HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211119Comments(10)_10.pdfFrom:Michal Lloyd (michallloyd@icloud.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Thursday, November 18, 2021 7:02:22 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I lived in Idaho?s backcountry, where we produced our electricity with a pelton water wheel. The best way to understand the struggles related to energy production is to be more engaged in its creation. Not every customer will want to be empowered to produce their own energy. But those who do are on your side and understand the challenges associated with created energy for a growing state. I hope you consider letting citizens create a better Idaho. I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Michal Lloyd 1007 W. Resseguie St. Boise, ID 83702 michallloyd@icloud.com (208) 391-0649 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Sondra Dunkle To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Case #: IPC-E-21-21 Date:Thursday, November 18, 2021 8:31:06 PM I believe all forms of onsite energy production should be easily available to individual residences, businesses & communities. This strengthens our energy independence as a city, county, state & nation. Net metering should be fair for customers who create onsite energy & feed it into the grid. Meaning, utility companies who use customer created energy should give credit back to the customer at the same rate as what customers are charged when they use & pay for energy off the grid. It should be easier for everyone to obtain & afford solar, wind, & other forms of clean energy production. That will cut back on CO2 released into the atmosphere, fight climate change, & make the US less dependent upon other countries for their energy. It will also create new jobs in clean energy productions. A win-win situation! Sondra Dunkle Pocatello, ID 83201 From:Tyler Harris To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Date:Thursday, November 18, 2021 11:28:11 PM Hello, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the goals of the upcoming study regarding net metering and solar production in Idaho. My family has been in Idaho since the early 1800s. I was born in McCall, and my intent was always to return to our great state as I traversed the world during my training to become an Interventional Radiologist Physician. When I purchased a home upon my return and replaced the roof shortly thereafter, the need to add solar panels immediately was clear. I even considered using Tesla solar tiles for the construction but was deterred with logistics. In 2017 I set out to make my home net zero, and was largely successful. At that time, the net metering policy allowed for full reimbursement for my contribution to the grid, and I was fortunately grandfathered in to this policy. I recognize there are costs to maintenance of the grid. In an ideal world, this would be reflected in the required monthly expenditures for all customers of Idaho Power. This would negate this “problem“ completely. However, if there is to be a study regarding the costs and benefits of residential solar production, I implore the public utility commission to consider the following. 1. The utilities, state, and nation are in a race to rid the grid of fossil fuel sources of electricity. This needs to be taken into account in the study. 2. Relatedly, the societal benefits of increased clean energy production of electricity are manifest and entirely obvious. The time for burying our head in the sand and narrowly defining our costs and benefits are over. It is clear that every Kw that can be produced without fossil fuels will improve the chances that our grandchildren will have a world worth inheriting. 3. The study should incorporate the distribution of residential solar excess output to determine what the grid requirements are, as well as what the costs associated with maintenance would be. In other words, if excess production is shunted to neighbors, the grid utilization is negligible. If this is not adequately accounted for, utilities leave themselves open for competition from microgrids. In short, this is a trend and technology that Idaho Power should be embracing a whole heartedly. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Best, Tyler Harris Sent from my iPhone From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 7:00:06 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Paul Poorman Submission Time: Nov 18 2021 7:33PMEmail: poorman.fwrt@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-841-9989Address: 5230 N Black Cat Rd Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "I am commenting on IPUC Case IPC-E-21-21, regarding Idaho Power's (IP) study of costs and benefits of on-site customer power generation. My concern is that this study will primarily look backwards at how adding new generation will impact the existing structure of IP billing and distribution and not at how the system can be modified and upgraded to accommodate the seasonality and daily variations of renewable energy. Instead of focusing on adjusting the existing generation to fill in gaps between renewable energy peaks, IP needs to look at modifying the financials of incentivizing power use during times of peak renewable energy production. By implementing a rate structure that lowers the cost per kWh during times of peak renewable production, i.e. 10am to 4pm in the summer, customers can be encouraged to match their usage with the generation of power from rooftop solar installations. IP hasn't really detailed how they plan to get to 100% renewable energy production by their stated goal of 2050. Rooftop solar and other customer generation resources will be an indispensable tool in allowing Idaho Power to reach their goal with zero capital cost to the company. Idaho Power needs to factor in the losses that large installations will incur when power is transmitted over long distances. Customer generation in the form of rooftop solar has very little generation loss since the excess power generated only has to travel to the nearby neighbors. IP needs to envision and embrace the future, with lots of locally generated power being used to charge lots of battery powered vehicles and equipment. Implementing lower power rates during times of high customer-generation allows power users to economically charge their electrical vehicles or battery-powered lawn mowers, etc. A similar structure can be used to allow irrigators to water their crops during times of peak renewable generation. Idaho Power's analysis needs to consider the economic benefit of jobs being created by local solar installers putting rooftop solar systems into operation. To summarize, customer-generation will be a key part of Idaho Power reaching their goal of 100% renewable power before 2050, and hopefully sooner. Idaho Power needs to be encouraging customers who contribute to this goal and discouraging customers who use dirty fossil-fuel produced power that contributes to climate change. " ------ From:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 10:00:07 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Elizabeth Jeffrey Submission Time: Nov 19 2021 9:39AMEmail: makeitgreen@me.com Telephone: 208-309-0336Address: 201 N. 3rd Ave Hailey, ID 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "I am concerned about Idaho Power's upcoming study on determining the value ofcustomer owned solar. I am a senior citizen with some solar on my roof that currently meets our household needs over the year's time. With winter snows and low sun angle, we producevery little energy in the winter but a lot in the summer. We hope to cut our carbon footprint in the future and move our stove, furnace and water heater to electric and will look to add moresolar at that time. We want to know that we will be able to afford both the cost of new appliances AND that we can count on fair value for the solar we produce. Beyond theeconomic issues for us personally, we are deeply concerned about the slow road Idaho Power has set out to get to their stated goals of 'clean energy by 2045'. None of their plans currentlyreach that goal and I believe that is in part due to the fact that they are limiting the growth of indifidual solar due to the uncertainty they build through their undervaluing of its potential.There are so many pieces of this issue with Idaho Power and local solar that concern me that it actually makes my stomach churn. A quick list of these concerns; Wildfires from the entirewest are not only life threatening to those in the flames but have impacted my health through the increase in local particulates I want to consider batteries for future winter storage andleveling off of our energy draw from the grid but am very uncertain of Idaho Power's stance on this addition to our partnership I want predictable and transparent information about oursolar agreement with IP going forward My concern for myself, my children and eventual grandchildren grows greater all the time as I see Idaho Power attempt to avoid addressing thehealth, climate, and financial implications of burning fossil fuels of any kind into the unknown future. I feel that Idaho Power has not done a good job of being transparent in the past(intentionally or by error) and I have concerns about their transparency and understandability in the future. Above all, at this time, I ask the PUC to require Idaho Power to hire a soundindependent company to verify and study the value of customer owned solar. A 3rd party with no financial or leadership ties to Idaho Power is necessary to study the many aspects of thisissue without the prejudice implicit in the monopoly supplier. I would also hope the PUC demands verification of the tools used in the study and a clear picture of the value of climate,health, reliable future jobs, meeting the growing need of electrification of our energy sources and the financial benefits to our communities. Thank you very much for your work on thisincredibly important issue. Elizabeth Jeffrey" ------ From:Jake Heusinkveld To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Stand up for solar! Case Number: IPC-E-21-21. Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 10:17:18 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary, Solar is an important player in Idaho’s clean energy future! I want the Idaho Power solar valuation study to identify how I can participate in the rooftop solar program. Local, cleanenergy benefits us all and plays an important role in working towards a clean energy future. Regards, Jake Heusinkveld 3675 Gramarcy Ln Boise, ID 83703 From:Amanda Dehaas To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 - SOLAR Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 10:20:29 AM My name is Amanda DeHaas, and I am an Idaho Power customer living in Ketchum, ID. I ama business owner, a mother of 1 kiddo, wife and 5th generation Idahoan. I care about supporting fair solar options for Idaho customers because CLIMATE CHANGE is in our face, and moving to solar and away from fossil fuels is one of the top things we can doto change the direction of our future. Please, PLEASE direct Idaho Power to conduct a fully comprehensive study of solar so that customers can be fairly compensated for all the value they’re providing to our environment,economy, and families. I love Idaho, and I want to be proud of the state I call home. LET US MOVE TO SOLAR and incentive it so that we can have a long lasting planet! Cheers, Amanda Dehaas Amanda DeHaas | Partner & Sr. Recruiter - Top 10 Producer TEEMA Solutions Group - Connect with me on LinkedIn adehaas@teemagroup.com | (c) 208.850.3998 View my calendar at: calendly.com/teema1 Technology | Engineering | Sales & Marketing | Product | Design | Consultants From:Nancy Basinger To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Net metering changes Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 10:39:23 AM To our PUC decision makers, Regarding case number IPC-E-21-21 I am asking you to consider the many benefits of the power that Idahoans produce with rooftop solar. Locally produced power can stabilize the grid and give everyday people achance to become more energy independent, especially in the case of a natural disaster. We should be doing everything we can to increase customer owned energy, providing local jobsand spreading the benefits of clean energy to the citizens. Please set net metering rates to take account of these many benefits. Thank you, Nancy Basinger.Boise From:Marci Higginson To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 11:36:34 AM We purchased solar panels and a Tesla battery for our cabin. We were given false information that the solar power credit we would produce there for Idaho power would helpcover the cost of our Idaho power bill at our home 35 miles away. Not only was this not so, but we are not reimbursed anything for the extra power that we give back to the grid. If the goal is to encourage clean energy, it’s discouraged by Idaho power for not payingcustomers for the power they take. Neighbors with solar have told us that the goal is to buy the amount of panels that you need to power your home and no more because you won’t becompensated for any extra that you give back to Idaho power. This is also advice given them by the solar companies, and it’s true. We are not compensated by any extra power thatwe give to Idaho power, and for us with our cabin, that’s a lot of power. If we were to decide to put solar on our home or our business, there’s no incentive for us to buy more topromote clean energy if we are not compensated for it in some way. We would be paying more money to give free power to a power company that takes and doesn’t give back. Itseems they are discouraging cleaner energy in this way. Thank you,Marci Higginson From:Pamela Barnhill (pambarnhill54@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Friday, November 19, 2021 11:54:10 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Please make solar possible for ALL Idahoans. We need to make it easy for all citizens to help keep our air clean and to end the use of fossil fuels. Idaho is a super conservative state - many of our leaders don?t even look at what other states are doing to help with climate change, so let?s help them? I.e. California requires all new buildings to have solar! Other states have mass transit. We need to add charging stations for EV and Hydrogen vehicles. We need to fight against Joe Manchin and Amalthea 4 years of Trump who will decimate our planet out of his uneducated views and his cronyism and must for $$$$ I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Pamela Barnhill 2282 E Cornhusk Court Boise , ID 83706 pambarnhill54@gmail.com (208) 871-4900 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500.