HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200821Customer Notice and Press Release.pdf<slmHo Ptun ER. An IDACORP Co,nPtnV I ' - I' ': ;1,; i'" i-r I I i,,"i :1lii ? I Fii 3: 3l ii ii*C"C ,j^'ffior' t.... . ,"7 f rh, ffir *t, 4d.".,. ldaho Power Exiting Coal Plant; Proposes Reinvesting Savings in Energy Efficiency ldaho Power's early exit from the Boardman coal-fired power plant will deuease prices for ldaho customers, with the savings largely offsetting additional funding for energy efficiency programs. ln two proposals submitted to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), ldaho Power has taken another step toward its goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045. The company requested a decrease of $3 9 mil ion related to its exit from the Boardman coal-{ired power plant and an increase of $3.7 million to raise the Energy Efficiency Rider from2.757o to 3.'10% of base rate revenues lf the proposals are approved by the IPUC, the average ldaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a decrease of $0 02 per month Both changes would be effective Jan 1,2021. Exit From Boardman Coal Plant Decreases Customer Rates As ldaho Power is set to exit the Boardman coal-fired plant in fall 2020, the company is requesting that the IPUC find Boardman investments made through lune 30, 2020, as prudently incurred and to decrease customer rates $3.9 million to reflect full deprecation of all Boardman investments, effective )an 1,2021 lf approrcd by the IPUC, this request would resuh in a decrease of $0.31 per nnnBr for the arrerage ldaho residential customer, Rate impacts for all custoncr clases are irrluded in the table below. ldlhq PowerRequesB lncrease to Energy Efficiency Rider Funding ldaho Porue/s Ernrgy Effrcierry Rider. which help fund energy effkiency and dennnd si& rnanagernent prognnr, b cunently set at2.75oh of base rate revenues. The qrrrent funding leveb are not sufficient b offset ldaho Porc/s Energy Efficierry orperses and the ompaq/s rcquestto irxreaesisbmer rates $3.7 million bysetting the Energy Efficiency Rider at3.'1006 of base nte rq,enues, etfectiue )an, 1, 2021, wll better align funding with cunent operses. lf approted by the IPUC, this request rarould resuh in an orcrall incrcase to crsbmer rates of 0.31Vo atrd an insease of $0.29 per nronth forthe arcrage ldaho resUential cusbnrr. Hoaerrcr, tlB rret results b ctrstomer when cqnbined with the deseases due to the Boardman exit result in a slight decrease for most customers. See the table beloar for more details. Elhg Boardnan EE Ridcr lecOmf.(trltlc) tr9.tmi -0.15% 0.31% trE llo -0.35% 0.32% S@t LrgrlGd.otLl Gcnl c.raidtctrir hrd(d -0.32% -0.30% .0,35% Conblnrdlmprctr -30.3 -oCIrt 0.00i5 .0.03r .0.0{s .0.04.t I lndudes lighting sdreduk , lncludes ryecial @ntracts rTotals may not sum dle to rounding Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power's filing is subject to public rerrievr and approval by the lruC. Copies of the application are aailable on ldaho Forver's website, idahopouter.com; or on the IPUC website puc.idaho.gov. Documents are also arailable at ldaho Porer offices (please call208€88-2tl60to make anangements) or IPUC offices (please call208-!litt&03fi1to set up an appointment). Customers also may subsaibe to the IPUC'S RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Wrhten comments regarding ldaho Power's application nny be filed with the IPUC. Thank you for reding thls notice. We value ymur busincss. Slml0PlOiER. -13.9 13.7 0,30% 0.31% 0.3296 0 Prantsd on rsyded paper G2020 ldtho PdrEr 31180-r-0107 c0l\ltittJt"D RAIt tt\lpA( IS 0t B0Ilr t n trJcS Ah IDACOFP Compenv $IIMIOFilUH" An IDACORP Company ldaho Power Exiting Coal Plan$ Proposes Relnvesting Savings in Energy Effldency ldoho Powe/s eorly exit from the Boordmon cool-fired power plont will decreose prices for ldoho customers, with the sovings lorgely offsetting odditional funding for energy efficiency progroms. BOISE, ldaho, August 2L,2O2A - ln two proposals submitted to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), ldaho Power has taken another step toward its goalto provide 100% clean energy by 2O45. "Continuing our path away from coal and emphasizing energy efficiency are two top-of-mind lnitiatives for ldaho Power," said Adam Richins, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. "This opportunity to provide additional funding for energy efficiency programs is a win-win for our company and our customers." The company requested a decrease of 53.9 million related to its exit fmm the Boardman coal-fired power plant and an increase of $3.2 million to raise the Energy Efficiency Rider from 2.75%lo 3.10% of base rate revenues. If the proposals are approved by the !PUC, the average ldaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a decrease of 50.02 per month. Both changes would be effective Jan. 1, 2021. Exit from Boardman Coa! Plant Decreases Customer Rates As ldaho Power is set to exit the Boardman coaFfired plant in fall 2020, the company is requesting that the IPUC find Boardman investments made through June 30, 2020, as prudently incurred and to decrease customer rates 53.9 million to reflect full deprecation of all Boardman investments, effective Jan.7,2O2L. lf approved by the IPUC, this request would result in a decrease of SO.gt per month for the average ldaho residential customer. Rate impacts for all customer classes are included in the table below. ldaho Power Requests lncrease to Energy Efftciency Rider Fundlng ldaho Powe/s Energy Efficiency Rider, which helps fund energy efficiency and demand side management programs, is currently set at 2.75% of base rate revenues. The current funding levels are not sufficient to offset ldaho Power's Energy Efficiency expenses and the company's request to increase customer rates S3.7 million by setting the Energy Efficiency Rider at 3.10% of base rate revenues, effective Jan. 1, 2021, will better align funding with current expenses. lf approved by the IPUC, this request would result in an overall increase to customer rates of 0.31% and an increase of 50.29 per month for the averate ldaho residentia! customer. However, the net results to customers when combined with the decreases due to the Boardman exit result in a slight decrease for most customers. See the table below for more details. COMBIilED RATE IMPACTS OF BOTH FIUT{GS Percentage Chonge from Current Billed Revenue Filing Revenue Change (millions) Residential Small General Service Large Genera! Service r Large Power z lrrigation Boardman -Sg.g -o.32%-0.30%-0.35%-0.35%-0.35% EE Rider Ss.z 0.30%o.3L%o,32%0.31%o.32% Combined lmpact g -So.g -o.o2%0.00%-0.03%-o.o4%-0.04% r !ncludes lightlng schedules; z lncludes special contracts; rTotals may not sum due to rounding Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Powe/s filing is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Coples of the application are available on ldaho Power's webshe, ldahopower.com; or on the IPUC website, puc.idaho.gov. Documents are also available at ldaho Power offices (please call 208-388-2460 to make arrangements) or IPUC offices (please call 208-334{300 to set up an appointment). Customers also may subscribe to the IPUCs RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Powe/s application may be filed with the IPUC. About ldaho Power ldaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, ldaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in ldaho and Oregon. The company's goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of lts diverse energy mix, ldaho Powe/s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation's lowest prices for electricity. lts 2,000 employees proudly serve more than 57Q000 customers with a culture of safety first integrity always and respect for all. IDACORP lnc. (NYSE: IDA), ldaho Powe/s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, ldaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacoroinc.com. Contact:Jordan Rodriguez Communications Specialist 208-251-8059 irodrieuez@ida hooower.com 1-80G458-1443 media line