HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201229Answer to Agripower Solar and Sierra Club.pdf6!HHh. -!'" i.+,il:ifl '\;L:.' -l ! bU :I;; il:il i3 FH 1r: 5l AnID OoRPCompery IISA D. NORDSTROTI Lead Courcel lnordgt omAidahooouor.ootn i :.i.'\ +i 'I,I . :' '. ; , " : ,.1 ],,,1;;i ;;lgH December 29,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re Case No. IPC-E-20-26 ln the Matter of ldaho Porver Company's Application for Authority to Modify schedule &4's Metering Requirement and to Grandfiather Existing Customers with Two Meters Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 34602, is ldaho Power Company's Answer to Petitions for Reconsideration of Agripower Solar, LLC and ldaho Sierra Glub. lf you have any questions about the attached document, please do not hesitate to contiac't me. Very truly yours, X*!.?(^ur."*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:slb Attachment LISA NORDSTROM (lSB No. s733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I nordstrom@ ida hoporuer. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANYS APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIW TO MODIFY SCHEDULE 84's METERING REQUIREMENT AND TO GRANDFATHER EXISTING CUSTOMERS WTH TWO METERS. CASE NO, |PC-E-20-26 IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOIAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB ) ) ) ) ) ) ) On December 22, 2020, Agripower Solar, LLC ("Agripowe/') and the ldaho Chapter of the Siena Club ("Siena Club') filed Petitions for Reconsideration ("Petilion') requesting that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission") reconsider the portion of Order No. &485,4 regarding the cutoff date br grandfathering existing Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering ("Schedule 84') customers. ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powef or "Gompany'), in accordance with ldaho Code $ 61-626 and RP 331.05, files this Answer to both Agripower and Sierra Club's Petitions respec{fully IDAHO POIA'ER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOVT'ER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 1 requesting the Commission issue an order denying Agripower and Siena Club's Petitions for reconsideration. Agripower and Siena Club request the cutoff date be extended from December 1, 2020, to 30 daysl and 90 days2 from a final order on reconsideration, respectively. ln the alternative, Agripower requests that the five (5) customers discussed in its petition be deemed as having timely applications submitted and be afforded grandfathered status under Order No. 34854.3 Last, Sierra Club's Petition rcquests the Gommission provide certain clarifications regarding the extent of a future review of program changes.a ln this Answer, ldaho Power first describes how the Company's Apptication, correspondence, and Commission notices and press releases provided several months' notice to both customers and installers regarding the Company's Application and the proposed December 1, 2020, effective date. Second, ldaho Power responds to Agripowe/s description of the events that occuned following the Commission's issuance of Order No. 34854 on December 1,2020. Lastly, the Company explains why Sierra Club's requested clarifications regarding a future program review are unnecessary. 2020 Agripower seeks reconsideration of the eligibility for grandfathering based on what it claims were two "surprising" outcomes of the case: (1) to be eligible for grandfathering, I Agripower Petition for Reconsideration at 1. 2 Sierra Club Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification at 5. 3 Agripower Petition for Reconsideration at '1. ' Siena Club PetiUon for Reconsideration and Clarification at 6-7 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSI/I,ER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOT/'/ER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRACLUB- 2 a fully submitted applications had to have been received by December 1,2020, and (2) grandfathering did not apply only to the "change proposed in the Application -the change from dual meters to single meters - but rather to programmatic changes that had not yet been proposed.'6 ln its Petition, Sierra Club requests the Gommission extend the cutoff date for legary treatment by 90 days, stating generally that "the Company has been far less than diligent in providing its customers with timelv and necessary information to make informed decisions about the risks and benefits of being a customergenerator.'7 The notice arguments of Agripower and Siena Club are without basis in fact and therefore should be denied by the Commission. A. All Schedule 84 Gustomers Received Several Months' Notice of the December 1,2020 Grandfather Cutoff Date from ilIultiple Sources. The Company, the Commission, and the Commission Staffs ('Stafl) efforts in this case to notify the public of the potential impact of the Company's application were transparent and thorough. 1. Application: The Company's Application submitted on June 19, 2020, stated its request for the Commission to'grandfather existing customers and applicants with two-meter systems under the cunent one-for-one net meterinq billino conshuct provided for in Schedule &4.'8 The Application explained ffrat after the proposed December 1, 2020 Effective Date, " s As explained in the Company's Ansnrer to Gietzen Solar LLC's Petition for Reconsideration submitted on December 24,2020, the Company's standard business practice as set brth in Schedule 72 is to consider an application fully submifted once the application form and $100 application Ee are received. 6 Agripourer Petition for Reconsitleration at 3. 7 Siena Club Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification at 2 (emphasis in original). 0 Application at 1 (emphasis added). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PENTONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPO\'\'ER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB.3 orandfathered, and therefore would be subject to anv future chanoes to the billins and compensation structure provided under Schedule 84, or a suooessor tariff offering, ordercd by the Commission."e 2. Bill lnseft Notice: ldaho Power sent a bil! insert to q!! Schedule 9, 19, and 24 customers, regardless of whether they have on-site generation installed, to notiff them of the changes proposed to Schedule 84.10 lncluded as Attachment 3 to the Company's Application, the bill insert notices were provided to approximately 55,000 customerc between July 6 and August 4,2020. The bill insert states that the Company's request was to "grandfatherexisting customers underthe cunentcompensation structurc.'lr The notice also provided a link to the Commission's website, a phone number to contiact ldaho Power, a link to ihe Company's customer generation webpage, and referenced Case No. lPc-E-20-26. 3. lnstaller Email Notice: An emai! was sent to all installers known to be doing business in the Company's service area on June 25, 2020, notiffing them of the case and the requested effective date of December 1,2020. lncluded as Attachment 4 to the Company's Application, the email starts with informing installers of ldaho Power's request to "grandfather all existing Schedule 84 systems under the current compensation stu@."12 eApplication at 56 (emphasis added). 10 ln Order No. 34346 issued in Case No. IPC-E-18-15, the Commission found the Company's limited communication to only cunent and pending on-site generation customers as insufficient, noting 'the Company did not send these documents to potential on-site generation customers...potential participants who might be thinking about making a large investment in an on-site generation Bystem." 1, Application, Attachment No. 3 (emphasis added). 1z Application, Attachment No. 4 (emphasis added). IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S ANSV\JER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB.4 4. Commission Nofibes of Application: The Notice of Application Order No. 34728 (July 17, 20201and the tunended Notice of Application Order No. 34746 (August 5,2020) summarized the Company's request to require 'customers who sign up for Schedule 84 on or after December 1,2A20 subiect to anv future Commission-aoproved chanoes to the Schedule 84 billing methodologv and compensation struc-ture."13 5. Commission Public Wokshop Nofibe: On September 9, 2020, the Commission issued Notice of Live-Streamed Public Workshop, which referenced the Company's application for authority to "make customers who sign up for Schedule 84 on or after December 1. 2020 subject to any future Commission aporoved chanoes to the Schedule 84 billino methodoloov and compensation structure, and...grandfather customers who have applied to take service under Schedule &4 before December 1. 2020 to the oresent terms in Schedule &4 for 10 years.' (emphasis added) On September 11, 2020, the Commission issued a press release to publicize the scheduled Staff live- streamed workshop. At the September 28, 2020 wo*shop, Staff provided an overview of the Company's request to (1) modiff the two-meter requirement to a single meter requirement for all new customerr, and (2) grandfather existing customers under the existing rate structure. Mr, Joe Goodman, the President of Agripower, ('Mr. Goodman") provided comments and asked clariffing questions at the workshop. 6. Commission Nofibes of Public Hearing and Modified Procedure: On September 4,2020, the Commission issued Notice of Telephonic Public Hearing Order No.34777 which referenced the Gompany's application for "authorlty to remove the two- t3 Order No. 34728, at 1 and Order No. 34746, at 1 (emphasis added). IDAHO POV\ER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 5 meter requirementfor new Schedule 84 customers and to orandfather existing customerc with two-meter svstems under the cunent 1:1 monthly nettino for 10 years."r4 On October 1,2020, the Commission issued a press release publicizing the Commission's telephonic public hearing. The Commission heard from at least 13 individuals (including David Havell, an installer with Agripower) at the October 13,2020, public hearing on this matter, most of whom stated their interest was in representing agricultural customers. Several of those individuals advocated for a 2$year grandfathering period and opposed the Commission establishing a cutoff for grandfathering. The Commission also received nearly 100 written comments in the matter, submitted before the Commission's order was issued. Mr. Goodman also submitted a written comment to the Commission on October 27 ,2020, more than a month in advance of the Commission's order issued in this case. Based on the plain language of his comment, Mr. Goodman appears to have understood the Company's request in this matter quite well: he urges the Commission to implement a grandfathering period of at least 25 years 'for those few inigation net-metering customers who relied on the terms given them by ldaho Power when designing and installing their systems." Mr. Goodman also urges the Commission not to establish a cutoff date to the existing terms defined by Schedule 84 untilthe new net metering program is in place, These stiatements contradict the argument in Agripowe/s Petition that it was surprised and unaware of the proposed effective date for grandfathering and claims the Commission's order extends beyond what was proposed in the Company's Application. 1r Order No. 34777 at 1 (emphasis added.) IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 6 As evidenced by these multiple forms of notice, customers and installers had several months' advance notice of the December 1, 2A2O grandfather cutoff date. Although ldaho Power is sympathetic to the impacts on the specific customers who did not timely submit their applications and fees, the Company believes any inadequacies were the result of a Iack of diligence rather than the lack of reasonable notice, geographic proximity, or "dumb luck"15 argued by the petitioners. B. Idaho Power has been Dlligent in its Efforts to Purcue a Comprehensive Gase to Holistically Study the Costs and Benefits of On-Slte Generation. ln its Petition, Sierra Club claims that "by delaying the launch of a docket to study the costrs and benefits of customer selfgeneration," the Company has not provided its customers with the necessary information to make informed decisions.l6 The Siena Club uses this argument as a basis to suggest the cutoff date for legacy treatment should be extended by 90 days to February 1,2021. This assertion made by Sierra Club seems to dismiss the work that went into the 16-month long case (Case No. IPC-E-18-15, in which both the Company and Sierra Club participated) that was initiated by a Company application filed less than one month after the Commission issued its final order in Case No. IPC-E-17-13. The Company sought clarification in Case No. IPC-E-18-15 to determine whether the outcome of the grandfathering decision in that case would apply to the Company's commercia!, industrial, and irrigation ('Cl&!) customers; however, the Commission ultimately determined that decision would be informed based on facts presented in that case. rs Agripower Petition for Reconsideration at 7. t6 Sierra Club Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification at 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR. LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 7 The Company's subsequent filings to request closure of Case No. IPC-E-19-1S and initiate Case No. IPC-E-20-26 have been timely and with an eye towards filing a comprehensive case to holistically study the value of excess energy for all Cl&l customers. While recognizing customer frustration about the current tack of information to make investnent decisions is legitimate, the suggestion the Company has delayed progress on these matters is without merit based on the numerous cases it has filed in recent years to resolve these complex pricing and customer equity issues. Establishing grandfather cutoffdates for allcustomer classes is an important step; it will promote equity between customer classes and hcilitate full participation in the net metering oompensation and fixed cost cases that ldaho Pourer will initiate at the conclusion of this case and the on-site generation interconnection Case No. IPC-E-2Q, 30. ldaho Power is also concemed that instead of focusing on protecting customers who have already made a financial investment, reconsideration to extend the grandfather cutoff date beyond the seruice date of Order No. 34584, as proposed by Agripower and Sierra Club, would undermine the future value of notice given in Commission dockets and result in the preferential treatment of certain customers. II. POTENTIAL IIf,PACTS TO SPEGFIC CUSTOMERS Agripowe/s Petition provides five (5) specific examples of potential customer impacts related to the December 1, 2020, cutoff date in Order No. 34854. tn several of the accounts, Agripower focuses on the "unknown' grandfather cutoff date as a basis for why the Comrnission should extend grandfathering treatment. For example, it ctaims on behalf of the Meyers that "neither customer, nor Agripower Solar, could have anticipated IDAHO POWER COMPANYS ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 8 that December 1 would be the cutoff date for legacy treatment.'l7 Hotrever, as more fully described above, Agripower was keenty aware of the proposed cutoff date, and each of the customers referenced had received notice of the pending case. Agripowe/s Petition on behalf of the five customers is one of self-interest and not solely to protect customer investments. For example, after notifying Agripower on December 9,2020, that ldaho Power had still not received fully submitted applications from Greg Nickell (or his lessee), in an email included as Attachment 1, the Agriporer instalter replied, 'l figured as much. ln all our hurrying, we just plain left these ones out. The good news is my lack of organization only cost us about $3 million." The statement made bythe installer implies the customer had made no financialcommitment priortothe Gommission order; instead, the installerwas motivated to submit an application to ensure a multi-million{ollar sale on behalf of his employer. ln its Petition, Agripower also claims - again, "upon leaming of the deadline" - that Mr. Russell Schiermeier ('Mr, Schiermeier") drove to Boise to write out nearly 100 checks for application fees, so applications for several customers would be considered fully submitted by the date of the order. Unfortunately, Agripower misreprcsents that three of those application fees were intended to be submitted on behalf of Russell Patterson ("Mr. Patterson') by claiming "Mr. Schiermeier failed to identify in the 'memo' field that any of these checks were for Russell Patterson's installations."ls To clarify for the Commission, there was no opportunity for the Company or Mr. Schiermeier to commit an oversight concerning Mr. Patterson's installations because Mr. 17 Agripower Petition for Reconsideration at 7 lE Agripower Petition for Reconsideration at 8. IDAHO POVi/ER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOVVER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 9 Schiermeier intentionally wrote a meter number on each cfreck submitted and aggregated the checks in envelopes, by cttstomer. On each envelope, Mr. Schiermeier wrote the customer name, meter numbers, and check numbers contained within. Upon receiving an inquiry from the installer, ldaho Power provided copies of each of the envelopes to verify there were none submitted on behalf of Mr. Patterson. ln a follonv-up phone call with the Company on December 9, 2020, the installer admitted it was an Agripower oversight that the custome/s application bes were not submitted in a timely fashion. In its Petition, Agripower also accuses ldaho Power of refusing 'to apply any of these submitted funds, even for withdrawn applicants, toward Mr. Patterson's system."le It is not common practice, nor should it be, for the Company to apply a check, written on behalf of a particular customer and a certain meter point, to an unrelated customer at the request of an installer. Finally, it should be noted that Agripower only explicitly states a financial commitment was made on behalf of Danell and Jordan Funk, Double Eagle Dairy;2o it does not expressly state if any of the otherfour (4) specific examples of customer impacts had made a binding financial commitment. ldaho Power has no record that a binding financial commitnent occurred. To the extent that a custome/s application had not been received by ldaho Power and has not made a financia! commitment by December 1,2020, the customer would not be financially harmed by the Commission's order. lnstead, a customer would know that they are subject to the cunently undefined terms of the non- It Agripourer Petition br Reconsideration at 8. zo ldaho Power received 17 applications underthe namos Double Eagle Dairy, DarrellM. Funk, and Double Eagle properties between August and October 202O that would be eligible for grandfather status if interconnected within one (1) year. An additional2S applications werc received by ldaho Power under the names Danell M. Funk and Double Eagle Properties on December 18,2020. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONS]DERATION OF AGRIPOVI,ER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 10 grandfathered successor program, which is what the Company believes was the intention of the Commission's order. II!. SIERRA CLUB'S REQUEST TO CLARIFY FUTURE PROGRAM REVIEW ln its Petition, Sierra Club requested the Commission clarify the extent of a future program review and implies, through its requested clarification, that ldaho Power intends to limit its customers' right to self-generate.2l While the Company does not believe it is necessary forthe Commission to further clariff beyond its existing orders and ldaho Code S 61-119(1)'s implication that generation for one's own use is legally permissible, the Company wishes to respond to Sierra Club's Petition. First, and most importantly, the Company reiterates its support for its customers' right to generate a portion of their energy needs. ldaho Power has supported this right since its first customerwith on-site generation started taking net metering service in 1997. ln fact, in 2001, afrer receiving feedback from potential net metering customers that the then-current provisions governing net metering service were difficult to understand and cumbersome to implement, ldaho Power voluntarily applied to the Commission to establish Schedule 84. Recently, the Company has also proactively taken steps to expand optionali$ to customers desiring to interconnect non-exporting systems.2z ln its Petition, the Sierra Club appears to conflate ldaho Powe/s desire to modernize both net metering program fundamentals and pricing of exported energy with a desire to curtail a custome/s right to self-generation. As it has maintained in several 21 Siena Club's Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification at 5. 22 ln the Matter of ldaho Power @mpany's Application to Establisfr Tariff Schedule 68 - lnterconnections to Customer Distributed Energy ResourcEs, Gase No. IPC-E-20-30. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 11 recent net metering and pricing-related cases2s in front of the Commission, ldaho Power is focused on establishing practices and implementing rate designs for all customers, as well as compensation structures for customers with on-site generation, that will be fair and sustainable into the future. Sierra CIub also asks the Commission to modiff its prior direc'tion as it relates to what should be included in (or more pointedly out of) scope in the frrture case. ln Order No. 34546 issued in Case No. IPC-E-18-15, the Commission found it reasonable that the issues for study, as presented in Table 1 to the first Staff Report issued in that case, could serve as the basis for a scoping recommendation in a future case.2a This comprehensive list was developed with input from parties to Gase No. IPC-E-18-15, and includes: costs to serve grid consumption, several value streams of exported energy (including those listed by Sierra CIub in their Petition2s), and rates and rate design. Further, the Commission affirmed in Order No. 34854 that the 100-kW limit is appropriately considered after program fundamentals (like those expected to be included in a future study) are addressed. Therefore, ldaho Power believes the Commission has prcviously addressed the matters identified in the Siena Club's request sucfi that no further clarification is neoessary. tv. coNcLUStoN ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission issue an order denying Agripower and Sierra Club's Petitions for reconsideration and find that (1) potential 23 Case Nos. IPC-E-12-27,lPC-E-17-13, IPC-E-I8-15, !PC-E-18-16, IPC-E-I9-15, and IPC-E-20-26. 2a Order No. 34546 at 7. 25 Siena CIub's Petition br Reconsideration at 6-7. IDAHO POYI'ER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 12 customers and installerc received reasonable notioe of the Company's Application and the potential changes to the Schedule &4 tariff, (21 a system with a fully submitted application (both application form and be) physically received by the Company on or beforc December 1,2020, is eligible for to be grandfathered under the one-br-one net metering billing conEtruct in place prior to that date if interconnected within one year of their application date, and (3) further clarification requested in Sierra Club's Petition is not warranted. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 29th day of December 2A20. X*!-(^*t,.*, Lisa Nordstrom Attomey for Idaho Porer Company IDAHO POV\'ER COMPANY'S ANSVVER TO PETITIONS FOR REGONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 29th day of December, 2020, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANS\IVER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commlssion Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Aftomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 Suite 201-A (83714) Boise, lD 83720-0074 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 PO Box 61 19 Pocatello, lD 83205 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email edward.iewell@ouc.idaho.sov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Ave. Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N.6th Street Boise, lD 83702 City of Boise City Scott Muir Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 105 N. CapitolBlvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _F$(X Email tony@vankel.net _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail_FA)(X Email botto@idahoconservation.orq Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail_ Fru(X Email BoiseCityAttornev@citvofuoise.oro IDAHO POI/I/ER COMPANY,S ANSVI,ER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOVVER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB. 14 illicron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, lD 83707 ldaho Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Law for Conscious Leadeship 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, lD 83703 Lisa Young Mike Heckler ldaho Sierra Club 503 W Franklin St. Boise, lD 83702 lndividual Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, ID 83604 Gietzen Solar Logan Gietzen 120 gth Ave. S. Buhl, ldaho 83316 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FA)(X Email darueschhofi@hollandhart.com tnelson @hollandhart.com aclee@hollandhart.com o lqa rganoamari@ holla nd ha rt. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FA)(X Email iswier@micron.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAXX Email kelsev@kelseyiaenunez.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _F$(X Email lisa.vouno@sienaclub.oro michael.o. heckler@gmail.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FN(X Email buyhav@smail.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email looan@oietzensolar.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY,S ANSV\,ER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLU& 15 Agriporuer Solar, LLC Prcston N. Carter Blake W. Ringer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail_F$(X Email orestoncarter@oivensourslev.com blakerinoer@oivenspurslev.com Stephanie L. Buckner, Executive Assistant IDAHO POVIIER COMPANY'S ANSVI/ER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOVI'ER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB- 16 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-20-26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGRIPOWER SOLAR, LLC AND IDAHO SIERRA CLUB TO Hom; To: $blcct: Date: Ittlc'ftmdrE: Aaloo-hEloclc [E(ERllAt]RE: New Net Meterlng Applcadons Frldry, Decanbc 11, 2020 1:05:58 Ptr{ lnaoe00l -nno iracrmz.lEcInmeflIt.png lnaodX),l.nno tnagdns.mo KEEP IDAIIO POWER SECUR"E! External emails may rcquest information or contain malicious links or attachments. Veriff the sender before proceeding, and check for additional waming mcssages below. | figured as much. ln all our hurrying, ljust plain left these ones out, The good news is my lack of organization only cost us about 53 million From: LOC. CG <CG@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, December ll,2O2O 12:58 PM To: Aaron Pace <aaron@agripowersolar.com>; LOC. CG <CG@idahopower.com> Subject: RE: New Net Metering Applications HiAaron, These two were not included with the 5 we received for DC Farms. Thanks Shawn From: Aaron Pace <aaront0aSripowersolar > Sent: Wednesday, December9,2O2O 9:13 AM To: LOC. CG <CG@idahopower-com> Subiect IEKTERNAL][WARNING: MESSAGE ENCRYPTEDIFW: New Net Metering Applications KEEP IDAHO POWER SECUREI External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Team CG, Will you check to see if these applications were received along with the flurry that went in on the 1st? Aaron From: Aaron Pace Sent: Tuesday, December L,2020 3:08 PM To: davidcoop@f mail.com; greg@ nickell.org Cc: Joseph Goodman <joe@agripowersolar.com>; Marty Baird <mbaird@agripowersolar.com> Sublect: New Net Metering Applications David, l'm not sure if anyone has spoken to you about these yet or not, but these are net metering applications for a couple of solar installations on the farm you lease from Greg Nickell. These need to be submitted today to ldaho Power along with their S100 check. Please scan the signed application and checks and send them to cc@idahopower.com. lt is preferred that the applications physically get to ldaho Power though I imagine that will be difficult. Please FedEx them to arrive tomorrow if possible. tr Aaron Pace Chief Data Officer AgdPower Solar ffi +180t{70-7662 ffi aaron@agrioouersolar.com * urnvw-agrigorersolar.com B 40 W Truman Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 The inforrnation transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. lf you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any rcview, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in eror, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. IDAHO POWER IE6AL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. lf you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICILY PROHIBITED. lf you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you.