HomeMy WebLinkAbout19921221.docx Minutes of Decision Meeting December 21, 1992 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were: Commissioners Marsha H. Smith, Joe Miller and Ralph Nelson and staff members Mike Gilmore, Scott Woodbury, Keith Hessing, Madonna Faunce, Gary Richardson, Birdelle Brown, Randy Lobb, Don Oliason, Belinda Anderson, Bill Eastlake, Mary Friddle, Don Howell, Stephanie Miller and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Ron Lightfoot and Jim Wozniak of U. S. West and Woody Richards, Attorney at Law and Mike McGrath of Intermountain Gas Company. The following are minutes transcribed from notes taken at the Decision Meeting where the following matters were considered. 2.  December 14, 1992 Memo from Legislative Council Staff, Nugent, re:  Proposed Public Utilities Commission Rules Concerning the Universal Service Fund. Commissioner Smith said she proposed withdrawal of the rulemaking and regroup for legislation. Other Commissioners concurred. 3.  Scott Woodbury's December 15, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. INT-G-92-6 - Ash Grove Cement West, Inc., Two-Year Gas Service Transportation Agreement. Commissioners Marsha H. Smith and Joe Miller approved the application. Commissioner Nelson questioned why this was less than half the transportation rate of Amalgamated? Scott Woodbury said one of the reasons was the proximity to Northwest Pipeline. Woody Richards replied it was proximitely to Northwest and coal costs, both. Commissioner Nelson said he had no objection. Application approved. 4.  WWP Cases WWP-E-922-5/WWP-G-92-2 - FAS 106 accounting treatment of retirement benefits other than pensions. Commissioner Nelson moved that the matter be tabled. -2- Commissioner Smith asked if it had to be done by the first of the year? Scott Woodbury said it did. Commissioner Nelson said he thought it was by the 15th of January. Commissioner MIller said he would prefer not being rush into it. **Scott Woodbury will check with the Company on the timing. **Terri Carlock and Eileen Benner were in attendance at this time. 5.  Keith Hessing's December 16, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Idaho Power Company's Updated Curtailment Plan. Commissioner Smith said Keith Hessing suggests another Minute Entry this year. Okayed by Commissioners. 6.  Madonna Faunce's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. WWP-G-92-4 - Standby Gas Service Agreement. Scott Woodbury added that they are using a special contract because they had no standby gas contract.  Was wondering if that is something other customers might want also.  Haven't talked to the company about this, though.  This is fine but suggested talking to the company about the feasiblity of a tariff. Said he would propose putting out an order approving the contract and if they have objections they can file them. **Approved U&I and Amalgamated.  (Item 7 - Madonna Faunce's December 18, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. INT-G-92-7 - In the Matter of the Application of Intermountain Gas Company for Approval of the Renewal of the Amalgamated Sugar Co. Transportation Agreement.) 8.  Syd Lansing's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Inland Telephone Company Depreciation Change Regarding an Obsolete Switch at Lenore, Idaho. Syd Lansing recommended approval - asked how approval should be handled? -3- Commissioner Miller said since it came in as an informal letter as opposed to a case, the suggestion of a letter from Stephanie Miller was okay with him. **Stephanie Miller is to send letter to Company indicating approval of the change. 9.  Joe Cusick's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Tariff Advice 92-13; GTE's Tariff for Facilities for Intrastate Access. Okayed. 10. Belinda Anderson's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Potlatch and Troy Tariff Filed 11-13-92 to be effective 1-1-93. Okayed. 11. Belinda Anderson, Beverly Barker and Eileen Benner's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  USW Toll Restriction Service - Service Catalog Filing. Commissioner Nelson said it would be interesting to know what the channel announcements are and if one is available.   Commissioner Smith said she liked the sticker idea.  Said we are down to just the people in Franklin County who don't have 911.  2800 subscribers do not have 911. Commissioner Miller asked about the third staff option - written notice and the sticker.  Said that would be satisfactory to him. Belinda Anderson spoke to the form attached. Commissioner Miller said he thought No. 3 contemplated more or less customer-specific notice. Eileen Benner said she thought the message should be given to all subscribers. Commissioner Smith asked - you're not suggesting that U. S. West give it to all numbers? Eileen Benner said she thought the message needed to go to all subscribers. Jim Wozniak of U. S. West said it is unfortunate that changing the recording is not as simple as it should be.  What the Company attempted to do is talk to folks about making sure the service rep discusses the limitations.  Maybe suggest at that point that the customer make note of -4- those numbers.  When a new connect is written, on that order is RTY.  When the rep. sees that USOC, it provides that information attached.  Can do more with that.  Will work with staff on this wording.  Are not too thrilled about the stickers.  They would have to be manually inserted in the envelopes for Idaho.  People may not want that sticker on the phone.  Can refrain from offering service in Franklin County.  If it were limited to Franklin, could do something on local basis.  Would be happy to track any complaints to see what is the depth or breadth of it.   **Dave Schunke was in attendance at this time. Commissioner Miller asked - is there a possibility this won't be marketed in Franklin County until they have 911? Jim Wozniak said that was a possibility and company would be willing to track complaints.  Will also work on the wording. Commissioner Miller said the only problem with no sticker approach is it wouldn't reach the customer's child or other people in the home. Jim Wozniak said Company may want to include in the message that the customer may want to label the phones. Commissioner Smith suggested a generic sticker. Jim Wozniak suggested the emergency numbers be printed on the information mailed out. **Discussed the type of sticker. Commissioner Miller said if it is possible, he liked the sticker.  Said he wanted to find a balance. Jim Wozniak said there may be a preference to withdrawing the filing rather than stuffing stickers in envelopes. 12. Birdelle Brown's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Investigation into Several EAS Routes Between Inland Telephone Exchanges and Surrounding Area.  INL-T-92-1. Question No. 1 - Yes. Commissioner Smith asked if Commission was ready for hearing? -5- Birdelle Brown said staff still needed information from GTE. Commissioner Smith asked what Commission would do at a hearing? Eileen Benner said she has concerns about sending staff members up and letting the customers dump on them. Commissioner Miller said he he has concerns about having a hearing and raising the expectations of the customers. Commissioner Smith asked about the 10 calls per month - is that a benchmark? Birdelle Brown responded it just fell out that way in this case. Commissioner Smith asked - ten itself isn't any reflection on other cases?  Asked if it was part of the information from GTE that we don't have the traffic pattern? Birdelle Brown said yes, traffic pattern and don't have from GTE anything that comes close to cost information. Commissioner Miller asked if Commissioners were scheduled to go north soon? Mike Gilmore responded that Troy/Moscow case is almost ready for hearing. Commissioner Miller suggested a hearing on this when the Commission goes north. Mike Gilmore said he thought the Troy/Moscow case would be scheduled for the end of February. **Will have Inland hearing then. 13. Terri Carlock's December 17, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Mountain Fuel Supply Company - Authority to Issue Up to $100,000,000 Medium-Term Notes - Case No. MOU-G-92-2. Approved. 14. Terri Carlock's December 18, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Pacificorp Request to Extend Time to Sell Common Stock; Case No. PAC-S-91-3. Approved. -6- 1.  Don Howell's December 18, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  ICC NOPR to Eliminate Historic Cost and Revenue Data in Rail Abandonment Applications. Commissioner Smith noted Oregon was commenting. Don Howell said the comment period has been extended now. Discussed rail policy. Commissioner Smith suggested looking into reassessing ICC decisions. Mike Gilmore asked about modifying FERC  comments since NARUC asks for concensus. **Mike Gilmore will call NARUC and ask what they are going to do? Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 8th day of January, 1993. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 0135M mjw