HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220216Amended Application and Motion to Set Schedule.pdf3THH" An loAcoRPcompimY LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com r.r . ,, r r.!t 'i. I ?,:..'iil lli U'rL February 16,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. )PC-E-21-17 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authority to lncrease lts Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant Dear Ms. Noriyuki Enclosed for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, please find ldaho Power Company's Amended Application and Motion to Set Schedule in the above matter. ln addition, attached is the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Matthew T. Larkin filed in support of the Amended Application and Motion to Set Schedule. Word versions are also attached for the Reporter. !f you have any questions regarding the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, - - ,.-* r .''ia ,:.,:.Lt-*' X*!-fl"1.t"-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 Inordstrom@idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COM PANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WTH THE JIM BRIDGER POWER PLANT. CASE NO. IPC-E-21-17 AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company (ldaho Power or Company), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-502, 61-503, 61-524,61-525, as well as RP 052, 056, 121, and 125, hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for an order authorizing ldaho Power to (1) accelerate the depreciation schedule for all coal- related Jim Bridger Power Plant (Bridger) investments to allow for full depreciation and recovery by December 31, 2030, (2) establish a balancing account, and the necessary regulatory accounting, to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with ldaho Power's cessation of participation in coal-fired operations at Bridger, and (3) adjust customer rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $27.13 million with an effective date of June 1 , 2022, which equates to an overall increase of 2.12 percent. AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 1 ln support of this Amended Application, ldaho Power asserts as follows: I. INTRODUCTION 1. ldaho Power appreciates the Commission and other parties' understanding of the need for the suspension of the procedural schedule in this case until more information was known concerning Bridger emissions limits and possible coal-to-gas unit conversions. ldaho Power and Commission Staff filed a Joint Motion to Suspend Procedural Schedule on October 1,2021, because, at the time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had not taken formalaction responding to \Afroming's proposed State lmplementation Plan (SlP) Revision, which would ensure Regional Haze compliance of Bridger Units 1 and 2 effective January 1,2022. ln addition, in September 2021, PacifiCorp submitted to the Commission their 2021 IRP in Case No. IPC-E-21-'19 which included an Action Plan envisioning the cessation of coal-fired generation at Units 1 and 2 in 2023 with a natural gas conversion of those units in 2024. On November 17, 2021, the Commission issued Order No.35222, suspending the procedural schedule in this case. 2. On December 30, 2021, the Company filed an update with the Commission, notifoing the parties that the EPA had not yet formally acted on Vlffoming's SIP Revision which othenuise would require emission controls to be in place for Unit 2 by December 31, 2021, and for Unit 1 by December 3'1, 2022. In the status update, ldaho Power expfained that on December 27, 2021, \Afoming Governor Mark Gordon issued a temporary emergency suspension, extending the compliance date of Unit 2 through Apri! 30,2022, while PacifiCorp awaited approvalof the hfioming SIP Revision. ldaho Power requested the Commission continue the current schedule suspension and committed to convene a conference with parties to discuss the reopening of the procedural schedule no later than April 30,2022. AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 2 3. On February 7,2022, the Company met with parties, providing an update on EPA actions regarding Bridger Regional Haze compliance and the results of Idaho Power's 2021 IRP regarding the potential conversion of Units 1 and 2 to natural gas generation. The Company discussed filing an amended application to resume processing of this case. 4. ldaho Power's amended quantification of the Bridger levelized revenue requirement includes onlv coal-related assets and removes from the original request all investments that will remain in service for natura! gas operations and associated natural- gas related costs in accordance with the planned natural gas conversion of Bridger Units 1 and 2 as presented in the Company's 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan (lRP). While ldaho Power initially requested a rate base increase of $30.83 million, the Company's proposed amended base rate revenue increase is $27.13 million, or 2.12 percent, to become effective June 1 ,2022. !I. THE BRIDGER PLANT 5. The Bridger plant located near Rock Springs, V[oming consists of four generating units. PacifiCorp has two-thirds ownership and is the operator of the facility. ldaho Power owns one-third, or 771 megawatts (MWl of Bridger. Unit 1 began commercial operation in 1974, Unit 2 in 1975, Unit 3 in 1976 and Unit 4 in 1979. ldaho Power's one-third share of the units' nominal net (or "net reliable") generation capacities are 177 MW, 180 MW 174 MWand 175 MW, respectively. The Company and PacifiCorp (collectively, the Co-Owners) work jointly to make decisions regarding the plant, including required investments and the retirement of the plant. 6. The plant is connected to the Borah West transmission path west of the Borah Substation near American Falls, ldaho. ldaho Powe/s one-third share of energy from Bridger flows west over this path. The ldaho-Vfoming path, or Bridger West, 1 Generator nameplate rating. AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 3 consists of three 345 kV transmission lines between Bridger and southeastern ldaho. The Company owns 800 MW of the 2,400 MW east-to-west capacity which effectively feeds into the Borah West path when power is moving east to west from Bridger. 7. The Bridger plant is adjacent to Idaho Power and PacifiCorp's co-owned Bridger Coal Company mine, which currently supplies sub-bituminous coal to the plant. Additionally, sub-bituminous coal is currently delivered to Bridger from the BIack Butte mine via rail. Coalcombustion residuals are disposed of on plant property in a solid waste Iandfill and a flue gas desulfurization waste surface impoundment. The plant also utilizes evaporation ponds, which makes it effectively a "zero-discharge" facility. 8. The ownership and operation of Bridger is dictated by three agreements: the Agreement for the Ownership of the Jim Bridger Project between ldaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company, the Agreement for the Construction of the Jim Bridger Project between ldaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company, and the Agreement for the Operation of the Jim Bridger Project between ldaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company, all of which are dated September 22, 1969, as amended by Amendments 1 through 9 (collectively, Bridger Agreements). The Bridger Agreements set forth the respective obligations of the Co-Owners with respect to the ownership, construction and operation of Bridger. III. BRIDGER COAL-RELATED INVESTMENTS SINCE 201{ 9. Numerous investments have been required to operate the plant in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner, including investments required to ensure environmenta! compliance as well as a number of investments for routine maintenance and repair. The Company is requesting a prudence determination on incremental Bridger coal-related investments since the last rate case, Case No. IPC-E-11-08, or those coal-related investments made at the plant during the January 1,2012, through December 31,2020, time period. Exhibit No. 3 to the direct testimony of Company witness Ryan N. Adelman AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 4 presents ldaho Power's share of all investments made at Bridger since 2011, detailing 841 different projects totaling $266.3 million. For those projects for which ldaho Power's ownership share is over $1 million, the Company has included a project description and investment purpose classification as to whether the investment was for environmental compliance or for reliability.2 10. The investments made at Bridger for environmental compliance make up nearfy 50 percent of the total Bridger investments since January 1, 2012, with the two largest being the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) controls installation on Units 3 and 4. Aside from the SCR controls, other projects include mercury controls additions on all four units, replacement of the catalyst of the SCR control on Unit 3, modifications to the coal combustion residuals effluent system, and the relining of the scrubber absorber lining on Unit 4. 11. ldaho Power also funded investments required for the Bridger plant to reliably operate. There were 15 investments greaterthan $1 million including an upgrade to the Bridger Unit 2 turbines, the replacement of the finishing superheater within the boiler of all four units, the replacement of the cooling towers on Units 1 ,2 and 3, an update to the air preheater baskets on all four units, and the replacement of the pendant platens within the superheater on Unit 1. IV. BRIDGER ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION 12. Changing conditions have resulted in an expected exit from participation in operations of Bridger that is several years earlier than what is currently reflected in customer rates. ldaho Power's Second Amended 2019 IRP acknowledged in Case No. IPC-E-19-19 identified a preferred portfolio that included early Bridger unit exits in 2022, 2 While ldaho Power's request in this case is for a prudence determination of Bridger coal-related investments only, because the estimate of those investments was performed at the plant account level, the Company cannot precisely determine the portion of the additions presented in Exhibit No. 3 that are coal-related investments only, and therefore has presented all Bridger investments made during the January 1,2012, through December 31,2020, time period. AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 5 2026,2028, and 2030. The2021 IRP Preferred Portfolio, filed in Case No. IPC-E-2143, includes the conversion of Units 1 and 2 from coal to natural gas by the summer of 2024 with a 2034 exit date, and the exit of coa!-fired operations in Units 3 and 4 by year-end 2025 and 2028, respectively. With a current depreciable life of 2034, the 2021 IRP continues to indicate that an earlier exit from coal-fired generation at Bridger would provide a more favorable economic outcome as compared to the current end-of-life assumption of 2034. 13. The suspension of the procedural schedule in this case reduces the collection period for which recovery of Bridger coal-related revenue requirement occurs. With exit dates of coal-fired operations approaching and decommissioning costs that will be incurred on the horizon, ldaho Power believes a depreciable life of year-end 2030 for all units is appropriate as itwill help minimize revenue requirement impacts to customers. This method is similar to the Commission-approved cost recovery treatment for the North Valmy power plant, whereby depreciation expense recovery for both of the two units goes through 2028, even though ldaho Powe/s participation in coal-fired operations will have ceased by 2025.3 V. REGULATORY ACCOUNTING AND RATEMAKING TREATMENT 14. ldaho Power believes it will exit coal-fired operations of Bridger by 2028, earlier than the current depreciable life of 2034. ln addition to the earlier cessation of coa!-fired operations, Bridger will require incremental coal-related investments to maintain operations prior to the decommissioning of the plant. However, the specific timing and exact amounts of these future investments are not yet known. For these reasons, the Company proposes the establishment of a balancing account that would 3 ln the Mafter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authoity to lncrease /fs Rafes for Electric Service to Recover Cosfs Associated with the Nofth Valmy Plant, Case No. IPC-E-'16-24, Order No. 33771 (May 31,2017) AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 6 allow flexibility for the timing and recovery of the remaining Bridger coal-related investment reven ue requ irement. 15. There are four types of costs the Company anticipates recording to the balancing account: (1) the accelerated depreciation associated with existing Bridger coal- related investments, (2) the return on the undepreciated coal-related investments at Bridger, (3) non-fuel operations and maintenance (O&M) expense reductions, and (4) interim decommissioning costs related to the Bridger shutdown. Under the balancing account approach, the Company replaces the base rate revenue recovery associated with Idaho Power's existing coal-related investment in Bridger with a levelized revenue requirement and tracks it in the Bridger balancing account, smoothing revenue requirement impacts associated with the exit of Bridger coal-fired operations and allowing for full recovery of Bridger coa!-related costs near the time ldaho Power ceases participation in coal-fired operations. This will more closely align the cost recovery period with the Company's remaining participation in Bridger coa!-fired operations and ensure customers will pay no more or no less than the actual coal-related O&M and capital coal- related costs of the Bridger plant beginning June 1,2022. 16. The proposed accounting treatment will accelerate depreciation expense related to all Bridger coal-related plant investments as compared to the current depreciable life based on a 2034 retirement date. There will be required coal-related investments at the plant in addition to its normal maintenance in order to keep coal-fired operations until that time. ldaho Power proposes to track the coal-related investment return and associated depreciation expense in the balancing account. ln addition, the Company proposes to track Bridger coal-related interim decommissioning costs and O&M savings in the balancing account. AMENDED APPLICAT]ON AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 7 17. To accomplish a coal-related levelized revenue requirement collection period beyond the operational life of some of the Bridger units, ldaho Power is requesting the Commission issue an accounting order that allows the Company to make the needed accounting entries, including a regulatory asset account, thatwould allow forthe matching of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) revenue recognition and related costs with the actual monthly pattern of the Bridger coal-related revenue requirement as compared to the levelized collection method and for collection of decommissioning costs that occur beyond 2030. ln addition, because the Company will be required to make income tax filings and accounting entries consistent with the economics that actually occur rather than the levelized assumption, the regulatory accounts are required to adjust the financial statement impacts resulting from the timing of Bridger-related GAAP accounting and income tax results. 18. As described more fully in the direct testimony and supplemental direct testimony of Company witness Matthew T. Larkin, ldaho Power requests recovery of the coal-related levelized revenue requirement that includes costs of accelerating the depreciation of the Bridger coal-related plant items, the return associated with coal- related capital investments net of accumulated depreciation forecasted through the Company's participation in coa!-fired operations of Bridger, interim decommissioning costs associated with Bridger's coa!-fired operations, and O&M savings associated with non-fuel coal-related O&M reductions. The ldaho jurisdictional Bridger coal-related incremental annual levelized revenue requirement ldaho Power is requesting to recover in this proceeding is $27,127,333. The following table presents the differences between each component as quantified in the Company's initial request and the amounts that reflect a Bridger coal-related investment levelized revenue requirement only: AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 8 June 2021 Request February 2022 Amended Request % Change Plant lnvestment $73,470,945 $52,121,340 Q9.11 lnterim Decomm Costs $59.318 $64.449 8.6 O&M Savinqs ($5.736.719)($4.391.349)(23.5) Levelized Rev Req $67.793.544 $47,794,440 (29.5) Rev Req in Rates ($36.967.815)($20.667.107)@4.11 Net Chanqe $30.825.729 $27.127.333 (12.0) 19. The Company proposes to allocate the increase related to the Bridger coa!- related balancing account using the jurisdictiona! separating study methodology consistent with that utilized to determine the ldaho jurisdictional revenue requirement in Case No. IPC-E-11-08. ldaho Power requests that the incremental revenue requirement of approximately $27.13 million be recovered from al! customer classes through a uniform percentage increase to all base rate components except the service charge. The proposed change equates to an overa!! increase of 2.12 percent (see Attachment No. 1). 20. On March 15, 2022, and Apri! 15, 2022, ldaho Power will submit to the Commission its annual adjustment mechanism filings, the Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) and Power CostAdjustment (PCA), respectively, which will include an update to customer rates effective June 1,2022. By the time the first request is filed, the Company will have a revised load forecast for which to base customer rates and compute revenue impacts. To align the test period in this case with that of the FCA and PCA cases, ldaho Power will supplement Attachment No. 1 to the Amended Application in this case with a more current revenue impact and overall proposed increase change on March 15,2022. VI. PROPOSED TARIFF 2'1. Because the test period used to determine customer rates necessary to recover the incrementa! revenue requirement of approximately $27.13 million will be updated at the time Company's FCA requested is filed on March 15,2022,1daho Power AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 9 will file one set of proposed tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retail electric service to customers in the state of ldaho at that time. The Company believes that filing individual sets of tariff sheets now, and a revised set on March 15,2022, as required by RP 121.0'1, would be administratively complex and would not aid the Commission and interested parties with their review of these proposed rate adjustments. ln addition, at that time, ldaho Power will file a comparison of revenues from the various tariff customers under ldaho Power's existing rates to the corresponding new revenue levels resulting from the proposed Bridger ratemaking treatment as well as the proposed FCA and PCA rates, reflecting the proposed combined overall rate change to take effect June 1,2022. VII. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 22. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein, and respectfully requests that this Amended Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. lf, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PROCEEDINGS 23. ldaho Power brought its initial Application, filed on June 2,2021, to the attention of ldaho Powe/s customers by means of both a press release to the media in the Company's service area and a customer notice distributed in customers' bills. To minimize the potential for customer confusion, ldaho Power will notiff customers of the final potential impact of this amended request in the "combined impact" table of rates proposed to take effect June 1 , 2022, associated with each of the annual adjustment mechanism filings. ldaho Power will keep its Amended Application open for public AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 1O inspection by appointment at its offices throughout the state of ldaho. ldaho Power asserts that this notice procedure satisfies the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure; however, the Company will, in the alternative, bring the Amended Application to the attention of its affected customers through any other means directed by this Commission. 24. Service of pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 lnordstrom@ida hopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Matt Larkin ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 mla rkin@id ahopower.com IX. MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE 25. ldaho Power invited the Commission Staff and intervenors to a February 7, 2022, discussion of the Company's amended request and the next steps to resume processing this case. Representatives from the Commission Staff, Clean Energy Opportunities (CEO), the City of Boise, the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power (lClP), the ldaho Conservation League (lCL), and Micron Technology participated. All partiesa support adoption of the following procedural schedule: April29, 2022: Party Comments May 13,2022: Simultaneous Reply Comments May 18,2022: ldaho Power Final Comments June 1 ,2022: Rates effective Pursuant to Rule of Procedure 56, the Company requests that the Commission adopt this proposed schedule with rates effective June 1 ,2022, which will minimize rate changes to customers in the near-term and rate impacts over time. ldaho Power appreciates the a The Sierra Club was unable to attend the discussion on February 7 ,2022, but subsequently advised ldaho Power of its support. AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 11 support and flexibility of other parties and the Commission as the Company reworked its Application to reflect operational and regulatory changes occurring in realtime. X. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 26. ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission issue an order authorizing ldaho Power to (1) accelerate the depreciation schedule for all coal-related Bridger investments to allow for full depreciation and recovery by December 31 ,2030, (2) establish a balancing account, and the necessary regulatory accounting, to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with ldaho Power's cessation of participation in coal-fired operations at Bridger, and (3) adjust customer rates to recoverthe associated incrementa! annual levelized revenue requirement of $27.13 million with an effective date of June 1,2022, which equates to an overall increase of 2.12 percent. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 16th day of February 2022. "(,*. !.Y"1-t -*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Aftorney for ldaho Power Company AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 16th day of February 2022,1 served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's Amended Application and Motion to Set Schedule upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Taylor Brooks Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 lndustrial Customer of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 ldaho Gonservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83701 City of Boise Ed Jewell 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701 -0500 AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE - 13 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX Email: Tavlor.Brooks@ouc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_ FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL dreadinq@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL botto@idahoconservation.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL eiewell@citvofboise.orq bo iseC itvAtto rnev@citvofboise. oro Glean Energy Opportunities for ldaho, lnc. Kelsey Jae Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr., Boise, ldaho 83703 Michael Heckler Courtney White Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho 3778 Plantation River Drive, Suite 102 Boise, lD 83703 Sierra Club Rose Monahan Ana Boyd 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA94612 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Jensen Holland & Hart LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 Micron Technology, !nc. Jim Swier 8000 S. FederalWay Boise, lD 83707 AMENDED APPLICATION AND MOTION TO SET SCHEDULE.14 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL kelsey@kelsevjae.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL mike@cleanenerqvopportu n ities.com cou rtnev@cleanenerqyopportu n ities.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site x EMAI L rose. monahan@sierraclub.orq ana. bovd@sierraclub.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX FTP Site X EMAI L darueschhoff@holland hart.com tnelson@holland ha rt.com awiensen@hollandhart.com aclee@holland hart. com qlqa roanoamari@holla nd hart. com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL iswier@micron.com o\tal- 1 Gc,.^+.- Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AMENDED APPLICATON ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Erho Porr Csprny CrlcuLtlon d RaY.nE lmprct 2022 a.b ol ld.ho Eddgar Flhd FtDmry lC, iEza lunnrry ol Ram[ lmprel Cumnt BlLd R.$[ to Propd.d BllLd R.mn MlbLlna Ne I 2 3I 5 6 7 8I 't0 It 12 13 11 15 Rdc Sch. !c. Awg! Numbr ofCurim{) Nomllpd Encoy lktMil (rr Cumnt BLd Rmrua Totrl Adjutfrnrnlr to Bfr.dRcw PrcpoEld Totd BILdRW t800,7{,0r3 0,176,757 t0 11,968,1 r2 0E 860,427 t18,896204 &5,905 130a.79r,5r8 1r,383.,186 1146,m,954 4162,/89,985 t1,'t66,754 13,834,939 t167,929 Pa@nt Ch.n9. ElLd to BIbd e) Rmmillb tur kUJh 't09.90 105.28 0.00 r06.00 t16.38 137.11 '148.95 74.2128.* e..12 85.85 92.90 liaa-17 67.95 2.Us" 2.1596 N/A 2.O7 ,l.9'l% t.s496 1.8196 2.1* 2.4nr 2.1% 2.U% 2.21yo 2.3lgo 22j2% R.C&ntlrl S.rvt6 Tlmlof-Dry RlCdfitLl Sald€ OrSL GmEtbn Smll Gmml Sarvlo OFSII! Gancatlon LrOa GffilSalvlca DutI to Dtwn LJghtlng Lrllc F|owfr Sarvle Agdcutunl lrEetbn S.rvl6 Sn tLlghfilg Trrtnc Cfitrcl Llglilng To|.l Udlbrm Trllll 16 TolrlSpcci.lCmtrrcrr 17 Totd l&ho Rall &h. Plr kwi 1 40r,865 5,486,089,873 t588,716,5r8 107.713 21 1,523,5a2. t 188,744 103.07.r00t00.00 5 1,0tia 18,566,006 tl,928,lil{} 103.858 10,572 58,9'18,342 $,7in,707 'l'14.16? 30,473 r37JAt507 ilE,s&479a 1U.528 67 17A379 125.r$ 11,,.99 3E,0tt 3,896,651,950 1298,268.759 76-5ttS 0 6,0it2.348 11,350,E15 ,,13.810 fi7 49,7A7,0a 1143,759,049 60.7921 19,l(xt 1,896,4O1,16'1 0158,875,034 83.7l/o 1.630 12.559,488 31,1/rc,58ti 90.81a1 2,67 2s.881.087 t3.717.r13 14.7812 7ll} 2,795,78 ll8ll,8,r5 66.47 Tlrilf Dclcdolim Unllbm T.dlt Rlt .: RGEi(hntl.lS{re M$lrr Mlicr8d Moblh Hme Peil lll,9O3./t96 410,012 to t39,973 t10,720l@It0 t461 $,52..759 $2.A72 t3,r43,9G t3,56/t,951 E26,170 887,&8 3/i,083 506,516 3 te6,51r 13,00r,38r,530 I,Oaa,4r131 l+at J,,,t?o 11z|3,75:t, t56,r r r,sas Ir,2?r,ra+07t 88.0e 53.62 !t.t 80.06 5i1.78 t7.m 2.1?io 2.15% 2.12* t25,910,437 t1.207,096 3r,la,alir t'|2,19,671,082 857,3!9,424 ll,3oc,tfiia0a (l) Jum0l, Zfz - Mry3'1.2@3 FoG.ltodT.CYurGJl202l FolHd) (4 P.Brilgc lmp.cl(b.s not lnclud.6npm.ntr whlch rn .pplbd !3 p.mntrgo., Rld3tr.od Fr.nciL. FG. ftlrno Pmr ColiDdry CrlcuLtbn o, R.[nu. lmDrd m22&fr ot ldrno &tderl FlLr, F.Dury lt, z[Za Srmm.ry of R.vff[ lrnp.ca . Rrta. C, 19, rnd 2l U.fibutlon Lml D.rril !E Lha fdtD@llllon t nlfornTdfiRrt6: lJec Gcm6l Sa@ndary LrOr Gcml Pllmary Larya GaNrC TnnmEEloo Tot.l Schatub e 6 LrE[ Porcr samdrry? LrtlcPil.rPnmryS LrEc Pil.r TnmbrlooI TotrlSch.duL l9 ll lnttr|bnS.mdrry 12 lrlg[trn Tnnmlsbn 13 TotrlSch.dda24 Cumnt BlLdR.w Mllb P.r klntr Rrtr soh. No. Asngq Numoaa oi Cu!tm![ (1) s7,n8 tlomllz.d Emoy (kltth) (l) Aqudn.ntE lo BI,hdRrMs Pre9oald Totd Bllcd Ra\Df,c rr{h Pr k{rlh fuccnf Ch.noc B[.d to Bnld e)RmnE 0s 9P OT ls 10P tgT 2/aS 217 272 1 3,310,560,068 582,8t7,8fl 3,il7it,OEo n.8 68.88 N,N s,ul,47 t871,576 t5,z16 $60,5@,060 la't,0r3,572wl,87 s257,865,513 sao,t41.tos w0261 79.59 70.37 70.t5 2.1Wo 2.17 2.13tvo 38,054 3,896,851,959 '208,266,769 76.54 t6,5aa,759 t3oa,79l.5l8 74.21 2.1C* I 'l'11 2 5,'t17,(E7 2,323,198,513 33,t51,908 0367,420 $141,4S,977 tt,9o'l,65a 1375,500 4111,61,47 $1,9as,0r7 60.33 62.16 56.70 2.8o 2.1W 2.17* 67.&l 60.82 57.45 18,170 t3.09a.a70 a{.t.265117 2,s,7dtA7a il/tS,754,049 60.79 t3,143,905 t1'6,$egat 62.12 85.65 0.00 2.1C* 19,103 1,806.45,r,184 1158,875,&340010 8.n 0.00 $,56,r,051 t162,4110,985to t0 2.21fi 0.(xD6 t9,'to6 t,6s,45a,t64 llt8,675,0(t,l a.n (l) Jw 0r,2022- Mly 31,2023 Fomtrd T.C Yc Crll2o:ll Fma) (2) P.Eilloe hp..f do.3 not hctu& comtormlr wiklr eE l9pLd $ p.mn|!gc!, Rldm and FEndils Fo.. t3,584,05r 1162,430,9E5 85.65 221&