HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230830Compliance Filing.pdf CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER Rate Design Senior Manager cashenbrenner@idahopower.com August 30, 2023 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-21-40 Idaho Power Company’s Application to Expand Optional Customer Clean Energy Offerings Through the Clean Energy Your Way Program Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Idaho Power Company hereby submits the enclosed compliance filing in the above- captioned proceeding pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 35893, which includes its tariff Schedule 62 as listed below, reflecting an effective date of August 15, 2023. Schedule 62 includes two modifications not present in the version submitted with the Application on December 2, 2021: 1) a pricing update to the Fixed Cost Component of the Retail Energy Charge per kWh to reflect Schedule 19 rates approved subsequent to the December 2, 2021, Application, and 2) a housekeeping update to reflect that REF energy generation is line loss adjusted to the same level of service as the Clean Energy Your Way participant. Second Revised Sheet No. 62-1 Cancelling First Sheet No. 62-1 First Revised Sheet No. 62-2 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 62-2 Original Sheet No. 62-3 Original Sheet No. 62-4 Original Sheet No. 62-5 RECEIVED 2023 August 30 AM 11:23 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission August 30, 2023 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Regulatory Consultant Paul Goralski at (208) 388-2608 or pgoralski@idahopower.com. Sincerely, Connie Aschenbrenner CA:sg Enclosure Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 62-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Sheet No. 62-1 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Clean Energy Your Way Program (the Program) is an optional, voluntary program designed to provide eligible Customers and non-customer participants an opportunity to participate in the purchase of environmentally friendly “green” energy. The Program contains two offerings: 1) The Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible for Customers and non-customers wishing to procure RECs from existing resources which may or may not be on Idaho Power’s system; and 2) the Clean Energy Your Way – Construction option for Customers interested in new renewable energy resources. DEFINITIONS Excess Generation is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the REF energy delivered to Idaho Power’s system that exceeds the REF On-Site Usage. Net Consumption is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the Customer(s) metered kWh usage less the line loss-adjusted REF energy delivered to Idaho Power’s system. The Net Consumption cannot be less than zero. Renewable Construction Agreement will be the contractual agreement developed between Idaho Power and a Customer(s) governing the terms, conditions, and pricing of a Clean Energy Your Way – Construction arrangement. Renewable Energy Certificate (RECs) will be from renewable projects as defined by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e Energy standard and renewable energy will be sourced from projects located in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council’s geographic area of authority with preference given to projects located in Idaho Power’s service area and the northwest. Renewable energy types will be primarily wind and solar but may include other certified types such as geothermal, low-impact hydroelectric, landfill gas, and biomass. Renewable Energy Facilities (REFs) are resources fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, or hydropower. REFs must be located within Idaho Power’s service area or connected to Idaho Power’s transmission system and represent new facilities (i.e. facilities not previously constructed). A Seller’s Generation Facility (as defined by Schedule 72) is ineligible to be selected as a REF. REF Cost will reflect the cost of the resource interconnected to Idaho Power’s system and procured on behalf of the participating Customer(s). REF Credit will reflect the benefit of the REF to Idaho Power’s system, subject to Commission approval. REF On-Site Usage is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the amount of line loss-adjusted energy generated by the REF up to a Customer(s) metered kWh usage. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 62-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-2 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 1: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY - FLEXIBLE APPLICABILITY For the purpose of the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible option, renewable energy will be in the form of RECs. Service under this option is applicable to all Customers and non-customer participants who choose to participate in the Program. REC PURCHASE TERMS Customer participants will designate one of two billing options upon enrollment. Non-customer participants may only participate under Option 1. Option 1: Block Block Size: One Block equals 100 kWh of RECs Charge Per Block: $1.00 per month Option 2: Total Usage Customers may purchase RECs equal to their monthly usage each month at a price premium of 1.0 cent per billed kWh. Option 3: Large Purchase Option For purchases of 750 MWh or more per year, a tailored agreement may be developed based on individual Customer preference. Pricing and REC composition will be individually negotiated in a manner that ensures that the full cost of the REC contract is borne by the participating Customer(s). BILLING For a Customer who chooses Option 1, the monthly bill shall be the number of blocks the Customer has agreed to purchase multiplied by the Charge Per Block. For a Customer who chooses Option 2, the monthly bill shall be the Customer’s usage, times the price premium per kWh. For a Customer who chooses Option 3, the bill shall reflect the terms of the tailored agreement. The bill is in addition to all other charges contained in the Customer’s applicable tariff schedule. A non-customer participant will be issued an invoice that reflects their designated purchase amount. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION No funds collected from the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible option may be used for program administration (program management). A portion of the funds may be used to support program communications, participant outreach, and marketing. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 1: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – FLEXIBLE (Continued) QUALIFYING INITIATIVES In an effort to promote local project development and build awareness of renewable energy, if available, funds collected from the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible option under REC Options 1 and 2 but not otherwise required to meet program obligations may be distributed to support renewable demonstration projects at schools located in Idaho Power’s service area. Demonstration projects may include renewable generation systems, data monitoring, renewable energy curriculum, and teacher training. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Program participants under Options 1 and 2 may apply for, or terminate participation from, the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible offering anytime during the year. Participants under Option 3 will be subject to the terms of the individually negotiated contracts. The Company may limit availability of the Program subject to available RECs at the cost incurred under the terms described above. No electric service disconnections will result in the event of non-payment of program commitments. SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION APPLICABILITY Clean Energy Your Way – Construction provides Schedule 19, Large Power Service, and Special Contract customers an option to buy energy sourced from new renewable projects connected within Idaho Power’s service area and delivered through Idaho Power’s transmission and distribution system. This offering is available to individual Customers at a single service point or multiple service points. Provision of the Construction option is contingent upon Idaho Power and the participating Customer(s) entering into a Renewable Construction Agreement. RESOURCE PROCUREMENT REF procurement will be negotiated by Idaho Power, in consultation with the Customer. REF characteristics such as generation type and size, construction timing, location, and ownership structure may vary based on the individual needs of the participating Customer(s) and to ensure non-participating Customers are held harmless. Customer(s) pursuing the Construction option cannot request to size the REF greater than 110 percent of the participating service point(s) annual energy amounts. For purposes of determining annual energy amounts, if available, the most recent 12 months of historical usage will be used. For new customers, annual energy amounts may be based on a forecast. The Customer(s) will pay all costs associated with the REF, including but not limited to necessary studies related to resource acquisition, construction, and integration and interconnection of the resource with Idaho Power’s system. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-4 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION (Continued) CUSTOMER AGREEMENT AND BILLING STRUCTURE For each billing period, Customer(s) shall incur or receive the following charges/credits: 1. A participating Customer(s)’ Service Charge, Billing Demand, On-Peak Billing Demand, Basic Load Capacity, and other monthly charges will be charged at the standard rates, charges, and fees associated with the Customer’s applicable service schedule; 2. Net Consumption shall be charged at the standard rates, charges, and fees associated with the Customer’s applicable service schedule; 3. The REF On-Site Usage for Special Contract customers shall be charged at a rate in their respective service schedule and the REF On-Site Usage for Schedule 19 Customers shall be charged as follows: Fixed Cost Component of the Retail Energy Charge, per kWh Time Period Secondary Service Primary Service Transmission Service Summer On-Peak 3.6320 ¢ 2.4913 ¢ 2.4311 ¢ Summer Mid-Peak 2.2898 ¢ 1.4049 ¢ 1.3753 ¢ Summer Off-Peak 1.7156 ¢ 0.9503 ¢ 0.9258 ¢ Non-Summer Mid-Peak 1.9330 ¢ 1.1629 ¢ 1.1441 ¢ Non-Summer Off-Peak 1.4035 ¢ 0.7414 ¢ 0.7247 ¢ 4. Excess Generation shall be credited to the Customer at a rate contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement; 5. REF Cost as contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement; and, 6. REF Credit as contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement (if applicable). REC OWNERSHIP AND ADDITIONAL REC PROCUREMENT REC ownership will be negotiated on an individual Customer basis. A Customer may elect to take ownership of the REF’s RECs or elect for Idaho Power to retain ownership and retire the RECs on the Customer’s behalf. If the REF generation does not meet 100 percent of the Customer(s)’ consumption on a yearly basis, the Customer(s) may elect to enter into a separate REC purchase contract to cover the difference between REF generation and the Customer(s)’ consumption. Any separate REC purchase agreement will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-5 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION (Continued) TERMS AND CONDITIONS Idaho Power shall have the right to select and reject Program participants at its sole discretion based on criteria Idaho Power considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. The terms and term length of the Renewable Construction Agreement will be determined in a negotiation between Idaho Power and the Customer(s). The Renewable Construction Agreement will be subject to Commission approval. The REF generation cannot be used to offset a Customer(s)’ Basic Load Capacity, Billing Demand or On-Peak Billing Demand. The Renewable Construction Agreement must include a Customer(s) financial guarantee to cover stranded REF costs in the event of Customer default, dissolution, and/or relocation. The guarantee amount will be negotiated between the Customer(s) and Idaho Power based on the value of the REF to ensure stranded costs are not shifted to non-participants. Idaho Power Company First Second Revised Sheet No. 62-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original First Sheet No. 62-1 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 GREEN CLEAN ENERGY PURCHASEYOUR WAY PROGRAM RIDER (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Green Clean Energy Purchase Your Way Program (the Program) is an optional, voluntary program designed to provide eligible Customers and non-customer participants an opportunity to participate in the purchase of new environmentally friendly “green” energy. The Program contains two offerings: 1) The Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible for Customers and non-customers wishing to procure RECs from existing resources which may or may not be on Idaho Power’s system; and 2) the Clean Energy Your Way – Construction option for Customers interested in new renewable energy resources. DEFINITIONS Excess Generation is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the REF energy delivered to Idaho Power’s system that exceeds the REF On-Site Usage. Net Consumption is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the Customer(s) metered kWh usage less the line loss-adjusted REF energy delivered to Idaho Power’s system. The Net Consumption cannot be less than zero. Renewable Construction Agreement will be the contractual agreement developed between Idaho Power and a Customer(s) governing the terms, conditions, and pricing of a Clean Energy Your Way – Construction arrangement. Renewable Energy Certificate (RECs) will be from renewable projects as defined by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e Energy standard and renewable energy will be sourced from projects located in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council’s geographic area of authority with preference given to projects located in Idaho Power’s service area and the northwest. Renewable energy types will be primarily wind and solar but may include other certified types such as geothermal, low-impact hydroelectric, landfill gas, and biomass. Renewable Energy Facilities (REFs) are resources fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, or hydropower. REFs must be located within Idaho Power’s service area or connected to Idaho Power’s transmission system and represent new facilities (i.e. facilities not previously constructed). A Seller’s Generation Facility (as defined by Schedule 72) is ineligible to be selected as a REF. REF Cost will reflect the cost of the resource interconnected to Idaho Power’s system and procured on behalf of the participating Customer(s). REF Credit will reflect the benefit of the REF to Idaho Power’s system, subject to Commission approval. REF On-Site Usage is calculated on an hourly basis and represents the amount of line loss-adjusted energy generated by the REF up to a Customer(s) metered kWh usage. Idaho Power Company First Second Revised Sheet No. 62-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original First Sheet No. 62-1 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to all Customers and non-customer participants who choose to participate in the Program. RENEWABLE ENERGY For the purpose of this schedule, renewable energy will be in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) from new renewable projects as defined by the Center for Resource Solutions Green- e Energy standard. Renewable energy will be sourced from projects located in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council’s geographic area of authority with preference given to projects located in Idaho Power’s service area and the northwest. Renewable energy types will be primarily wind but may include other certified types such as solar, geothermal, low-impact hydroelectric, landfill gas, and biomass. PURCHASE Customer participants will designate one of two billing options upon enrollment. Non-customer participants may participate under Option 1. Option 1: Block Block Size: One Block equals 100 kWh of renewable energy Charge Per Block: $1.00 per month Option 2: Total Usage Customers may purchase renewable energy equal to their monthly usage each month at a price premium of 1.0 cent per billed kWh. MONTHLY BILL For a Customer who chooses Option 1, the monthly bill shall be the number of blocks the Customer has agreed to purchase multiplied by the Charge Per Block. For a Customer who chooses Option 2, the monthly bill shall be the Customer’s usage, times the price premium per kWh. The monthly bill is in addition to all other charges contained in the Customer’s applicable tariff schedule. A non-customer participant who chooses Option 1, will be issued a monthly invoice that reflects their designated fixed dollar per month amount. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 62-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-2 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 GREEN CLEAN ENERGY PURCHASEYOUR WAY PROGRAM RIDER (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 1: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY - FLEXIBLE APPLICABILITY For the purpose of the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible option, renewable energy will be in the form of RECs. Service under this scheduleoption is applicable to all Customers and non-customer participants who choose to participate in the Program. RENEWABLE ENERGY For the purpose of this schedule, renewable energy will be in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) from new renewable projects as defined by the Center for Resource Solutions Green- e Energy standard. Renewable energy will be sourced from projects located in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council’s geographic area of authority with preference given to projects located in Idaho Power’s service area and the northwest. Renewable energy types will be primarily wind but may include other certified types such as solar, geothermal, low-impact hydroelectric, landfill gas, and biomass. REC PURCHASE TERMS Customer participants will designate one of two billing options upon enrollment. Non-customer participants may only participate under Option 1. Option 1: Block Block Size: One Block equals 100 kWh of renewable energyRECs Charge Per Block: $1.00 per month Option 2: Total Usage Customers may purchase renewable energyRECs equal to their monthly usage each month at a price premium of 1.0 cent per billed kWh. Option 3: Large Purchase Option For purchases of 750 MWh or more per year, a tailored agreement may be developed based on individual Customer preference. Pricing and REC composition will be individually negotiated in a manner that ensures that the full cost of the REC contract is borne by the participating Customer(s). MONTHLY BILLING For a Customer who chooses Option 1, the monthly bill shall be the number of blocks the Customer has agreed to purchase multiplied by the Charge Per Block. For a Customer who chooses Option 2, the monthly bill shall be the Customer’s usage, times the price premium per kWh. For a Customer who chooses Option 3, the bill shall reflect the terms of the tailored agreement. The monthly Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 62-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-2 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho bill is in addition to all other charges contained in the Customer’s applicable tariff schedule. A non- customer participant who chooses Option 1, will be issued an monthly invoice that reflects their designated fixed dollar per monthpurchase amount. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION No funds collected from the Program RiderClean Energy Your Way – Flexible option may be used for program administration (program management). A portion of the funds may be used to support program communications, participant outreach, and marketing. QUALIFYING INITIATIVES In an effort to promote local project development and build awareness of renewable energy, if available, funds collected from the Program Rider but not otherwise required to meet program obligations may be distributed to support renewable demonstration projects at schools located in Idaho Power’s service area. Demonstration projects may include renewable generation systems, data monitoring, renewable energy curriculum, and teacher training. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Program participants may apply for, or terminate participation from, the Program anytime during the year. The Company may limit availability of the Program subject to available renewable power at the cost incurred under the terms described above. No electric service disconnections will result in the event of non-payment of program commitments. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 1: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – FLEXIBLE (Continued) QUALIFYING INITIATIVES In an effort to promote local project development and build awareness of renewable energy, if available, funds collected from the Program RiderClean Energy Your Way – Flexible option under REC Options 1 and 2 but not otherwise required to meet program obligations may be distributed to support renewable demonstration projects at schools located in Idaho Power’s service area. Demonstration projects may include renewable generation systems, data monitoring, renewable energy curriculum, and teacher training. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Program participants under Options 1 and 2 may apply for, or terminate participation from, the Program Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible offering anytime during the year. Participants under Option 3 will be subject to the terms of the individually negotiated contracts. The Company may limit availability of the Program subject to available renewable powerRECs at the cost incurred under the terms described above. No electric service disconnections will result in the event of non-payment of program commitments. SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION APPLICABILITY Clean Energy Your Way – Construction provides Schedule 19, Large Power Service, and Special Contract customers an option to buy energy sourced from new renewable projects connected within Idaho Power’s service area and delivered through Idaho Power’s transmission and distribution system. This offering is available to individual Customers at a single service point or multiple service points. Provision of the Construction option is contingent upon Idaho Power and the participating Customer(s) entering into a Renewable Construction Agreement. RESOURCE PROCUREMENT REF procurement will be negotiated by Idaho Power, in consultation with the Customer. REF characteristics such as generation type and size, construction timing, location, and ownership structure may vary based on the individual needs of the participating Customer(s) and to ensure non-participating Customers are held harmless. Customer(s) pursuing the Construction option cannot request to size the REF greater than 110 percent of the participating service point(s) annual energy amounts. For purposes Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho of determining annual energy amounts, if available, the most recent 12 months of historical usage will be used. For new customers, annual energy amounts may be based on a forecast. The Customer(s) will pay all costs associated with the REF, including but not limited to necessary studies related to resource acquisition, construction, and integration and interconnection of the resource with Idaho Power’s system. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-44 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION (Continued) CUSTOMER AGREEMENT AND BILLING STRUCTURE For each billing period, Customer(s) shall incur or receive the following charges/credits: 1. A participating Customer(s)’ Service Charge, Billing Demand, On-Peak Billing Demand, Basic Load Capacity, and other monthly charges will be charged at the standard rates, charges, and fees associated with the Customer’s applicable service schedule; 2. Net Consumption shall be charged at the standard rates, charges, and fees associated with the Customer’s applicable service schedule; 3. The REF On-Site Usage for Special Contract customers shall be charged at a rate in their respective service schedule and the REF On-Site Usage for Schedule 19 Customers shall be charged as follows: Fixed Cost Component of the Retail Energy Charge, per kWh Time Period Secondary Service Primary Service Transmission Service Summer On-Peak 3.6320 ¢ 2.4913 ¢ 2.4311 ¢ Summer Mid-Peak 2.2898 ¢ 1.4049 ¢ 1.3753 ¢ Summer Off-Peak 1.7156 ¢ 0.9503 ¢ 0.9258 ¢ Non-Summer Mid-Peak 1.9330 ¢ 1.1629 ¢ 1.1441 ¢ Non-Summer Off-Peak 1.4035 ¢ 0.7414 ¢ 0.7247 ¢ 4. Excess Generation shall be credited to the Customer at a rate contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement; 5. REF Cost as contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement; and, 6. REF Credit as contained in the Renewable Construction Agreement (if applicable). REC OWNERSHIP AND ADDITIONAL REC PROCUREMENT REC ownership will be negotiated on an individual Customer basis. A Customer may elect to take ownership of the REF’s RECs or elect for Idaho Power to retain ownership and retire the RECs on the Customer’s behalf. If the REF generation does not meet 100 percent of the Customer(s)’ consumption on a yearly basis, the Customer(s) may elect to enter into a separate REC purchase contract to cover the difference between REF generation and the Customer(s)’ consumption. Any separate REC purchase agreement will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 62-45 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35893 33570 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – August 15, 2023 October 28, 2016 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 62 CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) SECTION 2: CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY – CONSTRUCTION (Continued) TERMS AND CONDITIONS Idaho Power shall have the right to select and reject Program participants at its sole discretion based on criteria Idaho Power considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. The terms and term length of the Renewable Construction Agreement will be determined in a negotiation between Idaho Power and the Customer(s). The Renewable Construction Agreement will be subject to Commission approval. The REF generation cannot be used to offset a Customer(s)’ Basic Load Capacity, Billing Demand or On-Peak Billing Demand. The Renewable Construction Agreement must include a Customer(s) financial guarantee to cover stranded REF costs in the event of Customer default, dissolution, and/or relocation. The guarantee amount will be negotiated between the Customer(s) and Idaho Power based on the value of the REF to ensure stranded costs are not shifted to non-participants.