HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200917Randald Bartlett Declaration.pdfCrregory M. Adams (SB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) RichardsonAdams, PLLC 515 N. ZZft Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fa"x: (208) 938-7904 greg@ichardsonadams.com peter@ichardsonadams.com rus* r tv [* :i?"iisilP I ? &H 9: $? r i i::tt i{.' ; rii"c",ti.*iHsss Attorneys for Enel Crreen Power North Americ4 Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WOOD FIYDRO, LLC,) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMPLAINAhIT CASE NO.IPC.EAOAS vs. DECLARATION OX' RAI\IDALD BARTLETT IN ST}PPORI OX'CROSS. RESPONDENT EIIEL GREEN POWER NORTII AMERICA INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS IDAHO POWERCOMPAIVY, RESPONDENT/CROSS. COMPLAINA}IT, vs. ENEL GREEN POWER NORTH AIVIERICA, [NC., CROSS.RESPONDENT vs. CENTRAL RIVERS POWER US, LLC, CROSS-RESPONDENT DECLARATION OF RA}.IDALD BARTLETT IN SUPPORT OF CROSS.RESPONDENT ENEL GREEN POWERNORTH AMERIC,A" INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS IPC.EAOAS _ PAGE I I, Randdd Bartlett, declare as follows: l. This declaration is based on my personal knowledge an4 if called to testiry to the following facts and expert opinion, I could and would compete,nfly do so. I submit this declaration in support of Cross-Respondent Enel Green Power North America Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss in this proceeding before the Idaho Public Utilities Cornnrission (*Commission'). 2. I am employed by Enel Green Power North America, Inc. as Senior Director, Hydro Operations and lvlaintenance. As part of my rcponsibilities, I overs@ the operations of the Rock Creel#2 hydroelectric project and the mles of power from the facility to Idaho Power Company under the Firm Energy Sales Agrwment with Idabo Power Company ('Idaho Power') at issue in this proceeding. I have 6 years of experience administering or overseing electric generation facilities' operations and sales ofpower under power purchase agreements. 3. For puposes of this declaration, I have reviewed the available information and calculated a reasonable approximation of the revenue that Idaho Power would likely owe for the electric energy and capacity deliverd from the Rock Creek #2 faciltty for the remainder of the term of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement 4. My anatysis assumes that the last day of sales under the Finn Enerry Sales Agreeme,nt will be April 1, 20U. Article 5.1 of The Firm Energy Sales Agreement states the agreement remains in effect for 35 Contrast Years. The Rock Creek#2 facility began commercial operation for sales to Idaho Power on April 2,1988, and therefore the Contract Years run from April 2 through April I each year - making ttre last day of sales under the 35-year agreement April 1,2024. DECLARATION OF RAI{DALD BARTLETT IN SI.JPPORT OF CROSS.RESPONDENT ENEL GREEN POWERNORTH AIvIERICA INC.'S MOTION TO DISMSS TPC-E-20.28 _ PAGE 2 5. For purposes of this analysis, I have calculated the likely revenrrc that would be owed by Idaho Power under the Firm Energy Sales Agreement after the date that Idaho Power filed its cross complaint agaiost Enel Green Power North America, Inc. iu this matter, which was August 3, 202A. Thus, my aoalysis calculates the likely rev€,nue from August 3,2020 through April 1,2024. 6 . To forecast the likely generation of the Rock Creek #2 facihty from August 3 , 20ZO to April 1,2024,I have relied on past generation data in the possession of Enel Green Power North America, Inc. and my reasonable expoctation of the likely generation to calculare a high estimate of the likely revenue. The average annual generation for the lifetime of the project is approximately 7,654 MWhs. Based on the I0 most recent Contract Years QArcA}]9, Contact Years 2l-30) the average generation was 7,050 lvflilhs. This average of the tast l0 years is reasonably likely to reflect genemtion for the remainder ofthe term as it is representative of current conditions. However, the highest generation within the t0 most recent Contract Years was 9,582 MWhs in Contact Ye,ar 23 Q0ll-2012). If facility were to perform at that level of g,S8Z MWhVyear, then it would produce a total of 35234 MWhs for remainder of the term. This is a high estimate of generation forthe remainder of the term I will use for the purposes of providing an estimate on the high side of the likely revenue rmder the agreeme,nt for the remainder of its term. 7. For purposes of calculating the likely revenue, I have used the currently effective rates paid underthe Firm Energy Sales Agreemen! which are as follows: DECLARATION OF RA}.IDALD BARTLETT IN SUPPORT OF CROSS.RESPONDENT ENEL GREEN POWER NORTI{ AI\{ERICA, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS TPC.E-20.28 _ PAGE 3 Month Base ($/]vrwh) Adj. as ofJune 2014 ($/]vrwh) Current Total Rate ($/lvtwh) January $40.10 $9.94 $s0.04 Febnrary $.m.10 $9.e4 $s0.M ldarch $30.10 $7.31 s37.41 April $30.10 $7.31 $37.4r May $30.10 $7.31 837.4r June $48.r0 $l1.93 $60.03 July $48.10 $l1.93 $60.03 August $48.10 $l1.93 s60.03 September $48.r0 $r 1.93 $60.03 October $40.10 $9.94 $s0.04 November $40.10 $9.94 $s0.04 December $40.10 s9.94 $50.M 8. Based on the foregoing inputs, I have calculated that a hig[ estimate of the likely revenue Idaho Power will owe for sales of energy and c4acity under the agreement for the remainder of its term is $1,780,205.60 based onthe assumption of 35,234 MWhs of generation. As can be seeq this arnount is far less than &e amorurt that Idaho Power asks the Commission to order Enel Green Power North Americq Inc. to pay Idatro Power in its cross corrplaint, which is $4,059,472. DECLARATION OF RA},.[DALD BARTLETT IN SUPPORT OF CROSS-RESPONDENT ENEL GREEN POWERNOR]II AMERICA" INC.',S MOTION TO DISMISS IPC-E-20-28 _ PAGE 4 I dsclarc und€r p€osffy of p€rjrry ferant b fts larn, of the Stde of ldaho &at the forcgoing istuedomect DATED &isgdry of September zWO. By:e+qM Raudald Bartleffi DECI"ARAIION OF RAT.IDAID BARTLETT IN sI]PPORTOF CROSS.RESPONDENT ENEL GREEN PO$ER NORTII AII{ERICA INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS IPC.E.2E28-PAGE 5