HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220204Compliance Filing.pdf3Em.:ti:r\f,1\/ct'\,'rr-Udi I l-lJ An lo goePcomBnY ii:.i i[* -!+ PH 3: 0S DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahooower.com - . ..r! ! 1 l, , l vir\1.rt^.\l' r-'iilr..- JlLtj\ February 4,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Case No. IPC-E-21-26 Trout-Co Hydro Project ldaho Power Company's Application re the Energy Sales Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Compliance Filing re First Amendment Edits in the above entitled matter. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Re Zila!/<- Donovan E. Walker DEW:cld Enclosures DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@ idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WTH MICHAEL BRANCHFLOWER, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM THE TROUT-CO HYDRO PROJECT. CASE NO. IPC-E-21-26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FIL!NG RE: FIRST AMENDMENT EDITS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powed') hereby respectfully submits to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") the accompanying edits to the First Amendment ("First Amendment') to the Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA') between ldaho Power and Michael Branchflower ("Selle/') under which ldaho Power purchases electric energy generated by the Trout-Co Hydro project ("Facility") located near the city of Hagermen, ldaho. This edited First Amendment is submitted in compliance with Commission Order No. 35239, which approved the submifted Replacement ESA in this case, subject to certain revisions, as well as the Commission's subsequent approval of certain handwritten edits recommended by Commission Staff at its December 28,2021, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE F]LING RE FIRSTAMENDMENT EDITS 1 decision meeting. ldaho Power and Seller have made handwritten edits to the First Amendment, and initialed the same, as recommended by Staffs December 23, 2021, Decision Memorandum and as approved by the Commission at its December 28,2021, decision meeting. I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power and the Seller fiointly, "Parties") entered into an ESA on August 12,2021, for the purchase and sale of energy produced by the Facility. The ESA is for the purchase of generation from the 280 kW nameplate capacity Trout-Co Hydro facility. The ESA is a replacement ESA to a January 7,1985, ESA for the facility that ran its full term on November 30, 2021. This Replacement ESA was approved by the Commission in this case by Order No. 35239, on November 30, 2021. 2. ln Order No. 35239 the Commission approved the Replacement ESA with the following mod ifications: 1. The Replacement ESA will use two sets of avoided cost rates between the Company and the Seller from202'l through 2025: any hourly generation equalto or less than 240 kWhs will receive immediate capacity payment, and any hourly generation above 240 kWhs will not receive capacity payment until the Company becomes capacity deficient in 2026. 2. The 901110 Rule will be implemented based on two sets of avoided cost rates form 2021 through 2025 until the Facility becomes eligible for capacity payments. Order No. 35239, p 6. The Commission also directed implementation of the 90/1 10 with a contract price that is blended using the same method established in Case No. IPC-E- 19-38. /d., at p 5. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FILING RE FIRSTAMENDMENT EDITS 2 II. THE FIRST AMENDMENT 3. ln Order No. 34677, ldaho Power and Seller executed the First Amendment to comply with, and implement, the Commission's directed modifications to the ESA to provide for the payment of capacity up to 240 kW, and a separate rate, without capacity, for any generation over 24O kW through the first capacity deficit date in 2026. The First Amendment provides the additionaland proper rate tables as Appendix G, as wellas the additional required language adjustments to Articles 1.8, 7.4,7.5,7.6, and Appendices E and G, as setforth in the FirstAmendmentto the Energy SalesAgreement Between Idaho Power Company and Seller. lmplementation of the 901110 provision does not require amended language as described in Case No. IPC-E-19-38. The Amendment to the ESA was executed by Seller on December 2,2021 , and by ldaho Power on December 6, 2021 . The Amendment does not otherwise change any of the obligations of the Parties set forth in the ESA. 4. On December 15, 2021,ldaho Power filed a Motion to Approve the First Amendment in compliance with Order No. 35239 with the Commission. Staff reviewed the First Amendment for compliance with the Commission's order and recommended that the Frist Amendment generally complied with the Commission directives but recommended several corrections to the language in several paragraphs. At its December 28,2021, decision meeting the Commission approved Staffs recommended edits, and the Company's proposal to allow said edits to be handwriften, initialed, and added to the executed First Amendment. lncluded as Attachment t hereto are the handwritten and initialed corrections that conform to Staffs recommended edits. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FILING RE FIRSTAMENDMENT EDITS 3 III. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 5. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order accepting the edits to the First Amendment between ldaho Power and the Seller included as Attachment 1 in compliance with Order No. 35239. Respectfully submitted this 4th day of February 2022. &,*7dett<- DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FILING RE FIRSTAMENDMENT EDITS 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 4th day of February 2022 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing ldaho Power Company's Compliance Filing re First Amended Edits upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Michael Branchflower Trout-Co Hydro Project 1991 S. Doe Creek Way Boise, lD 83709 Dayn Hardie Deputy Aftomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FILING RE FIRSTAMENDMENT EDITS 5 via emailto: MG Branchfl ower@hotmail.com via emailto: davn.hardie@puc. idaho.oov Christy Davenport, Legal Assistant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-21-26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 trIRSTAMENDMENT TOTHE ONERG Y SALES AGRF,E MENT BETWEEN IDAHO FOWERCOMPANY ANI) MICHAEI, BRANCHFLOWER This First Amendment of thc Encrgy Sales Agreement ("First Amendment") is enEred inlo on this. .!b'lday of December202l,by and bctwccn ldaho Power Companyr an ldrho corporatiun ("Idaho Power"), and Michrel Branchflowcr, an individual ("Seller') (individually a "Party" and collectively lhe "Parties'). WHEREAS, ldaho Powcr and the Scllcr hold an Energy Salus Agreancnt f'ESA") daled August 12,2021, for the purchasc and sale of gcncration produced by the 'l'rout-Co Hydnr P|JRPA Qualifying Facility ('Facilily'). Thc ESA contains ldaho Public Utilities Commission f'Commission") published avoided cost priccs for a replacement ESA; and WHEREAS, Appcndix B of thc ESA identifies that the Facility has incrcased the Nameplate Capacity to 280 kilowalts ("kW"), an incrcase of 40 kW from thc Nameplale Capacity pttviousty approved by the Commission in the Party's original firm encrgy salcs agrecmcnt that expired November 30, 2021i and WHEREAS, on Novembcr 30, 2021, lhc Commission approved the ESA in Order No. 35293, which states, "The Commission further finds that thc Facility's eligibility for capacity paymcnts in the Rcplacemcnt IISA bc bascd on thc namcplate in the original contract, The additional incremental nameplate capacity (40 kW) will not recivo capacity payments until the first dcficit datcd identificd at thc time of this contract renewal (2026). See Order No. 349.56."; and Wl ltiREAS, Seller and ldaho Power desire to amend thc ILSA kl include the appropriatc published avoided cost appcndiccs forpricing gcneration delivered by the Facility ro tdaho Powcr applicable to the 40 kW increase in Nameplate Capacity. NOW, TIIEREFORE, in considcration of the forrgoing, and tbr othcr good and valuable consideration, the receipl and adcqruoy of which arc lrcrrby acknowledgcd, and intcnding to bc legally bound, the Parties hereto agree as follows: I . Incorporetion of Rccitll$ The abovc-stated r€citals are incorporated into and madc 0 trrrt of this ESA by this retbrcncc lo the same cxtenl as if thesc rccitals wcrc sct forth in full at this point. 2, Articlc t. The following scotion of Articlc I shall be modified as writton below: 1.8 "l}:lny ltricc" - The cunent month's Mid-Cotumbia Market Encryy Cost miqu;$ea, curnent month's All llours Energy Price specified in Appendix E enfl til66l'lFis* Agreemcnt. lf this calculation rcsults in a value less than zero (0), th€ rcsult of thls calculation will be zcro (0). Energy Sales Agrccmcnt Pojcct: 31415030 Tmut-Co Hydro Pojcct t'lrtt Amendnlent - Page I ol5 Cf.orf ?.0 %tr tu^vr\.s 3. ArtlcleVII. ScctionsT.4,T.SandT.6ofArticlcVltofthcESAshallbcdclacdinthcirentirety and rcplaccd with thc following sections as written bclow:F*t57.4 llasc l'ncrgy llcavy l,oad Purchav: Pticc lior all Base F)nergy rcceived up to 240 k\&furing llcavy Load llours. ldaho Powcr shatl pay thc monthly non-levclized Basc Encryy l{cavy Load Purghasc Pricc ps spccificd in ippendix E. For allXEifehnrtgr rcoeivcd botwccn 241 kwllrrd 280 k$lituring Heavy l.oai I lours for calendar years 202-i- 2025, ldnho Powcr shall pay thc monthlyaon-lpvclizcd tlase Energy I lcavy l.oad Purchase Priqc-as specified in nppendix c. r,or aFffietl.lnergy rcceived fr*,r"n iq t tw??ra ztO k\tr?uring lleavy Load Hours for calendar years 2026 thrcugh the rcmaining term of the ESA, ldaho Power shall pay lhc monthly non-levclizcd Basc Encrgy l{eavy Load Purchase Pricc as specified in Appcndix E. \^n^y\q 7.5 - l.lasc lincruv Ught l.oad l'urchnsr: Pricc - For at(basc fYnergy rcccived up ro 240 tulfufre milLoad Hours. ldaho Powcr shall pay thc monthly non-lpv-qlj76d Basc Uneryy Ui-ght -Loart Purchase Pricc q1 spccihed in Appendix E. For allfa? Encrgy reoeived bctwcen 24 I kW?nd 2E0 k Wf,uring LiBht L,oad Hours for calendar ycars 202 I - 2025, tdaho Power shall pay the monthl{lSftftvelized Basc Encrgy l,ight Load f^urdtase Prigc- as spccified in Appcndix G. For allBase-Unergy rcrcivcd between 2,1I kVfftd 2E0 kW?uring Light Load llours for calendar years 2026 through thc rcmaining term of the ESA, ldaho Powcr shall pay the monthly non-levclizcd Base Energy Light t,oad Purchase Price as specified in Appendix E. 7.6 All llours l:norly l)rice - The pricc to be used in the calculation of tho Surplus Energy Price and Qelay Plicc shall be thc monthly non-levclizcd All llours Encryy Pricc in Aipcntlix n fprt8ffirf,ion reccivcd up to 2a0-k$!nd thc {,ll ltours Encrgy-Pricc in nppeiaix c fort'Sfrfton received bctwr:cn 24lh8ii?2sO r\Ffur calendar yLrs 2021- 2025. For calcndar years 2026 through thc rcmaining term of the ESA, the pricc to be used in the calculation of thc Surplus Energy hice and Delay Pricc shall be thc monthly non- lcvclizcd All Houn Encrgy Pricc in Appendix F,. 4. Appendix E and G. Appcndix E, of thc tiSA shall bc moditied as wrhtcn below and the ESA shall includc a new Appendix c. T\,\r& t^e"nJ,rrrltazr arit: !'o'r1- "rr;;A -\r,{ 't\"- \a,.14' FA-\L- Uh\itizA ^ppENDrLE I;;;*Ie f ita D@,\vu zs'|zo?-,lLU Lcjsio,r il^.A,\d. W (4*u,..fi NON-SEASONAL HYDRO FACII.ITY F.NERCY PRICES PA^^O It1NT (Prices based on thc Maxlmurn Capaci$ Amount of 2t0 2,10 kW (fears 202 1.2025) en-d-LE0-.k!t-CI-elt:t 202$rr:nrai;f ng ll'crrn.), Non-Fueled Rates) aPP!N.9,lx 0 NON.STJASONAL TIYDRO FACILITY ENIJRGY PRICES WITI{OUT CAPACITY, YE,ARS 2021 TITROUGH 2O2S (Prices based on the MEximum Capacity Amount o[2t0 kW, Non-Fueled Rales) Rrrgy Selcs Agrcemcnt Proic-t: 3 t4 15030't'rout-Co Hydro Projcct First Amcndmrnt - Pagc 2 of 5