HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211222Comments.pdfTAYLOR BROOKS DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITMS COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 11542 iii:IIlVLfJ ,'':ir:Ii ii Fi{ 2:28 .' t[]i i1ni:, ,,: .,,, 1. t-tLtLtr I :: ;l ;,.: I :li_.iril,{lSSiOl{ Street Address for Express Mail: I 133I W CHTNDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAIIO POWER COMPAI\TY'S APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION OF TIIE POWER COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM CASE NO. IPC-E.2I.38 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COME NOW the Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ("Staff') by and through its Attorney of record, Taylor Brooks, Deputy Attorney General, and submits the following comments: BACKGROUND On November 4, 202l,Idaho Power Company ("Company") applied to the Commission seeking authorization to simplify its power cost adjustrnent ("PCA") mechanism by replacing the "true-up" and "true-up of the true-up" comlrcnents of the PCA with a balancing account- combining the two true-up components into one balancing account rate. The Company requested that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure and requested a March 3l,zDz2,effective date for the proposed modification to the PCA. The Commission has approved modifications to the PCA over time to ensure the mechanism achieves its desired purpose of providing consistency and stability to rates. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER22,2O2I The current PCA mechanism includes three separately calculated rates: (l) the forecast rate; (2) the "true-up" rate; and (3) the "true-up of the true-up" rate which is designed to ensure that the Company neither over nor under-recovers its share of the variance in net power supply expenses ("NPSE-).1 The Company represents that this proposed change does not affect the overall cost recovery under the PCA, except that the current mechanism with the true-up components excludes interest from the carrying charges cumulative prior month balance of the balancing account and the balancing account modification will include interest from the carrying charges cumulative prior month balance- The Company's proposed changes also necessitate modiffing its rate Schedule 55 Power Cost Adjustment. STAF'F'REVIEW Staff has reviewed the proposed modifications to the PCA mechanism and recommends that the Commission approve the modifications as filed in the Application. Staff supports the modifications because they make the PCA easier to understand, more transparent relative to the mechanism's intent, and is mathematically equivalent to the existing method with the exception of a minor difference in how interest is calculated. Staffhas also reviewed the revised Schedule 55 tariffprovided with the Application and supports the proposed changes to the tariff. In Order No. 35054, the Commission ordered the Company to initiate discussions with interested parties to review the PCA mechanism and determine whether it should be modified. Order No. 35054, pp. 4-5. Staff, as the only responding party, provided the Company with two suggested improvements for the PCA mechanism. The first improvement Staffsuggested to the Company was to eliminate the "true-up" and the "true-up of the true-up" accounts and replace them with a base-to-actual deferral and a single balancing account. Staffbelieves combining the two accounts into one account simplifies the PCA mechanism. Staffhas reviewed the differences between the two-account method and the single balancing account method and determined that the two methods are mathematically equivalent except for the calculation of interest. I See Order No. 35054, p.l -2 2STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBERZZ,2A2I ln the Application, the Company calculated the 2020-2021 PCA using the proposed method. The results were identical except for a difference of $505.38 artributed to the calculation of interest. Staff agrees with the Company that this difference between the two methods is immaterial. The Company's proposal to combine the two'true-up" rates into one "balancing account" aligns with Staff s first suggested improvements. The second improvement Staffsuggested to the Company was to eliminate the collection ofthe forecast rate revenue from the base-to-actual defenal and to place it in the balancing account as a line item along with other PCA revenue collections. By only including the base-to-actual differences in the deferral, it provides transparency and quantification related to the primary purpose of the PCA.2 This deferral amount is what should ultimately be collected through the PCA rates associated with net power supply expense. Staff believes that including the forecast collections in the defenal hides the intent of the PCA and places the focus on the accuracy of the previous year's forecast relative to base-to-actual differences. Both the purpose of the forecast and the forecast rate allow the Company to recover the following year's base-to-actual differences as they occur. Since the forecast is just another way to collect the base-to-actual differences, Staff does not believe the forecast should be the primary focus of the PCA.3 Staff discussed the issue of transparency and format of the PCA on several occasions in the past and informally agreed to address them at a later time. The Company's proposed modifications in this Application adequately address Staffs concerns. The Company's proposed modifications make the PCA easierto understand and aligns the format of the recovery mechanism with those used by other ldaho Electric Utilities. It is reasonable to make the changes effective on or before March 31,2022,to have the changes in place before the next PCA is filed. CUSTOMER NOTICE No notice is required because the Company is not proposing an increase in rates. Customers were given until December 22,2021, to file comments. As of December 21, 2021, no customer comments were filed. 2 The purpose of the PCA is to "ensure the amount recovered is no more or less than the actual power costs paid by the Company." See Order Nos. 30828 and 33049. 3 See Company's Application, at Attachment I which provides an example of the modified workpaper. aJSTAFF COMMENTS DECEMBERZZ,2O2I STAtrI'RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends the Commission approve the modifications as filed in the Application with an effective date on or before March 31,2022. Staffalso recommends Schedule 55 be approved as fild. MLRespectfully submitted this ZZ day of December 2021. Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Michael Eldred I(attry Stockton Curtis Thaden i:umisc./oomcdipe2 I 3tttoddsct oomments 4STAIry COMMENTS DECEMBER 22,2021 CERTM'ICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 22"d DAY OF DECEMBER 202I, SERVED TI{E FOREGOING COMMENTS OF TIIE COMITfiSSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E.2I.38, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO TIIE FOLLOWING: LISANORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordsfiom@idahopower.com dockets@ idatropower. com MATT LARKIN IDAHO POWER COMPA}IY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: mlarkin@idahooower.com manni s @ idahopower. com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE