HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210511Application.pdfnlDltoNp561 a AnD OOnpConrFnv ;,;.t.r::tr,.tal'jt"' -'-" -- I c i- u .... I r pld t: l+9'-.-r ';''i I I i ri u'LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Gounsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com LDN:sh Attachments | 1r :ir,,.:+'l'Jl l May 1 1,2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Case No. IPC-E-21-13 Idaho Power Company's Application for Approval of its Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Application in the above entitled matter. Also enclosed are Ms. Kathleen Anderson's direct testimony in the above- referenced matter, as well as the proposed updates to the Company's tariff schedule Rule J, Continuity, Curtailment and lnterruption of Electric Service. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Re X*!-fl^1.t,-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 1 7 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@ idahooower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITS LOAD CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION PLAN CASE NO. |PC-E-21-13 APPLICATION ldaho Power ("ldaho Power" or "Company") hereby respectfully applies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") pursuant to ldaho Code SS 61-531 and -532 for approval of its 2021 Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan, as we!! as to update its Electric Service Rule J Continuity, Curtailment, and lntenuption of Electric Service. ln support of this Application, ldaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power is a public utility supplying retail electric service to more than 590,000 customers in southern ldaho and eastern Oregon. ldaho Power is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission in ldaho and to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. ldaho Power is also subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which has delegated authority to the North American ) ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION - 1 Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") to develop and enforce mandatory bulk-power system planning and reliability standards throughout North America. 2. /daho Code S 61-531. Plan for Curtailment of Electric or Gas Consumption compelled the ldaho Public Utilities Gommission to require al! suppliers of electric power and energy to file with the Commission a plan for the curtailment of electric or gas consumption during an emergency period. 3. Resiona! Plan. ln November 1993 the Commission orderedt the electric service suppliers in the state of ldaho to adopt provisions relating to electric service curtailment during periods of prolonged energy shortages such as drought, severe operational constraints, or moratoriums. The provisions were based on the Regional Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy ("Regiona! Plan"), a plan designed to serve as a guideline for states to use in developing their own individual curtailment plans to deal effectively with long-term energy shortages and to promote curtailment uniformity among the four Pacific Northwest states of Oregon, Washington, ldaho and Montana.2 4. Modified Reoional Plan. Using the Regional Plan as a working guideline, the Commission ultimately required one modification to the Regional Plan concerning non-compliance penalties; this "Modified Regional Plan" became the State Curtailment Plan.3 Idaho Power and numerous other utilities adopted the Modified Regional Plan in individual plans that were collectively approved in Commission Order No. 25634.4 The State Curtailment Plan has not been modified since its adoption in 1994. 1 ln re Adoption of a State-Wde Curtailrnent Plan for Hectic Energy, Case No. GNR-E-93-02, Order No. 25259 (November 24,1gg3). 2 The Regional Plan has not been subsequently updated. 3 Case No. GNR-E-93-02, Order No. 25634 (July 11, 1994). 4 ld. APPLICATION - 2 5. ln addition to incorporating the Modified Regiona! Plan, the Company's existing tariff Rule J "Continuity, Curtailment and Interruption of Electric Service" ("Rule J") provides additional information about the regulatory and legal framework surrounding curtailment and interruption of electric service during periods other than long-term energy shortages. 6. 2001 Rule J Uodate. ln June 2001, the Company filed an update to its "Electric Load Management Rule J Procedures" ("Rule J Procedures") docketed as Case No. IPC-E-01-20. The Rule J Procedures are high-level guidelines employed by the Company to temporarily interupt electric service to its customers during emergencies and power shortages and are intended to provide equitable guidelines for the curtailment of power while minimizing adverse impacts to customers and maintaining overall system reliability. These procedures were approved by the Commission in 20015 and an update was Iodged with the Commission in July 2002. 7. Load Manaoement Procedures. The Company also maintains a more detailed operationa! procedure manua!, the Load Management Procedures ("LMP"), which serves as interna! procedural manual for dealing with both short-term and long- term emergencies, interruption and curtailment. The LMP is regularly reviewed and updated by the Company's operations departments. 8. A thorough review of the Modified Regional Plan and the Rule J Procedures revealed thatthey no longer represented howthe Company addresses curtailment. Since the Company filed its Modified Regional Plan in 1993, and Rule J Procedures in 2001 and 2002, changes in technology, industry practices, and generation capacity, Ioad 5 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company to Update lts Emergency Curtailment Procedures under Tariff Rule J, Case No. IPC-E-01-20, Order No. 28856 (September 17,2001). APPLICATION - 3 shedding demand response programs, and resource availability have served to make them outdated. !n particular, processes related to regional coordination have been updated by the industry reliability organizations such as NERC and the Western Energy Coordinating Council ('WECC"). The WECC is a Regional Entity given authority by the NERC to monitor and enforces compliance with reliability standards. The Company also supports Regional Reliability Coordinatorso, who monitorvoltages, frequencies, and other reliability indices. Moreover, the existing Modified Regional Plan is only for long-term energy shortages and doesn't address short-term supply emergencies resulting from loss of major generation or transmission equipment, regiona! operating standards, or weather extremes. The currently filed Rule J Procedures similarly need an update to reflect how the Company addresses curtailment. 9. Consequently, the Company requests the Commission approve its 2021 "Load Curtailment and Interruption Plan" ('LCIP'), its current practices and procedures related to curtailment of both a short-term and prolonged nature. The LCIP applies to emergencies declared by state entitiesT, and when directed by the NERC or the WECC (under which authority is delegated to a Regional Reliability Coordinator) and by ldaho Power at its own discretion. The Plan is operational throughout the year and is a tool for safe, efficient load reduction during high stress system events. 6 ldaho Power's current Reliability Coordinator is the RC West, operated by the California lndependent System Operator. 7 Pursuant to ldaho Code $ 61-533 the Commission "shall have the authority to declare an emergency, with or without notice, upon finding that an inadequacy or insufficiency of electric power and energy, or natural or manufactured gas threatens the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this state." /daho Code $ 61-534 states that the Commission "shall have authority to require all suppliers of electric power and energy, or natural or manufactured gas, except agencies of the federal government, to curtail service in accordance with the curtailment plans on file with and approved by the commission." ln the Company's Oregon jurisdiction, such emergency authority is provided to the governor of Oregon under Oregon Revised Statutes 176.7 50-176.820. APPLICATION - 4 10. Further, to enhance transparency and to provide customers with relevant information regarding the Company's procedures related to load curtailment and intenuption, the Company is proposing to incorporate lhe 2021 LCIP into its Rule J tariff. !!. MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING CURTAILMENT PLAN AND PROGEDURES 11. The Company's 2021 LCIP, which is included as Attachment 1 to this Application and is incorporated into the proposed Rule J included as Attachment2 to this Application, combines elements of the Modified Regional Plan originally filed in 1993 and the Rule J Procedures last filed in 2002. Previously, the Modified Regional Plan has addressed only long-term regional eneryy shortages, while the Rule J Procedures cover short-term emergencies. ln contrast, the 2021 LCIP contains both short- and long-term operational activities the Company can initiate during emergencies to minimize adverse impacts to customers and restore system stability. The 2021 LCIP addresses the Company's operational approach to: . Initiation of Load Curtailment, o Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions, . Curtailment Stages . lnterruptible Loads, . Block Rotation, o Emergency Load Shed Groups, and . Return to Service. 12. The 2021 LCIP incorporates the Company's current approach to dealing with Curtailment and lnterruptions, including adding provisions for load reduction with APPLICATION - 5 demand response and emergency shed groups, clarifying the types of entities that can order ldaho Power to initiate load curtailment, and identifying a broader range of events that could precipitate Ioad curtailment activities. 13. Curtailment Resources. The 2021 LCIP incorporates additional curtailment sources, including interuptible customer load programs such as demand response programs, which if available are the first resources to be used when immediate system stabilization is required. The demand response program provisions of Schedules 23,81, and 82, including but not limited to operating hours, notification requirements, and incentive payments will not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a load control device installed under the programs to interrupt a participating customer's load for an electric system emergency. 14. The 2021 LCIP also uses block rotation, the rotational curtailments used in scheduled combinations until the necessary load curtailment is achieved. Block rctation provides equitable treatment to affected customers as the combination of blocks curtailed is dependent on the day of the week and time of day the curtailment is required. The 2021 LCIP also includes emergency load shed grcups, predetermined localized groups that are utilized for situations where load reductions might be required for specific high load areas. 15. Events Precipitatino Curtailment. Events that may trigger load curtailment, either upon notice from state agencies, the Regional Reliability Coordinator, or at the discretion of the Company, include but are not limited to: o Fire, flood, drought, winds, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, eq u i pment fail u res, governmenta I autho rity; APPLICAT]ON - 6 . Actions taken to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of the Company's electrical system or any electrical system to which it is interconnected, which actions may occur automatically or manually; o Actions taken by the Company that in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent for the safety of people and/or equipment; . Cyber-attacks or software failure of any part of the Company's generation, transmission, and/or distribution system protection and/or control systems. 16. ln addition to the content modifications described above, the Company proposes incorporating the LCIP within its Rule J Tariff on file with the Commission. The proposed Rule J incorporating the 2021 LCIP is attached as Attachment 2 to this Application. III. COMMUNICATONS 17. Communications and service of pleadings, with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Lead Counsel ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 lno rd strom@ ida hopower. co m Connie Aschenbrenner Rate Design Senior Manager ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83701 caschen bre n ne r@ id a ho powe r. co m ldaho Power Dockets: dockets@idahopower.com IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 18. ldaho Power believes that it would be appropriate to process this case by means of Modified Procedure (i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing) in accordance with the provisions of RP 201-210 et. Seq. However, if the Commission prefers another procedure for processing, the Company has pre-filed the direct testimony of Company witness Kathleen Anderson. APPLICATION - 7 V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 19. For the reasons set forth above and in the supporting testimony, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission: (1) issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed by Modified Procedure; and (2) approve the Company's 2021 LCIP and modifications to Electric Service Rule J to incorporate the updated LCIP. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 11h day of May 2021. X* !.Z(^l-t"-*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attomey for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY APPLIGATION ATTACHMENT 1 ldaho Power Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan Discussion Idaho Power will comply with all state and federal mandates to curtail the electric energy used by its customers to prevent an electrical system collapse. Events that may trigger load curtailment<ither upon notice from government authorities, the regional reliability coordinator (RC), or at the discretion of the company-include, but are not limited to, the following: Fire, flood, drought, winds, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, equipment failures, governmental authority Actions taken to protect the performance, integrity, reliability, or stability ofthe company's electrical systern or any electrical syston to which it is interconnected, which may occur automatically ormanually Actions taken by the company that in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent for the safety of people and/or equipment Cyber-attacks or software failure of any part of the company's generation, transmission, and/or distribution system protection and/or control systems Load curtailment can last for a short time or could last for hours<r even days. Plan Automatic, Remote, and Manual Actions Automatic actions occur through the operation of programmed protective equipment installed on the company's electrical systan, including, without limitation, equipment such as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers, and switches. This protection equipment is preset to operate under certain prescribed conditions that, in the sole judgment of the company, threaten system performance, integrity, reliability, or stability. Where Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment is installed, Idaho Power will remotely control switches, circuit breakers, relays, voltage regulators, or other equipment. In areas where no SCADA equipment is installed, actions are performed manually by on-site field personnel. a a o Load Serving Operations Page 1 2021 Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan ldaho Power If actions are undertaken, to the extent permitted by the operating characteristics of the electrical system, the company will perform such actions so interruption, curtailment, or fluctuation of service to customers will be accomplished sequentially-unless it is necessary in the sole judgment of the company, or if required by the regional RC to vary the sequence to protect system performance, integnty, reliability, or stability. C u rta i I m ent a n d I nterru ptio n Curtailment and/or intemrption of electric service can occur at any time for a multitude of situations. When these situations arise, Idaho Power intends to take appropriate actions to mitigate the situation for reliability while maintaining service continuity to as many customers as practical. Depending on the nature of the situation, mitigation actions will range from actions that will not affect customers to actions that curtail and/or interrupt service, impacting localized aroas and/or the entire Idaho Power service area. Idaho Power will promptly notiff and keep state regulatory and reliability authorities informed of the curtailment and/or intemrption to electric service. Rotating Outages and Ongoing Curtailment Curtailment and/or intemrption of customer load may be necessary to maintain the reliability of the electric system in certain situations. If Idaho Power must curtail or intemrpt customer load for any reason, the company's intent is to curtail the appropriate amount of load necessary to mitigate the situation. This is accomplished by selecting the amount or percent of load reduction needed in the Energy Managernent System (EMS) Load Shedding application. The EMS Load Shedding application allows the operator to select the applicable localized area or necessary portions of the company's service area to curtail the load. Load curtailment is accomplished manually in areas that do not have SCADA connected to the EMS. A range of curtailment stages associated with increasing levels of energy deficiencies has been developed, incorporating North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards. The circumstances necessitating a reduction in electricity consumption in the short term will normally require immediate emergency action to be taken. As such, there may be little or no warning. Sudden equipment outages or loss of generation could potentially lead directly to any curtailment stage without prior notice or progression of the stages described in the following. These stages align with the severity of the energy deficiency and are intended to minimize customer impact. Page 2 Load Serving Operations ldaho Power 2021Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan Table 1. Curtailment stages Stage Nature Type of Curtailment 2 All generation resources are committed. Firm customer load, firm transactions, and reserve commitments are met. Concemed about sustaining required contingency reserves. ldaho Power is no longer able to provide expected eneruy requirements. ldaho Power is unable to meet minimum contingency reserves as required by NERC Standards. Emergency load shed due to immediate risk posed to electrical reliability. o Non-firm wholesale energy sales.r Ask customers to voluntarily take conservation measures.o lssue communications notifring employees of the situation and asking departments to reduce intemal utility energy use. o Curtailment actions listed in Stage 1.o lntemrptible customer load and available demand-response programs.o lssue communications requesting govemment agencies implement their programs to achieve necessary energy reductions. o Curtailmentactions listed in Stage 1 and Stage 2. lmplement emergency load shed and block rotation. 3 4 Applicable to all customers. May be limited to a specific location if reliability risk is local to an arca. o Demand response programs, if deployed as required action under this plan, will not be operated under the provisions of schedules 23,81, and 82. The provisions of schedules 23,81, and 82-including but not limited to, operating hours, notification requirements, and incentive payments-rruill not apply for any time period the company utilizes a load contro! device installed under the programs to interrupt a participating custome/s load for an electric system emergency. Return to Senrice Idaho Power will to return service to all its customers when: o It can meet its load and required operating reserves. o The reliability of the electric system will not be jeopardized. o RC approval has been received, if applicable. Revision History Review Date Revisions 05t1'U2021 Procedure was adopted. Load Serving Operations Page 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY APPLICATION ATTACHMENT 2 ldaho Power Company l.lC No 29 No o1 First Revised Sheet No. J-1 Cancels OrioinalSheet No. J-1P1 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE 1. Electric Service is inherently subject to occasional interruption, suspension, curtailment, and fluctuation. The Company wil! have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for any interruption, suspension, curtailment, or fluctuation in service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption, suspension, curtailment, or fluctuation results from any of the following: a. Causes beyond the Company's reasonable contro! including, but not limited to, fire, flood, drought, winds, acts of the elements, court orders, insurrections or riots, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, breakdowns of or damage to facilities of the Company or of third parties, acts of God or public enemy, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which the Company's system is interconnected, and acts or omissions of third parties; b. Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement work on the Company's electrical system, which work in the sole judgment of the Company is necessary or prudent; to the extent practicable work shall be done at such time as will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work; c. Actions taken by the Company, which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of the Company's electrical system or any electrical system with which it is inter-connected, which actions may occur automatically or manually. 2. The provisions of this rule do not affect any person's rights in tort. 3. Load curtailment and interruption canied out in compliance with an order by governmenta! authority shal! follow the Company's plan entitled "Load Curtailment and lntenuption Plan", as outlined below. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by TDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No J-2 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE LOAD GURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION PLAN: OVERVIEW 1. The Company will comply with all state and federa! mandates to curtail the electric energy used by its Customers to prevent an electrical system collapse. Events that may trigger load curtailment, either upon notice from state agencies, the Regional Reliability Coordinator, or at the discretion of the Company, include but are not limited to: a. Fire, flood, drought, winds, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, equipment failures, govemmental authority, b. Actions taken to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of the Company's electrical system or any electrical system to which it is interconnected, which actions may occur automatically or manually, c. Actions taken by the Company that in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent for the safety of people and/or equipment, or d. Cyber-attacks or software failure of any part of the Company's generation, transmission, and/or distribution system protection and/or control systems. 2. Load curtailment can last for a short amount of time, but also could last for hours or even days AUTOMATIC. REMOTE AND MANUAL ACTIONS 1. Automatic actions occur through the operation of programmed protective equipment installed on the Company's electricalsystem, including, without limitation, equipment such as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers, and switches. This protection equipment is preset to operate under certain prescribed conditions that, in the sole judgment of the Company, threaten system performance, i nteg rity, reliabi lity or stability. 2. \Mrere Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment is installed, the Company will remotely control switches, circuit breakers, relays, voltage regulators or other equipment. ln areas where no SCADA equipment is installed, actions are performed manually by on-site field personnel. 3. lf actions are undertaken, then to the extent permitted by the operating characteristics of the electrical system, the Company will perform such actions so that interruption, curtailment, or fluctuation of service to customers will be accomplished sequentially, unless it is necessary in the sole judgment of the Company, or if required by the Regiona! Reliability Coordinator to vary said sequence in order to protect system performance, integrity, reliability or stability. IDAHO Issued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. J-3 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND SERVICE CURTAILMENT AND ! NTERRUPTION 1. Curtailment and/or interruption of electric service can occur at any time for a multitude of situations. \Mren these situations arise, ldaho Power intends to take appropriate actions to mitigate the situation for reliability while maintaining service continuity to as many customers as practical. Depending on the nature of the situation, mitigation actions will range from actions that will not affect Customers to actions that curtail and/or interrupt service, impacting localized areas and/or the entire ldaho Power service area. 2. ldaho Power wil! promptly notify and keep state regulatory and reliability authorities informed of the curtailment and/or interruption to electric service. ROTATING OUTAGES AND ONGOING CURTAILMENT 1. Curtailment and/or interruption of Customer load may be necessary to maintain the reliability of the electric system in certain situations. !n the event ldaho Power must curtai! or interrupt Customer load for any reason, the Company's intent is to curtail the appropriate amount of load necessary to mitigate the situation. This is accomplished by selecting the amount or percent of load reduction needed in the Energy Management System (EMS) Load Shedding application. The EMS Load Shedding application allows the operator to select the applicable localized area or necessary portions of the Company's service area to curtail the load. Load curtailment is accomplished manually in areas that do not have SCADA connected to the EMS. 2. A range of curtailment stages associated with increasing levels of energy deficiencies has been developed, incorporating North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards. The circumstances necessitating a reduction in the consumption of electricity in the short term will normally require that immediate emergency action is taken and as such there may be little or no warning. Sudden equipment outages or loss of generation could potentially lead directly to any curtailment stage without prior notice or progression of the stages described below. These stages align with the severity of the energy deficiency and are intended to minimize customer impact. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. J4 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE ROTATING OUTAGES AND ONGOING CURTAILMENT (Continued) Stage Nature Type of Curtailment 1 All generation resources are committed. Firm Customer load, firm transactions, and reserve commitments are met. Concerned about sustaining required Contingency Reserves o Non-firm wholesale energy saleso Ask Customers to voluntarily take conservation measureso lssue communications notiffing employees of the situation and asking Company departments to reduce interna! utilitv enerqv use. 2 ldaho Power is no longer able to provide expected energy requirements . Curtailment actions listed in Stage 1o lnterruptible Customer load and available demand response programso lssue communications requesting government agencies to implement their programs to achieve necessary energy reductions 3 ldaho Power is unable to meet minimum Contingency Reserves as required by NERC Standards Curtailment actions listed in Stage 1 and Stage 2 lmplement Emergency Load Shed and Block Rotation o a 4 Emergency Load Shed due to immediate risk posed to electrical reliability. a Applicable to all Customers. May be limited to a specific location if reliability risk is localto an area. 3. Demand response programs, if deployed as a required action under this plan, will not be operated underthe provisions of Schedules 23,81, and 82. The provisions of Schedules 23,81, and 82, including but not limited to operating hours, notification requirements, and incentive payments wil! not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a Load Control Device installed under the programs to interrupt a participating customer's load for an electric system emergency. RETURN TO SERVICE ldaho Power will return service to its Customers when:o The Company can meet its load and required operating reserves.o The reliability of the electric system will not be jeopardized.. Reliability Coordinator approval has been received, if applicable. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221\Nest ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. J-1 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. J-1 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE 1. Electric Service is inherently subject to occasiona! interruption, suspension, curtailment, and fluctuation. The Company will have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for any interruption, suspension, curtailment, or fluctuation in service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption, suspension, curtailment, or fluctuation results from any of the following: a. Causes beyond the Company's reasonable control including, but not limited to, fire, flood, drought, winds, acts of the elements, court orders, insunections or riots, generation failures, Iack of sufficient generating capacity, breakdowns of or damage to facilities of the Company or of third parties, acts of God or public enemy, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmifted through electrical systems with which the Company's system is interconnected, and acts or omissions of third parties; b. Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement work on the Company's electrical system, which work in the sole judgment of the Company is necessary or prudent; to the extent practicable work shall be done at such time as will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work; c. Actions taken by the Company, which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of the Company's electrical system or any electrical system with which it is inter-connected, which actions may occur automatically or manually. 2. fne orovislons ot t 3. Load curtailment an authoritv shall fol lan-_as iseienoutlined below* The previeiens ef this rsle de net effeet any persens righte in tert, IDAHO lssued per Order No. 30508 Effective -+/la+eh4+O0g lssued by IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Companv |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. J-2 RULE J CONTINUITY, CURTAILM ENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE LOAD CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION PLAN: OVERVIEW 1. The Companv will complv with all state and federal mandates to curtai! the electric enerqv used bv its Customers to orevent an electrical svstem collapse. Events that mav triqoer load curtailment. either upon notice from state aoencies. the Reoional Reliabilitv Coordinator. or at the discretion of the Companv. include but are not limited to: a Fira fload rlrorroht winds oeneralinn faihrras lank nf crrffieient ncncratinn eanaeitv equipment failures. qovernmental authoritv. b. Actions taken to protect the oerformance, inteqritv. reliabilitv or stabilitv of the Companv's electrical svstem or anv electrical svstem to which it is interconnected. which actions mav occur automaticallv or manuallv. c. Actions taken bv the Companv that in its sole iudoment are necessarv or prudent for the safetv of people and/or equipment. or d. Cvber-attacks or software failure of anv part of the Companv's oeneration. transmission. and/or distribution svstem protection and/or control svstems. davs. AUTOMATIC, REMOTE AND MANUAL ACTIONS 1. Automatic actions occur throuoh the operation of proorammed protective equipment installed on the Companv's electrical svstem. includino. without limitation. equipment such as automatic relavs. oenerator controls. circuit breakers. and switches. This protection equipment is preset to operate under certain prescribed conditions that, in the sole iudoment of the Companv. threaten svstem performance. inteoritv, reliabilitv or stabilitv. 2. Where Supervisorv Control and Data Acouisition (SCADA) equipment is installed. the Companv will remotelv control switches, circuit breakers. relavs, voltaoe reoulators or other equioment. ln areas where no SCADA equipment is installed. actions are performed manuallv bv on-site field oersonnel. 3. lf actions are undertaken. then to the extent oermitted bv the operatinq characteristics of the electrical svstem. the Companv will perform such actions so that interruption. curtailment, or fluctuation of service to customers will be accomplished sequentiallv. unless it is necessarv in the sole iudoment of the Companv. or if required bv the Reoional Reliabilitv Coordinator to varv said sequence in order to protect svstem performance. inteqritv, reliabilitv or stabilitv. IDAHO lssued bv IDAHO POWER COMPANY ldaho Power Companv I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. J-3 RULE J CONTINUITY. CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION 1. Curtailment and/or interruption of electric service can occur at anv time for a multitude of situations. \Mren these situations arise, ldaho Power intends to take appropriate actions to mitioate the situation for reliabilitv while maintainins service continuitv to as manv customers as oractical Dependino on the nature of the situation. mitioation actions will ranoe from actions that will not affect Customers to actions that curtail and/or interrupt seruice. impactinq localized areas and/or the entire ldaho Power service area. 2. Idaho Power will promptlv notifv and keep state reoulatorv and reliabilitv authorities informed of the curtailment and/or interruption to electric service. ROTATING OUTAGES AND ONGOING CURTAILMENT 1. Curtailment and/or interruption of Customer load mav be necessarv to maintain the reliabilitv of the electric svstem in certain situations. !n the event ldaho Power must curtail or interrupt Customer load for anv reason. the Companv's intent is to cuftail the appropriate amount of load necessarv to mitioate the situation. This is accomplished bv selectino the amount or percent of load reduction needed in the Enerov Manaoement (trt\rs) I oad Shedrlino annlieation The FI\IS Load Sheddinq apolication allows the operator to select the applicable localized area or necessarv portions of the Companv's service area to cuftail the load. Load curtailment is accomplished manuallv in areas that do not have SCADA connected to the EMS. 2. A ranoe of curtailment staoes associated with increasinq levels of enerqv deficiencies has been developed, incorporatino North American Electric Reliabilitv Corporation (NERC) standards. The circumstances necessitatinq a reduction in the consumption of electricitv in the short term will normallv require that immediate emeroencv action is taken and as such there mav be little or no warnino. Sudden equipment outaqes or loss of oeneration could potentiallv lead directlv to anv curtailment staoe without prior notice or proqression of the staqes described below. These staqes alion with the severitv of the enerov deficiencv and are intended to minimize customer impact. ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. J-4 RULE J CONTINUITY, CURTAILMENT AND INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE ROTATING OUTAGES AND ONGOING CURTAILMENT (Continued) Stage Nature Tvoe of Curtailment L All oeneration resources are committed. Firm Customer load. firm transactions. and reserve commitments are met. Concerned about sustaininq required Continqencv Reserves . Non-firm wholesale enerov sales o Ask Crrstom ers to voluntarilv take conservation measuresr lssue communications notifvino emplovees of the situation and askinq Companv departments to reduce internal utilitv enerqy use. 2 ldaho Power is no lonoer able to provide expected enerov reouirements Curtailment actions listed in Staoe 1ao lnterruptible Customer load and available demand response programso lssue communications requestinq qovernment aqencies to implement their proorams to achieve necessary enerov reductions 3 ldaho Power is unable to meet minimum Continqencv Reserves as required bv NERC Standards Curtailment actions listed in Staoe 1 and Staqe 2 lmplement Emerqencv Load Shed and Block Rotation a 4 Emeroencv Load Shed due to immediate risk posed to electrical reliability- o Applicable to all Customers. Mav be limited to a specific location if reliability risk is localto an area. 3. Demand response oroqrams. if deploved as a required action under this plan. will not be operated underthe provisions of Schedules 23.81. and 82. The provisions of Schedules 23.81, and 82, includino but not limited to operatinq hours. notification requirements, and incentive pavments will not applv for anv time period that the Companv utilizes a Load Control Device installed under the proqrams to interrupt a parti er's load for an electric svstem emeroencv RETURN TO SERVICE ldaho Power will return service to its Customers when:o The Companv can meet its load and required operatino reserves.. The reliabilitv of the electric svstem will not be ieopardized.. Reliabilitv Coordinator approval has been received. if applicable. IDAHO lssued bv IDAHO POWER COMPANY BEFORE TI{E IDAITO PT'BI,IC UTIIJITTES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OF IDAIIO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAIJ OF ITS LOAD CTIRTAIIJMEI{'I AI{D INTERRUPTION PI,A}I IDA}IO POWER COMPAIVY DIREqT TESTIMOIIY KATHI,EEN AI{DERSON cJtsE No. rPc-E-21-13 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) OF L O. Please state your name, business address and 2 position with Idaho Power ("Idaho Power" or the "Company). 3 A. My name is Kathleen Anderson. My business address 4 is L221- West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. My present 5 position is ReaI Tj-me Operations and Markets Senior Manager 5 in the Load Serving Operations Department. 7 Q. Please describe your educational background. I A. In December of 2000, I received a Bachelor of 9 Administration degree in Finance from Boise State University 10 in Boise, Idaho. In September of 2005, I earned a Master of l-l- Business Administration degree f rom the Unj-versity of 12 Phoenix. I hol-d a NERC System Operator - Reliability Operator L3 (RC) certification. I obtained the initial certification in 14 2009 and renew it every 3 years after completing the L5 continuing education requirements. The continuing education 1,6 reguirements include training hours dedicated to emergency 17 operations. LB A. Briefly describe your work e>ryerience with Idaho 19 Power. 20 A. In 2005, I was hired as a Business Analyst in Idaho 2L Power's Delivery Finance Department. My primary 22 responsibilities included reviewing and granting credit to 23 entities wishing to conduct business under the Company's Open 24 Access Transmj-ssion Tarif f ("OATT'' ) . fn addition, f provided ANDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company l_ L analyst support to the Company's Grid Operations Department, 2 assisting with budgeting and other financial and accounting 3 duties. In 2006, I transferred to the Grid Operations 4 Department as an Operations Analyst and was responsible for 5 aI1 contractual obligations of the Company's OATT. 6 In 2009, I became the System Operations Leader in the 7 Grid Operations Department and oversaw all day-ahead and 8 real-time activity conducted under the OATT, ds well as all 9 transmission contracts administered by the Grid Operations 10 and Load Serving Operations Departments. In 201-5, I was 11 promoted to the Transmission and Energry Scheduling Leader 12 where, in addition to my then-current duties, I assumed the L3 oversight responsibility of the day-ahead balancing 14 operators. 15 In 201-8, f was promoted to the Transmission and Balancing 16 Operations Manag'er where I assumed responsibility for L7 managing Idaho Power's real time system operati-ons which 18 includes transmission, generation dispatch and balancing 19 operations activities. In 2020, I was promoted to my current 20 position of Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager 2L where, in addition to my then-current duties, I assumed the 22 oversight of Idaho Power's participation in regional market 23 activities. 24 /// AIiIDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 2 1 O. What is the purpose of your testimony in t,his case? 2 A. The purpose of my testimony is to address the 3 Company's application to replace its Modified Regional Pl-an 4 and Electric Load Management Rule ,J Procedures ("Ru1e ,f 5 Procedures") with the Company's updated Load Curtailment and 5 Interruption P1an, ("LCIP"). 7 Q. What prompted the Company to review its curtailment I plan and procedures? 9 A. The original Modified Regional P1an, which focused 10 on long-term regional load curtailment, was developed in the 1l- early 1990s. Over time, changes in technology, modifications 1,2 to industry practices, and changes in generation capacity L3 have served to make the existing Modified Regional Plan 14 obsolete. Further, industry developments, such as regional 15 resource adequacy concerns, wildfires and extreme weather, 16 growth in distributed energy, cybersecurity concerns, and l7 failures of the interconnected grid elsewhere in the United l-8 States have all contrj-buted to the development of updated L9 J-ndustry standards and procedures to address curtailment and 20 interrupEion. Similar factors impact the need to update the 2l Company's Rul-e J Curtail-ment Procedures on f ile with the 22 Commission. 23 a. Please describe current industry practices related 24 to system reliability and operating standards. ANDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 3 1 A. Idaho Power complies with Federal Energy Regulatory 2 Commission (FERC) regulations and North American Electric 3 Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standards and is 4 a member of Ehe Western Electricity Coordinating Council 5 (WECC). The WECC is a Regional Entity given authority by the 5 NERC to monitor and enforces compliance. The Company also 7 supports Regional Reliability Coordj-nators, who monitor 8 voltages, freguencies, and other reliability indices. Ihe 9 Company's current reliability coordinator is RC West, 10 operated by the California Independent System Operator. 1l- Bulk electric system reliability and operating standards 12 for utilities in the western part of the United States provide 13 for a coordinated effort to effectively manage energy L4 shortage situations, which includes: shedding firm load in an 15 emergency situation using the Company's under freguency 15 and/or under voltage load shedding programs to arrest 17 declining frequency; assisting recovery of frequency 1-8 following under frequency events; and providing last resort 19 system preservation measures to prevent a blackout or voltage 20 collapse. 2l Emergencies that threaten the integrity of the electric 22 system can develop at any time due to shortage of generation 23 or disturbances on the system, either 1oca11y or within the 24 Western fnterconnection. Ihe circumstances necessitating a AI{DERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 4 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 1- reductj-on in the demand or consumption of electrj-city in the short term will require that immediate emergency action is taken and may potentially lead directly to firm load curtai-Iment. a. fs the 202! LCIP being submitted simply as a modificatj-on of the Company's current curtailment plan and procedures? A. No. A 1ot has changed since the Modified Regional Plan was filed in 1993 and the Rule ,J Curtailment Procedures were last updated in 2002. As noted above, changes in technology, industry practices, and generation capacity have made the existj-ng Regional PIan obsolete. Although some elements of the Modified Regional Plan are found within the 2027 LCIP, the existi-ng Modified Regional Plan and 2021- LCIP vary enough in format and content that it reguired completely re-writing the curtailment p1an. O. Please summarize the elements of the 202L LCIP. A. The 202L LCIP includes new provisions for load reduction with demand response and emergency load shed groups, and clarification regarding what entj-ties can initiate load curtailment. It also covers a broader range of events that can precipitate load curtailment activities. The 2021- LCIP combines elements of the Company's Rule J Procedures and the Modified Regional P1an. 10 11 1,2 13 1-4 15 t5 t7 18 1,9 20 2L 22 23 A}IDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 5 24 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 O. Is the scope of the 2021- LCIP essentially the same as the existing Modified Regional Curtailment Plan or the Rule 'J Procedures? A. No. The existing Modified Regional Curtailment Plan addresses only long-term regional energy shortages,' L}:e 2021, LCIP focuses on practical and actionable operational activities the Company can initiate during emergencies to minimize adverse impacts to customers and restore system stability. The possible causes of a long-term energy shortage described within the Modified Regional Plan include: prolonged drought, severe operational constraints, or moratoriums. This limited, narrow approach to curtailment fails to provide direction for addressing more common emergencies such as temporary loss of generation, failed eqnipment, or extreme weather and temperatures. The 202L LCIP is broader in scope, addressj-ng both long-term energy shortages and temporary power interruptions due to emergencies and system conditions. O. Please summarize the curtailment stages identified in the 202L LCIP. A. The 2021, LCIP describes curtailment stages associated with increasing energy deficits, estimated impacts to customers and the methods that may be employed to reach the reguired load curtailment necessary to stabilize the bulk ANDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company l_0 11 t2 13 1-4 15 16 1,7 18 l_9 20 21 22 23 6 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 electrical system. These stages J-ncorporate corresponding NERC Alert Ievels as defined in NERC Standard EOP-011-1, notifications and reporting reguirements in each Energy Emergency Alert 1eve1 for all applicable entities and designated authorized parties and their respective responsibilities . O. What new provisions for curtailment sources are included in the 202]- LCIP? A. The 202L LCIP incorporates several new curtailment sources, including demand response load control capabilities and J-nterruptible customer load shed programs. Electric service contracts with certain large customers may a11ow for curtailment when the Company's contingency reserve, transmission margin, or both are needed to meet system demands. Interruptible Power Service gives the Company the flexibility to curtail load as the first resource used when immediate system stabilization is required. This provision has been included in the 202]. LCIP. The Company also has developed demand response programs with its irrigation and residential customer groups that al1ow the Company to cycle off participating customers during peak load events using direct load control devices. In the event of a system emerg'ency, the direct load control devj-ces installed at customer locations could be activated to help A}IDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 10 11 1,2 L3 1,4 15 t6 1,7 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 7 24 1 manage 1oad. The Company also has a demand response program 2 available to its commercial and industrial customers that 3 reguires the customer (often an operations manager) to take 4 actj-on to reduce load at the site. The Company has 5 notification procedures in place and can use these tools to 5 activate an emergency event with these customers. 7 Q. Why is it important to recognize demand response 8 and interruptible loads and emergency load shed programs as 9 part of the 2O2l LCIP? l-0 A. The Company has demand response prog'rams that can 1l- be caIled upon to achieve reductions in 1oad. The 202L LCIP 1,2 also makes use of the Company's load shedding application 13 within its Emergency Management System, and related load 14 shedding procedures, and block rotation, which provides for 15 rotational curtailments used in scheduled combi-nations until L6 the necessary load curtailment j-s achieved. Block rotation 17 provides eqr:itable treatment to customers as the combination 18 of blocks curtailed is dependent on the day of the week and 19 time of day the curtailment is reguired. This method spreads 20 the impacts of curtailment to a broad base of customers so 2l that no particular group of customers is unduly impacted. 22 Where known and feasible within operational parameters, 23 distribution feeders serving facilities essential to the 24 public welfare are avoided during rotational curtailment. AI{DERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 8 1- However, it should be noted that the Company cannot 2 definitively account for all such facilitj-es, nor is it 3 possible to exclude every known facility from the impacts of 4 curtailment. 5 Q. What types of entities may initiate load 5 curtailment under the 2021, LCIP? 7 A. Under the 2O2L LCIP load curtailment will be 8 initiated when directed by the Reliability Coordinator, who t has been delegated this authority under NERC standards, by l-0 order of the Commission, or by the Company at its own 1l- discretion. The long-term scope of the Modified Regional Plan 1,2 limited the initiation of load curtailment to "the state's 13 decTaration of an enerry emergency. " The Idaho Legislature L4 delegated authority to declare such an emergency and initiate 15 load curtailment to the Commission under Idaho Code 551-533 16 and 561-534. In Idaho Power's Oregon service area, the l7 Governor of Oregon is authorized to declare an energy 18 emergency under Oregon Revised Statutes L76.750 - 1-75.820. L9 a. How does the Company plan to provide customers and 20 external State and regulatory stakeholders with information 21 during an emergency event? 22 A. Throughout the curtailment period the Company will 23 provide customers and exEernal State and regulatory 24 stakeholders with as much information as possible using AI{DERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 9 1 established processes and protocols. The Company has 2 detailed Load Management Procedures (LMP) that describe roles 3 and responsibilities for communications during defined system 4 emergency events. The Company also has developed an Emergency 5 Response Communication Plan that provides detailed 6 responsibilitj-es and communications. During all sEages of an 7 emergency event, communication responsibilities are assigned 8 to specific individuals or departments for communication 9 within the Company, with regiulatory and reliability entities, 10 and with the general public. 11 Customers will be able to get outage information through L2 customer service, online at idahopower.com, by subscribing to l-3 text alerts and if warranted, public communication via medj-a 14 and social media outreach. Providing as much information as 15 possible on a timely basis to customers a1Iows customers to 16 be prepared as possible for a curtailment event and is another L7 way the 2021- LCIP attempts to minimize the impacts of LB curtailment. L9 O. What is the Company's plan for providing updates to 20 the 202L LCIP? 2l A. In general, the 2021, LCIP is intended to broadly 22 address load curtailments and interruptions so as to not 23 require frequent updates, although the current state and 24 regional wildf ire and resource adeqr-racy ef forts may AI{DERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 10 l- necessitate updates over the next few years. The Company has 2 detailed internal L,oad Management Procedures that support the 3 202L LCIP and are reviewed and updated at least annually to 4 ensure that the Company is fu11y prepared to deal with any 5 curtailment situations. As part of that annual review, the 6 Company intends to also review the LCIP and file updates with 7 the Commission as necessary. 8 Q. Please summarize why the Company is filing this 9 application reguest.ing Commission approval of its 2O2t LCIP 10 and modificatlons to RuIe J Continuity, Curtailment and lL Interruption of Electric Service. 1,2 A. Since 1993, there have been changes in Company and l-3 industry practices, technology, generation capacity, demand 14 response, and resource availability. The previously approved 15 Modified Regional Plan and the RuIe ,J Procedures no longer 16 represent how the Company addresses curtailment, l7 necessitating a complete re-write of them. The Modified L8 Regional Plan is only for long-term energy shortages and L9 doesn't address short-term supply emerg'encies resultj-ng from 20 loss of major generation or transmission eguJ-pment, regional 2L operating standards, or weather extremes. The 2021- LCfP 22 addresses the Company's operational approach to: 23 24 25 Initiation of Load Curtailment, Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions, Curtailment Stages, A}IDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company o a a l_ l- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Interruptible Loads, Block Rotation, Emergency Load Shed, and Return to Service. The Company believes that the 202L LCfP is consistent with the public health, safety and welfare, is technically feasible to implement, and properly attempts to balance the impact of any curtailments. Thus, the Company requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approve its 2O2L Load Curtailment and Internrption PIan. O. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes. o a o o 10 11 L2 13 A}IDERSON, DI Idaho Povrer Company L2 ]. DECIJARATION OF KAITILEEN A}IDERSON 2 I, Kathleen Anderson, declare under penalty of perjury 3 under the laws of the state of ldaho: 4 1. My name is Katshleen Anderson. I am employed by 5 Idaho Power Company as a ReaI Time Operations and Markets 5 Senior Manager in Power Supply. 7 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this pre- 8 filed direct testimony in this matter. 9 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed direct 10 testimony is true and accurate. 1-1 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to 12 Ehe best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand l-3 it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public t4 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. L5 SIGNED this 11th day of May 2021-, ?t Boise, Idaho. 16 L7 18 t2-- Kathleen Anderson A}IDERSON, DI Idaho Power Company 13