HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211111Comments(7)_7.pdfFrom:Charles Kahle To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Stand up for solar! Case Number: IPC-E-21-21. Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 5:46:09 AM Dear Commission Secretary PUC, Solar is an important player in Idaho’s clean energy future! I want the Idaho Power solar valuation study to identify how I can participate in the rooftop solar program. Local, cleanenergy benefits us all and plays an important role in working towards a clean energy future. Regards, Charles Kahle 1284 E Broadstone Ct Boise, ID 83702 From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 7:00:07 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Jane Snelling Submission Time: Nov 10 2021 7:15PMEmail: snellingja@gmail.com Telephone: 208-420-0195Address: 2308 W Rainwater Ct Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Hello, I have recently been considering adding solar to my home. I am interestedin helping to provide green energy and keep my environmental impact low. I have been researching my options and potential financial impact, and have ultimately decided againstinstalling solar at this time due to the uncertainty surrounding the rate of return for additional solar produced. I hope that an independent study be conducted by an objective 3rd party andthat the environmental, health and quality of life benefits of solar production are taken into account and valued by the study beyond the financials alone. I also hope that the value ofdistributed local power production is taken into account (ie grid stabilization). I hope there are clear financial outcomes." ------[Open in the PUC Intranet application] From:Janet Buschert To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Move toward a brighter future! Case Number: IPC-E-21-21. Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 10:30:20 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary, I want the rooftop solar valuation study to value the benefits that local clean power bring to our community. The energy that we return to the grid throughout the year does provide localbenefit and that should also be valued. We participate in the program not only for the financial benefits over time, but also to help Idaho move Idaho toward a sustainable energy future!.Clean, customer-owned power should be an option supported and encouraged by Idaho Power. Regards, Janet Buschert 235 W Floating Feather Rd Eagle, ID 83616 From:Alida Bockino (alidabockino@moscow.com) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:10:05 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Alida Bockino 1104 Pine Crest Rd Moscow, ID 83843 alidabockino@moscow.com (208) 882-3378 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 12:00:07 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Daniel Harder Submission Time: Nov 11 2021 11:31AMEmail: daniel.harder@go-ralos.com Telephone: 208-350-9624Address: 2443 E Garber Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, As a native Idahoan and local smallbusiness owner/electrical contractor, I was pleased to hear the Idaho Public Utilities Commission had unanimously voted against the tariff proposed by Idaho Power back inDecember of 2019. Idaho Power is a subsidiary of IDACORP, Inc, a $5 Billion, publicly traded company whose shareholders (25% of whom are investment advisory firms based inCA, PA and MD) have benefited greatly from the vast natural resources across the beautiful State of Idaho. Over the years, Idaho Power’s messaging on their commitment to RenewableEnergy has been mixed and confusing, to say the least. Early in 2019, Idaho Power became one of the first utility providers in the U.S. to announce their commitment to producing 100%of their power through renewable resources. However, later that year, Idaho Power filed a motion to throttle their Net Metering program, effectively penalizing homeowners seeking toproduce and export local, renewable energy back into the grid. As if this was not confusing enough, during our historic heat wave this summer, Idaho Power went to extraordinary lengthsto seek the public’s help in supplying the power Idaho residents needed; from begging customers to turn up their thermostats and reduce consumption, to even telephoning localbusinesses and asking them to operate off their own stand-alone generators due to their inability to meet the local energy demand. Yet, here we find ourselves again, with IdahoPower still seeking to stymie the local power generation efforts which represent the greatest, most obvious solution to the rapidly increasing energy demand of the Treasure Valley andbeyond. Anyone who has followed Net Metering and Renewable Energy policy across the U.S. for the past decade knows this attack on Net Metering is the go-to strategy for PubliclyTraded companies seeking to snuff out the local Solar and private Renewable Energy market as a means of securing their longstanding monopoly on energy generation and distribution.These actions, as we have seen in the past from Nevada to the Carolinas, are often followed up by the Utility with the construction of massive, industrial scale Solar and Renewable Energyprojects as a means of further securing their monopoly on the sale and distribution of electricity while saving face in their supposed commitment to clean, Renewable Energy. Thiseffort comes as a clear statement on where Idaho Power’s interests lie: it is with their foreign shareholders at the expense of their customers and Idaho’s residents, no matter the cost to thelocal Idaho economy and to their own rate-payers. On behalf of all Idahoans, Small Businesses, present and future Solar Power facility owners, Electrical Contractors and IdahoPower Rate-Payers, I implore you to uphold your commitment to protecting the interests of the Idaho public. Do not allow this tariff to pass. Warm Regards, Daniel Harder Manager-Member: RALOS, LLC daniel.harder@go-ralos.com (208) 350-9624 2443 E Garber Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 " ------ Name: Shannon HansenSubmission Time: Nov 11 2021 11:26AM Email: shannon.hansen@go-ralos.comTelephone: 509-671-4026 Address: 4647 N Bright Angel PlaceMeridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "I am both an Idaho Power customer and I work in the solar industry. It is imperative to the future of Idaho’s grid security and resilience that net metering not onlycontinue as a practice, but be encouraged and incentivized. The recently passed infrastructure bill puts a tremendous emphasis on transmission reform and storage concerns facing eachutility district across the country. Idaho’s challenges are only beginning to surface, we are years behind other parts of the country in addressing these concerns. For instance, netmetering can be used to store reserve power for use across Idaho’s infrastructure through the implementation of (and incentivisation of) Virtual Power Plants located in thousands of Idahoresidences and businesses. This method of manufacturing and storing power (whether from solar, wind or geothermal) benefits all Idahoans, including the shareholders of Idaho Power.This Commission recently granted approval (2019) to Idaho Power to contract with Jackson Holdings, LLC to purchase energy for a 20 yr term from their coming solar farm project beingconstructed south of Twin Falls. This allows Idaho Power to receive the renewable energy credits from this project. This project must not be allowed to overshadow the importance ofrooftop solar systems. Idahoans value participation in the transition over to renewable energy, it allows the citizenry to have contributory interest in the success and implementation of theseprograms. Incentivizing individual households, businesses and municipalities to produce energy for the benefit of the entire state is the true spirit of Idaho. I ask that the Commissionrequire Idaho Power to provide data and analysis that includes the use of net metering and Virtual Power Plants as a means to address the transmission & storage reform requirements ofthe recently passed legislative requirements of the Infrastructure Bill. In addition the study presented by Idaho Power must be all encompassing of solar power production acrossresidential, commercial, industrial and public/government entities that utilize the services of Idaho Power. I also encourage the Commission to consider the ramifications of allowing &encouraging development of an agreement with Jackson Holdings, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Duke Energy, on one hand while denying Idahoans the same opportunity tomanufacture and benefit from solar energy. Thank you for your service to our beautiful state. Sincerely, Shannon Hansen Operation Manager, Ralos, LLC & resident of Meridian, ID " ------[Open in the PUC Intranet application] From:Mary Butler (pdawson@boisestate.edu) Sent You a Personal Message To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-21-21 Idaho Power Solar Study Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 1:00:13 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I?m an Idaho Power customer and I care about protecting every customer?s right to meet their own energy needs through a fair rooftop solar program, which must be as affordable and accessible as possible. Please ensure that Idaho Power?s ?value of solar? study is fair, accurate, thorough, and evaluates the wide range of benefits that local, clean, customer-owned power provides to customers, the utility, and the public at large. Sincerely, Mary Butler 5180 E Forest Floor Ave Boise, ID 83716 pdawson@boisestate.edu (208) 859-6641 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more information, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977- 5500. From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 2:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Hallock Rick Submission Time: Nov 11 2021 1:34PMEmail: rickhallock62@gmail.com Telephone: 570-290-3762Address: 2102 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-21-21 Comment: "To whom it may concern, It has come to my attention that Idaho Power hasapplied for a net metering tariff with the Public Utilities Commission. I strongly oppose this tariff. If this tariff is allowed it would be very detrimental to the solar industry. It will allowIdaho Power to force residents of Idaho to have no choice over which source they choose for power. Besides clean energy, solar gives the opportunity for people to choose how theyreceive their power. " ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet application]