRP includes updates on the Boardman to Hemingway (B2H) project, including explanation of the finalized term sheet signed by ldaho Power, PacifiCorp, and Bonneville Power Administration. ldaho Power previously filed the term sheet in this docket on January 19,2022. ln addition to updates and analysis related to the B2H project, Appendix D provides information on ldaho Power's transmission system, how it is modeled in the lRP, and the modeling and status of other potential transmission projects, such as Gateway West. Replacement Pages ln addition to Appendix D, ldaho Power is filing eight (8) replacement pages to the main 2021 IRP report. ln the process of organizing IRP data files during completion of Appendix D, Idaho Power identified two separate data discrepancies related to Bridger Plant cost estimates. These updates result in immaterial cost changes to portfolios in the 2021 rRP. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary February 16,2022 Page 2 The first data issue arose because of the timing of revised estimates received by the Company for costs related to the early exit of the Bridger Plant units. ldaho Power continued to receive updated cost estimates throughout December 2021. To determine portfolio costs in the lRP, ldaho Power inadvertently used the penultimate set of cost estimates rather than the final cost estimates. For portfolios in which any of the Bridger units are exited before end of book Iife, the revised costs increase the net present value (NPV) of portfolios by between $4 and $6 million-an increase of between 0.041 percent to 0.077 percent. This portfolio cost increase is de minimis in relation to total portfolio costs of approximately $8 billion, and does not change the selection of the Preferred Portfolio, nor does it change any of the portfolio rankings or sensitivity outcomes. The second data issue, related to cost estimates for the Bridger Plant natural gas conversion, was due to the inadvertent exclusion of fixed operations and maintenance (O&M) costs associated with the conversion in IRP portfolio cost development. The IRP planning team believed these costs were accounted for in ldaho Power's internalfinance (p-worth) model. However, due to the newness of Bridger Plant conversion discussions, this cost stream had not yet been incorporated into the p-worth. These fixed O&M costs add between approximately $12-23 million to total NPV portfolio costs in the IRP-a cost increase of between 0.2 percent to 0.3 percent to portfolios and sensitivities in which either unit 1 or 2 is converted to natural gas. Similar to the issue above, this increase is immaterial to the IRP analysis, does not change the selection of the Preferred Portfolio, and has no impact on portfolio rankings or sensitivity outcomes. Combined, these corrected data issues result in NPV portfolio cost increases of between $5 million and $29 million on total NPV portfolio costs of approximately $8 billion-an increase of /ess than half of 1 percenf on affected portfolios. The table below compares the NPV of a selection of portfolio costs as originally published compared to the amended amounts included in the replacement pages. As the table demonstrates, the portfolio cost increases resulting from these two issues do not change any aspect of Preferred Portfolio selection or portfolio rankings. 2021 IRP portfolios, NPV years 2O2L-2O4O ($ x 1,000) Portfolio ORIGINAT Planning Gas, Planning Carbon UPDATED Planning Gas, Planning Carbon Total Percentage lncrease Base with B2H Base B2H PAC Bridger Alignment Base without 82H Base without 82H without Gateway West Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment 57,91s,702 57,999,347 S8,192,830 58,44!,4L4 s8,18s,334 s7,942,428 s8,021,906 s8,2t9,281 58,470,10L S8,207,893 o.34% 0.28% 0.32% o.34% o.28% 0.33%Base with 82H-High Gas High Carbon Test 57,997,339 58,024,064 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary February 16,2022 Page 3 ldaho Power is committed to identifying and correcting issues in a straightforward and transparent manner. To this end, the Company provides this update to ensure the Commission and stakeholders are operating with the latest and most accurate information. ldaho Power believes its thorough quality control process brought to light these minor issues and allowed for a timely correction. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, X*!.(,,,t-t"^, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Attachments CERTIFIGATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 16th day of February 2022,1 served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Appendix D and Errata upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following; Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 ldaho Gonservation League Benjamin J. Otto Emma E. Sperry ldaho Conservation League 710 N.6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Kiki Tidwell 704 N. River Street #1 Hailey, lD 83333 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin Jensen Holland & Hart LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 32OO Denver, CO 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, lD 83707 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAX FTP SiteX Email: Davn.Hardie@puc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX EMAIL botto@idahoconservation.orq esperry@ idahoconservation. orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX EMAIL ktidwell2022@qmail.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX EMAIL darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart. com hollandhart.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX EMAIL iswier@micron.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S2O2l INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN APPENDIX D AND ERRATA. 1 Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho Michael Heckler Courtney White 3778 Plantation River Dr., Ste. 102 Boise, lD 83703 Kelsey Jae Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, lD 83703 Industrial Customers of ldaho Power c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 Stop B2H Coalition Jack Van Valkenburgh Valkenburgh Law, PLLC P.O. Box 531 Boise, ldaho 83701 Jim Kreider Stop B2H Coalition 60366 Marvin Rd La Grande, OR 97850 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAIL: cou rtnev@cleanenerqyopportu n ities. com mt chael6clean en voooortunities.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAIL: kelsev@kelsevjae.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAI L: peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAIL: dreadinq@mindsprino.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAIL: iack@vanvalkenburqhlaw.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAIL: iim@stopb2h.orq IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN APPENDIX D AND ERRATA - 2 &^-J= Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN APPENDIX D AND ERRATA - 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. tPC-E-2r-43 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT LEGISTATIVE FORMAT stmloPciil,ER, Executive Summary o Unit 2-Allowed to exit between year-end 2023 and year-end 2026 or convert to natural gas as early as year-end 2023.lf converted to natural gas, the unit will operate through 2034. o Unit 3-Can exit no earlier than year-end 2025 and no later than year-end 2034. o Unit 4-Can exit no earlier than year-end 2027 and no later than year-end 2034. The results of the LTCE model indicate that the conversion of units 1 and 2 to natural gas in 2023 is economical. The Preferred Portfolio identifies exits for units 3 and 4 year-end 2025 and 2028, respectively. To ensure the robustness of these modeling outcomes, the company performed a significant number of validation and verification studies around the Bridger conversions and coal exit dates. These validation and verification studies are detailed in Chapter 9. Boardman to Hemingway ldaho Power in the 2021 IRP requests acknowledgement of 82H based on the company owning 45% of the project. This ownership share, which represents a change from ldaho Power's21%o share in the 2019 lRP, is the result of negotiations among ldaho Power, PacifiCorp, and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Under such a structure, ldaho Power would absorb BPA's previously assumed ownership share in exchange for BPA entering into a transmission service agreement with ldaho Power. This arrangement, along with many other aspects of B2H, will be detailed in Appendix D, which will be filed during the first quarter of 2022. The Preferred Portfolio, which includes B2H, is significantly more cost-effective than the best alternative portfolio that did not include B2H. o Base with 82H Portfolio NPV (Preferred Portfoliol-$lp+SaTpn4million o Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio NPV-SS#S5+8,207.9million o B2H NPV Cost Effectiveness Differential-5269€265-5 million Under planning conditions, the Base with 82H (Preferred Portfolio) is approximately 527+266 million more cost effective than the best portfolio that did not include the 82H project. Detailed portfolio costs can be found in Chapter L0. Page 8 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan sllmtf PollrER. 7. Transmission Planning This arrangement, along with many other aspects of B2H, will be detailed in the Appendix D- Transmission Supplement, which will be filed during the first quarter of 2022. B2H's value to ldaho Power's customers is substantial, and it is a key least-cost resource. The Preferred Portfolio, which includes B2H, is significantly more cost-effective than the best alternative resource portfolio that did not include 82H. o Base with 82H Portfolio NPV (Preferred Portfolio)-$lpt*lrymillion o Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio NPV-S8+e538,207'9 million o 82H NPV Cost Effectiveness Differential-5269S2655 million Under planning conditions, the Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) is approximately $27e2Qq million more cost effective than the best portfolio that did not include the 82H project. Detailed portfolio costs can be found in Chapter 10. Finally, B2H is an important step in moving ldaho Power toward its 2045 clean energy goal. The B2H 500-kV line adds significant regional capacity with some remaining unallocated east-to-west capacity. Additional parties may reduce costs and further optimize the project for all participants. Project Participants ln January 2OL2,ldaho Power entered into a joint funding agreement with PacifiCorp and BPA to pursue permitting of the project. The agreement designates ldaho Power as the permitting project manager for the B2H project. Table 7.2 shows each party's B2H capacity and permitting cost allocation. Table 7.2 B2H capacity and permitting cost allocation ldaho Power BPA PacifiCorp Capacity (MW) west to east Capacity (MW) east to west Permitting cost allocation 350: 200 winter/500 summer 85 27% 400: 550 winter/250 summer 97 24% 300 818 ss% For the 2027lRP,ldaho Power modeled B2H assuming that BPA transitions from an ownership stake in the B2H project to a service-based stake in the project. Further details regarding this assumption will be provided in Appendix D, which is anticipated to be filed during the first quarter of 2022. Table 7.3 shows what each party's new 82H capacity allocation would be, given this assumption. 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 81 3tml0PcillrER" 10. Modeling Analysis Each of the portfolios designed under the AURORA LTCE process, that are in contention for the Preferred Portfolio, were evaluated through three different hourly simulations shown in Table 10.2. Table 10.2 AURORA hourly simulations Zero Carbon Planning Carbon High Carbon Planning Gas High Gas The three combinations include the planning case scenarios as well as the bookends for natural gas and carbon adder price forecasts. The purpose of the AURORA hourly simulations is to compare how portfolios perform throughout the 20-year timeframe of the lRP. These simulations include the costs associated with adding generation resources (both supply-side and demand-side) and optimally dispatching the resources to meet the constraints within the model. The results from the three hourly simulations, where only the pricing forecasts were changed, are shown in Table 10.3. These different portfolios and their associated costs can be compared as potential options for a preferred portfolio. Table 10.3 2021 IRP portfolios, NPV years 2O2L-2O40 ($ x 1,000) xx x Portfolio Planning Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, Zero Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Base with 82H Base 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Base without B2H Base without B2H without Gateway West3s Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment it+tsluypn,q28 s7pe.e'347gg1eq s8+e2f3e821g2sL 5&A4+*L4L479,1o1. SzJfEp+gp&3 sw7,213,486 5t#B*1E5,su SW7_.8topg1 Ss*aaPe+$5gJ26 ss*a:*as9p5s.as4 s9r4+4?9s981135 Stwpqsane7 Ssrs4ee+9575359 Base with B2H-High Gas High Carbon Test36 57+t#.4lL/-4p54 $sr+:+pas%$65q 3sThe company did not continue further evaluation of this portfolio beyond planning conditions due to the portfolio's inferior performance (high-cost, poor reliability, and poor emissions performance). 36All portfolios were optimized with planning conditions. The "Base with 82H-High Gas High Carbon (HGHC)Test" portfolio includes total renewables equivalent to the "Base without 82H" portfolio and was evaluated to test 82H as an independent variable. The results indicate that 82H remains cost effective, independent of gas price and carbon price and that a pivot to even more renewables in a future with a high gas and carbon price would be appropriate. Page 130 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan sllmt0ProllrER. 10. Modeling Analysis This comparison, as well as the stochastic risk analysis applied to these portfolios (see the Stochastic Risk Analysis section of this chapter), indicate the Base with B2H portfolio best minimizes both cost and risk and is the appropriate choice for the Preferred Portfolio. The scenarios listed in Table 10.4 were sensitivities tested on the Preferred Portfolio and are included to show the associated costs. Each was evaluated under planning natural gas and carbon adder forecasts. Table 10.4 2021 IRP Sensitivities, NPV years 2O2t-2O40 ($ x 1,000) Sensitivity Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) SWIP-North CSPP Wind Renewal Low CSPP Wind Renewal High Cost 51W78n,428 9#7#auA.287 5+*e2#8szl19.311 5tw7p52f,3e The validation and verification tests are listed in Table 1-0.5. These were modeling simulations performed on the Preferred Portfolio, with changes to the resources identified in the Action Plan window, to ensure the model was optimizing correctly and to test assumptions. More details on the setup and expected outcome of each test are provided in Chapter 9. Table 10.5 2021 IRP vatidation and verification tests, NPV years 2O21-2O4O (S x 1,000) Validation & Verification Tests Cost Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) Demand Response Energy Efficiency Natural Gas in 2028 Rather than Solar and Storage Bridger Exit Units 1 & 2 at the End of 2023 Bridger Exit Unit 2 at the End of 2O26 Bridger Unit 2 Delayed Gas Conversion (20271 Bridger Exit Unit 4in2027 Bridger Exit Units 3 and 4 in2028 and 2030 Geothermal Biomass Valmy Unit 2 Exit in 2023 Valmy Unit 2Exitin2024 *+tstsz942M 9+E#3lE!!;68 S8?il+€&1E9J3E SqBs2+e4!99.045 s*waLpJ.8o5 ffiE-A!4.3qs frp38*BE1}62l- 9w2il-951*73 9-9w131p1-4s3 9re+3rq&AqA,5Qo $H6s#4ru!EBs fr#efiwgs7-tL6 9p,9p3€1855fr9 Portlolio Emission Results The company is seeking to execute on the actions identified in the Action Plan window. Therefore, the company evaluated the COz emissions within the Action Plan window for each portfolio in contention for the Preferred Portfolio, along with the SWIP-North portfolio. 2021 Integrated Resource Plan Page 131 =tmlpPcilrrER.10. Modeling Analysis Figure 10.2 compares the full 20-year emissions of the company's 2019 Preferred Portfolio to the top contending portfolios in the 2021 lRP. ln Figure L0.2, the 2019 Preferred Portfolio is on the far left, adjacent to the 2021 Preferred Portfolio on its immediate right. Compared to the 2019 Preferred Portfolio, the 2021 Preferred Portfolio has cumulative emissions reductions of about 21%. As can be seen on Figure 10.2, the other 202tportfolios each reflect reduced emissions as compared to the 2019 Preferred Portfolio and are sorted by present value portfolio cost from left to right. The costs associated with each portfolio are shown in the yellow highlights. While 2021 IRP portfolios are shown on Figure 10.1to have relatively similar emissions output during the Action Plan window, three portfolios have lower projected emissions than the 2021- Preferred Portfolio over the full 20-year planning horizon. However, it is important to note that each of those three portfolios present higher expected cost. The information presented on Figures 10.1 and 10.2 demonstrate that ldaho Power's COz emissions can be expected to trend downward over time. ldaho Power will continue to evaluate resource needs and alternatives that balance cost and risk, including the relative potential COz emissions. rTT I ,orflnnd eeflihtril L,srknrtrtrPdildo6.owh rbn &'nh, 4@m $II ss,@q,m sqmqm 4t@qm 0,@,m 3toq,m lo,m,m 2t@@ 20,mqm rtr@o.m to,@,m 5,0@,@ t ,9 -9E o ; Tr I 2ol9PEhtr.d 2QlPeLn.d &*srh82H-reH( &e82xPtrBi4er &swirhdS2HP{ &*ffihd82H &*sthdr82HMtdo Mdoll.rmh I6t dttrMt &d!a,A8|mt dil@6w 828) aro/l a2tr/., aJo?l r10/l aty\ - )oth )it)t a)n)a a)t1)) t/t)r, t)nll ar{)r, a)ott r/r)r4 a)ot\ r1016 .llr/ /ort ,oIr )Go 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 133 sllmlpPcl,rrER, 10. Modeling Analysis SWIP-North Opportunity Evaluation The SWIP-North opportunity evaluation tests whether ldaho Power customers would potentially benefit from ldaho Power's involvement in the project. Based on the NPV cost results detailed in Table 10.4, the SWIP-North project appears to be worth further exploration. o Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) NPv-$ry o SWIP-North Portfolio NPV-SW ln this opportunity evaluation, the company made assumptions about SWIP-North, and its cost and capacity benefits, which are detailed more in Chapter 7. The company is not familiar with any current partnership arrangements associated with the project, whether there are opportunities to participate in the project, or the feasibility of the project in general and its associated in-service date. Given the possible benefits to ldaho Power customers, the company will engage the SWIP-North project developer and look to perform a more detailed evaluation of SWIP-North in future lRPs. 82H Robustness Testing The company evaluated B2H assuming five different planning margin contributions, four different costs (various contingency amounts), and two different in-service dates to consider the robustness of the 82H project. B2H Copacity Evaluation When the B2H project is placed into service, currently scheduled for pre-summer 2026, the company will have access to as much as 550 MW of summer capacity. ln recent lRPs, the company has planned to utilize 500 MW of B2H capacity to access the Mid-C markets and purchase power. As part of the 202LlRP, the company looked at portfolio costs assuming the company can access 350 MW, 400 MW, 450 MW, 500 MW (the Preferred Portfolio), and 550 MW of capacity. The sensitivities with capacity amounts less than 500 MW are set up to evaluate risk related to reduced market access. The 550 MW capacity amount sensitivity quantifies potential benefits associated with leveraging additional market purchases to avoid the need for a new resource. To evaluate the impact of different B2H capacity levels, the company added or subtracted comparable capacity in the form of battery storage (the least-cost alternative to providing sufficient amounts of capacity) to maintain an adequate planning margin, while maintaining the same cost of B2H (i.e., B2H capacity's contribution toward the planning margin is reduced with no offsetting cost reduction). The resulting total portfolio costs are detailed in Table 10.8. Page 144 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan 3llmloPo[,ER. 10. Modeling Analysis Table 10.8 B2H capacity sensitivities Portfolio NPV Potential Offsetting Costs Not lncluded (NPV) Base 82H Portfolio-350 MW Planning Contribution Base 82H Portfolio-400 MW Planning Contribution Base 82H Portfolio-450 MW Planning Contribution Base B2H Portfolio (500 MW) Base 82H Portfolio-550 MW Planning Contribution Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio (for comparison) s8p4+CpE9 million sTpeegplg million 5t+*7gp million srpJszj,42 million S1x*'+721L million s8+859299 million 551 million S34 million $17 million so SO N/A Table 10.8 shows that even with a substantially reduced planning margin contribution, B2H portfolios remain cost effective. Additionally, if the company is able to access an additional 50 MW from the Mid-C market, that may present a cost-saving opportunity for customers. The "Potential Offsetting Costs Not lncluded" column represents the possibility of selling wheeling service utilizing the B2H capacity that is not being utilized by the company in the given scenario. This offsetting cost is not factored into the portfolio NPV. B2H Cost Risk Evoludtion A transmission line such as 82H requires significant planning, organization, labor, and material over a multi-year process to complete and place in-service. Evaluating cost risks to ensure cost-effectiveness (i.e., a tipping point analysis) is an important consideration when planning for such a project. Table 10.9 details the cost of the B2H project with Oyo,7oyo,2O%, and 30% cost contingencies. Table 10.9 82H cost sensitivities 82H Cost ldaho Power Share TOTAL B2H Cost 2021IRP NPV B2H O% Contingency B2H 70% Contingency B2H 2Oo/o Contingency B2H 30% Contingency 5485 million 5526 million 5566 million S5o7 million S159.6 million S178.4 million S197.2 million 52t6.t million Utilizing the numbers in Table L0.8 and comparing them to the difference between the Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) and the Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment portfolio, the B2H project would have to increase significantly beyond a30% contingency before the project would no longer be cost-effective. While this is already a significant margin, it should be noted that there are other unquantified benefits to the B2H project that if quantified, 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 145 s3lmloPo,l,ER, 10. Modellng Analysis would further widen this gap. These items will be discussed in more detail in the forthcoming Appendix D-Tronsmission Supplement, which is anticipated to be filed in the first quarter of 2022. B2H ln-Service Date Risk Evoluation The current planned in-service date for 82H is prior to the summer of 2026. This date is necessary to meet the peak demand growth needs, as well as fill in for the Valmy Unit 2 exit occurring at the end of 2025, and to facilitate the exit of Bridger Unit 3, as recommended as part of the Preferred Portfolio. Should the B2H in-service date slip to 2027 due to a delay in receiving a permit, supply chain constraints, or other unforeseen issues, the exit of Bridger Unit 3 will certainly be delayed, and other new resources will be required in2026. Table 10.10 details the cost change of B2H adjusting to 2027, and the new comparison to the Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment portfolio (the best 82H-excluded portfolio). Table 10.10 BZH2027 portfolio costs, cost sensitivities ($ x 1,000) Portfolio Costs Portfolio Cost Compared to B2H2027 Portfolio Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) Base with B2Hin2027 Base without 82H PAC Alignment 5t++1e72n,qu $t*eqs+g$L5n $s+ss,ae+g2gz3g3 -S5eP6269P9q S:eqsze190325 Slippage in the schedule from2026to2027 would not be idealfor ldaho Power customers. However, 82H remains the most cost-effective long-term resource. Regional Resource Adequacy Northwest Seosonol Resource Availobility Forecast ldaho Power experiences its peak demand in late June or early July while the regional adequacy assessments suggest potential capacity deficits in late summer or winter. ln the case of late summer, ldaho Power's demand has generally declined substantially; ldaho Power's irrigation customer demand begins to decrease starting in midJuly. For winter adequacy, ldaho Power generally has excess resource capacity to support the region. The assessment of regional resource adequacy is useful in understanding the liquidity of regional wholesale electric markets. For the 2021 lRP, ldaho Power reviewed the Pocific Northwest Loods and Resources Study by the BPA (White Book). For illustrative purposes, ldaho Power also downloaded FERC 714 load data for the major Washington and Oregon Pacific Northwest entities to show the difference in regional demand between summer and winter. Page 146 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBTIC UTITITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-21-43 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT CLEAN FORMAT <ltmloPo,rrER" Executive Summary o Unit 2-Allowed to exit between year-end 2023 and year-end 2026 or convert to natural gas as early as year-end 2023.lf converted to natural gas, the unit will operate through 2034. o Unit 3-Can exit no earlier than year-end 2025 and no later than year-end 2034. o Unit 4-Can exit no earlier than year-end 2027 and no later than year-end 2034. The results of the LTCE model indicate that the conversion of units 1 and 2 to natural gas in 2023 is economical. The Preferred Portfolio identifies exits for units 3 and 4 year-end 2025 and 2028, respectively. To ensure the robustness of these modeling outcomes, the company performed a significant number of validation and verification studies around the Bridger conversions and coal exit dates. These validation and verification studies are detailed in Chapter 9. Boardman to Hemingway ldaho Power in the 2021 IRP requests acknowledgement of B2H based on the company owning 45% of the project. This ownership share, which represents a change from ldaho Power's27Yo share in the 2019 lRP, is the result of negotiations among ldaho Power, PacifiCorp, and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Under such a structure, ldaho Power would absorb BPA's previously assumed ownership share in exchange for BPA entering into a transmission service agreement with ldaho Power. This arrangement, along with many other aspects of B2H, will be detailed in Appendix D, which will be filed during the first quarter of 2022. The Preferred Portfolio, which includes 82H, is significantly more cost-effective than the best alternative portfolio that did not include 82H. o Base with 82H Portfolio NPV (Preferred Portfolio)-$7,942.4 million o Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio NPV-S8,207.9million o B2H NPV Cost Effectiveness Differential-5265.5 million Under planning conditions, the Base with B2H (Preferred Portfolio) is approximately 5256 million more cost effective than the best portfolio that did not include the B2H project. Detailed portfolio costs can be found in Chapter 10. Page 8 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan =tmloPci[rER.7. Transmlssion Planning This arrangement, along with many other aspects of B2H, will be detailed in the Appendix D- Transmission Supplement, which will be filed during the first quarter of 2022. B2H's value to ldaho Power's customers is substantial, and it is a key least-cost resource. The Preferred Portfolio, which includes B2H, is significantly more cost-effective than the best alternative resource portfolio that did not include B2H. o Base with B2H Portfolio NPV (Preferred Portfolio)-$7,942.4 million o Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio NPV-S8,207.9 million o 82H NPV Cost Effectiveness Differential-5265.5 million Under planning conditions, the Preferred Portfolio (Base with 82H) is approximately 5265 million more cost effective than the best portfolio that did not include the B2H project. Detailed portfolio costs can be found in Chapter 10. Finally, B2H is an important step in moving ldaho Power toward its 2045 clean energy goal. The 82H 500-kV line adds significant regional capacity with some remaining unallocated east-to-west capacity. Additional parties may reduce costs and further optimize the project for all participants. Project Participonts ln January 2072,ldaho Power entered into a joint funding agreement with PacifiCorp and BPA to pursue permitting of the project. The agreement designates ldaho Power as the permitting project manager for the B2H project. Table 7.2 shows each party's B2H capacity and permitting cost allocation. Table 7.2 B2H capacity and permitting cost allocation ldaho Power BPA PacifiCorp Capacity (MW) west to east Capacity (MW) east to west Permitting cost allocation 350: 200 winter/500 summer 85 27o/" 400: 550 winter/250 summer 97 24% 300 818 s5% For the 2021 1RP, ldaho Power modeled B2H assuming that BPA transitions from an ownership stake in the B2H project to a service-based stake in the project. Further details regarding this assumption will be provided in Appendix D, which is anticipated to be filed during the first quarter of 2022. Table 7.3 shows what each party's new B2H capacity allocation would be, given this assumption. 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 81 sltmlpPo,uER" 10. Modeling Analysis Each of the portfolios designed under the AURORA LTCE process, that are in contention for the Preferred Portfolio, were evaluated through three different hourly simulations shown in Table 10.2. Table 10.2 AURORA hourly simulations Zero Carbon Planning Carbon High Carbon Planning Gas High Gas The three combinations include the planning case scenarios as well as the bookends for natural gas and carbon adder price forecasts. The purpose of the AURORA hourly simulations is to compare how portfolios perform throughout the 20-year timeframe of the lRP. These simulations include the costs associated with adding generation resources (both supply-side and demand-side) and optimally dispatching the resources to meet the constraints within the model. The results from the three hourly simulations, where only the pricing forecasts were changed, are shown in Table 10.3. These different portfolios and their associated costs can be compared as potential options for a preferred portfolio. Table 10.3 2021 IRP portfolios, NPV years 2021-2040 ($ x 1,000) xx x Portfolio Planning Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, Zero Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Base with 82H Base B2H PAC Bridger Alignment Base without B2H Base without B2H without Gateway West3s Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment $7,942,428 s8,021,905 58,219,28L s8,470,101 s8,207,893 57,213,486 57,17s,sL4 s7,810,996 s7,6LO,787 s9,8s8,725 s9,9ss,484 s9,501,435 s9,57s,4s0 Base with B2H-High Gas High Carbon Test36 58,024,054 s9,4s1,660 3s The company did not continue further evaluation of this portfolio beyond planning conditions due to the portfolio's inferior performance (high-cost, poor reliability, and poor emissions performance). 36All portfolios were optimized with planning conditions. The "Base with 82H-High Gas High Carbon (HGHC) Test" portfolio includes total renewables equivalent to the "Base withoutBzH" portfolio and was evaluated to test 82H as an independent variable. The results indicate that 82H remains cost effective, independent of gas price and carbon price and that a pivot to even more renewables in a future with a high gas and carbon price would be appropriate. Page 130 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan 3lml0PCilrrER. 10, Modeling Analysis This comparison, as well as the stochastic risk analysis applied to these portfolios (see the Stochastic Risk Analysis section of this chapter), indicate the Base with B2H portfolio best minimizes both cost and risk and is the appropriate choice for the Preferred Portfolio. The scenarios listed in Table 10.4 were sensitivities tested on the Preferred Portfolio and are included to show the associated costs. Each was evaluated under planning natural gas and ca rbon adder forecasts. Table 10.4 2021 IRP Sensitivities, NPV years 2O2L-2O4O ($ x 1,000) Sensitivity Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) SWIP-North CSPP Wind Renewal Low CSPP Wind Renewal High Cost 57,942,428 57,9L4,287 S7,919,311 57,952,730 The validation and verification tests are listed in Table 1.0.5. These were modeling simulations performed on the Preferred Portfolio, with changes to the resources identified in the Action Plan window, to ensure the model was optimizing correctly and to test assumptions. More details on the setup and expected outcome of each test are provided in Chapter 9. Table 10.5 2021 IRP validation and verification tests, NPV years 2OZ1-2O4O ($ x 1,000) Validation & Verification Tests Cost Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) Demand Response Energy Efficiency Natural Gas in 2028 Rather than Solar and Storage Bridger Exit Units 1 & 2 at the End of 2023 Bridger Exit Unit 2 at the End of 2026 Bridger Unit 2 Delayed Gas Conversion (20271 Bridger Exit Unit 4in2027 Bridger Exit Units 3 and 4 in 2028 and 2030 Geothermal Biomass Valmy Unit 2 Exit in 2023 Valmy Unit 2Exitin2024 57,942,428 57,944,368 s8,169,838 s8,078,54s s8,077,80s S8,014,30s s7,962,66s S7,951,878 57,99i,4s3 s8,000,s06 s7,994,989 57,es7,tt6 S7,956,390 Portfolio Emission Results The company is seeking to execute on the actions identified in the Action Plan window. Therefore, the company evaluated the COz emissions within the Action PIan window for each portfolio in contention for the Preferred Portfolio, along with the SWIP-North portfolio. 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 131 etmlpF0[,ER. 10. Modeling Analysis Figure 10.2 compares the full 20-year emissions of the company's 2019 Preferred Portfolio to the top contending portfolios in the 2021 lRP. ln Figure 10.2, the 2019 Preferred Portfolio is on the far left, adjacent to the 2O2L Preferred Portfolio on its immediate right. Compared to the 2019 Preferred Portfolio, the 2021 Preferred Portfolio has cumulative emissions reductions of about 2t%. As can be seen on Figure 10.2, the other 2021 portfolios each reflect reduced emissions as compared to the 2019 Preferred Portfolio and are sorted by present value portfolio cost from left to right. The costs associated with each portfolio are shown in the yellow highlights. While 2021 IRP portfolios are shown on Figure 10.1to have relatively similar emissions output during the Action Plan window, three portfolios have lower projected emissions than the 2O2L Preferred Portfolio over the full 2O-year planning horizon. However, it is important to note that each of those three portfolios present higher expected cost. The information presented on Figures 10.1 and 10.2 demonstrate that ldaho Power's COz emissions can be expected to trend downward over time. ldaho Power will continue to evaluate resource needs and alternatives that balance cost and risk, including the relative potential COz emissions. coFtot g .9 .c E otJ 5tmo,(m 50,0qo@ 45,(m,(m 40,60,0@ 3too,0(D 30,@0,06 25,@O,0G) 20,oo,(m rtmqo@ ro,(m,(m 5,0@,@0 3a0lLs 2019Pretered 202lPrettred 8a*with82H-llcHc BageB2HPACBridEer 8a*withoetS2HPAC 8a*WthoutS2HPo.tfolio Portfolio (Ba* Wfth Tst Alignrcnt B,id8e, Ali8mnt 82H) a2O21 a2U) r2021 42024 r2015 r.1026 )Q, a)UB r2029 120-10 12031 !2032 r2O3l r20l.r r2OJ5 .2036 olol/ 2018 8are wilhoul 82H withiltGWw 2019 2Glt) Figure 10.2 Estimated portfolio emissions lrom2O2l-2040 ln conclusion, the Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) strikes an appropriate balance of cost, risk, and emissions reductions over the Action Plan window. The Preferred Portfolio also lays a cost-effective foundation to build upon for further emissions reductions into the future. t-:ximr 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 133 sllmtoPo,llER, 10. Modeling Analysis SWI P-North Opportunity Eval uation The SWIP-North opportunity evaluation tests whether ldaho Power customers would potentially benefit from ldaho Power's involvement in the project. Based on the NPV cost results detailed in Table 10.4, the SWIP-North project appears to be worth further exploration. o Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) NPV-57,942,428 o SWIP-North Portfolio NPV-S7,9L4,287 ln this opportunity evaluation, the company made assumptions about SWIP-North, and its cost and capacity benefits, which are detailed more in Chapter 7. The company is not familiar with any current partnership arrangements associated with the project, whether there are opportunities to participate in the project, or the feasibility of the project in general and its associated in-service date. Given the possible benefits to ldaho Power customers, the company will engage the SWIP-North project developer and look to perform a more detailed evaluation of SWIP-North in future lRPs. 82H Robustness Testing The company evaluated 82H assuming five different planning margin contributions, four different costs (various contingency amounts), and two different in-service dates to consider the robustness ofthe 82H project. B2H Capacity Evaluation When the B2H project is placed into service, currently scheduled for pre-summer 2026, the company will have access to as much as 550 MW of summer capacity. ln recent lRPs, the company has planned to utilize 500 MW of B2H capacity to access the Mid-C markets and purchase power. As part of the 2021 lRP, the company looked at portfolio costs assuming the company can access 350 MW, 400 MW, 450 MW, 500 MW (the Preferred Portfolio), and 550 MW of capacity. The sensitivities with capacity amounts less than 500 MW are set up to evaluate risk related to reduced market access. The 550 MW capacity amount sensitivity quantifies potential benefits associated with leveraging additional market purchases to avoid the need for a new resource. To evaluate the impact of different 82H capacity levels, the company added or subtracted comparable capacity in the form of battery storage (the least-cost alternative to providing sufficient amounts of capacity) to maintain an adequate planning margin, while maintaining the same cost of B2H (i.e., B2H capacity's contribution toward the planning margin is reduced with no offsetting cost reduction). The resulting total portfolio costs are detailed in Table 10.8. Page 744 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan sllmtoProll,ER. 10. Modeling Analysis Table 10.8 82H capacity sensitivities Portfolio NPV Potential Offsetting Costs Not lncluded (NPV) Base 82H Portfolio-350 MW Planning Contribution Base 82H Portfolio-400 MW Planning Contribution Base B2H Portfolio-450 MW Planning Contribution Base B2H Portfolio (500 MW) Base B2H Portfolio-550 MW Planning Contribution Base without 82H PAC Bridger Alignment Portfolio (for comparison) 58,069 million 58,019 million S7,979 miltion 57,942 million Sz,gtt million 58,208 million 551 million S34 million S17 million 5o so N/A Table i.0.8 shows that even with a substantially reduced planning margin contribution, B2H portfolios remain cost effective. Additionally, if the company is able to access an additional 50 MW from the Mid-C market, that may present a cost-saving opportunity for customers. The "Potential Offsetting Costs Not lncluded" column represents the possibility of selling wheeling service utilizing the B2H capacity that is not being utilized by the company in the given scenario. This offsetting cost is not factored into the portfolio NPV. B2H Cost Risk Evaluotion A transmission line such as B2H requires significant planning, organization, labor, and material over a multi-year process to complete and place in-service. Evaluating cost risks to ensure cost-effectiveness (i.e., a tipping point analysis) is an important consideration when planning for such a project. Table 10.9 details the cost of the B2H project with Oyo, LOyo,2O%, and 30% cost contingencies. Table 10.9 BzH cost sensitivities B2H Cost ldaho Power Share TOTAL B2H Cost 2021 IRP NPV B2H Oo/o Contingency B2H tO% Contingency B2H 20% Contingency B2H 30% Contingency 5485 million 5526 million S56G million $607 million S1s9.6 million S178.4 million S197.2 million 5216.1 million Utilizing the numbers in Table 10.8 and comparing them to the difference between the Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) and the Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment portfolio, the B2H project would have to increase significantly beyond a 3O% contingency before the project would no longer be cost-effective. While this is already a significant margin, it should be noted that there are other unquantified benefits to the B2H project that if quantified, would further widen this gap. These items will be discussed in more detail in the forthcoming 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Page 145 sltmlpPciirER, 10. Modeling Analysis Appendix D-Transmission Supplement, which is anticipated to be filed in the first quarter of 2022. B2H ln-Service Dote Risk Evoluation The current planned in-service date for B2H is prior to the summer of 2026. This date is necessary to meet the peak demand growth needs, as well as fill in for the Valmy Unit 2 exit occurring at the end of 2025, and to facilitate the exit of Bridger Unit 3, as recommended as part of the Preferred Portfolio. Should the B2H in-service date slip to 2027 due to a delay in receiving a permit, supply chain constraints, or other unforeseen issues, the exit of Bridger Unit 3 will certainly be delayed, and other new resources will be required in 2026. Table 10.10 details the cost change of B2H adjusting to 2027, and the new comparison to the Base without B2H PAC Bridger Alignment portfolio (the best 82H-excluded portfolio). Table 10.10 B2H2027 portfolio costs, cost sensitivities (S x 1,000) Portfolio Costs Portfolio Cost Compared to B.2H2027 Portfolio Preferred Portfolio (Base with B2H) Base with B2Hin2027 Base without B2H PAC Alignment -S5s,oso S196,37s Slippage in the schedule from2026to2027 would not be idealfor ldaho Power customers. However, 82H remains the most cost-effective long-term resource. Regional Resource Adequacy Northwest Seosonal Resource Availability Forecast ldaho Power experiences its peak demand in late June or early July while the regional adequacy assessments suggest potential capacity deficits in late summer or winter. ln the case of late summer, ldaho Power's demand has generally declined substantially; ldaho Power's irrigation customer demand begins to decrease starting in midJuly. For winter adequacy, ldaho Power generally has excess resource capacity to support the region. The assessment of regional resource adequacy is useful in understanding the liquidity of regional wholesale electric markets. For the 2O2L lRP,ldaho Power reviewed the Pocific Northwest Loods ond Resources Study by the BPA (White Book). For illustrative purposes, ldaho Power also downloaded FERC 714 load data for the major Washington and Oregon Pacific Northwest entities to show the difference in regional demand between summer and winter. 57,942,428 s8,011,517 s8,207,893 Page 146 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan