HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211001Nesbitt Direct.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO MODIFY ITS DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-21-32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF QUENTIN NESBITT NESBITT, DI 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name and business address. 1 A. My name is Quentin Nesbitt and my business 2 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. 3 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 4 A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company (“Idaho 5 Power” or “Company”) as the Customer Research and Analysis 6 Leader in the Customer Relations and Energy Efficiency 7 Department. I am responsible for overseeing the Company’s 8 analysis and reporting of all Demand-Side Management 9 (“DSM”) programs. I have been directly involved in the 10 operation of the Company’s Demand Response (“DR”) programs 11 in prior roles and was tasked to lead the team to redesign 12 them for the future based on my prior experience. 13 Q. Please describe your educational background. 14 A. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 15 Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho in 16 1989 and received my Professional Engineering license in 17 1992. 18 Q. Please describe your work experience with 19 Idaho Power. 20 A. I began my employment with Idaho Power in 1991 21 as an Agricultural Representative in the Company’s Energy 22 Management Department where I was responsible for providing 23 customer service to irrigation and agricultural customers. 24 Later in 1991, I was promoted to an engineering position 25 NESBITT, DI 2 Idaho Power Company where I provided technical support for Idaho Power 1 Agricultural Representatives. This involved DSM program 2 design and operation, pump testing, new service requests, 3 investigation of high bills, and irrigation system 4 evaluation and consultation. In 2002, the department was 5 reorganized as the Customer Relations Department, and I 6 took on additional duties as the agricultural customer 7 segment advocate/expert where I coordinated Company 8 activities that affected agricultural customers. In October 9 of 2014, I was promoted to Energy Efficiency Program Leader 10 and was responsible for overseeing the Company’s Commercial 11 and Industrial (“C&I”) and Irrigation DSM programs. In June 12 of 2020, I accepted my current position as Customer 13 Research and Analysis Leader. 14 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? 15 A. The purpose of my testimony is to explain the 16 Company’s proposed modifications to its DR programs that 17 will allow them to more effectively meet system needs. This 18 is based on updated analyses and methodologies used in the 19 Company’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”) planning 20 process and discussed in further detail in Mr. Ellsworth’s 21 testimony. 22 My testimony will (1) provide a history and 23 background of the current DR programs, (2) discuss the 24 proposed program changes to meet the highest-risk hours 25 NESBITT, DI 3 Idaho Power Company identified in the Loss of Load Expectation (“LOLE”) and 1 Effective Load Carrying Capability (“ELCC”) analyses 2 adopted for use in the upcoming 2021 IRP, and (3) outline 3 the Company’s proposed method for evaluating the cost-4 effectiveness of DR. 5 I. CURRENT DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS 6 Q. How does Idaho Power design its DR programs? 7 A. The Company’s DR programs are designed to 8 minimize or delay the need to build new supply-side 9 resources. The DR programs are intended to reduce peak-hour 10 electricity demand, thus minimizing the need for selecting 11 supply-side alternatives that would only be needed for a 12 few hours. These potential hours typically occur during low 13 hydro generation and high load events, and the programs are 14 designed to be available to meet potential system capacity 15 deficits during these hours. The deficits are expected to 16 be relatively large in magnitude but short in duration. 17 Therefore, Idaho Power has determined it can be cost-18 effective for its customers to utilize DR programs rather 19 than building a supply-side resource that would only be 20 required to operate for a small number of hours. 21 Q. What are the DR programs the Company offers 22 and when were they established? 23 A. Idaho Power offers three DR programs available 24 to each of the three major customer classes. The first 25 NESBITT, DI 4 Idaho Power Company program is the residential Air Conditioner (“A/C”) Cool 1 Credit Program that was started as a pilot in 2002 and 2 fully implemented in 2003. Customers’ A/C units, or heat 3 pumps, are controlled using switches that communicate via 4 powerline carrier, and the units are cycled by the Company 5 during an event to reduce load. 6 The second program is the C&I Flex Peak Program 7 (“Flex Peak”) that started in 2009 and was originally 8 managed by a third-party contractor. Idaho Power took over 9 full administration of the program in 2015, and C&I 10 customers that can offer load reduction of at least 20 11 kilowatts (“kW”) are eligible to participate. Participants 12 manually reduce their nominated load when Idaho Power calls 13 an event since direct load control devices are not utilized 14 within this program. 15 Last is the Irrigation Peak Rewards Program offered 16 to Schedule 24, Agricultural Irrigation Service, customers 17 in the Company’s service area. This program was established 18 in 2004 and allows the Company to interrupt irrigation 19 pumps during called events. It is Idaho Power’s largest DR 20 program in terms of capacity, and customers can participate 21 with either a manual or automatic dispatch option based on 22 the configuration of their equipment. 23 Q. Please summarize the recent demand reduction 24 and associated program costs of the Company’s DR programs. 25 NESBITT, DI 5 Idaho Power Company A. Idaho Power’s DR portfolio capacity and costs 1 for the last five summer seasons are found in Table 1 2 below. As reported in the DSM Annual Reports since 2016, 3 the individual DR programs and the overall DR portfolio 4 have been cost-effective each year. 5 Table 1: 5-Year Summary of Demand Response Load Reduction, 6 Capacity and Cost by Jurisdiction 7 Year  System  Max Load  Reduction  (MW)  Idaho  Capacity  (MW)  Oregon  Capacity  (MW)  System  Capacity  (MW)  Idaho Total  Cost  Oregon  Total Cost  Total  System  Cost  2020 336 346 20 366 $7,296,376 $418,536 $7,714,912  2019 333 376 21 397 $7,808,979 $467,217 $8,276,196  2018 359 367 16 383 $7,887,176 $282,243 $8,169,419  2017 383 374 20 394 $8,339,892 $477,637 $8,817,529  2016 378 372 20 392 $8,960,263 $511,104 $9,471,367  8 Q. Please provide an overview of how the current 9 framework for the DR programs was established. 10 A. In December of 2012, prompted by the lack of 11 potential near-term peak-hour deficits identified in the 12 load and resource balance analysis prepared for the 2013 13 IRP, Idaho Power filed a request in Idaho (Case No. IPC-E-14 12-29) for authority to temporarily suspend two of its 15 three DR programs (A/C Cool Credit and Irrigation Peak 16 Rewards). In February of 2013, the Company filed the same 17 request in Oregon (Tariff Advice No. 13-04). The Flex Peak 18 program (previously called FlexPeak Management) was not 19 impacted by the Company’s request because it was under 20 contract with a third-party administrator at the time. 21 NESBITT, DI 6 Idaho Power Company During the suspension of the two Idaho Power DR 1 programs, the Company worked with stakeholders in both 2 Idaho and Oregon through a collaborative workshop process 3 to evaluate and identify the best long-term solution for 4 either continuation or discontinuation of all three of 5 Idaho Power’s DR programs. This process resulted in 6 settlement agreements being reached in both states.1,2 7 The settlement approved by the Idaho Public 8 Utilities Commission (“Commission”) in Order No. 32923 will 9 be referred to as the Settlement Agreement. 10 Q. How does the Settlement Agreement dictate how 11 the DR programs currently operate? 12 A. Most notably, the Settlement Agreement 13 includes several program specific requirements, including 14 marketing limitations, the method for determining cost-15 effectiveness, and the Term of the Stipulation, as outlined 16 below.3 17 This Agreement shall be in effect 18 beginning on the date it is approved by 19 the Commission and shall apply to Idaho 20 Power's DR Programs for 2014 and beyond 21 until a change occurs in Idaho Power's 22 system operations or cost-effectiveness 23 of a DR Program that would warrant 24 1 In the Matter of the Continuation of Idaho Power Company’s (A/C Cool Credit, Irrigation Peak Rewards, and Flex Peak Demand Response Programs for 2014 and Beyond, Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Order No. 32923 (Nov 12, 2013). 2 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company Staff Evaluation of the Demand Response Programs, Docket No: UM 1653, Order No. 13-482 (Dec 19, 2013). 3 Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Attachment 2, pp. 2-3 (Oct 2, 2013). NESBITT, DI 7 Idaho Power Company reevaluation of the Agreement’s terms. In 1 such event Idaho Power will consult its 2 Energy Efficiency Advisory Group 3 ("EEAG") and then make an appropriate 4 filing at the Commission. Similarly, a 5 party to this Agreement, may petition the 6 Commission to open a docket to reevaluate 7 the terms of this Agreement if Idaho 8 Power experiences a change in system 9 operations or the cost-effectiveness of 10 a DR Program so warrants. 11 As more fully described in Mr. Ellsworth’s 12 testimony, the Company believes it has experienced a change 13 in system need and operations since the Settlement 14 Agreement in 2013 and is therefore opening this case to 15 make necessary modifications to the DR programs. 16 Q. Have there been any major changes to the 17 Company’s DR programs since the Settlement Agreement in 18 2013? 19 A. There have not been significant changes to the 20 three DR programs in terms of how they operate from a 21 dispatchability perspective. However, a major change 22 occurred in 2015 when the Company took over the 23 administration of the Flex Peak Program from a third-party 24 administrator.4 This was done to increase administrative 25 efficiency, reduce the program’s cost to customers, and 26 provide transparency into the incentives paid to customers. 27 4 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company’s Application for Approval of New Tariff Schedule 82, a Commercial and Industrial Demand-Response Program (Flex Peak Program), Case No. IPC-E-15-03, Order No. 33292 (May 7, 2015). NESBITT, DI 8 Idaho Power Company II. Proposed Program Changes 1 Q. What are the overall parameter changes being 2 proposed to the Company’s three DR programs? 3 A. As informed by the LOLE and ELCC analyses 4 explained in Mr. Ellsworth’s testimony, the proposed 5 changes to the DR program parameters are meant to align the 6 programs to more effectively meet high-risk hours. Table 2 7 below summarizes the primary program components and 8 highlights the overall proposed parameter changes to the 9 Company’s DR portfolio. The available event days and 10 available event times vary slightly between individual 11 programs, but the table includes the full windows for all 12 programs combined. 13 Table 2: General Summary of Proposed DR Program Parameter 14 Changes 15 Parameter Current Program Proposed Program Change  Season June 15th to August 15th  June 15th to September  15th  Season end date extended  1 month to September  15th  Available Event  Days Weekdays and Saturdays  No Sundays or Holidays  (July 4th) Weekdays and Saturdays No Sundays or Holidays  (July 4th & Labor Day) No Change  Includes the additional  Labor Day Holiday under  the expanded season  Available Event  Times  1:00pm to 9:00pm 3:00pm to 11:00pm Shifted start and end  times by 2 hours  Event Maximum Maximum 4 Hours per  Day Maximum 4 Hours per  Day No Change  Weekly  Maximum No More than 15 Hours  in a Week No More than 16 Hours  in a Week Increased weekly  maximum by 1 hour  Minimum  Season Events 3 Events 3 Events No Change  Season  Maximum Maximum 60 Hours for  Program Season Maximum 60 Hours for  Program Season No Change  16 NESBITT, DI 9 Idaho Power Company Q. Please explain the rationale for each of the 1 overall changes. 2 A. The ELCC analysis showed that the program 3 season and the available event times were the variables 4 that had the largest impact on increasing the effectiveness 5 of the DR programs. Therefore, the program season was 6 extended one month from August 15th to September 15th to 7 capture high-risk hours later in the summer, and the 8 available event times were shifted two hours to capture the 9 shift in the highest-risk hours occurring later in the 10 evening. It is expected that as renewable resources, such 11 as solar, are added to the system, high-risk hours will 12 occur later in the day. 13 The weekly maximum hours the DR programs are 14 available were adjusted by one hour (from fifteen hours per 15 week to sixteen hours per week) to increase effectiveness 16 and to better align with the event duration maximum of four 17 hours. This change maximizes the availability of weekly DR 18 dispatch that Idaho Power’s Load Serving Operations (“LSO”) 19 group can utilize. 20 The available event days, the event maximum, the 21 minimum season events, and the season maximum are all 22 parameters that remain unchanged, as specified in Table 2. 23 Modifying these parameters were found to have a minimal 24 impact on increasing the ELCC of DR. 25 NESBITT, DI 10 Idaho Power Company Q. Did the Company engage any stakeholders during 1 the development of the proposed changes? 2 A. Yes. The Company has held ten formal 3 touchpoints, plus several informal conversations with 4 stakeholders, to solicit feedback on the proposed DR 5 programs. The Company also conducted a customer survey with 6 current and potential DR program participants, which will 7 be discussed in further detail later in my testimony. Table 8 3 below shows the dates the Company engaged with Staff, 9 EEAG, the Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council 10 (“IRPAC”), and customer groups during the process. Please 11 reference Exhibit No. 2 to my testimony for the invitations 12 to the customer seminars that were sent to all existing 13 Flex Peak and Irrigation Peak Rewards participants. 14 Table 3: Formal Stakeholder Engagement Touchpoints 15 Stakeholder Group Date  IRPAC Meeting April 8, 2021  Energy Efficiency Advisory Group Meeting May 5, 2021  Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Discussion July 7, 2021  Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Discussion August 9, 2021  Oregon Public Utility Commission Staff Discussion August 9, 2021  IRPAC Meeting August 10, 2021  EEAG Meeting  August 12, 2021  Flex Peak Program Customer Seminar August 31, 2021  Irrigation Peak Rewards Customer Seminar August 31, 2021  Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association (“IIPA”) Meeting September 10, 2021  16 Throughout the meetings, Idaho Power explained the 17 need for modifications to the DR programs, presented the 18 program parameters the Company was proposing to change, and 19 provided opportunities for stakeholder questions and input 20 NESBITT, DI 11 Idaho Power Company regarding the changes the Company was considering. The 1 Company also discussed the proposed approach to evaluating 2 cost-effectiveness with both Idaho and Oregon Commission 3 Staff. 4 Q. What feedback did the Company receive from 5 customers at the seminars held on August 31, 2021? 6 A. Generally, customers indicated they understood 7 the need for the program changes during the Flex Peak 8 seminar. One Flex Peak participant shared that their 9 ability to provide load reduction may be less during later 10 hours, because their operations wind down at the end of the 11 day, indicating it may be more difficult to achieve the 12 same amount of reduction they have historically provided 13 during the earlier hours. Another participant indicated 14 that other utilities offer shorter windows for events 15 (i.e., two hours instead of four hours), and one 16 participant asked clarifying questions about the day-of-17 adjustment component of the baseline calculation. The 18 reasoning behind the minimum number of events was also 19 discussed. 20 The Irrigation Peak Rewards participants asked 21 several clarifying questions in their seminar about the 22 program parameters, whether they can opt into certain 23 participation time blocks, if time blocks will vary 24 throughout the season, how the incentives are calculated 25 NESBITT, DI 12 Idaho Power Company and provided to participants, whether new pump sites will 1 be allowed to participate, and clarifying questions about 2 program notice requirements. 3 Program Dispatch Hours 4 Q. Did the Company receive additional feedback 5 from participants after the August 31, 2021 customer 6 seminars? 7 A. Yes. The IIPA contacted the Company and 8 requested an additional meeting to be held on September 10, 9 2021. After the Company presented its proposed program 10 approach, the IIPA suggested the Company look at the 11 effectiveness of having Irrigation Peak Rewards 12 participants split into groups based on dispatch times. 13 This included a group that would have a defined end time 14 and another group that would be available for all hours of 15 the proposed event time period. The suggestion was based on 16 the IIPA indicating that certain customers may prefer to 17 have a more defined time block due to their specific 18 irrigation equipment setup. 19 Q. Based on the IIPA’s suggestion, did Idaho 20 Power evaluate other dispatch design options? 21 A. Yes. The Company conducted an analysis using 22 three different scenarios that incorporated irrigation 23 groups in three additional ways. These scenarios were all 24 different from the original scenario the Company evaluated 25 NESBITT, DI 13 Idaho Power Company in its ELCC analysis described in Mr. Ellsworth’s testimony 1 but were evaluated using the same methodology. The three 2 alternative design concepts were (1) all irrigation groups 3 being available from 6:00pm to 10:00pm, (2) a large portion 4 of the program capacity being available from 6:00pm to 5 10:00pm with a smaller portion occurring for four hours 6 sometime between 3:00pm and 11:00pm, and (3) a large 7 portion of capacity being available for four hours sometime 8 between 3:00pm and 9:00pm with a smaller portion occurring 9 for four hours sometime between 3:00pm and 11:00pm. 10 The results showed that each different scenario 11 reduced the overall effectiveness of the program in a 12 significant way. The third option had the least impact but 13 still had a reduction in effectiveness of approximately 10 14 percent. However, it is important to note that the 15 effectiveness of the third option would likely get worse 16 over time as more variable resources are added to Idaho 17 Power’s system, causing the hours from 9:00pm to 11:00pm to 18 become more critical. For this reason, Idaho Power is 19 proposing Irrigation Peak Rewards customers participate in 20 one of two possible options: (1) four hours sometime 21 between 3:00pm and 10:00pm, or (2) four hours sometime 22 between 3:00pm and 11:00pm. Having two options is 23 consistent with the current Irrigation Peak Rewards program 24 NESBITT, DI 14 Idaho Power Company where participants can elect to participate until 8:00pm or 1 9:00pm. 2 Q. What were the results of the customer survey? 3 A. Idaho Power conducted a survey with current 4 and potential DR participants to gauge their ability to 5 participate in the DR programs with modifications to 6 certain program parameters. 7 For example, the survey sought to understand how 8 moving the dispatch hours later into the day would impact 9 customers’ ability or willingness to participate. Table 4 10 below outlines the results by customer class for one of the 11 questions asked in the survey. 12 Table 4: Percentage of Survey Respondents Able to 13 Participate During Proposed Program Hours (No Incentive 14 Consideration) 15 Percentage of Respondents Able to Participate  Time Period A/C Cool Credit Irrigation Peak  Rewards Flex Peak  5pm – 9pm 87% 88% 79%  6pm – 10pm 80% 59% 71%  7pm – 11pm 77% 30% 67%  16 The percentage of respondents for each program 17 answering in the affirmative that they would be able to 18 participate decreased as the time period requested shifted 19 into the later hours of the day. The most dramatic decrease 20 came from the Irrigation Peak Rewards participants where 21 only 30 percent of survey respondents said they were able 22 to participate between 7:00pm and 11:00pm. While the 23 NESBITT, DI 15 Idaho Power Company Company anticipates there will be an impact to DR 1 participation as a result of the parameter changes, it is 2 difficult to quantify the exact capacity impact on the DR 3 portfolio at this time. 4 Participant Compensation 5 Q. How are specific program design items being 6 modified to address these participation concerns? 7 A. To help minimize a potential decrease in 8 customer participation, customers will earn more for their 9 participation under the proposed programs as compared to 10 the current program parameters and incentives. Table 5 11 below shows the proposed changes for each of the three 12 programs. 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 16 Idaho Power Company Table 5: Summary of Proposed Demand Response Program Design 1 Changes 2 3 The Company is proposing an increase in the variable 4 incentive after four events for the Flex Peak program, 5 recognizing it may be more difficult for some customers to 6 participate in the later evening hours. Because the Flex 7 Peak program pays its participants weekly based on 8 Nominated kW regardless of whether an event is called, 9 participants will see an increase in the overall fixed 10 incentive they receive due to the proposed program being 11 extended by one month. 12 The A/C Cool Credit program participants will 13 receive an additional fixed incentive payment with the 14 Event  Duration  Event  Window  Minimum  # of  Events  Event  Notification Fixed Incentive Variable  Incentive  Incentive  Adjustment  Fl e x  Pe a k   Existing 2‐4  hours  2:00 to  8:00pm 3 events 2 hours prior  to event  $3.25 per kW per week =   $29.25 per kW per season  $0.16 per kWh  after 3rd event  $2.00 per kW not  achieved per  event & $0.25  after 3rd event  Proposed  Option  2‐4  hours  3:00 to  10:00pm 3 events 4 hours prior  to event  $3.25 per kW per week =   $42.25 per kW per season  $0.20 per kWh  after 4th event  $2.00 per kW not  achieved per  event  A/ C  Co o l  Cr e d i t   Existing Up to 4  hours  Not  defined 3 events None $5.00 per month =   $15.00 per season None None  Proposed  Option  Up to 4  hours  Not  defined 3 events None $5.00 per month =   $20.00 per season None None  Ir r i g a t i o n  Pe a k  Re w a r d s   Existing Up to 4  hours  1:00 to  9:00pm 3 events 4 hours prior  to event  $5.00 per kW & 0.76¢ per  kWh, 2 months =   $16.00 per kW per season  $0.148 per kWh  after 3rd event &  $0.198 for  9:00pm option  $5.00 per kW per  opt out & $1.00  per kW after 3rd  event  Proposed  Option  Up to 4  hours  3:00 to  11:00PM 3 events 4 hours prior  to event  $5.25 per kW & 0.80¢ per  kWh, 3 months =   $25.20 per kW per season  $0.18 per kWh  after 4th event &  $0.25 for  11:00pm option  $6.25 per kW per  opt out  NESBITT, DI 17 Idaho Power Company extension of the program to September 15th with no change to 1 the monthly incentive amount. 2 For the Irrigation Peak Rewards program, the Company 3 is proposing a higher monthly fixed incentive credit along 4 with an increased variable incentive after the fourth 5 event, again recognizing it may be harder for customers to 6 participate in the later evening hours. 7 Number of Program Events 8 Q. Does the Company propose to keep the 9 requirement of three minimum events? 10 A. Yes. As previously approved by the 11 Commission, the three minimum events per season help the 12 Company test and improve program operations and execution 13 to ensure reliable capacity reduction is achieved when DR 14 is called upon. 5 This minimum requirement also keeps 15 customers engaged with DR program terminology, rules, 16 processes, notifications, opt-outs, and performance. In 17 addition, more events leads to better customer 18 relationships. Without minimum events, the programs could 19 go years without being utilized or tested. When programs 20 are not used consistently, equipment and systems may not 21 work as planned, and as a result, the demand reduction 22 could be less than expected. 23 5 Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Attachment 2, pp. 6-8. NESBITT, DI 18 Idaho Power Company Q. Why is the Company proposing to increase the 1 threshold for the variable incentive payment for the Flex 2 Peak and Irrigation Peak Rewards programs from after three 3 events to after four events? 4 A. The variable incentive event qualification 5 moving to after four events is to align with the extension 6 of the season and the overall increase in fixed incentives 7 customers will receive. 8 Opting Out of Program Events 9 Q. Why is the Company changing the amount of the 10 incentive adjustment when customers opt out of program 11 events? 12 A. The change to the incentive adjustment, or 13 opt-out fee, for both the Irrigation and Flex Peak programs 14 is to align with the season’s fixed incentive and to send 15 customers a proper disincentive signal for opting out of 16 any event. The proposed incentive adjustment will 17 approximately nullify a customer’s fixed incentive if the 18 customer opts out of four events throughout the program 19 season. The Company feels this properly creates a 20 disincentive for customers to opt out except under extreme 21 conditions. This also removes the possibility of a customer 22 signing up with the intention of opting out of all events 23 and minimizes the likelihood of customers planning to only 24 participate in the first three or four events before opting 25 NESBITT, DI 19 Idaho Power Company out of the rest. 1 Q. Are there any other updates to the program 2 tariffs being proposed that are outside of the adjustments 3 being made to address the high-risk hours? 4 A. Yes. The updated tariffs are included as 5 Attachment 1 to the Application and explained more fully 6 below. 7 Removal of Program Marketing Limitations 8 Q. What modification is Idaho Power proposing in 9 Schedule 23? 10 A. The Company is proposing to remove the 11 restriction outlined in Schedule 23 requiring that 12 participation is only available to customers that have an 13 existing dispatchable Load Control Device installed on 14 their equipment or existing participants under the Manual 15 Dispatch Option. By removing this provision, the Company 16 will have the ability to market the program to maintain 17 and/or grow DR capacity to meet high-risk hours identified 18 in the 2021 IRP analysis. Based on the results of the 19 customer survey explained earlier in my testimony, the 20 Company anticipates there may be an initial decrease in 21 participation due to the proposed parameter changes. 22 Opening up participation to new irrigation customers by 23 removing the current marketing restrictions can help 24 mitigate a potential decrease in DR capacity. 25 NESBITT, DI 20 Idaho Power Company Adjusted Flex Peak Program Baseline kW Calculations 1 Q. What is the current Adjusted Baseline kW 2 calculation for the Flex Peak program? 3 A. The current Adjusted Baseline kW calculation 4 for the Flex Peak program is the sum of the Original 5 Baseline kW and the Day of Load Adjustment (“DOA”). The 6 Original Baseline kW is calculated using the industry 7 standard “3 and 10 method.” The 3 and 10 method utilizes 8 the three highest energy use days during the event 9 availability window from the 10 previous non-event or 10 weekend days to establish the original baseline. 11 The DOA is the difference between the Original 12 Baseline kW demand and the actual metered kW prior to an 13 event. The DOA is used to account for a customer using more 14 or less energy than their Original Baseline kW on a given 15 event day. The Company’s current DOA takes the difference 16 between the Original Baseline kW and subtracts or adds the 17 actual metered kW two hours before an event with a maximum 18 adjustment cap of 20 percent. This difference is then added 19 or subtracted to each hour’s Original Baseline kW to arrive 20 at a participant’s Adjusted Baseline kW. 21 Q. How does Idaho Power propose to change the 22 Adjusted Baseline kW calculation for the Flex Peak program? 23 A. The proposed Adjusted Baseline kW calculation 24 will still incorporate the Original Baseline kW and a DOA. 25 NESBITT, DI 21 Idaho Power Company The Company is only proposing a change to how the DOA 1 portion is applied to the Original Baseline kW, and the 2 Original Baseline kW will still be calculated using the 3 3 and 10 method. 4 The proposed adjustment to the DOA is to use a scalar 5 method given a four-hour advanced notification of an event. 6 The Original Baseline kW for each event hour will be 7 divided by the Original Baseline kW for the hour preceding 8 the advanced notification to arrive at a scalar, or 9 multiplier, for each individual hour. Each hour’s scalar is 10 then multiplied by the actual kW registered during the hour 11 preceding the event notification to calculate a 12 participant’s Adjusted Baseline kW. Charts 1 and 2 below 13 give an example of how the Adjusted Baseline kW is 14 calculated using the DOA scalar method. 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 22 Idaho Power Company Chart 1. DOA Scalar Method 1 2 Chart 2. Adjusted Baseline vs Event Day kW Reduction 3 4 NESBITT, DI 23 Idaho Power Company Q. Why is the Company proposing a DOA scalar 1 method to calculate a customer’s Adjusted Baseline kW? 2 A. The Company believes this method is more 3 accurate in calculating a customer’s baseline, and 4 therefore, results in more accurate calculations of 5 customer demand reduction and compensation. The Company 6 conducted an analysis based on actual customer loads during 7 peak days and determined that the four-hour DOA scalar 8 method was more accurate 86 percent of the time as compared 9 to the current DOA. 10 Advance Notice of Program Events 11 Q. Why is the Company proposing to move from a 12 two-hour advanced notification period to a four-hour 13 advanced notification period for the Flex Peak program? 14 A. The Company is proposing to move the 15 notification period to four hours based on feedback from 16 customers and to better align with the Irrigation Peak 17 Rewards program. Customers in several forums have expressed 18 their desire to have a longer lead time on event days so 19 that they can properly reduce load and minimize any 20 incentive adjustments for not meeting their Nominated kW. 21 The four-hour notification period also streamlines the DR 22 dispatch process for the LSO if Flex Peak and Irrigation 23 Peak Rewards events are called on the same day. 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 24 Idaho Power Company Opting Out of Program Events 1 Q. Why is the Company proposing to allow the 2 waiving of opt-out penalties in the Irrigation Peak Rewards 3 program? 4 A. The Company is proposing to add a provision 5 where opt-out fees can be waived in limited circumstances 6 where unplanned or planned outages of at least three hours 7 in duration occur up to twenty-four hours before an 8 irrigation DR event or there is a multiday outage within 9 seventy-two hours of an event. The Company is cognizant 10 that calling a DR event that turns off irrigation water on 11 peak days can potentially have an impact on crop production 12 and a participant’s livelihood. An outage can also have a 13 similar impact. The Company recognizes that a customer 14 opting out of a DR event due to already experiencing a 15 recent outage would receive an incentive adjustment when 16 they cannot reasonably participate without further risking 17 crop production. The Company believes adding this clause 18 provides additional flexibility in the execution of the 19 program, implements a tool to mitigate program attrition, 20 and will help build and maintain positive relationships 21 with customers. 22 Q. Please describe why the Company is adding 23 language that allows it to charge an opt-out fee to 24 NESBITT, DI 25 Idaho Power Company customers who override the dispatch command on their 1 device. 2 A. This is a practice the Company currently 3 implements to prevent customers from inappropriately 4 earning an incentive when they take action to manually opt 5 out of an event but do not contact the Company. Adding this 6 language to the tariff provides additional clarity to 7 customers. 8 Irrigation Peak Rewards Small Pump Installation Fee 9 Q. Please describe why the Company is adding an 10 installation fee for a select set of new participants in 11 the Irrigation Peak Rewards Program. 12 A. The addition of an installation fee is to 13 maintain cost-effectiveness for participants that have 14 smaller measured horsepower pumps and therefore less load 15 reduction. The Company is proposing to open the Irrigation 16 Peak Rewards program to all potential customers, and an 17 installation fee for the smaller load reduction pumps is 18 necessary given the expense of the initial setup compared 19 to the capacity benefit. This is consistent with a previous 20 requirement that was contained in Schedule 23 prior to the 21 marketing limitations implemented as part of the Settlement 22 Agreement. 23 // 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 26 Idaho Power Company Irrigation Peak Rewards Out-of-Demand Season Energy Credit 1 Q. Please explain the Out-of-Demand season Energy 2 Credit added to the tariff that would apply to some 3 Irrigation Peak Rewards customers. 4 A. The Out-of-Demand Season Energy Credit would 5 apply to the portion of Irrigation Peak Rewards 6 participants whose billing cycles do not align with the 7 proposed DR season end date of September 15th. The 8 irrigation season, as defined in Schedule 24, begins with 9 the meter read date of the May billing period and ends with 10 meter read date for the September billing period. Further, 11 the irrigation season (in-season) has a demand charge per 12 kW of billing demand where out-of-season does not. 13 Therefore, some customer’s billing demand could end before 14 September 15th based on their billing cycle, and they would 15 not receive a demand credit as part of the fixed incentive 16 for their participation in the DR program. 17 The Out-of-Demand Season Energy Credit is being 18 added to appropriately compensate these participants and is 19 structured so the demand portion of the fixed incentive is 20 paid using a dollar per kWh value. The Out-of-Demand Season 21 Energy Credit is calculated to be equivalent between 22 customers who will receive a demand credit, because their 23 in-season billing cycles end on or after September 15th, and 24 the customers whose out-of-season billing cycles start 25 NESBITT, DI 27 Idaho Power Company before September 15th. 1 Timing of Incentive Payments 2 Q. Why is the Company proposing to adjust the 3 incentive payout timing? 4 A. The Company is proposing to extend the timing 5 of incentive payments for the Flex Peak program from no 6 more than 30 days after the program season concludes to no 7 more than 45 days. The Company is also proposing to extend 8 the variable incentive payment for the Irrigation Peak 9 Rewards program from no more than 45 days after the end of 10 the program season to no more than 70 days after the end of 11 the program season. 12 The calculation of the Flex Peak incentive payments 13 is handled outside of the Company’s customer relations and 14 billing system (“CR&B”). A program specialist relies on 15 hourly metered data to quantify the applicable incentive 16 payments. In preparation of the 2021 program payments, the 17 Company was found to be out of compliance with the existing 18 requirement of 30 days. This was due to the additional 19 complexity associated with the program being dispatched 20 five times, and the Company required additional time to 21 review the payments for accuracy. Extending the date by 22 which payments must be issued by an additional 15 days will 23 provide the Company adequate time to complete the initial 24 calculation and review in advance of mailing checks. 25 NESBITT, DI 28 Idaho Power Company The calculation of the Irrigation Peak Rewards 1 variable incentive payments is also handled outside of 2 CR&B, and the program specialist relies on billing data to 3 calculate the incentive payment amounts. The current 4 requirement to issue checks within 45 days provides 5 adequate processing time for the majority of customers, but 6 in preparation of the 2021 incentive payments, the Company 7 found the billing determinants for a small number of 8 participants were not available prior to the tariff 9 deadline. These were for customers that have multiple 10 service points and have elected to receive summary billing. 11 Extending the date by which payments must be issued by an 12 additional 25 days will provide the Company adequate time 13 to compile all necessary billing components. 14 Program Use During System Emergencies 15 Q. Why are modifications to the emergency use 16 language in the tariffs needed? 17 A. The purpose of modifying the emergency use 18 language in the tariffs for the three DR programs is to add 19 clarity around the use of DR during a system emergency, and 20 that if an emergency were to occur, the programs would be 21 dispatched in accordance with NERC standards and/or Idaho 22 Power’s Rule J. 23 // 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 29 Idaho Power Company Miscellaneous Tariff Changes 1 Q. Why is the Company proposing to modify 2 language or provide additional details in certain sections 3 of the tariff schedules? 4 A. The last major revisions to the tariffs 5 occurred in 2013 as part of the Settlement Agreement. In 6 the years that have passed since those revisions, the 7 Company has gained valuable experience implementing the 8 program provisions and explaining the tariff requirements 9 to customers. The Company's program specialists’ field and 10 respond to a multitude of phone calls and emails each year, 11 and through those conversations, have identified areas 12 where the tariff language could be expanded or clarified to 13 enhance understanding. With these language changes, the 14 Company is not intending to implement new or different 15 requirements; rather, it views these modifications as 16 necessary to improve clarity. 17 III. COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF DEMAND RESPONSE 18 Q. How is cost-effectiveness currently determined 19 for the Company’s three DR programs? 20 A. Cost-effectiveness of the DR programs is 21 currently determined based on the method outlined in the 22 Settlement Agreement. The existing method establishes the 23 avoided cost for the three programs by calculating the 24 avoided capacity cost of a single 170 MW Simple Cycle 25 NESBITT, DI 30 Idaho Power Company Combustion Turbine (“SCCT”) multiplied by the ELCC,6 1 levelized over 20 years, plus the corresponding deferred 2 energy savings for 60 program hours. The avoided capacity 3 cost is updated with every IRP planning cycle. If the total 4 annual cost of operating the Company’s three DR programs is 5 less than the avoided cost outlined in the Settlement 6 Agreement, the programs are considered cost-effective 7 during the annual prudence review. 8 Q. How does the Company propose to modify the 9 avoided cost calculation? 10 A. The Company is proposing to modify the avoided 11 cost calculation such that the DR programs are compared to 12 an equivalent alternative resource on a cost per kW per 13 year basis to determine cost-effectiveness. 14 Q. What are the components of the proposed 15 avoided cost calculation? 16 A. As described in greater detail in Mr. 17 Ellsworth’s testimony, along with how the value of each 18 component is derived, the three components of the proposed 19 alternate cost calculation are: (1) the levelized capacity 20 6 At the time the ELCC was developed in 2013, the Company studied the top 100 hours of peak demand of each year over the prior five years. Of those top 100 hours, approximately 7 percent occurred outside of program hours. As a result, an ELCC of 93 percent is currently applied to determine the value of demand portion of the avoided capacity calculation. The purpose of the ELCC is to reflect the ability of a peaking resource, such as a SCCT, to be used year-round where the DR programs can only be dispatched during certain hours between June 15th and August 15th each year. NESBITT, DI 31 Idaho Power Company fixed costs of a proxy resource, (2) the additional system 1 benefits of the proxy resource, and (3) the ELCC of the 2 annual DR nameplate capacity compared to a proxy resource. 3 Q. What is the proposed avoided capacity equation 4 to determine the dollar per kW per year avoided cost value 5 for the DR programs? 6 A. The equation below incorporates the components 7 listed above as follows: 8 (Levelized Fixed Cost – Additional Benefits) x 9 ELCC of Annual DR Capacity Compared to Proxy Resource 10 = $ per kW year DR Avoided Cost 11 Q. How would cost-effectiveness be determined 12 using the proposed equation? 13 A. The Company proposes to evaluate cost-14 effectiveness at both the individual program and portfolio 15 level. A dollar per kW cost would be calculated annually 16 for each of the Company’s DR programs and the overall 17 portfolio, assuming the maximum 60 hours of operation. The 18 per kW costs would then be compared to the avoided cost 19 value. A program and a portfolio would be considered cost-20 effective as long as their dollar per kW costs are less 21 than the avoided cost value. 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 NESBITT, DI 32 Idaho Power Company For example, using the values from Mr. Ellsworth’s 1 testimony, the avoided cost value would be $51.42 per kW 2 per year assuming a 492 MW capacity program. 3 ($131.60 - $38.11) x 55% = $51.42 per kW per year 4 Q. How often will the Company update the 5 components of the proposed avoided cost equation? 6 A. The Company intends to evaluate all three 7 components with every IRP planning cycle to establish 8 baselines, but the values used in the cost-effectiveness 9 calculation will be updated with every DSM annual reporting 10 cycle. For example, the ELCC component of the equation is 11 dependent on the capacity of the DR programs. Therefore, 12 the value used in the cost-effectiveness calculation may 13 change in-between IRP planning cycles if capacity changes, 14 but the baselines will reset with every acknowledged IRP. 15 The levelized cost value of the proxy resource will change 16 every year to ensure the value is in the equivalent year’s 17 dollars with the baselines derived from the acknowledged 18 IRP as well. The Company proposes to annually run the 19 production cost models from the most recently acknowledged 20 IRP to update the additional system benefits of the proxy 21 resource component since this value is also dependent on 22 the total DR portfolio capacity. All three components and 23 cost-effectiveness will be reported in the annual DSM 24 report, and a request for a prudence determination on the 25 NESBITT, DI 33 Idaho Power Company DR program costs will be sought in each year’s DSM prudence 1 case. 2 Q. Do you expect the modified programs as 3 proposed in this filing to be cost-effective? 4 A. Yes. The Company anticipates that the cost of 5 each individual program and the overall DR portfolio will 6 be less than $51.42 per kW per year. This value is derived 7 using 492 MW of traditional DR potential identified from 8 the Northwest Power and Conservation Council assessment 9 referenced in Mr. Ellsworth’s testimony. The Company 10 evaluated future program costs with the proposed incentives 11 against the $51.42 value and believes the DR programs will 12 remain cost-effective in the future. The Company also 13 recognizes that near-term DR capacity will most likely be 14 less than the 492 MW. A lower capacity results in a higher 15 ELCC, and a higher ELCC value increases the $ per kW per 16 year avoided cost in the proposed equation. 17 IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAM CHANGES 18 Q. When does Idaho Power wish to implement these 19 program changes? 20 A. Idaho Power plans to implement the changes 21 described above for the 2022 demand response season that 22 begins on June 15, 2022. 23 Q. If the Company’s proposed changes are approved 24 by the Commission, how long will it take for Idaho Power to 25 NESBITT, DI 34 Idaho Power Company market the modified programs with proposed changes and 1 enroll customers for the 2022 DR season? 2 A. Idaho Power anticipates that it will need some 3 lead time to finalize program marketing materials, engage 4 with customers on modified program parameters, conduct 5 program workshops, and enroll customers in preparation for 6 the 2022 DR season. A Commission order received by 7 February 15, 2022 would position the Company to best meet 8 these timeframes. 9 V. CONCLUSION 10 Q. Please summarize your testimony. 11 A. Idaho Power proposes several DR program 12 modifications informed by the risk-based methodology 13 utilized in the 2021 IRP analysis, which has identified a 14 change in system need and operations since the Settlement 15 Agreement in 2013. The rationale behind the changes is to 16 ensure the Company has a portfolio of cost-effective DR 17 programs that effectively meet system needs. As described 18 in Mr. Ellsworth’s testimony, the changes proposed above 19 would improve the ELCC of the Company’s DR portfolio by 20 approximately 40 percent. The Company believes this 21 improvement is not only necessary but also benefits 22 customers and the reliability of the system alike. 23 Q. Does this complete your testimony? 24 A. Yes, it does.25 NESBITT, DI 35 Idaho Power Company DECLARATION OF QUENTIN NESBITT 1 I, Quentin Nesbitt, declare under penalty of perjury 2 under the laws of the state of Idaho: 3 1. My name is Quentin Nesbitt. I am employed by 4 Idaho Power Company as a Customer Research and Analysis 5 Leader in the Customer Relations and Energy Efficiency 6 Department and am competent to be a witness in this 7 proceeding. 8 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this pre-9 filed direct testimony and Exhibit No. 2 in this matter. 10 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed direct 11 testimony and exhibit are true and accurate. 12 4. I hereby declare that the above statement is true 13 to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I 14 understand it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho 15 Public Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for 16 perjury. 17 SIGNED this 1st day of October 2021, at Boise, Idaho. 18 Signed: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-21-32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY NESBITT, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 2 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-21-32 Q. Nesbitt, IPC Page 1 of 4 Flex Peak Invitation    Join us for a one-hour virtual seminar on proposed updates to the Flex Peak pro ra Dear Flex Peak Participant:     Please join us for a one-hour virtual seminar to provide feedback on proposed updates to the 2022 Flex Peak demand response program.     Attendees will learn why program modifications are needed, view comparison of the current program and proposed new program design, discuss the proposed timeline of changes and have an opportunity to provide comments and feedback.    Date: Aug. 31, 2021  Time: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.   Join: email ZVanHooser@idahopower.com to receive a virtual meeting link and a reminder email.    Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-21-32 Q. Nesbitt, IPC Page 2 of 4 To join the meeting, open the link and follow the directions to download the WebEx app.   https://idahopower.webex.com/idahopower/j.phpMTID=m3f0f5649dfdb330e47f6580d3ae6f43f      Once downloaded enter the member number and meeting password below:   Meeting number (access code): 1457 43 6485  Meeting password: UgyE4nfss38 To join by phone, dial 1-650-479-3208 and enter the access code: 1457436485##     If you are unable to attend, share with any appropriate colleague at your business that may be familiar with the program. We really want to hear from you — your input and feedback is important to us.   Zeke VanHooser, Idaho Power 1221 W. Idaho St., Boise, ID 83702 Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe Preferences                       Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-21-32 Q. Nesbitt, IPC Page 3 of 4   Irrigation Peak Rewards Invitation    Join us for a one-hour virtual seminar on proposed updates to the Peak Rewards pro ra Join us for a one-hour virtual seminar to provide feedback on proposed updates to the 2022 Irrigation Peak Rewards demand response program.    Date: Aug. 31, 2021  Time: 12-1 p.m.  Join: Email Irrigation@idahopower.com to receive a virtual meeting link and a reminder email.     OR to join the meeting, open the link below and follow directions to download the WebEx app a few minutes before the meeting starts.  https://idahopower.webex.com/idahopower/j.phpMTID=m4cb8f5e40c15b00144f628342014a58b   After downloading the app, enter the meeting number and meeting password below:   Meeting number (access code): 145 461 8350 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-21-32 Q. Nesbitt, IPC Page 4 of 4  Meeting password: YBmY9Vjdb68 To join by phone, dial 1-650-479-3208 and enter the access code: 145 461 8350##   Please note: If we have more than one email address on file for your farm’s Peak Rewards event notifications, all email addresses will receive this seminar invitation. We welcome and value your feedback. For questions, contact Tonja Dyke, tdyke@idahopower.com, 208-388-5356 or Dan Axness, daxness@idahopower.com, 208- 388-2586. Idaho Power Irrigation 1221 W. Idaho St., Boise, ID 83702 Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe Preferences