HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200720Ellsworth Direct.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OE IDAHO POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATTON FOR AUTHOR]TY TO ESTABLISH TAR]FE SCHEDULE 68, INTERCONNECTIONS TO CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E.2O-30 rDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OE Jared L. Ellsworth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 O. Pl-ease state your name, business address, and present position with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or t'Company" ) . A. My name is Jared L. Ellsworth. My business address is 7221 Wesl Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Transmission, Distribution & Resource Planning Director for the Planning, Engineering c Construction Department. O. Please describe your educational background. A. I graduated in 2004 and 2010 from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, receiving a Bachefor of Science Degree and Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering, respectively. I am a Iicensed professional engineer in the State of Idaho. A. Pl-ease describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. In 2004, I was hired as a Distribution Planning engineer in the Company's Delivery Planning department. My principal responsibilities included developing distribution circuit, substation, and sub- transmission projects to meet growth needs primarily related to equj-pment capacity and vol-tage delivered to the customer meter. In 2001, I moved into the System Plannlng department, where my principal responsibilities included planning for bulk high-voltage transmi.ssion and substation ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 10 1I t2 13 t4 1tr-LJ 16 1-7 18 1,9 20 2l 22 23 24 1 25 t projects, generation interconnection projects, and NERC 2 reliability compllance standards. f transitioned into the 3 Transmission Policy & Devel-opment group with a similar 4 rol-e, and in 2013, I spent a year cross-training with the 5 Company's Load Serving Operations group. In 2A14, I was 6 promoted to Engineering Leader of the Transmission Policy & 7 Development department and assumed leadership of the System 8 Planning group in 2018. In early 2020, I was promoted into 9 my current role as the Transmission, Distribution and 10 Resource Planning Director. I am currently responsible for 11 the planning of the Company's wires and resources to L2 continue to provide customers with cost-effective and 13 reliable electrical service. 14 O. How is your testimony organized? 15 A. I wiII provide a general overview of the 16 Company's electrical system and how customers with L7 Distributed Energy Resources ("DER" or "DERs") utilize the l-8 Company's distribution system. I will then describe the 19 Company's request to implement the functionality of smart 20 i-nverters in accordance with Commission Order No. 34046 2L issued in Case No. IPC-E-17-13. Next, I will explain the 22 Company's proposed interconnection requirements for 23 customers seeking to interconnect a non-exporting system Lo 24 meet a portion of their electricity needs while 25 simul-taneously maintaj-ning an electrical connection to the ELLSWORTH, DI 2 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 grid ("in Parallel"). Fina1ly, I wilI provide an overview of the rationale for the Company's proposed process as it rel-ates to interconnecting energy storage devices. I. IDAIIO PO|ER'S GRID O. What is meant by the term "the grid"? A. The grid, in this context, is the electric power system, including the generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, and delivery of energy in the form of electricity to customers. Fiqrure 1: The Grid Generation converts energy contained in reservoirs, fossil fuels, wind, geothermal wel-Isr or solar rays to electricity. Generation stations are often located remote from customers' point of use; therefore, the el-ectricity is transformed to extremely high voltages to reduce electrical Iosses and moved on transmission l-j,nes over long distances. Once the electricity is delivered to communities, it is transformed to a lower voltage at substations and distributed through the local community on distribution ELLSV{ORTH, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 10 11 L2 13 14 15 l6 11 18 19 *& Dindbution to !l,lina,ras Stcp-Doun Tnnrfrrnr:r ]Fm.hdrlcDrm to Holrl3 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l-ines. A final stage of transformation is used to reduce voltage to deliver electricity to customer's homes. O. Which services does the grid offer Idaho Power's customers? A. The grid offers reliable and dependable electricity delivery across large regions in nearly the instantaneous time of a customer's demand. The grid also provides flexibility by allowing the utility access to a diverse portfolio of resources for power generation, even if those resources are l-ocated vast distances from where the power is needed. O. What functions does Idaho Power perform in order to maintain a safe and reliable distribution system and grid? A. In order to provide safe and reliable energy on demand, Idaho Power must perform the following functions: voltage control, system protection, scheduling, dispatching, and l-oad balancing. These functions are commonly referred to, and coll-ectively known as ancillary services. o How does fdaho Power control voltage to safe and reliable distribution system and grid? Voltage control is achieved by managing the 22 maintain a 23 24 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 2L A voltage system, throughout the grid at the generator, transmissj-on and distribution system. The voltage regulating ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 4 25 1 devices control- the voltage output of the generators to 2 match the voltage requirements established by personnel 3 within the Company's dispatch controL center ("System 4 Operator"). At the substations, System Operators also 5 remotely switch substation capacitors and inductors to 6 raj-se and lower the transmission voltage, respectively. 7 Automatj-c voltage management occurs at the distribution B substation transformers with voltage control- based on load, 9 known as load tap changers. For longer distribution 10 circuits, distributlon regulators can be added away from 11 the substation for additional voltage control. Additional 1,2 automatic control signals are sent to switched distribution 13 cj-rcuit capacitors based on substation transformer Ioading. L4 FinaIly, voltage control occurs at substations that service 15 large commercial and industrial customers. 16 0. Does the distribution system provide other L1 services that are specific to a customer with a DER? 18 A. Yes. The grid provides several services for 19 customers with DERs, but most specific to the scope of this 20 case, the distribution system enables inverter operation. 21 0. What is an inverter? 22 A. An inverter is a power electronics device that 23 converts direct current (*DC") electricity into alternating 24 current ("AC") electricity. Inverters are used in both 25 off-grid and on-grid applications. ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 5 l- Q. What types of DERs reguire an inverter? 2 A, Any DER that produces DC energy requires an 3 inverter. An inverter j-s required for customers who 4 install a solar photovoltaic (*PV") generation system or an 5 energy storage device because solar panels and batteries 6 produce DC electricity, but home appliances require AC 7 power. I Q. How does Idaho Power define a Distributed 9 Energy Resource? 10 A. In Schedule 68, Interconnections to CusLomer 11 Distributed Energy Resources ("Schedul-e 68"), lncluded as L2 Attachment No. 1 to the Application, the Company proposes 13 to define a DER as a source of electric power that is not L4 directly connected to the bulk power system. For purposes 15 of administerlng the proposed Schedule 68, a DER is any 15 combination of a qeneration facility or an energy storaqe L7 device connected in Paralle1 to Idaho Power's system. 18 0. How does the grid enable inverter operation? 1,9 A. The majority of inverter-based systems 20 connected to Idaho Power's grid are considered "on-grid" 21, systems. For on-grid systems, the DC electricity generated 22 by the sofar PV system is sent directly to an on-grid 23 inverter, whlch converLs the electricity to AC for use by 24 the customer or sent to the grid. Without t.he grid, the 25 customer's generation system wouLd not operate because ELLSWORTH, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 these on-grid inverters require an AC voltage grid connectioni without this connection, the inverter would not be able to develop voltage or deliver energy. In other words, the grid must be present for customers with on-grid inverters to operate their systems. For the purposes of my testimony, the discussion regarding inverters will be specific to on-grid inverters. rI. IMPACTS OF DER ON IDAHO POWER'S DISTRIBTXTION SYSEEM O. Please describe a typical distribution circui-t. A. HistoricaIIy, the distribution system coul-d be characterized as a downhill flow of power from electrical substations, across distribution circuits, to customers. Absent DERs, power comes from centralized generators through the transmission system, and the distribution substation regulates the voltage of distribution circuits to deliver energy to customers. As energy travels across the distribution circuit further from the distribution 19 substation, it is delivered at reducing amounts of voltage. standard20 l-0 11 12 13 l4 15 L6 L7 1B 2L 22 23 24 American National Standards C84. L Range A specifies that must be ln the range of plus nominal vo1t.age, i.€. , 0. 95 0. Institute (*ANSf") voltage provided to customers How do DERs affect distribution system or minus five percent of the - 1.05 per unit ("pu"). ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 't 25 operations? 1 A. DERs add a two-way power flow dynamic to the 2 distribution system, so the historical downhill, flow of 3 power may no longer apply. In most installations, this 4 dynamic is inconsequential; however, there are cases where 5 DERs can negatively impact the performance of a 6 distribution circult. Two such cases are (1) voltage rise 7 eausing high voltage and (2) voltage deviations. I Q. Please describe what you mean by the term 9 "voltage rise" that may be caused by DER systems. 10 A. Voltage rise occurs when customer generation lL exceeds customer demand, and power flows back toward the L2 substation transformer. 13 ANSI standard C84.1 Range A specifies that service 74 voltage be delivered to customers within a voltage range of 15 0.95 to 1.05 of nominal voltage. A typical voltage profile 16 for a dlstribution circuit begins with a maximum voltage, I7 approximately 1-.03 pu, at the distribution substat j-on 18 transformer, and voltage will reduce with the distance from 19 the substation. For distribution clrcuits with high 20 penetrations of customer-ohrned DERs, the 0.02 pu difference 2L between the 1.03 at the distribution substation, and the 22 1.05 ANSI Range A maximum voltage, can provide challenges 23 in integration. 24 O. Does the Company typically investigate 25 voltage rise for customer generation applications? ELLSWORTH, DI B Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. The Company has studj-ed this issue 2 frequently with the PubIic Utility Regulatory Policies Act 3 ("PURPA") projects connecting to the distribution system. 4 The Company also monj-tors other utility jurisdictions with 5 higher penetrations of DERs and voltage rise. Voltage 6 rise, in particular, is one of the issues that can be 7 addressed through smart inverters. 8 Q. What are tlpical means to address voltage 9 rise? 10 A. Voltage rise is a function of the conductor 11 size between the generation and the substation. One 12 solution to reduce the voltage rise is to upgrade the l-3 conductor with a larger slze. This solution is generally an L4 expensive option. l-5 Another sol-ution is to change the settings on the 16 voltage regulator to hol-d the voltage lower and al-low for t1 reverse power flow. This solution is dependent on the 1B distributlon configuration and wiII not work in al-I L9 situations. 20 The third option is to use smart inverter settings 2l for reactive power control functions. This is the most 22 economical solution. 23 o Please descri-be what you mean by "voltage solar PV. ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 9 24 deviations" that may be caused by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 A. Distribution circuits have devices such as load tap changers, regulators, and shunt capacJ-tors, that are installed to manage the voltage at various points on the distribution circuit. These devices respond to voltage changes over a few seconds. The output from a solar PV system changes more rapidly than can be managed by the distribution devices, impacting other customers in the near proximity. 0. It'7hy would a reduction of voltage deviation, a power quality issue, be the responsibiJ-ity of the customer with a DER? A. In most cases, it is the customer wj-th a DER that creates the voltage deviation, especially in locations with high levels of penetration. Section 4 of Idaho Power's RuIe K governing Customer's Load and Operations states "[t]he Customer is solely responsible for the selection, installation, and maintenance of all electrical equipment and wiring (other than the Company's meters and apparatus) on the load side of the Point of Delivery." It is also the customer with a DER that can cost-effectively mitigate the deviation through the installation of a smart inverter. The alternative would be more costly distribution system upgrades required to alfow continued or expanded operati-on of the customer-generators. r-0 11 L2 13 t4 15 t6 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 ELLSWORTH, DT Idaho Power Company 24 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III. REQUESI !O IIIPI.EIIBTE SIIART INVERTER TUNCTIOITALITY O. What is a smart inverter? A. A smart inverter 1s an inverter that provides configurable functions beyond the conversion of DC to AC. A few of the features are voltage/reactive power control, anti-isl-anding, monj,toring, and remote communication. 0. Does the Company currently require that customers who install an inverter-based DER interconnect to the grid using a smart inverter (s) ? A. No. Section 2 of the current Schedule 72, Interconnections to Non-Utility Generation ("ScheduLe 72") found in Attachment Nos. 2 and 3 to the Application, requires that on-grid inverters have either a certification with Underwriters Laboratories Standard for Inverters, Converters, Control-fers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use with Distributed Energy Resources UL ),7 4L ('UL Ll47"1, Institute of Electrical and El-ectronj-c Engineers fnterconnecting Distributed Resources with El-ectric Power Systerns Standard L547 (*IEEE 1541" ) or be subject to thj-rd-party testing performed at the customer's expense. O. What is the Company recommendi-ng in this filing regarding smart inverters? A. The Company is requesting authorization to adopt the revised IEEE standards in compliance with Order ELLSWORTH, Dr 11" Idaho Power Company 10 1t t2 13 14 l-5 76 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 No. 34047 i-ssued in Case No. seeks to include the language Schedule 68, to require that smart inverter that meets the revised IEEE standards. IPC-E-17-l-3. This f iling in the newly proposed customers with DERs install a requirements defined in the 10 a What is the purpose of the IEEE 1547 and 1541.1 Standards? A. The IEEE DER interconnection standards (IEEE 1547 and IEEE 1547.1) comprise the industry's benchmark and definitively establish the functional requirements for the proper interconnection of DERs withln an Area Electric Power System (the utility). IEEE L547 specifies the functionaL requirements for interconnection, including desi-gn, production, and lnstallation commissioning evaluation. IEEE l-547.1 specifies the equipment conformance test and evaLuation procedures. 0. What is the purpose of the adjustable smart inverter variables? A. The smart inverter variables are adjusted to set the normal operating performance categories (Category A or B) and abnormal- voltage and ride-through operating performance categories (Category I, II, or III). 0. What smart inverter functionality does the Company propose requiring to maintain normal operating voltage within the acceptable range? ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 11 t2 13 T4 15 15 t7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 t2 1 A. The Company proposes voltage operational 2 guidelines for inverter-based DERs to be set for normal 3 operating performance Category B. The reactive power 4 control setting will be a voltage-reactive function with a 5 voftage dead band between 0.98 and 1.03 pu. When the 6 voltage falls below the dead band, 0.98 pu, the vol-t-ampere 7 reactive ("var") requirements will go from 0 to a maximum 8 var requirement of 44 percent of nameplate kilo-voLt-ampere 9 (\rkVA") injecting at 0.92 pu. When the voltage rises above 10 the dead band, 1.03 pu, the var requirement wiII go from 0 11 to a maximum of 44 percent of nameplate kVA absorbing at L2 1.06 pu. 13 O. V[hy did the company select the 0.98 to 1.03 74 pu dead band? 15 A. The Company selected the 0.98 to 1.03 pu 16 dead band to maximize the amount of time inverter-based 17 DERs spend within the dead band, in other words, operating 18 at unity power factor, while still allowing for voltage 79 support during times of need. 20 O. Why is the Company recommending minimum 2L (0.92 pu) and maxj-mum (1.06 pu) voltage settings outside of 22 the ANSI C84.1 Range A 0.95 to 1.05 pu service voltage? 23 A. The 0.92 and 1.06 pu voltages represent 24 approximations to ANSI standard C84.1 Range B. Range B 25 specifies a wider allowable service voltage range to ELLSWORTH, DI 13 Idaho Por+er Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 customers; however, service voltages outside the 0.95 to 1.05 Range A limits should be infrequent, per the standard. These lower and higher limits in the smart inverters al1ow for var support over a wider range of voltages and ensure the need to supply maximum var support, injecting or absorbing, wil-l be infrequent. O. What abnormal voltage and ride-through operating requirements does the Company propose? A. The Company proposes that for abnormal- voltage events and ride-through capabillty, inverter-based DERs be set to Category IIf. 0. Did the Company consider requesting additional smart inverter functional-ities to be implemented? A. Yes, but the Company decided not to request additional smart inverter functionality requirements at this time. Viith the current level of DER penetration on its system, these proposed settings should provide t.he necessary voJ-tage management capability. The Company recommends a1l- other smart inverter settings be consistent with the most recently approved IEEE 1541 standard (currently IEEE t547-201-9) defaul-t settj-ngs. O. WiIl- smart inverters reduce solar PV system efficiencies and/or increase costs for customers? A. Any irnpact previously mentioned, the will be negligible. As 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 15 1,7 LB 19 20 2L 22 23 24 Company is proposing the smart ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 25 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 inverters have a voltaqe-reactive function reactive power control- setting with a voltage dead band between 0.98 and 1.03 pu. Distribution circuit operation outside of this dead band will- be uncommon. Absorbing or providing vars when outside of the dead band will require 1ittle to no reduction in the production of the PV Solar system. The alternative would be more costJ-y di-stribution system upgrades to allow the operatj-on of the DER without on-site var/voltage support. 0. What customer generators will- be required to install a smart inverter? A. The Company requests prospective customers that submit an application on or after the effective date of Schedule 68 comply with the smart inverter standard. 0. WiIl customers with existing generation be required to retrofit their install-ations to comply with the new standard? A. No. However, if a customer replaces an inverter, they woul-d be required to install an inverter that is compliant with the terms of Schedule 68, or a successor schedule, in place at that time. IV. CUSTOMER GENERATTON NON-EXPORT OPEION 10 L1 L2 13 T4 l-5 L6 t7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 O. What is a customer generator the Company proposing as it relates to that does not export to the grid? ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 24 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 A. The Company is requesting to implement standard j-nterconnection requirements for customers who seek to install DERs but who do not intend to export excess net energy or do not wish to Residential Service On-Site take service under Schedule 6, Generation ("Schedule 6"), Schedul-e 8, SmalI General Service On-Site Generation ("Schedule B') or Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering Service ("schedule 84'). 0. Does the Company have customers who have interconnected generation in Parallel without taking service under Schedule 6, 8, or 84? A. Yes. I am aware of a few instances where commercial or industrial ("C&T") customers have interconnected either combined heat and power ("CHP") or solar PV systems behind-the-meter, and in ParaIleI with the Company's system, but whose request did not align wlth the requirements contained within Schedule 84. Some of those customers take service under the Company's Schedule 45, Standby Service ("Schedul-e 45"), but at least one opted not to take Schedul-e 45 service. I am aware of other customers who have inquired about requirements for DERs that exceed the limitations contained within Schedule 84, but who do not desire to export excess net energy to the Company. 0. What interconnection requirements did t.he Company require in those cases? 1_0 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 t7 1B 19 20 21 ZZ 23 2,4 25 ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company L6 1 A. In the cases I am aware of , t.he customers 2 contacted the Company to determine whether any specific 3 interconnection requirements were necessary, The Company 4 studied each case independently to determine whether 5 Company-furnished interconnection facilities would be 6 necessary or whether the customer-furnished interconnection 7 provided adequate system protection, metering, and B communications equipment. 9 Q. Does Schedule 45 contain requirements for 10 interconnection facilities? 1l- A. Yes. Schedule 45 states: L2 13 14 15 15 17 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 ParaIIeI operations will only be authorized by the terms of the UniformStandby Service Agreement with the Customer. At the Company's discretion,the Company will- install a systemprotection package at the Customer's expense prior to the start of parallel operations. The Customer will also pay a Maintenance Charge of 0.59 percent per month ti-mes the investment in theprotection package. If the Company has interconnected a few0. 25 customers on a case-by-case basis, why does the Company 26 believe it is now necessary to have requirements outlined 27 in a tariff schedule? 28 A. The instances I mentioned have all 29 interconnected in approximately the last two to three 30 years, but the Company has fiel-ded multiple requests more 31 recently from customers desiring this type of service. ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company l1 L Having these requirements defined in the tarlff will assist 2 Lhe Company's representatives, installers, and customers, 3 alike who may be involved in discussions regarding 4 lnterconnecting generation in this manner and wir-r ensure 5 consistent treatment across the service area. 6 Q. What interconnection requirements does the 7 Company propose for non-export customers? I A. The Company, s proposal would require customers 9 intending to interconnect a non-exporting system in 10 Paralrel to the company's system to submit an application 11 and complete the Customer Generator Interconnection Process 72 set forth in the proposed Schedule 68. The same generar 13 requirements would apply to net metering exporting systems t4 and non-exporting systems, including disconnection 15 equipment, metering equipment, and smart inverter 16 requirements- For non-exporting systems under 3 megavolt- t7 ampere ("MVA') total nameplate capacity, the application 18 process will al-so generally be the same as those for 19 exporting systems. 20 The Company has included additional interconnection 2l requirements specific to non-exporting systems in sections 22 3 and 4 of Schedule 68. Non-exporting systems wou1d be 23 required to incorporate one of three listed non-export 24 control system options: (1) advanced functionality, (2) 25 reverse power protection, or (3) minimum power protection. ELLSWORTH, Dr l_B Idaho Power Company 1 0. What is an advanced functionality non-export 2 control system? 3 A. The use of an internal transfer re.Iay, energy 4 management system, or other customer facility hardware or 5 software system(s) may be used to ensure power is never 6 exported across the interconnection point. Inverter-based 7 generation technologies, such as solar PV or energy storage 8 devices, are particularly Iikely to utilize this control 9 system. ff inverter-based, the generating facility must 10 utilize smart inverters as defined in Schedule 68. 11 As described in Schedule 68, the non-exporting L2 system must monitor the total inadvertent export, and the 13 DER must disconnect from the Company's distribution system 14 or halt energy production within two seconds after the l-5 period of continuous inadvertent export exceeds 30 seconds. 16 The non-exporting system must enter a safe operating mode 77 where inadvertent export will- not occur as a resu1t of a 18 failure of the control or inverter system for more than 30 19 seconds, which results in loss of control signal, Ioss of 2A control power or single component failure or related 2L control- sensing of the control circuitry. 22 0. What is a reverse power protection non-export 23 control system? 24 A. To ensure power is never exported, a reverse 25 power relay protective function musL be implemented at the ELLSWORTH, Dr 19 Idaho Power Company 1 interconnection point. As described in Schedule 68, the 2 default setting for this protection equipment shall be 0.1 3 percent (export) of the non-exporting systems total maximum 4 nameplate capacity, measured in terms of either kVA or MVA, 5 with a maximum two-second time delay. 6 Q. What is a minimum power protection non-export 7 control system? 8 A. To ensure at least a mlnimum amount of power 9 is imported at all times, and therefore, that power is not 10 exportedr dD under-power protective function may be 11 implemented at the interconnection point.. As set forth in L2 Schedul-e 68, the default setting for this non-export 13 control system shall be five percent (inport) of the non- L4 exporting systems total maximum nameplate capacity (kVA or 15 MVA), wi-th a maximum two-second time delay, 16 a. Do you believe these requirements wil-l- be 17 burdensome for customers seeking to interconnect non- 18 exporting systems? 19 A. No. Approximately 99 percent of active net 20 metering systems on Schedule 5, B, and 84 are inverter- 21 based generation resources. Therefore, the Company would 22 expect that most customers electj"ng for the non-export 23 option would choose to implement the advanced functionality 24 for their non-export control system. As a result, this 25 woul-d not result in an incremental expense for the ELLSWORTH, DI 2Q Idaho Power Company 1 customer. The other two non-export control options are 2 provided for the rare instances where utilizing the 3 advanced functionality is not a feaslble non-export control 4 option. 5 Q. Does the Company propose limiting the total- 6 nameplate capacity for non-exporting syst.ems? 7 A. Not in most instances. The net metering 8 service avaifable to exporting commercial, industrial, and 9 irrigation (*CI&I") customers under Schedule 84 is limited L0 to 100 kVA. For CI&I customers with non-exporting systems, l-1 the total nameplate capacity woul-d not be l-imited. 12 Customers on Schedules L and 7 would be limlted to a total 13 capacity of 25 kVA. 14 15 L6 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 Why is it 1 and 7, but A. Generally, customers taking service under Schedule l- or 7 will not have a load large enough to warrant a system larger than 25 kVA to offset their consumption. Further, placing a system cap on Schedufe 1 and 7 will al1gn with the namepJ-ate capacity limits in Schedul-e 6 and 8 to all-ow for customers to transition between the applicable net metering and non-export service 23 schedu]e. 24 0 Would CI&I customers be able to transition 25 from a non-export optlon to Schedule 84? ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company nameplate o. Schedules reasonable to include Iimitations on not on other service schedules? 2L 1 2 3 A. If capacity of 100 Iess, they would have 84 in the same manner the ability to as a non- the CI&I customer has a total nameplate kVA or transition to Schedule 4 exporting customer generator can transition from Schedule 1 5 or 7 to Schedule 6 or 8, respectJ-vely. 6 O. Does the Company propose any other 7 requirements speciflc to customer generation non-exportlng 8 systems? 9 A. Yes. Rotating machines up to 500 kVA total 10 nameplate capacity and inverter-based DERs up to 3 MVA may 11 not require additional Company-furnished protection 1,2 equipment but wiII be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 13 For systems 3 MVA or larger, the Company will require L4 protectlon equipment, metering, and communj-catj-ons 15 equipment. 16 O. Why does the Company propose protection Ll equipment requirements for larger systems? 18 A. For rotating machines on the distribution 19 system, these larger systems provide a higher fault current 20 contribution. For j-nverter-based systems on the 21 distribution system, a DER of 3 MVA or greater represents a 22 significant amount of generation and will rnake up a minimum 23 of 30 percent of the capacity on a typical distribution 24 circuit. Both types of DERs can affect distribution ELLSVIORTH, Dr Idaho Power Company 22 l- circuit voltage levefs for other customers and can impact 2 operational safety and distribution circuit reliability. 3 The addition of protection equipment provides a 4 means to coordinate distribution circuit protection, such 5 as circuit breakers, reclosers, and fuses. 6 Protection equipment will also be utilized to 7 monitor voltage. A DER 3 MVA or greater has the ability to 8 absorb or supply 1.3+ mega-var of reactive power, which can 9 significantly impact the voltage on the distribution 10 system. Protection equipment for these larger projects 11- will ensure other customers on the feeder are protected 12 from issues that may arise with the DER 3 MVA or greater. l-3 Finally, protection equipment provides a means to t4 maintain safety and reliability. Idaho Power operational l-5 personnel regularly maintain and operate distribution 16 circuit equipment and must be aware of these larger DgR L7 installations when verj-fying de-energj-zed sectlons of the 18 circuit, or when transferring load between adjacent 19 distribution circuits. 2A 0. Why does the Company propose a metering and 2L communications equipment requirement for Iarger DER 22 systems? 23 A. The company is proposing a metering and 24 communications equipment requirement due to the system size 25 and the need for operational visibility t,o complete ELLSVIORTH, DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 critical- System Operations functj-ons. Visibility is 2 required for the purposes of scheduling, dispatching, and 3 load balancing. 4 For scheduling, the Company is responsible for 5 forecasting future system loads and resources. Actual data 6 from these customer sites wlth DERs 3 MVA and larger is 7 critical for maintai-ning and refining an accurate load and 8 resource forecast. 9 For dispatching, the Company's System Operators 10 frequently move customers from one distribution circuit to 11 another for operational and maintenance purposes. When L2 shifting these customers, System Operators must consider 13 whether ANSI standard C84.1 can continue to be met if the t4 large DER system suddenly reduces output, for example, 15 during a partly-cloudy day. 16 Finally, for load balancing, System Operators 1,7 maintain a reaL-time balance between system load and system 1B resources. Real-time information about the output of 19 larger system resources, such as DERs 3 MVA or greater, 20 provides important real-time visibility into what may be 2L causing an area control error deviation, and whether a 22 System Operator should take immediate actionr or wait for 23 the clouds to pass. 24 0. V{hat additional interconnection study 25 requirements does the Company propose specific to non- ELLSWORTH, Dr 24 Idaho Power Company 1 exporting systems with a total nameplate capacity of 3 MVA 2 and greater? 3 A. The Company proposes that for non-exporting 4 systems with a total- nameplate capacity of 3 MVA or 5 greater, the Company will complete additional studies, as 6 needed, at the eustomer's expense. In addition to the 7 Feasibility Review completed for al-l DERs, non-exporting 8 systems 3 MVA or greater may also require one or more of 9 the following: Eeasibility Study, System Impact Study, and 10 a Facility Study. This process has been modifled from the 11 Generation Interconnection Process for PURPA Qualifying L2 Facilities under Schedule 72 and is described in more 13 detail in Section 4 of Schedule 68. L4 At the end of each stage of the study process, the 15 Company will provide the customer generator with an 76 increasingly more refined and detailed report that wilI L1 present a list of necessary interconnection facil-ities. 18 The report would also include a non-binding, good faith L9 estimate of the customer generator's cost responsibillty 20 for the interconnection facilities. The Company expects 2L the need for a System Impact Study will be rare and 22 reserved for the most complex projects. 23 O. Why does the Company propose that non- 24 exporting systems 3 MVA or greater complete a ful-l Customer 25 Generator Interconnection Process? ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 A Due to their they can significantlysize, Thegrid's these affect the voltage.process proposed by the completeCompany the fu1l for larger non-exporting systems to Customer Generator fnterconnection Process and ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company l_0 O. Why must non-exporting systems have similar performance characteristics compared to any other generation system? A. An example of this is during a transient condition thdt resu.Lts in extremely 1ow voltage (down 0.88 to 0.50 pu) ; the non-exporting system is required to continue operation for up 20 seconds. The non-exporting system operati-on, combined with other on-grid DERs, is required to remain connected to avoid a sustained system outage. A. WiII non-exporting systems 3 MVA or greater need to enter Idaho Power's generation interconnection 2L queue? 22 sign a uniform interconnection agreement recognizes they characteristics compared tomust have similar performance any 72. other generation system int.erconnected under Schedule A. No. These DERs therefore, will- not enter the interconnection queue. are non-exporting systems and, Company's generation l-1 L2 13 L4 15 1,6 L1 1B 19 20 23 24 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 0. When it j-s necessary, how does wifl be funded? is determined that system protectj-on the Company propose those upgrades A. The Company will instal-l a system protection package at the customer/ s expense, and the customer will pay a maintenance charge of 0.59 percent per month times the investment in the protection package. Ilrlhile general upgrades on the distribution system are funded pursuant to RuIe H, in the case of System Protection, the Company proposes the customer will pay the actual 1nstalled cost of the system protection equipment. This funding mechanism is similar to what is provided for under the Company's Schedule 45, Standby Service under the Paral-Iel Operations section. 0. WilI the Company require a Customer Generator with a non-exporting system to fund upgrades on the Company's distribution system if the non-exporting system totat nameplate capacity exceeds the capacity of the local dlstribution facilities ? A. No. The Company initiall-y considered requesting tariff language that would require, for example, a Schedule 6 or I non-exporting customer to pay for a transformer upgrade if the system size exceeded that of the transformer. After considering feedback received from the Commission Staff and Idaho Clean Energy Association ELLSWORTH, Dr 27 Idaho Power Company 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 l- ("ICEA"), the Company opted to instead propose adding 2 cLarifying language to the tariff schedule that would 3 require a customer to replace any damaged equipment if 4 failure of the non-export control system resulted in damage 5 to the ComPanY's sYstem. 6 Q. How does the Company propose to define the 7 failure of the non-export control system? 8 A. Under the language proposed in Schedule 68, an 9 unauthorized inadvertent export would conclusively indicate 10 non-export control system failure. Unauthorized 11 inadvertent export would be defined as the total exports in 12 any 3O-day period exceeding three hours of the total 13 nameplate rating. The total nameplate ratlng is specified 14 on the System Verification Eorm for a customer generator 15 system. As an example, a 10 kVA AC system would be limited 15 to 30 kWh of export in 30 days. If more than 30 kwh of t1 export occurs, the non-export control system would have 18 failed. 19 O. What process does the Company propose to 20 mitigate cases of unauthorized inadvertent export? 21, A. The Company would notify the non-exporting 22 customer that their customer generation system has exceeded 23 the inadvertent exPort limit. 24 For Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 customers, if not 25 rectified within 30 days after receipt of the notification ELLSWORTH, DI 28 Idaho Power ComPanY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 by ldaho Power, the customer can efect to disconnect the non*exporting system from the grid until the issue that caused the export is remedied. An Idaho Power inspection would be required before the non-exporting system eould interconnect to the system again. If the customer instead chooses to take service under Schedules 6 or B, the customer would complete the application process and be placed on Schedul-e 6 or Schedul-e 8, as appropriate. If the customer is placed on Schedule 6 or Schedul-e 8, the customer will be given the option to submit an additional application and be moved back to Schedule L or Schedule 7, as approprj-ate, after 180 days, For customers on Schedules other than Schedule 1 or Schedufe '1, upon notification from fdaho Power, the non- exporting system will be disconnected from the grid until the issue that caused the export is remedied. A Company inspection will- be requlred before the non-exporting system can safely j-nterconnect to the Company's system. V. ENERGI STORAGE DE\TICES t_0 l_ l_ 1,2 l_3 t4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 a. Why is the Company proposing to define energy storage devices, such as batteries, in Schedule 68? A. Customer instal-lations of energy storage devices are growi-ng, While energy storage devices are DERs, they are typically instal-1ed by customers for the 2L 22 23 ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 24 29 1 purposes of backup power or time-shifting energy from an 2 on-site generation facillty. 3 Establishing criteria in the tariff will best enable 4 the Company, installers, and customers to understand what 5 interconnection requirements are applicable to batterj-es, 5 just as it does today for generation facilities. 7 Q. Is the Company prosing to include additional B interconnection requj-rements for energy storage devices? 9 A. Under the Company's current proposal, there 10 would be no additional requirements for energy storage 11 devices DC coupled to another generation system (shared 12 inverters). The system size will be determined by the 13 inverter nameplate rating. L4 Energy storage devices which are AC coupJ-ed 15 (separate inverters) with a generation facility on Schedule 15 6, 8, or 84 will be treated as a separate DER and require a 17 separate application and interconnection review. The total 18 system size will be determined by the aggregate value of 19 all separate inverter nameplate rati-ngs at the customer's 20 premise. 2L Energy storage devices which are AC coupled 22 (separate inverters) with a non-exporting system or 23 installed on a stand-alone basis would be subject to the 24 provisions of Schedule 68, Section 3 for non-exporting 25 systems. Eor an energy storage device to not export, it ELLSWORTH, DI 30 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 will be required to Option 1 (Advanced u implement non-export control system Functj-onaf ity) . A Does this conclude your testimony? ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I DECLARA:IIOII OF ilared L. I, Jared L. Ellsworth, declare E].lguorth 10 perjury under the l-aws of the state of under penalty of Idaho: 1. My name is Jared L. Ellsworth. I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Transmission, Distribution & Resource Planning Director for the Planning, Engineering & Construction Department. 2. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed direct testimony and exhibits are true and accurate. I hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public Util-ities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. SIGNED this 20th day of July 2020, at Boise, Idaho. .f dL Ellsworth ELLSWORTH, DI Idaho Power Company 11 L2 13 14 15 16 1't 32