HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230905Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER LODGE COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL FROM:MICHAEL LOUIS DAYN HARDIE DATE:SEPTEMBER 5,2023 RE:IN THE MATTER O OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL CONTRACT AND TARIFF SCHEDUEL 33 TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO BRISBIE,LLC'S DATA CENTER FACILITY -CASE NO.IPC-E-21-42 BACKGROUND On December 22,2021,Idaho Power Company ("the Company")applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")seeking approval of a special contract for electric service between the Company and Brisbie,LLC ("the Company and Brisbie"or "the Parties") for Brisbie's new enterprise data center ("ESA"),for rates proposed in Tariff Schedule 33,and approval of the regulatory framework for the on-going implementation and administration of the ESA without change or condition. On May 11,2023,the Commission issued Final Order No.35777 approving the Company's ESA for electric service between the Parties with modifications requiring the Company to submit an amended ESA ("Amended ESA")and an amended Schedule 33.The modifications include the pricing structure contained in the Micron ESA as approvedthrough Order Nos.35482,35607,35735,and 35898 regarding the treatment of Excess Generation Credits ("EGC")and Renewable Capacity Credits ("RCC"). On August 9,2023,the Company submitted Idaho Power Company's Compliance Filing ("Filing")to address the Commission ordered modifications by submitting the First Amendment to the ESA ("First Amendment")includinga revised version of ESA Exhibit 3.1:Pricing ("Revised Exhibit 3.1")and a revised Schedule 33 containing the modifications directed by the Commission.In addition to the Commission ordered modifications,the Company:(1)corrected DECISION MEMORANDUM -1 -September 5,2023 a discrepancy in the method describing how the Energy EfficiencyRider should be assessed in accordance with Schedule 91 and reflected in Revised Exhibit 3.1,(2)included an Administration Charge negotiated between the Parties of the contract as reflected in Revised Exhibit 3.1 and revised Schedule 33 ,and (3)stated in the Filing that the Company will file future renewable PPAs or similar resource construction agreements with the Commission for its review and approval.Filing at 7. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed the First Amendment and revised Schedule 33 included in the Company's Filing and determined that the modifications comply with Commission Order No.35777.The Company also made two changes to the First Amendment and Schedule 33 that went beyond the scope of the modifications included in Order No.35777;however,Staff believes they are reasonable.Finally,the Company stated,"[i]n conformitywith the Commission's directive,the Company will file future renewableresource PPAs or similar resource construction agreements with the Commission for its review and approval."Filing at 7. Modifications to Pricing for Excess Generation Credits ("EGC") The Commission ordered that the Excess Energy Generation rate be valued at "the lower of the Excess Energy Price (with the 85 percent adjustment)or the actual high or low load hour Mid-C market price (without any adjustment)for each hour of excess energy delivered."Order No.3577 at 17.I This rate is referred as the Excess Generation Price in the ESA and is the rate used when multipliedby the amount of EGCs in a month to determine the EGC payment.The method in this case is the same method approvedin Case No.IPC-E-22-06.Staff verified that the updated definition of the Excess Generation Price included in Revised Exhibit 3.1 complies with the Commission's Order and that the updated definition is appropriately referenced in revised Schedule 33. Modifications to Renewable Capacity Credits("RCC")Pricing and Method of Payment i See also Order Nos.35482 and 35607.The 85%adjustment compensates for the cost to wheel excess energy when sold as surplus sales. DECISION MEMORANDUM -2 -September 5,2023 The Commission ordered the method used to determine the pricing and payment of RCCs in this case should utilize the same methods determined in Case No.IPC-E-22-06 through Order No.35735.Id.at 18.Staff's review determined that with appropriate differences in the data used between this case and Case No.IPC-E-22-06,the method used to determine the pricing and method of RCC payment is essentially the same with one minor but legitimate exception. Therefore,Staff believes that the method used to determine the RCC pricing and method of payment complies with the Commission Order No.35777. The main difference between the RCC methods in this case versus those used in Case No. IPC-E-22-06 is the years used to determine the capacity critical hours that each of the two resources are expected to contribute capacity to the Company's system.The resource in this case does not come online until 2025,so only the capacity critical hours for 2025 were used.The resource in Case No.IPC-E-22-06 comes online in 2023 and the payments are based on a combination of 2023 capacity critical hours with some weight given to critical hours in 2025. Additional Modifications Beyond the Items Required by the Commission Order First,the Company updated the language in Revised Exhibit 3.1 that defines the Monthly Contract Payment to include how the Energy Efficiency Rider will be assessed.Staff determined that the language was incorrect in the original ESA and the updated language in the Revised Exhibit 3.1 is now consistent with Schedule 91. Second,the Company included an Administration Charge negotiatedbetween the Parties to compensate the Company for non-recovery of 95%/5%customer sharing of EGCs and RCCs included in net power supply expense,which is then trued-up in the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA").However the Company proposed that the Administration Charge not be subject to 95%/5%sharing.The Commission found it fair,just,and reasonable that the credits for excess energy generation and capacity included in net power supply expense be subject to 95%sharing in the PCA."Order No.35777 at 19 and Order No.35607 at 13. Staff recommends that the Commission allow this charge because it was negotiated and agreed upon between the Parties for the purpose protecting the Company from non-recovery of 95%/5%sharing.Additionally,Staff believes:(1)the charge will not impact other customers, and (2)it is consistent with the Commission's intent in Case No.IPC-E-22-06 where the Commission stated,for similarly-situated circumstances,"Micron and the Company are free to DECISION MEMORANDUM -3 -September 5,2023 negotiate for whatever rates they wish,and the Commission will generally approve such rates provided they are fair,just,and reasonable to all customers."Order No.35607 at 13. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the First Amendment and revised Schedule 33 be authorized by the Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the First Amendment and revised Schedule 33 as filed with an effective date of May 11,2023? Michael L ui Staff Engineering Program Manager Udmemos/IPC-E-23-42 Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -4 -September 5,2023