HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211110Application.pdfRTCT IVryJ I*:lH*Y lil Plt 2:23 If\*'' L "' ;:i; =I !'riri'i. i u. L. .ilr v ;T lt.t Itil:j ;i:ui;j,{lSfrO|\l sEm. Lisa D. Nordstrom AnD OOIpConEarry P.O. Box 70 (t3707) lzt W. ldrho 5t. Boisc, lD 6!1702 LISA D. NORDSTROTUI Lead Gounsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com November 10,2021 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Case No. IPC-E-21-39 Application of ldaho Power Company for Modification of the Fixed Cost Adjustment ('FCA") Mechan ism Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Aftached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, is ldaho Power Company's Application in the above entitled mafter. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Re &; !fl^t t..*, LDN:sg Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 L N ordstrom@ ida h opowe r. com Aftorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR MODIFICATION OF THE FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT ("FCA") M ECHAN tSM. CASE NO. IPC-E-21-39 APPLICATION ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powef or'Company"), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-502 and RP 052, and in response to ldaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission') directive in Order No. 35056,1 hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to issue an order authorizing modification of the Fixed Cost Adjustment ('FCA") mechanism to institute separate, and reduced, fixed cost tracking for customers as of January 1,2022 to be considered "newo customers. 1 ln the Mafter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Service from June 1, 2021 Through May 31, 2022, Case No. !PC-E-21{3, Order No. 35056, p. 11 (issued May 28,2021). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION - 1 Order No.35056 issued in Case No. IPC-E-21-03 instructed Idaho Powerto initiate discussions with interested parties and considerwhetherthe FCA should be modified and propose modifications, if appropriate, in advance of the next FCAfiling March2022. Since receiving that order, ldaho Power has engaged in discussions with Commission Staff ("Staff), the sole intervenor in Case No. IPC-E-2'|-03, to better understand Staffs concerns and to explore methods of addressing those concerns. The discussions between Staff and ldaho Power made clear that each party continues to have differing views as to what constitutes an appropriate FCA methodology. However, ldaho Power and Staff made significant efforts to establish a "middle ground" compromise that would resolve those differences in the near-term. The modifications to the FCA presented in this case reflect that middle ground and represent a meaningfulstep toward addressing Staffs FCA concerns.2 In reaching an agreement on the FCA modifications presented in this case, the Company and Staff recognize that a holistic rate design evaluation at the time of a general rate case may identify rate designs that further reduce the reliance on the FCA over time. ln the meantime, the Company and Staff agree that the FCA methodology as proposed in this case should remain in place until at least 2025, at which time, a formal review of the FCA could occur. ldaho Power and Staff support this recommendation and believe this case will provide an opportunity for other interested parties to review and comment on the proposal prior to the Commission making its final decision on the mafter. ln support of this Application, ldaho Power represents as follows: 2 Case No. IPC-E-21-03, Staff Comments, pp. 3€. APPLICATION - 2 I. BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power and the Commission have long agreed that promotion of cost- effective energy efficiency and DSM "is an integral part of least-cost electric service." See, e.9., Order No. 30267 at 13. Traditional rate design that recovers fixed costs through each kilowatt-hour ("kwh') sold presents a financialdisincentive that discourages utilities from reducing their sales volumes through investment in energy efficiency and DSM. 2. Recognizing that "opportunities exist[ed] for improvements in operating efficiency that would benefit the Company shareholders and its customers," the Commission opened an investigation in Case No. IPC-E-04-15 to consider options for a mechanism that adjusts revenues when annual energy consumption is either above or below normal. Order No. 29558 at 1, citing Order No. 29505 at 68-69. The FCA mechanism is the collaborative result of that case. 3. ln Order No.30267 issued in Case No. IPC-E-04-15 on March 12,2007, the Commission approved a stipulation for the implementation of a three-year FCA pilot program applicable to Residential Service (Schedules 1, 3, 4, and 5) and Small General Service (Schedule 7) customers. On October 1, 2009, the Company filed an application seeking authority to convert Schedule 54, Fixed Cost Adjustment ("Schedule 54"), from a pilot program to an ongoing, permanent schedule. Case No. IPC-E-09-28. The Commission denied Idaho Power's request to make the FCA mechanism permanent and, instead, extended the pilot program for an additional two-year period. Order No. 31063. During the fifth year of the pilot program, the Company filed an application in Case No. IPC-E-11-19 on October 19,2011, seeking authority to convert the FCA to an ongoing, permanent schedule. Order No. 32505, issued March 30,2012, approved the Company's request to convert the FCA to a permanent schedule for the Residential and Small APPLICATION.3 GeneralService ('R&SGS') customers. The Commission's subsequent Order No. 32731 in that case directed that the FCA mechanism continue with its existing methodology. 4. ln Order No. 33295 issued in Case No. IPC-E-14-17, the Commission approved a settlement stipulation that changed the methodology to calculate the level of actual fixed costs recovered used to determine the FCA. The modification to the calculation of the actuallevelof fixed costs recovered replaced weather-normalized billed sales with actualbilled sales and began with the determination of the 2015 FCA. 5. Staff has generally expressed three main concerns during the history of the FCA:3 1) The FCA balance has had an upward trend since the last general rate case that is likely to continue in the future, 2) the FCA captures changes in sales beyond energy efficiency achievement, and 3) since the 2011 general rate case the fixed costs have not been verified nor has the Fixed Cost per Customer (FCC') and Fixed Cost per Energy ("FCE") been updated. 6. The impact of the Company's DSM efforts and the fact that claimed DSM savings do not comprise the full scale of the Company's energy efficiency efforts or 3 Case No. IPC-E-21-03, Staff Comments, pp.3-6; ln the Mafter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Seruice from June 1, 2020 Through May 31, 2021 , Case No. IPC-E-20-14, Staff Comments, pp. 3-5; ln the Mafter of ldaho Povirer Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Seruice fuom June 1, 2019 Through May 31, 2020, Case No. IPC-E-19-10, Staff Comments, pp. 3-5; ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Service from June 1, 2018 Through May 31, 2019, Case No. IPC-E-I8-02, Staff Comments, pp. 46; ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Service from June 1 , 2017 Through May 31 , 2018, Case No. IPC-E-17-02, Staff Comments, pp. 2-5. APPLICATION - 4 resulting energy savings experienced by customersa along with the increases in the FCA deferral balance since 2011 demonstrate that the mechanism has produced the intended results. The FCC and FCE continue to represent costs from the most recent general rate case consistent with standard rate making principles where Commission-authorized amounts are included in rates set at a point in time. However, since the most recent general rate case, ldaho Power has made significant plant investment in excess of $1 billion that is not currently included in the FCC or FCE.s Considering this significant investment, a holistic review of all rates and consideration of cost-of-service allocation among the respective rate classes and rate design at the time of a general rate case may be appropriate to more completely evaluate FCA reliance and rates. 7. ln advance of filing the 2020 FCA deferralcase, IPC-E-21-03, the Company engaged with StafF on January 21,2021, and again on March 1,2021, to discuss Staffs concerns with the FCA as raised in previous filings, and the Company's position on each of the issues. ln response to the Commission's directive issued in Order No. 35056, ldaho Power continued discussions with Staff over the summer and fall o12021. The Company and Staff met on June 24, 2021, to discuss and consider Staffs position on near-term modification to the FCA, and to discuss how additional rate design analysis could build on work completed in Case No. IPC-E-18-16. Through subsequent discussion evaluating each pafi's respective positions, including additionaldiscussion on October 19,2021to a ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Seruice from June 1, 2021 Through May 31, 2022, Case No. IPC-E-21-03, Goralski Dl, pp. 4-8. 5 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to lmplement Fixed Cost Adjustment Rates for Hectric Servrbe from June 1, 2021 Through May 31, 2022, Case, No. IPC-E-21-03, Reply Comments, pp. 6-8. 6 ln the Company's two most recent FCA filings, Staff has been the sole intervening party APPLICATION - 5 align on modification final details, in November 2O2'l the Company and Staff aligned on the proposed FCA modifications presented in this case. II. PROPOSED FCA MODIFICATION 8. ln an effort to address Staffs long-standing concerns with the FCA, the Company proposes to institute separate, and reduced, fixed costtracking for new R&SGS customers added to ldaho Power's system starting January 1, 2022. Under this modification, the authorized level of fixed costs for new customers would exclude generation- and transmission-related fixed costs and continue to include distribution, and other customer-related costs as authorized fixed costs. The following table presents the proposed FCA rates for existing and new customers: Table 1. Prooosed FCA Rates - Existinq and New Customers Residential SmallGeneral Service FCC (Exr's ti ng C u sto m e r)$650.63 $360.57 FCC-Dist. (New Customer)$317.72 $256.29 9. As can be seen in Table 1, the allowed FCC applicable to new customers has been reduced by more than 50 percent for new residentialservice customers and by approximately 30 percent for new small general service customers. This change willserve to reduce the amount of FCA facilitated fixed cost recovery associated with investments that have not been audited and reviewed for prudence by the Commission. ln reaching alignment on the proposed modification to the FCC for new customers, the Company and Staff considered the following three points: 1) generation investments to serve new customers are most often relatively large and typically correspond with a genera! rate case or other revenue requirement proceeding, 2) while transmission investments typically occur in smaller increments than generation investments and track more closely with customer growth, transmission investments are not as closely tied to incremental APPLICATION.6 customer growth as distribution investment, and 3) distribution and other customer-driven investments to serve new customers occur in smaller increments that more closely align with customer growth between general rate cases. \Mrile this proposed change represents a reduction in eligible fixed cost recovery as compared to the current mechanism, the Company is optimistic that proposed FCA modification willstill provide a reasonable opportunity for the Company to recover the incrementa! cost of serving new R&SGS customers while promoting energy efficiency between general rate case proceedings. 10. The proposed FCA modification mechanics work identically for both the R&SGS classes. lf approved, the authorized FCC and FCE will be bifurcated between "existing'and "new" customers, with customers considered to be "new" starting January 1, 2022. Because the FCA is an annual mechanism, ldaho Power's annual average customer count will be compared to the 2021 average customer count to delineate between existing and new customers. 11. No change is proposed to the authorized FCC for existing customers which includes allfunctionalized fixed costs:generation, transmission, distribution and customer costs. The proposed FCA modification for new customers modifies the authorized fixed cost per new customer rate to exclude generation and transmission functionalized costs, and is comprised of distribution and customer fixed costs ("FCC-Dist"). The FCC and FCC-Dist are both established as part of determining the Company's authorized revenue requirement in its most recent general rate case. The FCC-Dist for the Residential class is $317.72, and for the Small General Service class is $256.29. Aftachment 1 to this APPLICATION. T Application is the workpaper for the derivation of the FCC-Dist utilizing the same inputs as the current FCA mechanism which was approved as a permanent program in2012.7 12. For both Residential and Small Genera! Service customers, "existing" customers will be the lower of 1) the class's 2021 annual average customers, or 2) that FCA year's class annual average customers. Annua! average customers in excess of 2021 annua! average customers wil! be considered "new." 13. To determine the "actual fixed costs recovered' amount, a similar modification is completed for new customers only. Existing customer FCE, as established in the Company's most recent general rate case, is unchanged and includes functionalized generation, transmission, distribution and customer fixed costs. The fixed cost per energy rate for new customers excludes generation and transmission functionalized costs and is comprised of distribution and customer fixed costs ('FCE- Dist"). As derived on Attachment 1, the FCE-Dist for Residential customers is $0.025199; for Small General Service customers it is $0.048783. 14. To determine annual billed sales attributable to existing and new customers, total class actual billed sales for the year are divided by total class average customers to establish that year's use-per-customer ('UPC") by class. The UPC is then multiplied by either existing or new average customers for that class to calculate the existing and new customer billed sales. 15. For each class, the sum of 1) the number of existing customers multiplied by the FCC, and 2) the number of new customers multiplied by the FCC-Dist, establishes 7 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authority to Convert Schedule 54 - Fixed Cost Adjustment - From a Pilot Schedule to an Ongoing, Permanent Schedule, Case No. IPC-E-1 1 -1 I, Youngblood Exhibit 2. APPLICATION - 8 the "authorized fixed cost recovery" amount. This authorized fixed cost recovery amount is then compared to the amount of fixed costs actually recovered by ldaho Power in the calendar year. "Actualfixed costs recovered" is the sum of 1) multiplying the actual billed sales for existing customers by the FCE, and 2) multiplying the actual billed sales for new customers by the FCE-Dist. The difference between these two numbers (the "authorized fixed cost recovery" amount minus the'actualfixed costs recovered" amount) is the fixed cost adjustment for each class. 16. The proposed FCA tariff, Schedule 54, is attached hereto as Attachments 2 (clean version) and 3 (legislative version) to this Application. 17. lmplementation of the modified FCA mechanism is proposed to go into effect for calculation of lhe 2022 FCA deferral, to be filed by ldaho Power March 2023 and will remain in place until modified by the Commission, but not prior to 2025. To remain compliant with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the Company accrues and reports the FCA on a monthly basis. The Company willsynchronize the methodology for monthly accrual and reporting for the modified FCA mechanism upon receipt of the Commission's Order approving the Company's Application. 18. As part of the discussions regarding the FCA and its stated purpose of removing financial disincentives to utility pursuit of DSM resources, the Company and Staff agreed that it would be reasonable for the Company to initiate a docket to explore potential incentive mechanisms that might better align customer and Company interests with regard to DSM resource acquisition. The Company has long held the belief this alignment would be best accomplished through three thoughtfully coordinated and implemented components: 1) timely recovery of expenditures, 2) recovery of reduction in authorized fixed costs collection embedded in volumetric rates, and 3) the opportunity to APPLICATION - 9 earn on DSM resource investments to meet customer load8. The Company's Energy Efficiency Rider and FCA address the first two components. A properly designed DSM incentive mechanism could address the third component and result in increased acquisition of cost-effective energy DSM resources, lower costs for customers and provide a reasonable financia! return to the Company when established performance metrics are achieved. III. HOLISTIC EVALUATION TO REDUCE FCA RELIANCE 19. The fundamental need forthe FCA stems from the limitations of the existing two-part volumetric rate design. The need for the FCA has not arisen in isolation from the Company's DSM efforts; it is necessary because the existing two-part rate design for R&SGS customers collects a significant portion of the class's fixed costs through the volumetric energy rates. \A/hen the Company's DSM efforts result in lower energy consumption, it has the greatest impact to fixed cost recovery in the R&SGS classes. While ldaho Power and Staff agreed that the proposa! presented in this case would not address rate design, ldaho Power believes the most effective long-term solution for addressing concerns with the FCA mechanism is to reduce reliance on the FCA through better aligning fixed cost recovery through rate design modifications. 20. Modiffing the existing two-part rate design, comprised of a Service Charge and Energy Charges, provides an opportunity to reduce FCA reliance without introducing new rate components outside of a general rate case. A Service Charge is intended to recover the costs of providing service for the sole action of being a customer for 8 Case No. IPC-E-11-19, ldaho Power Reply Comments at 2 (Mar 15,20121("From the Company's standpoint, ldaho Power has consistently advocated that there are three essential components to an effective business modelfor energy efficiency: (1) timely cost recovery; (2) the removal of financial disincentives; and (3) the opportunity to earn a return.') APPLICATION.lO components such as a meter and meter reading and billing costs. At the time of ldaho Power's most recent rate case, the filed cost-of-service analysis determined this amount to be approximately $20 per month for Residential customers, and $23 per month for SmallGeneral Service customers, meaning the existing $5 per month service charge only captures a small portion of customer-related costs identified through cost-of-service cost allocation. Table 2 below lists service (basic) charges among ldaho electric utilities. ldaho Power highlights that the current $5 per month rate is the lowest in the state, tied with Rocky Mountain Power who has proposed increasing to $8 per month starting in 2022.e lncreasing the monthly service charge to align with cost-causation would reduce reliance on the FCA, and impose a price signal similar to that imposed by ldaho municipal utilities on their customers. Table 2. ldaho Service (Basic) Charqes bv Electric Utilitv utiliw Residential Monthlv Service (Basicl Charse Avista s6.oo ldaho Power Ss.oo Rockv Mountain Power Ss.oo Rocky Mountoin Power (proposed 1.1.22)Se.oo City of Burley Sr+.zs City of ldaho Falls (ldaho Falls Power)S18.oo Cleanrvater Power Company S33.7s ldaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, lnc.s2s.so Kootenai Electric Coop lnc s32.s0 Lost River Electric Cooperative, lnc.s23.s0 Northern Liehts, lnc (single phase)s30.00 Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, lnc. (Raft Division)Szz.so Salmon River Electric Cooperative, lnc. (0-200 Amp)S4o.oo United Electric Co-op, lnc.s17.00 As ol September 27, 2027 e ln the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to lncrease ifs Rates and Charges in ldaho and Approvalof Proposed Electic Seryrbe Schedu/es and Regulations, Case No. PAC- E-21-07, Meredith, Dl, p. 16. (Filed March 12,202'l). APPLICATION - 11 21. Idaho Power believes that better aligning fixed cost recovery through rate design modification is the most appropriate way to reduce reliance on the FCA. For illustrative purposes, ldaho Power evaluated FCA impact if the monthly service charge was increased from the current $5 per month to $10 per month for Residentialcustomers. The increase to the service charge would have reduced FCA reliance by approximately $3.6 million, or nearly 10 percent for the 2020 Residential FCA. 22. ldaho Power will continue to work with the Commission Staff and other interested parties to explore rate design solutions that may improve fixed cost collection and reduce the future reliance on the FCA. IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 23. ldaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. V. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 24. ln the Company's two most recent FCA filings,lo Staff has been the sole intervening party. Idaho Power believes initiating this docket will provide other interested parties the venue to engage in evaluation of the proposed FCA modification. The proposed modification is a stand-alone case separate from the Company's annua! Application to implement FCA rates for the upcoming year. While Staff and ldaho Power have typically been the main parties involved in the annual FCA filing, ldaho Power has also served this Application upon the ldaho Conservation League, who has been an l0CaseNos. IPC-E-20-14filed March 13,2020, and IPC-E-21-03filed March 15,202'l APPLICATION - 12 intervening pafi in this matter in prior years. lssuance of the Commission's Notice of Application in this matter will provide notice to other interested parties which may wish to intervene. 25. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Connie G. Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) 1221 West ldaho Street (837021 P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Boise, ldaho 83707 lnordstrom@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com pqoralski@idahopower.com VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 26. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order (1) authorizing that this matter be processed by Modified Procedure and (2) authorizing ldaho Power to modiff the Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanism to bifurcate the authorized fixed costs between existing and new customers, with customers starting January 1, 2022 lo be considered'new" customers. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 1Oth day of November 2021. X;!.fl"t-t -*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Aftorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION.13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 10h day of November 2021 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff John Hammond Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., BIdg No.8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 ldaho Gonservation League Benjamin J. Ott 710 N 6h Street Boise, lD 83701 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email iohn.hammond@puc.idaho.qov FTP Site _ Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAXX E-mail: botto@idahoconservation.orq eL."J= Stacy Gust, Reg u latory Administrative Assista nt APPLICATION - 14 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-21-39 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 FCA MODIFICATION WORKPAPER ut0tffiooPlf,Y Oir.alFra ot Frf Od f.|uur i-IltTdYr A I g thr Xo SCt a.. lhalbn! T..ftsdrdubt ih. ,,11 Ag ifrs..dq*al 2olt td- tL.rfrd 0iltl O0iaoi hdcd TrniLlo Fhdcd O-f.adr nd clfrr Ftad cai Td FtadCd tudcd @SmodcctStrdRarD R{il.ficrSlrtr+.Ilrfl* tuaclsf, Iod R.dccthmrtdn ElECtd.. fadd.irLl Salc. r.loado.r I tmdcmlsudc.a tfrlcmllIblropo.tloo tgtttItt t ro,Srr,o a,f,rltT t2.'lr 2tltl 1rltta6,5'r0 tr.als tt arlra2 L.ia'. rrr6oF20 53,il 100.oI 4snnlt.gl sr6,0t6,tx 920,55t8.2* rlL5,520 !D.Oa (319r2r1 r,rorraS ror2a660 OdcL0d Foc CloL6C FCf ffi! Dl*lllrt6 FL docf DLttlda coaFb{dc.IgmC nimtm ffitullf T.tl hadCd Rarutm m l.A l.l tre lElrGE L.I{oal oalttttrlatflan I ilJ'f ffi fh.Lh.Ah L3,4 7 Sa,b tlcfrtl gtrdlG.ml5.n6! I 9,109,692 (2oJrrl ,'mB,lt3 o tE.,,6285 7,fi,Oz:' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-39 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED SCHEDULE 54 TARIFF (Clean Format) ldaho Power Company Fifth Revised Sheet No. 5,4-1 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 54-1 SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABIL!TY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retailCustomers receiving service under Schedules 1,3, 4,5, or 6 (Residentia! Service) or under Schedules 7 and 8 (Small General Service). Customers added to ldaho Power's system starting January 1, 2022 will be considered new customers, all other customers are considered existing customers. FIXED COST PER CUSTOMER RATE The Fixed Cost per Customer rate (FCC) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residentia! and Small General Service Customers by the average number of Residential and Small General Seruice customers, respectively. The Fixed Cost per Customer Distribution rate (FCC-Dist) is determined by dividing the Company's distribution and customer fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service Customers by the average number of Residential and Small Genera! Service Customers, respectively. Residential FCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Residential FCC-Dist Effective Date January 1,2022 Small General Service FCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Small General Service FCC-Dist Effective Date January 1,2022 Rate $650.63 per Customer Rate $317.72 per Customer Rate $360.57 per Customer Rate $256.29 per Customer FIXED COST PER ENERGY RATE The Fixed Cost per Energy rate (FCE) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service customers by the weather-normalized energy load for Residential and SmallGeneral Service customers, respectively. The Fixed Cost per Energy Distribution rate (FCE-Dist) is determined by dividing the Company's distribution and customer fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service customers by the weather-normalized energy load for Residential and Small General Service customers, respectively. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2022 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 54-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 54-2 SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) FIXED COST PER ENERGY RATE (Continued) ResidentialFCE Effective Date January 1,2012 Residential FCE-Dist Effective Date January 1,2022 Small General Service FCE Effective Date January 1,2012 Smal! Genera! Service FCE-Dist Effective Date January 1,2022 Rate 5.1602i, per kWh Rate 2.5199i, per kWh Rate 6.86330 per kWh Rate 4.8783$ per k\Mr ALLOWED FIXED COST RECOVERY AMOUNT The Allowed Fixed Cost Recovery amount is computed by summing 1) the product of the average number of existing Residentia! and Small General Service customers multiplied by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCC rate and 2) the product of the average number of new Residential and Small General Service customers multiplied by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCC-Dist rate. The Actual Fixed Costs Recovered amount is computed by summing 1) the product of the actual energy load for existing Residential and Small General Service customers multiplied by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCE rate and 2) the product of the actual energy load for new Residential and Smal! Genera! Service customers multiplied by the appropriate Residentia! and Small General Service FCE-Dist rate. FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT The Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) is the difference between the Allowed Fixed Cost Recovery Amount and the Actual Fixed Costs Recovered Amount divided by the estimated weather-normalized energy load for the following year for Residential and Small General Service Customers. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Residential Service (Schedules 1 ,3, 4,5, and 6) is 0.7008 cents per k\Mt. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Small General Service (Schedules 7 and 8) is 0.8864 cents per kWh. EXPIRATlON The Fixed Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31 ,2022 !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective -January 1, 2022 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-39 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 PROPOSED SCHEDULE 54 TARIFF (Legislative Format) ldaho Power Gompany eeu*nfftn Revised Sheet No. 54-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Thir4Fourth Revised Sheet No. 54-1 SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICAB!L!TY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers receiving service under Schedules 1 ,3, 4,5, or 6 (Residential Service) or under Schedules 7 and 8 (Small General Service). Customers added to ldaho Power's svstem startino January 1. 2022 will be considered new customers. all other customers are considered existino customers. FIXED COST PER CUSTOMER RATE The Fixed Cost per Customer rate (FCC) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residential and Small Genera! Service Customers by the average number of Residential and Small General Service customers, respectively. The Fixed Cost per Customer Distribution rate (FCC-Dist) is determined bv dividino the Comoanv's distribution and customer fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service Customers bv the averaoe number of Residential and Small General Service Customers. respectivelv. ResidentialFCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Residential FCC-Dist Rate $650.63 per Customer RateEffective Date .lanrrarv 1 )O?)5317.72 oer Customer Small General Service FCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Small General Service FCC-Dist Rate $360.57 per Customer RateEffective Date .lanrrarv ?o?21 S256 29 oer Customer FIXED COST PER ENERGY RATE The Fixed Cost per Energy rate (FCE) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residential and Smal! General Service customers by the weather-normalized energy load for Residential and Small General Service customers, respectively. The Fixed Cost per Enerqv Distribution rate (FCE-Dist) is determined bv dividino the Comoanv's distribution and customer fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service customers bv the weather-normalized enerov load for Residential and Small General Service customers, respectivelv. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€@16Effective-@ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company feu*+finn Revised Sheet No. 54-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Thir4Fourth Revised Sheet No. 54-1 R€€id€+*ial+CE January 11 2013 5,16036 per kWh January 1;3012 6,8633f per kWh The Allewed Fixed Gest Reeevery ameunt ie eemputed by rnultiplying the average number ef S€n i€e+€€:r€ter IDAHO lssued per Order No.€4e46Effective-@ Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Afiairs 1221 West ldaho Slreet, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company@Revised Sheet No. 54-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 1O1Tr*elfthThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 54-2 SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) FIXED COST PER RATE (Continrred) ResidentialFCE Effective Date Rate Januarv 1.2012 5.1602d oer kWh Residential FCE-Dist Effective Date Januarv 1.2022 2.51996 oer kWh Small General Seruice FCF Effective Date Rate January 1.2012 6.8633d per kWh Small General Service FCE-Dist Effective Date Rate Januarv 1.2022 A A7A3d. ner kWh ALLOWED FIXED COST RECOVERY AMOUNT The Allowed Fixed Cost Recoverv amount is computed bv summino 1) the product of the averaoe number of existino Residential and Small General Service customers multiplied bv the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCC rate and 2) the product of the averaoe number of new Residential and Small General Service customers multiplied bv the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCC-Dist rate. The Actual fEixed eCosts Recovered amount is computed by summinq 1) the product of mu*iptying-the actual energy load for existinq Residential and Small Genera! Service customers multiplied by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCE rate and 2) the oroduct of the actual enerqv load for new Residential and Small General Service customers multiplied bv the approoriate Residential and Small General Service FCE-Dist rate. FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT The Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) is the difference between the Allowed Fixed Cost Recovery Amount and the Actual Fixed Costs Recovered Amount divided by the estimated weather-normalized energy load for the following year for Residential and Small General Service Customers. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Residentia! Service (Schedules 1 ,3, 4,5, and 6) is 0.7008 cents per k\Mr. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Small General Service (Schedules 7 and 8) is 0.8864 cents per k\Mr. EXPIRATION Rate IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5056 Ef fective -luaee@. JP1YZryJ-ZOZZ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Pcnrer Compan@ised Sheet No. 542 Caneb !.P.U.C. No, 29. TadfiNo. l0lnrplHThirteenth Revised Sheet No.54-2 The Fixed CostAdjustnent included on this schedubwillexpire May 31, 2022. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5058 Efredive lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice Fresident, RegulatoryAffairs 1221 West ldaho Sfeet, Boise, ldaho