HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200619Aschenbrenner Direct.pdfRECEIVEg ?$?B ..|Ull I 9 Pll lr: 31, {fr..'l,i;.i} FUELIO ""':, t-!'t !* s coHM [S$SH BEFORE THE IDAI{O PI'BIJIC UTIIJITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAI{O POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY SCHEDULE 84'S METERING REQUIREMENT AND TO GRAIIDFATHER EXISTING CT'STOMERS WITH TWO METERS IDAI{O POWER COMPAI\TY DIRECT TESTIMONY CONNIE G. ASCHENBRETiINER ) ) ) ) ) ) cAsE NO. IPC-E-20-26 OF l- O. Please state your name, business address, and 2 present position with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or 3 "Company"). 4 A. My name is Connj-e G. Aschenbrenner. My 5 business address is t22L West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 6 83702. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Rate Design 7 Senior Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department. 8 Q. Please describe your educational background. 9 A. In May of 2005, I received a Bachelor of 10 Business Administration degree in Finance from Boise State lL University in Boise, Idaho. In December of 20LL, I earned L2 a Master of Business Administration degree from Boise State 13 University. In addition, I have attended the electric 1-4 utility ratemaking course The Basics; PracEical Regulatory l-5 Training for the Electric Industry, a course offered 15 through New Mexico State University's Center for Publ-ic 1-7 Utilities. L8 O. Please describe your work experience with 19 Idaho Power. 20 A. In 201-2, I was hired as a Regulatory Analyst 2L in the Company's Regulatory Affairs Department. My primary 22 responsibilities incl-uded support of the Company's 23 Commercial and Industrial customer class's rate design and 24 general support of tariff rules and regulations. In 20L5, 25 I assumed responsibilities associated with Residential and ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 1_ 1 Sma1l General Service rate design, as well as regrrlatory 2 support associated with demand-side management (*DSM') 3 activities. In 20L6, I was promoted to a Senior Regulatory 4 Analyst, and my responsibilities e>cpanded to include the 5 development of complex cost-related studies. fn 2OL7, I 5 was promoted to Rate Design Manager for Idaho Power, and in 7 2Ol9 f was promoted to my current role as Rate Design 8 Senior Manager. I am currently responsible for the 9 manag'ement of the rate design strategies of the Compdny, as l-0 well as oversight of all tariff administration. fn my 1l- current role, f am one of the Company representatives at 1-2 its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group (*EEAG") meetings. 13 O. What is the Company's request in this docket? 1,4 A. With this case, the Company requests that the l-5 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") authorize 16 the Company to modify the metering reguirement under L7 Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering 18 Service ("Schedul-e 84') to be effective on December 1, 1-9 2020, ot another date as ordered by the Commission 20 ("Effective Date"). The requested modification would 21, remove the two-meter requirement for new Schedule 84 22 customers that begin taking service under Schedule 84 on or 23 after the Effective Date. The Company further requests 24 that, sj-multaneous with the implementation of the single- 25 meter requirement, the Commission grandfather existing ASCHENBRENNER, DI fdaho Power Company 2 L customers and applicants with two-meter systems under the 2 ctrrent one-for-one net metering billing construct provided 3 for in Schedule 84, for a period of no more than J-0 years. 4 O. How is your testimony organized? 5 A. The first section of my testj-mony will discuss 6 pertinent history related to Schedule 84 that is currently 7 applicable to Schedule 84 net metering customers. In the 8 second section, I will describe recent and potential future 9 growth in Schedule 84. The third section of my testimony 10 will outline the Company's request for the Commission to lL modify the metering requirement for new Schedule 84 L2 customers and to grandfather existj-ng Schedule 84 13 customers. The concluding section will describe the 14 Company's efforts related to customer notice. L5 I. History of ScheduLe 84 L5 t7 18 t9 O. Please describe the Company's net metering service offered under Schedule 84. A. Schedule 84 is an optional service offered by the Company for customers j-ntending to operate their own generation facilities with a capacity up to 100 kilowatts ("kW") to offset a portion or all their energ'y usage. Net metering customers may transfer excess electricity to the Company from customer-owned generation facj-Iities. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 20 2a 22 3 23 1- O. When was Idaho Power's Schedule 84 initially 2 made available to commercial, industrial, and irrigation 3 customers? 4 A. By way of compliance with Commission Order No. 5 28951-, the Company filed an application in Case No. IPC-E- 6 02-04 presenting a net metering proposal for the Company's 7 commercial, industrial, and irrigation ("Cf&I") customers. 8 The Company reguested approval of amendments to its 9 existing Schedule 84 that: (1-) allowed customers receiving L0 retail service under schedules other than Schedule 1 or 11 Schedule 7 to connect a generating resource they own or L2 operate to the Company's system to offset all or part of L3 their electric consumption by means of a financial credit 14 on their bi11ing, (2) allowed the Company t,o continue to 15 charge the CI&I net metering customer with a demand 1,6 component in its retail rates for the electrical demand 17 their load places on Idaho Power's system, (3) did not L8 impose any monthly charges other than those provided for in 1,9 the Company's standard service schedu1e appJ-icable to the 20 net metering customer, (4) credited all energy provided in 2l excess of the customer's consumption at a price that does 22 not result in a subsidy from other customers, (5) permitted 23 generating projects with a capacity up to 100 kW to 24 intercor:nect to the Company's system in a safe and reliable ASCHENBRENNER, DT Idaho Power Company 4 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 manner, and (5) provided for broad-based access to customers to participate in net metering. O. What differences related to interconnection and metering requirements were proposed in Case No. IPC-E- 02-04 for CI&I net metering customers compared to residential and sma1I general service net metering customers? A. Residential and smal1 general service (*R&SGS") net metering customers utilized a single utility meter to net both consumption and excess generation. In the development of the Company's proposed CI&I net metering service, the CI&I net metering customer would continue to use a standard utility meter that measured the customer's demand and energ'y, and a second meter installed to measure the energy provided by the customer's generating facility. This metering configuration provided the customer with the ability to offset any energy charges with the production from their on-site generation system. Additionally, it enabled the collection of demand and basic load capacity charges based on the customer's gross demand, measured independent of the on-site generation. O. Was there support for the Company's original two-meter proposal for CI&I net metering? A. Yes, the Commission Staff ("Staff") supported the Company's proposal, incl-udj-ng the requirement that ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 10 1_1 1,2 l-3 t4 15 15 1,7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 5 25 1 customers pay the cost of installing a new meter base and 2 second meter. fn that case, Staff contended that demand 3 charges al1ow the utility to recover its cost of 4 maintaining the capacity and necessary infrastructure to 5 serve a particular customer and should not be offset.t 5 O. Did the Commission approve the Company's 7 request to implement net metering for CI&I customers? 8 A. Yes. The Commission approved the Company's 9 request as filed in Order No. 29094. 10 O. Have there been any changes to the Schedule 84 Ll- metering requirements since 2OO2? 1,2 A. Yes. In 2016, the Commission approved a L3 modification to allow for the second met,er to be installed, 14 at the Company's discretion, either adjacent to or on the L5 customer's side of the point of delivery. The Company 15 proposed this change in Advice No. 16-05 to reduce the 1-7 barriers to participation for primary service-Ievel LB customers who desire to install on-site generation. The 19 existing requirement, was unnecessarily limiting because, in 20 some cases, the Company understood compliance with the 2L existing two-meter requirement was cost-prohibitive. L In the MaEter of the AppTication of Idaho Power Companyfor Amendments to Schedule 84 - Net Metering, Case No. IPC- E-02-04, Staff Comments aL 4. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 6 1- O. Please summarize the Company's request in Case 2 No IPC-E-19-L5. 3 A. The Company became aware that CI&I customers 4 were relying on an expectation of the continued net monthly 5 compensation structure to calculate their potential return 5 on investment. In consideration of ongoing R&SGS 7 discussions at that time in Case No. IPC-E-I-8-15 to I comprehensively study the costs and benefits of on-site 9 generatJ-on on Idaho Power's systemr ds well as proper rates 10 and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of LL compensation for net. excess energy as provided as a 12 resource to the Company, the Company was concerned that 13 certain CI&I customers may be pursuing the installation of 14 on-site generation systems that may not prove to be L5 economical under a dj-fferent compensation structure. l-6 Further, the growth of installed and pending capacity in :-'7 these customer segments, most notably within the irrigation 18 segment, had become of a magnitude that the Company felt it 19 was necessary to bring to the Commission's attention. 20 O. What was the proposed scope of Case No. IPC-E- 2L 19-15? 22 A. In its application filed in April 20L9, the 23 Company recommended addressing the measurement interval and 24 compensatj-on structure for CI&I net metering customers in 25 the newly filed case (Case No. IPC-E-19-15) due to the ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 7 L different int,erconnection and metering reguirements for 2 CI&I customers. The Company proposed that the value of 3 Excess Net Energy for CI&I customers be evaluated in Case 4 No. IPC-E-l-8-L5, in which the compensation structure and 5 value for Excess Net Energ-y was being studied for R&SGS net 5 metering customer classes. 7 Q. How did the Commission ultimately process Case 8 No. IPC-E-19-15? 9 A. In Order No. 34335, the Commission determined L0 that the scope of IPC-E-L8-1-5 should not be broadened to l-l- include the interests of CI&I customers under Schedule 84. 1-2 The Commission concluded that merging IPC-E-18-l-5 and IPC- L3 E-l-9-L5 would result in a disadvant,age to CI&I customers by 1-4 not having the benefit of fu1I participation in the IPC-E- 15 l-8-15 docket that had already beg-un. Additionally, the 1-6 Commission stated that it e>cpected consistent application 1-7 of the principles across the dockets.2 18 O. What was the result of Case No. IPC-E-L8-Ls? L9 A. Parties met on ilanuary 9, 2019, for a 20 prehearing conference and subsequently held eight 2L settlement conferences that resulted in settlement of 22 issues related to the Company's Application. The 2 In the Matter of ldaho Power's AppTication to Eval-uate Schedule 84 - Net Metering, Case No. IPC-E-19-L5, Order No. 34335 at 1. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 8 L Commission ultimately rejected the proposed Settlement 2 Agreement and ordered (1) Idaho Power t.o submit a 3 comprehensive net metering cost/benefit study informed by 4 public workshops and public input prior to proposing 5 changes to the net metering structure, and (2) existing 5 R&SGS net met.ering customers grandfathered into Schedules 5 7 or 8 under the rules in place as of the service date of 8 Order No. 34509, December 20, 20]-9. 9 O. What grandfathering parameters were put into 10 place by the Commission for R&SGS customers in Case No. r-r- rPc-E- l_8 - L5? 1-2 A. The Commission defined grandfathered systems 13 as existing Schedule 5 and Schedule 8 customers under the 14 rules in place as of the service date of Order No. 34509, 15 December 20, 20]-9. The Commission further ordered four 16 criteria that would apply for grandfathering by system: (1) 1-7 a customer who moves into a property with a grandfathered 18 on-site generation system will "inherit" the grandfathered 19 status of the system, (2) if a system is offline for longer 20 than six months, or is moved to another site, the 2l grandfathered system is forfeited, (3) to allow for the 22 replacement of degraded or broken panels, the customer may 23 increase the capacity of the grandfathered system by no 24 more than 10 percent of the originally installed nameplate ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 9 1 capacity or l- kw, whichever is greater, and (4) 2 grandfathered status terminates December 20, 2045.3 3 Q. Did the decision on grandfathering in Case No. 4 fPC-E-18-L5 appfy to the Company's CI&f customers? 5 A. No. In Order No. 34546, the Commission stated 5 that the decision to grandfather existing customers was 7 based on the facts of that case. The Commission further 8 not,ed if CI&I customers in Schedule 84 are to be 9 grandfathered as of a specific date, that decision must be L0 made based on the facts presented in a separate case. 1l- O. What was t,he outcome of Case No. IPC-E-l-9-l-5? 12 A. In Iight, of the orders issued in Case No. IPC- L3 E-L8-15, the Company filed to withdraw its petition on L4 March 17, 2020. The Company stated that the matters L5 related to compensation structure and export credit rate 1-5 for Schedule 84 customers would be addressed in a new 1-7 future docket applying the process the Commission laid out 18 in Order Nos. 34509 and 34546. 1,9 II. Schedule 84 Growth 20 O. What is the current 1eve1 of participation in 2l Schedule 84? 3 In the Matter of the Petition of ldaho Power Company to Study the Costs, Benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Energy Supplied by Customer On-Site Generation, Case No. IPC-E-L8-J.5, Order Nos. 34509 (December 20, 2019) and 34546 (February 4, 2020). ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 1_0 1 A. As shown in Figure L, the participation in 2 Schedule 84 as of May 31, 2020, included 155 service poj-nts 3 with 6.96 MW of installed generation capacity and 175 4 service points with 14.85 MW of pending generation 5 capacity, for a total potential for 340 service points with 6 2L.82 MW of Schedule 84 generation capacity. 7 Figure 1 Idaho Schedule 84 - Total Participation (As of May 31, 2O2O) Number of Participants (Count by Service Point) Commercial (r0e ) Industrial (r1e ) Irrigation (r24l TotaI Installed Pending Total L27 26 2 36 ]-49 155 1-7 5 153 2 18s 340 Nameplate Generation (M$I) Commercial (r0e ) Industrial (r19 ) IrrigaEion (T241 TotaI Installed Pending 3.83 L.52 0.07 3.05 13 .33 6.96 t_4 .85 8 9 10 TotaI 5.35 0 .07 16 .40 2L.82 O. What defines a pending net metering customer? A. Pending net metering customers are customers who have sent in their completed application and paid a $100 application fee. Sj-nce 2003, 86 percent of CI&I customers that have applied for net metering service have completed the j-nterconnection process and take service under Schedule 84. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 1l_ t2 13 t4 15 11 L O. What level of growth has the Company observed 2 in Schedule 84 over the last five years? 3 A. The Company has e>cperienced increasing growth 4 in Schedule 84, as shown in Figure 2. From 2015 t,hrough 5 20L9, Schedule 84 has exlgerienced a 49 percent, compound 6 annual growth rate ('CAGR") in installed generation 7 capacity. From year-end 20L9 through the end of May 2020, 8 there has been a 257 percent increase in active and pending 9 Schedule 84 generation capacity. 10 Fiqure No. 2 25 MW Idaho Schedu]e 84 Total- Nameplate Capacity 2OL5 - May 31, 2020 20 MW 15 MW 10 MW CAGR49t 5MW 3.95 M$I MW ry*ifigH 20L5 20L5 20L7 2018 20L9 lCumulative Capacity rPending Capacity May 2020 YTD 11 t2 13 1,4 L5 L5 L7 Recent Schedule 84 growth continues to be primarily driven by the irrigation class, Ers shown in Figur€ 3, which has e>cperienced a L27 percent CAGR in installed generation capacity from 20L5 through 20L9, with most of that growth occurring in the last two years. In just the five months between year-end 20L9 and the end of May 2020, installed ASCHENBREIiINER, DI Idaho Power Company 6.11 MW 14.85 MW 6. 96 MW L2 l- and pending generatj.on capacity in the irrigation class has 2 grown 554 percent, from 2.47 MW to 1-6.40 MW. 3 Based on this growth, the Company betieves it is in 4 the best interest of customers, both existing and future, 5 to know to what extent they may be impacted by the outcome 6 of a future docket that results in a change to the 7 measurement interval or compensation structure applied to 8 Schedule 84. The Commission issuing a determination on g grandfathering in this case will provide essential LO information for customers that have or are evaluating on- l-L site generation investments. L2 Figure No. 3 Idaho Schedule 84 (Irrigation Only) Total Nameplate CapacitY 201,5 - May 31, 2020 MW MW MW MW MW MW CAGR 0.09 20 1_5 10 5 96 0.l_3 MW 2 015 20L6 201-7 tCumulative Capacity 2-47 MW1.09 MW -- 201,8 20]-9 rPending Capacity L21t^ May 2020 YTD L3 t4 ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 13.33 3 .06 MW L3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IfI. Modifications to Meterinq Recnrirement and Grandfathering Request O. What specifically is the Company requesting in this case? A. The Company requests that the Commission authorize the Company to modify the metering requirement under Schedule 84 from a two-meter to single-meter requirement and issue an order to grandfather existing Schedule 84 customers with two-meter interconnections for a period of no more than 1-0 years pursuant to the current metering and billing provisions contained in Schedule 84 as of the Effective Date. Under this proposal, all new single-metered systems would not be grandfathered, and therefore would be subject to any future changes to the billing and compensation structure provided under Schedule 84 or a successor tariff offering, ordered by the Commission. A. How does the Company propose to change the metering requirement applicable to Schedule 84 customers? A. The Company is requesting to implement a single-meter interconnection requirement for all new Schedule 84 customers. The proposed modification would remove the two-meter requirement for the retail electric service that is measured separately from a customer's on- site generation. The Company has provided a revised ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company L0 1l- t2 13 1,4 15 15 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 t4 l- Schedule 84 tariff with the Application as Attachment No. 1 2 and requests that the Commission issue an order approving 3 it as of the Effective Date. 4 O. Why is the Company requesting to modify the 5 metering requirement as part of this case? 5 A. In discussions with customers, installers, and ? other stakeholders, the Company is aware of concerns 8 associated with the j-ncremental costs and complexities that 9 exist as a result of this metering requirement. Further, 10 modification of the metering requirement and transition to 1L a single-meter requirement, simultaneous with a Commission L2 decision on grandfathering, would enable the Company to l-3 holistically study the value of excess energy for all on- 1-4 sj-te generation in both the R&SGS and CI&I customer 15 classes. Fina11y, the Company believes the modification in 15 the metering requirement provides a reasonable distinction L7 for the Commission to rely on as a basis for L8 grandfathering. L9 O. How will- modification of the metering 20 requirement impact future study of appropriate interval and 2L value of excess net energy? 22 A. The change in the metering requirement will 23 more closely align the characteristics that exist for R&SGS 24 on-site generation systems and new CI&I on-site generation 25 systems. As a result, all new on-sj-te generation sysEems ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 15 L wou1d be similarly situated for a future study of the 2 appropriate interval and value of excess net energy for a 3 comprehensive study with public input as directed by the 4 Commission in Case No. IPC-E-L8-l-5. 5 0. Will the modification to a single-meter 5 interconnection requirement j-mpact the Company's ability to 7 recover its fixed cost of service from Schedule 84 8 customers? 9 A. Yes, but Iike1y to only a limited extent in L0 the near-term. The proposed modification to a single-meter Ll- requirement for new Schedule 84 customers results in a L2 reduced ability for the Company to continue to collect a l-3 portion of its fixed costs from on-site generation 14 customers through reduced demand charge revenue. The l-5 impact on the collection of fixed costs, albeit relatively 16 small in the near-term, will be directly attributed to a L7 CI&I customer's ability to offset a portion of their 1-8 demand-related charges with a single-meter. L9 a. Did the Company consider the impact of the 20 lost fixed cost recovery t,hat results from the single-meter 2l proposal? 22 A. Yes. However, as highlighted in Figrures 1-3, 23 much of the growth in the Schedule 84 service is contained 24 within the irrigation customer class and is primarily solar 25 generation. Due to the nature of their usage, EIr ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 16 L irrigation customer has limited ability to offset their 2 demand with on-site solar generation. However, the 3 continued application of retail rate net metering, with 4 either a single or dual meter, provides the ability for 5 those customers to avoid contributions to fixed cost 6 recovery collected through the energ:y component of their 7 rates. Modification of the metering reguirement in 8 conjunction with establishing the Eerms of grandfathering 9 will position the Company, stakeholders, and the Commission 10 to address any intra-cIass subsidy concerns caused by l-1 retail rate net metering holistically for all customer 1,2 classes in a future case. l-3 O. Does the Company support implementing the 14 single-meter interconnection requirement absent the 15 Commission establishing grandfathering in this case? L6 A. Yes, but only under specific conditions 1-7 regarding grandfathering. The two-meter requirement was 18 initially established, in part, to minimize subsidies 1,9 inherent with retail rate net metering. While the Company 20 is agreeable to pursuing this modification, it is only 2l reguestj-ng a change in conjunction with establishing clear 22 terms for grandfathering. However, in the event the 23 Commission ultimately determines that all CI&f customers, 24 regardless of metering configuration or date of 25 int.erconnection, will be subject to future changes in ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company L7 1 compensation structure, the Company would continue to 2 support modifying the metering requirements to a single- 3 meter configruration. 4 O. Do the other investor-owned electric utilities 5 in Idaho require a two-meter requirement for Cf&I on-site 6 generation? 7 A. No. Rocky Mountain Power and Avista only 8 require a single meter for their Cf&I on-site generation 9 offering. L0 O. On what basis does the Company propose the l-1 Commission grandfather existing Schedule 84 customers? 12 A. The proposed change to a single-meter L3 intercor:nection requirement reasonably differentiates 14 customers who paid for additional metering infrastructure l-5 from customers who will not. In consideration of the L5 Commission's grandfather findings in Order Nos. 34509 and 1-7 34546, it is not reasonable for a CI&I customer to assume 18 the net metering service fundamentals will remain the same 19 over the e>cpecEed payback period of their investment. 20 Therefore, the Company requests the Commission issue an 2l order to grandfat,her existing Schedule 84 customers as of 22 the Effective Date. 23 O. Why do you believe now is the appropriate time 24 for the Commissi-on to issue a determination on ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company t_8 1- grandfathering existing Schedule 84 customers and 2 applicants with two-meter systems? 3 A. In a future docket, the Company will study 4 the compensation structure and e>ryort credit rate following 5 the process the Commission laid out in Order Nos. 34509 and 6 34546. This future study may result in changes to the 7 measurement interval and compensation structure applicable 8 to Schedule 6, 8, and 84 customers. Making a determination 9 on the terms of grandfathering for Schedule 84 customers in 10 this case establishes who would and would not be subject to 11 potential changes in the compensation structure and the L2 export credit rate. L3 O. How does the Company propose the Commission L4 define existing Schedule 84 customers with two-meter L5 systems for purposes of grandfathering? 16 A. The Company proposes defining an existing L7 customer as a person or business who either has an approved 18 two-meter on-site generation system interconnected with 19 Idaho Power's system before the Effective Date or who has 20 su-bmitted an application to install a two-meter on-site 2L generation system as of the Effective Date ordered by the 22 Commission. A customer that has applied for the Company's 23 net metering service before the Commission's ordered 24 Effective Date would be reguired to proceed to interconnect ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 1,9 L their system within one year of their date of application.a 2 Further, any customer that submitted an application after 3 the service date of this Application would be rtequi-rea to 4 provide proof to the Company that a financial investment in 5 a two-meter system was made before the Commission's ordered 6 Effective Date. 7 Any person or business who submits an application 8 after the Effective Date would be required to interconnect 9 under the rules in place at that time. As more fu11y L0 explained beIow, all potential customers and known 11 installers operating in the Company's service area will 12 have received reasonable notice of the Company's request to 13 modify the meter interconnection requirements and the L4 reqr:ested date of j-mplementation of the new requirements. 15 O. What other criteria does the Company propose LG to apply to the grandfathered customers? t7 A. The following criteria would apply to LB grandfathered systems: (1) a customer who moves into a L9 property with a grandfathered on-site generation system 20 will "inherit" the grandfathered status of the system, (2) 21- if a system is offline for longer than six months, or is 22 moved to another site, the grandfathered system is a Schedule 12 provides that "app1i-catj-ons complet.ed within one year of the initial are considered expired." (Page 9) that are notFeasibility Review ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 20 l- forfeited, (3) to allow for the replacement of degraded or 2 broken panels, for applications received before May 1, 3 2O2Os, the customer may increase the capacity of the 4 grandfathered system by no more than 10 percent of the 5 originally installed nameplate capacity or 1 kW, whichever 6 is greater, (4) grandfathered status termj-nates 10 years 7 from the Commission Order date, and (5) a customer who 8 modifies their system from a two-meter intercor:nection to a 9 single-meter interconnection will forfeit their 10 grandfathering status. 11 The Company also proposes that any Schedule 8 12 customer who was grandfathered by the Commission in Order L3 Nos. 34509 and 34546 would maintain grandfathering status 14 as prescribed by the Commission j-n those orders if they l-5 later exceed the energy reguirements of Schedule 8 and are 15 moved to Schedule 9 and take service under Schedule 84. 17 O. How does the Company propose to process 1-8 requests for system expansions? L9 A. The customer would have two choices: (1) the 20 existing grandfathered system would remain behind the 2L second customer generation meter, and the new system would 5 As of May 1 , 2020, solar on-site generation capacity has been evaluated in terms of the inverter size (AC), not the panel size (DC), for the Feasibility review. Therefore, changes to panel size do not direct.ly impact the nameplate capaci-ty of the inverter for systems evaluated on or after May 1, 2020. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 21, l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 be placed behind the load meter, or (2) the existing and new systems could be combined, following the customer generation rules in place at the time, and placed behind a single meter with the 1oad. O. Please explain why the Company believes a 10- year grandfathering period is appropriate in this case. A.In its application in IPC-E-19-15, the Company sought to suspend service under Schedule 84, primarily due to concerns that customers were making decisions to install 10 on-site generation based on the assumption that retail rate LL net metering would continue over the life of the system. 1-2 In Order No. 34335, the Commission ultimately declined to L3 suspend Schedule 84, stating in part: 1,4 15 L6 a7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l- The likelihood of a change in rates or rate structure is not a unique situation thatjustifies suspending a program. Cf&I customers are well versed in both regulatory proceedings and this Commission's authorityand responsibilities. Indeed, the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association has already intervened. As long as solar installers and other sellers of net metering systems are not misrepresenting how utility rates and rate structures operate, customers should have suf f icient underst,anding that a change in rates and/or rate structures will impact the payback period for a net metering system. The Company believes it is reasonable to e)ryect CI&I customers, to a greater extent than R&SGS customers, understood that fundamentals associated with the net metering service offering would be subject to change. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 32 22 t- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IV. Customer Comrnunication O. How will the Company notify customers of the Company's proposal in this case? A. The Company will notify all CI&I customers, regardless of whether they have on-site generation installed, of the proposed change. The Company will notify existing and pending Schedule 84 customers by sending a direct mail letter informj-ng them of the proposed metering change as well as the proposal to grandfather. Attachment No. 2 Lo the Application contains a draft of the letter t,hat will be sent to existing and pending customers. The Company also will send bill inserts to all CI&I customers to make them aware of the Company's proposal and the opportunlty for public review. Attachment No. 3 to the Application includes a copy of the bill j-nsert that will be sent to customers with their bi11s. O. How will the Company notify installers of the proposed changes? A. The Company will notify the installer community through an email to the distribution list for its periodic publj-cation, the Customer Generation Newsletter. Attachment No. 4 to the Application includes a copy of the not,ification that will be sent to installers following the filing. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 10 l_ l_ L2 13 l4 L5 18 1,9 20 15 L7 2t 22 23 24 23 l- O. What other means will the Company use to 2 communicate with customers and installers regarding the 3 proposed change? 4 A. The Company has, concurrent with this filing, 5 updated its website to notify potential customers of the 5 proposal; Ehe Company will maj-ntain a list of Freguently 7 Asked Questions ("FAQs") that will remain accessible to 8 existing and potential customers, as well as installers. 9 The Company will also notify applicants and their L0 designated installer of the proposed changes when the lL Company sends the application confirmation emai1. 1,2 V. ConcLuEion 1_3 O. Please summarize the Company's request in this 14 case. 1_5 16 1-7 t_8 19 20 A. The Company requests that the Commj-ssion authorize the Company to modify the metering reguj-rement under Schedule 84 from a two-meter to a single meter reguirement that can be implemented by December 1, 2020 (or another date as ordered by the Commission). The Company further reguests that, simultaneous with the implementation of the single-meter requirement, the Commission grandfather existing customers and applicants with two-meter systems under the current one-for-one net metering billing construct provided for in Schedule 84 for a period of no more than 10 years. ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 2t 22 23 24 25 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Approval of the Company's request will enable the Company and interested stakeholders to address a study of the costs and benefits of distributed on-site generation to the Company's system, according to Order Nos. 34509 and 34546, that would apply t,o aII new Schedule 6, Schedule 8, and Schedule 84 customers. O. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes. ASCHH{BRENNER, DI Idatro Power Comparry 25 l- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DECI.ARATION OF CONNIE G. ASCHEIIBRENNER I, Connie G. Aschenbrenner, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Idaho: L. My name is Connie G. Aschenbrenner. I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Senior Manager of Rate Design in the Regulatory Affairs Department. 2. On behalf of fdaho Power, I present this pre-filed direct testimony in this matter. 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-fiIed direct testimony is true and accurate. I hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand it is made for use as evidence before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. SIGNED this 1-9th day of ,June 2020, 3t Boise, Idaho. /s/ Connie G. Aschenlcrenner 10 1l- t2 13 1-4 l_5 1,6 L7 18 ASCHENBRENNER, DI Idaho Power Company 26