HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210603News Release and Customer Notice.pdfsrurypPti,r,ER. An IOACORP Company NEWS RELEASE ldaho Power Requests Two Rate Adjustments BOISE, ldaho - ldaho Power has requested two rate adjustments with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) related to depreciation of assets and the company's early exit from the Bridger coal-fired power plant. lf both requests are approved as filed, the average residential customer using 950 kilowatt hours (kwh) of energy per month would see a monthly bill increase of 52.71, effective December L,2021. More information about the two filings, which would increase rates 534.6 million in total, is included below: Filing 1: Depreciation Update Results in Rate lncrease Energy companies like ldaho Power recover the cost of their investments in assets over their expected lives through depreciation expense. Every five years, ldaho Power is required to file a study with the IPUC analyzing the expected lives of its assets. Those findings result in changes to rates through adjusted cost recovery of these assets. The study was performed this year and, if approved as filed, ldaho Power/s rates will increase by Sg.A million on Decembe r t, 2O2t. lmpacts to each customer class are included in the table below. Filing 2: Early Exit from Bridger Leads to Short-term lncrease, Long-term Savings ln analyzing the depreciation of lts assets, ldaho Power recognized that significant changes in the economic life of the Bridger coal-fired plant had occurred since the previous study, warranting the need for a specific, separate review. ldaho Powe/s rates currently reflect a recovery timeline through 2034. However, recent analyses indicate the potential for customer savings by exiting all four units at the plant by 2030. This filing seeks to accelerate the recovery of depreciation expense by year-end 2030, and to establish a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with ldaho Powe/s exit from coal-fired operations at Bridger. lf approved as filed, rates will increase 530.8 million on December L,2021. !mpacts on each customer class are included in the table below. r Includes lighting schedules; z lncludes special contracts; s Total may not sum due to rounding P.O. Box 70 (83707) t221 W. ldaho 5t. Boise, !D 83702 Filing Description Revenue Change (millions) Residential Small General Service Large General Service r Large Power z !rrigation Depreciation Sg.a o.30%O.28Yo o.32%o.32%o.33% Bridger Sgo.s 2.43%2.33%2.62%2.94%3.OLTo Combined lmpact s Sg+.s 2.72%2.6L%2.94%2.92%3.OL% Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power's proposals are subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of applications are available to the public at IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 2OL-A, Boise, lD 837L4!,, ldaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.sov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Power's proposal may be filed with the IPUC. About ldaho Power ldaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, ldaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in ldaho and Oregon. The company's goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, ldaho Powe/s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation's lowest prices for electricity. lts 2,000 employees proudly serve more than 590,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all. IDACORP tnc. (NYSE: IDA), ldaho Powe/s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, ldaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com. Jordan Rodriguez Com munications Specia list irod riguez@ ida hopower.com 208-388-2460 =sfinHo Po,lrER ldaho Power Requests Two Rate Adjustments ldaho Povver has requested two rate adjustments with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) related to depreciation of assets and the company's early exit from the Bridger coal-fired power phnt. lf both requests are apprcnred as filed, the average residentialcustomer using 950 kiloratt hours (kWh) of errergy per month would see a monthly bill increase of $2.71, effective December 1,2021. Here is more information about the two filings, which would increase rates $34.6 million in total. Filing 1: Depreciation Update Results in Rate lncrease Energy companies like ldaho Porver recover the cost of their inr,estments in assets oer their expected liues through depreciation expense. Errery five years, ldaho Power is required to file a study with the IPUC analyzing the expected liws of hs assets. Ttrose findings resuh in changes to rates through adjusted cost recolery of these assets, The study was performed this year and, if approved as filed, ldaho Pornrert rates will increase by $3.8 million on December 1,z0zl.lmpacts to each customer dass are included in the table on the back of this insert. Filing 2: Early Exit from Bridger Leads to Short-term lncrease, Long-term Savings ln analyzing the depreciation of its assets, ldaho Power recognized that significant changes in the economic life of the Bridger coal-fired plant had occurred since the previous study, wananting the need for a specific, separate review ldaho Pcnaler's rates currently reflect a reco\ery timeline through 2034. Howerle[ recent analyses indicate the potential for customer savings by exiting all four units at the plant by 2030. This filing seeks to accelerate the recovery of depreciation expense by year-end 2030, and to establish a balancing accclunt to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with ldaho Power's exit from coal-fired operations at Bridger. lf approed as filed, rates will increase $30.8 million on December 1,2021.lmpacts on each customer class are included in the table belcnru. Depreciation $3.8M 0.109o f 30.8M 2.410/o 0.2804 7.33o/o 0.32o/o 2.62% 0.32o/o 2.600/o 0.330/o 2.680/oBridger Total ldaho t j s:c.eu I z.lt% |2.6r% I 2.e4% I Z.sz% i 3:or% ] I lncludes lighting schedules; r lncludes special contracts; I Tolal may not sum due to rounding Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power's proposals are subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of applications are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boisq lD 83714),ldaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Porcr's proposal may be filed with the IPUC. Thank you for reading this notice. We value your busrness. -=lmloPo,tER. (D Printed on recycled paper. 92021 ldaho Porer 31180-t-0't41An IDACORP Company lrflqatronRevenrrr Small FrlrnqDrsclptron Chanr;i, Rr:sidentrrl G,rrrerrl (S millions) servr(e I argr,Lnrgr GrnltrlSrrvi(!'