HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201224Comment.pdfFrom: To: Subject: Date: Mike Telford Mike Telford <telfordsunvalleyseed@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment regarding IPC-E-20-26 petition Thursday, December 24, 2020 11:35:58 AM Comment regarding IPC-E-20-26 petition Dear Public Utilities Commission I am an Irrigator served by Idaho Power Company, I am writing on behalf of myself as well as my five sons who farm and ranch independently in southern Idaho . A couple of years ago we installed two solar power units on the net metering program believing that the net metering could not be changed. We have had one full year to evaluate the production and consider the results. We received the letter informing us that additional new projects applied for by Dec. 1 would be Grandfathered in the net metering program for 20 years. We were deep in the harvest and after the disasters of 2019 harvest had to be very focused. The harvest weather was wonderful and fall work commenced immediately. Fall work was winding down by Thanksgiving, which is about normal for us. We had to gather the power production records, get bids, consult with our tax accountant, visit with our banker and analyze all of this to see if another solar project was a wise investment. A Dec 1 deadline for most farmers is not only harmful but close to impractical, if not impossible, to make an informed decision. One conclusion we did come to was that without some certainty and the net metering as it is, any more projects would not be a good investment. We decided to get our application in and inspite of the rushed time table signed our applications on Nov 29. The dealer, we have been told, emailed the application to Idaho Power that same day. They also mailed with the USmail the payment that was required. We received a call from Idaho power saying we missed the deadline because they say they didn't get the mail until December 3. I am aware of mail taking way too long from Burley to Boise, but I have no control over that. We feel that we are not being treated fairly. If this stands my family and I are being damaged financially, possibly for the next 20 years. Idaho Power has sent approval for your projects,however, it is very unlikely that we will be able to make this large investment without the net metering provision and the certainty of at least the 20 years time frame. We respectfully request that you extended the deadline to February so that irrigators can have adequate time after their harvest and fall work to evaluate this investment in solar power with the net metering that makes it feasible. We believe that Idaho Power should also complete the study that the PUC has ordered. At a minimum our applications and others like ours, should be accepted as of the date we signed the applications or at least the date of the post mark as we cannot be responsible for the failure of the US mail that has become so unreliable in recent years. Especially with Covid complications in meeting with accounts and bankers etc. and given the fact that Idaho Power received an email copy, as that is standard practice with offices mostly closed for in person business, due to the pandemic. Thank you Mike Telford Triple T Farm Ryan Telford Aaron telford Bob Telford