HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210628Aschenbrenner Direct.pdfBEFORE THE IDAI{O PT'BI,IC UTIIJITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAI{O POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MUI,TI-PHASE COLI,ABORATIVE PROCESS FOR THE STI'DY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, AIVD COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION IDAI{O POWER COMPAI\TY DIRECT TESTIMOIiTY CONNIE G. ASCHENBRENNER CASE NO. TPC-F,-2L-2L OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o.Please state your name, business address, and present position with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"). A. My name is Connie G. Aschenlcrenner. My business address is 1-221- West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho, 83702. f am employed by ldaho Power as the Rate Design Senior Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department. O. Please describe your educational background. A. In May of 2006, I received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance from Boise State University in Boise, Idaho. In December of 201-L, I earned a Master of Business Admj-nj-stration degree from Boise State University. In addition, I have attended the electric utility ratemaking course The Basics: Practical Regulatory Training for the Electric Industry, a course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Publ-ic Utilities. a. Please describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. ln 201-2, I was hired as a Regulatory Analyst in the Company's Regulatory Affairs Department. My primary responsibilities included support of the Company's Commercial- and Industrial customer class's rate design and general support of tariff rules and regulations. In 2015, r assumed responsibilities associated with Residential and ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 10 t_1 t2 L3 t4 t-5 L6 L7 18 1,9 20 21, 22 23 24 t- 25 l- Sma1l General Service rate design, as well as regrrlatory 2 support assoclated with demand-side management (*DSM") 3 activities. In 20L6, I was promoted to a Senior Regulatory 4 Analyst, and my responsibilities expanded to include the 5 development of complex cost-related studies. In 2017, I 5 was promoted to Rate Design Manager for Idaho Power, and in 7 201,9 I was promoted to my current role as Rate Design 8 Senior Manager. I am currently responsible for the 9 management of the rate design strategies of the Company, as 10 well as oversight of all tariff administration. In my lL current role, I am one of the Company representatives at 12 its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group (*EEAG") meetings. l-3 O. What is the purpose of your testimony? L4 A. My testimony describes the Company's proposal l-5 to initiate a multi-phase collaborative process for a study 16 of the costs and benefits of on-sj-te generation. The 17 proposed process incl-udes a "study designr " "study revJ-ewr " 18 and "implementation" phase. 19 O. What is the Company's primary objective of 20 this multi-phase study process? 21- A. The Company's primary objective of the study 22 process is to establish a sustainable on-site generation 23 offering that limits subsidies by implementing a more 24 eguitable pricing and compensation structure. The multi- 25 phase study process will be accomplished through a ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 2 1 transparent and collaboraEive approach with stakeholders 2 and the public. Ultimately, the Company anticipates 3 proposals to implement changes to the on-site generation 4 offering will be informed by the studies and should seek to 5 eliminate or minimize potential cross-subsidies that exist 5 between participants and non-participants of on-site 7 generation through rate design and compensation structures 8 for on-site generatJ-on customers. Further, the Company 9 believes recommendations to modify the existing offering 10 should focus on cost-of-service principles, while 11- identifying the appropriate value of excess net energy to 12 ensure equitable compensation for on-site generators. 13 O. How is your testimony organized? 14 A. The first section of my testimony will discuss 15 pertinent case history related to the Commission's 16 directive for the Company to comprehensively study the L7 costs and benefits of on-site generation and rate design. L8 In the second section, I will describe the Company's 19 proposed scope for the "study design" phase. The third 20 section of my testimony will outline the broader proposed 21- timeline for the "study design, " "study reviewr " and 22 "implementation" phases of the study. The concludi-ng 23 section will describe proposed stakeholder engagement and 24 public workshops to solicit input in the "study design" 25 phase. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 3 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I. Background On-Site Generation O. What is on-site generation? A. The Company uses the term "on-site generation" to refer to its retail customers who install equipment used to generate electricity, most commonly solar panels, to meet some or all of their electric needs. While generating electricity on-site, these customers are also simultaneously connected in paral1e1 to ldaho Power's grid and the vast majority e>rport ener!ry to the grid. O. V{hat rate schedules are applicable to L2 customers with on-site generation? who install on-site interconnect an Exporting System under Schedule 6, Residential Service On-Site generation can terms of 10 1,4 11 13 15 A Customers the Generation 16 ("Schedul-e 6"), Schedule 8, SmalL General- Service On-Site 17 Generation ("Schedu1e 8"), Schedul-e 68, Interconnectj-ons to l-8 Customer Distributed Energy Resources ("Schedule 68") and 19 Schedule 84, Customer Energ"y Production Net Metering 20 Service ("Schedule 84') . 21- Customers who install a Non-Exporting System 22 continue to take service under the retail rate schedule 23 they qualify for based on the applicability of the 24 Company's retail tariff schedules. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 4 l- A11 customers with on-site generation are subject to 2 the terms of Schedule 58 governing interconnectj.on. 3 Q. How many customers currently have an 4 Exporting- or Non-Exporting System interconnected to fdaho 5 Power's grid? 5 A. As of May 31, 2021-, there are 7,789 Exporting 7 Systems interconnected and taking service under Schedules 8 6, 8, and 84 and three (3) Non-Exporting Systems 9 interconnected and taking service under Schedules 9 and l-9. 10 Collective1y, these customer systems represent 11 approximately 70 MW of generation. 12 O. Please describe the billing and compensation 13 structure currently in place for Schedules 6, 8, and 84. L4 A. The billing structure currently applicable to 15 these schedules is referred to as "net metering. " Under 15 the net metering compensation structure, if electricity t7 supplied by the Company during a Billing Period exceeds the l-8 electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the 19 Company during the Billing Period, the Customer is biIled 20 for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the 2L rates contaj-ned within the applicable service schedule. If 22 the electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to 23 the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the 24 electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing 25 Period, the Excess Net Energy is carried forward as a ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 5 1 kilowatt-hour (*kwh") credit to offset energy usage in a 2 subsequent Billing Period. These customers are often 3 referred to as "partial requirements" customers because 4 they are offsetting some or all of their usage with their 5 own generation. 6 O. Were Idaho Power's retail rates desj-gned in a 7 manner that considered the unique load characteristics of 8 partial reguirements customers? 9 A. No. Idaho Power's current retail rates were 1-0 designed to align with the load characteristics of fuII 1l- reqr:irements customers. Historically, residential electric 12 rate designs bundled all electric services into one k['Ih l-3 rate, chargj-ng customers for the amount of energy they 1,4 used. Non-Residential- or Smal1 General Service cl-ass's 15 rate design also recover a portion of fixed costs through L5 Demand and Basic Load Capacity charges. When applied only 1-7 to customers taking fuII service from the utility, this l-8 structure represented a fair and reasonable mar:ner to 19 collect service costs from customers. 20 A large portion of the Company's revenue requirement 2L is collected through volumetrj-c energy rates, including 22 costs associated with all components of the electrical 23 system, from investment in generation resources to the 24 meters installed on customers' premises. Consequently, the 25 energy rates for Idaho Power's customers include not only ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 6 1 the variable energy-related components of the revenue 2 requirement, but fixed operations and maintenance and 3 plant-related costs associated with generation, 4 transmj-ssion, distributi-on, and customer care. 5 Q. Does the net metering billing and compensation 6 structure provide the Company a reasonable opportunity to 7 collect the costs associated with serving an on-site I generation customer? 9 A. No. A customer who installs on-site 10 generation does so with the intent to offset their usage 11 and reduce or eliminate the volume of energy they consume 1,2 from Idaho Power. Recovering fixed costs through a L3 volumetric rate does not work well for this segrment of 1,4 customers because fixed costs do not vary with changes in 15 the amount of energy consumed from Idaho Power. 15 The Company's residential and smal-l- general servj-ce 17 (*R&SGS") customers have the most significant portion of 18 fixed costs 91 percentl - collected through those 19 schedules' volumetric charge. The Company's large general 20 service (commercial), industrial, and irri-gation customer 21, classes have 50, 39, and 70 percent, respectively, of each 22 schedul-e's fixed costs collected through the volumetric 1 Fixed costs co1lected through volumetri-c charges proportion is cal-cul-ated from inputs sourced from the Company's most recent generalrate case, Case No. IPC-E-11--08. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 charges. These customers are collectively referred to as "Cf&I" customers. O. Has the Commission acknowledged the limitations of retail rate net metering? A. Yes. Most recently, in Order No. 34046, the Commission found: Our analysis of the history of the Company's on-site generation program reveals an unfairness i-n how current and future on- site generation customers avoid fixed costs. The ability these customers have to "net out" or net to zero their electricity use causes them to underpay their share of the Company's fixed costs to serve customers, and this ineguity will only increase as more customers choose on-site generation.z 7 I 9 10 LL 1,2 13 L4 15 l-5 17 The Commission also found that "the present netting of 18 energy not only a11ows these customers to avoid paying 19 their fair share of fixed costs, but also prevents them 20 from realizing presently unguantified benefits to the 2l grid. "i 22 O. What steps did the Commlssion order the 23 Company take to address the issues related to rate design 24 and guantifying the costs and benefits of on-site 25 generation on Idaho Power's system? 2 In the Matter of the AppTication of ldaho Power Company for Authority to Estabfish New Scheduies for Residential- and Sma77 General Serwice Customers with on-site Generation, Case No. IPC-E-17-!3, Order No 34045 at 15 (May 9, 2018). ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 8 3 Id. al 23 and 31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 A In Order No. 34046, the Commission ordered the Company to (1) "undertake a comprehensive study of fixed costs" and (2) "initiate a docket to comprehensively study the costs and benefits of on-site generation on Idaho Power's system, as well- as proper rates and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to the Compdtty.'t+ IPC-E-18-15 and IPC-E-18-16 O. Did the Company initiate a docket to comprehensively study the costs and benefj.ts of on-site generation on Idaho Power's system? A. Yes. The Company filed a petition to initiate Case No. IPC-E-18-l-5 on October l-9, 201-8. O. Did the Company perform any studies related to customers with on-site generatJ-on in that case? A. Yes. In advance of petitioning the Commission to initiate Case No. IPC-E-18-l-5, the Company conducted an initial study evaluating costs and benefits of on-site generati-on on Idaho Power's system. That initial- study evaluated cost-of-service, rate desj.gn, billing and 10 1l_ 1,2 L6 13 t4 t_5 1,7 18 L9 20 2A compensation structures, and and served as the foundation parties. ("Staff"), the value of excess net for analysis and input Staff energy from22 23 Ultimately, the Compdny, Commission and numerous intervening parties with diverse ASCHENBRENNER, DI fdaho Power Company 9 24 4 Id. aU 31. 1 interestsu reached a settlement on an agreed-upon 2 compensation structure for excess g'eneration and a value 3 for the excess g'eneration, as well as several other aspects 4 of the Company's on-site generatj-on service. The 5 Settlement Agreement was the product of several studies 5 resulting from a year-Iong collaborative process that 7 included eight half or all-day settlement meetings and 8 hours of collaborative analysis and deliberation. 9 O. Did the Company seek to implement changes as a l-0 result of these studies in Case No. IPC-E-18-I-5? 11 A. Yes. On October 11, 2019, Idaho Power and 12 Staff jointly submitted a Motion to Approve Settlement. l-3 Agreement. The Settlement Agreement requested the L4 Commission approve changes to Idaho Power's net metering 15 program, supported by the underlying information studied by 1-6 the Company and parties and representing a settlement of L7 several other key issues. 18 O. Did the Commission approve the Settlement 19 Agreement? 20 A. No. In Order No. 34509 issued on December 20, 2L 20L9, the Commission rejected the Settlement Agreement, 22 stating: 23 24 25 We thus find it appropriate to reject the Settlement Agreement and prescribe procedures to be followed to develop an s While all 13 parties participated in the settslement process, nine of those parties ultimately signed the Settslement Agreement. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company l_0 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 adequate record and address our ongoingconcerns. More specifically, we find the public was not adequately notified this docket might result in a significant changeto the Companyrs net-metering program structure. Further, filing the Settlement Agreement in the absence of a comprehensive sEudy does not comply with our directive toparties in Order No. 34046.6 L0 Ultimately, the Commission found an insufficient record to l-1 support that the Settlement Agreement was reasonable, in 12 the public j-nterest, or otherwise in accordance with 1aw or 13 regulatory poIicy., L4 O. What did the Commission determine necessary l-5 before it could decide on modifications to the Company's 1,5 net metering design? 1-7 A. In Order No. 34509, the Commission directed 18 Idaho Power to prepare and fil-e a "credibl-e and fair study" 19 of the costs and benefits of distributed on-si-te 2A 2t 22 23 generation. a. what would A What grridance did the Commission provide about constj-tute an acceptable study? The Commission identified the following the study must24 criteria for a credible and fair study: (1) 25 use the most current data possible and must be readily 6 In the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company to Study the Costs, Benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Energy SuppTied by Customer On-Site Generation, Case No. IPC-E-18-15, Order No. 34509, at5 (December 20, 20!9) . ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 7fd.at8 11 l- available to the public, and in the Commission's decision- 2 making record; (2) the Company must design the study in 3 coordination with the parties and the pr:bIic, and the 4 Commission will determine the final scope of the study; (3) 5 the study must be written, so it is understandable to an 6 average customer, but its analysis must be able to 7 withstand e>cpert scrutiny.e 8 Q. What other criteria did the Commissj-on 9 establish for a study? L0 A. The Commission outlined a "study design" phase l-l- and a "study review" phase. Durj-ng the "study design" L2 phase, Staff and the Company will both "host pr:bIic 13 workshops to share information and perspectives on net- L4 metering program design with the public and to listen to l-5 customer concerns and input.us In the "sEudy review" phase, L6 the public will have the opportunity to comment on whether L7 the study sufficiently addressed their concerns and their L8 opinions on what the study shows. L9 0. Did the Commission issue any other directives 20 in Case No. IPC-E-18-15? I Id. at 9. e rd. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 12 l- 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 A. Yes. The Commission established criteriaro to define legacy treatment for systems under Schedule 5 and Schedule 8. The legacy systems would be subject to the rules in place as of the service date of Order No. 34509, December 20, 201-9. Additionally, the Commission stated that the more clearly worded disclosure in the recently enacted Residential Solar Energ'y System Disclosure Act, and its more complete description in Order No. 34509 of what ,a tariff can changerr means provides a reasonable difference between legacy and new systems. O. what criteria did the Commission outline for legacy treatment? A. A legacy system is defined as either an on- site generation system interconnected with Idaho Power's system as of the service date of Order No. 34509, or a customer with a binding financial commitment to install an on-site generation system that proceeds to interconnect their system on or before December 20, 2O2O.Lt Legacy systems sha11 operate under the terms of Schedule 5 or Schedule 8 as those Schedules exist on December 20, 20L9. Legacy status terminates December 20, 2045.12 a. Are the rates and rate structure subject to LO Id. LL Id. t2 rd. at 8-9 and 10-L1. at 14. at 9. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company l-0 11 L2 13 l4 18 L9 20 15 16 l7 21, 22 t3 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 change for legacy systems? A. Yes. Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 state, 'tThe following rate upon Commission structure and approval" and charges are subject to change lists the current rate structure comprised of the monthly service charge and the monthly energy charges. The Commission also stated the following regarding legacy treatment These rates and rate structure are sti11 subject to change. We make thisdistinction based on our finding that customers who installed on-site generation understood that rates for consumption could change, and recognized that the value of the 1:L monthly kWh offset would change in value along with the rates for consumption. We e>cpect proposals for changes to consumption rates and rate structures to be made only ina general rate case in which rates and rate structure for all customer classes are under review. See also Order No. 32845 at L2-l-3. We recognize that an increase to the monthly service charge could impact the f inanc j-a1 payback period on a customer's on-site generation system, but rates for consumption are not frozer:- in time, and we find that such a change has always been within the realm of customer expectatj-ons . r: I 9 10 t_ l_ L2 13 1,4 15 16 17 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 As of May 31, 202:., 31 Schedule 5 and Schedule 8 systems 32 Power's system. O. How many have legacy systems? Schedule 5 and Schedule 8 customers there are 5,400 legacy interconnected to Idaho ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company A 13 fd. at 14-l-5 L4 L O. Did the decision in Case No. IPC-E-L8-15 to 2 define legacy systems apply to the Company's CI&I 3 customers? 4 A. No. In Order No. 34546, the Commission stated 5 that the decision was based on the facts of that case. The 5 Commission further noted that if CI&I customers in Schedule 7 84 are to receive legacy treatment as of a specific date, 8 that decision must be based on the facts presented in a 9 separate case.l4 l-0 a. Did the Company undertake a comprehensive 1l- study of fixed costs? 12 A. Yes. On October 19, 2018, the Company filed a 13 petition to open Case No. IPC-E-18-1-5 related to studying 14 fixed costs of providing electric service to customers. 15 Several parties intervened in the docket, and the Company 1,5 participated in multiple workshops in advance of filing a 1,7 Fixed Cost Report on September 30, 20L9. On March 31, 18 2020, the Commission issued Order No. 34508, recognizing 19 the Company filed a Fixed Cost Report, in compliance with 20 Order No. 34046. 21- /// 22 /// 74 In Ehe Matter of the AppTication of ldaho Power Company to Study theCosts, Benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Enerry SuppTied by Customer On-Site Generation, Case No. IPC-E-18-l-5, Order No. 34546 at12 (February 5, 2020). ASCHENBRENNER, Df Idaho Power Company l-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 TP0-E-20 -26 and IPC-E-2O-30 O. Oid the Company initiate a separate case to determine if existing CI&I customer systems would receive Iegacy treatment before initiating the "study design" phase? A. Yes. In the same way that the Commission provided Schedule 5 and Schedule 8 customers a more complete description of what "a tariff can change" means, fdaho Power t.hought it was essential for the same communication and determination on legacy treatment for CI&I customers under Schedule 84. The Company initiated Case No. IPC-E-20-26, where it applied for authorization to change the two-meter requirement in Schedule 84 to a single-meter requirement for new customer-generators and to grant legacy treatment to existing customer-gienerators under the current rules as of December 1 , 2020. O. What was the outcome of Case No. IPC-E-20-25? A. The Commission issued Order Nos. 34854 and 34892 on December 1 , 2020, and ,January L4, 202L, respectively. As a result, the Commission estalrlished criteria similar to Case No. IPC-E-l-8-15, to provide legacy treatment to Schedule 84 systems under the rules in place ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 10 1,2 13 1,7 15 Ll- 18 t9 1,4 16 20 2a 22 1-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 as of the service date of Order No. 34854.1s The decisi-on delineated between legacy systems and new systems subject to future changes informed by a comprehensive study. O. what criteria did the Commission outline for legacy treatment for Schedule 84? A. A legacy system is defined as either an on- site generation system interconnected with Idaho Power's system as of the service date of Order No. 34854, or a customer with a binding financial commitment to install an on-site generation system t,hat proceeds to interconnect their system on or before December 1, 2021-.t6 Legacy status terminates December l- , 2045.t1 O. Did the Commission add additional clarity to the term "Iegacy treatment" in its Order No. 34892? A. Yes. The Commission delineated between existing customer-generators who are eligible for legacy treatment and new customer-generators who are not eligible for legacy treatment and explained that the term "grandfather" or "legacy treatment" in this specific Ls In the l,b.tter of ldaho Power Company's AppTication to lbdity Schedufe 84's lbtering Requirement and to Grandfather Existing Customers with Two I'Ieters, Case No. IPC-E-20-25, Order No. 34854 at 11 (December 1, 2020) . 16 In the yktter of Idaho Power Conpany's AppTication to lbdify ScheduJ-e84's lbtering Requirement and to Grandfather Existing Customers with Two Meters, Case No. IPC-E-20-26, Order No. 34892 aL 9 (.fanuary 1-4, 202L) . 10 t_1 L2 13 1,4 15 15 1-7 18 1,9 ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 17 Order No.3 34854 at l-0 1,7 L context means that customer-generators are entitled to 2 continue to take service according to the terms of the 3 existing schedules in place as of the service date of the 4 Commission order for a period of 25 years.re Similar to 5 Case No. IPC-E-18-l_51s, Schedule 84 systems that gualify for 6 legacy treatment continue to be subject to changes in 7 consumption rates. However, they would not be subject to I changes in the L:1 monthly kl{h retail rate compensation 9 structure until the legacy treatment terminates.20 L0 a. How many Schedule 84 customers have legacy LL systems? 12 A. As of May 31, 2021,, there are 302 legacy L3 Schedule 84 systems interconnected to Idaho Power's system. 14 O. What other docket related to customer 15 generation has the Company initiated since the issuance of 16 Order Nos. 34509 and 34545? L7 A. On .fu1y 20, 202A, in compliance with Order l-8 Nos. 34045 and 34147 in Case No. IPC-E-L7-L3, Idaho Power t9 filed an application to initiate Case No. IPC-E-20-30 to 20 establish smart inverter requirements. This case also 2L addressed other interconnection reguirements for 18 Id. at LL. 1e Order No. 34509, at 1-4-15 20 Order No. 34854 at l-l-. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company l-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 interconnections to customer distributed energy resources ("DERs"). O What was the Company's request in Case No. rPc-E-20-30? A. The Company Inverter standard for all establish interconnection Systems. zz O. What was the sought to establish a Smart new DER interconnectionszl and requirements for Non-Drporting outcome of Case No. IPC-E-20-30? A The Commission approved the Company's10 1L 1,2 15 application in Case No. March 9, 2021-. IPC-E-20-30 and Schedule 68 on 13 Rocky ldouataia Power's On-Site Geaeration Study Desiga 1-4 Phase 15 O. What did Rocky Mountain Power reguest in its application in Case No. PAC-E-19-08? A. On June 14, 2019, Rocky Mountain Power (*RMP") applied to the Commission for an order closing net metering service and opening a net billing service to new customers. 1,7 18 l_9 21 In Order No. 34046, Ehe Commission directed the Company to submit afiling within 60 days of the final adoption of IEEE standards l-547 and 1_547 .L. 22 On page l-6 of Order No. 34147 issued in Case No. IPC-E-17-13, the Commission stated it was "open to the possibility of allowing the customer opportunity to remove himsel-f from the company's net metering schedul-es" if that "customer can reasonably and safefy eliminate the export of energy to the Company's grid." The Commission further found that "a non-export option should be studied for feasibil-ity and vettedfor safety and operational concerns by the Company and interested stakeholders in the forthcomi-ng docket. " ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 19 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 The proposed modifications would have modified the compensation structure and the value of excess net energy for RMP's on-site generation customers. o. impacted by l_5 ? A. How was Case No. PAC-E-19-08 procedurally the Commission's decision in Case No. IPC-E-18- After the Commission issued a final order in Case No. IPC-E-I-8-15 directing Idaho Power to complete additional studies, RMP submitted a Supplemental Application on April 23, 2020, with updated inputs to the proposed export credit rate and an updated proposal regarding legacy treatment for existing customers. RMP and Staf f held public workshops on .Tune LG and ,June 18, 2O2O , respectively. Staff's Revised Comments submitted on July 2, 2020, included Attachment A with study design recommendations. RMP f iled Reply Comments on iluly 1-6, 2020, responding to many of the issues raised by Staff and other parties. O. What was the outcome of PAC-E-L9-08? A. On August 26, 2020, the Commission issued 10 1t_ t2 l_3 L4 15 L5 L7 L8 t9 20 21, Order No. 34753 and found it reasonable to use Staff's 22 Attachment A as the basis of the ordered scope of the 23 study. The Commission modified Staff's Attachment A to 24 reflect the proposed order on legacy treatment issued 25 concurrently with recommendations from other parties and ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 20 t_ 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 responses from RMP. The Commission indicated that this order completed the "study design" phase and determined the scope of the study Rocky Mountain Power is to undertake. II. On-Site Generation Study Desiga Phase: Idaho Power's Proposed Scope O. Has the Company developed a recommended scope for Idaho Power's on-site generation study? A. Yes. In compliance with Commission order No. 34509, the Company has developed a draft scope of an on- site generation study for public review and input. The draft scope is included as Attachment 1 to the application filed in this case. O. How did the Company determine what elements should be included in the scope of the study? A. The Company leveraged the studies performed in Case No. IPC-E-18-15, to the extent applicable, considered components of the Commj-ssion-approved scope in Order No. 3475323 for RMP and considered comments from intervenors in 19 Case Nos.IPC-E-18-l-6, IPC-E-20-26, and IPC-E-20-30. How does the Company's recommended scope what the Commission approved for Rocky Mountain 20 22 23 In the lulatter of the application of Rocky Mountain Power to CTose the Net Metering Program to New Sertrice & Implement a Net BiTTing Programto Compensate Customer-Generators for Exported Generation, Case No. PAC-E-19-08, Order No. 34753 (August 26, 2020') . t-0 11 1,2 l-3 1,4 15 15 L7 18 2A O. compare to Power? ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 21- L A. One primary difference is that the Company's 2 recommended scope includes evaluating the cost to serve 3 grid consumption of on-site generators consistent with 4 discussions in Case No. IPC-E- 18 - l-5 . 24 Because f daho Power 5 has separate rate classes for R&SGS on-site generation 5 customers, it is appropriate to study cost-of-service and 7 alternative rate designs within the scope of a 8 comprehensive study. Additionally, Idaho Power does not 9 propose to study a Smart Inverter reguirement as it 10 recently received Commission approval to require Smart 1l- Inverters for all new DER interconnections. 12 O. What does the Company propose to study 13 regarding billing structure? !4 A. The Company proposes to evaluate the following 15 measurement interwals: (1) monthly, (2) hourly, and (3) 16 separate channel, often referred to as "instantaneous." 1-7 Under each of the three measurement intervals, the Company 18 would evaluate the class revenue reguirement and consider 19 revenue collection for existing customer-generators under 20 each proposed measurement interwal. Additionally, the 2l Company would conduct a bill impact analysis to compare how 22 each measurement interval may impact existing and future 23 customers with on-site generation. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 2a Order No. 34546 aL 7 22 l- O. What does the Company recommend including in 2 scope for the study as it relates to the Export Credit Rate 3 (*ECR") ? 4 A. The Company proposes to include several value 5 components. The Company suggests including an avoj-ded cost 6 of energy and studying the firm versus non-firm nature of 7 exported energy from customer-g'enerators. Additionally, 8 Idaho Power proposes to evaluate avoided generation 9 capacity, avoided transmission and distribution capacity, 10 avoided line losses, and integration costs as part of the l-1 value components of the ECR study. L2 The Company also recommends studying how the L3 expenditures associated with the ECR should be recovered. 14 O. Why has the Company included evaluating the 15 project eligibility cap in its proposed scope? 15 A. Parties initially raised questions regarding L7 the project eligibility cap through discussions in Case No. 18 IPC-E-18-l-5. Most recently, in Case No. IPC-E-20-25, the L9 Company and Staff addressed questions regarding the project 20 eligibility cap for CI&I customers during the public 2l workshop held on September 28, 2020. In their comments 22 filed in the case, the City of Boise and Idaho ConservaLion 23 League both suggested that the Company evaluate the system 24 size limit in its comprehensive study and the Idaho Sierra ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Club requested the Commission modify the size limit based on the total load of the customer. The rationale for a cap for individual installations of 25-kw and 100-kW was to limit the costs that non-net metering customers sr:bsidize to serve net metering customers.zs Additionally, in implementing the cap for Schedule 84, the Commission noted a reasonable limit for CI&I customers should align with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissj-on minimum gualifying facility size of 100 kW.26 Therefore, a review of the project eligibility cap is appropriately considered when changes to other program fundamentals, including rate design and the pricing for e>cports are evaluated. O. Does the Company propose to include any other areas of focus in the scope of the study? A. Yes. The Company has included various implementation issues such as credit expiration and the frequency of updating the ECR. Idaho Power provides Attachment 1 as an initial draft for Staff, other intervenors, and the public to provide feedback and 2s In the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Anendments to Schedul-e 84 - Net l@tering, IPC-E-02-04, Order No. 29094 at 3, ciuing Order No. 2895]- at 11 (August 1, 2002). 26 In the l"Iatter of the aFplication of Idaho Power Company for \pproval of a New Schedufe 84 - Net Wtering Tariff, IPC-E-01-39, Order No. 2895L, at l-l- (February 13, 2002). 10 l_1 t2 13 1,4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 24 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 adequately build a record for the Commission to approve the completion of scope for the "study design" phase. III. Proposed Study Design Schedule O. Does the Company have a proposed schedule as it rel-ates to accomplishing the Commission's desire for a "two-phase" study process? A. Yes. In evaluating the "two-phase" approach that the Commission has laid out, for the study, the Company intends to propose a broader schedule to provide transparency to parties and the public as it relates to the "study design" and "study revj-ew" phases and the eventual implementation as j.nformed by a Commission-approved study. The Company believes the following timeframe for the "study design" phase provides the public, stakeholders, and the Commission tj-me to adequately consider the issues before the Commission. The Company requests that the Commission consider the issuance of a notice of public workshops to be held in August or early September 2021- and party comments to be filed in early October 2021- with Company reply due late October or early November 2021-. This schedule would a11ow for robust, public involvement as parties finalize scoping recommendations to be considered by the Commission. The Company believes this proposed procedural schedule would ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 11 1,2 10 L4 13 l_5 16 l7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 1 position the Commission to issue an order establishing the 2 scope of the study before the end of 202L. 3 Q. Is there significance to completing the "study 4 design" phase before the end of 2027? 5 A. Yes. Pursuant to the Commission's direction in 6 Order No. 34046, the Company plans to use the most recent 7 data available to complete its study. Receiving an order 8 establishing the scope by the end of 202L will a11ow the 9 Company to use 2O2L data Eo complete the study in the first 10 half of 2022. The Company would then plan to initiate the 11 "study review" phase by June 2022. !2 A. Does the Company intend to request changes to L3 the net metering service in either the "study design" or 74 the "study review" phase that is expected to occur l-5 throughout 2O2L and 2022? L6 A. No. In both the "study design" and the "study L7 review" phase, the Company only intends to meet the Lg Commission's directive for a comprehensive study to be L9 completed. Absent the Commission establishing a different 20 process, the Company anticipates requesting to implement 2L any potential changes to t,he net metering rate design, 22 compensation structure, or ECR after the Commission 23 acknowledges a study. ASCHEI{IBRMiINER, DI Idaho Power Company 26 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 IV. Stakeholder and Customer Notification O. will the Company notify its cusEomers of its Application in this matter? A. Yes. Attachment 2 is a bill insert that will be sent to all customers in the next billing cycIe. This bill insert will be sent to existing customer-generators, regardless of legacy treatment, and all other customers that might choose to pursue on-site generation j-n the future. O. Please summarize the key components of the customer notice. A. The bill insert will provide notice to all customers of the Company's application to initiate the study. Additionally, the bill insert addresses the following: (1) a brief summary of on-site generation; (2) why Idaho Power is making the filing to initiate the study, (3) the key tenants of the study as directed by the Commission, (4) an estimated timeline to complete both the study design and study review phases, and (5) how customers can participate and provide feedback in the study design and study review process. O. Does the Company intend to provide any other notice to stakeholders? A. Yes. Idaho Power will notify the on-site generation system installer community through an email to ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 10 l- l- 1,2 l-3 L4 15 1,6 1,7 l-8 L9 20 21, 22 23 24 25 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 the distribution list for its periodic publication, the Customer Generation NewsletEer. Attachment 3 to the Application includes a copy of the notification that will be sent to installers following the filing. a. What other means will the Company use to communicate with customers and installers regarding the proposed change? A. The Company has, concurrent with this filing, updated its website to notify potential customers of the proposal; the Company will maintain a list of Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs") that will remain accessible to customers, as well as installers. Idaho Power has also served its Application and testimony on the parties of record in Case Nos. IPC-E-L8-15 and IPC-E-2O-26. V. Conclusion 0 Please summarize the Company's request in this l_0 11 1,2 L3 1,4 15 t5 17 case 1_8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 A. The Company requests that the Commission initiate the multi-phase process for a comprehensj-ve study of Ehe costs and benefits of on-site generation. Idaho Power further requests the Commission acknowledge Attachment 1 as an initial draft for Staff, other intervenors, and the public to consider and provide feedback on for the Commission's consi-deration. Ultimately, the Company requests the Commission to approve ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 25 28 1 2 3 4 a final scoping document, which will conclude the "study des j-gn" phase. A. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes. ASCHEI{BRMiINER, DI Idaho Power Comparry 29 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DECIJARATION OF CONNIE G. ASCHENBRENNER l, Connie G. Aschenlcrenner, declare under penalty of perjury r:nder the laws of the state of Idaho: 1. My name is Connie G. Aschenbrenner. I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Senior Manager of Rate Design in the Regrulatory Affairs Department. 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this pre-fi1ed direct testimony in this matter. 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-fiIed direct testimony is true and accurate. I hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I understand it is made for use as evidence before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. SIGNED this 25th day of ilune 202L, 4t Boise, Idaho. 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 Cj,**&,af"^ bil;,lr.uv 1"7 L8 Connie G. Aschenbrenner ASCHMIBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Comparry 30