HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210430Ellsworth Direct-Redacted.pdfBEFORE THE IDAIIO PI'BI,IC UTUJITIES COMMISSION rN THE II{ATTER OF TDA}IO POVfER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERMIT'IIATION ACKNOWIJEDGfNG ITS NORTH VAIJT(Y POWER PI,AIiIT UNTT 2 EXIT DATE. IDAITO POWER CO}dPAI\I1T DIRECT TESTIMOI{ff OF 'JARED L. ELLSWORTH CASE NO. TPC-E-2L-L2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 a Please state your name, business address, and present position "Company"). with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or A. My name is Jared L. Ellsworth and my business address is L221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Transmission, Distribution & Resource Planning Director for the Planning, Engineering c Construction Department. a. Please describe your educational background. A. I graduated in 2004 and 2010 from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, receiving a Bachelor of Sci-ence Degree and Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering, respectively. f am a licensed professional engineer in the State of Idaho. O. Please describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. ln 2004, I was hired as a Distribution Planning engineer in the Company's Delivery Planning department. Tn 2007, I moved into the System Planning department, where my principal responsibilities included planning for bulk high-voltage transmission and substation projects, generation interconnection projects, and North American Electric Reliabil-ity Corporation's (*NBRC") reliability compliance standards. I transj-tioned into the Transmission Policy & Development group with a similar ELLSWORTH, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 10 l_ t- L2 13 1,4 15 L7 18 1,9 t5 20 21, 22 23 24 25 1 ro1e, and in 2013, I spent a year cross-training with the 2 Company's Load Serving Operations group. In 2074, I was 3 promoted to Engineering Leader of the Transmissj-on Policy & 4 Development department and assumed leadership of the System 5 Planning group in 201-8. In early 2020, I was promoted into 6 my current role as the Transmission, Distri-bution and 7 Resource Planning Director. I am currently responsible for 8 the planning of the Company's wires and resources to 9 continue to provide customers with cost-effective and 10 reliable electrical service. LL O. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 12 case? 13 A. The purpose of my testimony is to present the 14 near-term economic and reliability impact analyses 15 performed following Idaho Power's Second Amended 2079 1,6 Integrated Resource Plan (*IRP") that support an exit from 1-7 operations of Valmy Unit 2 in 2025 based on currently known LB information. 1-9 a. What specific action j-s the Company requesting 20 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") in 2L this case? 22 A. As directed by the Commission in Order No. 23 34349, Idaho Power is requesting the Commission acknowledge 24 its appropriate exit date from Valmy Unit 2 as December 31, 25 2025, based on information known today. The Company ELLSWORTH, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 respectfully reguests a Commission order no later than September 29, 2021-, to a11ow adequate time for notification to plant operator IW Energy should the Commission determine an earlier exit date of Valmy Unit 2 is appropriate. I. BACKGROIIIID O. Please describe the Valmy p1ant. A. Valmy is a coal-fired power plant that consists of two units and is located near Battle Mountain, Nevada. Unit 1 went into service in 1981 and Unit 2 followed in 1985. Idaho Power owrrs 50 percent, or 284 megawattsl ("MW") (generator nameplate rating), of Va1my. I{IV Energy is the co-owner of the plant with the remaining 50 percent ownership and operates the Valmy facility. IW Energy and Idaho Power (col1ectively, the "Parties") work jointly to make decisions regarding Va1my. The plant is connected via a single 345 kil-ovol-t ("kV") transmission line to the Idaho Power control area at the Midpoint substation. Idaho Power owns the northbound capacity and I{IV Energy owns the southbound capacity of this 1ine. O. How have the Parties been operating Valmy? A. Recently, Valmy has primarily operated as a summer resource and only operates during the winter months I For planning purposes, Idaho Power uses the net dependable capability of 262 W. It should also be noted that the remaining capacity avai-l-abl-e to Idaho Power is 134 MW due to the Company's exitof coal-fired operations at UniU 1 at year-end 2019. EI,I,SWORTH, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 t5 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 1 if driven by t,he market. For example, in 2OL9 when the 2 Mid-Columbia market hub (*Mid-C") prices were high, Valmy 3 was economically dispatched during the winter months to 4 meet load while the excess generation provided customers 5 benefits through off-system sales. 5 Q. What. are the current agreements under which 7 IIV Energy and Idaho Power own and operate Valmy? I A. The ownership and operation of Valmy is 9 dicEated by three agreements: the Agreement for the L0 Ownership of the North Valmy Power Plant Project 1L ("Ownership Agreement"), the Agreement for the Operation of 12 the North Valmy Power P1ant Project ("Operation L3 Agreement"), both of which are dated December 12, L978, and t4 the North Valmy Station Operating Procedures Crj-teria, L5 dat,ed as of February 11, L993, between ldaho Power Company L6 and Sierra Pacific Power Company, as amended by Amendment 17 No. L to the Operating Procedure Criteria for Valmy Coal 1-8 Diversion Procedures and Usage, dated as of .Tanuary 1, 201-2 L9 (collectively, the "Existing North Valmy Agreements"). 20 Additionally, as presented in Case No. IPC-E-19-08, the 21- Parties entered into the North Valmy Project Framework 22 Agreement between I{IV Energy and ldaho Power dated as of 23 February 22, 2019 ("Framework Agreement"), memorializing 24 the terms and conditj-ons under which either partner may 25 elect exj-t of participation of Valmy by means of a 15 month ELLSWORTH, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 notice. Commissi-on Order No. 34349 deemed the Framework 2 Agreement with NV Energy as prudent and commercially 3 reasonable. 4 O. What are the current end-of-Iife assumptions 5 used by the Parties for each Valmy unita 5 A. rn its 201,8 Update to the Life Span Analysis 7 Process of Valmy Units 1 and 2, I'[V Energy recommended 8 retirement dates of both units at year-end 2025.2 However, 9 on December 21, 201,8, in Docket No. l-8-05003, the Public 10 Utllities Commission of Nevada ("Nevada PUC' ) issued an 11 order adopting NV Energy's 2079-2038 Triennial Integrated 1,2 Resource P1an, 201,9-2021 Action P1an, and 201-9-2021 Energy 1-3 Supply P1an, all of which included an early retirement of 14 Unit 1 on December 31, 2021, under NV Energy's stated 15 conditions3. The end-of-Iife date for Unit 2 remained at L6 Idaho Power, in the Settlement L7 year-end 2025.4 approved by the Commission with Order No. 3377]- Stipulation in Case No. l-8 IPC-E-1-6-24, agreed to use prudent and commercially 2 tppTication of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a IW Energy and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approvaT of its 2017-2036 TrienniaTIntegrated Resource Plan and 201-7-201-9 Energy SuppTy Plan, 201-6 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it reTates to the AcEion PTanof its 20L6-2035 Integrated Resource Plan, and the second amendnent toits 20L6-2035 Integrated Resource Pl-an and 201-6-20L8 Action PLan to incTude the acguisition of the South Point Energy Center, Docket No. 76-07001-. Updated Lite Span AnaTysis Process in compTiance with Order dated February L6, 2017, filed on February 16, 2078.3 ,foint AppTication of Nevada Power Company d/b/a Nv Enerry and SierraPacific Power Company d/b/a NV Enerry for approwal of their 20L9-2038Triennial Integrated Resource PTan and 2079-2021- Enerry Supply P7an, Docket No. 1-8-06003 (December 27, 20L8).a Nevada PUC Order dated December 2L, 201-8, DoctJnent ID 34967. ELLSWORTH, DI 5 Idaho Power Company L reasonable efforts to end its participation in the 2 operation of Unit 1 by December 3L, 2019, and Unit 2 by 3 December 31, 2025. 4 O. Did Idaho Power's cessation of coal-fired 5 operations in Unit L occur? 6 A. Yes. On December 37, 2019, the Company's 7 participation in coal-fired operations at Unit L concluded. 8 The remaining capacity available to Idaho Power from Valmy 9 Unit 2 is L34 MW. l-0 O. Does Commission Order No. 343495 address the 11 Company's proposed cessation of Unit 2 operations by L2 December 3L, 2025? 13 A. Yes. Durlng review of Idaho Power's 1-4 Application in Case No. IPC-E-L9-08, Commission Staff 15 indicated that they reviewed the Company's Unit 2 closure 15 analysis but did not have adequate informatj-on from Idaho 1-7 Power at the time to determine whether the Company had 18 completed a thorough review of a unit withdrawal date of 1-9 December 3l-, 2025. Therefore, Order No. 34349 directed the 20 Company to use best efforts to file within Zt days of the 21- service date of the order: (1) an analysis validating the 22 December 31, 2025, economic retirement date of Unit 2, or s rn the Matter of the AppTication of rdaho Power Company for Authority to Increase fts Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Vahny Plant, Case No. IPC-E-I-9-08 (May 31, 20L9) . ELLSWORTH, DI 6 Idaho Power Company L (2) an analysis supporting a different economic retirement 2 date of Unit 2. 3 Q. Did Idaho Power comply with the Commissi-on's 4 directi-ve in Order No. 34349? 5 A. Yes. On .Tune 27, 2019, the Company filed a 6 reguest for acknowledgement that it had sufficiently 7 validated the economic retj-rement date of Valmy Unit 2 as 8 year-end 2025 in Case No. IPC-E-l-9-l-8. However, during 9 processing of the case, the Company determined that further 10 review of Idaho Power's 20L9 IRP modeling was necessary. 11 Because the 2019 IRP modeling was also used to develop the 1,2 Valmy Unit 2 closure analysis, the case schedule was 13 suspended while the review was performed. The review of the t4 201,9 IRP modeling ultimately resulted in the filing with l-5 the Commisslon of Idaho Power's Second Amended 20L9 IRP. 16 O. Did the model updates performed for the Second L7 Amended 201-9 IRP impact the Valmy Unit 2 closure analysis? 18 A. Yes. After performing a revised analysis 19 based on adjustments stemming from the IRP review, certain 20 modeling runs indicated the potential for additional 21, savings from a Valmy Unit 2 exit date as early as year-end 22 2022. However, the potential savings included a key 23 assumption that firm market purchases from the south of 24 Idaho Power's service area would be availabl-e to replace 25 Valmy Unit 2 capacity. This key assumption warranted ELLSWORTH, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 further examination with regard to economics and reliability. As such, Idaho Power withdrew its Application in Case No. IPC-E-19-18 to perform the additional evaluation of both the economic and reliability impacts of an early Valmy Unit 2 closure. As initially directed by Commission Order No. 34349, the Company is presenting the results of the additional evaluation in this case. II. THE SECOIID AMENDED 2019 IRP O. What is the goal of the IRP? A. As described in the Second Amended 2019 IRP, Idaho Power believes the goal of the IRP is to ensure: (1) Idaho Power's system has sufficlent resources to reliably serve customer demand and flexible capacity needs over a 20-year planning period, (2) the selected resource portfolio balances cost, risk, and environmental concerns, (3) balanced treatment is given to both supply-side resources and demand-side measures, and (4) the public is involved in the planning process in a meaningful way. O. How are the portfolios developed through the IRP process? A. Historically, the Company developed portfolios to eliminate resource deficiencies identified in a 2l-year load and resource balance. Under this process, Idaho Power developed portfolios which were demonstrated to eliminate the identified resource deficiencies. However, beginning ELLSWORTH, DI 8 fdaho Power Company 10 l_1 t2 13 t4 t6 15 1,7 L8 19 20 2a 22 23 24 25 1 with the Second Amended 2019 IRP, the Company began using 2 AURORA's long-term capacity expansion ("LTCE") modeling 3 capability to develop portfolios.6 4 O. Please describe the LTCE modeling capability 5 of AURORA. 5 A. In the Second Amended 2019 IRP, the LTCE 7 modeling capability of AURORA produced portfolios optimized 8 for the Western Electrlcity Coordinating Council (*V0ECC") 9 under various future conditions, such as varying natural 10 gas prices and carbon costs. The WECC-optimized portfolios L1 included the addition of supply and demand-side resources L2 for Idaho Power's system while sj-multaneously evaluati-ng 13 the economics of exiting from current generation units. L4 O. What was the outcome of the modeling performed 15 Eo identify the Preferred Portfolio in the Second Amended 1.6 2OL9 IRP? 17 A. As part of this robust method of assessing 18 future resource options over a two-decade time frame, the 19 Preferred Portfolio was deri-ved from a combination of two 20 AURORA LlCE-produced portfolios that were manually 21- optimized for Idaho Power under Planning Gas and Planning 22 Carbon conditions wi-th the selection of the Boardman to 23 Hemingway (*B2H") transmissj-on 1ine. Although the AURORA 24 modeling consistently showed an economic exit of Valmy Unit ELLSWORTH, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 6 Case No. IPC-E-19-19 l- 2 in 2025 in WECC-optimized runs, the refinement of these 2 analyses specific to Idaho Power's service area suggested 3 the potential for additional savings from earlier exit 4 dates. 5 O. What were the potential savings associated 6 with a 2022 Valmy Unit 2 exit as identified in the Second 7 Amended 2019 IRP? 8 A. The long-term analysis performed as part of 9 the Second Amended 20L9 IRP suggested net present value L0 savings of approximately $3 million associated with a Valmy 11 Unit 2 exj-t in 2022 due to the avoided capital investment 1,2 and net operations and maintenance ("O&M") reductions 13 compared to a year-end 2025 exit. 1,4 O. fn the event of a Valmy Unit 2 exit prior to l-5 2025, what are the notification reguirements under the 1,6 Framework Agreement? 1,7 A. Under the terms of the Framework Agreement, to 18 exit operations of Unit 2, Idaho Power is required to 19 provide IiIV Energy notice l-5 months in advance of the 20 Company's date to cease participation in coal-fired 2l operations. Therefore, for a year-end 2022 exit date, 22 Idaho Power would be required to provide I{tV Energy notice 23 by September 30, 2021. 24 O. Based on the results of the Second Amended 25 201-9 fRP, was it the recommendation of the Company to ELLSWORTH, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 1 proceed with providing NV Energy notice of cessation of 2 participation in coal-fired operations of Valmy Unit 2 3 based on the long-term analysis results? 4 A. No. As presented in the Second Amended 201-9 5 IRP, Idaho Power does not believe that the potential 5 savings based on a long-term analysis should be the sole 7 consideration in the decision to exit Valmy Unit 2. Once 8 the exit notice is given, it cannot be withdrawn. 9 Q. What considerations did Idaho Power suggest 10 evaluating in addition to the long-term analysj-s? 1l- A. A key component of the Second Amended 20L9 IRP 12 that allowed for the exit of Valmy Unit 2 aL year-end 2022 13 was the availability of firm market purchases from the L4 south of ldaho Power's service area over the transmission l-5 path currently utilized by Idaho Power's share of the Valmy L6 plant output. While the Company considered the availability L7 of wholesale energy for import across the Idaho to Nevada l-8 path as less certain, it had been considered as a potential 19 to source seldom-needed capacity during peak-loading 20 periods. As discussed later in my testimony, Idaho Power 2l subseguently evaluated this assumption in light of recent 22 changes in regional transmission availability. 23 Additionally, as part of the Valmy Unit 2 exit discussion 24 included in the Second Amended 201-9 IRP, the Company 25 indicated economic and reliability impacts of an earlier ELLSWORTH, DI 1]- Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Unit 2 exj-t must be evaluated using data points such as forward market hub price forecasts, planned unit outages, and recent market conditions. The objective of these analyses is to identify any tradeoffs between an earlier exit date and the ability to provide re1iab1e, affordable power. IIT. VALMY T'NIT 2 EXIT A}IAI,YSIS A. Has Idaho Power completed the analysis of the reliability and economic impacts associated with an exit of Valmy Unit 2 prior to year-end 2025? A. Yes. The Company conducted focused system reliability and economic analyses to assess the appropriate timing of a Valmy Unit 2 exit between 2022 and 2025. The intent of these analyses is to ensure customer reliability, while considering more current operating budgets and up-to- date economics, to inform a decision that will minimize costs for customers while also maintaining system reliability. O. Did the Company evaluate exit dates beyond 2025? A. No. Under the Framework Agreement with NV Energy, and the Settlement Stipulation approved by the Commission with Order No. 33771, the Company agreed to cease coal-fired operations of Unit 2 by December 3l-, 2025. ELLSWORTH, Dr L2 Idaho Power Company l-0 11 t2 t-3 1,4 15 t5 1,7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 1 Therefore the analyses performed in this case only apply to 2 the years between 2022 and 2025. 3 Q. Please summarize the Company's approach to the 4 reliability and economic impact analyses. 5 A. Idaho Power began the analysis with an 5 evaluation of system reliability, as the Company must first 7 ensure dependable capacity resources exist to meet expected 8 Ioad. Next, Idaho Power analyzed the economics of various 9 portfo1ios with resources that coul-d replace the Company's L0 existing 134 MW at Valmy Unit 2. The result of the 11- reliability and economj-c evaluations is the most reliable 1,2 and economic path toward an exit from coal-fired operations 13 of Valmy Unit 2. 1,4 IV. RELIABIIJITY E1IALUATION 15 O. Why is a reliability analysis necessary? A. Reliability is the foundation for any resource plan; the Company must ensure it has sufficient resources to meet customer demand. It is critical when comparing future resource portfolios that each plan achieve a base reliability threshold. To analyze the reliability impacts associated with an early exit from coal-fired operations at Valmy Unit 2, Idaho Power (1) refined the load and resource balance to determine any resource deficiencies, (2) enhanced the approach to computing the planning margin, and ELLSWORTH, DI l-3 Idaho Power Company 1,6 t7 L8 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (3) identified multiple options to replace the 1-34 MW of firm capacity in the absence of Valmy Unit 2. Load and Resource BaLance o Please explain the "load and resource bal-ance". A. The load and resource balance is the Company's operational plan that identifies resource deficiencies during the 2O-year IRP planning horizon. It incorporates the expected availability of Idaho Power/ s existing resources, comparing the total output to the Company's forecasted Ioad, and computes the resulting surplus or deficit by month. This will identify the Company's first resource need date r ox the point at which Idaho Power's reliability requirements may not be met. The availability of existing resources, including Public Utility Regrrlatory Policies Act ("PURPA") projects, power purchase agreements, hydro, coa1, g?s, demand response, and market purchases, is determined using a number of factors such as e>pected stream fIows, plant run times, forced outages, and transmission availability, among' other considerations. O. What is the purpose of the load and resource balance? A. The load and resource balance ensures Idaho Power has sufficient resources to meet projected customer demand plus a margin to account for extreme conditions and ELLSV{ORTH, Dr L4 Idaho Power Company l-0 1l_ l-3 L4 15 1,6 1,7 18 t9 20 21, t2 22 23 24 25 1 resource outages. It is critical when comparing future 2 resource portfolios that each plan achieve at least a base 3 reliability threshold. 4 O. Did Idaho Power make any adjustments to the 5 load and resource balance used in the Second Amended 201,9 5 IRP as part of the Valmy analysis presented in this case? 7 A. Yes. Because development of the 2021 IRP is 8 occurring simultaneously to the Valmy Unit 2 reliability 9 and economic impact analyses, the load and resource balance 10 was updated to include modifications to existing resource LL avallability, as is standard when developing the load and 12 resource balance as part of the IRP process. 13 O. Please describe the modifications to the 14 existing resource availability. L5 A. First, the Company identified changes to its 16 market purchase assumptions, which I will discuss later in L7 this section. Additionally, the existing resource 1-8 availability was revised to include updated thermal 19 capacity and reduced demand response capacity determined 20 through the refinement of the planning margin calculation, 2l which I will explain later in my testimony. The net change 22 between the Second Amended 2019 IRP and the updated load 23 and resource balance is a reduction of approximately 480 MV'I 24 - 500 MW in available capacity each ,Ju1y during the 2022 25 through 2025 time period. ELL,SWORTH, DI 15 Idaho Power Company 1 A. What market purchases assumptions have been 2 used to develop the load and resource balance? 3 A. To e>p1ain the market purchase assumptions, it 4 is necessary to first describe the regional transmission 5 market in general. Transmission lines cor:nect Idaho Power 6 to wholesale energy markets and help economically and 7 reliably mitigate variability of intermittent resources 8 through the transfer of electricity between utilities, not 9 only to serve 1oad, but also to share operating reserves. 10 O. Please describe the Company's transmission 1l- system. L2 A. Exhibit No. 1 presents ldaho Power's 13 transmission system, with the thick black lines 14 representing the boundaries. The Company owns the l-5 transmission assets within the boundaries and thus can 16 reserve transmission within this area to serve Ioad. L7 However, once outside the boundaries, Idaho Power must 18 reserve transmission from third-party entities which is 1,9 subject to availability. 20 Historically, the Company experiences its peak load 21- at different times of the year than most Pacific Northwest 22 utilities. As a result, Idaho Power can purchase energ"y 23 from Mid-C during its peak and se1l excess energy Eo the 24 Pacific Northwest, utilities during their peak. Although 25 energ'y is plentiful at the Mid-C market, imports from Mid-C ELLSWORTH, DI 16 Idaho Power Company l- are frequently limited by transmission availability. The 2 proposed Boardman to Hemingway ("B2H") project would 3 greatly increase this transmission capacity. 4 O. What transmission paths are available to Idaho 5 Power to bring energy in from Mid-C? 6 A. The Company typically imports energy from Mid- 7 C during the summer months from the west on the Idaho to I Northwest transmission path. A portion of this 9 transmission capacity is reserved by BPA to serve their 10 southern Idaho customers. Energy can be brought in from 1l- Mid-C via Montana on the Idaho to Montana path as we1l, 12 which consists of two lines to the Northeast of the 13 Company's system. 14 O. Does Idaho Power have options to purchase l-5 energy from the southern markets? 15 A. Yes. South of Idaho are the Mead, Palo Verde, l7 and Four Corners market hubs, collectively referred to as 18 the Southern Hubs. However, the Company infrequently 19 purchases energy from the Southern Hubs as the southern 20 utilities are also summer peakj-ng, increasing demand in the 21, region thus creating unfavorable pricing. In addition, a 22 purchase from the Southern Hubs will often require multiple 23 transmission wheels that can be difficult to obtain due to 24 transmission availability constraints. The Idaho to Sierra 25 path, the path that energy from the Valmy 345 kV line ELLSWORTH, Dr 1,7 Idaho Power Company 1- connects to, and the Idaho to Utah path, which has more 2 line intercor:nections, also run to the south of Idaho 3 Power's transmission system. 4 O. Is there firm transmission availability south 5 of Idaho for the Company to access the Southern Hubs? 5 A. Currently there is no firm transmission 7 capacity avail-abl-e across NV Energy's transmission system, 8 and, other than an existing 50 MW Idaho Power reservation 9 across the PacifiCorp East system, there is limited L0 availability through Utah. 11 O. Does Idaho Power anticipate any firm 1-2 transmission capacity availability south of Idaho in the l-3 near-term? 14 A. No. There is, however, a chance that a power 15 marketer may control some of this transmission capacity 16 south of Idaho and wish to se11 energy to the Company. L7 Idaho Power's intention is to test this possibility with a 18 market request for proposals (*RFP"), which I wilL discuss 1,9 later in my testimony. 20 O. In the Second Amended 20:..9 IRP, the Company 2l assumed Valmy Unit 2 could be replaced with capacity 22 purchases from the south. What has changed? 23 A. Market conditions have changed dramatically in 24 the south because of ripple effects stemming from the ELLSWORTH, DI l-8 Idaho Power Company l- energy emergency event in California in August 2O2O 2 ("August 2020 event"). 3 Q. What happened during the California energy 4 emergency event? 5 A. During Augrust, 2020, the west e>rperienced a 6 heat wave, increasing the demand for ener!ry and causing 7 several balancing authorities across the Western 8 Interconnection to declare energy emergencies. Generation 9 was not able to meet demand in California and transmission 10 capacity was strained, limiting the ability to import 11 energ"y. As a result, the California Independent System 1-2 Operator was required to shed firm load to maintain 13 reliability and the security of the bulk power system. 1-4 O. How did this impact Idaho Power's transmission 15 system? 16 A. Understanding the importance of transmission l7 availability during times of high electricity demand, 18 third-party marketing firms began reserving transmj-ssion 19 capacity just outside the Company's border, significantly 20 limiting Idaho Power's access to market hubs. Soon after 21, the event, Idaho Power's own transmission service queue was 22 flooded with multi-year requests totaling 1,,293 Irfl,ll, as of 23 April 202L, enabling these third-party marketing firms to 24 move energy from Mid-C across Idaho Power's transmission 25 system to the south. These transmission servj-ce requests ELLSWORTH, DI 1,9 Idaho Power Company L have been overlaid on the Company's transmj-ssion system map 2 to illustrate the flood of requests in Exhibit No. Z. 3 Q. Why would the third-parEy marketing firms 4 request transmission service on paths from Mid-C Eo the 5 south when energy from the Southern Hubs would 1ike1y 5 require fewer wheels? 7 A. A comparison of the summer market forward 8 prices between the two hnbs demonstraEes why it is 1ike1y 9 the markeEing firms saw the opportunity at Mid-C. The l-0 following table presents a comparison of the hearry load L1 hour forward prices, in costs per megawatt-hour (*MWh"), L2 between Mid-C and Palo Verde as of March 2021-z 13 Table 1. Forward Market Priees, March 202L uid-c Palo Verde iluly, 202L Augrugt, 202L iluLy, 2022 August, 2022 L4 l-5 With a wheeling cost of approximately #3.42 per MWh to use Idaho Power's transmission system, marketing firms are able Eo economically deliver energ"y from Mid-C and seII to summer peaking utilities in the south even with multiple wheeling charges. ELLSWORTH, DI 20 Idaho Power Company 16 l7 1-8 1,9 l- O. Does this al-so impact Idaho Power's ability to 2 access the Mid-C market? 3 A. Yes. The transmj-ssion service reguests have 4 added to an already constrained market limiting the 5 Company's access to Mid-C. However, as I w1l-I dj-scuss 6 later ln my testimony, Idaho Power is testing the market 7 availability with the RFP issued April 26, 2021-, to further 8 assess these transmj-ssion system constraints. Because a 9 key assumption used to develop t,he load and resource 1-0 balance for the Second Amended 201,9 IRP was that Idaho 11 Power's exit from coaL-fired operations at Valmy would free 12 up transmission capacity for imports to Idaho from the 13 south, it is essential that the Company update the 1,4 transmission availability assumptions used in the 15 development of the load and resource balance to reflect 15 these recent changes. 17 O. What was the net reduction in transmission l-8 capacity availability incorporated into the updated load 19 and resource balance for the analysis review period? 20 A. For the years 2022 through 2025, Idaho Power 21, reduced the transmission availability within the load and 22 resource balance by approximately 140 MW to 277 MW during 23 the peak load month of ilu1y. 24 Planning Margin 25 O. What is Idaho Power's planning margin? ELLSWORTH, DI 21, Idaho Power Company 1 A. The Company's planning margJ-n j-s intended to 2 provide a sufficient reliability margin to prevent the need 3 to curtail customer demand more than one time in l-0 years, 4 the industry standard. The planning margin is intended to 5 cover (1) Idaho Power's contj-ngency reserve obligation, (2) 6 severe weather events, both extreme heat and extreme co1d, 7 (3) poor water conditions, and (4) planned and unplanned I resource and transmission outages. 9 Q. How did the Company compute Ehe planning 10 margj-n in the Second Amended 201-9 IRP? 1L A. In the Second Amended 201,9 IRP, Idaho Power 1-2 established a l-5 percent planning margin. Planning margin 13 was calculated as 15 percent of the Company's average (50.t L4 percentile) peak demand forecast for each month. For 15 example, if Idaho Power had a peak-hour-load of 3,500 MW, 16 the Company would add the planning margin and target 4,025 1-7 MW of resource capacity (3,s00 multiplied by 1.15) . L8 O. Is Idaho Power considering any enhancements to !9 the planning margin utilized in the Second Amended 201-9 IRP 20 to meet reliability reguirements as part of the Valmy Unit 21 2 reliability analyses? 22 A. Yes. Following the development of the Second 23 Amended 2Oa9 fRP, the Company looked to refine its planning 24 margin to ensure consideration of issues specific to Idaho 25 Power's system. The 15 percent planning margin utilized in ELLSWORTH, DI 22 Idaho Power Company l- the Second Amended 201,9 IRP is essentially a "rul-e of 2 thumb". Individual utilities can experience dj-fferent 3 freguencies of demand extremes, varyj-ng forced outage rates 4 among resources, and resource sj-ze compared to load size, 5 all of which should be considered when determining planning 6 margin. Rather than continue to util-ize this "rule of 7 thumb" planning margin, the Company used probabilistic 8 methods in the Valmy Unit 2 exit analysis to determine 9 system needs to ensure reliability for all hours of the day 10 on the Company's system, referred to as the Loss of Load l-1 Expectation ("LOLE" ) method. 12 O. What is the LOLE approach for determining the l-3 planning margin to meet reliability reguirements? 14 A. The LOLE approach aIlows for a comparison of L5 load to generation on an hourly basis over a specified 15 perlod. The industry standard to plar:ning is no more than l7 one loss of load event per L0 years, ot an LOLE of 0.1 days 18 per year7. 19 O. Why does ldaho Power believe the hourly 20 approach of the LOLE calculation for det,ermining plaru:ing 21, margin improves upon the previous method from the Second 22 Amended 2Ol9 IRP? 7 The Southwest Power Pool, PJM Tnterconnection, and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator are among those that use this probabilistic approach. ELLSWORTH, DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 A. The Company believes the LOLE method's hourly 2 approach fu11y considers the reliability value of renewable 3 resources over time compared to the previous method. Table 4 2 below utilizes the forecasted peak day in 2023 to 5 illustrate the j-mportance of an hourly approach in 6 determining planning margin requirements. 7 Table 2. Planning Margin Example8 A B c D 2023 Peak Day at5PM 2023 Peak Day at9PM 2023 Peak Day at 10 PM 2023 Peak Dayat 11 PM 1 Demand (l , alz)(3,357)(3 ,272)(3, 1oo) 2 Resourees (w/o Solar e Wind) 2,774 2,763 2,755 2,754 3 Demand ReEponse 340 40 0 0 4 SoIar 243 0 0 0 5 Wind 69 1t_1 r-3 3 95 5 Market Need (246)(443 )(373 )(25L1 Row 1 reflects the system demand. Column A presents the calculation of the deficj-t when only considering the daily resource availability. Demand response and solar are helping meet the peak demand hour with the aid of some wind resources, reducing the deficit and resulting market need to 245 MW. I 9 10 t-1 L2 13 8 Forecasted demand and resource val-ues are representative and subject to change. ELLSWORTH, DI 24 Idaho Power Company L4 l- Columns B, C and D present measurements on the same 2 peak day, but in three different hours. As can be seen, by 3 9 PM, most of the demand response is no longer available as 4 many of the Company's existing programs have ended and 5 solar has dropped to zero because the sun has set. 5 Although wind generation has increased, the deficit has 7 increased to 443 MV'I. While not the peak demand hour, in 8 this example 9 PM is the "net peak" hour for the system, 9 i.e. the peak demand net of variable resources and demand 10 response. By 11 PM, when the decrease in load e>cperienced 11 during late evening hours has been reflected, coupled with 12 the j-ncreased wind generation, the deficit reduces lo 25L l-3 MW. The hour-by-krour look better reflects the variability 14 of renewable resources on the system and will better inform 15 Idaho Power of its resource needs. 15 O. Aside from taking a more granular hourly L7 approach, are there other components of the LOLE method 18 that lmpacted the Company's determination of resource 19 needs? 20 A. Yes. The LOLE method also evaluates the 21 capability of existing resources to meet peak demand 22 through the determination of Effective Load Carrying 23 Capability (*ELCC"). EITIJSWORTH, DI 25 Idaho Power Company 1 a. Did the use of the ELCC result in any changes 2 to the peak-serving capability of ldaho Power's existing 3 resources? 4 A. Yes. When analyzing fdaho Power's system on 5 an hour-by-hour basis, the results indicate the ability of 5 demand response to meet peak load under the changing 7 dynamics of Idaho Power's system is significantly lower 8 than previously assumed. This is prJ-marily the result of 9 increased solar resources on the Company's system pushing 10 net peak load hours outside the current demand response l-1 program window. 12 a. Does the Company plan on using the LOLE 13 approach when determining reliability requirements for the L4 2O2L IRP? L5 A. Yes, the LOLE approach will be used for t6 meeting reliability requirement,s over the 2O-year planning 17 horizon in development of the 2021- IRP. For purposes of 1-8 the reliability analysis associated with a Valmy Unit 2 19 exit date, Idaho Power performed the LOLE analysis for the 20 years 2023 and 2025. 2l a. What capacity deficits were identified as a 22 result of the LOLE study performed for the years 2023 and 23 2025? 24 A. Utilizing the new ELCC values and the updated 25 transmission assumptions, the load and resource balance ELL,SWORTH, DI 26 Idaho Power Company l- shows a deficit of 381 Mw in .fu1y 2023 and a deficit of 490 2 MW in ,Ju1y 2025. ft should be noted that these deficits 3 reflect resource actions from the Second Amended 201"9 IRP: 4 the exit of Valmy Unit 2 and one unit at the Jim Bridger 5 Power Plant ("Bridger") at year-end 2022, and the addition 6 of ,Jackpot Solar in 2023. 7 Q. You previously stated Idaho Power's current 8 share of Valmy Unit 2 is 134 MW. Based on the results of 9 the LOLE analysis, is Idaho Power able to exit Valmy Unit 2 l-0 at the end of 2022 while meeting its reliability threshold? L1 A. No. Given the capacity deficits of 381 MhI and 12 490 MW in 2023 and 2025, respectively, with assumed unit L3 exits at Valmy and Bridg€r, it is not feasible to exit 14 coal-fired operations at Valmy Unit 2 at year-end 2022 l-5 without procuring additional firm capacity, which I will L6 discuss in the following section. L7 Options for Meet ReIia-bility Needs t-8 t_9 20 2L 22 23 O. How did the Company evaluate optJ-ons for meeting reliability needs given the fact that Idaho Power's share of capacity at Valmy Unit 2 is 134 MI{, and previously identified capacity deficits are 381- MW in 2023 and 490 MW in 2025? A. The intent of this case is to determine the appropriate exit date for Valmy Unit 2 and its associated 134 MW of firm capacity. Therefore, when evaluating options ELLSWORTH, DI 27 Idaho Power Company 24 25 1 for meeting reliability needs, the Company considered 2 effective replacements for the 1-34 MW of firm capacity at 3 Valmy Unit 2. The 2021- IRP currently in development will be 4 utilized to address the broader capacity needs. 5 Q. Pl-ease describe in general the Company's 6 approach for evaluating options for meeting reliability 7 needs. I A. The results of the LOLE analysis j-ndicate that 9 exiting from Valmy Unit 2 aE year-end 2022 results in a 10 capacity deficit. Therefore, an initial option is to delay l-L the exj-t from this unj-t given the identified need for firm 12 capacity for 2023 through 2025 and retain the existing 1-34 13 MW to meet expected capacity needs. The Company then 14 evaluated other options to provide the 134 MW in firm l-5 capacity in place of retaining Valmy Unit 2 operations 15 through 2025. 17 O. What other options did ldaho Power evaluate L8 for meeting reliability reguirements other than delaying L9 the exit of Valmy unit 2? 20 A. There are a number of other potential optj-ons 2l for meeting the reliability hurdle in addition to the delay 22 in the exit of coal-fired operations of Valmy unit 2, 23 including firm market imports through transmission 24 interconnections, new internal resources, an e>q>anded 25 demand response program, or delaying the 2022 exit from the ELLSWORTH, Dr 28 Idaho Power Company 1 Bridger unit to 2025. The economic analysis of each of 2 these options is presented later in my testimony. 3 Q. You stated earlier that forward market prices 4 in the Southern Hubs were significantly higher than Mid-C. 5 Why are you indicating the possibility a market import will 5 ensure the Company meets the reliability reguirements when 7 it appears to be very costly? I A. As I discussed earlier, forward market prices 9 of hear44 load hours at Palo Verde are forecast to be nearly l-0 four-times the price of Mid-C in 2021-. However, the l-l- pricing f orecasted at Palo Verde settles af ter a few years. 1-2 When examining heavy load hour forward market prices at 13 Palo Verde, by 2023 the prices drop near $I/uwfr, and !4 below $I/uwfr ln 2024 and 2025. Given this price trend, l-5 and the ability to purchase targeted guantities of energy 16 through a market purchase, it is possible that the Southern l7 market hubs could alIow for a more cost-effective approach 18 than delaying the exit of valmy unit 2. 19 O. How will ldaho Power determine whether 20 transmission availability exists to import from the market 2l to maintain reliability and at a price that is economical? 22 A. The Company issued an RFP on April 26, 2021, 23 with responses due May 4, 202:-., for the delivery to Idaho 24 of firm capacity and energy during the summer months 25 through 2025. ELLSWORTH, DI 29 Idaho Power Company 1 a. How will the Company incorporate the results 2 of the RFP into this proceeding? 3 A. Given the timing constraints associated with 4 the September 30, 202L, deadLine for notice to IW Energy, 5 Idaho Power is filing this case concurrently with the 6 processing of the RFP. This will a11ow the Commission and 7 interested stakeholders to begin reviewing the Company's 8 case without delaying the filing date. Upon conclusion of 9 the RFP, the Company will evaluate the varj-ous proposals 10 received and supplement its filing in this case in ,fune 11 202L to inform stakeholders of proposals recej-ved. 12 V. ECONOMIC AI{AIJYSIS OF RESOURCE OPTIONS 13 O. What was the nature of the economic analysis performed for this case? A. Arry number of resources can be added to a resource portfolio, and, provided the resource portfolio meets or exceeds the reliability threshold, the costs of the various portfolios can be compared. Idaho Power evaluated the costs of portfolios under the various scenarios for replacing generation from an early exit of Valmy Unit 2 and identified the portfolio that is least- cost and least-risk to the Company and its customers. O. Please describe each of the portfolios analyzed. l4 15 t6 1,7 18 1,9 20 21 22 23 ET,LSWORTH, DI 30 Idaho Power Company 24 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. Idaho Power analyzed four portfolios, each with the addition of a di-fferent resource in 2023 to replace the exit from Valmy unit 2 at year-end 2022, and compared the cost of each to the portfolio cost of exiting Valmy Unit 2 at year-end 2025: (1) a Valmy Unit 2 exit in 2022 with the addition of solar plus battery storage in 2023 ("Solar Pl-us Battery Portfolio"), (2) a Valmy Unit 2 exit in 2022 with the addition of only battery storage in 2023 ("Battery Portfolio"), (3) a Valmy Unit 2 exit in 2022 with an expansion of Idaho Power's existing demand response programs in 2023 ("Demand Response Portfolio"), and (4) a Valmy Unit 2 exit in 2022 with a delayed Bridger unit exit from 2022 to 2025 ("Bridger Portfolio"). O. why did rdaho Power not consider a portfolio that includes a new thermal resource such as natural gas? A. The Valmy Unit 2 exit analysis is focusing on the near-term with a resource on-Iine date of 2023. The assumes it is not 10 t-1 L2 13 l4 15 1,5 1,7 l_8 1,9 22 23 20 Idaho Power focused on those resources that 21, located within its transmission system area, Company natural gas resource prr-or and online by 2023. Portfolio Cost Development feasible to permit to the summer of and install a 2023. Instead, could be constructed, ELLSWORTH, DI 31 Idaho Power Company How were the portfolio costs determined?24 a l- A. Idaho Power used AURORA, the Company's 2 electric modeling forecasting and analysis software, to 3 quantify the total portfolio costs of each of the 4 portfolios for the 2022 through 2025 time period. 5 Q. Is Idaho Power utilizing the LTCE 6 functionality in AURORA to inform the analysis in this 7 case? 8 A. No. As mentioned previ-ously, the LTCE 9 functionality of AURORA is utilized in the Company's long- l-0 term 2O-year planning analysis to construct the least-cost, l-1 l-east-rj-sk portfollo. Because the Company's analysis in 12 this case is limited to the time period 2023 to 2025, and 13 because the suj-t,e of viable options is limited as discussed L4 previously, the Company is utilizing AURORA solely to l-5 determine the relative cost performance of the identified 15 portfolios. t7 O. What cost inputs did Idaho Power use for this 1-8 analysis? 19 A. The Company used the most up-to-date cost 20 information possible for the economic analysis. Although 21- work to update inputs for the 2021- IRP has begun, this work 22 is sti1l in progress. Therefore, Idaho Power updated 23 AURORA with those inputs it tytrlically updates when 24 preparing a base net power supply expense update, including 25 variable coal costs, natural gas prices, and the load ELLSWORTH, DI 32 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 forecast. The breadth of this update is appropriate given the limited use of AURORA in this case. O. Did the Company update the relevant Valmy fixed costs associated with the various portfolios? A. Yes. For the base portfolio, the Valmy Unit 2 exj-t of 2025, the fixed costs defined by the Framework Agreement that are Idaho Power's responsibility shoul-d the Company continue participation in coal-fired operations in Unit 2 through 2025 are not included in the AURORA modeling, therefore they must be added to the varj-abIe costs from AURORA to determine the total base portfolio cost. O. How were the fixed costs associated with the Solar Plus Battery Portfolio determined? A. The Solar Plus Battery Portfolio costs are based on the do1lar per MhI cost of a solar array and an associated dolIar per MW cost of a battery storage project, including the 26 percent Investment Tax Credit ("ITC"1s. The fixed costs reflect information gathered from industry data, p€€r utilities, and regional developers. The fixed cost inputs for the Solar Plus Battery Portfolio include costs for a 134 MW solar/t34 MW battery project to s Currently, the ITC is scheduted to begin phasing out over the next twoyears. However, President Biden's infrastructure proposal would extendthe phasedown for an additional 10 years, if approved. ELLSWORTH, Dr 33 Idaho Power Company 10 1_1 1,2 13 L4 15 1,6 t7 18 1,9 20 2t 22 1 sufficiently replace the peak capacity of Valmy Unit 2 2 during the 2023 through 2025 tj-me period. 3 Q. Please erq>Iain the fixed costs associated with 4 the Battery Portfolio. 5 A. The Battery Portfolio fixed costs are based on 6 the cost of a l-34 MW battery-storage project. Idaho Power 7 used the battery fixed cost component determined for the 8 Solar Plus Battery Portfolio in the modeling of the Battery 9 Portfolio, however no ITC savings were mode1ed. ITC's only 10 occur with a combined solar and battery project. The l-l- results of the information gathered and Idaho Power's 1-2 determination of the fixed cost input can be found in 13 Exhibit No. 3. Similar to the Solar Plus Battery 1,4 Portfolio, one 134 MW battery storage project is modeled in 15 AURORA for the equivalent replacement of Valmy Unit 2 !5 capacity. l7 O. How did the Company compute the fixed costs 18 associated with the Demand Response Portfolio? 19 A. The Demand Response Portfolio fixed costs are 20 based on the expansion of Idaho Power's existing demand 21, response programs. The Company estimated the incremental 22 program costs associated with an additional 50 MW of demand 23 response, including estimated increases in 1abor, incentive 24 e)+)enses, and device costs f or the three progirams and grew 25 those linearly up to the l-34 MW of Valmy unit 2 capacity. ELLSWORTH, DI 34 Idaho Power Company l- O. Why was the initial estimate of the Demand 2 Response Portfolio fixed costs based on a program e>rpansion 3 of only 50 MW? 4 A. The initial estimate was based on 50 MW 5 because Idaho Power belj-eves an expansion of the three 6 existing demand response programs above 50 MW may not be 7 feasible at this time based on current participation and 8 cost-effectiveness 1eve1s. Further, as was mentioned 9 earlier in my testJ-mony, the ability for demand response L0 und.er current program parameters to meet peak load capacity l-1 need is diminishing over time making it increasingly L2 challenging to maintain existing demand response capacity. l-3 That said, in order to provide a conservative estimate of L4 the cost of a hypothetical program expansion equivalent to 15 the generation capacity of Valmy Unit 2, the Company 15 extrapolated the 50 MW e>pansion cost estimate to L34 MW. !7 The Company will be evaluating the potential for further 18 demand response expansion and associated cost in its 2O2l L9 IRP. 20 O. Why did the Company evaluate expanding the 21- demand response programs in this study rather than 22 modifying existing programs to increase their ELCC? 23 A. The Company is currently studying potential 24 modifications to the existj-ng demand response programs. The 25 extent of the proposed modifications, and resulting impact ELLS}'IORTH, DI 35 Idaho Power Company l- to customer participation, are uncertain at this point, but 2 wilt 1ike1y impact the load and resource balance. The 3 purpose of analyzing an e>q>anded demand response option in 4 this case is to provide a comparison of the cost 5 effectiveness between operating Valmy Unit 2 through 2025 6 and the e>cpansion of demand response, in general. 7 O. Did the fixed costs for the Bridger Portfolio 8 incorporate existing plant values? 9 A. Yes. The fixed costs assumed for the Bridger l-0 Portfolio include the plant values associated with one LL Bridger unit that would stil1 need to be recovered once the L2 unit is retired. L3 O. What are the total portfolio costs for each of 1-4 the four portfolios modeled as compared to the base L5 port,folio that included operations of Valmy Unit 2 through 15 2025? l7 A. Table 3 presents the results of the economic L8 analysis, det,ailing the total portfolio cosEs of each L9 scenario modeled as compared t,o the base portfolio. 20 /// 2L /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 2s /// ELLSWORTH, Dr 36 Idaho Power Company 1 TabLe 3. Eeonomic Analysis Results seen, the results are portfolio costs in the approximately $l-5.89-$30.78 million more than the As can be 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 range base of 10 portfolio. O. What conclusions can be drawn from these results? A. These results lndicate that the modeled scenarios are not more economically beneficial to meet Idaho Power's rel-j-ability needs through 2025 than retaining 11 Valmy Unit 2 VI. RECOMMEIIDATION a. Please summarize the results of the reliability and economic impact analyses performed by the Company. 10 Assumes 134 Mw of demand response program expansion at existing cost-effectiveness levels. Idaho Power is uncertain if this amount of program expansJ-on at assumed cost effect.iveness 1eve1s is achievable.Further, the ability for demand response under current program parameters to meet peak load capaciEy need is diminishing over time making j-t increasingly challenging to maintain existing demand response capacity. ELLSWORTH, DI 37 Idaho Power Company L2 13 L4 l-5 Modeled Scenarios -Adjustments from the Second Amended 2019 IRP Preferred Portfolio Resulte as Compared Eo 2025 Valmy Unit 2 Exit 2025 Valmy 2 Exit $- 2022 Valmy 2 with Solar + Exit Capacity Replaced Battery (2023)$28.09 million 2022 Valmy 2 Exit - Capacity Replaced with Battery (2023)$30.78 million 2022 Valmy 2 Exit - Capacity Replaced with Expanded Demand Responselo (2023)$23.7 0 million 2022 Valmy 2 Exit - Capaclty Replacedwlth Delayed Bridger Exit (2022 - 2025) $1s.89 million 1 A. The Company conducted focused, near-term 2 system reliability and economic analyses on the timing of a 3 Valmy Unit 2 exit between 2022 and 2025. The goal of the 4 analyses was to use current operating budgets and up-to- 5 date economics to inform a Va1my exit decision that will 5 minimize costs for customers and maintain system 7 reliability. After refining the load and resource balance I and performing an LOLE analysis, it is clear that Idaho 9 Power is unable to meet, reliability requirements if 10 participation in coal-fired operations of Valmy Unit 2 11 ceases in 2022 without procuring an alternate source of L2 peak capacity. The Company identified four alEernatives to 13 delaying a Unit 2 exit of Valmy until 2025 and performed an 1-4 economic analysis on the resulting portfolio costs. The L5 results indicate that operating Valmy Unit 2 through 2025 16 costs approxJ-mately $15.89 million less on a net present 17 value basis than the least-cost feasible alternative. 18 O. Is it the Company's recofirmendation that t9 participation of coal-fired operations in Valmy Unit 2 20 continue during the 2023 through 2025 time period? 2l A. Yes. However, once results of the RFP are 22 received, and portfolio costs associated with any feasible 23 market purchases are determined, the Company will 24 supplement its filing in this case. ELLSWORTH, Dr 38 Idaho Power Company l- O. Will Idaho Power continue to evaluate a Valmy 2 Unit 2 exit prior Lo 2025? 3 A. Yes. The Company will continue to evaluate an 4 early exit of Unit 2 as part of the 2021- IRP. The timing 5 of the 2021 IRP appropriately a1i-gns with Idaho Power's 5 notification requirement to IiIV Energy beyond the September 7 2021 deadline should the results indicate an exit at year- 8 end 2023 or 2024 is least-cost and continues to meet 9 reliability requirements. 10 vII. CONCLUSTON l_1 O. Please summarize your testimony. A. As the Company committed in the Second Amended 201,9 IRP, Idaho Power performed near-term economic and reliability impact analyses to determine the appropriate exit date from Valmy Unit 2. Pending the results of the market RFP, the current results of the resource alternative analyses support an exit from operations of Valmy Unit 2 in 2025. Therefore, the Company requests Commission acknowledgement that, based on information known at this time, the appropriate exit date from Valmy Unit 2 is December 31, 2025. A Commission order issued no later than September 29, 202:--, will a11ow Idaho Power adequate time to notify IW Energy should the Commission dj-rect Idaho Power to pursue an earlier exit date of Valmy Unit 2. A. Does this complete your Eestimony? L2 13 1,4 15 L6 L7 18 1,9 20 21, 22 23 24 Er,r,swoRTH, DI 3 9 Idaho Power Company 25 1 DECLARAIIION OF JARED L. EIJIJSWORTH 2 I, ,Jared L. Ellsworth, declare under penalty of 3 perjury under the laws of the state of Idaho: 4 1-. My name is .fared L. Ellswort,h. I am 5 employed by Idaho Power Company as the Transmission, 6 Distribution & Resource Planning Director for the Planning, 7 Engineering & Construction Department. I 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, f present this 9 pre-filed direct testimony and Exhibit Nos. 1-3 in this 10 matter. 11 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed L2 direct testimony and exhibits are trrre and accurate. l-3 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to L4 the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand 15 it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public 1-5 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. 17 SIGNED this 30th day of April 2021-, ?t Boise, Idaho. L8 19 Sigmed: 20 ELLSWORTH, DI 4I Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-12 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ELLSWORTH, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 Mid c IDAHO POWER'S TRANSMISSION SYSTEM \PecrrCoRP Bonneville BtL,rool Ch ar.li.dldFc(.tl .1.rrtn ll ..il hilffCm Fo.arl aitt{ ^t,*rilii.!rqt Mid C via I Bonneville tlionalF€r.$.1rti A:ert!!x^r'3r ll.+rltrNd{:rrdFcrortV lir' .ral 'a, E*nonf.r#-l* .-\ t'('E tt(:rtil1Fitl YEor.rncrtrlF.Jait t It 6 '4 &nH&o.rdg.r.it ldaho to Nt lda 8ii.itila ? \PronConp sIffi HAi,.,...[.\.gISJi. r. r ,r!|r I e{ frtlld'iir l{,tl:t.j t l':7r UtE nt -1J, lda ldaho to Sierra YNVEnergy littsra itatl Southern Hubs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-12 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELLSWORTH, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 2 TRANSMISSION SERVICE REQUESTS Mid c \PACIFICORP Bonnevillerd!. a0rr$!r.rr0r EtfiB.tlaoia'Fq.t f qast Mid C via Monta Bonneville \rutlNb \B Y *tl tn r,{.toratto.a at t{' tir.;1r,!flU \ \llJrrrHa:oJls r*L \H I .ldii;,1!I 2 II-I rs \IUVE Southern Hubs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-12 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELLSWORTH, DI TEST!MONY EXHIBIT NO. 3 BATTERY STORAGE FIXED COST DETERMINATI Ove rn ight Capital Cost (s/kw) Fixed O&M Sou rce (S/kw-month) Va 2019 rRP NREL ATB 2O2O Avg Developer Cost 2O2L Regional Benchmark L,973 1,,LL8 - 1,463 0.78 2.33 - 3.05 L, L00 N/A 1,000 - L,828 2.30 - 4.L2 1 Preliminary cost. Subject to change during development of the 2021 IRP