HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211209Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BARNO.9917 i{[(,:lvtru .r, il[[ -$ r1.r$ g: t+5 r lr'\rj 'i. I ,,_,-.r_i\,,ll: , :,tl,ggjOli Sheet Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDC 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPAI\TY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES DT]E TO REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLAIYT.IN.SERVICE CASE NO. IPC.E-2T.T8 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), by and through its Attomey of recor4 Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROT]ND On June 3,zVl,Idaho Power Company ("Company") applied to the Commission for authorization to implement revised depreciation rates for electric plant-in-service. The Company requested that the revised rates be effective as of December l, 2021. On June 24,2021, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and set a deadline for interested parties to intervene. Order No. 35089. The Industrial Customers of Idatro Power (*ICIP") intervened. Order No. 351 14. On August 24,2021, Staffnotified the Commission Secretary that it was entering into settlernent negotiations with the parties in this case and parties in the related Oregon docket ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER9,2O2I intending to reach an agreement on revised depreciation rates and ensure those rates remain consistent among jurisdictions. On November 10,2021, a Settlement Stipulation ("Settlement") and Joint Motion to Approve Settlement Stipulation were filed in this case. The Company, Staff, and ICIP (collectively the "Parties," or individually "Party") signed the Settlement which included an agreement on revised depreciation rates. The parties agreed the revised rates should become effective January l, 2022. On November 24,2021, the Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Settlement, Notice of Modified Procedure, and Notice of Suspension of Proposed Effective Date suspending the proposed effective date until January 1,2022. STAT'F ANALYSIS Stafffully supports the Settlement as filed because it believes the Settlement is in the public interest and that the terms and conditions are fair, just, and reasonable. Stafffully reviewed the Company's Application containing the depreciation study. Stafffocused on the Company's largest production, transmission, and distribution plant-in-service asset accounts. As a result of Staffs analysis and negotiations with the parties, adjusnnents were made to net salvage percentages and survivor curves to better reflect the salvage values and asset lives of the Company's largest asset accounts. Attachment I to the Settlement provides the agreed upon depreciation data to be included in ratemaking filings including revenue requirement filings. Attachment I reflects the survivor curve, net salvage percentage, original cost, book depreciation reserve, accnral amounts, depreciation accrual rate, and composite remaining life. Table No. I below reflects the changes in the resulting net salvage percentages and survivor curves included in the Settlement. The table also provides the resulting annual accrual amount differences based on these adjusfinents. 2STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER9,2O2I Table No. l: Settlement Adiustments The signing parties also agreed to accept the changes included within the Company's depreciation settlement agreement with Oregon for asset accounts 341.00, 3M.00, and 370.10 to maintain continuity in depreciation rates and asset lives between the two jurisdictions. The total calculated annual accrual is reduced by $3.3 million compared to the Company's original filing. This difference is directly atfributed to the adjustnent in the Iowa Curves and net salvage percentages reached in settlement. The parties also agreed that given the reduction to the annual accrual amount for depreciation reached through settlemen! that no adjusfinent to Idaho jurisdictional base rates is required. t (t) Net salvage percentage values vary within the account by production plan! but there is no change in the values between'AS FILED" and "SETTLED". 3 ACCT Description Iowa Curve / Net Salvage Percentage Annual Accrual Amount Difference (As Filed)(Settled)($) 341.00 Production Plant - Structures and lmprovements 55-R3 *l 60-R3 *- 42,762 344.OO Production Plant - Generators 45-S2 *50-Rr *23.83r 354.00 Transmission - Towers and Fixtures 80-R4 -20 85-R5 -20 -204,251 355.00 Transmission - Poles and Fixtures 6l-so.s -75 6l-s0.s -60 699,457 356.00 Transmission - Overhead Conductors and Devices 70-R1.5 40 75-Rl -30 - 896,581 364.00 Distribution - Poles, Towers and Fixtures 62-Rl -50 64-R0.5 -50 - 430,510 36s.00 Distribution - Overhead Conductors and Devices 50-R0.5 -30 50-R0.5 -25 -214,594 368.00 Distribution - Line Transformers 48-Ot -15 5l-ol -15 - 9t3,062 370.10 Distribution - Meters - AMI l8-Rl 0 20-L3 0 45.528 Adjusted Annual Accrual Amount - $3,330,858 STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER9,2O2I Salvaee Percentases and Values The Settlement reduces future recovery through depreciation by $64 million over the life ofthe assets due to adjustnents in net salvage percentages for asset accounts 355.00, 356.00, and 365.00 as summarized in Table No. 2, below. Overall, Staffbelieves the settlement represents an opportunity to recover the total costs of removing assets offset by the salvage value the Company will likely see. The table reflects the change in net salvage percentages and the resulting adjustments to future accruals reached through settlement. Table No. 2: Future Accru?l Adiustment ACCT Description Net Salvage Percentage Future Accrual Difference (As Filed)(Settled)($) 355.00 Transmission - Poles and Fixtures -75 -60 - 32,151,712 356.00 Transmission - Overhead Conductors and Devices 40 -30 -24,476"063 365.00 Distribution - Overhead Conductors and Devices -30 -25 - 7,366,038 Total Adjusted Future Accrual - $63,993,813 Staffanalyzed both components of the net salvage value for each account which included the salvage value and the cost of removal. In its analysis, Staffgave more weight to more recent data. Staffthen reviewed the overall average, the annual amoun! and the three- and five-year composite averages, including a trend analysis of the accounts examined. After identiffing and receiving explanations for any potential outliers through discovery and identifuing trends in the data the parties were able to agree on reduced amounts for costs of removal, thereby reducing future accrual amounts. Finally, Staffreviewed the process for posting salvage and costs of removal and found the process to be acceptable. Survivor Curves and Asset Lives Standardized lowa-type survivor curves were used to determine realistic forecasts of the remaining useful life of groups of assets examined by Statr Staffcompared Iowa survivor 4STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER9,2O2I curves submitted in the Company's Application to actual vintage survivor data for the highest value asset accounts. Using a least squares method, which calculates the residual difference between the survival data and the proposed Iowa Curve, Staffdetermined altemative Iowa curves that best matched the data- Staffbelieves that the Survivor curves ultimately agreed upon in the Settlement provide a realistic representation of the remaining useful lives of the Company's assets using the best available data for the accounts shown in Table No. I above. STAFT' RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends the Commission approve the Settlement as jusL fair, reasonable, and in the public interest. Specifically, Staffrecommends the Commission: 1. Approve the depreciation rates on an account-by-accotrnt basis as reflected in Attachment I ofthe Settlement; 2. Set an effective date of January 1,2022, for the approved depreciation rates reflected in Attachment I of the Settlement; and 3. Acknowledge there be no associated change in retail rates for depreciation. Respectfully submitted this day of December 2021 Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Rick Keller Joseph Terry i: umisc/oomnertyipoe2l. lSdh(it comnrn6 4tt I 5STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 9,202I CERTIHCAIE OF SERVICE I TIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 96 DAY OF DecembeT 2A21, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF Trm COIIIVIISSION 51a['f, IN CASE NO. IPC.E-21.18, BY E.MAILING A COPY TTIEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISANORDSTROM IDAHO POWERCOMPAI{Y PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com PETER J RICHARDSON RICTIARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27ffi ST BOISE D 83702 E-MAIL: peter@richardsonadams.com MATT LARKIN IDAHO POWERCOMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: mlarkin@idahopower.com DRDON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading@mindsprine.com tlrlaarrCzulrr,- SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE