HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211115Comments(17)_17.pdfFrom:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 7:00:15 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Paul Hancock Submission Time: Nov 13 2021 5:55PMEmail: pocatellopaul177@gmail.com Telephone: 206-244-1483Address: 2750 Kootenai Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Please do not go to war on roof top solar. We need to be energy independent, smaller scaled and clean to assure our outdoor way of life in Idaho. Paul " ------ From:Caren DeAngelis To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:regarding case IPC-E-21-21 Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 8:06:16 AM To whom it may concern: I am writing regarding the above referenced case, Idaho Power Company's sudy of the cost and benefits of on-site generation of electricity. I have just installed solar cells on my house in Sun Valley and so have a personal stake in the outcome of this study. I believe that IPC should NOT make changes that make net-metering for individuals LESS affordable. I understand that they are just a business, looking to make as much money as possible. But making solar less affordable just does not make any sense! A study of the costs and benefits of net-metering should include consideration of the benefits of locally generated power. This should include grid reliability, energy independence, good, high-paying local jobs in the solar industry and cleaner air and environment. The truth is that many people will still not be able to afford to have solar panels installed and/or may not have a location that lends itself to solar. IPC should be encouraging those who can to have solar installed! And the best way would be to make net-metering more affordable. How much money do they really need to make?! Thank you, Caren DeAngelis, MA, OTR/L, CHT 208-890-9448 From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 10:00:10 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Randy Anderson Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 9:41AMEmail: highbasin@gmail.com Telephone: 208-390-8199Address: 119 Westello Pocatello , ID 83204 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Please continue and enhance net metering for personally owned solar systems including on homes and buildings. Idaho needs to continue towards renewable energy and this is a clear, common sense path towards that goal. " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 12:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: LINDA MILLER Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 11:21AMEmail: millerlindasusan@gmail.com Telephone: 303-241-1149Address: 3131 N 24TH STREET boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Linda Miller Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Changes that make net-metering changes less affordable should not be allowed. Solar power makes sense - it reduces Idaho Power's need for additional transmission lines and is an excellent source of clean energy. Idaho Power should reimburse customers who provide energy back to the grid. " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 1:00:11 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Rene Rodriguez Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 12:27PMEmail: rodrrene@isu.edu Telephone: 208-282-2613Address: 541 S. 10th Ave Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Rooftop solar power should continue to be a viable way for community members to contribute power to the grid. The rate paid to the owners of the rooftop solar systems should be a fair and affordable net metering rate." ------ From:Pete Friedman To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 1:16:29 PM Dear Commissioners, Please accept our comments as part of the record for the referenced case. We understand that Idaho Power is starting a public study of the costs and benefits of on site generated power for those of us with rooftop solar. First, is the study being conducted by anindependent entity not commissioned by IPC? If not, will the PUC have it independently reviewed by a neutral third party? After a number of years of debating whether or not to invest in solar, we made thecommitment and considerable investment in our home to install rooftop solar last summer. Our decision was informed by a number of factors. We believe with the growth in the customer base we are witnessing in the Treasure Valley the demand for power will increaseand thus the need to purchase power from beyond IPCs traditional sources. Ergo, increasing the cost to existing customers. Thus anything we can do to generate clean power locallybenefits the company and customer. Another factor was last summer’s heat. Between the heat and the smoke we found ourselves inside far more than usual, thus running our AC longer ( at higher settings) than usual. Wehave no reason not to believe these issues issues will persist. From a purely philosophical point we took our small step to help maintain air quality and address climate change for the sake of our grandchildren’s future. We believe any cost benefit analysis of net metering should consider the benefits of locallygenerated power, energy independence, the jobs the solar industry provides and grid reliability. In the face of declining snowpacks, ongoing drought or less rainfall it is likely that thecontribution of hydropower will diminish forcing power purchases from sources more expensive than locally generated power. Rates for net metering should be set to allow an average household to have the option to install solar. For a corporation committed to a clean energy future ,we find it ironic that there is an attemptto price out those who choose to provide, clean locally produced power. Sincerely, Pete and Betsy Friedman 4088 W. Quail Ridge Dr.Boise 83703 From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 2:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Linda Engle Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 1:01PMEmail: LindaRSEngle@gmail.com Telephone: 208-406-7633Address: 340 S 11th Ave Pocatello, ID 83201-4810 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "We were fortunate enough to be able to put solar on our roof and buy an electric car. It is imparitive that IPC make the transition to clean energy as fast and easy as possible for all customers. I have four comments: 1) Hire an impartial third party to conduct the study to insure it is fair and unbiased. 2) Include elements that help everyone in our communities. Affordable renewable energy will boost to our economy. The National Renewable Energy Lab in its Electrification Futures Study for ID 02 estimates a buildout of renewables would result in: (Contact: jerry.hinkle@citizensclimatelobby.org) - additional average annual tax payments of $62 million, - additional employment for construction of projects generating about $19 million - $27 million in additional annual land lease payments - $19 million in annual wages for operation and manintenance. 3) Fair compenstaion for solar is VERY popular among Idahoans. Boise State University did a study in 2019 where they asked "Do you favor or oppose people who own solar energy systems on their home receiving a credit on their electricity bill for this energy they add back to the grid?" Over 91% of Idahoans favor the idea of receiving a credit on the energy solar owners put back on the grid. 4) Fair compensation will help Idaho power reach its goal of 100% renewable by 2045. Thank-you for regulating our power companiy with the public in mind. " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 5:00:08 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Mark Roberts Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 4:19PMEmail: markroberts@isu.edu Telephone: 208-705-1370Address: 536 South 9th Ave Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "I installed 8 solar panels on my roof a few years ago. It works great! I pay a small service fee to ID Power each month ($5.21), which is quite reasonable. I am very pleased with the current net metering system, which allows my excess summer power accumulations to pay for my winter electric bills. I am pleased to contribute to ID Power's goal to eliminate power generation based on fossil fuels. PLEASE continue to provide the net metering option. Thanks!" ------ From:Jp Gold To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21. Date:Sunday, November 14, 2021 11:06:49 PM I had solar installed on my house in construction and it has operated for a year now even though my house is not yet occupiable. Without Federal tax credits I could not have afforded the project. Every new house built here in the valley should have solar installed when built, don't make it harder, make it easier, there is only one planet we all live on. When the study is done, remember this The Commissioners should never allow any additional charges to residential customers with solar systems, there are no extra costs for the power company, a meter is a meter, installation is the same. This is a simple equation, don't complicate the matter or be dazzled by numbers. Thank You Mr. J. Paul Goll From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 7:00:05 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Glenn Thackray Submission Time: Nov 14 2021 9:01PMEmail: twbiz93@gmail.com Telephone: 208-282-3871Address: 227 S 9th Ave Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "I write with a strong preference for the current net metering policy and rate schedule to be continued. I do not have an electrical generating system on my property, but I do benefit from the rapid increase in solar power generation made feasible by the current net metering policy and rates. In fact, Idaho Power’s green power program, which I pay into, is intended to promote increases in non-fossil fuel based generation. Idaho Power lauds its green power program, and should use those funds to offset the claimed costs of the current net metering policy. Idaho is a great place for solar power generation, we need to build as much clean energy generation capacity as possible to support Idaho growth, and the current program encourages installation. I have not yet taken advantage of it myself for lack of personal capital, but if the cost structure remains I may do so. " ------ From:Daniel Appel To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:case number IPC-E-2121 Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 9:43:06 AM To Whom it may concern We have had a rooftop solar system for the past 4 years and are supportive of new installations by neighbors and friends. Especially in view of the dire effects of climate change and the needto eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the very near future, we urgently request that the PUC retain the reimbursement rate presently used for Solar customers. This will keep a financialincentive for Idaho Power customers to install Rooftop solar. This will result in many more people moving ahead with a solar installation. Thank you for your consideration. -- Dan Appel Shiloh Builders LLC4190 N. Waterford Place Boise, ID 83703dan@shilohbuilders.com 208-941-4114 From:Therese Gerard To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:case number IPC-E-2121 Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 7:36:08 AM To Whom It May Concern: We made the decision this summer to invest in rooftop solar power for our home. This is amajor investment for us and we have been considering and researching for several years. We worked to lower our own energy usage first, to find a reputable company with a good productand price, and to build our savings to be able to make the investment. We are aware that Idaho Power is doing a study of the costs and benefits of on-site generation of electricity bycustomers with rooftop solar. We ask that the Public Utilities Commission take our comments into consideration as well. Net-metering, as is currently provided by Idaho Power, is what makes our investmentfinancially feasible. By putting solar power on our roof, we are helping stabilize the grid, especially on summer afternoons when the sun is high and air-conditioners, refrigerators andfreezers are using electricity in every household in our community. Locally generated power contributes to energy independence, supports good local jobs for solar providers and helpscontribute immediately to cleaner air. Idaho Power has proposed that they should only have to reimburse their customers with solar power at the lower wholesale price at which they are now able to obtain solar power. But thetruth is, they do not obtain enough wholesale solar power to provide for every customer. The price they currently pay to those of us who have made the investment in rooftop solar is a fairprice based on the investment we have made to benefit the grid as well as our ourselves. At the very least, solar customers who have already made the investment should be"grandfathered in" to the current net-metering system. At the very best, the net-metering system should be required to continue for future investors in rooftop solar. Sincerely,Therese & Keith Gerard 3906 W Catalpa DrBoise, ID 83703 208-602-7766 From:Steve Folkner (steve.folkner@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 12:22:25 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, One of the complaints about solar power is the space it requires. There is a lot of roof space that is underused. I get that Idaho Power needs to turn a profit, but I don't think the company should discourage use of that space and people providing their own money for the investment. We need all the clean energy we can get as fast as we can get it, from what I read. I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Steve Folkner 9860 W Westview Dr Boise, ID 83704 steve.folkner@gmail.com (208) 409-5271 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:Randall Harville (leeheadingwest@aol.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 1:12:28 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, "conservative" Idaho could have been the Alaska of the 70's. Abundant sunshine, massive expansion, so much construction. With a little foresight and a little leadership, we could be producing so much energy now that we could be the leaders in the market. California rolling blackouts, we got you. Texas, well you are your own grid but you get the idea I hope. Instead of paying property taxes we could be receiving an energy bonus payment but alas no, we are so political that we prefer to drill, burn, rape, whatever it takes to be considered "conservative" rather than doing the right thing and harvesting what God so freely provides. I would say shame on you but I think you are beyond shame, just want to be "right", don't you? I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Randall Harville 1168 N Little Camas Ave Star, ID 83669 leeheadingwest@aol.com (208) 906-5793 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 2:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kenneth Reynolds Submission Time: Nov 15 2021 1:27PMEmail: ken@thereynoldsonline.com Telephone: 208-869-8745Address: 1541 Shenandoah Dr. Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: " Like many retired people with a residence in Idaho (condo in Boise) I spend some time in another state during different seasons. Thus I am a partial requirements customer but not a net metering customer. There must be many customers who don’t qualify as full requirement customers. I speak for myself and those who are unaware of how this study could impact them. Therefore I would like to voice these concerns about IPC-E-21-21: 1. It is wrong to use this study to make a reason to raise monthly payments to customers with “partial electricity needs.” 2. I hope the PUC will recognize that all types of customers who use less than full requirements should know that this is not just a study of “net excess energy” but a study of new approaches to their rates. 3. Idaho has grown rapidly, and the rate is accelerating. I hope this study will focus on how we as a group: customers, innovators, and suppliers can help fund new capacity. More power to those that attempt to lower their rates with solar panels and help solve the problem. Rather we should care how the utility will respond to the future and not increase the risks of coal and natural gas and hedge against hydo risks from increasing droughts and weather extremes. Now is the time for us as Idahoans and Americans to come together for the common good to help fund new, clean capacity " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 4:00:10 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Ann Swanson Submission Time: Nov 15 2021 3:13PMEmail: swanann@isu.edu Telephone: 208-244-8521Address: 2161 Diane Lane Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Dear PUC, I purchased solar for my home four years ago. I made the investment because I wanted to help reduce my own public energy consumption and support reducing greenhouse effect by using alternative energy. Additionally, Idaho Power has a 100% clean energy goal. It makes sense that the public should be able to contribute to that goal with programs that fairly compensate us for our investment. Idaho residents should be able to participate in their own energy production I encourage the PUC to support fair life-of-system compensation for the investment I and others have made in green energy. Sincerely, Ann " ------ From:Meghann Wenzel To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Stand up for solar! Case Number: IPC-E-21-21. Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 4:16:29 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary, Solar is an important player in Idaho’s clean energy future! I want the Idaho Power solar valuation study to identify how I can participate in the rooftop solar program. Local, cleanenergy benefits us all and plays an important role in working towards a clean energy future. Solar clean energy will only help our beautiful state stay that way! Less air pollution will onlymake our weather that much better. Regards, Meghann Wenzel 2314 N 34th St Boise, ID 83703