HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210415Application.pdfsEm..'r ".'\-i'ri tii') jil:l;iPit i5 fffi kr 5't rnnAoonPcofirrlY NATHAN F. GARDINER Senior Counsel noardiner@idahopower.com April 15,2021 VIA ELECTRONIG FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 2O1-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372O-0OT 4 Case No. IPC-E-21-10 2021-2022 Power Cost Adjustment - ldaho Power Company's Application and Testimony Dear Ms. Noriyuki Attached for electronic filing per Order No. 34781, is ldaho Power Company's Application, as wel! as Direct Testimony of Nicole A. Blackwell, including Exhibit Nos. 1-3 (also attached in Excelformat). Also attached are ldaho Power Company's press release, customer notice, and direct mail postcard. Very truly yours, r A--t' Nathan F. Gardiner NFG:slb Attachments Re NATHAN F. GARDINER (lSB No. 4104) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2975 Facsimile: (208) 388-6935 nqard iner@ idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORIry TO IMPLEMENT POWER cosT ADJUSTMENT ("PCA") RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1,2021, THROUGH MAY 31,2022. CASE NO. IPC-E-21-10 APPL!CATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powef or'Company'), in accordance wilh ldaho Code S 61-502 and RP 052, hereby respectfully requests the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission") approve an update to Schedule 55 based on the quantification of the 2021-2022 Power CostAdjustment ("PCA') to become effective June 1, 2021, for the period June 1 , 2021, through May 31 , 2022. lf the proposed rates and charges for electric service in the strate of ldaho included as Attachment 1 to this Application are approved, the 2021-2022 PCA will result in an overall revenue increase of approximately $39.1 million, or a 3.36 percent increase from cunent billed revenue. APPLICAT]ON - 1 ln support of this Application, ldaho Power has filed the Direct Testimony of Nicole A. Blackwell, Regulatory Consultant. Ms. Blackwell's testimony details the 2021-2022 PCA amount, explains the factors that impact this year's PCA quantification, details the calculation of the proposed 2021-2022 PCA rates, and discusses the additional PCA component related to revenue sharing. I. BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power is an ldaho corporation whose principal place of business is 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho 83702. 2. ldaho Power is a public utility supplying retail electric service to more than 580,000 customers in southern ldaho and eastern Oregon. ldaho Power is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission in ldaho and to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. ldaho Power is also subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 3. On March 29, 1993, by Order No. 24806 issued in Case No. IPC-E-92-25, the Commission approved the implementation of an annual power cost adjustment procedure in order to provide consistency and stability to rates. The PCA is a cost recovery mechanism that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to ldaho Power customers. Neither ldaho Power or its shareholders receive any financia! return on this filing - money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power supply expenses. 4. On January 9, 2009, by Order No. 30715 issued in Case No. IPC-E-08-19, the Commission approved certain changes to the PCA mechanism, including a 95 percenU5 percent sharing mechanism between customers and the Company. Order No. APPLICATION - 2 30715 also approved changes to the Load Growth Adjustment Rate ("LGAR'), third-party transmission expense, the PCA forecast, and power supply expense distribution. 5. On January 13,2010, the Commission issued Order No.30978 in Case No. IPC-E-09-30, approving the settlement stipulation filed in lieu of a general rate case. Through this stipulation, a revenue sharing mechanism was established to allow the Company to accelerate the amortization of accumulated deferred investment tax credits if the Company's actual ldaho jurisdictional year-end Return on Equity ("ROE') fell below 9.5 percent in any fiscal year from 2009 through 201 1. This mechanism also included a provision for revenue sharing if the Company's actual ldaho jurisdictional year-end ROE exceeded 10.5 percent in any year during the same three-year period. Per the terms of the stipulation, 50 percent of the ldaho jurisdictional year-end ROE in excess of 10.5 percent was to be shared with customers in the form of a rate reduction. 6. On March 15,2011, the Commission issued Order No. 32206 in Case No. GNR-E-10-03 adopting a revised LGAR methodology and changing the name of the methodology to the Load Change Adjustment Rate CLCAR'). 7. On December 27 , 2011, the Commission issued Order No. 32424 in Case No. IPC-E-11-22 approving a settlement stipulation filed on December 12, 2011, extending the revenue sharing mechanism through 2014 and modifying portions of the previous accounting order. More specifically, Order No.32424 approved modifications to the sharing portion of the mechanism, which allowed for greater customer benefits. First, for actual year-end ldaho jurisdictional earnings greater than a 10 percent ROE, up to and including 10.5 percent in any yearfrom 2012 through2014, the earningswould be shared equally between ldaho customers and the Company. The customer revenue APPLICATION - 3 sharing benefit would be in the form of a reduction to rates at the same time as the PCA becomes effective. This modification provided customers an additional 25 basis points of sharing potential. Second, ldaho eamings above a 10.5 percent ROE would also be shared, with customers receiving 75 percent of the earnings applied as an offset to the Company's pension balancing account. 8. On October 9,2014, the Commission issued Order No. 33149 in Case No. IPC-E-14-14 approving the settlement stipulation filed on September 3,2014, extending the revenue sharing mechanism through 2019 and modifying portions of the previous accounting order. More specifically, Order No. 33149 approved modifications to the sharing mechanism to reflect adjustments to the various sharing thresholds, as well as the method by which shared amounts would be provided to customers. First, for actual year-end Idaho jurisdictional eamings greater than 10 percent ROE, up to and including 10.5 percent in any year from 2015 through 2019, the eamings will be shared between customers and the Company on a 75 percent and 25 percent basis, respectively. The customer revenue sharing benefit will be in the form of a reduction to rates at the same time as the PCA becomes effective. Second, ldaho earnings above a 10.5 percent ROE will also be shared, with customers receiving 50 percent of the eamings in the form of a reduction to rates at the same time as the PCA becomes effective, as well as 25 percent of the earnings applied as an offset to the Company's pension balancing account, with the Company retaining the remaining 25 percent. 9. On May 28,2015, the Commission issued Order No. 33307 in Case No. IPC-E-15-15 converting the LCAR to a Sales Based Adjustment ("SBA') rate, as well as modiffing the PCA deferral balance's monthly interest calculation. Per Order No. 33307, APPLICATION .4 the SBA rate is calculated in the same manner as the LCAR, with the only modification being the replacement of the load-based megawatt-hour ("MWh") denominator with the conesponding sales-based MWh denominator. Second, the Order required the Company to calculate monthly interest on the defenal balance by assigning annual base Net Power Supply Expense ("NPSE") to each month according to expected base rate revenue collection as set in the Company's last general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-11-08. 10. On May 31,2018, the Commission issued Order No.34071 in Case No. GNR-U-18-01 approving the settlement stipulation filed on April 12, 2018, extending the revenue sharing mechanism indefinitely and modiffing portions of the previous accounting order. More specifically, Order No. 34071 approved modifications to the sharing portion of the mechanism, which allowed for greater customer benefits. First, for actual year-end ldaho jurisdictional eamings greater than 10 percent ROE, all amounts up to and including 10.5 percent ROE wil! be shared between customers and the Company on an 80 percent and 20 percent basis, respectively. The customer revenue sharing benefit will be in the form of a reduction to rates at the time the subsequent year's PCA becomes effective. Second, ldaho earnings above a 10.5 percent ROE will also be shared, with customers receiving 55 percent of the eamings in the form of a reduction to rates at the time the subsequent year's PCA becomes effective, as well as 25 percent of the earnings applied as an offset to the Company's pension balancing account, with the Company retaining the remaining 20 percent. il. 2021-2022 PCA CALCULATTON 11. The PCA is a rate mechanism that quantifies and tracks annual differences between actual NPSE and the normalized or "base level" of NPSE recovered in the APPLICATION - 5 Company's base rates for recovery or credit through an annual rate change on June 1. The PCA is also the rate mechanism used by the Company to provide direct revenue sharing benefits resulting from the revenue sharing mechanism approved in Order No. 34071. 12. The PCA mechanism utillzes a 12-month test period of Aprilthrough March CPCA Yea/') and consists of a forecast component and a true-up component ("True-Up"). The PCA forecast component is based on the Company's March Operating Plan and represents the difference between the NPSE forecast in the March Operating Plan and the base level NPSE recovered in the Company's base rates. The True-Up compares actual PCA account results to actual NPSE collections for the prior PCA year. The PCA True-Up contains a second component that tracks the collection of the prior year's True- Up amount, referred to as the "True-Up of the True-Up." 13. With the exception of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA') expenses and demand response incentive costs, the PCA allows the Company to pass through to ldaho customers 95 percent of the annual differences in actua! NPSE as compared to the base level NPSE, whether positive or negative. 14. Forecast. The testimony of Ms. Blaclarell describes and computes the PCA rate to be effective June 1, 2021, through May 31 , 2022. The system-level forecast of NPSE for the 2021-2022 PCA Year is $442,357,407, which is $136,672,538 higher than the currently approved base level NPSE of $305,684,869. The 2021-2022 PCA forecast component to be collected from ldaho customers is $126,944,108. As described in the testimony of Ms. Blackwell, the system-leve! forecast of NPSE for the 2021-2022 PCA Year is $15,452,686 higher than last year's forecast amount of $426,904,721. This year, APPLICATION - 6 due to an expected reduction in hydro generation, the Company expects to increase thermal generation for load service. Additionally, the Company expects an increase in PURPA generation and expense, a must-take resource. The Company anticipates that market purchases of power will decrease due to higher market energy prices. 15. True-Up. ln addition to the NPSE incurred during the Apri! 2020 through March 2021 penod, ldaho Power included its actual cost of Westem Energy lmbalance Market ('ElM") participation for April 2020 through March 2021 in the True-Up as approved by Commission Order No. 34100. Benefits associated with EIM participation are embedded in actual NPSE experienced over that same period. 16. The True-Up defenal balance at the end of March 2021, with interest applied, was approximately negative $22.1 million. This credit to customers was largely driven by an increase in market energy prices, which resulted in increased dispatch of thermal generation for economic surplus sales. 17. True-Up of the True-Up. ln the True-Up of the True-Up, the Company under collected Iast year's PCA True-Up balance by approximately $4.5 million. The 2020-2021 combined PCATTe-Up credit balance of $17.6 million is approximately $25.3 million less than the credit customers are currently receiving through lhe 2019-2020 combined PCA True-Up. 18. Combined Uniform PCA Rate. The Company's uniform PCA rate for the 2021-2022 PCA Year is comprised of (1) the 0.8793 cents per kilowatt-hour ('k\ /h") adjustment for the 2021-2022 projected power cost of serving firm loads under the current PCA methodology and 95 percent sharing, (2) the negative 0.1535 cents per kWh for the 2020-2021 True-Up portion of the PCA, and (3) the 0.0313 cents per kWh for the True- APPLICATION - 7 Up of the True-Up. The sum of these three components results in an approximate 0.7571 cents per kWh charge for all rate classes. III. ADDITIONAL RATE ADJUSTMENTS 19. Revenue Sharino. The Company's earnings in each year from 2011 through 2015, as well as 2018, resulted in revenue sharing with ldaho customers totaling $126.2 million, either as a direct rate offset in the PCA or as an offset to amounts that would have otherwise been collected in rates. The Company's earnings in 2016, 2017 and 2019 were below the revenue sharing threshold. As described in greater detai! in the direct testimony of Ms. Blackwell, the Company's 2020 ldaho jurisdictionalyear-end ROE was 9.98 percent. ln accordance with the terms of the modified revenue sharing mechanism approved by Order No. 34071, the Company's ldaho jurisdictional year-end ROE was below the 10.0 percent ROE threshold for revenue sharing. Therefore, the 2021-2022 PCA will not include a revenue sharing component. IV. CUMULATIVE PROPOSED JUNE 1. 2021. RATE CHANGES 20. The 2021-2022 total PCA amount, as measured from the currently approved base level NPSE, including the revenue sharing provision, is $109.3 million. This represents an increase in total billed revenue of $39.1 million, an increase of 3.36 percent, for ldaho customers, effective June 2021 through May 2022. 21. On March 15, 202'1, ldaho Power filed its annua! Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") in Case No. IPC-E-21-03. The Company's 2020FCA filing proposes a $2.1 million increase in current billed revenue, or a 0.38 percent increase, for ldaho Residential and Small General Service customers, effective June 2021through May 2022. APPLICATION - 8 22. Combined Effect of the PCA and FCA Filinqs. lf the proposed PCA and FCA rate changes are approved as filed, the combined impact is an overall increase in cunent billed revenue of $41.2 million, or 3.55 percent, for June 2021 through May 2022. 23. Aftachment 1 to this Application is ldaho Powe/s proposed IPUC No. 29, Tariff No. 101, in both clean and legislative formats, which contiains the tariff sheets speciffing the proposed Schedule 55 rates for providing retail electric service to its customers in the state of ldaho for June 1,2021, through May 31 ,2022. 24. Attachment 2 to this Application contains a summary of revenue impact showing the effect to each customer class of applying the Company's proposed PCA rates that collect $39.1 million more, from June 2021 through May 2022, than the PCA rates cunently in effect. V. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 25. ldaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by wriften submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. !f, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 26. !n conformance with RP 125, this Application will be brought to the attention of ldaho Power's customers by means of a press release to media in the Company's service area and a customer notice distributed in customers' bills, both of which accompany this filing. To ensure that all customers are notified in a timely manner and APPLICATION - 9 have sufficient time to submit comments, ldaho Power is sending a direct mail postcard to a subset of customers that receive their bill toward the end of the processing time for this case. As such, a bill insert and/or the direct mail postcard will be mailed no later than May 15,2021. 27. The Company has also prominently displayed its intent to file the PCA on its website since March 15,2021. Upon filing of this Application, this web graphic will link directly to the PCA press release and bil! insert. ldaho Power will also keep its Application, testimony, and exhibits open for public inspection at its offices throughoutthe state of ldaho. ldaho Power asserts that this notice procedure satisfies the Rules of Procedure of this Commission; however, the Company will, in the altemative, bring the Application to the aftention of its affected customers through any other means directed by this Commission. 28. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Nathan Gardiner ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 nqard iner@ idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com VII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 29. As discussed in greater detail above, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving an update to Schedule 55 based on the quantification of the 2021-2022 PCA, resulting in an overall increase to cunent billed revenue of approximately $39.1 million to become effective June 1 ,2021. Matthew T. Larkin Timothy E. Tatum ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 m larkin @ ida hooower.com ttatum@idahopower.com APPLICATION - 10 DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 15h day of April 2021. F NATHAN F. GARDINER Aftorney for ldaho Power Company 1* APPLICATION - 11 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TARIFF (Clean and Legislative Formats) ldaho Power Company Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm k\ffh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories: Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. Category 1 power costs include the sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and smal! power producers), less the sum of off-system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. Category 2 power costs include purchased power expense from cogeneration and smal! power producers. Category 3 power costs include demand response incentive payments. The Base Power Cost is 2.0237 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.0612 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 0.8846 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0779 cents per kwh. The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. The Projected Power Cost is 2.9258 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.5174 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 1.3557 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0527 cents per k\Mr. TRUE-UP AND TRUE.UP OF THE TRUE-UP The True-up is based upon the difference between the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up of the True-up is the difference between the previous year's approved True-Up revenues and actual revenues collected. The total True-up is (0.1222) cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos. 30978,32424,33149, and 34071 directed the Company to share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company's 2020 earnings were below the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000 cents per kwh. Schedule Description Residential Service Master Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Residential Service On-Site Generation Small General Service d per kWh 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 3 5 6 7 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective-June 1,2021 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) EARNINGS SHARING (Continued) I 9S 9P 9T 15 19S 19P 197 24 40 41 42 Small General Service On-Site Generation Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultura! !rrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Earninqs sharinq Monthlv creditMicron $ (0.00)Simplot $ (0.00)DOE $ (0.00) Description Residential Service Mastered Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Residential Service On-Site Generation Small General Service Small General Service On-Site Generation Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Tax Reform d per k\&h 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26 29 30 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT The Power Cost Adjustment is the sum of: 1) 95 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 1 and the Base Power Costs in Category 1;2) 1OO percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 2and the Base Power Costs in Category 2; 3) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 3 and the Base Power Costs in Category 3; 4) the True-ups; and 5) Earnings Sharing. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment rates applied to the Energy rate of all metered schedules and Special Contracts are shown below. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times the cents per kWr rates shown below. Schedule d per k\A/h 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 1 3 5 6 7I 9S 9P 9T 15 195 19P 197 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2021 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eiohth Revised Sheet No. 5$3 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) 24 40 41 42 Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered Genera! Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 o.7571 0.7571 0.7571 0.7571 26 29 30 EXPIRAT!ON The Power Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31 ,2022 !DAHO lssued per Order No Effective - June t, ZOZ| lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Fewifteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 ThirFourteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPL!CABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories: Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. Category 1 power costs include the sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off-system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. Category 2 power costs include purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. Category 3 power costs include demand response incentive payments. The Base Power Cost is 2.0#+2-37_ cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.067712 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 0.890e82[6 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of O.07%rucents per kWh. PROJECTED POWER COST The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. The Projected Power Cost is 2.%Ag@.cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 'l .4gg+517 4 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 1.2889a557 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.053e!Z cents per kWh. TRUE.UP AND TRUE.UP OF THE TRUE-UP The True-up is based upon the difference between the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up of the True-up is the difference between the previous year's approved True-Up revenues and actual revenues collected. The total True-up is (0.*l+1222) cents per kwh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos. 30978,32424, an433149, and 34071 directed the Company to share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company's 20!P.4 earnings were below the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000 cents per kWh. Schedule Descriotion d oer kWh1 ResidentialService 0.00003 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 0.00005 Residential- Time-of-Day Pilot Plan 0.00006 ResidentialService On-Site Generation 0.00007 SmallGeneralService 0.0000 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34682 Effective - June 1,20297 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company NinTenth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 EiehNinth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) EARNINGS SHARING (Continued) 26 29 30 I 9S 9P 9T 15 19S 19P 197 24 40 41 42 1 3 5 o 7I 9S 9P 9T 15 19S 19P 197 Small General Service On-Site Generation Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Gontrol Lighting Eaminos sharino Monthlv creditMicron $ (0.00) Simplot $ (0.00)DOE $ (0.00) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Tax Reform d oer kWh 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT The Power Cost Adjustment is the sum of: 1) 95 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 1 and the Base Power Costs in Category 1; 2) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected PowerCosts in Category 2and the Base PowerCosts in Category2; 3) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 3 and the Base Power Costs in Category 3; 4) the True-ups; and 5) Earnings Sharing. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment rates applied to the Energy rate of all metered schedules and Special Contracts are shown below. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times the cents per kWh rates shown below. Schedule Descriotion Residential Service Mastered Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Residential Service On-Site Generation Small GeneralService Small General Service On-Site Generation Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission d per kWhO.Mru0.ffizruO.MEI1O.Mru0.MzruO.WHIJ0.w 0.w2,571O,WO,MUI10.MEllO.MEI1O.MEII IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34682 Effective - June 1,2O2O! lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company EighNinth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0l S,evenEiohth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) 24 40 41 42 Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE 0.wEIlO.MEI10.ME!10.eE!1 o.ME!7o.ME!1O.MEII 26 29 30 EXPIRATION The Power Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31 ,202+2. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34693 Effective - June 1,2029L lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 2021 PCA REVENUE IMPACT SUMMARY RafrB Sch. Ne. AwEge Nmberofccbrm(r) ldaho Pomr Conp.ny Calculltlon ol R.rrn$ lnE ct 202!-m2l &rb otld.ho PosrCoatAdr$hnt Flhd Aprll t5, 2Ol1 Cumnt BllLd R.[n[ to P]o9cd BllLd R.mD NmdEed Mitb Pskwh Mill3Emrgy(kwhl(r)Llm NO 1 2 3 1 5 6 7II 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tarifi Dsqlptbn ljnltum Tartfi Raha: R6ldental S€rvice Mabr Motffid i,loula H,ome Ps* R€aldsntd Sfllce Ere€y Wsbh Red&n0d Sm,lce TlrFof-Day Raldontd Sffne orHSII€ G6mra0on Strdl Gelml Seilice OFSIE @nordon LargoG6ffid56rl€ Dlltb DamLEhlng LaO€ Pow Smr6 UnmoB€d GemEl Servlcs St€ot Llghtry Trafiic Contol Lightng Tohl Unlfom Tartlb I 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 15 19 24 40 41 12 473,W. 21 0 1,031 9,6S) N,751 @ 37,035 0 117 14,41 1,585 2,87 124 5218,521,0O2. 4,323,473 0 17fi8,975 53,601.Sb r36,618,c,6 197,24 3.850.260.546 6,042,348 2,2*,962,A8 1.855,297.472 12,559,188 25,881,98' 2,166,7fi Cumnt Bllled Rmnue $531,36,1,631 i4m,n8 t0 $1,741,U7 S5,78,t,379 N17,1N,852 u6,9:16 s276,707,983 $1.295205 8129,456,fl9 $116,112,723 $1,075,124 $3,567,488 $171,455 014,136,973 811,712 $0 $48,028 t145,48 t370,r01 $531 310,454.737 916.369 16,206,217 $5,026,001 $31,024 $70,114 $7,492 1(x.53 100.03 0.00 1m.96 fi0.62 r30.26 139..27 71.11 217.6 59.2 81.,16 88.31 140.55 64.70 101.82 97.p. 0.00 98.25 107.91 '127.5 136.56 71.70 211.35 56.51 78.75 85.60 137.84 61.99 Total Adj6tn€nb b 8i[6dRma Pmpcd Total Billod RgvW€ 9545,501,605 $432,491 t0 $'1,789,875 $5,929,586 i17,795,9Si w,170 $2a7,162,7N $1,3r 1,574 $135.662,266 $15r,138,724 t1,r09,r47 03,637,602 $178,947 Ptr kwh Prcst ClEng6 Billod b Bilbd (4 Rmre 2.ffiX 2.favo N/A 2.7ffi 2.51% 2.1* r.9896 3.7896 12616 1.79* 3.4496 3.r616 1.97% 1.57% 16 TotalSpeciatCotacts 574,939 13,48(i761,426 $r,115,150,450 &.70 $36,527,5't0 19.74 $2.582,190 t0.5il lte,i0e,7!0 85.41 52.41 l,,24 3.2896 5.45% 3.36'ta 3 953,189,313 raI3ao50,7t0 t47,107,703 trJo,558,rs3 $r,r51,67r,959 $49,989,8S3 trr0r,$715217il19,p (l ) Juno 01 , 202'l - May 31 , 2022 FoMtod Tost Y@r (2) Percmtage lmpact doB mt lnclude @mpononb wttlch are appll€d I psrrnbgB, Rldffi and FErchlsa FG. Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power's proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (1'1331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 83714),ldaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Power's proposal may be filed with the IPUC. ldaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment ldaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). This year's Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase of $39.1 million across all customer classes. Overall, ldaho Power's prices remain about 20% lower than the national average for residential customers and 30% lower for business customers. ldaho Power understands some customers are still facing hardship from the pandemic and remains committed to helping those struggling with their bills. Expanded payment arrangement options are available to help customers with past-due balances. Customers can call the Customer Care team at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151 to help set up payment arrangements or learn more about bill assistance. Thank you for reading this notice. We value your husiness. sllmloP0,I,ER.(D Printed on recychd paper. An IDACORP Company @2021 ldaho Power 31'!80-l-0130 Neither ldaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing - money collected is used to either recover costs or credit benefits associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. These typically represent approximately one-fourth to one-third of the company's annual cost of serving customers. The overall impact to customer bills for residential and small general service customers is dependent on the outcome of the following two filings: . The annual PCA, filed April 15, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to ldaho Power customers. lf the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed. the typical ldaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $2.57 increase on their bill related to this request, beginning June 1. . The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. lf the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical residential customer will see an increase of $0.37, beginning June 1 The impact of these two filings is shown in the table. A typical ldaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $2.94. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer's class and the rate they pay. Reven!eChang€ Reridcntial(millions)l.rigation $2.1 0^38% 0.38% N/A N/A N/A $39.1 2.660/o 2.12% 3.74o/o 4.97o/o 3.44% $41.2 3.O4o/o 2.50o/o r lncludes lighting s(hedules;: lncludes special contracts The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the true-up. The forecast reflects ldaho Power's anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The true-up brings last year's forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by the company by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year's PCA is primarily attributed to a smaller credit to customers through the true-up component. ln addition, this year's PCA forecast reflects expected increases to power costs primarily due to weaker forecast water conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, as well as higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utilities Regulatory Poliq Act of 1978 (PURPA). - l-arge Geoeral Se.vi(.r Snall Grneral 5€rvi.e large Powerr FtxED COST ADTUSMENT (FCA) POWER COST ADTUSMENT (PCA) COMBINED IMPACT 3.74o/o 4.970h 3.44o/o ldaho Povrer has filed the {inal pie(e of its annual spring cost adjustrnents with the ldaho hJblic tftilities Commision (ltuC). This year's Power Cost Adjustmenl (rc$ calb for a price increase of i3.1 million aoocs all cwtomer dasses. Overall, ldaho Porver's prices remain about 20% lo^/er than the national a\Erage for ruidentid customers and 30o/o knarer for business customers, ldaho Porter understands some customers are still facing hardship from the pandemic and remains committed to helping those struggling with their bills. Expanded payment anangement options are availabh to help ortomers with past-due balances. Customers can call the Customer Care team at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151 to help set up payment arangements or leam more about bill assistance. Neither ldaho Pcniver nor its shareholders receive any financial retum from this filing - money collected is used to either recover costs or credh benefits associated with annual flwtuations in po,ver costs. These typicalry represent appoxinutely one.fourth to one-third of the company's annual cost of serving customers. The olterall impact to customer bills lor residential and small general servke cr.stomers is dependent on the outaome of the follorving two lilings: . The annual PCA, filed April 15, is a co6t-recorery tool that pases on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to ldaho Po/ver customers. lf the PCA proposal is apprwed by the IRJC as fihd, the typical ldaho residential customer using 950 kilo,vatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $2.57 increase on their bill related to this request, beginning June 1. . The annual Fb(ed Cost Adjustment (KA), filed in March and applicabh to only residenfnl and small commercial cutomers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previotrs par. lf the FCA proposal is approred as fled, a typical residential customer will see an irrcrease of $0.37, beginning June 1. The imp&ct of these two filings is shown in the tabh. A typical ldaho residential customer will see an werall monthly irrrease of $2.94. The actual percentage of dung will depend on a cwtomer's dass and the rate thery pay. 32.1 0.38% 0.38% N/A N/A N/A J39.1 2.660lo 7.12o/o 3.74% 4.979o 3.44% Cdtinudq,ffeside lat.2 | 3.0a%, f.SO* , 3.r1% | a.gt% trA{l% kr(lLdes lightir'9 5:hEdul!!,I hrclLd€s rpicr.l (0illra(!5 lESilr)isl&rtd H Ia!. rROM CURRENT BITLTD NTV[NUE fIXED COST ADJUSMENI (fCA) PERCENIAGE 2021 RATE FILINGS <SITN}() PO'I'ER t, DI: tri .i: Adiustment ldaho Power Files Annual Power Cost ldaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Condnued fom reverte tide The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the true-up. The forxast reflects ldaho Power's anticipated fuel costs, purchased pourer costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming Aprilthrough March. The true-up brings hst year's forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by the company by looking back at what happened the prwious April through March. The increase in this year's PCA is primarily attributed to a smaller credit to customers through the true-up component. ln addition, this year's PCA forecast reflects expected increases to porer costs primarily due to weaker forecast water conditions, which would resuh in less lolrrr-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, as well as higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Wiles Regulatory Policy Act of 7978 (ruRPA). Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Poiler's proposal is subject to public rwiew and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the lPUc offices (11331 W. Chinden Bfud. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 83714), ldaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Poweas proposal may be filed with the IPUC. lhank you for reading this notice. We value your business. P.O. 8ox 70 (8370 /) 122I W. ldaho St. 8orse, lD 83702 !moortantlnformation: i3iIM}OPO'I'ER. PRI,5ORIED 9TANDARD U,S, POSTA6T PAID BOt5t. tDIt RM|T NO. 579 Pleise Notc: We want to ensure all of our customers ha/e sufficient time to submit cornments to the lruC. Because your bill is processed to,vard the end of the IPUC's reviarv of our requesl you will receive this rotification twice: first in this postcard and then in an insert in your bill later this month. An IDACORP Company SrorypFtmrER. An IDACORP Company NEWS RELEASE Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment April 15,2021 BOISE, ldaho - ldaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year's Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase of S39.1 million across all customer classes. Overall, ldaho Powe/s prices remain aboul20% lower than the national average for residential customers and 30% lower for business customers. ldaho Power understands some customers are still facing hardship from the pandemic and remains committed to helping those struggling with their bills. Expanded payment arrangement options are available to help customers with past-due balances. Customers can callthe Customer Care team at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-5151to help set up payment arrangements or learn more about bill assistance. Neither ldaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing - money collected is used to either recover costs or credit benefits associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. These typically represent approximately one-fourth to one-third of the company's annual cost of serving customers. The overall impact to customer bills for residential and small general service customers is dependent on the outcome of the following two filings: The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to ldaho Power customers. lf the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical ldaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of energy per month will see a 5Z.Sl increase on their bill related to this request, beginning June 1. The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. lf the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical residential customer will see an increase of 50.37, beginning June 1. The impact of these two filings is shown in the table. A typical ldaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of 52.94. The actual percentage of change will depend on a custome/s class and the rate they pay. P.O. Bor 70 O3707) t22t W. H.ho tt. 8oiic, lD &1702 a a 2021RATE FIUNGS Percentoge Change from Current Billed Revenue Filing Revenue Change (millions) Residential Small General Service Large General Service r Large Power z lrrigation FCA Sz.r o.38%o38%N/A N/A N/A PCA Sgg.r 2.6604 2.12%3.74%4.97%3.44% Combined lmpact 3 s4t.2 3.0404 2.50%3.74%4.97%3.44% r lncludes lighting schedules; z Includes special contracts The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the true-up. The forecast reflects ldaho Powe/s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming Aprilthrough March. The true-up brings last yea/s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by the company by looking back at what happened the previous Aprilthrough March. The increase in this year's PCA is primarily attributed to a smaller credit to customers through the true- up component. ln addition, this yea/s PCA forecast reflects expected increases to power costs primarily due to weaker forecast water conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, as well as higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of t978 (PURPA). Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power/s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, lD 837L4l,,ldaho Power offices, or at !d-a.hg@gl! or puc.idaho.sov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Power's proposal may be filed with the IPUC. About ldaho Power ldaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, ldaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1915. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in ldaho and Oregon. The company's goalto provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, ldaho Power's residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation's lowest prices for electricity. lts 2,000 employees proudly serve more than 580,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all. IDACORP lnc. (NYSE: IDA), ldaho Powe/s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, ldaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacoroinc.com. Jordan Rodriguez Com munications Specialist i rod riguez@ idahopower.com 208-388-2450