HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210402Application.pdfAn IDACORP Company DONOVANE.WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahopower.com April 2,2021 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Jan Noriyuki,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd.,Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 Re:Case No.IPC-E-21-07 Reynolds Irrigation Hydro Project Idaho Power Company's Application re the Energy Sales Agreement Dear Ms.Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's Application in the above entitled matter.If you have any questions about the attached documents,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Donovan E.Walker DEW:cid Enclosures DONOVAN E.WALKER (ISB No.5921) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Telephone:(208)388-5317 Facsimile:(208)388-6936 dwalker@idahopower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR )CASE NO.IPC-E-21-07 APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN )ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH )APPLICATION REYNOLDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT,FOR )THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC )ENERGY FROM THE REYNOLDS )IRRIGATION HYDRO PROJECT.) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"or "Company"),in accordance with RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"),hereby respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")for an order accepting or rejecting the Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA" or "Agreement")between Idaho Power and Reynolds Irrigation District,("Reynolds Irrigation"or "Seller")under which Reynolds Irrigation would sell and Idaho Power would purchase electric energy generated by the Reynolds Irrigation Hydro Project ("Facility") located near the city of Melba,Idaho. APPLICATION-1 In support of this Application,Idaho Power represents as follows: I.INTRODUCTION 1.The Seller currently has a PURPA firm energy sales agreement with Idaho Power for this Facility that was executed on April 1,1985.The expiration date of the 1985 energy sales agreement is April 30,2021. 2.The ESA submitted herewith is a new contract with the same Qualifying Facility ("QF")for a new term and current terms and conditions.This ESA complies with the Commission's Order Nos.32697,32737,and 32802 from Case No.GNR-E-11-03. The ESA contains published rates for projects of 10 average megawatts ("aMW")or less pursuantto Commission Order No.34350.The Facility is an existing QF that is seeking a replacement agreement.The replacement ESA contains capacity payments for the entire term of the Agreement,with no sufficiencyperiod.See Order No.32697 at 21-22, Order No.32737 at 5,and Order No.32871.Pursuant to the Commission's direction in its Reconsideration Order No.32737,the rates were calculated by Commission Staff for a QF in the "Non-Seasonal Hydro"category based on the surrogate avoided resource ("SAR")avoided cost methodology. 3.The ESA,dated March 31,2021,was executed in compliance with the Commission's orders directing the implementationof PURPA for the state of Idaho and contains avoided cost rates pursuant to the Commission's Order No.34683 dated May 29,2020. APPLICATION-2 ll.BACKGROUND 4.Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA,and pertinent regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"),require that regulated electric utilities purchase power produced by cogenerators or small power producers that obtain QF status.The rate a QF receives for the sale of its power is generally referred to as the avoided cost rate and is to reflect the incremental cost to an electric utility of electric energy or capacity or both which,but for the purchase from the QF,such utility would generate itself or purchase from another source.The Commission has authority under PURPA Sections 201 and 210 and the implementing regulations of FERC,18 C.F.R. §292,to set avoided costs,to order electric utilities to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of energy from QFs,and to implement FERC rules. 5.On December 18,2012,the Commission issued Order No.32697,which established parameters for published and negotiated avoided cost rate calculations.The Commission further established and defined numerous contract terms and conditions for energy sales agreements entered into between regulated utilities and QFs.On January 2,2013,the Commission issued Errata to Order No.32697,which corrected published avoided cost rates to include energy payments not discounted by transmission and line loss.Then the Commission issued Reconsideration Order Nos.32737 and 32802 on February 5,2013,and May 5,2013,respectively,which further clarified certain terms and conditions of power purchase agreements.Most recently,in Order No.33898,the Commission directed Idaho Power to utilize July 2026 as its first capacity deficit in the Company's SAR methodology.However,this ESA is a replacementcontract and its rates APPLICATION-3 contain capacity paymentsfor the entire contract term. III.THE ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT 6.On March 31,2021,Idaho Power and the Seller entered into an ESA pursuantto the terms and conditions of the various Commission orders applicable to this PURPA agreement for a "Non-Seasonal Hydro"project.A copy of the ESA is attached to this Application as Attachment 1.Under the terms of this ESA,the Seller elected to contract with Idaho Power for a 20-year term using the non-levelized,non-seasonal hydro published avoided cost rates as currentlyestablished by the Commission in Order No. 34683 dated May 29,2020,for replacement contracts and for energy deliveries of less than 10 aMW. 7.The nameplate capacity in the replacementESA submitted herewith is 350 kilowatts ("kW").This Facility has been delivering energy to ldaho Power in accordance with an energy sales agreement dated April 1,1985,that expires on April 30,2021 ("1985 Agreement").When the 1985 Agreement was signed,it specified a single GE induction generator with a nameplate rating of 270 kW.However,at the time of construction,a generator with a 350 kW nameplate was installed.In February 2021,a representative of Reynolds Irrigation District who has been with the district since before 1986,confirmed that the generator at the project is the original 350 kW generator installed in 1986.The generatorstep-up transformer is rated at 300 kW so the generator nameplate is reported as 350 kW and the Maximum Capacity Amount is 300 kW because of the transformer limitation. Prior to the Effective Date of this ESA,this Facility has been delivering energy to Idaho Power in accordance with the 1985 Agreement.The Seller plans to continue APPLICATION-4 operating and maintaining a 350 kilowatt ("kW")(Nameplate Capacity Amount,paragraph B-1,Appendix B)energy facility located near the city of Melba,Idaho.The Facility is a QF under the applicable provisions of PURPA.The prices in the 1985 Agreement included value for capacity.Because the project configuration in the replacement ESA is the same configuration that has been operating under the 1985 Agreement,the replacementESA contains paymentfor capacity during the full term,rather than not being paid for capacity during Idaho Power's current capacity sufficiencyperiod. 8.The nameplate rating of this Facility is 350 kW.As defined in paragraphs 1.24 and 4.1.4 of the ESA,the Seller will be required to provide data on the Facility that Idaho Power will use to confirm that under normal and/or average conditions,the Facility will not exceed 10 aMW on a monthlybasis.Furthermore,as described in paragraph 7.7 of the ESA,should the Facility exceed 10 aMW on a monthly basis,Idaho Power will accept the energy (Inadvertent Energy)that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount,but will not purchase or pay for this Inadvertent Energy. 9.The Facility is already interconnected and selling energy to Idaho Power and the ESA specifies a Scheduled First Energy Date and Scheduled Operation Date for this Facility of May 1,2021.See Appendix B.While Idaho Power has made several attempts to the keep the ESA moving forward and provide the Commission with more time for their review,ReynoldsIrrigation did not submit the Schedule 73 QualifyingFacility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Schedule 73")application to Idaho Power until February 18,2021.On this same day,February 18,2021,Idaho Power replied back to Reynolds Irrigation with indicative pricing,Reynolds Irrigation accepted the indicative pricing and Idaho Power sent ReynoldsIrrigation a draft ESA for their review.After more APPLICATION-5 than a month had passed,Reynolds Irrigation completed their review of the draft ESA and signed the ESA on Sunday,March 28,2021.Idaho Power executed the ESA on March 31,2021.Articles IV and V of this ESA recognize that information provided under the previous agreement may still be applicable to this replacement ESA.As specified in the ESA,Idaho Power shall review the previously provided information and will accept the information as previously submitted,request updates to that information,and/or require new information to satisfy compliance with the various requirements for the Seller to be granted a First Energy Date and Operation Date for this replacement ESA.In addition,Idaho Power will monitor the ongoing requirements throughthe full term of this ESA. 10.The ESA provides that all applicable interconnection charges and monthly operational or maintenance charges under Schedule 72 will be assessed to Seller.A Schedule 72 Generator Interconnection Agreement,or "GIA,"between the Seller and Idaho Power is in process but not yet signed.PURPA QF generation must be designated as a network resource ("DNR")to serve Idaho Power's retail load on its system.In order for the Facility to maintain its DNR status,there must be a power purchase agreement associated with its transmission service request in order to maintain compliance with Idaho Power's non-discriminatoryadministration of its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)and maintain compliance with FERC requirements. 11.The notification of Net Energy Amount monthly adjustmentsdescribed in paragraph 6.2.3 must be provided no later than 5 p.m.Mountain Standard Time on the 25th day of the month that is prior to the month to be revised.If the 25th day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday,then written notice must be received on the last business APPLICATION-6 day prior to the 25th 12.Article XXI of the ESA provides that the ESA will not become effective until the Commission has approved all of the ESA's terms and conditions and declared that all payments Idaho Power makes to the Seller for purchases of energy will be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. IV.MODIFIED PROCEDURE 13.Idaho Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure;i.e.,by written submissions rather than by hearing.RP 201,et seq. If,however,the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required,the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. 14.Because the existing contract will run its full term and expire on April 30, 2021,the parties request that the Commission set a procedural schedule that would result in a final Commission determination prior to the expiration of the existing contract. V.COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 15.Communications and service of pleadings,exhibits,orders,and other documents relating to this proceeding should be sent to the following: Donovan E.Walker Energy Contracts Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702)1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O.Box 70 P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Boise,Idaho 83707 dwalker@idahopower.com enerqycontracts@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com VI.REQUEST FOR RELIEF 16.Idaho Power respectfullyrequests that the Commission issue an order:(1) authorizing that this matter may be processed by Modified Procedure;(2)accepting or APPLICATION-7 rejecting the ESA between Idaho Power and the Seller;and,if accepted,(3)declaring that all paymentsfor purchases of energy under the ESA between Idaho Power and the Seller be allowed as prudentlyincurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Respectfullysubmitted this 2nd day of April 2021. DONOVAN E.WALKER Attorneyfor Idaho Power Company APPLICATION-8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 2nd day of April 2021,I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below,and addressed to the following: Jerry Hoagland Hand Delivered Reynolds Irrigation District U.S.Mail P.O.Box 12 Overnight Mail Melba,ID 83641 FAX X Email Jerry Hoagland, shrihwhy(qmail.com Christy Davenport,Legal Assistant APPLICATION-9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.IPC-E-21-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWERCOMPANY AND REYNOLDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE TITLE 1 Definitions 2 No Reliance on Idaho Power 3 Warranties 4 Conditions to Acceptance of Energy 5 Term and OperationDate 6 Purchase and Sale of Net Energy 7 Purchase Price and Method of Payment 8 EnvironmentalAttributes 9 Facility and Interconnection 10 Metering,Metering Communicationsand SCADA Telemetry 11 Records 12 Operations 13 Indemnification and Insurance 14 Force Majeure 15 Liability;Dedication 16 Several Obligations 17 Waiver 18 Choiceof Laws and Venue 19 Disputes and Default 20 GovernmentalAuthorization 21 CommissionOrder 22 Successors and Assigns 23 Modification 24 Taxes 25 Notices and Authorized Agents 26 Additional Terms and Conditions 27 Severability 28 Counterparts 29 Entire AgreementSignatures Appendix A -GenerationSchedulingand Reporting Appendix B -Facility and Point of Delivery Appendix C -Engineer's Certifications Appendix D -Forms of Liquid Security Appendix E -Non-SeasonalHydro Facility Energy Prices Appendix F -Insurance Requirements ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (Non-SeasonalHydro Facility 10 average MonthlyMW or Less) Project Name:Reynolds Irrigation Hydro Project Project Number:21415120 THIS ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"),entered into on this 31st day of March 2021,between REYNOLDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT,(Seller),and IDAHO POWER COMPANY,an Idaho corporation(Idaho Power),hereinaftersometimes referredto collectively as "Parties"or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,Seller owns,maintains and operates a PURPA Qualifying Facility;and WHEREAS,Seller wishes to sell,and IdahoPoweris requiredto purchase,electric generation producedby a PURPA Qualifying Facility. THEREFORE,In considerationof the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafterset forth,the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I:DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreementand the appendices attached hereto,the following terms shall havethe following meanings: 1.1 "Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount"-The Estimated Net Energy Amount specified in paragraph 6.2 including any adjustments that have been made in accordance with paragraphs 6.2.2,6.2.3 or 6.2.4. 1.2 "Authorized Agent"-A person or persons specifiedwithin paragraph 25.2 of this Agreementas being authorized and empowered,for and on behalf of the Seller,to execute instruments, agreements,certificates,and other documents (collectively "Documents")and to take actions on behalf of the Seller,and that Idaho PowerCompanyand its directors,officers,employees,and 1 agents are entitled to consider and deal with such persons as agents of the Seller for all purposes, until such time as an authorizedofficer of the Seller shall have deliveredto Idaho Power Companya notice in writing stating that such person is and shall no longerbe an agent on behalf of the Seller.Any Documents executed by such persons shall be deemed duly authorizedby the Seller for all purposes. 1.3 "Commission"-The IdahoPublic Utilities Commission. 1.4 "ContractYear"-The period commencingeach calendar year on the same calendar date as the OperationDate and endingthree hundredsixty-four (364)days thereafter. 1.5 "Delay Cure Period"-One hundredtwenty (120)days immediately following the Scheduled OperationDate. 1.6 "Delay Damages"-Currentmonth's Initial Year Monthly Estimated Net Energy Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2.1 as of the Effective Date divided by the numberof days in the current month multiplied by the number of days in the Delay Period in the current month multiplied by the current month's Delay Price. 1.7 "Delay Period"-All days past the Scheduled OperationDate until the Seller's Facility achieves the OperationDate or the Agreementis terminatedby Idaho Power. 1.8 "Delay Price"-The current month's Mid-Columbia Market EnergyCost minus the current month's All Hours Energy Price as specified in Appendix E-3 of this Agreement.If this calculation results in a valueless than zero (0),the result of this calculation will be zero (0). 1.9 "DesignatedNetwork Resource (DNR)"-A resource that is designated for Idaho Powernetwork load and does not include any resource,or any portion thereof,that is committed for sale to third parties or otherwisecannot be called upon to meet Idaho Power's network load. 1.10 "DesignatedDispatch Facility"-Idaho Power's Load ServingOperations,or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. 1.11 "Effective Date"-The date stated in the openingparagraph of this Energy Sales Agreement representingthe date upon which this EnergySales Agreementwas fullyexecuted by both Parties. 2 1.12 "Environmental Attributes"-Any and all credits,benefits,emissions reductions,offsets,and allowances,howsoeverentitled,attributableto the generation from the Facility,and its avoided emission of pollutants.Environmental Attributes includebut are not limited to:(1)any avoided emission of pollutants to the air,soil or water such as sulfur oxides (SOx),nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO)and other pollutants;(2)any avoidedemissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),HiÍTOus oxide,hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons,sulfur hexafluorideand othergreenhouse gases (GHGs)that have been determined by the United Nations IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change,or otherwise by law,to contributeto the actual or potentialthreat of altering the Earth's climate by trappingheat in the atmosphere;'(3)the reporting rights to these avoidedemissions,such as REC ReportingRights.REC Reporting Rights are the right of a REC purchaser to report the ownershipof accumulated RECs in compliance with federal or state law,if applicable,and to a federal or state agency or any other party at the REC purchaser'sdiscretion,and include without limitation those REC Reporting Rights accruing under Section 1605(b)of The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and any present or future federal,state,or local law,regulationor bill,and internationalor foreign emissions trading program.RECs are accumulated on a MWh basis and one REC represents the Environmental Attributes associated with one (1)MWh of energy.EnvironmentalAttributes do not include (i) any energy,capacity,reliabilityor other power attributes from the Facility,(ii)productiontax credits or investmenttax credits associated with the construction or operationof the Facility and other financial incentivesin the form of credits,reductions,or allowances associated with the Facility that are applicableto a state or federalincome taxation obligation,(iii)the cash grant in lieu of the investmenttax credit pursuant to Section 1603 of the American Recoveryand ReinvestmentAct of 2009,or (iv)emission reductioncredits encumbered or used by the Facility for compliance with local,state,or federaloperatingand/or air quality permits. *Avoided emissions may or may not have any value for GHG compliance purposes.Although avoided emissions are included in the list of Environmental Attributes,this inclusion does not create any right to use those avoided emissions to comply with any GHG regulatory program. 3 1.13 "Estimated Net EnergyAmount"-The monthly Estimated Net Energy Amount (kWh)provided by the Seller in accordance with paragraph6.2 and which may be adjusted periodically throughoutthe Term of this Agreementin accordance with paragraph 6.2. 1.14 "Facility"-That electric generationfacility described in Appendix B of this Agreement 1.15 "Facility NameplateCapacity"-The sum of the individual Generation Unit Nameplate Capacities that are installed at this Facility. 1.16 "First Energy Date"-The day commencingat 00:01 hours,Mountain Time,following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirementsof Article IV and after the Seller requested First Energy Date. 1.17 "Forced Outage"-A partial or total reduction of a)the Facility's capacity to produce and/or deliver Net Energy to the Point of Delivery,or b)Idaho Power's ability to accept Net Energy at the Point of Delivery for non-economicreasons,as a result of Idaho Poweror Facility:1) equipmentfailure which was O the result of negligenceor lack of preventativemaintenance,or 2)respondingto a transmission provider curtailmentorder,or 3)unplannedpreventative maintenance to repair equipmentthat left unrepaired,would result in failure of equipment prior to the planned maintenance period,or 4)planned maintenance or construction of the Facility or electrical lines requiredto serve this Facility,or 5)icing events within the immediate water source used as the Facility's primary motive force that causes the Facility to reduce energy production. 1.18 "Fueled Rates"-Fueled Rates shall apply to Qualifying Facility projects fueled with fossil fuels as described in Schedule 73,Rate Options. 1.19 "GeneratorInterconnectionAgreement(GIA)"-The interconnectionagreement that specifies terms,conditions and requirementsof interconnectingto the Idaho Powerelectrical system, which will includebut not be limited to all requirementsas specified by Schedule 72. 1.20 "GenerationUnit"-A complete electrical generationsystem within the Facility that is able to generate and deliver electricity to the Point of Delivery independent of other GenerationUnits within the same Facility. 4 1.21 "Heavy LoadHours (HL)"-The daily hours,applicableto energy deliveries,from hour ending 0700 -2200 Mountain Time,(16 hours)excluding all hours on all Sundays,New Year's Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1.22 "Inadvertent Energy"-Electric energy Seller did not intend to generate.Inadvertentenergy is described in paragraph 7.7 of this Agreement. 1.23 "InterconnectionFacilities"-All equipmentspecifiedin the GIA. 1.24 "Initial Capacity Determination"-The process by which IdahoPower confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than ten (10)average megawatts (MW)per month. 1.25 "Light Load Hours (LL)"-The daily hours from hour ending 2300 -0600 Mountain Time (8 hours),plus all other hours on all Sundays,New Year's Day,Memorial Day,Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1.26 "Losses"-The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh)occurring as a result of the transformationand transmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the Facility's Point of Delivery.The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.27 "Market Energy Reference Price"-Eighty-five percent (85%)of the Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost. 1.28 "Material Breach"-A Default (paragraph 19.2.1)subject to paragraph 19.2.2. 1.29 "Maximum Capacity Amount"-The maximum capacity (MW)of the Facility will be as specifiedin Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.30 "Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost"-Eighty-two and four tenths percent (82.4%)of the monthly arithmetic average of each day's Intercontinental Exchange ("ICE")daily firm Mid-C Peak Avg and Mid-C Off-Peak Avg index prices.Each day's index prices will reflect the relativeproportionsof peak hours and off peak hours in the month as follows: 5 The Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost actual calculation being: n .824 *(1 {(ICE Mid-C Peak Avgx *HL hours for day)+ X=1 (ICE Mid-C Off-PeakAvgx *LL hours for day)}/(n*24)) where n =numberof days in the month If the ICE Mid-C Index prices are not reported for a particularday or days,prices derivedfrom the respective averages of HL and LL prices for the immediatelypreceding and following reporting periods or days shall be substituted into the formula stated in this definition and shall thereforebe multiplied by the appropriate respective numbers of HL and LL Hours for such particularday or days with the result that each hour in such month shall have a related price in such formula.If the day for which prices are not reported has in it only LL Hours (for example a Sunday),the respective averages shall use only prices reported for LL hours in the immediatelypreceding and following reportingperiods or days.If the day for which prices are not reportedis a Saturday or Monday or is adjacent on the calendar to a holiday,the prices used for HL Hours shall be those for HL hours in the nearest (forward or backward)reportingperiods or days for which HL prices are reported. If the ICE Mid-C Index reporting is discontinued by the reporting agency,both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index,which is similar to the ICE Mid-C Index.The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonlyused index by the electrical industry. 1.31 "MonthlyNameplateEnergy"-Facility NameplateCapacity(kW)multiplied by the hours in the applicablemonth. 1.32 "Nameplate Capacity"-The full-load electrical quantities assigned by the designer to a GenerationUnit and its prime mover or other piece of electrical equipment,expressed in kilovolt- amperes,kilowatts,horsepoweror other appropriateunits.The nameplate is usually attached to the individual machine or device.This value is established for the term of this Agreementin Appendix B,item B-1 of this Agreementand validated in paragraph4.1.4 of this Agreement. 6 1.33 "Net Energy"-All of the electric energy producedby the Facility,less Station Use and Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh)deliveredby the Facility to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery.Subject to the terms of this Agreement,Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement.Net Energy does not include InadvertentEnergy. 1.34 "Non-Fueled Rates"-Non-FueledRates shall apply to Qualifying Facility Projects that do not use fossil fuels as their primary fuel as described in Schedule 73,Rate Options. 1.35 "Operation Date"-The day commencing at 00:01 hours,Mountain Time,following the day that all requirementsof paragraph 5.2 havebeen completed and after the Seller requested Operation Date. 1.36 "Point of Delivery"-The location specifiedin the GIA and referencedin Appendix B,where Idaho Power's and the Seller's electrical facilities are interconnected and the energy from this Facility is deliveredto the Idaho Power electrical system. 1.37 "Prudent Electrical Practices"-Those practices,methods and equipmentthat are commonlyand ordinarily used in electrical engineeringand operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safely,dependably,efficiently and economically. 1.38 "RenewableEnergy Certificate"or "REC"-A certificate,credit,allowance,green tag,or other transferableindicia,howsoeverentitled,indicating generationof renewableenergy by the Facility,and includes all EnvironmentalAttributes arising as a result of the generation of electricity associated with the REC.One REC represents the EnvironmentalAttributes associated with the generationof one thousand (1,000)kWh of Net Energy. 1.39 "ScheduledOperationDate"-The date specifiedin Appendix B when Seller anticipates achievingthe OperationDate.The Scheduled OperationDate provided by the Seller shall be a reasonable estimate of the date that the Seller anticipates that the Seller's Facility shall achieve the OperationDate and complete Article V compliance items. 1.40 "Schedule 72"-Idaho Power'sTariff No.101,Schedule 72 or its successor schedules as approvedby the Commission. 7 1.41 "Schedule 73"-Idaho Power's Tariff No.101,Schedule 73 or its successor schedules as approvedby the Commission. 1.42 "Security Deposit"-$45 per kW NameplateCapacity of the entire Facility. 1.43 "Season"-The three periods identified in paragraph6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.44 "Station Use"-Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. 1.45 "Termination Damages"-Financial damages the non-defaultingparty has incurredas a result of termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE II:NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER 2.1 Seller IndependentInvestigation-Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Powerthat in entering into this Agreementand the undertaking by Seller of the obligationsset forth herein,Seller has investigatedand determinedthat it is capable of performing hereunderand has not relied upon the advice,experience or expertise of Idaho Powerin connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 2.2 Seller IndependentExperts -All professionals or experts including,but not limited to,engineers, attorneys or accountants,that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertakingthe transactions contemplated by this Agreementhave been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE III:WARRANTIES 3.1 No Warranty by Idaho Power-Any review or acceptance Seller's design,specifications, equipmentor facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by IdahoPowerand Idaho Powermakes no warranties,expressed or implied,regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications,equipment or facilities,including,but not limited to,safety,durability,reliability, strength,capacity,adequacy or economic feasibility. 3.2 Qualifying Facility Status -Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility,"as that term is used and definedin 18 C.F.R.§292.201 et seq.and Seller will take such steps as may be 8 requiredto maintainthe Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintainQualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement.Idaho Powerreserves the right to review the Facility's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at any time during the term of this Agreement. 3.3 FERC License /Exemption/Determination-Seller warrants that Seller possesses a valid license, exemptionfrom licensing,or a determinationof a qualifying conduit hydropowerfacility (pursuant to section 30 of the Federal PowerAct)from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC")for the Facility.Seller recognizes that Seller's possession and retentionof a valid FERC license,exemption,or a determinationof a qualifying conduit hydropowerfacility is a material part of the considerationfor IdahoPower's execution of this Agreement.If applicable,Seller will take such steps as may be requiredto maintain a valid FERC license, exemption,or a determinationof a qualifying conduit hydropower facility for the Facility during the term of this Agreement,and Seller's failure to maintain a valid FERC license or exemption will be a material breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV:CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY 4.1 First Energy Date -Prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement,this Facility has been delivering energy to IdahoPowerin accordance with a Firm Energy Sales Agreementdated April 1,1985, and some of the requirements of this Article are similar to the requirements of the 1985 agreement.Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power'sacceptance of deliveriesof energy from the Seller under this Agreement,Idaho Power shall review the previously provided information and at Idaho Power's sole discretionmay 1)accept the previously provided information as meeting the requirements of this Article or,2)requireupdates to the previously provided information or 3)requirethe Seller to provide new information to complete the following requirements. 4.1.1 Licenses,Leases,Permits,Determinations,Approvals -Submit proof to IdahoPower that all licenses,leases,permits,determinationsand approvalsnecessary for Seller's 9 operations havebeen obtained from applicablefederal,state or local authorities, including,but not limited to,evidenceof compliancewith Subpart B,18 C.F.R.§292.201 et seq.as a certified Qualifying Facility. 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel -Submit to Idaho Power an opinion letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses,permits,determinations and approvalsas set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 aboveare legally and validlyissued,are held in the name of the Seller and,based on a reasonable independentreview,counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substantial compliancewith said permits as of the date of the opinion letter.The opinion letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Powerand will acknowledgethat the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion.IdahoPower's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonablywithheld.The opinion letter will be governedby and shall be interpretedin accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 CommissionApproval -Confirm with IdahoPowerthat Commission approvalof this Agreementin a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. 4.1.4 Initial Capacity Determination-Submit to IdahoPowersuch data as Idaho Power may reasonably requireto perform the Initial Capacity Determination.Such data will include but not be limited to,GenerationUnit NameplateCapacity,equipment specifications, prime mover data,resource characteristics,normal and/oraverage operatingdesign conditions and Station Use data.Upon receipt of this information,IdahoPower will review the provided data and if necessary,request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determinationwithin a reasonable time. If the Maximum Capacity Amount specified in Appendix B of this Agreement and the cumulativemanufacturer'sNameplateCapacity rating of the individual GenerationUnits at this Facility does not exceed ten (10)MW,the Seller shall submit detailed,manufacturer,verifiable data of the Nameplate Capacity ratings 10 of the individual GenerationUnits to be installed at this Facility.Idaho Power will verify that the data provided establishes the combined NameplateCapacity rating of the GenerationUnits to be installed at this Facility does not exceed ten (10)MW and will determine if the Seller has satisfied the Initial Capacity Determination. If the Maximum Capacity or the cumulative manufacture'sNameplateCapacity Rating of the individual GenerationUnits at this Facility exceeds ten (10)MW, Idaho Powerwill review all data submitted by Seller to determine if it is a reasonable estimate that the Facility will not exceed ten (10)average MW in any month. 4.1.5 Nameplate Capacity -Submit to Idaho Power manufacturer's and engineering documentationthat establishes the NameplateCapacity of each individual Generation Unit that is included within this entire Facility.The sum of the individual GenerationUnit capacity ratings shall be equal to Facility Nameplate Capacity.Upon receipt of this data, Idaho Power shall review the provided data and determine if the Nameplate Capacity specified is reasonable based upon the manufacturer'sspecified generationratings for the specific GenerationUnits. 4.1.6 Completion Certificate -Submit a certificate executed by an authorized agent of the Seller attesting that all mechanical and electrical equipment of the designated GenerationUnit has been completed to enable the GenerationUnit to begin testing and deliver Test Energy in a safe manner. 4.1.7 Insurance -Submit written proof to IdahoPowerof all insurance requiredin Article XIII. 4.1.8 Interconnection-Provide written confirmation from Idaho Power'sbusiness unit that administers the GIA that Seller has satisfied all interconnection,hourly metering and testing requirements that will enable the Facility to be safely connected to the Idaho Power electrical system. 11 4.1.9 Designated Network Resource (DNR)-Confirm that the Seller's Facility has completed all of the requirementsto be an IdahoPower DNR capable of delivering energy up to the amount of the Maximum Capacity at the Point of Delivery. As specified in Appendix B item 7 of this Agreement,the Seller's Facility must achieveDNR status prior to Idaho Poweraccepting any energy from this Facility. Appendix B item 7 provides information on the initial applicationprocess required to enable Idaho Powerto determine if network transmission capacity is available for this Facility's Maximum Capacity Amount and/or if Idaho Power transmission network upgrades will be required.The results of this study process and any associated costs will be included in the GIA for this Facility. At least thirty (30)days prior to the Scheduled First Energy Date and afterthe Facility has completed all requirements of the GIA that enable the Facility to come online,IdahoPowerwill complete the process for gettingthe Seller's Facility approvedas an Idaho PowerDNR.If the Seller estimates that the actual First Energy is expected to be different then the Scheduled First Energy Date specifiedin Appendix B of this Agreement,the Seller must notify Idaho Power of this reviseddate no later than 30 days prior to Scheduled First Energy Date. The Facility cannot deliver any energy to Idaho Poweruntil it is approvedas a DNR and after completingall the requirements of the GIA and complying with the requirementsof this Agreement. 4.1.10 Written Acceptance -Request and obtain written confirmation from IdahoPowerthat all conditionsto acceptance of energy havebeen fulfilled.Such written confirmation shall be providedwithin a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by IdahoPower. 12 ARTICLE V:TERM AND OPERATION DATE 5.1 Term -Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below,this Agreementshall become effectiveon the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20)Contract Years from the OperationDate,except that if the OperationDate is granted for a date that is after the Scheduled OperationDate identified in Appendix B,in which case the Term shall start on the Scheduled OperationDate. 5.2 OperationDate -Prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement,this Facility has been delivering energy to Idaho Power in accordance with a Firm Energy Sales Agreementdated April 1,1985, and some of the requirements of this Article are similar to the requirements of the 1985 agreement. Prior to the OperationDate and as a condition of IdahoPower'sacceptance of deliveriesof energy from the Seller under this Agreement,Idaho Power shall review the previously provided information and at IdahoPower'ssole discretion may 1)accept the previouslyprovidedinformation as meeting the requirements of this Article or,2)require updates to the previously provided information or 3)require the Seller to provide new information to complete the following requirements.A single OperationDate will be granted for the entire Facility and may occur only after the Facility has achievedall of the following: a)The Facility is online and delivering electricity to IdahoPowerat the Point of Delivery. b)Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that all mechanical and electrical testing has been completed satisfactorily and the Facility is able to provideenergy in a consistent,reliable and safe manner. c)Engineer's Certifications -Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & ConstructionAdequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M)Policy as described in CommissionOrderNo.21690.These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineeringdisciplinesproviding the certificates. d)Seller has requested an OperationDate from Idaho Powerin a written format. e)Seller has receivedwritten confirmation from Idaho Powerof the OperationDate. 13 5.3 OperationDate Delay -Seller shall cause the Facility to achievethe OperationDate on or before the Scheduled Operation Date.Delays in the interconnectionand transmission network upgrade study,design and construction process (This includes any delay in making the required deposit payments set forth in the Facility's GIA)that are not caused by Idaho Power or Force Majeure events accepted by both Parties,shall not preventDelay Damages or Termination Damages from being due and owing as calculated in accordance with this Agreement. 5.4 Termination -If Seller fails to achievethe Operation Date prior to the Scheduled OperationDate, such failure will be a Material Breach and shall subject the Seller to Delay Damages during the Delay Cure Period.If Seller fails to achievean OperationDate during the Delay Cure Period,Idaho Power may immediately terminate this Agreementwith no further notice required. 5.5 Delav Damages Billing and Payment -Idaho Power shall calculate and submit to the Seller any Delay Damages due Idaho Powerwithin fifteen (15)days after the end of each month or within 30 days of the date this Agreementis terminatedby Idaho Power. 5.6 Termination Damages Billing and Payment -Idaho Powershall calculate and submit to the Seller any Termination Damages due Idaho Power within thirty (30)days after this Agreement has been terminated.Seller shall respond within 15 days.In the event of a dispute regardingthe calculation of TerminationDamages,eitherparty may resort to a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.7 Seller Payment -Seller shall pay Idaho Power any calculated Delayor TerminationDamages within 15 days from when IdahoPowerpresents these final adjusted billings to the Seller.Final adjusted billingbeingthe original billing adjusted to reflect any mutually agreed to changes from the original billing.Seller's failure to pay these damages within the specified time will be a Material Breach of this Agreementand Idaho Power shall draw funds from the Security Deposit provided by the Seller in an amount equal to the calculated damages. 5.8 Security Deposit -Within thirty (30)days of the date of a final non-appealableCommission Order approving this Agreementas specified in Article XXI,the Seller shall post and maintain liquid security in a form as described in Appendix D equal to or exceeding the amount specified within this Agreementas the Security Deposituntil such time as the Security Deposit is released by Idaho 14 Power as specified in paragraph5.8.1.Failure to post this Security Deposit in the time specified abovewill be a Material Breach of this Agreementand Idaho Powermay terminate this Agreement. In accordance with Commission OrderNo.32697 E(l)(8),this Article 5.8 shall not be requiredin situations where the parties are entering into a new Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA")for an existing Qualifying Facility ("QF")project already in commercial operation so long as the new ESA is between the same parties and there are no materialmodifications to the existing QF project. 5.8.1 Security Deposit Release -Idaho Power shall release any remaining Security Deposit provided by Seller promptly after either the Facility has achieved its Operation Date or this Agreementhas been terminated and only after all final adjusted Delay and TerminationDamages havebeen paid in full to Idaho Power. ARTICLE VI:PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY 6.1 Net Energy Purchase and Delivery -Except when eitherParty's performanceis excused as provided herein,Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery.All InadvertentEnergy producedby the Facility will also be deliveredby the Seller to IdahoPowerat the Point of Delivery. 6.2 Estimated Net Energy Amounts -Neither the monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts provided as of the Effective Date of this Agreementnor monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amounts provided during the term of this Agreement shall exceed ten (10)average monthly MW nor be greater than the Maximum Capacity Amount (measured in kW)multiplied by the hours in the applicablemonth.Seller agrees to provide initial and revisedEstimated Net EnergyAmounts using an automated electronic input portal provided by Idaho Power.If the electronic portal is not available,Seller will provide Estimated Net EnergyAmounts to IdahoPower via email or alternate methods as specified by IdahoPower. 15 6.2.1 Monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts provided as of the Effective Date of this Agreement: Month g March l 16,000 Season 1 April 41,000 May 45,000 July 100,000 August 106,000 Season 2 November 117,000 December 127,000 June 72,000 September 105,000 Season 3 October 117,000 January 125,000 February 105,000 6.2.2 Seller's Adjustment of Estimated Net Energy Amounts -Prior to the OperationDate,the Seller may reviseall of the previouslyprovidedmonthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts.This revision must be submitted using the electronic portal provided by Idaho Power if available.If portal is not available,then written notice must be provided to Idaho Powerby electronic notice (electronic mail)as agreed to by both parties. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Estimated Net Energy Amounts After the OperationDate -After the Operation Date,the Seller may revise any future monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts by providing written notice no later than 5 PM Mountain Standard time on the 25*day of the month that is prior to the month to be revised.If the 25*day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday,then Idaho Power must receivethe revision no later than the last business day prior to the 25*day of the month.For example,if the Seller would like to revise the Estimated Net Energy Amount for October,they would need to submit a 16 revisedschedule no later than September 25th or the last business day prior to September 25th a.)This revision must be submitted using the electronic portal provided by Idaho Power if available.If portal is not available,then written notice must be provided to IdahoPowerby electronicnotice (electronicmail)as agreed to by both parties. b.)If the Seller does not update the electronic portal or provide written notice of changes to the Estimated Net Energy Amounts,then it will be deemed to be an election of no change from the most recently provided monthly Estimated Net Energy Amounts.Idaho Poweris unable to accept any requested changes to the Estimated Net EnergyAmounts if the date and time that Idaho Powerreceives the requested change is afterthe deadline. 6.2.4 Idaho PowerAdjustment of MonthlyEstimated Net EnergyAmounts -If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller'sNet Energy as specifiedin paragraph 12.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 12.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power,the monthly estimated Net Energy amount as specified in paragraph6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 12.2.1 or 12.3.1 occurs will be temporarily reduced in accordance with the following and only for the actual month in which the event occurred: NEA =Current Month's Estimated Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) SGU =a.)If IdahoPower is excused from accepting the Seller'sNet Energy as specifiedin paragraph12.2.1 this valuewill be equal to the percentage of curtailmentas specified by IdahO Powermultiplied by the TGU as definedbelow. b.)If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specifiedin paragraph12.3.1 this valuewill be the sum of the individual Generation Units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. 17 TGU =Sum of all of the individual generatorratings of the Generation Units at this Facility as specifiedin Appendix B of this agreement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either RSH =reduced or suspended underparagraph 12.2.1 or 12.3.1 TH =Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: Adjusted Estimated =NEA - SU X NEA X RSH 'Net Energy TGU TH f Amount This Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. 6.3 Failure to Deliver Minimum Amounts of Net Energy -Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure or Idaho Power's inabilityto accept Net Energy,Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%)of the sum of the monthly estimated Net Energy amounts in effect as of the OperationDate shall constitute an event of default. ARTICLE VII:PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 7.1 Surplus Energy -(1)Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and deliveredto the Idaho Powerelectrical system during the monthwhich exceeds one hundredten percent (110%)of the monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount for the correspondingmonth specified in paragraph 6.2,or (2)if the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and deliveredto the Idaho Powerelectrical system during the month is less than ninety percent (90%)of the monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount for the correspondingmonth specifiedin paragraph 6.2, 18 then all Net Energy deliveredby the Facility to the Idaho Powerelectrical system for that given month,or (3)all Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and deliveredby the Facility to the Idaho Powerelectrical system prior to the OperationDate,or (4)all monthly Net Energy that exceeds the MonthlyNameplate Energy. 7.2 Surplus Energy Price -For all Surplus Energy,Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Reference Price or the applicable All Hours Energy Price,whicheveris lower. 7.3 Base Energy-The Net Energy produced by the Seller'sFacility and deliveredto the Idaho Powerelectrical system afterthe Facility has achievedan OperationDate which is greater than or equal to ninety percent (90%)and less than or equal to one hundredten percent (110%)of the monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount for the correspondingmonth specified in paragraph6.2. 7.4 Base EnergyHeavyLoadPurchase Price -Forall Base Energyreceivedduring HeavyLoad Hours, Idaho Power will pay the monthly non-levelized Base Energy Heavy Load Purchase Price as specifiedin Appendix E. 7.5 Base Energy Light Load Purchase Price -For all Base Energy receivedduring Light Load Hours, Idaho Power will pay the monthly non-levelized Base Energy Light Load Purchase Price as specifiedin Appendix E. 7.6 All Hours Energy Price -The price to be used in the calculation of the Surplus Energy Price and Delay Damage Price shall be the monthly non-levelizedAll Hours Energy in Appendix E. 7.7 InadvertentEnergy- 7.7.1 InadvertentEnergy is electric energy producedby the Facility,expressed in kWh, which the Seller deliversto Idaho Powerat the Point of Delivery that exceeds ten thousand (10,000)kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered.(For example,January contains 744 hours.744 hours times 10,000 kW =7,440,000 kWh.Energy deliveredin January in excess of 7,440,000 kWh in this example would be InadvertentEnergy.) 19 7.7.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than ten (10)average MW monthly and thereforedoes not intend to generate and deliver InadvertentEnergy,Idaho Powerwill accept InadvertentEnergy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for InadvertentEnergy. 7.7.3 Delivering InadvertentEnergy to Idaho Power for two (2)consecutive months and/or in any three (3)months during a Contract Year will be a Material Breach of this Agreementand IdahoPowermay terminate this Agreementwithin sixty (60)days after the Material Breach has occurred. 7.8 Payments -Undisputed Base Energyand Surplus Energy payments,less any payments due to Idaho Powerwill be disbursed to the Seller within thirty (30)days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentationof the monthly Base Energy and Surplus Energy actually delivered to Idaho Poweras specified in Appendix A.Seller agrees to use payment method as specifiedby Idaho Powerwhich could be ACH (AutomatedClearingHouse),electronic,wire,paper checks or any other methodfor making payments to Seller. 7.9 Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreementis a special contract and the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho PowerCompanyv.IdahoPublic Utilities Commission and Afton Energy,Inc.,107 Idaho 78 1,693 P.2d 427 (1984),Idaho Power Company v.Idaho Public Utilities Commission,107 Idaho 1122, 695 P.2d 1 261 (1985),Afton Energy,Inc,v.Idaho Power Company,111 Idaho 925,729 P.2d 400 (1986),Section 210 of the Public UtilityRegulatoryPolicies Act of 1978 and 18 C.F.R.§292.303- 308 ARTICLE VIII:ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES 8.1 Pursuant to Commission OrderNo.32697 and OrderNo.32802 the EnvironmentalAttributes and Renewable Energy Certificatesas defined within this Agreementand directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility are owned by the Seller. 20 ARTICLE IX:FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION 9.1 Design of Facility -Seller will design,construct,install,own,operate and maintainthe Facility and any Seller-ownedInterconnectionFacilities so as to allow safe and reliable generationand delivery of Net Energy and InadvertentEnergy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreementin accordance with the GIA. ARTICLE X: METERING,METERING COMMUNICATIONS AND SCADA TELEMETRY 10.1 Metering -Idaho Power shall,provide,install,and maintain metering equipment needed for metering the electrical energy production from the Facility.The metering equipment will be capable of measuring,recording,retrieving and reporting the Facility's hourly gross electrical energy production,Station Use,maximum energy deliveries (kW)and any other electricity measurements at the Point of Delivery that Idaho Power needs to administer this Agreementand integrate this Facility's electricity delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system.Specific equipment,installation details and requirements for this meteringequipmentwill be established in the GIA process and documented in the GIA.Seller shall be responsible for all initial and ongoing costs of this equipmentas specified in Schedule 72 and the GIA. 10.2 Meterine Communications-Seller shall,at the Seller's sole initial and ongoing expense,arrange for,provide,install,and maintain dedicated metering communications equipment capable of transmittingthe metering data specifiedin paragraph 10.1 to Idaho Power in a frequency,manner and form acceptable to Idaho Power.Seller shall grant Idaho Power sole control and use of this dedicated meteringcommunicationsequipment.Specific details and requirements for this metering communications equipmentwill be established in the GIA process and documented in the GIA. 10.3 SupervisoryControl and Data Acquisition (SCADA)Telemetry -In additionto the requirements of paragraph 10.1 and 10.2,Idaho Powermay requiretelemetry equipmentand telecommunications which will be capable of providing Idaho Powerwith continuous instantaneous SCADA telemetry of the Seller's Net Energyand InadvertentEnergyproduction in 21 a form acceptable to IdahoPower.Seller shall grant Idaho Power sole control and use of this dedicated SCADA and telecommunicationsequipment.Specific details and requirements for this SCADA Telemetry and telecommunicationsequipmentwill be established in the GIA process and documented in the GIA.Seller shall be responsible for all initial and ongoingcosts of this equipmentas specified in Schedule 72 and the GIA. ARTICLE XI -RECORDS 11.1 Maintenanceof Records -Seller shall maintain monthly records at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties.These records shall include total generation,Net Energy,Station Use,Surplus Energy,InadvertentEnergy and maximum hourly generation (kW) and be recordedin a form and content acceptable to Idaho Power.Monthly records shall be retained for a period of not less than five (5)years. 11.2 Inspection -Either Party,after reasonable notice to the other Party,shall have the right,during normal business hours,to inspect and audit any or all records pertaining to the Seller's Facility generation,Net Energy,Station Use,Surplus Energy,InadvertentEnergy and maximum generation (kW)records pertainingto the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE XII:OPERATIONS 12 .1 Communications -Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communicationsthroughIdaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with the GIA. 12 .2 Acceptance of Energy - 12.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy which would have otherwise been produced by the Facility and deliveredby the Seller to the Point of Delivery: a.)If generationdeliveries are interrupted due an event of Force Majeure or Forced Outage. b.)If interruption of generationdeliveries is allowed by Section 210 of the 22 Public Utility RegulatoryPolicies Act of 1978 and 18 C.F.R.§292.304 c.)If temporary disconnection and/or interruption of energy deliveries is in accordance with Schedule 72 or other provisions as specified within the GIA. d.)If Idaho Power determines that curtailment,interruption or reduction of Net Energyor InadvertentEnergydeliveriesis necessary because of line construction,electrical system maintenance requirements,emergencies, electrical system operating conditions,electrical system reliability emergencies on its system,or as otherwiserequiredby Prudent Electrical Practices. 12.2.2 If,in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power,Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment,personnel or service to its customers,Idaho Powermay temporarily disconnect the Facility from Idaho Power's transmission/distributionsystem as specified within the GIA or Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 12.2.3 Underno circumstances will the Seller deliver generationfrom the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount at any moment in time.Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 12.2.4 If Idaho Poweris unable to accept the generation from this Facility and is not excused from accepting the Facility's generation,Idaho Power's damages shall be limited to only the value of the estimated electricity that Idaho Power was unable to accept valued at the applicable energy prices specified in this Agreement.Idaho Power will have no responsibility to pay for any other costs,lost revenue or consequential damages the Facility may incur. 23 12.3 Seller DeclaredSuspension of Energy Deliveries 12.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a Forced Outage,and the Seller initiates a Declared Suspension of EnergyDeliveries,Seller shall,after giving notice as providedin paragraph 12.3.2 below,temporarily reduce deliveriesof Net Energy (kW)to IdahoPower from the Facility to not exceed the reduced energy deliveries (kW)stated by the Seller in the initial declaration for a period of not less than forty-eight (48)hours ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries").The Seller'sDeclared Suspension of Energy Deliverieswill begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 12.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified in the written notification provided by the Seller.In the month(s)in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred,the Estimated Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.3. 12.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a DeclaredSuspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 12.3.1,the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone.The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power.The Seller will,within twenty four (24)hours afterthe telephone contact,provide Idaho Powera written notice in accordance with Article XXV that will contain the beginning hour and expected duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries,a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and the reduced level (kW)of energy deliveries the Facility is requesting that will be set as the maximum energy deliveries to Idaho Power for the duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Delivery event (not less than 48 hours).Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determineIdaho Power's acceptance of the described Forced Outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 12.3.1.IdahoPower's acceptance of the Seller's Forced Outage as an acceptable Forced Outage will be based upon the clear documentationprovided by the Seller that the 24 Forced Outage is not due to an event of Force Majeureor by neglect,disrepair or lack of adequate preventativemaintenance of the Seller'sFacility. 12.4 Scheduled Maintenance -On or before January 3161 of each calendar year,Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. If the Seller intends to perform planned maintenance at approximatelythe same time every year, the Seller may submit a maintenance schedule for the first calendar year and include a statement that this maintenance schedule shall be consistent for all future years,until such time as the Seller notifies Idaho Powerof a change to this schedule.TheParties determinationas to the acceptability of the Seller'stimetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices,IdahoPowersystem requirements and the Seller's preferredschedule.NeitherParty shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 12.5 Idaho Power Maintenance Information -Upon receiving a written request from the Seller,Idaho Power shall provide publicly available information with regard to Idaho Power planned maintenance information that may impact the Facility. 12.6 Contact Prior to Curtailment -Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to interrupting the interconnectionor curtailing deliveries from the Seller's Facility.Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances,real time operations of the electrical system,and/orunplannedevents,IdahoPowermay not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interruption,curtailment,or reductionof electrical energy deliveriesto Idaho Power. ARTICLE XIII:INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 13.1 Indemnification -Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party,its officers,agents,affiliates,subsidiaries,parent company and employees against all loss,damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's,(a)construction,ownership,operation or maintenance of,or by failure of,any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with this 25 Agreement,or (b)negligent or intentional acts,errors or omissions.The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request,defend any suit asserting a claim coveredby this indemnity.The indemnifying Party shall pay all documented costs,including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurredby the other Party in enforcingthis indemnity. 13.2 Insurance -During the term of this Agreement,Seller shall secure and continuouslycarry insurance as specified in Appendix F. ARTICLE XIV:FORCE MAJEURE 14.1 Force Majeure-As used in this Agreement,"Force Majeure"or "an event of Force Majeure"means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which,despite the exercise of due diligence,such Party is unable to preventor overcome.Force Majeureincludes,but is not limited to,acts of God,fire,flood,storms,wars,hostilities,civil strife,strikes and otherlabor disturbances, earthquakes,fires,lightning,epidemics,sabotage,or changes in law or regulation occurring after the effective date,which,by the exercise of reasonable foresightsuch party could not reasonably havebeen expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence,it shall be unable to overcome. Fluctuations and/or changes of the motive force and/or the fuel supply are not events of Force Majeure.If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations underthis Agreementbecause of an event of Force Majeure,both Parties shall be excused from whatever performanceis affectedby the event of Force Majeure,providedthat: (1)The non-performing Party shall,as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure,give the other Party written notice describingthe particularsof the occurrence. (2)The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is requiredby the event of Force Majeure. (3)No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence of the Force Majeureevent and which could and should have been fullyperformedbefore such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. 26 ARTICLE XV:LIABILITY;DEDICATION 15.1 Limitation of Liability -Nothing in this Agreementshall be construed to create any duty to,any standard of care with referenceto,or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect,special,consequential,nor punitive damages,except as expressly authorizedby this Agreement. 15.2 Dedication-No undertakingby one Party to the otherunderany provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereofto the Party or the public or affect the status of IdahoPoweras an independentpublic utility corporationor Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XVI:SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS 16.1 Several Obligations-Except wherespecifically stated in this Agreementto be otherwise,the duties,obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective.Nothing contained in this Agreementshall ever be construed to create an association, trust,partnershipor joint venture or impose a trust or partnershipduty,obligation or liability on or with regard to eitherParty.Each Party shall be individuallyand severallyliable for its own obligations underthis Agreement. ARTICLE XVII:WAIVER 17.1 Waiver -Any waiver at any time by eitherParty of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreementor with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreementshall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XVIII:CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 18.1 State of IdahoLaws -This Agreementshall be construed and interpretedin accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without referenceto its choice of law provisions. 18.2 Venue -For any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreementwill lie in the District Court of the FourthJudicial District of Idahoin and for the County of Ada. 27 ARTICLE XIX:DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 19.1 Disputes -All disputes related to or arisingunder this Agreement,including,but not limited to,the interpretationof the terms and conditions of this Agreement,will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 19.2 Notice of Default 19.2.1 Defaults -If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement(an "eventof default"),the non-defaultingParty shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party,specifying the manner in which such default occurred.If the defaultingParty shall fail to cure such defaultwithin the sixty (60)days after service of such notice,or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60)day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure,then the non-defaultingParty may,at its option,terminatethis Agreementand/orpursue its legal or equitable remedies. 19.2.2 Material Breaches -The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 19.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreementas Material Breaches.Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach.IdahoPowercan terminate the Agreement at any time following the Material Breach unless there is a specific cure,or cure period,identified by this Agreement for that specific Material Breach then that cure,or cure period,shall apply. 19.3 OperationDate Requirements -Prior to the Operation Date and thereafterfor the full term of this Agreement,Seller will provide IdahoPowerwith the following: 19.3.1 Insurance -Evidenceof compliance with the provisionsof Appendix F.If Seller fails to comply,such failure will be a Material Breach. 19.3.2 Engineer's Certifications -Every three (3)years after the Operation Date,Seller will supply Idaho Power with a completed Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance form as specified in Appendix C.The certification will be from a 28 Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho.Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default.Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the requiredcertificate;and 19.3.3 Licenses /Leases /Permits /Determinations-During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all leases,permits,licenses and determinations described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement.In addition,Seller will supply Idaho Powerwith copies of any new or additionalpermits,licenses or determinations.At least every fifth Contract Year,Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1.If at any time Seller fails to maintaincompliance with the leases,permits,licenses and determinations described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph,such failure will be an event of default and may _only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Powerevidenceof compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XX:GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION 20.1 This Agreementis subject to the jurisdiction of those governmentalagencies having control over eitherParty of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXI:COMMISSION ORDER 21.1 CommissionOrder -Idaho Powershall file this Agreementfor its acceptance or rejection by the Commission.This Agreementshall only become finally effective upon the Commission'sapproval of all terms and provisionshereofwithout change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXII:SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 22.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto.Neither this Agreementnor any rights or obligationsof either Party 29 hereundermay be assigned,in whole or in part,by operationof law or otherwise,without the prior written consent of both Parties,which consent shall not be unreasonablywithheld.Any party with which IdahoPowermay consolidate,merge,conveyor transfersubstantially all ofits electric utility assets,shall automatically,without further act,and without need of consent or approval by the Seller,succeed to all of IdahoPower'srights,obligationsand interests under this Agreement.Any purported assignment in derogationof the foregoing shall be void.This article shall not preventa financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it underlaw or contract.Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercisingsuch rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXIII:MODIFICATION 23.1 No modification to this Agreementshall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approvedby the Commission. ARTICLE XXIV:TAXES 24.1 Each Party shall pay before delinquencyall taxes and othergovernmentalcharges which,if failed to be paid when due,could result in a lien upon the Facility or the InterconnectionFacilities. ARTICLE XXV:NOTICES AND AUTHORIZED AGENTS 25.1 Notices -All written notices under this Agreementshall be directed as follows and shall be considered deliveredwhen faxed,e-mailed and confirmed with deposit in the U.S.Mail,first- class,postage prepaid,as follows: To Seller: Original document to: Brad Huff,JerryHoagland Reynolds Irrigation District P.O.Box 12 Melba,ID 83641 208-495-2950,208-318-8308 Brad Huff,bhuff2 speedyquick.net Jerry Hoagland,shrihwhy@gmail.com 30 To IdahoPower: Original document to: Vice President,PowerSupply Idaho PowerCompany PO Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 energycontracts@idahopower.com Copy of document to: Cogenerationand Small Power Production Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 energycontracts@idahopower.com Either Party may change the contact person and/oraddress information listed above,by providing written notice from an authorizedperson representingthe Party. 25.2 Authorized Agent(s) Name Title Jerry Hoagland Chairman Brad Huff Secretary/Treasurer The Seller may modify the Authorized Agents by requesting and completing an Authorized Agent form providedby IdahoPower.This document will include the requested changes and require signature(s)from an authorizedparty of the Seller. 31 ARTICLE XXVI:ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 26.1 Equal Employment.Seller agrees to comply with all applicableequal employmentopportunity, small business,and affirmative action laws and regulations.All Equal Employment Opportunity and affirmative action laws and regulationsare hereby incorporatedby this reference,including provisions of 38 U.S.C.§4212,Executive Order 11246,as amended,and any subsequent executiveorders or other laws or regulationsrelating to equal opportunity for employmenton governmentcontracts.To the extent this Agreementis coveredby ExecutiveOrder 11246,the Equal Opportunity Clauses contained in 41 C.F.R.§60-1.4,41 C.F.R.§60-250.5,and 41 C.F.R. §60-741.5are incorporatedhereinby reference. 26.2 Prior to the Seller executing this Agreement,the Seller shall have: a)Submitted an interconnectionapplication for this Facility and is in compliance with all payments and requirements of the interconnectionprocess. b)Acknowledged responsibility for all interconnectioncosts and any costs associated with acquiring adequate firm transmission capacity to enable the project to be classified as an Idaho Power DNR.If final interconnectionor transmission studies are not complete at the time the Seller executes this Agreement,the Seller understands that the Seller'sobligations to pay Delay and Termination Damages associated with the project's failure to achievethe Operation Date by the Scheduled OperationDate as specified in this Agreement is not relieved by final interconnectionor transmission costs,processes or schedules. c)Provide acceptable and verifiable evidenceto Idaho Powerthat demonstrates the Facility is eligible for the publishedavoidedcosts requested by the Seller and contained within this Agreement.Commission Order No.34628 effective June 1,2020,providesthe current publishedavoidedcosts for Non-SeasonalHydro Facilities,Seasonal Hydro Facilities,Other Facilities,Solar Facilities,and Wind Facilities.Commission OrderNo. 32697 provides for full capacity payments for existing projects that haverequested replacement contracts after their existing contract expires. 32 26.3 This Agreementincludes the following appendices,which are attached hereto and includedby reference: Appendix A -GenerationScheduling and Reporting Appendix B -Facility and Point of DeliveryAppendixC-Engineer'sCertificationsAppendixD-Forms of Liquid SecurityAppendixE-Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility Energy Prices Appendix F -Insurance Requirements ARTICLE XXVII:SEVERABILITY 27.1 The invalidityor unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreementshall not affectthe validityor enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreementshall be construed in all otherrespects as if the invalid or unenforceableterm or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXVIII:COUNTERPARTS 28.1 This Agreementmay be executed in two or more counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 33 ARTICLE XXIX:ENTIREAGREEMENT 29.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties conceming the subject matter hereofand supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Reynolds IrrigationDistrict By By Ryan Adelman Jerry HoaglandVicePresident,Power Supply Chairman Dated Dated "Idaho Power""Seller" 34 APPENDIX A A -l MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT At the end of each month,the powerproduction and switching report will be emailed to: csppaccounting@idahopower.com If email is not available,then the report can be mailedto: IdahoPowerCompany Cogenerationand Small Power ProductionReports C/O FinancialAccounting 1221 W.Idaho Boise,Idaho 83702 Themeter readings required on this report will be the readings on the Idaho Powermeter equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production and Station Usage deliveredto Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW)as recordedon the meteringequipmentand/orany other required energy measurements to adequately administerthis Agreement.This document shall be the document to enable Idaho Powerto begin the energy payment calculationand payment process.Themeter readings on this reportmay not be used to calculate the actual payment,but instead will be a check of the automated meter readinginformation that will be gathered as described in item A-2 below: 35 Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Name Project Address PhoneNumber: City State Zip Facility Station Metered Output Usage Maximum Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading:kW Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant:Net Generation kWh for the Month:-= Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter *Reason Date Time Meter *Breaker Opening Reason Codes 1 Lack of Adequate Prime Mover I hereby certify that the above meter readings 2 Forced Outage of Facility are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day 3 Disturbance of IPCo System of the abovemonth and that the switching record is 4 ScheduledMaintenance accurate and complete as required by the Energy 5 Testing of Protection Systems Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. 6 Cause Unknown 7 Other (Explain) Signature Date 36 A-2 AUTOMATED METER READING COLLECTION PROCESS Monthly,Idaho Power will use the provided metering and telemetry equipment and processes to collect the meter readinginformation from the Idaho Powerprovided meteringequipment that measures the Net Energy and energy deliveredto supply Station Use for the Facility recorded at 12:00 AM (Midnight)of the last day of the month. The meter information collected will includebut not be limited to energy production,Station Use,the maximum generated power (kW)and any other requiredenergy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. A-3 SELLER CONTACT INFORMATION Seller's Contact Information Project Management Name:Jerry Hoagland Cell Phone:208-318-8308 Name:Kris Davis Cell Phone:208-250-0193 24-Hour Project OperationalContact Name:JerryHoagland Cell Phone:208-318-8308 Name:Kris Davis Cell Phone:208-250-0193 Project On-site Contact information Name:Jerry Hoagland Cell Phone:208-318-8308 Name:Kris Davis Cell Phone:208-250-0193 37 APPENDIX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY Project Name:Reynolds Irrigation Hydro Project Project Number:21415120 B-1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The original firm energy sales agreement was signed on April 1,1985 but the project did not start generatingelectricity until May 1986.The description of the facility in the 1985 agreement calls for a single GE induction generatorwith a nameplate rating of 270 kW.However,at the time of construction,a generatorwith a 350 kW nameplate was installed.In February2021,a representative of Reynolds Irrigation District who has been with the district since before 1986,confirmed that the generator at the project is the original 350 kW generatorinstalled in 1986.The generator is driven by a Gilkes Turbo Impulse Turbine.The generatorstep-up transformeris rated at 300 kW so the generatornameplate is reportedas 350 kW and the Maximum Capacity Amount is 300 kW because of the transformerlimitation. Prior to 1986,the Reynolds Irrigation District had a canal that fed the water into a pipe that crossed the Snake River to provide irrigation water south of the river.In 1985-1986,Reynolds Irrigation District decided to eliminate the pipeline crossing the river,build a small hydro generationPURPA project on the north side of the river,generate electricity by passing the canal water through the turbine and then releasing the water into the Snake River on the north side.A pumping plant was installed on the south side of the river which pumped water out of the Snake River for irrigation use in similar quantities as the canal water passing throughthe turbineon the north side of the river. Facility NameplateCapacity:350 kW Qualifying Facility Category(Small PowerProductionor Cogeneration):Small Power Production Primary Energy Source (Hydro,Wind,Solar,Biomass,Waste,Geothermal):Hydro Fueled or Non-Fueled Rate (Generatorprimarily fueledwith fossil or non-fossil fuel):Non-Fueled Any modifications to the Facility,including but not limited to the generator or turbine,that (1) increases or decreases the Facility NameplateCapacity,or (2)changes the Qualifying Facility Category,or (3)changes the Primary Energy Source or (4)changes to the generator fuel and subsequently the Fueled Rate or Non-Fueled Rate,will require a review of the Agreementterms, conditions and pricing and Idaho Power,at its sole determination,may adjust the pricing or terminate the Agreement.If the Agreementis terminatedbecause of said modifications,the Seller will be responsible for any Termination Damages. B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Near:Walters Ferry,Idaho GPS Coordinates:Latitude Decimal Degrees 43.341980 Longitude Decimal Degrees -116.600729 State:Idaho County:Canyon 38 B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY DATE AND OPERATION DATE This Facility is interconnected and already delivering energy to Idaho Power pursuant to a Firm Energy Sales Agreementthat the parties agree to haveexpire on April 30,2021.The First Energy Date and the OperationDate for this Agreementwill be at hour beginning00:01 on May 1,2021, provided that the Commission approves the replacement Agreementand the Seller completes all of the Article IV and Article V requirements prior to May 1,2021. B-4 MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: The Maximum Capacity Amount is 300 kW which is consistent with the value providedby the Seller to Idaho Power in accordance with the GIA.This value is the maximum generation that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment m time. B-5 POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery"means,unless otherwise agreed by both Parties,the point of where the Seller's Facility energy is deliveredto the IdahoPower electrical system.The GIA will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility.The Point of Delivery identified by the GIA will become an integral part of this Agreement. B-6 LOSSES If the IdahoPowermeteringequipment is capable of measuring the energy deliveriesby the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery,no Losses will be calculated for this Facility.If the IdahoPower meteringequipment is unable to measure the energy deliveriesdirectly at the Point of Delivery,the Losses will be calculated.This loss calculationis currently set at 1.67% of the kWh electricity production recorded on the Facility generation meteringequipment.If at any time during the term of this Agreement,Idaho Powerdetermines that the loss calculation needs to be reviseddue to a change in the electrical equipmentor some other factor,then Idaho Power may adjust the calculationand retroactively adjust the previous month's kWh loss calculations. 39 B-7 DESIGNATED NETWORK RESOURCE(DNR) This Facility is an Idaho Power DNR pursuant to an existing energy sales agreement.The DNR status will continue if this Agreement is 1)executed and approvedby the Commission,and 2)a GIA has been executed by both parties and 3)the Seller is in compliance with all requirements of that GIA. IdahoPower cannot accept or pay for generationfrom this Facility if the Facility has not achieved the status of being an Idaho Power DNR.Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") rules require Idaho Powerto prepare and submit the application to achieve DNR status for this Facility.Because much of the information Idaho Power needs to prepare the DNR application is specific to the Seller's Facility,IdahoPower'sability to file the DNR applicationin a timely manner is contingent upon timely receipt of the requiredinformation from the Seller.Prior to Idaho Power beginning the process to enable IdahoPowerto submit a request for DNR status for this Facility, the Seller shall have 1)filed a GenerationInterconnectionapplication,2)submitted all information requiredby Idaho Power to complete the application,and 3)eitherexecuted this Agreement or,at a minimum,provided Idaho Power with confirmation of the Seller's intent to complete this Agreementin a timely manner.Seller's failure to provide complete and accurate information in a timely manner can significantly impact Idaho Power's ability and cost to attain the DNR designation for the Seller's Facility and the Seller shall bear the costs of any of these delays that are a result of any action or inaction by the Seller. 40 APPENDIX C ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned ,on behalf of himself/herself and ,hereinaftercollectively referredto as "Engineer,"hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1.That Engineeris a Licensed Professional Engineerin good standing in the State of Idaho. 2.That Engineerhas reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement,hereafterreferredto as the "Agreement," between Idaho Poweras Buyer,and as Seller,dated 3.That the cogeneration or small power productionproject which is the subject of the Agreementand this Statement is identified as Idaho Power CompanyFacility No.and is hereinafter referredto as the "Project." 4.That the Project,which is commonly known as the Project,is located in Section Township Range ,Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5.That Engineerrecognizes that the Agreementprovides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a year period. 6.ThatEngineerhas substantial experience in the design,construction and operationof electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7.That Engineerhas no economic relationshipto the Design Engineerof this Project. 8.That Engineerhas reviewedand/orsupervised the review of the Policy for Operationand Maintenance ("O&M")for this Project and it is his professionalopinion that,said Project has been designed and built to appropriatestandards,and adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the Project's producingat or near the design electrical output,efficiency and plant factor for the full Contact Term of years. 9.That Engineerrecognizes that IdahoPower,in accordance with paragraph5.2 of the Agreement,is 41 relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10.That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete,true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and thereforesets his/herhand and seal below. By (P.E.Stamp) Date 42 APPENDIX C ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned ,on behalf of himself/herself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer,"hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1.That Engineeris a Licensed Professional Engineerin good standing in the State of Idaho. 2.That Engineerhas reviewedthe Energy Sales Agreement,hereafterreferredto as the "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer,and as Seller,dated 3.Thatthe cogeneration or small power productionproject which is the subject of the Agreementand this Statement is identified as Idaho Power CompanyFacility No.and hereinafterreferred to as the "Project". 4.That the Project,which is commonly known as the Project,is located in Section Township Range ,Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5.That Engineerrecognizes that the Agreementprovidesfor the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a year period. 6.ThatEngineerhas substantial experience in the design,construction and operationof electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7.That Engineerhas no economic relationshipto the Design Engineerof this Project. 43 8.That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project,its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection.The Engineer certifies,based on the Project's appearance and the information provided by the Project,that the Project's ongoing O&M has been completed in accordance with said O&M Policy;that it is in reasonably good operatingcondition;and it is in the Engineer's professional opinion that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues,the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output,efficiency and plant factor for the remaining years of the Agreement. 9.That Engineerrecognizes that Idaho Power,in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer'srepresentations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10.That Engineercertifies that the abovestatements are complete,true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledgeand thereforesets his/her hand and seal below. By (P.E.Stamp) Date 44 APPENDIX C ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN &CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned ,on behalf of himself/herself and hereinaftercollectively referredto as "Engineer",hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1.That Engineeris a Licensed Professional Engineerin good standing in the State of Idaho. 2.That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement,hereafterreferred to as the "Agreement",between Idaho Power as Buyer,and as Seller,dated 3.That the cogenerationor small power production project,which is the subject of the Agreementand this Statement,is identified as IdahoPowerCompanyFacility No and is hereinafterreferredto as the "Project". 4.That the Project,which is commonly known as the Project,is located in Section Township Range ,Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5.That Engineerrecognizes that the Agreementprovides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Powerfor a year period. 6.That Engineer has substantial experience in the design,construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7.That Engineerhas no economic relationship to the DesignEngineerof this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8.That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work,electrical work,generatingequipment,prime mover conveyance system,Seller furnished InterconnectionFacilities and other Project facilities and equipment. 9.That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications,all 45 applicablecodes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10.That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operationand maintenance practices by Seller,the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreementand with Prudent Electrical Practices for a year period. 11.That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power,in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement,in interconnecting the Project with its system,is relying on Engineer's representations and opinionscontained in this Statement. 12.ThatEngineercertifies that the above statements are complete,true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledgeand thereforesets his/her hand and seal below. By (P.E.Stamp) Date 46 APPENDIX D FORMS OF LIQUID SECURITY The Seller shall provide IdahoPowerwith commerciallyreasonable security instruments such as Cash,Cash Escrow Security,Guarantee or Letter of Credit as those terms are definedbelow or other forms of liquid financial security that would provide readily availablecash to Idaho Power to satisfy the Security Deposit requirementand any other security requirements within this Agreement. For the purpose of this Appendix D,the term "Credit Requirements"shall mean acceptable financial creditworthinessof the entity providing the security instrument in relation to the term of the obligation in the reasonable judgment of Idaho Power,provided that any guarantee and/or Letter of Credit issued by any otherentity with a short-term or long-terminvestment grade credit rating by Standard &Poor's Corporationor Moody's Investor Services,Inc.shall be deemed to haveacceptable financial creditworthiness. 1.Cash -Seller shall deposit cash in the amount of the requiredSecurity Deposit with Idaho Power.Idaho Power will not be responsible to calculate or pay any interest on these funds deposited with Idaho Power. 2.Cash Escrow Security -Seller shall deposit funds in an escrow account established by the Seller in a banking institution acceptable to both Parties equal to the requiredsecurity amount(s).A single escrow account may be established for all security requirements, howeverdetailedaccounting of the individual security requirements must be maintainedby 47 the Seller and Seller shall be obligatedto maintain the appropriateamounts to satisfy each security requirementwithin the individuallyidentified accounts.The Seller shall be responsible for all costs 3.Guarantee or Letter of Credit Security -Seller shall post and maintain in an amount equal to the Security Deposit:(a)a guaranty from a party that satisfies the Credit Requirements,in a form acceptable to Idaho Power at its discretion,or (b)an irrevocableLetter of Credit in a form acceptable to Idaho Power,in favor of Idaho Power.The Letter of Creditwill be issued by a financial institution acceptable to both parties.A single aggregate Guarantee or Letter of Credit may be providedfor all security requirements,however detailed accounting of the individual security requirements must be maintainedby the Seller and Seller shall be obligatedto maintainthe appropriateamounts to satisfy each security requirementwithin the individuallyidentified accounts.The Seller shall be responsible for all costs associated with establishing and maintaining the Guarantee(s)or Letter(s)of Credit. 48 APPENDIX E NON-SEASONAL HYDRO FACILITY ENERGY PRICES (Prices based on the NameplateCapacity Amount of 350 kW,Non-FueledRates) E-1 Base Energy HeavyLoad Purchase Price -For all Base Energy receivedduring HeavyLoadHours, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order No. 34628 effective June 1,2020,with full capacity payments per CommissionOrderNo.32697 and seasonalization factors applied: Season 1 -(73.50 %)Season 2 -(120.00 %)Season 3 -(100.00 %) Year Mills/kWh Mills/kWh Mills/kWh 2021 40.37 65.90 54.92 2022 40.72 66.47 55.39 2023 41.78 68.21 56.84 2024 43.63 71.23 59.36 2025 46.34 75.66 63.05 2026 49.02 80.04 66.70 2027 51.10 83.43 69.52 2028 52.72 86.07 71.72 2029 53.78 87.8 1 73.17 2030 54.37 88.76 73.97 2031 55.21 90.13 75.11 2032 56.51 92.26 76.88 2033 58.05 94.77 78.97 2034 59.51 97.16 80.97 2035 60.79 99.25 82.71 2036 62.12 101.42 84.52 2037 64.07 104.61 87.18 2038 65.72 107.30 89.42 2039 67.06 109.49 91.24 2040 68.43 111.73 93.11 2041 69.76 113.90 94.92 49 E-2 Base Energy Light Load Purchase Price -For all Base Energyreceivedduring Light Load Hours, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order No. 34628 effective June 1,2020,with full capacity payments per Commission Order No.32697 and seasonalization factors applied: Season 1 -(73.50 %)Season 2 -(120.00 %)Season 3 -(100.00 %) Year Mills/kWh Mills/kWh Mills/kWh 2021 35.01 57.17 47.64 2022 35.36 57.74 48.11 2023 36.43 59.47 49.56 2024 38.28 62.49 52.08 2025 40.99 66.93 55.77 2026 43.67 71.30 59.42 2027 45.75 74.69 62.24 2028 47.36 77.33 64.44 2029 48.43 79.07 65.89 2030 49.02 80.03 66.69 2031 49.86 8 1.40 67.83 2032 51.16 83.52 69.60 2033 52.70 86.03 71.69 2034 54.16 88.42 73.69 2035 55.44 90.52 75.43 2036 56.77 92.69 77.24 2037 58.72 95.87 79.90 2038 60.37 98.57 82.14 2039 61.71 100.75 83.96 2040 63.08 102.99 85.83 2041 64.41 105.16 87.64 50 E-3 All Hours EnergyPrice -The price to be used in the calculation of the Surplus Energy Price and Delay Damage Price shall be the non-levelizedenergy price in accordance with Commission Order 34628 effective June 1,2020,with full capacity payments per Commission Order No.32697 and seasonalization factors applied: Season 1 -(73.50 %)Season 2 -(120.00 %)Season 3 -(100.00 %) Year Mills/kWh Mills/kWh Mills/kWh 2021 37.98 62.02 51.68 2022 38.33 62.59 52.16 2023 39.39 64.32 53.60 2024 41.25 67.34 56.12 2025 43.96 71.77 59.8 1 2026 46.64 76.15 63.46 2027 48.72 79.54 66.28 2028 50.33 82.18 68.48 2029 51.40 83.92 69.93 2030 51.99 84.88 70.73 2031 52.82 86.24 71.87 2032 54.13 88.37 73.64 2033 55.67 90.88 75.74 2034 57.13 93.27 77.73 2035 58.41 95.37 79.47 2036 59.74 97.53 8 1.28 2037 61.69 100.72 83.94 2038 63.34 103.42 86.18 2039 64.68 105.60 88.00 2040 66.05 107.84 89.87 2041 67.38 110.01 91.68 51 APPENDIX F INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Seller shall secure and continuously carry insurance as specifiedwithin this Appendix for the term of the Agreement. Insurance Requirements: 1.All insurance requiredby this Agreementshall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M.Best Companyrating of A-or better. 2.If the insurance coveragerequired in this Appendix is cancelled,materially changed or lapses for any reason,the Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing.This notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for cancellation,material change or lapse and the steps being taken to comply with these Insurance Requirements.Failure to provide this notice and to comply with these Insurance Requirements within five (5)days of the cancellation, material change or lapse will constitute a Material Breach and Idaho Powermay terminate this Agreement. 3.Prior to the First Energy date and subsequently within ten (10)days of the annual anniversary of the OperationDate,the Seller shall provide a Certificate of Insurance in the name of Idaho Power Companyand list Idaho Power Company as an Additional Insured Endorsement and Waiver of SubrogationEndorsement. 4.The Certificate of Insurance shall evidence the appropriate insurance coverage of ComprehensiveGeneral Liability Insurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to one million dollars ($1,000,000),each occurrence,combined single limit.The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current Insurance Industry Utility practices for similar property. 52