HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210507City of Boise Comments.pdfPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAYOR' Lauren Mclean I DIRECTOR, Stephan Burgos , =.. l.-" :: i ; :' i"j . '.'--.: -1 F;i u: i0.: t-:tt , ri. Moy 7,2021 Ms. Jon Noriyuki, Commission Secretory ldoho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Boulevord Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 SUBJECT: ldoho Public Utilities Commission Cose #l?C-E-21-06; Written Comments (Submiff ed El e cl r o ni c olly) Deor Ms. Noriyuki, The City of Boise ("City") submits the following comments on ldoho Power's petition to extend the filing dote for lhen 2021 lntegroted Resource Plon (lRP). The City recommends the Commission extend the deodline from June to the end of December 2021. This extension will ensure sufficient time for ldoho Power to obtoin robust feedbock through the lntegroted Resource Plon Advisory Council (IRPAC) ond meoningful public engogement. As o porticipont on the IRPAC, the City recognizes the detoiled ond technicol informotion thot needs to be conveyed, discussed, ond onolyzed to ensure the inputs ond modeling process produce the best 20-yeor plon for ldoho Power customers. The evoluotion of increosed renewoble energy resources ond demond-side monogement opportunilies ore porticulorly criticolto ensuring o leost-cost, relioble, ond responsible resource mix. ln the 2021 IRP process so for, the City ocknowledges the significont effort by ldoho Power stoff to present high-quolity informotion in o virtuolsetting ond to ensure questions, comments, ond feedbock from IRPAC members ore oddressed. The current deodline in June is on insufficient qmount of time to cover the lorge number of outstonding topics of the IRPAC, os outlined in ldoho Power's published timeline, or to complete ond present the finol Auroro results. lf you hove ony questions or need odditionol informotion, pleose contoct the Climote Action Division of the Deportment of Public Works ot (208) 608-7150. cc: Liso Nordstrom, ldoho Power Allison Willioms, ldoho Power ! -'. : BOISE CITY I-{ALL' l50 N Capitol Boulevard I MAIL, p.O Box 5OO, Boise, ldaho 837C)1-O5OO I P,208'608.7150 | F:208-384-3905 I TDD/TTV 800-377-3529 BOISE CITY COUNCIL, Elaine Clegg (President). Lisa S6nchez (Presidr:nt Pro Tem). Patrick Bageant. Jimmy Flallyburton. T-.1 Thornson, HolliWoodings ctTYoFBOTSE.ORG/pUBLICWORKS