HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210121Compliance Filing.pdfSEffia LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel ! nordstrom@idahooower.com 'l ,'-;lii:V#* iiit A t PH 2: St* January 21,2021 VtA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-20-26 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Modify Schedule 84's Metering Requirement and to Grandfather Existing Customers with Two Meters - Tariff Compliance Filing Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Order No. 34892, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") hereby provides the following Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering Service ("Schedule 84") tariff sheet for apProval: Fourth Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancelling Third Revised Sheet No. 84-2 On December 1, 2020, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issued Order No. 34854 grandfathering existing Schedule 84 two-meter systems as of the date of the order. On January 14,2021, the Commission issued Order No. 34892, clarifying that existing applicants and customers who made binding financial commitments as of the service date of Order No. 34854 are eligible for the Two Meter lnterconnection. These applicants and customers must proceed to interconnect their system within one year of the service date of Order No. 34854 (December 1, 2021). The Commission further clarified that if a customer had a financial commitment as of the service date of Order No. 34854, but had not yet submitted a Schedule 84 application to ldaho Power, that customer must submit an application and receipts demonstrating a binding financial commitment to ldaho Power within 30 days of the service date of Order No. 34892 (February 13, 2021). The accompanying tariff sheet reflects updated language necessary to modify the Applicability section of Schedule 84 to conform with Order No. 34892. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Senior Regulatory Analyst Grant Anderson at (208) 388-6498, or qanderson@idahopower'com. Very truly yours, An DACOPPCompany . ,.,, +r_i;,i;1.- . ' '':i.'::;i*$l0i\i &"!.4"1-t -*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:slb Enclosure ldaho Power Company +hir+Eggflh-Revised Sheet No. &4-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSeeen*Third Revised Sheet No. &4-2 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) 1. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or smaller; and 2. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating that is no more than 2o/o of the Customer's Basic Load capacity (BLc) or comparable average maximum monthly Billing Demands. ii. Sinole-Meter lnterconnection (apolicable to new applicants effective December 2. 2020): Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a tota! nameplate rating of 100 kW or smaller that is interconnecled to the Custome/s individual eledric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 6. A Customer submitting a two-meter interconnection application for service under Schedulea+ mplete the intercpnnection pursuant to the terms of Schedule 72 bv December 1. 2021. Grandfather Status willterminate on December 1, 20{;5. 7. The Grandfather Status of the two-meter Generation Facility is transferable to a subsequent Customer at the premises for which a valid Net Metering Service is in effect. Each Customer of a Generation Facility taking service under Schedule &4 will be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the Net Metering Service in effect for that premises. 8. A two-meter Generation Facility that is offline for over six (6) months orthat is moved to a different site shallforfeit Grandfather Status of the Generation Facitity. 9. To remain eligible for Grandfather Status, a Customer may increase the capacity of agrandfathered Generation Facility by no more than 10 percent of the originalty installed namiplate capacity, or 1 kW, whichever is greater, to allow for the replacement of broken or degraded components. lf a Customer expands a grandfathered Generation Facility beyond these limits, the new portion of the Generation Facilig would not qualify for Grandfather Status. 10. A Customer that modifies a two-meter Generation Facility to a single-meter forfeits the Grandfathered Status of the Generation Facility. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€485'4 34892 Effective lssued by IDAHO PO\rVER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Fourth Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No. &4-2 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) 1. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kWor smaller; and 2. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating that is no more than2Yo of the Customer's Basic Load Capacity (BLC) or comparable average maximum monthly Billing Demands. ii. Sinole-Meter lnterconnedion (applicable to new applicants effective Deember 2. 2020): Orns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate rating of 100 kW or smaller that is interconnected to the Gustomels individual electric system on the Custome/s side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 6. A Customer submitting a two-meter interconnec{ion application for service under Schedule 84 must complete the interconnection pursuant to the terms of Schedule 72 by December 1,2021. Grandfather Status willterminate on December 1, 2045. 7. The Grandfather Status of the two-meter Generation Facility is transferable to a subsequent Customer at the premises for which a valid Net Metering Service is in effect. Each Customer of a Generation Facili$ taking service under Schedule &4 will be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the Net Metering Service in eftct for that premises. 8. A two-meter Generation Facility that is offline for over six (6) months or that is moved to a different site shallforfeit Grandfather Status of the Generation Facility. 9. To remain eligible for Grandfather Status, a Customer may increase the capacity of a grandfathered Generation Facility by no more than 10 percent of the originally installed nameplate capacity, or 1 kW, whichever is greater, to allow for the replacement of broken or degraded components. !f a Customer expands a grandfathered Generation Facility beyond these limits, the new portion of the Generation Facility would not qualify for Grandfather Status. 10. A Customer that modifies a two-meter Generation Facility to a single-meter forfeits the Grandfathered Status of the Generation Facility. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34892 Effective - January 14,2021 lssued by IDAHO PO\IVER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs '1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho