HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211028Comments-Redacted.pdfRILEY NEWTON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. II2O2 ---,-'lleir rF*,i"-v::iVEi''",i rr,: -'-i dB plf J, !u ,,.. ,; i-l'rt'17r a i -r-. .- . ,' ,r " '.'.'i/. : :.i ,_.,_ lr,;ril:t5i0X Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPAIYY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO ITS ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH MC6ITYDRO LLC CASE NO. IPC.E.21.3O REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Riley Newton, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUNI) On August 26,202l,Idaho Power Company ("Company") applied to the Commission requesting approval or rejection of the Second Amendment to its Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA") with MC6 Hydro, LLC ("MC6" or "Seller"). MC6 sells energy generated by the MC6 hydro facility ("Facility") to the Company. The Facility is a qualiffing facility under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). The Commission approved the Company's ESA with the Seller on July 21,2018, for the purchase and sale of energy from the Facility in Case No. IPC-E-1 8-09, Order No. 34106. On June 21, 2019, the Commission approved the Company's First Amendment to the Scheduled First Energy Date and Scheduled Operation date in the ESA due to the unexpected passing away ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IREDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 28,2021 of one of the principal developers of the project. Order No. 34425. The Commission also allowed the delayed damages to be calculated from the original Scheduled Operation Date of July 30, 2019. Id. The Application indicates that, as a result of the COVID-I9 pandemic, the Facility was unable to obtain its generator unit from Wuhan, China, causing a Force Majeure event, which changed the Operation Date to April 5,2021. Application at2. T\e project received and installed a generator with a Nameplate Capacity of 2.3 megawatts ("MW"), which is 0.2 MW larger than the 2.1 IvIW generator capacity listed in the ESA. Accordingly, the Second Amendment provides for a change to Appendix B, Article B-1 of the ESA so that the designated nameplate rating of the generator is 2.3 MW rather than 2.1 IVIW. The Second Amendment also modifies when the Seller must notiff the Company to revise future monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts ("NEA"). Currently, Section 6.2.3 requires the Seller to notifu the Company at least one-month before the Seller revises a given month's Estimated NEA. The Second Amendment states that "[a]fter the Operation Date, the Seller may revise any future monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts by providing written notice no later than 5 PM Mountain Standard time on the 25tr day of the month that is prior to the month to be revise d.' Id. at i. lf the 25h day falls on a weekend or holiday, written notice must be received by the Company by the last business day before the 25tr day of the month. The Second Amendment provides this example: ".. .. if the Seller would like to revise the Estimated Net Energy Amount for October, they would need to submit a revised schedule no later than September 25fi or the last business day prior to Septemb er 25fi ." Id. at 2. STAFF REVIEW StafPs review has focused on the five-day advanced notice, potential modifications to the Facility, the delay damages, the change in nameplate capacity, the avoided cost rates, the 90/110 Rule, and a lapsed period of operation under incorrect rates. Staff recorlmends that the 5-day advanced notice be approved and that the Company and the Seller use the following two sets of avoided cost rates.l First, any hourly generation equal to or less than2.l megawatt hours ("MWhs") will use the avoided cost rates contained in the ESA and approved in Order I Both sets of avoided cost rates are based on the 2026 first deficit year, and thus, this new Facility will receive capacity payments n2026 for all its generation outputs. 2REDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 28,2021 No. 34106. Second, any hourly generation above 2.1 MWhs will use the avoided cost rates effective August 11,2021, when the Second Amendment was signed by both parties. Staffalso recommends implementing the 90/110 Rule based on two sets of avoided cost rates. S-day Advanced Notice Staff recommends the five-day advanced notice be approved because monthly estimates provided closer to the time of delivery can improve the accuracy of input used for short-term operational planning. In addition, the five-day advanced notice provision has been authorized in prior Commission Orders Nos. 34263,34870 and34937. Potential Modifications to Facility Staffalso notes that the ESA does not contain any provision to address modifications to the Facility during the contract term. Therefore, Staff recommends updating the Second Amendment by including the following provision, which has been included in recent PURPA contracts filed by the Company with the Commission: Any modifications to the Facility, including but not limited to the generator or turbine, that (1) increases or decreases the Facility Nameplate Capacity, or (2) changes the Qualiffing Facility Category, or (3) changes the Primary Energy Source or (4) changes to the generator fuel and subsequently the Fueled Rate or Non-Fueled Rate, will require a review of the Agreement terms, conditions and pricing and Idaho Power, at its sole determination, may adjust the pricing or terminate the Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated because of said modifications, the Seller will be responsible for any Termination Damages. The ESA includes an update to the facility and it is reasonable to do the same for any future modification. Delay Damages Order No. 34425 allowed delayed damages to be calculated from the original Scheduled Operation Date of July 30,2019. Idaho Power examined each month in the delay period between the original Scheduled Operation Date and the actual Operation Date and recognized that no delay damages were triggered. Staff has analyzed the two phases in the delay period (i.e., 3REDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 28,2021 the Force Majeure phase and the Non-Force Majeure phase) and believes no delay damages were triggered in either phase. Force Maieure Phase On February 10,2020, MC6 Hydro notified Idaho Power of a subsequent Force Majeure event-the delayed shipment of its turbine and generator from Wuhan, China, due to the novel coronavirus epidunic. On March 13,2020, MC6 provided additional information. On March 20,2020,Idaho Power notified MC6 Hydro that it accepted the request for a Force Majeure event due to the delayed shipment. Idaho Power considered the Force Majeure event to end when the generator and turbine arrived at the project construction site, by Septernber 30, 2020. A Force Majeure event suspends performance of the obligations under the contract for the duration of the event. As a result, MC6 Hydro's obligation to meet the scheduled operation date-and Idaho Power's obligation to calculate delay damages for delays in the date-were suspended while the Force Majeure events were ongoing. See Response to StafPs Production Request No. l. Staffbelieves no delay damages should be collected during the Force Majeure phase. Non-Force Majeure Phase For months during the Non-Force Majeure phase, no delay damages were triggered due to two reasons: (1) the contract's monthly estimated generation amounts were zero from November through February of each year; and (2) the Delay Price is less than zero for the remaining months. "Delay Damages" in the ESA are defined as "[c]urrent month's Initial Year Monthly Estimated Net Energy Amount as specified in paragraph6.2.l as of the Effective Date divided by the number of days in the current month multiplied by the number of days in the Delay Period in the current month multiplied by the current month's Delay Price." See ESA at2, Case No. IPC-E-18-09. Because the Initial Year Monthly Estimated NEA are zero from November through February, delay damages would be zero for these months. Delay Price in the ESA is defined as "[t]he current month's Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost minus the current month's All Hours Energy Price as specified in Appendix D of this Agreement. If this calculation results in a value less than zero ("0"), the result of this 4REDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 28,2021 calculation will be zero ("0")." Id. Based on this definition, delay damages are calculated to be zero during months for the remaining months. See Response to StafPs Production Request No. l. Therefore, Staffbelieves no delay damages should be collected during the Non-Force Majeure phase. Change in Nameplate Capacity The proposed Second Amendment changes the nameplate capacity from 2.1 MW to 2.3 MW. Staffrecommends approval of this change because the installed generator is 2.3 MW. Avoided Cost Rates Because the installed generator is 0.2 MW larger than originally approved, Staff believes it reasonable to recognizethe original avoided cost rates in the ESA for the original nameplate capacity of 2.1MW and use the avoided cost rates that were effective when the Second Amendment was signed for the incremental 0.2 MW. Staff specifically recommends the following two sets of avoided cost rates be used between the Company and the Seller. First, any hourly generation equal to or less than 2.1 MWhs will use the avoided cost rates contained in the ESA and approved in Order No. 34106. Second, any hourly generation above 2.1 MWhs will use the avoided cost rates (in Attachment A) effective August 11,2021, when the Second Amendment was signed by both parties. 90/110 Rule Staffrecommends implementing the 90/t 10 Rule by blending two sets of All Hours Energy Price contained within the two sets of avoided cost rates described above: one set of All Hours Energy Price for any hourly generation equal to or less than2.l MWhs and one set of All Hours Energy Price for any hourly generation above 2.1 MWhs. To calculate the blended All Hours Energy Price, the Company will multiply the total amount generated equal to or less than 2.1 MWhs for each hour by the first set of All Hours Energy Price. Then, the Company will determine the total amount generated above 2.1 MWhs for each hour and multiply it by the second set of All Hours Energy Price. The blended All Hours Energy Price is calculated by dividing the sum of the two amounts by the total generation for that month. Last, the blended rate will be compared against 85 percent of the market price, 5REDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 28,2021 and the lower number will be applied to the energy generated outside the90ll10 band for that month. Lapsed Period Operating under Incorrect Rates The Facility has been operating since April 5,2021, with rates contained under the ESA that does not have a two-part rate reflecting the higher nameplate capacity. Staffis not concerned because the hourly generation amount has not exceeded 2.1 MWhs over the past 6 months. However, the Facility did making it likely that the Facility will generate above 2.1 MWhs in an hour again. This generation data reinforces StafPs recommendation that the facility should operate with the two-part rate to ensure the Seller is compensated fairly and accurately. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the Commission approve the Second Amendment contingent upon including the following updates: l. Include the provision that addresses modifications to the Facility; 2. Adopt two sets of avoided cost rates described above; and 3. Implement the 90/100 Rule based on two sets of avoided cost rates. If approved by the Commission, Staffalso recommends that after the Amendment is updated and signed by both parties, the Commission require the Company to file the updated Amendment with the Commission as a compliance filing. Respecttully submitted this X$ day of October 2021. RileyNewton Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Yao Yin i:r'misc/comme,nts/ipce2l.3Ornyy comments 6REDACTED STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 28,2021 ct! =E o a IoCg Io = oE66@6GHOOdO6N€OOOO60@@o o9 E fl Q qq9.1 q 6od d F Q@oo o6! F ci N ci di ci ..i + F qt ci di ui F qi d .i di ui d ciiINd NNd oo@@@FF F FFO@@@6O E*ssBBsefi fi sEBBfi fi s$BEEE fi S S n s s s F F g ri ii d I $ s S d PH gH co606dH60066FOFdOFHOHOa60ao@H6<6+@@oooHoFFooI ci .i ci di ci d ui F di ci .i di ui qt F oi oi .i.i di qi ENNdddttt{666hh666@@@@ E3! =E o 4 86 EfAEnoJ ET I oCEo I6 mc66d60tsO@F 6HOq@60@dOdd660Nd66660@66NOFO60d66E di + di d + vi F d di + d ci .i di + d F oi .i.i +Eddddd6noa@ooFFFFFFooo c @ 6 6 6o ts @ F 6@ d @ @ ts o a F o H o!?6@6+FAd6@@6@Fe@F@OO661E od 6i d ui a; N di..i ri F di .i ui F oi .i di ui N oi iiudN N d N a9 F F F tsO O 6OOOOOOX c@d66<+NdON@OEO{OO{OqNe 4'1 a d! q n q 4 c 4 0q \ c \ q.'! q t \ qn =ts 6ts @ Ndd<oF@odo(ots600duddHHHtcQc+s66666666@@ EN60F66@C 666@NAO<<O<OO6H666dddOO6Nd66000d 6H@I .i .j .i oi .i di ui F ci .i di si ci ci ci di + F od ci .iiEoo o N o ooG ts F ts ts F @@@@aooo EssssBB$s$sfi 6NssEEq{88 $ s !d n s h d R Ei s ES s s I E g E g H H g edN6+66N6HtsO6H660@OO60Q q A E t: ol a q C \ oqC g \ g.! 1 Cq g I a!N6ddd6N6Hd+OF60dd+60FENNNd Na{+66OO66€@O@O@@ LHNm+6@F@60HdO{60tsoOoHEdNNNdNNNdOOOOOOO600{{-ooo oo o o ooo ooooooooo o oo>ddN--ddNNNNdNdddddNNN Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-2I-30 StaffComments 10/28/21 Page I of I CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28th DAY OF OCTOBER 202I, SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-21-30, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalker@idahopower.com do ckets@i datropower'. com TED SORENSON MC6HYDRO LLC 7II E TURTLE POINT DR rVINS UT 84738 E-MAIL: ted@tsorenson.net ENERGY CONTRACTS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: enere.vcontacts@idahopower. com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE